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Mindfulness Meditation for everyday life

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Published by Piatkus Books - London 28 June 2001

ISBN-10: 07 !!1 22" ISBN-1#: !78-07 !!1 22$

CONTENTS %edi&ation 'bout the 'utho( '&kno)led*e+ent Int(odu&tion Pa(t 1 - ,he Bloo+ o- the P(esent .o+ent /hat Is .ind-ulness0 Si+1le But Not 2asy Sto11in* ,his Is It 3a1tu(in* 4ou( .o+ents Kee1in* the B(eath in .ind P(a&ti&e P(a&ti&e P(a&ti&e %oes Not .ean 5ehea(sal 4ou %on6t 7a8e to 9o :ut o- 4ou( /ay to P(a&ti&e /akin* ;1 Kee1in* It Si+1le 4ou 3an6t Sto1 the /a8es But 4ou 3an Lea(n to Su(3an 'nybody .editate0 In P(aise o- Non-%oin* ,he Non-%oin* Pa(ado< Non-%oin* in '&tion %oin* Non-%oin* Patien&e Lettin* 9o Non-Jud*in*

,(ust 9ene(osity 4ou 7a8e to Be St(on* 2nou*h to Be /eak =olunta(y Si+1li&ity 3on&ent(ation =ision .editation %e8elo1s >ull 7u+an Bein*s P(a&ti&e as a Path .editation - Not to Be 3on-used )ith Positi8e ,hinkin* 9oin* Inside Pa(t 2- ,he 7ea(t o- P(a&ti&e Sittin* .editation ,akin* 4ou( Seat %i*nity Postu(e /hat to %o )ith 4ou( 7ands 3o+in* :ut o- .editation 7o) Lon* to P(a&ti&e0 No 5i*ht /ay ' /hat-Is-.y-/ay0 .editation ,he .ountain .editation ,he Lake .editation /alkin* .editation Standin* .editation Lyin*-%o)n .editation

9ettin* 4ou( Body %o)n on the >loo( at Least :n&e a %ay Not P(a&ti&in* Is P(a&ti&in* Lo8in* Kindness .editation Pa(t #- In the S1i(it o- .ind-ulness Sittin* by >i(e 7a(+ony 2a(ly .o(nin* %i(e&t 3onta&t Is ,he(e 'nythin* 2lse 4ou /ould Like to ,ell .e0 4ou( :)n 'utho(ity /he(e8e( 4ou 9o? ,he(e 4ou '(e 9oin* ;1stai(s 3leanin* the Sto8e /hile Listenin* to Bobby .&>e((in /hat is +y @ob on the 1lanet )ith a &a1ital J0 .ount 'nalo*ue Inte(&onne&tedness Non-7a(+in* - 'hi+sa Ka(+a /holeness and :neness 2a&hness and Su&hness /hat Is ,his0 Sel-in* 'n*e( 3at->ood Lessons Pa(entin* 's P(a&ti&e

Pa(entin* ,)o So+e Pit-alls 'lon* the Path Is .ind-ulness S1i(itual0

For Myla, Will, Naushon, and Serena, Wherever you go.

About the Author

Jon Kabat-Zinn? PhA%A? is the -ounde( and di(e&to( othe St(ess 5edu&tion 3lini& at the ;ni8e(sity o.assa&husetts .edi&al 3ente( and 'sso&iate P(o-esso( o- .edi&ine in the %i8ision o- P(e8enti8e and Beha8io(al .edi&ineA 7is &lini& )as -eatu(ed in 1!!# in the Publi& B(oad&astin* Se(ies 7ealin* and the .ind? )ith Bill .eye(sA 7e is &u((ently a >ello) othe >etBe( InstituteA 7is +a@o( (esea(&h inte(ests in&lude +indCbody inte(a&tions -o( healin*? &lini&al a11li&ations o- +ind-ulness +editation -o( 1eo1le )ith &h(oni& 1ain and st(ess-(elated diso(de(s? and the so&ietal a11li&ations o- +ind-ulnessA In 1!!2? he and his &ollea*ues established a +ind-ulness-based st(ess (edu&tion &lini& in the inne( &ity in /o(&este(? .assa&husetts? se(8in* 1(edo+inantly lo)-in&o+e and +ino(ity (esidentsA 7e also di(e&ts a @oint

1(o*(a+ bet)een the ;ni8e(sity o- .assa&husetts .edi&al 3ente(? the .assa&husetts 3o++ittee on 3(i+inal Justi&e? and the .assa&husetts %e1a(t+ent o- 3o((e&tions to deli8e( +ind-ulness t(ainin* to 1(ison in+ates in an atte+1t to (edu&e addi&ti8e and sel--dest(u&ti8e beha8io(s? 8iolen&e? and (e&idi8is+A In the 1ast? he has t(ained *(ou1s o- @ud*es? 3atholi& 1(iests? :ly+1i& athletes Dthe 1!8 :ly+1i& .en6s 5o)in* ,ea+E? and health 1(o-essionals in +ind-ulnessA 7e is the autho( o- Full Catastrophe Living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain and illness D%elta? 1!!1EA

I )ould like to thank .yla Kabat-Zinn? Sa(ah %oe(in*? La((y 5osenbe(*? John .ille(? %anielle Le8i 'l8a(es? 5andy Paulsen? .a(tin %iskin? %ennis 7u+1h(ey? and >e((is ;(bano)ski -o( (eadin* ea(ly d(a-ts o- the +anus&(i1t and *i8in* +e thei( 8aluable insi*hts and en&ou(a*e+entA .y dee1 a11(e&iation to ,(udy and Ba((y Sil8e(stein -o( the use o- 5o&ky 7o(se 5an&h du(in* an intensi8e 1e(iod o- ea(ly )(itin*? and to Jason and /endy 3ook -o( /este(n ad8entu(es du(in* those )onde(-ul daysA P(o-ound *(atitude to +y edito(s? Bob .ille( and .a(y 'nn Na1les? -o( thei( dee1 &o++it+ent to e<&ellen&e and the 1leasu(e o)o(kin* )ith the+A I thank the+? the 7y1e(ion -a+ily? lite(a(y a*ent? Pat(i&ia =an de( Leun? %o(othy S&h+ide(e( Bake(? book desi*ne(? and Beth .ayna(d? a(tist? -o( the &a(e and attention they *a8e to the bi(thin* o- this bookA

9uess )hat0 /hen it &o+es (i*ht do)n to it? )he(e8e( you *o? the(e you a(eA /hate8e( you )ind u1 doin*? that6s )hat you68e )ound u1 doin*A /hate8e( you a(e thinkin* (i*ht no)? that6s )hat6s on you( +indA /hate8e( has ha11ened to you? it has al(eady ha11enedA ,he i+1o(tant Fuestion is? ho) a(e you *oin* to handle it0 In othe( )o(ds? GNo) )hat0G Like it o( not? this +o+ent is all )e (eally ha8e to )o(k )ithA 4et )e all too easily &ondu&t ou( li8es as i-o(*ettin* +o+enta(ily that )e a(e he(e? )he(e )e al(eady a(e? and that )e a(e in )hat )e a(e al(eady inA In e8e(y +o+ent? )e -ind ou(sel8es at the &(oss(oad o- he(e and no)A But )hen the &loud o-o(*et-ulness o8e( )he(e )e a(e no) sets in? in that 8e(y +o+ent )e *et lost? GNo) )hat0G be&o+es a (eal 1(oble+A By lost? I +ean that )e +o+enta(ily lose tou&h )ith ou(sel8es and )ith the -ull e<tent o- ou( 1ossibilitiesA Instead? )e -all into a (obotlike )ay o- seein* and thinkin* and doin*A In those +o+ents? )e b(eak &onta&t )ith )hat is dee1est in ou(sel8es and a--o(ds us 1e(ha1s ou( *(eatest o11o(tunities -o( &(eati8ity?

lea(nin*? and *(o)in*A I- )e a(e not &a(e-ul? those &louded +o+ents &an st(et&h out and be&o+e +ost o- ou( li8esA ,o allo) ou(sel8es to be t(uly in tou&h )ith )he(e )e al(eady a(e? no +atte( )he(e that is? )e ha8e *ot to 1ause in ou( e<1e(ien&e lon* enou*h to let the 1(esent +o+ent sink inH lon* enou*h to a&tually -eel the 1(esent +o+ent? to see it in its -ullness? to hold it in a)a(eness and the(eby &o+e to kno) and unde(stand it bette(A :nly then &an )e a&&e1t the t(uth o- this +o+ent o- ou( li-e? lea(n -(o+ it? and +o8e onA Instead? it o-ten see+s as i- )e a(e 1(eo&&u1ied )ith the 1ast? )ith )hat has al(eady ha11ened? o( )ith a -utu(e that hasn6t a((i8ed yetA /e look -o( so+e1la&e else to stand? )he(e )e ho1e thin*s )ill be bette(? ha11ie(? +o(e the )ay )e )ant the+ to be? o( the )ay they used to beA .ost o- the ti+e )e a(e only 1a(tially a)a(e o- this inne( tension? i- )e a(e a)a(e o- it at allA /hat is +o(e? )e a(e also only 1a(tially a)a(e at best o- e<a&tly )hat )e a(e doin* in and )ith ou( li8es? and the e--e&ts ou( a&tions and? +o(e subtly? ou( thou*hts ha8e on )hat )e see and don6t see? )hat )e do and don6t doA >o( instan&e? )e usually -all? Fuite una)a(es? into assu+in* that )hat )e a(e thinkin* - the ideas and o1inions that )e ha(bo( at any *i8en ti+e - a(e Gthe

t(uthG about )hat is Gout the(eG in the )o(ld and Gin he(eG in ou( +indsA .ost o- the ti+e? it @ust isn6t soA /e 1ay a hi*h 1(i&e -o( this +istaken and une<a+ined assu+1tion? -o( ou( al+ost )ill-ul i*no(in* o- the (i&hness o- ou( 1(esent +o+entsA ,he -allout a&&u+ulates silently? &olo(in* ou( li8es )ithout ou( kno)in* it o( bein* able to do so+ethin* about itA /e +ay ne8e( Fuite be )he(e )e a&tually a(e? ne8e( Fuite tou&h the -ullness o- ou( 1ossibilitiesA Instead? )e lo&k ou(sel8es into a 1e(sonal -i&tion that )e al(eady kno) )ho )e a(e? that )e kno) )he(e )e a(e and )he(e )e a(e *oin*? that )e kno) )hat is ha11enin* - all the )hile (e+ainin* ensh(ouded in thou*hts? -antasies? and i+1ulses? +ostly about the 1ast and about the -utu(e? about )hat )e )ant and like? and )hat )e -ea( and don6t like? )hi&h s1in out &ontinuously? 8eilin* ou( di(e&tion and the 8e(y *(ound )e a(e standin* onA ,he book you ha8e in you( hands is about )akin* u1 -(o+ su&h d(ea+s and -(o+ the ni*ht+a(es they o-ten tu(n intoA Not kno)in* that you a(e e8en in su&h a d(ea+ is )hat the Buddhists &all Gi*no(an&e?G o( +indlessnessA Bein* in tou&h )ith this not kno)in* is &alled G+ind-ulnessAG ,he )o(k o- )akin* u1 -(o+ these d(ea+s is the )o(k o- +editation? the syste+ati& &ulti8ation o- )ake-ulness? o- 1(esent-

+o+ent a)a(enessA ,his )akin* u1 *oes hand in hand )ith )hat )e +i*ht &all G)isdo+?G a seein* +o(e dee1ly into &ause and e--e&t and the inte(&onne&tedness o- thin*s? so that )e a(e no lon*e( &au*ht in a d(ea+-di&tated (eality o- ou( o)n &(eationA ,o -ind ou( )ay? )e )ill need to 1ay +o(e attention to this +o+entA It is the only ti+e that )e ha8e in )hi&h to li8e? *(o)? -eel? and &han*eA /e )ill need to be&o+e +o(e a)a(e o- and take 1(e&autions a*ainst the in&(edible 1ull o- the S&ylla and 3ha(ybdis o- 1ast and -utu(e? and the d(ea+)o(ld they o--e( us in 1la&e o- ou( li8esA /hen )e s1eak o- +editation? it is i+1o(tant -o( you to kno) that this is not so+e )ei(d &(y1ti& a&ti8ity? as ou( 1o1ula( &ultu(e +i*ht ha8e itA It does not in8ol8e be&o+in* so+e kind o- Bo+bie? 8e*etable? sel-abso(bed na(&issist? na8el *aBe(? Gs1a&e &adet?G &ultist? de8otee? +ysti&? o( 2aste(n 1hiloso1he(A .editation is si+1ly about bein* you(sel- and kno)in* so+ethin* about )ho that isA It is about &o+in* to (ealiBe that you a(e on a 1ath )hethe( you like it o( not? na+ely? the 1ath that is you( li-eA .editation +ay hel1 us see that this 1ath )e &all ou( li-e has di(e&tionH that it is al)ays un-oldin*? +o+ent by +o+entH and that )hat ha11ens no)? in this +o+ent? in-luen&es )hat ha11ens ne<tA

I- )hat ha11ens no) does in-luen&e )hat ha11ens ne<t? then doesn6t it +akes sense to look a(ound a bit -(o+ ti+e to ti+e so that you a(e +o(e in tou&h )ith )hat is ha11enin* no)? so that you &an take you( inne( and oute( bea(in*s and 1e(&ei8e )ith &la(ity the 1ath that you a(e a&tually on and the di(e&tion in )hi&h you a(e *oin*0 I- you do so? +aybe you )ill be in a bette( 1osition to &ha(t a &ou(se -o( you(sel- that is t(ue( to you( inne( bein* - a soul 1ath? a 1ath )ith hea(t? you( 1ath )ith a &a1ital PA I- not? the shee( +o+entu+ o- you( un&ons&iousness in this +o+ent @ust &olo(s the ne<t +o+entA ,he days? +onths? and yea(s Fui&kly *o by unnoti&ed? unused? una11(e&iatedA It is all too easy to (e+ain on so+ethin* o- a -o*ensh(ouded? sli11e(y slo1e (i*ht into ou( *(a8esH o(? in the -o*-dis1ellin* &la(ity )hi&h on o&&asion 1(e&edes the +o+ent o- death? to )ake u1 and (ealiBe that )hat )e had thou*ht all those yea(s about ho) li-e )as to be li8ed and )hat )as i+1o(tant )e(e at best une<a+ined hal--t(uths based on -ea( o( i*no(an&e? only ou( o)n li-e-li+itin* ideas? and not the t(uth o( the )ay ou( li-e had to be at allA No one else &an do this @ob o- )akin* u1 -o( us? althou*h ou( -a+ily and -(iends do so+eti+es t(y des1e(ately to *et th(ou*h to us? to hel1 us see +o(e

&lea(ly o( b(eak out o- ou( o)n blindnessesA But )akin* u1 is ulti+ately so+ethin* that ea&h one o- us &an only do -o( ou(sel8esA /hen it &o+es do)n to it? )he(e8e( you *o? the(e you a(eA It6s you( li-e that is un-oldin*A 't the end o- a lon* li-e dedi&ated to tea&hin* +ind-ulness? the Buddha? )ho 1(obably had his sha(e o- -ollo)e(s )ho )e(e ho1in* he +i*ht +ake it easie( -o( the+ to -ind thei( o)n 1aths? su++ed it u1 -o( his dis&i1les this )ay: GBe a li*ht unto you(sel-AG In +y 1(e8ious book? Full Catastrophe Living? I t(ied to +ake the 1ath o- +ind-ulness a&&essible to +ainst(ea+ '+e(i&ans so that it )ould not -eel Buddhist o( +ysti&al so +u&h as sensibleA .ind-ulness has to do abo8e all )ith attention and a)a(eness? )hi&h a(e uni8e(sal hu+an FualitiesA But in ou( so&iety? )e tend to take these &a1a&ities -o( *(anted and don6t think to de8elo1 the+ syste+ati&ally in the se(8i&e o- sel--unde(standin* and )isdo+A .editation is the 1(o&ess by )hi&h )e *o about dee1enin* ou( attention and a)a(eness? (e-inin* the+? and 1uttin* the+ to *(eate( 1(a&ti&al use in ou( li8esA Full Catastrophe Living &an be thou*ht o- as a na8i*ational &ha(t? intended -o( 1eo1le -a&in* 1hysi&al o( e+otional 1ain o( (eelin* -(o+ the e--e&ts o- too +u&h st(essA ,he ai+ )as to &hallen*e the (eade( to

(ealiBe? th(ou*h his o( he( di(e&t e<1e(ien&es o1ayin* attention to thin*s )e all so o-ten i*no(e? that the(e +i*ht be 8e(y (eal (easons -o( inte*(atin* +ind-ulness into the -ab(i& o- one6s li-eA Not that I )as su**estin* that +ind-ulness is so+e kind o- a &u(eall o( di+esto(e solution to li-e6s 1(oble+sA >a( -(o+ itA I don6t kno) o- any +a*i&al solutions and? -(ankly? I a+ not lookin* -o( oneA ' -ull li-e is 1ainted )ith b(oad b(ush st(okesA .any 1aths &an lead to unde(standin* and )isdo+A 2a&h o- us has di--e(ent needs to add(ess and thin*s )o(th 1u(suin* o8e( the &ou(se o- a li-eti+eA 2a&h o- us has to &ha(t ou( o)n &ou(se? and it has to -it )hat )e a(e (eady -o(A 4ou &e(tainly ha8e to be (eady -o( +editationA 4ou ha8e to &o+e to it at the (i*ht ti+e in you( li-e? at a 1oint )he(e you a(e (eady to listen &a(e-ully to you( o)n 8oi&e? to you( o)n hea(t? to you( o)n b(eathin* to @ust be 1(esent -o( the+ and )ith the+? )ithout ha8in* to *o any)he(e o( +ake anythin* bette( o( di--e(entA ,his is ha(d )o(kA I )(ote Full Catastrophe Living thinkin* o- the 1eo1le (e-e((ed to us as 1atients in ou( st(ess (edu&tion &lini& at the ;ni8e(sity o- .assa&husetts .edi&al 3ente(A I )as +o8ed to do so by the (e+a(kable t(ans-o(+ations in +ind and body that +any 1eo1le

(e1o(t as they 1ut aside t(yin* to &han*e the se8e(e 1(oble+s that b(ou*ht the+ to the &lini& in the -i(st 1la&e? and en*a*e o8e( an ei*ht-)eek 1e(iod in the intensi8e dis&i1line o- o1enin* and listenin* that &ha(a&te(iBes the 1(a&ti&e o- +ind-ulnessA 's a na8i*ational &ha(t? Full Catastrophe Living had to su11ly enou*h detail so that so+eone in si*ni-i&ant need &ould 1lot his o( he( o)n &ou(se )ith &a(eA It had to s1eak to the 1(essin* needs o- 1eo1le )ith se(ious +edi&al 1(oble+s and &h(oni& 1ain? as )ell as to those su--e(in* in di--e(ent kinds o- st(ess-ul situationsA >o( these (easons? it had to in&lude a *ood deal o- in-o(+ation on st(ess and illness? health and healin*? as )ell as e<tensi8e inst(u&tions on ho) to +editateA ,his book is di--e(ent It is +eant to 1(o8ide b(ie- and easy a&&ess to the essen&e o- +ind-ulness +editation and its a11li&ations? -o( 1eo1le )hose li8es +ay o( +ay not be do+inated by i++ediate 1(oble+s o- st(ess? 1ain? and illnessA It is o--e(ed 1a(ti&ula(ly -o( those )ho (esist st(u&tu(ed 1(o*(a+s and -o( 1eo1le )ho don6t like to be told )hat to do but a(e &u(ious enou*h about +ind-ulness and its (ele8an&e to t(y to 1ie&e thin*s to*ethe( -o( the+sel8es )ith a -e) hints and su**estions he(e and the(eA

't the sa+e ti+e? this book is also o--e(ed to those )ho a(e al(eady 1(a&ti&in* +editation and )ish to e<1and? dee1en? and (ein-o(&e thei( &o++it+ent to a li-e o- *(eate( a)a(eness and insi*htA 7e(e? in b(ie&ha1te(s? the -o&us is on the s1i(it o- +ind-ulness? both in ou( -o(+al atte+1ts at 1(a&ti&e and in ou( e--o(ts to b(in* it into all as1e&ts o- ou( daily li8esA 2a&h &ha1te( is a *li+1se th(ou*h one -a&e o- the +ulti-a&eted dia+ond o- +ind-ulnessA ,he &ha1te(s a(e (elated to ea&h othe( by tiny (otations o- the &(ystalA So+e +ay sound si+ila( to othe(s? but ea&h -a&et is also di--e(ent? uniFueA ,his e<1lo(ation o- the dia+ond o- +ind-ulness is o--e(ed -o( all those )ho )ould &ha(t a &ou(se to)a(d *(eate( sanity and )isdo+ in thei( li8esA /hat is (eFui(ed is a )illin*ness to look dee1ly at one6s 1(esent +o+ents? no +atte( )hat they hold? in a s1i(it o- *ene(osity? kidness to)a(d onesel-? and o1enness to)a(d )hat +i*ht be 1ossibleA Pa(t :ne e<1lo(es the (ationale and ba&k*(ound -o( takin* on o( dee1enin* a 1e(sonal 1(a&ti&e o+ind-ulnessA It &hallen*es the (eade( to e<1e(i+ent )ith int(odu&in* +ind-ulness into his o( he( li-e in a nu+be( o- di--e(ent )aysA Pa(t ,)o e<1lo(es so+e basi& as1e&ts o- -o(+al +editation 1(a&ti&eA >o(+al 1(a&ti&e (e-e(s to s1e&i-i& 1e(iods o- ti+e in )hi&h )e

1u(1ose-ully sto1 othe( a&ti8ity and en*a*e in 1a(ti&ula( +ethods o- &ulti8atin* +ind-ulness and &on&ent(ationA Pa(t ,h(ee e<1lo(es a (an*e oa11li&ations and 1e(s1e&ti8es on +ind-ulnessA 3e(tain &ha1te(s in all th(ee 1a(ts end )ith e<1li&it su**estions -o( in&o(1o(atin* as1e&ts o- both -o(+al and in-o(+al +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e into one6s li-eA ,hese a(e -ound unde( the headin* GT!"AG ,his 8olu+e &ontains su--i&ient inst(u&tions to en*a*e in +editation 1(a&ti&e on one6s o)n? )ithout the use o- othe( +ate(ials o( su11o(tsA 7o)e8e(? +any 1eo1le -ind it hel1-ul to use audiota1es in the be*innin* to su11o(t the daily dis&i1line o- a -o(+al +editation 1(a&ti&e? and to *uide the+ in the inst(u&tions until they *et the han* o- it and )ish to 1(a&ti&e on thei( o)nA :the(s -ind that e8en a-te( yea(s o- 1(a&ti&e? it is hel1-ul on o&&asion to +ake use o- ta1esA ,o this end? a ne) se(ies o- +ind-ulness +editation 1(a&ti&e ta1es DSe(ies 2E has been 1(e1a(ed in &on@un&tion )ith this bookA ,hese ta1es (an*e in len*th -(o+ ten +inutes to hal- an hou(H they *i8e the (eade( )ho is ne) to +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e a (an*e o- te&hniFues to e<1e(i+ent )ith? as )ell as (oo+ to de&ide )hat len*th o- -o(+al 1(a&ti&e is a11(o1(iate -o( a *i8en ti+e and 1la&eA ,he Se(ies 2 ta1es a(e listed in the o(de( -o(+ at the ba&k o- this book? alon* )ith the I-

+inute ta1es -(o+ Se(ies 1 )hi&h a&&o+1any Full Catastrophe LivingA

#art $ % The &loom of the #resent Moment

nly that day dawns to which we are awa!e. D7en(y %a8id ,ho(eau? WaldenE

What Is Mindfulness?
.ind-ulness is an an&ient Buddhist 1(a&ti&e )hi&h has 1(o-ound (ele8an&e -o( ou( 1(esent-day li8esA ,his (ele8an&e has nothin* to do )ith Buddhis+ 1e( se o( )ith be&o+in* a Buddhist? but it has e8e(ythin* to do )ith )akin* u1 and li8in* in ha(+ony )ith onesel- and )ith the )o(ldA It has to do )ith e<a+inin* )ho )e a(e? )ith Fuestionin* ou( 8ie) othe )o(ld and ou( 1la&e in it? and )ith &ulti8atin* so+e a11(e&iation -o( the -ullness o- ea&h +o+ent )e a(e ali8eA .ost o- all? it has to do )ith bein* in tou&hA >(o+ the Buddhist 1e(s1e&ti8e? ou( o(dina(y )akin* state o- &ons&iousness is seen as bein* se8e(ely li+ited and li+itin*? (ese+blin* in +any (es1e&ts an e<tended d(ea+ (athe( than )ake-ulnessA .editation

hel1s us )ake u1 -(o+ this slee1 o- auto+ati&ity and un&ons&iousness? the(eby +akin* it 1ossible -o( us to li8e ou( li8es )ith a&&ess to the -ull s1e&t(u+ o- ou( &ons&ious and un&ons&ious 1ossibilitiesA Sa*es? yo*is? and Zen +aste(s ha8e been e<1lo(in* this te((ito(y syste+ati&ally -o( thousands o- yea(sH in the 1(o&ess they ha8e lea(ned so+ethin* )hi&h +ay no) be 1(o-oundly bene-i&ial in the /est to &ounte(balan&e ou( &ultu(al o(ientation to)a(d &ont(ollin* and subduin* natu(e (athe( than hono(in* that )e a(e an inti+ate 1a(t o- itA ,hei( &olle&ti8e e<1e(ien&e su**ests that by in8esti*atin* in)a(dly ou( o)n natu(e as bein*s and? 1a(ti&ula(ly? the natu(e o- ou( o)n +inds th(ou*h &a(e-ul and syste+ati& sel-obse(8ation? )e +ay be able to li8e li8es o- *(eate( satis-a&tion? ha(+ony? and )isdo+A It also o--e(s a 8ie) o- the )o(ld )hi&h is &o+1le+enta(y to the 1(edo+inantly (edu&tionist and +ate(ialisti& one &u((ently do+inatin* /este(n thou*ht and institutionsA But this 8ie) is neithe( 1a(ti&ula(ly G2aste(nG no( +ysti&alA ,ho(eau sa) the sa+e 1(oble+ )ith ou( o(dina(y +ind state in Ne) 2n*land in 18 $ and )(ote )ith *(eat 1assion about its un-o(tunate &onseFuen&esA .ind-ulness has been &alled the hea(t o- Buddhist +editationA >unda+entally? +ind-ulness is a si+1le &on&e1tA Its 1o)e( lies in its 1(a&ti&e and its

a11li&ationsA .ind-ulness +eans 1ayin* attention in a 1a(ti&ula( )ay: on 1u(1ose? in the 1(esent +o+ent? and non@ud*+entallyA ,his kind o- attention nu(tu(es *(eate( a)a(eness? &la(ity? and a&&e1tan&e o1(esent-+o+ent (ealityA It )akes us u1 to the -a&t that ou( li8es un-old only in +o+entsA I- )e a(e not -ully 1(esent -o( +any o- those +o+ents? )e +ay not only +iss )hat is +ost 8aluable in ou( li8es but also -ail to (ealiBe the (i&hness and the de1th o- ou( 1ossibilities -o( *(o)th and t(ans-o(+ationA ' di+inished a)a(eness o- the 1(esent +o+ent ine8itably &(eates othe( 1(oble+s -o( us as )ell th(ou*h ou( un&ons&ious and auto+ati& a&tions and beha8io(s? o-ten d(i8en by dee1seated -ea(s and inse&u(itiesA ,hese 1(oble+s tend to build o8e( ti+e ithey a(e not attended to and &an e8entually lea8e us -eelin* stu&k and out o- tou&hA :8e( ti+e? )e +ay lose &on-iden&e in ou( ability to (edi(e&t ou( ene(*ies in )ays that )ould lead to *(eate( satis-a&tion and ha11iness? 1e(ha1s e8en to *(eate( healthA .ind-ulness 1(o8ides a si+1le but 1o)e(-ul (oute -o( *ettin* ou(sel8es unstu&k? ba&k into tou&h )ith ou( o)n )isdo+ and 8italityA It is a )ay to take &ha(*e othe di(e&tion and Fuality o- ou( o)n li8es? in&ludin* ou( (elationshi1s )ithin the -a+ily? ou( (elationshi1 to )o(k and to the la(*e( )o(ld and 1lanet? and +ost

-unda+entally? ou( (elationshi1 )ith ou(sel- as a 1e(sonA ,he key to this 1ath? )hi&h lies at the (oot oBuddhis+? ,aois+? and yo*a? and )hi&h )e also -ind in the )o(ks o- 1eo1le like 2+e(son? ,ho(eau? and /hit+an? and in Nati8e '+e(i&an )isdo+? is an a11(e&iation -o( the 1(esent +o+ent and the &ulti8ation o- an inti+ate (elationshi1 )ith it th(ou*h a &ontinual attendin* to it )ith &a(e and dis&e(n+entA It is the di(e&t o11osite o- takin* li-e -o( *(antedA ,he habit o- i*no(in* ou( 1(esent +o+ents in -a8o( oothe(s yet to &o+e leads di(e&tly to a 1e(8asi8e la&k o- a)a(eness o- the )eb o- li-e in )hi&h )e a(e e+beddedA ,his in&ludes a la&k o- a)a(eness and unde(standin* o- ou( o)n +ind and ho) it in-luen&es ou( 1e(&e1tions and ou( a&tionsA It se8e(ely li+its ou( 1e(s1e&ti8e on )hat it +eans to be a 1e(son and ho) )e a(e &onne&ted to ea&h othe( and to the )o(ld a(ound usA 5eli*ion has t(aditionally been the do+ain o- su&h -unda+ental inFui(ies )ithin a s1i(itual -(a+e)o(k? but +ind-ulness has little to do )ith (eli*ion? e<&e1t in the +ost -unda+ental +eanin* othe )o(d? as an atte+1t to a11(e&iate the dee1 +yste(y o- bein* ali8e and to a&kno)led*e bein* 8itally &onne&ted to all that e<istsA

/hen )e &o++it ou(sel8es to 1ayin* attention in an o1en )ay? )ithout -allin* 1(ey to ou( o)n likes and dislikes? o1inions and 1(e@udi&es? 1(o@e&tions and e<1e&tations? ne) 1ossibilities o1en u1 and )e ha8e a &han&e to -(ee ou(sel8es -(o+ the st(ait@a&ket oun&ons&iousnessA I like to think o- +ind-ulness si+1ly as the a(t o&ons&ious li8in*A 4ou don6t ha8e to be a Buddhist o( a yo*i to 1(a&ti&e itA In -a&t? i- you kno) anythin* about Buddhis+? you )ill kno) that the +ost i+1o(tant 1oint is to be you(sel- and not t(y to be&o+e anythin* that you a(e not al(eadyA Buddhis+ is -unda+entally about bein* in tou&h )ith you( o)n dee1est natu(e and lettin* it -lo) out o- you uni+1ededA It has to do )ith )akin* u1 and seein* thin*s as they a(eA In -a&t? the )o(d GBuddhaG si+1ly +eans one )ho has a)akened to his o( he( o)n t(ue natu(eA So? +ind-ulness )ill not &on-li&t )ith any belie-s o( t(aditions - (eli*ious o( -o( that +atte( s&ienti-i& - no( is it t(yin* to sell you anythin*? es1e&ially not a ne) belie- syste+ o( ideolo*yA It is si+1ly a 1(a&ti&al )ay to be +o(e in tou&h )ith the -ullness o- you( bein* th(ou*h a syste+ati& 1(o&ess o- sel--obse(8ation? sel--inFui(y? and +ind-ul a&tionA ,he(e is nothin* &old? analyti&al? o( un-eelin* about itA ,he o8e(all teno( o+ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e is *entle? a11(e&iati8e? and

nu(tu(in*A 'nothe( )ay to think o- it )ould be Ghea(t-ulnessAG ' student on&e said: G/hen I )as a Buddhist? it d(o8e +y 1a(ents and -(iends &(aBy? but )hen I a+ a buddha? nobody is u1set at allAG

Simple But Not Easy

/hile it +ay be si+1le to 1(a&ti&e +ind-ulness? it is not ne&essa(ily easyA .ind-ulness (eFui(es e--o(t and dis&i1line -o( the si+1le (eason that the -o(&es that )o(k a*ainst ou( bein* +ind-ul? na+ely? ou( habitual una)a(eness and auto+ati&ity? a(e e<&eedin*ly tena&iousA ,hey a(e so st(on* and so +u&h out o- ou( &ons&iousness that an inne( &o++it+ent and a &e(tain kind o- )o(k a(e ne&essa(y @ust to kee1 u1 ou( atte+1ts to &a1tu(e ou( +o+ents in a)a(eness and sustain +ind-ulnessA But it is an int(insi&ally satis-yin* )o(k be&ause it 1uts us in tou&h )ith +any as1e&ts o- ou( li8es that a(e habitually o8e(looked and lost to usA It is also enli*htenin* and libe(atin* )o(kA It is enli*htenin* in that it lite(ally allo)s us to see +o(e

&lea(ly? and the(e-o(e &o+e to unde(stand +o(e dee1ly? a(eas in ou( li8es that )e )e(e out o- tou&h )ith o( un)illin* to look atA ,his +ay in&lude en&ounte(in* dee1 e+otions - su&h as *(ie-? sadness? )ounded-ness? an*e(? and -ea( - that )e +i*ht not o(dina(ily allo) ou(sel8es to hold in a)a(eness o( e<1(ess &ons&iouslyA .ind-ulness &an also hel1 us to a11(e&iate -eelin*s su&h as @oy? 1ea&e-ulness? and ha11iness )hi&h o-ten *o by -leetin*ly and una&kno)led*edA It is libe(atin* in that it leads to ne) )ays o- bein* in ou( o)n skin and in the )o(ld? )hi&h &an -(ee us -(o+ the (uts )e so o-ten -all intoA It is e+1o)e(in* as )ell? be&ause 1ayin* attention in this )ay o1ens &hannels to dee1 (ese(8oi(s o- &(eati8ity? intelli*en&e? i+a*ination? &la(ity? dete(+ination? &hoi&e? and )isdo+ )ithin usA /e tend to be 1a(ti&ula(ly una)a(e that )e a(e thinkin* 8i(tually all the ti+eA ,he in&essant st(ea+ othou*hts -lo)in* th(ou*h ou( +inds lea8es us 8e(y little (es1ite -o( inne( FuietA 'nd )e lea8e 1(e&ious little (oo+ -o( ou(sel8es any)ay @ust to be? )ithout ha8in* to (un a(ound doin* thin*s all the ti+eA :u( a&tions a(e all too -(eFuently d(i8en (athe( than unde(taken in a)a(eness? d(i8en by those 1e(-e&tly o(dina(y thou*hts and i+1ulses that (un th(ou*h the +ind like a &ou(sin* (i8e(? i- not a )ate(-allA /e *et &au*ht u1 in the to((ent and it )inds u1 sub+e(*in*

ou( li8es as it &a((ies us to 1la&es )e +ay not )ish to *o and +ay not e8en (ealiBe )e a(e headed -o(A .editation +eans lea(nin* ho) to *et out o- this &u((ent? sit by its bank and listen to it? lea(n -(o+ it? and then use its ene(*ies to *uide us (athe( than to ty(anniBe usA ,his 1(o&ess doesn6t +a*i&ally ha11en by itsel-A It takes ene(*yA /e &all the e--o(t to &ulti8ate ou( ability to be in the 1(esent +o+ent G1(a&ti&eG o( G+editation 1(a&ti&eAG 'uestion: 7o) &an I set (i*ht a tan*le )hi&h is enti(ely belo) the le8el o- +y &ons&iousness0 Nisargadatta: By bein* )ith you(sel-AAA by )at&hin* you(sel- in you( daily li-e )ith ale(t inte(est? )ith the intention to unde(stand (athe( than to @ud*e? in -ull a&&e1tan&e o- )hate8e( +ay e+e(*e? be&ause it is the(e? you en&ou(a*e the dee1 to &o+e to the su(-a&e and en(i&h you( li-e and &ons&iousness )ith its &a1ti8e ene(*iesA ,his is the *(eat )o(k oa)a(enessH it (e+o8es obsta&les and (eleases ene(*ies by unde(standin* the natu(e o- li-e and +indA Intelli*en&e is the doo( to -(eedo+ and ale(t attention is the +othe( o- intelli*en&eA Nisa(*adatta .aha(a@? " #m $hat

Peo1le think o- +editation as so+e kind o- s1e&ial a&ti8ity? but this is not e<a&tly &o((e&tA .editation is si+1li&ity itsel-A 's a @oke? )e so+eti+es say: G%on6t @ust do so+ethin*? sit the(eAG But +editation is not @ust about sittin*? eithe(A It is about sto11in* and bein* 1(esent? that is allA .ostly )e (un a(ound doin*A '(e you able to &o+e to a sto1 in you( li-e? e8en -o( one +o+ent0 3ould it be this +o+ent0 /hat )ould ha11en i- you did0 ' *ood )ay to sto1 all the doin* is to shi-t into the Gbein* +odeG -o( a +o+entA ,hink o- you(sel- as an ete(nal )itness? as ti+elessA Just )at&h this +o+ent? )ithout t(yin* to &han*e it at allA /hat is ha11enin*0 /hat do you -eel0 /hat do you see0 /hat do you hea(0 ,he -unny thin* about sto11in* is that as soon as you do it? he(e you a(eA ,hin*s *et si+1le(A In so+e )ays? it6s as i- you died and the )o(ld &ontinued onA I- you did die? all you( (es1onsibilities and obli*ations )ould i++ediately e8a1o(ateA ,hei( (esidue )ould so+eho) *et )o(ked out )ithout youA No one else &an take o8e( you( uniFue a*endaA It )ould die o( 1ete( out )ith you @ust as it has -o( e8e(yone else )ho

has e8e( diedA So you don6t need to )o((y about it in any absolute )ayA I- this is t(ue? +aybe you don6t need to +ake one +o(e 1hone &all (i*ht no)? e8en i- you think you doA .aybe you don6t need to (ead so+ethin* @ust no)? o( (un one +o(e e((andA By takin* a -e) +o+ents to Gdie on 1u(1oseG to the (ush o- ti+e )hile you a(e still li8in*? you -(ee you(sel- to ha8e ti+e -o( the 1(esentA By Gdyin*G no) in this )ay? you a&tually be&o+e +o(e ali8e no)A ,his is )hat sto11in* &an doA ,he(e is nothin* 1assi8e about itA 'nd )hen you de&ide to *o? it6s a di--e(ent kind o- *oin* be&ause you sto11edA ,he sto11in* a&tually +akes the *oin* +o(e 8i8id? (i&he(? +o(e te<tu(edA It hel1s kee1 all the thin*s )e )o((y about and -eel inadeFuate about in 1e(s1e&ti8eA It *i8es us *uidan&eA T!": Sto11in*? sittin* do)n? and be&o+in* a)a(e oyou( b(eathin* on&e in a )hile th(ou*hout the dayA It &an be -o( -i8e +inutes? o( e8en -i8e se&ondsA Let *o into -ull a&&e1tan&e o- the 1(esent +o+ent? in&ludin* ho) you a(e -eelin* and )hat you 1e(&ei8e to be ha11enin*A >o( these +o+ents? don6t t(y to &han*e anythin* at all? @ust b(eathe and let *oA B(eathe and let beA %ie to ha8in* to ha8e anythin* be di--e(ent in this +o+entH in you( +ind and in you( hea(t? *i8e you(sel- 1e(+ission to allo) this +o+ent to be

e<a&tly as it is? and allo) you(sel- to be e<a&tly as you a(eA ,hen? )hen you6(e (eady? +o8e in the di(e&tion you( hea(t tells you to *o? +ind-ully and )ith (esolutionA

This Is It
New %or!er &a(toon: ,)o Zen +onks in (obes and sha8ed heads? one youn*? one old? sittin* side by side &(oss-le**ed on the -loo(A ,he youn*e( one is lookin* so+e)hat FuiBBi&ally at the olde( one? )ho is tu(ned to)a(d hi+ and sayin*: GNothin* ha11ens ne<tA ,his is itAG It6s t(ueA :(dina(ily? )hen )e unde(take so+ethin*? it is only natu(al to e<1e&t a desi(able out&o+e -o( ou( e--o(tsA /e )ant to see (esults? e8en i- it is only a 1leasant -eelin*A ,he sole e<&e1tion I &an think o- is +editationA .editation is the only intentional? syste+ati& hu+an a&ti8ity )hi&h at botto+ is about not t(yin* to i+1(o8e you(sel- o( *et any)he(e else? but si+1ly to (ealiBe )he(e you al(eady a(eA Pe(ha1s its 8alue lies 1(e&isely in thisA .aybe )e all need to do one thin* in ou( li8es si+1ly -o( its o)n sakeA

But it )ould not Fuite be a&&u(ate to &all +editation a Gdoin*AG It is +o(e a&&u(ately des&(ibed as a Gbein*AG /hen )e unde(stand that G,his is it?G it allo)s us to let *o o- the 1ast and the -utu(e and )ake u1 to )hat )e a(e no)? in this +o+entA Peo1le usually don6t *et this (i*ht a)ayA ,hey )ant to +editate in o(de( to (ela<? to e<1e(ien&e a s1e&ial state? to be&o+e a bette( 1e(son? to (edu&e so+e st(ess o( 1ain? to b(eak out o- old habits and 1atte(ns? to be&o+e -(ee o( enli*htenedA 'll 8alid (easons to take u1 +editation 1(a&ti&e? but all eFually -(au*ht )ith 1(oble+s i- you e<1e&t those thin*s to ha11en @ust be&ause no) you a(e +editatin*A 4ou6ll *et &au*ht u1 in )antin* to ha8e a Gs1e&ial e<1e(ien&eG o( in lookin* -o( si*ns o- 1(o*(ess? and i- you don6t -eel so+ethin* s1e&ial 1(etty Fui&kly? you +ay sta(t to doubt the 1ath you ha8e &hosen? o( to )onde( )hethe( you a(e Gdoin* it (i*htAG In +ost do+ains o- lea(nin*? this is only (easonableA :- &ou(se you ha8e to see 1(o*(ess soone( o( late( to kee1 at so+ethin*A But +editation is di--e(entA >(o+ the 1e(s1e&ti8e o- +editation? e8e(y state is a s1e&ial state? e8e(y +o+ent a s1e&ial +o+entA /hen )e let *o o- )antin* so+ethin* else to ha11en in this +o+ent? )e a(e takin* a 1(o-ound ste1 to)a(d bein* able to en&ounte( )hat is he(e no)A I- )e ho1e

to *o any)he(e o( de8elo1 ou(sel8es in any )ay? )e &an only ste1 -(o+ )he(e )e a(e standin*A I- )e don6t (eally kno) )he(e )e a(e standin* - a kno)in* that &o+es di(e&tly -(o+ the &ulti8ation o- +ind-ulness )e +ay only *o in &i(&les? -o( all ou( e--o(ts and e<1e&tationsA So? in +editation 1(a&ti&e? the best )ay to *et so+e)he(e is to let *o o- t(yin* to *et any)he(e at allA "f your mind isn&t clouded by unnecessary things, $his is the best season of your life. D/;-.2NE T!": 5e+indin* you(sel- -(o+ ti+e to ti+e: G,his is itAG See i- the(e is anythin* at all that it &annot be a11lied toA 5e+ind you(sel- that a&&e1tan&e o- the 1(esent +o+ent has nothin* to do )ith (esi*nation in the -a&e o- )hat is ha11enin*A It si+1ly +eans a &lea( a&kno)led*+ent that )hat is ha11enin* is ha11enin*A '&&e1tan&e doesn6t tell you )hat to doA /hat ha11ens ne<t? )hat you &hoose to do? that has to &o+e out o- you( unde(standin* o- this +o+entA 4ou +i*ht t(y a&tin* out o- a dee1 kno)in* o- G,his is itG %oes it in-luen&e ho) you &hoose to 1(o&eed o( (es1ond0 Is it 1ossible -o( you to &onte+1late that in

a 8e(y (eal )ay? this +ay a&tually be the best season? the best +o+ent o- you( li-e0 I- that )as so? )hat )ould it +ean -o( you0

Capturing Your Moments

,he best )ay to &a1tu(e +o+ents is to 1ay attentionA ,his is ho) )e &ulti8ate +ind-ulnessA .ind-ulness +eans bein* a)akeA It +eans kno)in* )hat you a(e doin*A But )hen )e sta(t to -o&us in on )hat ou( o)n +ind is u1 to? -o( instan&e? it is not unusual to Fui&kly *o un&ons&ious a*ain? to -all ba&k into an auto+ati&1ilot +ode o- una)a(enessA ,hese la1ses in a)a(eness a(e -(eFuently &aused by an eddy odissatis-a&tion )ith )hat )e a(e seein* o( -eelin* in that +o+ent? out o- )hi&h s1(in*s a desi(e -o( so+ethin* to be di--e(ent? -o( thin*s to &han*eA 4ou &an easily obse(8e the +ind6s habit o- es&a1in* -(o+ the 1(esent +o+ent -o( you(sel-A Just t(y to kee1 you( attention -o&used on any ob@e&t -o( e8en a sho(t 1e(iod o- ti+eA 4ou )ill -ind that to &ulti8ate +ind-ulness? you +ay ha8e to (e+e+be( o8e( and o8e( a*ain to be a)ake and a)a(eA /e do this by (e+indin* ou(sel8es to look? to -eel? to beA It6s that

si+1le AAA &he&kin* in -(o+ +o+ent to +o+ent? sustainin* a)a(eness a&(oss a st(et&h o- ti+eless +o+ents? bein* he(e? no)A T!": 'skin* you(sel- in this +o+ent? G'+ I a)ake0?G G/he(e is +y +ind (i*ht no)0G

Keeping the Breath in Mind

It hel1s to ha8e a -o&us -o( you( attention? an an&ho( line to tethe( you to the 1(esent +o+ent and to *uide you ba&k )hen the +ind )ande(sA ,he b(eath se(8es this 1u(1ose e<&eedin*ly )ellA It &an be a t(ue allyA B(in*in* a)a(eness to ou( b(eathin*? )e (e+ind ou(sel8es that )e a(e he(e no)? so )e +i*ht as )ell be -ully a)ake -o( )hate8e( is al(eady ha11enin*A :u( b(eathin* &an hel1 us in &a1tu(in* ou( +o+entsA It6s su(1(isin* that +o(e 1eo1le don6t kno) about thisA '-te( all? the b(eath is al)ays he(e? (i*ht unde( ou( nosesA 4ou )ould think @ust by &han&e )e +i*ht ha8e &o+e a&(oss its use-ulness at one 1oint o( anothe(A /e e8en ha8e the 1h(ase? GI didn6t ha8e a +o+ent to b(eatheG Do( Gto &at&h +y b(eathGE to *i8e us a hint

that +o+ents and b(eathin* +i*ht be &onne&ted in an inte(estin* )ayA ,o use you( b(eathin* to nu(tu(e +ind-ulness? @ust tune in to the -eelin* o- it AAA the -eelin* o- the b(eath &o+in* into you( body and the -eelin* o- the b(eath lea8in* you( bodyA ,hat6s allA Just -eelin* the b(eathA B(eathin* and kno)in* that you6(e b(eathin*A ,his doesn6t +ean dee1 b(eathin* o( -o(&in* you( b(eathin*? o( t(yin* to -eel so+ethin* s1e&ial? o( )onde(in* )hethe( you6(e doin* it (i*htA It doesn6t +ean thinkin* about you( b(eathin*? eithe(A It6s @ust a ba(e bones a)a(eness o- the b(eath +o8in* in and the b(eath +o8in* outA It doesn6t ha8e to be -o( a lon* ti+e at any one st(et&hA ;sin* the b(eath to b(in* us ba&k to the 1(esent +o+ent takes no ti+e at all? only a shi-t in attentionA But *(eat ad8entu(es a)ait you i- you *i8e you(sel- a little ti+e to st(in* +o+ents o- a)a(eness to*ethe(? b(eath by b(eath? +o+ent to +o+entA T!": Stayin* )ith one -ull inb(eath as it &o+es in? one -ull outb(eath as it *oes out? kee1in* you( +ind o1en and -(ee -o( @ust this +o+ent? @ust this b(eathA 'bandon all ideas o- *ettin* so+e)he(e o( ha8in* anythin* ha11enA Just kee1 (etu(nin* to the b(eath

)hen the +ind )ande(s? st(in*in* +o+ents o+ind-ulness to*ethe(? b(eath by b(eathA ,(y it e8e(y on&e in a )hile as you (ead this bookA 'abir says( Student, tell me, what is )od* +e is the breath inside the breath. DK'BI5E

Pra ti e Pra ti e
It hel1s to kee1 at itA 's you be*in be-(iendin* you( b(eath? you see i++ediately that una)a(eness is e8e(y)he(eA 4ou( b(eath tea&hes you that not only does una)a(eness *o )ith the te((ito(y? it is the te((ito(yA It does this by sho)in* you? o8e( and o8e( a*ain? that it6s not so easy to stay )ith the b(eath e8en i- you )ant toA Lots o- thin*s int(ude? &a((y us o--? 1(e8ent us -(o+ &on&ent(atin*A /e see that the +ind has *otten &lutte(ed o8e( the yea(s? like an atti&? )ith old ba*s and a&&u+ulated @unkA Just kno)in* this is a bi* ste1 in the (i*ht di(e&tionA

Pra ti e !oes Not Mean "ehearsal

/e use the )o(d G1(a&ti&eG to des&(ibe the &ulti8ation o- +ind-ulness? but it is not +eant in the usual sense o- a (e1etiti8e (ehea(sin* to *et bette( and bette( so that a 1e(-o(+an&e o( a &o+1etition )ill *o as )ell as 1ossibleA .ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e +eans that )e &o++it -ully in ea&h +o+ent to bein* 1(esentA ,he(e is no G1e(-o(+an&eAG ,he(e is @ust this +o+entA /e a(e not t(yin* to i+1(o8e o( to *et any)he(e elseA /e a(e not e8en (unnin* a-te( s1e&ial insi*hts o( 8isionsA No( a(e )e -o(&in* ou(sel8es to be non-@ud*+ental? &al+? o( (ela<edA 'nd )e a(e &e(tainly not 1(o+otin* sel-&ons&iousness o( indul*in* in sel--1(eo&&u1ationA 5athe(? )e a(e si+1ly in8itin* ou(sel8es to inte(-a&e )ith this +o+ent in -ull a)a(eness? )ith the intention to e+body as best )e &an an o(ientation o&al+ness? +ind-ulness? and eFuani+ity (i*ht he(e and (i*ht no)A :- &ou(se? )ith &ontinued 1(a&ti&e and the (i*ht kind o- -i(+ yet *entle e--o(t? &al+ness and +ind-ulness and eFuani+ity de8elo1 and dee1en on thei( o)n? out o- you( &o++it+ent to d)ell in stillness and to obse(8e )ithout (ea&tin* and )ithout @ud*in*A

5ealiBations and insi*hts? 1(o-ound e<1e(ien&es ostillness and @oy? do &o+eA But it )ould be in&o((e&t to say that )e a(e 1(a&ti&in* to +ake these e<1e(ien&es ha11en o( that ha8in* +o(e o- the+ is bette( than ha8in* -e)e( o- the+A ,he s1i(it o- +ind-ulness is to 1(a&ti&e -o( its o)n sake? and @ust to take ea&h +o+ent as it &o+es 1leasant o( un1leasant? *ood? bad? o( u*ly - and then )o(k )ith that be&ause it is )hat is 1(esent no)A /ith this attitude? li-e itsel- be&o+es 1(a&ti&eA ,hen? (athe( than doin* 1(a&ti&e? it +i*ht bette( be said that the 1(a&ti&e is doin* you? o( that li-e itsel- be&o+es you( +editation tea&he( and you( *uideA

You !on#t $a%e to &o 'ut of Your Way to Pra ti e

7en(y %a8id ,ho(eau6s t)o yea(s at /alden Pond )e(e abo8e all a 1e(sonal e<1e(i+ent in +ind-ulnessA 7e &hose to 1ut his li-e on the line in o(de( to (e8el in the )onde( and si+1li&ity o- 1(esent +o+entsA But you don6t ha8e to *o out o- you( )ay o( -ind so+e1la&e s1e&ial to 1(a&ti&e +ind-ulnessA It is su--i&ient to +ake a little ti+e in you( li-e -o( stillness

and )hat )e &all non-doin*? and then tune in to you( b(eathin*A 'll o- /alden Pond is )ithin you( b(eathA ,he +i(a&le o- the &han*in* seasons is )ithin the b(eathH you( 1a(ents and you( &hild(en a(e )ithin the b(eathH you( body and you( +ind a(e )ithin the b(eathA ,he b(eath is the &u((ent &onne&tin* body and +ind? &onne&tin* us )ith ou( 1a(ents and ou( &hild(en? &onne&tin* ou( body )ith the oute( )o(ld6s bodyA It is the &u((ent oli-eA ,he(e a(e nothin* but *olden -ish in this st(ea+A 'll )e need to see the+ &lea(ly is the lens oa)a(enessA $ime is but the stream " go fishing in. " drin! at it, but while " drin!, " see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. "ts thin current slides away, but eternity remains. " would drin! deeper, fish in the s!y, whose bottom is pebbly with stars. D,ho(eau? WaldenE "n eternity there is indeed something true and sublime.

-ut all these times and places and occasions are now and here. )od himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages. D,ho(eau? WaldenE

Wa(ing )p
,akin* u1 a -o(+al +editation 1(a&ti&e by +akin* so+e ti+e -o( it ea&h day doesn6t +ean that you )on6t be able to think any +o(e? o( that you &an6t (un a(ound o( *et thin*s doneA It +eans that you a(e +o(e likely to kno) )hat you a(e doin* be&ause you ha8e sto11ed -o( a )hile and )at&hed? listened? unde(stoodA ,ho(eau sa) this e8e( so &lea(ly at /alden PondA 7is &losin* +essa*e: G:nly that day da)ns to )hi&h )e a(e a)akeAG I- )e a(e to *(as1 the (eality o- ou( li-e )hile )e ha8e it? )e )ill need to )ake u1 to ou( +o+entsA :the()ise? )hole days? e8en a )hole li-e? &ould sli1 1ast unnoti&edA :ne 1(a&ti&al )ay to do this is to look at othe( 1eo1le and ask you(sel- i- you a(e (eally seein* the+ o( @ust

you( thou*hts about the+A So+eti+es ou( thou*hts a&t like d(ea+ *lassesA /hen )e ha8e the+ on? )e see d(ea+ &hild(en? d(ea+ husband? d(ea+ )i-e? d(ea+ @ob? d(ea+ &ollea*ues? d(ea+ 1a(tne(s? d(ea+ -(iendsA /e &an li8e in a d(ea+ 1(esent -o( a d(ea+ -utu(eA /ithout kno)in* it? )e a(e &olo(in* e8e(ythin*? 1uttin* ou( s1in on it allA /hile thin*s in the d(ea+ +ay &han*e and *i8e the illusion o- bein* 8i8id and (eal? it is still a d(ea+ )e a(e &au*ht inA But i- )e take o-- the *lasses? +aybe? @ust +aybe? )e +i*ht see a little +o(e a&&u(ately )hat is a&tually he(eA ,ho(eau -elt the need to *o o-- on a solita(y (et(eat -o( an e<tended 1e(iod o- ti+e Dhe stayed t)o yea(s and t)o +onths at /alden PondE to do thisA GI )ent to the )oods be&ause I )ished to li8e delibe(ately? to -(ont only the essential -a&ts o- li-e? and see i- I &ould not lea(n )hat it had to tea&h? and not? )hen I &a+e to die? dis&o8e( that I had not li8edAG 7is dee1est &on8i&tion: G,o a--e&t the Fuality o- the day? that is the hi*hest o- a(tsA AAA I ha8e ne8e( yet +et a +an )ho )as Fuite a)akeA 7o) &ould I ha8e looked hi+ in the -a&e0G T!": 'skin* you(sel- -(o+ ti+e to ti+e? G'+ I a)ake no)0G

My inside, listen to me, the greatest spirit, the $eacher, is near, wa!e up, wa!e up. /un to his feet 0 he is standing close to your head right now. %ou have slept for millions and millions of years. Why not wa!e up this morning* DKabi(E

Keeping It Simple
I- you do de&ide to sta(t +editatin*? the(e6s no need to tell othe( 1eo1le about it? o( talk about )hy you a(e doin* it o( )hat it6s doin* -o( youA In -a&t? the(e is no bette( )ay to )aste you( nas&ent ene(*y and enthusias+ -o( 1(a&ti&e and th)a(t you( e--o(ts so they )ill be unable to *athe( +o+entu+A Best to +editate )ithout ad8e(tisin* itA 28e(y ti+e you *et a st(on* i+1ulse to talk about +editation and ho) )onde(-ul it is? o( ho) ha(d it is? o( )hat it6s doin* -o( you these days? o( )hat it6s not?

o( you )ant to &on8in&e so+eone else ho) )onde(-ul it )ould be -o( the+? @ust look at it as +o(e thinkin* and *o +editate so+e +o(eA ,he i+1ulse )ill 1ass and e8e(ybody )ill be bette( o-- - es1e&ially youA

You Can#t Stop the Wa%es But You Can *earn to Surf
It is a &o++only held 8ie) that +editation is a )ay to shut o-- the 1(essu(es o- the )o(ld o( o- you( o)n +ind? but this is not an a&&u(ate i+1(essionA .editation is neithe( shuttin* thin*s out no( o--A It is seein* thin*s &lea(ly? and delibe(ately 1ositionin* you(sel- di--e(ently in (elationshi1 to the+A Peo1le )ho &o+e to ou( &lini& Fui&kly lea(n that st(ess is an ine8itable 1a(t o- li-eA /hile it is t(ue that )e &an lea(n? by +akin* intelli*ent &hoi&es? not to +ake thin*s )o(se -o( ou(sel8es in &e(tain )ays? the(e a(e +any thin*s in li-e o8e( )hi&h )e ha8e little o( no &ont(olA St(ess is 1a(t o- li-e? 1a(t o- bein* hu+an? int(insi& to the hu+an &ondition itsel-A But that does not +ean that )e ha8e to be 8i&ti+s in the -a&e o- la(*e -o(&es in ou( li8esA /e &an lea(n to )o(k )ith the+? unde(stand the+? -ind +eanin* in the+? +ake

&(iti&al &hoi&es? and use thei( ene(*ies to *(o) in st(en*th? )isdo+? and &o+1assionA ' )illin*ness to e+b(a&e and )o(k )ith )hat is lies at the &o(e o- all +editation 1(a&ti&eA :ne )ay to en8ision ho) +ind-ulness )o(ks is to think o- you( +ind as the su(-a&e o- a lake o( o- the o&eanA ,he(e a(e al)ays )a8es on the )ate(A So+eti+es they a(e bi*? so+eti+es they a(e s+all? and so+eti+es they a(e al+ost i+1e(&e1tibleA ,he )ate(6s )a8es a(e &hu(ned u1 by )inds? )hi&h &o+e and *o and 8a(y in di(e&tion and intensity? @ust as do the )inds o- st(ess and &han*e in ou( li8es? )hi&h sti( u1 )a8es in ou( +indsA Peo1le )ho don6t unde(stand +editation think that it is so+e kind o- s1e&ial inne( +ani1ulation )hi&h )ill +a*i&ally shut o-- these )a8es so that the +ind6s su(-a&e )ill be -lat? 1ea&e-ul? and t(anFuilA But @ust as you &an6t 1ut a *lass 1late on the )ate( to &al+ the )a8es? so you &an6t a(ti-i&ially su11(ess the )a8es oyou( +ind? and it is not too s+a(t to t(yA It )ill only &(eate +o(e tension and inne( st(u**le? not &al+nessA ,hat doesn6t +ean that &al+ness is unattainableA It6s @ust that it &annot be attained by +is*uided atte+1ts to su11(ess the +ind6s natu(al a&ti8ityA

It is 1ossible th(ou*h +editation to -ind shelte( -(o+ +u&h o- the )ind that a*itates the +indA :8e( ti+e? a *ood deal o- the tu(bulen&e +ay die do)n -(o+ la&k o- &ontinuous -eedin*A But ulti+ately the )inds o- li-e and o- the +ind )ill blo)? do )hat )e +ayA .editation is about kno)in* so+ethin* about this and ho) to )o(k )ith itA ,he s1i(it o- +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e )as ni&ely &a1tu(ed in a 1oste( o- a se8enty-ish yo*i? S)a+i Sat&hitananda? in -ull )hite bea(d and -lo)in* (obes ato1 a su(-boa(d (idin* the )a8es o-- a 7a)aiian bea&hA ,he &a1tion (ead: G4ou &an6t sto1 the )a8es? but you &an lea(n to su(-AG

Can +ny,ody Meditate?

I *et asked this Fuestion a lotA I sus1e&t 1eo1le ask be&ause they think that 1(obably e8e(ybody else &an +editate but they &an6tA ,hey )ant to be (eassu(ed that they a(e not alone? that the(e a(e at least so+e othe( 1eo1le they &an identi-y )ith? those ha1less souls )ho )e(e bo(n in&a1able o- +editatin*A But it isn6t so si+1leA ,hinkin* you a(e unable to +editate is a little like thinkin* you a(e unable to b(eathe? o( to &on&ent(ate

o( (ela<A P(etty +u&h e8e(ybody &an b(eathe easilyA 'nd unde( the (i*ht &i(&u+stan&es? 1(etty +u&h anybody &an &on&ent(ate? anybody &an (ela<A Peo1le o-ten &on-use +editation )ith (ela<ation o( so+e othe( s1e&ial state that you ha8e to *et to o( -eelA /hen on&e o( t)i&e you t(y and you don6t *et any)he(e o( you didn6t -eel anythin* s1e&ial? then you think you a(e one o- those 1eo1le )ho &an6t do itA But? +editation is not about -eelin* a &e(tain )ayA It6s about -eelin* the )ay you -eelA It6s not about +akin* the +ind e+1ty o( still? althou*h stillness does dee1en in +editation and &an be &ulti8ated syste+ati&allyA 'bo8e all? +editation is about lettin* the +ind be as it is and kno)in* so+ethin* about ho) it is in this +o+entA It6s not about *ettin* so+e)he(e else? but about allo)in* you(sel- to be )he(e you al(eady a(eA I- you don6t unde(stand this? you )ill think you a(e &onstitutionally unable to +editateA But that6s @ust +o(e thinkin*? and in this &ase? in&o((e&t thinkin* at thatA ,(ue? +editation does (eFui(e ene(*y and a &o++it+ent to sti&k )ith itA But then? )ouldn6t it be +o(e a&&u(ate to say? GI )on6t sti&k )ith it?G (athe( than? GI &an6t do itG0 'nybody &an sit do)n and )at&h thei( b(eath o( )at&h thei( +indA 'nd you don6t ha8e to be sittin*A 4ou &ould do it )alkin*? standin*? lyin*

do)n? standin* on one le*? (unnin*? o( takin* a bathA But to stay at it -o( e8en -i8e +inutes (eFui(es intentionalityA ,o +ake it 1a(t o- you( li-e (eFui(es so+e dis&i1lineA So )hen 1eo1le say they &an6t +editate? )hat they (eally +ean is that they )on6t +ake ti+e -o( it? o( that )hen they t(y? they don6t like )hat ha11ensA It isn6t )hat they a(e lookin* -o( o( ho1in* -o(A It doesn6t -ul-ill thei( e<1e&tationsA So +aybe they should t(y a*ain? this ti+e lettin* *o othei( e<1e&tations and @ust )at&hin*A

In Praise of Non-!oing
I- you sit do)n to +editate? e8en -o( a +o+ent? it )ill be a ti+e -o( non-doin*A It is 8e(y i+1o(tant not to think that this non-doin* is synony+ous )ith doin* nothin*A ,hey &ouldn6t be +o(e di--e(entA 3ons&iousness and intention +atte( he(eA In -a&t? they a(e keyA :n the su(-a&e? it see+s as i- the(e +i*ht be t)o kinds o- non-doin*? one in8ol8in* not doin* any out)a(d )o(k? the othe( in8ol8in* )hat )e +i*ht &all e--o(tless a&ti8ityA ;lti+ately )e &o+e to see that they a(e the sa+eA It is the in)a(d e<1e(ien&e that &ounts

he(eA /hat )e -(eFuently &all -o(+al +editation in8ol8es 1u(1ose-ully +akin* a ti+e -o( sto11in* all out)a(d a&ti8ity and &ulti8atin* stillness? )ith no a*enda othe( than bein* -ully 1(esent in ea&h +o+entA Not doin* anythin*A Pe(ha1s su&h +o+ents o- non-doin* a(e the *(eatest *i-t one &an *i8e onesel-A ,ho(eau )ould o-ten sit in his doo()ay -o( hou(s and @ust )at&h? @ust listen? as the sun +o8ed a&(oss the sky and the li*ht and shado)s &han*ed i+1e(&e1tibly: $here were times when " could not afford to sacrifice the bloom of the present moment to any wor!, whether of the head or hand. " love a broad margin to my life. Sometimes, in a summer morning, having ta!en my accustomed bath, " sat in my sunny doorway from sunrise till noon, rapt in a revery, amidst the pines and hic!ories and sumachs, in undisturbed solitude and stillness, while the birds sang around or flitted noiseless though the house, until by the sun falling in at my west window, or the noise of some traveller&s wagon on the distant highway. " was reminded of the lapse of time.

" grew in those seasons li!e corn in the night, and they were far better than any wor! of the hands would have been. $hey were not time subtracted from my life, but so much over and above my usual allowance. " reali1ed what the rientals mean by contemplation and the forsa!ing of wor!s. For the most part, " minded not how the hours went. $he day advanced as if to light some wor! of mine, it was morning, and lo, now it is evening, and nothing memorable is accomplished. "nstead of singing, li!e the birds, " silently smiled at my incessant good fortune. #s the sparrow had its trill, sitting on the hic!ory before my door, so " had my chuc!le or suppressed warble which he might hear out of my nest. D,ho(eau? WaldenE T!": 5e&o*niBin* the bloo+ o- the 1(esent +o+ent in you( daily +editation 1(a&ti&e i- you ha8e oneA Iyou a(e u1 ea(ly in the +o(nin*? t(y *oin* outside and lookin* Da sustained? +ind-ul? attenti8e lookin*E at the sta(s? at the +oon? at the da)nin* li*ht )hen it &o+esA >eel the ai(? the &old? the )a(+th Da sustained? +ind-ul? attenti8e -eelin*EA 5ealiBe that the )o(ld a(ound you is slee1in*A 5e+e+be( )hen you

see the sta(s that you a(e lookin* ba&k in ti+e +illions o- yea(sA ,he 1ast is 1(esent no) and he(eA ,hen *o and sit o( +editate lyin* do)nA Let this o( any ti+e you 1(a&ti&e be you( ti+e -o( lettin* *o o- all doin*? -o( shi(tin* into the bein* +ode? in )hi&h you si+1ly d)ell in stillness and +ind-ulness? attendin* to the +o+ent-to-+o+ent un-oldin* o- the 1(esent? addin* nothin*? subt(a&tin* nothin*? a--i(+in* that G,his is itAG

The Non-!oing Parado.

,he -la8o( and the shee( @oy o- non-doin* a(e di--i&ult -o( '+e(i&ans to *(as1 be&ause ou( &ultu(e 1la&es so +u&h 8alue on doin* and on 1(o*(essA 28en ou( leisu(e tends to be busy and +indlessA ,he @oy onon-doin* is that nothin* else needs to ha11en -o( this +o+ent to be &o+1leteA ,he )isdo+ in it? and the eFuani+ity that &o+es out o- it? lie in kno)in* that so+ethin* else su(ely )illA /hen ,ho(eau says? Git )as +o(nin*? and lo? no) it is e8enin*? and nothin* +e+o(able is a&&o+1lished?G this is )a8in* a (ed -la* in -(ont o- a bull -o( *o-

*ettin*? 1(o*(ess-o(iented 1eo1leA But )ho is to say that his (ealiBations o- one +o(nin* s1ent in his doo()ay a(e less +e+o(able o( ha8e less +e(it than a li-eti+e o- busyness? li8ed )ith s&ant a11(e&iation -o( stillness and the bloo+ o- the 1(esent +o+ent0 ,ho(eau )as sin*in* a son* )hi&h needed hea(in* then as it does no)A 7e is? to this day? &ontinually 1ointin* out? -o( anyone )illin* to listen? the dee1 i+1o(tan&e o- &onte+1lation and o- non-atta&h+ent to any (esult othe( than the shee( en@oy+ent o- bein*? all G-a( bette( than any )o(k o- the hands )ould ha8e beenAG ,his 8ie) (e&alls the old Zen +aste( )ho said? G7o hoA >o( -o(ty yea(s I ha8e been sellin* )ate( by the (i8e( and +y e--o(ts a(e totally )ithout +e(itAG It (eeks o- 1a(ado<A ,he only )ay you &an do anythin* o- 8alue is to ha8e the e--o(t &o+e out onon-doin* and to let *o o- &a(in* )hethe( it )ill be ouse o( notA :the()ise? sel--in8ol8e+ent and *(eediness &an sneak in and disto(t you( (elationshi1 to the )o(k? o( the )o(k itsel-? so that it is o-- in so+e )ay? biased? i+1u(e? and ulti+ately not &o+1letely satis-yin*? e8en i- it is *oodA 9ood s&ientists kno) this +ind state and *ua(d a*ainst it be&ause it inhibits the &(eati8e 1(o&ess and disto(ts one6s ability to see &onne&tions &lea(lyA

Non-!oing in + tion
Non-doin* &an a(ise )ithin a&tion as )ell as in stillnessA ,he in)a(d stillness o- the doe( +e(*es )ith the out)a(d a&ti8ity to su&h an e<tent that the a&tion does itsel-A 2--o(tless a&ti8ityA Nothin* is -o(&edA ,he(e is no e<e(tion o- the )ill? no s+all-+inded GI?G G+e?G o( G+ineG to lay &lai+ to a (esult? yet nothin* is le-t undoneA Non-doin* is a &o(ne(stone o- +aste(y in any (eal+ o- a&ti8ityA 7e(e6s a &lassi& state+ent o- it -(o+ thi(d-&entu(y 3hina: 2rince Wen +ui&s coo! Was cutting up an o3. ut went a hand, 4own went a shoulder, +e planted a foot, +e pressed with a !nee, $he o3 fell apart With a whisper, $he bright cleaver murmured Li!e a gentle wind. /hythm. $iming. Li!e a sacred dance, Li!e 5$he Mulberry )rove,5

Li!e ancient harmonies. 5)ood wor!.5 the 2rince e3claimed, 5%our method is faultless.5 5Method*5 said the coo! Laying aside his cleaver, 5What " follow is $ao -eyond all methods. 5When " first began $o cut up o3en " would see before me $he whole o3 #ll in one mass. #fter three years " no longer saw this mass. " saw the distinctions. 5-ut now " see nothing With the eye. My whole being #pprehends. My senses are idle. $he spirit Free to wor! without plan Follows its own instinct )uided by natural line, -y the secret opening, the hidden space,

My cleaver finds its own way. " cut through no 6oint, chop no bone. 5$here are spaces in the 6oints, $he blade is thin and !een( When this thinness Finds that space $here is all the room you need. "t goes li!e a bree1e. +ence " have this cleaver nineteen years #s if newly sharpened. G,(ue? the(e a(e so+eti+es $ough 6oints. " feel them coming, " slow down, " watch closely, +old bac!, barely move the blade, #nd whump. the part falls away Landing li!e a clod of earth. 5$hen " withdraw the blade, " stand still #nd let the 6oy of the wor! Sin! in. " clean the blade #nd put it away.5

2rince Wen +ui said, 5$his is it. My coo! has shown me +ow " ought to live My own life.5 D3huan* ,BuE

!oing Non-!oing
Non-doin* has nothin* to do )ith bein* indolent o( 1assi8eA Juite the &ont(a(yA It takes *(eat &ou(a*e and ene(*y to &ulti8ate non-doin*? both in stillness and in a&ti8ityA No( is it easy to +ake a s1e&ial ti+e -o( non-doin* and to kee1 at it in the -a&e oe8e(ythin* in ou( li8es )hi&h needs to be doneA But non-doin* doesn6t ha8e to be th(eatenin* to 1eo1le )ho -eel they al)ays ha8e to *et thin*s doneA ,hey +i*ht -ind they *et e8en +o(e Gdone?G and done bette(? by 1(a&ti&in* non-doin*A Non-doin* si+1ly +eans lettin* thin*s be and allo)in* the+ to un-old in thei( o)n )ayA 2no(+ous e--o(t &an be in8ol8ed? but it is a *(a&e-ul? kno)led*eable? e--o(tless e--o(t? a Gdoe(less doin*?G &ulti8ated o8e( a li-eti+eA 2--o(tless a&ti8ity ha11ens at +o+ents in dan&e and in s1o(ts at the hi*hest le8els o- 1e(-o(+an&eH )hen it does? it takes e8e(ybody6s b(eath a)ayA But it also ha11ens in e8e(y a(ea o- hu+an a&ti8ity? -(o+ 1aintin* to &a( (e1ai( to 1a(entin*A 4ea(s o- 1(a&ti&e and e<1e(ien&e &o+bine on so+e o&&asions? *i8in* (ise to a ne) &a1a&ity to let e<e&ution un-old beyond te&hniFue? beyond e<e(tion? beyond thinkin*A '&tion then be&o+es a 1u(e e<1(ession o- a(t? o- bein*? o-

lettin* *o o- all doin* - a +e(*in* o- +ind and body in +otionA /e th(ill in )at&hin* a su1e(b 1e(-o(+an&e? )hethe( athleti& o( a(tisti&? be&ause it allo)s us to 1a(ti&i1ate in the +a*i& o- t(ue +aste(y? to be u1li-ted? i- only b(ie-ly? and 1e(ha1s to sha(e in the intention that ea&h o- us? in ou( o)n )ay? +i*ht tou&h su&h +o+ents o- *(a&e and ha(+ony in the li8in* o- ou( o)n li8esA ,ho(eau said? G,o a--e&t the Fuality o- the day? that is the hi*hest o- a(tsAG .a(tha 9(aha+? s1eakin* o- the a(t o- dan&e? 1ut it this )ay: G'll that is i+1o(tant is this one +o+ent in +o8e+entA .ake the +o+ent 8ital and )o(th li8in*A %o not let it sli1 a)ay unnoti&ed and unusedAG No +editation +aste(s &ould ha8e s1oken t(ue(A /e &an a11(enti&e ou(sel8es to this )o(k? kno)in* -ull )ell that non-doin* is t(uly the )o(k o- a li-eti+eH and &ons&ious all the )hile that the doin* +ode is usually so st(on* in us that the &ulti8atin* o- non-doin* i(oni&ally takes &onside(able e--o(tA .editation is synony+ous )ith the 1(a&ti&e o- nondoin*A /e a(en6t 1(a&ti&in* to +ake thin*s 1e(-e&t o( to do thin*s 1e(-e&tlyA 5athe(? )e 1(a&ti&e to *(as1 and (ealiBe D+ake (eal -o( ou(sel8esE the -a&t that thin*s al(eady a(e 1e(-e&t? 1e(-e&tly )hat they a(eA ,his has e8e(ythin* to do )ith holdin* the 1(esent

+o+ent in its -ullness )ithout i+1osin* anythin* e<t(a on it? 1e(&ei8in* its 1u(ity and the -(eshness oits 1otential to *i8e (ise to the ne<t +o+entA ,hen? kno)in* )hat is )hat? seein* as &lea(ly as 1ossible? and &ons&ious o- not kno)in* +o(e than )e a&tually do? )e a&t? +ake a +o8e? take a stand? take a &han&eA So+e 1eo1le s1eak o- this as -lo)? one +o+ent -lo)in* sea+-lessly? e--o(tlessly into the ne<t? &(adled in the st(ea+bed o- +ind-ulnessA T!": %u(in* the day? see i- you &an dete&t the bloo+ o- the 1(esent +o+ent in e8e(y +o+ent? the o(dina(y ones? the Gin-bet)eenG ones? e8en the ha(d onesA /o(k at allo)in* +o(e thin*s to un-old in you( li-e )ithout -o(&in* the+ to ha11en and )ithout (e@e&tin* the ones that don6t -it you( idea o- )hat GshouldG be ha11enin*A See i- you &an sense the Gs1a&esG th(ou*h )hi&h you +i*ht +o8e )ith no e--o(t in the s1i(it o- 3huan* ,Bu6s &ookA Noti&e ho) i- you &an +ake so+e ti+e ea(ly in the day -o( bein*? )ith no a*enda? it &an &han*e the Fuality o- the (est o- you( dayA By a--i(+in* -i(st )hat is 1(i+a(y in you( o)n bein*? see i- you don6t *et a +ind-ul @u+1 on the )hole day and )ind u1 +o(e &a1able o- sensin*?

a11(e&iatin*? and (es1ondin* to the bloo+ o- ea&h +o+entA

Patien e
3e(tain attitudes o( +ental Fualities su11o(t +editation 1(a&ti&e and 1(o8ide a (i&h soil in )hi&h the seeds o- +ind-ulness &an -lou(ishA By 1u(1ose-ully &ulti8atin* these Fualities? )e a(e a&tually tillin* the soil o- ou( o)n +ind and ensu(in* that it &an se(8e as a sou(&e o- &la(ity? &o+1assion? and (i*ht a&tion in ou( li8esA ,hese inne( Fualities )hi&h su11o(t +editation 1(a&ti&e &annot be i+1osed? le*islated? o( de&(eedA ,hey &an only be &ulti8ated? and this only )hen you ha8e (ea&hed the 1oint )he(e you( inne( +oti8ation is st(on* enou*h to )ant to &ease &ont(ibutin* to you( o)n su--e(in* and &on-usion and 1e(ha1s to that oothe(sA It a+ounts to beha8in* ethi&ally - a so(ely +ali*ned &on&e1t in +any &i(&lesA :n the (adio? I hea(d so+eone de-ine ethi&s as Gobedien&e to the unen-o(&eableAG Not badA 4ou do it -o( inne( (easons? not be&ause so+eone is kee1in*

s&o(e? o( be&ause you +i*ht be 1unished i- you b(eak the (ules and *et &au*htA 4ou a(e +a(&hin* to the beat o- you( o)n d(u++e(A It is an inne( hea(in* you a(e attendin* to? @ust as it is an inne( soil that is bein* tilled -o( the &ulti8ation o- +ind-ulnessA But you &annot ha8e ha(+ony )ithout a &o++it+ent to ethi&al beha8io(A It6s the -en&e that kee1s out the *oats that )ill eat all the youn* shoots in you( *a(denA I see 1atien&e as one o- these -unda+ental ethi&al attitudesA I- you &ulti8ate 1atien&e? you al+ost &an6t hel1 &ulti8atin* +ind-ulness? and you( +editation 1(a&ti&e )ill *(adually be&o+e (i&he( and +o(e +atu(eA '-te( all? i- you (eally a(en6t t(yin* to *et any)he(e else in this +o+ent? 1atien&e takes &a(e oitsel-A It is a (e+e+be(in* that thin*s un-old in thei( o)n ti+eA ,he seasons &annot be hu((iedA S1(in* &onies? the *(ass *(o)s by itsel-A Bein* in a hu((y usually doesn6t hel1? and it &an &(eate a *(eat deal osu--e(in* - so+eti+es in us? so+eti+es in those )ho ha8e to be a(ound usA Patien&e is an e8e( 1(esent alte(nati8e to the +ind6s ende+i& (estlessness and i+1atien&eA S&(at&h the su(-a&e o- i+1atien&e and )hat you )ill -ind lyin* beneath it? subtly o( not so subtly? is an*e(A It6s the st(on* ene(*y o- not )antin* thin*s to be the )ay

they a(e and bla+in* so+eone Do-ten you(sel-E o( so+ethin* -o( itA ,his doesn6t +ean you &an6t hu((y )hen you ha8e toA It is 1ossible e8en to hu((y 1atiently? +ind-ully? +o8in* -ast be&ause you ha8e &hosen toA >(o+ the 1e(s1e&ti8e o- 1atien&e? thin*s ha11en be&ause othe( thin*s ha11enA Nothin* is se1a(ate and isolatedA ,he(e is no absolute? end-o--the-line? the-bu&k-sto1s-he(e (oot &auseA I- so+eone hits you )ith a sti&k? you don6t *et an*(y at the sti&k o( at the a(+ that s)un* itH you *et an*(y at the 1e(son atta&hed to the a(+A But i- you look a little dee1e(? you &an6t -ind a satis-a&to(y (oot &ause o( 1la&e -o( you( an*e( e8en in the 1e(son? )ho lite(ally doesn6t kno) )hat he is doin* and is the(e-o(e out o- his +ind at that +o+entA /he(e should the bla+e lie? o( the 1unish+ent0 .aybe )e should be an*(y at the 1e(son6s 1a(ents -o( the abuse they +ay ha8e sho)e(ed on a de-enseless &hildA :( +aybe at the )o(ld -o( its la&k o- &o+1assionA But )hat is the )o(ld0 '(e you not a 1a(t o- that )o(ld0 %o not you you(sel- ha8e an*(y i+1ulses and unde( so+e &onditions -ind you(sel- in tou&h )ith 8iolent? e8en +u(de(ous i+1ulses0 ,he %alai La+a sho)s no an*e( to)a(d the 3hinese? e8en thou*h the 1oli&y o- the 3hinese *o8e(n+ent -o(

yea(s has been to 1(a&ti&e *eno&ide to)a(d ,ibetans? &ultu(i&ide to)a(d thei( institutions? belie-s? and e8e(ythin* they hold dea(? and *eo&ide to)a(d the 8e(y land they li8e onA /hen asked about his a11a(ent la&k o- an*e( to)a(d the 3hinese by an in&(edulous (e1o(te( at the ti+e he )on the Nobel Pea&e P(iBe? the %alai La+a (e1lied so+ethin* to the e--e&t that: G,hey ha8e taken e8e(y-thin* -(o+ usH should I let the+ take +y +ind as )ell0G ,his attitude is itsel- a (e+a(kable dis1lay o- 1ea&e AAAthe inne( 1ea&e o- kno)in* )hat is +ost -unda+ental? and the oute( 1ea&e o- e+bodyin* that )isdo+ in &a((ia*e and a&tionA Pea&e? and a )illin*ness to be 1atient in the -a&e o- su&h eno(+ous 1(o8o&ation and su--e(in*? &an only &o+e about th(ou*h the inne( &ulti8ation o- &o+1assion? a &o+1assion that is not li+ited to -(iends? but is -elt eFually -o( those )ho? out o- i*no(an&e and o-ten seen as e8il? +ay &ause you and those you lo8e to su--e(A ,hat de*(ee o- sel-less &o+1assion is based on )hat Buddhists &all G(i*ht +ind-ulnessG and G(i*ht unde(standin*AG It doesn6t @ust s1(in* u1 s1ontaneouslyA It needs to be 1(a&ti&ed? &ulti8atedA It6s not that -eelin*s o- an*e( don6t a(iseA It6s that the an*e( &an be used? )o(ked )ith? ha(nessed so that

its ene(*ies &an nou(ish 1atien&e? &o+1assion? ha(+ony? and )isdo+ in ou(sel8es and 1e(ha1s in othe(s as )ellA In takin* u1 +editation? )e a(e &ulti8atin* the Fuality o- 1atien&e e8e(y ti+e )e sto1 and sit and be&o+e a)a(e o- the -lo) o- ou( o)n b(eathin*A 'nd this in8itation to ou(sel8es to be +o(e o1en? +o(e in tou&h? +o(e 1atient )ith ou( +o+ents natu(ally e<tends itsel- to othe( ti+es in ou( li8es as )ellA /e kno) that thin*s un-old a&&o(din* to thei( o)n natu(eA /e &an (e+e+be( to let ou( li8es un-old in the sa+e )ayA /e don6t ha8e to let ou( an<ieties and ou( desi(e -o( &e(tain (esults do+inate the Fuality o- the +o+ent? e8en )hen thin*s a(e 1ain-ulA /hen )e ha8e to 1ush? )e 1ushA /hen )e ha8e to 1ull? )e 1ullA But )e kno) )hen not to 1ush too? and )hen not to 1ullA ,h(ou*h it all? )e atte+1t to b(in* balan&e to the 1(esent +o+ent? unde(standin* that in 1atien&e lies )isdo+? kno)in* that )hat )ill &o+e ne<t )ill be dete(+ined in la(*e +easu(e by ho) )e a(e no)A ,his is hel1-ul to kee1 in +ind )hen )e *et i+1atient in ou( +editation 1(a&ti&e? o( )hen )e *et -(ust(ated? i+1atient? and an*(y in ou( li8esA

4o you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear* Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself* DLao-,Bu? ,ao-,e-3hin*E " e3ist as " am, that is enough, "f no other in the world be aware " sit content, #nd if each and all be aware " sit content. ne world is aware, and by far the largest to me, and that is myself, #nd whether " come to my own today or in ten thousand or ten million years, " can cheerfully ta!e it now, or with e7ual cheerfulness, " can wait. D/alt /hit+an? Lea8es :- 9(assE T!": Lookin* into i+1atien&e and an*e( )hen they a(iseA See i- you &an ado1t a di--e(ent 1e(s1e&ti8e? one )hi&h sees thin*s as un-oldin* in thei( o)n ti+eA ,his is es1e&ially use-ul )hen you a(e -eelin* unde( 1(essu(e and blo&ked o( sty+ied in so+ethin* you )ant o( need to doA 7a(d as it +ay see+? t(y not to 1ush the (i8e( in that +o+ent but listen &a(e-ully to it

insteadA /hat does it tell you0 /hat is it tellin* you to do0 I- nothin*? then @ust b(eathe? let thin*s be as they a(e? let *o into 1atien&e? &ontinue listenin*A I- the (i8e( tells you so+ethin*? then do it? but do it +ind-ullyA ,hen 1ause? )ait 1atiently? listen a*ainA 's you attend the *entle -lo) o- you( o)n b(eathin* du(in* ti+es o- -o(+al +editation 1(a&ti&e? noti&e the o&&asional 1ull o- the +ind to *et on to so+ethin* else? to )ant to -ill u1 you( ti+e o( &han*e )hat is ha11enin*A Instead o- losin* you(sel- at these ti+es? t(y to sit 1atiently )ith the b(eath and )ith a keen a)a(eness o- )hat is un-oldin* in ea&h +o+ent? allo)in* it to un-old as it )ill? )ithout i+1osin* anythin* on it AAA @ust )at&hin*? @ust b(eathin* AAA e+bodyin* stillness? be&o+in* 1atien&eA

*etting &o
,he 1h(ase Glettin* *oG has to be hi*h in the (unnin* -o( Ne) '*e &li&he o- the &entu(yA It is o8e(used? abused dailyA 4et it is su&h a 1o)e(-ul in)a(d +aneu8e( that it +e(its lookin* into? &li&he o( noA ,he(e is so+ethin* 8itally i+1o(tant to be lea(ned -(o+ the 1(a&ti&e o- lettin* *oA

Lettin* *o +eans @ust )hat it saysA It6s an in8itation to &ease &lin*in* to anythin* - )hethe( it be an idea? a thin*? an e8ent? a 1a(ti&ula( ti+e? o( 8ie)? o( desi(eA It is a &ons&ious de&ision to (elease )ith -ull a&&e1tan&e into the st(ea+ o- 1(esent +o+ents as they a(e un-oldin*A ,o let *o +eans to *i8e u1 &oe(&in*? (esistin*? o( st(u**lin*? in e<&han*e -o( so+ethin* +o(e 1o)e(-ul and )holeso+e )hi&h &o+es out o- allo)in* thin*s to be as they a(e )ithout *ettin* &au*ht u1 in you( att(a&tion to o( (e@e&tion othe+? in the int(insi& sti&kiness o- )antin*? o- likin* and dislikin*A It6s akin to lettin* you( 1al+ o1en to unhand so+ethin* you ha8e been holdin* on toA But it6s not only the sti&kiness o- ou( desi(es &on&e(nin* oute( e8ents )hi&h &at&hes usA No( is it only a holdin* on )ith ou( handsA /e hold on )ith ou( +indsA /e &at&h ou(sel8es? *et stu&k ou(sel8es? by holdin*? o-ten des1e(ately? to na((o) 8ie)s? to sel-se(8in* ho1es and )ishesA Lettin* *o (eally (e-e(s to &hoosin* to be&o+e t(ans1a(ent to the st(on* 1ull oou( o)n likes and dislikes? and o- the una)a(eness that d(a)s us to &lin* to the+A ,o be t(ans1a(ent (eFui(es that )e allo) -ea(s and inse&u(ities to 1lay the+sel8es out in the -ield o- -ull a)a(enessA Lettin* *o is only 1ossible i- )e &an b(in* a)a(eness and a&&e1tan&e to the nitty-*(itty o- @ust ho) stu&k )e

&an *et? i- )e allo) ou(sel8es to (e&o*niBe the lenses )e sli1 so un&ons&iously bet)een obse(8e( and obse(8ed that then -ilte( and &olo(? bend and sha1e ou( 8ie)A /e &an o1en in those sti&ky +o+ents? es1e&ially i- )e a(e able to &a1tu(e the+ in a)a(eness and (e&o*niBe it )hen )e *et &au*ht u1 in eithe( 1u(suin* and &lin*in* o( &onde+nin* and (e@e&tin* in seekin* ou( o)n *ainA Stillness? insi*ht? and )isdo+ a(ise only )hen )e &an settle into bein* &o+1lete in this +o+ent? )ithout ha8in* to seek o( hold on to o( (e@e&t anythin*A ,his is a testable 1(o1ositionA ,(y it out @ust -o( -unA See -o( you(sel- )hethe( lettin* *o )hen a 1a(t o- you (eally )ants to hold on doesn6t b(in* a dee1e( satis-a&tion than &lin*in*A

It doesn6t take lon* in +editation to dis&o8e( that 1a(t o- ou( +ind is &onstantly e8aluatin* ou( e<1e(ien&es? &o+1a(in* the+ )ith othe( e<1e(ien&es o( holdin* the+ u1 a*ainst e<1e&tations and standa(ds that )e &(eate? o-ten out o- -ea(A >ea( that I6+ not *ood enou*h? that bad thin*s )ill ha11en? that *ood thin*s

)on6t last? that othe( 1eo1le +i*ht hu(t +e? that I )on6t *et +y )ay? that only I kno) anythin*? that I6+ the only one )ho doesn6t kno) anythin*A /e tend to see thin*s th(ou*h tinted *lasses: th(ou*h the lens o)hethe( so+ethin* is *ood -o( +e o( bad -o( +e? o( )hethe( o( not it &on-o(+s to +y belie-s o( 1hiloso1hyA I- it is *ood? I like itA I- it is bad? I don6t like itA I- it is neithe(? I ha8e no -eelin*s about it one )ay o( the othe(? and +ay ha(dly noti&e it at allA /hen you d)ell in stillness? the @ud*in* +ind &an &o+e th(ou*h like a -o*ho(nA I don6t like the 1ain in +y knee AAAA ,his is bo(in*A AAA I like this -eelin* ostillnessH I had a *ood +editation yeste(day? but today I6+ ha8in* a bad +editationA AAA It6s not )o(kin* -o( +eA I6+ no *ood at thisA I6+ no *ood? 1e(iodA ,his ty1e o- thinkin* do+inates the +ind and )ei*hs it do)nA It6s like &a((yin* a(ound a suit&ase -ull o- (o&ks on you( headA It -eels *ood to 1ut it do)nA I+a*ine ho) it +i*ht -eel to sus1end all you( @ud*in* and instead to let ea&h +o+ent be @ust as it is? )ithout atte+1tin* to e8aluate it as G*oodG o( GbadAG ,his )ould be a t(ue stillness? a t(ue libe(ationA .editation +eans &ulti8atin* a non-@ud*in* attitude to)a(d )hat &o+es u1 in the +ind? &o+e )hat +ayA /ithout it? you a(e not 1(a&ti&in* +editationA ,hat doesn6t +ean @ud*in* )on6t be *oin* onA :- &ou(se it

)ill? be&ause it is in the 8e(y natu(e o- the +ind to &o+1a(e and @ud*e and e8aluateA /hen it o&&u(s? )e don6t t(y to sto1 it o( i*no(e it? any +o(e than )e )ould t(y to sto1 any othe( thou*hts that +i*ht &o+e th(ou*h ou( +indA ,he ta&k )e take in +editation is si+1ly to )itness )hate8e( &o+es u1 in the +ind o( the body and to (e&o*niBe it )ithout &onde+nin* it o( 1u(suin* it? kno)in* that ou( @ud*+ents a(e una8oidable and ne&essa(ily li+itin* thou*hts about e<1e(ien&eA /hat )e a(e inte(ested in in +editation is di(e&t &onta&t )ith the e<1e(ien&e itsel- - )hethe( it is o- an inb(eath? an outb(eath? a sensation o( -eelin*? a sound? an i+1ulse? a thou*ht? a 1e(&e1tion? o( a @ud*+entA 'nd )e (e+ain attenti8e to the 1ossibility o- *ettin* &au*ht u1 in @ud*in* the @ud*in* itsel-? o( in labelin* so+e @ud*+ents *ood and othe(s badA /hile ou( thinkin* &olo(s all ou( e<1e(ien&e? +o(e o-ten than not ou( thou*hts tend to be less than &o+1letely a&&u(ateA ;sually they a(e +e(ely unin-o(+ed 1(i8ate o1inions? (ea&tions and 1(e@udi&es based on li+ited kno)led*e and in-luen&ed 1(i+a(ily by ou( 1ast &onditionin*A 'll the sa+e? )hen not (e&o*niBed as su&h and na+ed? ou( thinkin* &an 1(e8ent us -(o+ seein* &lea(ly in the 1(esent +o+entA /e *et &au*ht u1 in thinkin* )e kno) )hat

)e a(e seein* and -eelin*? and in 1(o@e&tin* ou( @ud*+ents out onto e8e(ythin* )e see o-- a hai(line t(i**e(A Just bein* -a+ilia( )ith this dee1ly ent(en&hed 1atte(n and )at&hin* it as it ha11ens &an lead to *(eate( non-@ud*+ental (e&e1ti8ity and a&&e1tan&eA ' non-@ud*in* o(ientation &e(tainly does not +ean that you &ease kno)in* ho) to a&t o( beha8e (es1onsibly in so&iety? o( that anythin* anybody does is okayA It si+1ly +eans that )e &an a&t )ith +u&h *(eate( &la(ity in ou( o)n li8es? and be +o(e balan&ed? +o(e e--e&ti8e? and +o(e ethi&al in ou( a&ti8ities? i- )e kno) that )e a(e i++e(sed in a st(ea+ o- un&ons&ious likin* and dislikin* )hi&h s&(eens us -(o+ the )o(ld and -(o+ the basi& 1u(ity oou( o)n bein*A ,he +ind states o- likin* and dislikin* &an take u1 1e(+anent (esiden&y in us? un&ons&iously -eedin* addi&ti8e beha8io(s in all do+ains o- li-eA /hen )e a(e able to (e&o*niBe and na+e the seeds o- *(eediness o( &(a8in*? ho)e8e( subtle? in the +ind6s &onstant )antin* and 1u(suin* othe thin*s o( (esults that )e like? and the seeds oa8e(sion o( hat(ed in ou( (e@e&tin* o( +aneu8e(in* to a8oid the thin*s )e don6t like? that sto1s us -o( a +o+ent and (e+inds us that su&h -o(&es (eally a(e at )o(k in ou( o)n +inds to one e<tent o( anothe( al+ost all the ti+eA It6s no e<a**e(ation to say that

they ha8e a &h(oni&? 8i(al-like to<i&ity that 1(e8ents us -(o+ seein* thin*s as they a&tually a(e and +obiliBin* ou( t(ue 1otentialA

,(ust is a -eelin* o- &on-iden&e o( &on8i&tion that thin*s &an un-old )ithin a de1endable -(a+e)o(k that e+bodies o(de( and inte*(ityA /e +ay not al)ays unde(stand )hat is ha11enin* to us? o( to anothe(? o( )hat is o&&u((in* in a 1a(ti&ula( situationH but i- )e t(ust ou(sel8es? o( anothe(? o( )e 1la&e ou( t(ust in a 1(o&ess o( an ideal? )e &an -ind a 1o)e(-ul stabiliBin* ele+ent e+b(a&in* se&u(ity? balan&e? and o1enness )ithin the t(ustin* )hi&h? in so+e )ay? i- not based on nai8ete? intuiti8ely *uides us and 1(ote&ts us -(o+ ha(+ o( sel--dest(u&tionA ,he -eelin* state o- t(ust is i+1o(tant to &ulti8ate in +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e? -o( i- )e do not t(ust in ou( ability to obse(8e? to be o1en and attenti8e? to (e-le&t u1on e<1e(ien&e? to *(o) and lea(n -(o+ obse(8in* and attendin*? to kno) so+ethin* dee1ly? )e )ill ha(dly 1e(se8e(e in &ulti8atin* any o- these abilities? and so they )ill only )ithe( o( lie do(+antA

Pa(t o- +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e is to &ulti8ate a t(ustin* hea(tA Let6s be*in by lookin* dee1ly into )hat )e &an t(ust in ou(sel8esA I- )e don6t i++ediately kno) )hat the(e is to t(ust in ou(sel8es? +aybe )e need to look a little dee1e(? to d)ell a little lon*e( )ith ou(sel8es in stillness and in si+1ly bein*A I- )e a(e una)a(e o)hat )e a(e doin* a *ood deal o- the ti+e? and )e don6t 1a(ti&ula(ly like the )ay thin*s tu(n out in ou( li8es? 1e(ha1s it6s ti+e to 1ay &lose( attention? to be +o(e in tou&h? to obse(8e the &hoi&es )e +ake and thei( &onseFuen&es do)n the (oadA Pe(ha1s )e &ould e<1e(i+ent )ith t(ustin* the 1(esent +o+ent? a&&e1tin* )hate8e( )e -eel o( think o( see in this +o+ent be&ause this is )hat is 1(esent no)A I- )e &an take a stand he(e? and let *o into the -ull te<tu(e o- no)? )e +ay -ind that this 8e(y +o+ent is )o(thy o- ou( t(ustA >(o+ su&h e<1e(i+ents? &ondu&ted o8e( and o8e( a*ain? +ay &o+e a ne) sense that so+e)he(e dee1 )ithin us (esides a 1(o-oundly healthy and t(ust)o(thy &o(e? and that ou( intuitions? as dee1 (esonan&es o- the a&tuality o- the 1(esent +o+ent? a(e )o(thy o- ou( t(ustA

-e strong then, and enter into your own body, there you have a solid place for your feet $hin! about it carefully. 4on&t go off somewhere else. 'abir says this( 6ust throw away all thoughts of imaginary things, and stand firm in that which you are. DKabi(E

9ene(osity is anothe( Fuality )hi&h? like 1atien&e? lettin* *o? non-@ud*in*? and t(ust? 1(o8ides a solid -oundation -o( +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&eA 4ou +i*ht e<1e(i+ent )ith usin* the &ulti8ation o- *ene(osity as a 8ehi&le -o( dee1 sel--obse(8ation and inFui(y as )ell as an e<e(&ise in *i8in*A ' *ood 1la&e to sta(t is )ith you(sel-A See i- you &an *i8e you(sel- *i-ts that +ay be t(ue blessin*s? su&h as sel--a&&e1tan&e? o( so+e ti+e ea&h day )ith no 1u(1oseA P(a&ti&e -eelin* dese(8in* enou*h to a&&e1t these *i-ts )ithout obli*ation - to si+1ly (e&ei8e -(o+ you(sel-? and -(o+ the uni8e(seA

See i- you &an be in tou&h )ith a &o(e )ithin you )hi&h is (i&h beyond (e&konin* in all i+1o(tant )aysA Let that &o(e sta(t (adiatin* its ene(*y out)a(dly? th(ou*h you( enti(e body? and beyondA 2<1e(i+ent )ith *i8in* a)ay this ene(*y - in little )ays at -i(st di(e&tin* it to)a(d you(sel- and to)a(d othe(s )ith no thou*ht o- *ain o( (etu(nA 9i8e +o(e than you think you &an? t(ustin* that you a(e (i&he( than you thinkA 3eleb(ate this (i&hnessA 9i8e as i- you had ine<haustible )ealthA ,his is &alled Gkin*ly *i8in*AG I a+ not talkin* solely o- +oney o( +ate(ial 1ossessions? althou*h it &an be )onde(-ully *(o)thenhan&in*? u1li-tin*? and t(uly hel1-ul to sha(e +ate(ial abundan&eA 5athe(? )hat is bein* su**ested he(e is that you 1(a&ti&e sha(in* the -ullness o- you( bein*? you( best sel-? you( enthusias+? you( 8itality? you( s1i(it? you( t(ust? you( o1enness? abo8e all? you( 1(esen&eA Sha(e it )ith you(sel-? )ith you( -a+ily? )ith the )o(ldA T!": Noti&in* the (esistan&e to the i+1ulse to *i8e? the )o((ies about the -utu(e? the -eelin* that you +ay be *i8in* too +u&h? o( the thou*ht that it )on6t be a11(e&iated Genou*h?G o( that you )ill be e<hausted -(o+ the e--o(t? o( that you )on6t *et anythin* out o- it? o( that you don6t ha8e enou*h you(sel-A 3onside( the

1ossibility that none o- these a(e a&tually t(ue? but that they a(e @ust -o(+s o- ine(tia? &onst(i&tion? and -ea(-based sel--1(ote&tionA ,hese thou*hts and -eelin*s a(e the (ou*h ed*es o- sel--&he(ishin*? )hi&h (ub u1 a*ainst the )o(ld and -(eFuently &ause us and othe(s 1ain and a sense o- distan&e? isolation? and di+inish+entA 9i8in* sands do)n su&h (ou*h ed*es and hel1s us be&o+e +o(e +ind-ul o- ou( inne( )ealthA By 1(a&ti&in* +ind-ulness o- *ene(osity? by *i8in*? and by obse(8in* its e--e&ts on ou(sel8es and othe(s? )e a(e t(ans-o(+in* ou(sel8es? 1u(i-yin* ou(sel8es? dis&o8e(in* e<1anded 8e(sions oou(sel8esA 4ou +ay 1(otest that you don6t ha8e enou*h ene(*y o( enthusias+ to *i8e anythin* a)ay? that you a(e al(eady -eelin* o8e()hel+ed? o( i+1o8e(ishedA :( you +ay -eel that all you do is *i8e? *i8e? *i8e? and that it is @ust taken -o( *(anted by othe(s? not a11(e&iated o( e8en seen? o( that you use it as a )ay o- hidin* -(o+ 1ain and -ea(? as a )ay o- +akin* su(e othe(s like you o( -eel de1endent on youA Su&h di--i&ult 1atte(ns and (elationshi1s the+sel8es &all out -o( attention and &a(e-ul s&(utinyA .indless *i8in* is ne8e( healthy o( *ene(ousA It is i+1o(tant to unde(stand you( +oti8es -o( *i8in*? and to kno) )hen so+e kinds o- *i8in* a(e not a dis1lay o*ene(osity but (athe( o- -ea( and la&k o- &on-iden&eA

In the +ind-ul &ulti8ation o- *ene(osity? it is not ne&essa(y to *i8e e8e(ythin* a)ay? o( e8en anythin*A 'bo8e all? *ene(osity is an in)a(d *i8in*? a -eelin* state? a )illin*ness to sha(e you( o)n bein* )ith the )o(ldA .ost i+1o(tant is to t(ust and hono( you( instin&ts but? at the sa+e ti+e? to )alk the ed*e and take so+e (isks as 1a(t o- you( e<1e(i+entA Pe(ha1s you need to *i8e less? o( to t(ust you( intuition about e<1loitation o( unhealthy +oti8es o( i+1ulsesA Pe(ha1s you do need to *i8e? but in a di--e(ent )ay? o( to di--e(ent 1eo1leA Pe(ha1s +ost o- all? you need to *i8e to you(sel- -i(st -o( a )hileA ,hen you +i*ht t(y *i8in* othe(s a tiny bit +o(e than you think you &an? &ons&iously notin* and lettin* *o o- any ideas o*ettin* anythin* in (etu(nA Initiate *i8in*A %on6t )ait -o( so+eone to askA See )hat ha11ens - es1e&ially to youA 4ou +ay -ind that you *ain a *(eate( &la(ity about you(sel- and about you( (elationshi1s? as )ell as +o(e ene(*y (athe( than lessA 4ou +ay -ind that? (athe( than e<haustin* you(sel- o( you( (esou(&es? you )ill (e1lenish the+A Su&h is the 1o)e( o- +ind-ul? sel-less *ene(osityA 't the dee1est le8el? the(e is no *i8e(? no *i-t? and no (e&i1ient AAA only the uni8e(se (ea((an*in* itsel-A

You $a%e to Be Strong Enough to Be Wea(

I- you a(e a st(on*-)illed and a&&o+1lished 1e(son? you +ay o-ten *i8e the i+1(ession that you a(e in8ulne(able to -eelin* inadeFuate o( inse&u(e o( hu(tA ,his &an be 8e(y isolatin* and ulti+ately &ause you and othe(s *(eat 1ainA :the( 1eo1le )ill be all too ha11y to take in that i+1(ession and to &ollude in 1(o1a*atin* it by 1(o@e&tin* a 5o&k o- 9ib(alta( 1e(sona onto you )hi&h doesn6t allo) you to ha8e any (eal -eelin*sA In -a&t? you &an all too easily *et out o- tou&h )ith you( o)n t(ue -eelin*s behind the into<i&atin* shield o- i+a*e and au(aA ,his isolation ha11ens a lot to -athe(s in the nu&lea( -a+ily and to 1eo1le in 1ositions o- (elati8e 1o)e( e8e(y)he(eA ,hinkin* o- you(sel- as *ettin* st(on*e( th(ou*h the +editation 1(a&ti&e &an &(eate a si+ila( dile++aA 4ou &an sta(t belie8in* in and a&tin* out the 1a(t o- the su1(e+ely in8ulne(able? &o((e&t +editato( - one )ho has e8e(ythin* unde( &ont(ol and is )ise enou*h to deal )ith e8e(ythin* )ithout bein* &au*ht u1 in (ea&ti8e e+otionsA In the 1(o&ess? you &an &le8e(ly a((est you( o)n de8elo1+ent )ithout e8en kno)in* itA /e all ha8e an e+otional li-eA /e )all ou(sel8es o--(o+ it at ou( o)n 1e(ilA

So? )hen you noti&e you(sel- buildin* u1 an i+a*e oin8in&ibility? o( st(en*th? o( s1e&ial kno)led*e? o( )isdo+ based on you( +editati8e e<1e(ien&es? thinkin* 1e(ha1s that you6(e *ettin* so+e)he(e in you( 1(a&ti&e? and you sta(t talkin* a lot about +editation in a )ay that is sel--1(o+otional and in-lationa(y? it6s a *ood idea to b(in* +ind-ulness to that +ind-set and to ask you(sel- )hethe( you a(e (unnin* -(o+ you( 8ulne(ability? o( 1e(ha1s -(o+ *(ieyou +ay be &a((yin*? o( -(o+ -ea( o- so+e so(tA I- you a(e t(uly st(on*? the(e is little need to e+1hasiBe it to you(sel- o( to othe(sA Best to take anothe( ta&k enti(ely and di(e&t you( attention )he(e you -ea( +ost to lookA 4ou &an do this by allo)in* you(sel- to -eel? e8en to &(y? to not ha8e to ha8e o1inions about e8e(ythin*? to not a11ea( in8in&ible o( un-eelin* to othe(s? but instead to be in tou&h )ith and a11(o1(iately o1en about you( -eelin*sA /hat looks like )eakness is a&tually )he(e you( st(en*th liesA 'nd )hat looks like st(en*th is o-ten )eakness? an atte+1t to &o8e( u1 -ea(H this is an a&t o( a -a&ade? ho)e8e( &on8in&in* it +i*ht a11ea( to othe(s o( e8en to you(sel-A T!": 5e&o*niBin* the )ays in )hi&h you +eet obsta&les )ith ha(shnessA 2<1e(i+ent )ith bein* so-t

)hen you( i+1ulse is to be ha(d? *ene(ous )hen you( i+1ulse is to be )ithholdin*? o1en )hen you( i+1ulse is to &lose u1 o( shut do)n e+otionallyA /hen the(e is *(ie- o( sadness? t(y lettin* it be he(eA 'llo) you(sel- to -eel )hate8e( you a(e -eelin*A Noti&e any labels you atta&h to &(yin* o( -eelin* 8ulne(ableA Let *o o- the labelsA Just -eel )hat you a(e -eelin*? all the )hile &ulti8atin* +o+ent-to-+o+ent a)a(eness? (idin* the )a8es o- Gu1G and Gdo)n?G G*oodG and Gbad?G G)eakG and Gst(on*?G until you see that they a(e all inadeFuate to -ully des&(ibe you( e<1e(ien&eA Be )ith the e<1e(ien&e itsel-A ,(ust in you( dee1est st(en*th o- all: to be 1(esent? to be )ake-ulA

0oluntary Simpli ity

,he i+1ulse -(eFuently a(ises in +e to sFueeBe anothe( this o( anothe( that into this +o+entA Just this 1hone &all? @ust sto11in* o-- he(e on +y )ay the(eA Ne8e( +ind that it +i*ht be in the o11osite di(e&tionA I68e lea(ned to identi-y this i+1ulse and +ist(ust itA I )o(k ha(d at sayin* no to itA It )ould ha8e +e eat b(eak-ast )ith +y eyes (i8eted to the &e(eal bo<?

(eadin* -o( the hund(edth ti+e the dieta(y &ontents othe &ontents? o( the a+aBin* -(ee o--e( -(o+ the &o+1anyA ,his i+1ulse doesn6t &a(e )hat it -eeds on? as lon* as it6s -eedin*A ,he ne)s1a1e( is an e8en bette( d(a)? o( the LA LA Bean &atalo*ue? o( )hate8e( else is a(oundA It s&a8en*es to -ill ti+e? &ons1i(es )ith +y +ind to kee1 +e un&ons&ious? lulled in a -o* onu+bness to a &e(tain e<tent? @ust enou*h to -ill o( o8e(-ill +y belly )hile I a&tually +iss b(eak-astA It has +e una8ailable to othe(s at those ti+es? +issin* the 1lay o- li*ht on the table? the s+ells in the (oo+? the ene(*ies o- the +o+ent? in&ludin* a(*u+ents and dis1utes? as )e &o+e to*ethe( be-o(e *oin* ou( se1a(ate )ays -o( the dayA I like to 1(a&ti&e 8olunta(y si+1li&ity to &ounte( su&h i+1ulses and +ake su(e nou(ish+ent &o+es at a dee1 le8elA It in8ol8es intentionally doin* only one thin* at a ti+e and +akin* su(e I a+ he(e -o( itA .any o&&asions 1(esent the+sel8es: takin* a )alk? -o( instan&e? o( s1endin* a -e) +o+ents )ith the do* in )hi&h I a+ (eally )ith the do*A =olunta(y si+1li&ity +eans *oin* -e)e( 1la&es in one day (athe( than +o(e? seein* less so I &an see +o(e? doin* less so I &an do +o(e? a&Fui(in* less so I &an ha8e +o(eA It all ties inA It6s not a (eal o1tion -o( +e as a -athe( oyoun* &hild(en? a b(ead)inne(? a husband? an oldest son to +y 1a(ents? a 1e(son )ho &a(es dee1ly about

his )o(k to *o o-- to one /alden Pond o( anothe( and sit unde( a t(ee -o( a -e) yea(s? listenin* to the *(ass *(o) and the seasons &han*e? +u&h as the i+1ulse be&kons at ti+esA But )ithin the o(*aniBed &haos and &o+1le<ity o- -a+ily li-e and )o(k? )ith all thei( de+ands and (es1onsibilities? -(ust(ations and unsu(1assed *i-ts? the(e is a+1le o11o(tunity -o( &hoosin* si+1li&ity in s+all )aysA Slo)in* e8e(ythin* do)n is a bi* 1a(t o- thisA ,ellin* +y +ind and body to stay 1ut )ith +y dau*hte( (athe( than ans)e(in* the 1hone? not (ea&tin* to inne( i+1ulses to &all so+eone )ho Gneeds &allin*G (i*ht in that +o+ent? &hoosin* not to a&Fui(e ne) thin*s on i+1ulse? o( e8en to auto+ati&ally ans)e( the si(en &all o- +a*aBines o( tele8ision o( +o8ies on the -i(st (in* a(e all )ays to si+1li-y one6s li-e a littleA :the(s a(e +aybe @ust to sit -o( an e8enin* and do nothin*? o( to (ead a book? o( *o -o( a )alk alone o( )ith a &hild o( )ith +y )i-e? to (esta&k the )ood1ile o( look at the +oon? o( -eel the ai( on +y -a&e unde( the t(ees? o( *o to slee1 ea(lyA I 1(a&ti&e sayin* no to kee1 +y li-e si+1le? and I -ind I ne8e( do it enou*hA It6s an a(duous dis&i1line all its o)n? and )ell )o(th the e--o(tA 4et it is also t(i&kyA ,he(e a(e needs and o11o(tunities to )hi&h one +ust (es1ondA ' &o++it+ent to si+1li&ity in the +idst o-

the )o(ld is a deli&ate balan&in* a&tA It is al)ays in need o- (eti+in*? -u(the( inFui(y? attentionA But I -ind the notion o- 8olunta(y si+1li&ity kee1s +e +ind-ul o)hat is i+1o(tant? o- an e&olo*y o- +ind and body and )o(ld in )hi&h e8e(ythin* is inte(&onne&ted and e8e(y &hoi&e has -a(-(ea&hin* &onseFuen&esA 4ou don6t *et to &ont(ol it allA But &hoosin* si+1li&ity )hene8e( 1ossible adds to li-e an ele+ent o- dee1est -(eedo+ )hi&h so easily eludes us? and +any o11o(tunities to dis&o8e( that less +ay a&tually be +o(eA Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. " say let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand, instead of a million count half a do1en. ... "n the midst of this chopping sea of civili1ed life, such are the clouds and storms and 7uic!sands and the thousand0and0one items to be allowed for, that a man has to live, if he would not founder and go to the bottom and not ma!e his port at all, by dead rec!oning, and he must be a great calculator indeed who succeeds. Simplify, Simplify. ,ho(eau? Walden

Con entration
3on&ent(ation is a &o(ne(stone o- +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&eA 4ou( +ind-ulness )ill only be as (obust as the &a1a&ity o- you( +ind to be &al+ and stableA /ithout &al+ness? the +i((o( o- +ind-ulness )ill ha8e an a*itated and &ho11y su(-a&e? and )ill not be able to (e-le&t thin*s )ith any a&&u(a&yA 3on&ent(ation &an be 1(a&ti&ed eithe( hand in hand )ith +ind-ulness o( se1a(atelyA 4ou &an think o&on&ent(ation as the &a1a&ity o- the +ind to sustain an un)a8e(in* attention on one ob@e&t o- obse(8ationA It is &ulti8ated by attendin* to one thin*? su&h as the b(eath? and @ust li+itin* one6s -o&us to thatA In Sansk(it? &on&ent(ation is &alled sa+adhi? o( Gone1ointednessAG Sa+adhi is de8elo1ed and dee1ened by &ontinually b(in*in* the attention ba&k to the b(eath e8e(y ti+e it )ande(sA /hen 1(a&ti&in* st(i&tly &on&ent(ati8e -o(+s o- +editation? )e 1u(1ose-ully (e-(ain -(o+ any e--o(ts to inFui(e into a(eas su&h as )he(e the +ind )ent )hen it )ande(ed o--? o( that the Fuality o- the b(eath -lu&tuatesA :u( ene(*y is di(e&ted solely to)a(d e<1e(ien&in* this b(eath &o+in* in? this b(eath *oin* out? o( so+e othe( sin*le ob@e&t o- attentionA /ith e<tended 1(a&ti&e? the +ind tends to be&o+e bette(

and bette( at stayin* on the b(eath? o( noti&in* e8en the ea(liest i+1ulse to be&o+e dist(a&ted by so+ethin* else? and eithe( (esistin* its 1ull in the -i(st 1la&e and stayin* on the b(eath? o( Fui&kly (etu(nin* to itA ' &al+ness de8elo1s )ith intensi8e &on&ent(ation 1(a&ti&e that has a (e+a(kably stable Fuality to itA It is stead-ast? 1(o-ound? ha(d to distu(b? no +atte( )hat &o+es u1A It is a *(eat *i-t to onesel- to be able 1e(iodi&ally to &ulti8ate sa+adhi o8e( an e<tended 1e(iod o- ti+eA ,his is +ost (eadily a&&o+1lished on lon*? silent +editation (et(eats? )hen one &an )ithd(a) -(o+ the )o(ld a la ,ho(eau -o( this 8e(y 1u(1oseA ,he stability and &al+ness )hi&h &o+e )ith one1ointed &on&ent(ation 1(a&ti&e -o(+ the -oundation -o( the &ulti8ation o- +ind-ulnessA /ithout so+e de*(ee o- sa+adhi? you( +ind-ulness )ill not be 8e(y st(on*A 4ou &an only look dee1ly into so+ethin* i- you &an sustain you( lookin* )ithout bein* &onstantly th(o)n o-- by dist(a&tions o( by the a*itation o- you( o)n +indA ,he dee1e( you( &on&ent(ation? the dee1e( the 1otential -o( +ind-ulnessA ,he e<1e(ien&e o- dee1 sa+adhi is 8e(y 1leasantA In attendin* to the b(eath )ith one1ointed

&on&ent(ation? e8e(ythin* else -alls a)ay - in&ludin* thou*hts? -eelin*s? the outside )o(ldA Sa+adhi is &ha(a&te(iBed by abso(1tion in stillness and undistu(bed 1ea&e-ulnessA ' taste o- this stillness &an be att(a&ti8e? e8en into<i&atin*A :ne natu(ally -inds onesel- seekin* this 1ea&e-ulness and the si+1li&ity o- a state &ha(a&te(iBed by abso(1tion and blissA But &on&ent(ation 1(a&ti&e? ho)e8e( st(on* and satis-yin*? is in&o+1lete )ithout +ind-ulness to &o+1le+ent and dee1en itA By itsel-? it (ese+bles a state o- )ithd(a)al -(o+ the )o(ldA Its &ha(a&te(isti& ene(*y is &losed (athe( than o1en? abso(bed (athe( than a8ailable? t(an&elike (athe( than -ully a)akeA /hat is +issin* is the ene(*y o- &u(iosity? inFui(y? in8esti*ation? o1enness? a8ailability? en*a*e+ent )ith the -ull (an*e o- 1heno+ena e<1e(ien&ed by hu+an bein*sA ,his is the do+ain o- +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e? in )hi&h one1ointedness and the ability to b(in* &al+ness and stability o- +ind to the 1(esent +o+ent a(e 1ut in the se(8i&e o- lookin* dee1ly into and unde(standin* the inte(&onne&tedness o- a )ide (an*e o- li-e e<1e(ien&esA 3on&ent(ation &an be o- *(eat 8alue? but it &an also be se(iously li+itin* i- you be&o+e sedu&ed by the 1leasant Fuality o- this inne( e<1e(ien&e and &o+e to see it as a (e-u*e -(o+ li-e in an un1leasant and

unsatis-a&to(y )o(ldA 4ou +i*ht be te+1ted to a8oid the +essiness o- daily li8in* -o( the t(anFuility ostillness and 1ea&e-ulnessA ,his o- &ou(se )ould be an atta&h+ent to stillness? and like any st(on* atta&h+ent? it leads to delusionA It a((ests de8elo1+ent and sho(t-&i(&uits the &ulti8ation o)isdo+A

It is 8i(tually i+1ossible? and senseless any)ay? to &o++it you(sel- to a daily +editation 1(a&ti&e )ithout so+e 8ie) o- )hy you a(e doin* it? )hat its 8alue +i*ht be in you( li-e? a sense o- )hy this +i*ht be you( )ay and not @ust anothe( tiltin* at i+a*ina(y )ind+illsA In t(aditional so&ieties? this 8ision )as su11lied and &ontinually (ein-o(&ed by the &ultu(eA Iyou )e(e a Buddhist? you +i*ht 1(a&ti&e be&ause the )hole &ultu(e 8alued +editation as the 1ath to &la(ity? &o+1assion? and Buddhahood? a 1ath o- )isdo+ leadin* to the e(adi&ation o- su--e(in*A But in the /este(n &ultu(al +ainst(ea+? you )ill -ind 1(e&ious little su11o(t -o( &hoosin* su&h a 1e(sonal 1ath odis&i1line and &onstan&y? es1e&ially su&h an unusual

one in8ol8in* e--o(t but non-doin*? ene(*y but no tan*ible G1(odu&tAG /hat is +o(e? any su1e(-i&ial o( (o+anti& notions )e +i*ht ha(bo( o- be&o+in* a bette( 1e(son - +o(e &al+ o( +o(e &lea( o( +o(e &o+1assionate - don6t endu(e -o( lon* )hen )e -a&e the tu(bulen&e o- ou( li8es? ou( +inds and bodies? o( e8en the 1(os1e&t o- *ettin* u1 ea(ly in the +o(nin* )hen it is &old and da(k to sit by you(sel- and be in the 1(esent +o+entA It6s too easily 1ut o-- o( seen as t(i8ial o( o- se&onda(y i+1o(tan&e? so it &an al)ays )ait )hile you &at&h a little +o(e slee1 o( at least stay )a(+ in bedA I- you ho1e to b(in* +editation into you( li-e in any kind o- lon*-te(+? &o++itted )ay? you )ill need a 8ision that is t(uly you( o)n - one that is dee1 and tena&ious and that lies &lose to the &o(e o- )ho you belie8e you(sel- to be? )hat you 8alue in you( li-e? and )he(e you see you(sel- *oin*A :nly the st(en*th osu&h a dyna+i& 8ision and the +oti8ation -(o+ )hi&h it s1(in*s &an 1ossibly kee1 you on this 1ath yea( in and yea( out? )ith a )illin*ness to 1(a&ti&e e8e(y day and to b(in* +ind-ulness to bea( on )hate8e( is ha11enin*? to o1en to )hate8e( is 1e(&ei8ed? and to let it 1oint to )he(e the holdin* is and )he(e the lettin* *o and the *(o)in* need to ha11enA

.editation 1(a&ti&e is ha(dly (o+anti&A ,he )ays in )hi&h )e need to *(o) a(e usually those )e a(e the +ost su1(e+ely de-ended a*ainst and a(e least )illin* to ad+it e8en e<ist? let alone take an unde-ended? +ind-ul 1eek at and then a&t on to &han*eA It )on6t be sustainin* enou*h to ha8e a Fui<oti& idea o- you(sel- as a +editato(? o( to hold the o1inion that +editation is *ood -o( you be&ause it has been *ood -o( othe(s? o( be&ause 2aste(n )isdo+ sounds dee1 to you? o( be&ause you a(e in the habit o- +editatin*A ,he 8ision )e a(e s1eakin* o- has to be (ene)ed e8e(y day? has to be (i*ht out -(ont all the ti+e? be&ause +ind-ulness itsel- (eFui(es this le8el oa)a(eness o- 1u(1ose? o- intentionA :the()ise? )e +i*ht as )ell stay in bedA ,he 1(a&ti&e itsel- has to be&o+e the daily e+bodi+ent o- you( 8ision and &ontain )hat you 8alue +ost dee1lyA It doesn6t +ean t(yin* to &han*e o( be di--e(ent -(o+ ho) you a(e? &al+ )hen you6(e not -eelin* &al+? o( kind )hen you (eally -eel an*(yA 5athe(? it is bea(in* in +ind )hat is +ost i+1o(tant to you so that it is not lost o( bet(ayed in the heat and (ea&ti8ity o- a 1a(ti&ula( +o+entA I- +ind-ulness is dee1ly i+1o(tant to you? then e8e(y +o+ent is an o11o(tunity to 1(a&ti&eA

>o( e<a+1le? su11ose an*(y -eelin*s &o+e u1 at so+e 1oint in you( dayA I- you -ind you(sel- -eelin* an*(y and e<1(essin* it? you )ill also -ind you(sel+onito(in* that e<1(ession and its e--e&ts +o+ent by +o+entA 4ou +ay be in tou&h )ith its 8alidity as a -eelin* state? )ith the ante&edent &auses o- you( st(on* -eelin*? and the )ay it is &o+in* out in you( body *estu(es and stan&es? in you( tone o- 8oi&e? in you( &hoi&e o- )o(ds and a(*u+ents? as )ell as the i+1(ession it is +akin* on othe(sA ,he(e is +u&h to be said -o( the &ons&ious e<1(ession o- an*e(? and it is )ell kno)n +edi&ally and 1sy&holo*i&ally that su11(essin* an*e( in the sense o- inte(naliBin* it is unhealthy? 1a(ti&ula(ly i- it be&o+es habitualA But it is also unhealthy to 8ent an*e( un&ont(ollably as a +atte( o- habit and (ea&tion? ho)e8e( G@usti-iableAG 4ou &an -eel it &loud the +indA It b(eeds -eelin*s oa**(ession and 8iolen&e - e8en i- the an*e( is in the se(8i&e o- (i*htin* a )(on* o( *ettin* so+ethin* i+1o(tant to ha11en - and thus int(insi&ally )a(1s )hat is? )hethe( you a(e in the (i*ht o( notA 4ou &an -eel this e8en )hen you &an6t sto1 you(selso+eti+esA .ind-ulness &an 1ut you in tou&h )ith the to<i&ity o- the an*e( to you(sel- and to othe(sA I al)ays &o+e a)ay -(o+ it -eelin* that the(e is so+ethin* inadeFuate about an*e(? e8en )hen I a+ ob@e&ti8ely on hi*h *(oundA Its innate to<i&ity taints all

it tou&hesA I- its ene(*y &an be t(ans+uted to -o(&e-ulness and )isdo+? )ithout the s+oke and -i(e o- sel--abso(1tion o( sel--(i*hteousness? then its 1o)e( +ulti1lies? and so does its &a1a&ity to t(ans-o(+ both the ob@e&t o- the an*e( and the sou(&eA So? i- you 1(a&ti&e 1u(1ose-ully e<1andin* the &onte<t o- the an*e( Dyou(s o( so+eone else6sE (i*ht in those 8e(y +o+ents that it is a(isin* and 1eakin*? kno)in* that the(e +ust be so+ethin* la(*e( and +o(e -unda+ental that you a(e -o(*ettin* in the heat o- the e+otion? then you &an tou&h an a)a(eness inside you(sel- )hi&h is not atta&hed to o( in8ested in the an*e(--i(eA ')a(eness sees the an*e(H it kno)s the de1th o- the an*e(H and it is la(*e( than the an*e(A It &an the(e-o(e hold the an*e( the )ay a 1ot &ontains -oodA ,he 1ot o- a)a(eness hel1s us &(adle the an*e( and see that it +ay be 1(odu&in* +o(e ha(+-ul e--e&ts than bene-i&ial ones? e8en i- that is not ou( ai+A In this )ay? it hel1s us &ook the an*e(? di*est the an*e(? so that )e &an use it e--e&ti8ely? and? in &han*in* -(o+ an auto+ati& (ea&tin* to a &ons&ious (es1ondin*? 1e(ha1s +o8e beyond it alto*ethe(A ,his and othe( o1tions ste+ -(o+ a &a(e-ul listenin* to the di&tates o- the )hole situationA

:u( 8ision has to do )ith ou( 8alues? and )ith ou( 1e(sonal blue1(int -o( )hat is +ost i+1o(tant in li-eA It has to do )ith -i(st 1(in&i1lesA I- you belie8e in lo8e? do you +ani-est it o( @ust talk a lot0 I- you belie8e in &o+1assion? in non-ha(+in*? in kindness? in )isdo+? in *ene(osity? in &al+ness? in solitude? in non-doin*? in bein* e8en-handed and &lea(? do you +ani-est these Fualities in you( daily li-e0 ,his is the le8el ointentionality )hi&h is (eFui(ed to kee1 you( +editation 1(a&ti&e 8ital? so that it doesn6t su&&u+b to be&o+in* 1u(ely a +e&hani&al e<e(&ise? d(i8en only by the -o(&es o- habit o( belie-A /enew thyself completely each day, do it again, and again, and forever again. D3hinese Ins&(i1tion &ited by ,ho(eau In /aldenE T!": 'skin* you(sel- )hy you +editate o( )hy you )ant to +editateA %on6t belie8e you( -i(st ans)e(sA Just )(ite do)n a list o- )hate8e( &o+es to +indA 3ontinue askin* you(sel-A 'lso? inFui(e about you( 8alues? about )hat you hono( +ost in li-eA .ake a list o- )hat is (eally i+1o(tant to youA 'sk you(sel-: /hat is +y 8ision? +y +a1 -o( )he(e I a+ and )he(e I a+

*oin*0 %oes this 8ision (e-le&t +y t(ue 8alues and intentions0 '+ I (e+e+be(in* to e+body those 8alues0 %o I 1(a&ti&e +y intentions0 7o) a+ I no) in +y @ob? in +y -a+ily? in +y (elationshi1s? )ith +ysel-0 7o) do I )ant to be0 7o) +i*ht I li8e +y 8ision? +y 8alues0 7o) do I (elate to su--e(in*? both +y o)n and othe(s60

Meditation !e%elops 1ull $uman Beings

I6+ told that in Pali? the o(i*inal lan*ua*e o- the Buddha? the(e is no one )o(d &o((es1ondin* to ou( )o(d G+editation?G e8en thou*h +editation +i*ht be said to ha8e e8ol8ed to an e<t(ao(dina(y de*(ee in an&ient Indian &ultu(eA :ne )o(d that is -(eFuently used is bha8anaA Bha8ana t(anslates as Gde8elo1+ent th(ou*h +ental t(ainin*AG ,o +e? this st(ikes the +a(kH +editation (eally is about hu+an de8elo1+entA It is a natu(al e<tension o- &uttin* teeth? *(o)in* an adult-siBed body? )o(kin* and +akin* thin*s ha11en in the )o(ld? (aisin* a -a+ily? *oin* into debt o- one kind o( anothe( De8en i- only to you(selth(ou*h ba(*ains that +ay i+1(ison the soulE? and (ealiBin* that you too )ill *(o) old and dieA 't so+e

ti+e o( anothe(? you a(e 1(a&ti&ally -o(&ed to sit do)n and &onte+1late you( li-e and Fuestion )ho you a(e and )he(e the +eanin* lies in the @ou(ney o- li-e AAA you( li-eA ,he old -ai(y tales? )e a(e told by thei( +ode(n inte(1(ete(s? B(uno Bettelhei+? 5obe(t Bly? Jose1h 3a+1bell? and 3la(issa Pinkola 2stes? a(e an&ient +a1s? o--e(in* thei( o)n *uidan&e -o( the de8elo1+ent o- -ull hu+an bein*sA ,he )isdo+ othese tales &o+es do)n to ou( day -(o+ a ti+e be-o(e )(itin*? ha8in* been told in t)ili*ht and da(kness a(ound -i(es -o( thousands o- yea(sA /hile they a(e ente(tainin* and en*a*in* sto(ies in thei( o)n (i*ht? they a(e so in la(*e 1a(t be&ause they a(e e+ble+ati&al o- the d(a+as )e en&ounte( as )e seek )holeness? ha11iness? and 1ea&eA ,he kin*s and Fueens? 1(in&es and 1(in&esses? d)a(-s and )it&hes? a(e not +e(ely 1e(sona*es Gout the(eAG /e kno) the+ intuiti8ely as as1e&ts o- ou( o)n 1sy&hes? st(ands o- ou( o)n bein*? *(o1in* to)a(d -ul-ill+entA /e house the o*(e and the )it&h? and they ha8e to be -a&ed and hono(ed o( they )ill &onsu+e us Deat us u1EA >ai(y tales a(e an&ient *uidan&e? &ontainin* a )isdo+? distilled th(ou*h +illennia o- tellin*? -o( ou( instin&tual su(8i8al? *(o)th? and inte*(ation in the -a&e o- inne( and oute( de+ons and d(a*ons? da(k )oods and )astelandsA ,hese sto(ies (e+ind us that it is

)o(th seekin* the alta( )he(e ou( o)n -(a*+ented and isolated bein*-st(ands &an -ind ea&h othe( and +a((y? b(in*in* ne) le8els o- ha(+ony and unde(standin* to ou( li8es? to the 1oint )he(e )e +i*ht a&tually li8e ha11ily e8e( a-te(? )hi&h (eally +eans in the ti+eless he(e and no)A ,hese sto(ies a(e )ise? an&ient? su(1(isin*ly so1histi&ated blue1(ints -o( ou( -ull de8elo1+ent as hu+an bein*sA :ne (e&u((ent the+e in the -ai(y sto(ies is that o- a youn* &hild? usually a 1(in&e o( a 1(in&ess? )ho loses his o( he( *olden ballA /hethe( )e ou(sel8es a(e +ale o( -e+ale? old o( youn*? )e ea&h &ontain both 1(in&e and 1(in&ess Da+on* &ountless othe( -i*u(esE? and the(e )as a ti+e )e ea&h (adiated )ith the *olden inno&en&e and in-inite 1(o+ise &a((ied by youthA 'nd )e still &a((y that *olden (adian&e? o( &an (e&o8e( it? i- )e take &a(e not to let ou( de8elo1+ent a((estA Bly 1oints out that bet)een losin* the *olden ball? )hi&h see+s to ha11en -i(st a(ound a*e ei*ht? and takin* any ste1s to (e&o8e( it o( e8en to (e&o*niBe that it has *otten a)ay -(o+ us? +i*ht take thi(ty o( -o(ty yea(s? )he(eas in -ai(y tales? )hi&h take 1la&e Gon&e u1on a ti+e?G and the(e-o(e outside o- o(dina(y ti+e? usually it only takes a day o( t)oA But in both instan&es a ba(*ain needs to be +ade -i(st? a ba(*ain

)ith ou( o)n su11(essed shado) ene(*ies? sy+boliBed by a -(o* o( 1e(ha1s by a hai(y )ild +an )ho (esides unde( the 1ond in the -o(est? as in I(on JohnA Be-o(e that ba(*ain &an be +ade? you ha8e to kno) that these &(eatu(es a(e the(e? 1(in&e and 1(in&ess? -(o*? )ild +an o( )ild )o+anA 3on8e(sin* )ith those as1e&ts o- ou( 1sy&hes that )e instin&ti8ely tu(n a)ay -(o+ into un&ons&iousness is a 1(e(eFuisiteA 'nd that +ay be 1lenty s&a(y? be&ause the -eelin* state that a(ises is the one that &o+es )hen )e *o do)n into da(k? unkno)n? +yste(ious 1la&esA ,he -o(+ o- Buddhis+ that took (oot and -lo)e(ed in ,ibet -(o+ the ei*hth &entu(y until ou( day de8elo1ed 1e(ha1s the +ost (e-ined a(tisti& e<1(ession o- these te((i-yin* as1e&ts o- the hu+an 1sy&heA .any ,ibetan statues and 1aintin*s a(e o- *(otesFue de+oni& bein*s? all (es1e&ted +e+be(s o- the 1antheon ohono(ed deitiesA Kee1 in +ind that these deities a(e not *ods in the usual senseA 5athe(? they (e1(esent di--e(ent +ind states? ea&h )ith its o)n kind o- di8ine ene(*y )hi&h has to be -a&ed? hono(ed? and )o(ked )ith i- )e a(e to *(o) and de8elo1 ou( t(ue 1otential as -ull hu+an bein*s? )hethe( +en o( )o+enA ,hese )(ath-ul &(eatu(es a(e not seen as bad? e8en thou*h thei( a11ea(an&e is -(i*htenin* and (e1ulsi8e? )ith

thei( ne&kla&es o- skulls and *(otesFue *(i+a&esA ,hei( te((ible out)a(d a11ea(an&e is a&tually a dis*uise ado1ted by deities e+bodyin* )isdo+ and &o+1assion to hel1 us attain *(eate( unde(standin* and kindness to)a(d ou(sel8es and to)a(d othe(s? )ho? it is unde(stood? a(e not -unda+entally di--e(ent -(o+ ou(sel8esA In Buddhis+? the 8ehi&le -o( this )o(k o- inne( de8elo1+ent is +editationA 28en in the -ai(y tales? to *et in tou&h )ith the )ild +an unde( the 1ond (eFui(es bu&ketin* out the 1ond? so+ethin* Bly 1oints out takes (e1etiti8e inne( )o(k o8e( a lon* ti+eA ,he(e is nothin* *la+o(ous about bu&ketin* out a 1ond? o( )o(kin* at a hot -o(*e? o( in the s)elte(in* 8ineya(ds? day a-te( day? yea( a-te( yea(A But (e1etiti8e inne( )o(k o- this kind? &o+in* to kno) the -o(&es o- one6s o)n 1sy&he? is its o)n initiationA It is a te+1e(in* 1(o&essA ;sually heat is in8ol8edA It takes dis&i1line to tole(ate the heat? to 1e(se8e(eA But )hat &o+es o- kee1in* at it is +aste(y and non-nai8ete? attain+ent o- an in)a(d o(de( unattainable )ithout the dis&i1line? the heat? the des&ent into ou( da(kness and -ea(A 28en the inte(io( de-eats )e su--e( se(8e us in this te+1e(in*A ,his is )hat Jun*ians &all soul )o(k? the de8elo1+ent o- de1th o- &ha(a&te( th(ou*h kno)in* so+ethin* o-

the to(tuous laby(inthine de1ths and e<1anses o- ou( o)n +indsA ,he heat te+1e(s? (ea((an*in* the 8e(y ato+s o- ou( 1sy&hi& bein* and? +ost likely? o- ou( bodies as )ellA ,he beauty o- +editati8e )o(k is that it is 1ossible to (ely on the 1(a&ti&e itsel- to *uide us th(ou*h the +aBeA It kee1s us on the 1ath? e8en in the da(kest o+o+ents? -a&in* the +ost te((i-yin* o- ou( o)n +ind states and e<te(nal &i(&u+stan&esA It (e+inds us oou( o1tionsA It is a *uide to hu+an de8elo1+ent? a (oad+a1 to ou( (adiant sel8es? not to the *old o- a &hildhood inno&en&e al(eady 1ast? but to that o- a -ully de8elo1ed adultA But? -o( +editation to do its )o(k? )e ha8e to be )illin* to do ou(sA /e +ust be )illin* to en&ounte( da(kness and des1ai( )hen they &o+e u1 and -a&e the+? o8e( and o8e( a*ain i- need be? )ithout (unnin* a)ay o( nu+bin* ou(sel8es in the thousands o- )ays )e &on@u(e u1 to a8oid the una8oidableA T!": Bein* o1en to the 1(in&e and the 1(in&ess? the kin* and the Fueen? the *iant and the )it&h? the )ild +an and the )ild )o+an? the d)a(- and the &(one? and the )a((io(? the heale(? and the t(i&kste( )ithin you(sel-A /hen you +editate? 1ut the )el&o+e +at out to all o- the+A ,(y sittin* like a kin* o( Fueen? o( a

)a((io(? o( a sa*eA In ti+es o- *(eat tu(+oil o( da(kness? use you( b(eath as the st(in* )hi&h )ill *uide you th(ou*h the laby(inthA Kee1 +ind-ulness ali8e e8en in the da(kest +o+ents? (e+indin* you(sel- that the a)a(eness is not 1a(t o- the da(kness o( the 1ainH it holds the 1ain? and kno)s it? so it has to be +o(e -unda+ental? and &lose( to )hat is healthy and st(on* and *olden )ithin youA

Pra ti e as a Path
"n the middle of this road we call our life " found myself in a dar! wood With no clear path through. D%ante 'li*hie(i - %i8ine 3o+edy? GIn-e(noGE ,he @ou(ney +eta1ho( is used in all &ultu(es to des&(ibe li-e and the Fuest -o( +eanin*A In the 2ast? the )o(d ,ao? 3hinese -o( G/ayG o( GPath?G &a((ies this +eanin*A In Buddhis+? +editation 1(a&ti&e is usually s1oken o- as a 1ath - the 1ath o- +ind-ulness?

the 1ath o- (i*ht unde(standin*? the 1ath o- the )heel o- t(uth D%ha(+aEA ,ao and %ha(+a also +ean the )ay thin*s a(e? the la) that *o8e(ns all o- e<isten&e and non-e<isten&eA 'll e8ents? )hethe( )e see the+ on the su(-a&e as *ood o( bad? a(e -unda+entally in ha(+ony )ith the ,aoA It is ou( @ob to lea(n to 1e(&ei8e this unde(lyin* ha(+ony? and to li8e and +ake de&isions in a&&o(d )ith itA 4et? -(eFuently? it is not e<a&tly &lea( )hat the (i*ht )ay is? )hi&h lea8es 1lenty o- (oo+ -o( -(ee )ill and 1(in&i1led a&tion? and also -o( tension and &ont(o8e(sy? to say nothin* o*ettin* lost enti(elyA /hen )e 1(a&ti&e +editation? )e a(e (eally a&kno)led*in* that in this +o+ent? )e a(e on the (oad o- li-eA ,he 1ath un-olds in this +o+ent and in e8e(y +o+ent )hile )e a(e ali8eA .editation is +o(e (i*htly thou*ht o- as a G/ayG than as a te&hniFueA It is a /ay o- bein*? a /ay o- li8in*? a /ay o- listenin*? a /ay o- )alkin* alon* the 1ath o- li-e and bein* in ha(+ony )ith thin*s as they a(eA ,his +eans in 1a(t a&kno)led*in* that so+eti+es? o-ten at 8e(y &(u&ial ti+es? you (eally ha8e no idea )he(e you a(e *oin* o( e8en )he(e the 1ath liesA 't the sa+e ti+e? you &an 8e(y )ell kno) so+ethin* about )he(e you a(e no) De8en i- it is kno)in* that you a(e lost? &on-used? en(a*ed? o( )ithout ho1eEA :n the othe( hand? it o-ten ha11ens that )e &an be&o+e t(a11ed into belie8in*

too st(on*ly that )e do kno) )he(e )e a(e *oin*? es1e&ially i- )e a(e d(i8en by sel--se(8in* a+bition and )e )ant &e(tain thin*s 8e(y badlyA ,he(e is a blindness that &o+es -(o+ sel---u(the(in* a*endas that lea8es us thinkin* )e kno) )hen a&tually )e don6t kno) as +u&h as )e thinkA G,he /ate( o- Li-e?G a -ai(y tale in the 9(i++ B(othe(s6 &olle&tion? tells o- the &usto+a(y t(io o- b(othe(s? 1(in&es allA ,he t)o oldest b(othe(s a(e *(eedy and sel-ishA ,he youn*est is kind and &a(in*A ,hei( -athe(? the Kin*? is dyin*A 'n old +an )ho +yste(iously a11ea(s in the 1ala&e *a(den inFui(es a-te( thei( *(ie-? and )hen he hea(s the 1(oble+? su**ests that a &u(e +i*ht be had in the )ate( o- li-eA GI- the Kin* d(inks oit? he )ill be&o+e )ell a*ainH but it is ha(d to -indAG >i(st? the oldest b(othe( obtains 1e(+ission to *o -o(th to seek the )ate( o- li-e -o( his -athe(? ha(bo(in* the se&(et ho1e o- &u((yin* his -a8o( and be&o+in* Kin* hi+sel-A 'l+ost as soon as he sets out on his ho(se? he en&ounte(s a d)a(- beside the (oad )ho sto1s hi+ and asks )he(e he is *oin* so -astA In his hu((y? the b(othe( t(eats the d)a(- )ith s&o(n and &ondes&ension? o(de(in* hi+ out o- his )ayA ,he 1(esu+1tion he(e is that the 1(in&e kno)s the )ay @ust be&ause he kno)s )hat he is lookin* -o(A Not soA But this b(othe( is unable to (ein in his a((o*an&e? and

his i*no(an&e o- the +any )ays thin*s +i*ht un-old o( o1en u1 in li-eA :- &ou(se? the d)a(- in -ai(y tales is no oute( 1e(son eithe(? but sy+boli& o- the hi*he( 1o)e(s o- the soulA In this &ase? the sel-ish b(othe( is unable to a11(oa&h his o)n inne( 1o)e( and -eelin* sel- )ith kindness and )isdo+A Be&ause o- his a((o*an&e? the d)a(a((an*es -o( his 1ath to ente( an e8e(-na((o)in* (a8ine? in )hi&h he e8entually -inds hi+sel- unable to *o -o()a(d? unable to *o ba&k? and unable to tu(n a(oundH in a )o(d? stu&kA 'nd the(e he stays )hile the sto(y &ontinuesA /hen the -i(st b(othe( does not (etu(n? the se&ond b(othe( *oes -o(th to t(y his lu&k? +eets the d)a(-? t(eats hi+ in the sa+e -ashion? and )inds u1 stu&k @ust like the -i(st b(othe(A Sin&e they a(e di--e(ent 1a(ts o- the sa+e 1e(son? you +i*ht say so+e 1eo1le ne8e( lea(nA '-te( so+e ti+e? the thi(d b(othe( e8entually sets o-to b(in* ba&k the )ate( o- li-eA 7e too en&ounte(s the d)a(-? )ho asks )he(e he is *oin* in su&h a hu((yA 7o)e8e(? unlike his b(othe(s? he sto1s? dis+ounts? and tells the d)a(- o- his -athe(6s *(a8e illness and oseekin* the )ate( o- li-e? ad+ittin* that he has no idea )he(e to look o( in )hat di(e&tion to *oA 't that? o- &ou(se? the d)a(- says? G:h? I kno) )he(e that is

to be -ound?G and he 1(o&eeds to tell hi+ )he(e it is and ho) he is to *o about *ettin* it? )hi&h is Fuite &o+1li&atedA ,his b(othe( listens &a(e-ully and (e+e+be(s )hat he is toldA ,his (i&hly &(a-ted tale takes +any tu(ns in its un-oldin*? )hi&h I )ill lea8e to the inte(ested (eade( to e<1lo(eA ,he 1oint he(e is si+1ly that it is use-ul at ti+es to ad+it to you(sel- that you don6t kno) you( )ay and to be o1en to hel1 -(o+ une<1e&ted 1la&esA %oin* this +akes a8ailable to you inne( and oute( ene(*ies and allies that a(ise out o- you( o)n soul-ulness and sel-lessnessA :- &ou(se? the sel-ish b(othe(s a(e also inte(nal -i*u(es o- the 1sy&heA ,he +essa*e is that *ettin* &au*ht u1 in the no(+al hu+an tenden&ies o- sel--&he(ishin* and a((o*an&e? and i*no(in* the la(*e( o(de( o- thin*s? )ill ulti+ately lead to an i+1asse in you( li-e in )hi&h you a(e unable to *o -o()a(d? unable to *o ba&k? and unable to tu(n a(oundA ,he sto(y says you )ill ne8e( -ind the )ate( o- li-e )ith su&h an attitude? and that you )ill (e+ain stu&k? 1otentially -o(e8e(A ,he )o(k o- +ind-ulness de+ands hono(in* and heedin* ou( o)n d)a(- ene(*y? (athe( than (ushin* headlon* into thin*s )ith a +ind that is so(ely out otou&h )ith la(*e 1a(ts o- ou(sel-? a +ind d(i8en by na((o) a+bition and ideas o- 1e(sonal *ainA ,he

sto(y says )e &an only -a(e )ell i- )e 1(o&eed )ith an a)a(eness o- the )ay thin*s a(e? in&ludin* a )illin*ness to ad+it not kno)in* )he(e )e a(e *oin*A ,he youn*est b(othe( has a lon* (oad to t(a8el in the sto(y be-o(e it &an be said that he -ully unde(stands the )ay thin*s a(e D)ith his b(othe(s? -o( instan&eEA 7e endu(es 1ain-ul lessons in t(ea&he(y and bet(ayal? and he 1ays a hi*h 1(i&e -o( his nai8ete be-o(e -inally o)nin* the -ull (an*e o- his ene(*y and )isdo+A ,hese a(e sy+boliBed by his ulti+ately (idin* st(ai*ht do)n the +iddle o- a (oad 1a8ed in *old and +a((yin* the 1(in&ess DI ha8en6t told you about he(E and be&o+in* Kin* - a -ully de8elo1ed +an? not o- his -athe(6s kin*do+ but o- his o)nA T!": Seein* you( o)n li-e this 8e(y day as a @ou(ney and as an ad8entu(eA /he(e a(e you *oin*0 /hat a(e you seekin*0 /he(e a(e you no)0 /hat sta*e othe @ou(ney ha8e you &o+e to0 I- you( li-e )e(e a book? )hat )ould you &all it today0 /hat )ould you entitle the &ha1te( you a(e in (i*ht no)0 '(e you stu&k he(e in &e(tain )ays0 3an you be -ully o1en to all o- the ene(*ies at you( dis1osal at this 1oint0 Note that this @ou(ney is uniFuely you(s? no one else6sA So the 1ath has to be you( o)nA

4ou &annot i+itate so+ebody else6s @ou(ney and still be t(ue to you(sel-A '(e you 1(e1a(ed to hono( you( uniFueness in this )ay0 3an you see a &o++it+ent to the +editation 1(a&ti&e as an inti+ate 1a(t o- this )ay o- bein*0 3an you &o++it to li*htin* you( 1ath )ith +ind-ulness and a)a(eness0 3an you see )ays in )hi&h you &ould easily *et stu&k? o( ha8e in the 1ast0

Meditation - Not to Be Confused 2ith Positi%e Thin(ing

:u( ability to think the )ay )e do di--e(entiates ou( s1e&ies -(o+ all othe(s and is +i(a&ulous beyond &o+1a(eA But i- )e a(e not &a(e-ul? ou( thinkin* &an easily &(o)d out othe( eFually 1(e&ious and +i(a&ulous -a&ets o- ou( bein*A /ake-ulness is o-ten the -i(st &asualtyA ')a(eness is not the sa+e as thou*htA It lies beyond thinkin*? althou*h it +akes use o- thinkin*? hono(in* its 8alue and its 1o)e(A ')a(eness is +o(e like a 8essel )hi&h &an hold and &ontain ou( thinkin*? hel1in* us to see and kno) ou( thou*hts as thou*hts (athe( than *ettin* &au*ht u1 in the+ as (ealityA

,he thinkin* +ind &an at ti+es be se8e(ely -(a*+entedA In -a&t? it al+ost al)ays isA ,his is the natu(e o- thou*htA But a)a(eness? teased out o- ea&h +o+ent )ith &ons&ious intent? &an hel1 us to 1e(&ei8e that e8en in the +idst o- this -(a*+entation? ou( -unda+ental natu(e is al(eady inte*(ated and )holeA Not only is it not li+ited by the 1ot1ou((i o- ou( thinkin* +ind? a)a(eness is the 1ot )hi&h &(adles all the -(a*+ents? @ust as the sou1 1ot holds all the &ho11ed-u1 &a((ots? 1eas? onions? and the like and allo)s the+ to &ook into one )hole? the sou1 itsel-A But it is a +a*i&al 1ot? +u&h like a so(&e(e(6s 1ot? be&ause it &ooks thin*s )ithout ha8in* to do anythin*? e8en 1ut a -i(e unde(neath itA ')a(eness itsel- does the &ookin*? as lon* as it is sustainedA 4ou @ust let the -(a*+ents sti( )hile you hold the+ in a)a(enessA /hate8e( &o+es u1 in +ind o( body *oes into the 1ot? be&o+es 1a(t o- the sou1A .editation does not in8ol8e t(yin* to &han*e you( thinkin* by thinkin* so+e +o(eA It in8ol8es )at&hin* thou*ht itsel-A ,he )at&hin* is the holdin*A By )at&hin* you( thou*hts )ithout bein* d(a)n into the+? you &an lea(n so+ethin* 1(o-oundly libe(atin* about thinkin* itsel-? )hi&h +ay hel1 you to be less oa 1(isone( o- those thou*ht 1atte(ns - o-ten so st(on* in us - )hi&h a(e na((o)? ina&&u(ate? sel--in8ol8ed?

habitual to the 1oint o- bein* i+1(isonin*? and also @ust 1lain )(on*A 'nothe( )ay to look at +editation is to 8ie) the 1(o&ess o- thinkin* itsel- as a )ate(-all? a &ontinual &as&adin* o- thou*htA In &ulti8atin* +ind-ulness? )e a(e *oin* beyond o( behind ou( thinkin*? +u&h the )ay you +i*ht -ind a 8an-ta*e1oint in a &a8e o( de1(ession in the (o&k behind a )ate(-allA /e still see and hea( the )ate(? but )e a(e out o- the to((entA P(a&ti&in* in this )ay? ou( thou*ht 1atte(ns &han*e by the+sel8es in )ays that nou(ish inte*(ation? unde(standin*? and &o+1assion in ou( li8es? but not be&ause )e a(e t(yin* to +ake the+ &han*e by (e1la&in* one thou*ht )ith anothe( one that )e think +ay be +o(e 1u(eA 5athe(? it is to unde(stand the natu(e o- ou( thou*hts as thou*hts and ou( (elationshi1 to the+? so that they &an be +o(e at ou( se(8i&e (athe( than the othe( )ay (oundA I- )e de&ide to think 1ositi8ely? that +ay be use-ul? but it is not +editationA It is @ust +o(e thinkin*A /e &an as easily be&o+e a 1(isone( o- so-&alled 1ositi8e thinkin* as o- ne*ati8e thinkin*A It too &an be &on-inin*? -(a*+ented? ina&&u(ate? illuso(y? sel-se(8in*? and )(on*A 'nothe( ele+ent alto*ethe( is (eFui(ed to indu&e t(ans-o(+ation in ou( li8es and take us beyond the li+its o- thou*htA

&oing Inside
It is easy to &o+e by the i+1(ession that +editation is about *oin* inside? o( d)ellin* inside you(sel-A But GinsideG and GoutsideG a(e li+ited distin&tionsA In the stillness o- -o(+al 1(a&ti&e? )e do tu(n ou( ene(*ies in)a(d? only to dis&o8e( that )e &ontain the enti(e )o(ld in ou( o)n +ind and bodyA %)ellin* in)a(dly -o( e<tended 1e(iods? )e &o+e to kno) so+ethin* o- the 1o8e(ty o- al)ays lookin* outside ou(sel8es -o( ha11iness? unde(standin*? and )isdo+A It6s not that 9od? the en8i(on+ent? and othe( 1eo1le &annot hel1 us to be ha11y o( to -ind satis-a&tionA It6s @ust that ou( ha11iness? satis-a&tion? and ou( unde(standin*? e8en o- 9od? )ill be no dee1e( than ou( &a1a&ity to kno) ou(sel8es in)a(dly? to en&ounte( the oute( )o(ld -(o+ the dee1 &o+-o(t that &o+es -(o+ bein* at ho+e in one6s o)n skin? -(o+ an inti+ate -a+ilia(ity )ith the )ays o- one6s o)n +ind and bodyA %)ellin* in stillness and lookin* in)a(d -o( so+e 1a(t o- ea&h day? )e tou&h )hat is +ost (eal and (eliable in ou(sel8es and +ost easily o8e(looked and unde8elo1edA /hen )e &an be &ente(ed in ou(sel8es? e8en -o( b(ie- 1e(iods o- ti+e in the -a&e o- the 1ull o-

the oute( )o(ld? not ha8in* to look else)he(e -o( so+ethin* to -ill us u1 o( +ake us ha11y? )e &an be at ho+e )he(e8e( )e -ind ou(sel8es? at 1ea&e )ith thin*s as they a(e? +o+ent by +o+entA 4on&t go outside your house to see the flowers. My friend, don&t bother with that e3cursion. "nside your body there are flowers. ne flower has a thousand petals. $hat will do for a place to sit. Sitting there you will have a glimpse of beauty inside the body and out of it, before gardens and after gardens. $he heavy is the root of the light. $he unmoved is the source of all movement. $hus the Master travels all day without leaving home. +owever splendid the views, she stays serenely in herself. Why should the lord of the country flit about li!e a fool* "f you let yourself be blown to and fro, you lose touch with your root. "f you let restlessness move you, you lose touch with who you are. Lao-,Bu? $ao0$e0Ching

4irect your eye right inward, and you&ll find # thousand regions in your mind %et undiscovered. $ravel them and be 83pert in home0cosmography. D,ho(eau? WaldenE T!": ,he ne<t ti+e you -eel a sense odissatis-a&tion? o- so+ethin* bein* +issin* o( not Fuite (i*ht? tu(n in)a(d @ust as an e<1e(i+entA See iyou &an &a1tu(e the ene(*y o- that 8e(y +o+entA Instead o- 1i&kin* u1 a +a*aBine o( *oin* to the +o8ies? &allin* a -(iend o( lookin* -o( so+ethin* to eat o( a&tin* u1 in one )ay o( anothe(? +ake a 1la&e -o( you(sel-A Sit do)n and ente( into you( b(eathin*? ionly -o( a -e) +inutesA %on6t look -o( anythin* neithe( -lo)e(s no( li*ht no( a beauti-ul 8ie)A %on6t e<tol the 8i(tues o- anythin* o( &onde+n the inadeFua&y o- anythin*A %on6t e8en think to you(sel-? GI a+ *oin* in)a(d no)AG Just sit 5eside at the &ente( o- the )o(ldA Let thin*s be as they a(eA

#art (% The )eart of #ractice

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. D:li8e( /endell 7ol+esE

Sitting Meditation
/hat is so s1e&ial about sittin*0 Nothin*? )hen )e s1eak o- the )ay )e o(dina(ily sitA It6s @ust one &on8enient )ay ou( bodies take a load o-- ou( -eetA But sittin* is 8e(y s1e&ial )hen it &o+es to +editationA 4ou &an kno) that su1e(-i&ially easily enou*h -(o+ the outsideA >o( instan&e? you +i*ht not kno) that a 1e(son is +editatin* )hen you see hi+ standin* o( lyin* do)n? o( )alkin*? but you kno) it i++ediately )hen he is sittin*?-es1e&ially i- he is sittin* on the -loo(A >(o+ any an*le? the 1ostu(e itsel- e+bodies )ake-ulness? e8en )hen the eyes a(e &losed and the -a&e is se(ene and 1ea&e-ulA It is +oun-tainlike in its

+a@esty and solidityA ,he(e is a stability to it )hi&h s1eaks 8olu+es? b(oad&astin* in)a(dly and out)a(dlyA ,he +o+ent the 1e(son doBes o--? all these Fualities e8a1o(ateA ,he +ind &olla1ses in)a(dly? the body 8isiblyA Sittin* +editation in8ol8es sittin* in an u1(i*ht? di*ni-ied 1ostu(e? o-ten -o( e<tended 1e(iods o- ti+eA /hile it is (elati8ely easy to assu+e an e(e&t 1ostu(e? that is @ust the be*innin* o- this &hallen*in* 1(o&ess o- &ontinual un-oldin*A 4ou +ay (eadily enou*h G1a(kG you( body? but the(e is still the Fuestion o- )hat the +ind is u1 toA Sittin* +editation is not a +atte( otakin* on a s1e&ial body 1ostu(e? ho)e8e( 1o)e(-ul that +ay beA It is ado1tin* a 1a(ti&ula( 1ostu(e to)a(d the +indA It is +ind sittin*A :n&e you a(e sittin*? the(e a(e +any )ays to a11(oa&h the 1(esent +o+entA 'll in8ol8e 1ayin* attention on 1u(1ose? non-@ud*+entallyA /hat 8a(ies is )hat you attend to and ho)A It is best to kee1 thin*s si+1le and sta(t )ith you( b(eathin*? -eelin* it as it +o8es in and outA ;lti+ately? you &an e<1and you( a)a(eness to obse(8e all the &o+in*s and *oin*s? the *y(ations and +a&hinations o- you( o)n thou*hts and -eelin*s? 1e(&e1tions and i+1ulses? body and +indA But it +ay take so+e ti+e -o( &on&ent(ation and +ind-ulness to be&o+e st(on*

enou*h to hold su&h a )ide (an*e o- ob@e&ts in a)a(eness )ithout *ettin* lost in the+ o( atta&hed to 1a(ti&ula( ones? o( si+1ly o8e()hel+edA >o( +ost ous? it takes yea(s and de1ends a *ood deal on you( +oti8ation and the intensity o- you( 1(a&ti&eA So? at the be*innin*? you +i*ht )ant to stay )ith the b(eath? o( use it as an an&ho( to b(in* you ba&k )hen you a(e &a((ied a)ayA ,(y it -o( a -e) yea(s and see )hat ha11ensA T!": Settin* aside a ti+e e8e(y day -o( @ust bein*A >i8e +inutes )ould be -ine? o( ten o( t)enty o( thi(ty iyou )ant to 8entu(e that -a(A Sit do)n and )at&h the +o+ents un-old? )ith no a*enda othe( than to be -ully 1(esentA ;se the b(eath as an an&ho( to tethe( you( attention to the 1(esent +o+entA 4ou( thinkin* +ind )ill d(i-t he(e and the(e? de1endin* on the &u((ents and )inds +o8in* in the +ind until? at so+e 1oint? the an&ho(line *(o)s taut and b(in*s you ba&kA ,his +ay ha11en a lotA B(in* you( attention ba&k to the b(eath? in all its 8i8idness? e8e(y ti+e it )ande(sA Kee1 the 1ostu(e e(e&t but not sti--A ,hink o- you(sel- as a +ountainA

Ta(ing Your Seat

It hel1s to &o+e to the &ushion o( to the &hai( )ith a de-inite sense o- takin* you( seatA Sittin* +editation is di--e(ent -(o+ @ust sittin* do)n &asually so+e)he(eA ,he(e is ene(*y in the state+ent the sittin* +akes as you take you( seat? both in the &hoi&e o- s1ot? and in +ind-ulness -illin* you( bodyA ,he 1ostu(e e+bodies a stand? as in Gtakin* a stand?G e8en thou*h you a(e sittin*A ,he(e is a st(on* sense o- hono(in* 1la&e and 1la&e+ent o- body and +ind and +o+entA /e take ou( seat to +editate kee1in* all this in +ind? yet )ithout any in8est+ent in lo&ation o( 1ostu(eA ,he(e +ay indeed be de-inite G1o)e( s1otsG indoo(s and out? yet )ith this attitude o- takin* a stand? you &an sit any)he(e in any 1ostu(e and be at ho+eA /hen you( +ind and body &ollabo(ate in holdin* body? ti+e? 1la&e? and 1ostu(e in a)a(eness? and (e+ain unatta&hed to ha8in* it ha8e to be a &e(tain )ay? then and only then a(e you t(uly sittin*A

/hen )e des&(ibe the sittin* 1ostu(e? the )o(d that -eels the +ost a11(o1(iate is Gdi*nityAG Sittin* do)n to +editate? ou( 1ostu(e talks to usA It +akes its o)n state+entA 4ou +i*ht say the 1ostu(e itsel- is the +editationA I- )e slu+1? it (e-le&ts lo) ene(*y? 1assi8ity? a la&k o- &la(ityA I- )e sit (a+(odst(ai*ht? )e a(e tense? +akin* too +u&h o- an e--o(t? t(yin* too ha(dA /hen I use the )o(d Gdi*nityG in tea&hin* situations? as in GSit in a )ay that e+bodies di*nity?G e8e(ybody i++ediately ad@usts thei( 1ostu(e to sit u1 st(ai*hte(A But they don6t sti--enA >a&es (ela<? shoulde(s d(o1? head? ne&k? and ba&k &o+e into easy ali*n+entA ,he s1ine (ises out o- the 1el8is )ith ene(*yA So+eti+es 1eo1le tend to sit -o()a(d? a)ay -(o+ the ba&ks o- thei( &hai(s? +o(e autono+ouslyA 28e(ybody see+s to instantly kno) that inne( -eelin* o- di*nity and ho) to e+body itA Pe(ha1s )e @ust need little (e+inde(s -(o+ ti+e to ti+e that )e a(e al(eady di*ni-ied? dese(8in*? )o(thyA So+eti+es )e don6t -eel that )ay be&ause o- the )ounds and the s&a(s )e &a((y -(o+ the 1ast o( be&ause o- the un&e(tainty o- the -utu(eA It is doubt-ul

that )e &a+e to -eel undese(8in* on ou( o)nA /e )e(e hel1ed to -eel un)o(thyA /e )e(e tau*ht it in a thousand )ays )hen )e )e(e little? and )e lea(ned ou( lessons )ellA So? )hen )e take ou( seat in +editation and (e+ind ou(sel8es to sit )ith di*nity? )e a(e &o+in* ba&k to ou( o(i*inal )o(thinessA ,hat in itsel- is Fuite a state+entA 4ou &an bet ou( inside )ill be listenin*A '(e )e (eady to listen? too0 '(e )e (eady to listen to the &u((ents o- di(e&t e<1e(ien&e in this +o+ent? and this one? and this AAA0 T!": Sittin* )ith di*nity -o( thi(ty se&ondsA Note ho) you -eelA ,(y it standin* )ith di*nityA /he(e a(e you( shoulde(s0 7o) is you( s1ine? you( head0 /hat )ould it +ean to )alk )ith di*nity0

/hen you sit )ith st(on* intentionality? the body itsel+akes a state+ent o- dee1 &on8i&tion and &o++it+ent in its &a((ia*eA ,hese (adiate in)a(d and out)a(dA ' di*ni-ied sittin* 1ostu(e is itsel- an

a--i(+ation o- -(eedo+? and o- li-e6s ha(+ony? beauty? and (i&hnessA So+eti+es you -eel in tou&h )ith itH othe( ti+es you +ay notA 28en )hen you -eel de1(essed? bu(dened? &on-used? sittin* &an a--i(+ the st(en*th and 8alue othis li-e li8ed no)A I- you &an +uste( the 1atien&e to sustain you( sittin* -o( e8en a b(ie- ti+e? it &an b(in* you in tou&h )ith the 8e(y &o(e o- you( bein*? that do+ain )hi&h is beyond u1 o( do)n? -(ee o( bu(dened? &lea(si*hted o( &on-usedA ,his &o(e is akin to a)a(eness itsel-H it doesn6t -lu&tuate )ith +ental state o( li-e &i(&u+stan&esA It is +i((o(like? i+1a(tially (e-le&tin* )hat &o+es be-o(e itA ,his in&ludes a dee1 kno)in* that )hate8e( is 1(esent? )hate8e( has ha11ened to shake you( li-e o( o8e()hel+ you? )ill oitsel- ine8itably &han*e? and -o( this (eason alone? bea(s si+1ly holdin* in the +i((o( o- the 1(esent +o+ent - )at&hin* it? e+b(a&in* its 1(esen&e? (idin* its )a8es o- un-oldin* @ust as you (ide the )a8es oyou( o)n b(eathin*? and ha8in* -aith that you )ill soone( o( late( -ind a )ay to a&t? to &o+e to te(+s? to +o8e th(ou*h and beyondA Not by t(yin* so +u&h as by )at&hin*? by lettin* thin*s be? and -eelin* the+ -ully +o+ent by +o+entA .ind-ul sittin* +editation is not an atte+1t to es&a1e -(o+ 1(oble+s o( di--i&ulties into so+e &ut-o-- G+editati8eG state o- abso(1tion o( denialA :n the &ont(a(y? it is a )illin*ness to *o nose

to nose )ith 1ain? &on-usion? and loss? i- that is )hat is do+inatin* the 1(esent +o+ent? and to stay )ith the obse(8in* o8e( a sustained 1e(iod o- ti+e? beyond thinkin*A 4ou seek unde(standin* si+1ly th(ou*h bea(in* the situation in +ind? alon* )ith you( b(eath? as you +aintain the sittin* 1ostu(eA In the Zen t(adition? one tea&he( DShun(u SuBuki 5oshiE 1ut it this )ay: G,he state o- +ind that e<ists )hen you sit in the (i*ht 1ostu(e is itselenli*hten+entA AAA ,hese -o(+s Ksittin* +editationL a(e not the +eans o- obtainin* the (i*ht state o- +indA ,o take this 1ostu(e is itsel- the (i*ht state o- +indAG In the sittin* +editation? you a(e al(eady tou&hin* you( o)n t(uest natu(eA So? )hen )e 1(a&ti&e sittin* +editation? -i(st and -o(e+ost it +eans sittin* in su&h a )ay that you( body a--i(+s? (adiates? b(oad&asts an attitude o- 1(esen&e? that you a(e &o++itted to a&kno)led*in* and a&&e1tin* )hate8e( &o+es u1 in any +o+entA ,his o(ientation is one o- non-atta&h+ent and un)a8e(in* stability? like a &lea( +i((o(? only (e-le&tin*? itsele+1ty? (e&e1ti8e? o1enA ,his attitude is &ontained in the 1ostu(e? in the 8e(y )ay you &hoose to sitA ,he 1ostu(e e+bodies the attitudeA ,his is )hy +any 1eo1le -ind the i+a*e o- a +ountain hel1-ul in dee1enin* &on&ent(ation and

+ind-ulness in the sittin* 1(a&ti&eA In8okin* Fualities o- ele8ation? +assi8eness? +a@esty? un+o8in*ness? (ootedness? hel1s b(in* these Fualities di(e&tly into 1ostu(e and attitudeA It is i+1o(tant to in8ite these Fualities into you( +editation all the ti+eA P(a&ti&in* o8e( and o8e( a*ain e+bodyin* di*nity? stillness? an un)a8e(in* eFuani+ity in the -a&e o- any +ind state )hi&h 1(esents itsel-? es1e&ially )hen you a(e not in a *(a8e state o- dist(ess o( tu(+oil? &an 1(o8ide a solid? (eliable -oundation -o( +aintainin* +ind-ulness and eFuani+ity? e8en in 1e(iods o- e<t(e+e st(ess and e+otional tu(+oilA But only i- you 1(a&ti&e? 1(a&ti&e? 1(a&ti&eA 'lthou*h it is te+1tin* to do so? you &an6t @ust think that you unde(stand ho) to be +ind-ul? and sa8e usin* it -o( only those +o+ents )hen the bi* e8ents hitA ,hey &ontain so +u&h 1o)e( they )ill o8e()hel+ you instantly? alon* )ith all you( (o+anti& ideas about eFuani+ity and kno)in* ho) to be +ind-ulA .editation 1(a&ti&e is the slo)? dis&i1lined )o(k odi**in* t(en&hes? o- )o(kin* in the 8ineya(ds? obu&ketin* out a 1ondA It is the )o(k o- +o+ents and the )o(k o- a li-eti+e? all )(a11ed into oneA

What to !o 2ith Your $ands

=a(ious subtle ene(*y 1ath)ays in the body ha8e been +a11ed out? unde(stood? and used in 1a(ti&ula( )ays in the yo*i& and +editati8e t(aditions -o( +illenniaA /e intuiti8ely kno) that all ou( body 1ostu(es +ake thei( o)n uniFue state+ents? )hi&h (adiate in)a(dly as )ell as out)a(dlyA No)adays this *oes by the te(+ Gbody lan*ua*eAG /e &an use that lan*ua*e to (ead ho) othe( 1eo1le -eel about the+sel8es be&ause 1eo1le a(e &ontinuously b(oad&astin* su&h in-o(+ation -o( anyone )ith a sensiti8e (e&ei8e( to 1i&k u1A But in this &ase? )e a(e s1eakin* o- the 8alue obe&o+in* sensiti8e to the lan*ua*e o- one6s o)n bodyA ,hat a)a(eness &an &atalyBe d(a+ati& inne( *(o)th and t(ans-o(+ationA In the yo*i& t(aditions? this -ield o- kno)led*e &on&e(ns &e(tain 1ositions o- the body kno)n as +ud(asA In a )ay? all 1ostu(es a(e +ud(as: ea&h +akes a 1a(ti&ula( state+ent and has an ene(*y asso&iated )ith itA But +ud(as a(e usually (e-e(en&in* so+ethin* +o(e subtle than the 1ostu(e o- the enti(e bodyA ,hei( -o&us is 1(i+a(ily on the 1ositionin* o- the hands and -eetA

I- you *o to a +useu+ and &a(e-ully obse(8e the Buddhist 1aintin*s and statues? you )ill Fui&kly noti&e that in the hund(eds o- di--e(ent de1i&tions o+editation? )hethe( sittin*? standin*? o( lyin* do)n? the hands a(e in a (an*e o- di--e(ent 1ositionsA In the &ase o- sittin* +editation? so+eti+es the hands a(e on the knees? 1al+s do)nH so+eti+es one o( both 1al+s a(e u1H so+eti+es one o( +o(e (in*e(s o- one hand a(e tou&hin* the *(ound? )hile the othe( hand is (aised u1A So+eti+es the hands a(e to*ethe( in the la1? )ith the -in*e(s o- one hand lyin* ato1 the -in*e(s o- the othe(? the thu+b-ti1s *ently tou&hin* as i&i(&lin* an in8isible e** to -o(+ )hat is &alled the G&os+i& +ud(aAG So+eti+es the -in*e(s and 1al+s a(e 1la&ed to*ethe( o8e( the hea(t in the t(aditional 1ostu(e o- 3h(istian 1(aye(A ,his sa+e 1ostu(e? in :(iental *(eetin*? si*ni-ies a bo) in (e&o*nition o- the di8inity )ithin the othe( 1e(sonA ,hese hand +ud(as all e+body di--e(ent ene(*ies? )hi&h you &an e<1e(i+ent )ith you(sel- in +editationA ,(y sittin* )ith you( hands 1al+s do)n on you( kneesA Noti&e the Fuality o- sel--&ontain+ent he(eA ,o +e? this 1ostu(e s1eaks o- not lookin* -o( anythin* +o(e? but si+1ly di*estin* )hat isA I- you then tu(n both 1al+s u1? bein* +ind-ul as you do it? you +ay note a &han*e in ene(*y in the bodyA

,o +e? sittin* this )ay e+bodies (e&e1ti8ity? an o1enness to )hat is abo8e? to the ene(*y o- the hea8ens Dthe 3hinese say: G's abo8e? so belo)GEA So+eti+es I -eel a st(on* i+1ulse to o1en to ene(*y -(o+ abo8eA It &an be Fuite hel1-ul at ti+es? es1e&ially in 1e(iods o- tu(+oil o( &on-usion? to e+1hasiBe (e&e1ti8ity in you( sittin* 1(a&ti&eA ,his &an be done si+1ly by o1enin* you( 1al+s to the hea8ensA It6s not that you a(e a&ti8ely lookin* -o( so+ethin* to +a*i&ally hel1 youA 5athe(? you a(e +akin* you(sela8ailable to hi*he( insi*hts? 1(i+in* a )illin*ness in you(sel- to (esonate )ith ene(*ies )e usually think oas ele8ated? di8ine? &elestial? &os+i&? uni8e(sal? o- a hi*he( o(de( and )isdo+A 'll ou( hand 1ostu(es a(e +ud(as in that they a(e asso&iated )ith subtle o( not-so-subtle ene(*iesA ,ake the ene(*y o- the -ist? -o( instan&eA /hen )e *et an*(y? ou( hands tend to &lose into -istsA So+e 1eo1le unkno)in*ly 1(a&ti&e this +ud(a a lot in thei( li8esA It )ate(s the seeds o- an*e( and 8iolen&e )ithin you e8e(y ti+e you do it? and they (es1ond by s1(outin* and *(o)in* st(on*e(A ,he ne<t ti+e you -ind you(sel- +akin* -ists out oan*e(? t(y to b(in* +ind-ulness to the inne( attitude e+bodied in a -istA >eel the tension? the hat(ed? the an*e(? the a**(ession? and the -ea( )hi&h it &ontainsA

,hen? in the +idst o- you( an*e(? as an e<1e(i+ent? ithe 1e(son you a(e an*(y at is 1(esent? t(y o1enin* you( -ists and 1la&in* the 1al+s to*ethe( o8e( you( hea(t in the 1(aye( 1osition (i*ht in -(ont o- hi+A D:&ou(se? he )on6t ha8e the sli*htest idea )hat you a(e doin*AE Noti&e )hat ha11ens to the an*e( and hu(t as you hold this 1osition -o( e8en a -e) +o+entsA I -ind it 8i(tually i+1ossible to sustain +y an*e( )hen I do thisA It6s not that the an*e( +ay not be @usti-iedA It6s @ust that all so(ts o- othe( -eelin*s &o+e into 1lay? )hi&h -(a+e the an*e( ene(*y and ta+e it - -eelin*s like sy+1athy and &o+1assion -o( the othe( 1e(son? and 1e(ha1s a *(eate( unde(standin* o- the dan&e )e a(e both in AAA ,he dan&e o- one thin* ine8itably leadin* to anothe(? o- the &on&atenation o&onseFuen&es i+1e(sonally set in +otion? the end (esult o- )hi&h &an D+istakenlyE be taken 1e(sonally and lead to i*no(an&e &o+1oundin* i*no(an&e? a**(ession &o+1oundin* a**(ession? )ith no )isdo+ any)he(eA /hen 9andhi )as assassinated at 1oint-blank (an*e? he 1ut his 1al+s to*ethe( in this )ay to)a(d his atta&ke(? utte(ed his +ant(a? and diedA 4ea(s o+editation and yo*a 1(a&ti&e? *uided by his belo8ed Bha*a8ad 9ita? had b(ou*ht hi+ to the 1oint )he(e he )as able to b(in* the 1e(s1e&ti8e o- non-

atta&h+ent to e8e(ythin* he )as en*a*ed in? in&ludin* his 8e(y li-eA It allo)ed hi+ to &hoose the attitude he )ould take in that 8e(y +o+ent he )as bein* (obbed o- li-eA 7e didn6t die an*(y o( e8en su(1(isedA 7e had kno)n his li-e )as in &onstant dan*e(A But he had t(ained hi+sel- to +a(&h to the d(u+beat o- his o)n *(o)in* 8ision o- )hat &onstituted )ise a&tionA 7e had &o+e to a 1oint )he(e he t(uly e+bodied &o+1assionA 7e li8ed an un)a8e(in* &o++it+ent to both 1oliti&al and s1i(itual -(eedo+A 7is 1e(sonal )ell-bein* )as o- li+ited 8alue in &o+1a(isonA 7e )as al)ays 1uttin* it on the lineA T!": Bein* a)a(e o- subtle e+otional Fualities you +ay be e+bodyin* at 8a(ious ti+es o- the day? as )ell as du(in* you( sittin* 1(a&ti&eA Pay 1a(ti&ula( attention to you( handsA %oes thei( 1osition +ake a di--e(en&e0 See i- you don6t be&o+e +o(e +ind-ul by be&o+in* +o(e Gbody-ulAG 's you 1(a&ti&e bein* +o(e in tou&h )ith you( hands in sittin* +editation? see i- this doesn6t ha8e an in-luen&e on the )ay you tou&hA 28e(ythin* -(o+ o1enin* a doo( to +akin* lo8e in8ol8es tou&hA It is 1ossible to o1en a doo( so +indlessly that you( hand doesn6t kno) )hat you( body is doin* and you hit you(sel- in the head )ith itA I+a*ine the &hallen*e o-

tou&hin* anothe( 1e(son )ithout auto+ati&ity? )ith no *ainin* idea? @ust 1(esen&e and &a(in*A

Coming 'ut of Meditation

,he +o+ents to)a(d the end o- a 1e(iod o- -o(+al +editation ha8e thei( o)n t(i&ky to1olo*yA .ind-ulness &an be&o+e la< )ith the anti&i1ation o-inishin*A 7o) you handle this is i+1o(tantA It is 1(e&isely su&h t(ansitions that &hallen*e us to dee1en ou( +ind-ulness and e<tend its (an*eA ,o)a(d the end o- a 1e(iod o- -o(+al 1(a&ti&e? i- you a(e not 1a(ti&ula(ly attenti8e? be-o(e you kno) it you6ll be o-- doin* so+ethin* else? )ith no a)a(eness )hatsoe8e( o- ho) the +editation &a+e to an endA ,he t(ansition )ill be a blu( at bestA 4ou &an b(in* +ind-ulness to this 1(o&ess by bein* in tou&h )ith the thou*hts and i+1ulses )hi&h tell you it6s ti+e to sto1A /hethe( you68e been still -o( an hou( o( -o( th(ee +inutes? a 1o)e(-ul -eelin* all o- a sudden +ay say? G,his is enou*hAG :( you look at you( )at&h and it6s the ti+e you said you )ould FuitA

In you( +editation 1(a&ti&e? es1e&ially )hen you a(e not usin* a ta1e -o( *uidan&e? see i- you &an dete&t the 8e(y -i(st i+1ulse to Fuit? and any othe(s that +ay -ollo)? *(o)in* in st(en*thA 's you (e&o*niBe ea&h i+1ulse? b(eathe )ith it -o( a -e) +o+ents? and ask you(sel-? G/ho has had enou*h0G ,(y lookin* into )hat is behind the i+1ulseA Is it -ati*ue? bo(edo+? 1ain? i+1atien&eH o( is it @ust ti+e to sto10 /hate8e( the &ase? (athe( than auto+ati&ally lea1in* u1 o( +o8in* on? t(y lin*e(in* )ith )hate8e( a(ises out othis inFui(y? b(eathin* )ith it -o( a -e) +o+ents o( e8en lon*e(? and allo)in* the +o8in* out o- you( +editation 1ostu(e to be as +u&h an ob@e&t o+o+ent-to-+o+ent a)a(eness as any othe( +o+ent in the +editationA P(a&ti&in* like this &an in&(ease +ind-ulness in +any di--e(ent situations that in8ol8e &losin* o( endin* so+ethin* and +o8in* on to so+ethin* elseA It &an be as si+1le and b(ie- as bein* in tou&h )ith &losin* a doo(? o( as &o+1li&ated and 1ain-ul as )hen an e(a in you( li-e &o+es to an endA So +u&h auto+ati&ity &an &(ee1 into &losin* a doo(? be&ause it6s so uni+1o(tant in the o8e(all s&he+e o- thin*s Dunless the baby is slee1in*EA But it is 1(e&isely be&ause it is (elati8ely uni+1o(tant that &losin* the doo( +ind-ully a&ti8ates and dee1ens ou( sensiti8ity? ou( &a1a&ity to be in tou&h )ith all o- ou( +o+ents? and s+ooths out

so+e o- the dee1e( )(inkles o- ou( habitual un&ons&iousnessA 3u(iously? @ust as +u&h i- not +o(e +indless beha8io( &an &(ee1 into ou( +ost +o+entous &losu(es and li-e t(ansitions? in&ludin* ou( o)n a*in* and ou( o)n dyin*A 7e(e? too? +ind-ulness &an ha8e healin* e--e&tsA /e +ay be so de-ended a*ainst -eelin* the -ull i+1a&t o- ou( e+otional 1ain - )hethe( it be *(ie-? sadness? sha+e? disa11oint+ent? an*e(? o( -o( that +atte(? e8en @oy o( satis-a&tion - that )e un&ons&iously es&a1e into a &loud o- nu+bness in )hi&h )e do not 1e(+it ou(sel8es to -eel anythin* at all o( kno) )hat )e a(e -eelin*A Like a -o*? una)a(eness blankets 1(e&isely those +o+ents that +i*ht be the +ost 1(o-ound o&&asions to see i+1e(+anen&e at )o(k? to be in tou&h )ith the uni8e(sal and i+1e(sonal as1e&ts o- bein* and be&o+in* that unde(lie ou( 1e(sonaliBed e+otional in8est+ents? to tou&h the +yste(y o- bein* s+all? -(a*ile? and te+1o(a(y? and to &o+e to 1ea&e )ith the absolute ine8itability o- &han*eA In the Zen t(adition? *(ou1 sittin* +editations a(e so+eti+es ended )ith a loud )ooden &la&ke( )hi&h is )ha&ked to*ethe( -o(&e-ullyA No (o+anti& lin*e(in* )ith the sound o- a so-t bell to ease the end o- a sittin*A ,he +essa*e he(e is to &ut - ti+e to +o8e on

no)A I- you6(e dayd(ea+in*? e8en sli*htly? )hen the &la&ke( *oes o--? the sound )ill sta(tle you and the(eby 1oint out ho) little you )e(e a&tually 1(esent in that +o+entA It (e+inds you that the sittin* is al(eady o8e( and no) )e a(e in a ne) +o+ent? to be -a&ed ane)A In othe( t(aditions? the *entle (in* o- a bell is used to +a(k the end o- *(ou1 sittin*sA ,he so-tness o- the bell b(in*s you ba&k too? and also 1oints out )hethe( you( +ind )as on the loose at the +o+ent it (an*A So? )hen it &o+es to endin* a sittin*? so-t and *entle is *ood? and ha(d and loud is *oodA Both (e+ind us to be -ully 1(esent in +o+ents o- t(ansition? that all endin*s a(e also be*innin*s? that )hat is +ost i+1o(tant? in the )o(ds o- the %ia+ond Sut(a? is to Gde8elo1 a +ind that &lin*s to nothin*AG :nly then )ill )e be able to see thin*s as they a&tually a(e and (es1ond )ith the -ull (an*e o- ou( e+otional &a1a&ity and ou( )isdo+A $he Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them. She lets them go their own way, and resides at the center of the circle. Lao-,Bu? ,ao-,e-3hin*

T!": B(in*in* a)a(eness to ho) you end you( +editationsA /hethe( they a(e lyin* do)n? sittin*? standin*? o( )alkin*? Be(o in on G)hoG ends it? ho) it ends? )hen it ends? and )hyA %on6t @ud*e it o( you(sel- in any )ay - @ust obse(8e? and stay in tou&h )ith the t(ansition -(o+ one thin* to the ne<tA

$o2 *ong to Pra ti e?

J : %(A Kabat-Zinn? ho) lon* should I +editate0 ' : 7o) should I kno)0 It kee1s &o+in* u1? this Fuestion o- ho) lon* to +editateA /e -elt -(o+ the be*innin* o- ou( )o(k usin* +editation )ith 1atients in the hos1ital that it )ould be i+1o(tant -o( the+ to be e<1osed (i*ht -(o+ the sta(t to (elati8ely e<tended 1e(iods o- 1(a&ti&eA Sin&e )e belie8ed st(on*ly in the 1(in&i1le that i- you ask a lot o- 1eo1le o( ask the+ to ask a lot othe+sel8es? then you )ill *et a lot? )he(eas i- you ask only a little? the +ost you a(e likely to *et is a little? )e )ent )ith -o(ty--i8e +inutes as the basi& (eFui(ed

1(a&ti&e ti+e at ho+e e8e(y dayA >o(ty--i8e +inutes see+ed lon* enou*h to settle into stillness and sustained attendin* -(o+ +o+ent to +o+ent? and 1e(ha1s to e<1e(ien&e at least tastes o- a dee1enin* (ela<ation and sense o- )ell-bein*A It also see+ed lon* enou*h to allo) -o( a+1le o11o(tunity to en*a*e the +o(e &hallen*in* +ind states that )e o(dina(ily ho1e to a8oid be&ause they take o8e( ou( li8es and se8e(ely ta< D)hen they don6t o8e()hel+ &o+1letelyE ou( ability to (e+ain &al+ and +ind-ulA ,he usual sus1e&ts? o- &ou(se? a(e bo(edo+? i+1atien&e? -(ust(ation? -ea(? an<iety D)hi&h )ould in&lude )o((yin* about all the thin*s you +i*ht be a&&o+1lishin* i- you )e(en6t )astin* ti+e +editatin*E? -antasy? +e+o(ies? an*e(? 1ain? -ati*ue? and *(ie-A It tu(ned out to be a *ood intuitionA .ost o- the 1eo1le &o+in* th(ou*h ou( &lini& ha8e )illin*ly +ade the al+ost ne8e( easy ad@ust+ents in the day-to-day &ondu&t o- thei( li8es to 1(a&ti&e daily -o( -o(ty--i8e +inutes at a st(et&h? at least o8e( a 1e(iod o- ei*ht )eeksA 'nd +any ne8e( st(ay -(o+ that ne) li-e 1athA It not only be&o+es easy? it be&o+es ne&essa(y? a li-elineA But the(e is a -li1 side to this )ay o- lookin* at thin*sA /hat +ay be &hallen*in* but doable -o( one 1e(son at one ti+e in he( o( his li-e +ay be ni*h i+1ossible

at anothe( ti+e e8en -o( that sa+e 1e(sonA Pe(&e1tions o- Glon*G and Gsho(tG a(e at best (elati8eA ,he sin*le +othe( o- s+all &hild(en is unlikely to ha8e -o(ty--i8e +inutes at a st(et&h -o( anythin*A %oes that +ean she &an6t +editate0 I- you( li-e is in 1e(1etual &(isis? o( you -ind you(seli++e(sed in so&ial and e&ono+i& &haos? you +ay ha8e t(ouble -indin* the 1sy&hi& ene(*y to +editate -o( e<tended 1e(iods? e8en i- you ha8e the ti+eA So+ethin* al)ays see+s to &o+e u1 to *et in the )ay? es1e&ially i- you a(e thinkin* you ha8e to ha8e a -o(ty--i8e-+inute &lea(in* in you( day e8en to *et sta(tedA P(a&ti&in* in &(a+1ed Fua(te(s a(ound the li8es o- othe( -a+ily +e+be(s &an +ake -o( un&o+-o(table -eelin*s )hi&h +ay be&o+e obsta&les to daily 1(a&ti&eA .edi&al students &an ha(dly be e<1e&ted (outinely to &a(8e out e<tended 1e(iods -o( non-doin*? no( &an +any othe( 1eo1le in hi*h-st(ess @obs and de+andin* situationsA No( &an -olks )ho a(e @ust &u(ious about +editation but ha8e no st(on* (eason to 1ush the li+its o- &on8enien&e and o- thei( o)n sense o- ti+e 1(essu(e o( &o+-o(tA >o( those seekin* balan&e in thei( li8es? a &e(tain -le<ibility o- a11(oa&h is not only hel1-ul? it is essentialA It is i+1o(tant to kno) that +editation has

little to do )ith &lo&k ti+eA >i8e +inutes o- -o(+al 1(a&ti&e &an be as 1(o-ound o( +o(e so than -o(ty--i8e +inutesA ,he sin&e(ity o- you( e--o(t +atte(s -a( +o(e than ela1sed ti+e? sin&e )e a(e (eally talkin* about ste11in* out o- +inutes and hou(s and into +o+ents? )hi&h a(e t(uly di+ensionless and the(e-o(e in-initeA So? i- you ha8e so+e +oti8ation to 1(a&ti&e e8en a little? that is )hat is i+1o(tantA .ind-ulness needs to be kindled and nu(tu(ed? 1(ote&ted -(o+ the )inds oa busy li-e o( a (estless and to(+ented +ind? @ust as a s+all -la+e needs to be shelte(ed -(o+ st(on* *usts o- ai(A I- you &an only +ana*e -i8e +inutes? o( e8en one +inute o- +ind-ulness at -i(st? that is t(uly )onde(-ulA It +eans you ha8e al(eady (e+e+be(ed the 8alue osto11in*? o- shi-tin* e8en +o+enta(ily -(o+ doin* to bein*A /hen )e tea&h +editation to +edi&al students to hel1 the+ )ith the st(ess and so+eti+es the t(au+a o- +edi&al edu&ation in its 1(esent -o(+? o( to &olle*e athletes )ho )ant to t(ain thei( +inds alon* )ith thei( bodies to o1ti+iBe 1e(-o(+an&e? o( to 1eo1le in a 1ul+ona(y (ehabilitation 1(o*(a+ )ho need to lea(n a lot o- othe( thin*s as )ell as +editate? o( to e+1loyees in a lun&h-ti+e st(ess (edu&tion &lass? )e don6t insist on -o(ty--i8e +inutes o- 1(a&ti&e a dayA

D/e only do that )ith ou( o)n 1atients? o( )ith 1eo1le )ho a(e (eady to +ake su&h an intense li-estyle &han*e -o( (easons o- thei( o)nAE Instead? )e &hallen*e the+ to 1(a&ti&e e8e(y day -o( -i-teen +inutes at a ti+e? o( t)i&e a day i- they &an +ana*e thatA I- you think about it -o( a +o+ent? -e) o- us - no +atte( )hat )e do o( )hat situation )e -ind ou(sel8es in - )ould be unable to -(ee u1 one o( t)o -i-teen+inute blo&ks o- ti+e out o- t)enty--ou( hou(sA 'nd inot -i-teen? then ten? o( -i8eA 5e&all that in a line si< in&hes lon*? the(e a(e an in-inite nu+be( o- 1oints? and in a line one in&h lon* the(e a(e @ust as +anyA /ell? then? ho) +any +o+ents a(e the(e in -i-teen +inutes? o( -i8e? o( ten? o( -o(ty--i8e0 It tu(ns out )e ha8e 1lenty o- ti+e? i- )e a(e )illin* to hold any +o+ents at all in a)a(enessA >o(+in* the intention to 1(a&ti&e and then seiBin* a +o+ent - any +o+ent - and en&ounte(in* it -ully in you( in)a(d and out)a(d 1ostu(e? lies at the &o(e o+ind-ulnessA Lon* and sho(t 1e(iods o- 1(a&ti&e a(e both *ood? but Glon*G +ay ne8e( -lou(ish i- you( -(ust(ation and the obsta&les in you( 1ath loo+ too la(*eA >a( bette( to ad8entu(e into lon*e( 1e(iods o1(a&ti&e *(adually on you( o)n than ne8e( to taste +ind-ulness o( stillness be&ause the 1e(&ei8ed

obsta&les )e(e too *(eat ' @ou(ney o- a thousand +iles (eally does be*in )ith a sin*le ste1A /hen )e &o++it to takin* that ste1 - in this &ase? to takin* ou( seat -o( e8en the b(ie-est o- ti+es - )e &an tou&h the ti+eless in any +o+entA >(o+ that all bene-it -lo)s? and -(o+ that aloneA When you really loo! for me, you will see me instantly 0 you will find me in the tiniest house of time. Kabi( T!": Sittin* -o( 8a(yin* len*ths o- &lo&k ti+eA See ho) it a--e&ts you( 1(a&ti&eA %oes you( &on&ent(ation la1se as you sit lon*e(0 %o you *et hun* u1 in ho) +u&h lon*e( you Gha8eG to be 1(esent0 %oes i+1atien&e &o+e u1 at so+e 1oint0 %oes the +ind *et (ea&ti8e o( obsessi8e0 Is the(e (estlessness0 'n<iety0 Bo(edo+0 ,i+e 1(essu(e0 Slee1iness0 %ullness0 I- you a(e ne) to +editation? a(e you -indin* you(sel- sayin*? G,his is stu1id?G o(? '+ I doin* it (i*ht0G? o(? GIs this all I a+ su11osed to be -eelin*0G %o these -eelin*s sta(t (i*ht a)ay o( do they only &o+e u1 a-te( a )hile0 3an you see the+ as +ind states0 3an you obse(8e the+ )ithout @ud*in* the+

o( you(sel- -o( e8en b(ie- 1e(iods0 I- you 1ut the )el&o+e +at out -o( the+ and in8esti*ate thei( Fualities and let the+ be? you +ay lea(n a lot about )hat is st(on* and un)a8e(in* in you(sel-A 'nd )hat is st(on* in you +ay be&o+e e8en st(on*e( as you nou(ish inne( stability and &al+nessA

No "ight Way
Ba&k1a&kin* )ith +y -a+ily in ,eton )ilde(ness? I a+ (e&u((ently st(u&k by the Fuestion o- -ootin*A /ith ea&h ste1? the -oot has to &o+e do)n so+e)he(eA 3li+bin* o( des&endin* o8e( boulde( -ields? stee1 in&lines? on and o-- t(ails? ou( -eet +ake s1lit-se&ond de&isions -o( us about )he(e and ho) to &o+e do)n? )hat an*le? ho) +u&h 1(essu(e? heel o( toe? (otated o( st(ai*htA ,he kids don6t e8e( ask: G%addy? )he(e do I 1ut +y -eet0 Should I ste1 on this (o&k o( that one0G ,hey @ust do it? and I68e noti&ed that they -ind a )ay they &hoose )he(e to 1ut thei( -eet at ea&h ste1? and it6s not si+1ly )he(e I 1ut +ineA /hat this says to +e is that ou( -eet -ind thei( o)n )ayA /at&hin* +y o)n? I a+ a+aBed at ho) +any di--e(ent 1la&es and )ays I +i*ht 1ut +y -oot do)n

)ith ea&h ste1? and ho) out o- this un-oldin* +o+enta(y 1otential? the -oot ulti+ately &o++its to one )ay? e<e&utes )ith -ull )ei*ht on it Do( less i- it6s a haBa(dous situationE? and then lets *o as the ne<t -oot +akes its &hoi&e and I +o8e -o()a(dA 'll this o&&u(s 8i(tually )ithout thinkin*? e<&e1t at the o&&asional t(i&ky s1ots )he(e thou*ht and e<1e(ien&e do &o+e into 1lay and I +i*ht ha8e to *i8e +y youn*est &hild? Se(ena? a handA But that is the e<&e1tion? not the (uleA :(dina(ily )e a(e not lookin* at ou( -eet and thinkin* about ea&h ste1A /e a(e lookin* out? ahead on the t(ail? and ou( b(ain? takin* it all in? +akes s1lit-se&ond de&isions -o( us that 1ut the -oot do)n in a )ay that &on-o(+s to the needs o- the te((ain unde(-oot in that +o+entA ,his doesn6t +ean that the(e is no )(on* )ay to ste1A 4ou do ha8e to be &a(e-ul and sense you( -ootin*A It6s @ust that the eyes and the b(ain a(e 8e(y *ood at (a1id assess+ent o- te((ain and *i8in* detailed di(e&tions to to(so? li+bs? and -eet? so that the )hole 1(o&ess otakin* a ste1 on (ou*h *(ound is one o- e<Fuisite balan&e in +otion? e8en )ith the &o+1li&ation oboots and hea8y 1a&ksA ,he(e is built-in +ind-ulness he(eA 5ou*h te((ain b(in*s it out in usA 'nd i- )e do a t(ail ten ti+es? )e6ll ea&h sol8e the 1(oble+ o- ea&h -ootste1 di--e(ently ea&h ti+eA 3o8e(in* *(ound on

-oot al)ays un-olds out o- the uniFueness o- the 1(esent +o+entA It6s no di--e(ent in +editationA ,he(e is (eally and t(uly no one G(i*ht )ayG to 1(a&ti&e? althou*h the(e a(e 1it-alls alon* this 1ath too and they ha8e to be looked out -o(A It is best to en&ounte( ea&h +o+ent )ith -(eshness? its (i&h 1otential held in a)a(enessA /e look dee1ly into it? and then )e let *o into the ne<t +o+ent? not holdin* to the last oneA 2a&h +o+ent then &an be -(esh? ea&h b(eath a ne) be*innin*? a ne) lettin* *o? a ne) lettin* beA Just as )ith ou( ste11in* o8e( (o&ky te((ain? the(e is no Gsu11osed toG he(eA ,(ue? the(e is +u&h to be seen and unde(stood alon* this 1athH but it &an6t be -o(&ed? any +o(e than you &an -o(&e so+eone to a11(e&iate the *olden li*ht o- the lo) sun shinin* o8e( -ields o- )heat o( the +oon(ise in the +ountainsA Best not to s1eak at all in +o+ents su&h as theseA 'll you &an do is be 1(esent )ith the eno(+ity o- it you(sel- and ho1e othe(s see it in the silen&e o- the +o+entA Sunsets and +oon(ises s1eak -o( the+sel8es? in thei( o)n lan*ua*es? on thei( o)n &an8asesA Silen&e at ti+es lea8es s1a&e -o( the unta+ed to s1eakA In the sa+e )ay? in the +editation 1(a&ti&e? it is best to hold to and hono( one6s o)n di(e&t e<1e(ien&e? and not )o((y too +u&h about )hethe( this is )hat you a(e su11osed to -eel o( see o( think aboutA /hy not t(ust you( e<1e(ien&e

in this +o+ent @ust as you )ould t(ust you( -oot to -ind a )ay to kee1 you balan&ed as you +o8e o8e( (o&ks0 I- you 1(a&ti&e this kind o- t(ust in the -a&e oinse&u(ity and the st(on* habit o- )antin* so+e autho(ity to anoint you( e<1e(ien&e Dho)e8e( +inus&ule? and it usually isE )ith hisChe( blessin*? you )ill -ind that so+ethin* o- a dee1enin* natu(e does ha11en alon* the 1athA :u( -eet and ou( b(eath both tea&h us to )at&h ou( ste1? to 1(o&eed +ind-ully? to t(uly be at ho+e in e8e(y +o+ent? )he(e8e( ou( -eet &a((y us? to a11(e&iate )he(e )e a(eA /hat *(eate( *i-t &ould be besto)ed u1on us0 T!": Bein* a)a(e o- all the ti+es in +editation )hen the thou*ht &o+es u1: G'+ I doin* this (i*ht0G GIs this )hat I should be -eelin*0G GIs this )hat is 6su11osed6 to ha11en0G Instead o- t(yin* to ans)e( these Fuestions? @ust look +o(e dee1ly into the 1(esent +o+entA 2<1and you( a)a(eness in this 8e(y +o+entA 7old the Fuestion in a)a(eness alon* )ith you( b(eathin* and )ith the -ull (an*e o- this 1a(ti&ula( +o+ent6s &onte<tA ,(ust that in this +o+ent? G,his is it?G )hate8e( and )he(e8e( GthisG isA Lookin* dee1ly into )hate8e( the GthisG o- the 1(esent +o+ent is? kee1 u1 a &ontinuity o- +ind-ulness? allo)in* one +o+ent to un-old into the ne<t )ithout analyBin*?

dis&ou(sin*? @ud*in*? &onde+nin*? o( doubtin*H si+1ly obse(8in*? e+b(a&in*? o1enin*? lettin* be? a&&e1tin*A 5i*ht no)A :nly this ste1A :nly this +o+entA

+ What-Is-My-Way? Meditation
/e a(e Fui&k to tell ou( &hild(en that they &an6t al)ays ha8e thei( o)n )ay? e8en i+1lyin* that the(e is so+ethin* )(on* )ith )antin* itA 'nd )hen they ask? G/hy not? .o++y0G? G/hy not? %addy0G? and )e ha8e &o+e to the end o- ou( e<1lanations o( ou( 1atien&e? )e a(e likely to say? GNe8e( +indA Just listen to +eA 4ou6ll unde(stand )hen you *(o) u1AG But isn6t this +o(e than a little un-ai(0 %on6t )e adults beha8e in e<a&tly the sa+e )ay as ou( &hild(en0 %on6t )e )ant to ha8e thin*s ou( o)n )ay too? all the ti+e i- 1ossible0 7o) a(e )e di--e(ent -(o+ the &hild(en e<&e1t that )e a(e less honest and o1en about it0 'nd )hat i- )e &ould ha8e ou( o)n )ay0 /hat )ould it be0 %o you (e+e+be( the t(ouble that 1eo1le *et into in -ai(y tales )hen they a(e o--e(ed th(ee )ishes by a *enie o( a d)a(- o( a )it&h0

,he 1eo1le o- .aine a(e kno)n -o( sayin*? G4ou &an6t *et the(e -(o+ he(e?G )hen asked -o( di(e&tionsA In te(+s o- li-e di(e&tions? 1e(ha1s it is t(ue( to say? G4ou &an only *et the(e i- you a(e -ully he(eAG 7o) +any ous a(e a)a(e o- this little t)ist in the -ab(i& o- -ate0 /ould )e kno) )hat ou( )ay is i- )e &ould ha8e it0 /ould *ettin* ou( )ay sol8e anythin* at all? o( )ould it only +ake +o(e o- a +ess o- ou( li8es )e(e it 1ossible to (ealiBe ou( )ishes on i+1ulse out o- ou( so -(eFuently +indless states o- +ind0 ,he t(uly inte(estin* Fuestion he(e is? G/hat e<a&tly is +y )ay0G? +eanin* +y G/ayG )ith a &a1ital /A 5a(ely do )e &onte+1late ou( li-e )ith this de*(ee o1(obin*A 7o) -(eFuently do )e lin*e( in su&h basi& Fuestions as G/ho a+ I0G? G/he(e a+ I *oin*0G? G/hat 1ath a+ I on0G? GIs this the (i*ht di(e&tion -o( +e0G? GI- I &ould &hoose a 1ath no)? in )hi&h di(e&tion )ould I head0G? G/hat is +y yea(nin*? +y 1ath0G? G/hat do I t(uly lo8e0G 3onte+1latin* G/hat is +y /ay0G is an e<&ellent ele+ent to in@e&t into ou( +editation 1(a&ti&eA /e don6t ha8e to &o+e u1 )ith ans)e(s? no( think that the(e has to be one 1a(ti&ula( ans)e(A Bette( not to think at allA Instead? only 1e(sist in askin* the Fuestion? lettin* any ans)e(s that -o(+ulate @ust &o+e o- the+sel8es and *o o- the+sel8esA 's )ith

e8e(ythin* else in the +editation 1(a&ti&e? )e @ust )at&h? listen? note? let be? let *o? and kee1 *ene(atin* the Fuestion? G/hat is +y /ay0G? G/hat is +y 1ath0G? G/ho a+ I0G ,he intention he(e is to (e+ain o1en to not kno)in*? 1e(ha1s allo)in* you(sel- to &o+e to the 1oint oad+ittin*? GI don6t kno)?G and then e<1e(i+entin* )ith (ela<in* a bit into this not kno)in* instead o&onde+nin* you(sel- -o( itA '-te( all? in this +o+ent? it +ay be an a&&u(ate state+ent o- ho) thin*s a(e -o( youA InFui(y o- this kind itsel- leads to o1enin*s? to ne) unde(standin*s and 8isions and a&tionsA InFui(y takes on a li-e o- its o)n a-te( a )hileA It 1e(+eates the 1o(es o- you( bein* and b(eathes ne) 8itality? 8ib(an&y? and *(a&e into the bland? the hu+d(u+? the (outineA InFui(y )ill )ind u1 Gdoin* youG (athe( than you doin* itA ,his is a *ood )ay to -ind the 1ath that lies &losest to you( hea(tA '-te( all? the @ou(ney is one o- he(oi& 1(o1o(tions? but so +u&h +o(e so ienli8ened by )ake-ulness and a &o++it+ent to ad8entu(ous inFui(yA 's a hu+an bein*? you a(e the &ent(al -i*u(e in the uni8e(sal he(o6s +ythi& @ou(ney? the -ai(y tale? the '(thu(ian FuestA >o( +en and )o+en alike? this @ou(ney is the t(a@e&to(y bet)een

bi(th and death? a hu+an li-e li8edA No one es&a1es the ad8entu(eA /e only )o(k )ith it di--e(entlyA 3an )e be in tou&h )ith ou( o)n li-e un-oldin*0 3an )e (ise to the o&&asion o- ou( o)n hu+anity0 3an )e take on the &hallen*es )e +eet? e8en seekin* the+ out to test ou(sel8es? to *(o)? to a&t in a 1(in&i1led )ay? to be t(ue to ou(sel8es? to -ind ou( o)n )ay? and ulti+ately not only ha8e it but? +o(e i+1o(tantly? li8e it0

The Mountain Meditation

/hen it &o+es to +editation? +ountains ha8e a lot to tea&h? ha8in* a(&hety1al si*ni-i&an&e in all &ultu(esA .ountains a(e sa&(ed 1la&esA Peo1le ha8e al)ays sou*ht s1i(itual *uidan&e and (ene)al in and a+on* the+A ,he +ountain is the sy+bol o- the 1(i+e a<is othe )o(ld D.tA .e(uE? the d)ellin* 1la&e o- the *ods D.tA :ly+1usE? the 1la&e the s1i(itual leade( en&ounte(s 9od and (e&ei8es his Dhe(E &o++and+ents and &o8enant D.tA SinaiEA .ountains a(e held sa&(ed? e+bodyin* d(ead and ha(+ony? ha(shness and +a@estyA 5isin* abo8e all else on ou( 1lanet? they be&kon and o8e()hel+ )ith thei( shee(

1(esen&eA ,hei( natu(e is ele+ental? (o&kA 5o&k-ha(dA 5o&k-solidA .ountains a(e the 1la&e o- 8isions? )he(e one &an tou&h the 1ano(a+i& s&ale o- the natu(al )o(ld and its inte(se&tion )ith li-e6s -(a*ile but tena&ious (ootin*sA .ountains ha8e 1layed key (oles in ou( histo(y and 1(ehisto(yA ,o t(aditional 1eo1les? +ountains )e(e and still a(e +othe(? -athe(? *ua(dian? 1(ote&to(? allyA In +editation 1(a&ti&e? it &an be hel1-ul so+eti+es to Gbo((o)G these )onde(-ul a(&hety1al Fualities o+ountains and use the+ to bolste( ou( intentionality and (esol8e to hold the +o+ent )ith an ele+ental 1u(ity and si+1li&ityA ,he +ountain i+a*e held in the +ind6s eye and in the body &an -(eshen ou( +e+o(y o- )hy )e a(e sittin* in the -i(st 1la&e? and o- )hat it t(uly +eans? ea&h ti+e )e take ou( seat? to d)ell in the (eal+ onon-doin*A .ountains a(e Fuintessentially e+ble+ati& o- abidin* 1(esen&e and stillnessA ,he +ountain +editation &an be 1(a&ti&ed in the -ollo)in* )ay? o( +odi-ied to (esonate )ith you( 1e(sonal 8ision o- the +ountain and its +eanin*A It &an be done in any 1ostu(e? but I -ind it +ost 1o)e(-ul )hen I a+ sittin* &(oss-le**ed on the -loo(? so that +y body looks and -eels +ost +ountain-like? inside and outA Bein* in the +ountains o( in si*ht o- a

+ountain is hel1-ul but not at all ne&essa(yA It is the inne( i+a*e )hi&h is the sou(&e o- 1o)e( he(eA Pi&tu(e the +ost beauti-ul +ountain you kno) o( kno) o- o( &an i+a*ine? one )hose -o(+ s1eaks 1e(sonally to youA 's you -o&us on the i+a*e o( the -eelin* o- the +ountain in you( +ind6s eye? noti&e its o8e(all sha1e? the lo-ty 1eak? the base (ooted in the (o&k o- the ea(th6s &(ust? the stee1 o( *ently slo1in* sidesA Note as )ell ho) +assi8e it is? ho) un+o8in*? ho) beauti-ul )hethe( seen -(o+ a-a( o( u1 &lose - a beauty e+anatin* -(o+ its uniFue si*natu(e o- sha1e and -o(+? and at the sa+e ti+e e+bodyin* uni8e(sal Fualities o- G+ountainnessG t(ans&endin* 1a(ti&ula( sha1e and -o(+A Pe(ha1s you( +ountain has sno) at the to1 and t(ees on the lo)e( slo1esA Pe(ha1s it has one 1(o+inent 1eak? 1e(ha1s a se(ies o- 1eaks o( a hi*h 1lateauA 7o)e8e( it a11ea(s? @ust sit and b(eathe )ith the i+a*e o- this +ountain? obse(8in* it? notin* its FualitiesA /hen you -eel (eady? see i- you &an b(in* the +ountain into you( o)n body so that you( body sittin* he(e and the +ountain o- the +ind6s eye be&o+e oneA 4ou( head be&o+es the lo-ty 1eakH you( shoulde(s and a(+s the sides o- the +ountainH you( butto&ks and le*s the solid base (ooted to you( &ushion on the -loo( o( to you( &hai(A 2<1e(ien&e in

you( body the sense o- u1li-t? the a<ial? ele8ated Fuality o- the +ountain dee1 in you( o)n s1ineA In8ite you(sel- to be&o+e a b(eathin* +ountain? un)a8e(in* in you( stillness? &o+1letely )hat you a(e - beyond )o(ds and thou*ht? a &ente(ed? (ooted? un+o8in* 1(esen&eA No)? as )ell you kno)? th(ou*hout the day as the sun t(a8els the sky? the +ountain @ust sitsA Li*ht and shado) and &olo(s a(e &han*in* 8i(tually +o+ent to +o+ent in the +ountain6s ada+antine stillnessA 28en the unt(ained eye &an see &han*es by the hou(A ,hese e8oke those +aste(1ie&es o- 3laude .onet? )ho had the *enius to set u1 +any easels and 1aint the li-e o- his inani+ate sub@e&ts hou( by hou(? +o8in* -(o+ &an8as to &an8as as the 1lay o- li*ht? shado)? and &olo( t(ans-o(+ed &athed(al? (i8e(? o( +ountain? and the(eby )ake u1 the 8ie)e(6s eyeA 's the li*ht &han*es? as ni*ht -ollo)s day and day ni*ht? the +ountain @ust sits? si+1ly bein* itsel-A It (e+ains still as the seasons -lo) into one anothe( and as the )eathe( &han*es +o+ent by +o+ent and day by dayA 3al+ness abidin* all &han*eA In su++e(? the(e is no sno) on the +ountain? e<&e1t 1e(ha1s -o( the 8e(y to1 o( in &(a*s shielded -(o+ di(e&t sunli*htA In the -all? the +ountain +ay dis1lay a &oat o- b(illiant -i(e &olo(sH in )inte(? a blanket o- sno)

and i&eA In any season? it +ay at ti+es -ind itselensh(ouded in &louds o( -o*? o( 1elted by -(eeBin* (ainA ,he tou(ists )ho &o+e to 8isit +ay be disa11ointed i- they &an6t see the +ountain &lea(ly? but it6s all the sa+e to the +ountain - seen o( unseen? in sun o( &louds? b(oilin* o( -(i*id? it @ust sits? bein* itsel-A 't ti+es 8isited by 8iolent sto(+s? bu--eted by sno) and (ain and )inds o- unthinkable +a*nitude? th(ou*h it all the +ountain sitsA S1(in* &o+es? the bi(ds sin* in the t(ees on&e a*ain? lea8es (etu(n to the t(ees )hi&h lost the+? -lo)e(s bloo+ in the hi*h +eado)s and on the slo1es? st(ea+s o8e(-lo) )ith )ate(s o- +eltin* sno)A ,h(ou*h it all? the +ountain &ontinues to sit? un+o8ed by the )eathe(? by )hat ha11ens on the su(-a&e? by the )o(ld oa11ea(an&esA 's )e sit holdin* this i+a*e in ou( +ind? )e &an e+body the sa+e un)a8e(in* stillness and (ootedness in the -a&e o- e8e(ythin* that &han*es in ou( o)n li8es o8e( se&onds? hou(s? and yea(sA In ou( li8es and in ou( +editation 1(a&ti&e? )e e<1e(ien&e &onstantly the &han*in* natu(e o- +ind and body and o- the oute( )o(ldA /e e<1e(ien&e 1e(iods o- li*ht and da(k? 8i8id &olo( and d(ab dullnessA /e e<1e(ien&e sto(+s o- 8a(yin* intensity and 8iolen&e? in the oute( )o(ld and in ou( o)n li8es and +indsA Bu--eted by hi*h )inds? by &old and (ain? )e endu(e 1e(iods o-

da(kness and 1ain as )ell as sa8o(in* +o+ents o@oy and u1li-tA 28en ou( a11ea(an&e &han*es &onstantly? @ust like the +ountain6s? e<1e(ien&in* a )eathe( and a )eathe(in* o- its o)nA By be&o+in* the +ountain in ou( +editation? )e &an link u1 )ith its st(en*th and stability? and ado1t the+ -o( ou( o)nA /e &an use its ene(*ies to su11o(t ou( e--o(ts to en&ounte( ea&h +o+ent )ith +ind-ulness? eFuani+ity? and &la(ityA It +ay hel1 us to see that ou( thou*hts and -eelin*s? ou( 1(eo&&u1ations? ou( e+otional sto(+s and &(ises? e8en the thin*s that ha11en to us a(e +u&h like the )eathe( on the +ountainA /e tend to take it 1e(sonally? but its st(on*est &ha(a&te(isti& is i+1e(sonalA ,he )eathe( oou( o)n li8es is not to be i*no(ed o( deniedA It is to be en&ounte(ed? hono(ed? -elt? kno)n -o( )hat it is? and held in hi*h a)a(eness sin&e it &an kill usA In holdin* it in this )ay? )e &o+e to kno) ' dee1e( silen&e and stillness and )isdo+ than )e +ay ha8e thou*ht 1ossible? (i*ht )ithin the sto(+sA .ountains ha8e this to tea&h us? and +o(e? i- )e &an &o+e to listenA 4et? )hen all is said and done? the +ountain +editation is only a de8i&e? a -in*e( 1ointin* us to)a(d so+e)he(eA /e still ha8e to look? then *oA /hile the +ountain i+a*e &an hel1 us be&o+e +o(e stable? hu+an

bein*s a(e -a( +o(e inte(estin* and &o+1le< than +ountainsA /e a(e b(eathin*? +o8in*? dan&in* +ountainsA /e &an be si+ultaneously ha(d like (o&k? -i(+? un+o8in*? and at the sa+e ti+e so-t and *entle and -lo)in*A /e ha8e a 8ast (an*e o- 1otential at ou( dis1osalA /e &an see and -eelA /e &an kno) and unde(standA /e &an lea(nH )e &an *(o)H )e &an healH es1e&ially i- )e lea(n to listen to the inne( ha(+ony othin*s and hold the &ent(al +ountain a<is th(ou*h thi&k and thinA $he birds have vanished into the s!y, and now the last cloud drains away. We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains. Li Po T!": Kee1in* this +ountain i+a*e in +ind as you sit in -o(+al +editationA 2<1lo(e its use-ulness in dee1enin* you( &a1a&ity to d)ell in stillnessH to sit -o( lon*e( 1e(iods o- ti+eH to sit in the -a&e o- ad8e(sity? di--i&ulties? and sto(+s o( d(abness in the +indA 'sk you(sel- )hat you a(e lea(nin* -(o+ you( e<1e(i+ents

)ith this 1(a&ti&eA 3an you see so+e subtle t(ans-o(+ation o&&u((in* in you( attitude to)a(d thin*s that &han*e in you( li-e0 3an you &a((y the +ountain i+a*e )ith you in daily li-e0 3an you see the +ountain in othe(s? and allo) the+ thei( o)n sha1e and -o(+? ea&h +ountain uniFuely itsel-0

The *a(e Meditation

,he +ountain i+a*e is only one o- +any that you +ay -ind su11o(ts you( 1(a&ti&e and +akes it +o(e 8i8id and ele+entalA I+a*es o- t(ees? (i8e(s? &louds? sky &an be use-ul allies as )ellA ,he i+a*e itsel- is not -unda+ental? but it &an dee1en and e<1and you( 8ie) o- 1(a&ti&eA So+e 1eo1le -ind the i+a*e o- a lake 1a(ti&ula(ly hel1-ulA Be&ause a lake is an e<1anse o- )ate(? the i+a*e lends itsel- to the lyin*-do)n 1ostu(e? althou*h it &an be 1(a&ti&ed sittin* u1 as )ellA /e kno) that the )ate( 1(in&i1le is e8e(y bit as ele+ental as (o&k? and that its natu(e is st(on*e( than (o&k in the sense that )ate( )ea(s do)n (o&kA /ate( also has the en&hantin* Fuality o- (e&e1ti8ityA It 1a(ts to allo) anythin* in? then (esu+es itsel-A I- you hit a +ountain

o( a (o&k )ith a ha++e(? in s1ite o- its ha(dness? o( a&tually be&ause o- it? the (o&k &hi1s? -(a*+ents? b(eaks a1a(tA But i- you hit the o&ean o( a 1ond )ith a ha++e(? all you *et is a (usty ha++e(A ' key 8i(tue o- )ate( 1o)e( (e8eals itsel- in thisA ,o 1(a&ti&e usin* the lake i+a*e in you( +editation? 1i&tu(e in you( +ind6s eye a lake? a body o- )ate( held in a (e&e1ti8e basin by the ea(th itsel-A Note in the +ind6s eye and in you( o)n hea(t that )ate( likes to 1ool in lo) 1la&esA It seeks its o)n le8el? asks to be &ontainedA ,he lake you in8oke +ay be dee1 o( shallo)? blue o( *(een? +uddy o( dea(A /ith no )ind? the su(-a&e o- the lake is -latA .i((o(like? it (e-le&ts t(ees? (o&ks? sky? and &louds? holds e8e(ythin* in itsel- +o+enta(ilyA /ind sti(s u1 )a8es on the lake? -(o+ (i11les to &ho1A 3lea( (e-le&tions disa11ea(A But sunli*ht +ay still s1a(kle in the (i11les and dan&e on the )a8es in a 1lay o- shi++e(in* dia+ondsA /hen ni*ht &o+es? it6s the +oon6s tu(n to dan&e on the lake? o( i- the su(-a&e is still? to be (e-le&ted in it alon* )ith the outline o- t(ees and shado)sA In )inte(? the lake +ay -(eeBe o8e(? yet tee+ )ith +o8e+ent and li-e belo)A /hen you ha8e established a 1i&tu(e o- the lake in you( +ind6s eye? allo) you(sel- to be&o+e one )ith the lake as you lie do)n on you( ba&k o( sit in

+editation? so that you( ene(*ies a(e held by you( a)a(eness and by you( o1enness and &o+1assion -o( you(sel- in the sa+e )ay as the lake6s )ate(s a(e held by the (e&e1ti8e and a&&e1tin* basin o- the ea(th he(sel-A B(eathin* )ith the lake i+a*e +o+ent by +o+ent? -eelin* its body as you( body? allo) you( +ind and you( hea(t to be o1en and (e&e1ti8e? to (e-le&t )hate8e( &o+es nea(A 2<1e(ien&e the +o+ents o- &o+1lete stillness )hen both (e-le&tion and )ate( a(e &o+1letely &lea(? and othe( +o+ents )hen the su(-a&e is distu(bed? &ho11y? sti((ed u1? (e-le&tions and de1th lost -o( a ti+eA ,h(ou*h it all? as you d)ell in +editation? si+1ly notin* the 1lay o- the 8a(ious ene(*ies o- you( o)n +ind and hea(t? the -leetin* thou*hts and -eelin*s? i+1ulses and (ea&tions )hi&h &o+e and *o as (i11les and )a8es? notin* thei( e--e&ts @ust as you obse(8e the 8a(ious &han*in* ene(*ies at 1lay on the lake: the )ind? the )a8es? the li*ht and shado) and (e-le&tions? the &olo(s? the s+ellsA %o you( thou*hts and -eelin*s distu(b the su(-a&e0 Is that okay )ith you0 3an you see a (i11led o( )a8y su(-a&e as an inti+ate? essential as1e&t o- bein* a lake? o- ha8in* a su(-a&e0 3an you identi-y not only )ith the su(-a&e but )ith the enti(e body o- the )ate(? so that you be&o+e the stillness belo) the su(-a&e as )ell? )hi&h at +ost e<1e(ien&es only *entle

undulations? e8en )hen the su(-a&e is )hi11ed to -(othin*0 In the sa+e )ay? in you( +editation 1(a&ti&e and in you( daily li-e? &an you identi-y not only )ith the &ontent o- you( thou*hts and -eelin*s but also )ith the 8ast un)a8e(in* (ese(8oi( o- a)a(eness itsel(esidin* belo) the su(-a&e o- the +ind0 In the lake +editation? )e sit )ith the intention to hold in a)a(eness and a&&e1tan&e all the Fualities o- +ind and body? @ust as the lake sits held? &(adled? &ontained by the ea(th? (e-le&tin* sun? +oon? sta(s? t(ees? (o&ks? &louds? sky? bi(ds? li*ht? &a(essed by the ai( and )ind? )hi&h b(in* out and hi*hli*ht its s1a(kle? its 8itality? its essen&eA "n such a day, in September or ctober, Walden is a perfect forest mirror, set round with stones as precious to my eye as if fewer or rarer. Nothing so fair, so pure, and at the same time so large, as a la!e, perchance, lies on the surface of the earth. S!y water. "t needs no fence. Nations come and go without defiling it. "t is a mirror which no stone can crac!, whose 7uic!silver will never wear off, whose gilding Nature continually repairs, no storms, no dust, can dim its surface ever fresh, 0 a mirror in which all impurity presented to it sin!s, swept and dusted by

the sun&s ha1y brush, 0 this the light dust0cloth, 0 which retains no breath that is breathed on it, but sends its own to float as clouds high above its surface, and be reflected in its bosom still. ,ho(eau? /alden T!": ;sin* the lake i+a*e to su11o(t sittin* o( lyin* in stillness? not *oin* any)he(e? held and &(adled in a)a(enessA Note )hen the +ind (e-le&tsH )hen it is e+b(oiledA Note the &al+ belo) the su(-a&eA %oes this i+a*e su**est ne) )ays o- &a((yin* you(sel- in ti+es o- tu(+oil0

Wal(ing Meditation
2eace is every step. ,hi&h Nhat 7anhA I kno) 1eo1le )ho at one ti+e -ound it 8e(y di--i&ult to sit but *ot dee1ly into +editation 1(a&ti&e th(ou*h )alkin*A No +atte( )ho you a(e? you &an6t sit all the ti+eA 'nd so+e 1eo1le @ust -ind it 8i(tually i+1ossible to stay seated and +ind-ul )ith the le8els o- 1ain and

a*itation and an*e( they -eelA But they &an )alk )ith itA In t(aditional +onasti& settin*s? 1e(iods o- sittin* +editation a(e inte(s1e(sed )ith 1e(iods o- )alkin* +editationA ,hey a(e the sa+e 1(a&ti&eA ,he )alkin* is @ust as *ood as the sittin*A /hat is i+1o(tant is ho) you kee1 you( +indA In -o(+al )alkin* +editation? you attend to the )alkin* itsel-A 4ou &an -o&us on the -oot-all as a )holeH o( isolated se*+ents o- the +otion su&h as shi-tin*? +o8in*? 1la&in*? shi-tin*H o( on the )hole body +o8in*A 4ou &an &ou1le an a)a(eness o)alkin* )ith an a)a(eness o- b(eathin*A In )alkin* +editation? you a(e not )alkin* to *et any1la&eA ;sually it is @ust ba&k and -o(th in a lane? o( (ound and (ound in a loo1A Lite(ally ha8in* no 1la&e to *o +akes it easie( to be )he(e you a(eA /hat6s the 1oint o- t(yin* to be so+e)he(e else on you( )alkin* 1ath )hen it (eally is all the sa+e0 ,he &hallen*e is? &an you be -ully )ith this ste1? )ith this b(eath0 /alkin* +editation &an be 1(a&ti&ed at any 1a&e? -(o+ ult(a-slo) to 8e(y b(iskA 7o) +u&h o- the -oot &y&le you &an attend to )ill de1end on the s1eedA ,he 1(a&ti&e is to take ea&h ste1 as it &o+es and to be -ully 1(esent )ith itA ,his +eans -eelin* the 8e(y

sensations o- )alkin* - in you( -eet? in you( le*s? in you( &a((ia*e and *ait? as al)ays? +o+ent by +o+ent? and in this &ase? ste1 by ste1 as )ellA 4ou +i*ht &all it G)at&hin* you( ste1?G 1un intended? althou*h it is an inne( )at&hin*A 4ou6(e not lookin* at you( -eetM Just as in the sittin* +editation? thin*s )ill &o+e u1 )hi&h )ill 1ull you( attention a)ay -(o+ the ba(e e<1e(ien&e o- )alkin*A /e )o(k )ith those 1e(&e1tions? thou*hts? -eelin*s and i+1ulses? +e+o(ies and anti&i1ations? that &o+e u1 du(in* the )alkin* in the 8e(y sa+e )ay that )e do in sittin* +editationA ;lti+ately? )alkin* is stillness in +otion? -lo)in* +ind-ulnessA It6s best to do -o(+al )alkin* +editation in a 1la&e )he(e you )on6t be&o+e a s1e&ta&le to othe( 1eo1le? es1e&ially i- you a(e *oin* to do it 8e(y slo)lyA 9ood 1la&es a(e you( li8in* (oo+? -ields? o( a &lea(in* in the )oodsH isolated bea&hes a(e *ood? tooA Push a sho11in* &a(t in -(ont o- you th(ou*h a su1e(+a(ket and you &an )alk as slo)ly as you likeA 4ou &an 1(a&ti&e )alkin* +editation in-o(+ally any)he(eA In-o(+al )alkin* +editation doesn6t in8ol8e 1a&in* ba&k and -o(th o( *oin* a(ound a loo1? but @ust )alkin* no(+allyA 4ou &an )alk +ind-ully alon* a side)alk? do)n a &o((ido( at )o(k? *oin* -o( a

hike? )alkin* you( do*? )alkin* )ith &hild(enA It in8ol8es (e&allin* that you a(e he(e in you( bodyA 4ou si+1ly (e+ind you(sel- to be in this +o+ent? takin* ea&h ste1 as it &o+es? a&&e1tin* ea&h +o+ent as it &o+esA I- you -ind you(sel- (ushin* o( be&o+in* i+1atient? slo)in* the 1a&e &an hel1 take the ed*e o-- you( (ushin* and (e+ind you that you a(e he(e no)? and that )hen you *et the(e? you )ill be the(eA Iyou +iss the he(e? you a(e likely also to +iss the the(eA I- you( +ind is not &ente(ed he(e? it is likely not to be &ente(ed @ust be&ause you a((i8e so+e)he(e elseA T!": B(in*in* a)a(eness to )alkin*? )he(e8e( you -ind you(sel-A Slo) it do)n a bitA 3ente( you(sel- in you( body and in the 1(esent +o+entA '11(e&iate the -a&t that you a(e able to )alk? )hi&h +any 1eo1le &annotA Pe(&ei8e ho) +i(a&ulous it is? and -o( a +o+ent? don6t take -o( *(anted that you( body )o(ks so )onde(-ullyA Kno) that you a(e a+bulatin* u1(i*ht on the -a&e o- .othe( 2a(thA /alk )ith di*nity and &on-iden&e? and as the Na8aho sayin* *oes? )alk in beauty? )he(e8e( you a(eA ,(y )alkin* -o(+ally as )ellA Be-o(e o( a-te( you sit? t(y a 1e(iod o- )alkin* +editationA Kee1 a &ontinuity o- +ind-ulness bet)een the )alkin* and the sittin*A

,en +inutes is *ood? o( hal- an hou(A 5e+e+be( on&e a*ain that it is not &lo&k ti+e )e a(e &on&e(ned )ith he(eA But you )ill lea(n +o(e and unde(stand )alkin* +editation +o(e dee1ly i- you &hallen*e you(sel- to kee1 at it 1ast you( -i(st o( se&ond i+1ulse to sto1A

Standing Meditation
Standin* +editation is best lea(ned -(o+ t(eesA Stand &lose to one? o(? bette( still? in a stand o- t(ees and @ust 1ee( out in one di(e&tionA >eel you( -eet de8elo1in* (oots into the *(oundA >eel you( body s)ay *ently? as it al)ays )ill? @ust as t(ees do in a b(eeBeA Stayin* 1ut? in tou&h )ith you( b(eathin*? d(ink in )hat is in -(ont o- you? o( kee1 you( eyes &losed and sense you( su((oundin*sA Sense the t(ee &losest to youA Listen to it? -eel its 1(esen&e? tou&h it )ith you( +ind and bodyA ;se you( b(eath to hel1 you to stay in the +o+ent AAA -eelin* you( o)n body standin*? b(eathin*? bein*? +o+ent by +o+entA

/hen +ind o( body -i(st si*nals that 1e(ha1s it is ti+e to +o8e on? stay )ith the standin* a )hile lon*e(? (e+e+be(in* that t(ees stand still -o( yea(s? o&&asionally li-eti+es i- they a(e -o(tunateA See i- they do not ha8e so+ethin* to tea&h you about stillness and about bein* in tou&hA '-te( all? they a(e tou&hin* the *(ound )ith (oots and t(unk? the ai( )ith t(unk and b(an&hes? sunli*ht and the )ind )ith thei( lea8esH e8e(ythin* about a standin* t(ee s1eaks o- bein* in tou&hA 2<1e(i+ent )ith standin* this )ay you(sel-? e8en -o( sho(t 1e(iods o- ti+eA /o(k at bein* in tou&h )ith the ai( on you( skin? the -eel o- the -eet in &onta&t )ith the *(ound? the sounds o- the )o(ld? the dan&e oli*ht and &olo( and shado)? the dan&e o- the +indA T!": Standin* like this )he(e8e( you -ind you(sel-? in the )oods? in the +ountains? by a (i8e(? in you( li8in* (oo+? o( @ust )aitin* -o( the busA /hen you a(e alone? you +i*ht t(y o1enin* you( 1al+s to the sky and holdin* you( a(+s out in 8a(ious 1ositions? like b(an&hes and lea8es? a&&essible? o1en? (e&e1ti8e? 1atientA

*ying-!o2n Meditation
Lyin* do)n is a )onde(-ul )ay to +editate i- you &an +ana*e not to -all aslee1A 'nd i- you do -all aslee1? you( slee1 +ay be +o(e (est-ul i- you ente( it th(ou*h +editationA 4ou &an )ake u1 -(o+ slee1in* in the sa+e )ay? b(in*in* -ull a)a(eness to those -i(st +o+ents o- )ake-ulness (etu(nin*A /hen you( body is lyin* do)n? you &an (eally let the )hole o- it *o +u&h +o(e easily than you &an in any othe( 1ostu(eA 4ou( body &an sink into the bed? +at? -loo(? o( *(ound until you( +us&les sto1 +akin* the sli*htest e--o(t to hold you to*ethe(A ,his is a 1(o-ound lettin* *o at the le8el o- you( +us&les and the +oto( neu(ons )hi&h *o8e(n the+A ,he +ind Fui&kly -ollo)s i- you *i8e it 1e(+ission to stay o1en and )ake-ulA ;sin* the body as a )hole as the ob@e&t o- you( attention in lyin*-do)n +editation is a blessin*A 4ou &an -eel the body -(o+ head to toe? b(eathin* and (adiatin* )a(+th o8e( the enti(e en8elo1e o- you( skinA It6s the )hole body that b(eathes? the )hole body that is ali8eA In b(in*in* +ind-ulness to the body as a )hole? you &an (e&lai+ you( enti(e body as the lo&us o- you( bein* and you( 8itality? and (e+ind

you(sel- that Gyou?G )hoe8e( you a(e? a(e not @ust a (esident o- you( headA 4ou &an also -o&us on di--e(ent a(eas in eithe( a -(ee-lo)in* o( a +o(e syste+ati& )ay )hen 1(a&ti&in* +editation lyin* do)nA /e int(odu&e the 1eo1le in ou( &lini& to lyin*-do)n +editation in the -o(+ o- a -o(ty-i8e-+inute body s&anA Not e8e(ybody &an sit -o( -o(ty--i8e +inutes (i*ht a)ay but anybody &an do the body s&anA 'll you need to do is lie he(e and -eel di--e(ent (e*ions o- you( body and then let *o o- the+A ,he body s&an is syste+ati& in the sense that )e +o8e th(ou*h the 8a(ious (e*ions o- the body in a 1a(ti&ula( o(de(A But the(e is no one )ay to do itA It &ould be done s&annin* -(o+ head to -eet o( -(o+ -eet to head o( -(o+ side to side -o( that +atte(A :ne )ay to 1(a&ti&e is to in)a(dly di(e&t you( b(eath in to and out -(o+ the 8a(ious (e*ions o- you( body as i- you &ould b(eathe (i*ht in to you( toes o( you( knee? o( you( ea(? and b(eathe out G-(o+G those 1la&esA /hen you -eel (eady? on an outb(eath you @ust let *o o- that (e*ion? allo)in*Cin8itin* it to dissol8e in you( +ind6s eye Dyou( i+a*inationE as the +us&les the+sel8es let *o and you d(o1 into stillness and o1en a)a(eness be-o(e +o8in* on and &onne&tin* )ith the ne<t (e*ion o- the body? )hi&h you )ould

&o+e to on anothe( inb(eathA 's +u&h as 1ossible? allo) all the b(eathin* to be th(ou*h you( noseA 4ou don6t ha8e to do lyin*-do)n +editation as syste+ati&ally as in the body s&an? ho)e8e(A 4ou &an also -o&us on 1a(ti&ula( (e*ions o- you( body at )ill? o( as they be&o+e do+inant in the -ield o- you( a)a(eness? 1e(ha1s due to 1ain o( a 1(oble+ )ith a 1a(ti&ula( (e*ionA 2nte(in* into the+ )ith o1enness and attention and a&&e1tan&e &an be 1(o-oundly healin*? es1e&ially i- you 1(a&ti&e (e*ula(lyA It -eels like a dee1 nou(ishin* o- &ells and tissues as )ell as o- 1sy&he and s1i(it? )hole body and soulA Lyin*-do)n +editation is a *ood )ay to *et in tou&h )ith you( e+otional body? tooA /e 1ossess a +eta1ho(i&al? a +ythi&al hea(t as )ell as a 1hysi&al oneA /hen )e -o&us on the (e*ion o- the hea(t? it &an be hel1-ul to tune in to any sensations o- &onst(i&tion in the &hest? ti*htness? o( hea8iness? and be a)a(e oe+otions su&h as *(ie-? sadness? loneliness? des1ai(? un)o(thiness? o( an*e( )hi&h +ay lie @ust beneath the su(-a&e o- those 1hysi&al sensationsA /e s1eak o- b(oken hea(ts? o- bein* ha(dhea(ted o( hea8yhea(ted? be&ause the hea(t is kno)n in ou( &ultu(e as the seat o- ou( e+otional li-eA ,he hea(t is also the seat o- lo8e? @oy? and &o+1assion? and su&h e+otions

a(e eFually dese(8in* o- attention and o- hono(in* as you dis&o8e( the+A ' nu+be( o- s1e&ialiBed +editati8e 1(a&ti&es su&h as lo8in* kindness +editation a(e s1e&i-i&ally o(iented to)a(d &ulti8atin* in onesel- 1a(ti&ula( -eelin* states that e<1and and o1en the +eta1ho(i&al hea(tA '&&e1tan&e? -o(*i8eness? lo8in* kindness? *ene(osity? and t(ust all a(e st(en*thened by intentionally &ente(in* and sustainin* attention in the hea(t (e*ion? and in8okin* su&h -eelin*s as 1a(t o- -o(+al +editation 1(a&ti&eA But these -eelin*s a(e also st(en*thened th(ou*h si+1ly (e&o*niBin* the+ )hen they a(ise s1ontaneously in you( +editation 1(a&ti&e and by en&ounte(in* the+ )ith a)a(enessA :the( body (e*ions? too? ha8e +eta1ho(i&al +eanin* and &an be a11(oa&hed in +editations? lyin* do)n and othe()ise? )ith this kind o- a)a(enessA ,he sola( 1le<us has a sun-like? (adiant Fuality and &an hel1 us to &onta&t -eelin*s o- &ente(edness? lyin* as it does at the &ente( o- *(a8ity o- the body? and o- 8itality Ddi*esti8e -i(esEA ,he th(oat 8o&aliBes ou( e+otions and &an be eithe( &onst(i&ted o( o1enA >eelin*s &an *et Gstu&k in the th(oatG so+eti+es? e8en i- the hea(t is o1enA /hen )e de8elo1 +ind-ulness o- the th(oat (e*ion? it &an 1ut us +o(e in tou&h )ith ou( s1ee&h and its tonal Fualities - su&h as e<1losi8eness? s1eed?

ha(shness? 8olu+e? auto+ati&ity on the one hand? o( so-tness? *entleness? sensiti8ity on the othe( - as )ell as its &ontentA 2a&h (e*ion o- the 1hysi&al body has its &ounte(1a(t in an e+otional body o( +a1 )hi&h &a((ies a dee1e( +eanin* -o( us? o-ten &o+1letely belo) ou( le8el oa)a(enessA In o(de( to &ontinue *(o)in*? )e need to &ontinuously a&ti8ate? listen to? and lea(n -(o+ ou( e+otional bodyA Lyin*-do)n +editations &an hel1 a lot )ith this as lon* as )hen you *et u1 you a(e )illin* to (isk the stands that you( insi*hts +i*ht (eFui(eA In the old days? ou( &ultu(es? +ytholo*ies? and (ituals hel1ed in the 1(o&ess o- a&ti8atin* ou( e+otional body and hono(in* its 8itality and its i+1e(+anen&eA ;sually this )as done in sa+e-se< initiation 1(a&ti&es o(*aniBed by the &o++unity oelde(s? )hose @ob it )as to edu&ate the adoles&ents about )hat it +eant to be a -ull adult )ithin the t(ibe o( &ultu(eA ,he i+1o(tan&e o- the de8elo1+ent o- the e+otional body is ha(dly (e&o*niBed todayA /e a(e 1(etty +u&h le-t to ou( o)n de8i&es to &o+e to -ull adulthood? )hethe( +an o( )o+anA :u( elde(s +ay ha8e be&o+e so denatu(ed the+sel8es -(o+ a la&k osu&h nu(tu(an&e that the(e is no lon*e( a &olle&ti8e kno)led*e o- ho) to *uide the a)akenin* e+otional 8itality and authenti&ity o- ou( youn* 1eo1le? ou( &hild(enA .ind-ulness +ay &ont(ibute to a

(ea)akenin* o- this an&ient )isdo+ in ou(sel8es and in othe(sA Sin&e )e lie do)n -o( so +u&h o- ou( li8es? lyin*do)n +editation 1(o8ides a (eadily a&&essible *ate)ay to anothe( di+ension o- &ons&iousnessA Be-o(e slee1? u1on )akin*? )hile (estin* o( loun*in*? the lyin* do)n &an itsel- in8ite you to 1(a&ti&e +ind-ulness? b(in*in* b(eath and body to*ethe( +o+ent by +o+ent? -illin* you( body )ith a)a(eness and a&&e1tan&e? listenin*? listenin*? hea(in*? hea(in*? *(o)in*? *(o)in*? lettin* *o? lettin* be AAA T!": ,unin* in to you( b(eath )hen you -ind you(sellyin* do)nA >eel it +o8in* in you( enti(e bodyA %)ell )ith the b(eath in 8a(ious (e*ions o- you( body? su&h as the -eet? the le*s? the 1el8is and *enitals? the belly? the &hest? the ba&k? the shoulde(s? the a(+s? the th(oat and ne&k? the head? the -a&e? the to1 o- you( headA Listen &a(e-ullyA 'llo) you(sel- to -eel )hate8e( is 1(esent /at&h the sensations in the body -lu< and &han*eA /at&h you( -eelin*s about the+ -lu< and &han*eA ,(y +editatin* on 1u(1ose lyin* do)n? not @ust a(ound bedti+eA %o it out o- bed? on the -loo(? at di--e(ent

ti+es o- the dayA %o it in -ields and +eado)s on o&&asion? unde( t(ees? in the (ain? in the sno)A B(in* 1a(ti&ula( attention to you( body as you a(e *oin* to slee1 and as you a(e )akin* u1A 28en -o( a -e) +inutes? st(et&h you(sel- out st(ai*ht? on you( ba&k i- 1ossible? and @ust -eel the body as a )hole b(eathin*A 9i8e s1e&ial attention to any (e*ions that a(e 1(oble+ati& -o( you and )o(k at lettin* the b(eath in8ite the+ ba&k into a sense o- +e+be(shi1 and )holeness )ith the (est o- you( bodyA Kee1 you( e+otional body in +indA 7ono( G*utG -eelin*sA

&etting Your Body !o2n on the 1loor at *east 'n e a !ay

,he(e is a 1a(ti&ula( -eelin* o- ti+e sto11in* )hen you *et you( body do)n on the -loo(? )hethe( it6s to 1(a&ti&e a lyin*-do)n +editation su&h as the body s&an o( to syste+ati&ally )o(k the body *ently but -i(+ly to)a(d its li+its in -i(st this di(e&tion? then that? as )e do in +ind-ul hatha yo*aA Just bein* lo) do)n in a (oo+ tends to &lea( the +indA .aybe it6s be&ause bein* on the -loo( is so -o(ei*n to us that it b(eaks u1 ou( habitual neu(olo*i&al 1atte(nin* and in8ites us to

ente( into this +o+ent th(ou*h a sudden o1enin* in )hat )e +i*ht &all the body doo(A In hatha yo*a 1(a&ti&e? the idea is to be -ully in you( body as you b(in* a)a(eness to the 8a(ious sensations? thou*hts? and -eelin*s )hi&h &o+e u1 )hile you a(e +o8in*? st(et&hin*? b(eathin*? holdin* 1ositions? (ea&hin* o( li-tin* )ith a(+s? le*s? and to(soA ,he(e a(e said to be o8e( 80?000 basi& yo*a 1ostu(esA :ne )on6t Fui&kly (un out o- ne) &hallen*es -o( the bodyH but I -ind I kee1 &o+in* ba&k to a &o(e (outine o- +aybe t)enty o( so 1ostu(es? )hi&h o8e( the yea(s @ust kee1 takin* +e dee1e( into +y body and dee1e( into stillnessA 4o*a -olds +o8e+ent and stillness into one anothe(A It is a )onde(-ully nou(ishin* 1(a&ti&eA 's in the othe( -o(+s o- +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e? you a(e not t(yin* to *et any)he(eA But you a(e 1u(1ose-ully +o8in* (i*ht u1 to the 8e(y li+its o- you( body in this +o+entA 4ou a(e e<1lo(in* a te((ain )he(e the(e +ay be &onside(able intensity o- sensation asso&iated )ith st(et&hin* o( li-tin* o( +aintainin* you( balan&e in unusual s1atial &on-i*u(ations o- li+bs? head? and t(unkA ,he(e you d)ell? usually -o( lon*e( than 1a(t oyou( +ind )ould like? @ust b(eathin*? @ust -eelin* you( bodyA 4ou a(e not lookin* to b(eak th(ou*h to anythin*A 4ou a(e not &o+1etin* )ith anybody else6s

body o( e8en ai+in* to i+1(o8e you( o)nA 4ou a(e not @ud*in* ho) you( body is doin*A 4ou a(e si+1ly (esidin* in stillness? )ithin the -ull (an*e o- you( e<1e(ien&es? in&ludin* any intensity o( dis&o+-o(t D)hi&h should in any &ase be beni*n i- you ha8e not -o(&ed you(sel- to *o beyond you( li+itsE? tastin* the bloo+ o- these +o+ents in you( bodyA 'll the sa+e? -o( the de8oted 1(a&titione(? it6s ha(d not to noti&e that the body lo8es a steady diet o- this and &han*es on its o)nA ,he(e is -(eFuently an Gon the )ay toG Fuality to this 1(a&ti&e at the sa+e ti+e that the(e is the G@ust as it is no)G -eelin* as the body sinks +o(e and +o(e dee1ly into a st(et&h o( into lettin* *o? lyin* on the -loo( bet)een +o(e e--o(t-ul 1ostu(esA Not -o(&in* anythin*? )e @ust do ou( best to line u1 )ith the )a(1 and )oo- o- body and +ind? -loo(? and )o(ld? stayin* in tou&hA T!": 9ettin* do)n on the -loo( on&e a day and st(et&hin* you( body +ind-ully? i- only -o( th(ee o( -ou( +inutes? stayin* in tou&h )ith you( b(eathin* and )ith )hat you( body is tellin* youA 5e+ind you(sel- that this is you( body todayA 3he&k to see i- you a(e in tou&h )ith itA

Not Pra ti ing Is Pra ti ing

So+eti+es I like to 1oint out that not doin* yo*a is the sa+e as doin* yo*a? althou*h I ho1e 1eo1le don6t *et the )(on* idea and think I a+ sayin* it6s the sa+e )hethe( you 1(a&ti&e o( notA /hat I +ean is si+1ly that e8e(y ti+e you &o+e ba&k to yo*a 1(a&ti&e? you see the e--e&t o- not ha8in* done it -o( a )hileA So in a )ay you lea(n +o(e by &o+in* ba&k to it than you )ould by @ust kee1in* it u1A :- &ou(se? this is only t(ue i- you noti&e thin*s su&h as ho) still you( body -eels? ho) ha(d it is to hold a 1ostu(e? ho) i+1atient the +ind be&o+es? ho) it (esists stayin* on the b(eathA ,hese thin*s a(e (eally ha(d not to noti&e )hen you a(e do)n on the -loo( holdin* on to you( knee as you d(a) you( head u1 to)a(d itA ,hey a(e +u&h ha(de( to be a)a(e o- )hen it6s li-e itsel- that )e a(e talkin* about (athe( than yo*aA But the sa+e 1(in&i1le a11liesA 4o*a and li-e a(e di--e(ent )ays o- sayin* the sa+e thin*A >o(*ettin* o( ne*le&tin* to be +ind-ul &an tea&h you a lot +o(e than @ust bein* +ind-ul all the ti+eA >o(tunately? +ost o- us don6t ha8e to )o((y on that s&o(e? sin&e ou( tenden&ies to)a(d +indlessness a(e so (obustA It is in the &o+in* ba&k to +ind-ulness that seein* liesA

T!": Noti&in* the di--e(en&e in ho) you -eel and ho) you handle st(ess in 1e(iods )hen you a(e into the dis&i1line o- daily +editation and yo*a 1(a&ti&e and in 1e(iods o- you( li-e )hen you a(e not See i- you &an be&o+e a)a(e o- the &onseFuen&es o- you( +o(e +indless and auto+ati& beha8io(s? es1e&ially )hen they a(e 1(o8oked by 1(essu(es ste++in* -(o+ )o(k o( ho+e li-eA 7o) do you &a((y you(sel- in you( body in those 1e(iods )hen you a(e 1(a&ti&in* and )hen you a(e not0 /hat ha11ens to you( &o++it+ent to (e+e+be( non-doin*0 7o) does the la&k o- (e*ula( 1(a&ti&e a--e&t you( an<iety about ti+e and about a&hie8in* &e(tain (esults0 7o) does it a--e&t you( (elationshi1s0 /he(e do so+e o- you( +ost +indless 1atte(ns &o+e -(o+0 /hat t(i**e(s the+0 '(e you (eady to hold the+ in a)a(eness as they *(i1 you by the th(oat? )hethe( you( -o(+al 1(a&ti&e is st(on* this )eek o( not0 3an you see that not 1(a&ti&in* is an a(duous 1(a&ti&e0

*o%ing Kindness Meditation

No man is an "sland, entire of it self, 8very man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main, "f a clod be washed away by the sea, 8urope is the less, as well as if a promontory were, #s well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were, #ny man&s death diminishes me, because " am involved in man!ind, #nd therefore, never send to !now for whom the bell tolls, "t tolls for thee. DJohn %onne? .editation "=IIE /e (esonate )ith one anothe(6s so((o)s be&ause )e a(e inte(&onne&tedA Bein* )hole and si+ultaneously 1a(t o- a la(*e( )hole? )e &an &han*e the )o(ld si+1ly by &han*in* ou(sel8esA I- I be&o+e a &ente( olo8e and kindness in this +o+ent? then in a 1e(ha1s s+all but ha(dly insi*ni-i&ant )ay? the )o(ld no) has a nu&leus o- lo8e and kindness it la&ked the +o+ent be-o(eA ,his bene-its +e and it bene-its othe(sA

4ou +ay ha8e noti&ed that you a(e not al)ays a &ente( o- lo8e and kindness? e8en to)a(d you(sel-A In -a&t? in ou( so&iety? one +i*ht s1eak o- an e1ide+i& o- lo) sel--estee+A In &on8e(sations )ith the %alai La+a du(in* a +eetin* in %ha(a+sala in 1!!0? he did a double take )hen a /este(n 1sy&holo*ist s1oke olo) sel--estee+A ,he 1h(ase had to be t(anslated se8e(al ti+es -o( hi+ into ,ibetan? althou*h his 2n*lish is Fuite *oodA 7e @ust &ouldn6t *(as1 the notion o- lo) sel--estee+? and )hen he -inally unde(stood )hat )as bein* said? he )as 8isibly saddened to hea( that so +any 1eo1le in '+e(i&a &a((y dee1 -eelin*s o- sel--loathin* and inadeFua&yA Su&h -eelin*s a(e 8i(tually unhea(d o- a+on* the ,ibetansA ,hey ha8e all the se8e(e 1(oble+s o(e-u*ees -(o+ o11(ession li8in* in the ,hi(d /o(ld? but lo) sel--estee+ is not one o- the+A But )ho kno)s )hat )ill ha11en to -utu(e *ene(ations as they &o+e into &onta&t )ith )hat )e i(oni&ally &all the Gde8elo1ed )o(ldAG .aybe )e a(e o8e(de8elo1ed out)a(dly and unde(de8elo1ed in)a(dlyA Pe(ha1s it is )e )ho? -o( all ou( )ealth? a(e li8in* in 1o8e(tyA 4ou &an take ste1s to (e&ti-y this 1o8e(ty th(ou*h lo8in* kindness +editationA 's usual? the 1la&e to be*in is )ith you(sel-A .i*ht you in8ite a sense okindness and a&&e1tan&e and &he(ishin* to a(ise in

you( o)n hea(t0 4ou )ould ha8e to do so o8e( and o8e( a*ain? you kno)? @ust as you )ould b(in* you( +ind ba&k to the b(eath o8e( and o8e( a*ain in the sittin* +editationA ,he +ind )on6t take easily to it? be&ause the )ounds )e &a((y (un dee1A But you +i*ht t(y? @ust as an e<1e(i+ent? to hold you(sel- in a)a(eness and a&&e1tan&e -o( a ti+e in you( 1(a&ti&e? as a +othe( )ould hold a hu(t o( -(i*htened &hild? )ith a &o+1letely a8ailable and un&onditional lo8eA 3an you &ulti8ate -o(*i8eness o- you(sel-? i- not o- othe(s0 Is it e8en 1ossible to in8ite you(sel- to be ha11y in this +o+ent0 Is it okay -o( you to -eel okay0 Is the basis o- ha11iness 1(esent in this +o+ent at all0 Lo8in* kindness 1(a&ti&e is done in the -ollo)in* )ay? but 1lease don6t +istake the )o(ds -o( the 1(a&ti&eA 's usual? they a(e @ust si*n1osts 1ointin* the )ay: Sta(t by &ente(in* you(sel- in you( 1ostu(e and in you( b(eathin*A ,hen? -(o+ you( hea(t o( -(o+ you( belly? in8ite -eelin*s o( i+a*es o- kindness and lo8e to (adiate until they -ill you( )hole bein*A 'llo) you(selto be &(adled by you( o)n a)a(eness as i- you )e(e as dese(8in* o- lo8in* kindness as any &hildA Let you( a)a(eness e+body both bene8olent +othe( ene(*y and bene8olent -athe( ene(*y? +akin* a8ailable -o( you in this +o+ent a (e&o*nition and an hono(in* o-

you( bein*? and a kindness you 1e(ha1s did not (e&ei8e enou*h o- as a &hildA Let you(sel- bask in this ene(*y o- lo8in* kindness? b(eathin* it in and b(eathin* it out? as i- it )e(e a li-eline? lon* in dis(e1ai( but -inally 1assin* alon* a nou(ish+ent you )e(e sta(8in* -o(A In8ite -eelin*s o- 1ea&e-ulness and a&&e1tan&e to be 1(esent in youA So+e 1eo1le -ind it 8aluable to say to the+sel8es -(o+ ti+e to ti+e su&h thin*s as: G.ay I be -(ee -(o+ i*no(an&eA .ay I be -(ee -(o+ *(eed and hat(edA .ay I not su--e(A .ay I be ha11yAG But the )o(ds a(e @ust +eant to e8oke -eelin*s o- lo8in* kindnessA ,hey a(e a )ishin* onesel- )ell &ons&iously -o(+ed intentions to be -(ee no)? in this +o+ent at least? -(o+ the 1(oble+s )e so o-ten +ake -o( ou(sel8es o( &o+1ound -o( ou(sel8es th(ou*h ou( o)n -ea( and -o(*et-ulnessA :n&e you ha8e established you(sel- as a &ente( olo8e and kindness (adiatin* th(ou*hout you( bein*? )hi&h a+ounts to a &(adlin* o- you(sel- in lo8in* kindness and a&&e1tan&e? you &an d)ell he(e inde-initely? d(inkin* at this -ount? bathin* in it? (ene)in* you(sel-? nou(ishin* you(sel-? enli8enin* you(sel-A ,his &an be a 1(o-oundly healin* 1(a&ti&e -o( body and soulA

4ou &an also take the 1(a&ti&e -u(the(A 7a8in* established a (adiant &ente( in you( bein*? you &an let lo8in* kindness (adiate out)a(dly and di(e&t it )he(e8e( you likeA 4ou +i*ht -i(st di(e&t it to)a(d the +e+be(s o- you( i++ediate -a+ilyA I- you ha8e &hild(en? hold the+ in you( +ind6s eye and in you( hea(t? 8isualiBin* thei( essential sel8es? )ishin* the+ )ell? that they not su--e( needlessly? that they &o+e to kno) thei( t(ue )ay in the )o(ld? that they +ay e<1e(ien&e lo8e and a&&e1tan&e in li-eA 'nd then in&ludin*? as you *o alon*? a 1a(tne(? s1ouse? siblin*s? 1a(entsA AAA 4ou &an di(e&t lo8in* kindness to)a(d you( 1a(ents )hethe( they a(e ali8e o( dead? )ishin* the+ )ell? )ishin* that they +ay not -eel isolated o( in 1ain? hono(in* the+A I- you -eel &a1able o- it and it -eels healthy to you? and libe(atin*? -indin* a 1la&e in you( o)n hea(t to -o(*i8e the+ -o( thei( li+itations? -o( thei( -ea(s? and -o( any )(on* a&tions and su--e(in* they +ay ha8e &aused? (e+e+be(in* 4eats6s line? G/hy? )hat &ould she ha8e done? bein* )hat she is0G 'nd the(e6s no need to sto1 he(eA 4ou &an di(e&t lo8in* kindness to)a(d anybody? to)a(d 1eo1le you kno) and 1eo1le you don6tA It +ay bene-it the+? but it )ill &e(tainly bene-it you by (e-inin* and e<tendin* you( e+otional bein*A ,his e<tension +atu(es as you

1u(1ose-ully di(e&t lo8in* kindness to)a(d 1eo1le you ha8e a ha(d ti+e )ith? to)a(d those you dislike o( a(e (e1ulsed by? to)a(d those )ho th(eaten you o( ha8e hu(t youA 4ou &an also 1(a&ti&e di(e&tin* lo8in* kindness to)a(d )hole *(ou1s o- 1eo1le - to)a(d all those )ho a(e o11(essed? o( )ho su--e(? o( )hose li8es a(e &au*ht u1 in )a( o( 8iolen&e o( hat(ed? unde(standin* that they a(e not di--e(ent -(o+ you that they too ha8e lo8ed ones? ho1es and as1i(ations? and needs -o( shelte(? -ood? and 1ea&eA 'nd you &an e<tend lo8in* kindness to the 1lanet itsel-? its *lo(ies and its silent su--e(in*? to the en8i(on+ent? the st(ea+s and (i8e(s? to the ai(? the o&eans? the -o(ests? to 1lants and ani+als? &olle&ti8ely o( sin*lyA ,he(e is (eally no natu(al li+it to the 1(a&ti&e o- lo8in* kindness in +editation o( in one6s li-eA It is an on*oin*? e8e(-e<1andin* (ealiBation ointe(&onne&tednessA It is also its e+bodi+entA /hen you &an lo8e one t(ee o( one -lo)e( o( one do* o( one 1la&e? o( one 1e(son o( you(sel- -o( one +o+ent? you &an -ind all 1eo1le? all 1la&es? all su--e(in*? all ha(+ony in that one +o+entA P(a&ti&in* in this )ay is not t(yin* to &han*e anythin* o( *et any)he(e? althou*h it +i*ht look like it on the su(-a&eA /hat it is (eally doin* is un&o8e(in* )hat is al)ays 1(esentA Lo8e and kindness a(e he(e all the ti+e? so+e)he(e? in -a&t? e8e(y)he(eA ;sually ou( ability to tou&h the+

and be tou&hed by the+ lies bu(ied belo) ou( o)n -ea(s and hu(ts? belo) ou( *(eed and ou( hat(eds? belo) ou( des1e(ate &lin*in* to the illusion that )e a(e t(uly se1a(ate and aloneA By in8okin* su&h -eelin*s in ou( 1(a&ti&e? )e a(e st(et&hin* a*ainst the ed*es o- ou( o)n i*no(an&e? @ust as in the yo*a )e st(et&h a*ainst the (esistan&e o- +us&le? li*a+ent? and tendon? and as in that and all othe( -o(+s o- +editation? a*ainst the bounda(ies and i*no(an&e o- ou( o)n +inds and hea(tsA 'nd in the st(et&hin*? 1ain-ul as it so+eti+es is? )e e<1and? )e *(o)? )e &han*e ou(sel8es? )e &han*e the )o(ldA My religion is !indness. ,he %alai La+a T!": ,ou&hin* base )ith -eelin*s o- lo8in* kindness )ithin you(sel- at so+e 1oint in you( +editation 1(a&ti&eA See i- you &an *et behind any ob@e&tions you +ay ha8e to this 1(a&ti&e? o( behind you( (easons -o( bein* unlo8able o( una&&e1tableA Just look at all that as thinkin*A 2<1e(i+ent )ith allo)in* you(sel- to bathe in the )a(+th and a&&e1tan&e o- lo8in* kindness as i- you )e(e a &hild held in a lo8in* +othe(6s o( -athe(6s a(+sA ,hen 1lay )ith di(e&tin* it

to)a(d othe(s and out into the )o(ldA ,he(e is no li+it to this 1(a&ti&e? but as )ith any othe( 1(a&ti&e? it dee1ens and *(o)s )ith &onstant attendin*? like 1lants in a lo8in*ly tended *a(denA .ake su(e that you a(e not t(yin* to hel1 anybody else o( the 1lanetA 5athe(? you a(e si+1ly holdin* the+ in a)a(eness? hono(in* the+? )ishin* the+ )ell? o1enin* to thei( 1ain )ith kindness and &o+1assion and a&&e1tan&eA I-? in the 1(o&ess? you -ind that this 1(a&ti&e &alls you to a&t di--e(ently in the )o(ld? then let those a&tions too e+body lo8in* kindness and +ind-ulnessA

#art *% n the S+irit of Mindfulness

#ll of us are apprenticed to the same teacher that the religious institutions originally wor!ed with( reality. /eality0insight says ... master the twenty0four hours. 4o it well, without self0pity. "t is as hard to get the children herded into the car pool and down the road to the bus as it is to chant sutras in the -uddha0hall on a cold morning. ne move is not better than the other, each can be 7uite boring, and they both have the virtuous 7uality of repetition. /epetition and ritual and their good results come in many forms. Changing the filter, wiping noses, going to meetings, pic!ing up around the house, washing dishes, chec!ing the dipstic! 0 don&t let yourself thin! these are distracting you from your more serious pursuits. Such a round of chores is not a set of difficulties we hope to escape from so that we may do our 5practice5 which will put us on a 5path5 0 it is our path. 9a(y Snyde(? $he 2ractice f $he Wild

Sitting ,y 1ire
In the old days? on&e the sun )ent do)n? the only sou(&e o- li*ht 1eo1le had? othe( than the &han*in* +oon and -i(+a+ent o- sta(s? )as -i(eA >o( +illions oyea(s? )e hu+an bein*s sat a(ound -i(es? *aBin* into the -la+es and e+be(s )ith &old and da(kness at ou( ba&ksA .aybe this is )he(e -o(+al +editation -i(st *ot its sta(tA >i(e )as a &o+-o(t to us? ou( sou(&e o- heat? li*ht? and 1(ote&tion - dan*e(ous but? )ith *(eat &a(e? &ont(ollableA Sittin* by it *a8e us (ela<ation at the end o- the dayA In its )a(+? -li&ke(in* li*ht? )e &ould tell sto(ies and talk about the day 1ast? o( @ust sit silently? seein* the (e-le&tion o- ou( +inds in the e8e(&han*in* -la+es and the *lo)in* lands&a1es o- a +a*i&al )o(ldA >i(e +ade the da(kness bea(able? and hel1ed us -eel se&u(e and sa-eA It )as &al+in*? (eliable? (esto(in*? +editati8e? and absolutely ne&essa(y -o( su(8i8alA ,his ne&essity has -lo)n -(o+ ou( e8e(yday li8es? and )ith it al+ost all o&&asion to be stillA In today6s -ast1a&ed )o(ld? -i(es a(e i+1(a&ti&al o( an o&&asional lu<u(y to set a &e(tain +oodA /e ha8e only to -li1 a s)it&h )hen the oute( li*ht be*ins to di+A /e &an

li*ht u1 the )o(ld as b(i*htly as )e )ant and kee1 *oin* )ith ou( li8es? -illin* all ou( )akin* hou(s )ith busyness? )ith doin*A Li-e *i8es us s&ant ti+e -o( bein* no)adays? unless )e seiBe it on 1u(1oseA /e no lon*e( ha8e a -i<ed ti+e )hen )e ha8e to sto1 )hat )e a(e doin* be&ause the(e6s not enou*h li*ht to do it by AAA )e la&k that -o(+e(ly built-in ti+e )e had e8e(y ni*ht -o( shi-tin* *ea(s? -o( lettin* *o o- the day6s a&ti8itiesA /e ha8e 1(e&ious -e) o&&asions no)adays -o( the +ind to settle itsel- in stillness by a -i(eA Instead? )e )at&h tele8ision at the end o- the day? a 1ale ele&t(oni& -i(e ene(*y? and 1ale in &o+1a(isonA /e sub+it ou(sel8es to &onstant bo+ba(d+ent by sounds and i+a*es that &o+e -(o+ +inds othe( than ou( o)n? that -ill ou( heads )ith in-o(+ation and t(i8ia? othe( 1eo1le6s ad8entu(es and e<&ite+ent and desi(esA /at&hin* tele8ision lea8es e8en less (oo+ in the day -o( e<1e(ien&in* stillnessA It soaks u1 ti+e? s1a&e? and silen&e? a so1o(i-i&? lullin* us into +indless 1assi8ityA GBubble *u+ -o( the eyes?G Ste8e 'llen &alled itA Ne)s1a1e(s do +u&h the sa+eA ,hey a(e not bad in the+sel8es? but )e -(eFuently &ons1i(e to use the+ to (ob ou(sel8es o- +any 1(e&ious +o+ents in )hi&h )e +i*ht be li8in* +o(e -ullyA

It tu(ns out that )e don6t ha8e to su&&u+b to the addi&ti8e a11eals o- e<te(nal abso(1tions in ente(tain+ent and 1assionate dist(a&tionA /e &an de8elo1 othe( habits that b(in* us ba&k to that ele+ental yea(nin* inside ou(sel8es -o( )a(+th? stillness? and inne( 1ea&eA /hen )e sit )ith ou( b(eathin*? -o( instan&e? it is +u&h like sittin* by -i(eA Lookin* dee1ly into the b(eath? )e &an see at least as +u&h as in *lo)in* &oals and e+be(s and -la+es? (e-le&tions o- ou( o)n +ind dan&in*A ' &e(tain )a(+th is *ene(ated? tooA 'nd i- )e a(e t(uly not t(yin* to *et any)he(e but si+1ly allo) ou(sel8es to be he(e in this +o+ent as it is? )e &an stu+ble easily u1on an an&ient stillness - behind and )ithin the 1lay o- ou( thou*hts and -eelin*s - that in a si+1le( ti+e? 1eo1le -ound in sittin* by the -i(eA

's I 1ull into the 1a(kin* lot o- the hos1ital? se8e(al hund(ed *eese 1ass o8e(headA ,hey a(e -lyin* hi*h and I do not hea( thei( honkin*A /hat st(ikes +e -i(st is that they &lea(ly kno) )he(e they a(e *oin*A ,hey a(e -lyin* no(th)est? and the(e a(e so +any o- the+

that the -o(+ation t(ails out -a( to the east? )he(e the ea(ly No8e+be( sun is hu**in* the ho(iBonA 's the -i(st o- the+ -ly o8e(? I a+ +o8ed by the nobility and beauty o- thei( 1u(1ose-ul asse+bly to *(ab 1a1e( and 1en (i*ht the(e in the &a( and &a1tu(e the 1atte(n as best +y unskilled hand and eye a(e ableA 5a1id st(okes su--i&e AAA they )ill sho(tly be *oneA 7und(eds a(e in =6s? but +any a(e in +o(e &o+1le< a((an*e+entsA 28e(ythin* is in +otionA ,hei( lines di1 and as&end )ith *(a&e and ha(+ony? like a &loth )a8in* in the ai(A It is &lea( that they a(e &o++uni&atin*A 2a&h one so+eho) kno)s )he(e it is? has a 1la&e in this &o+1le< and &onstantly &han*in* 1atte(n? belon*sA I -eel st(an*ely blessed by thei( 1assa*eA ,his +o+ent is a *i-tA I ha8e been 1e(+itted to see and sha(e in so+ethin* I kno) is i+1o(tant? so+ethin* I a+ not *(a&ed )ith that o-tenA Pa(t o- it is thei( )ildness? 1a(t is the ha(+ony? o(de(? and beauty they e+bodyA .y usual e<1e(ien&e o- ti+e -lo)in* is sus1ended )hile )itnessin* thei( 1assin*A ,he 1atte(n is )hat s&ientists &all G&haoti&?G like &loud -o(+ations o( the sha1es o- t(eesA ,he(e is o(de(? and )ithin it? e+bedded diso(de(? yet that too is o(de(lyA >o( +e no)? it is si+1ly the *i-t o- )onde( and a+aBe+entA

Natu(e is sho)in* +e as I &o+e to )o(k today ho) thin*s a&tually a(e in one s+all s1he(e? (e+indin* +e ho) little )e hu+ans kno)? and ho) little )e a11(e&iate ha(+ony? o( e8en see itA 'nd so? (eadin* the ne)s1a1e( that e8enin*? I note that the -ull &onseFuen&es o- lo**in* the (ain -o(ests &o8e(in* the hi*h *(ound in the South Phili11ines )e(e not a11a(ent until the ty1hoon o- late 1!!1 st(u&k? )hen the denuded ea(th? no lon*e( able to hold )ate(? let it (ush un&he&ked to the lo)lands at -ou( ti+es the usual 8olu+e and d(o)ned thousands o- 1oo( inhabitants o- the (e*ionA 's the 1o1ula( bu+1e( sti&ke( says? GShit ha11ensAG ,he t(ouble is? too o-ten )e a(e un)illin* see ou( (ole in itA ,he(e a(e de-inite (isks to disdainin* the ha(+ony o- thin*sA Natu(e6s ha(+ony is a(ound us and )ithin us at all ti+esA Pe(&ei8in* it is an o&&asion -o( *(eat ha11inessH but it is o-ten only a11(e&iated in (et(os1e&t o( in its absen&eA I- all is *oin* )ell in the body? it tends to *o unnoti&edA 4ou( la&k o- a heada&he is not -(ont-1a*e ne)s -o( you( &e(eb(al &o(te<A 'bilities su&h as )alkin*? seein*? thinkin*? and 1eein* take &a(e o- the+sel8es? and so blend into the lands&a1e o- auto+ati&ity and una)a(enessA :nly 1ain o( -ea( o( loss )ake us and b(in* thin*s into -o&usA But by then the ha(+ony is ha(de( to see? and

)e -ind ou(sel8es &au*ht u1 in tu(bulen&e? itsel&ontainin*? like (a1ids and )ate(-alls? o(de( o- a +o(e di--i&ult and subtle le8el )ithin the (i8e( o- li-eA 's Joni .it&hell sin*s? G4ou don6t kno) )hat you68e *ot till it6s *one AAAG 's I *et out o- the &a(? I in)a(dly bo) to these )ay-a(e(s -o( anointin* the ai(s1a&e o- this ne&essa(ily &i8iliBed hos1ital 1a(kin* lot )ith a (e-(eshin* dose o- natu(al )ildnessA T!": %(a)in* ba&k the 8eil o- una)a(eness to 1e(&ei8e ha(+ony in this +o+entA 3an you see it in &louds? in sky? in 1eo1le? in the )eathe(? in -ood? in you( body? in this b(eath0 Look? and look a*ain? (i*ht he(e? (i*ht no)M

Early Morning
28en thou*h he had no @ob to *o to? no &hild(en to -eed and *et o-- to s&hool? no e<te(nal (easons to *et u1 ea(ly? it )as ,ho(eau6s &usto+? -o( the ti+e he li8ed at /alden? to )ake ea(ly in the +o(nin* and bathe in the 1ond at da)nA 7e did it -o( inne( (easons?

as a s1i(itual dis&i1line in itsel-: GIt )as a (eli*ious e<e(&ise? and one o- the best thin*s I didAG Ben@a+in >(anklin also e<tolled the 8i(tues o- health? )ealth? and )isdo+ obtained -(o+ )akin* u1 ea(ly in his )ell-kno)n ada*e on the sub@e&t But he didn6t +outh itH he 1(a&ti&ed tooA ,he 8i(tues o- *ettin* u1 ea(ly ha8e nothin* to do )ith &(a++in* +o(e hou(s o- busyness and indust(y into one6s dayA Just the o11ositeA ,hey ste+ -(o+ the stillness and solitude o- the hou(? and the 1otential to use that ti+e to e<1and &ons&iousness? to &onte+1late? to +ake ti+e -o( bein*? -o( 1u(1ose-ully not doin* anythin*A ,he 1ea&e-ulness? the da(kness? the da)n? the stillness - all &ont(ibute to +akin* ea(ly +o(nin* a s1e&ial ti+e -o( +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&eA /akin* ea(ly has the added 8alue o- *i8in* you a 8e(y (eal head sta(t on the dayA I- you &an be*in you( day )ith a -i(+ -oundation in +ind-ulness and inne( 1ea&e-ulness? then )hen you do ha8e to *et *oin* and sta(t doin*? it is +u&h +o(e likely that the doin* )ill -lo) out o- you( bein*A 4ou a(e +o(e likely to &a((y a (obust +ind-ulness? an inne( &al+ness and balan&e o- +ind )ith you th(ou*hout the day? than had you @ust @u+1ed out o- bed and sta(ted in on the &all o- de+ands and (es1onsibilities? ho)e8e( 1(essin* and i+1o(tantA

,he 1o)e( o- )akin* u1 ea(ly in the +o(nin* is so *(eat that it &an ha8e a 1(o-ound e--e&t on a 1e(son6s li-e? e8en )ithout -o(+al +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&eA Just )itnessin* the da)n ea&h day is a )ake-u1 &all in itsel-A But I -ind ea(ly +o(nin* a )ond(ous ti+e -o( -o(+al +editationA No one else is u1A ,he )o(ld6s (ush hasn6t laun&hed itsel- yetA I *et out o- bed and usually de8ote about an hou( to bein*? )ithout doin* anythin*A '-te( t)enty-ei*ht yea(s? it hasn6t lost its allu(eA :n o&&asion it is di--i&ult to )ake u1 and eithe( +y +ind o( +y body (esistsA But 1a(t o- the 8alue is in doin* it any)ay? e8en i- I don6t -eel like itA :ne o- the 1(in&i1al 8i(tues o- a daily dis&i1line is an a&Fui(ed t(ans1a(en&y to)a(d the a11eals ot(ansito(y +ood statesA ' &o++it+ent to *ettin* u1 ea(ly to +editate be&o+es inde1endent o- )antin* o( not )antin* to do so on any 1a(ti&ula( +o(nin*A ,he 1(a&ti&e &alls us to a hi*he( standa(d - that o(e+e+be(in* the i+1o(tan&e o- )ake-ulness and the ease )ith )hi&h )e &an sli1 into a 1atte(n oauto+ati& li8in* )hi&h la&ks a)a(eness and sensiti8ityA Just )akin* u1 ea(ly to 1(a&ti&e non-doin* is itsel- a te+1e(in* 1(o&essA It *ene(ates enou*h heat to (ea((an*e ou( ato+s? *i8es us a ne) and st(on*e( &(ystal latti&e o- +ind and body? a latti&e that

kee1s us honest and (e+inds us that the(e is -a( +o(e to li-e than *ettin* thin*s doneA %is&i1line 1(o8ides a &onstan&y )hi&h is inde1endent o- )hat kind o- a day you had yeste(day and )hat kind o- a day you anti&i1ate todayA I es1e&ially t(y to +ake ti+e -o( -o(+al 1(a&ti&e? i- @ust -o( a -e) +inutes? on days )hen +o+entous e8ents ha11en? ha11y o( dist(essin*? )hen +y +ind and the &i(&u+stan&es a(e in tu(+oil? )hen the(e is lots to be done and -eelin*s a(e (unnin* st(on*A In this )ay? I a+ less likely to +iss the inne( +eanin* o- su&h +o+ents? and I +i*ht e8en na8i*ate th(ou*h the+ a bit bette(A By *(oundin* you(sel- in +ind-ulness ea(ly in the +o(nin*? you a(e (e+indin* you(sel- that thin*s a(e al)ays &han*in*? that *ood and bad thin*s &o+e and *o? and that it is 1ossible to e+body a 1e(s1e&ti8e o&onstan&y? )isdo+? and inne( 1ea&e as you -a&e any &onditions that 1(esent the+sel8esA .akin* the daily &hoi&e to )ake u1 ea(ly to 1(a&ti&e is an e+bodi+ent o- this 1e(s1e&ti8eA I so+eti+es s1eak o- it as +y G(outine?G but it is -a( -(o+ (outineA .ind-ulness is the 8e(y o11osite o- (outineA I- you a(e (elu&tant to *et u1 an hou( ea(lie( than you o(dina(ily +i*ht? you &an al)ays t(y hal- an hou(? o( -i-teen +inutes? o( e8en -i8e +inutesA It6s the s1i(it that

&ountsA 28en -i8e +inutes o- +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e in the +o(nin* &an be 8aluableA 'nd e8en -i8e +inutes o- sa&(i-i&ed slee1 is likely to 1ut you in tou&h )ith @ust ho) atta&hed )e a(e to slee1? and the(e-o(e ho) +u&h dis&i1line and (esol8e a(e (eFui(ed to &a(8e out e8en that little ti+e -o( ou(sel8es to be a)ake )ithout doin* anythin*A '-te( all? the thinkin* +ind al)ays has the 8e(y &(edible-soundin* e<&use that sin&e you )ill not be a&&o+1lishin* anythin* and the(e6s no (eal 1(essu(e to do it this +o(nin*? and 1e(ha1s (eal (easons not to? )hy not &at&h the e<t(a slee1 )hi&h you kno) you need no)? and sta(t to+o((o)0 ,o o8e(&o+e su&h totally 1(edi&table o11osition -(o+ othe( &o(ne(s o- the +ind? you need to de&ide the ni*ht be-o(e that you a(e *oin* to )ake u1? no +atte( )hat you( thinkin* &o+es u1 )ithA ,his is the -la8o( ot(ue intentionality and inne( dis&i1lineA 4ou do it si+1ly be&ause you &o++itted to you(sel- to do it? and you do it at the a11ointed ti+e? )hethe( 1a(t othe +ind -eels like it o( notA '-te( a )hile? the dis&i1line be&o+es a 1a(t o- youA It6s si+1ly the ne) )ay you &hoose to li8eA It is not a Gshould?G it doesn6t in8ol8e -o(&in* you(sel-A 4ou( 8alues and you( a&tions ha8e si+1ly shi-tedA I- you a(e not (eady -o( that yet Do( e8en i- you a(eE? you &an al)ays use the 8e(y +o+ent o- )akin* u1?

no +atte( )hat ti+e it &o+es? as a +o+ent o+ind-ulness? the 8e(y -i(st o- the ne) dayA Be-o(e you e8en +o8e? t(y *ettin* in tou&h )ith the -a&t that you( b(eath is +o8in*A >eel you( body lyin* in bedA St(ai*hten it outA 'sk you(sel-? G'+ I a)ake no)0 %o I kno) that the *i-t o- a ne) day is bein* *i8en to +e0 /ill I be a)ake -o( it0 /hat )ill ha11en today0 5i*ht no) I don6t (eally kno)A 28en as I think about )hat I ha8e to do? &an I be o1en to this not-kno)in*0 3an I see today as an ad8entu(e0 3an I see (i*ht no) as -illed )ith 1ossibilities0G Morning is when " am awa!e and there is a dawn in me. ... We must learn to reawa!en and !eep ourselves awa!e, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite e3pectation of the dawn, which does not forsa!e us in our soundest sleep. " !now of no more encouraging fact than the un7uestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. "t is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to ma!e a few ob6ects beautiful, but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium though which we loo!. ...

$o affect the 7uality of the day, that is the highest of arts. ,ho(eau? Walden T!": .akin* a &o++it+ent to you(sel- to *et u1 ea(lie( than you othe()ise +i*htA Just doin* it &han*es you( li-eA Let that ti+e? )hate8e( its len*th? be a ti+e o- bein*? a ti+e -o( intentional )ake-ulnessA 4ou don6t )ant to -ill this ti+e )ith anythin* othe( than a)a(enessA No need to *o o8e( the day6s &o++it+ents in you( head and li8e GaheadG oyou(sel-A ,his is a ti+e o- no-ti+e? o- stillness? o1(esen&e? o- bein* )ith you(sel-A 'lso? at the +o+ent o- )akin* u1? be-o(e *ettin* out o- bed? *et in tou&h )ith you( b(eath? -eel the 8a(ious sensations in you( body? note any thou*hts and -eelin*s that +ay be 1(esent? let +ind-ulness tou&h this +o+entA 3an you -eel you( b(eathin*0 3an you 1e(&ei8e the da)nin* o- ea&h in b(eath0 3an you en@oy the -eelin* o- the b(eath -(eely ente(in* you( body in this +o+ent0 'sk you(sel-: G'+ I a)ake no)0G

!ire t Conta t
/e all &a((y a(ound ideas and i+a*es o- (eality? -(eFuently *a(ne(ed -(o+ othe( 1eo1le o( -(o+ &ou(ses )e ha8e taken? books )e ha8e (ead? o( -(o+ tele8ision? the (adio? ne)s1a1e(s? the &ultu(e in *ene(al? )hi&h *i8e us 1i&tu(es o- ho) thin*s a(e and )hat is o&&u((in*A 's a (esult? )e o-ten see ou( thou*hts? o( so+eone else6s? instead o- seein* )hat is (i*ht in -(ont o- us o( inside o- usA :-ten? )e don6t e8en bothe( to look o( &he&k ho) )e -eel be&ause )e think )e al(eady kno) and unde(standA So )e &an be &losed to the )onde( and 8itality o- -(esh en&ounte(sA I- )e a(e not &a(e-ul? )e &an e8en -o(*et that di(e&t &onta&t is 1ossibleA /e +ay lose tou&h )ith )hat is basi& and not e8en kno) itA /e &an li8e in a d(ea+ (eality o- ou( o)n +akin* )ithout e8en a sense o- the loss? the *ul-? the unne&essa(y distan&e )e 1la&e bet)een ou(sel8es and e<1e(ien&eA Not kno)in* this? )e &an be all the +o(e i+1o8e(ished? s1i(itually and e+otionallyA But so+ethin* )onde(-ul and uniFue &an o&&u( )hen ou( &onta&t )ith the )o(ld be&o+es di(e&tA =iki /eissko1-? a +ento( o- +ine and -(iend? and a (eno)ned 1hysi&ist? tells the -ollo)in* 1oi*nant sto(y about di(e&t &onta&t:

Se8e(al yea(s a*o I (e&ei8ed an in8itation to *i8e a se(ies o- le&tu(es at the ;ni8e(sity o- '(iBona at ,u&sonA I )as deli*hted to a&&e1t be&ause it )ould *i8e +e a &han&e to 8isit the Kitts Peak ast(ono+i&al obse(8ato(y? )hi&h had a 8e(y 1o)e(-ul teles&o1e I had al)ays )anted to look th(ou*hA I asked +y hosts to a((an*e an e8enin* to 8isit the obse(8ato(y so I &ould look di(e&tly at so+e inte(estin* ob@e&ts th(ou*h the teles&o1eA But I )as told this )ould be i+1ossible be&ause the teles&o1e )as &onstantly in use -o( 1hoto*(a1hy and othe( (esea(&h a&ti8itiesA ,he(e )as no ti+e -o( si+1ly lookin* at ob@e&tsA In that &ase? I (e1lied? I )ould not be able to &o+e to deli8e( +y talksA /ithin days I )as in-o(+ed that e8e(ythin* had been a((an*ed a&&o(din* to +y )ishesA /e d(o8e u1 the +ountain on a )onde(-ully &lea( ni*htA ,he sta(s and the .ilky /ay *listened intensely and see+ed al+ost &lose enou*h to tou&hA I ente(ed the &u1ola and told the te&hni&ians )ho (an the &o+1ute(a&ti8ated teles&o1e that I )anted to see Satu(n and a nu+be( o- the *ala<iesA It )as a *(eat 1leasu(e to obse(8e )ith +y o)n eyes and )ith the ut+ost &la(ity all the details I had only seen on

1hoto*(a1hs be-o(eA 's I looked at all that? I (ealiBed that the (oo+ had be*un to -ill )ith 1eo1le? and one by one they too 1eeked into the teles&o1eA I )as told that these )e(e ast(ono+e(s atta&hed to the obse(8ato(y? but they had ne8e( be-o(e had the o11o(tunity o- lookin* di(e&tly at the ob@e&ts o- thei( in8esti*ationsA I &an only ho1e that this en&ounte( +ade the+ (ealiBe the i+1o(tan&e o- su&h di(e&t &onta&tsA =i&to( /eissko1-? $he 6oy of insight T!": ,hinkin* that you( li-e is at least as inte(estin* and +i(a&ulous as the +oon o( the sta(sA /hat is it that stands bet)een you and di(e&t &onta&t )ith you( li-e0 /hat &an you do to &han*e that0

Is There +nything Else You Would *i(e to Tell Me?

:- &ou(se? di(e&t &onta&t is ha(dly o- +ini+al &onseFuen&e in the do&to(-1atient (elationshi1A /e *o to *(eat len*ths to hel1 +edi&al students unde(stand the to1olo*y o- this lands&a1e? and not (un a)ay -(o+ it in te((o( be&ause it in8ol8es thei( o)n -eelin*s as indi8iduals and the need to (eally listen e+1hati&ally? t(eatin* 1atients as 1eo1le (athe( than solely as disease 1uBBles and o11o(tunities to e<e(&ise @ud*+ent and &ont(ol So +any thin*s &an *et in the )ay o- di(e&t &onta&tA .any do&to(s la&k -o(+al t(ainin* in this di+ension o- +edi&ineA ,hey (e+ain una)a(e o- the &(u&ial i+1o(tan&e o- e--e&ti8e &o++uni&ation and &a(in* in )hat )e &all health &a(e but )hi&h too o-ten is @ust disease &a(eH and e8en *ood disease &a(e &an be so(ely la&kin* i- the sub@e&t is e<&luded -(o+ the eFuationA .y +othe(? e<as1e(ated at he( inability to -ind a do&to( )illin* to t(eat he( &on&e(ns se(iously? des&(ibed ho)? at a -ollo)-u1 8isit initiated by he( be&ause she )as still not )alkin* )ell and )as in a lot o- 1ain? the o(tho1edi& su(*eon? )ho had (e1la&ed he( hi1 )ith an a(ti-i&ial one? studied the "-(ay? &o++entin* ho) *ood it looked DGsu1e(bG )as the

)o(d he usedE? and didn6t +ake any atte+1t to e<a+ine he( (eal? in-the--lesh hi1 and le* o( to e8en a&kno)led*e he( &o+1laint until she had insisted on it se8e(al ti+esA 'nd then? it held little )ei*ht - the "(ay )as enou*h to &on8in&e hi+ that she shouldn6t be ha8in* any 1ain - e<&e1t she )asA %o&to(s &an unkno)in*ly hide behind thei( handi)o(k? thei( inst(u+ents? +edi&al tests? and te&hni&al 8o&abula(yA ,hey +ay be (elu&tant to &o+e into too di(e&t &onta&t )ith the 1atient as a )hole 1e(son? an indi8idual )ith uniFue thou*hts and -ea(s? 8alues? &a(es? and Fuestions? s1oken and uns1okenA ,hey o-ten doubt thei( o)n &a1a&ity to do this be&ause it is su&h un&ha(ted and 1otentially -(i*htenin* te((ito(yA In 1a(t it +ay be that they a(e una&&usto+ed to lookin* at thei( o)n thou*hts and -ea(s? 8alues? &a(es? and doubts so so+eone else6s &an -eel 1(etty inti+idatin*A 'nd it +ay be that they don6t -eel they ha8e ti+e to o1en these 1otential -lood*ates? o( that they doubt they )ould kno) ho) to (es1ond adeFuatelyA But )hat is (eFui(ed +ost by 1atients is si+1ly listenin*? bein* 1(esent? takin* the 1e(son se(iously? not @ust the diseaseA ,o this end? )e tea&h ou( +edi&al students? a+on* othe( thin*s? to ask the o1en-ended Fuestion? GIs the(e anythin* else you )ould like to tell +e0G at the

end o- the +edi&al inte(8ie)A /e en&ou(a*e the+ to 1ause? -o( Fuite a )hile i- ne&essa(y? lea8in* the 1atient enou*h 1sy&hi& s1a&e to &onside( his o( he( needs and 1e(ha1s the (eal a*enda -o( bein* the(eA ,his is o-ten not )hat *ets talked about -i(st o( se&ond? o( e8en at all i- the do&to( isn6t 1a(ti&ula(ly tuned in o( is in a hu((yA 't a -a&ulty de8elo1+ent session one day? so+e e<1e(ts -(o+ anothe( institution )e(e des&(ibin* thei( t(ainin* 1(o*(a+ -o( the +edi&al inte(8ie)? )hi&h uses 8ideota1in* to *i8e the students di(e&t -eedba&k on thei( 1atient-inte(8ie)in* styleA 't one 1oint? they sho)ed us a se(ies o- 8e(y sho(t &li1s o- @ust that last Fuestion bein* asked -(o+ a nu+be( o- di--e(ent inte(8ie)s? ea&h student si+1ly askin* one 1atient? GIs the(e anythin* else you )ould like to tell +e0G Be-o(e sho)in* these &li1s? )e )e(e assi*ned the task o- noti&in* and late( (e1o(tin* on )hat )as *oin* onA By the thi(d one? I )as doin* e8e(ythin* I &ould to kee1 +ysel- -(o+ (ollin* on the -loo( )ith lau*hte(A ,o +y su(1(ise? the(e )e(e a *ood +any blank -a&es althou*h so+e &au*ht on Fui&klyA ,he sa+e thin* )as ha11enin* in &li1 a-te( &li1? but it )as so ob8ious that it )as ha(d to see? @ust like lots o- thin*s that a(e (i*ht unde( ou( nosesA

In 8i(tually e8e(y &li1? )hile the student )as sayin* )hat he o( she had been tau*ht to say to &lose the inte(8ie)? na+ely: GIs the(e anythin* else you )ould like to tell +e0G? e8e(y sin*le one )as noti&eably shakin* his o( he( head -(o+ side to side? non8e(bally &on8eyin* the +essa*e: GNo? 1lease? don6t tell +e any +o(eMG

Your '2n +uthority

/hen I sta(ted )o(k at the +edi&al &ente(? I )as *i8en th(ee lon* )hite &oats )hi&h ha8e G%(A KabatZinn C %e1a(t+ent o- .edi&ineG neatly e+b(oide(ed on the 1o&ketA ,hey ha8e hun* on the ba&k o- +y doo( no) -o( -i-teen yea(s? unusedA ,o +e? these )hite &oats a(e a sy+bol o- e<a&tly )hat I don6t need in +y @obA I su11ose they a(e a *ood thin* -o( 1hysi&ians? enhan&in* as they do the au(a o- autho(ity and thus the 1ositi8e 1la&ebo e--e&t )ith thei( 1atientsA ,he au(a is au*+ented -u(the( ithe(e is a stethos&o1e han*in* out o- the 1o&ket at @ust the (i*ht an*leA 4oun* do&to(s so+eti+es t(y in thei( enthusias+ to *o this one bette( and )ea( it )ith

studied &asualness a&(oss the ba&k o- the ne&k and shoulde(sA But )o(kin* in the st(ess (edu&tion &lini&? the )hite &oat )ould be a t(ue i+1edi+entA I ha8e to )o(k o8e(ti+e as it is to (e-le&t ba&k all the 1(o@e&tions I *et -(o+ 1eo1le that I a+ G.(A 5ela<ationG o( G%(A 7a8e-itall-to*ethe(G o( G.(A /isdo+ and 3o+1assionin&a(nateAG ,he )hole 1oint o- +ind-ulness-based st(ess (edu&tion - and -o( that +atte( health 1(o+otion in its la(*est sense - is to &hallen*e and en&ou(a*e 1eo1le to be&o+e thei( o)n autho(ities? to take +o(e (es1onsibility -o( thei( o)n li8es? thei( o)n bodies? thei( o)n healthA I like to e+1hasiBe that ea&h 1e(son is al(eady the )o(ld autho(ity on hi+ - o( he(sel-? o( at least &ould be i- they sta(ted attendin* to thin*s +ind-ullyA ' *(eat deal o- the in-o(+ation ea&h o- us needs to lea(n +o(e about ou(sel8es and ou( health - in-o(+ation )e des1e(ately need in o(de( to *(o) and to heal and to +ake e--e&ti8e li-e &hoi&es is al(eady (i*ht at ou( -in*e(ti1s? at the ti1s o-? o( (athe(? (i*ht beneath? ou( nosesA /hat is (eFui(ed to 1a(ti&i1ate +o(e -ully in ou( o)n health and )ell-bein* is si+1ly to listen +o(e &a(e-ully and to t(ust )hat )e hea(? to t(ust the +essa*es -(o+ ou( o)n li-e? -(o+ ou( o)n body and +ind and -eelin*sA ,his sense o- 1a(ti&i1ation and

t(ust is all too -(eFuently a +issin* in*(edient in +edi&ineA /e &all it G+obiliBin* the inne( (esou(&es othe 1atientG -o( healin*? o( -o( @ust &o1in* bette(? -o( seein* a little +o(e &lea(ly? -o( bein* a little +o(e asse(ti8e? -o( askin* +o(e Fuestions? -o( *ettin* by +o(e skill-ullyA It6s not a (e1la&e+ent -o( e<1e(t +edi&al &a(e? but it is a ne&essa(y &o+1le+ent to it iyou ho1e to li8e a t(uly healthy li-e - es1e&ially in the -a&e o- disease? disability? health &hallen*es? and a -(eFuently alienatin*? inti+idatin*? insensiti8e? and so+eti+es iat(o*eni& health-&a(e syste+A %e8elo1in* su&h an attitude +eans autho(in* one6s o)n li-e and? the(e-o(e? assu+in* so+e +easu(e oautho(ity onesel-A It (eFui(es belie8in* in onesel-A %ee1 do)n? sadly? a lot o- us don6tA .ind-ul inFui(y &an heal lo) sel--estee+? -o( the si+1le (eason that a lo) sel--esti+ation is (eally a )(on* &al&ulation? a +is1e(&e1tion o- (ealityA 4ou &an see this 8e(y &lea(ly )hen you sta(t to obse(8e you( o)n body o( e8en @ust you( b(eathin* in +editationA 4ou Fui&kly &o+e to see that e8en you( body is +i(a&ulousA It 1e(-o(+s a+aBin* -eats by the +o+ent )ith no &ons&ious e--o(tA :u( estee+ 1(oble+s ste+ in la(*e 1a(t -(o+ ou( thinkin*? &olo(ed by 1ast e<1e(ien&esA /e see only ou( sho(t&o+in*s and blo) the+ out o- all 1(o1o(tionA 't the sa+e ti+e? )e take

all ou( *ood Fualities -o( *(anted? o( -ail to a&kno)led*e the+ at allA Pe(ha1s )e *et stu&k in the o-ten dee1 and still bleedin* )ounds o- &hildhood? and -o(*et o( ne8e( dis&o8e( that )e ha8e *olden Fualities tooA ,he )ounds a(e i+1o(tant? but so a(e ou( inne( *oodness? ou( &a(in*? ou( kindness to)a(d othe(s? the )isdo+ o- the body? ou( &a1a&ity to think? to kno) )hat6s )hatA 'nd )e do kno) )hat6s )hat? +u&h +o(e than )e allo)A 4et? instead o- seein* in a balan&ed )ay? )e -(eFuently 1e(sist in the habit o1(o@e&tin* onto othe(s that they a(e okay and )e a(e notA I balk )hen 1eo1le 1(o@e&t onto +e in this )ayA I t(y to (e-le&t it ba&k to the+ as &o++onsensi&ally as I &an? in the ho1e that they )ill &o+e to see )hat they a(e doin* and unde(stand that thei( 1ositi8e ene(*y -o( +e is (eally thei(sA ,he 1ositi8ity is thei( o)nA It is thei( ene(*y? and they need to kee1 it and use it and a11(e&iate its sou(&eA /hy should they *i8e a)ay thei( 1o)e(0 I ha8e enou*h 1(oble+s o- +y o)nA 92eople: measure their esteem of each other what each has, and not by what each is. ... Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. 5al1h /aldo 2+e(son? Self0/eliance by

Where%er You &o3 There You +re

7a8e you e8e( noti&ed that the(e is no (unnin* a)ay -(o+ anythin*0 ,hat? soone( o( late(? the thin*s that you don6t )ant to deal )ith and t(y to es&a1e -(o+? o( 1a1e( o8e( and 1(etend a(en6t the(e? &at&h u1 )ith you - es1e&ially i- they ha8e to do )ith old 1atte(ns and -ea(s0 ,he (o+anti& notion is that i- it6s no *ood o8e( he(e? you ha8e only to *o o8e( the(e and thin*s )ill be di--e(entA I- this @ob is no *ood? &han*e @obsA Ithis )i-e is no *ood? &han*e )i8esA I- this to)n is no *ood? &han*e to)nsA I- these &hild(en a(e a? 1(oble+? lea8e the+ -o( othe( 1eo1le to look a-te(A ,he unde(lyin* thinkin* is that the (eason -o( you( t(oubles is outside o- you - in the lo&ation? in othe(s? in the &i(&u+stan&esA 3han*e the lo&ation? &han*e the &i(&u+stan&es? and e8e(ythin* )ill -all into 1la&eH you &an sta(t o8e(? ha8e a ne) be*innin*A ,he t(ouble )ith this )ay o- seein* is that it &on8eniently i*no(es the -a&t that you &a((y you( head and you( hea(t? and )hat so+e )ould &all you( Gka(+a?G a(ound )ith youA 4ou &annot es&a1e you(sel-? t(y as you +i*htA 'nd )hat (eason? othe( than 1u(e )ish-ul thinkin*? )ould you ha8e to sus1e&t that thin*s )ould be di--e(ent o( bette( so+e)he(e else any)ay0 Soone( o( late(? the sa+e 1(oble+s

)ould a(ise i- in -a&t they ste+ in la(*e 1a(t -(o+ you( 1atte(ns o- seein*? thinkin*? and beha8in*A ,oo o-ten? ou( li8es &ease )o(kin* be&ause )e &ease )o(kin* at li-e? be&ause )e a(e un)illin* to take (es1onsibility -o( thin*s as they a(e? and to )o(k )ith ou( di--i&ultiesA /e don6t unde(stand that it is a&tually 1ossible to attain &la(ity? unde(standin*? and t(ans-o(+ation (i*ht in the +iddle o- )hat is he(e and no)? ho)e8e( 1(oble+ati& it +ay beA But it is easie( and less th(eatenin* to ou( sense o- sel- to 1(o@e&t ou( in8ol8e+ent in ou( 1(oble+s onto othe( 1eo1le and the en8i(on+entA It is so +u&h easie( to -ind -ault? to bla+e? to belie8e that )hat is needed is a &han*e on the outside? an es&a1e -(o+ the -o(&es that a(e holdin* you ba&k? 1(e8entin* you -(o+ *(o)in*? -(o+ -indin* ha11inessA 4ou &an e8en bla+e you(sel- -o( it all and? in the ulti+ate es&a1e -(o+ (es1onsibility? (un a)ay -eelin* that you ha8e +ade a ho1eless +ess o- thin*s? o( that you a(e da+a*ed beyond (e1ai(A In eithe( &ase? you belie8e that you a(e in&a1able o- t(ue &han*e o( *(o)th? and that you need to s1a(e othe(s any +o(e 1ain by (e+o8in* you(sel- -(o+ the s&eneA ,he &asualties o- this )ay o- lookin* at thin*s a(e all o8e( the 1la&eA Look 8i(tually any)he(e and you )ill -ind b(oken (elationshi1s? b(oken -a+ilies? b(oken

1eo1le - )ande(e(s )ith no (oots? lost? *oin* -(o+ this 1la&e to that? this @ob to that? this (elationshi1 to that? this idea o- sal8ation to that? in the des1e(ate ho1e that the (i*ht 1e(son? the (i*ht @ob? the (i*ht 1la&e? the (i*ht book )ill +ake it all bette(A :( -eelin* isolated? unlo8able? and in des1ai(? ha8in* *i8en u1 lookin* and e8en +akin* any atte+1t? ho)e8e( +is*uided? to -ind 1ea&e o- +indA By itsel-? +editation does not &on-e( i++unity -(o+ this 1atte(n o- lookin* else)he(e -o( ans)e(s and solutions to one6s 1(oble+sA So+eti+es 1eo1le &h(oni&ally *o -(o+ one te&hniFue to anothe(? o( -(o+ tea&he( to tea&he(? o( t(adition to t(adition? lookin* -o( that s1e&ial so+ethin*? that s1e&ial tea&hin*? that s1e&ial (elationshi1? that +o+enta(y Ghi*hG )hi&h )ill o1en the doo( to sel--unde(standin* and libe(ationA But this &an tu(n into se(ious delusion? an unendin* Fuest to es&a1e lookin* at )hat is &losest to ho+e and 1e(ha1s +ost 1ain-ulA :ut o- -ea( and yea(nin* -o( so+eone s1e&ial to hel1 the+ to see &lea(ly? 1eo1le so+eti+es -all into unhealthy de1enden&y (elationshi1s )ith +editation tea&he(s? -o(*ettin* that no +atte( ho) *ood the tea&he(? ulti+ately you ha8e to li8e the inne( )o(k you(sel-? and that )o(k al)ays &o+es -(o+ the &loth o- you( o)n li-eA

So+e 1eo1le e8en )ind u1 +isusin* tea&he(-led +editation (et(eats as a )ay to kee1 a-loat in thei( li8es (athe( than as an e<tended o11o(tunity to look dee1ly into the+sel8esA :n (et(eat? in a &e(tain )ay e8e(ythin* is easyA ,he ba(e ne&essities o- li8in* a(e taken &a(e o-A ,he )o(ld +akes senseA 'll I ha8e to do is sit and )alk? be +ind-ul? stay in the 1(esent? be &ooked -o( and -ed by a &a(in* sta--? listen to the *(eat )isdo+ that is bein* 1ut out by 1eo1le )ho ha8e )o(ked dee1ly on the+sel8es and ha8e attained &onside(able unde(standin* and ha(+ony in thei( li8es? and I )ill be t(ans-o(+ed? ins1i(ed to li8e +o(e -ully +ysel-? kno) ho) to be in the )o(ld? ha8e a bette( 1e(s1e&ti8e on +y o)n 1(oble+sA ,o a la(*e e<tent? this is all t(ueA 9ood tea&he(s and lon* 1e(iods o- isolated +editation on (et(eat &an be 1(o-oundly 8aluable and healin*? i- one is )illin* to look at e8e(ythin* that &o+es u1 du(in* a (et(eatA But the(e is also the dan*e(? )hi&h needs to be looked out -o(? that (et(eats &an be&o+e a (et(eat -(o+ li-e in the )o(ld? and that one6s Gt(ans-o(+ationG )ill? in the end? be only skin dee1A Pe(ha1s it )ill last a -e) days? )eeks? o( +onths a-te( the (et(eat ends? then it6s ba&k to the sa+e old 1atte(n and la&k o- &la(ity in (elationshi1s? and lookin* -o()a(d to the ne<t (et(eat? o( the ne<t *(eat tea&he(? o( a 1il*(i+a*e to 'sia? o( so+e othe( (o+anti& -antasy in )hi&h thin*s )ill

dee1en o( be&o+e &lea(e( and you )ill be a bette( 1e(sonA ,his )ay o- thinkin* and seein* is an all-too-1(e8alent t(a1A ,he(e is no su&&ess-ul es&a1in* -(o+ you(sel- in the lon* (un? only t(ans-o(+ationA It doesn6t +atte( )hethe( you a(e usin* d(u*s o( +editation? al&ohol o( 3lub .ed? di8o(&e o( Fuittin* you( @obA ,he(e &an be no (esolution leadin* to *(o)th until the 1(esent situation has been -a&ed &o+1letely and you ha8e o1ened to it )ith +ind-ulness? allo)in* the (ou*hness o- the situation itsel- to sand do)n you( o)n (ou*h ed*esA In othe( )o(ds? you +ust be )illin* to let li-e itsel- be&o+e you( tea&he(A ,his is the 1ath o- )o(kin* )he(e you -ind you(sel-? )ith )hat is -ound he(e and no)A ,his? then? (eally is it AAA this 1la&e? this (elationshi1? this dile++a? this @obA ,he &hallen*e o- +ind-ulness is to )o(k )ith the 8e(y &i(&u+stan&es that you -ind you(sel- in - no +atte( ho) un1leasant? ho) dis&ou(a*in*? ho) li+ited? ho) unendin* and stu&k they +ay a11ea( to be - and to +ake su(e that you ha8e done e8e(ythin* in you( 1o)e( to use thei( ene(*ies to t(ans-o(+ you(selbe-o(e you de&ide to &ut you( losses and +o8e onA It is (i*ht he(e that the (eal )o(k needs to ha11enA So? i- you think you( +editation 1(a&ti&e is dull? o( no *ood? o( that the &onditions a(en6t (i*ht )he(e you -ind

you(sel-? and you think that i- only you )e(e in a &a8e in the 7i+alayas? o( at an 'sian +onaste(y? o( on a bea&h in the t(o1i&s? o( at a (et(eat in so+e natu(al settin*? thin*s )ould be bette(? you( +editation st(on*e( AAA think a*ainA /hen you *ot to you( &a8e o( you( bea&h o( you( (et(eat? the(e you )ould be? )ith the sa+e +ind? the sa+e body? the 8e(y sa+e b(eath that you al(eady ha8e he(eA '-te( -i-teen +inutes o( so in the &a8e? you +i*ht *et lonely? o( )ant +o(e li*ht? o( the (oo- +i*ht d(i1 )ate( on youA I- you )e(e on the bea&h? it +i*ht be (ainin* o( &oldA I- you )e(e on (et(eat? you +i*ht not like the tea&he(s? o( the -ood? o( you( (oo+A ,he(e is al)ays so+ethin* to dislikeA So )hy not let *o and ad+it that you +i*ht as )ell be at ho+e )he(e8e( you a(e0 5i*ht in that +o+ent? you tou&h the &o(e o- you( bein* and in8ite +ind-ulness to ente( and healA I- you unde(stand this? then and only then )ill the &a8e? the +onaste(y? the bea&h? the (et(eat &ente(? o--e( u1 thei( t(ue (i&hness to youA But so )ill all othe( +o+ents and 1la&esA .y -oot se&ond? te+1les? ,hou*ht ai(? i&e? sli1s on a na((o) led*e: in that s1lit as needles o- -ea( 1ie(&e hea(t and ete(nity inte(se&ts )ith 1(esent ti+eA and a&tion a(e not di--e(ent? and stone? sun? -ea(? and sel- a(e oneA /hat is

e<hila(atin* is to e<tend this a&ute a)a(eness into o(dina(y +o+ents? in the +o+ent-by-+o+ent e<1e(ien&in* o- the la++e(*eie( and the )ol-? )hi&h? -indin* the+sel8es at the &ente( o- thin*s? ha8e no need -o( any se&(et o- t(ue bein*A In this 8e(y b(eath that )e take no) lies the se&(et that all *(eat tea&he(s t(y to tell us? )hat one la+a (e-e(s to as Gthe 1(e&ision and o1enness and intelli*en&e o- the 1(esentAG ,he 1u(1ose o+editation 1(a&ti&e is not enli*hten+entH it is to 1ay attention e8en at un-e<t(ao(dina(y ti+es? to be o- the 1(esent? nothin*-but-the-1(esent? to bea( this +ind-ulness o- no) into ea&h e8ent oo(dina(y li-eA Pete( .atthiessen? $he Snow Leopard

&oing )pstairs
:&&asions to 1(a&ti&e +ind-ulness in daily li-e aboundA 9oin* u1stai(s is a *ood one -o( +eA I do it hund(eds o- ti+es a day )hen I6+ at ho+eA ;sually I need so+ethin* -(o+ u1stai(s? o( to s1eak )ith so+eone u1stai(s? but +y lon*-te(+ a*enda is to be do)nstai(s? so I6+ -(eFuently to(n bet)een t)o

1la&esA I6+ on +y )ay u1 only to be on +y )ay do)n? a-te( I68e -ound )hat I6+ lookin* -o(? o( *one to the bath(oo+? o( )hate8e(A So I dis&o8e( that I a+ -(eFuently 1ulled by +y need to be so+e)he(e else? o( by the ne<t thin* I think needs to ha11en? o( the ne<t 1la&e I think I6+ su11osed to beA /hen I -ind +ysel- (a&in* u1stai(s? usually t)o ste1s at a ti+e? I so+eti+es ha8e the 1(esen&e o- +ind to &at&h +ysel- in +id--(eneti& dashA I be&o+e &ons&ious o- bein* sli*htly out ob(eath? a)a(e that +y hea(t is (a&in* as )ell as +y +ind? that the )hole o- +y bein* in that +o+ent is bein* d(i8en by so+e hu((ied 1u(1ose )hi&h o-ten e8en eludes +e by the ti+e I6+ u1 the(eA /hen I a+ able to &a1tu(e this )a8e o- ene(*y in a)a(eness )hile I a+ still at the botto+ o- the stai(s o( sta(tin* on +y )ay u1? I )ill so+eti+es slo) +y as&ent - not @ust one ste1 at a ti+e? but (eally slo)? +aybe one b(eath &y&le 1e( ste1? (e+indin* +yselthat the(e is (eally no 1la&e I ha8e to *o and nothin* I ha8e to *et that &an6t )ait anothe( +o+ent -o( the sake o- bein* -ully in this oneA I -ind that )hen I (e+e+be( to do this? I a+ +o(e in tou&h alon* the )ay and +o(e &ente(ed at the to1A I also -ind that the(e is ha(dly e8e( an out)a(d hu((yA :nly an inne( one? usually d(i8en by i+1atien&e and a

+indless ty1e o- an<ious thinkin*? )hi&h 8a(ies -(o+ so subtle I ha8e to listen &a(e-ully to dete&t it at all? to so do+inant that al+ost nothin* )ill de-le&t its +o+entu+A But e8en then? I &an be a)a(e o- it and oits &onseFuen&es? and this a)a(eness by itsel- hel1s kee1 +e -(o+ losin* +ysel- &o+1letely in the tu(bulen&e o- the +ind in those +o+entsA 'nd? as you +i*ht *uess? this )o(ks *oin* do)n the stai(s too? but he(e? be&ause the +o+entu+ o- *(a8ity is )o(kin* -o( +e? it6s e8en +o(e o- a &hallen*e to slo) thin*s do)nA T!": ,o use o(dina(y? (e1etiti8e o&&asions in you( o)n house as in8itations to 1(a&ti&e +ind-ulnessA 9oin* to the -(ont doo(? ans)e(in* the tele1hone? seekin* out so+eone else in the house to s1eak )ith? *oin* to the bath(oo+? *ettin* the laund(y out o- the d(ye(? *oin* to the (e-(i*e(ato(? &an all be o&&asions to slo) do)n and be +o(e in tou&h )ith ea&h 1(esent +o+entA Noti&e the inne( -eelin*s )hi&h 1ush you to)a(d the tele1hone o( the doo(bell on the -i(st (in*A /hy does you( (es1onse ti+e ha8e to be so -ast that it 1ulls you out o- the li-e you )e(e li8in* in the 1(e&edin* +o+ent0 3an these t(ansitions be&o+e +o(e *(a&e-ul0 3an you be +o(e )he(e you -ind you(sel-? all the ti+e0 'lso? t(y bein* 1(esent -o(

thin*s like takin* a sho)e(? o( eatin*A /hen you a(e in the sho)e(? a(e you (eally in the sho)e(0 %o you -eel the )ate( on you( skin? o( a(e you so+e1la&e else? lost in thou*ht? +issin* the sho)e( alto*ethe(0 2atin* is anothe( *ood o&&asion -o( +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&eA '(e you tastin* you( -ood0 '(e you a)a(e oho) -ast? ho) +u&h? )hen? )he(e? and )hat you a(e eatin*0 3an you +ake you( enti(e day as it un-olds into an o&&asion to be 1(esent o( to b(in* you(selba&k to the 1(esent? o8e( and o8e( a*ain0

Cleaning the Sto%e While *istening to Bo,,y M 1errin

I &an lose +ysel- and -ind +ysel- si+ultaneously )hile &leanin* the kit&hen sto8eA ,his is a *(eat? i(a(e o&&asion -o( +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&eA Be&ause I don6t do it (e*ula(ly? it is Fuite a &hallen*e by the ti+e I *et a(ound to it? and the(e a(e lots o- le8els o- &lean to ai+ -o(A I 1lay )ith *ettin* the sto8e to look as i- it )e(e b(and ne) by the ti+e I6+ -inishedA I use a s&(ubbe( )hi&h is ab(asi8e enou*h to *et the &aked -ood o-- i- I (ub ha(d enou*h )ith bakin* soda? but not so ab(asi8e that I s&(at&h the -inishA I take o--

the bu(ne( ele+ents and the 1ans unde(neath? e8en the knobs? and soak the+ in the sink? to be ta&kled at the endA ,hen I s&(ub e8e(y sFua(e in&h o- sto8e su(-a&e? -a8o(in* a &i(&ula( +otion at ti+es? at othe(s? a ba&k and -o(thA It all de1ends on the lo&ation and to1olo*y o- the &(udA I *et into the (ound and (ound o( the ba&k and -o(th? -eelin* the +otion in +y )hole body? no lon*e( t(yin* to &lean the sto8e so it )ill look ni&e? only +o8in*? +o8in*? )at&hin*? )at&hin* as thin*s &han*e slo)ly be-o(e +y eyesA 't the end? I )i1e the su(-a&es &a(e-ully )ith a da+1 s1on*eA .usi& adds to the e<1e(ien&e at ti+esA :the( ti+es? I 1(e-e( silen&e -o( +y )o(kA :ne Satu(day +o(nin*? a ta1e by Bobby .&>e((in )as 1layin* in the &assette 1laye( )hen the o&&asion a(ose to &lean the sto8eA So &leanin* be&a+e dan&in*? the in&antations? sounds? and (hyth+s and the +o8e+ents o- +y body +e(*in*? blendin* to*ethe(? sounds un-oldin* )ith +otion? sensations in +y a(+ a1lenty? +odulations in -in*e( 1(essu(e on the s&(ubbe( as (eFui(ed? &aked (e+ains o- -o(+e( &ookin*s slo)ly &han*in* -o(+ and disa11ea(in*? all (isin* and -allin* in a)a(eness )ith the +usi&A :ne bi* dan&e o- 1(esen&e? a &eleb(ation o- no)A 'nd? at the end? a &lean sto8eA ,he 8oi&e inside that o(dina(ily &lai+s &(edit -o( su&h thin*s DGSee ho) &lean I *ot the sto8eGE and seeks a11(o8al

-o( it DG%idn6t I do a *ood @ob0GE sti(s? but is Fui&kly held in a la(*e( unde(standin* o- )hat had t(ans1i(edA .ind-ully s1eakin*? I &an6t *et a)ay )ith &lai+in* that GIG &leaned the sto8eA It6s +o(e like the sto8e &leaned itsel-? )ith the hel1 o- Bobby .&>e((in? the s&(ubbe(? the bakin* soda? and the s1on*e? )ith *uest a11ea(an&es by hot )ate( and a st(in* o- 1(esent +o+entsA

What is my 4o, on the planet 2ith a apital /?

G/hat is +y @ob on the 1lanet0G is one Fuestion )e +i*ht do )ell to ask ou(sel8es o8e( and o8e( a*ainA :the()ise? )e +ay )ind u1 doin* so+ebody else6s @ob and not e8en kno) itA 'nd )hat6s +o(e? that so+ebody else +i*ht be a -i*+ent o- ou( o)n i+a*ination and +aybe a 1(isone( o- it as )ellA 's thinkin* &(eatu(es? 1a&ka*ed? as a(e all li-e -o(+s? in uniFue o(*anis+i& units )e &all bodies? and si+ultaneously totally and i+1e(sonally e+bedded in the )a(1 and )oo- o- li-e6s &easeless un-oldin*? )e ha8e a sin*ula( &a1a&ity to take (es1onsibility -o( ou(

uniFue 1ie&e o- )hat it +eans to be ali8e? at least )hile )e ha8e ou( b(ie- +o+ent in the sunA But )e also ha8e the sin*ula( &a1a&ity o- lettin* ou( thinkin* +ind enti(ely &loud ou( t(ansit th(ou*h this )o(ldA /e a(e at (isk o- ne8e( (ealiBin* ou( uniFueness - at least as lon* as )e (e+ain in the shado) &ast by ou( thou*ht habits and &onditionin*A Bu&k+inste( >ulle(? the dis&o8e(e(Cin8ento( o- the *eodesi& do+e? at a*e thi(ty-t)o &onte+1lated sui&ide -o( a -e) hou(s one ni*ht at the ed*e o- Lake .i&hi*an? as the sto(y *oes? a-te( a se(ies obusiness -ailu(es that le-t hi+ -eelin* he had +ade su&h a +ess o- his li-e that the best +o8e )ould be -o( hi+ to (e+o8e hi+sel- -(o+ the s&ene and +ake thin*s si+1le( -o( his )i-e and in-ant dau*hte(A '11a(ently e8e(ythin* he had tou&hed o( unde(taken had tu(ned to dust in s1ite o- his in&(edible &(eati8ity and i+a*ination? )hi&h )e(e only (e&o*niBed late(A 7o)e8e(? instead o- endin* his li-e? >ulle( de&ided D1e(ha1s be&ause o- his dee1 &on8i&tion in the unde(lyin* unity and o(de( o- the uni8e(se? o- )hi&h he kne) hi+sel- to be an inte*(al 1a(tE to li8e -(o+ then on as i- he had died that ni*htA Bein* dead? he )ouldn6t ha8e to )o((y about ho) thin*s )o(ked out any lon*e( -o( hi+sel- 1e(sonally and )ould be -(ee to de8ote hi+sel- to li8in* as a

(e1(esentati8e o- the uni8e(seA ,he (est o- his li-e )ould be a *i-tA Instead o- li8in* -o( hi+sel-? he )ould de8ote hi+sel- to askin*? G/hat is it on this 1lanet K)hi&h he (e-e((ed to as S1a&eshi1 2a(thL that needs doin* that I kno) so+ethin* about? that 1(obably )on6t ha11en unless I take (es1onsibility -o( it0G 7e de&ided he )ould @ust ask that Fuestion &ontinuously and do )hat &a+e to hi+? -ollo)in* his noseA In this )ay? )o(kin* -o( hu+anity as an e+1loyee o- the uni8e(se at la(*e? you *et to +odi-y and &ont(ibute to you( lo&ale by )ho you a(e? ho) you a(e? and )hat you doA But it6s no lon*e( 1e(sonalA It6s @ust 1a(t o- the totality o- the uni8e(se e<1(essin* itsel-A 5a(ely do )e Fuestion and then &onte+1late )ith dete(+ination )hat ou( hea(ts a(e &allin* us to do and to beA I like to -(a+e su&h e--o(ts in Fuestion -o(+: G/hat is +y @ob on the 1lanet )ith a &a1ital J0G? o(? G/hat do I &a(e about so +u&h that I )ould 1ay to do it0G I- I ask su&h a Fuestion and I don6t &o+e u1 )ith an ans)e(? othe( than? GI don6t kno)?G then I @ust kee1 askin* the FuestionA I- you sta(t (e-le&tin* on su&h Fuestions )hen you6(e in you( t)enties? by the ti+e you a(e thi(ty--i8e o( -o(ty? o( -i-ty o( si<ty? the inFui(y itsel- +ay ha8e led you a -e) 1la&es that you )ould not ha8e *one had you +e(ely -ollo)ed +ainst(ea+ &on8entions? o( you( 1a(ents6

e<1e&tations -o( you? o( e8en )o(se? you( o)n une<a+ined sel--li+itin* belie-s and e<1e&tationsA 4ou &an sta(t askin* this Fuestion any ti+e? at any a*eA ,he(e is ne8e( a ti+e o- li-e )hen it )ould not ha8e a 1(o-ound e--e&t on you( 8ie) o- thin*s and the &hoi&es you +akeA It +ay not +ean that you )ill &han*e )hat you do? but it +ay +ean that you +ay )ant to &han*e ho) you see it o( hold it? and 1e(ha1s ho) you do it :n&e the uni8e(se is you( e+1loye(? 8e(y inte(estin* thin*s sta(t to ha11en? e8en iso+eone else is &uttin* you( 1ay&he&kA But you do ha8e to be 1atientA It takes ti+e to *(o) this )ay obein* in you( li-eA ,he 1la&e to sta(t o- &ou(se is (i*ht he(eA ,he best ti+e0 7o) about no)0 4ou ne8e( kno) )hat )ill &o+e o- su&h int(os1e&tionsA >ulle( hi+sel- )as -ond o- statin* that )hat see+s to be ha11enin* at the +o+ent is ne8e( the -ull sto(y o- )hat is (eally *oin* onA 7e liked to 1oint out that -o( the honey bee? it is the honey that is i+1o(tantA But the bee is at the sa+e ti+e natu(e6s 8ehi&le -o( &a((yin* out &(oss-1ollination o- the -lo)e(sA Inte(&onne&tedness is a -unda+ental 1(in&i1le o- natu(eA Nothin* is isolatedA 2a&h e8ent &onne&ts )ith othe(sA ,hin*s a(e &onstantly un-oldin* on di--e(ent le8elsA It6s -o( us to 1e(&ei8e the )a(1 and )oo- o- it all as best )e &an and lea(n to -ollo) ou(

o)n th(eads th(ou*h the ta1est(y o- li-e )ith authenti&ity and (esol8eA >ulle( belie8ed in an unde(lyin* a(&hite&tu(e onatu(e? in )hi&h -o(+ and -un&tion )e(e ine<t(i&ably linkedA 7e belie8ed that natu(e6s blue1(ints )ould +ake sense and )ould ha8e 1(a&ti&al (ele8an&e to ou( li8es on +any le8elsA Be-o(e he died? "-(ay &(ystallo*(a1hi& studies had de+onst(ated that +any 8i(uses sub+i&(os&o1i& asse+blies o+a&(o+ole&ules on the ed*e o- li-e itsel- - a(e st(u&tu(ed alon* the sa+e *eodesi& 1(in&i1les as those he dis&o8e(ed by 1layin* a(ound )ith 1olyhed(aA 7e didn6t li8e lon* enou*h to see it? but in addition to all his othe( se+inal in8entions and ideas? a )hole ne) -ield o- &he+ist(y o1ened u1 a(ound the un1(edi&ted dis&o8e(y o- so&&e( ball-like &a(bon &o+1ounds )ith (e+a(kable 1(o1e(ties )hi&h Fui&kly be&a+e kno)n as Bu&k+inste(-ulle(enes o( bu&kyballsA Playin* in his sandbo<? -ollo)in* his o)n 1ath? his +usin*s led to dis&o8e(ies and )o(lds he ne8e( d(ea+ed o-A So &an you(sA >ulle( ne8e( thou*ht o- hi+sel- as s1e&ial in any sense? @ust a (e*ula( 1e(son )ho liked to 1lay )ith ideas and )ith -o(+sA 7is +otto )as: GI- I &an unde(stand it? anybody &an unde(stand itAG

Insist on you(sel-H ne8e( i+itateA 4ou( o)n *i-t you &an 1(esent e8e(y +o+ent )ith the &u+ulati8e -o(&e o- a )hole li-e6s &ulti8ationH but o- the ado1ted talent o- anothe( you ha8e only an e<te+1o(aneous hal- 1ossessionA AAA %o that )hi&h is assi*ned to you? and you &annot ho1e too +u&h o( da(e too +u&hA 5al1h /aldo 2+e(son? Self0/eliance

Mount +nalogue
5+e may. -ut in the end, it&s the mountain that will decide who will climb it.5 D28e(est &li+b leade( )hen asked )hethe( an olde( 8ete(an &li+be( )ould *et a &han&e at the su++itE ,he(e a(e oute( +ountains and inne( +ountainsA ,hei( 8e(y 1(esen&e be&kons to us? &alls us to as&endA Pe(ha1s the -ull tea&hin* o- a +ountain is that you &a((y the )hole +ountain inside you(sel-? the oute( one as )ell as the inne(A 'nd so+eti+es you sea(&h and sea(&h -o( the +ountain )ithout -indin* it

until the ti+e &o+es )hen you a(e su--i&iently +oti8ated and 1(e1a(ed to -ind a )ay th(ou*h? -i(st to the base? then to the su++itA ,he +ountain &li+b is a 1o)e(-ul +eta1ho( -o( the li-e Fuest? the s1i(itual @ou(ney? the 1ath o- *(o)th? t(ans-o(+ation? and unde(standin*A ,he a(duous di--i&ulties )e en&ounte( alon* the )ay e+body the 8e(y &hallen*es )e need in o(de( to st(et&h ou(sel8es and the(eby e<1and ou( bounda(iesA In the end? it is li-e itsel- )hi&h is the +ountain? the tea&he(? se(8in* us u1 1e(-e&t o11o(tunities to do the inne( )o(k o- *(o)in* in st(en*th and )isdo+A 'nd )e ha8e a lot o- lea(nin* and *(o)in* to do on&e )e &hoose to +ake the @ou(neyA ,he (isks a(e &onside(able? the sa&(i-i&es a)eso+e? the out&o+e al)ays un&e(tainA ;lti+ately? it is the &li+b itsel- )hi&h is the ad8entu(e? not @ust standin* at the to1A >i(st )e lea(n )hat it6s like at the baseA :nly late( do )e en&ounte( the slo1es? and -inally? 1e(ha1s? the to1A But you &an6t stay at the to1 o- a +ountainA ,he @ou(ney u1 is not &o+1lete )ithout the des&ent? the ste11in* ba&k and seein* the )hole a*ain -(o+ a-a(A 7a8in* been at the su++it? ho)e8e(? you ha8e *ained a ne) 1e(s1e&ti8e? and it +ay &han*e you( )ay o- seein* -o(e8e(A

In a )onde(-ully un-inished sto(y &alled G.ount 'nalo*ue?G 5ene %au+al on&e +a11ed a 1ie&e othis in)a(d ad8entu(eA ,he 1a(t I (e+e+be( +ost 8i8idly in8ol8es the (ule on .ount 'nalo*ue that be-o(e you +o8e u1 the +ountain to you( ne<t en&a+1+ent? you +ust (e1lenish the &a+1 you a(e lea8in* -o( those )ho )ill &o+e a-te( you? and *o do)n the +ountain a )ays to sha(e )ith the othe( &li+be(s you( kno)led*e -(o+ -a(the( u1 so that they +ay ha8e so+e bene-it -(o+ )hat you ha8e lea(ned so -a( on you( o)n as&entA In a )ay? that6s all any o- us do )hen )e tea&hA 's best )e &an? )e sho) othe(s )hat )e ha8e seen u1 to no)A It6s at best a 1(o*(ess (e1o(t? a +a1 o- ou( e<1e(ien&es? by no +eans the absolute t(uthA 'nd so the ad8entu(e un-oldsA /e a(e all on .ount 'nalo*ue to*ethe(A 'nd )e need ea&h othe(6s hel1A

Inter onne tedness

It see+s )e kno) -ull )ell -(o+ &hildhood that e8e(ythin* is &onne&ted to e8e(ythin* else in &e(tain )ays? that this ha11ens be&ause that ha11ened? that -o( this to ha11en? that has to ha11enA Just (e&all all

those old -olk tales? su&h as the one about the -o< )ho d(inks +ost o- an old )o+an6s 1ail o- +ilk )hi&h she ne*le&ted to )at&h as she )as *athe(in* )ood -o( a -i(eA She &uts o-- his tail in a -it o- an*e(A ,he -o< asks -o( his tail ba&k? and the old )o+an says she )ill se) his tail ba&k on -o( hi+ i- he )ill *i8e he( ba&k he( +ilkA So he *oes to the &o) in the -ield and asks -o( so+e +ilk? and the &o) says she )ill *i8e the -o< so+e +ilk i- the -o< b(in*s he( so+e *(assA So the -o< *oes to the -ield and asks -o( so+e *(ass? and the -ield says? GB(in* +e so+e )ate(AG So he *oes to the st(ea+ and asks -o( )ate( and the st(ea+ says? GB(in* +e a @u*AG ,his *oes on until a +ille(? out okindness and sy+1athy? *i8es the -o< so+e *(ain to *i8e the hen to *et the e** to *i8e to the 1eddle( to *et the bead to *i8e to the +aiden to *et the @u* to -et&h the )ate( AAA and so the -o< *ets his tail ba&k and *oes a)ay ha11yA ,his has to ha11en in o(de( -o( that to ha11enA Nothin* &o+es -(o+ nothin*A 28e(ythin* has ante&edentsA 28en the +ille(6s kindness &a+e -(o+ so+e)he(eA Lookin* dee1ly into any 1(o&ess? )e &an see that the sa+e a11liesA No sunli*ht? no li-eA No )ate(? no li-eA No 1lants? no 1hotosynthesis? no 1hotosynthesis? no o<y*en -o( ani+als to b(eatheA No 1a(ents? no youA No t(u&ks? no -ood in the &itiesA No t(u&k +anu-a&tu(e(s? no t(u&ksA No steel )o(ke(s? no steel

-o( the +anu-a&tu(e(sA No +inin*? no steel -o( the steel )o(ke(sA No -ood? no steel )o(ke(sA No (ain? no -oodA No sunli*ht? no (ainA No &onditions -o( sta( and 1lanet -o(+ation in the -o(+ati8e uni8e(se? no sunli*ht? no 2a(thA ,hese (elationshi1s a(e not al)ays si+1le and linea(A ;sually thin*s a(e e+bedded in a &o+1le< )eb o- -inely balan&ed inte(&onne&tionsA 3e(tainly )hat )e &all li-e? o( health? o( the bios1he(e? a(e all &o+1le< syste+s o- inte(&onne&tions? )ith no absolute sta(tin* 1oint o( end 1oint So )e see the -utility and the dan*e( o- lettin* ou( thinkin* +ake any thin* o( &i(&u+stan&e into an absolutely se1a(ate e<isten&e )ithout bein* +ind-ul o- inte(&onne&tedness and -lu<A 28e(ythin* is (elated to e8e(ythin* else and? in a )ay? si+ultaneously &ontains e8e(ythin* else and is &ontained by e8e(ythin* elseA /hat is +o(e? e8e(ythin* is in -lu<A Sta(s a(e bo(n? *o th(ou*h sta*es? and dieA Planets also ha8e a (hyth+ o- -o(+ation and ulti+ate de+iseA Ne) &a(s a(e al(eady on thei( )ay to the @unk hea1 e8en be-o(e they lea8e the -a&to(yA ,his a)a(eness +i*ht t(uly enhan&e ou( a11(e&iation oi+1e(+anen&e and hel1 us to take thin*s and &i(&u+stan&es and (elationshi1s less -o( *(anted )hile they a(e a(oundA /e +i*ht a11(e&iate li-e +o(e? 1eo1le +o(e? -ood +o(e? o1inions +o(e? +o+ents +o(e? i- )e 1e(&ei8e? by ou( o)n lookin* +o(e dee1ly

into the+? that e8e(ythin* )e a(e in &onta&t )ith &onne&ts us to the )hole )o(ld in ea&h +o+ent? and that thin*s and othe( 1eo1le? and e8en 1la&es and &i(&u+stan&es? a(e only he(e te+1o(a(ilyA It +akes no) so +u&h +o(e inte(estin*A In -a&t? it +akes no) e8e(ythin*A .ind-ulness o- b(eathin* is one st(in* on )hi&h the beads o- ou( e<1e(ien&e? ou( thou*hts? ou( -eelin*s? ou( e+otions? ou( 1e(&e1tions? ou( i+1ulses? ou( unde(standin*? ou( 8e(y &ons&iousness &an be th(eadedA ,he ne&kla&e &(eated is so+ethin* ne) not a thin* (eally? but a ne) )ay o- seein*? a ne) )ay o- bein*? a ne) )ay o- e<1e(ien&in* that 1e(+its a ne) )ay o- a&tin* in the )o(ldA ,his ne) )ay see+s to &onne&t )hat see+s to be isolatedA But a&tually? nothin* is e8e( isolated and needs (e&onne&tin*A It6s ou( )ay o- seein* )hi&h &(eates and +aintains se1a(ationA ,his ne) )ay o- seein* and ne) )ay o- bein* holds li-e -(a*+ents and *i8es the+ 1la&eA It hono(s ea&h +o+ent in its o)n -ullness )ithin a la(*e( -ullnessA .ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e is si+1ly the on*oin* dis&o8e(y o- the th(ead o- inte(&onne&tednessA 't so+e 1oint? )e +ay e8en &o+e to see that it is not Fuite &o((e&t to say that )e a(e doin* the th(eadin*A It6s +o(e like )e be&o+e &ons&ious o- a &onne&tedness )hi&h has

been he(e all the ti+eA /e ha8e &li+bed to a 8anta*e-1oint -(o+ )hi&h )e &an +o(e (eadily 1e(&ei8e )holeness? and &an &(adle the -lo) o1(esent +o+ents in a)a(enessA ,he -lo) o- the b(eath and the -lo) o- 1(esent +o+ents inte(1enet(ate? beads and th(ead to*ethe( *i8in* so+ethin* la(*e(A :ne +e(*es into anothe(? *(ou1s +elt into e&olo*i&al *(ou1s until the ti+e )hen )hat )e kno) as li-e +eets and ente(s )hat )e think o- as non-li-e: ba(na&le and (o&k? (o&k and ea(th? ea(th and t(ee? t(ee and (ain and ai(A AAA 'nd it is a st(an*e thin* that +ost o- the -eelin* )e &all (eli*ious? +ost o- the +ysti&al out&(yin* )hi&h is one o- the +ost 1(iBed and used and desi(ed (ea&tions o- ou( s1e&ies? is (eally the unde(standin* and the atte+1t to say that +an is (elated to the )hole thin*? (elated ine<t(i&ably to all (eality? kno)n and unkno)ableA ,his is a si+1le thin* to say? but the 1(o-ound -eelin* o- it +ade a Jesus? a StA 'u*ustine? a StA >(an&is? a 5o*e( Ba&on? a 3ha(les %a()in? and an 2insteinA 2a&h o- the+ in his o)n te+1o and )ith his o)n 8oi&e dis&o8e(ed and (ea--i(+ed )ith astonish+ent the kno)led*e that all thin*s a(e

one thin* and that one thin* is all thin*s 1lankton? a shi++e(in* 1hos1ho(es&en&e on the sea and s1innin* 1lanets and the e<1andin* uni8e(se? all bound to*ethe( by the elasti& st(in* o- ti+eA John Steinbe&k 'nd 2d)a(d >A 5i&ketts, Sea of Corte1

Non-$arming - +himsa
' -(iend &a+e ba&k a-te( se8e(al yea(s in Ne1al and India in 1!7# and said o- hi+sel-? GI- I &an6t do anythin* use-ul? at least I )ould like to do as little ha(+ as 1ossibleAG I *uess you &an b(in* ba&k all so(ts o- &o++uni&able thin*s -(o+ distant 1a(ts i- you6(e not &a(e-ulA I )as in-e&ted )ith the idea o- ahi+sa (i*ht then and the(e in +y li8in* (oo+? and I ha8e ne8e( -o(*otten the +o+ent it ha11enedA I had hea(d it be-o(eA ,he attitude o- non-ha(+in* lies at the hea(t o- yo*a 1(a&ti&e and o- the 7i11o&(ati& :athA It )as the unde(lyin* 1(in&i1le o- 9andhi6s (e8olution and o- his 1e(sonal +editation 1(a&ti&eA But the(e )as

so+ethin* about the sin&e(ity )ith )hi&h +y -(iend +ade his &o++ent? &ou1led )ith the in&on*(uity othe 1e(son I thou*ht I kne) sayin* it? that i+1(essed +eA It st(u&k +e as a *ood )ay to (elate to the )o(ld and to onesel-A /hy not t(y to li8e so as to &ause as little da+a*e and su--e(in* as 1ossible0 I- )e li8ed that )ay? )e )ouldn6t ha8e the insane le8els o8iolen&e that do+inate ou( li8es and ou( thinkin* todayA 'nd )e )ould be +o(e *ene(ous to)a(d ou(sel8es as )ell? on the +editation &ushion? and o-itA Like any othe( 8ie)? non-ha(+in* +ay be a te((i-i& 1(in&i1le? but it6s the li8in* o- it that &ountsA 4ou &an sta(t 1(a&ti&in* ahi+sa6s *entleness on you(sel- and in you( li-e )ith othe(s in any +o+entA %o you so+eti+es -ind that you a(e ha(d on you(seland 1ut you(sel- do)n0 5e+e+be( ahi+sa in that +o+entA See it and let it *oA %o you talk about othe(s behind thei( ba&ks0 'hi+saA %o you 1ush you(sel- beyond you( li+its )ith no (e*a(d -o( you( body and you( )ell-bein*0 'hi+saA %o you &ause othe( 1eo1le 1ain o( *(ie-0 'hi+saA It is easy to (elate )ith ahi+sa to so+eone )ho doesn6t th(eaten youA ,he test is in ho) you )ill (elate to a 1e(son o( situation )hen you do -eel th(eatenedA

,he )illin*ness to ha(+ o( hu(t &o+es ulti+ately out o- -ea(A Non-ha(+in* (eFui(es that you see you( o)n -ea(s and that you unde(stand the+ and o)n the+A :)nin* the+ +eans takin* (es1onsibility -o( the+A ,akin* (es1onsibility +eans not lettin* -ea( &o+1letely di&tate you( 8ision o( you( 8ie)A :nly +ind-ulness o- ou( o)n &lin*in* and (e@e&tin*? and a )illin*ness to *(a11le )ith these +ind states? ho)e8e( 1ain-ul the en&ounte(? &an -(ee us -(o+ this &i(&le o- su--e(in*A /ithout a daily e+bodi+ent in 1(a&ti&e? lo-ty ideals tend to su&&u+b to sel--inte(estA #himsa is the attribute of the soul, and therefore, to be practiced by everybody in all the affairs of life. "f it cannot be practiced in all departments, it has no practical value. "f you can&t love 'ing )eorge ;, say, or Sir Winston Churchill, start with your wife, or your husband, or your children. $ry to put their welfare first and your own last every minute of the day, and let the circle of your love e3pand from there. #s long as you are trying your very best, there can be no 7uestion of failure.

D.ahat+a 9andhiE

I68e hea(d Zen +aste(s say that daily +editation 1(a&ti&e &ould tu(n bad ka(+a into *ood ka(+aA I al)ays &halked this u1 to a Fuaint +o(alisti& sales 1it&hA It took +e yea(s to *et the 1ointA I *uess that6s +y ka(+aA Ka(+a +eans that this ha11ens be&ause that ha11enedA B is &onne&ted in so+e )ay to '? e8e(y e--e&t has an ante&edent &ause? and e8e(y &ause an e--e&t that is its +easu(e and its &onseFuen&e? at least at the non-Fuantu+ le8elA :8e(all? )hen )e s1eak o- a 1e(son6s ka(+a? it +eans the su+ total othe 1e(son6s di(e&tion in li-e and the teno( o- the thin*s that o&&u( a(ound that 1e(son? &aused by ante&edent &onditions? a&tions? thou*hts? -eelin*s? sense i+1(essions? desi(esA Ka(+a is o-ten )(on*ly &on-used )ith the notion o- a -i<ed destinyA It is +o(e like an a&&u+ulation o- tenden&ies that &an lo&k us into 1a(ti&ula( beha8io( 1atte(ns? )hi&h the+sel8es (esult in -u(the( a&&u+ulations o- tenden&ies o- a si+ila( natu(eA So? it is easy to be&o+e i+1(isoned by ou( ka(+a and to think that the &ause al)ays lies else)he(e - )ith othe( 1eo1le and &onditions beyond ou( &ont(ol? ne8e( )ithin ou(sel8esA But it is not ne&essa(y to be a 1(isone( o- old ka(+aA It is al)ays

1ossible to &han*e you( ka(+aA 4ou &an +ake ne) ka(+aA But the(e is only one ti+e that you e8e( ha8e to do it inA 3an you *uess )hen that +i*ht be0 7e(e6s ho) +ind-ulness &han*es ka(+aA /hen you sit? you a(e not allo)in* you( i+1ulses to t(anslate into a&tionA >o( the ti+e bein*? at least? you a(e @ust )at&hin* the+A Lookin* at the+? you Fui&kly see that all i+1ulses in the +ind a(ise and 1ass a)ay? that they ha8e a li-e o- thei( o)n? that they a(e not you but @ust thinkin*? and that you do not ha8e to be (uled by the+A Not -eedin* o( (ea&tin* to i+1ulses? you &o+e to unde(stand thei( natu(e as thou*hts di(e&tlyA ,his 1(o&ess a&tually bu(ns u1 dest(u&ti8e i+1ulses in the -i(es o- &on&ent(ation and eFuani+ity and non-doin*A 't the sa+e ti+e? &(eati8e insi*hts and &(eati8e i+1ulses a(e no lon*e( sFueeBed out so +u&h by the +o(e tu(bulent? dest(u&ti8e onesA ,hey a(e nou(ished as they a(e 1e(&ei8ed and held in a)a(enessA .ind-ulness &an the(eby (e-ashion the links in the &hain o- a&tions and &onseFuen&es? and in doin* so it un&hains us? -(ees us? and o1ens u1 ne) di(e&tions -o( us th(ou*h the +o+ents )e &all li-eA /ithout +ind-ulness? )e a(e all too easily stu&k in the +o+entu+ &o+in* out o- the 1ast? )ith no &lue to ou( o)n i+1(ison+ent? and no )ay outA :u( dile++a al)ays see+s to be the othe( 1e(son6s -ault? o( the )o(ld6s -ault? so ou( o)n 8ie)s and -eelin*s a(e

al)ays @usti-iedA ,he 1(esent +o+ent is ne8e( a ne) be*innin* be&ause )e kee1 it -(o+ be&o+in* oneA 7o) else to e<1lain? -o( e<a+1le? the all-too-&o++on obse(8ation that t)o 1eo1le )ho ha8e li8ed thei( )hole adult li8es to*ethe(? had &hild(en to*ethe(? tasted su&&ess in thei( o)n (eal+s to a de*(ee not usually a&hie8ed? +i*ht in thei( late( yea(s? )hen by all a&&ounts they should be en@oyin* the -(uits o- thei( labo(s? ea&h bla+e the othe( -o( +akin* li-e +ise(able? -o( -eelin* isolated? t(a11ed in a bad d(ea+? so +ist(eated and abused that an*e( and hu(t a(e the -ab(i& o- ea&h day0 Ka(+aA In one -o(+ o( anothe(? you see it o8e( and o8e( a*ain in (elationshi1s *one sou( o( +issin* so+ethin* -unda+ental -(o+ the sta(t? the absen&e o- )hi&h in8ites sadness? bitte(ness? hu(tA Soone( o( late(? )e a(e +ost likely to (ea1 that )hi&h )e ha8e so)nA P(a&ti&e an*e( and isolation in a (elationshi1 -o( -o(ty yea(s? and you )ind u1 i+1(isoned in an*e( and isolationA No bi* su(1(iseA 'nd it is ha(dly satis-a&to(y to a11o(tion bla+e he(eA ;lti+ately? it is ou( +indlessness that i+1(isons usA /e *et bette( and bette( at bein* out o- tou&h )ith the -ull (an*e o- ou( 1ossibilities? and +o(e and +o(e stu&k in ou( &ulti8ated-o8e(-a-li-eti+e habits o- notseein*? but only (ea&tin* and bla+in*A

/o(kin* in 1(isons? I *et to see the (esults o- GbadG ka(+a u1 &lose? althou*h it6s ha(dly any di--e(ent outside the 1(ison )allsA 28e(y in+ate has a sto(y oone thin* leadin* to anothe(A '-te( all? that6s )hat sto(ies a(eA :ne thin* leadin* to anothe(A .any ha(dly kno) )hat ha11ened to the+? )hat )ent )(on*A ;sually it6s a lon* &hain o- e8ents sta(tin* )ith 1a(ents and -a+ily? the &ultu(e o- the st(eets? 1o8e(ty and 8iolen&e? t(ustin* 1eo1le you shouldn6t? lookin* -o( an easy bu&k? soothin* the hu(t and dullin* the senses )ith al&ohol and othe( &he+i&als )hi&h &loud +ind and bodyA %(u*s do it? but so do histo(y? de1(i8ation? and a((ested de8elo1+entA ,hey )a(1 thou*hts and -eelin*s? a&tions and 8alues? lea8in* -e) a8enues -o( +odulatin* o( e8en (e&o*niBin* hu(t-ul? &(uel? dest(u&ti8e and sel--dest(u&ti8e i+1ulses o( &(a8in*sA 'nd so? in one +o+ent? )hi&h all you( othe( +o+ents led u1 to? unbekno)nst to you? you &an Glose you( +ind?G &o++it an i((e8e(sible a&t? and then e<1e(ien&e the +y(iad )ays in )hi&h it sha1es -utu(e +o+entsA 28e(ythin* has &onseFuen&es? )hethe( )e kno) it o( not? )hethe( )e a(e G&au*htG by the 1oli&e o( notA /e a(e al)ays &au*ht 3au*ht in the ka(+a oitA /e build ou( o)n 1(isons e8e(y dayA In one )ay? +y -(iends in 1(ison +ade thei( &hoi&es? )hethe( they kne) it o( notA In othe( )ays? they didn6t ha8e

&hoi&esA ,hey ne8e( kne) &hoi&es )e(e the(eA :n&e a*ain? )e en&ounte( )hat Buddhists &all Guna)a(eness?G o( i*no(an&eA It is i*no(an&e o- ho) une<a+ined i+1ulses? es1e&ially those &olo(ed by *(eed o( hat(ed? ho)e8e( @usti-ied? (ationaliBed? o( le*al? &an )a(1 one6s +ind and one6s li-eA Su&h +ind states a--e&t us all? so+eti+es in bi* d(a+ati& )ays? but +ost o-ten by +o(e subtle 1athsA /e &an all be i+1(isoned by in&essant )antin*? by a +ind &louded )ith ideas and o1inions it &lin*s to as i- they )e(e t(uthsA I- )e ho1e to &han*e ou( ka(+a? it +eans )e ha8e to sto1 +akin* those thin*s ha11en that &loud +ind and body and &olo( ou( e8e(y a&tionA It doesn6t +ean doin* *ood deedsA It +eans kno)in* )ho you a(e and that you a(e not you( ka(+a? )hate8e( it +ay be at this +o+entA It +eans ali*nin* you(sel- )ith the )ay thin*s a&tually a(eA It +eans seein* &lea(lyA /he(e to sta(t0 /hy not )ith you( o)n +ind0 '-te( all? it is the inst(u+ent th(ou*h )hi&h all you( thou*hts and -eelin*s? i+1ulses and 1e(&e1tions a(e t(anslated into a&tions in the )o(ldA /hen you sto1 out)a(d a&ti8ity -o( so+e ti+e and 1(a&ti&e bein* still? (i*ht the(e? in that +o+ent? )ith that de&ision to sit? you a(e al(eady b(eakin* the -lo) o- old ka(+a and

&(eatin* an enti(ely ne) and healthie( ka(+aA 7e(ein lies the (oot o- &han*e? the tu(nin* 1oint o- a li-e li8edA ,he 8e(y a&t o- sto11in*? o- nu(tu(in* +o+ents onon-doin*? o- si+1ly )at&hin*? 1uts you on an enti(ely di--e(ent -ootin* 8is-a-8is the -utu(eA 7o)0 Be&ause it is only by bein* -ully in this +o+ent that any -utu(e +o+ent +i*ht be one o- *(eate( unde(standin*? &la(ity? and kindness? one less do+inated by -ea( o( hu(t and +o(e by di*nity and a&&e1tan&eA :nly )hat ha11ens no) ha11ens late(A I- the(e is no +ind-ulness o( eFuani+ity o( &o+1assion no)? in the only ti+e )e e8e( ha8e to &onta&t it and nou(ish ou(sel8es? ho) likely is it that it )ill +a*i&ally a11ea( late(? unde( st(ess o( du(ess0 $he idea that the soul will 6oin with the ecstatic 6ust because the body is rotten that is all fantasy. What is found now is found then. Kabi(

Wholeness and 'neness

/hen )e a(e in tou&h )ith bein* )hole? )e -eel at one )ith e8e(ythin*A /hen )e -eel at one )ith e8e(ythin*? )e -eel )hole ou(sel8esA Sittin* still o( lyin* still? in any +o+ent )e &an (e&onne&t )ith ou( body? t(ans&end the body? +e(*e )ith the b(eath? )ith the uni8e(se? e<1e(ien&e ou(sel8es as )hole and -olded into la(*e( and la(*e( )holesA ' taste o- inte(&onne&tedness b(in*s dee1 kno)led*e o- belon*in*? a sense o- bein* an inti+ate 1a(t o- thin*s? a sense o- bein* at ho+e )he(e8e( )e a(eA /e +ay taste and )onde( at an an&ient ti+elessness beyond bi(th and death? and si+ultaneously e<1e(ien&e the -leetin* b(e8ity o- this li-e as )e 1ass th(ou*h it? the i+1e(+anen&e o- ou( ties to ou( body? to this +o+ent? to ea&h othe(A Kno)in* ou( )holeness di(e&tly in the +editation 1(a&ti&e? )e +ay -ind ou(sel8es &o+in* to te(+s )ith thin*s as they a(e? a dee1enin* o- unde(standin* and &o+1assion? a lessenin* o- an*uish and des1ai(A /holeness is the (oot o- e8e(ythin* that the )o(ds health? healin*? and holy si*ni-y in ou( lan*ua*e and ou( &ultu(eA

/hen )e 1e(&ei8e ou( int(insi& )holeness? the(e is t(uly no 1la&e to *o and nothin* to doA ,hus? )e a(e -(ee to &hoose a 1ath -o( ou(sel8esA Stillness be&o+es a8ailable in doin* and in non-doin*A /e -ind it lyin* )ithin ou(sel8es at all ti+es? and as )e tou&h it? taste it? listen to it? the body &annot but tou&h it? taste it? listen as )ell? and in so doin*? let *oA 'nd the +ind too &onies to listen? and kno)s at least a +o+ent o- 1ea&eA :1en and (e&e1ti8e? )e -ind balan&e and ha(+ony (i*ht he(e? all s1a&e -olded into this 1la&e? all +o+ents -olded into this +o+entA

rdinary men hate solitude. -ut the Master ma!es use of it, embracing his aloneness, reali1ing he is one with the whole universe Lao-,Bu? $ao0$e0Ching 2eace comes within the souls of men When they reali1e their oneness with the universe. Bla&k 2lk

Siddha(tha listenedA 7e )as no) listenin* intently? &o+1letely abso(bed? Fuite e+1ty? takin* in e8e(ythin*A 7e -elt that he had no) &o+1letely lea(ned the a(t o- listenin*A 7e had o-ten hea(d all this be-o(e? all these nu+e(ous 8oi&es in the (i8e(? but today they sounded di--e(entA 7e &ould no lon*e( distin*uish the di--e(ent 8oi&es - the +e((y 8oi&e -(o+ the )ee1in* 8oi&e? the &hildish 8oi&e -(o+ the +anly 8oi&eA ,hey all belon*ed to ea&h othe(: the la+ent o- those )ho yea(n? the lau*hte( o- the )ise? the &(y o- indi*nation and the *(oan othe dyin*A ,hey )e(e all inte()o8en and inte(lo&ked? ent)ined in a thousand )aysA 'nd all the 8oi&es? all the *oals? all the 1leasu(es? all the *ood and e8il? all o- the+ to*ethe( )as the )o(ldA 'll o- the+ to*ethe( )as the st(ea+ o- e8ents? the +usi& o- li-eA /hen Siddha(tha listened attenti8ely to this (i8e(? to this son* o- a thousand 8oi&es? )hen he did not listen to the so((o) o( the lau*hte(? )hen he did not bind his soul to any one 1a(ti&ula( 8oi&e and abso(b it in his Sel-? but hea(d the+ all? the )hole? the unity? then the *(eat son* o- a thousand 8oi&es &onsisted o- one )o(dA 7e(+an 7esse? Siddhartha

What is needed is to learn afresh, to observe, and to discover for ourselves, the meaning of wholeness. %a8id Boh+? Wholeness #nd $he "mplicate " am large, " contain multitudes. /alt /hit+an? Leaves f )rass


Ea hness and Su hness

/holeness e<1e(ien&ed -i(st hand &annot be ty(anni&al? -o( it is in-inite in its di8e(sity and -inds itsel- +i((o(ed and e+bedded in ea&h 1a(ti&ula(? like the 7indu *oddess Ind(a6s net? a sy+bol o- the uni8e(se? )hi&h has @e)els at all the 8e(ti&es? ea&h one &a1tu(in* the (e-le&tions o- the enti(e net and so &ontainin* the )holeA So+e )ould ha8e us )o(shi1? uni-o(+ly? at the alta( o- oneness? usin* the idea ounity (athe( than an on*oin* en&ounte( )ith it to stea+(olle(-like? -latten out all di--e(en&esA But it is in the uniFue Fualities o- this and that? thei( 1a(ti&ula( indi8iduality and 1(o1e(ties - in thei( ea&hness and thei( Su&hness? i- you )ill - that all 1oet(y and a(t? s&ien&e and li-e? )onde(? *(a&e? and (i&hness (esideA

'll -a&es (ese+ble ea&h othe(? yet ho) easily )e see in ea&h uniFueness? indi8iduality? an identityA 7o) dee1ly )e 8alue these di--e(en&esA ,he o&ean is a )hole? but it has &ountless )a8es? e8e(y one di--e(ent -(o+ all the othe(sH it has &u((ents? ea&h uniFue? e8e(&han*in*H the botto+ is a lands&a1e all its o)n? di--e(ent e8e(y)he(eH si+ila(ly the sho(elineA ,he at+os1he(e is )hole? but its &u((ents ha8e uniFue si*natu(es? e8en thou*h they a(e @ust )indA Li-e on ea(th is a )hole? yet it e<1(esses itsel- in uniFue ti+ebound bodies? +i&(os&o1i& o( 8isible? 1lant o( ani+al? e<tin&t o( li8in*A So the(e &an be no one 1la&e to beA ,he(e &an be no one )ay to be? no one )ay to 1(a&ti&e? no one )ay to lea(n? no one )ay to lo8e? no one )ay to *(o) o( to heal? no one )ay to li8e? no one )ay to -eel? no one thin* to kno) o( be kno)nA ,he 1a(ti&ula(s &ountA

$he chicadee $he chicadee +ops near to me. ,ho(eau $he man pulling radishes pointed the way with a radish. Issa ld pond, frog 6umps in splash. Basho Midnight. No waves, no wind, the empty boat is flooded with moonlight. %o*en 9et the idea0

What Is This?
,he s1i(it o- inFui(y is -unda+ental to li8in* +ind-ullyA InFui(y is not @ust a )ay to sol8e 1(oble+sA It is a )ay to +ake su(e you a(e stayin* in tou&h )ith the basi& +yste(y o- li-e itsel- and o- ou( 1(esen&e he(eA /ho a+ I0 /he(e a+ I *oin*0 /hat does it +ean to be0 /hat does it +ean to be a AAA +an? )o+an? &hild? 1a(entH a student? a )o(ke(? a boss? an in+ateH a ho+eless 1e(son0 /hat is +y ka(+a0 /he(e a+ I no)0 /hat is +y )ay0 /hat is +y @ob on the 1lanet )ith a &a1ital J0 InFui(y doesn6t +ean lookin* -o( ans)e(s? es1e&ially Fui&k ans)e(s )hi&h &o+e out o- su1e(-i&ial thinkin*A It +eans askin* )ithout e<1e&tin* ans)e(s? @ust 1onde(in* the Fuestion? &a((yin* the )onde(in* )ith you? lettin* it 1e(&olate? bubble? &ook? (i1en? &o+e in and out o- a)a(eness? @ust as e8e(ythin* else &o+es in and out o- a)a(enessA 4ou don6t ha8e to be still to inFui(eA InFui(y and +ind-ulness &an o&&u( si+ultaneously in the un-oldin* o- you( daily li-eA In -a&t? inFui(y and +ind-ulness a(e one and the sa+e thin*? &o+e to -(o+ di--e(ent di(e&tionsA 4ou &an 1onde( G/hat a+ IG o( G/hat is this0G o( G/he(e a+ I *oin*0G o( G/hat is

+y @ob0G as you a(e -i<in* a &a(? )alkin* to )o(k? doin* the dishes? listenin* to you( dau*hte( sin* on a sta(lit s1(in* e8enin*? o( lookin* -o( a @obA P(oble+s o- all sha1es and siBes &o+e u1 all the ti+e in li-eA ,hey (an*e -(o+ the t(i8ial to the 1(o-ound to the o8e()hel+in*A ,he &hallen*e he(e is to +eet the+ )ith inFui(y? in the s1i(it o- +ind-ulnessA It )ould +ean askin*? G/hat is this thou*ht? this -eelin*? this dile++a0G G7o) a+ I *oin* to deal )ith it0G :( e8en? G'+ I )illin* to deal )ith it o( e8en a&kno)led*e it0G ,he -i(st ste1 is to a&kno)led*e that the(e is a 1(oble+? )hi&h +eans the(e is st(ain o( tension o( disha(+ony o- so+e kindA It +i*ht take us -o(ty o( -i-ty yea(s to e8en &o+e &lose to a&kno)led*in* so+e othe bi* de+ons )e &a((yA But +aybe that6s okay tooA ,he(e6s no ti+etable -o( inFui(yA It6s like a 1ot sittin* on you( shel-A It6s (eady to do the &ookin* )hene8e( you a(e (eady to take it do)n? 1ut so+ethin* in it? and heat it on the sto8eA InFui(y +eans askin* Fuestions? o8e( and o8e( a*ainA %o )e ha8e the &ou(a*e to look at so+ethin*? )hate8e( it is? and to inFui(e? )hat is this0 /hat is *oin* on0 It in8ol8es lookin* dee1ly -o( a sustained 1e(iod? Fuestionin*? Fuestionin*? )hat is this0 /hat is )(on*0 /hat is at the (oot o- the 1(oble+0 /hat is the e8iden&e0 /hat a(e the &onne&tions0 /hat

)ould a ha11y solution look like0 Juestionin*? Fuestionin*? &ontinually Fuestionin*A InFui(y is not so +u&h thinkin* about ans)e(s? althou*h the Fuestionin* )ill 1(odu&e a lot othou*hts that look like ans)e(sA It (eally in8ol8es @ust listenin* to the thinkin* that you( Fuestionin* e8okes? as i- you )e(e sittin* by the side o- the st(ea+ o- you( o)n thou*hts? listenin* to the )ate( -lo) o8e( and a(ound the (o&ks? listenin*? listenin*? and )at&hin* an o&&asional lea- o( t)i* as it is &a((ied alon*A

$he true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and sense in which he has attained liberation from the self. D'lbe(t 2instein? $he World #s " See "tE GI?G G+e?G and G+ineG a(e 1(odu&ts o- ou( thinkin*A .y -(iend La((y 5osenbe(*? o- the 3a+b(id*e Insi*ht .editation 3ente(? &alls it Gsel-in*?G that ine8itable and in&o((i*ible tenden&y to &onst(u&t out o- al+ost e8e(ythin* and e8e(y situation an GI?G a G+e?G and a

G+ine?G and then to o1e(ate in the )o(ld -(o+ that li+ited 1e(s1e&ti8e )hi&h is +ostly -antasy and de-enseA 7a(dly a +o+ent 1asses that this doesn6t ha11en? but it is so +u&h a 1a(t o- the -ab(i& o- ou( )o(ld that it *oes &o+1letely unnoti&ed? +u&h as the 1(o8e(bial -ish has no kno)led*e o- )ate(? so tho(ou*hly is it i++e(sed in itA 4ou &an see this -o( you(sel- easily enou*h )hethe( you a(e +editatin* in silen&e o( @ust li8in* a -i8e-+inute se*+ent o- you( li-eA :ut o- 8i(tually any and e8e(y +o+ent and e<1e(ien&e? ou( thinkin* +ind &onst(u&ts G+yG +o+ent? G+yG e<1e(ien&e? G+yG &hild? G+yG hun*e(? G+yG desi(e? G+yG o1inion? G+yG )ay? G+yG autho(ity? G+yG -utu(e? G+yG kno)led*e? G+yG body? G+yG +ind? G+yG house? G+yG land? G+yG idea? G+yG (eelin*s? G+yG &a(? G+yG 1(oble+A I- you obse(8e this 1(o&ess o- Sel-in* )ith sustained attention and inFui(y? you )ill see that )hat )e &all Gthe sel- is (eally a &onst(u&t o- ou( o)n +ind? and ha(dly a 1e(+anent one? eithe(A I- you look dee1ly -o( a stable? indi8isible sel-? -o( the &o(e GyouG that unde(lies Gyou(G e<1e(ien&e? you a(e not likely to -ind it othe( than in +o(e thinkin*A 4ou +i*ht say you a(e you( na+e? but that is not Fuite a&&u(ateA 4ou( na+e is @ust a labelA ,he sa+e is t(ue o- you( a*e? you( *ende(? you( o1inions? and so onA None a(e -unda+ental to )ho you a(eA

/hen you inFui(e in this )ay as dee1ly as you &an -ollo) the th(ead into )ho you a(e o( )hat you a(e? you a(e al+ost su(e to -ind that the(e is no solid 1la&e to landA I- you ask: G/ho is the I )ho is askin* )ho a+ I0G? ulti+ately you &o+e to? GI don6t kno)AG ,he GIG @ust a11ea(s as a &onst(u&t )hi&h is kno)n by its att(ibutes? none o- )hi&h? taken sin*ly o( to*ethe(? (eally +akes u1 the )hole o- the 1e(sonA .o(eo8e(? the GIG &onst(u&t has the tenden&y &ontinually to dissol8e and (e&onst(u&t itsel-? 8i(tually +o+ent by +o+entA It also has a st(on* tenden&y to -eel di+inished? s+all? inse&u(e? and un&e(tain? sin&e its e<isten&e is so tenuous to be*in )ithA ,his only +akes the ty(anny and su--e(in* asso&iated )ith una)a(eness o- ho) +u&h )e a(e &au*ht u1 in GI?G G+e?G and G+ineG that +u&h )o(seA ,hen the(e is the 1(oble+ o- outside -o(&esA ,he GIG tends to -eel *ood )hen outside &i(&u+stan&es a(e su11o(tin* its belie- in its o)n *oodness? and bad )hen it (uns into &(iti&is+? di--i&ulties? and )hat it 1e(&ei8es as obsta&les and de-eatsA 7e(e 1e(ha1s lies a +a@o( e<1lanation -o( di+inished sel--estee+ in +any 1eo1leA /e a(en6t (eally -a+ilia( )ith this &onst(u&ted as1e&t o- ou( identity 1(o&essA ,his +akes it easy -o( us to lose ou( balan&e and -eel 8ulne(able and in&onseFuential )hen )e a(e not 1(o11ed u1 and (ein-o(&ed in ou( need -o( a11(o8al o(

-o( -eelin* i+1o(tantA /e a(e likely to &ontinually seek inte(io( stability th(ou*h outside (e)a(ds? th(ou*h +ate(ial 1ossessions? and -(o+ othe(s )ho lo8e usA In this )ay? )e kee1 ou( sel--&onst(u&t *oin*A 4et in s1ite o- all this sel--*ene(atin* a&ti8ity? the(e +ay still be no sense o- endu(in* stability in one6s o)n bein*? no( &al+ness in the +indA Buddhists +i*ht say that this is be&ause the(e is no absolute se1a(ate Gsel-G in the -i(st 1la&e? @ust the 1(o&ess o- &ontinual sel-&onst(u&tion o( Gsel-in*AG I- )e &ould only (e&o*niBe the 1(o&ess o- Sel-in* as an in*(ained habit and then *i8e ou(sel8es 1e(+ission to take the day o--? to sto1 t(yin* so ha(d to be Gso+ebodyG and instead @ust e<1e(ien&e bein*? 1e(ha1s )e )ould be a lot ha11ie( and +o(e (ela<edA ,his doesn6t +ean? by the )ay? that Gyou ha8e to be a so+ebody be-o(e you &an be a nobody?G one o- the bi* Ne) '*e disto(tions o- +editation 1(a&ti&e? by )hi&h is +eant that you should ha8e a (obust sense o- sel- be-o(e you e<1lo(e the e+1tiness o- Gno-sel-AG No-sel- does not +ean bein* a nobodyA /hat it +eans is that e8e(ythin* is inte(de1endent and that the(e is no isolated? inde1endent &o(e GyouAG 4ou a(e only you in (elationshi1 to all othe( -o(&es and e8ents in the )o(ld - in&ludin* you( 1a(ents? you( &hildhood? you( thou*hts and -eelin*s? outside e8ents? ti+e? and so onA .o(eo8e(? you a(e al(eady a so+ebody? no

+atte( )hatA 4ou a(e )ho you al(eady a(eA But )ho you a(e is not you( na+e? you( a*e? you( &hildhood? you( belie-s? you( -ea(sA ,hey a(e 1a(t o- it? but not the )holeA So? )hen )e s1eak about not t(yin* so ha(d to be Gso+ebodyG and instead @ust e<1e(ien&e bein*? di(e&tly? )hat it +eans is that you sta(t -(o+ )he(e you -ind you(sel- and )o(k he(eA .editation is not about t(yin* to be&o+e a nobody? o( a &onte+1lati8e Bo+bie? in&a1able o- li8in* in the (eal )o(ld and -a&in* (eal 1(oble+sA It6s about seein* thin*s as they a(e? )ithout the disto(tions o- ou( o)n thou*ht 1(o&essesA Pa(t o- that is 1e(&ei8in* that e8e(ythin* is inte(&onne&ted and that )hile ou( &on8entional sense o- Gha8in*G a sel- is hel1-ul in +any )ays? it is not absolutely (eal o( solid o( 1e(+anentA So? i- you sto1 t(yin* to +ake you(sel- into +o(e than you a(e out o-ea( that you a(e less than you a(e? )hoe8e( you (eally a(e )ill be a lot li*hte( and ha11ie(? and easie( to li8e )ith? tooA /e +i*ht be*in by takin* thin*s a little less 1e(sonallyA /hen so+ethin* ha11ens? t(y to see it )ithout the sel--o(ientation? @ust -o( -unA .aybe it @ust ha11enedA .aybe it6s not ai+ed at youA /at&h you( +ind at su&h ti+esA Is it *ettin* into GIG this and G+eG

that0 'sk you(sel-? G/ho a+ I0G o(? G/hat is this 6I6 that is &lai+in* o)ne(shi10G ')a(eness itsel- &an hel1 balan&e out the Sel-in* and (edu&e its i+1a&tA Noti&e? too? that the sel- is i+1e(+anentA /hate8e( you t(y to hold on to that has to do )ith you(sel- eludes youA It &an6t be held be&ause it is &onstantly &han*in*? de&ayin*? and bein* (e&onst(u&ted a*ain? al)ays sli*htly di--e(ently? de1endin* on the &i(&u+stan&es o- the +o+entA ,his +akes the sense o- sel- )hat is &alled in &haos theo(y a Gst(an*e att(a&to(?G a 1atte(n )hi&h e+bodies o(de(? yet is also un1(edi&tably diso(de(edA It ne8e( (e1eats itsel-A /hene8e( you look? it is sli*htly di--e(entA ,he elusi8e natu(e o- a &on&(ete? 1e(+anent? un&han*in* sel- is Fuite a ho1e-ul obse(8ationA It +eans that you &an sto1 takin* you(sel- so da+n se(iously and *et out -(o+ unde( the 1(essu(es oha8in* the details o- you( 1e(sonal li-e be &ent(al to the o1e(atin* o- the uni8e(seA By (e&o*niBin* and lettin* *o o- Sel-in* i+1ulses? )e a&&o(d the uni8e(se a little +o(e (oo+ to +ake thin*s ha11enA Sin&e )e a(e -olded into the uni8e(se and 1a(ti&i1ate in its un-oldin*? it )ill de-e( in the -a&e o- too +u&h sel-&ente(ed? sel--indul*ent? sel--&(iti&al? sel--inse&u(e? sel--an<ious a&ti8ity on ou( 1a(t? and a((an*e -o( the

d(ea+ )o(ld o- ou( sel--o(iented thinkin* to look and -eel only too (ealA

,he look o- utte( des1ai( and silent 1leadin* -o( +e not to *et an*(y et&hed into +y dau*hte( Naushon6s 11-yea(-old -a&e as I a+ *ettin* out o- the &a( at he( -(iend6s house ea(ly one Sunday +o(nin* does 1enet(ate +y a)a(eness? but not &o+1letely enou*h to (ein in the annoyan&e and an*e( )hi&h she sees (isin* in +e? and )hi&h she -ea(s )ill +ake a s&ene and e+ba((ass he(A I a+ -eelin* too +u&h +o+entu+ in this +o+ent to sto1 &o+1letely? althou*h late( I )ould )ish I hadA I )ished that I had let he( look sto1 +e in that +o+ent? tou&h +e? tu(n +e to)a(d seein* )hat )as (eally i+1o(tant - na+ely? that she -eels she &an de1end on +e and t(ust +e (athe( than -ea( that I )ill bet(ay he( o( +o(ti-y he( e+e(*in* so&ial sensiti8ityA But I a+ too u1set in this +o+ent about bein* +ani1ulated by he( -(iend? )ho )as su11osed to be (eady at a &e(tain ti+e and isn6t? to -ully a11(e&iate +y dau*hte(6s 1(oble+ he(eA

I a+ &au*ht u1 in an eddy o- sel--(i*hteous indi*nationA .y 6IG does not )ant to be ke1t )aitin*? to be taken ad8anta*e o-A I (eassu(e he( that I )ill not +ake a s&ene? but that I also )ant to &o++uni&ate about it (i*ht no) be&ause I a+ -eelin* usedA I +ake ea(ly +o(nin* inFui(ies? tin*ed )ith annoyan&e? o- he( slee1y +othe(H then )ait? in)a(dly -u+in*? -o( )hat tu(ns out to be a (e+a(kably sho(t ti+eA 'nd so the +atte( dissol8edA But not in +y +e+o(y? )hi&h still &a((ies? and I ho1e al)ays )ill? that look on +y dau*hte(6s -a&e that I )as unable to (ead Fui&kly enou*h to be -ully 1(esent -o(A 7ad I been able to? the an*e( )ould ha8e died then and the(eA ,he(e is a 1(i&e )e 1ay -o( bein* atta&hed to a na((o) 8ie) o- bein* G(i*htAG .y 1assin* +ood state is -a( less i+1o(tant to +e than he( t(ustA But in that +o+ent? he( t(ust *ot t(a+1led all the sa+eA /ithout &a(e and a)a(eness? s+all-+inded -eelin* states &an do+inate the +o+entA It ha11ens all the ti+eA ,he &olle&ti8e 1ain )e &ause othe(s and ou(sel8es bleeds ou( soulsA 7a(d as it is -o( us to ad+it? es1e&ially about ou(sel8es? sel--tin*ed an*e( +ay be so+ethin* )e indul*e in and su((ende( to -a( too o-tenA

Cat-1ood *essons
I hate -indin* &aked &at dishes in the kit&hen sink alon* )ith ou(sA I6+ not su(e )hy this 1ushes +y buttons so st(on*ly? but it doesA Pe(ha1s it &o+es -(o+ not ha8in* had a 1et )hen I )as *(o)in* u1A :( +aybe I think it6s a 1ubli& health th(eat Dyou kno)? 8i(uses and the likeEA /hen I &hoose to &lean the &ats6 bo)ls? I -i(st &lean the )hole sink o- ou( dishes? then I )ash thei(sA 'ny)ay? I don6t like it )hen I -ind di(ty &at dishes in the sink? and I (ea&t (i*ht a)ay )hen I doA >i(st I *et an*(yA ,hen the an*e( *ets +o(e 1e(sonal and I -ind +ysel- di(e&tin* it at )hoe8e( I think is the &ul1(it? )hi&h is usually +y )i-e? .ylaA I -eel hu(t be&ause she doesn6t (es1e&t +y -eelin*sA I tell he( on &ountless o&&asions that I don6t like it? that it dis*usts +eA I68e asked he( as 1olitely as I kno) ho) not do it? but she o-ten does it any)ayA She -eels I6+ bein* silly and &o+1ulsi8e? and )hen she6s 1(essed -o( ti+e? she @ust lea8es the &aked &at dishes soakin* in the sinkA .y dis&o8e(y o- &at -ood in the sink &an Fui&kly es&alate to a heated dis1ute? +ostly be&ause I a+ -eelin* an*(y and hu(t and abo8e all @usti-ied in G+yG

an*e(? G+yG hu(t? be&ause I kno) GIG a+ (i*htA 3at -ood shouldn6t be in the sinkM But )hen it is? the Sel-in* on +y 1a(t &an *et (athe( st(on*A 5e&ently? I68e noti&ed that I a+ not *ettin* so bent out o- sha1e about thisA I didn6t s1e&i-i&ally t(y to &han*e ho) I6+ dealin* )ith itA I still -eel the sa+e about the &at -ood? but so+eho)? I6+ seein* the )hole thin* di--e(ently too? )ith *(eate( a)a(eness and )ith +u&h +o(e o- a sense o- hu+o(A >o( one? )hen it ha11ens no) - and it still does )ith annoyin* -(eFuen&y - I -ind that I a+ a)a(e o- +y (ea&tion the +o+ent it ha11ens and I look at itA G,his is it?G I (e+ind +ysel-M I obse(8e the an*e( as it sta(ts (isin* in +eA It tu(ns out that it is 1(e&eded by a +ild -eelin* o- (e8ulsionA ,hen I noti&e the sti((in*s o- a -eelin* o- bet(ayal )hi&h is not so +ildA So+eone in +y -a+ily didn6t (es1e&t +y (eFuest? and I a+ takin* it 8e(y 1e(sonallyA '-te( all? +y -eelin*s &ount in the -a+ily? don6t they0 I ha8e taken to e<1e(i+entin* )ith +y (ea&tions at the kit&hen sink by )at&hin* the+ 8e(y &losely )ithout a&tin* on the+A I &an (e1o(t that the initial -eelin* o- (e8ulsion is not all that bad? and i- I stay )ith it? b(eathe )ith it? and 1e(+it +ysel- to @ust -eel it? it a&tually *oes a)ay )ithin a se&ond o( t)oA I ha8e also noti&ed that it is the sense o- bet(ayal? o- bein*

th)a(ted in +y )ishes? that +akes +e +ad +u&h +o(e than the &at -ood itsel-A So? I dis&o8e(? it6s not (eally the &at -ood by itsel- that is the sou(&e o- +y an*e(A It6s that I6+ not -eelin* listened to and (es1e&tedA =e(y di--e(ent -(o+ the &at -oodA 'haM ,hen I (e+e+be( that +y )i-e and kids see this )hole thin* 8e(y di--e(entlyA ,hey think I a+ +akin* a bi* deal out o- nothin*? and that )hile they )ill t(y to (es1e&t +y )ishes )hen it -eels (easonable to the+? at othe( ti+es it doesn6t and they @ust do it any)ay? +aybe e8en )ithout thinkin* about +e at allA So I68e sto11ed takin* it 1e(sonallyA /hen I (eally don6t )ant &at -ood in the sink? I (oll u1 +y slee8es and I &lean the dishes in that +o+entA :the()ise? I @ust lea8e the+ the(e and *o a)ayA /e no lon*e( ha8e -i*hts about itA In -a&t? I -ind +ysel- s+ilin* no) )hen I do &o+e a&(oss the o--endin* ob@e&ts in the sinkA '-te( all? they ha8e tau*ht +e a lotA T!": /at&hin* you( (ea&tions in situations that annoy you o( +ake you an*(yA Noti&e ho) e8en s1eakin* oso+ethin* G+akin*G you an*(y su((ende(s you( 1o)e( to othe(sA Su&h o&&asions a(e *ood o11o(tunities to e<1e(i+ent )ith +ind-ulness as a 1ot into )hi&h you &an 1ut all you( -eelin*s and @ust be )ith the+? lettin*

the+ slo)ly &ook? (e+indin* you(sel- that you don6t ha8e to do anythin* )ith the+ (i*ht a)ay? that they )ill be&o+e +o(e &ooked? +o(e easily di*ested and unde(stood si+1ly by holdin* the+ in the 1ot o+ind-ulnessA :bse(8e the )ays in )hi&h you( -eelin*s a(e &(eations o- you( +ind6s 8ie) o- thin*s? and that +aybe that 8ie) is not &o+1leteA 3an you allo) this state o- a--ai(s to be okay and neithe( +ake you(sel(i*ht o( )(on*0 3an you be 1atient enou*h and &ou(a*eous enou*h to e<1lo(e 1uttin* st(on*e( and st(on*e( e+otions into the 1ot and @ust holdin* the+ and lettin* the+ &ook? (athe( than 1(o@e&tin* the+ out)a(d and -o(&in* the )o(ld to be as you )ant it to be no)0 3an you see ho) this 1(a&ti&e +i*ht lead to kno)in* you(sel- in ne) )ays? and -(eein* you(sel-(o+ old? )o(n-out? li+itin* 8ie)s0

Parenting +s Pra ti e
I took u1 +editatin* )hen I )as in +y ea(ly t)entiesA In those days? I had so+e -le<ibility in te(+s o- +y ti+e? and )as able to 1e(iodi&ally attend +editation (et(eats lastin* ten days o( t)o )eeksA ,hese (et(eats

)e(e desi*ned so that the 1a(ti&i1ants &ould de8ote ea&h day -(o+ ea(ly +o(nin* to late at ni*ht solely to +ind-ul sittin* and )alkin*? )ith a -e) hea(ty 8e*eta(ian +eals th(o)n in? all in silen&eA /e )e(e su11o(ted in this inne( )o(k by e<&ellent +editation tea&he(s? )ho )ould *i8e ins1i(in* talks in the e8enin* to hel1 us dee1en and b(oaden ou( 1(a&ti&e? and )ho )ould see us e8e(y so o-ten -o( indi8idual inte(8ie)s to &he&k on ho) thin*s )e(e *oin*A I lo8ed these (et(eats be&ause they enabled +e to 1ut e8e(ythin* else in +y li-e on hold? *o o-so+e1la&e 1leasant and 1ea&e-ul in the &ount(yside? *et taken &a(e o-? and li8e an e<t(e+ely si+1li-ied &onte+1lati8e li-e? )he(e the only (eal a*enda )as to 1(a&ti&e? 1(a&ti&e? 1(a&ti&eA Not that it )as easy? +ind youA ,he(e )as o-ten a lot o- 1hysi&al 1ain @ust -(o+ sittin* still -o( that +any hou(s? and that )as nothin* &o+1a(ed to the e+otional 1ain )hi&h )ould so+eti+es su(-a&e as the +ind and body be&a+e +o(e still and less busyA /hen +y )i-e and I de&ided to ha8e &hild(en? I kne) that I )ould ha8e to *i8e u1 the (et(eats? at least -o( so+e ti+eA I said to +ysel- that I &ould al)ays (etu(n to the &onte+1lati8e settin* )hen +y &hild(en had *(o)n u1 enou*h not to need +e a(ound all the ti+eA ,he(e )as a &e(tain (o+anti& tou&h to the -antasy o-

(etu(nin* to the +onasti& li-e as an old +anA ,he 1(os1e&t o- *i8in* u1 these (et(eats? o( at least &uttin* ba&k on the+ a lot? didn6t bothe( +e too +u&h be&ause? +u&h as I 8alued the+? I had de&ided that the(e )as a )ay to look at ha8in* &hild(en as a +editation (et(eat in its o)n (i*ht - one that )ould ha8e +ost o- the i+1o(tant -eatu(es o- those I )as *i8in* u1? e<&e1t -o( the Fuiet and the si+1li&ityA ,his )as ho) I sa) it: 4ou &ould look at ea&h baby as a little Buddha o( Zen +aste(? you( o)n 1(i8ate +ind-ulness tea&he(? 1a(a&huted into you( li-e? )hose 1(esen&e and a&tions )e(e *ua(anteed to 1ush e8e(y button and &hallen*e e8e(y belie- and li+it you had? *i8in* you &ontinual o11o(tunities to see )he(e you )e(e atta&hed to so+ethin* and to let *o o- itA >o( ea&h &hild? it )ould be at least an ei*hteen-yea( (et(eat? )ith 8i(tually no ti+e o-- -o( *ood beha8io(A ,he (et(eat s&hedule )ould be (elentless and de+and &ontinual a&ts o- sel-lessness and lo8in* kindnessA .y li-e? )hi&h u1 to that ti+e basi&ally &onsisted o- lookin* a-te( +y o)n 1e(sonal needs and desi(es? 1e(-e&tly no(+al -o( a youn* sin*le 1e(son? )as about to &han*e 1(o-oundlyA Be&o+in* a 1a(ent &lea(ly )as *oin* to be the bi**est t(ans-o(+ation o- +y adult li-e so -a(A ,o do it )ell )ould de+and the *(eatest &la(ity o- 8ie) and the

*(eatest lettin* *o and lettin* be I had e8e( been &hallen*ed )ithA >o( one? babies in8ite and (eFui(e attendin* to &onstantlyA ,hei( needs +ust be +et on thei( s&hedule? not you(s? and e8e(y day? not @ust )hen you -eel like itA .ost i+1o(tantly? babies and &hild(en (eFui(e you( -ull 1(esen&e as a bein* in o(de( to th(i8e and *(o)A ,hey need to be held? the +o(e the bette(? )alked )ith? sun* to? (o&ked? 1layed )ith? &o+-o(ted? so+eti+es nu(tu(ed late at ni*ht o( ea(ly in the +o(nin* )hen you a(e -eelin* de1leted? e<hausted? and only )ant to slee1? o( )hen you ha8e 1(essin* obli*ations and (es1onsibilities else)he(eA ,he dee1 and &onstantly &han*in* needs o- &hild(en a(e all 1e(-e&t o11o(tunities -o( 1a(ents to be -ully 1(esent (athe( than to o1e(ate in the auto+ati& 1ilot +ode? to (elate &ons&iously (athe( than +e&hani&ally? to sense the bein* in ea&h &hild and let his o( he( 8ib(an&y? 8itality? and 1u(ity &all -o(th ou( o)nA I -elt that 1a(entin* )as nothin* sho(t o- a 1e(-e&t o11o(tunity to dee1en +ind-ulness? i- I &ould let the &hild(en and the -a+ily be&o+e +y tea&he(s? and (e+e+be( to (e&o*niBe and listen &a(e-ully to the lessons in li8in* )hi&h )ould be &o+in* -ast and -u(iouslyA Like any lon* (et(eat? the(e ha8e been easy 1e(iods and ha(de( 1e(iods? )onde(-ul +o+ents and dee1ly

1ain-ul onesA ,h(ou*h it all? the 1(in&i1le o- lookin* at it as a +editation (et(eat and hono(in* the &hild(en and the -a+ily situation as +y tea&he(s has 1(o8en its 1(i+a&y and 8alue ti+e and ti+e a*ainA Pa(entin* is a hi*h 1(essu(e @ob situationA In the ea(ly yea(s? it -eels like a -ull-ti+e @ob -o( about ten 1eo1le? and usually the(e a(e only t)o? o( e8en one? to do it all? and no +anual )hi&h &o+es )ith the babies tellin* you ho) to 1(o&eedA It is the ha(dest @ob in the )o(ld to do )ell? and +ost o- the ti+e you don6t e8en kno) )hethe( you a(e doin* )ell? o( e8en )hat that +eansA 'nd )e *et 8i(tually no 1(e1a(ation o( t(ainin* -o( 1a(entin*? only on-the-@ob? +o+ent-to-+o+ent t(ainin* as thin*s un-oldA 't the be*innin*? the(e a(e 1(e&ious -e) o11o(tunities -o( (es1iteA ,he @ob &alls -o( you to be &ontinually en*a*edA 'nd the &hild(en a(e al)ays 1ushin* you( li+its to -ind out about the )o(ld and about )ho they a(eA /hat6s +o(e? as they *(o) and de8elo1? they &han*eA No soone( ha8e you -i*u(ed out ho) to (elate )ell to one situation than they *(o) out o- that and into so+ethin* you68e ne8e( seen be-o(eA 4ou ha8e to be &ontinually +ind-ul and 1(esent so that you a(en6t lin*e(in* )ith a 8ie) o- thin*s that no lon*e( a11liesA 'nd? o- &ou(se? the(e a(e no sto&k ans)e(s o( si+1le -o(+ulas -o( ho) to do thin*s G(i*htG in the )o(ld o- 1a(entin*A ,his +eans you a(e una8oidably

in &(eati8e and &hallen*in* situations al+ost all the ti+e? and at the sa+e ti+e? -a&ed )ith a lot o(e1etiti8e tasks )hi&h you do o8e( and o8e(? a*ain and a*ain and a*ainA 'nd it *ets +o(e &hallen*in* as the &hild(en *(o) olde( and de8elo1 thei( o)n ideas and st(on* )illsA It6s one thin* to look a-te( the needs o- babies? )hi&h a(e 8e(y si+1le? a-te( all? es1e&ially be-o(e they &an talk and )hen they a(e at thei( absolute &utest and +ost ado(ableA It6s Fuite anothe( to see &lea(ly and to 6(es1ond e--e&ti8ely and )ith so+e +odi&u+ o)isdo+ and balan&e Da-te( all? you a(e the adultE )hen the(e is a &ontinual &lash o- )ills )ith olde( &hild(en? )ho a(e not al)ays so &ute and &uddly? )ho &an a(*ue &i(&les a(ound you? tease ea&h othe( +e(&ilessly? -i*ht? (ebel? (e-use to listen? *et into so&ial situations in )hi&h they need you( *uidan&e and &la(ity but +ay not be o1en to itH in sho(t? )hose needs (eFui(e a &onstant ene(*y out1ut that lea8es you little ti+e -o( you(sel-A ,he list o- situations in )hi&h you( eFuani+ity and &la(ity )ill be so(ely &hallen*ed and you )ill -ind you(sel- Glosin* itG is endlessA ,he(e is si+1ly no es&a1e? no hidin*? no dissi+ilation that )ill se(8e eithe( the+ o( youA 4ou( &hild(en )ill see it all -(o+ the inside and u1 &lose: you( -oibles? idiosyn&(asies?

)a(ts and 1i+1les? you( sho(t&o+in*s? you( in&onsisten&ies? and you( -ailu(esA ,hese t(ials a(e not i+1edi+ents to eithe( 1a(entin* o( +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&eA ,hey an the 1(a&ti&e? i- you &an (e+e+be( to see it this )ayA :the()ise? you( li-e as a 1a(ent &an be&o+e one 8e(y lon* and unsatis-yin* bu(den? in )hi&h you( la&k o- st(en*th and &la(ity o- 1u(1ose +ay lead to -o(*ettin* to hono( o( e8en to see the inne( *oodness o- you( &hild(en and you(sel-A 3hild(en &an easily be&o+e )ounded and di+inished -(o+ a &hildhood )hi&h &onsistently -ails to adeFuately hono( thei( needs and thei( inne( beautyA /oundin* )ill @ust &(eate +o(e 1(oble+s -o( the+ and -o( the -a+ily? 1(oble+s )ith sel--&on-iden&e and sel--estee+? )ith &o++uni&ation and &o+1eten&ies? 1(oble+s that don6t disa11ea( on thei( o)n as the &hild(en *(o) olde( but usually a+1li-yA 'nd as 1a(ents? )e +ay not be o1en enou*h to 1e(&ei8e the si*ns o- this di+inish+ent o( )oundin* and then be able to a&t to heal it be&ause it +ay ha8e &o+e in so+e +easu(e th(ou*h ou( o)n hands o( th(ou*h ou( o)n la&k o- a)a(enessA 'lso? it +ay be subtle? easily denied? o( att(ibutable to othe( &auses? thus -(eein* us in ou( o)n +inds -(o+ a (es1onsibility )hi&h +ay be t(uly ou(s to assu+eA

It is ob8ious that? )ith all that ene(*y *oin* out)a(d? the(e has to be so+e sou(&e o- ene(*y &o+in* in )hi&h nu(tu(es and (e8italiBes the 1a(ents -(o+ ti+e to ti+e? o( the 1(o&ess itsel- )ill not be sustainable -o( lon*A /he(e +i*ht this ene(*y &o+e -(o+0 I &an think o- only t)o 1ossible sou(&es: outside su11o(t -(o+ you( 1a(tne(? othe( -a+ily +e+be(s? -(iends? babysitte(s? and so on and -(o+ doin* othe( thin*s you lo8e? at least o&&asionallyH and inne( su11o(t? )hi&h you &ould *et -(o+ -o(+al +editation 1(a&ti&e i- you &an +ake e8en a little ti+e in you( li-e -o( stillness? -o( @ust bein*? -o( @ust sittin*? o( -o( doin* a little yo*a? -o( nou(ishin* you(sel- in )ays that you need to be nou(ishedA I +editate ea(ly in the +o(nin* be&ause the(e is no othe( ti+e )hen thin*s a(e Fuiet in the house and nobody is de+andin* +y attention? and also be&ause? )hat )ith )o(k and othe( obli*ations? i- I don6t do it then? I +ay be too ti(ed o( too busy to *et to it late(A I also -ind that 1(a&ti&in* in the ea(ly +o(nin* sets the tone -o( the enti(e dayA It is both a (e+inde( and an a--i(+ation o- )hat is i+1o(tant? and it sets the sta*e -o( +ind-ulness to s1ill out natu(ally into othe( as1e&ts o- the dayA But )hen )e had babies in the house? e8en the +o(nin* ti+e )as u1 -o( *(absA 4ou &ouldn6t be too

atta&hed to anythin* be&ause e8e(ythin* you set out to do? e8en i- you a((an*ed it 8e(y &a(e-ully? )as al)ays *ettin* inte((u1ted o( &o+1letely th)a(tedA :u( babies sle1t 8e(y littleA ,hey al)ays see+ed to be u1 late and to )ake u1 ea(ly? es1e&ially i- I )as +editatin*A ,hey see+ed to sense )hen I )as u1 and )ould )ake u1 tooA So+e days I )ould ha8e to 1ush +y ti+e -o( +ysel- ba&k to :00 'A.A to *et any sittin* o( yo*a inA 't othe( ti+es I )as @ust too e<hausted to &a(e? and -i*u(ed the slee1 )as +o(e i+1o(tant any)ayA 'nd so+eti+es I )ould @ust sit )ith the baby on +y la1? and let hi+ o( he( de&ide ho) lon* it )ould lastA ,hey lo8ed bein* )(a11ed u1 in the +editation blanket? )ith only thei( heads sti&kin* out? and -(eFuently )ould stay still -o( e<tended 1e(iods? )hile I -ollo)ed not +y b(eathin* but ou( b(eathin*A I -elt st(on*ly in those days? and still do? that an a)a(eness o- +y body and +y b(eath and o- ou( &lose &onta&t as I held the+ )hile )e sat hel1ed +y babies to sense &al+ness and e<1lo(e stillness and -eelin*s o- a&&e1tan&eA 'nd thei( inne( (ela<ation? )hi&h )as +u&h *(eate( and 1u(e( than +ine be&ause thei( +inds )e(e not -illed )ith adult thou*hts and )o((ies? hel1ed +e to be +o(e &al+ and (ela<ed and 1(esentA /hen they )e(e toddle(s? I )ould do yo*a )ith the+ &li+bin* u1? (idin* on? o(

han*in* -(o+ +y bodyA In 1layin* a(ound on the -loo(? )e )ould s1ontaneously dis&o8e( ne) yo*a 1ostu(es -o( t)o bodies? thin*s that )e &ould do to*ethe(A ' +ostly non-8e(bal? +ind-ul? and (es1e&t-ul body-1lay o- this so(t )as a sou(&e o- t(e+endous -un and @oy -o( +e as a -athe( and a dee1 sou(&e o&onne&tedness that )e all sha(ed inA ,he olde( &hild(en *et? the ha(de( it is to (e+e+be( that they a(e still li8e-in Zen +aste(sA ,he &hallen*es to be +ind-ul and non-(ea&ti8e? and to look &lea(ly at +y (ea&tions and o8e((ea&tions and to o)n )hen I a+ o-- see+ to *et *(eate( as I *(adually ha8e less and less di(e&t say in thei( li8esA :ld ta1es -(o+ +y o)n u1b(in*in* see+ to su(-a&e )ith the 8olu+e on -ull blast be-o(e I kno) )hat is ha11enin*A '(&hety1al +ale stu--? about +y (ole in the -a+ily? le*iti+ate and ille*iti+ate autho(ity and ho) to asse(t +y 1o)e(? ho) &o+-o(table I -eel in the house? inte(1e(sonal (elationshi1s a+on* 1eo1le o- 8e(y di--e(ent a*es and sta*es and thei( o-t-&o+1etin* needsA 2a&h day is a ne) &hallen*eA :-ten it -eels o8e()hel+in*? and so+eti+es Fuite lonelyA 4ou sense )idenin* *ul-s? and (e&o*niBe the i+1o(tan&e o- distan&e -o( healthy 1sy&hi& de8elo1+ent and e<1lo(ationH but the +o8in* a1a(t? healthy as it +ay be? also hu(tsA So+eti+es I -o(*et )hat it +eans to be an adult +ysel- and *et stu&k in in-antile beha8io(sA ,he kids Fui&kly

st(ai*hten +e out and )ake +e u1 a*ain i- +y o)n +ind-ulness is not u1 to the task at that +o+entA Pa(entin* and -a+ily li-e &an be a 1e(-e&t -ield -o( +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e? but it6s not -o( the )eakhea(ted? the sel-ish o( laBy? o( the ho1elessly (o+anti&A Pa(entin* is a +i((o( that -o(&es you to look at you(sel-A I- you &an lea(n -(o+ )hat you obse(8e? you @ust +ay ha8e a &han&e to kee1 *(o)in* you(sel-A nce the reali1ation is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue to e3ist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which ma!es it possible for each to see the other whole against the s!y. 5aine( .a(ia 5ilke? Letters $he attainment of wholeness re7uires one to sta!e one&s whole being. Nothing less will do, there can be no easier conditions, no substitutes, no compromises. 3A9A Jun* T!": I- you a(e a 1a(ent o( *(and1a(ent? t(y seein* the &hild(en as you( tea&he(sA :bse(8e the+ in

silen&e so+eti+esA Listen +o(e &a(e-ully to the+A 5ead thei( body lan*ua*eA 'ssess thei( sel--estee+ by )at&hin* ho) they &a((y the+sel8es? )hat they d(a)? )hat they see? ho) they beha8eA /hat a(e thei( needs in this +o+ent0 't this ti+e in thei( day0 't this sta*e in thei( li8es0 'sk you(sel-? G7o) &an I hel1 the+ (i*ht no)0G ,hen -ollo) )hat you( hea(t tells youA 'nd (e+e+be(? ad8i&e is 1(obably the last thin* that )ill be use-ul in +ost situations? unless it is @ust the (i*ht +o+ent -o( it? and you a(e 8e(y sensiti8e to the ti+in* and ho) you -(a+e thin*sA Just bein* &ente(ed you(sel-? -ully 1(esent and o1en and a8ailable? is a *(eat *i-t -o( the+A 'nd +ind-ul hu**in* doesn6t hu(t? eithe(A

Parenting T2o
:- &ou(se? you a(e you( &hild(en6s +a@o( li-e tea&he( as +u&h as they a(e you( tea&he(s? and ho) you take on this (ole )ill +ake a bi* di--e(en&e in thei( li8es as )ell as in you( o)nA I see 1a(entin* as e<tended but te+1o(a(y *ua(dianshi1A /hen )e think o- the+ as Gou(G &hild(en? o( G+yG &hild(en? and sta(t (elatin* to the+ as ou( 1(o1e( 1ossessions to sha1e and &ont(ol

to satis-y ou( o)n needs? )e a(e? I belie8e? in dee1 t(oubleA Like it o( not? &hild(en a(e and )ill al)ays be thei( o)n bein*sH but they need *(eat lo8e and *uidan&e to &o+e to -ull hu+annessA ' 1(o1e( *ua(dian o( *uide needs )isdo+ and 1atien&e in abundan&e to 1ass on )hat is +ost i+1o(tant to the *ene(ation &o+in* alon* the 1athA So+e - +yselin&luded - need 8i(tually &onstant +ind-ulness in addition to ou( basi& instin&ts -o( nu(tu(in* and lo8in* and kindness in o(de( to do this @ob )ell? 1(ote&tin* the+ as they de8elo1 thei( o)n st(en*ths? 8ie)s? and skills -o( +o8in* alon* the 1aths they )ill late( e<1lo(e +o(e -ully on thei( o)nA So+e 1eo1le )ho -ind +editation 8aluable in thei( o)n li8es a(e so(ely te+1ted to tea&h thei( &hild(en to +editateA ,his &ould be a bi* +istakeA ,o +y +ind? the best )ay to i+1a(t )isdo+? +editation? o( anythin* else to you( &hild(en? es1e&ially )hen they a(e youn*? is to li8e it you(sel-? e+body )hat you +ost )ant to i+1a(t? and kee1 you( +outh shutA ,he +o(e you talk about +editation o( e<tol it o( insist that you( &hild(en do thin*s a &e(tain )ay? the +o(e likely you a(e? I think? to tu(n the+ o-- to it -o( li-eA ,hey )ill sense you( st(on* atta&h+ent to you( 8ie)? the a**(ession behind you( do+inatin* the+ and en-o(&in* &e(tain belie-s that a(e only you( o)n and not thei( t(uth? and they )ill kno) that this is not thei(

1ath but you(sA 's they *(o)? they +ay also dete&t the hy1o&(isy o- it? as )ell as any distan&e bet)een )hat is bein* 1(o-essed and )hat is bein* li8edA I- you a(e de8oted to you( o)n +editation 1(a&ti&e? they )ill &o+e to kno) it and see it? and a&&e1t it +atte( o- -a&tly? as 1a(t o- li-e? a no(+al a&ti8ityA ,hey +ay e8en so+eti+es be d(a)n to i+itate you? as they do )ith +ost othe( thin*s 1a(ents doA ,he 1oint is? the +oti8ation to lea(n +editation and to 1(a&ti&e should -o( the +ost 1a(t o(i*inate )ith the+? and be 1u(sued only to the de*(ee that thei( inte(est is +aintainedA ,he (eal tea&hin* is al+ost enti(ely non-8e(balA .y &hild(en so+eti+es do yo*a )ith +e be&ause they see +e doin* itA But +ost o- the ti+e they ha8e +o(e i+1o(tant thin*s to do and no inte(est in itA ,he sa+e is t(ue -o( sittin*A But they do kno) about +editationA ,hey ha8e so+e idea o- )hat it is? and they kno) that I 8alue it and 1(a&ti&e it +ysel-A 'nd )hen they )ant to? they kno) ho) to sit -(o+ sittin* )ith +e )hen they )e(e littleA I- you 1(a&ti&e you(sel-? you )ill dis&o8e( &e(tain ti+es )hen it +ay be sensible to +ake +editati8e (e&o++endations to you( &hild(enA ,hese su**estions +ay o( +ay not G)o(kG at the ti+e? but they &an be a kind o- 1lantin* seeds -o( late(A 9ood

o&&asions a(e )hen you( &hild(en a(e e<1e(ien&in* 1ain o( -ea( o( a(e ha8in* a ha(d ti+e lettin* *o into slee1A /ithout bein* o8e(bea(in* o( insistent? you &an su**est that they tune in to thei( b(eathin*? slo) it do)n? -loat on the )a8es in a little boat? )at&h the -ea( o( the 1ain? look -o( i+a*es and &olo(s? use thei( i+a*ination to G1layG )ith the situation? and then (e+ind the+sel8es that these a(e @ust 1i&tu(es in the +ind? like +o8iesH that they &an &han*e the +o8ie? the thou*ht? the i+a*e? the &olo(? and so+eti+es -eel bette( Fui&ke( and -eel +o(e in &ont(olA So+eti+es this )o(ks )ell )ith 1(es&hoole(s? but they &an *et e+ba((assed o( think it6s silly on&e they *et to be a(ound si< o( se8enA ,hen this too 1asses? and they be&o+e (e&e1ti8e a*ain at &e(tain ti+esA In any e8ent? seeds ha8e been 1lanted su**estin* that the(e a(e inte(nal )ays to )o(k )ith -ea( and 1ain? and o-ten they )ill &o+e ba&k to this kno)led*e )hen they a(e olde(A ,hey )ill kno) -(o+ di(e&t e<1e(ien&e that they a(e +o(e than @ust thei( thou*hts and -eelin*s? and &an (elate to the+ in )ays that *i8e the+ +o(e &hoi&es to 1a(ti&i1ate in and in-luen&e the out&o+es o- 8a(ious situationsH that @ust be&ause othe( 1eo1le6s +inds a(e )a8in* about? it doesn6t +ean that thei(s ha8e to tooA

Some Pitfalls +long the Path

I- you -ollo) the li-e-lon* 1ath o- +ind-ulness 1(a&ti&e? the bi**est 1otential obsta&le at 1oints alon* you( @ou(ney )ill undoubtedly be you( thinkin* +indA >o( instan&e? you +i*ht &o+e to think -(o+ ti+e to ti+e that you a(e *ettin* so+e)he(e? es1e&ially i- you ha8e so+e satis-yin* +o+ents that t(ans&end )hat you ha8e e<1e(ien&ed be-o(eA ,hen you +i*ht *o a(ound thinkin*? +aybe e8en sayin*? that you ha8e *otten so+e)he(e? that the +editation 1(a&ti&e G)o(ksAG ,he e*o )ants to lay &lai+ and take &(edit -o( this s1e&ial -eelin* o( unde(standin*? )hate8e( it isA 's soon as this ha11ens? you a(e no lon*e( into +editation but into ad8e(tisin*A It is easy to *et &au*ht he(e? usin* +editation 1(a&ti&e to su11o(t the sel--in-lation habit 's soon as you6(e &au*ht? you &ease seein* &lea(lyA 28en a &lea( insi*ht? on&e it is &lai+ed by this kind osel--se(8in* thinkin*? (a1idly &louds o8e( and loses its authenti&ityA So you ha8e to (e+ind you(sel- that all &olo(ations o- GI?G G+e?G and G+ineG a(e @ust &u((ents othinkin* that a(e liable to &a((y you a)ay -(o+ you( o)n hea(t and the

So+e Pit-alls 'lon* the Path 2$1 1u(ity o- di(e&t e<1e(ien&eA ,his (e+inde( kee1s the 1(a&ti&e ali8e -o( us at the 8e(y +o+ents )e +ay need it the +ost and a(e the +ost (eady to bet(ay itA It kee1s us lookin* dee1ly? in the s1i(it o- inFui(y and *enuine &u(iosity? and askin* &onstantly? G/hat is this0G? G/hat is this0G :( 1e(ha1s? on o&&asion you +ay -ind you(selthinkin* that you6(e *ettin* no)he(e )ith you( +editation 1(a&ti&eA Nothin* that you )ant to ha11en has ha11enedA ,he(e is a sense o- staleness? obo(edo+A 7e(e a*ain? it6s the thinkin* that6s the 1(oble+A ,he(e is nothin* )(on* )ith -eelin*s obo(edo+ o( staleness? o( o- not *ettin* any)he(e? @ust as the(e is nothin* )(on* )ith -eelin* that you a(e *ettin* so+e)he(e and in -a&t? you( 1(a&ti&e +ay )ell be sho)in* si*ns o- be&o+in* dee1e( and +o(e (obustA ,he 1it-all is )hen you in-late su&h e<1e(ien&es o( thou*hts and you sta(t belie8in* in the+ as s1e&ialA It6s )hen you *et atta&hed to you( e<1e(ien&e that the 1(a&ti&e a((ests? and you( de8elo1+ent alon* )ith itA T!": /hene8e( you -ind you(sel- thinkin* you a(e *ettin* so+e)he(e o( that you6(e not *ettin* )he(e you a(e su11osed to be? it &an be hel1-ul to ask you(sel- thin*s like: G/he(e a+ I su11osed to *et0GH

G/ho is su11osed to *et so+e)he(e0GH G/hy a(e so+e +ind states less 8alid to obse(8e and a&&e1t as bein* 1(esent than othe(s0GH G'+ I in8itin* +ind-ulness into ea&h +o+ent? o( indul*in* in +indless (e1etition o- the -o(+s o- +editation 1(a&ti&e? +istakin* the -o(+ -o( the essen&e o- it0GH G'+ I usin* +editation as a te&hniFue0G ,hese Fuestions &an hel1 you &ut th(ou*h those +o+ents )hen sel--in8ol8ed -eelin* states? +indless habits? and st(on* e+otions do+inate you( 1(a&ti&eA ,hey &an Fui&kly b(in* you ba&k to the -(eshness and beauty o- ea&h +o+ent as it isA Pe(ha1s you -o(*ot o( didn6t Fuite *(as1 that +editation (eally is the one hu+an a&ti8ity in )hi&h you a(e not t(yin* to *et any)he(e else but si+1ly allo)in* you(sel- to be )he(e and as you al(eady a(eA ,his is a bitte( +edi&ine to s)allo) )hen you don6t like )hat is ha11enin* o( )he(e you -ind you(sel-? but it is es1e&ially )o(th s)allo)in* at su&h ti+esA

Is Mindfulness Spiritual?
I- you look u1 the )o(d Gs1i(itG in the di&tiona(y? you )ill -ind that it &o+es -(o+ the Latin? s1i(a(e? +eanin* Gto b(eatheAG ,he inb(eath is ins1i(ationH the outb(eath e<1i(ationA >(o+ these &o+e all the asso&iations os1i(it )ith the b(eath o- li-e? 8ital ene(*y? &ons&iousness? the soul? o-ten -(a+ed as di8ine *i-ts besto)ed u1on us? and the(e-o(e an as1e&t o- the holy? the nu+inous? the ine--ableA In the dee1est sense? the b(eath itsel- is the ulti+ate *i-t o- s1i(itA But? as )e ha8e seen? the de1th and (an*e o- its 8i(tues &an (e+ain unkno)n to us as lon* as ou( attention is abso(bed else)he(eA ,he )o(k o+ind-ulness is )akin* u1 to 8itality in e8e(y +o+ent that )e ha8eA In )ake-ulness? e8e(ythin* ins1i(esA Nothin* is e<&luded -(o+ the do+ain o- s1i(itA 's +u&h as I &an? I a8oid usin* the )o(d Gs1i(itualG alto*ethe(A I -ind it neithe( use-ul no( ne&essa(y no( a11(o1(iate in +y )o(k at the hos1ital b(in*in* +ind-ulness into the +ainst(ea+ o- +edi&ine and health &a(e? no( in othe( settin*s in )hi&h )e )o(k su&h as ou( +ulti-ethni& inne(-&ity st(ess (edu&tion &lini&? 1(isons? s&hools? and )ith 1(o-essional o(*aniBations and athletesA No( do I -ind the )o(d Gs1i(itualG 1a(ti&ula(ly &on*enial to the )ay I hold the

sha(1enin* and dee1enin* o- +y o)n +editation 1(a&ti&eA ,his is not to deny that +editation &an be thou*ht o-unda+entally as a Gs1i(itual 1(a&ti&eAG It6s @ust that I ha8e a 1(oble+ )ith the ina&&u(ate? in&o+1lete? and -(eFuently +is*uided &onnotations o- that )o(dA .editation &an be a 1(o-ound 1ath -o( de8elo1in* onesel-? -o( (e-inin* one6s 1e(&e1tions? one6s 8ie)s? one6s &ons&iousnessA But? to +y +ind? the 8o&abula(y o- s1i(ituality &(eates +o(e 1(a&ti&al 1(oble+s than it sol8esA So+e 1eo1le (e-e( to +editation as a G&ons&iousness dis&i1lineAG I 1(e-e( that -o(+ulation to the te(+ Gs1i(itual 1(a&ti&eG be&ause the )o(d Gs1i(itualG e8okes su&h di--e(ent &onnotations in di--e(ent 1eo1leA 'll these &onnotations a(e una8oidably ent)ined in belie- syste+s and un&ons&ious e<1e&tations that +ost o- us a(e (elu&tant to e<a+ine and that &an all too easily 1(e8ent us -(o+ de8elo1in* o( e8en -(o+ hea(in* that *enuine *(o)th is 1ossibleA :n o&&asion? 1eo1le &o+e u1 to +e in the hos1ital and tell +e that thei( ti+e in the st(ess (edu&tion &lini& )as the +ost s1i(itual e<1e(ien&e they e8e( hadA I a+ ha11y that they -eel that )ay be&ause it is &o+in* di(e&tly out o- thei( o)n e<1e(ien&e )ith the +editation 1(a&ti&e? and not -(o+ so+e theo(y o(

ideolo*y o( belie- syste+A I usually think I kno) )hat they +eanH but I also kno) that they a(e t(yin* to 1ut )o(ds to an in)a(d e<1e(ien&e )hi&h is ulti+ately beyond labelsA But +y dee1est ho1e is that )hate8e( thei( e<1e(ien&e o( insi*ht )as? it )ill &ontinue -o( the+? that it )ill take (oot? stay ali8e? *(o)A 7o1e-ully they )ill ha8e hea(d that the 1(a&ti&e is not about *ettin* any)he(e else at all? not e8en to 1leasant o( 1(o-ound s1i(itual e<1e(ien&esA 7o1e-ully they )ill &o+e to unde(stand that +ind-ulness is beyond all thinkin*? )ish-ul and othe()ise? that the he(e and no) is the sta*e on )hi&h this )o(k un-olds &ontinuouslyA ,he &on&e1t o- s1i(ituality &an na((o) ou( thinkin* (athe( than e<tend itA 'll too &o++only? so+e thin*s a(e thou*ht o- as s1i(itual )hile othe(s a(e e<&ludedA Is s&ien&e s1i(itual0 Is bein* a +othe( o( -athe( s1i(itual0 '(e do*s s1i(itual0 Is the body s1i(itual0 Is the +ind s1i(itual0 Is &hildbi(th0 Is eatin*0 Is 1aintin*? o( 1layin* +usi&? o( takin* a )alk? o( lookin* at a -lo)e(0 Is b(eathin* s1i(itual? o( &li+bin* a +ountain0 :b8iously? it all de1ends on ho) you en&ounte( it? ho) you hold it in a)a(enessA .ind-ulness allo)s e8e(ythin* to shine )ith the lu+inosity that the )o(d Gs1i(itualG is +eant to &onnoteA 2instein s1oke o- Gthat &os+i& (eli*ious

-eelin*G he e<1e(ien&ed &onte+1latin* the unde(lyin* o(de( o- the 1hysi&al uni8e(seA ,he *(eat *eneti&ist Ba(ba(a .&3linto&k? )hose (esea(&h )as both i*no(ed and disdained by he( +ale &ollea*ues -o( so +any yea(s until it )as -inally (e&o*niBed at a*e ei*hty )ith a Nobel P(iBe? s1oke o- Ga -eelin* -o( the o(*anis+G in he( e--o(ts to un(a8el and unde(stand the int(i&a&ies o- &o(n *eneti&sA Pe(ha1s ulti+ately? s1i(itual si+1ly +eans e<1e(ien&in* )holeness and inte(&onne&tedness di(e&tly? a seein* that indi8iduality and the totality a(e inte()o8en? that nothin* is se1a(ate o( e<t(aneousA I- you see in this )ay? then e8e(ythin* be&o+es s1i(itual in its dee1est senseA %oin* s&ien&e is s1i(itualA So is )ashin* the dishesA It is the inne( e<1e(ien&e )hi&h &ountsA 'nd you ha8e to be the(e -o( itA 'll else is +e(e thinkin*A 't the sa+e ti+e? you ha8e to be on the lookout -o( tenden&ies to)a(d sel--de&e1tion? deluded thinkin*? *(andiosity? sel--in-lation? and i+1ulses to)a(d e<1loitation and &(uelty di(e&ted at othe( bein*sA ' lot o- ha(+ has &o+e in all e(as -(o+ 1eo1le atta&hed to one 8ie) o- s1i(itual Gt(uthAG 'nd a lot +o(e has &o+e -(o+ 1eo1le )ho hide behind the &loak o- s1i(ituality and a(e )illin* to ha(+ othe(s to -eed thei( o)n a11etitesA

.o(eo8e(? ou( ideas o- s1i(ituality -(eFuently (in* )ith a sli*htly holie(-than-thou (esonan&e to the attuned ea(A Na((o)? lite(alist 8ie)s o- s1i(it o-ten 1la&e it abo8e the G*(oss?G G1olluted?G GdeludedG do+ain obody? +ind? and +atte(A >allin* into su&h 8ie)s? 1eo1le &an use ideas o- s1i(it to (un -(o+ li-eA >(o+ a +ytholo*i&al 1e(s1e&ti8e? the notion o- s1i(it has an u1)a(dly (isin* Fuality? as Ja+es 7ill+an and othe( 1(o1onents o- a(&hety1al 1sy&holo*y 1oint outA Its ene(*y e+bodies as&ent? a (isin* abo8e the ea(thbound Fualities o- this )o(ld to a )o(ld o- the non-+ate(ial? -illed )ith li*ht and (adian&e? a )o(ld beyond o11osites? )he(e e8e(ythin* +e(*es into oneness? ni(8ana? hea8en? a &os+i& unityA But? )hile unity is su(ely an all-too-(a(e hu+an e<1e(ien&e? it is not the end o- the sto(yA /hat is +o(e? all too o-ten it is +e(ely nine 1a(ts )ish-ul thinkin* Dbut thinkin* nonethelessE and only one 1a(t di(e&t e<1e(ien&eA ,he Fuest -o( s1i(itual unity? es1e&ially in youth? is o-ten d(i8en by nai8ete and a (o+anti& yea(nin* to t(ans&end the 1ain? the su--e(in*? and the (es1onsibilities o- this )o(ld o- ea&hness and Su&hness? )hi&h in&ludes the +oist and the da(kA ,he idea o- t(ans&enden&e &an be a *(eat es&a1e? a hi*h-o&tane -uel -o( delusionA ,his is )hy the Buddhist t(adition? es1e&ially Zen? e+1hasiBes

&o+in* -ull &i(&le? ba&k to the o(dina(y and the e8e(yday? )hat they &all Gbein* -(ee and easy in the +a(ket1la&eAG ,his +eans bein* *(ounded any)he(e? in any &i(&u+stan&es? neithe( abo8e no( belo)? si+1ly 1(esent? but -ully 1(esentA 'nd Zen 1(a&titione(s ha8e the )holly i((e8e(ent and )onde(-ully 1(o8o&ati8e sayin*? GI- you +eet the Buddha? kill hi+?G )hi&h +eans that any &on&e1tual atta&h+ents to Buddha o( enli*hten+ent a(e -a( -(o+ the +a(kA Noti&e that the +ountain i+a*e as )e use it in the +ountain +editation is not +e(ely the lo-tiness o- the 1eak? hi*h abo8e all the GbasenessG o- Fuotidian li8in*A It is also the *(oundedness o- the base? (ooted in (o&k? a )illin*ness to sit and be )ith all &onditions? su&h as -o*? (ain? sno)? and &old o(? in te(+s o- the +ind? de1(ession? an*st? &on-usion? 1ain? and su--e(in*A 5o&k? the students o- 1sy&he (e+ind us? is sy+boli&al o- soul (athe( than s1i(itA Its di(e&tion is do)n)a(d? the soul @ou(ney a sy+boli& des&ent? a *oin* unde(*(oundA /ate(? too? is sy+boli&al o- soul? e+bodyin* the do)n)a(d ele+ent? as in the lake +editation? 1oolin* in the lo) 1la&es? &(adled in (o&k? da(k and +yste(ious? (e&e1ti8e? o-ten &old and da+1A

,he soul -eelin* is (ooted in +ulti1li&ity (athe( than oneness? *(ounded in &o+1le<ity and a+bi*uity? ea&hness and Su&hnessA Soul sto(ies a(e sto(ies othe Fuest? o- (iskin* one6s li-e? o- endu(in* da(kness and en&ounte(in* shado)s? o- bein* bu(ied unde(*(ound o( unde()ate(? o- bein* lost and at ti+es &on-used? but 1e(se8e(in* ne8e(thelessA In 1e(se8e(in*? )e ulti+ately &o+e in tou&h )ith ou( o)n *oldenness as )e e+e(*e -(o+ the da(kness and the sub+e(*ed *loo+ o- the unde(*(ound that )e +ost -ea(ed but ne8e(theless -a&edA ,his *oldenness )as al)ays the(e? but it had to be dis&o8e(ed ane) th(ou*h this des&ent into da(kness and *(ie-A It is ou(s e8en i- it (e+ains unseen by othe(s o( e8en at ti+es by us ou(sel8esA >ai(y tales in all &ultu(es a(e -o( the +ost 1a(t soul sto(ies (athe( than s1i(it sto(iesA ,he d)a(- is a soul -i*u(e? as )e sa) in G,he /ate( o- Li-eAG 3inde(ella is a soul sto(yA ,he a(&hety1e the(e is ashes? as 5obe(t Bly 1ointed out in I(on JohnA 4ou Dbe&ause these sto(ies a(e all about youE a(e ke1t do)n? in the ashes? &lose to the hea(th? *(ounded but also *(ie8in*? you( inne( beauty un1e(&ei8ed and e<1loitedA %u(in* this (i+e? in)a(dly? a ne) de8elo1+ent is takin* 1la&e? a +atu(ation? a +eta+o(1hosis? a te+1e(in*? )hi&h &ul+inates in the e+e(*en&e o- a -ully de8elo1ed hu+an bein*? (adiant and *olden? but also )ise to the

)ays o- the )o(ld? no lon*e( a 1assi8e and nai8e a*entA ,he -ully de8elo1ed hu+an bein* e+bodies the unity o- soul and s1i(it? u1 and do)n? +ate(ial and non-+ate(ialA ,he +editation 1(a&ti&e itsel- is a +i((o( o- this @ou(ney o- *(o)th and de8elo1+entA It too takes us do)n as )ell as u1? de+ands that )e -a&e? e8en e+b(a&e? 1ain and da(kness as )ell as @oy and li*htA It (e+inds us to use )hate8e( &o+es u1 and )he(e8e( )e -ind ou(sel8es as o&&asions -o( inFui(y? -o( o1enin*? -o( *(o)in* in st(en*th and )isdo+? and -o( )alkin* ou( o)n 1athA >o( +e? )o(ds like GsoulG and Gs1i(itG a(e atte+1ts to des&(ibe the inne( e<1e(ien&e o- hu+an bein*s as )e seek to kno) ou(sel8es and -ind ou( 1la&e in this st(an*e )o(ldA No t(uly s1i(itual )o(k &ould be la&kin* in soul? no( &an any t(uly soul-ul )o(k be de8oid os1i(itA :u( de+ons? ou( d(a*ons? ou( d)a(-s? ou( )it&hes and o*(es? ou( 1(in&es and 1(in&esses? ou( kin*s and Fueens? ou( &(e8i&es and *(ails? ou( dun*eons and ou( oa(s a(e all he(e no)? (eady to tea&h usA But )e ha8e to listen and take the+ on in the s1i(it o- the he(oi& ne8e(-endin* Fuest ea&h o- us e+bodies? )hethe( )e kno) it o( not? in the 8e(y -ab(i& o- a hu+an li-e li8ed? -o( )hat it +eans to be -ully hu+anA Pe(ha1s the +ost Gs1i(itualG thin* any o-

us &an do is si+1ly to look th(ou*h ou( o)n eyes? see )ith eyes o- )holeness? and a&t )ith inte*(ity and kindnessA ... their eyes, their ancient glittering eyes, are gay. /ABA 4eats, Lapi1 La1uli

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