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Abi Quinnett

1433 West A Street Apt. 4 Moscow, Idaho 83843 Phone !"8#3"1#1388 $#Mai% &uin1'33()

I wou%d %i*e to beco+e an $ar%, -hi%dhood Schoo% .eacher.

/aci%it, Attendant March !"13 to Present Moscow, I0 83843 In1or+ation des* se%%in2, da, passes, we%%ness passes, and +e+berships. -%ean Machines. 3ent our e&uip+ent. Patron Sa1et,. 4ann, Ma, !"13 to Au2ust !"13 /ort Mitche%%, 56 41"11 Pro)ided chi%dcare 1or si7 chi%dren 1i)e da,s o1 the wee*. -hi%dren a2e ran2e 1ro+ !#8 ,ears o%d. 4ann, 9anuar, !"13 to Ma, !"13 Moscow, I0 83843 Pro)ided chi%dcare 1or two chi%dren. -hi%dren a2es ! and 4 ,ears o%d.

:ni)ersit, o1 Idaho Au2ust !"1! to Present ;ache%or o1 Science in $ar%, -hi%dhood 0e)e%op+ent and $ducation Moscow Senior <i2h Schoo% Au2ust !""8 to 9une !"1!

Skills and Field Experience

=o%unteer as a 3rd >rade ;o,s ;as*etba%% -oach. ;asic Spanish s*i%%s in readin2, writin2, and spea*in2. .rained in /irst Aid and -P3?A$0. /a+i%, o1 -onsu+er Science !1" course !" hours wor*in2 with chi%dren in a 3 rd 2rade c%assroo+. /a+i%, o1 -onsu+er Science !3' course 1@ hours o1 obser)ation in a preschoo% c%assroo+. /a+i%, o1 -onsu+er Science 333 course !4 hours wor*in2 with chi%dren in a <ead Start Pro2ra+. $ducation 3"! course 4' hours wor*in2 with e%e+entar, %e)e% students with e7ceptiona%ities.

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