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Finite and Non-Finite Verbs If you have a finite number of eggs (you have a countable number) as opposed to an infinite

number of eggs an endless or boundless number. Finite has bounds, limitations. Applying this word finite to verbs a finite verb is tied / bound in terms of time / tense. ast I ran "he fought resent I run "he fights !uture I will run "he will fight

#he finite verb has to ad$ust to fit the tense of the te%t. Finite verbs are also anchored / tied in terms of their subject I am I have I snore I do I $ump &ou are "he has 'e snores 'e does "he $umps 'e is 'e was #hey were

If we want to be specific about the time and manner of an event or who was involved in it or our attitude towards it, we use a finite verb. In contrast, non-finite form verbs are not limited by time or subject they are unrestricted / free Lau hin happily, (udy wal)ed in the par) (udy, lau hin happily, wal)s in the par) #his time ne%t wee) (udy will wal) in the par), lau hin happily.

Non-finite verbs are either participles! "# $resent participle - ing form * which conveys continuity or duration. %overin her trac)s carefully, #rudy turned towards the old canal. #he crowd surged forward, jostlin each others umbrellas &# $ast participle -ed form 'anned from driving, +arcus lost his $ob. (im, married last "aturday, is still in celebratory mood. ,r (# Infinitives! )o be or not to be, that is the -uestion. )o be sure, she mar)ed the route carefully on the map

Note how non-finite clauses are always subordinate *dependant# clauses which means they can be moved around in a sentence. )he term participle from Latin rammar refers to a form which can be used either as a verb *see above# or in an adjective-li+e way. #he house has a racin trac). I can see a par+ed car Non finite verbs also aid compression , compactness of e-pression. If they used at the be innin of a sentence they can help build up tension , the reader is uncertain as to what is oin to happen. %rawlin towards the house.... $oised for action........ .nterin the cinema..... ,nly by adding a finite clause do we ma)e the happening e%plicit. Entering the cinema, I rela-ed for the first time that day.

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