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CBSE Pariksha-2014 Answers (SCIENCEX)



1. (i) In course of evolution, forelimbs in various vertebrates have modified to perform different functions.

(ii) Homologous organs 2. H C C H HCCH


3. The DNA in the nucleus of cell is the information source for making proteins. Two basic events in reproduction are:

(i) Creation of a DNA copy. (ii) Creation of additional cellular apparatus. 4. (i) The least scattered colour component of sunlight, i.e. red reaches to our eyes at the time of sunrise while colours having less wavelength scatter away. Hence, the appearance of sun at sunrise, near the horizon, looks almost reddish.

(ii) The scattering of light by colloidal particles is called Tyndall effect. 5. (i) Na, Mg, Al are metals.

(ii) Na has largest atomic size. (iii) P, S and Cl form negative ions. (iv) Chlorine and Argon exist as gases. 6. (i) Water harvesting recharges groundwater.

(ii) Harvested water can also recharge wells, and can bring rivers back to life. (iii) Harvested water can be utilised as drinking water for cattles. (iv) Harvested water can be used to irrigate crops. 7. (i) When the light ray will pass from benzene to alcohol, it will move away from the normal as benzene acts as a denser medium with respect to alcohol. Speed of light (c) in vacuum Speed of light (vm) in medium

(ii) As nm =

Since the speed of light in vacuum is constant, so 1 1 or vm vm nm


i.e. higher the refractive index of the medium, slowest is the speed of light in that medium. Therefore, light travels the slowest in the Ruby material medium.

CBSE Pariksha-2014 Answers (Science-X) 1

8. (i) Laws of Refraction:

(a) The incident ray, the normal and the refracted ray, all lie in the same plane at the point of incidence. (b) The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence (i) to the sine of the angle of refraction (r) is a constant for the light of a given colour and for the given pair of media. This law is also known as Snells law of refraction. sin i = constant sin r (ii) Refractive index of the medium is given by c c 10 = = = 1.42 ...(Given, v = 0.7 c) v 0.7 c 7 Therefore, absolute refractive index of the medium = 1.42 9. (i) It is because they have weak van der Waals forces of attraction between molecules. nm = (ii) Pentanoic acid (iii) Hydrogen gas is evolved. 2CH3OH + 2Na 2CH3ONa + H2 Sodium methoxide 10. The high energy UV radiations split apart some molecular oxygen into free oxygen. The oxygen atom combines with molecular oxygen to form ozone. O2



O2 + O O3 Chlorofluorocarbons, methane and oxides of nitrogen are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer.

11. (i) Magnification produced by a lens is defined as the ratio of size of image (hi) to the size of object (ho) so, m = size of image hi = ho size of object

Positive sign of magnification shows that image is virtual and erect. (ii) (a) Power of a lens, 1 P = (f is in metres) f Here, f1 = + 40 cm = + 0.40 cm f2 = 50 cm = 0.50 m 1 100 So, P1 = = = + 2.5 D 0.40 40 1 100 P2 = = = 2.0 D 0.50 50 Using, P = P1 + P2 = + 2.5 2.0 P = 0.5 D

2 CBSE Pariksha-2014 Answers (Science-X)

1 f or focal length of the combination of lens 1 1 f = = = 2 m = 200 cm P + 0.5 12. (i) Group 1 elements are reactive metals because these are largest in size and therefore, can lose electron easily. (b) P = (ii) K has largest atomic size as it has maximum number of shells. (iii) F is most reactive in group 17 because it is smallest in size therefore, it can gain electron easily. 13. The infectious diseases which are spread from an infected person to a healthy person by sexual contact are called sexually transmitted diseases.
l Bacterial l

sexually transmitted diseases are Gonorrhoea and Syphilis.

Viral sexually transmitted diseases are Warts and HIVAIDS.

14. (i) (a) Helping the poor and needy people. (b) Taking prompt and timely action. (c) Spending money for a good deed. (ii) Myopia or Short-sightedness or Near-sightedness. The defect of vision due to which an eye cannot see distant object distinctly but can see nearby objects clearly. This defect of eye is called myopia. The image, in this case, falls before the retina. For every myopic eye, there exists a far point beyond which clear image cannot be seen. Short-sightedness is caused due to (a) excessive curvature in cornea or (b) elongation of eye-ball. The short-sightedness is corrected by using a concave lens, which diverges and shifts the image to the retina.

(i) Normal eye

(ii) (a) In a myopic eye, image of distant object is formed in front of the retina (and not on the retina).

(ii) (b) The far point (F) of a myopic eye is less than infinity: Image is formed on the retina. (iii) Correction of Myopia. The concave lens placed in front of the eye forms a virtual image of distant object at far point (F) of the myopic eye.

CBSE Pariksha-2014 Answers (Science-X) 3

15. (i) Phosphorus (ii) 2, 8, 5 (iii) It has 5 valence electrons. Its valency is 3 and 5. (iv) It will form acidic oxide because it is non-metal. (v) The formula of its chlorides are PCl5 and PCl3. (vi) It belongs to group 15 and 3rd period. 16. Acquired traits (a) These traits develop during lifetime of an individual. (b) Acquired traits are not passed on to the next generation. (c) Example: Less body weight due to starvation. Inherited traits ( a ) These traits are genetically determined. (b) Inherited traits are transmitted from parent to offspring. (c) Example: Colour of hair and eye.

17. Factors which are responsible for the rise of a new species are genetic drift, natural selection and DNA change. (a) Genetic Drift: Over generations, genetic drift may accumulate which leads to the formation of new species. (b) Natural Selection: Due to natural selection, variation may occur which may lead to the formation of new species. (c) DNA Change: Variation during DNA copying often lead to the formation of a new species. 18. (i) Depletion of forests affects the weather and there will excessive heating during summers and excessive cooling during winters due to it. Depletion of forests also leads to soil erosion, reduced rainfall, droughts, floods and landslides. (ii) The disposable paper cups are biodegradable, whereas plastic cups are nonbiodegradable. (iii) Reuse of material does not use any energy, whereas recycling uses some energy. Hence, reuse is better than recycling. 19. Vegetative propagation is practised for raising those plants which generally do not produce seeds or produce non-viable seeds. Advantages: (a) Vegetative propagation is cheaper, easier and more rapid method of propagation than growing plants from their seeds. (b) Better quality of plants can be maintained by this method. Disadvantages: (a) Plants produced by this method lack variation and hence, are less adapted to environment. (b) The disease of parent plant get transferred to the offsprings.

4 CBSE Pariksha-2014 Answers (Science-X)

20. (i) (a)

i r C F P

C F i r P

(ii) Focal length of concave mirror, f = 15 cm Magnification, m = 2 v Using, m = = 2 u v = + 2u 1 1 1 and = + f v u 1 1 1 3 = + = 15 2u u 2u 45 \ u = = 22.5 cm 2 and v = 2u = 2 22.5 = 45 cm. 21. A is CH3CH2COOH (Propanoic acid) CH3CH2COOH + NaHCO3 CH3CH2COONa + CO2 + H2O
Propanoic acid B Sodium propanoate

CO2 gas is evolved which extinguishes fire.


conc. H SO


(Ethyl propanoate)


A E Sodium propanoate


Ethyl propanoate

CBSE Pariksha-2014 Answers (Science-X) 5

(ii) Oviduct or Fallopian tube 22. (i) Ovary (iii) Uterus

(i) Ovary (ii) Oviduct or Fallopian tube (iii) Uterus Change that take place in the lining of uterus are:

(i) Before implantation, the lining of uterus becomes thick and spongy to receive the fertilised egg. (ii) If the egg is not fertilised, the lining of uterus slowly breaks and comes out through the vagina as blood and mucous. 23. (i) Least distance of distinct vision: The minimum distance at which an object can be seen most distinctly by the eye without any strain is termed as least distance of distinct vision (D). For infants, it is about 5 to 8 cm. For young adult with normal vision, it is about 25 cm. (ii) The correct answer is (a). W hen ciliary muscles of a normal eye are most relaxed, focal length of eye lens will be more. When the distant object is to be seen, the relaxed ciliary muscles pull the eye lens due to which eye lens gets stretched and becomes thin or its focal length increases. (iii) Observation: Newton found a beam of white light emerging from the other side of second inverted prism with respect to first prism. Reason: When a beam of white light is incident on the first prism, prism disperses the white light into seven coloured rays. Now all these seven colours of the spectrum are received by the second inverted glass prism. It recombines them into a beam of white light which emerges from the other side of the second prism and falls on the screen.

6 CBSE Pariksha-2014 Answers (Science-X)


(i) Pollen tube (ii) Egg (female germ cell) (iii) Ovary Changes that take place in flower after fertilisation: (i) Zygote divides several times to form an embryo. (ii) Ovule develops a tough coat and develops into a seed. (iii) Ovary grows and ripen to form a fruit. (iv) Petals, sepals, stamens, style and stigma shrivel and fall off. SECTION-B 25. (c) The flame extinguishes and the gas does not burn because CO2 gas is non-supporter of combustion. 26. (b) H2 gas will be evolved which is colourless, odourless and burns with pop sound. 2CH3COOH + 2Na 2CH3COONa + H2(g) 27. (b) Soap work well with soft water which does not contain Ca2+ and Mg2+. 28. (a) Common salt helps in precipitation of soap as it contains Na+ ions. 29. (a) Soaps are sodium or potassium salt of fatty acids. 30. (b) The reaction used for preparation of soap is called saponification. 31. (c) When the light ray enters from rarer to denser medium, i.e. from air to glass, it bends towards the normal.

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32. (b) When light ray travels from air to glass, the angle of refraction is less than the angle of incidence (r < i). 33. (a) l The angle between the incident ray and normal is called angle of incidence (i).
l l

The angle between the emergent ray and normal at the second refracting face of the prism is called angle of emergence (e). The angle formed between the incident ray produced in the forward direction and emergent ray produced in the backward direction in the refraction through the prism is called angle of deviation (d). The angle between the refracted ray and normal inside the prism is called angle of refraction.

34. (c) Focal length of the concave mirror will be equal to the distance between mirror and sharp image of the electric pole formed on the wall (screen). 35. (a) Parallel rays from a distant object after refracted through a convex lens form real and inverted image on the screen at its focus (F). So, he should adjust the screen anywhere between the given range of focal length to get sharp image of the distant object. 36. (d) When object lies between the principal focus and optical centre of the convex lens, a virtual, erect and enlarged image is formed on the same side as that the object of the convex lens. 37. (a) During binary fission in Amoeba, first of all nucleus elongates to form two nuclei. The daughter cells formed by binary fission are almost equal in size and parent identity is lost. 38. (c) In budding, parent identity is maintained while in both binary fission and multiple fission parent identity is lost. 39. (c) Those organs which are structurally different but perform the same function are known as analogous organs. Wings of housefly and parrot perform flying but structurally they are different. So, they are analogous organs. 40. (a) Those organs which are structurally similar but perform different functions are called homologous organs. Venus fly trap and spines of cactus are modified leaves but they perform different functions. So, they are homologous organs. 41. (a) Epicotyl is the embryonic shoot above the cotyledons. 42. (d) Seed coat is the outer protective covering of seed.

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