Early Childhood Gps Oct

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Family Faith in Action


On October 25th, KiDSCOR kicks off our Operation Christmas Child mission
project. This is an outstanding project that your entire family can be a part of.

Operation Christmas Child is simple. Your family will purchase small gifts and hy-
giene items to fill a shoe box for a child in another country. PWhen you are done
shopping, pack and label your box and return it to KiDSCOR by November 15th.

OCC kick off weekend, we will be distributing informational brochures in your

child’s classroom that will give suggestions for the gift boxes and detail the pack-
ing and labeling process. Plastic shoeboxes will be sold in our children’s area be-
ginning October 25th.

Operation Christmas Child is a truly awesome way for your

family to bless a child.

We encourage you to go to www.samaritanspurses.org to learn

more about this amazing opportunity.


The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection offers many great opportuni-
ties for our families to put our faith in action and serve God together. There is
no need to preregister, just show up in the narthex at 9:00 on the set Faithworks
days. You can choose from several projects available each time, both onsite and
in the community.

More information about Faithworks, including upcoming scheduled projects, is

available in the Mission section of the church website at www.cor.org.

Upcoming Faithworks dates are:

Grow It

The Bible is a treasure book from God. Enjoy a family treasure hunt by traveling
through the rooms in your home and gathering the different Bibles you find. Sit
down together as a family and explore the Bibles. What similarities or differences
do you notice between them? Do you have Bibles that belonged to older genera-
tions in your family? Do you have different versions?

If your family doesn’t have a Bible, COR wants you to have one! You can pick up
a free pocket New Testament from the Connection Point. You can explore dif-
ferent sites online including biblegateway.com. Bibles are also available for pur-
chase at the church bookstore.

If your family is familiar with the Bible, share some

of your favorite stories, characters and verses with
each other. If the Bible is new to your family ex-
plore the stories, verses and teaching tools. To-
gether, choose a Scripture passage that represents
your family and the beliefs you share. Use the next
activity to help you learn the verse!


Cut a large hand out of construction paper. On it, write the Scripture passage
you chose as a family. Tie a small piece of yarn around one of the paper fingers.
Also tie a small piece of yarn around one finger of each family member. One time
each day (possibly at a family meal) say your family verse aloud together. When you
are apart, use the yarn on your own finger as a re-
minder of the verse and the faith your family shares.
When you all have the verse memorized, repeat the
activity using a new verse. After memorizing five
verses (or another number your family chooses), enjoy
a simple family celebration together.
Show It

Create a blessing box filled with Scripture verses.

Obtain a small cardboard box such as a shoebox or
photo box. Using colored paper, markers, ribbon,
family photos, magazine cut-outs and other fun ma-
terials, decorate the box to represent your family
and your faith journey. Cut out the strips of Scripture passages at the back
of this packet and place them in the box. Once a day, pull a strip from the
box and share the Scripture aloud. As an options, make a second one to share
with a neighbor. You might also consider inviting another family over for a
simple supper and create your blessing boxes


Share God’s word with others using one of these ideas:

As a family, prepare a simple meal for another family or single person. Write
Scripture passages on the food containers.

Purchase a Bible for a family who does not have one. Write a blessings for the
family on the inside cover.

If your family hands out candy for Halloween, wrap the candies in colorful
slips of paper with Bible verses on them.

Bake cookies. Write a favorite Scripture passage or

draw a pictures about one on a paper plate. Place
the cookies on the paper plate and deliver them to
someone who could use some care and encourage-

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