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Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM) & Progress Monitoring Information Guide What are CBMs?

: CBMs provide a quick snapshot of how a student is performing in a certain subject area (reading, math, writing, etc). The assessment typically lasts between 1 to 5 minutes and is given weekly or bi-weekly depending on the skill being measured in order to monitor progress of specific skill development. Free CBMs available: DIBELS: reading fluency CBMs for grades K-6; the assessments can be downloaded for free online; there is an optional database to track student data that can be purchased at an additional cost website for grades K-8; variety of CBMs for literacy and math concepts; option of storing and tracking student data on the website for free website with several resources and links to reading, math, and writing CBMs (mostly for K-8 students) Common CBMS for Purchase: AIMSWeb: extensive progress monitoring system for reading fluency and comprehension; math concepts & applications, math computation, behavior for K-12 What is progress monitoring?: frequent (weekly or bi-weekly) assessment of a specific academic or behavior skill for the purpose of determining progress toward a goal or outcome; used frequently in RTI programs and for special education progress reporting Academic Progress Monitoring can take the form of CBMs or other repeated measures of progress; refer to previous descriptions of CBMs for examples Behavior Progress Monitoring can take the form of systematic classroom observations tracking duration, latency, frequency, or intensity of behavior; peer comparison observations; ABC charts; etc Apps available for behavior tracking: Class Dojo; Percentally; Behavior Tracker Pro; Behavior Assessment Pro;

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