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2 Journal Articles Keklik, I. (2012). Examination of high school students' motivation and learning strategies.

Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 42, 238-249. This article examines how students need to be motivated in high schools. Instead of learning how to globally focus on learning strategies for all students, we should work on making better learning strategies for the specific classrooms that we individually teach. Different students are motivated in different ways; therefore we must be prepared to motivate our individual classrooms in the ways that they need to be motivated. This is going to look different for each individual classroom. We incorporated this article into our lesson plan by motivating our students with games and fun activities because they were coming from a full day of school and would be tired and a classroom setting would not be very motivating to them.

Townsend, C. A. (2013). Enzymology: Modular biosynthesis branches out. Nature, 502, 44-45. This article discusses Enzymology and tells of the uses and possibilities involved with Enzymes. This article helped us because it gave us a general background and knowledge about Enzymes and really opened our eyes to way that this knowledge can be used in the world today. This article helped to give meaning to what we are going to teach to students.

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