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1) Adjectives can be used before the noun: He's an old soldier. They're intelligent students. That's an expensive car.

2) Adjectives can be used after a linking verb: The soldier is old. The students see intelligent.

The car looks expensive.

Adjective Order:
The adjectives in the table belo! "ollo! this order: Opinion or Observation ## beauti"ul$ ugly$ easy$ "ast$ interesting$ boring$ etc. Size ## s all$ tall$ short$ big$ enor ous$ huge$ tiny$ etc. Age ## young$ old$ ne!$ historic$ ancient$ etc. Shape ## round$ s%uare$ rectangular$ etc. Color ## red$ black$ green$ purple$ etc. Nationality ## &rench$ Asian$ A erican$ 'anadian$ (apanese$ etc. Material ## !ooden$ etallic$ plastic$ glass$ paper$ etc. Purpose or Qualifier ## "oldout so"a$ "ishing boat$ racing car$ etc. Opinion expensive pretty Size s all tiny long ediu little strong tasty noisy young +#year#old !hite Age anti%ue round s%uare blue A erican *talian ,ia ese cardboard yello! blonde checker doll baseball Shape Color Nationality )er an Material gold Purpose racing Noun car irror "lo!ers hair board house player "ood cat

,o e -xa ples: An expensive s all )er an racing car A pretty anti%ue gold irror ,o e tiny round yello! "lo!ers .ong blonde hair A ediu s%uare checker board A little blue cardboard doll house A strong young A erican baseball player ,o e tasty *talian "ood A noisy +#year#old !hite ,ia ese cat

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