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FfrreWFnm ffiffi#
lrlext-g*nerfrti*n hiEh-speed


K*y Featu res

" []at;* t.ransfr.*r sp*ecis iJp tr.] {t{iO Mtlp:i " {Jist;:*c*s Ltp t$ l*C melers " pllv-y-an d - play con n t:ct.ivity . H hly effic.ient a rch i?.,iic?.u re " (o rri 6:;:ti L: I ity w it h c u rrr:: *t F:i rr:Wi re
i.c.1 i

FireWir* is a high-speecJ serial input/*utput tl/*i t*chn*l*gy for cann ectinq petipireral devices tr: a c*mputer or ta e;rch othen ltt r:ne of the fastest peripheral standards ever develaped-and nc:w, at 800 rri*qabits per second (iVlbpsi, it's erren f';l:;t*r^





l-ti dat";t



" illl-i.:'rrs F.)fiwer

" MrJr,.iriv*tnc*:ri fhi:n


" Sr.rpport for a rrride renge r:f devices

ad*pted irr 1?95 as ail cfficial industry standard (lf [[ 1394] fcr cross-platfornr peripheral cCInnectivity. [ly proviclinq a high-banclwidth, easy-to-Lrse l/C techrrology, FireWire inspirecl a new generatiorr of consumer electrorrics devices from rrany coill$]anies, inclirdirr,r; {anarr. fpst:tr ,H?, torneqa, JV{. La{ie, Maxtor, fVlitsubislri, Matsitshita {Fanasonic}, Ficrreer, Satnsunc;, St:ny, and Texas lnstrunrents. Products such as DV camc$rders, p*rtable external disk dri,,tes, anct MP3 players like the Apple iPod'woulct not be as popular as they;rre tc;day withBased on Apple-devel*ped technolagy, Fire\4/ire was

out FireWire. Fireflire has also been a f:oon to prc[e:;sinn;*! Li:;ers i:ecaus* *f the hiqh-str:e*d c.*nilc{:* tivity it has L:rought tc aurjio and vicle{} pro{.lur-ti*n systerns,ln 2{}{}i, the Acadenry t>{ Television Alts & Science$ pres*nted Apple with ;rn Ernryty awarcl in retogniti*n o:rf tire
r.r:r-rtritrutir-rns rnade by FireWire

ttl the televisi*n


Now FireWire 800, the rrext generati*n af FireVfire technrll*gy, prornises t$ spur the developrnelrt *f rnr:re innovative high-perf*rrylar]{e deviceE ;*nd applir:atir:rrE. FireWire '20*2] cjoril:les tire 8CI0 {an irnplenrer}tat;on clf the l[[[ 1394t] st;tr']ditrd appr*ved in thr*ughput c>f the *riginal techrr*lCIgy, drarnatically ir:cre;iseE the n:axirtrurn distance of Fir*Wire c*nrlectisns, and supports ffiarly new l"ypes of cabiinq. This lechn*le$y l-rrief describes ttr* advantages of FireWire 800 and soffle t-rf tlre applicatioris fcr wliich

it is ideally suited.

Technology tsrief
FirelVirc lj0tl

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