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Job Postings are sponsored by the Career Development Center



Title of job: Sports Marketing Internship

Co pan! "a e an# $o%ation: Mi#&est Classi% 'olf To(rna ent) a *eb+%o To(r e,ent To(rna ent -ffi%e .240 *+ /0th Terra%e -,erlan# 1ark2 3S 66212 1art ti e or 4(ll Ti e: 1art5ti e #a!s Mon#a!54ri#a! 6opport(nities thro(gh 7(l! 2.2 20148+ Seeking a %o it ent of 0 ho(rs per &eek ini ( + D(ties: Interns &ill ha,e the opport(nit! &ork in the to(rna ent offi%e an# parti%ipate in se,eral areas of e,ent planning in%l(#ing sponsorship sales s(pport 9 resear%h2 a# inistrati,e #(ties relate# to preparation for the to(rna ent in%l(#ing tra%king Ti%kets 4ore Charit! 1rogra 2 #e,eloping pro otions2 p(bli%ations2 ans&ering phones2 ,ol(nteer progra %o (ni%ation an# ore+

:(alifi%ations "ee#e#: Mi%rosoft *or#2 fa iliarit! &ith ;<%el+ 'raphi% #esign e<perien%e helpf(l b(t not ne%essar!+ 'reat opport(nit! for =(siness2 ;ntreprene(rship an# Marketing Majors+ 'olf an#/or e,ent anage ent kno&le#ge preferre#2 b(t not re>(ire#+ ?o& to @ppl!: Sen# a &riting sa ple an# res( e 6if a,ailable8 to Mar! @lt an alt anA i#&est%lassi%+%o for %onsi#eration+ Salar!: This is an (npai# internship+ 1erks in%l(#e free to(rna ent ti%kets to the e,ent 7(l! 2452.+
For more job listings, come to the Career Development Center, SC 252, next to Student Success

Job Postings are sponsored by the Career Development Center Co pan! &ebsite: &&&+ i#&est%lassi%+%o

For more job listings, come to the Career Development Center, SC 252, next to Student Success

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