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LAB 2: Multiple Endpoints

This LAB will exercise the following points/knowledge:

Data communication Use multiple endpoints and bindings APS Acknowledgement ZDO state machine Read ZigBee documentation:
ZCL Home Automation profile

Use code navigation skills learned during class (Copy/Paste skills)

LAB 2: Multiple Endpoints

On/Off Light
Change code to have TWO endpoints with on/off Light device ID. Replicate multiple endpoints demo we developed in class Verify the APS ACK is sent correctly.

EP1 = SW 1

EP8 = light 1

On/Off Switch

Use On/Off cluster Make sure to add binding capabilities for each Endpoint Modify the code to CREATE/JOIN Network automatically. After POR (power on reset) initialize a timer to wait 1 second. Then trigger create/join a network.

EP240 = SW 2

EP9 = light 2

HA OnOffSwitch

HA OnOffLight

I will review the LAB working on the 1320xQE128 evaluation boards Student needs to upload LAB report with the following items:

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