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Career Objective:
Seeking a position where I can utilize my knowledge, abilities and Personal skills while being resourceful, innovative and flexible that offers professional growth along with the organization.

Educational Qualifications:
Course B. ech.!"#"$ Intermediate SS# Name of the Institution Year of Study %&&' ( %&&) %&&, ( %&&' %&&&( %&&, Percenta e *+.%& -'.*& -..*&

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

!echnical s"ills:
/anguages 6perating Systems Packages 0 # , #11, 234/, .5et 0 7S(46S, 8I5 9-:%&&&:;P 07ultisim.

Personal S"ills:
<lways owed with =can(do spirit>. 4ecision(making leadership, acceptance of responsibility and evidence of team( work. ?uick learner, resourceful, productive, and with good sense of humour. #omprehensive problem solving abilities. 3ard worker while creative. <ble to work independently, as a part of team, able to vaporize and grasp new things @uickly#

$cademic %onours and Extracurricular:

<s someone with exceptional leadership @ualities, nominated as Class &e'resentative, a position that held responsibility in bridging the

communication gap between my mates. Stood college first in ?AIB which was conducted on behalf of college annual day ((()*++,# <ctive participant and volunteer in almost all aspects. <warded as Best out going student from my school.

!itle: Simulation of 4"S algorithm In 234/. Com'any: 5SI#,3yderabad. Soft-are : 234/ !eam: four members. .escri'tion: he ProCect is aimed at sending data securely to the receiver using 4"S symmetric key cryptosystem which is used most popular form of cryptography. he private key algorithm is symmetric.It uses only one key for both encryption and decryption. he functions used in 4"S are portioning,iteration,permutation,shifting and selection. In the corporate network of 5SI#, clients:servers need to interact with each other and at the same time maintain the confidentiality of data .Before transmission of the file the sender encrypts it using the 4"S algorithm and is then sent on the network. he public and private keys needed to encrypt and decrypt the data are pre( known to the specific sender and the receiver .So that it could not be trapped by any unauthorized person.

I here by declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

.ate: 'lace: xxxxxxxx /xxxxxxxx0

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