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Proper Use of the Computer Health Concerns

eyestrain head, shoulder, neck, and back pains hand and wrist injuries

Proper Workstation Design Position in a well-ventilated room Use an adjustable workstation: ergonomic computer chairs Place the monitor ! to "# inches away, at eye level or slightly at a lower angle$ tilt the monitor or adjust the light source$ adjust the brightness and contrast settings Use e%tendable&retractable legs o' the keyboard (ouse must be easily accessible by your dominant hand Use a document holder to minimi)e vertical head movements

Good Posture

*it up straight+ ,eet 'lat on the 'loor, use a 'ootrest i' needed+ position your lower arms parallel with the 'loor and level to your keyboard, with elbows at your side -eep wrists straight vs+ carpal tunnel syndrome .o not lean into the monitor but sit close enough to the keyboard and the mouse to stay rela%ed+

Good Working Habits

/ap on the keys&mouse buttons gently 0void long, uninterrupted periods o' typing

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/ake short stretch breaks, ideally every "2 minutes, to prevent 'atigue

0void staring at the monitor 'or long periods /ake vision breaks: 'ocus on objects at least "2 'eet away .o eye e%ercises Proper Care of the Computer Computer = Investment! Hardware *o'tware (aintenance

*upplies Power Surges

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Use an 0utomatic 3oltage 4egulator 50346 Unplug your system during lightning storms, even i' it is surge protected+ .isconnect 'rom the 7nternet during lightning storms to protect modems+ 0void octopus connections+ asi! "roub#eshooting .o not panic8 Create a boot disk & startup disk+ 7' the computer hangs or is acting weird: Ctrl90lt9.elete to bring up the /ask :ist+

.o a manual reboot or shut down the computer and turn it back on a'ter at least 2 seconds+ 0void by not opening too many apps simultaneously+

asi! "roub#eshooting

7' a hardware component is not 'unctioning well or not 'unctioning at all: e%amine the power button, power cords, cables, and connectors try rebooting so that the computer can detect the hardware call the lab technician 'or a replacement hardware component+

asi! "roub#eshooting mouse or the keyboard not 'unctioning well: usually due to dust and dirt ;<on-system disk= message: check i' diskette is inserted in the disk drive drive has di''iculty reading storage device: ask the lab technician to e%amine and clean the drive asi! "roub#eshooting

;sa'e mode=: generally due a corrupted operating system, or bad sectors in the hard disk, or having a non-compatible hardware connected - use the system utilities to try and 'i% the problem printer not 'unctioning properly: use the Printer Properties 1 (aintenance tab

scan 'or viruses

asi! "roub#eshooting

'inal resort: contact your vendor in case your unit is still under warranty+ 7' not, then contact the local computer shop or the lab technician $ever tr% to tinker with the interna# hardware un#ess %ou have undergone spe!ia# training on !omputer maintenan!e&

S%stem Uti#ities

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>rror-checking vs+ bad sectors .e'ragmentation to increase the speed o' access and retrieval+ *ystem ?ackup 'or easy restoration in the event o' a system crash or 'ailure+ .isk Cleanup to 'ree up space on the hard disk+

'egu#ar (i#e a!k)ups to portable storage devices like C.s, 'lash drives, and diskettes 'or easy retrieval o' 'iles vs+ accidental 'ile deletion, a system crash, or hardware 'ailure take care o' storage devices: keep away 'rom heat, moisture, and magnetic 'ields like phones, and speakers

Capabi#ities are* + Can solve comple% calculations @uickly which takes a long time to solve manually "+ Capable o' handling and processing large calculations at a single time A+ 0ll >lectronic 7tems have some 'orm o' Computing 'unctions+ +imitations are* + Cannot replace a Human ?rain "+ Borks only on *tored Procedures and cannot think on its own+ A+ <ot all comple% calculations can be solved through computers #+ Cannot depend on computers all the time

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