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Dismissal/End of Class Procedure

Explain the Procedure Today we will learn about what we will do every afternoon at the end of the day when we are ready to dismiss to go home. This procedure is called Dismissal/End of Class. This is a procedure we will use every day !o please pay attention because this is important to "now. Generate the Rational: Today # will show you step by step what we will do when we E$D our day and get ready for dismissal each afternoon. %e must &uietly get ready to go home' follow rules and directions so that no one gets hurt' and everyone has an opportunity to ta"e home their assigned homewor" and other stuff that needs to go home daily. Explain and Model # will e(plain each step as # model it for you )t the end of the day' our last sub*ect is !pelling. # have an alarm that will go off each afternoon at +,-. and that is the time we start getting ready for dismissal. %hen we hear the alarm go off' we put our spelling and any other homewor" in our /ED folder that # have placed on everyone0s des" after lunch. 1our folders have been cleaned out by me. )lso any handouts or returned wor" that # have given bac" to you go in your /ED folder to ta"e home. Place your /ED folder and anything else that goes home in your bac"pac". #f you have not done so' please place your 2ournals in your des"' # have also returned them after lunch with a daily grade3 ma"e sure they are ready for you to get out in the morning. %hen you have done that sit at your des" &uietly' facing the front' and loo"ing at me so # "now you are ready to go. %hen # see everyone is ready' # will announce for us to line up. %e wal" in a line' hands and body to ourselves' and &uietly out the classroom. Check for understanding /aise your hand if you can tell me what is our last sub*ect at the end of the day4 /aise your hand if you can tell me what will we hear at +,-.4 /aise your hand if you can tell me where do we put our spelling homewor" or any homewor" and handouts that go home4 /aise your hand and tell me if you "now where your red folder can be found4 /aise your hand and tell me if you "now what we do with this red folder and anything else that goes home4 /aise your hand and tell me what you need to put in your des" and have ready for first thing in the morning4 Everyone tell me what do we do after we "now our 2ournal is ready for the morning4 %hat will # say when # see everyone is ready to go4 5ow are we wal"ing out the classroom4


%e will rehearse our Dismissal/End of day procedure. # am going to choose 6 students to show us step by step what we will do every afternoon. Then we will )77 rehearse as a group ending our day and getting ready for dismissal Specific Feedback

8oys and girls' # li"ed how you heard the alarm did not start tal"ing' you )77 got your /ED folders out and put your homewor" and stuff in it9:/E)T 2;8 following directions # saw many of you chec"ing to see if your 2ournal is ready for in the morning9%ay to go 7et0s remember when lining up we do not race to stand in line' we wal" so that no one gets hurt. ;verall9)%E!;<E 2;8 showing me our Dismissal/End of day procedure by following step=by=step directions

Reinforce (reteach, practice, and reinforce %e will practice this every afternoon during the first two wee"s of school and go over it step by step during those two wee"s. Dismissal/End of day Procedure is hung up on the bulletin board >pointing to procedure on bulletin board? above the table where our /ED folder and 87@E 2ournal bas"ets are. They are there as a reminder if you forget what to do for our Dismissal/End of day procedure.

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