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1 Introduction to ANSYS

Launch ANSYS from Windows: Start > All Programs > ANSYS9.0 > ANSYS GUI Layout in Ansys
Utility Menu Icon Toolbar Menu Input Line Output Window Abbreviation Toolbar Menu Raise/Hidden Icon

Main Menu

Graphics Area

User Prompt Info Current Settings

Mouse Left mouse button picks (or unpicks) the entity or location closest to the mouse pointer. Pressing and dragging allows you to preview the item being picked (or unpicked). Middle mouse button does an Apply. Saves the time required to move the mouse over to the Picker and press the Apply button. Use Shift-Right button on a two-button mouse. Right mouse button toggles between pick and unpick mode. Note, the Shift-Right button on a twobutton mouse is equivalent to the Middle mouse button on a three-button mouse. ANSYS On-line Tutorial: Utility Menu > Help > ANSYS Tutorials ANSYS provides an HTML-based on-line tutorial, which consists of detailed instructions for a set of problems solved in ANSYS. At this stage, it is required to go through, step-by-step, Chapters 1 and 2 in ANSYS Tutorials manual (The final model will be checked on this Friday). Database and Files: The term ANSYS database refers to the data ANSYS maintains in memory as you build, solve, and postprocess your model. The database stores both your input data and ANSYS results data: Input data -- information you must enter, such as dimensions, material properties, and load data. Results data -- quantities that ANSYS calculates, such as displacements, stresses and temperature. Defining the Jobname: Utility Menu > File> Change Jobname The jobname is a name up to 32 characters that identifies the ANSYS job. When you define a jobname for an analysis, the jobname becomes the first part of the name of all files the analysis creates. (The extension or suffix for these files' names is a file identifier such as .DB.) By using a jobname for each analysis, you ensure that no files are overwritten. Typical files in Ansysjobname.db, .dbb: Database file, binary. Compatible across all supported platforms. 1

jobname.log: Log file, ASCII. Contains a log of every command issued during the session. If you start a second session with the same jobname in the same working directory, ANSYS will append to the previous log file (with a time stamp). jobname.err: Error file, ASCII. Contains all errors and warnings encountered during the session. ANSYS will also append to an existing error file. jobname.rst, .rth, .rmg, .rfl: Results files, binary. Contains results data calculated by ANSYS during solution.Compatible across all supported platforms. File Management Tips: Run each analysis project in a separate working directory. Use different jobnames to differentiate various analysis runs. You should keep the following files after any ANSYS analysis: log file ( .log); database file ( .db); results files (.rst, .rth, ); load step files, if any (.s01, .s02, ...) Defining an Analysis Title: Utility Menu> File> Change Title This will define a title for the analysis. ANSYS includes the title on all graphics displays and on the solution output. (Please include your name and student ID in the analysis title for all original graphs) Save and ResumeSince the database is stored in the computers memory (RAM), it is good practice to save it to disk frequently so that you can restore the information in the event of a computer crash or power failure. The SAVE operation copies the database from memory to a file called the database file (or db file for short). The easiest way to do a save is to click on: Toolbar > SAVE_DB Or use: Utility Menu > File > Save as Jobname.db Utility Menu > File > Save as To restore the database from the db file back into memory, use the RESUME operation. Toolbar > RESUME_DB or use: Utility Menu>File>Resume Jobname.db Utility Menu > File > Resume from The default file name for SAVE and RESUME is jobname.db, but you can choose a different name by using the Save as or Resume from functions. Choosing the Save as or Resume from function does NOT change the current jobname. If you save to the default file name and a jobname.db already exists, ANSYS will first copy the old file to jobname.dbb as a back-up. Tips on SAVE and RESUME: Periodically save the database as you progress through an analysis. ANSYS does NOT do automatic saves. You should definitely SAVE the database before attempting an unfamiliar operation (such as a Boolean or meshing) or an operation that may cause major changes (such as a delete). RESUME can then be used as an undo if you dont like the results of that operation. SAVE is also recommended before doing a solver. Exiting ANSYS Two ways to exit ANSYS, either: Toolbar > QUIT or Utility Menu > File > Exit

2 Solid Modelling
Solid Modeling Be defined as the process of creating solid models in CAD system.

Definitions A solid model is defined by volumes, areas, lines, and keypoints. Volumes are bounded by areas, areas by lines, and lines by keypoints. Hierarchy of entities from low to high as keypoints < lines < areas < volumes You cannot delete an entity if a higher-order entity is attached to it. Also, a model with just areas and below, such as a shell or 2-D plane model, is still considered a solid model in ANSYS terminology.




Methods of Solid Modeling There are two approaches to creating a solid model in ANSYS, Top-down and Bottom-up Top-down modeling starts with a definition of volumes (or areas), which are then combined in some fashion to create the final shape.

add Input entities Boolean operation Output entity(ies)

Bottom-up modeling

starts with keypoints, from which you build up lines, areas, etc.

Primitives The volumes or areas that you initially define are called primitives, which are basic entities for the top-down method. ANSYS contains the following 2D and 3D primitives:










Work Plane (WP) Primitives are located and oriented with the help of the working plane. The WP in the prompts stands for Working Plane a movable reference plane used to locate and orient primitives. By default, the WP origin coincides with the global origin, but you can move it and/or rotate it to any desired position by using following options:
Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Offset WP by increment > Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Offset WP to > Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Align WP with> XYZ Locations >

Boolean Operations The final shape of an object is usually not as simple as primitives. However, it is likely doable to combine a number of primitives through a series of proper Boolean operations. The input to Boolean operations can be any geometric entity, ranging from simple primitives to complicated volumes generated in previous steps. Boolean operations are computations involving combinations of geometric entities. ANSYS Boolean operations include add, subtract, intersect, divide, glue, and overlap. All Boolean operations are available in the GUI:
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Operate > Booleans

By default, input entities of a Boolean operation are deleted after the operation. Add: Combines two or more entities into one.
A1 A2 A3


Glue: Attaches two or more entities by creating a common boundary between them, which is useful when you want to maintain the distinction between entities (such as for different materials).

A2 A1 A3



Overlap: Same as glue, except that the input entities overlap each other.

A2 A1

A3 A4



Subtract: Removes the overlapping portion of one or more entities from a set of base entities, which can be useful for creating holes or trimming off portions of an entity.

A2 A1



Divide: Cuts an entity into two or more pieces that are still connected to each other by common boundaries. The cutting tool may be the working plane, an area, a line, or even a volume. Useful for slicing and dicing a complicated volume into simpler volumes for brick meshing.




A4 Common Intersection


Intersect: Keeps only the overlapping portion of two or more entities.





Partition: Cuts two or more intersecting entities into multiple pieces that are still connected to each other by common boundaries, e.g., to find the intersection point of two lines and still retain all four line segments, as shown. (An intersection operation would return the common keypoint and delete both lines.)

L2 L1


L6 L3 L5 L4

3. Finite Element Discretisation

Finite Element Discretization Finite Element Discretization or Meshing is the process used to fill the solid model with nodes and elements, i.e, to create the FEA model. Remember, you need nodes and elements for the finite element solution, not just the solid model. The Solid Model in CAD does NOT participate in the finite element solution.


Solid Model

FE Model

Element Type The element type is an important choice that determines the following element characteristics: Degree of Freedom (DOF) set. A thermal element type, for example, has one dof: TEMP, whereas a structural element type may have up to six dof: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ. Element shape -- brick, tetrahedron, quadrilateral, triangle, etc. Dimensionality -- 2-D solid (X-Y plane only), or 3-D solid. Assumed displacement shape -- linear vs. quadratic. To define an element:
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete>Add

Meshing MethodsThere are two main meshing methods: free and mapped. Free MeshHas no element shape restrictions. The mesh does not follow any pattern. Suitable for complex shaped areas and volumes. Suitable for complex shaped areas and volumes. Volume meshes consist of high order tetrahedral (10 nodes), large dof. Mapped MeshRestricts element shapes to quadrilaterals (areas) and hexahedra (volume) Typically has a regular pattern with obvious rows of elements. Suitable only for regular shapes such as rectangles and bricks.

Free meshing

Mapped meshing

Mesh Density Control ANSYS provides many tools to control mesh density, on a global and local level: Global controls: SmartSizing; Global element sizing; Default sizing 5

Local controls: Keypoint sizing; Line sizing; Area sizing To bring up the MeshTool:
Main Menu > Preprocessor > Meshing > MeshTool

SmartSizing: by turning on SmartSizing, and set the desired size level. Size level ranges from 1 (fine) to 10 (coarse), defaults to 6. Then mesh all volumes (or all areas) at once, rather than one-byone.Advanced SmartSize controls, such as mesh expansion and transition factors, are available by
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>SmartSize>Adv Opts

Global Element Sizing: Allows you to specify a maximum element edge length for the entire model (or number of divisions per line): Go to Size Controls, Global ,and click [Set] or
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Global >Size

Material Properties Every analysis requires some material property input: Youngs modulus (EX), Poissons ratio (PRXY) for structural elements, thermal conductivity (KXX) for thermal elements, etc. To define the material properties:
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models

More than one set of material properties can be defined when needed. System of Units The ANSYS program does not assume a system of units for your analysis (except in magnetic field analyses). You can use any system of units so long as you make sure that you use that system for all the data you enter (Units must be consistent for all input data). It is suggested to use SI system whenever possible to avoid confusion. Time s Density Kg/m3 Length m Conductivity J/(smK) Mass kg Specific Heat J/(KgK) Force N Flux J/(sm2) Temperature K Convection J/(sm2K) Energy J Modulus/stress Pa

ANSYS FEA Procedure In general, a finite element solution may be broken into the following three stages. Preprocessing: defining the problem; the major steps in preprocessing are given below: Define keypoints/lines/areas/volumes (Solid Modeling) Define element type and material/geometric properties Mesh lines/areas/volumes as required Solution: assigning loads, constraints and solving; Apply the loads (point or pressure), 6

Specify constraints (translational and rotational) Finally solve the problem. Postprocessing: further processing and viewing of the results; Lists of nodal displacements and show the deformation Element forces and moments Stress/strain contour diagrams

ANSYS Tutorials Help>Ansys Tutorials>Next Chapter 2: "Structural Tutorial" Chapter 3: "Thermal Tutorial" Chapter 4: "Electromagnetics Tutorial" Chapter 8: "Contact Tutorial"

4. Project 1 Implants ASDM (Nonlinear Contact Analysis)

Step 1: Define Problem Type: Main Menu>Preferences>Structural>Ok Step 2: Define Multiple Material (Material 1=bone; Material 2=Coated layer; Material 3=substrate):
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models> Structural> Linear>Elastic>Isotropic>EX = 1 (Youngs modulus)>PRXY=0.1 (Poissons Ratio)>OK Material>New Model>Define Material ID = 2>OK> Structural> Linear>Elastic >Isotropic>EX = 2 (Youngs modulus)>PRXY=0.2 (Poissons Ratio)>OK Material>New Model>Define Material ID = 3>OK> Structural> Linear>Elastic >Isotropic>EX = 3 (Youngs modulus)>PRXY=0.3 (Poissons Ratio)>OK> Material>Exit

Step 3: Define element type: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete> Add>Structural Solid (left column)>Brick 8 node 185 (right column)> OK>Close Sep 4: Define Geometric Model of Bone (upper part): Main Menu> Preprocessor>Modeling> Create> Volumes> Cylinder>Hollow Cylinder> R1=0.03, R2=0.04,Depth=0.1 (in meter)>OK Lower part: Main Menu> Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Volumes>Hollow Cylinder >OK>Dz=-0.11>OK
Step 5: Callus: Main Menu> Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>In Active CS>(0.03,0,0);(0.04,0,0);(0.04,0,0.03);(0.05,0,0.01);(0.055,0,0.005);(0.05,-0.02);(0.04,0,-0.04);(0.04,0,-0.01);(0.03,0,-0.01)>OK Main Menu> Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Arbitrary>Through KPs>Pick all these KPs>OK (form a close area) Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Areas>Along Lines>Pick the close area>Pick the sweep circle (pick 4 circular segments)>OK (Form an approximate callus volume) Step 6: Glue callus to the upper and lower part of the bone Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Glue>Volumes>Pick the above three volumes>OK

Step 7: Implant (coating layer 0.002 + substrate 0.028 radius)

Main Menu> Preprocessor>Modeling> Create> Volumes> Cylinder>Hollow Cylinder> R1=0.028, R2=0.03,Depth=0.11 (in meter)>OK Main Menu> Preprocessor>Modeling> Create> Volumes> Cylinder>Hollow Cylinder> R1=0.02, R2=0.028,Depth=0.11 (in meter)>OK Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move/Modify>Volumes>Click above two hollow cylinders>Dz=-0.06>OK Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Glue>Volumes>Pick the above two volumes>OK

Step 8: Define the Contact between implant and inner surface of cortical bone.
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Contact Pair Contact Wizard button (located in upper left of the Contact Manager)>Target Surface: = Areas> (check) Target Type: = Flexible> Pick Target ...>Pick surface of inner surfaces of cortical bone as the Target>OK Next>(check) Contact Surface: = Areas>Pick Contact ...>Pick surface area of outer surface of coated implants as the contact>OK Next>(drop down) Material ID = 1>Coefficient of friction = 0.2>(check) Include Initial penetration>[Optional settings ...]>Normal penalty

stiffness = 0.1>[Friction] tab>(drop down) Stiffness matrix = Unsymmetric>OK>Create >Finish Step 9: Prescribe Material to Different Areas Main Menu> Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Picked Areas>Pick the areas of the upper and lower bones>Material=1>Apply>Pick coated layer>Material=2>Apply>Pick substrate core > Material 3>OK Step 10: Generate the meshing in the domain Main Menu> Preprocessor>Meshing>MeshTool>Smart Size = 5 >Mesh>Pick All>OK

Step 11: Define Boundary Condition (fully clumped on the bottom face of the lower bone)
Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Structural> Displacement> On Areas>Pick bottom face of the lower bone (far field)>OK>DOFs to be constrained = All DOF> Displacement value = 0 > [OK] to apply the constraints

Step 12: Define Transverse Load

Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Structural>Force/Moment>On keypoints>Pick a Keypoint on the top face of the upper bone >Fx=1>OK

Step 13: Solution: Main Menu> Solution>Solve>Current LS>OK Step 14: Postprocessing (Plot the Stress contour) Main Menu> General Postproc>Read Results>First Set> Main Menu> General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solu>von Mises stress>OK
Upper part of bone

Coating Implants Callus Fracture site

Lower part of bone

5. Project 2 MEAT MLA (Transient Thermal Analysis)

Step 1: Define Problem Type: Main Menu>Preferences>Thermal>Ok Step 2: Define Multiple Materials (Material 1: Soft meat tissue; Material2 Bone)
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models> Thermal> Conductivity> Orthotropic>Kxx = 1.1, Kyy=1.2, Kzz=1.3 >OK Specific Heat> Orthotropic>C=110 >OK Convection or Film coefficient> HF=120 >OK Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models> Thermal> Conductivity> Orthotropic>Kxx = 2.1, Kyy=2.2, Kzz=2.3 >OK Specific Heat> Orthotropic>C=210 >OK Convection or Film coefficient> HF=220 >OK Material>Exit

Step 3: Define element type: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete > Add>Thermal Mass > Solid> 8 node 77 (right column)> OK>Close Step 4: Define Geometric Model of Bone: (Bottom-Up method) Create bone boundary points from the measurement or X-Ray of the meat sample: Main Menu>
Preprocessor >Modeling> Create> Keypoints > In Active CS> Enter X,Y,Z coordinates of each measurement points in the bone>OK Create Spline curves of these Keypoints: Main Menu> Preprocessor >Modeling> Create> Lines > Splines > Spline Thru KPs > Pick KPs (two segments of splines may be needed to close the spline curves)>OK Create area of bone: Main Menu> Preprocessor >Modeling> Create> Areas> Arbitrary > By Lines>Pick Splines of bone>OK

Step 5: Define the meat tissue (as Step 4) Create meat tissue boundary points from the measurement or X-Ray of the meat sample:
Create Spline curves of these Keypoints: Create area of meat tissue (which contains bone area that should be subtracted late): Spline curve Bone area of bone

Spline curve of meat

Meat area

Step 6: Meat Area Bone Area (Subtraction) Main Menu> Preprocessor >Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Subtract>Area>Pick Meat Area>OK>Pick Bone Area>OK Step 7: Recreate Bone area inside the meat tissue as Step 4 Step 8: Glue New Bone Area onto Meat Area Main Menu> Preprocessor >Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Glue>Area> Pick Bone Area, Pick Meat Area>OK Step 9: Prescribe Material to Different Areas Main Menu> Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Picked Areas>Pick Meat Area>Material=1>Apply>Pick Bone>Material=2>OK


Step 10: Generate the meshing in the domain Main Menu> Preprocessor>Meshing>MeshTool>Smart Size = 1 (fine)>Mesh>Pick All>OK

Step 11: Define Thermal Boundary Condition

Main Menu> Lines>Pick Main Menu> Lines>Pick Solution> the Outer Solution> the Outer Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Temperature> On Boundary of Meat>Temp=-20>OK Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Heat generate> On Boundary of Meat>Temp=-20>OK

Step 12: Define the transient thermal problem: Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> New
Analysis> Transient>OK>Full>OK

Step 13: Specify the initial conditions: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Solutions> Define
Loads> Apply> Initial Condit'n> Define>Pick All>Value Initial value of DOF =25(25C initial temperature in whole meat area)>OK Main Menu> Preprocessor> Solutions> Define Loads> Apply> Initial Condit'n>Define>Pick All>Value Initial value of DOF =-30(-30C initial temperature in the skin boundary, you must pick all nodes on the boundary)>OK

Step 14: Specify the time at the end of the loading step: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Solutions> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Time-Time Step>Time at the end of load step=10 (10 minutes)>Time Step=1> Ramped >Minimum time step size=0.1>Maximum time step =1>OK Step 15: Specify the load value at the end of the load step: Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Temperature>On Lines>Pick the boundary lines>VALUE load temp value=-50(The end temperature is -50C)>OK Step 16: Write Info to load step file: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Write LS File>LSNUM=1>OK
Specify a thermal loading process: Repeat Steps 13 though 16 for next load step.

Step 17: Set output controls: Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls> DB/Results File (Save the results at all time steps)>OK Step 18: Solve the problem: Main Menu> Solution> Solve>Current LS>OK Step 19: Pick the result at specific time step (e.g. t=0.7) to plot: Plot the temperature
contour: Main Menu>General Postproc>Read results>By Pick>Set 7, time=0.7>Read>Close

Step 20: Plot temperature contour at t=0.7: ain Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results
>Contour Plot>Nodal Solu>DOF Solution>Temperature>OK


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