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WEEK 28 Continue to learn and understand the holy Liturgy

2nd Video
Notice, this Video is different than the one posted before Watch the video in the link above from Minute 1 to 3 Day 1: The Fraction Prayer 1-What is the meaning of the Coptic Phrase Pi Soma Eth-o-oab in English? 2-What does The Precious Blood Means in Coptic? 3-All Congregation worship and bow down when abouna Hold the Body and Blood T F

Day 2: Continue the fraction prayer 1-Abouna anoints the body with his finger from the blood with one single cross and says the holy blood, this is the Body and The Blood of Christ The pentacrator T F 2-What is Pantocrator means? 3-As Abouna Fractions the Body to give to The People, He tells us to whom this Body Belong T F 4-Complete, The Body that Abouna fractions belong to Christ who Died on the , Descended down to Earth, Rose from the , and was offered as a sacrifice for our..

Day 3 The Fraction Prayer Changes From Season to Season T F Some of the seasons of the church are, The Advent Season, when we all are joyful waiting FOR... The Lent Season, when we are waiting for the OF Christ. All the church seasons are Joyful T F

Day 4 1-Abouna Fraction the Body to Remind us with What does the Center Part of The Body Called, and what does it represents? How many Crosses around the Ep-isdiacon, what does these crosses represents? The Rest of the BODY (The Lamb Represents the Whole Congregation T F The Body of Christ is One Body and we all are members in it T F What does the Writing on the Body Says?

Day 5 & 6 Project Complete one of the following projects and bring it to your class on Sunady 1- Use a play Dough and make a small Orbana with all the crosses and the Holes in it 2- Draw Orbana in a medium size Pollster with all the Details on it

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