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Photo: Macaroni Salad Recipe Rated 5 stars out of 5 Rate This Recipe Read 26 Reviews Total Time: 10 min

Prep 10 min Yield: to 6 servin!s "evel: #as$ Print Recipe

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Savin! Recipe

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,n!redients 2 cups coo)ed el.ow macaroni 4 hard&.oiled e!!s5 chopped 1 cup diced celer$

16 cup diced !reen .ell pepper 2 ta.lespoons diced !reen onions 1 ta.lespoon chopped pimento 1 cup ma$onnaise 1 teaspoon lemon pepper 1 teaspoon 7ouse Seasonin!5 recipe follows 1 ta.lespoon prepared $ellow mustard Salt and freshl$ crac)ed .lac) pepper 3irections Mi( all the in!redients to!ether in a lar!e .owl* 0over and put into the refri!erator until read$ to serve* 7ouse Seasonin!: 1 cup salt 16 cup !arlic powder 16 cup .lac) pepper Mi( in!redients to!ether and store in an airti!ht container for up to 6 months* 8Television %ood 1etwor) 9*P* 2ll Ri!hts Reserved* ,n!redients 2 cups coo)ed el.ow macaroni 4 hard&.oiled e!!s5 chopped 1 cup diced celer$ 16 cup diced !reen .ell pepper 2 ta.lespoons diced !reen onions 1 ta.lespoon chopped pimento 1 cup ma$onnaise 1 teaspoon lemon pepper

1 teaspoon 7ouse Seasonin!5 recipe follows 1 ta.lespoon prepared $ellow mustard Salt and freshl$ crac)ed .lac) pepper 3irections Mi( all the in!redients to!ether in a lar!e .owl* 0over and put into the refri!erator until read$ to serve* 7ouse Seasonin!: 1 cup salt 16 cup !arlic powder 16 cup .lac) pepper Mi( in!redients to!ether and store in an airti!ht container for up to 6 months* +a)ed %rench Toast 0asserole with Maple S$rup Recipe +a)ed %rench Toast 0asserole with Maple S$rup

Recipe courtes$ Paula 3een Show: Paula:s 7ome 0oo)in!#pisode: Sprin! +runch Recipe cate!ories: %lour5 3air$5 #!!s5 1uts5 +read5 more 3ish : %rench Toast 0uisine : 2merican Techni;ue : +a)in! /ccasion : 7olida$ 5 Mother:s 3a$ 5 7olida$ 0oo)in!St$le : Ma)e ahead <ho:s 3inin! : %or a %amil$ 5 %or a 0rowd Season : Sprin! recipe

ratin!s = reviews>15?@A videos>1A

Photo: +a)ed %rench Toast 0asserole with Maple S$rup Recipe Rated 5 stars out of 5 Rate This Recipe Read 15?@ Reviews Total Time: @ hr 0 min Prep 20 min ,nactive B hr 0 min 0oo) 0 min Yield: 6 to B servin!s "evel:

,n!redients 1 loaf %rench .read >14 to 16 ouncesA B lar!e e!!s 2 cups half&and&half 1 cup mil)

2 ta.lespoons !ranulated su!ar 1 teaspoon vanilla e(tract 16 teaspoon !round cinnamon 16 teaspoon !round nutme! 3ash salt Praline Toppin!5 recipe follows Maple s$rup 3irections Slice %rench .read into 20 slices5 1&inch each* >Cse an$ e(tra .read for !arlic toast or .read crum.sA* 2rran!e slices in a !enerousl$ .uttered @ .$ 14&inch flat .a)in! dish in 2 rows5 overlappin! the slices* ,n a lar!e .owl5 com.ine the e!!s5 half&and&half5 mil)5 su!ar5 vanilla5 cinnamon5 nutme! and salt and .eat with a rotar$ .eater or whis) until .lended .ut not too .u..l$* Pour mi(ture over the .read slices5 ma)in! sure all are covered evenl$ with the mil)&e!! mi(ture* Spoon some of the mi(ture in .etween the slices* 0over with foil and refri!erate overni!ht* The ne(t da$5 preheat oven to 450 de!rees %* Spread Praline Toppin! evenl$ over the .read and .a)e for 0 minutes5 until puffed and li!htl$ !olden* Serve with maple s$rup* Praline Toppin!: 162 pound >2 stic)sA .utter 1 cup pac)ed li!ht .rown su!ar 1 cup chopped pecans 2 ta.lespoons li!ht corn s$rup 162 teaspoon !round cinnamon 162 teaspoon !round nutme! 0om.ine all in!redients in a medium .owl and .lend well* Ma)es enou!h for +a)ed %rench Toast 0asserole* 8Television %ood 1etwor) 9*P* 2ll Ri!hts Reserved* ,n!redients

1 loaf %rench .read >14 to 16 ouncesA B lar!e e!!s 2 cups half&and&half 1 cup mil) 2 ta.lespoons !ranulated su!ar 1 teaspoon vanilla e(tract 16 teaspoon !round cinnamon 16 teaspoon !round nutme! 3ash salt Praline Toppin!5 recipe follows Maple s$rup 3irections Slice %rench .read into 20 slices5 1&inch each* >Cse an$ e(tra .read for !arlic toast or .read crum.sA* 2rran!e slices in a !enerousl$ .uttered @ .$ 14&inch flat .a)in! dish in 2 rows5 overlappin! the slices* ,n a lar!e .owl5 com.ine the e!!s5 half&and&half5 mil)5 su!ar5 vanilla5 cinnamon5 nutme! and salt and .eat with a rotar$ .eater or whis) until .lended .ut not too .u..l$* Pour mi(ture over the .read slices5 ma)in! sure all are covered evenl$ with the mil)&e!! mi(ture* Spoon some of the mi(ture in .etween the slices* 0over with foil and refri!erate overni!ht* The ne(t da$5 preheat oven to 450 de!rees %* Spread Praline Toppin! evenl$ over the .read and .a)e for 0 minutes5 until puffed and li!htl$ !olden* Serve with maple s$rup* Praline Toppin!: 162 pound >2 stic)sA .utter 1 cup pac)ed li!ht .rown su!ar 1 cup chopped pecans 2 ta.lespoons li!ht corn s$rup 162 teaspoon !round cinnamon 162 teaspoon !round nutme!

0oo) for an hour

Slow&0oo)er Recipe: 7ash +rown +rea)fast 0asserole

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@0512@ Mother of two Stephanie /:3ea !ave herself a challen!e: Cse a slow coo)er ever$ da$ for a $ear to feed her famil$* <hat .e!an as a wa$ to save time and mone$ turned into 465 da$s of !ood eats* %or more information on F9M2:sF Slow 0oo)er Recipe 0hallen!e5 clic) here* 0hec) out two of her recipes .elow and visit http:66croc)pot465*.lo!spot*com6 for more*

0ourtes$ Stephanie /:3ea:s Stephanie /:3ea:s 7ash +rown +rea)fast 0asserole 7ash +rown +rea)fast 0asserole

40&ounce pac)a!e of plain froDen hash .rown >shreddedA potatoes previousl$ coo)ed sausa!e5 or leftover diced ham >, used chic)en and apple sausa!eA G onion5 diced 1 !reen .ell pepper5 diced 1G cups shredded cheese 12 e!!s 1 cup s)im or fat&free mil) 1 teaspoon )osher salt 1 teaspoon .lac) pepper

, used a 6&;uart slow coo)er for this recipe* Spra$ the inside of $our croc) pot with coo)in! spra$* 3ump in the whole pac)a!e of hash .rowns* Spread them out with $our fin!ers5 and .rea) up an$ clumps* ,n a mi(in! .owl5 mi( the doDen e!!s with the mil)5 salt and pepper5 cheese5 cut&up sausa!e and diced ve!eta.les* Pour ever$thin! on top of the hash .rowns* 0over and coo) on low for 6&B hours5 or on hi!h for 4& * ,t:s done when the e!!s are full$ coo)ed and the ed!es start to .rown a .it* ,f $ou want the cheese to .rown and !et a .it crisp$ on the sides5 coo) it lon!er*

Morning Crock Pot Breakfast

Source: RecipeZaar Rating: none Ingredients Serves: 12 32 oz hash brown (frozen hash brown potatoes diced)

bacon (diced coo ed and drained or coo ed ha! cubed) 1 onion (diced) 1 green bell pepper (diced) 112 cupcheddar cheese (shredded) 12 eggs 1 cup milk 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper (taste) "ethod #lace la$er of frozen potatoes on the botto! of the slow coo er% followed b$ a la$er of bacon% 1 then onions% green pepper and cheese& 2Repeat the la$ering process two or three !ore ti!es% ending with a la$er of cheese& 3'eat the eggs% !il and salt and pepper together& (#our over the )roc pot !i*ture% cover and turn on low& +)oo for 1,-12 hours& /ote: 0his is a base recipe% $ou can do whatever $ou want to it& 1e alwa$s put it in tortillas .with salsa and e*tra cheese and have brea fast tacos& 0he salsa see!s to !eld the flavors as well& 2 2,,3 - 2,11 4u!!l$ 1 lb

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