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That Girl

Copyright 2014 Holly Haven Published by Holly Haven at Smashwords

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Table of Contents
( knowledgements Chapter )ne Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter *our Chapter *ive Chapter Si+ (bout Holly Haven )ther books by Holly Haven Conne t with Holly Haven

This book is dedicated to my best fans and my worst criticsmy children. I love you and thank you for reading moms books and critiquing them.

Chapter One
He looked so sad sitting at his desk& staring at the s reen# % ould tell he wasn't using his big genius mind to run h numbers# He looked like he had the weight o! the world on his shoulders# He was ,orgeous& but sad& with his "et bla k wavy hair and deep blue$grey eyes# He had the utest dimple in his right heek that was a ented by the - o' lo k shadow on his "aw# He was wearing the blue shirt % loved that showed o!! his broad shoulders and trim waist# He was any woman's dream ome true# % wondered what aused him to miss this last week o! work# % usually knew everything that was going on with .atty& but this week he had kept me at bay# % know the do tors said that the surgi al pro edure he had / months ago didn't work and he was never going to walk again# % !elt terrible that he didn't see what a !abulous man he was& even in a wheel hair# % had ontemplated asking him out a !ew times be!ore his surgery& but % always !elt like it was the wrong time# He always seemed so preo upied with everything he was going through& so % "ust sat ba k and made sure % was there when he needed me0as a !riend# 1ike now& being the best !riend % ould be& ignoring the way he made my heart ra e and my stoma h !lutter& % walked to his desk to make sure he was ok# 23ou ok .att45 Huh45 He mumbles as he looked up !rom the omputer s reen& 2)h& yeah 6rista& %'m ok# 7ust thinking#5 23ou look like you need to talk8 want to ome out to lun h with me45 26naw& not today& thanks anyway# %'ll be ok& "ust a little down on mysel!#5 29hy .att& you're a great guy& talk to me#5 2:oesn't look like %'m ever going to get out o! this hair 6rista and (manda "ust broke up with me& something about needing time to think and sitting in the hospital waiting on me to ome out o! surgery was !rightening !or her# How am % ever going to !ind someone to settle down with i! %'m in this hair45 .att pounded his !ist down on the desk with his last word& !rustration was radiating o!! o! him# % hate to admit % was glad that ungrate!ul& spoiled& drama ;ueen (manda was no longer in the pi ture# She was mean and hate!ul when .att wasn't paying attention# % disliked her ompletely# 2:on't say that .att& you're a great guy and i! (manda an't see that then she doesn't deserve you# (nd as !ar as the wheel hair goes& it an't make you or break you# 3ou are more than "ust this hair& % love you .atty& and you know that# 3ou will always have me& you're my best !riend# % don't want you to give up be ause % haven't#5 9ith those words % leaned over and hugged him tightly and le!t# .att needed time to think about what dire tion he wanted his li!e to go in# % needed to think about how to turn my best !riend into my boy!riend# <ow that he was single it was my time# % didn't are about the hair8 % only ared about the !un$loving& aring& gorgeous man that was always there !or me# %t was my turn to show him that % was that person !or him also# *irst % needed a plan to boost his spirits& something that would show him he was desirable0

maybe a se ret admirer# % had "ust the idea !or tomorrow's se ret gi!t# .aybe % would even leave him a week o! gi!ts and notes& de laring my love#

Chapter Two
Hey .atty& what you got there45 % walked up to his desk smiling#

2<ot sure 6rista& did you leave this on my desk45 He asked suspi iously& pointing at the o!!ee mug with a sti ky note on it that read8 =% missed you'# %t had a lipsti k kiss on the note as well# 2<ope& % promise you % didn't do this& who does it say it's !rom45 2%t doesn't& % ame in to work this morning and it was on my desk# 9eird don't you think4 3ou're sure you didn't leave me this45 2<ot me .atty& maybe someone likes you0owwwwww .atty has a se ret admirer#5 % laughed& taunting him# 2Shut up 6rista& who would want me4 7ust look at me& %'m rippled#5 He snapped with a sneer# % was so in sho k& .atty had never talked to me like that and % de ided he wasn't going to start# 21ook .att& % was playing with you& but i! you think %'m going to sit and let you take your nasty attitude be ause you !eel sorry !or yoursel! your wrong# 9hat woman wouldn't want to be with you4 )n a normal day you're kind& aring& !unny& dependable& and gorgeous> But right now you're being a total "erk& and %'m not going to stand here and be mistreated# 9hen you start seeing yoursel! as more than "ust a !ailure in a wheel hair let me know#5 % de ided to give him one more thing to think about be!ore % stalked o!!# 2)h and i! it was me& % wouldn't send you gi!ts&5 % said as % leaned lose to him& my !a e only in hes !rom his& my hand rubbing down his hest& 2% would "ust limb on your lap and have my way with you#5 9ith that said % straightened and walked o!!# % knew i! % stayed he would see how !lushed my !a e was and how shallow my breathing had be ome# %t de!initely wasn't time to show him how % !elt "ust yet# He would never a ept it# .ike "ust stared a!ter her# 9hat had "ust happened4 9hat was he !eeling4 %t !elt a lot like arousal& but 6rista was his best !riend# He ouldn't be attra ted to her# 9hat did he have to o!!er anyway4 He was in a wheel hair# The emotions were "ust too on!using and he still didn't know who had le!t him the gi!t and message# (ll he knew was in that moment& 6rista was hot# The way her green eyes sparked !rom the !ire o! her anger# The smell o! her red hair as she leaned over him and god !orgive him !or the peek down her shirt he took# %t was "ust a little peek& but enough to see the blue la e o! her bra# He had never reali?ed how appealing she really was and what made it worse was he loved the way she "ust put him in his pla e# .ike smiled as he pi ked his new o!!ee mug !rom his new admirer& thinking he wished it was 6rista#

Chapter Three
(ll week % had le!t him messages& some sweet and shy8 others hot and se+y# ( message on his omputer s reen telling him how good he looked in he looked in his blue shirt& or a pie e o! ho olate ake with a note telling him how mu h % wanted to sit on his lap and !eed it to him# @a h note rea hed a new personal level& whi h i! % an be honest had me shaking in my shoes and woke hal! the night thinking about .att# % hadn't let on that it was me that le!t him the gi!ts every day& but % ould tell he was en"oying re eiving them as mu h as % was en"oying giving them# % even !ound ways to tou h him mysel! when we talked# ( brush o! my hand on his arm or a bump o! my hip against his shoulder# % even ran my thumb over his top lip with the pretense o! wiping away a rumb# The way his body tightened up was pri eless# % knew that tonight was going to be the night that % revealed his se ret admirer to him# % planned to te+t him !rom the disposable phone % pur hased during lun h and suggest we meet at a hotel# @verything was !alling into pla e# % would soon have the man o! my dreams& literally lying under my !ingertips# (s .att was ompleting an a ounting sheet !or one o! his lients& he heard his phone vibrate in the desk draw# (s .att pulled the phone out o! the drawer he saw that it was a number he didn't re ogni?e# (S .att read the te+t message he about !ainted on his keyboard# %t was all he ould do to not slide out in the !loor and ry like a baby# His se ret admirer wanted to meet him# <ot "ust meet him& but meet him in a hotel# I want to meet you Matt. Tonight. 7pm. Ritz Carlton on 5th. Can you make it? Love always. ,ood 1ord what was he to do0#did he say yes you would be there4 %t sounded a little too good to be true& it made .att wonder i! maybe this lady was ra?y and meant to do him some kind o! harm# Being in the wheel hair& he ouldn't de!end himsel! like in the past# !ow "o I know I #an trust you? Is this some kin" o$ si#k game? %o Matt& I 'ust really want to (e near you an" I think it s time I reveale" mysel$ to you. )hat will make you $eel sa$e with meeting me? (s % sent that te+t % wondered what % ould do to make sure he ame to the hotel# % knew what to do# This would be the per!e t way !or me to get into the room without him suspe ting anything# !ow a(out this Matt& (ring you a $rien"& an" I ll even let you #hoose the room. I ll #ome to you. I #an meet you an" your $rien" a$ter I #he#k in with the $ront "esk. )ill that work? That soun"s like a plan. I m really looking $orwar" to meeting you. *ou have really helpe" me to $eel (etter this past week. +m,you "o know I m& I m in a wheel #hair& right? I "i"n t want you to (e surprise". *ou #an #all this o$$ at anytime i$ it s too mu#h $or you to "eal with.

)h .atty& He "ust wouldn't believe that someone ould want him regardless o! that wheel hair# 9ell % planned to show him a !ew things we ould do to make sitting in that hair so mu h more !un# =-h Matt& Matt& Matt. I "on t #are a(out your wheel #hair. I knew you when you were walking upright an" I wante" you then& I know you now in that #hair an" guess what I want you even more. I #an t wait to get my han"s on you& to press my lips against your lips. /- you $eel like I $eel Matt? % don't know what % !elt# % wanted to know who my se ret admirer was& but at night when % dreamed about her& it was always 6rista# % didn't know what to say or to think# But one thing % do know is % wanted to know who she was# =*es& yes I want to meet you too. )ear a (lin"$ol" Matt an" (e sitting $a#ing the "oor when I get there. I want to (e the one $or you Matt& sin#e you are it $or me. 0ye Mike& I ll see you tonight.

Chapter Four
6rista& 6rista&5 % heard .att alling we be!ore % saw him wheel himsel! around the

orner to my desk# % had to hurry and throw my phone into my desk drawer# % took a !ew deep breathes be!ore % answered him# % didn't want to get aught grinning like an idiot and have to e+plain why# 29hat's up .atty4 3ou're in a big hurry5 2%'m meeting my se ret admirer tonight and % need ba k up# % hate to ask you but an you take me to the Ait? Carlton tonight at seven4 % didn't want to go alone and she be some ra?y woman#5 % busted out laughing& 2:on't you think you should have thought about that be!ore you agreed to meet her# (lso what is she going to think i! she enters the room and see's me& your !emale best !riend45 2% hadn't thought about that&5 .atty pondered this bit o! in!ormation !or a moment# 2%tBs not going to matter& i! she an't a ept you8 % don't think % ould be with her anyway# But& % think we are "umping the gun a little bit here# % don't even know her# (ll % know is she has been leaving me some really good gi!ts and she wants to meet me# %t's not like %'m getting married tomorrow#5 .att on luded !rowning as he spoke# 2)h& .atty& you really an't be that naive& this woman is paying !or a hotel that she wants to meet you in# 9hat do you think she wants to do tonight0#talk& read a book& swap hili re ipes& get real this woman wants to take you to bed and she is pulling out all stops# 9hat does she want you to do45 2She wants me to be blind!olded and !a ing the door#5 .att murmured blushing pro!oundly# 29hat> ,o ahead .atty8 a little kink never hurt any relationship>5 % mo ked him& using my hands to raise the roo!# 2Shut up 6rista& this is so not !unny# %'m nervous# .aybe % should an el45 2<o& <o don't an el# %'ll go with you and get you all blind!olded up and se+y looking so she an ravish you#5 2Still not !unny 6rista& but %'m glad you're oming# So meet me in !ront o! the Hotel at CD4-#5 .atty said smiling at me as he rolled ba k to his desk# % smiled at his retreating ba k& thinking o! the hours be!ore % ould put my hands on him& the hours separating the moment in time when % would !eel that hard body ne+t to mine# % ouldn't wait to make him mine# % "ust hoped that when he saw it was me !inally& he wouldn't be disappointed#

Chapter Five
.atty over here>5 % alled out !rom the Hotel entran e#

2Hey 6rista& thank you so mu h !or oming with me# % hate to put you in this position but % don't have anyone else % trust but you with this situation#5 23ou know %'m always going to be here !or you .att# (nytime you need my help& "ust all on me#5 % replied with all the a!!e tion % ould muster in my tone as % lay my hand on his shoulder# 2%'m your girl#5 Something about the way 6rista said =%'m your girl' aused my hest to tighten# % didn't know why % was at this hotel to meet someone else# % didn't want anyone else# % wanted 6rista# She was everything % ould want in a !riend8 % "ust knew she would be the same as a lover& even a wi!e# 2@arth to .att& shall we go in45 2)H yeah& sure# The room should be in my name#5 .att replied as we went up to the !ront desk to get the key# The elevate ride to the Cth !loor was a long one# .att didn't have a lot to say# He ontinued to look at me over and over# He would turn eye every time % would at h him# ( !ew times % thought % saw !ire in his eyes when he looked at me# But when % looked again it was only worry and on!usion % saw in his !a e# % hoped he didn't hange his mind# This was my han e and % wanted my han e not only to have him in my li!e& but to show him how desirable he is# 7ust then the elevator doors dinged and opened# 9e had arrived on the Cth !loor# Aoom C1C was only a !ew doors down# % ould !eel my legs shaking and my hands were sweaty# .y nerves were getting the best o! me8 % started to pani a little# % didn't want to think what would happen i! he didn't want me# %nside the room& % asked .atty what % needed to help him with# 2Emm "ust blind!old me as soon as % get in !ront o! the door# She should be here in "ust a !ew minutes# :on't leave until you know !or sure she is ok and not a psy ho# %! she is& %'m depending on you to de!end me 6rista#5 .att "oked hal! heartedly# 2%'ve got your ba k .att& so roll yoursel! over here and %'ll blind!old you# :id you want something to drink !irst4 %t looks like she has drinks on i e on the bar& and its non$ al oholi too# She must be someone you know i! she knows you don't drink# So "ust rela+0ok#5 2@asy !or you to say& you're not the one in a wheel hair& blind!olded8 waiting on someone you have never met# 9hat i! she's a omplete !reak& some ra?y three eyed woman missing all her teeth45 23ou are a mess .att& that's why %'m here# %! she's any o! those things %'ll tell her you hanged your mind# )k45 2How does that blind!old !it4 <ot to tight45 2<ope it's great& % !eel so se ure#5 .att s o!!ed at me# 2,lad to hear it let me go to the bathroom real !ast and then %'ll be ba k to sit beside you until she gets here#5

2)k& don't be too long 6rista8 %'m in a pani here#5 % "ust rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom to hange into the lingerie % le!t in the room earlier today# %t was a beauti!ul emerald& silky la e bra with mat hing panties# % pulled my hair down out o! the pony tail it was in and sprayed .att's !avorite per!ume around me# Be!ore % walked ba k out to win my man& % alled the !ront desk to have them send housekeeping up with e+tra towels# <ow % had an e+ use to open the door and someone to kno k on it# % looked at mysel! one more time in the mirror& took a deep breath and walked ba k into the room with .ike# % made sure not to get to lose to him as % walked to the door to pretend to let his se ret admirer in "ust as the kno k on the door sounded# 2% think she is here .att# :id you hear the door4 (re you ready45 2<o& <o0#%'m not ready but bring it on# 9hat is the worse that ould happen45 2Hum& with you being the ob"e t o! her desire& it an only be great& trust me#5

Chapter Six
I heard 6rista talking to someone at the door# Then % heard !emale laughter# %t

sounded ni e and the per!ume she had on was my !avorite# % !elt my body tighten in anti ipation o! who this woman was# 2)k .att % think you're in good hands# %'m "ust going to leave you two to get to know ea h other#5 2Aeally 6rista& you're leaving0now45 .ike voi e was !illed with terror# %! he hadn't sounded so a!raid& % would have laughed at him# 2Trust me .atty& she's per!e t !or you#5 % responded so!tly instead !rom the open door# 2%'m going to leave now8 you are going to like her# % promise# Aemember& that is why %'m here& be ause you trust me to tell you the truth right45 23es& your right 6rista& % trust you#5 2So give her a han e# %'ll talk to you later ok& be ya'll have !un#5 9ith that the housekeeper le!t the room& winking at me# % smiled ba k at her and mouthed Thank you to her as she shut the door# Then % turned to .att# 9e were all alone in the room# He looked so nervous& a tight line drawn in his lips# % knew % ouldn't speak to him yet or he would know it was me& so % walked over to him and ran my inde+ !inger a ross his heek# % !elt and saw his intake in breath# This gave me the ourage % needed to ontinue my e+ploration o! the body % had obsessed over !or months# 29hat's your name45 .atty asked in a husky voi e# % didn't answer8 % "ust put my !ingers over his mouth to ;uite him# 9ith my other hand % ran my !ingers through his hair& ombing it ba k !rom his !a e# % then leaned lose and kissed the orners o! his mouth& !irst the le!t side& then the right side# .att let a slight moan es ape his mouth as he rea hed to tou h me# % !irmly put his hands ba k on his wheel hair arms# Sin e % was holding his hands now& % de ided to leave them there and press kisses to his "aw line and nibble on his ear# This time .att "erked in his hair and moaned louder# 2Please let me see who you are& % don't understand why %'m !eeling so strong towards you# % need to be honest with you& that0that lady you "ust met& she's my best !riend and %0% don't think % an start anything with you even though your lips !eel so good on me and you smell wonder!ul# % think % may be in love with my best !riend# %'m& %'m sorry#5 .att on!essed looking lost and sadden# .y breath aught in my lungs& did he "ust say he was in love with me# % !elt the tears well up in my eyes8 % didn't know what to say# .y .atty loved me> He had a woman throwing hersel! at him and he wanted me> % ouldn't help it# % sat down on his lap and ould !eel his arousal# % rubbed mysel! against him as % leaned to whisper in his ear# 2So you love your best !riend& do you4 9hat would you do i! % told you she loves you too45 % pun tuated the statement by running my tongue along the shell o! his ear# .atty sti!!ened and turned his blind!olded eyes to me as he pulled his hands !rom undermine to grab me around the waist# 26rista45 He stammered# 2Aeally45

% pulled his blind !old o!! and answered& 23es#5 6issing his lips the way % had wanted to !or months# % swept my tongue a ross his inviting him to play as well# He didn't disappoint as he ran his hand up my ba k and wrapped it in my hair deepening the kiss# % moaned out his name when he su ked on my bottom lip05.atty5# 2)h 6rista& %'m so glad it's you# % was so on!used# % knew % wanted you& but % was responding to some other woman# % want you so bad 6rista& tell me this is real# 3ou really want me45 2%'m glad& you're glad it's me .att# % want you .att# % don't are i! you're walking& i! you ever walk& % don't are# % "ust want to be with you# % love you .atty#5 % on!essed with more emotion then % would have ever envisioned having running my hands through his hair and down the sides o! his !a e and ne k# 29here do we go !rom here 6rista4 (re you sure you an deal with the !a t % may never walk again45 @ven as he asked the ;uestion his hands were busy aressing my inner thighs and stroking my hips# % took one o! his hands and linked my !ingers with his8 li!ting them to my lips to kiss ea h one smiling# 29ell % had hoped we ould take this to the bedroom !irst to relieve some o! the pressure we both are !eeling& then in the morning break!ast& then lun h& then ba k to my pla e or your pla e !or the rest o! our lives& with or without the hair#5 29ill you wear this out!it again !or me4 3ou look ama?ing# So hot and tempting#5 .att responded& leaning over to plant so!t kisses to the top hal! o! my breasts# He li!ted his head and devoured me with his eyes as he took in my emerald bra and panties# The olor a ented my red hair as it !lowed around my !a e and down my ba k and li!ted the globes o! my breast as i! they were a !east waiting !or .att to taste# The la e o! the panties hugged my hips and !elt good against my skin as .att rubbed the la y edges with his !ingers# He pun tuated ea h word with kisses and nips to my ne k and shoulders# % ontinued to grind mysel! into his lap# % "ust ouldn't help it# His hands and lips !elt so good on me# % had been waiting !or this !or what seemed like !orever# % ran my hands down his hest and gripped his waist as % answered him# 2(nything !or you .att& % told you& %'m that girl !or you#5 % was breathing errati ally and rubbing my body against his as % set on his lap# 23ou sure are 6rista& you sure are#5 .att agreed as he wheeled us toward the bedroom# (ll onversation easing as our lips onne ted again#


About the Author

Holly Haven was born in 9est Girginia# She has always had a love o! reading and writing books sin e she was young# Holly used her reativity to win young writers ontests and as a way to es ape the stresses o! li!e# She has waited a long time to ome ba k to her !irst true passion a!ter 20 years# Holly has been married !or 1C years and has / beauti!ul hildren& who are her riti s and proo! readers# They are also responsible !or some o! the story ideas due to their anti s and "okes# Holly wants to use her writing as a way to keep true love alive and the belie! that love does on;uer all8 regardless o! how ridi ulous the story may be behind it# (nd that !alling in love should be !un# Holly en"oys reading a good book& listening to musi & eating great !ood& laughing& and semi running in /k events& but writing has always been her number one passion# Holly thanks the 1ord !or the !aith and strength to step out and be ome the writer she was dying to be# Holly loves the 1ord and "ust wants to make her !amily proud o! her#

Aead Holly's Smashword %nterview at httpsDHHwww#smashwords# omHinterviewHhollyhaven

Other books by this author

Please visit your !avorite eBook retailer to dis over other books by Holly Haven# Be looking !or many more release this year# This 7ourney is "ust starting# (lso be looking !or e+ erpts !rom my new work s heduled !or release .ar h 2-th# Seduction by Sandwiches (coming March 2014 New !eleases" 9hen the Smoke Clears I httpsDHHwww#smashwords# omHbooksHviewH411JC4 Se#uels to $hen the Smo%e &lears (coming in late 2014 $7ohn and Son"a's story I Steal my un$beating heart $Aome and Bethany's story I Aationally speaking $Sheldon and Sarah's story I Burn away the s ars Stand alone boo%s Communi ation *ire K oming .ay 2014L

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