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Why create a Legacy Group? Who are the Friends of the Sonoma Valley Library?

Friends is a non-profit volunteer

organization dedicated to bringing the pleasure of reading to our community by supporting the library financially and sponsoring programs. The Friends have quarterly book sales that bring in about $12, per sale. !lso, about 2 -" books are given a#ay around each sale to teachers, students and local non-profits. The Friends have contributed over $" , (e have taken for granted that #e #ill al#ays have a local library and easy accessibility to it. )vents over the past fe# years have led to reduced hours and days. (e are concerned this may become a pattern and #ant to be a positive proactive group and start no# to support the future of our library.

What have we accomplished?

1. (e have partnered #ith .ommunity /oundation %onoma .ounty to start a 'egacy /und supported by local donations. 2. (e have been successful in #orking #ith local non-profits to create neighborhood libraries. (e have #orked #ith and supplied books to the %onoma .ounty /ree 0ookmobile, helped get the *len )llen /ree 'ibrary started #ith book donations, donated books to help start a 1.lassics 'ibrary2 at the 0oys and *irls .lub and brought books to %onoma &alley 3ealth .enter and Teen .enter in con4unction #ith the 0ookmobile.

What is the goal of the Friends Legacy Group?

The goal of the Friends 'egacy *roup is t#ofold+ 1. 'ong-range goal is the creation of a sustainable fund to help our library meet the changing needs of our community. ,n addition to longer hours and more days, possible needs could be a ne# library, e-panded campus, or perhaps ne# technology. 2. %upporting the creation of smaller neighborhood libraries in areas of need.

for books, programs, equipment, subscriptions, furniture, building renovations and other items in the past 1$ years to the %onoma &alley 'ibrary.

Where are the funds held?

The 'egacy funds are placed #ith and administered by .ommunity /oundation %onoma .ounty, and #e are partnered #ith %onoma &alley /und.

Leave a Legacy to the Sonoma Valley Library ,f you5re passionate, as #e are, about the sustainability of our %onoma &alley 'ibrary, make a contribution to our 'egacy /und. .ontact us today at+ %&'ibrary' Friends of the Sonoma Valley Library Legacy Committee:
7anet .onstantino 'arry 'eonard 8ave 8obbins 9aren Taylor 8arlene :ye ;obyn <akaruk 'eyla .arreon
/riends of the %onoma &alley 'ibrary =>> (. :apa %treet %onoma, .! ?>$=@-@$12 .ontact+ %&'ibrary'

/riends of the %onoma &alley 'ibrary (ays to *ive

0equest Autright gift of cash Autright gift of securities *ifts of retirement assets *ifts of real estate ;etained life estate *ift of life insurance .haritable remainder trust .haritable lead trust

'eaving a 'egacy to the %onoma &alley 'ibrary

(e can help you choose #hich option best benefits you and the library. .ontact us today at+ %&'ibrary'
REV 053013

Sonoma Valley Fund: (hitney )vans #evans111$

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