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Feed back to the student

Elizabeth Hogan wrote on 08/27/2013

Planning and supervising field trips can be a huge undertaking and yet it is an excellent experience in anticipating what issues may arise.......similar to what a principal experiences. Great experience. Exp. Record #: 13121 Date submitted: 08/24/2013 Elizabeth Hogan approved on 08/27/2013 Cohort: UEN 2012

Student Name: Schroeder, Jakob John (390375)

Field-Based Internship Reflection Form For Internship Experience Standard 1: Visionary Leadership; Standard 2: Instructional Leadership; Standard 3: Organizational Leadership; Standard 4: Collaborative Leadership; Standard 5: Ethical Leadership; Standard 6: Political Leadership Title: Standard and Criteria 1.d Aligns educational programs w/ District Vision and Goals 4.b Promotes/supports structure for family/community involvement Level Secondary Secondary Time Spent 10 hour(s) 4 hour(s) Note

Briefly describe this field-based internship experience, including your specific role (1/2 page). Over the past year, and on several occasions, I have engaged students outside of the classroom to help expose them to career opportunities in our community. One of the occasions included a field trip to the John Deere Engine Works facility. The process of getting students on a field trip takes a lot of work and it all begins back in the classroom. At West High we have a career oriented academy structure and I am part of the Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology academy. This means our lessons need to be geared toward helping our students learn and obtain skills necessary to succeed in this career sector. My role was to design lessons that would enhance the field trip opportunity, help sign students up, chaperone students on the trip, and provide follow-up lessons for the students after the field trip. Although this can be a lot of work, it all pays off when I hear the positive feedback from students after the trip. The goal of helping students expand their horizons was certainly met by providing them with first-hand opportunities to experience many of the careers we have in our community. The Waterloo Community School District has put a very heavy emphasis on the career academy structure. With this new initiative I have spent many hours recreating my lesson plans so they are now more career oriented. As a staff we now provide numerous activities and field trip opportunities to our students with the goal of infusing career learning and developing career necessary skills for our students. Reflect on what you have learned from this experience, from mentor discussions, and how you will use this learning in future administrative leadership roles (no more than 1/2 page). As a future principal I recognize the power of authentic learning opportunities for students. Field trips are a great way for students to step out of the classroom and actually experience the world for themselves while still being guided by an adult. I will work to ensure I provide my teachers and their students with every possible opportunity to fulfill this learning need. I also recognize that as a principal my level of concern regarding more the logistical issues such as scheduling, transportation, and sometimes lunch begin to arise for field trips. I am certainly aware of these issues at this time, but I wonder if my view of field trips will change once I am the one held responsible for these tasks. The career academy structure has become a huge undertaking for our building of the past several years. We have completely changed the way we schedule our students and teachers. I can only image the amount of responsibility this puts on a principal. I know our principal has relied on having a willing staff and a hard working group of administrators. As a future principal I see great value in having a team of devoted and hard working professionals on my side. 1d: Aligns educational programs w/ District Vision and Goals? career academy planning 10 hours 4b: Promotes/supports structure for family/community involvement 4 hours ? field trip(s) Mentor(s)

03/08/2014 04:11:27 PM


The date approved by his/her lead mentor: 08/22/2013

03/08/2014 04:11:27 PM


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