Owca March 14 Newsletter Compressed

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Obed Watershed Community Association

March 2014

Spring is Coming! OWCA activities pick up!

The grip of cold weather has eased. Not to say that there wont be some more cold days and nights, but days that are above freezing are good days to get out and do things in nature. This is the time of the year to plant trees and shrubs while theyre dormant and well be doing a lot of planting in March at the State Park and at other sites where were trying to get native plants holding the streambanks. Out stream survey teams are also looking to finish their work in March and we hope to have some public meetings to present our work in early April. Were working with CCHS on a rain barrel design contest with an art class, well be having our own Rain Barrel workshop of the year, and lots of other educational activities coming up. See below for how you can be involved.

Stream Assessment Progresses

As February progressed, we were able to get in more and more days for assessment along Potters Creek, Rocky Branch, and Procter Creek. Were finding lots of interesting streams and springs and the overall condition of this watershed is looking pretty good. We finished the first draft of the Lower Daddys Creek write-up, and began work on the Meadow Creek and Copeland Creek sections. Thanks to Billy Hensley and Annell Fields for heading the teams and to volunteers Pete Peterson and Bill Morgan for helping out.

Highlights from February

State Park Work
At the beginning of February, we spent a few days putting in some more rock and removing a few more logs. Then we had that big rain and it cleaned out some of the blockages. Suzanne Fisher from TVA came out for a site visit and was well satisfied with what she saw. Documentation of all the work we completed was sent to TDEC and to the State Park. We then began ordering plants for planting in March.

Cool day, but the Cranes were there!

The field trip to the Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge to see the Sandhill Cranes went off well. Six of us took the drive and were able to see quite a few at a distance as well as a smaller flock close up. While these magnificent birds were flying over Cumberland County on their way back north later

in the month, seeing them up-close and on the ground is a different experience.

Co-Linx invasives attacked!

The last two weeks in February, our stream team crew attacked invasive plants within the Conservation Easement near Co-Linx. Jennifer Howard, Scott Collie, and Dennis removed huge amounts of invasive plants, primarily Privet, Bush Honeysuckle, Multi-flora Rose, and Japanese Honeysuckle from the slope and along the stream banks of the Little Obed where it comes out of the wetland. After removing these plants, there was so little left, that we planted hundreds of trees to restore native vegetation and to establish trees along the stream banks. This was primarily accomplished on a work day on March 1 with volunteers Denise Acquista, Charli Maxwell, June Zettelmeyer, James Marcetich, and Wayne Russell working alongside Jennifer, Scott and Dennis.

Niki Nicholas draws a crowd!

Almost twenty people came out to hear Dr. Niki Nicholas, Superintendent of the big South Ford and Obed Wild and Scenic River describe her strategies for engaging the public in the world of the National Park Service. In addition to describing activities at the Parks, she talked about the new Visitor Center co-sponsored with Cumberland County and the City of Crossville. She also talked about the National Park Services role in the regulatory process for activities within the watershed that could affect any of the rivers. She specifically talked about the proposal to take water from Daddys Creek as well as the water harvesting from Lake Tansi that can be added to the water treatment system at Meadow Park Lake. She emphasized the responsibility to protect the resources of the park while being sensitive to the needs of the community. To learn more about the park and its activities, go to its website, http://www.nps.gov/obed.

March Activities Plant, plant, plant

Once the ground thaws out is the perfect time of the year to plant. OWCA will be planting in three locations this month - Cumberland Mountain State Park to vegetate the banks that we stabilized last summer and fall, the Little Obed above 127 where we planted last spring, but we need to add more,

and the wetland and its borders at Co-Linx. Well be working on days when the weather is good. If you would like to help with this satisfying work, give Dennis a call at 484-9033. Weve got over 2,500 plants to put in.

Because they are hard to spot, we most often know they are present because we can hear them. If youd like to know what frog or toad is making the sounds that youre hearing, come to this presentation. Dennis will have CDs to pass out as well.

Stream Survey Continues

Our crew hopes to finish up this month but could use more volunteers to help with this work. They only go out on days that the weather cooperates, but are particularly needing people on Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays. If you can help, let Dennis know. Its generally a 9:00 to 3:00 day.

Rain Barrel Art at CCHS

This month, Annette Saldaas art classes at CCHS are painting eight rain barrels as a fundraiser art project for OWCA. Ms. Sandaa has a definite environmental flavor to her art classes, often working with recycled materials and we are thrilled for this opportunity to work with her and her students. Stay tuned for how you can see and bid on these works of art.

OWCA Board Meeting

5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20 Common Ground The regular bi-monthly Board of Directors meeting will be planning events for the coming year Waterfest, the 5K Run for Clean Water, Stream Clean-ups, and our many educational and restoration projects. All Board Meetings are open to the membership and your participation is welcome.
OWCA Board The OWCA Board includes Brad Fox (president) Bill Morgan (vice-president), Stephen Collie

Frogs and Toads of Cumberland County

4:00 p.m.Tuesday, March 18 Common Ground (405 W 4th st.) Dennis Gregg is once again presenting his program on the Frogs and Toads of Cumberland County. The program focuses on the sounds that these critters make, sometimes called their calls.

(treasurer), Melissa Brown (secretary), Bruce Anderson, and Teresa Payne. OWCA sponsors are CoLinx, Manchester Tank, Stonehaus Winery, Silvara Stone, St. Raphaels Episcopal Church, Crossville Friends Meeting, Veolia Water NA, Tennessee Heart, and Woodmen of the World. OWCA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization. Tax deductible contributions can be sent to OWCA, 185 Hood Dr. Crossville, TN 38555. Dennis Gregg is the Executive Director and can be reached at 484-9033 or 210-3611.

JULY Clean Water whats it worth? The Citizens Guide to Clean Water Presentation by Dennis Gregg, Date TBA 7/12 - Devils Breakfast Table stream clean up 7/26 Waterfest 2014 at Meadow Park Lake, 3-8 pm AUGUST Saturday boat races at Meadow Park Lake TBA SEPT

Calendar of Coming Events

We have added this feature to allow you to plan for events coming up in future months. This is not everything that we will do, just what we have scheduled so far. OCT APRIL 4/9 Tennessees State Natural Areas Spring Celebration Wildflower Walk on Black Mountain with Lisa Huff, State Naturalist 4/25-27 Flower and Garden Show Volunteers needed. Contact Dennis Gregg for details: dennisgregg@gmail.com or (931) 2013611 MAY Bees and Birds presentation TBA Centennial Park Stream Clean Up TBA JUNE 6/3 Cumberland Mountain State Park Wildflower Walk with Monica Johnson, Park Ranger, at 9 am at the park restaurant. Native American History of Cumberland County TBA 6/16-20 Kids Camp at Cumberland Mountain State Park contact Monica Johnson for details: monicajohnson@tn.gov Centennial Park, One Year Later talk and tour by Dennis Gregg, TBA DEC

Fossils and Rocks presentation by Bill Morgan TBA Visit to Gray Fossil Museum, Gray TN tentative roadtrip

OWCA 5K Run for Clean Water at Cumberland Mountain State Park TBA Cemetery tour with local guide date and location TBA OWCA Annual Meeting speaker, potluck and awards TBA NOV Nature in poetry and prose - TBA Possible music night?

Movie night and Christmas Party at Common Ground, date TBA

If you have a topic that you would like to see a workshop on, let us know. There are still many blanks in the calendar.

A Gallery of recent photos of our watershed:

Byrds Creek in Cumberland Mountain State Park

Trail Branch in Fairfield Glade

Ground pine in the snow

Daddys Creek below Pond Branch

Little Obed, below the Co-Linx wetland

Wooly Adelgid on Hemlock

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