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AP English Literature Imagery

What is imagery?

Imagery is ___________________, which means it _______________ __________________________. Imagery can describe ___________, _____________, ______________, ______________, and _______________. It is a form of ___________________ _________________, which is any collection of words that has meanings beyond _______________________, like metaphors, similes, and allusions. The difference between details and imagery is __________________. As intelligent and thoughtful writers, you know that it is not enough to just identify imagery. You must also ____________________________ and _____________________________________________________. How do you do that?

When you are annotating for imagery, ask yourself the following questions:

All in all, the big question you should keep in mind is _____________? We keep these questions in mind so that when we annotate, we are able to transfer our thoughts directly into our writing. If you are just labeling things, you wont have any thoughts to use once you start writing.

Guiding Question: How does the author of Beowulf use imagery to reveal things about the characters and/or the setting?

AP English Literature Imagery

Annotating for Imagery Teacher Does Follow along with your teachers annotations and copy them on this copy of the text.
So she reached Herot, Where the Danes slept as though already dead; Her visit ended their good fortune, reversed The bright vane of their luck. No female, no matter How fierce, could have come with a mans strength, Fought with the power and courage men fight with, Smashing their shining swords, their bloody, Hammer-forged blades onto boar-headed helmets, Slashing and stabbing with the sharpest of points. The soldiers raised their shields and drew Those gleaming swords, swung them above The piled up benches, leaving their mail shirts And their helmets where theyd lain when the terror took hold of them. To save her life she moved still faster, Took a single victim and fled from the hall, Running to the moors, discovered, but her supper Assured, sheltered in her dripping claws.
Gleaming: Hammer-forged: created by hammers Vane: blade (metaphor)

We Do Work with a partner to identify and annotate for imagery on this copy of the text.
Shed taken Hrothgars closest friend, The man he most loved of all men on earth; Shed killed a glorious soldier, cut A noble life short. No Geat could have stopped her: Beowulf and his band had been given better Beds; sleep had come to them in a different Hall. Then all Herot burst into shouts: She had carried off Grendels claw. Sorrow Had returned to Denmark. Theyd traded deaths, Danes and monsters, and no one had won,

Guiding Question: How does the author of Beowulf use imagery to reveal things about the characters and/or the setting?

AP English Literature Imagery

Both had lost!... They live in secret places, windy Cliffs, wolf-dens where water pours From the rocks, then runs underground, where mist Steams like black clouds, and the groves of trees Growing out over their lake are all covered With frozen spray, and wind down snakelike Roots that reach as far as the water And help keep it dark. At night that lake Burns like a torch.
Torch: a flame Groves: forests, woods

You Do Identify and annotate for imagery on this copy of the text.

No one knows its bottom, No wisdom reaches such depths. A deer, Hunted through the woods by packs of hounds,
Stag: deer

A stag with great horns, though driven through the forest From faraway place, prefers to die On those shores, refuses to save its life In that water. It isnt far, nor is it

Pleasant: nice, enjoyable

A pleasant spot! When the wind stirs And storms, waves splash toward the sky, As dark as the air, as black as the rain That the heavens weep. Our only help, Again, lies with you. Grendels mother Is hidden in her terrible home, in a place Youve not seen. Seek it, if you dare! Save us, Once more, and again twisted gold, Heaped-up ancient treasure, will reward you For the battle you win!
Seek: look for something

Remember: SO WHAT? If you have labeled imagery but have not addressed any of the questions, go back and do that! If your annotations do not address the guiding question, go back and revise them! Guiding Question: How does the author of Beowulf use imagery to reveal things about the characters and/or the setting?

AP English Literature Imagery

Analyzing Imagery Quick Quote Review:

The author writes Beowulf spoke in spite of the swollen, livid wound, knowing hed unwound his string of days on earth, seen as much as God would grant him; all worldly pleasure was gone, as life would go, soon The author writes that Beowulf had unwound his string of days on earth which creates an image of a necklace with beads that are slipping away, much like Beowulfs life is.

Quote Type Full Quote





Partial Quote

Okay, so how do I use them when Im talking about imagery?

You can use these sentence stems: Quote Stem When the author writes __________________, he/she is creating a sense of _______________ (emotion) in the reader.

Because [character name] is _____________, it is clear that _____ ________________________.

The author writes, _______________________________. Further Analysis This reveals to the reader that ________________________. This is significant because ____________________________. In describing ________ as _______, the author is emphasizing __________________. Guiding Question: How does the author of Beowulf use imagery to reveal things about the characters and/or the setting?

AP English Literature Imagery

Teacher Does

How does the author of Beowulf use imagery to reveal details about the characters and/or the setting? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

We Do (using the WE DO annotation)

How does the author of Beowulf use imagery to reveal details about the characters and/or the setting? Use either a full quote or a partial quote and write AT LEAST two additional analytical sentences.

________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Style Steal

Guiding Question: How does the author of Beowulf use imagery to reveal things about the characters and/or the setting?

AP English Literature Imagery

You Do (using the I DO annotation)

How does the author of Beowulf use imagery to reveal details about the characters and/or the setting? Use either a full quote or a partial quote and write AT LEAST two additional analytical sentences.

________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Guiding Question: How does the author of Beowulf use imagery to reveal things about the characters and/or the setting?

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