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2013-2014 Catalog

Undergraduate Programs
Disciplines in Art or Music and Psychology
Psychology Requirements PSYC 101 PSYC 202 PSYC 240 PSYC 291 PSYC 322 PSYC 351 or MUSC 351 PSYC 370 PSYC 371 PSYC 415 PSYC 450 MATH 251 Introduction to Psychology Human Development Social Psychology Introduction to APA Style Counseling and Clinical Psychology Art Therapy or Music Therapy Learning Theory and Cognitive Psychology Abnormal Psychology Research Methods Capstone in Psychology Statistics Total Psychology Credits 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 34

Interdisciplinary Requirements INTD 250 INTD 300 INTD 493

Principles Interdisciplinary Studies Service Learning Senior Portfolio Total Interdisciplinary

3 3 3 9

Choose either Art or Music:

Art Requirements ARTH 110, 301, 302, 408 DRAW 121 DESG 132 PNTG 211, SCLP 210 or CERM 210 Studio Art NWGN Music Requirements MUSC 207 MUSC 225 MUSC 310 MUIN MUSC 390 MUSC 312 or MUSC 480 Choose any Art History course Drawing Fundamentals Foundations of Visual Design Choose 2: Beginning Painting, Beginning Sculpture or Ceramics Any Intermediate or Advance Studio Art Any New Genres class 3 3* 3 6 6 3

Music Theory Music Appreciation Survey of World Music Applied Music (vocal or instrumental) Music Internship Music and Mythology or Special Topics Total Art OR Music

3 3 3 9* 3 3 24

Additional (3-4) courses suggested for a Psychology graduate school track include PSYC 325, PSYC 445 and a choice between PSYC electives (301, 303, 304, 330, 331, 335, 365, 425, 441) *Satisfies a General Education Core Requirement
*Participation in the Junior Art Portfolio Review is recommended but optional. Please discuss with Chair of Fine Arts if interested.

Interdisciplinary Art/ Music Therapy Disciplines Requirements General Education Core Requirements Electives Total Degree Requirements

67 30 23 120


Sierra Nevada College

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