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Lecture 3: Revelation

Revelation & Natural Theology

03/09/2009 16:17:00

Question How o we !now "o # What is revelation? $uncovering%& $unveiling%& $ i'clo'ure& o a(ocoly('e ) "ree! o *ean' the !nowle ge o+ "o or revealing o+ "o ,-urning -u'h% .aul/' *eeting on roa to 0a*a'cu' etc1 o we have to -e T2L0% we can/t !now a'i e +ro* thi' o 'el+3 i'clo'ure% "o *a!e' "o !nown FORMS OF REVELATION o 0octrine 4'e our theology to co*e to conclu'ion' a-out "o ,5arl 67 H7 Henry% 87 97 :ac!er1 Information a-out the nature o+ "o Propositional to nature 3 :ac!er Turn to 'cri(ture to evelo( octrine% or to 'cri(ture & tra ition etc Lin -ec! 'ay' that "o i' not in+o or (ro(o'ition o "o /' (er'onal (re'ence Not in+o% -ut in a (er'onal encounter ;u-er ) 8ewi'h theologian ) $9 an Thou& < encounter i' not an $it&% it i' a $thou&

;runner ) evelo(e i ea in 5hri'tian 'en'e 0ialectical theologian ) early ) *i 20th 5% i'tinction -etween "o & creator

o =>(erience Not encounter% -ut inwar re+lection .chleier*acher & Rit'chl o Hi'tory o(en to everyone% "o /' 'el+3revelation through 5hri't wa' at a (oint in hi'tory% an "o 'ay' what will -e in the +uture not li*ite to hi'tory o+ ;i-le :annen-erg o =vent 0e(en ent u(on "o /' action% through 5hri't an 'cri(ture ;arth Kinds of Revelation GENERAL REVELATION o "o can -e/i' !nown through create worl o 0ivine attri-ute' can -e i'cerne -y re+lecting on natural worl o "eneral# 2(en to everyone% generally availa-le% (rovi e' general in+o a-out "o o 9+ "o ha' create the worl % then it 'houl -ear the *ar! o+ "o /' han iwor! o Tho*a' ?@uina' ,Tho*i't theologian'1 $.u**a 5ontrea "entile'& ) i*(ortance o+ gen7 rev7 6un a*ental 'i*ilarity -etween creation an creator

?nalogia =nti' ) analogy o+ -eing ,-etween "o an nature1 o 8ohn 5alvin $9n'titute'& we !now "o 'u-Aectively ) 'ee o+ religion or 'en'e o+ ivinity% everyone ha' a conce(t o+ "o o-Aectively ) through creation the create worl a' $theater o+ "o /' glory& .o what oe' that *ean# Bhere in creation can we !now "o # o Hu*anity: ?ugu'tine ) 'ay' it/' the height o+ creation7 9nternal co*(o'ition7 Ce'tigiu* Trinitati' ) ve'tige% trace% o+ the trinity Tria ' or ('ychological trinity ,*e*ory% un er'tan ing% will% or love !nowle ge% DD1 o 2r er: Thing' +unction% it/' not chaotic ) relate' 'cience & theology o ;eauty Re+lect' "o /' nature ?ugu'tine & = war ' ) not Au't $(retty& -ut thing' in relation to one another Cila e'au an 0avi ;entley Hart are conte*(orary theologian' o GR affirms that God ma e !e no"n !# re$elation of the natural "orld .:=59?L R=C=L?T92N o .el+ i'clo'ure o+ "o +or the (ur(o'e o+ hu*an hi'tory o Eore irect% '(eci+ic +or*

o "o *u't reveal "o /' 'el+ ;=F2N0 the natural worl 1't through 85% 2n through 'cri(ture o 5alvin: Gnowle ge% -ut i' corru(te -y our 'in 5an/t attain who or what 'ort o+ -eing "o i' 9t i' (o''i-le to 'ee "o through nature% -ut we nee '(ecial $'(ectacle'& Re@uire' inner te'ti*ony o+ H. $?cco**o ation& ) hel(' u' un er'tan how "o acco**o ate' hi*'el+ to u'% li!e tal!ing to a -a-y $TH= TB2 ;22G. 26 R=C=LT92N& o nature an 'cri(ture

Natural Theology ;arth v' ;runne o ;arth "o reveal' hi*'el+% he reveal' hi*'el+ through hi*'el+% Revelation i' an e$ent "o i' the su!%ect o+ revelation7 2nly "o can reveal "o "o i' the o!%ect o+ revelation% -ecau'e he i' the one who get' !nown through revelation =cono*ic "o ,"o a' !nown or reveale in econo*y o+ worl 1 < i**anent ,"o in "o /' own li+e% in+inite% holy% triune17 They are one in the 'a*e7 "o i' real -ut he re*ain' hidden ,?ugu'tine% Luther% :a'cal agree1 =ven in the event o+ revelation% "o re*ain' hi en7 "o ha' to a''u*e hu*an +le'h ,851% wor ' o+ 'cri(ture ) he veil' hi*'el+7 ;ut in the veiling% he i' actually !nown7 Fou 'till get to !now the true "o

Bhat o o o o o

85 i' revelation :lace o+ .cri(ture# ) te'ti*ony to the revelation7 i' natural theology# Bhat i' it# 9' it (o''i-le# .a*e thing a' "en7 Rev7 2r an atte*(t to !now "o a(art +ro* revelation Not the 'a*e a' theology o+ nature ;arth i' very o((o'e to it ;runner (u-li'he a -oo! calle $Nature an "race& clai*ing that we ha to +in our way -ac! to natural theology -y recogniHing the $(oint o+ contact& that e>i't' -etween "o an hu*anity ,i*ago ei1

o ;arth re'(on e ,-y thi' ti*e they weren/t +rien ' any*ore1 with a -oo! calle $NeinI& ) there i' no (oint o+ contact% +or "o to -e reveale it i' co*(letely hi' own action no ca(acity +or hu*an' to !now "o on their now% no analogia enti' ,no analogy o+ -eing1 o 5alvin: $There ha' -een no region 'ince the -eginning o+ the worl % no city% no ho*e% that coul e>i't without religionJ thi' +act in it'el+ (oint' to a 'en'e o+ ivinity in'cri-e in the heart' o+ all (eo(le7& ?n $There are innu*era-le witne''e' in heaven an on earth that eclare the won er' o+ hi' wi' o*& o .ong: 6aire't Lor 8e'u' ) "eneral an .(ecial Rev7


03/09/2009 16:17:00

"ruenewal (ainting Bhy i' 8ohn the ;a(ti't in the (icture when he/' ea # o :oint' to 5hri't a' +ul+ill*ent o+ (ro*i'e ) he *u't increa'e% 9 *u't ecrea'e

Bhat i' .cri(ture# 0e+ine : o .cri(ture i' the collection o+ in'(ire % canonical te>t that 'erve' a' the +inal authority +or all *atter' o+ 5hri'tian +aith an (ractice o 66 -oo!'% 39 2T% 27 NT The +i>ing o+ the canon o $canon& co*e' +ro* "ree! *eaning $rule%& $nor*%& or $yar 'tic!& o +ir't ver'ion with 66 -oo!' wa' in 367% then it wa' ee*e clo'e a (roce'' o+ recognition rather than i*(o'ition ) they recogniHe that the'e te>t' ha authority% they i n/t *a!e 'o*e te>t' have authority a(o'tolic author'hi( hel(e 'o*ething -e canoniHe o non3canon are a(ocry(hl or non3canonical 5atholic an 2rtho o> u'e the'e% -ut they vary -etween churche' The relation'hi( -etween 2T an NT o Bhat to o with 2T# ReAection: Earcioni'* ;elieve that 2T 'howe i++erent "o % 'o it coul n/t -e authoritarian to 5hri'tian' 5ontinuity ?ugu'tine: co*(lete har*ony

5alvin: 'a*e "o % 'a*e ivine will% 2T witne''e' to 5hri't -y antici(ation 0i'tinction =*(ha'iHe' that 'o*ething new ha' co*e a-out NT +ul+il' the 2T ?ugu'tine: the veil over 2T ha' -een re*ove % $The NT i' hi en in the 2l J the 2l i' *a e acce''i-le -y the New& The 9n'(iration o+ .cri(ture Theo(neu'to'% "ree! +or $"o -reathe & or $"o in'(ire & o 2 Ti* 3:16 ?'(ect' o+ in'(iration: o Cer-al in'(iration Bor ' are "o /' wor '% "o /' '(eech to u' o :lenary in'(iration ?ll o+ it i' in'(ire -y "o % not Au't $wor '& Theorie' o+ 9n'(iration o 0ivine ictation to hu*an author' Rigi a((roach ) "o ictate every wor % 'ecretarie' who recor e wor ' -a'ically o 0ivine wor ' e>(re''e through hu*an author' 0i++erent 'tyle'% intention'% in'(ire -y "o % written -y hu*an author' o ?rti'tic e>(re''ion ?e'thetic a'(ect% e*(ha'i' *ore on hu*an7 9t i' in'(ire -y relie' on hu*an creative i*(ul'e which i' argue -y 5hri'tian , oe' the H. in'(ire art#1 The authority o+ .cri(ture

.cri(ture i' the +ir't an +inal authority on all *atter' o+ 5hri'tian +aith an (ractice 9t i' the nor* again't which thing' are (ractice .cri(ture receive' authority o 0i n/t create it on it' own% receive' it +ro* "o an 5hri't .cri(ture (rovi e' authority o 6or (roclai*ation% +or the church% ?voi -i-liolatry o 0on/t wor'hi( 'cri(ture The Nature o+ .cri(ture 9nerrancy o .cri(ture i' without errorJ it i' co*(letely true an totally tru'tworthy in everything it a++ir*' an enie'% inclu ing i''ue' o+ hi'tory an 'cience ?((lie' to original ocu*ent' only 0oe'n/t re+er to our un er'tan ing .(eech act theory ) 9n+alli-ility o .cri(ture i' un+ailing in *atter' o+ +aith an (racticeJ it i' inca(a-le o+ +ailing to acco*(li'h it' (ur(o'e% even i+ it ha' *inor error' 5atholic' 'ay the (o(e i' in+alli-le The Bor o+ "o o ;arth/' octrine o+ 'cri(ture ,three+ol % 'cri(ture te'ti+ie' to 5hri't who te'ti+ie' to "o 17 .cri(ture -eco*e' the wor o+ "o ) it i' a witne'' to 85 an "o The inter(retation o+ .cri(ture ?c!nole g*ent o+ the illu*ination o+ the H.

o H. allow' u' to inter(ret o $The $inner te'ti*ony& o+ the H. i' nee e +or our un er'tan ing o+ 'cri(ture& ) 5alvin o ?le>an ian .chool v' ?ntiochene .chool ?le> ) allegorical ) loo!ing +or ee(er *eaning% '(iritual *eaning ?ntioc ) literal% hi'torical o Kua riga 6our 'en'e'% +our *eaning o+ 'cri(ture Literal ) +ace value ?llegorical ) 'o*ething ee(er% hi en Eoral or tro(ological ) what o they *ean +or u' ethically# ?nagogical ) what 5hri'tian' 'houl ho(e +or

o Ty(ology Lin!' -etween (eo(le/(lace/event' in 2T with NT ,2T < ty(e% NT < antity(e1 $letter& v' $'(irit& ,=ra'*u' o+ Rotter a*1 hu*ani't who wante to go -ac! to original tran'lation' 'i*ilar to allegorical% can -e literal or allegorical o 0e*ythoogiHation ,Ru ol+ ;ult*ann1 o ;y the church% -y the in ivi ual% -y 'ri(ture 5hurch < ro*an catholic (o'ition% (rote'tant' agree -ut not that the only authority i' within the church 9n ivi ual < anyone can co*e an 'houl -e a-le to un er'tan *atter' o+ 'alvation7 :er'(icuity .cri(ture < 2ne (art o+ 'cri(ture can clari+y another (art o+ 'cri(ture a!a the analogy o+ 'cri(ture/+aith o 9n conte>t Not only our conte>t% -ut al'o

4n er'tan ing the 0octrine o+ "o & Trinity 03/09/2009 16:17:00

'ha*roc! ) 1 or 3 leave'# How can you un er'tan the trinity i+ you can/t un er'tan thi' lea+# ) .t :atric!

0oe' "o e>i't# Bhat i' "o /' nature# 025TR9N= 26 "20 =>i'tence "o i'7 He oe' e>i't7 < ?'eity ,"o e>i't' on "o /' own1 ;eing "o *ean' e>i'ting 5an it -e (rove # ?n'el* o 2ntological argu*ent ,concern' -eing% e>i'ting1 o Brote +ro* a (er'(ective o+ +aith o .ay' that $"o i' that than which nothing greater can -e thought& Thi' entail' that "o e>i't' He ha' to -e -etter than our i ea ) reality i' greater than i ea 9+ "o only e>i't' in hu*an *in % then he i' not the greate't (o''i-le -eing To e>i't i' *ore (er+ect than not e>i'ting "uanilo o 9 ea oe'n/t nece''arily entail e>i'tence Gant i' on "uanilo/' 'i e

?n'el* o "o i' in another category o "o i' not the greate't thing F24 can thin! o+% -ut nothing greater can -e thought 5oul it -e evangeli'* tool# "o i' (er+ect% 'a*e a' 8u ai'* an 9'la*ic "o 0e'carte' u'e' ?n'el*/' argu*ent ?@uina' o $6ive Bay'& o analogy o+ -eing 11 Eotion/5hange thing' are in *otion% thing' on/t *ove or change on their own *u't have -een 'tarte /change -y 'o*eone in+inite (rogre''ion# Eu't -e (ri*e% unmoved mover% unchanging changer 21 5au'ation/5o'*ological e++ect' an cau'e' cau'e' *u't co*e +ro* +ir't cau'e uncaused cause 31 5ontingency 'o*e thing' that on/t have to -e here ,u'1 not everything can -e contingent% there *u't -e 'o*e thing' that are nece''ary necessary

L1 "ra ation/:er+ection what i' goo % true% -eauti+ul 'o*e thing' are -etter% 'o*e are *ore -eauti+ul 'en'e o+ -etter or wor'e *u't -e 'o*ething that i' ulti*ately goo % true% -eauti+ul 3M (er+ect perfect being N1 0e'ign/Teleological thing' have or er% they are intelligently e'igne 'o*e intention% *oving towar ' goal or (ur(o'e intentional designer lin!' to :aley/' watch analogy

Billia* o+ 2c!ha* o Thi' oe'n/t nece''arily 'how that thi' i' the one triune "o o+ the 5hri'tian +aith o 0on/t a anything to (rinci(lal No*ali't :o'ition o ReAection o+ univer'al'

025TR9N= 26 TH= TR9N9TF $9+ you can un er'tan it% it/' not "o & 6un a*ental to 5hri'tian +aith 0i'tinctively 5hri'tian

o To +aith+ully e'cri-e "o .cri(tural o $trinity& oe'n/t e>i't in the -i-le% -ut the i ea i' thoroughly 'cri(tural/-i-lical 0o>ological o ?++ir*' in (rai'e/wor'hi( o+ "o o 4'e in 'acra*ental li+e o+ church al'o .cri(tural 6oun ation' 2ne o "o i' one 0eut 6% Ear! 12% =(h L Triune 2T & NT o "en 1:26 ,(lural +or*1% "en 1O:131N ,3 *en a((ear to ?-raha*% he wa' vi'ite -y the Lor 1% 9' LO:16 o 3 *aAor (er'oni+ication' o+ "o : Bi' o*/Bor :' 1L7% 9' NN:11/.(irit o ;a(ti'* o+ 8e'u'% reveal' (re'ence o+ all 3 *e*-er' o+ triune "o ,'(irit a' ove% voice o+ "o 1 o Eatt 2O:19 o 2 5or 13:1L ) "race o 8ohn 10/1L ) relation'hi( -etween 85 & 6ather Hi'torical 9renaeu' o Tal!e a-out 3 (er'on' o+ "o wor!ing in the econo*y o+ 'alvation Tertullian o 6ir't (er'on to 'ay trinity

o 5a*e u( with ter* (er'on an 'u-'tance o 0i'tinct -ut not ivi e .tage' o+ ?++ir*ing the Trinity 11 0ivinity o+ 5hri't o 6ir't thing that ha to -e a++ir*e to even loo! into the trinity o ?++ir*e a' -eing ivine ) ?thana'iu' o Nicaea wa' +ir't to council to a++ir* 5hri't/' ivinity ,32N1 o Ho*oou'iou' ) *ean' they are o+ the 'a*e 'u-'tance 21 0ivinity o+ Holy .(irit o 5a((a ocian' ) 3 theologian' in Lth 5: ;a'il the "reat% "regory o+ Ny''a ,-rother o+ ;a'il1% "regory o+ NaHianHu' .(irit i' Holy an ivine 9' holy% 'ancti+ie' an renew' hu*anity% '(irit i' inclu e i' -a(ti'*al +or*ula o 5on'tantino(le ,3O11 Nicene cree a++ir*' *ore to o with H. 31 0octrine o+ the Trinity o "o i' one 'u-'tance ,ou'ia1% three (er'on' ,hy(o'ta'i'1 .u-'tance ) e''ence% ivine nature% 'o*ething 'hare -etween three *e*-er' o "o i' not i*(er'onal or i'tant% he i' (er'onal o "o e>i't' in relation ) relation'hi( -etween the three (er'on' ) -ut al'o in (er+ect co**union% co**unity% +ellow'hi( o :erichore'i' ) *utually in welling% *utual inter(enetration% although i'tinct% they 'hare in the li+e o+ the other two ) the ivine ance o 5ircu*ince''ion ) 'a*e a' a-ove o "o e>i't' in action ) all o+ hi' action' are unite % e>ternal action' are in ivi'i-le ,creator% re ee*er% 'u'tainer ) all 3 o all 31 o 0octrine o+ a((ro(riation' ?lthough it i' true that e>ternal action' are in ivi'i-le% there i' 'till 'o*e i'tinction' -etween the (er'on o Eo el' o+ the trinity

=a'ter n =*(h a'iHe' i'tinc tivene '' o+ 3 (er'o n'

Be'te rn =*(h a'iHe' onene '' o+ "o

6ather -eget'/generate' the 'on The 'on (rocee ' +ro* the +ather ,(roce''ion1

6ather -reath e'/'(i rate' the H.

H. (roce e ' +ro* the 6ather $an the .on& ) 6ilio@u e contro ver'y

=a'tern Bea!ne''e' an ;ene+it' 3 Bhat i' the relation'hi( -etween H. & .on in =a'tern# P 6ather i' 'een a' one 'ource% wherea' there are two 'ource' in Be'tern i ea Be'tern Bea!ne''e' an ;ene+it' 3 'u-or ination% own(lay' Holy .(irit% 3 how i' 8e'u' conceive -y H. in either *o el# o =cono*ic an 9**anent trinity =cono*ic ) "o !nown in the relation'hi( in the worl ) econo*y o+ 'alvation 9**anent ) "o within "o /' own inner li+e 9**anent "o i' +ir't cau'e% -ut we !now a-out it +ro* the econo*ic trinity =cono*ic an 9**anent 'houl -e the 'a*e

The Triune "o & 0ivine ?ttri-ute' 16:17:00


6ini'hing Lecture N =cono*ic v' i**anent trinity o 2ntological < -eing o =(i'te*ological ) !nowing Trinitarian anaologie' o :'ychological ) ?ugu'tine Ce'tigan trinitati' ) within hu*anity Three+ol relation'hi( ) *in % !nowle ge% love% or *e*ory% un er'tan ing% will Love ) who i' love ,61% the -elove ,.1% the love -etween the* ,H.1 o .ocial Richar o+ .t Cictor & Eolt*ann 4n er'tan ' "o in ter*' o+ relation'hi(' -etween trinity .ociety o+ relation'% co**unity within 3 *e*-er' ;a'i' o+ li-eration theology ) 'ee! Au'tice -ecau'e o+ "o /' ivine interaction' 6% .% H. i' :ro(er Na*e +or "o 7 ,"o o+ ?-raha*% 9'aac% 8aco- ) "o 'el+ i enti+ie'1 Trinitarian Here'ie' o Eo ali'*/.a-elliani'* Three 'e(arate *ani+e'tation' o+ one "o % three $Eo e'& 2ver'te( -oun ' an *onarchiani'* ha((en' ) they o it to try an +ocu' on onene'' o+ "o 2 !in ' o+ *o ali'*: 5hronological

"o i' 3 *o e' o+ -eing in 'ucce''ion , i++erent (erio ' o+ ti*e1 6unctional =ach *e*-er (er+or*' '(eci+ic action ) "o a' creator% 8e'u' a' re ee*er% .(irit i' 'ancti+ier Not Au't a'cri-ing% -ut 'aying that they are the 2NLF one involve in that act $Eo e' o+ ;eing& ) .ein'wei'e ) ;arth i' not a *o ali't o Trithei'* 2vere*(ha'iHe' 3ne'' o+ "o ) three i'tinct "o '% e''ence' o .u-or inationi'* Ran!' the three (er'on' o+ trinity ) e*ote' one *e*-er -elow another L=5T4R= 6 ) 09C9N= ?TTR9;4T=. not an e>hau'tive li't

?-'olute ?ttri-ute' ) eter*ine -y via negative ) 'ay what he i' -y 'aying what hi' i' not ,a''oc7 -y i**anent trinity1 ?'eity ) "o e>i't' on "o /' own .i*(licity ) "o i' a-'olutely uni+ie % "o i' one% oe'n/t (o''e'' attri-ute'% -ut he 9. the'e thing' ,he/' not wi'e% he i' wi' o*1% all hi' action' are unite % oe' not negate octrine o+ trinity =ternity ) he e>i't' eternally ,ate*(oral ) out'i e ti*e% or te*(oral ) within ti*e% no -eginning no en 1 "o can e>i't ate*(orally -ut act te*(orally7 ?ll o+ ti*e i' i**e iately (re'ent to "o 7 .i*ultaneity o+ ti*e7 9n+inity ) 2*ni(otence ) all (ower+ul7 ?l*ighty7 "o can o anything7 "o can o anything that oe'n/t involve illogical contra iction7 5an "o 'in# No ) contrary to "o /' nature7 5an "o choo'e not to create the worl 7 2*ni'cience ) :' 139

2*ni(re'en'e ) :' 23% 129 9**uta-ility ) "o oe' not change or evelo(% Nu* 23:19% Eal 3:6% He- 13:O% 8a* 1:17% 3 he woul have either i*(rove or -eco*e le''% -ut i+ he i*(rove then he/' o-viou'ly not (er+ect -e+orehan o :roce'' theology ) reality i' yna*ic% "o i' involve % 'o "o i' involve in ongoing yna*ic o+ worl o Hart'horne% .(inoHa% Bhitehea o 2T "o having change hi' *in 9*(a''i-ility ) "o oe' not 'u++er% "o (o''e''e' a(atheia ,no (atho'% no +eeling17 The ivine nature i' not a++ecte -y (ain an

'u++ering o+ hu*anity7 ReAect' (atri(a''iani'* ,*o ali't (o'ition1 ) +ather 'u++ering ) an theo(a'chiti'* ,one o+ the trinity wa' cruci+ie 1 ) go 'u++er'7 0eriviative o+ i**uta-ility% i+ you 'u++er you change 'o*ehow% Relative ?ttri-ute' ) 'ource o+ 'o*ething% (ri*ary value o+ 'o*ething we have ,econo*ic trinity17 "o i' the cau'e o+ the i**anence% (ri*ary e>a*(le o+ 'o*ething7 Holine'' ) notion that "o i' 'et a(art% co*(letely i++erent% otherne''% tran'cen ence% (urity ,;arth ) in+inite @ualitative i'tinction1 "oo ne'' Eercy ) :' 103% Lu! 6:36 8u'tice ) 9' 30% 9' 61 :atience Bi' o* ) :rov 1:20 Righteou'ne'' ) graciou' an righteou' :' 116 :er+ection ) :' N:LO ;eauty ) :' 27:L% ?@uaina' thought there were 3 a'(ect' to -eauty ) integrity% (ro(ortion ,har*ony -etween (art'1% clarity ,'(len or% wow +actor17 8on = war ' ) -eauty in ter*' o+ creation7 ;arth ) relation to "o /' glory% *ani+e'tation o+ glory Tru'tworthine'' ) true an tru'tworthy 6ree o* ) 1 5or 3% Love ) 1 8ohn L7 ;arth co*-ine' 6ree o* an love7 The one who love' in +ree o*7

The .can al o+ :articularity 9+ 85 i' "o % how can he -e o*ni(re'ent% o*ni'cient% etc etc7 3733 o .u**ariHe Eolt*ann "o 'u++ere through the giving o+ hi' 'on 8e'u' 'u++ere -y -eing giving u( ) 'e(aration :atri(a''iani'* ) 'u++ering o+ 6ather Theo(a'chiti'* ) 'u++ering o+ "o H. a' -on o+ love that can/t -e (art o+ relation'hi( when "o an 5hri't are 'e(arate 0i'cu''ion: "o 'ee*' to 'u++ering -ecau'e 'u++ering i' (art o+ love 4nity o+ 'u++ering ) not 5hri't 'e(arate +ro* 'on Trie' to avoi :atri(a''iani'* ) i++erent way' in which three (er'on' 'u++er .(irit i' the '(irit o+ a-an on*ent ) *y'teriou'ly hol ' +ather an 'on together in a-an on*ent Triune "o & 0eath o+ 5hri't ) how i' triune "o hel together# 85 i' a++ir*e o+ -eing o+ hu*an an ivine ) ye' he 'u++ere % -ut only in hi' hu*an nature% not in ivine nature7 Two nature' are unite % -ut i'tinct nature'7 Eolt*ann 'ay' it/' i*(ortant that "o 'u++er' with u' ,*otivation: conte>t o+ Borl Bar'7 5on'e@uence: i+ 'u++ering i' ivine attri-ute% oe' that *ean 'u++ering i' in heaven# 17 ?ctive 'u++ering% will o+ "o 7


03/09/2009 16:17:00

0e+ine : re+er' to "o choo'ing% e>erci'ing ivine will in choo'ing in ivi ual or (eo(le

"o choo'e' (eo(le +or '(eci+ic ta'!' 5ho'ing o+ .a*uel% 0avi +or Ging "o choo'e' in ivi ual' +or 'alvation Eany invite % +ew cho'en .hee( an goat' ,Eatt N1 "o choo'e' a (eo(le or co**unity 9'rael 0eut 7% 0ivine +ore!nowle ge & 2*ni'cience =ternity 6ore!nowle ge ) !now' everything that will ha((en Three inter(retation' o 11 5alvini't => 11:9 Ro* 9:2132L o 21 ?r*iniani'* ) thin!' it enie' +ree will% ye' "o +ore!now'% -ut hu*an' e>erci'e +ree will7 He eter*ine' 'o*e thing'% -ut leave' other thing' u( to our choice7 Line -etween +ore!nowle ge an +oreor ain'7 27N1 Ei le Gnowle ge/Eolini'* ) "o ha' control o+ +uture% -ut he 'ee' all the thing' an then choo'e' one7 o 31 2(en Thei'* ) "o !now' -roa outline'% -ut oe'n/t !now etail'7 0i++erent e+inition o+ o*ni'cience7 8e'u' i n/t !now ti*e or (lace o+ en ti*e' 9+ "o !new o+ 'in% why i he create ? a*#

?r*iniani'* 0e+inition o+ ?r*iniani'* o "o !now' our choice'% -ut they/re 'till choice' o 0oe'n/t eny "o /' !nowle ge How can it not -e -a'e on thing' you o% an whether you o the* every ay# ;i-le (a''age o 8ohn 3:16 o 2 :et 3:9 o 2T oneQ Kue'tion' +or other grou(' o 5alvini't': o 9+ "o want' everyone to -e 'ave % how can he cho'e (eo(le o o o o o to go to hell# 9+ it/' not +ree will% how can we truly love "o without it -eing a ro-otic love# 2(en Thei't': ?re there an in+inite (o''i-ilitie' o(en +or (eo(le% in'tea o+ Au't +or "o # Bhere/' the line -etween outlining the etail'# 9' an in ivi ual' 'alvation outline # 0oe'n/t "o care a-out little (articular'#

:re e'tination ?ugu'tine ) :elagiani'* controver'y% argue' that hu*anity i' 'ave -y goo wor!'% *erit a(art +ro* ivine grace7 Hu*anity ha' a co*(lete +ree will ,Tertullian *a e u( ter* +ree will1

o o o o o o

o o o o =veryone i' un e'erving% i' it given to 'o*e7 "race i+ (articular% not univer'al o 0oe'n/t *ean that go withhol ' gi+t +ro* 'o*e7 .o*e 'ay it logically i*(lie' that7 He 'ay' it/' a (o'itive thing7 ?ctively give' gi+t Bhat woul ?ugu'tine 'ay to (otter u'ing 'o*e (ot' +or -a 5alvin o ;lown out o+ (ro(ortion in hi' theology o :re e'tination e*on'trate' go /' 'overeignty% o*ni(otence% glory o How can 'o*e (eo(le -elieve an other not i+ "o i' 'overeign# "o ha' (re e'tine 'o*e to eternal li+e an (re e'tine other' to eternal a*nation 0ou-le (re e'tination Horri-le% terri-le o 0i'tingui'he' -etween +ore!nowle ge an (re e'tination% -ut they/re not connecte Not e(en ent on thing' you/re going to o% -ut he Au't eci e' the elect

6ree will not a++ecte -y the +all/'in :er+ection i' (o''i-le +or hu*anity ;orn 'inle''% only 'in through eli-erate act' 8u'ti+ication co*e' -y *erit'% 0octrine o+ 'in & grace ) ?ugu'tine u(hol ' grace% an +ree will .ay' +ree will i' wea!ene an corru(te -y 'in that we can/t not 'in Luther 'ay' later a-out the $ri er on two hor'e'& ?ug ) co*(letely on "o /' grace which i' a gi+t 9+ grace i' a gi+t% it can -e given or not given

o :oint o+ (rayer +or 5alvini'*: (rayer i' not 'o we can change "o /' *in % -ut 'o "o can change u'7 o ?++ir*' 'overeign will o+ "o % eter*ine -y e>erge'i' o+ 'cri(ture an !nowle ge o+ the worl ;eHa ) reverte it% -egan with ou-le (re e'tination% 'aw what that *eant +or everything el'e o 0i "o elect (eo(le -e+ore or a+ter the +all# .u(rala('arian ) go electe the* -e+ore the +all ,;eHa agree'17 2-Aect o+ election i' hu*anity (rior to the +all7 9n+rala('arian/'u-la(Q 3 go electe (eo(le a+ter +all7 =lection +ollow' +all7 "o /' eci'ion to -e incarnate in 5hri't wa' a re'(on'e ,Turrettini1 ?r*iniani'* o 0e(en ' on what you o in the +uture7 Hi' (re e'tination e(en ' on hi' +ore!nowle ge o He !now' whether you will acce(t 5hri't% an on that -a'i' he (re e'tine' 'o*e o =*(ha'iHe' in ivi ual +reely acce(ting or reAecting the gi+t o Love' all% want' to 'ave all% -ut 'alvation +reely cho'en o Bhat a-out 'alvation -eing e(en ent on what you o# ?++ir* that we can/t choo'e go ulti*ately on our own% we re@uire "o /' (revenient grace ,wor! o+ H. in heart' o+ all (eo(le a' they co*e to acce(t 5hri't1 :revenient grace i' not enie -y 5alvini't'% -ut it *ean' 'lightly i++erent thing' Bor! o+ H. in all (eo(le% ena-le' (eo(le to 'ay ye'% -ut oe'n/t re@uire .(irit i' at wor! in 'u'taining you in that o 9+ you can +reely choo'e it% you can +reely lo'e it ;arth o .a*e tra ition a' 5alvin% oe'n/t agree with ou-le (re e'tination o =lection oe' not (ri*arily concern "o /' eternal ecree' concerning 'alvation -ut in'tea 85 i' -oth electing "o an the electe Ean

=lection i' the 'u* o+ the go'(el ) it reveal'/in icate' what 5hri't i +or u' in -eing the electe "o an *an 5hri't i' 'u-Aect o+ election% an the o-Aect ,hu*an1 o+ election 5hri't -eca*e the elect% an he i' al'o the reAecte Be can only 'ee what an elect (er'on i' in 85% an we can only 'ee what reAecte i' in 85 .ort o+ ou-le (re e'tination% -ut -oth a'(ect' re+er to 85 =lection -eco*e' 'u* o+ go'(el -ecau'e "o i' "o +or u'

o .cri(tural# 1 (eter 1:20 1 :et 2:L3N o 4niver'ali'*# 9' 5hri't only one reAecte # .alvation through 5hri't 9' 5hri't only one reAecte # Li*ite atone*ent ) 8e'u' only ie +or 'o*e ) he enie' thi' 5hri't '(eci+ic role 3

Lecture O 3 5reation
?rt 5an 'how what "o i' N2T 6ran!en'tein% Au>ta(o'ing creation

03/09/2009 16:17:00

5reation ?(o'tle' cree a++ir*' that "o i' creator o+ the heaven' an earth Thei'* ) "o e>i't'% i' creator o 2((o'e' other worl view' 'uch a' naturali'*/*eta(hy'ical *ateriali'*% (anthei'*% (anenthei'* .cri(ture o EaAor the*e o+ 2T ,"en 1321 o "en 1 i' 6 ay' o+ creation7 "en 2 i' ? a* an =ve o :' 9N:L36% 10L:2L% 8o- 3O:L 5ree ' o The ?(o'tle' $creator&% The Nicene $*a!er& 0octrine o+ 5reation 5reation i' a +ree act o+ triune "o o 9t i' an act7 "o i' the su!%ect o+ creation7 o 9t i' a free act o+ "o 7 He woul 'till -e "o even i+ he i n/t create the worl 7 o 9t i' a +ree act o+ the triune "o 7 =>ternal action' o+ trinity are in ivi'i-le7 5reation coul -e (ri*arily (re'cri-e to "o % -ut not 'olely to "o 7 85 in creation: 8ohn 1:10% 8ohn O:NO% 5ol 1:16317% He1:2 H. in creation: "en 1:2% :' 10L

o "o i n/t create hi*'el+% or the .on or H.7 5reator/creation i'tinction o ?++ir*' that "o re*ain' tran'cen ent or other +ro* the univer'e o :' 2L:1 ) 'till -elong' to "o 7 2((o'e' (anthei'* ) everything i' "o / ivine "o /' authority over% in e(en ence +ro* creation o =>erci'e' co*(lete lor 'hi( o =verything i' e(en ent on "o % "o i' in e(en ent 2((o'e' (anenthei'* ) everything i' in "o 7 ;oth go an worl are eternal7 "o /' -eing inclu e' entire univer'e7 "o /' a++ecte -y univer'e ) "o /' e(en ent u(on creation +or who he i'7 5reation ta!e' (lace $out o+ nothing& ,creatio e> nihilo1 o 2((o'e' creation out o+ (re3e>i'tent *atter ,2rigen% 8u'tin Eartyr1 9+ "o create out o+ 'o*ething% then other *aterial wa' eternal7 Ta!e' away creation' e(en ence on "o o 0e*iurge an "no'tici'* ,creation o+ (ree>i'ting *atter% negative view o+ creation1 5reation i' goo o N> in narrative o((o'e' uali'*: "no'tici'* ,'aw '(iritual a' goo % *aterial a' evil1% Eanichaei'* ,later +or* on "no'tici'*% in+luence young ?ugu'tine7 o 9t i' goo % -ut not ivine Lea to other religion' ,'tar wor'hi( etc1 o 5reation i' goo % -ut it i' no longer (er+ect 6allen% nee ' re e*(tion

"o i' not re'(on'i-le +or evil o Hu*anity i' create in the i*age o+ "o ,i*ago 0ei1 2nly thing that/' not goo i' that ? a* i' alone The creating "o i' the re ee*ing an recreating "o o 2((o'e' ei'* ,a++ir*' creator% enie' involve*ent in worl to ay 3 cloc!1 o Garl ;arth: 5reation i' $the e>teral -a'i' o+ the covenant&7 The covenant i' $the internal -a'i' o+ creation& Eo el' o+ 5reation =*anation: ra iate' out% over+low' light an heat7 5reation Au't over+low' out o+ who "o i'7 o 9t/' not eli-erate% not a(art +ro* hi*% *a!e' it i*(er'onal 5on'truction/6or*ation o :otter & 5lay Ro* 9:21 o 0enie' creation e> nihilo ?rti'tic =>(re''ion o 6ree choice o 8onathon = war ' Theorie' o+ 5reation 5reationi'* o ;rought into e>i'tence in (re'ent +or* -y irect% creating act o+ "o o 2((o'e' evolutionary theory o Foung =arth 5reationi'*: 9nter(ret' "ene'i' literally $yo*& < ay < 2L hr'

:rior to ? a* an =ve/' 'in% there i' no eath% no a((le ie' etc o 2l earth creationi'*: 9n e+inite (erio o+ ti*e .un wa'n/t create till Lth ay Cegetation on 3r ay% 'o it coul n/t grow% 'o it can/t -e rea literally7 Too *uch ha((ene in one 2L hr ay7 "o /' ti*e i'n/t li!e our ti*e .cience 'houl n/t -e ignore ) *icro evolution in'tea o+ *acro evolution o Re'toration "o create the worl % i' wa' voi % wa' 5reation o+ one worl % e'truction an re'toration o+ another worl o Literary +ra*ewor! view Not 'u((o'e to -e 'cienti+ic7 8u't to tell that "o create the worl 7 2N= "o 7 No e>i'tence o+ (re3e>i'ting *aterial 9ntelligent e'ign o 5o*(le>ity o+ worl % "o create it o 0oe'n/t eny evolution% -ut oe' 'ee (ur(o'e =volutionary thei'* o 5hri'tian octrine an evolution are co*(ati-le7 o "o initiate' (roce'' that lea ' to hu*anity7 o :roce'' theology7

Lecture 10 3 Hu*anity
Theological anthro(ology

03/09/2009 16:17:00

5reature o 11 0e(en ent u(on "o +or e>i'tence o 21 "o a++ir*' hu*anitie' '(ecial (lace/role in creation o 0i++erence -etween creator an hu*anity o "o *a!e' convenant throughout hu*anity o :' O ) why oe' "o care +or u'# 9*age o+ "o o 9*ago ei o 5once(t o+ i*age o+ "o : "en 1:26377 "en N:1337 "en 9:67 NT: 8a*e' 3:97 o :hy'ical li!ene'' "o /' han % *outh% +oot etc ) anthro(o*or(hic e>(lanation'7 4n'ati'+actory e>(lanation o+ i*age o+ "o o .tructural/'u-'tantival ? (articular attri-ute within hu*anity =@uate with 'oul ,5alvin1 ?ttri-ute: rea'on ) we have the ca(acity +or thought unli!e other creature' ,?@uina'% ?ugu'tine1 ) intellectual 'oul% a-ility to !now "o ?ttri-ute: will/volition ) ca(a-le o+ eci ing/choo'ing thing' ?ttri-ute: creativity ) 0orothy .ayer' The Ein o+ the Ea!er7 0e'ire an a-ility to *a!e thing' ) "o /' attri-ute' in "ene'i'7 9 ea ,overall i ea1% =nergy ,9*age that re(re'ent'1% :ower ,how (eo(le interact with it1 < 6ather% .on% .(irit ;ut what a-out 'o*eone who can/t create% can/t rea'on% etc# The'e are not 'u++icient -ecau'e ?LL are *a e in i*age o+ "o 7 o 6unctional

0o*inion over creation ) 'tewar 'hi( o Relational Relation'hi( Hu*anity i' create in i*age o+ triune "o 3 (er'on e>i't in (er+ect relation'hi( hu*anity wa' *a e +or relation'hi( with God 'o*e 'ay: inherent with who we are other' 'ay: e(en ent u(on "o /' action ) not intrin'ically ca(a-le7 Hu*anity i' *a e to have relation'hi( with each other Eale/+e*ale Hierarchy 9nherent hierarchy within trinity% =ve *a e +ro* ? a*% wo*an a' re+lection o+ *an Neigh-or% +rien % etc .i*one Beil ) love o+ neigh-or a' e''ential e@uality -etween (eo(le Hu*anity wa' *a e +or relation'hi( with creation =>i'te in (eace Cegetarian o ='chatological 0octrine o+ en ti*e' 9*ago ei i' a goal% our e'tiny% we grow into it 9*ago 5hri'ti ) i*age o+ 5hri't% Ro* O:29% 2 5or 3:1O% :hil 3:21% =(h L:2232L% 5ol 3:9311

.tate o o o

6or*e in i*age o+ 5hri't% (utting on new 'el+ o+ 5hri't 9renaeu'7 ?ugu'tine7 Longing an e'ire +or "o 9*age/li!ene'' .i*iltu o ei Tritullian 'ai that the i*age i' hu*anitie' +or* -ut li!ene'' i' hu*anitie' eternal e'tiny .o*e 'ay they e>(re'' the 'a*e thing o+ 9*ago 0ei 5o*(letely e'troye -y 'in ,Luther1 5orru(te -ut not totally e'troye ,5alvin1 9ntact ,-arth1 9*ago ei i' relation'hi(% 'o "o /' relation'hi( with

hu*anity continue' e'(ite 'in 9*age i' not 'o*ething we (o''e''/own% 'o we can/t lo'e it ;runner 6or*al 'i e ,2T1 ) hu*an Eaterial 'i e ,NT1 ) (ro(er re'(on'e 5an lo'e i*ago ei in the 'econ 'en'e Having +aith/living in 5hri't Hu*an v' truly hu*an 5hri't i' the i*age o+ "o o He i' the true i*age% he/' who'e i*age we grow into 2 5or L:L% 5ol 1:1L

o he e+ine' what it *ean' to -e hu*an o 5hri't re'tore' the i*age o+ "o in hu*anity Luther% ;runner% 5alvin 5hri'tocentric/5hri'tological ?nthro(ology Hu*anity/' 5on'titution o 2ur *a!eu(7 o 11 *oni'itic view hu*anity i' 'ingle% un ivi e (art' -o y% 'oul% '(irit% heart < one thing 'alvation i' re'urrection o+ the +le'h o 21 ichoto*i't hu*anity i' a -o y an a 'oul hu*anity ha' an e*-o ie e>(erience hu*anity i' *ore ) 'o everything el'e goe' un er $'oul& ) 'cri(ture i'tingui'he' it +ro* the -o y7 9t i' e@uivalent with '(irit ,5alvin1 ) 'oul i' i**ortal o 31 trichoto*i't -o y% 'oul% '(irit ) 3 (art' that con'titute hu*anity not alway' interchangea-le 1 The' N:23

.in & The 6all

03/09/2009 16:17:00

Ha*artology ) octrine o+ 'in Bhat i' 'in# .tate o ? 'tate in which hu*anity +in ' it'el+ ) 'tate o+ -eing 'e(arate +ro* "o o 0octrine o+ original 'in o .in characteriHe a' 'e(aration ) 'alvation a' atone*ent 5a(tivity an li-eration "uilt an +orgivene'' 9llne'' an health Lo't an +oun 5on e*nation an vin ication o Literary e>(re''ion ) Eilton/' :ara i'e Lo't ?ction o ?n action -y hu*anity% we un erta!e it7 9t i' an i**oral act ) a-u'e o+ +ree will o Opposition to "o /' law or will Hu*anity i' re'(on'i-le o 2((o'ition to "o /' grace 0eny our nee +or it% re+u'e to live in it o Replacin& God 9*age'% i olatry% wor'hi(ing anything other than "o o Turnin& to self

Turn +ro* "o to 'el+ ,incurvatu' in 'e1 ) turne /curve in on one' 'el+ 9*(o''i-le (o''i-ility ) 'el+ contra ictory o Ele$atin& the self :ri e .ee! 'el+3+ul+ill*ent o =a'tern (er'(ective ) -orn without 'in% not 'in+ul until they o 'o*ething or on/t o 'o*ething < 'in a' action o Be'tern ) *ore a 'tate 2rigin o+ .in .atan ? a*/' 'in o The +act that ? a* 'inne *ean' that all -orn a+ter ? a* are -orn un er 'in o 9*(utation o+ ? a*/' 'in to the re't o+ hu*anity o Ro* N:19 :arent' to chil ren 2riginal 'in o 0e'cri(tion o+ 'in+ul hu*an con ition o 0e(ravity o+ hu*an nature o ?lienation +ro* go when all (eo(le are -orn ) all are ca(tive to 'in o ?ugu'tine ) originally -la*ele''% cho'e to 'in% =vil oe'n/t e>i't% it i' (rivation o+ goo Brong choice i' e+iciency

Hu*an nature now i' corru(te an e++ecte 6ree will i' corru(te :' N1:N o Nei-uhr ) 'in i' nece''ary/inevita-le -ut we are 'till re'(on'i-le Nature o+ .in 5or(orate o ?((lie' to all (eo(le 9n ivi ual o 6in the*'elve' in 'in+ul 'tate an are re'(on'i-le +or 'in+ul action' o $actual 'in'& Ra ical o =very a'(ect o+ hu*an li+e i' a++ecte -y 'in o =very a'(ect o+ hu*anity ) every (art o+ u' 5on'e@uence' o+ 'in .e(aration +ro* "o o No *ore relation'hi(% +ellow'hi( -ro!en o "en 3:23 ;rea!ing o+ other relation'hi(' o Hu'-an /wi+e ) hu'-an ruling over wi+e o ;ro!en -etween -rother' ,cain/a-el1 o 5reation 3 toil +or +oo

o 9*age ei ) lo't or corru(te o 0eath ) (rior to ? a*/' 'in% there wa' no eath7 5reate +or (er+ection an i**ortality ) original righteou'ne''7 2ther' 'ay (art o+ li*itation to -e creature "o /' re*e y .e(aration 3M atone*ent o ?t one *ent 5hri't who i' without 'in o He -eca*e 'in +or u' o He re*ove' 'in% ta!e' away 'in o+ the worl o .i*il iu'tu' et (eccator ,Luther1 Au'ti+ie an 'in+ul at the 'a*e ti*e 2r er o+ ivine o Bhen i election ta!e (lace# o .u(rala('arian ) election (rece e' the +all ,;eHa1 o .u-/in+rala('arian ) "o electe a+ter the +all ,Turrettini1 5hri'tological octrine o+ 'in o ;arth o Be !now we have 'inne in light o+ 5hri't o 3 (art' to 'in: (ri e% 'loth% +al'ehoo o (ri e: 5hri't e*on'trate' hu*ility an o-e ience o 'loth: 5hri't i' e>alte a' 'on o+ *an% elevate' hu*anity through re e*(tive worl % *a!e' hu*anity active in (roce'' o+ 'ancti+ication o +al'ehoo : 5hri't act' a' true witne'' to re e*(tive wor!

Lecture 12: 5hri'tology

03/09/2009 16:17:00

The (er'on o+ 5hri't Bho i' 85# The wor! o+ 85 Bhat i he o# Nature o+ hi' action' The (er'on an wor! o+ 85 'houl -e un er'too together 5hri'tological controver'ie' 0octrine co*e' out o+ controver'y 5hri'tological Title' Ee''iah/ 5hri't o ?nointe one ?nointe -y oil +or '(eci+ic (ur(o'e ) u'ually relate' to !ing' =>(ectation that Ee''iah woul co*e an re'tore ivinic line% antici(ate through (ro(hecy Not (olitical or war li!e they though 8e'u' 9. 5hri't/Ee''iah Lor o Fou can/t write the na*e o+ "o % Lor wa' u'e when tran'lator' *ove +ro* 8ewi'h to "ree! o Re+er' '(eci+ically to Fahweh o Ro* 10:9 o :hil 2:10311

o Fahweh *ean' 8e'u' i' Lor .avior o The na*e 8e'u' i' a "ree! +or* o+ He-rew 8o'hua which *ean' the Lor 'ave' o 8e'u' can o that which "o oe' o 9' LN:21322% Eatt 1:21 o ?++ir*ation that he/' a-le to 'ave% hi' i entity i' reveale .on o+ "o o 1 8ohn 3:1 o u'e to re+er to angelic or 'u(ernatural +igure o u'e in Ging' in the +urnace o co**only u'e % 5hri'tian' are chil ren o+ "o % a o(te chil ren o Ear! 1N:39% 8e'u' i' TH= 'on o+ "o o 8e'u' -a(ti'* an other e>a*(le' 'how o 0an 7:1331L e'chatological +igure o ?++ir*' 8e'u'/ hu*anity 8ohn 3:1L 8e'u' o+ NaHareth o =*(ha'iHe' hu*anity & ivinity o Eat 2:22323 o 6ul+il' (ro(hecy o Ear! 16:6 "o

o 8ohn 1:1 o Eat 1:23 .chool' o+ 5hri'tology ?le>an rian 'chool o =*(ha'iHe vivinity o+ 5hri't an unity o+ two nature' ,hu*an an ivine1% 'oteriology o .alvation e(en ' on unity o+ "o an hu*anity in (er'on o+ 85 o .o*eti*e' calle the wor 3+le'h 5hri'tology =*(ha'iHe 'alvation a' ei+ication o =*(ha'i' o+ =a'tern 2thro o> theology o ?le>an ria% 2rigen% ?thena'ciou'% :olenariou'% 5yril ?ntiochene .chool o ,*o ern ay tur!ey1 o e*(ha'iHe hu*anity o+ 85 o i'tinction -etween two nature' o "o cannot change% 'u++er o Eorality ) re e*(tion o+ hu*anity re@uire' o-e ience on (art o+ hu*anity o Hu*anity o+ 5hri't o 5hri'i'teo*% Theo ore o+ la('u'ia% *e'toriou' The (er'on o+ 8e'u' 5hri't 6ully 0ivine o 9' he ivine% or wa' he create #

o 8ohn 1:1 o ?riani'* ,ariu'1 ) enie' the +ull ivinity o+ 8R $There wa' a ti*e when he wa' not7& 8e'u' wa' highe't o+ the creature' ) (re3e*inent creature% -ut not eternal 'on o+ "o 8e'u' i' not +ully "o % 'o he ha' e*ote 5hri't Here'y ) 'u-or inationi'* o ?thana'iu' o((o'e ?riani'* 8e'u' i' ho*oou'iou' $o+ the 'a*e 'u-'tance& with "o not ho*oiou'iou' $o+ 'i*ilar 'u-'tance& 8ohn 10:30% 8ohn 17:11 .oteriological concern' ) only "o can 'ave ?riu' 'ay' 85 cannot 'ave hu*anity -ecau'e 8e'u' i' creature% an ?thana'iu' 'ay' i+ 8e'u' 'ave'% which he oe'% he *u't -e ivine 5ouncil o+ Nicaea ,32N1 ,9E:2RT?NT 0?T=1 6ir't ecu*enical council co*e' +ro* thi' e-ate Nicene cree wa' +or*e % a++ir*e ?thana'iu'/ (o'ition 5hri't -egotten% not *a e% "o +ro* "o % light +ro* light% true go +ro* true go Hu*an Bor -eca*e +le'h an welt a*ong u' 0oceti'* 8e'u' only a((ear' to -e hu*an% enie' the +ull hu*anity o+ 85 ?(ollinariani'* 8e'u' i not have a hu*an *in .aw that the *in *ight -e 'ource o+ hu*an re-ellion

6ully o o

8e'u' ha true -o y% 'oul% -ut not *in o "regory o+ NaHianHu' o((o'e to ?(ollinariani'* Bhat ha' not -een a''u*e ha' not -een heale ?ll o+ hu*anity ha' to -e a''u*e in the incarnation 8e'u' ha' to a''u*e everything a-out hu*anity in or er to heal hu*anity o 5ouncil o+ 5on'tantino(e ,3O11 .econ ecu*enical council ?++ir*e "regory an 'ai ?(ollinariani'* i' heretical 2ne (er'on o 9' he one (er'on% or are hi' nature' 'e(arate o Ne'toriani'* 0enie' that 8e'u' wa' one (er'on% enie the u'e o+ theoto!o' ,"o 3-earer1 o 5yril o+ ?le>an ria o((o'e Ne'toriani'* Hy(o'tatic union ) union o+ two nature' in one (er'on Two nature' are unite in one (er'on o 5ouncil o+ =(he'u' ,L321 Thir ecu*enical council Two Nature' o+ (er'on o+ 5hri't o 9' 85 -oth ivine an hu*an# o =utychiani'* 0enie' that there are two nature' in 85% *ono(hy'iti'*

2ne nature o :o(e Leo 9 o((o'e =ut Two nature' unite in one (er'on o 5ouncil o+ 5halce on ,LN11 L717 the ortho o> 'tate*ent 5hri'tological 5ontrover'ie' =-ioniti'* o 8e'u' wa' Au't an or inary (er'on ? o(tioni'* o 8e'u' wa' a o(te a' "o /' 'on ,u'ually at -a(ti'*1 Genotici'* o 5hri't e*(tie hi*'el+ o+ ivine attri-ute' at the incarnation o 2*ni'cience an o*ni(re'ence% ive'te hi*'el+ o+ the u'e o+ the'e (ro(ertie' o Ba' alway' go % -ut 'et a'i e attri-ute' at incarnation Teho(a'chiti'* o 8e'u' 'u++ere in hi' ivine nature o 5o**unicatio i eio*atu* ) i+ 85 'u++ere an ie % then go 'u++ere an ie o 5o**unicatio o(erationu* ) wor! o+ 8e'u'/ ivine nature i' wor! o+ other nature

Lecture 13: The Bor! o+ 85


03/09/2009 16:17:00

together with who he i'% e(en ent on each other =vent' o+ 85 li+e Theological i*en'ion'/i*(lication'

Bhat were the event' that too! (lace% what i 5hri't acco*(li'h/achieve in or er to *a!e 'alvation -oth (o''i-le an real# 6aith & hi'tory 3 a++ir*ation': o 17 :articular event' too! (lace concerning 85 li+e% eath% re'urrection ) within conte>t o+ hi'tory o 27 =vent' have 4niver'al .igni+icance although at one (lace% one ti*e% they have 'igni+icance +or everyone o 37 Relevant to to ay an to our live' to ay hi'toricity i' vital to 5hri'tian +aith% in (articular incarnation% eath% re'urrection =vent' 9ncarnation o =ternal 'on o+ "o ,Logo'1 a''u*e hu*an +le'h o The wor -eca*e +le'h an welt a*ong u' o 0i n/t change into +le'h% -ut a''u*e +le'h% -eca*e hu*an while 'till re*aining go o .en'e o+ go /' con e'ention% "o -eing hu*iliate o .oteriological ) *otivate -y (ur(o'e' o+ 'alvation hi'tory

Hu*anity i' +allen% 'in+ul% 'e(arate % re@uire' re e*(tion Bor! o+ 'aving go i' nee e ?thana'iu' " o+ Ny''a 5alvin ;arth ) incarnation o+ "o -eing analogou' to 'on going into +ar country o 9**uta-ility ) oe' incarnation *ean change# =ven in thi' event% "o re*ain' "o o Gueng ) woul 'on o+ go have -eco*e incarnate i+ hu*anity ha not 'inne # o Honoriou' o+ ?utun o 0i hu*anity o+ 5hri't alway' e>i't# No% -o y an 'oul ca*e into e>i'tence at certain (oint in hi'tory However% 'o*e intere'ting a'(ect': ?nhy(o'ta'i'/enhy(o'ta'i' ?n: Hu*anity o+ 5hri't ha' no in e(en ence a(art +ro* the wor o+ "o =n: Hu*anity o+ 5hri't only e>i't' in union with the (er'on o+ the wor o+ "o o 9+ 5hri't' hu*anity continue' an he e>i't' eternally% then oe'n/t hi' hu*anity e>i't eternally# 5an we !now 'on o+ go a(art +ro* Ae'u' o+ naHerath# Logo' a'ar!o' ) wor without +le'h 0i++icult i ea to *aintain 9**anent v' econo*ic trinity

2n (er'on o+ triune go i' 85 eternally eter*ine to -e Ae'u' o+ NaHareth o 0i 5hri't a''u*e +allen hu*an nature# 5hri't i not 'in% te*(te -ut re*aine without 'in ;ut hu*an nature in ter*' o+ ocu*ent o+ octrine o+ DD 'in% Fe'% -ut oe'n/t *ean he/' guilty o+ 'in ?ll we are% e>actly li!e u'% even ino( $-e 'in +or u'& ) he entere into the +ullne'' o+ our 'ituation% without -eing 'in+ul o Ba' the 'on o+ "o not (re'ent in heaven or in triune interrelation'hi(' uring incarnation# 5alvin: no% he 'taye in heaven ) e>tra calvini'ticu* ,o((onent' coine thi' ter*1 Eini'try o 5hri't/' :a''ion an 0eath on the 5ro'' 9' N3:336 Ty(e o+ 9'aiah i' 'een in 'u++ering o+ 5hri't .u++ere te*(tation% -etrayal% 5hri't truly 'u++ere an ie Re'urrection o The "oo New'% heart o+ 5hri'tian go'(el o Ty(e': 8onah% =He! 37 )valley o+ ry -one' o NT narrative' o not e'cri-e re'urrection it'el+ .cene' at e*(ty to*-

Re'urrection a((earance'

o ;o y: 85 wa' rai'e +ro* ea in -o ily +or* 0i++erent a-out hi' -o y% invtie' tho*a' to touch% -ut not Eary% can a((ear in clo'e roo*% -ut continuity ) recogni'e an -ear' *ar!' o+ cruci+iction% loo!' li!e co**on hu*anity ) 'till eat' +oo o Triune ?ll involve in every event Re'urrection i' a((ro(riately a((lie to act o+ "o the +ather 1 5or 1L 5hri't involve in re'urrection% H. al'o Ro* O:11% o 5hri'tian'% 5hurch "roun ' ho(e o+ in ivi ual' an collective o ='chatological event 6ir't +ruit' o+ +inal re'urrection ?'cen'ion o ?ct' 1:9% Lu!e o 0i 5hri't retain hu*anity a+ter a'cen'ion Fe'% no torn a(art% 'e(arate 7 Hy(o'tatic union re*ain' o 6aith an Hi'tory ) 5riti@ue' ?ll three a'(ect' have -een challenge 1't a'(ect

how can we -e 'ure the'e event' actually ha((ene # 5hronological i''ue'7 Hi'toricity7 2n a'(ect How can thi' (articular hi'tory -ear univer'al truth# 4niver'ally a((lica-le# Eeta(hy'ical i''ue7 r 3 'en'e how can our conte*(orary e>(erience relate to that hi'tory that too! (lace o Rea'on: =>clu'ion o+ revelation Truth o-taine -y rea'on7 Nece''ary an rea'ona-ly true7 Rational re+lection7 9' 5hri't nece''ary i+ we can !now "o +ro* rea'oning# Kue'tion' hi'tory ) thing' are contingent% not univer'ally true 3 Le''ing No connection -etween hi'tocial event' an rational truth' o 5riti@ue' u'ing rea'on: o :er'onal e>(erience How o the'e clai*' relate to (er'onal +aith we have# 5ontinuity o+ hi'tory 5ontinuity a*ong (eo(le an hi'torical event' 9+ we on/t e>(erience re'urrection event' to ay% then it coul n/t ha((en in the (a't Hu*e/' e''ay on *iracle' o .cri(ture Hi'torical critical *etho 9nter(retation: @ue't +or hi'torical 8e'u'

Gnowing 8e'u' (rior to 5hri't wor'hi(e in church 2riginal @ue't 3M 'aw 85 a' a(ocyli(tic vi'ionary 3M other' too! u( li+e o+ 8e'u' *ove*ent 3M critici'*' 3M 8e'u' o+ Hi'tory v' 5hri't o+ +aith o 0octrine/0og*a Hi'tory o+ 0og*a +ocu'e on re'urrection Le''ing ) rationali'tic 'u'(icion .trau'' ) *yth% i n/t ha((en ;ult*ann ) not (o''i-le to -elieve in *iracle' to ay% -ut re'urrection ha((en' in e>(erience o+ i'ci(le' ) ri'e o+ +aith in i'ci(le' ;arth ) re'urrection a' hi'torical event% -ut a $'aga&% li!e creation% ha' hi'torical value% -ut it i' -eyon our hi'torical inve'tigation :annen-erg ) a((eal' to hi'tory a' +un a*ental an univer'al -a'i' o+ hu*anity7 Hi'tory can only -e !nown -y en o+ ti*e% although thi' ha' -een reveale alrea y through 5hri't ,(role(tic revelation17 5hri't/' re'urrection antici(ate' en re'urrection7 9' hi'torical event% i' o(en to inter(retation

Ei ter*: Eulti choice .hort an'wer% e+inition'% 'igni+icance o+ > ,Nicene cree % hy(o'tatic union% 32N1 1 e''ay o !now li't ? ter*'

.oteriology: 0octrine o+ .alvation 16:17:00


Bhat i' 'alvation# How i' it achieve # ,"o /' action +or u'1 How i' it receive # ,"o /' action within u'1 .alvation Re'cue/ eliverance +ro* anger/(eril 5oncern' "o /' inten e (lan +or creation% e'(ecially hu*anity 5oncern' "o /' activity in the (er'on an wor! o+ 8e'u' 5hri't on -ehal+ o+ hu*anity ?ct' L Reconciliation with "o /?tone*ent o ;ro!en relation'hi( re'tore o "o & hu*anity are reconcile o ?tone*ent i' reconciling act7 5on'e@uence i' at one *ent7 o Ro* 3:2N 6orgivene'' o+ 'in' o Re*ove' guilty notion o+ 'in o 1 8ohn 1:9 re e*(tion o 'ecuring one' relea'e 'aving "o /' (eo(le o 85 i' 'avior% 'ave' "o /' (eo(le o Eatt 1:21

? o(tion into "o /' +a*ily o Have 'a*e right' a' 85 o "al L:L3N o Ro* O:1N Re'toration o+ the i*ago ei o Lo't an corru(te -y 'in an +all% re'tore -y 5hri't o Ro* O:29 8u'ti+ication/.ancti+ication/"lori+ication o ? (er'on who i' e@uitte or (ar one +ro* 'in ) +orgiven o "o *a!e' tho'e who are 'in+ul acce(ta-le +or a holy an righteou' "o o Ea e righteou' in "o /' 'ight o =(h 2:O39 o .ancti+ication: o =(h L:223L o "lori+ication: o 1 5or 1N:L9 o e'chatological a'(ect o+ 'alvation ha' 3 i++erent te*(oral a'(ect': (a't: you have -een 'ave o =( 2:O :re'ent: you are -eing 'ave

o 1 5or 1:1O 6uture: Fou will -e 'ave o Ro* N:10 0ei+ication/theo'i' o ;eing *a e ivine% 'hare in "o /' nature o 2 :et 1:L ?tone*ent Tyn ale coine thi' ter* when *a e =ngli'h ictionary "o /' reconciling action' in the (er'on an wor! o+ 85J re'ult' in at one *ent -etween "o an hu*anity 2T: ?tone*ent in ter*' o+ "o /' relation'hi( with 9'rael Lev 16:16 NT: atone*ent in light o+ 5hri't/' eath an re'urrection He- 2:17 Theorie' o+ the ?tone*ent How oe' "o achieve 'alvation +or u'# Ran'o*/5hri'tu' Cictor Theory o =*(ha'i' u(on the con+lict -etween the +orce' o+ goo an evil o .atan hel hu*anity ca(tive ue to 'in o 5hri't/' eath i' the ran'o* that -uy' -ac! 'inner' o 1 5or 1N:N7 o He- 2:1L

o 9renaeu'% 2rigen% "regory the "reat .ati'+action Theory o =*(ha'i' u(on the honour that i' owe to "o o He- 9:1L o ?n'el*' 5ur 0eu' Ho*o .in a*age' "o/ ' honour .o*eone *u't *a!e 'ati+cation +or 'in Hu*anity *u't o thi'J only "o can o thi' Bhat i' re@uire i' the "o 3*an Eoral 9n+luence Theory o =*(ha'i' u(on the e*on'tration o+ "o /' love o The cro'' o+ 5hri't 'erve' a' an e>a*(le +or u' o Ro* N:O o ?-elar : ?' a re'ult% our heart' 'houl -e 'et on +ire -y 'uch a gi+t o+ ivine grae% an true love 'houl not hol -ac! +ro* 'u++ering anything +or hi' 'a!e 5ro'' i' not only a-out e>a*(le% 'o*ething ontological i' going on7 o "uilt can/t -e tran'+erre % "o can +orgive 'in' without 8e'u' :enal .u-'titution Theory o 5hri't too! our (lace an 'u++ere the (enalty that wa' our on our -ehal+ 2ur 'u-'titute% 'too in (lace o+ 'inner' o =( N:2 o He- 9:12

o 5alvin Three+ol o++ice o+ 8e'u' 5hri't :ro(het o 5alle -y "o % li'ten' to "o % (roclai*' "o /' wor to the (eo(le o 2T: Eo'e'% .a*% 9'aiah% 8ere*iah o NT: 8ohn the ;a(ti't% 8e'u' o 85 eclare' "o /' wor :rie't o Ea!e' an atoning an re ee*ing 'acri+ice +or the (eo(le o+ "o o 2TL EelchiHe e!% ?aron o NT: Sechariah% 5aia(ha'% 8e'u' o Not only (rie't% -ut he i' the o++ering an 'acri+ice it'el+ Ging: o o o o Rule' in "o /' na*e a' "o /' re(re'entative on earth 2T: .aul% 0avi % .olo*on% 8o'iah% "o a' Ging NT: 8e'u' a' !ing in -irth% (a''ion% reign 8e'u' e*on'trate' hi' !ing'hi( in hu*ility% ying +or the worl % then e>alte to "o /' right han 7 5alvin ) :ro(het% Ging% :rie't Turrettini ) (ro(het% (rie't% !ing ) relate' to three a'(ect' o+ 'in ) ignorance% guilt% o((re''ion ;arth ) :rie't% Ging% :ro(het

Ei ter*: Eultichoice% 'hort an'wer% e''ay @

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