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Spelling mistakes Redundant words Mistakes with tenses Errors in subject-verbs Mistakes with the word form Mistakes with articles Mistakes with determiners Mistakes with pronouns


Mistakes with prepositions Errors in the use of comparisons Mistakes with parts of speech Errors in the use of infinite Misuse of connectors/ conjunctions Mistakes in gerund Mistakes with phrasal verbs Errors in word division

Spelling mistake
Due to Bahasa Melayu inteference 1.The polis was injured in the accident. (police) 2.The ambulan arrived not long after the call was made. (ambulance) Single/double 1.Sham refered to the reference book given by his teacher. (referred)

Redundant words
1.They discussed about the matter. (omit about) 2.Please return back my pen. (omit back) 3.Please repeat again the answer. (omit again)

Mistakes with tenses

Mixing of tenses 1.He bought a bouquet of flowers and gives it to Salmah. (gave) 2.You were never around when I need your help (needed) Wrong tense 1.Did he saw you? (see) 2.He has created the machine when his wife came back from London. (had)

Errors in subject-verb agreement

Fail to follow the rule: singular subject takes singular verb 1.The girl are crying in the school canteen. (is ) Fail to follow the rule: plural subject takes plural verb 1.The ladies is planning a surprise party.(are) Fail to follow the rule: uncountable subject takes singular verb 1.All the furniture are new. (is) 2.The money were insufficient to spend. (was)

Mistakes with the word form

Using s when not needed 1.She completed her homeworks before 11.00 pm. (homework) 2.The informations is very useful. (information) Omitting s when needed 1.The new is sad. (news) 2.Not many people are good at Mathematic. (mathematics)

Mistakes with articles

Using the wrong article 1.Sarah has an European pen-pal.( a ) 2.This is a orange. (an) Using article when it is unnecessary. 1.The young girl has a long beautiful hair.( omit a )

Mistakes with determiners

1.She does not have some money. ( any) 2.I have any food ( some)

Mistakes with prepositions

Using the wrong preposition. 1.In behalf of my friends, I would like to thank the teachers who taught all of us.( on) 2.Please look at the matter. (into) Redundant use of preposition. 1.Why do you want to talk to her for? (omit for) 2.When I reached to her house, she was there. (omit to ) Omission of preposition 1.I am looking my brother. (looking for) 2.Halim is searching his book. (searching for)

Mistakes with pronouns

Wrong usage of I and me 1.My mother and me were late for school. (I) 2.Father bought this PS3 for you and I. (me) Wrong pronoun for male and female 1.Sharon is pretty. He has many admirer. (she ) 2Nobody likes that boy because she is arrogant. (he)

Errors of comparison
Double use of comparative and superlative forms 1.Ilyana is more better than Lily. (omit more) 2.This building is the most highest. (omit most) Wrong use of comparative and superlative forms 1.Hasin is the better student in form three. (best) 2.Chelsea scored lesser goals than Liverpool. (less)

Mistakes with parts of speech

Use of noun for a verb 1.Please advice him on his attire. (advise) Use of verb for a noun 1.Students must prepare early for football practise. (practice) Wrong use of derivative 1.She has to work hardly. (hard) 2.This journal is not information enough. (informative)

Error in the use of infinite

1.She prevented me to leave. (from leaving) 2.They are tired to write. (of writing)

Misuse of conjunctions/connectors
1.Aiman is clever and lazy. (but) 2.I watch many films thus I like movies. (as/since/because)

Mistakes with gerunds

1.Swim is good for health. (swimming) 2.Where are my work shoes? (working-shoes)

Mistakes with passive voice

1.It was prove that Salmah was wrong. (proven ) 2.Maimunah has been tell everyone about her sons achievement. (has been telling )

Mistakes with phrasal verbs

1.The firemen put away the fire in less than 5 minutes. (put out)

Incorrect verb form

1.I am teach the form two students now. (teaching) 2.Have you take your bath ? (taken)

Errors in word division

1.The frog jumped on to the table. (onto) 2.The furniture will arrive sometime next month. (some time)

Misuse of imperative
1.Comes here now! (come) 2.Do not talked ! (talk)

Sample Answers
TASK 1.Sentence Structures 1. It 2. they 3. I 4. he

5. they 6. we 8. she 9. it/he

7. they 10. It

TASK 2 Agreements of Subject and Verb

1.friends is 6. deserves praise my greatest 8. has recently 9. is coconut water 10. has a tennis racket

TASK 3. Singular and Plural Of Nouns

1.butterflies 2.matches 3.friends 4.minutes 5.months 6. Boxes 7.cakes 8.paragraphs 9.speeches 10.swans

TASK 4. Countable and Uncountable Nouns 1.bread 2.exercise 3.luggage 4.flour 6.fruit 7.chalk 8.information 9.talent 10.opinion


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