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Press Release

Mitchell L. Blankenship Recognized by Worldwide Whos Who for Excellence in Architect re

Mitchell Blankenship brings his architecture expertise to the classroom FAIRFIELD, OHIO, September 4, 2012, Mitchell L. la!"e!ship, Architect a!# E#$cat%r &%r 'h%r#al '%!s$lta!ts, LL', has bee! rec%(!i)e# b* +%rl#,i#e +h%-s +h% &%r sh%,i!( #e#icati%!, lea#ership a!# e.celle!ce i! architect$re. A! e.pert i! retail a!# c%mmercial #esi(!, Mr. la!"e!ship #em%!strates /2 *ears %& pr%&essi%!al e.perie!ce i! architect$re. He has hel# presti(i%$s r%les i! the past, i!cl$#i!( Direct%r %& Architect$ral Operati%!s at Lei#e!&r%st0H%r%,it) 1 Ass%ciates, Se!i%r Ass%ciate at Le2i!3P%rter Ass%ciates, a!# Pr%4ect Architect at '%$rt!e*3Le Architects. At 'h%r#al '%!s$lta!ts, LL', a! architect$ral c%!s$lti!( b$si!ess, he %&&ers his a#2ice %! America!s ,ith Disabilities Act c%mplia!ce a!# accessibilit*, #esi(! %2ersi(ht, e!titleme!t ac5$isiti%!, c%!str$cti%! #%c$me!ts, %&&ice master speci&icati%!s #e2el%pme!t, a!# c%st #e2el%pme!ts. He als% assists ,ith (%2er!i!( a(e!cies- appr%2als, sta&& ma!a(eme!t, c%!tract !e(%tiati%!s, c%!str$cti%! a#mi!istrati%!, a!# clie!t ma!a(eme!t. Al%!( ,ith this p%siti%!, he teaches architect$re a!# participates i! 2ari%$s spea"i!( e!(a(eme!ts as a! A#4$!ct '%lle(e Pr%&ess%r at Si!clair '%mm$!it* '%lle(e, ,hich rec%(!i)e# him as the Scie!ce, Mathematics, a!# E!(i!eeri!( A#4$!ct Pr%&ess%r %& the 6ear i! 2012. Ha2i!( achie2e# *ears %& s$ccess, he cre#its his ma!* h%$rs %& har# ,%r" a!# e#$cati%!. L%%"i!( ahea#, he i!te!#s t%!# his b$si!ess b* assisti!( %ther b$si!esses i! achie2i!( c%mplia!ce ,ith the America!s ,ith Disabilities Act. Mr. la!"e!ship al,a*s ha# a! i!terest i! #ra,i!(, lea#i!( him t% ear! a achel%r %& Architect$re pr%&essi%!al #e(ree

&r%m 'ali&%r!ia State P%l*tech!ic 7!i2ersit* i! 189/. He has bee! a lice!se# architect i! 'ali&%r!ia &%r the past 2: *ears ,ith s$bse5$e!t lice!ses ac5$ire# i! the states %& ;e2a#a, Ari)%!a, '%l%ra#%, Ohi%, a!# Ha,aii. <eepi!( c$rre!t i! his i!#$str*, he is a member %& =he America! I!stit$te %& Architects a!# has cre#e!tials as a LEED >ree! Ass%ciate &r%m the >ree! $il#i!( 'erti&icati%! I!stit$te a!# certi&icati%! &r%m the ;ati%!al '%$!cil %& Architect$ral Re(istrati%! %ar#s. Asi#e &r%m his pr%&essi%!al li&e, Mr. la!"e!ship is a pri2ate pil%t a!# m$sicia!. He e!4%*s &l*i!( a!# pla*i!( ($itar a!# bass ($itar.

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