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La Consolacion University of the Philippines

Malolos City, Bulacan


Title of Software : ___________________________________________________________________
Student Author :


Evaluation Date : ____________________________________________________________________

Name of Company/Organization : ______________________________________________________
Description of Project : _______________________________________________________________

Put a tick(

) in the appropriate box. Please answer the questions objectively.


1.0 Functionality :
1.1 Are the following functions developed present
and relevant to the company organization as per
requirement of the user?
1.1.1 Function 1
1.2.1 Function 2
1.3.1 Function 3
1.4.1 Function 4
1.5.1 Function n

2.0 Operability
2.1 Does it provide an accurate background of the
company or organization being presented?
2.2 Is the software 100% accurate in calculating
2.3 Does it display records correctly when
2.4 Does it validate data to be inputted before they
are stored? (range check, limits, existing/new



2.5 Are all the functions in the software running and
2.6 Does the software run every time accessed?
2.7 Does it provide user help support?
2.8 Does the screen presentation enhance ease-ofuse (clear text, appropriate font size, pleasing
background, good form layout, good use of color,
and buttons, drop-down)
2.9 Is the menu logically organized and easily
navigated? (with drill-down, hierarchical, home,
next, previous)
2.10 Does the menu include help support?
2.11 Are the steps in processing transaction clear?
3.0 Maintainablity
3.1 Is the software easily adopt to changes/revisions
made by user?
3.2 Is it flexible enough to allow users to create and
modify records?
3.3 Does it have user s or training manual?
3.4 Does the software allow users to create backup
and retrieve them easily?
4.0 Security
4.1 Does the system allow only authorized users?
4.2 Does the software provide user id, account
number, password to login to the system?
4.3 Are the log-ins (date and time) recorded and
provide historical data?
4.4 Is there access restriction to the different
functions/modules by type of user?

How many times have you been consulted during the development of this software? Put a tick in the
appropriate box
1-2 times 3-5 times 6-10 times > 10 times

What would you recommend to improve the software?


In general , what is your rating about the quality of the software?


Very Good


I hereby certify that the evaluation was conducted correctly and objectively:

Name of User and Signature



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