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L ...
a t t ~ Mahiimahopadhyaya
Kashinath Vasudev Abhyankar,
Retired Professor of Sanskrit,
Gujarat College, Ahmedabad;
Hon. Professor of Sanskrit,
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona
J. M. Shukla,
M.A., Ph.D.,
Retired Reader of Sanskrit, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad - 380009
Oriental Institute.
First Edition :1961
Second Revised Edition: 1977
Third Edition (Reprint) : 1986
Copies: 2000
All Rights reserved by the Publishers
Price Rs. 99.50 Ps.
Copies can be had of:-
The Manager,
M. S. University of Baroda Press, (Sadhana Press),
Near Palace Gate, Palace Road. Baroda-390001
Re-printed by Photo-offset process at the "Navajivan Press. P.O. Navajivan. Ahmedabad-380014" for
Shri P. N. Srivastav, Manager, The Malu!/aja Sayajirao University of Baroda Press (Sadhana Press),
near Palace Gate, Palace Road. Baroda and published on behalf of the Maharaja Sayajirao University +-
of Baroda by Dr. S. G. Kantawala, Director, Oriental Institute. Maharaja Sayajirao University of
Baroda. Baroda. March, 1986. "
The first edition of "A DictionGlJ' of Sanskrit Grammar" by Mahamahopa-
dhyaya Professor Kashinath Vasudev Abhyankar was published in 1961 as
Gaekwad's Oriental Series No. 134 by the Oriental Institute under the authority of
the M. S. University of Baroda. In 1977 its second revised edition by MM. Professor
Kashinath Vasudev Abhyankar and Dr. Jayadevbhai Mohanlal Shukla was
ed with an addition of "about three hundred new entries" (Preface to the second
edition .by Dr. J. M. Shukla) as Gaekwad's Oriental Series No. 134. Within a very
short span of time the edition went out of print indicating its importance and utility
as a reference-book.
There has been an incessant demand for this book and we are happy to bring
out its third editioa. .
I tender my'most sincere feelings of gratitude to Professor Dr. M. N. Desai.
Vice-Chancellor. M. S. University of Baroda for his keeo interest and for providing
facilities for the reprint. I am grateful to Professor Parikh. Vice-Chancellor.
Gujarat Vidyapeeth. Ahmedabad for his interest in this work by persuading the
Navajivan Press to accept the printing of this work. "A Dictionary of Sanskrit
Grammar" by photo-offset process. We are thankful to Shri Jitendra T. Desai.
General Manager, Navajivan Press. Ahmedabad. for his cooperation and for
expediting the printing. I am also thankful to Shri P. N. Srivastav. Manager. M. S.
University of Baroda Press and also Shri N. N. Shah. Technical Assistant and my
other colleagues in the Oriental Institute for cooperation and fo9' expediting the
publication of this work. I
24 March. 1986
Within a few years after the. publication .of 'A Dictionary of Sanskrit
Grammar', the book became out of print. With continuous inquiries pouring in
about its availability it was thought necessary that a second edition should be
made available to the serious students of Sanskrit learning. Hence, a request was
sent to the Director, Oriental Institute, Baroda for the issue of a second edition.
He readily accepted the request .
Prof; K. V. Abhyankar:, my revered teacher asked me to revise all the entries,
add a few more references to the existing entries and further add about three
hundred new entries. lreadily accepted his suggestion. The new entries are
mostly of the nature of semantic terms.
Before the printing of the book was taken up a tragic event took place.
Prof. Abhyankar, with Mrs. Abhyankar, their two brilliant young grand children.
and an aged servant, met with an unnatural and tragic death. Sanskrit scholars
in India and the West were shocked at this unprecedented vagary of Destiny.
Prof. Abhyankar was the most authoritative of the grammarians active in
India. He enriched research in VyakaraI,).asastra by his scholarly works like
Vakyapadiya, Paribhii!?asamgraha others which are
indispensable to students of grammar.
I express my deep and sincere sense of gratitude to Dr. A. N. lani, the
present Director, Oriental' Institute, Baroda, for planning the completion of
printing of this book in a record time of about ten months. But for his zest and
vigour the work would not have been completed so soon.
I am particularly thankful to Shri Siddhartha Y. Wakankar, Research
Officer of the Oriental Institute, for scrupulously correcting the proofs of. this
I thank the lUthorities and workers of the M. S. University Press for
expediting the pri ting of the present work.
21-10-77 J. M. SHUKLA
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Object of this Dictionary
No apology is needed for undertaking the compilation of the present
'Dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar', which, although concise, is expected to meet
the needs of Sanskrit stholars and research students of Vyakaral)a and other
Sastras by serving as a useful reference book in their study of, . and research
work in, any branch of Sanskrit learning. The many independent treatises in
the several Sastras and the learned commentaries upon them, as atso the
commentaries on classical poems and dramas; are, in fact, full of grammatical
explanations of words and constructions, involving a liberal use of grammatical
expressions and technical terms at several places. The elementary knowledge
. of grammar which a' scholar of Sanskrit possesses, is not found sufficient
for his understanding fully the grammatical references in these books, especially
so at present, when the practice of sending young boys to the Sanskrit
Piithasalas to study the standard classical works with commentaries along with
some standard elementary treatises on grammar, has already st,opped. The
number of Sanskrit Pal)Qitas and Sastrins, who had to obtain a sound footing in
grammar before they undertook the study of the higher texts of the several Sastras,
and who, therefore, could be consulted by young scholars and research workers
in the several Sastras, has also diminished considerably. The' usual Sanskrit
Dictionaries such as those of Monier Williams, V. S. Apte and others are found
of no avail in supplying explanations of the grammatical technique which confronts
modern scholars at every step in their critical reading of the several Sanskrit texts.
Under these circumstances, it is only the technical dictionaries of the type of the
present 'Dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar' that can render a valuable assistance to
scholars and research workers in their reading of the higher Sanskrit texts in the
Several Sastras.
Beginnings of Sanskrit Grammar
Every science bas necessarily its own terminology and a special vocabulary.
The remark is true with respect to Sanskrit Grammar or Vyakaral)asastra which
has. developed as a science during the last two thousand years and has got several
technical terms and numerous words with a special grammatical significance.
The origin of grammar can well-nigh be traced to the Period of the Brahmal)as
i.e. about 1000 B.C., when Vedic scholars began to discuss the meaning of the
inspired Vedic hymns by carefully showing disconnected, the words of the Vedic
hymns and noting down the differences in accents as also the changes caused by
their coalescence in the continuous recital or the Sarilhitapatha. They also
tried to expla'in the sense of the. Vedic words by tracing them back to the roots
of suitable senses and laid down rules for their proper and correct pronunCiation.
These three pursuits viz. (a) the discussion of the features of the Pada text,
(b) the derivation of words, and (c) directions regarding the proper pronuncia-
tion of the Vedic words, were carried on with vigour with a view to preserving
the Vedic texts intact, and the treatises dealing with these three branches were
respectively called by the names Prtitistikhya, Nirukta and,Sik$ti, all of which
could rightly be. called Vyakarat)a or Grammar, as they were devoted to determining
the correct words as distinguished from the incorrect ones. Although a
number of.books were written by Vedic scholars in these three branches, not
.more than five or six Prtitisiikhya works, a solitary Nirukta, work, and a few
works are the only available works at present.
Development of Sanskrit Grammar
In course of time, on the analogy of the derivation of words, an analysis
of the word into its constituent elements such as the base, the 'affix, the augments
the modifications, was undertaken by grammarians. This separation of the
different elements of a word constituted Vyakarat)a or grammar, which wa,s deve-
joped as an art by ancient grammarians like Apisali; Sakatayana and others before
Pal}ini. It was Panini who carried it to perfection, and his work, the A$ttidhytiyi,
compact yet exhaustive, and laconic yet clear, is simply a marvellous product
of art by a man of amazing intelligence. As a result, the works on grammar by
all ancient scholars who flourished before PalJini disappeared in course of time
leaving only a few quotations behind them. Pal}ini 'Was followed by a :ilUmber
of grammarians who wrote popular treatises on grammar, based, no on
PaQini's grammar, some of which, in their tum came to have auxiliary works,
glosses and explanatory commentaries. These different treatises, written by
Sarvavarman, . Candragomin, Devanaudin, Palyakirti Sakatayana, Hemacan-
dra, KramadiSvara, Jumaranandin, Supadma and others with their auxiliary
works and commentaries, came to be looked upon as different systems of grammar.
These treatises present two kinds of treatment: some of them are arranged .in
Siitras in the same manner as the of Pal}ini which treats one after
another the several grammatical elements such as technical terms, padas of roots,
case-relations, compound words, krt affixes, taddhita affixes, substitutes, accents
and euphonic changes; while others give a topic-wise treatment following in that
respect the ancient grammarians before Pa1;lini such as Indra, Vedic
and others who treated one after another the different topics of grammar such
as the euphonic changes, declension, conjugation, compound formation, nouns
derived from roots, nouns derived from nouns and the like. The special
feature of all these grammars was that they entirely omitted the Vedic peculiari-
ties and accents.
Sanskrit Grammar as a Science
The subject of Sanskrit grammar was first treated as a science by the two
epoch-making grammarians, first by Katyayana, a few centuries after PalJini,
and then by Patafijali, the exponent of Katyayana, who lived in the second
century B.C. It was carried to perfection by the stalwart grammarian Bhartrhari
of the fifth century A.D. Later grammariaus, prominent among whonl were
layiiditya, Vamana, Kaiyata, Haradatta, Bhattoji, KOI}.QabhaHa and Nagesa,
developed by their substantial contributions, the work of PaI}.ini as a science to
such an extent that the number of smaller and greater works :well nigh rose to
eight hundred and that of the authors to four hundred. . The grammar of PaI)ini,
which is looked upon as the standard one 'at present gives about a hundred technical
terms, more than two hundred sufIiXes, about two thousand primary roots and
more than five thousand special words arranged in more than two hundred and
fifty classes according to the special grammatical shown' by .each
class. The number of indepedent primary words, besides these :five thousand
special words, if roughly estimated, may exceed even twenty-five thousdan.
Besides these primary roots, primary nouns, affixes and technical-. terms in the
different Sastras, there is a vast number of secondary root, and secondary nouns,
which is rather impossible even to be approximately determined.
Nature and Scope of this Dictionary
The preparation of a comprehensive 'dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar,
a subject which has been developed fully by Sanskrit Grammarians for the last
two thousand_years, is certainly a stupendous work which can only be done by
a band of grammarians who have got a sound footing in the subject. In the light
of what has been said above, the present dictionary is only an honest and humble
attempt in that direction, made by the compiler who was inspired to- undertake
this rather arduous venture by his close study of the subject for more than sixty
years according to the traditional method of the East, combined with the critical
and comparative method of the West. As the work was done single-handed,'
and finished within a limited time with a view to making it available to students
and scholars of Sanskrit at as early a date as possible, the number of books con-
suited was a limited one. The number of entries is more than four thousand
out of which the important ones are in the form of short articles supplying very
briefly the necessary information from the different sources with quotations from
or references to the original works. All the standard works in grammar have
been carefully consulted including the available Prtitistikhya works, the Maluibhii-
the KiiJikii, the Vtikyapadiya, the Siddhiinta-Kaumudi and others. The
Kiilantra, the Sdkatdy:ma, the Jaitrendra, the Haima and other grammars, as also
the different works have been consulted, at important places. Minor
works and commentaries are not consulted as, the important words and topics
occurring therein have been mos:ly included here on account of their occurrence
in the major works. Atention is, of course, paid to grammaical importance and.
significance, and only such words and such senses of them as have a grammatical
significance, have been included in the present dictionary along with affixes, aug-
ments, substitutes and t::chnical terms mos'.Iy given in Pal)ini's grammar. Names
of authors and books, printed as well as found in a manuscript form, have been
included as far as practicable in the present work. A scrupulous attention has
been paid to the Prtitistikhya works, the and the KiiJikii which are
looked upon as supremely authoritative in the_field of Sanskrit grammar. It
must be admitted that the scholarly index works of Dr. Bothlingk and Dr. Renou
were found very !lseful in providing references to. standard, grammar works,
The abbreviations for the titles of books consulted and those of grammatical
terms are given separately at the beginning of the present' Dictionary of Sanskrit
Grammar '. Names of books and authors have been sometimes given in the
Roman script and sometimes in the DevanagarI script.
'Acknowledgements are due to Mr. M. N. Chapekar, .Aryasanskriti
\ '
laya, Poona, who has given ample co-operation in getting this Dictionary printed
in the shortest possible time. For faciiity of printing, accents of Vedic passages
and words are not shown, nor italics been used for Sanskrit terms written
in the Roman script nor the breaking of a atthe end of a line is done scrupu-
lously at the end of a syllable or a const\tuent part. In spite of all possible
care, some slips have crept in for which indulgence of the reader is craved.
It is expected that Sanskrit scholars will make'fulluse of this work and offer their
valuable suggestions for future undertakings of this type.
A sincere sense df gratitude must be conveye4 to Dr. Bhogilal J. Sandesara,
the Director of the Oriental Institute, Baroda, at whose initiative the project
of this 'Dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar,' undertaken some years ago, but post-
poned from time to time, was not only pursued with vigour, but completed and
turned into a volume in the Gaekwad Oriental Series. '
601-2 Sadashiv Peth,
Laxmi Road, Poona 2.
Sake 1883.
1. Words in this dictionary are arranged in the serial order of the Sanskrit
alphabet which. is everywhere, viz. the .fourteen vowels beginning with
at ending with an, and then the thirtythree consonants consisting of the five
,guttural, the five.palatal, the cerebral, the five dental and the five labial
and then the four semi-vowels and the four sibilants. taken as a
bination and arid as one of;;r" and OJ.. .
2. Words are given in their noun-base (ItTffltrrf<fcli) such as at'Iitf.
etc., without the addition of any case affix.
3. At places of option where anyone of the all.usvara and the parasayar.Qa
could be llsed, the anusvara is consistently used, and a place after'the vowels and
before the consonants is assigned to it in the alphabetical order. For example,
the words containing anusvara such as @nij,
etc., are all placed after 6 and before
4. Each word entered, has got only one paragraph assigned to it, although
the explanation of the word may cover sometimes a full page or more.
5. The meaning or meanings of a word are given immediately after it,
and therefore no capital letter' is used at the beginning of the word with which
each meaning begins.
6. The various senses of a word are given one after with serial
. numbers placed before them. The several senses of a word are arranged as far
as possible in their <;hronological order of origin.
7. The various senses are usually illustrated with quotations from standard
authors with full references a,s far as possible,. From among the Priitisiikhya
works, the JYcpriitisiikhya is generally quoted, while from among the numerous
grammar works, the and the Kiisikil are quoted profusely .
. 8. The first figure in references, which is generally the Roman one, refers
to the main section such as the' adhyaya or the Ka.QQaor the Patala, while the
next one refers to the subordinate sections, such as the stanza or the Sutra or the
like. When there are three figures they refer to the adhyaya, the pada and the
Sutra in the case of PaQini, and'to the MaQQala, the Sukta and the stanza in
the of the
9. men a particular form is ilfustrate:l, the Hiustration begins with the
abbreviation ' e.g. '; while usually, when the sense given, is illustrated, the explan-
ation or the quotation, in Sanskrit begins with the abbreviation 'cf',
i 1. As the senses given in such dictionaries are more or less technlcai or
conventional, the literal or the usual sense of the words is given only when it is
allied to the conventional sense.
12. Sanskrit words are generi:llly given in the Devanagari .script; when,
however, the Roman script is used, the diacritical marks which are in current
use at present, are employed.
10. Each of the different senses of a word or of the uses of a word in
different ways, begins with a separate number ( 1 ), ( 2 ), (3 ), etc,;. when, however, .
the same sense is given with different shades of it, by which are practically
synonymous, no separate numPers are given, the shades of sense being separated
by a colon, or by a comma. .
( In . order of abbreviations used)
A. Pr. = Atharvaveda Pcatisakbya.
Atadbyayi = paI}.ini's
Bb. Vr. = of
BMr. = Bbaradviija
C. Vy., Can. Vy. = Candcei. Vyaka-
Dhatuvrtti = Miidhaviya Dbliluvrtti.
Durglicarya = Durgadi.rya's commen-
tary on the Nirukta.
DurgasiIilha = DurgasiIilba's Katantra-
Durgh. Vr = Durghatavrtti of Sara-
Hem. = Hemacandra's Sabdanuasana.
Hem. Pad = Hemacandra's Paribha-
as given by Hemahamsa-
Jain., Jain. Vy. = Jainendra Vyaka-
raI}.a by Piijyapada Devanandin.
Jain. Pari. == Jainendra
by K. V. Abhyankar.
Kaiy., Kaiyata = Kaiyata's Mahii-
Kaliipa = K1ilapa-
Kas. k Kasika of J ayadityaand Vam.;.
Ras. viv. KasikavivaraI}.apafijikli,
known by the name Nyasa.
Kat. = Klitantra
Kat. Pari. Durg. = Klitantra Paribh1i-'
by Durgasirhha.
Kliv. Prak. = Kiivyaprakasa of Mam-
= of _
, Niigesa.
M. Bh. = of Patafijali
on the Sfitras of PaI,lini (Dr.
Kielhorn's edition ).
Vol. VII = Tbe Volume
of the introduction in to
the Piitaiijala written
by K. V. Abbyankar and publi-
shed by the D. E. Society, Poona.
= commentary on
the by Bhartrbari.
Muktiivali = Nyiiyamuktavall of
Vivana tha paficiinana.
NandikeSvara = Nandikesvarakarikii.
Nir. = Nirukta of.yaska.
Nylisa=KliSikavivaraQapafijikii, a com-
mentary on the Kasikiivrtti by
1'.; Pan = P1iQini's
Padamafijari = Padamafijari, a comm- Sring-Prak. - 8pigarapraklia of
entary on the Klisiklivrtti by Bhoja. .
Haradatta. T. Pr.=Taittiriya PratiMikhya.
paI,l. 8ik. of PaQini. Tait. SaIilh. = Taittiriya Samhita.
Par. EMs. = of Tattvabodh. Tattvabodhini by
Haribhiiskara Agnihotri. Jiilinendrasarasvati.
Par. 8ek. = of TattvacintiimaI,li =TattvacintamalJ.i of
Nagea. GaJigesopadbyiiya.
Paramalaghumaiijii!iii = Paramalaghu- = commentary on the
of Niigea:bhatta. Taittiriya Pratisiikhya.
Pari. Sang. . by U ddyota =
K. V. Abhyankar. by NageSa.
Phit.Siitra = Santanava's Phitsiitra. U:Q. Siitra=UJ;liidisiitrapaficapadi.
Pradipa = Kaiyata's Ui;l. Siitravr. = Ui;liidisiitravrtti by
dipa. Ujjvaladatta.
Pari- Upamanyu = Nandikesvarakarika-
by U pamanyu.
R. Pro by Sau- Uvvata = on the
naka (Sanskrit Priitislikhya works.
Edition, Calcutta.) V. Pr.. Vajasaneyi Pratisakhya.
R. Prati1ikhya. VaidiklibharaQa = commentary on the
R. V., Taittiriya Priitisakhya.
saIilhita. = KOQQabhatta's
SabdakilUstubha = Sabdakaustubha of
BhaHoji Yak. pad. = Vakyapadiya of Bhartr-
8iik.=8akatliyana's 8abdanusiisana. hari.
8lik. Pari. = 8likajliyana Paribbali- Viik. Pad. tika = Commentary on
patba. Bhartrhari's Viikyapadiya.
S. K. Sid. Kau.=S}ddhantakaumudi. V., Vart;= Varttikas on the Siitras of
Siradeva = Siradeva's PaI).ini as given in the
vrtti. j- (Dr. Kielhorn's edition.)
Siva Siitra=Miihesvarasiitras. I Vya<;li= '
. /'
abl. ablative case.
above. a reference to, some preceding
word, not necessarily on the
same page.
acc. accusative case.
adj. adjective.
adv. adverb.
Ahn. Ahnika of the Patafijala Maha-
aor. aorist.
Atm. or Atmanep. Atmanepada.
caus. causal. ,
d. confer, compare.
com. commentary.
compo compound.
condo conditional.
conj. conjugation.
dat. dative case.
desid. desiderative.
dual. dual number.
ed. edition.
e.g. gratia, for example.
etc. et cetera, an'd others.'
f., fern. feminine.
freq. frequentative.
fut. future.
gen. genitive case.
gend. gender.
gr. grammar.
i.e,. id est, that is.
imperf. imperfect.
impera. imperative.
indo indeclinable.
info infinitive.
ins., inst. instrumental case.
krt. krt (affix).
lit. literally.
loco locative case.
mase., masculine gender.
ms. manuscript.
neut. neuter gender.
nom. nominative case.
Pan. paJ"lini.
p.p.p; past passive participle.
Parasmai. Parasmaipada.
part. participle.
pass. passive voice.
perf. perfect.
pers. person.
pI. plural.
pres. present tense.
pron. pronoun.
sec. second.
sing. singular.
subj. subjunctive.
suf. suffix.
tad. taddhita affix.
Vart. Varttika (on the Sutra of
PaQini ).
Ved. Vedic.
vide see.
V. I. varia lectio, another reading.
vOC. vocative case.
A Dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar
ar (I) the first letter of the alphabet
in Sanskrit and its derived bngua.
ges, representing the sound a (81);
( 2) the vowel a ( 81) representing in
grammatical treatises, except when
prescribed as an affix 0[' an aug-
ment or a substitute, all its eighteen
varieties caused by accentuation I
or nasalisation or, lengthening; (3) I
personal ending a (81) of the perf. I
sec.pI. alld first and third pers. sing.;
( 4) krt affix a (81) prescribed espe-:-
dally after the denominative and
secondary roots in the sense of the
verbal activity e.g. f'CfiCl1, .
"ii"iiT etc. cf. 81 etc. (P. III.
3.102- 106) ; (5 ) sign of the aorist
mentioned as an (m:.) or can
by PaI).ini in P. III I.48 to 59-e.g.
aPIl1G:., (6) conjugational
sign mentioned as sap or sa
by PiiI).ini in P. III.I.68, 77.
fl.g. +Fffa-, gcmr etc. ; (7) augment am
( as prescribed by P. VI. 1.58;
e.g. i\I!T,' (8) augment a#
( prefixed to a root in the im-
perf. and aorist tenses and in the
conditional mood e.g. 81<!iffi.,
ct. P. V1.4.7 I; (8) krt
affixa (81) prescribed as 0l:S:,;;r-;;
. '" -'" ..... ,
6fU.t, 6!"l., 'ii, <9, Of, e, G, OJ, etc.
in the third Adhyaya of PiiI).ini's
(9) tad. affix a (81)
mentioned by PaQini as 81"!., 81 '1:,-
case; (12) remnant (81) of the
negative particle ,<lS(, after the eli-
sion the consonant n (i1J by
<{Sf: P. vi, 3.73 (13) remnant
of the U Qadi affixes 8TiI" , 'ii, Cfiii. ,
6!u:( , 81 etc. in the fourth and the
fifth cbapters of the Aljitadhyayi' of I
Pii.I).in'i; (10) the samasanta affix a I "',
( 81), as also stated in the form of
the samasanta affixes (\S''<f 81'C! t<r
'"" ...... , "
td (...!-.) (I) nasal utterance calJed
and written as a dot above
the vowel preceding it. cf.
lifo ; it is pronounced after
'a vowcl as immersed in it. The
anusvara is considered ( I) as only
a of the preceding
vowel being in a way completely
amalgamated with it. cf. T. Pr.-V.
II, 31; XV. I; XXII. I4; (2) as
a nasal addi tion to the preceding
vowel,' many times prescribed in
grammar as nul ( or num (
which is changed, into anusvara in
which case it is looked upon as a
sort of a vowel, while, it is looked
upon as a consonant when it is
changed into a cognate of the
following consonant ) or re-
tained as n (iI). ct. P. V III. 4.58;
( 3) as a kind of consonant of the
type of nasalized half g ('I.) as des-
cribed in some treatises of the'
Yajurveda Pratisakqya; cf. also R.
Pro 122 V. Pr: 14.148-9. The vowel
element of the anusvara became
more prevalent later on in Pali,
Prakrit, ,Apabhramsa and in the
spoken modern languages while
the consonantal element became
more predominant in classical Sans-
krit. l(m
q'<l., '6f, all[ and aq) by PaQini in '
V. 4. 73 to 121; (II) substitute a
(0liR) accented grave before
case-affixes beginning with tbe ins.
I S1<ll<m<lmii>T 1. 28.
the same as or
81'f<i<ffiifm or pres crib.
ed by the rule
P. 11.2.1 and the following
P. II. 2.2 and 3; e.g. ttM:, aJ1RCIiT<i:,
also aTif:!Tf<l:'II1l, a class of words
headed by which have' their
last vowel accented acute when
they stand at the end of a tat-
compound with the word
>rB as the first member, ct. P.
VI. Z. 193.
(:) (I) vi?arga, called visarja-
niya in ancient works and shown
in writing by two dots, One below
the otl!. r, exactly of the same
size, like the pair of breasts of a
maiden as jocularly expressed by
Durgasirilha. ct. 01': I
31'fil\ ;:j'iJlT(OlTil': I
(S;<irEri[ on
1. is always a dependent
letter inCluded among the Ayo-
gavaha lettels and it is looked
upon as a vm,vel when it forms a
part 01 the preceding vowel; while
it is lc.')ked upon as a consonant
'l,rhen it is changed into the Jibva-
miidya or the Upadhmaniya letter.
\ :;; ) a term uSed for nominative in
a,ncient grammar-treatises.
at X ( x) represented, by a
sign like the Cl'ii in writing, as stated
by Durgasimha wbo remarks Cf'fi[-
+rcrfu. The Jlhva
miiliya IS only a voiceless breath
following the utterance of a vowel
and preceding the utterance of the
gutteral letter 'Ii, Itis look-
ed upon as a letter (Cfo1), but de-
pendent upon the following conso-
nant and hence looked upon as a
consonant. e.g. ;:: 'liUfu.
lil1 X (x) Upadbmaniya represented'
by a sign like the temple of an ele-
phant as stated by Durgasimha who
remarks .. aQ\:1iETI<reW
"'I9'm." Kat. 1. I t is a voiceles.s
breath following the utterance of a
vowel and preceding the utterance
of the labial letter p ( tt.) or Ph ( qi).
It is looked upon as a letter (Cfo1),
but dependent upon the f<?llowing
consonant and hence looked upon
as a consonant.
name given to the case
in the Taittiriya Pra#siikhYa. cf.
- 31:'liT\ T. Pro
I. 23.
(I) condensed expression
representing the letters 01', a,
and in PaI}ini's Grammar ct. P.
VI. 1.12, lor; VII. 4. 2. (2) sign
( f<t'lil:I1l) of the benedictive in Vedic
Literature in the case of the root
'!'Re.g. f!l'at "'i P. III. 1. 86 V.2;
( 3) remnant' of the termination
01''li'''l:, P. V. 3. 71; (4) substitute
( 31TW) for the last vowel of
the word l'2l:'fTi'l (P. IV. I. 97) e.g.
(I) affix 8F-ii substituted for the
affix given in PaI)ini:s Grammar
as in qrrM-'liT (P. III.
3 I II); as iii ij:;jfu
. ,
( P. HI. I. 133: III. 3. 10,
108); as in <1!fCli: (P. V. 3.8));
as in <i169'li: (P.
11 r. 2, 146; IV. 2. 39, 53. etc, );
as in 119'li:, ; i!!i1i9i:, 'R'h:. III. I.
149; IV. 2.61 etc.
substitute (Ol'f&:qr) for the last
letter of the word prescribed
along with the tad. affix lPf. by P.
IV.!. 97. e.g.
affix prescribed before the last
syllable of pronouns and indeclin-
abIes without any specific sense
for it ( P. V. 37 r) e:g.
not' mentioned by any other
case-relation such as 01'qnu;:r, ij-sroif
. I
, I
and O1'N'li(Ol; stated with respect
to the indirect' object, governed, by
roots, possessing two objects such
as!W:, others, which in the
passive voice is put in the nomina-
tive case. The indirect object' is
called because in some
cases there exists no other case-
relation as, for example, in q]-\<f 'It
or or mOlCf9i 9.'C'fu;
while, in the other cases, the other
case-relations (with the activity
expressed by the verb) are wilfully
suppressed or ignored although they
, exist. as for instance in 'IT 11'''1:,
crt see O1''lifirlf "'i P. I.
4.51 and the Mahabha.!?ya thereon.
cpo also 31q]'<Wllfit
HeUi. on Vak. Pad. III. 7.70.
, . not shaken; tremulous; said
with respec't to vowels in Vedic
utterance, kampa being looked
upon as a fault of utterance. ct.
O1''liMCfT<! I 'lil'qi{ Y'fTti
, +!9'm I CflItR"e,'1 I R.
Pro Ill. 3I.

a case-relation excepting that
of the subject to the verbal acti-
vity. cf. "'i P.
III. 3.19.
intransitive, without any ob-
ject, (said with regard to roots
which canno.t possess an object or
whose object is suppressed or
ignored). The reasons for supples-
, sian are briefly given in the weH-
known stanza;
'liB'Oi'ts 'liffr'lir-
&n<ir II Yak. Pad. III. 7.88. In the
case of intransitive roots, the verbal
activity and its fruit are centred in
one and the same ,individual viz.
the agent or 'liQT cf.
'lif<mmiTTti'lip.'li: Vak. Pad. III. 7.67.
An !indent verse describing the
senses in which a root is intransi-
tive is as follows :
'e'fTgl'fUi' crw.mifiliT3: II
an object governed by
an intransitive root by virtue,of
the activity of a transitive root
whicp is supposed, as for instance,
in where the word ;;1.j1tq
which governs <irij- as an object, is
suppressed; cpo Yak. Pad. III. 7.67.
<fii4>rni4>f fSn<:rT the acti vi ty of a transi-
- tive root like that of an intransitive
root by virtue of the suppression
,of its object as, for instance,in <'{eft'
Cflffu I and the like. cpo Vak. Pad.
III. 7.88. '
I6ICfiI'iildJ17'lq name of the commen-
tary by Harinatha on the Pari-
Nagesabhatta. "
(01'9il+ffifu) an invariable
euphonic change ( such as
the dropping of the consonant r (\)
when followed by r. ct. R. Pro
IV. 9" l{rNarQl:'fT
'liT1ir.t<iffi e.g.
tlwffi {l!f: R. V. 1. 180.I. ,
the letter a (01') inclusive of all
its eighteen kinds camed by short-
ness, length, protraction, acceutua-
tion and nasalization in's
grammar, in cases where a (Sf) is
not actually prescriLcd as a ter-
. mination or an' augment or a sub-
stitute, cf. p; I.
'I.73. The letter is generally given
as the first letter of the alphabet
t in all PratiS1ikhya and
grammar works except in the alpha-
bet termed Var:r;l.Opadesa, as meu-
tioned in the E,k Tantra cf. 31T it
an 31[ C>?: Si "1\ <ri: l{ \3' an: I I
I ,., . 31: ::: 'li ::: qr: I
tJ at art etc. R. T. I. 4
not causing any verbal activity;
different from the karakas or in-
struments of action such as the
_agent, the object, the instrument,
the recipient the separated
(i3ilff<Uij) and the location,
ct. M. Bh. on 1. 4.23, 29 and 51
and on II. 3.1.
riot a grammatical positive
operation: e.g. elision ct-.
em '9 Wq I <3fc!if<i Wq: I
l\LBh: on I. 3.2.
(I) not limited by any time-
factors for its study such as cer-
tain periods of the day or the year.
( 2) not characterized by any
technical terms expressive of time
such as adyatani, parok$a occurring
,in the ancient Pratisiikhya and
grammar work's. The term a/talaka
is used by the writers of the Kasika-
vrtti in connection with the gram-
mar of PaQini. ct.
Kas. on P .. II. 4.2 I ex-
plained by the writer of the Pada-
mafijali as '{CfffUr c'l1<g1lJTfir
different from the KaJapa
or the revised Kiitantra Grammar
d. Kas., on
P. H.4.21.
not marked by the mute letter
k and hence not disallowing
gUJ;Ja or vrddhi substitutes for the
preceding vowel, cf.
P. VI. I.S8; P. VII. 4.83.
lit. non-krt; an affix applied to
a root, but different from the
affixes. ct. P. VII.
4. 2 5. '
not established; said of a gram- '
matical operaticn which has not
taken place e.g. M. Bh.
on V. 2.100; V. 3.84. aiso M. Bh. on VI. 4 62.
doing or accomplishing what
is not done or accomplished; the
expression is used in connection
with gramma tical operations like
or only in cases
:where it is necessary i.e.. where
a!ready there is no hrasvaor dirgha
ct. w:r1:lT I
arf4<{&:nt oi\iifu I M. Bh. on VI.
1.127. ,The rules of Grammar, !ike
fire, are applied to places where
they produce a change.
short expression for the
grammatical maxim tfrfUr-
rfr:Ir: which means If the followers
of PaQini do not insist on the
taking of a IUle its
cause or causes disappear." See
Par. Sek"Par. 56.
word or expression without
the necessary euphopic changes d.
'9 '9 P.
V. 3.84 vart. I.
OIWd:$md" words ending with a
ing or visarga which are nqt looked
upon as placed immediately before
the next word and hence which
have no combination with the
following vowel e.g. arlf"Ji:
R. V. IX. 3.1.
Oliiifm:r non-technical; not formed or
not arrived at by grammatical
operations such as the applicatioI;l
of affixes to cr I,lde bases and so on ;
natural; assignf'd only by accident.
ct. the gram. maxim .riiF-l+t<lr:
ii&if whIch meanS H in
cases of doubt operation
rders to that expressed by the
technical sense or to that which is
by the ordinary sense of
a term, the operation refers to
what is expressed by the technical
sense." Par, Sf'k. Par. 9 also M.
,Bh. on 1. 1.23. and Viik. Pad.
II. 366.
an epithet applied to
the pronunciation of Veda words
improperly which does not, serve
'any useful purpose. cf.
Uvata on -R. Pr.
XIV: 6t<.
earlier writers. For the etymology
. of the term see i3i&:lt
i'f &:It I <lui qT!i:
M. Bh. Ahnika
2 end. -
not possessing the mute htter
k g ('!.) or n and hence
not preventing the.guQa and vrddhi
substitutes for the preceding vowel,
if they occur. e.g.
I M. Bh. on P.
LI.I. Vart. IQ.
an ancient work of the Prati-
sakhya type, attributed to A.pisali
a.nd discussing the chanting of
definite, known or specified de-
finitely. d. i:jf'i'.I'IiT
llqfrff <J M.
Bh.1. 1.72.
, ,not a result Of a verbal acti-
vity; the expression is Useu in con-
nection with qualities (on a sub-
stance) as opposed to the activities
found in it. ct.
M. Bh. on IV. I.44.
a class of words headed
by which take the tad. affix
{hak (i{91) in the sense of ' resulting I
from' e.g.
etc. d. P. I V+1g.
1Il&:R a letter of the alphabet, such as.,
a ( 3T ) or i ( i{) or h ( or y (<i..) or
the like. The, word was originally
applied in the Pratisakhya works
to vONels (long! short as also pro-
tracted), to consonants and the
ayogavaha letters which were tied
down to, them as their appendages. I
Hence came later on -to mean I
a syllable i.e. a vowel with a con-
sonant or consonan ts preceding or
following it, or without, any con- I
sonant at all. ct. ijt<jJ: I
<UEll alllr i3ia;rofUr Pro 1. 17- !
I9 ct. Q;'iiI1jJ\f, El1lJ\{ etc. The term
ak!?ara was also applied to any Jetter
(quT), be it a vowel or a consonant,
cf. the terms Q;<li{&)'\, WI:<f&:l<:,
used by Pataiijali as also by the
name given to the dvipada
viraj verses divided into padas of
five syllables . .ct.
tlOff I tmf&:lUrtfTlUffiT-
R. Pro XVII. 50.
af!.tfHf+!BiI'<!1 alphabet; traditional enu-
meration of phonetically indepen-
dent letters generally beginning with
the vowel a (3T). Although the
number of letters and the order in
which they are stated differ in
different treatises, still,qualita-
tively they are much the same.
The SivasiHras, on which PaQini's
, grammar" is based, enumerate 9
vowels, 4 semi-vowels, twenty-five
class-consonants and 4 sibilants.
The nine vowels are five simple
vowels or monothoBgs ( tlIUi'fl1jJ\) as
they are called in ancient treatises,
and the four diphthongs, (tFIl'l'&:I<:).
The four- semi-vowelsy, v, r, t, ( <{
"{, \. called antastbiivarQa, the
twenty-five class-consonants or
mutes called sparsa, and the four
ietters S, sand h ( iR
are the same in all the Pratisa-
khya and grammar works although
-in the Pratisakhya works the semi-
vowels are mentioned after the class
consonants. The difference in
numbers, as noticed, for example
in the maximum number which
reaches 65 in the Vajasaneyi-Pra-
tisakhya, is due to the separate
mention of the long and protract-
ed vowels as also to the im:lusioQ
of the Ayogavaha leiten, and their I
number. The Ayogav1i.ha letters I
are anusvara, Visarjaniya, jibvamfi-
Jiya, up3.dhmaniya, nasikya, four
yamas and, svarabhakti The.l}k I
Pratisakhya does not mention I (t:a),
but adding long a (an) i ( t) fi (6))
- Ahnika 2-end. <!+l'<n'<ffl1
ar!'J\(1liT+CfT<! Q;Cj I \tl: I ST9lTU
tlcrT 'if95,! B1'ff oft
l1qm ar!'J{tI+l'I+<rr<i: '<f
ihn:I,'1fUfiml Aitareya Ara!}.yaka
I 11..2.3.
name of an ancient work
on grammar attributed to Gargya;
cpo iflrl'r lIT+nM'Ii I
<rf+l' o<!I'Ii\uT I -quota-
tion attributed to HaHi.yudha in
forming a part or a l'yilable
just as the anusvara (nasal utter-
ance) or svarabhakti ( vowel-part)
which forms a part of the preced-
ing syllable. ct. '<if!'JUSR:
R. Pro 1.22, also 'lctl1fll!'JUWIl:.
R. Pro 1.32.
and r (:Jt) to the short vowels,
mentions 12 vowels, and m'ection- I
ing 3 Ayogavahas (';; ;:: l{ and at) I
lays down 48 letters. The. I
Tantra Pratisakhya adds the vowel i
I (short as also long) and I
mentions I..j. vowels, 4 semi-vowels, I
25 mutes, 4 sibilants, and by add-
ing 10 aycgavahas viz. 4 yamas, I
nasikya, visarjaniya jihvaIlJii.!iya, I .
upadhmiiniya and two kinds of
anusvara, and thus brings the total
number to 57. The Rk Tantra
makes a separate enumeration' by
putting diphthongs first, long,
vowels afterwards and short vowels I
still afterwards, and puts semi-
vowels first before mutes, for pur-
poses of framing brief terms or
pratyahiiras. This enumeration is
called van;lOpadesa in contrast witb
the other one whicb is called var!}.-I
oddesa.. The Taittiriya Pratisakhya
unitary import; the
meaning of a sentence collectively
(r) absence of any other re-
course or alternative. cf.
& q(t+!T1'fT<l>ll<rif.
Pari. vrtti Pari. II9; (2) which is
not a word termed gati. d. 'i:i<lf4frtq
P. VIII. 1.57.
adds protracted vowels and "'''''''''''''<\'l''''c''''\, non-communicativeness, in-
down 60 letters; The of ability to communicate adequately
Pal).ioi lays down 63 or 64 letters, the.intended meaning. d. lRt;Ul'fUlTCfT
while the Vajasaneyi-Pratis1i.khya 9:itlmi ll'ifff I IVI. Bh.
gives 65 letters. d. V. Pr. VIII. on II. 1.1; d. also 8l1Tli9:i:
I-25. The alphabet of the modern I
Indian Languages is bassed on the
VarlJasamamnaya given in the
Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya. T?-e Pra-
tiSakhyas call this enumeration by
the name VarI).3.-samamnaya. The I
Rk. tantra uses the terms
mamnaya and Brahmarasi which
ate picked up later on by Pataiijali. I
cf. 9;f6ra:
5Tfm:rtUsm itFctffo<IT
um: I <term- I
'<iR<l I M. Bh.
a1'nur non-secondary, principal; cf.
M. Bh. on 1. 4.5 r.
uncomprehended, unincluded
ct. I
ct. also
Padamafijari on KiiS VIII.
arm a term in the K1i.taritra grammar
for a word ending in i ( 11: ) or u ( a )
cf. Kat. II. 1.8; aj'{rOOS'!iR: I
Kat. II. 1.50.
a class of words headed
by the word aj'mq" to which the
tad. affix arm is added in the senses
of' given there' or 'done there'
e.g .. 3T'l.!.q<gor
V. 1.97 Vatt. I. .
an ancient writer of Vedic
grammar mentioned jn the Taitti-
riya PratiSiikhya. d.
( ) <1
T,' Pr. IX. 4.
an ancient writer of Vedic
grammar; mentioned in the Taitti-
riya Pr1Hisakhya. d ..
( 11ij- <;q(taW ciT
<1T'i'<lij- q ) Tait. Pro XIV. 32.
. analogy conveyed by
the expr,ession arm 'liffifilT implying
permission to the agent to do
certain other things in a sacrificial
session when, as a matter of fact,
he is only permitted to work as an
agent at the sacrificial action
( arm9:i<:Ul), by virtue of the reply
f to his request made in the
sente!lce anTI '!i\qlfUT. ct. ann'li\CfrfUT-
r<:{B1<i llfcj6ijl0 M. Bh. on. II. 2.2 t.
the original SaIilhita text as oppo-
sed to pratglI)a (lfqUllj) or pada-
patha, which is the recital
of separate words.
not forming part of the regular
text; cpo I
I Kaiyata on M. Bh. on
Pa. IV. 4.89.
t Vasudeva-SaraI)a AFaValf1.),
a modern scholar of Sanskrit
grammar, the autbor of" India as
known to PaI)ini ".
non-inclusion, non-compreben-
sion. cf. Par.
Sekh. Par. 72; M. Bb. VII. I.I
V1i.rt. I3.
elision of" the vowel a, i, U, r or
! ( ar, 'Er, or t:a) which prevents
Sanvadbhiiva ct.
P. VII. 4'93, as also
VIr. 4.2 where the elision prevents
the shortening of the penultimate
vowel if it is long. unvoiced,' merely breathed; a
term applied to the surd conso-
nants, s, s, and visargawhich are
uttered - by mere breathing and
which do not produce any sonant
effect. d. T. Pro 1. 12; R. Pro T. II.
The term jit is used for these
letters as also for the first two
consonants of a cIassin the Vajasa-
neyi-Pditisakhya cf. ID ID lImn Rim;
, . ii<Ft"f. V .. Pr. I. 50.5 r.
The vikara.r;ta before Jun affixes,
substituted for the' affix cvi (Fq)
in the case of the roots mentioned '
by Pa.r;tini in Sii.tras Ill. 1.52-59;
( 2 ) the VikaraI).apratyaya in Vedic
Literature before the benedictive
affixes prescribed by P1i.l)ini in
Siltra III. I.86; (3) krt affix in the
feminine gender showing verbal
activity applied to roots marked
with the mute letter '\ and the roots
and others P. III. 3 104-
I06. e.g. m:r, SI'if, ma:r etc.
not marked with the mute letter
1i ) signifying the absence of the
prohibition of the gU!Ja the
vrddhi substitute. cf. arfir-ffi
(Cf'ffiO<I: ) M. Bh. III. 3.83 Vait. 2.
In the case of the
( arr") unmarked with n (:), it
signifies a sentence or remembrance
of something cf. e.g.
<liT <liT o:ci ffiI. cf. M. Bh.
on I. 1.14. .
SiW . ( I) tbe crude base of a noun or
a ver"? to which affixes are added:
a technical term in pal}.ini's gram-
mar fot the crude base after which
an affix is prescribed e.g. \:f'm in
3lrQrr'f, or 'ii in cf.
P. 14I3;
( 2) subordinate part constituent
part ct. lfUWfi{ in
P. II. I. 2, also f.rllClif*@r.:if IfRtlT1flijJf
Par. Sek. Par. -93.10; ( 3} auxiliary
for an operation, e.'g.
etc. d. filfir'ijlt'f
Par. Sek. Par. 50; (4) element of
a word or of an' expression ct.
"'lTSj'q{: R. T. 190 , :q
R. T. 127. T.
'1'W<ft'r. considered 'as auxiliary or part
of another e.g. q-ijfCfiUCf: ;
ct. P. JI. 1.2 and
the' Vartika thereon
tlCfmm II
an operation prescribed in the
section named ailgadhikarll, com-
prising the fourth quarter of the
sixth book and the whole of the
seventh book of PiiI).ini.
a large section of paI).ini's
covering five quarters
(VI. 4.1 to the end of VII) in
which the various operations under-
gone by crude bases before various
affixes etc. are prescribed.
class of words headed by
to which the affix O<li..
( is added in the sense of com-
parison ) ; e.g.
cL Kas. on P.V. 3. 108.
the short term or pratyahara in
paI).ini's Grammar representing a
vowel, e.g. (ending with a
vowel), (vowel coalescence
or combination).
impossible to amend, not
to be discussed. cf. ttcf iii ij:'
on P .. II. 2.12.
retaining its gender although
used as an adjective.
Class words headed by
to which the fern. affix a:rt is added,
sometimes inspite of the - affix t
being applicable by other rules
such as P. IV, 1.63
and other rules in the section. e g.
c!. P. IV. 1.4.
li$lfcita?i", author of the Cintiima'!Zi-
. . prakiisikii a gloss on Cintiima'!Zi, the
well known commentary by Yak!?a-
varman on the Sabdanfisiisana of
Siikatayana. A }itasena was the
grand pupil of Abhayadeva;' he
. \
lived in the l"2th century A.D.
class of words headed by
the word whicb do not allow
lengthening of the final vowel by
P. VI. 3. II9. although they form
technical terms 9fr.c1qd{
etc. ct. Kas on P. VI. 3. II9
sr:tim'ffi See under .
61111 tad. affix a (a:r) with the mute
letter i'i (sr,), prescribed (i) after
the words \:IEli! and others in various
senses like progeny, dyed in; pro-
duced in, cOme from etc. P. IV
1.86, \ ii) after the words fori{ and
others iIi the sense of grandson and
other descendents. P. IV. I. 104
For other CdseS see P. IV. 1 . 141,
,161; IV. 2.12, I4 etc. IV. 3.7 etc.
IV. 4.49, The feminine is formed
by adding i to words ending
with this affix. which have the
vrddhi vowel substituted for their
vowel which gets the acute
accent also" e.g. a:rRli!:,
(I) token term standing 'for
vowels and semi-v.owels, excepting
-----_. __ ._,-----_. -----
1 specially mentioned as not
interfering with the substitution of
'!Z (ll.!.) for n (i!.) e.g. frlf\uri, a:rrQ11l, m
etc. See. P. VIII. 4. 'Z; (2) aug-
ment a ) with an acute accent,
which is ,prefixed to verbal forms in
the imperfect and the aorist tenses
and the conditional mood. e.g.
See P. IV. 4.71;
( 3) augment a (a:r() prescribed in
the case of the roots , etc. be-
fore a Sarvadhiituka affix beginning
with any consonant except y ( ),
e.g. etc.;
see P. VII. 3, 99, 100; (4) aug-
ment a prefixed sometimes
in Vedic Literature to affixes of
the Vedic e.g.
me(, etc. see P. III. 4.94.
6Ii)'Cl' .... tad. affix a:ro prescribed after the
word 'li<lCJ:, by the nile <ii<lfii'l
cf. 'ii<lfur <fill?;: Kas.on P.
tad. affix *i applied in the sense
of pitiable or to a word. pre-
ceded by the word \:I1f when the
whole word after sq is dropped. e.g.
<!qG( + *i) see. P. V. 3 80
Gi'l.!. (I) token term for. all
vowels and semi vowels which, when
prescribed for an operation, include
all such of their sub-divisions as
are caused by length, protraction, .
accent or riasalization. cf.
"it>RCI<i: P. L 1.69; (2) token
term for the vowels a:r, ( and ;g. in, I
all Panini's rules except in the rule I
1. 1.69 given above e.g. see.
P. VI. 3. III; iitscrr: P.
VII. 4.13. and P. VIII.
4. 57; ( 3 ) tad. affix a ( a:r) prescrib-
ed generally in the variot;ls. senses
such as' the offspring, , 'dyed in, ,
belonging to' etc. except incases
where other specific affixes are pre-
scribed ct. P. IV . I.83;
( 4.) kr. affix a .( a:r ), applied, in the
sense of an agent, to a root with an
antecedent word ( \3lJ1P.{) standing
as its object. e.g. see P.
III.2.1; see P. III.3.12.
a term applied to all taddhita
snffixes collectively as they begin
with a:raz cf. P. IV. 1.83.
the minimum standard of the'
quantity of sound, which is not per-
ceived by the senses, being equal to
one-fourth of a .Matra; cf. a:ru1Rg
ffismlU{ morr g :qgucrr'l1t:l.1I see
T. Pro 21.3; V. Pr. 1.60; A. Pr. III.
65. :B.k. tantra, however, defines
as half-a,.matra. ct. (RT.
1.41 ).
... tI:a the rule prescribing cog-
nateness (tHCfIRt) of hitters. The
term refers to' PiiI).ini's siltra
"iTIR'!l<i: P. I. 1.69. The
terms and liI'i_ are used
in the same sense.
author of who
was a Tamil BrahmaQa by caste.
(I) tech. term in PiiI).ini's gram-
mar for shGrt a:r, cf. P. 1.
1.70; P. 1. i.2; (2)' per-
sonal ending at for l( ( of tbe 1st
pers. sing. Atm. in the Potential,
P. III. 4.706 ; (3) case-affix in th-e
case and for abl. sing.
and pI. P. VII. 1.3,32; (4) tad-
affix illtJ:. ( a:r) prescribed after in
the sense of the loco case before
which fit;r. is changed to 15 being
the tad. formation; cf. P. V. 3.12
and VII. 2.105; (5) substitute am.
( for forming the present
and future participles in the Para- /
smaipada active voice d.
m:;fro P. III. 2.124 and P.
III. 3.14.
non-Atmanepadin verbal affixes
m, n: .. mi.. P. III. 4.78, Can. I. 4.II,
Sak; I. 4.IOI. .
QttfilC?: not taking that much time
only which is shown by the letter
(vowel) uttered, but twice or thrice.
as required by its long or protracted
utterance; the expression is usedin
connection with vowels in HiQini's
alphabet, which, when used in
PliQini's rules, except when pte-
scribf'd or followed by the letter
includes their long, protracted and
nasalized utterances; cf.
I. 1.69.
Sjijq:ojiij.\:T<Ii not having the same mute
significatory letter. but having one
or two additional ones, cf.
m:uI"I: (Par. Sek.
Pari. 84).
an affix which is not a taddbita P. 1.3.8; M. Bh.
on I. 3.4; V. 3.l e c. I
implying no specific., pur.pose;
not intended to teach anything,
; e.g. Kas. and
Si. Kau. on P.
1.2.32; cf. Q' (the
use of does not necessarily
convey the sense of the comparative
degree in PiiJ;,lini's rules) M. Bh. on
P. 1. 2.33. This statement has been
given as a distinct by
Vya<;li and8akatayana. The author
of the appears to have
quoted it from the writings of
Vya<;li and the earlier grammarians.
See also M. Bh. on P. II.
( tad. aff. :3ffil3, applied to Ii
the words tR a,nd aJiif\; e.g.
o::&!uffit 'ima-; arrlffi:, troi't
0l'i{Q lIHIffi:
cr. P. V. 2.28,29.
.. conveyance of only the
properties of one to another without,
conve} ing the actual form, describ-
ed as the 'significance of antadivad-
bhava. cf. if eft M. ;Bh.
on P. VI. r.8SViirt. 26. See
personal affix of the third pers.
pl. Atm. in the Imperative (
cf. P. III. 4.90.
over a word in
i6lmO without'repeating it; passing
beyond, cf. R. Pr., X.7,
which means catching a word for
repetition by coming back after
passing over it, e.g. 3fqre: 1
!lRr I .or lila- I I
a:&i I
srm::ii4IQ", one of the varieties of-in
f;:-ct, the first variety of --the Atic-
chandas metre, which see above;
this'Atijagati. consists of 52 sylla-
bles. e.g. om-iii:
Saroh. 8.97.13 ct. eT
R. Pr. XVI.
ex:tended appliciltion; transfer'
or conveyance or application of the
character or qualities or 'attributes
of one thing to another. AtideSa fn
Sanskrit grammar is a very common
ieature prescribed by PaQini gener-
ally by affixing the tad. affix or
'i<l. to the word whose attributes are
conveyed to another, e.g.
P. III. 4.85. In some cases the
atidesa is npticed even without the
affix +Rf. or 'itt.. e.g. mx.
P.1.-2.I. Atidesa is generallY.seen
in all grammatical terms which end
with' vadbhiiva ' e.g. ( P.
I. 1:56-59), (P. VII. 4.93),
(P. VI. 1.85),
(P. V. 4.50) and others. Trilocana-
diisa on Durga's commentary on
Kat. Sii. II. 2.60 gives five kinds;
ct. :q
Out of these atidesas, the
is the most important one, by virtue
of which sometimes there is a full
representation i.e. substitution of
the, original form called sthiinin in
the place of the secondary form
called adesa. This full representa-
tion is called as different
from the usual one which is called
ct. M. Bh. on I. 2.1; VII.
1.96; VIII. 1.90 VaIt. I and VIII.
1.95. Vart. 3. Regarding the use of
there is laid down a
when an ,operation depending on
the general properties of a thing
could be taken by extended applica-
tion, an operation depending on
special properties should not be
taken by virtue of the same; e.g.
in P. III. 3.132 means as in
the case of the 'general past tense
and not in the case of any special
past tense like the imperfect
or the perfect See Par. Sek.
Pari. 10!; M. Bh. on P. III. 3.132.
There is also a general dictum arrfct-
is transferred
by an extended application, need
not be necessarily taken. See Par.
Sek. 93.6 as M. Bh. on P. I.
1. 123 . Viirt. 4; 1. 2.1 Vart. 3; II.
3.69 Vart. 2 etc., Kaiyata on II. 1.2
and VI. 4.22 and Nyasa on P. 1.1.56
and P. 1. 2.58 Vart. 3. The dictum
is given as a Pari-
by Nagesa ci. Par. Sek. 93.6.
one of the varieties of Atic-
consisting of 76 syllables.
e.g. lW'lr if,
Saroh. I. 127.6.
a variety of the Gayatri
metre consisting of 20 syllables, cf.
R. Pr. XVI. 22. '
absence of any possibility; See
ffl:nfutffu. cf. P. III. 3.139 Can.
intense effort; characteristic
effort as required for uttering a
vowel with f<!ijillffi{ff.
over-application of a defini-
tion (OJr.resN SI'!1%: I) which is
looked upon as a serious fault j e.g.
anmratft P. VI. 1.66 Vart. 3.
too much, 'rather' unnece5sary;
e.g. M. Bh. on
1. 1.38, M. Bh. on I.
4.63; VI. 1.145; ifTRrqg
Bh. on VIII. l.4.
iifttihfi surplus, redundant; ct. Nir.
I V. 20; see Kaiyata on M. Bh. on
P. V. 1.13I.
quite distinct; used with res-
pect, to pronunciation iflfuo<.!:ffi if
I cf. T. Pro X VII.
iiftt .. q'Ed quite apart, used with respect
to lips which are widely apart
( fcifm) in the utterance of long
and an; cf. T. Pro II. 12, 13.
the same as amrsre;r, which
see above. Extensive application
'with respect to a rule which applies
to places where it should not apply.
See Par. Sekh on Pari. 28, Pari. 8j;
also Padamafij. on {{lis. II. I.32.
Sl'fd'l!iep{1 a variety of Aticchandas
metre consisting of 60 syllables.
e.g. ij!!1fI clTffJ:rfitfor: Samh. I. 137.
I. cf. R. Pr. XVI. 82.
excess or excellence as shown
by the affixes and 0'1 cf. troIll-
V. Pro V. 2;
M. Bh. On VI.
2.139; VII1.I.7I; (2) desire as
shown by the affix in PaJ;,lini's
grammar; cf. <{Ill R. T. 126.
excellence, surpassing; the
same as in V. Pro V.2 cf.
P. V. 3.55, also cf.
. I
+!'iRr +rgerwf: M. B h. 0 n V.
2.94, where Olffi:alC{if means 3lRriU<{.
Patafijali, commenting on P. V. 3.55
clearly that for 3fm, or
for the old grammarians,
out of fancy only, used the term
as it was a current term in
popular usage; cf.
<if<i'i'.. arfcro<j
'" .
M. ah. on P. V. 3.55.
SlM'ECI'l!l excess of contact, which to a
certain extent spoils the pronuncia-
tion and leads to a fault. is
the same as the letter co being
called on account of excess of
contact. This excess of contact
( in the case of the utter-
ance of the letter \. results into a
fault as it practically borders on
stammering; ct. 'i:i 'Tfi.
R. Pr. XIV. 26.
(QjRrFfH also) name of'
seventh musical note in the singing
of Samano cf.
T. Pr. XXIII. I3.
transfer of. a consonant in a
Stobha. See
which is known
by the name' past' and which stops
the note on of present:cp. Yak. pad.
III. 9-51 and
short term used by paI}.irii fo sig-
nify together the five affixes 'tii'ig,
+!g'{ and Cfg!.; cf.
:qp:nm: P. VI. 4.14.
not having the same force;
not belonging to the same type out
of the four types of rules viz. tR,
personal ending of pres. 3rd per.
pl. substituted foqr(Qji'fj ), the a:r of
W ( Qjrq) being changed into II; ana ii.
being omitted; (P. VJI. I.3)
( 1 ..4) and
(P. III. 4.79).
&Ifll::aa(ia complete contact of the
verbai activity (fili<!T); cf. P. V. 4.4.
.. d:4til' constant contact ;
contact, uninterrupted contact. cf.
'q P. II. r.29; II.
.. complete or abJSolute denial
or concealment offacts;cf.
'q I PIll. 2.IIS, Vart;,. I.
past liappening, cf .
ifilf: I I
Kas. on P. II. 1.6 .
rather. too little, an expression
'Used by Pataiijali idiometically cf.
M. Bh. on 1. 1.69 etc;
having a very slight contact
( with the organ producing sound ),
as in the -case of the utterance' of a
a variety of A ticchandas metre
con_sisting of 68 syllables. e.g.
(,j'if( ilftrnrr !FiliI: 5amh. 8.UI.I.
{ the group of prepositions
beaded by a:rftr which are compound-
ed with a noun in the acc. case; cf.
8R<j1G;<i: M. Bh. on P.
II. 2.18.
a:r;q1:i and cf. characterized by a sharp
if <:r'ifu Jainendra Pari. 66. . utterance; a name of the grave
a compound accent.
having its members in different very closely uttered. uttere4
cases, ct. Vak.pad. III. 14-478; with Close Hps and jaws, (said in
W err <:rm W ) - connection with the utterance of
personal ending of perf. 1st pers. the vowel a:r ); cf. T. PI'. II. 12. See
. dual. cf.
P. III. 4.
2. also 3ffci change of a vowel into
kJ"t affix ant. applied to the root >$1 short a:r.
in the sense of past time. cf. possessing or baving a short Cf
P. III. 2.104. vowel in it; used by
Pa'Qiniin (P. VII. 2.62)
instead of 6l'i[1 the correct one; cf.
+!Cffro M. Bh. on t. I.I
and I. 4.3;
Ul}adiaffix <mi prescribed in UQadi
Siltras 39}"396 e.g. see
the Pratisakhya work of
the Atharvaveda believed to have
been written bySaunaka. It consists
of four Adhyayas and is also called

krt. affix with \3' acce;oted,
applied to roots marked by pag.ini
with the mute syllable 10 the
sense of verbal activity; e.g.
P. HI. 3.2:;.
. conjugational affix of perf" 2nd
pe_rs. dual Parasmai. substituted for
the personal ending cf. ;po
. 4.82 '
ending with the short vowel a:r j
d. P. VIII. 4.7; a term applied to
nouns of that kind, and roots of
the tenth conjugation which are
given with the letter a:r at their end
whIch is not looked upon as mute
e.g. iTU1, etc. Mark also the
root titer described by as a:rc::ro
cf. fqferwo: M. Bh. on I.r.56.,
and II. 4.43. -
a term in andent grammars
and Pratisakhyas meaning non-
appearance ofa phonetic .member !
(V. Pi:. 1.141), explain-
ed as by Late! on,
the idea- of non-appearance came
to be associated with the idea of I
gIven by ra!J1fll lD the words
Iq: (as based evidently on
the Pratisakhya definition) waS
explained as nODoappear-ance of a
letter or a group of . letters where I
it was e-xpected to have been
p.resent. See M. Bh. on 1.1.60 Vart.
4 and Kaiyata thereon.
name given to the class of roots
belonging-to the second conjugation,
as the roots therein begin with the
root The word is also
used in the same sense; d. a:rfrt-
P. II. 4.72; cf. also
given by Hema-
chandra as 6r corres-
ponding to the maxim
I in the system
of PaQini.
UI}.adi affix cf.
UI}.. 12'7.
e E
See above.
aug. Qj1\.. added to the word
before the negative particle if; e.g
cf. P. VI. 3.70.
not seen properly; douptful; in-
distinct; said with respect to a letter
which is .pot distinctly deciphered
in the Samhitapatha; e.g. O'a:
5amh. I. I07.3); the last letter if.. of
(fo:. is deciphered in the Pada-:patha
. which is given as mi:. if: d .
R. Pr. X.IS.
$ wrong place, not a proper place;
cf. 'q TJfur: I M . .I3h. on P.
I.I.I3 and l. 2.I.
absence of fault; absence of
, inconvenience. The expression tW:<I-
often occurs in the Maha-
c::f. M.Bh. on I.3.62; I.
. 4;108, etc.
substitute for case affixes ij and
added to words ending with the
affixes em:: and Ga+i and to the words
a:r;:<:!, ar.:<lCR ct. P. VII. I.25.
tech. term of ancient gram-
marians signifying in general the
present time a! the day in ques-
tion, the occurrence of the im-
mediate past or future events in
which is generally expressed by the
aorist or the sfuiple future
l the other two corresponding
tenses imperfect and first future
(viz. and SR) being used in
connection with past and fUture
events respectivcfy, provided the
events d.o not pertain to that day
which IS in question; ct.
M.Bh. on P. III 2.102 Vart. 6.
P. VI. 4. II4. Vart. 3; (2)
term for the tense showing imme'
diate past time called in
PaJ;rlni's grammar e.g. :qT<itit 81m I
;rt III. 1.22, Hem. Ill.
bll(64"iIRlil. not expressive o! any
substance which forms a place of
residence (of qualities and actions);
(P. II. 4. 13); l[t<lfRCfRfim I
M. Bh. on II. 1.1.
lit. not made up of two ele-
ments, and hence, produced with a
single effort, an expression used
for simple vowels { such as
81, 1[, ':K, and simple consonants
it.. etc. as distinguished from
diphthongs such as \1;, tt,
arr atr and conjunct consonats iii,
etc. which appear to have been
termed cf.
R. Pr. XI. 3.
not preceded by (two or'
more) prepositions; i.e. preceded
by only one preposition. cf.
P. VI.4.96 prescribing
short 81 for the long <liT of the root
before the krt. affix er. e.g.
(I) additional or surplus acti-
vity which a rule in grammar some-
times shows; a:rN'li: cm: or 6lN<fi
Cf.M. Bh. on I. 3.U; Kas. on
III. 2.124; Bh. Yr. on III. 4.72;
( 2) surplus subject e.g. I
Pr.1. 33.)
blfitt4i,,"UI (I) support; a grammatical
relation of the nature of a location;
place of verbal activity. cf. anl:lms-
I. 4.45; (2) one of the
six or seven Karakas or function-
arie5 of verbal activity shown by
the locative case. cf. :q
P. II.5t36; (3) substance, 'dravya"
d. ItRr.
M.Bh. on H. I. I. (4)
topic under discussion, cf. Vak.
pad. II. Il6 and III. 7. 148, 155.
governing rule consisting of a
word ( e.g. trc<i<l:, 1:TTffi:, )
or words (e.g.
a: etc.) which follows or is taken as
understood in every following rule
upto a particular limit. The mean-
ing of the word is discussed
at length by Patafijali in his Mahii-
on II. I. I, where he has
given the difference between
and qft;rtlIT; ct. 81NCfiR: srffi<Uir mr-
t-1 <Uit <itit I qft+!ffi

I See also Mahabhal?ya on
1. 3.l1i I. 4.49 and IV.!. 83. The
word or wording which is to repeat
in the subsequent rules is believed
to be shown by PiiQini by cha-
racterizlDg it with a peculiarity of
utterance known as or
The word which
is repeated in the following Sutras
is stated to be OJ"Niid'. Thl'! Sabda-
Kaustubha defines adhikara . as
Oll\1:iT\: a{f!:T'liR: Sab.
Kaus. on P. 1.2.65. Sometimes the
whole rule is repeated e.g. P.
Ill. 1.1, P. VI. 4.1, tll1ffi(iffi':
P. V. 4.68, while on some occaSIons
a part only of it is seen repeated.
The repetition goes on upto a parti ..
- cular limit which is stated as in
P. V 1.4.22, SIT!II'JiiUmmn:
P. 1. 4.56. Many times the limit
is Dot stated by the author of the
Siitras but it is understood by
virtue of a counteracting word.
occurring. later on. On still other
occasions, the limit is defined by
the ancient traditional interpreters
by means of a sort of convention
which is called This
or governance has its influ-
ence of three kinds: (I) by being
valid or present in all the rules
which come under its sphere of in
e.g. fuiffi{, or (ii) by
showing additional prqperties
the word a{!f\GJif being applied to
cases where there is no actual
separation as in
(iii) by showing additional
force such as setting aside even
subsequent rules if opposing. These
three types of the influence which
a word marked with and
hence termed 81Nc!iR possesses ar.e
called respectively mliJ'iiRilRr,
'lifir and 'liT\. For details see
M. Bh. on I.3.II. This an!:T'liRor
governing rule exerts its influence
in three ways: ( , ) generally by
proceeding ahead in subsequent
rules like the stream of a river,
( ii) sometimes by jumps like a
frog omitting a rule or more, and
( iii) rarely by proceeding back-
ward with a lion's glance; cf.rei[{q-.
"f I
81N'liTumr :qd'T: II Jurisdiction,
of application: ct. Yak. pad. II.
79 and
f"T'm: I PUQ.
on Yak. pad. II. 79..
a superintending aphorism,
which gives no meaning of itself
where it is mentioned, but gives
its meaning in the number of
apflOrisms that follow; e. g. the rules
q\1Ii! and <liT!<U'ij1li! P. 1If. I. I,
3 or t!tijQT. P. II.I4 I
in a sacrifice; at the time of a
sacrifice cpo in
the same sense. cf. Vak. pad. II.
imperfectly uttered as regards
contact. It may mean 'a slighted or
imperfect utterance of a final mute .
which wavered between the sonant
and the surd (ct :q I .Atharva
Pratisakhya I. 9 )
tad. affix applied to the pronoun
which is changed into before 0
the affix and then elided by P. VI.
4. 148, or changed into Of in which
case or could be looked
upon as a tad. affix:.
determination to begin an
with a view to getting its
ct. Stf3l1{cfcnro tI
Cj'ffi<j':, 9JR.-:q:, f.ltfu:,
ct. M. Bh. on 1.3.14
and I. 4. 32.
name of a class of words
headed by the word to which
the tad. affix oat. is added in the
sense of If<j': ' i.e. found therein,
or existing therein. e.g. 8111l<j'IRiiCf.l'(,
- . ,
etc. cf. M.Bh. on IV.
Seuperimposition, as that of a
word upon the object denoted by it
which leads to their identity. ct.
Yak. pad. III. II. 10. iittciro

superimposition; a relation bet-
ween a word and its sense according
to the 'grammarians; cf. Vak. pad.
II.240 ( 2) appendage; cf.
R. Pr. XV II. 43.
supplying the necessary ele-
ment. ct.
KiiS. on P. VI. 139.,
cf. also Nir. 1.,1. I3 and M.Bh. on
Siva Siltra I, Viitt 14.
( variant for surper-
imposed, imagined as existing. cpo
cir.:I<i: II Vak.-pad.
1. 3.
" " ..
Of'c.<r krt affixes substituted 1D
the place of g+J:" of the infinitive in
Vedic Literature (P. III. 4. 9.),
e.g. when is substituted,
the initial vowel of tbe word
becomes e. g. I
an: cf.
Par. Sek. on Pari. 52.; on I.
4.2 Vart. 22.
a word without the negative
particle (c:r"() before it. e.g.
a sutra in ApisaWs
grammar quoted in M.Bh. on IV.
2.45 see also P. II. I.60, VII. 1.37.
uncerebralized; not changed in-
to a cerebral letter, cf.
Uvata on R. Pro
lilA: tad. affix ar (ar<{.) ( I ) added to IV. 34
the word ;:fu?r in the sense of the not resulting from any ex-
dyed in " to form the word r:iW, cf. tended application or cf.
P. IV. 2. 2. Vart. 2; (2) added to SiFt<iT$l'4 9lc:rmm +r<rffl" M.Bh. on IV.
the word in the sense of' pro- I. lSI.
duced in ' cf. M.Bh. . ijOj"{<OiR\;.Rt absence of the verbal
on IV. 3. 34 Vart. 2; ( 3) added
after the affix in the same sense activity in all ways or respects;
incomplete activity; e.g.
as QI<i e.g. 16;'11<11 tiCII<i. cf. '"
...!I. completely cut, cf. <remr.
<11" QI<iP.{"l:. P. V. 3.48.
P. V. 404-
Iil1v1' sub:.;titute for the affix period of time not pertaining
and others of which to 'the day in question; used in
remains). d. P. VII. connection with past time, to
I. r. e.g. cliRUJf, ilJ<:UJT, Cfi<:UJi!.. express which the imperfEct is
etc. generally used; also in connection
( I) substitute 6iil as Samasanta with the future time to express
at tbe erid of a Bahuvrihi camp. which the first future is genf'rally
in the feminine for the last letter'of used e.g. 3T!f"ffi" Cii':!f etc. d._
the word and for that of P. III. 2.II1, II3: Ill. 315, 135;
in all genders e.g. (by V. 3.
ing to r without any mute significa-
d. P.V. 4. I3 r. 132; (2) substitute tory letter attached;
arii.. for the last letter of tbe words is the short name given to the
amlq, qfl:T etc. before the affixes of q
the instrumental and the, following :na-n=' S M Bh I V'
..,,,, -'-, ee on .3.I; .2:9.
cases beginning with a vowel e.g. There is a reading iIi the -Par. Sek.
armf, <{!;If, etc. cf. P. VII. 175: for in'
( 3) substitute for the last letter which case the . l!itm<rr is called
of the word of words ending in f.'iG<r;'<T<mIt+!m. See Par. Sek. Pari.
S!\, as also of and others before 8I.
tbe nominative e.g. til3T
.' ,
CfiCit, cf. P. VII I. 93, 94.
no arT.!. or vowel in I
It, cr. gT a:r'"if, v;it
a grammarian who wrote a com-
mentary Kamadhenu-sudharasa on
Bopadeva's Kiivya-karnadhenu. He
lived iIi tbe sixteenth centuIY.
a grammarian who wrote a
commentary Balamanoramii on
Siddbiinta-Kattmudi. '
IlIi91R1'{ (I) immediate, contiguous
arc<!CIrno. d. P. I. 1.7,
also lfRr\<li\1{:P.-VI. 2.49; d. <!f<li\1t
V. Pr.I.48.; (2) nearest, as
compared witb others of the same
type; cf. a:r:q<![ arrRRT lUfR: 1:lJ
M.Bh. on 1.1.43; cf. Par. I
Sek. fetRt<!f 1fI, I
which means that a prescriptive or
prohibitive rule applies to tbe
nearest and not to the distant one
Par. Sek. 61, Can. Par. 30.
non-final d. i
when a clIange does not concern a i
. I
final letter then it concerns tbat I
which immediately precedes the I
final, . Sek.Pari. 95. d. also
M.Bh. on VI. 1.13 Vart. 5.
not different, the same;
"that which has got
. a change regarding one of its parts
is by no means something else; Par._
Sek. Pari. 37.
_. I
being the same, being I
looked upon as not different. see',
3Ti!-<! above. I
inability to express the
ing de-sired. The expression c:r CII
fre'luently occurs in the
referring to such
words Or phrases as could be form-
ed by rules of grammar or could .
be used according to rules but, are
not found in current use recognized'
by learned persons' or SCholars; :
d. a-c'qf.,m'<TI.:r arrl.jS!' g I
I Padamaiij. on III. !
2.1; also cf. arc:rful::fli!lt:;.. - o<j'N'Ii<:UJlc:rT !
<lO!' oS!'!
Nyasa on n. 2.24; for examples of I
see also _
'i/5'Ufi;:otI+TI1:11: arQfu'4T<iT'a +!foj5<iRr M.Bh.
on III. 3.19. also on III. 2.1, V. 5.
IV. 2.1. See Kas. on III. 1:22, III.

that is not applied;
lit. (an operation or vidhi) which
has not taken place or which has
not been effective; d. a:Jilfl!-
M.Bh. on I. 1.5; IV. 1.37.
Cf. also il arofl\t-
mtTllffl" I nO! f.!m'Ui'tcr M.Bh.
on VI. 4.22; VIII. 3.15.
not conveyed or expressed
by another i.e. by anyone of the
four factors viz. verbal affix, krt
affix, taddhita affix and compound.
The rule (P. II. 3.I) and
the following rules lay down the
different case affixes in the sense of
the different Karakas or auxiliaries
of the verbal activity. provided they
are not shown or indicated in any
one of the above-mentioned four
ways; e.g. see the acc. case in Cfii
the inst. case in <TIffl", the
dat. case in rrt G:"tmt, the abl.
case in !:IJIlP.{Ill'iUm, or the loc. ca!;e
in lj'qffl.
a wording whiGh does not con-
tain a.ny reduplicative syllable; all
epithet applied to such roots a5 are
not to be reduplicated a second
time before affixes of the
as they are already reduplicated;
cf. P. VI. I.8.
(I) without any signification;
lit. having .no meaning of
selves, i.e. possessing a meaning
only when used- in company witIl
other words or parts (If words which
bear an independent sense; (the
word is used generally in connection
with prepositions) ; e.g. a:rf-irqfr
P. 1. 4.93, d. arq:qli\1\9lm19c:rl:'tirl
f;f.<!Tl1NU: 1 "f19ffl"
q<}: II M. Eh. on P. I. 4.93 ; cf. Vi fiI<i<rr
atffim Nir. !. 1.3;
d. also Kas. on
I. 4.93, explained as
ij by
(2) meaningless, purpose:'
less; cf. 31f'q19T
;mn <lRij Sj1l]<lm I oSlT;;a9'iI
Fii !!i!!t<iffl M. Bh. on
1. 1.1, as also
:urn Bh. on P.
VI. 1.77. See for details M. Bh. on
1.2.45 Vart. 12; III. 1.77 Vart. 2
and Kaiyata and Uddyota thereon;
( 3) possessed of no sense absolute-
ly as some niplitas%'qij r.rIffOT:
%"1<1 "1 Uv. on R. Pro XII. 9;
mfuqfcl:CWi<r,. P. r. 2.45
Vart. Ii d. also
P. IV. 4.132. Vart. I,
ijiJ;R P. V. I.1I3' Vart. I, also II4
Vart. I.
synonym, synonymous, COn-
veying no different sense, e.g: tli:
M. Bh. on P.
V. I.59; arN "i l{6!lij\qRr\<r,.
M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.56, also
fm i'jPI I I
<lF1, Uil I
M.Bh. on P. ir. 3.1,.
.. not conveying
different sense,
M. Bh. on 1. 4-93.
opp. of arl'1{q; an operation
not concerning a single letter, e.g.
P. I. 1.56 and M.
Bh. thereon; cf.
Klit. Pari. 39. .
.having no occasion or scope
of applicatior;t; used in connection
with a: rule the whole of whose pro-
vince ofappIication is covered by a
general rule, and hence which be-
comes technically useless, unless it
is allowed to set aside the general
rule; .c;:f. lli<f99iTm 'fit'<T<if <rf\:T9iT
rules which have no opportunity of
taking effect ( without setting 'aside
other rules) supersede" those rules;
M. Bh . on V.4.I54, also Par. Sek.
on Pari. 64.
absence of any opportunity
of taking effect, scopelessness; con-
sidered in the case of a particular'
rule, as a criterion for setting aside
that general rule which deprives it
of that opportunity; cf.
'IT This a:r;j-
is slightly different from lllq-
qf(H'i or particular mention which is
defined usually by the words tlTilIr<{-
fqN<iffilT: I I
(a wOld) whose forma-
tion and accents have not been ex-
plained; cf. Nir. IV. I ; V. 2.
lit. having no parts; impartite;
without any concern with the indivi-
dual component parts; application
in totality; cf. g l!iifcii{-
P. VI. 1.84.
Vart. 5 .and thereon;
I a rule
in grammar applies to all cases
where its application is possible; it
cannot be said to have its purpose
served by applying to a few cases
fault of having no end; end a
lessness; d.
CfilltuiT Kav. Prak.; cf. l!f.f;; ar:qr-
Wtl. I
"i oICft6fli'j' w,rr ;!j.:rlm I m
if. Bh.
. on II. 1.1.
indefiniteness; cf.
M. Bh. on 1. 2.30,
Vart. I.
(I) undetermined, indefinite;
see M. Bh. quoted above on
ct also
I M. Bh. on I. 1.56; .
III. 1.4, VII. 2.10, VII. 4.9. The
substitutes caused by an ardhadba
tuka affix are, in fact, effected by
virtue of the prospective applica-
tion of the lirdhadhatuka affix be-
fore its actual application. (2) re-
peating or going on without inter-
ruption cf. Vak. pad. I. 106. .
m<I<i1: I Par. Sek.
Pari. II3.
not a close reiation; distance;
M.Bh. on 3.13.
that sarhhita text which
tech. term used by the. authors
of the Prlitisakhya works for fre-
qnentative formations such as
"iTmqo:, etc. ; cf. A. Pro 4.86.
not depending on another for
the completion of its sense; cf. ij
P. III. 4.23, and Nyasa
thereon which explains (ij'i'jT9ilf as i'j'
\<l' oRIiii... .
. has an order of words in it, which
is different from what obtains in
the Pada-patha, and which appears
appropriate according to the sense
intended in the passage. There are
three places of such combinations
of words which are not according
to the succession of words in the
Pada-patha, quoted in the. R. Pre
Fifuf 1$.k. Samh.
V. 2;7. i'j'\f <if $ Samh.
X. 64.3; ifU "'f Samh.
not capable of presenting (on
its mere utterance) any tangible
form or figure; the word is used in
connection with a term I
( which presents Its sense
by a definition actually laid down
or given in the treatise; cf.
I M. Bh. on I. I. r.
iiitOm without any known cause; inst-
=:. """ inctive cf. tlIS<=<l16: tll1<i:
I Yak. pad. II. u8
absence of consideration; dis-
regard; cf. 'i13't P. II. 3.38.
non-initial; e. g.
P. III. 4. 102, Vlirt. 4; also M. Bh.
on VII. I. 3.
<!fiilnri! not replaced as a substitute;
. e.g. <I: srf(f
M.Bh. on 1.57 V1i.rt. I,
III. 2.3Vart. 2, and VI. LIZ
Vart. 10.
( I) original, not such as is
substituted; e.g. P.
VII. 2.86; ( 2 ) absence of statement,
e. g. l
P. III. 4.67 Vart. l;C f. the Pari.
IX. 86.42. cf. I if
ila-qf U vva ta
on R. 11.78.
absence of proximity, absence
of cognateness; cf. ml
i'j', 31i'iT<cr<iTit-
9iln9ilU ij I "M.Bh. on Siva Siitras
annl:lf having or possessing no apya
or object; intransitive (root); cf.
8Ti'jlt<{flt Candra 1.2.97
standing for
P. III. 2.148.
Sfifiq. (I) non-vedic; not proceeding
from any or Vedic Seer, cf.
arrrlq P. 1. I.16; also
Ras. on the same; cf.
i'jTf{ I 31illq M.Bh. on VI.
I.129; ( 2) pertaining to the
Pada-patha which is looked upon as
aiilTq i.e. not proceeding from a.ny
Vedic Seer; cf. 31<ntl I tI "i
Uvvata on R. Pro III.
23: cf. also A. Pro III. 1.3. cf. also
:;:m q(O: <if<iT 1tm
+i{cU !\fa- I Kasika on P. I.
mir krt affix in the sense of curse,
e.g. d.
<>rfu: P. 3.112. This affix arfif
gets its 'l. changed i.uto ll!. after Sff i
or of the preposition I
.as In ; d. Kas. on VIII. 4.29 ;
samasanta affix after the word
and some other words prescribed
by P. V. 4. 124-6, e.g. 'M/f[lljl:Hlt,

(I) not admitting the augment
to be prefixed to it; the term is
strictly to be applied to ardhadha-
tuka affixes placed after such roots
as have their vowel characterized
by a grave accent the
term being explained as arfiimR
qualifying the arN1:Trg'!i afflx;( 2 ).
in a secondary way, it has become
customary to call such roots <>rf<i2;,.
as do not allow the augment to
be prefixed to an ardhaclhiituka
affix placed after them. Such
roots are termed verily
because they are of a,n
anudatta vowel. e.g. fu, iJiI..
l["l. etc. as agains t +t. n, W, 'l, ere{ ,
"!ii.?:, etc. which their
'vowel characterized by aI). acute.
(i3;:;:I'tf) accent. For a complete list
of such roots see the well-known
stanzas given in the Siddhiinta-
kaumudi incidentally on
.,?f: P. VII. 1.5.
T<l\fffi: II II
... , 'clla<lr' as
also some lists by ancient gram-
marians given in the
on .t;'liT'9 P. VII. 2.10
or in the Kiisildi. on the same rule
P. VII. 2.10.
(I) name given to Stanzas I
giving a complete list of such roots
as do not allow the augment !(
to be prefixed to an ardhadhatuk'a
affix placed after them. For: such
Kiirikas see Sid. Kau. on VII.
I.S as also KiiSika on VII. 2.10;
( 2) a short treat.ise enumerating
inI I verses the roots which do not
admit the augment before the
iirdhadhatuka affix;es. The work,
is anonymous, and not printed so
far, possibly composed by a Jaina
writer. The work possibly belongs
to the Katantra system 'and has got
short glosses arCRlft;-
W<RUl;mr, -gcquft- and the like 'which
are all anonymous.
a short commen tary
by on the work
Anitkarika, which see above.
not separable into two padas
or words by means ofavagraha;
d. R. Pro V. 41; cf.
also R. Pro IX. 2S, XIII. 30. See
(I) not nitya or obligatory; -
optional; (said of a rule or pari-
whose application is volun-
tary). Regarding tlIe case and con-
jugational affixes it can,' be said
that those affixes can, .in a way,
be looked upon as nitya or obliga-
tory, as they have to be affixed to
a crude nomLal base or a root,
there being a dictum that no crude
base ",ithout an affix can, be used,
as also, no affix alone without a
base can be used. On the other
hand, the taddbita and krt affixes
- as also compounds are voluntary
as, instead,of them an independent
word or a phrase cari be used to
convey the sense. For a list of
s!1ch nitya affi.xes see M. Bh. on V.
4.7; (2) the word js also
used in the sense of not-nitya, the
word being taken to mean
occurring before as well as
after another rule has been applied,
the latter being looked upon as
which does not do so. Tbii
I nityatva' has got a number of
exceptions and limitations which are
mentioned in 43
49 in
an underived word; an
,ancient term used by authors of the
Pratisakhyas to signify I original'
words which cannot be SUbjected
to f<lci:qq.
not necessary to be specific-
ally or implicitly stated, as it can
be brought about or accomplished
in the usual way; e.g.
f:a6<i I
M.Bh..on VIII. 1.15. See
also M. Bh. on VI. 1.207. and VII.
orfiiajl=l:Tii without support, without
any real object as its foundation
cf. Yak. pad. I. 138.
orfiIm'ff not serving as a cause, not
possessing a causal relation; e.g.
Sek. Pari. 8S. See also M.Bh. on
I. I.39.
STfir<:rn not subject to any limitation;
d. fu<iOT:, arf.l<Ia-r:, arm
f.r<rcri:, M.Bh. on II.
3.50. In the case of f<l<illfclltr ( a res-
trictive rule or statement) a limi-
tation is put on one or more of the
constituent elements or factors of
that rule, the limited element being
called f.J<!a-, the other one being
termed orf<!<io; also see' Kas. on
II. 2.30.
whose sex-especially whe-
ther it is a male or a female-is
not definitely known from its mere
sight; small insects which are so.
The term in P. IV. 1. 13I is
explained in the' as
00 i1Tff err M. Bh.
on P. IV 1.131.
whose, sense has not been
specifically stateo; the word is
used with reference to such affixes
as are not prescribed in any speci-
fic sense or senses and hence as are
looked upon as possessing the sense
which the base after which they
are prescribed has got; cf.
to wilich
no meaning has been assigned,
convey the meaning of the bases to
wnich they are added; cf. Par. Sek.
Pari.II3; cf. also M.Bh. on III.
24, III. 2.67, III. 3.19, III. 4.9,
VI. 1.162.
an undesired consequence or
result; cf. arli!e "! mmRf :ni '9 if ffi,,<Ifff
'M.Bh. on I. 3.1; also d. <'flli!l!f1ql
M.Bh. on VI. r.2.
ignorant or inattentive to
what the Grammarian intends or
desires to say. cf, a'll
!{Om I li;er '9g;:rt'll:
tQ: M. Bh. on VIII. 2.I{j6.
krt affix, termed W also form-
ing the pot. pass. part. of a
root; d. P. III. 1.96.
e.g. see the forms '!i,oIT4, olh'l, the
mute \. showing the acute accent on
the penultimate vowel.
(1) imit'ation; a ...vord uttered
in imitation of another; an imitative
name; cf. '9lfrrffiq,<\P. 1.4.62;
3l!!'!i\U1 ft <;;Tiif.;f,-
Siva siltra 2 Vart I; ct. also
<liifffi an
name is like its Par. Sek.
Pari. 36; also M. Bh. on VIII.'
2.46; (2) imitative word, onoma-
topoetic word; cf.
i{m I t:tct a- arl!!: I 3lifl\{Ulitail"ITl'l:,
M.Bh. on I. 3.48. cf. also
Nir. IX; 12.
dragging (from the preced-
ing rule) to the' following rule
taking the previous rule or a part
of it as understood in the following
rule or rules in order; the same as
Ol!!'lRl; cf. 8l'!!<mOIMlij'!iT{: Ras. on II.
4. 18, III. 2 .26, VII. 1.48; cf. also
the Paribha.!jl8. '<IGiie
which is attracted from a preceding
rule by the particle '<I is not valid
in the rule that follows; Par. Sek.
(I) prototype; -image, cf.
Vak. pad. 1.5. (2) supposition as
the same, false identification
I ) cf. Vak; pad I. 86
(I) imitation opposed to
natural cf. Kaiyata on
M.Bh. on a:nta"OJ,. (2) image, proto-
type cf. Vak.pad. 1.5.
a'ttracted from a previous rule
as is frequently done in pal}.ini';
rules. See the word above.
not actually stated or expressed
in a rule; cf. '<I'!i1US!!'ffiffiP'q<jll:T: Kas.
on II. 4.18, III. 2.26, VII. I,48; also
cf. Nyasa on P. II. 2; 9.
right or regular order in a
Vedic recital, calleditilf.e.g. 9T<!Ct:
enumeration (in the right
order as opposed to ci!!o:tlll); e.g.
8l':q - Ol!!;nl'[lfr
-M.Bh. on II. 1.58; also- on IV.
2.70; wrbal forms of the root lifi<{,
with O!!! occur in this sense very
frequently; e.g.
so illso the p.p.p. 8l'f!itiTrcr occurs
frequently in the same sense-.
lit. that which follows Tantra I
i.e. Sastra which means the original
rules of a Sastra; technical term for
Vartika used by Bhartrhari; d.
'<I Vak. pad.
1.23. where the word _ is eXa
plained asVartika by the com-
other than or the first
person; cf. &'mflm- P.-
VIII 1.53 and KiiSika thereon.
non-production of an element
of a word such as an affix or an
augment or the like; cf.
P. III. 1.2, Vart. 7,
P. III. 1.94
2, also (fill'q:)
P. III. 1.26 Vart. 3.
non-udatta, absence of the
acute accent; one of the Bahyapra;.
yatnas or external/efforts to pro-
duce sound. This sense possibly
cefers to a stage or a time when
only one accent, the acute or
was recognized just as in English
and other languages at present.
This udatta was given to only one
vowel in a single word (simple or
compound) and all the other
vowels WElre uttered accentless i.e.
Possibly with this idea in
view, the standard rule
was laid down by pal}.ini
cf. VI. 1.158. As, however, the
syllable, just preceding the accent-
ed syllable, was uttered
with a low tone, it was called
while if the syllables
succeeding the accented syllable
showed a gradual fall in case they.
happened to be consecutive and
more than two, the.syllable succeed';;
ing the was given a mid-way
tone, called cf.
Thus, in the utterance of
Vedic hymns the practice of three
tones and came in
vogue and accordingly they - are
found defined in all the Pratisiikhya
and grammar worksj' cf.
P. 1. 2. 29-3I,
T. Pro I. 38-40, V. Pro I. I08-lIO.
Anuc;Iatta is defined by the author
of the Rasikiivrtti as
in+r <i'cmr,
:q .
cf. ;:fRr:ii!i\rfill
M.Bh. on I. 2. 29.30. Cf. also
'3'{('ij!llG'ffiI!ll SI<j: I 8l'r<lT+r-
II R. Pr.
III. I. The term anudatta is trans-
lated by the word 'grave' as appo-
sed to 'acute' ( udatta,) and
, circumflex' (svarita); The term
is used in the sense of 3Tii'.. + '3cm1:
i.e. I d. P. VI. I.
16r, 190. (2) a term applied to
such roots as have the:_ vowel
3Tf!G:J'ij or grave, the chief charac-
teristic of such roots being the
non:.admission of the augment If
before an ardhadbatuka affix
placed after them. (See
<ili'ji{i'ij(ii[ quite a low tone, completely
grave; generally applied to the tone
of that grave or anudatta vowel
whicli is immediately followed by
an acute ) vowel. When the
three Vedic accents were sub-
divided into seven tones viz.
- ,

and correspondfng to
the seven musical notes, the
was the name given to the lowest
of them all. Ol!!<mICR: was termed
also; d.
P. 1. 2.40; cf. also M.Bh. on I. 2.33.
a term meaning 'having a
. grave accent,' used by ancient
grammarians. Cf. '3d'-
M.Bh. on I. 2.33.
lit. one whose mute signifi-
eatory letter is uttered with a grave
accent; a term applied to a root I
characterized by an indicatory .
mute vowel accepted the
chief feature nf. such a root being
that it takes only the Atmanepada
affixes; e.g. etc.; d.
P. I. 3.12; such
a root. in forming a derivative
word in the sense of habit, takes
the affix e.g. Cj:-!i1:, 9!:fo:r:, etc.
provided the root begins with a
consonant; ef. P. III.
(a ro<;>t ) . pronounced ori-
ginally i.e. pronounced in the
Dhiitupatha with a grave accent;
see the word "GGJ'ij above; cf.
P. VI. 4.37. See. also the
word 8l'f.f( above.
(I) reference, mention, state-
ment referring to a preceding ele-
ment. cf. tllllil'l<I;, P.I.
310; cf. a:rm;aq'q.Tlij: m;afuffi-
M. Bh. on I. I.57 Vart.
3 ( 2) declaration; prescription; the
same as offitit:u. cf.
l!"Rr illll'rp.
I. 1.56 Vart. I; ( 3) a grammatiCal
operation I '
WRi. Sid.' Kau.
on :p. 1.3.10. See the word
in this sense d. (j:qy_
V. Pr. I. 143.,
a fore-sound; a preceding
addi,tional sound which is loolced
upon as a fault; e. g.
pronounced as This sound
is uttered before an initial sonant
consonant. It is also uttered
before initial aspirate!; or visarga.
- 9T I R. Pro
XIV. "I8, 19.
(a letter) uttered through
the nose and mouth both, as differ-
ent from anus,viira which is uttered
only througl1':the nose. cf. 5<.cii1lm<fil-
P.I. 1.8, and M. Bh,
thereon. The anunasika or nasal
letters are the fifth letters of the five
es (i e;g: :;:r Uj iT,:rl) as also
. _. ....., "",,' .. ""
vowels aJ', 1{,;:J and semi-vowels when
so pronounced, as ordinarily they
are uttered through the mouth only.
( e. g. itf, aft, etc. or cl!i, etc. in
etc.) The
<rrfflCfi or nasalized vowels are named
\WCJUi and they are said to be con-
sisting of three matras. d. am O1I'llICi-
aJI'ifl<iT I
R. Pro 1. 63,64;
, d. also aJ'1It1m: OGCitffl<filf.'r
T. ,Pro XV. 6. Trivikrama, a
commentator on the Ka t. Sfitras,
explains as illRt'fll-

and remarks further T{Cfhni{-
1 Com. by Tr. on Kat.
1. I. 13. Vowels which . are uttered
nasalized by Pa.Qini in his works
viz: {iSiq"16, i{Ujq"16 etc. are
silent ones i. e. they are not actu-
ally found in use. They are put by
him only for the sake of a complete
utterance, their nasalized nature
'being made out only by means of
traditional convention. e. g. tN,
etc. cf. 1. 3.2; cf.
also qtTiJrcfr<it: Kas on
I. 3.2.
subsequent occurrence. d.
gli<iT<iTlGiir6tfm 1 Vak.
pad. 2.362 a
(I) Occurring subsequ-
ently. Words which come to be used
after the principal word as for
instance, for or <i\+rT for
cf. vak. pad. II. I2I, I24. 360.
_ (2) Produced afterwards; the word
is used in connexion with sounds
which remain in the brain after a
word is heard. cf. Vak. pad. III.
a commentary on (<filfuqu'.
FlCiUj,qWm by The work
is believed to have been written by
It is not available at present
except in the form of references to
it which are numerous especially in
discord, absence of validity,
incorrect interpretation; cf.
M.Bh on 1. 49.
impossibility of being ex-
plained; d. nSi ffI-n<iT
Nir II. 2.
impossible to be explaine.d, not
consistent; < 1
aWir I Nir. 1. 15
( lit. to be recited_
after? the Pada text of the Vedic .
not subordinated in word-
relation, principal member; d. aJ'!!-
P. IV. I.I4and M. Bh.
thereon; cf. also Par. 8ek. Pari. 26.
an effort outside the mouth
in the production of sound at the
different vocal organs such as q;Ui5,
ffiS3 etc. which is looked upon as an
external effort or bahyaprayatna.
is one of the three main
factors in the production of sound
which are ( I) (2) or ,
aJ't<'CFm:sr<it<l and (3) OG5I1'{[Ci or
d. CfITlT ;;r(<i;:ij- Can.
l _
The commentator on T. Pro describes
aJ'!!S1c{TCi as the or
the main cause in the production of
articulate sound; d.
qUi: l{Rt d. also
lI<itil U vvata on R.
Pro inn. r. Generally two main
varieties of <im3f<iir are termed OG-
51<{Til which are mentioned as (i)
(emission of breath) and
(resonance), the other
varieties of it such aSFl'iT\, m<r,

being called merely .as
SG'st<iTiT subs'equerit utterance; lit.
as in the case of the
roots 'i!i, l'l and OR! in the periphra-
stic perfect forms; cf. f.sTI$-
P. J. 3. 63;
Ill. 4.4. .
application after an applica-
tion as in the case of ;;JIm ( genus)
which having been completely appl-
ied to one individual becomes appli-
cable to anQther similar individual.
cf. Vak. pad. III. I.14.
a letter or letters added to a
word before or after it, only to
signify some specific purpose such
as (a) the addition of an affix
( e. g. etc. ) or (b) the
substitution of '[fu or
vowel or (c) sometimes their pre-
vention. These anubandha letters
are termed lffl, (lit. going or disapp-
earing) by PaQini ( cf.
lffl, etc. 1.3.2 to 9), and they do
not form an essential part of the
word to which they are attached,
the word in usage being always
found without the Jro.. letter. For
technical purposes in grammar,
however, such as or of
affixes which-are characterized by
they are looked upon as
essential factors, ct. aJ'!!i!F<TT:,
etc,' Par. 8ek. Pari. 4 to B.
Although '1Tfiliiir has invariably used
the term Jro.. for am<rrl:l letters in his
Sfitras, Patafijali and other reputed
writers on Pal)ini's grammar rigpt
on upto Nagesa of the IBth century
have used the term 01!!q.'<T of ancient
grammarians in their writings in
the place of The term OGiF<l was
chosen for mnte significatory letters
by ancil?nt grammarians pr9Pa,bly ,
on account of the analogy of the
0JWFe<{ down at sacrifices to
the post and slaugh-
a grammarian the
, twelfth century who wrote a work
on grammar called or
f,ffiCfnSlmT. The traditional founder
of the Sarasvata School. The name
of Narendracarya is associated with
Sarasvata school by
Vi tthala and Amrta bharati. Possib,.
1yNarendra wrote sfitras. Anubhiiti
added Vartikas and settled the text.
which was known after him. He has
also written l:lTtfl6 and
The grammar is a short one and is
studied in some parts of India.
not allowing the addition of the
augment ( i.e. letter after the
last vowel; The term is used, in
connection with the present part.
affix, by PaI)ini in his rule
VI. I.I73.
inference, suggestion, d.
f,n<rr 1 t!ffi['i!!'lTCiIJ-<iT
M.Bh. on 1. 3.1.
in the natural order (opp. to
srftlit+r), cf. in R.
Pro II. is a term applied
. to Samdhis with a vowel first and a
consonant afterwards.
combination according to
the alphabetical order; a kind of
euphonic alteration ( ) where the
vowel comes first. e;g. + aJ'm:
where is changed to v,:q: &:q:
= U;q &:q: d .. R. Pro II.B. (See
See below.
continuation or recurrence of
a word from the preceding to the .
succeeding rule; the same as anu-
vrtti; d. -Ill[ iifc:r<l: 1 i!
&:q 1 fcii nN 1 M. Bh.
on I. l.3., V.24
to be observed, to be obeyed;
d . .,
M. Bh. on III. T. 109.
repetition of a rule already laid
down or of a statement already
made; d. 5l'munvcRT'IiRf\<!
Kas. on II. 4.3; Vak.
pad. II. II5
operation in conformity with
what is found. The expression
[!!r:');fcrN: is often 'found in the Maha-
bha$ya; d. M.Bh. on I. 1.5, I. 1.6,
I. 1.21, III. 1.9, III. 1.13, VI. 1.6,
VI. 1.77, VI. 1.79, VI. 4.128, VI.
4.141, VIII. 2.108.
repetition or recurrence of a
word from the previous to the sub-
sequent rule or rules, which is
necessary for the sake of the intend-
ed interpretation. The word is of
common use in books on HiQini's
grammar. This continuation is
generally uninterrupted like the
stream of a river C'ffllOOmcmJ; some-
times however, when it is' not
required in an intermediate rule,
although it proceeds further, it is
named In rare cases
it is taken backwards in. a sutra
work from a subsequent rule to a
previous rule when it is called "fCf'lirt.
traditionp.l instruction; treat-
ment of a topic; e.g. 3l:ef
M.Bh. on 1.1.1. where the word is
explained as
c!lcCf{'lfra- O/;rii I d. .lso
ilTI1 1
Dipika and Pradipa.
(I) lit. attaching, affixing; aug-
ment,' O/ijl ( 2) a term
br the nasal letter attached to the
following consonant which is the
last, used by ancient grammarians;
cL d.
P.I. 1.47 Vart. 2 and M.Bh. there-
on; d. Kat. IV.
1.13. The term is defined in
the Klitantra grammar as
The term is applied to the
nasal consonant "!" preceding the
last letter of a noun base or a root
base; penultimate nasal of a root
or noun base; Kat., II. I. 12.
( 3) resonant sounds 'helping the
manifestati ln cf. Vak. pad.
1. 106 and ffi.
name of one of the main seven
vedic metres which are kriown by
the name It has eight
letters in each one of the four pad as.
It is sub-divided into and
has further
divisions like ( 8, 12),
(12,8,12), and
(12, 12,8). has
divisions like (7, 7, 7, 7 )
and +ri[lCfa:qf;S'tji ( 5,.5, 5, 5. 5, 6). ct.
l,{kpratisakhya XVI. 27-,-3.
independent mention, a second
time, of a thing already mentioned,
for another purpose; cf.
ll:m P. 1. 1.53
Vart. I.
<fl'3l'ift[a- according to the Samhita
text of the Vedas; d. Q;aWI i("'3fr:f
O/&m Bhartrihari's Maha-
. ' bba$yadipikii, p. 9; ct. also R. Pro
XI. 3 I, also :( V. 33, where the
word is explained as by
recapitulation; grasp (by. the
mmd). d. 1 M. Bh.
on P. 1.1.52 (ami'm: 1 \31lIT0'
on +lIe,! on 1.1.52).
resonance following the utter-
ance of a letter; cf. g eI'fij-
Svopajfia on
Vak. pad. I. I06.
see above under at.
, said afterwards, generally in
imitation; cf. O/'l"ll<l: 1 O/'t
M.Bh. on IIL2.109.
statement with reference to
what has been already said; the
same as anvadesa, which see below.
statement or mention imme-,
diately afterwards; the same as the
word used by PiiQini in 1.3.10,
d. <j:efTm<I.1
Uvata on V. Pro I.r43.
having no ekase$a topic in it;
a term applied to the Daiva Gram
mar which does not discuss the
ekase!;la topic to which Piii;lini has
devoted ten rules from 1. 2.64-
to 73.
having many vowels or
syUables in it; the same as
of Pal)ini; cf. Hem. III. 4 46.
having many syllables in it;
Kat. II. 2.59.
having many vowels (two or
more) in it; ,?pp. to a term
frequently used in Pal)ini's gram-
mar meaning the same as
or which see above; cf. 'P.
VI. 3'42, VI. 4.82.
(I) not forming an integral
part, the same as ct.
Par. Sek. Pari 4
( 2) absence of any definite view
cf. I
'!F(f: I 1IT+illH '3'f:efqTS!+.1 +r+m<l itRl 'iii I
M.Bh. on VI. 1.7.
,( I) possessed of a plural sense;
referring to many things. d. O/iij'fiT:q-
M.Bh. on P. VII.2.98 also
P. I. 2.64 Viirt.
IS; (2) possessed of many senses,
cf. 3liij'fiT<:It 3lN 1:TI(fcfl +TCIR M.Bh. on
P. VIII. 2.48; also cf. <!ffiCliTl!{\f.r
Nir. IV.I.
,Indeclinables also have many
senses; Uddyota
on P. VI. 3. xog.
possessed of many laHers; lit.
possessed of not one letter, cf.
P. I. 1.55.
not ending in a diphthong; cf.
5ek. Par in 7.
undetermined, indefinite;

M.Bh. on T. 2.30, also
M.Bh. on VI. 1.37; not invariable,
cf. M.Bh. on VII.
2.102, VIII. 3.34.
not possessed of any definite
cause; M.Bh. on
1. 1.20 also on 1. 1.59 and 1.2.64.
final, phonetically last element
remaining, of course, after the
mute significatory letters have been
dropped. cf. M.Bh. on
I. I.2Vart. 6.
lit. bringing about as the
final; an affix (which is generally
put at the end); ancient term for
an affix; ct. 'iiTltff "l "ll;:cr-
1 :m;ij-: "l' "lIN ir. I. 13.
lit. essence of the mind;
internal. Thinking principle. d.
'1a: I
f<!cr-ijij- i\ Vak. pad. I.Il4.
.,. . .
ht: mterlor operatIOn; an
operation inside a word in its
formation-stage which naturally
becomes a12taraliga as contrasted
with an operation depending on
two complete words after their
formation which is looked upon as
inside a word; explained as
by d.
V. Pro IV. 2 d. also "fi'a:tI<t W<a'Q,!:
R. Pro II. 13.
insertion of a letter or phoneo
tic element such as the letter Cii,
between and a sibilant, or the
letter C{. between tIt and a sibilant; cf.
I fotl!lT, qRl5t. 'i{ . cf. P.
VIII. 3.28, 29, 30, 31; cf.
R. Pro IV. 20.
inside the foot of a verse
explained as by Uvata;
cf. P. VI. 1. U3.
j., alw written as
I., semivowel; cf.
I P-lRr ltRr ma-; V. Pro
VIII. 14-15; cf. ex'-
plained by;gqa- as
R. Pr. I. 9, also
. T. Pr. I. 8. The
ancient term appears to be
I. used in the Pratisakhya works ..
The word occurs twice
in. the Mahabha!?ya from which it
cannot be said whether the word
there is m. or I. :The
term or is explained by
the commentators on Katantra as
arrij- I
interval between two phonetic
elements when they are uttered
one after another; hiatus, pause;
RT. 34; also fctwI)
Vyasasik!?a; (2)
space between two phonetic ele-
ments. e. g. explained as
(between two vowels) by
Uvata cf. N+trflttmUJ:
Nir X. 17.
I Durga's comment.
a highly technical term in
pal;,J.ini's grammar applied in a
variety of ways to rules which
thereby can supersede other
rules. The term is not used
by Pal;,J.ini himself. The Varti-
kakara has used the term thrice
(See I. 4-2 Vart. 8, VI. I. 106
Vart. 10 and VIII. 2.6 Vart. I)
evidently in the sense of 'immea
diate', 'urgent', of eadier oceura
rence; or the. like. rhe word is
usually explained as a Bahuvrihi.
compound meaning' 0JiG: armf.r
'ijffir (a rule or operation which
has got the causes of its application
within those of another rule or
operation which consequently is
termed ). aml\W, in short, is a
rule. whose causes of operation
occur eariier in the wordiDg of the
form, or in the process of formation.
As an arremt rule occurs to the mind
earlier, as seen above, it is looked
upon as stronger than any other
rule, barring of course CllqcHa: rules
or exceptions, if .the other rule pre-
sents itself simultaneously. The
Vartikakara, hence, in giving pre-
ference toarrCf\W rules, uses generally
the wording which is
paraphrased by CllCf\$\'
which is looked upon as a paribha.!?a.
Grammarians, succeeding the Varti- .
kakara, not. only looked upon the
operation as weaker than 0JiG-
but they looked upon it as
invalid or invisible before the
operation had taken place. They
laid down the Paribha.!?a Cllmt
which has been thoroughly
discussed by Nagesa i!l his
bha!?endusekhara. The 8RiUff is
taken in a variety of ways by Gram-
marians: (1) causel;i of
application within or before those
of another e;g. from the root
(fu + ;a + "1') where the <:ill'.!.' sub-
stitute for l( is being caused
by ;a as compared to gUl}.a for ;a
which is caused by "1', (2) having
causes of application occurring bea
fore those of another in the word-
ing of the form, (3 ) having a
smaller number of causes, (4) oc-
curriDg earlier in the order of several
operations which take place in
arriving at the complete form of a
word, (5) not having (tech-
nical term) as a calise of its appli-
cation, ( 6) not depending upon
two words or padas, ( 7) depending
upon.a cause or causes of a general
nature ( ) as opposed to one
which depends on causes of a
specific nature ( ).
the phrase is used gene:-
rally for the qitlffl'H ' a:rfuit
described above. See the word
The qft+!NT has got a very
wide field of application and is used
several times in setting aside diffi-
culties which present themselves
in the formation of a word. Like
other this pari-
is not a of universal
the strength which an
antaranga rule or operation possesses
by virtue of which it all
other rules or operations, excepting
an apavada rule, when or if they
occur simultaneously in the forma-
tion of a word.
characterized by the nature
of an antaranga operation which
gives that rule a special strength to
set aside other rules occurring to-
gether with it.
very close or very cognate,
being characterized (1) by the
same place of utterance, or (2) by
possessing the same sense, or ( 3 ) by
possessing the same qualities, or
( 4) by possessing the same dimen-
sion; cf. P. I. I.5o and
Kas. thereon <llTiff4 I
I WIer: lIT'!i:, \JiT: I
SlmUJd: Sl1I
+{ SF!."<iTt\ II
. a group of words mentioned
inside another group of words ( i(11J);
d. 9;9Tfltf4ClI'i!l<d{I0j) ;;:r
I1l<afJUJ: lias. on Ill. I.55; also
On IV. 2,111.
inclusion of an element (of
sense) in what has been actually
assigned. e.g. I ;awIlI<ITfer
lItcro:.l Clliffmf<!a
l!i!l"ls'.5!' Wr: Kas. on P.
I. 3.84, +fCIRrI
Ka. on P, III. 2.95.
separated by a dissimilar ele-
ment; cf. 'i'fTrtrfW' a:r>nm: P. IV.,
1.93 Vart. 5.
T. Pr. XIV. 30; cf.
also R. Pr. III. 9. '
13I;:aq-:m''f supposed condition of being
at the end obtained by the single
substitute for the final of
. the preceeding and the initial of the
succeeding word. cf. 0JiG1F{.,{'i:"Il
<TI<iit9iTW: B tt.cfw-er<ro:. t<:ila,. ,
Sid. Kau. on VI. 1,84. ,
I. also semi-vowel; see
unger Cllrcr:ti!l".
having the last vowel circum-
flex, e. g. I d. ...
I KiiS. on P. VI. 2.37.
condition, attributed to a
single substitute for the final of the
preceding and initial of the succeed-
ing word, of being looked upon
either as the final of the preceding
. word or as the initial of the succe-
edingword but never as both (the
final as well as the initial) at one
and the same time; cf. anwr
i!FCflWrif. Sir. Pari. 39 also M. Bh. on
affix of the impera. 3rd pers.
pl. Atm., substituted, for
original affix iff, e.g.
affix of the pres. 3rd pers. pl
substituted for the ori-
ginal affix fu, e.g. wrfrff, If'lf;er. .
affix of the impera. 3rd pers. pl.
Parasmai. substituted for the oei-
gina1 affix ti9rgp
affix of the pres. 3rd pers. pl. II
Atm. substituted for the original,
affix iff, e.g. ' I
a word with its last vowel I
accented acute. Roots, crude noun I
, I
bases and compound words genee l
rally have their last vowel accented
acute; cf. fit'q: ( ) \3'''{Rl!
Phit. Sutra 1.1; 1:'lTIfr: (P. VI.
I.x62) arrCf \3'({Ri: (P. VI. I
1.223) arrCf
(I) final letter; \.
(2) final consonant of each of the
five groups of consonants which is
a nasal R. T. 17.
a grammarian of the sevene
teenth century, possibly the same I
as the author of Tarkasarilgraha, I
who wrote a commentary on,
Ai?tadhyayi called Mitaki?ua a'1d
Pradipodyotana, a commentary on
a technical term of J ainendra I
gram mer for PaI}ini's >r<Jl'!9;<l'l. cf.
Jain. Su. I. 2.152. I
lit. in another'll
way; cf. CJo1m aTr<jCRCf: V.P. V. IS.
optionally; lit. in another
way. The term is very common in
rules of Pal)ini, the terms 91
and W'mqr are also used in the same
,another sense, sense different
from what has been expressed by
the wording given; d.
P. II. 2.24; also
M. Bh. on II. 1.6.
connected with the word arr<!;
connected with another; e.g. aTr<jr
I .. if I
I M. Bh. on P. II. 3.22.
an object which is
different from what IS ment,ioned,
yet siQlilar to it; cf. iffSr'ffl,'fCfIF<lo
Cf<JT liN'IRr: I
I ill6\'
OlqRr I M. Bh. on P. III. 1.12.-
irregular; cf. <{[!'Itt-
Sl<UlT1F<ll<:<ll\q KiiS. on
P. VII. 3.34. '
(I) having another purpose or
signification; cf. Sll!:i&
<1cfRr M. Bh. on I. 1.23; (2 ) another
sense which is different from what
is expressed; cf. aTr<jllqf Can.
II. 2.46.
other grammarians. This
expression, twice mentioned by
Patafijali may refer to Katyayana
whose YarD I on P. VI. I.I44 teaches
exactly what the others are stated
to have taught.'
reciprocally dependent and
hence serving no purpose; same as
mCfUl3l<l which is looked upon as a
fault. d.
M.Bh. on IV. 1.3.
a com'bination of letters
according to the order of the letters
in the Alphabet; a samdhi oreupho-
nic combination of a vowel and
a consonant, called
where a vowei precedes a consonant;
and where a conson-
ant precedes a vowel, the consonant
in that case being changed into the
third of its class; tJ:'l \<1 :cr
+TCfm I
Cf !J;q II R Pr. II. 8.g
e. g. u;tj' and others are
instances of where
fiffitT after the vowel is dropped;
while {[sq'il;s" a:rm: is an instance of
where the
precedes the vowelar. '
<lrj0'''l<i (I) construing, construction;
arrangement of words according to
their mutual relationship based
upon the sense conveyed by them,
I ( 2 ) continua
ance, continuation; cf.
il:m 91 3jf<llmli{ <1cfm
a:riI a:J<l M. Bh. on
P. II. 1.1.
given in accordance with the
sense; generally applied to a tech-
nical term which is found in accord-
ance with the sense conveyed by
the constituent parts of it; e.g.
d. tJ:ffit
<I<JT M. Bh. on
P. I.
A technical .term used in
accordance with the sense of its
constituent parts; e. g.
aTc<l<i, \3'litF4iif, 'liT\'!i, 'li+lSlCf'C/;:fiil,
SlE<I<I, 'lqqa: etc. All these terms are
picked up from ancient grammarians
by Pal)ini; d. CfSf +ii[(<lT: :H;m<lT tJ:CfCl.
\ <llqT I
aTif<lT I d. M. Bh. on I. r.2.3 ;
also d. M. Bh. 011 I. 1.27, I. 1.38,
I. 2.43, I. 4.83. II. 1.5, III. 1.1,
III. 1.92 etc.
relaxation or wide opening of
the sound-producing organs as done
for uttering a vowel of grave accent.
d. aT"<IqBii; 'TF-ll1J'(T Tait. Pr.
XXII. 10.
'i'{;:qTfflq; a word attracting a previous
such as the word:cr, in the I
Sutra texts.
restatement; expression of
what is already in existence,\explan-
ation of what is known or current.
The word is med in connexion with
grammatical explanations by finding
out the base and the affix or affixes,
augments, substitutes of words
which ,are already in use etc. d.
Yak. pad. II. 170, 23I, 440 , 448;
III. 14, I7I,272.tcf. also Kaiy. on
1. 2.45 and HeHiraja on Yak. pad.
III. I.67 and M.Bh. on I. 2.32 .
lit. explanatory. The word
is used in connexion with tlie science
of grammar, when it qualifies the
word 'Sastra.' When it qualifies
the word' Vakya ' it refers to what
is termed sn:mT9'T<f<l. d. Yak. pad.
II. 362; III. 14. 6r5.
what is to be explained by
its division into a base and an
affix; the word as qualify-
ing the word is taken to mean
fit for use', which can be used ,
d. Yak. pad. 1. 24; III. 14.74.
aggregation of a secondary
element along with the primary one;
lTIifCfr aTrClT'C/<:(: Nyasa on P. II. 2.29.
One of the four senses-of :cr, e. g.
fOl!';Jl+!G 'IT 'Cflif<l; d. 'T+<!Cf
\ also M. 'Sh.
III. 1.1.
(I) lit. reference to the ante-
rior word or expression; d.
(f.I: in T. Pr. VII. 3,
in V. 8) T. Pr. 1. 58; (2)
,reference again to what has been
stated previously; d.
P. II.
4.32 and Vart. 2 thereon;
f<i m't I
Kas on the above.
a word capable of attracting
a word or words from previous
statements; d. T. Pr.
XXII. 5 ; same as
Of'!. (I) krt affix a:r, in the sense of
verbal activity ( +!l9' ) or any verbal
relation ('!il\'!i) exceptitzg that of an
agent, applied to roots ending
in or \3' and the roots ::iff, [ etc.
mentioned in P. III. 3.58 and the
following rules in preference to the
'usual affix EPf. e. g. '1\:, <19:,
liCf:, !ll[:, {<!<i: etc. ct. P. III.
3 57-87; (2) compound-ending <!itt,
applied to Bahuvrihi compounds
in the .feminine gender ending with
a PiiraQa affix as also to Bahuvrihi
compounds ending with prece-
ded by aml. or iifrn, e. g. Cf*,nmqliil+!T
li2::. cf. P. V.
4 n6, II 7. a technical term of
Jainendra grammar for ficlT<lT of
Pi'il)ini. d. Jain. Siit. I. 2-I58.
(i) deterioration of the place
Or instrument of the production of
sOilnd resulting in the fault called
; C!. \<rrO'{'fi\1JJ<U\li91llUJ <iTt!
R. Pra. XIV. 2. (ii) draw-
in,3 back a word or words from a
succeeding rule of grammar to the
preceding one; d. 0qi!(<lfa'
I M.Bhi'i. on P. II. 2.8 (iii)
inferiority (in the case of qualities)
<i 'i:f i\aj1;<i 5191QTQ91t:lT i: I (i v)
P. III. 4. I04, Var.
2. Kaiyata says <!i'i91q-: <!iqClTq:: I which
Nagda explains as
a descendent, male or female,
from the son or daughter onwards
upto any generation; ct.
P. IV. 1.92.
degraded utterance of standard
correct forms or words; corrupt
form; e. g. 'IT;ft, .nm and, the like, of
the word .n, d. m;ft I
.nffT .nqymr a:mtm:!
M.Bh. on 1. I.I; cf. <U
Yak. pad I. 149;
(VyaQisiHra) on which
PUI).yaraja says tlcW:I <!iq-slm<l
51'liffi: cam. on Yak. pad. I. 149.
a:rtR ar{& 'another says. Patafijali
uses this expression eighty three
times in It refers to
opinious of other grammarians. They J
were either Vartikakaras before
Ki'ityayana who critically examined
Pii1).ini's siitras and to whom Katya-
yana was indebted or they may be .
the glammarians who explained the
Vi'irtikas. Sometimes we find the
achievement; cf. tM551Tm tlt<lT !i<iT-
lifi.tlQriR: <!i\1'l<T: see EM. on (ij'q-qiI ti:ftClT
P. II. 3.6.
a letter which is phonetically
badly or wrongly pronounced. cf.
:q ., oi<i lf17;
m!Wfur paI).. Sik. 50.
a special rule which sets aside
the geperal rule ; a rule forming an
exception to the general rule, which
is termed or 511t<f e. g.
91: III. 2. 2 which is an exception of
the general rule 9i<lUCl'!! III. 2. r ; cf.
<r!mm <It tl +!qfu,
<Urn +!Cfm-;, Par. Sek. Pari
57; for details see Par. 'Sek. Pari.
57-65; ct. rl[ClT
'3"fflm: mrTICfcTCl: mrrf<l'EfClTf9I:T<I: I
aRtrfcl'Ef<!T: fc!\:T<I: \
:1iT.Wmi.1 O1'Irnmerii l:!'R=j"f \'Jttlm: 51Cfijrij-
\ R. Pro I. 23 and com. thereon;
( 2) fault; cf.
... R. Pr. XIV. 30 on which \3"Cf2:
remarks tlf.o 9;i'!-
the convention that a rule
laying down an exception supersedes
the general rule; cf.
P. I. 3.9 Vart. 7.
the convention that a
special rule is always stronger than
the general rule. cf.
<lTif,,\ 51e<r means 8q cf. <!iT,
T. I. 22.
a with a special
rule, ,when the special rule super-
sedes the general rule; cf. ' ,
, O1liCfrq:f951ffittI:TT'S[ tlqiitm
I M. Bh. on 1. I.,54 Vart. I.
that which has already happen-
ed or taken place; cf. -
I \ ar[V.lliq'llQ,,\ anfct\Sllli-
i[CRT: I tt'Ef :q <iTt! r<:i1<:<Jf <lSI'
M. Bh. on III.,2. 102
corrupt form of a correct word,
called a Iso; cf. <rT
M. Bh. on 1. I. I. 9Tttr
+!f9 6/lfu \ ClT'<!1,jhfre<lT
M. Bh. on V. 3. 55.
sr<nif: \ Kauti.
Arth. I r. 10. 6I.
S11iTiUlcfu:r not in conformity with the
rules of PaQini's grammar; cf.
cr+ItfTfUl;:fti{ g +!Cffff M. Bh. on 1. I. I.
detachment, sepanl.tion, abla-
tion; technical term for <!ilim<l'fiR'fi
which is defined as
in P. I. 4.24 and subsequent rules
25 to 3I and which is put in the
ablative case; ct. arqrif.\' 'C[liil+l't P.
II. 3.28.
QTqN (I) point of departure, separa-
tion; ct. P. I. 4.24; (2)
disappearance; cf.
I \
m<t 91.t 91-aaj<r. I .,
WRl M.Bh. on IV. 1-36.
without any purpOSe or object,
useless; d.
Nyasa on P. I. 4.80.
orft! also; in addition to; <!iN is used
sometimes to mean absolute of or
unqualified by any condition; ct.
\ wnq-rfl:Tajfu-
I +rcrRl I 1:119T q'til'T \
Kas. on P. III. 2.75, III.
VII. 1.38; cf. \
Durgasimha on Kat. II.3.64.
:mqq: not marked the mute letter
tf,' A Sarvadha,tuka affi)'; not marked
with tf is upon as
marked with hence it prevents
the gUQa or vrddhi substitution for
the preceding vowel or for the
penultimate vowel if it be 01. e.g.
where no gUQa
takes place for the' vowel \3' cf.
P. I. 2.4. _
(I) not - existing before; cf.
8iT'I+r!.\l <iTll 'M.Bh. on
I. I.20, I. 1.46; (2) not preceded by
any letter or so, <!irf.t:
1vLBh: on I. I.2I; (3) a rule pres-
cribing something not prescribed
before; cf. 001 <!i't9'f
l{fa- Q;q' 0'{ M.Bh.
on I. '4.3., III. 1. 46, III. 2. 127,
III.3. I 9
SI'l'tii' lit. unmixed with any (letter);
a technical term for an affix consist.
ing of one phonetic element, i.e. of
a single letter. d. <!i'l'ffi -
P. I. 2.4 t.
relation of dependence; d.
iifs.uit&JT M.Bh. on IV. 2.92.
Sf1ft;a:R' separation, division, detach-
ment (01C!t;jSro I) cf. Yak. pad.
I. 24; II,IO, 269, 44z; III, 13. 6,
14. 145. The word is used, rather
technically, in the sense of the
separation of the base from the
affix. The word also means a
separated part of a word, such as_
the base separated from, the affix,
or the affix separated from thl'! base
to which an individually separate
sense is attributed by grammar-ians
cf. O1i!I:ilt<l I
on Yak. Pad. III. LI.
lit. taken away (as a part)
the whole; part of the sense
ofa word taken out -from the
composite sense possessed by the
whole word.
A famous- ver-
satile writer of 'sixteenth cen-
-tury A.D. (153Q-r6oo), son of
a Dravid BrahmaJ;la.
He wrote more than 60 smaller
or greater treatises mainly on
Vedanta, Mimarnsa., Dharma and
Alarnkara sastras; many of his
works are yet in manuscript form.
The and TiIian-
tasef?asarilgraha are the two pro-
minent grammatical works written
by him. PaI)Qita Jagannat!la spoke
very despisingly of him.
non-retention of the ori-
ginal word accents; cf. 0>'1 iIm:-
JfjlifeREWci" tl'+tftlAft<;:I'Ufcf M. Bh.
On VI. 2.49. See the word
antffitrRi (I) impossibility to obtain
the correct form; (2) or
want of apprehension, cf.
:;:r{5tmqffi: llltilrftl' M. Bh. on I. I. I,
1. 1.44 Vart. 8.
<l{Slrnq'cl useless prohibition; unneces-
sary prohibition; d. 5tfa-ih'r:
M.Bh. on 1. I.6; 1. 1.20.;
1. 1.22 etc.
(I) lit. absence of any affix;
an affix such as fui'!.. or fem:.. which
wholly vanishes; d. fqqft'1'a-: Olml:{l:{:
fqqil: M. Bh. on I. 1.6;
CfiUi[: M.Bh. on 1. 1.58; (2) that
which is not an affix. d.
m M.Bh. on 1. 1. 61,
1. 1.69; (3) that which is not pre-
scribed, "l'fcil:ft<Il1l<r, M. Bh.
on 1. 1.69.
(I) non-principal, subordi-
nate, secondary, cf.
illm. M.Bh. On 1. 2.43; (2) non-
essential, non-predominent, d.
P. II. 2.19 and the
instance fqm I Kas. on
II. 2.19.
not found in popular or current
use, e.g. the words ;;nli, a-{, '<i'!i etc,
M.Bh. on 1. I. I, also
M.Bh. on I. 1.24.
(I) non-employment of a word
in spite of, the meaning being
available; d.
P. III. 3. 154; ( 2) non-employment
cf. a standard dictum'
of grammar not allowing superfiu-
Ous words which is given in M.Eh.
'on P.I.1.44 Vart. 16 and stated in
Ca.ndra and other grammars as a

at.!>l.nm-r. not-fonnd in actual use
among the people men-
tioned in the sastra-texts; a mute
indicatory letter or letters . d.
am<lr'l't i{G:. Sak. 1.1.5 Hem. 1. 1.37
Jain. I. 2.3 and M.Bh. Pradipa on
III. 8.3I.
. non-applica tion of a' rule of
grammar or of a technical term;
cf. a:r;'l"i
M.Bh. on P. 1. 1.1 Vart. II.
No1t wellfknown; secondary
. ( used in connection with sense)'
cf. t;;ci' '<iT5tm:jj,t;f "efT>'!
clrurtCj+(Par. Sek. Pari. IS.
abse.nce of clear sense or
interpretation; cf.
M.Bh. on I. 1.1. Vart. 8, 1. 1'.38
same as a:r5tltffi?lmq-r one of
the three. kinds of optional appli-
cation of a rule; ct. +TcWo
I M.Bh. on P.
I. I.44 Vart. 20; optional applica-
tion of a rule prescribing an opera-
tion; e.g. ;;n<Tfla-r'4>tTllT P. VII. 2.6;
VII. 3.90 P. 1. 3 43.
I Olf+tqT<;:<!m
fiTcH I Kas. on 1.
4.53. fcr+rr'TI I I
prescription of a new
thing. cf.
M.B,h. on VI. 4.17 I Vart. 2.
prescribing an operation
which otherwise cannot be had.
4.24 Vart I.
atsmrr.hntl'T see above a:r5tlaFFf,(i!f.
Ofmfs' (I) non-occurrence or' non-
realization of a grammatical opera.
tion or M. Bh. on
1. I.56 8;, prohibition
of the occurrence' of a rule or
operation, cf. a:rmHCJT I 'IT
mrS: Iffuf?jla'la- M.Eh. on I. 1'043,
non-protracted vowel d. O1cIT
P. VI. 1. II3.
ar.n'CfCii' not coming in the way of
rules otherwise applicable; the
word is used in connection with
f.tqraq i.e. cOI!-stituted or announced
forms or specially formed words
which are said to be 31iiIll:TCfi i.e.
not coming in the way of forms
which could be . arrived at by
application of the regular rules
Siradeva has laid down the Pari-
Ol'lll:TCfiTi''lfit fcrqr('fqrfq.
defending the form !!\fo<r in spite
of PaI)ini's specific mention of the
word in the rule :9,UUlsi'Rii!!O
IV. 3. 105.
at41'ffi not-forming an integral part
of another; independent
( used in connection with aug-
ments). cf. T'li !fcwi 'iCiTiCi
tRTilt:cmftCJ?l,'+T'tii: M. Bh. on 1. I.
47, I. 1.51. ml<ja- M. Bh.
on . VI. 1.71, VI. 1.135, and
VII. 2.82.
a Jain grammarian who
wrote based on the Sabda-I
VyakaraI)aof the Jain I
Sakatayana. His possible date is
the twelfth century A.D.
a Jain writer of the
thirteenth century who wrote a
commentary on the Sabdanusa-
sana Grammar of Hemacandra.
a reputed J ain
of the eighth centu;y who wrote
an extensive gloss on the
The gloss is known as
+!'mftl of which
appears to be another name.
at41TOf absence; absence of any
following letter which is technically
called avasana. cr.
S. K. on P.
1. 4.IIO.
that which does .not
convey a masculine sense; a' word
which is not declined in the
masculine gender; a word possessing
only the feminine gender e.g. @?f/T,
etc. d. P. VII. 3.48.
a variety of long
called it consists of 100
syllables. ct. arm:.
R. Pr. XVI. 60.
the first of the two utter-
ances of a word which chara-
cterise the krama method of
recital; e.g. in the krama recital
of 5fU1 etc. II ur: I I the first
recital Jf U1: is called a:rf+l'!ili. or
Cf"l<r while q is called ,
>tilt R. Pro XI. 2I. .
<l{llt'SflCi or sinking of the
voice as required for the utterance
of a circumflex vowel.
a word standing as identical
with the object denoted by it d.
'l<tl I
I Vak. pad. II.I28.
a:rllt'CIT the activity of a word in show-
ing its sense, the power of denota-
tion; a relation between the word
and its sense, viz. the object
denoted by it. cf.Vak. pad. n. 402;
also cf. aTf+M"rcUflt\,l'<!CCjT"<!Cj l"'l'h+lfcf-

( !!U<{. ) 1
an ancient lexicogra-
phic work quoted by Mahesvara in
his commentary on Nir. 6.14 as
qofu"9Yll1T: I
Medhatithi also quotes the work_
d. on Manu Smr. II. 140 ff:.tT '<!lfu'i/T<f-

function of denotation
which is effected in language by the
use of words related to each other .
cf. Viik. pad. II. 106
designation, denotation, ex-
pression of sense by a word which
is looked upon as the very nature
of a word. The expression arf<l'i/T;:j
(denotation of sense
is only a natural characteristic of
a word) frequently occurs in the_
Mahiibhal?ya; cf. M.Bh. on L 2.64
Valt. 93, -n. 1.1, cf. <iC["l1ri{f
o<:<r (R. Pro XIlI.7) where
the word means GfS9"'l'<f.
Although aTf<T'ifl<f means activity of
denotation -and - aTfu\,l'<! means
denoted object, both are found
used synonymousJy. Patafijali on
I. 2.5 r. Vart. I. understands a:rf+N<!
as principal sense and aTf+l'9Ff as
original sense.
m+l"l:q' object or thing denoted by
a word; sense of aword; cf. a:rf'lf-
+lCfRr M.Bh. ori II.
alflitil"lTif lit. that which is placed
near or before; the first of the
doubled class consonants; a mute
or consonant arising from
doubling and inserted before a
mute; lR: 5{:ql1:a:rf+rFI'ifT<f:
(T. Pro XIV. 9.)
explained by ftim
11\ti! as
'!,611UJ: 1{\: >[Il'll aTllTll';CR<! .;q:U.;<! .
31f<lFI'i/tolt +lCffu -I i(tlIfufil'ifT<l:
arRfquftll: 1 <NT <I:
1 <I: tq.jtlFlT I The _ 1,{k.
Pratisllkhya explains the term
aTf+lfilI:TT<f somewhat differently; cf.
<lif+lfi!I:TTcf '[i:ffiftrr<fT
Pro VI. 17, 18. explained
I by '3'092: as
'<! ClllJTilT '<! tim
+rCffu I oa:a<t. 31fu-
fi!I:Tt;:j i1Tl1 I <I:qT lIT fJ;T fJ;T I '!fi.
B aTf+lf.tI:TTc:rr \I
aTfufill:TT<1 possibly according to
here means the first of the
doubled letter which, although the
second letter is attached to it, is
separately uttered with a slight
pause after it. aTfur.p:fr., -means, in
short, something like 'suppression.'
T-he Tantra takes a still wider
view and explains <lif+lfil'ClT<1 as the
first of a doubled consonant. d.-
a:rf+lf.!'<TTiI: I '<! +l9Rr 1
R. T.-ZI.
development of _an activity;
manifestation; cf. 'h.t"'l'ra:ilT<!t
M.Bh. on
VI. :1.84.
that which has already
entered on functioning or begun to
function; d. .;=rm<lO

I M.Bh. on II. 1.1. d.
M.Bh. on II.
3.46; Pari. Sek. Pari. 62.
alflifilIDif is an ancient name ofvisarga.
d. Kasika on P. VIII. 3.86 which
derives the word. Among the
Pratisakhyas it occurs only in
Atharvaveda Pratisakhya :1;42.
Abhinil?thiina seems to be the true
used in connection with a
tlfi'<T or euphonic combination in
which the vowel ai, as a first or a.

, I
- (
second member, is absorbed into
the other member. e.g.
also where aT of
is absorbed or merged in aft of
or of cf.
R. Pro II. 13 to 235; cf.
tre:Rl1C(f& P. VI. I. 109.
expression; cf. -
tIll'rilTf+lO<:fI&lt +lCfRr o;;:mm- +rCfRr I mo<!-
I;:i Nir X. 16.
lit. carefully directed towards.
The word is used jn connexion with
a word which is carefully directed
towards its -power of denotation
name given to the
circnmflex vowel which is the II
resultant of the
with a view to communicating the
i':ltended sense. cf. Vak. pad II. Aoi.
alflimftofr name of a metre in which
two feet have ien syllables and
the other two have twelve syllables;
(I) a kind of
euphonic combination -where the
nasal letter iJ.. is dropped and the
preced ing vowel (3TT) is nasalised
e.g. <r: I <iTg I (2) view,
purpose, intention; >;7Jml1T:qF{-
lfl'!fo, i({ <r +l9tiTRr; M.Rh. on
I. :1.27; cf. also
p. 1. 3 72.
of Kashmir, who restored the
corrupt text of cf.
Yak. pad. II. 484-496.
a grammarian who
wrote a Vrtti on the Karakapada
8ifliForti:l inclusive extension to a par-
ticular limit; inclusive limit; cf.
lI<!Ti:\lfuFclIl<U: P. II, 1.13,
M. Bh. on
I. 4.89; ( 2 ) full or complete exten-
sion 'f.m;i4<f I cf.
a:rfufcl.;n +lTCf Go:t I I
tlTGfitti-r Kas. on P. III. 3.44.
absorption of a vowel when
two long vowels of the same kind
come together e.g. or 31[q: = orq:,
aTqtll aTf=a:r<n:rr, the resultant vowel
_ being pronounced specially long
consisting of one more matra, which
is evidently, a fault of pronuncia--
tion. cf. 31[?:rc:i 31[\;+1:; CfT
1 aTfuo<!IH aTf+l*l(f
Uvvata on R. Pro XIV
f '" '" "'.. "::;"
C q\t:;J:;JTiTC!: tfr?:<!r CfRltlll"1t1rftijlt R.
Pro XVI. 66.
provided with a svarita or
circumflex accent. -
expressed ( used in conr.ection
with the)ense of a word) r;ffiilCflf+rf<rr
M.Bh. on -I. 2.64. T.3.I; ex-
pressed actually by a word or part
of a word, sallIe as 'hNa M. Bh.
on I. 4.51.
theory of the denota-
tion by words possessed of indivi-
dually separate senses giving rise
to a different kind of sense known
as ('mlf<l when they are taken _ to-
This view propounded by
the Bhatta school of Mimiililsakas is
opposed to the other view viz.
a:rrrCfolm'ifT<1q&:r propounded by the
PrabMkara school. d. Vak. pad.
11.1; II. 4r, 42.
being what it was not before,
cf. P. V. 4.50
Vart. I.
not bringing about a difference;
not making different; nondiscrimi-
nant; Par. Sek. Pari.
109 d. <f!1 '<! lIr "lfcr '<!
M.Bh. on I. 1.1.
a connection of unity, as
noticed between the nominative
case affix of the subject and the
ending fu of a verb, which produces
the sense.
relation of non-difference as
stated by the VaiyakaraJ)as
between an adjective and the sub-
stantive qualified by it. e. g.
ff(qz;I<J:. is ex plain ed as
a:r+<:r;:cr:{ interior;. contained in, held
in; d. a:rer<{'i: 1 ij{<fT
M. Bh. on
1. 1.56.
yankar I785-I870 A. D.) an emin-
ent schplar of Sanskrit Grammar
who prepared a number of Sanskrit
scholars in Grammar at Satadi. He
has also written a on the
Paribhasendusekhara and another
one on the Laghu-Sabdendusekhara.
kar 1863-1942 A. D.) a stalwart
Sanskrit Pa:Qdita, who, besides writ-
ing several learned commenta;ies
on books in several S3.nskrit -Sas-
tras, has written a commentary
named' Tattvadarsa' on the Pari-
and another nam-
ed 'GuQharthaprakasa' on the
Laghusabdendusek hara.
yankar, I89a-1976) a scholar of
Sanskrit Grammar who has written
'ire and compiled the
and the present Dictionary of
Sanskrit Grammar.
substitute for dat. and abl. pI.
affix +'ffl. after the words and
W<:H,,; d. P. VII. I3
is also noticed as a different reading.
d: M. Bh. and Kasikii. on VII.
I. 30.
repeated, redoubled word or
wording or part of a word. The
term is applied to the whole
doubled expression in Par;tini's gram-
mar, cf. P. VI. I.6; (2)
the seven roots with placed the
head viz. :;Jt<!. G:f\i\T, "i9il<i., iITRi,
00 and which in fact are redu-
plicated forms of <Rl.., <I, m-, <rni_,
'<IT and eft.
a:r+m<}f'5' inclination towards an action;
. tendency to do an act; d.
P. V.4
a:rm!j<ID" (M. Bh. on V.
9) is the explanation hi the
(Kas. on V. 4.!7) is the one given
in Kasika.
a:r+qm lit, doubling or reduplication;
technically the word refers to the
fir5t portion of the reduplication,
which is called the reduplicative
syllable as opposed to the second
part which is called the reduplicated
syllable; cf. P. VI. 14
( 2) Repetition, the second part
'which is repeated; d. &TS'\'<!IB" ( R. T.
165) explained a:r-.=lfffi 1
t{?:tq2:RiI I; (3) repeated
action; d. a:r<!Te: 9;ii:
Kas. on P. 1. 3. I.
omission of any sound; a fault
of utterance.
lit. accumulation or addition
of sense brought about by the
addition of adjectives or qualifying
words. d. Vak. pad. III.!4. go,
96, 98 cf. llRr BtWt-
Cfil<lT+!<frc'll<r, 1 Nirukta 1. 2. It also
means mere show of- additional
o - "
knowledge cf. <:!1! w:q1lt!i'Of 31,<\111 ll@,,<r
CfT'q<iim llfu
Sabda Kaustu-
bha on I. 2.45 where %f!l:la.. refers to
(I) a technical brief term inPa:Q-
ini's grammar including vowels,
the letter and nasals;
( 2) a Significant term for the accu-
sative case Showing change or sub-
stitution or modification; cf. :at
T. Pr. _ I. 28 explained as
61mfu 1 a:rmfu
I (3) augment 61
applied to the penultimate vowel of
& i'R (P. VI. 1.58,59 and VII.
I99) (4) substitute for 1st pers.
5ing. affix rn1!., by P. III. 4 101 (5)
Acc. sing. case affix
sr+R' called amUetr, an ancient gramm-
arian mentioned in the by
He is believed to have written
some works on grammar, such as
his famous existing work,
however, being the Am .. ako!1a or
N amaliilga nusasan a.
a Jain grammarian and a
pupil of Jinadattasiiri, who lived
in the fourteenth century who is
believed to be the writer of
1:I!j'E'q<!,; etc.
a:rg tad. affix 61<J:. applied in Vedic
Literature to fcli<I.., words ending in
'11;, indeclinables and the affixes m:
and O+!; e. g. Slat ii<!Til: srni: cf.
OT!I :q P. V. 4.12.
a grammarian who is believ-
ed to have written ijcTIMCfil or
a gloss on the
called also a cornm-
en tary on the 1f.,fi<jlcKrffcU of
a work of the
White Yajurveda. It follows V1ijasa-
neyi Pcatisakhya.
also called arntEJ1'!ftr is an
extensive commentary on Sakata-
yana grammar (sutras). It is believ-
ed that the gloss was written by the
Siitrakara and fathered the comm-
entary cn I a Rastrakuta
king of ninch century.
A Jain grammarian of- the
ninth century who wrote the gloss
known alS arntCfClRl on the Sabdanua
sasana of Sakatayana; the CJ.RI is
quotedby +!ll:T'i in his '<TTgCJ:fu. It has
a com; called Nyasa, by P(abha-
a:r+iTm also a gloss on the
grammar of Sakatayana. See OJ+1Tl:f-
above. .
Si+<iilijiK! a commentary on Nagesa's
Paribh1if?endllsekhara named so, as
it commences with the words a:rr.n-
<!isfr etc.
utterance (of words) accom-
panied by water drops coming out
oof the mouth; a fault of utterance
or pronunciation; ffl3TQ.. felS;.n
It is explained differently in the
Pratisakhya; ct. aTtm+<rt 61+a"-
" ...
(R. Pr. XIV. 2) held tight
between the lips which of course, is
a fault of pronunciation; d. ::jffi
f.l\\'6ilR<Wcrff f.liht. -ema+r:.IT
fclq.f;qc{<J:.. M.Bh. I. 1.
( I) substitute for the causal sign
fiJI before aw{, a:r;:ff,61I etc. by P. VI.
4-55 (2) sub!;titute for tr; before a
vowel by P. VI. I78.
the substitute 61<!. for the finalt
of the root :m by P. VII. 4.22.
tad. affix a:r<! substituted optio-
na,lly for ff<! after fu and f'Of by P. V.
2.43. e.g. f;:<I<J:., rn:a<!+f..; S!<!<I.. f,ja<!"(,
, substitutes for inst_ sing
affix <!T in Vedic Literature. e. g.
ilTq<!T. cf. M.Bh. on VII. I.3,0.
non-mixture of words where the
previous word is in no way the
cause of ( any change in) the next
word. a:r<f{qir wm.a.lOJ<I.. -Uv. on R. Pr.
XI. 12 e. g. where the i'liliqj(j
is a1m .. 1
a term applied to the odd feet I
of a stanza; d. wm'if!(!tIU
I tIT ilTli R. Pr.
XVI. 39.
the letters -or phonetic ele-
ments wBiy, ;3'qeltr<TIl!
and <:(TI' called so, as they are always
uttered only in combination with
another phonetic element or letter
such as ar or the like, and never
independently; d. al'!iT{rFtC'lT 'iolBm-
ar41iTcmn: Uvvata on Vaj. Pro VIII.
IS. These letters possess the
characteristics of both, the vowels
as well as consona,nts ; d.
llj(cf W;;r.:r<I..1
M.Bh. on
<fR a technical term for Ardhadhatuka
affixes in the Mugdhabodha gra-
a word, the coalescence of
which is not nasalized, as the word
arr in lFitiIT cRol!<I:. as contrasted with
aft arq:; cf. R. Pr. XI. IS.
a Visarga which is not rhotacized;
the term is used in the same
. not rhotacized; not turned
into the letter \:; d.
8lT9iR<I:.1 R. Pro II. 9.
a group of words given in
P. IV. 2.S0 which get the taddhita
affix (ar;n) added to them as a
diturarthika affix e.g . arlfuP1l;n<I:.,
etc. see Kasika on P. IV.
stt the strong blowing of air from the
mouth at the time.of the utterance
, of the surd consonants; d. Vaj. I
Sik!?a 280. I
(I) lit. signification, conveyed
sense or object. The sense is some-
times looked upon as a deter_minant
of the foot of a verse; cf.
16. It is generally looked upon as
the determinant of a word (lR).
A unit or element of a word which
is possessed of an independent
sense is looked upon as a Pada in
the old Grammar treatises; cf.
lRi1lifr cf. also "rr'.{<1,. V. Pro
III. 2, explained by <JoEf2; as
rrql qql
There is no difference pf opinion
regarding the. fact that; out of the
four standard kinds of words <r1+r, .
<Jql3ir and fqqro, the 'first two
kinds qF'{ do possess an
independent sense Of their own.
Regarding possession of sense and
the manner iri which the sense is
con veyed, by the other fwo viz. the
Upanrgas (prepositions)' and
Nipatas ( particles) there is a strik-
ing difference of opinion among
scholars of grammar. Although
. pa1;).ini has given the actual designa-
tion lR to words ending with either
the case or the conjugational affixes,
he has looked upon toe different
units or elements of a Pa4a such as
the base, the affi", the augment
and the like as p:l5sessed of in-
dividually separate There
is practically nothing in PaI)ini's
siitras to prove that Nipatas and
Upasargas do not possess an in"; .
dependent sense. Re: Nipatas, the
JUte which means that '<i
and other indeclinables are called
Nipatas when they do not mean
B;:'I", presents a riddle as to the
meaning . which' '<i and the like
should convey if they do not mean
B;:'I" or i(Oll i.e. a substance. The
Nipatas cannot mean +!19 or verbal
activity an,d if they do not mean B:;:'I"
or i(O<i, too, they will have to be call-
ed (absolutely meaningless) _
and in that case they would not be
f ,
termed Pratipadika, and no case-
affix would be applied to them.
. To avoid this difficulty, the Varti.
kakara had to make an effort and
he wrote a Viirtika f.!lfTtR:<:J
llTfuqfctCf.<9"i. I P. I. 2.45 Var. 12. As
a matter of fact the Nipatas '<i, 9T
and others do possess a sense as
shown by their presence and ab-
sence (a:r.Cf<i and The sense,
however, is conveyed rather in a
different manner as the word B'ilr,
or which is the meaning
conveyed hy '<i in cannot
be substituted for '<i as' its synonym
in the sentence \:111: LOOking
to the different ways in which
their sense is conveyed by nouns
and verbs on the one hand, and
by affixes, prepositions and in de-
clinables on the other' hand, Bhar.
trhari, possibly following Yaska
and Vya<;li, has developed the
. theory Of'ilTQ'fifcf as contrasted with
'iT:q9ifcf and laid down the dictum
that indeclinables, affixes and
prepositions ( ;3'qBrIS) do not directly
convey any specific sense as their
cf. ' arful:iTof ,IIil: Vlirttika
No. 33 on P. I. 2.64. For .mffcti9
see Vakyapadiya of Bhartrhari n.
16S-2a6. '
purpose Of existence as
noticed in every object
cf. Vak. pad. III. II.I4 which says:
l< as purposeful activity of the
elements of the three gUI)as whiCh
:uwa!s found mixed up, is quite
. distInct In each case, so it is cqgnis-
ed in the case of all objects. comprehension of sense; d

M.Bh. on P. I. I.44,
III. I.7 etc.
use of the word ': . d.
ar<lQifol .rum M.Bh. on
1. I.II.
genus Or general nature
possessed in common with others
by individual objects, on which
the corresponding genus of the
denoting: the object is super-
Imposed cf. Yak. pad. III. I.6,
8, II.
. own, but; they are mere' signs
to show some specific property or
excellence of the sense conveyed
by the word' to which they are
attached; d. also the statement
mention or specification of
sense. cf. Cfi-aC<:J:
M.Bh. IV. I.92
. 'i1 :rrI9iGTifcl:
Nir I. 3. The Grammarians, just
like the rhetoricians' have stated
that the connection between words !
and their senses is a permanent '
one the only difference in
their views heing that the rhetori-
cians state that words are related
no doubt permanently, to thei;
sense by means of or COnven-
tion which solely depends On the I
wiI! of God. while the Grammarians
say that the expression of sense
is oilly a natural function of words'
6 ,
underlying principle in the
USe of a word in language; the deSire
on the part of a speaker to communi-
cate his thought. cf. Vak. pad. I.I3.
f.l9!tIT I i1 g
'El'ElPIm 9T I f(
I ( )
aNq((iOlI{lJlqmWn 'a well known maxim
or Paribba.!?ii of grammarians fully
stated as
deduced from the phrase
frequently used by the Viirttikakara.
The lays down that
'when a combination of letters
employed in Grammar, is possessed
of a sense, ,it has to be taken as
P9ssessed of sense and not such a \
one as is devoid of sense. '
conveyance or expression
of sense, ct.
P.1. 2.64 Vart. 33. It is only a
nature of words that they convey
their sense. 'This statement of the
Vartikakara is taken as a standard
dictum which is fully consistent
with the doctrine of
a factor which determines
the intended -sense out of the
various senses that arise in the
Such factors are syntactical
connection in a sentence Cfl'Fl, 5JCfi\Ul,
situation context, the meaning of
another word ( ), propriety
(anRlc<.J), place time
association ( ), dissociation
(fcr5{<jl'l ),company hosti-
lity ,( ), evidence from
another sentence (iB;y) and the
proxilllity of another word
ct. Yak. pad. II.3T4.
the condition of being needy,
desire to possess, described as a
cause of being entitled to do a
thing. ct. Yak. pad. II. 79.
a fault in the utterance of a
vowel of the kind of abridgment
of a long utterance. ex-
_ plained as the utter
ance of the short vowel; ct.
P. I. 2.32. ct. also
<.JI'Ri lm<.J
Tai. Pro 1.44.

sign of Anunasika, d.
31q I
on I.r.8.
Nyasa :
a queer combination of I
half the character of one and half I
of an, ot,her, Whi,C, h is, looked upon 'I
as a, fault; cf. <r
'!fu1r I I 31<T ,;;'i<.JI: ,
aN M.Bh. on IV. I.78;
ct. also aN ;;'i<.JI: tfICfiT(.( IHI9T<.J I
d. 31!:1l:'l-
I ct. also
Sabdakauslubha, p. 2. '
ri+mrr half of a matra or 'mora'."
ct. ;p.j;:a
Par. Sekh. Pari. ' I22,signifying
that not a single element, of utter-
ance in Par;tini'sgrammar is
superfluous. In other words, the
wording of the Siitras of Par;tini is
the' briefest possible, not being
of redu.ction by even half
a mora.
a:rm:rrrnCf) taking for its utter,ance the
time measured by the utterance of
half a matra or mora; a consonant,
as it requires for its utterance
that time which is measured by
half a matra (miitra being the
time required for the utterance of
short a:r j; cf. R. Pro 1. 16; T. Pr. '
'I I.37; V. Pro 1. 59
a group of! words given in
P. II. 4.3 r which are declined in
both-the masculine and the neuter"
genders; e.g. a:r'4:;i:, 'i.!i:,
<[,:q+r,.; <;[;r:, etc.; d.
P. II. 4.3I. '
(' "
a term used for the Jlhva-
mfiliya and Upadhmaniya into
which a visarga is changed whim ,
followed by the letters and
the letters respectively.
the half of a vowel having
half morae. Acc'Jrding to P. I.2,3?
the initial part of Svarita is adha-
hrasva. In the contexts of long
and prolonged ( pluta) vowels, it is
used in, the same way i.e. the,ir
initial portion will have one morae;
cf. also Vak. pad. II. 308.
the acute accent
which becomes" sp,ecially i3({!'6 or
t .
when the vowel, which pos-
sesses it, forms the first' half of a
a class of words which take the
taddbitaaffix 31) in the sense
of the affix *l'l'!q: i.e. in the sense of
pos'session; ct. I
i I
ffll:cTIfu'tTri'r (in:. i\fi!;;'l+r,. KiiS. on P.
V.2. I27
a 5!nm: or a short term signifying
any letter in the alpbabet of Par;tini
, which consists of 9 vowels, 4 semi-
vowels, 25 class-consonants, and 4
that which is not a proper
i.e. Siitra; a Siitra which does not
teach definitely; a Siitra which can-
not be properly applied being ambi-
guous in sense. ct.
Par. Sek. Pari.
'( I) not used in a secondary
sense; ( 2) not accomplished by the
regular application of a grammar
rule; d. f.!qmtl: Blf AAa:(i)T-
K8.5. on III. 2.59.
(I) not possessed of a definite I
gender; d. '+19m M., I
Bh. on T . II. 4.82, (2) I
(SId. h,au. on P. VII.2.90).
. ,
not po;;sessed of a definite
gender and number; a term gene-
rally used in connection with 1'llc<!<jS
or indeclinables.
absence of elision or omIssion.
"' ,
a compound in which the
case-affixes are not dropped. The
Aluk compounds are treated by
Pfir;tini in VI. 3.1 to VI. 3.24.
an operation, which, on the
strength of its being enjoined by
means of the genitive case, applies
to the last letter of the wording
put in the genitive; d.
M. Bh. on 1. 1.65;' ct.
S.K. on P. 1. 1.52.
a:rcitG' absence of elision of an affix etc.
ct. aretq: I I
M. Bh. on II. 1.I.
the dissolution of a com-
pound not in, the usual popular
manner. e.g; dissolved as
as contrasted with
the viz. I see also
arNl[ft dissolved as l[ft in' the

(I) the word actually used
in Par;tini's rule e.g. S1't<!<j:
P. I. 2.4I. (2) the wording
or wording by mention of a single
letter; e.g. SiR!' P.
feebler effort required in the
pJ;oduction of sound or in the utter-
ance of a letter d.
(5{<jc<r:) Tait. Pr. XX. I2.
not of frequent occurrence In
the spoken language or literature;
the term is used in connection with
such words as are pot frequently
used; d. I
"i12:<! ifl:ftfer
Nir. I. 14. '
a'f(?1ffl{ur (I) non..:aspirate letters; let-
ters requiring little breath from the
mouth for their utterance as oppos-
ed to mahapral)a; (2) non-aspira-
tion; one of the external articulate
efforts characterizing the utterance
of non-aspirate letters.
having a. smaller of
vowels in it; such a word is general-
ly placed first in a Dvandva com-
pound; d. 1'll<m"';r(<(" P. II. 2.34.
3l<E'iT"'at. <i9fer aj(iqr"'Cf{ is
the saine as aj(iql"'''liused in" the
or in Katantra
( mit. II. 5 .. 12 ). '
an operation requil:ing a
smaller number of causes, which
'merely on that account cannot be
looked upon as 3RfU\. The anta-
ranga operation has its causes'
occurrin'g earlier than those of ano-
ther . operation which is termed
I tim a:rfut
'tt!rq Ef1.trtll Par. 8ek. Pari.
elision or omission of a single
phonetic element or letter; d.
amtqrS<l: P. VI. 4.134.
an operation prescribed with
reference to one sirigle letter; cf.
P. I. I.56.
occasion; possibility of appli-
cation; d., ffi 'i:j'lI;:f-
'<IFFt: 1 m+r<i' ,flmffi I
it"lm I l112im 1 1\1. Bh. on I. 1.3. VarL I
<ifOf"JfII split up into constituent parts,
ct. Nyasa on P.lII. I.II9. cf. also
Ii?: 1 Durga. on
Kat. IV. 2r27.
<ifOf::ri[{ I) separation of a compound
word in, to its component elements 1
as shown in the Pada-Patha of the
Vedic Samhitas. In the Pada-patha, I
individual words are shown sepa- I
rate1y jf they are combined by I
Sarhdhi ruies or by the formation
of a compound in the Samhita-
patha; e.g. in the Sarhhita-
patha is read as
TRiqa- or<F-llr: 1 In writing, :
there is observed the practice of :
placing the sign (s) between the
two parts, about which nothing can
be : said as to when and how it
originated. The Atharva:-Prati-
siikhya defines as the' separa-
tion of two padas joined in
( A. Pro II. 3.25, II. 4.5). In the
recital of the pada-patha, When_the
word-elements are uttered separate-
ly, there is a momentary pause
measuring one miitra or the time
required for the utterance of a short
vowel. (See for details Vaj. Prato
Adhaya5 ). ( 2) The word
is also used in the sense of the first
out of the two words or meIT' Jers
that are compounded together See
Kasika on P. VIII. 4.26; cf. also
<i*f &:9T<JCf
TaL Pro I. 49. The term is
explained in the Mahabha$ya as
< separation, or splitting up of a
compound word into its constituent
parts; d.
li."m 1 (M. Bh. on 2.36); also cf.
STunfa' I q qffiU
EfZ<iT: 1 I
Ii?: (M. Bh. on Ill. I.109)
where the Bha$yakara has, definitely
stated that the authors of the Pada-
pa tha ha ve to split up a word
according to the rules of Grammar.
( 3) In recent times, however, the
word is used in the sense of
the sign (s) showing the coale-.
scence of or ( short or long) with the
preceding or (short or long) or with
the preceding tJ; or ail e.g.
( 4 J The word is also
used in the sense of a pause, or ari
interval of time when the consti-
tUEmt elements of a compound word
are shown separately; d. tlfflB9>:jU
(V. Pro V. I). (5) The
word is also used in the sense of the
absence of Sandhi when the Sandhi
is admissible.
<ifOf::lI'[r<t(I+f the interval or pause after
the utterance of the first member
of a compound word when the
members are uttered separately.
This interval is equal to. two moras
according to Tait.- Pro while, it is
equal to one mora according to the
other PriitiSakhyas.
substitute for the firial ail of
the word iiT; d. P. VI.
I. I23, I24
OP-('q.{ something which need not be
specifically prescribed or stated,
being already available or valid;
cf. q:m<JT6+rW
6lq'tl<lTo. P. I.30 V. I.
.a short gloss or commentary on
a standard work.
lit. limitation, specification,
specific knowledge cpo Vak. pad. III.
14II, 297.;
(I) restriction; limitation; d.
Kas. on P. II. 1.8. ( 2) deter-
mination cpo Viik. pad. II. 268; cpo
also 31Cfl:TT\UT f.ful<J: I PUl) ya.
limit, which is either exclusive
or inclusive of the particular rule
or word which characterizes it ; cf.
tlcflll & o+1'iN Slrn- '+fEfftt M. Bh.
on I. 3.3.
<ifOfM+re: object of limit; cf.
31'im'ifa- Kas. on P. V. 3.37.
<if<iej'Of member or portion, as opposed
to the total or collection (tI!!G:T<i)
which is called 3TCf<lFci<r..; d.
Par. Sek. Pari. 98.
The conventional sense is more
powerful than the derivative sense._
accent occurring in tbe case
of a part of a compound word;
accent for a compound word within
a compound word. cpo Vak. pad.
III. 14. 57, 6r.
the genitive case signifying
or showinga part; cf.
<ufWi'iCi'i'i2}' M.Bh. on 1.1.2I.
activity residing indi-
vidually separate in various parts.
The word is equivalent to the max-
im CfFi<Jmtlfflm: 1 is in con-
trast with tlwrn- Efl'f<JQRt!l1TfH: I which
can be stated as f>ii<iT. cpo
Vlik. pad. II. 372-75, 378
the letter 31; the first letter of
the Sanskrit alphabet, comprising
all its varieties caused by grades,
a;\q, t'Cf) or accents' or nasa-
lizahon. The word Ciul is used in the
neuter gender in the Mahabba$ya ;
d. M.Bh. I. I.9, +IT
M. Bh. I. I.48 Vart. I';
ct. also on I. I.50 Vart. 18
and 1. 1.5 I Vart. 2; cf. also
5f<U1t Siradeva Pari. 17.
name of a Sarhdhi when a class
consonant, followed by any conson-,
ant is not changed, but retained as
it is; d. '#
fitCfTi:rt 31'l:iI'TlT Cfer,.R. Pro IV.!; e. g.
R. V. I. II3. 16, t
(R. V. VII. 99.7) ( R. V.
X. 85.14).
(v. 1. a term
occurring in the Linganusasana
meaning < possessed of such genders
as have not been mentioned already
either singly or by combination'
i. e. possessed of all genders. Under
are mentioned indeclin-
ables, numerals ending in , or
adjectives, words with krtya
affixes i. e. potential passive partici- '
pIes, pronouns, words, ending with
the affix a:r<l in the sense of an instru-
ment or a location and the words
<lifer and (See
Satras 182'I88);
necessarily; the expression
a:rEfii:<f is very frequently
used in the when the
same statement is to be emphasized.
----_ ..
atl!RJfi'f pause, cessation, termination;
d. mrms'leFIl(. I CJUfT<rrl1<tr'l:
\<1m.. S. K. on P. 1. 4. lIO.
stage, condition; stage in the
formation of a word; e.g.
of a uniform nature; cf.
'lUfl:, CJCfgf&1URl:'l"fqT1{
M. Bh. I. 1.70 V. 5.
deficient in one. or more sylla-
bles. The word is mostly used in
connection with a Vedic Manha.
one who is not conversant
with the proper use of language;
cf. W:(fl;:f (W{
M. Bh. 1. I. I.
meant for not preventing
the application (of a particular
term) to otbers .where it should
apply. The word is frequently used
,in the Kasika; cf. 3TJlT"l'aer1. I <!?-fiR::
I Kas. on P. IV.
1.4, also see Kas. on III. I. 133 ;
III. 2.67,73; IV.I.78.
ar#r:ern1?<J, The term is used
frequently in the Mahabha!?ya in
connection with letters of the alpha-
bEt which are considered '.nitya'
by Grammarians; d. "f

M. Bh .. I. To Aho 2; d. also
I 'lcCJ!2t?iE9i?r"lrf<.'l!!
M. Bh. on I. 1.1.
non-application, non-prescrip-
tion (jrrcr'4T<l); d. !i<liW 1ll&N-
r:ii2i'j'Tlj 1\1. TIh. on VII. 1. 30; Par.
Sek. Pari. 92.
without the application.of
a car,e termination. The term is
used frequently in connection with
such words as are found used by
Panini without any case-affix in his
Sutras; sometimes, such usage is
explained by commentators as 'an
archaic usage; ,cf. a:rfif<tfuiir I
I M. Bh. I. I. Ahn. 2;
also 1\1. Bh. on 1. 1.3; III. 1.36,
V II. 1.3 etc.
atRi+rm absence of division, equilibr-
ium cpo Vak. pad. I. 128.
atRi+rfiTqa.:ra view of grammarians
according to which there are words
which are looked upon as not susce-
ptible . to derivation. The . terms
. and are also used
in the same sense.'
a maxim mentioned by
Pataiijali in connection with the
word 3l"Tfcr-li where the taddhita affix
(i[oIi), although prescribed after
the word arR in the sense of 'flesh
of sheep '( llTe<r), is actually
put always after the base 3Tfct9i
and never after 3TR. The maxim
shows the actual application of an
affix to something allied to, or
similar to the base, and not to the
actual base as is sometimes found
in popular use. d. a<u:
I 3Tf:r'li-
a:rrR9imrn- I M. Bh.
on IV. I. 88; cf. also M. Bh. on
IV. I; 89; IV. 2. 60; IV. 3.13[,
V. 1.7, 28; VI. 2.II.
atmfiil'a' name of a fault ill pronoun-
cing a word where there is the abse-
nce of a proper connection of the
breath with the place of utterance;
'3l"fq(!;f+'Ia: Prac1ipa on
M. Bh.I. 1. I. There is the word
aJCf<ill+iif;:'f which is also used in the
same sense; cf. 3:!f
iirtal(.o on I. I. I:
absence of keenness to state;
ignoring, disregard, cpo Vak. pad.
I. 137 and
QrrcRrll9i!Itfl'O\Fli1iffi q ffi<UCf<!TiT: I
(I) not taken technically
into consideration, not meant; d.
arRcrf?;la-_ qg't <tqm M. Bh. on II.
3.52 ; (2) unnecessary; supedluous;
the word is especially nsed in conn-
ection with a word in a Sfitra which
could as well be read without that
word. The word is sometimes
used similarly. I
. absence of specification; d. I
Bh. I. I.20 V;irt I
. I; Par.Sek. Pan. 106. I
not sP;cified, mentioned with- II
out any specific attribute; d.
!fllF,; lIqm M. Bh. on I. 1.9; I
d. also Katan. VI. I.63.
absence of, or prohihitjon oJ, a
v[tti or composite expression; non-
formation of a composite eXtfession; I
d. em'nN9i\:UfF1T M .
Bb.Oll III. 1. 8.
at'l? lit. not beginning with the vowel
3l"T, V: or arT; a word which has got
no 1llT or U; or :m as its first vowel,
as for example etc.
lFfiim, etc; cf.
P. IV. I. 160 . also
P. IV'j
(I) indistinct; inarticulate;
d. il:ClT P. VI. 1.98
also P. V. 4.57; 1ll<:<!'ffi
Kas.on P. VI. I.98; (2) a fault'of
pronunciation; ct. ;:nmc'l't5 <i "fT<S'lv.1'icr
I i
absence of separation, com- !
pJete mixture cpo Vak. pad. III. 3.8. I
unseparated, undivided, ill- i
sf'parable, mixed; d. 1
;q:;rT M.Bh ..' on Siva-sfitra I
4. V.9 whereon Kaiyata remar,ks
e'llli['ffi I *<!q'{-ffi
:a:{6W-f (I) indeclina bl e, lit. invariant,
not undergoing a change. Pii.l).ini
has used the word as a. technical
term alld includes in it all such
words J;jTff\. etc. or com-
posite expressions like
or such taddhitanta' words as
not take any case affix as also
l<rdanta words ending in "i.. or u:,
it, :;IT, He gives such words in a
long list of Sutras P. r. 1.37 to
41; d. e'lTIj "f &<tRn;I I
"f 'l'if Kas.
on P. 1. 1.37 ar.d Gopatha Bra.-
hma.l).a I. 1.26. ( 2) non-]csing,
remaining intact; an indeclinable
shows no vari;tion of form
by the application 'of any gender
or case,affix; cpo Viik. pad. III.
4. 105.
name of a treatise on in-
declinable words attributed to
. a on the meanings
of indeclinable words written in the
century A.D. by Vitthala
. grandson of Ramacandra
Se!?a, the author of the Prakriyii
name of a compound so
called on acccunt of the words for-
ming. the compuund, being similar
to indeclinables; e.g. f.!ilf?;l'li"i.., 3l"f'=1l[ft,
'IT'l;ssJT'l"i.. etc.; d. ar.rc<ji!1lli4
l'.1.Bh. on II. 1.5. The
peculiarity of the
compound is that the first member
of the compound plays the role of
the principal word; d.
c<j<ft'mcr: l\f. Bh. on II. }.6.
at6<f<i'titil' absence of intervention
between two things by something
dissimilar; close sequence; ct.
1llO\Nlrcn<f-f; c<!9'4T<!<ii <tCJffi M.Bh. '
on I. 1.7. Vart. 8; ct. also
<rF<!q'41.:r a-<r C<!qfult?r
M.Bh. on . VII 3.44, VII. 3.54,
VII. 4.1, VII. 4.93. Theterm
1ll;;(jqTC{ also is used in the same sense.
. .
\ I
abser;ce of proper disposal; I
absence of a proper method regard-
ing the applicatidn of a rule; cf.
'il#hlio<jCj'i;:qT lilrum-
M.Bh. on I. 3.00 V. 5.
&l3, after the words
and see P; VII. r.27.
atmfu:i incapacity to pronounce words
correctly; d. Of1&jlJl:jr
:j\O'fi 1{Rr VLO'fi 1{Rr M.Bh.
insufficient extension, as oppos-
ed to 61[;j"::<jrfu or over application;
cf. I
I Padamanjari
on II. 1.32.
an intransitive root; a techni.
cal in the Candra I
(c. \: y. I. 4. 70) as also - In ,
Hemacandra's Sabdanusiisana; d. !
qT I ff:?r{'fill'fi'i;1:j I
Bfij qt 1=/:':11 CIT <! '"'IT'I;I:j
I 'IT?Jfct ff51tlfct I CIT
'i;ql:jl'{q Hem. IV. 1.19.
the view held generally
by grammarians that alI words are
not necessarily susceptible to ana-
lysis or derivation, an alternative
view opposed to the view of the
etymologists orNairuktas that every I
word is derivable; cf.
t:T1\.l Pa,rL
Sekh. Pari. 22; 'IT;r'fi '3"t:Tp.:t<'I:
VyMi's Samgraha.
underi-;ed, ;:n:nalysable; CLI
M.Bh. I.
1.61 Viirt. 4; Par .. Sek. Pari. 22. I
same as See"
above the word
(I) Pratyahiira or a short term
standing for all vo\vels; semi-
vowels, and the fifth, fourth and
third of the class-consonants; all
letters excepting the surds and I
sibilants; (2) substitute 61 for the
word before affixes of cases
b.:ginning with the instrumental,
and for t;a<t. before the tad. affixes Sf
and illI,; see P. II. 4.32 and 33;
( 3 ) substitute 61 for the gen. sing.
on Siva-sutra 2. .
atrolr.!f unnecessary to be prescribed
or laid down.; cf.
P. I. 2.53; also
on II. T.36.
a class of words headed by
the word to which the taddh.
ita affix \ is applied in the four
senses specified in P. IV. 2.67 to
70 ; e.g. 61iiIH:, <3l'P..<I:., <!IH<I:.,
'fti!l..<I:. etc. cf. P.IV. 2.80.
compounds like WiI<TTB which
cannot be strictly correct as '"'IITii-
BfflB, but can be 1'j9fBl1ltl if the
word o?:<1 in the rule
be understood in the
sense of 'meant for' a particular
thing which is to be formed out of
it; d. :?rr.;.sqqrBrG;f<!Tfftflt-
M.Bh. on II. 1.36.
class of words headed
by to which the taddhita,
affix BlOT.. (61) is added in the senses
mentioned in rules before the rule
;Uc<jfuo P. IV. 4.2. which are
technically called the Priigdivya-
tiya senses. e.g. iTT1llW<I:.,
'frtw<I:. etc. .
a commentator who wrote
a gloss on Pli1).ini's Al?tadhyiiyi in
the Tamillanguf!gp,
- ( I) a class of words headed
by the word 61.sq to which the affix
(6jJ<j<!) is added in the sense of
mSl( grand children etc.) ;e.g. 61TlIlt<!'l:,
;;JfOT<j<!:, afrffi[G{<!: etc.; d. P. IV. r.
lIO; (2) class of words headed
by the word ar.sq t6 which the
taddhita affix <jQ, is added in the
sense of a cause of the type of a
meeting or an accidental circum-
stance; e.g. cf.
I P. V. 1.38.
_ i
another name for the famous:
WOI k of Hil)ini popularly called I
the A!?tadhiiyi; ct. tfR- I
llTIJiIR<l arn;j; I
<jqll:t<i+I: I f!!jill I Kas on P. V.
J .58; ( 2)- students of Pal).ini's
grammar, e.g. "Te'fil: tflfil'1<i'l<:!l; d.
irt:T'<1rQ \ Kas. on P.IV. 2.65.
a term used by ancient, gram-
marians for the vocative case ..
name of a commentary on
the KiHantra Vyakaral)a by Rarr.-
srnt\.<:ilm name popularly given to the
Sutrapatha of PariiI)i consisting of
eight books (adhyayas) containing I
in all 3g81 Siitras, as found in the I
traditicnal recital; current at the
time of the authors of the Kasikii. 1\
Out of these 3981 Sii tras, seven are
found given as Vartikas in the i
and two are found in !
Gal)apatha. The author of the
has. commented upon I
only 1228 of these 398 I Sutras. I
Originally there-were a very few I
di.fferences of readings also, as i
observed by Patafijali ( see Mbh on
I. 4.I); but the text was fixed by
Patailjali which, \"ith a few addi- .
tions made by the authors of the I
Kasikii., as observed above, has i
traditionally corne down to the r
present day. The Al?tiidhyayi is!
believed to be one of the sixVed- :
anga works which are committed to i
memory!by the reciters of :B.gveda .
The text ofthe Al?tiidhyayi is recited ;
without accent!:'. The word 61f!ll:<jrft" I
was current in Patafijali's cf. ,I
61f!ll!<jFj'J: M. Bh: on VI. II

a metre having eight .syllables
in a foot; d. 'f[<j:ft I
00: 9T R. Pr.
XVI. 9.
name of a metre of four feet cons.-
isting of 64 syllables in all, 12 sylla-
bles in the odd feet and 20 in the
even feet; e. g. etc.
R. V. II. 22. 1.
Eight varieties of the
recital of the vedic texts viz. :;J<::l,
WI, and!:l<i.
(I) case affix of the nominative
and accusative plural and the abla': "
tive and genitive singular iffil,
&fB and :S:1l); (2) taddhita affix
(61ft!) added to 31'<1\ and 6jCj', by
. P. V. 3.39; (3) compound ending
3'!13 (61fu"f.,) applied to the wordsli:orr
"and it'<1r standing at. the end of a
Bahuvrihi compound (P. V. 4. 122);
( 4) UQiidi affix 3ffl, prescribed by
the ruJe andsubEequent
rules (628-678) to form words
as l1ii<i, etc. (5) e.nding
8ffl, with or without sense, of words
in connection with which special
operations are given in grammar;
cf. P. VI. 4.I4 ; cf. also
Par. S"k. Pari. 16.
affix 61tl mentioned in thl" Nirukta
in the \vord 61CjB + "Te) d. arm
I Nir 1. 17.
not possessing any noben of
number; the wo::d is used in
nection with avyayas or indeclina-
bles ; fu aI.
Bh. on II. 4. 82.
a term for the C'andra Gramm-
ar, as no samjfiasor technical terms
are used therein; d. "'II'::, '"'ITlt:rr<t

not used as a technical term or
- name of a thing; cf.
UlR':p:HJfut P. 1. I.34.
(I) separated neSs as in the
case of two distinct words; (2)
absence of co-alescence preventing
. the sandhi; cf. R. T. 68, 70.
s'afi!.e see above;
e. g. +R:T ; {iff
failure to understand the
sense; cf.
M. Bh. on I. 1.23 Vart. 3.
Impossibility of occurrence
( used in connection with an operat-
ion); cf. T;(q I
l'ii ffff!: I 81ijlJCi)ftr I M. Bh. I. I. I2
Vart. 3; (2) impossibility of a
statement, mention, act etc. cf.
M. Bh. on
II. I. I. .
absence of the conjunction of
consonants; - d. p.
I. 2.5.
-absence of clear understandiDg,
nescience, misconception; cf. Yak.
pad. U. gr.
absence of juxta-positioii, abse-
nce of connectedness; d. <jftt
ffli<ia- "f9ffiXl<:I:. I
arT'{<l i{m M. Bh.
on I. 3.1.
(I) absence of or entity;
( 2) other than a substance i. e:
property, attribute, etc. cf. IH<;:<j:
+T9Rr M. Bh. I.
4. 59; cf. also M. Bh.
on IV. 1.44. cf. also P.
I. 4.57.
(I) syntactically noJ cQnne-
cted, e. g. in the
sentence I (2)
unable to enter into a compound
word, the term is used in connecta
ion with a word which cannot be
compounded with another word,
although related in sense to it, and
connected with it by apposition or
by a suitable case affix, the reason
being that it is connected more
closely wi th another word; cf. tlTq.?J-
"Clm M. Bh. II. 1. ;I.; e. g.
t he words 9.i and f8rn": in the sentence
acompound of two words,
'which ordinarily is
one of the two words being more
closely connected with a third
but which takes place on the auth-
ority of usage, there being no obst-
acle in the way of understanding
the sense to be conveyed; e. "g.
Bh. on n. I. I.
not compounded, not entered
into a compqund with another word;
d. t1qN Hem. II. 3.13.
(I) absence of a compound. /
P. VIII. 4. 14 ;
( 2) an expression conveying the
sense of a compound word although
standing in the form of separate
words; cf. 1l:"aq'i:j'it 81t1qNfq
SmURr I IlTw<i'
M. m- . on n. 2.29.
not having the same outward
form or appearance; e. g. the affixes
3lUZ, 3l'i:{., 11J, 81or., 01, and the like
which are, in fact, ad they
the same outward form viz. the
. affix aT. 3lUZ and <m. are d.
P. III. I. 94.
not admitting all caseaffixes
to be attached to it; cf.
fctm-Qi: P. I. I. 38 ;
I iiff: <ja: as! <!Of I Ras. on
I. 1.38.
. absence of a syntactical con-
nection ; cf. ,un I I 31Rili-
t1liTtU ., <1f96!jfu I I
. .
Ol'fmm T q ?:if: I
off!: I I <l:ifT I M.
Bh. on II. I.30.
dissimilarity in apparent form
-( although the real wording in exist-
ence might be the same) e. g. :!"II!.,
Gll!., cf. t Par;
Sek. Pari. -8.
(I) VJ)adi affix 81li; (2) tad.
affix arli. See above the word aTli.
samasa-ending . affix ::sm.. See
above the word ::sm..
. )
invalid;. of suspended validity
for the time being; not functioning
for the time being .. The term is
frequently used in PaJ)ini's system
of grammar in connection with
rules or operations which are preve-
nted or held in suspense, in conn- I
edio'n \viththeir application in the
of the .of a word.
The term (31m;a) is also used in
with rules that bave
applied or operations that have
taken place, which .are, in certain
cases, made invalid or invisible as
far as their effect is concerned and
other rules are applied or other
operations are allowed to take place,
which ordinarily have-been preven
ted by those rules which are made
invalid had they not been inva-
lidated. paJ)ini .. has laId down
this invalidity on three different
occasions (I) invalidity by the
rule . VIII.2:I.
makes a rule 01< operation in the
second, third and fourth quarters
of the eighth chapter of the
Atadhyayi invalid when any 'pre- .
ceding rule is taibe applied, (2)
inyalidity by the rule
which enJoms mutual invalidity
in the case of operations prescribed
in the . .Abhiya section beginning
with the rule ( VI. 4.22).
and going on upto the end of the
Pada (VI 4.175 ), ( 3) invalidity of
. the single substitute for two letters,
that has already taken place, when
is to be substitued for or the
letter Q. is to be prefixeCl, cf.
(VI. 1.86 ). Al though- PaQini
laid dO,wn .the general rule that a
subsequent rule or operation, in
case of conflict, supersedes the
preceding rule, in many cases it
became necessary for him to set
that rule aside, which he did by
means of the stratagem of invalidity
given above. Subsequent gram-
marians -found out a number of
additional cases where it became
necessary to supersede the sub-
sequent rule which did by
laying down a dictum of invalidity
similar to that of PaI,lini. The
author of the Viirttikas, hence, laid
dO\vn the doctrine that rules-which.
are nitya or antaranga or apavada,
are stronger than, and hence super-
sede, the ariitya. bahiranga and
utsarga rules respectively. Later
grammarians have laid down in
th,e invalidity of the
bahiranga rule wheu the antaraIiga
rule occurs along with. it . or sub-
sequent to it. For details see
Vol. 7 of Vyakaral}a _
( D. E. edit!on) pages 2I7a
220. See also Pari. Sek. Pari. 50.
invalidity of a rule or opera-
tion on - account of the various
considerations sketched above.
See 81fu:a.
the same ,as Antaranga
or the doctrine of the
invalidity of the bahirafiga opera-
tion. See the . word. aJre4! above.
-' '-,- -----------
For details see the
"asiddham bahirarigam antaraIige"
Par. Sek. J;>ari. 50 and t4e discus-
sion thereon. Some grammarians
have given the name arm;alJR+!rlfT to
the arfat as
contrasted with ammi'
which- they have named as
of 'direction', e.g.
etc. cf.
P. V.3.27.
ar, arr, and 3fI 3. This term is used
in Tantra d.
R.T. 94. possIbly means
'belonging to ar i. e.' all' the three
grades and ego of ar.'
the circumflex accent less in contact with the vocal
prescribed by PiiI).ini in the three
Padas 2, 3, 4 of adhyaya VIII called
Tripadi or Asiddhakiil)<;l.a. This
Svarita is not the original Svarita
but enclitic or secondary. See also I
P. VIII. 4.66, 67. ' I
the augment oro:. seen in Vedic "
, Literature added to the pl.
case-affix. following a noun- Ii
base endmg In 3f; e.g. ,
etc. cf. p. VII. r50 , 5f. i
organ than the semi-vowels; the
term occurs in Hemacandra's'
Grammar (Hem. 1. ;3.25) and is
explained by the commentator as
aR'1l!! stands
for the letters <r and' 1j" which are
substituted for the vowels tt it and
'ili't <itr when followed by a vowel;
d. also Sak 1. I.I54.
substitute for the last letter I
of the word before the !,
i.e. before firs.t I
affixes e.g. !Illl<J.:, !jJ:jIBr etc., cf. I
P. YII. r.S9.
SI1E'l'l! not in contact with any vocal
organ; the term is nsed in connec-
tion with the effort required for
the utterance of vowels, and
sibilants when no specific contact
with a vocal organ is necessary;
cf; 'ii\1lT R.
Pr. XIII. 3.
Dl)adi affix am. by trci':.
l:lTg<'<lfSS1<J.:, 'i'm
<!: Dl). Sii. 628; d. i'f first person; the term is used in
i'f?r,n: I Kas. on the sense of the first persOll jn the
P. VI. 375 grammars of Hemacandta and
..,..;:;. -( ) k t ffi . th f th Sakatayana. cf. sftfUl
"l'" I r a x lD e sense 0 e I '3
. fi 't" ( -')' V d' L' ( Hem. III. 3. I 7), '
lD m lve :gt:rl!f In e IC I tera- I
ture, e.g. ;;IT'IU; cf. Wi'le-o a term used for those
P. 49. (2) am as a loc .. sing. is I the dissolution of
used 1D the sense of 3ft!ffre- In com , which cannot be shown by the
mentary works and in Gal)apatha. members of the compound; e.g.
unblended, unmixed, just as the;
seuse of one word with that of
another according to the view of
scholars who follow the lJ1{9TG:lJ&;!. cpo
Vak. pad. II. 248; 249.
tad. affix in the sense
of the base itself, but called
prescribed after: words in the sense
cf, I
I ijff"ftRt I M.Bh.
on V. 4.5.
A term used for the perfect
tense; cf. (R.T. I9r).
SR:Ef not homogeneous; asavarI)a. cf.
1[cf00rct: Hem. 1. 2.21,
also Sak. I. I73.
untoned; a word without an
accent, as different from a word
,which has, an accent, but which
is not uttered with that accent;
d. .
M.Bh. on VII.
I.2, VII. I.89.
art (I) the long form of the vowel 3f
called <ftEl', consisting of two matras,
in contrast with (r) the short <IT
which consists of one matra and the
protracted which ccnsists of
three matras; (2) substitute a1r
of two matras when prescribed by
the \'I'ord <fteT or '[f;!;: for the
short vowel 3fj (3) upasarga 3fT
( in the sense of limit e.g, arr .
'l%lU?:Cfif (P. 1. 4.r.) <1'f.:
Kas. on II. r.l3. arr
(M.Bh. on 1. 1.I4'); (,r) indec1in
able 3fI in the sense of remembrance
e.g. arr tt<t !! ffr<je-; cf. f;r:;!fr<rtit
"'f <1: I QJ[llrcf
M.Bh. on 1. r.14; (5)
aug men t 3fT (3f( ) 'as seen in "'f<:T"'f,(,
9?J'I"{ etc. cf. M.Bh. VI. r.I2 Vart. 6;
(6) augment aTT ( prefixed
atfcfif a word used in the sense of
'original source' or mine for
Maba,bhal}ya by commentators in
phrases like 3fFiiU'ffi I
artm (a word) attracting_ another
word stated previously in the
context e.g. the word "'1' in . the
rules of pur:Jini.
a class of words headed by
the word 3fI'litl to which the tadd-
hita affix ('Ii) is applied in the
_ sense of clever or expert; e. g.
a1f.1iQ9i:, etc.; d.
a1Ffi"fTfcl:+<!: 'liif.. p. V. 2.64.
(or also) expectant of
another word in the context, e. g.
'J1li and in a1W 'J1li e,mr\
Kas. on
(P. VIII. 2.96).
atT<fiTiWT expectancy with regard to
sense-completion, generally in com
pounds such as etc.
cf. 3f<.:tlfRff'm;r.'a'r iftlfi1: M. Bh.
on III. 2. II4.
a word for ,which there is -
'expectancy of another word for
the completion of sense.
to roots in the tenses' $'3:;;:, and
(7) substitute arT prescribed
for the' last letter of pronouns
before the tad. affixes 'l?J
and 'I"Q.. as in etc. '
( 8) feminine affix 3fI (2.'iIJ.., ;SW. or
"'f1IJ..) added to nouns ending in, 3fr;
the letter 3fI; d.
awliRtJf[IJ!I;!j-: I M. Eh. I. I Ahn. 2
atT<iiw.<f; (i) a variant for cp.,
Kas. on Pa. II. 4.2I (ii) Extend-
ing to _ the Kalakavana near the
confluence of Ganga and Yamuna.
( 9) substitute a1T ( arT or 3fTQ., or :sr
Or for case affixes in Vedic
literature <flU -ntn 9.r.tolfl; etc.
att indeclinable 3f1 prol)ounced nasa-
lized, e.g'. am- :orr 3lq: M.Bh. 1.3.2. ,
see above the word 3fT sense (5) I
the substitute a11'!.+(., for tllOI: of
the gen. pI. after the words
and 3mi\. e.g. 3ftiij'li+(,; cf.
P. VII. I.33.
tad. aff. 3fliitif.. affixed to the
word t1;'f. in the sense of 'single "
I alone '; cC P. V.

a g(OUP of 43 roots of tbe
class of roots . with
the root and ending with
, which are Atmanepadin only;
mt.fu lit. form; individual thing; d.
.a{(t(f: fil;<ft r Jl{
., M. Bb. on III. I.4o Vart. 6.
The word is derived as tIT
a:rlitifu: and explained as d.
.anf>ii<!ij- o<!;;<jij- 31<1<1T 31Titifu:
Nyasa on IV. 1.63, 2)
form which, in a way, IS eqUIvalent
to the generic notion genus.; cf.
I WfijClut-
> ';!lfre<!fu lVI. Bb. L I. Ahn. I ; (3)
notion of genus; d. also
I 31TitiRf<lTij lilT. M. Bh. 1. I. Ahn.
I; (4) a metre consisting of 88
letters; cf. R. Prato XVI. 56, 57.
a class or group of words in
which some words are actually
mentioned ar.d room: is left to
inClude others \vhich are found
undergoing the same operations; cpo
i!iUTRf<:I: I QZqrij-
UitiTer'lUl: I M. Bha. on II. 159.
Haradatta 'defines the word as
'lUI: 31li!ifu'lUT: I
Padamafij,ui ,on H. 1.59. Some of
the Ganas mentioned by FaI).ini and
in Unadi and Pbit-siitras also are
.AkrtigaI).as, e. g.
'IUT q-'q(f<{i(UI and
others. Theword Vrt which is p.ut I
at the end of a GaDa to mark ItS ,
close does no1. occur in tho;e GaI).as
which are looked upon as .Akrtiga-
cpo I Ka. on
Pa II. 1.48.; cpo I ij-<l
I <! ,
I Svo. on Gal)aratnama-
hodadhi. cpo also
n:!f[ I it"Tlft
i9l\:lifa:.' I a Karikii attributed to
directly or expressly'
mentioned in the fourteen Pratya-
bara Siitras of paI).ini; a letter
actually mentioned by Pa1;J.ini in
his alphabet etc.
(I) taken as understood, being
required to complete the sense; cf.
fefiaTftr M. Bh. on III. 2
178; (2) a used for the circum-
flex accent or as it is uttered
by a zig-zag motion of the organ
in the mouth caused by the air
prod ucing the sound; cf. <I'm
lTlSJIUTf <! \3'Ccrn
Uvvata on R. Pr._IlI. I.
a: zig-zag motion of the organs
producing sound caused by the air;
see anfi\)a above.
designation, conventional name;
cf. .,
M. Bh. on I. I. I.; cf. also
P. 1. 1.35; d. also
'lut: 'iiTU:QU Tai. Prato 1. 16.
verbal form, verb; cf.
N ir. 1. I;
Bh. T. 1. Ahnika I; also A. Prat.
XII., 5,. a:rf.fil\ M. Bh.
1._ 2.37Vart. 2, f?nclr-
Kau. on II. 1. 72, f.!i<!r-,
V. Pr. V. I; cf.
ilTlT m
<!ij- [et'lT-
V. Prat. VIII. 52;
cf. also Athar. .Prat. I. I. 12, 18;-
1.3.3: ,6; II. 2. 5 where akhyata
vei-bal form. The word also
meant'in ancient days the root
also' as differentiated from a verb or -
, .'
a verbal form as is shown by the
, lines CfaTijnf+!<::l:'fifu if.,
"lig: R Pr. XII. 5 where
31T<l'<!lff ' and 'l:TTg' are used a.s
synonyms; As the root form such
as -iti, etc. as distinct from the
verbal form, is never' found in
actual use, it is immaterial whether
the word means root or verb. In
the passages quoted above the
Nirukta and the refer-
ring to the four kinds of words, the
word iikhyata could be taken to
mean root (\TIg) or verb (f.!i<!Tq-<{).
The . akhyiita. or verb is chiefly
concerned with the process of being
becoming while nouns (<I'Tl1Tfil)
have sattva or essence, or static
element as their meaning. Verbs
and nouns are concerned not merely
with the activities and things in
this world but with 'every process
and entity; cf. m'lijT<l'<ITrilT-
'qg N ir. 1.; I
I When
a krt. affix is added to a root, the
static element predominates and
hence a' word ending with a krt.
affix in the sense of bhava or verbal
activity is treated, as a noun and;
- regularly declined; .
M. Bh. on II. 2. I9 and
III. 1.67, where the words 'lRf,
q-1Cfi and others are given as instances.
Regarding indeclinable words ena-
ing with krt. affixes such as q;, i!if<f[,
and others, the modern grammari-
ans hold that in their case the
verbal activity is not shadowed by
the static element and hence they
can be, in'a way, looked upon as
iikhyatas; cf. a:rO<{<!i!im Vaiyakar-
a work dealing with verbs
written by Anubhiitisvariipadirya
on the Sarasv3.ta VyakaraI).a.
a work dealing with verbs,_
and their activity by
AraQe, a great NaiyaJrika of the
18th century_
a treatise on verbs dis-
cussing verbal forms by Vangasena.
<lTTll'11"P lit. adventitious, a.n addition-
al wording generally at the end
of roots to show distinctly their
form e. g. 'lfi\:, t;N, ma- etc.; d,
, 'q P. 1. 2. 6; d. also

P. III. 4.16, P. III. 4.
17 and a- number of other siitras
where or m is added to the root;
cf. CfUlWni1:::, ufi\:q;: P.
III. 3.108 Vart. 2.3. 4. where such
appendages to be add,ed to the roots
or'letters are given. The word
is an old word used in thf:) Nirukta,
but the term, 311<JrgCfi appears to be
used for the first time for such'
forms by Haradatta; d.
, 'frl'tliJ: Padam:
aiijaIi on VII. 2. 3I. In the traditi-
onal oral explanations the second
part of a reduplicated word is term-
ed a:r!i("gCfi which is placed s.econd
i.e. after the original by virtue of
the convel)tion al-
though, in fact, it is said to possess
the sense of the root in contrast
with the first - which is called
abhyasa. A nice' distinction can,
however, be drawn between the four
kinds of adventitious wordings
found in grammar viZ;. a:rTiFSI,
and 311"1ij which can be briefly
stated as follows: The former two
do not form a reguiar part of the
word and are not found in the
actual use of the word;'besides, they
do not possess any sense, while the
latter two are found in actual use
and they are possessed of sense.
Again the agantu word is simply
used for facility of understanding
exactly and correctly the previous
word which is really wanted; the
wording, besides serving this pur-
pose,is of use in causing some
,grammatical .operations. is
the first part of the wording which
is wholly repeated and it possesses
no sense by itself, while, agama
which is added to the word either
at the beginning or at the end or
inserted in the middle, forms a
part of the word and possesses the
sense of the word.
atFT+r augment, accrement, a' word
element which is added to the
tive or basic word during the,process
of the formation of a complete
word or pada. I The agama is an
adventitious word element and
hence differs from adda, the substi-
tute which wholly takes the plac;:e
of the original ( or - Out of
the several agamas mentioned by
PiiJ.1ini, those that are marked with
mute are prefixed, those, marked
with "ll, are affixed, while those,
marked with;r., are placed imme-
diately after the last vowel of the
word. The augments become a part
and parcel of the word to which
they are added, and the character-
istics of which they possess; cf.
. ;;IfHra-, also
31rlllTri'ft Par. Sek. Pari.
II. Those grammarians, who hold i
the view that words are unproduced '
and eternal, explain the addition of I
au augment as only the substitu-
tion ofa word with -an augment in
the place of a word without an au
ment; cf. <!ii'f11l;:r-
1fiTi'ft M. Bh. on 1. 1.20; I.I.46.
The term agarna is defined as
m .9"ul: 1
t'mB aJTlfli ii(fu Com. on Tait.
Prat. 1. 23. cf. ff;qr I
llBWl itq: I Durga on Kat.
1. It.I; also on P. VI. 3.109
which cites a similar verse; cf. also
DUrga on Kat. II. 3.1 and Hela.
on Va-Pa. III. 14.564.
abase to which an augment is
added; cf. t!:CfijfG" qiB OIliff?ri'f":
M. Bh.1. I Ahnika 2.
a::t<i[fl.:r a class of roots forming a sub-
division of the CuradigaI)a or the :
tenth conjugation beginning with '
and ending. with lJ?i which are
only atmanepadin;e.g.

name of an ancient writer of
Vedic grammar and Pratisakhya
works; d. R. Pr. 1. 2.
an ancient scholar of Nirukta
quoted by Yaska; d. 0Ifa:i Sl1!: I
ftffi an!lI<!UJ: Nir. 1. 9.
(i) the preposition <ijl. See the
w.ord Sll above. (ii) substitute 3fT
for a case-affix in Vedic literature.
Qt!if an operation prescribed hi the
section,called aQgadhikara, in the
of Pii.Qini, made up of
five Padas consisting of the fourth
quarter of the 6th adhyaya and all
the four quarters of the seventh
adhyaya. U;Ne\'c<!T:
M. Eh. on 1. 3.60 Yurt. 5; d. also
ilCfm Par. Sek. Pari. 55;
also M. Bh. on III. 2.3. .
tad. affix Sll applied to the word
and ct. P. V. 3:36, 38.
e.g. ;;:fa:iUJr <Tam; <ftlt! Kas. on
V. 3.36; 38.
(I) 'customary usage of putting
or employ_jng words in rules; d.
P. 1. 1.1, Vart. 4.
d. also, I OI'T'<IT<!TIllTffq-
I 1M.
Bhii.. 1. lor. (2) behaviour; d.
P. III. 1.10; cf. also
f.rcH1n 3lT'<IH:<:faI M. Eh. on VI. 3.109.
denom. affix ftm. applied to
any pratipadika or . noun in the
sense of behaviour; d. .
fui<!. Cf'ffie<l:
M. Bh. onIIl. I.II; ct. OIT'<IH:-
fff.'filTcrT'ij Par. Sek. on Pari. 52.
a;r;;rr.:r preceptor, teacher; a designa-
tion usua.11y given to Pii.Qini" bv
Patafijali in the cf.
th.e usual expression
as also also ct.
tL"IlfliT cf.
also the popularljdefinition of an'<lr<i
given as
ffiPJUJ+I..1 5f':ll\jtr I"

a partisan of the preceptor
PaQini or the Siitrakara who is
looked upon as having approximate-
ly the same authority as the Siitra-
kara; cf, OIT'i:lTiiitmq Cf'ffiO<l l{fu I
Kaiyata on 1. 4.105, Vart. 2.
necessary qualification to I
teach the Veda with all its pathas I
having the necessary knowledge of
accents, matrli.s and the like. Cf.
Ql'{SIillFctiil,,:m Cfu1Sfillfcr'i:ll\jUJ: I
q:m- 1\ R. Prato 1. 8.
a class of words headed by
the word which do not have
tHeir final vowel accented acute
by P. VI. 2.146 when they are pre-
ceded by the prepositions 51', qt! etc.
although they are used as proper
nouns. e.g. anfi:rCl;r., i
cf. Kasika on P. VI. 2.146.
straightforward, easy to follow
on account of being direct. cf. Vak.
pad. I. 12;
f.tfl:Rl;r.1 (i[)
(I) augment an prefixed to roots i
beginning with a vowel in the im-
perfect, aorist and conditional,
which is always accented
d. p. V!. 4.72; (2) augment an
prefixed to the imperative first
person terminations, e.g. Cfi\<lrfiJI, I
etc.; cf. P. III. 4.92; (3) augment'
an to be prefixed to case-affixes
which are after nouns called
nadi; cf. P. VII. 3.H2.
by the word when substituted'
for another vowel; as for example
in the rule and the
follo\virig; cf.P .. vI. 'r.45, 57; (2)
substitute for the ablative affix
after words ending in 31; d. P. VII.
r.12; (3) substitute 3flo:. for a case
affix in Vedic Literature, e.g. if nr"
Kas. on VII. I.39.
Atmanepada third person dual
ending, technically SUbstituted for
'fiR by P. III. 4.79. '
anfu tad. affix anq: applied to <ftl{, a:T1R
and&"&rUJ by P. V. 3.34.
applied by extension or
tr\lnsfer of epithet as opposed to
See the word the
tenn is often used_ in connection
with rules or operations which do
not apply or occur by the direct
expression of the grammarian; d.

1\1. Eh. on 1.2.1.; d. also
Par. Sek. Piui. 93.6
anffil<ltm a tad-affix in the sense of
excellence; a term applied to the
affixes o;:r and l{g as also and
prescribed by HiI}.ini by the 'rules
Sf. P.V. 355, This
superlative affix is seen doubly
applied sometimes in Vedic Lit.
e.g. 'fi<1UT Yaj. Sam. 1.1; cf.
also aG:"ffT'EI ;;:;fr"r
PN. 3.55 Vart. 3
&li'fum1:fttel;YrQ a word ending with an
atisayika affix; cf.
on V.
tad: affix. (ana-) in the sense of I <iA'1V-f the substitution of long 3f{
-... pfescribe by the term 3ilo:. as in
posseSSIon a.dded to th.e word <1lT! " .. \ . . d
e.g. CfT'iW-: d. P. V. 2.125 and the following
d. P. VI. i.45 etc. . . ..
_ .O!'lq: (I) long an asdifferentfrom short
or protracted 01 prescribed by the
word '!fu or in the case of 01, or
the innermost principle, the
essence, in grammar the ultimate
word principle. cpo Vak. pad. Ill.
I.2I; III. 9.89.
orm:A:: agent or Kartr as in the terms
or cf. !i!IJ anHtiI:
III. 1.8.
a ,technical term for the I
affixes called (ff, anaTIl. etc.) and I
the affi.'{ 3Hii 'iffiiiU., '!ir.i'"iJ, I
called so possibly because, the !
fruit of the activity is such as I
generally. goes to the agent I
when these affixes are used. Con-!
trast this term ( Atmanepada) !
with the term Parasmaipada when
. I the frnit is meant for another. For
an explanation of the terms see P.
VI. 3.7 and 8.
a root which always takes
the Atmanepada affixes. ( See
above ).
a technical term used for
such roots as speak .for the agent
himself; the term means
the same as term
The term is not mentioned
by PaI)ini; but the writer of the
Vartikas explains it, cf. i
P. VI. 3.7 and
8 Vaet. I; cf. aiso 1qmcn
.. "t<r Kaiyata
on VI. 3.7. The term is found in the
Atharva-PratiSakhya. Ill. 4.7. It
cannot be said whether term
came in use after Pal}inior, al-
though earlier, it belonged to some
school other than tha t of PaI)ini or,
PaI)ini put into use the terms
Atmanepada and Parasmaipada for
the affixes as the ancien t terms
and Parasmaibhasa
were in use for 'the roots. .
arR:r the SUbstitution of an; e. g.

+r'ITi% c . P.VI.3.90
possessed of the vowel an'
containing the vowel arT;. e.g .tfICfi::
I<I: etc. cf. CfiqftCJaT EJ5TliQ t!'6: P. VI.
name of an ancient grammarian
who is quoted by Sabdakaustubha
on P. I. 2.6. Atreya is believed to
have prepared the padapatha 'of
Tattiriya Samhita.
belonging to the second con-
jugation or class of roots which
begins with the. root at<\.;
+Jf9v.rfu Pur.
Pari. 67.
(I) commencement, initial; . ct.
arrn-: M.Bh. on I. I.2I (2)
of the kind of, similar;
commencement of an action
d. anre;Cfi1l Kas. on
arrfrl:Cfi-f!faJ 'ej: Cfiiilt "fl P. III. 4.71.
possessed of the mute indicatory
letter an signifying the non-applica-
tion of the augment if to the
past-pass. part. term Cfa. e.g.
from the root fsrfP;;'fiU; similarly
etc. ct. arrRaJil P. VII. 2.16.
the Vrddhi substitute pre-
scribed for the first vowel of a word
to which a tad-affix, marked with
the mute lettef :sr, or., or is added;
e.g. mql1CJ, ttl&! etc.; ct.
P. VII. 2. II7j lI8.
(I) prescribed for substitution;
specified for an operation; ct. mt
g M. Bh. on VI . I.
ISS; ct. also M.Bh. on VI. 1.158
Vart. 3; M.Bh. on IV. 3.23 Viir.
5; ct. also M. Bh.
on 1. 1.57; (2) indicated or stated;
arrre:m CJlI1t:.
substitute as opposed to stbanin,
the original. In PiiI).ini's grammar
there is a very general maxim,
possessed of a number of exceptions,
no doubt, that "the substitute
-.-- ---. -.-- -------,-----
behaves like the original" . consideration of
ar<rfWl:'[r P.I.r.56 ); . the application a single or solitary letter as the
of this maxim is called for initial the final according
purposes of this the elision to req for operations
( of a phonetic element is prescribed for the initial or for
looked upon as a sort of substitute; the final. Botli these notions-the
d. Kas. on P.I. initial and the final-are relative
I58 Grammarians many times I notions, and because they require
look upob. a complete word or a I' the presence of an additional letter
word-base as a substitute for. or letters for the sake of being
another one, although only a letter : called initial or final it becomes
or a syllable in the word is changed i necessary to prescribe in
into another, as also when a letter : the case of a single letterj ct.
or syllable is added to or dropped i If'f atiO!(Ci
in a word; ct. q'q'g, lfo/g .. I : +rCJm I <tcmr
I I 'ifft<jl- I ffiil.l Kas. on
I M.Bh. on I. 1:.55; cf. also l P. I. I.2I; cf. also I
M.Bh. ! CfiT<l +rCJm I T. Pro I.55.
on P. I. 120; d. also at<rTlfIlCfiFfT This of Pal)ini is, in fact,
M.Bh. on I. I.20; (2) indica- a specific application of the general
tion, assignment; d. maxim known as vyapadesivad-
a:r-m:::Rl, bhava by virtue of which" an opera-
R. Pro I. 30 -32; d. also . tion which affects something on
com. on II. 20; cf. also account of some special designation,
arFtlCfiH: V. Pro IV. I3I , where' which for certain reasons attaches
Uvvata remarks to the letteF, affects likewise that
., T;n<la- arRCfil(: which stands alone." cf. Pari. Silk.
I d. also I!;CfiJU . Pari. 30
A. Pro II. 1.2, where is pre- i
scribed as a substitute for a case- : . the initial word of a sentence
affix and and are cited as which according to some constitutes
examples where the acute accent is sentence (CJl'F/); cpo
ij:q<:ffi(lrq[q;fi{i(f: CJl'F/I:i: 1
also prescribed for the substitute
on Yak. pad II. i7 )
that for which a
a word beginning with an
is prescribed; the original, sthanin;
acute-accent i.e. which has got the
.. d. cf. also M.Bh. on first vowel accented acute; words
P. 1. I.5
. in the yocative case and words
(I) - premier; d. tf(WIT-i formed with an affix marked with
( ) furn.mqTiilP-fllJl<I: Vak. a mute OI. or <J:. are adyudatta! d. P.
pad. I.16; (2) preceding, as oppOS- VI. I.I97.
; for illustrations in
ed to suc;ceeding (\3''ij\); d. detail see P. VI. I.I89-216.
V. Pro I. IOO; (3) original; d. specific mention of a
(original base) word with the accent' udatta or
Bba$a Vrtti. IV. 1.93; (4) first, acute on the first syllable; cf.
preceding, i[ M. Bh. on 1.1.56,
M.Bh. on III. I-9r. VI. I.I2.
llifTl:1R or abode of an action;
'cf. f?n<!T: Kas.,
on P. ,I,. 4.45 also M. Bh. on III.
3.121; the Prakriya Kaumudi men-
tions four kinds of adharas; cf.
tlrfrft!:it fqq<ff e<!TH
Prak. Kau. on II. 3.36.,;r restriction of' the verbal
activity with respect to the object
on which it rests. cpo Vak. pad. II.
\ (::{o<!.)
power of supporting things
as is possessed by al'T<fiW which sup-
ports everything. cpo Vak. pad. III.
a non-differential rela-
'tion ( between the person
al mtI.. etc. 'and the noun
- in the nominative case which is ,t};le
subject of the verb31 activity; rela-
tion of a thing and its substratum;
cf. f<l qTdlmf\'l(f<lllil \<!
anf'e(q:;q superfluity, superiority, notion
, of surplus; d. 91'l1:n!:l: tI: M.
Bh. on II. 3.46, II. 3.50
a sub-division of roots belong- \
ing to the or tenth conjuga-
tion beginning with and ending I
with li'l. which take the Vika[at;\a I
optionally i.e. which are also i
conjugated like roots of the' first I
conjugation; e.g. <lr;;p.:fm, <lr;;;<\a-, <lr;;;fu; ,
a thing placed in another or I
depending upon another, as opposed
to adhara or the container; cf.
a:rl;;r<!&lf&i<!1;;;l\:j M. Bh.,
on P. IV. 1.44.
, (I) kit. affix or '''IT<l;a)
substituted for the lakara
applied to atmanepadi roots form- I
iog the present participle; (2) krf.
affix applied to atmanepadi
roots in the sense of past time form-
ing the perfect participle; d. &12':
P. III. 2.IC6. '
aTliIW substitute :anc:r.. in the place oftbe
, last letter ( !fi ) of the ,:first member
of dvandva compounds of words
meaning deities or of words show-
ing blood-relationship which' end
with the vowel !fi; e.g., ,l[lmqmRr,
+mnfcrcm d. P. VI. 26.
(I) close proximity; absence
of any intermediary element gene-
rally of the same nature;
+fT9: d. qr;;;FFcM
M.' Bh. 1-402.Vart. 21; Par.Sek.
Pari. 5r. This <;lose proximity of
one letter ,or syllable oI so, with
another, is actually i.e. phonetically
required ,and generally, so found
out also, but sometimes suchproxi-
mity is theoretically not existing as
the letter required for proximity is
technically not present there by
the rule In such cases, a
technical absence is not looked upon
as a fault. d.
"nfir I <IS!
0<{l::.TT<!6<1Tli: M. Bh. on VIII. 3.13.
cpo also (W!
ffi.\ \ Uvata
on Vaj. Pra. VI. 14. (2)
nection by mention together at a
common place etc.; d.
<fiT<!il1l<l"M. Bh. on 1. 1.27;
name of a Buddhist gram-
marian, the author of the work
named Candra-VyakaraJ;la Pad
abgence of any utility; sgpe:r
fluity; absence of any object or
purpose; d.
re:ac<mr,IM. Bh. on P. VI. 1.86 Velrt.
5 d. also P. VI. 1.158 Vart. 4; VI.
I.I6r Vart. I, VI. 1.166 Vart. I, VI. \
1.167 Vart. 3. ,
atTFi imp. 1st per. sing. aflix fu with I
the augment Slf prefixed, which has i
got its <J::. changed into Ol. by P. VIIl. !
4. 1 i
the augment a:r1"l:., added to the I
words CfflIl, '-lCf and others before 'I
the fern. e.g. iF1Duft, d. I
.. p. IV. 149 I
nasalization; utterance I
through the nose, an additional '\
property possessed by vowels 'and,
, fifth letters of the 5 Classes I
5f" Ol., 'if" <l,,) d. a:r@i1Tmqij !
, I
M. Bh. on I. 19 ,i
serial order,' successive I
of grammatical operations or the
rules prescribing' them as they
occur; d. re:al'rai1, M. Bh.on
V. 3.5; cf. also a:r:V<lt
I Cf[i1. +rfcr-
M. Bh. on P. I.
successive order, as prescribed
, bv tradition or by the writer; d.
tll1T<lTp{lUlllr '!.,cffuqm: \
\ ! M.
Bh. II. 2.34 Vart. 3; also 91111<'1Tl1@-
I, I M. Bh. on.
II. 2.34 Vart. 6; d. srw'I!Tc:r..
WIT(\, \ a:rT I :rrl\:an
il g 31T R. Pr. II. 2;
cf. also Sira. Pari. 6.
the samhiHi-patha or
recital of the running Vedic text in
accordance with the constituent
words; e.g. F-i(\, f<ff<tq+c or ilU
9T '!.,qU]+c, as opposed to ,the
which is actually found
in the traditional recital e.g.
AACl+c E,.k samh. V. 2.7 or i1U
'!.,qU]+c sarilh. X. 64.3. See
, R. Prat. II. 43
obtained or made out by
inference such as
as opposed to' Srauta rules such,as
the Sfitras of Piit;\ini; cf.
Kas., on VI. r.8s; also
il Par. Sek. on Pari. II;
cf. also ffn' "f
l1Tf.!<P-!T GfN t!;<itf"fCf: Pari. Sek. on
Pari. 50.
closest affinity; d. 311i,\:;{<lne:- /'
on VII. 2.84, as also a:rtriRal'!jll
M. Bh. on VII. 1.96 Vart. 6.
proximity.; affinity; close
relationship.' There are four kinds
of such proximity as far as words
in grammar are concerned:R
: the '
organs of speech as in 1l,CZ'I-
!l+C, regarding the meaning ( '31l<ffi: )
as in regarding ,the qua-
lity as in tfT'Ii: D<r:, and regard-
ing the prosodial value ( !:l1l11l1 ) as in
'3P!.+<I!+r:.; cf.
Par. Sek. Pari. 13. cf.
also Kas. on 1. 1.50.
word ending with anc:r.. which has
the consonant dropped and the
preceding a:rT nasalized; e.g. WIT !{cf
Sam. VIII. 35.20, lil[f
Sam. VI. 19. r; cf. tl1Hi1-
3Tlmsft P. VIII. 3.9, VIII.
p ""
3.3; d. also &:;:0 '<.<iT !{t;:f 'ClaT a:rT<I:tra:T:
R. Pro IV. 26,27.
being different, difference.
3Ti'\<! <=119: 31<<I<=IT9: I (fiJ: \
a:r:q9T Sl;:<lr <=IfC<!: (fl:<! <=IT9 s:frr <=Ilit
Kaiyata on P. V. 1.124. <=IT9-
Nagesa. The word is 'freely used
in l\CBh. e.g. 1. 1.62. Va II, V.
259, Va. 4.
a-'fi11 (I) common term for the fern.
<!1tI.., and 'Cllt:l given by

PaI)ini iQ Adhy. IV, Piida I; cf.
P. II. 4.82. P. IV. 1.1;
P. VI. 1.68; d. also P. VI.3.63.
P. VII. 3.44; P. VII. 3.106, II6;
P. VII. 4.15. etc.; (2)' a brief term
for case-affixes beginning with the
inst. sing and ending with the loco
pI. cf. aic:rTt<l9i: P. VII. 2. II2. .
(I) production; resulting of
something into another; change;
d. "-Rr:
;:<I+lICf: V. Prat. I. 142 and Uvata's
com. thereon; d. also <i+rT11R!
explained as <il1+ITcr R. Pr, VI. 9.
( 2 ) modification; cf. JIflffiit
C'fffirt CfT. R. Pr. XIII. I; (3) con-
tingency, undesired result.
patronymiC affix such as and
others. The term 3lTq-t'!!, which is the
I same as the usual term arWi iu m<lT-
P. IV. I, is found sometimes
used in the Varttikas and in the
Mahiibba!iya; cf.
P. IV. 1,163 Vart 6.
son of the author of
Sphotaniriipal)a ('17th cent. A. D. ).
(I) a work-of possibly
his grammar; d. M. Bh.
on IV. 1.14; (2) a student of
.Apisali's grammar; arrttr-
q/<!>T $Irl'l1lfr lVI. Bh. on IV 1.14; 8lTfqq/<1>-
M. Bh. on VI.
2.36 ; d. n:.rJ q-tfil'rrfi<lT: tR#cr-

. itq: 11
an ancient grammarian men-
tioned by PaI).irii and his commenta-
tors like Patafijali, HeHiraja and.
others; d. crr P. IV. 3.98;
M. Bh. on IV. 2.45.
for various references to this great
and reputed grammarian see Ujjv.
on Ui),adisiitra I. 18;
dipikii, P.49; Nyasa on Pii 1.3. 22;
Sab. Kau. on 1. 3.22 ; Wis. on VII.
3.95; Kaiy. on II. 3.17; Durg. on
Wit. 1. 2.1 etc.
an important work
composed before the _ninth ,century
A. D. and attributed to Apisali, a
grammarian earlier than and refer-
red to by Piil)ini.
augment an!!. added to the words
t1.t'!!, and before the affix flit'Cf,,;
cf. M. Bh. on III. 1.25 and Viirt. I
and 2 thereon; e. g. t1il!1N<ifu,
augment (31IlJ.) suggested in the
place of by Patafijali to be'
prefixed to the affix M'Cf,,; cf. IvI. Bh.
on III. I. 25.
depending upon apother cpo
Vak. pad. II. 168 Cflf+!!:"flC'fi.<f <1>lt\lir
g C'f I W
a:rr:q to be obtained by an activity;
(the same as vyapya). The term
is used in connection with the
object of a verb which is to be
obtained by:.the verbal activity.
The word arlt<l" is found used in
the se'nse of Karman or object in
the grammars of .jainendra, Saka-
tayana, C/andra and Hemacandra;
d. C'andra II I. 43; Jainendra 1.
2. II9 ; Sak. IV. 3. 1:20 ; Rem. III.
3. 31. ;fence, the term t1Tt<i is
used for a transitive root in these
atTq.:Q ending with the fern. affix 3lr
or "II!!.); d. CfTii;:a': P. II.
4. 30 Vart. 3
attOlN' (I) similarity of one phoneEc
element, for instance, in the case
of1l; with 8lr resulting from Samdhi;
e. g. :snlf<iT iw:Jr 8l9i: where
3i;;r[ilf and stand for and
d. Q;9ilWcrrf<l Ath.
Pr. II. 1.4; (2) Similarity of accent
of words in the Sarilhitapatba and
Padapalba; (3) followed by d. A.
Pr. II. I.I4; (4) distres.s; d.
'i:f P. VIII. awrTl:lC'fl1T<!f1=T:
, .
!f<TICflil:"fii: 1 Kasika. (5) ar[iiN! c:rPl"
<,!crfil" I A th.
Prati. 1. 1.3.
a rule given in the section I
called extending from P.
VI. 4.22 to VI. 4. 175, wherein one I
rule or operation is looked upon as I
invalid to another one; cf.
;;r[+lTQ:. P. VI. 4. 22 and M. Bh.
thereon; d. also <IT<!CfT 8lfufcl:m lf6:
ll:t'!!fq Vyac;1i Pari. 38.
repetition of an action ; d.
tftC'f:9:'<i Ras. on III. 4.22;
d. M. Bh. III. 4.24; VIII. I. 4 ;
VIll. 1.12.
. an operation prescribed by
a rule in the section called m+fr<i-
See above.
a section of Piil)ini's gram-
mar from VI. 4. 22 to VI. 4. 129,
called arr<l1<l", as it extends to the
rule +!l;<i VI. 4. 129. including it ;
but as the governing rule is
vaHd in every rule upto the end of
the Pada, the also extends
upto the end of the Pada. See 3TI+!T-
. invalidity or supposed
invisibility of one rule with respect
to another. in the section called
See 8lT+IT'C"EYref above.
-internal effort made. in i
producing a sound, as contrasted I
with the external one called en&l!f<l(.f. I
There are :our .kinds o! ..
efforts descnbed III the Kaslkavrttl.; !
cf. "It<!l<;: I
fc!'lffiTI I I
Kas. on P. I. I. 9. See also <tt;U- 1
arr+<lrnU etc. Si. Kau. on I. 1.9.
prescribed in connec-
tion with or reduplicative
syllable; 8n-=<trtl: M.
Bh. on III. 1.6 .
(I) augment -3i( prescribed in
connection with the words and
before the case-affixes called
cf. a-;::T'Q: P.
VII. I. 98; (2) the affix added
before ora perfect termination
by rules 9iH!fil!l<!F-\l<J:, reg- and
the follov,;ing (P. III. I. 35-39)'
as for instance, in <liTeT"I"?!;, i!!iirtT.f1ii,
etc.; (3)
geni. pl. case-affix as in J
with prefixed in W11iJJT<l:.
etc., and with prefixed in
etc. ;( 4) loco sing. case-affix 3lFf..
substituted for i{ (fs: ); d. 1Hr+r, C'f'1l1'k
;:fi.<!: P. VI. 4. II6.
atT+r;::;rUl (I) calling out from a dis-
tance; (2) an invitation which may
or may not be accepted; d.
3. 161 whereon IvI. Bh. remarks
Fnr-';f!1{p:f<';f'lT<tr: it
f.'rl1<';ful+!<fffi C'f 1
I Frl1<SJoiJ +I<!Rr BFr-
T.fl+rrSJUJOf.. 1 GW <im<tTl1a: 'liticcj"
1 3lTl1i-"1:Ur 9iHiT.fl<;:: 1 lvI. Bh.
on P. III. 3.r6r.
siT;rf;:;rQ (I) a word in the vocative
sing. d. BT+rf<';fo'1.P. II. 3.48; a tech.
term in PiiI)ini's grammar, the pecu-
liar featuLes of which are 1iUWClitICf
( d. P. II. 1.2), 3lfc!llil.,Cjm ( cf. P.-
VIII. 1.72), fa:tCf (cf. P. VIII. 1.8),
(d. P. VI. 1.198),
(d. P. VIII. 1.19), splitting of
11; into 3lT and 1l:, e. g. 3lH into 3lm
( d. P. VIII. 2. 107 Vart. 3); (2)
Vocative case, d. aTI9il<::
>flJ,!il: Prat. 1.28; Vaj. Pro III.
139 ; II. 17; II. 24 VI. I.

a. word connected' with
the verbal activity possessed by
arrllfr'3fff e.g. in cf.
3Hllffi <iT f;nClT
Kaiyata onP. II. 1.2.
<m+l .. "q a word in the vocative case;
lit. a word possessed of the sense of
invocation; cf.
3l1li"::<:i: Sak. I. 3.88; cf. also
OfJli";1lij- com. on Hem.
II. 1.25.
tad. affi.'{ Oflm"l. in the sense of
possession, applied to the word
d. P. V. 2. 126.
a:nml'jf completely mixed; d.
B'i:<{ij- B .nN
M. Bh. on
VI. 1.85 ; similarly Oflm'$lt9,
aug tad. affix (Ofl"C) added to the
affixes i. e. CI'{ and mr which are
placed after indeclinables; e. g.
fCfiCl<::I"C q:qR\n'{I"C etc. d. P. V. 4.1I.
(r) iterative; a repeated
word, defined as q;,;;"C cf.
1l'?:01. e. g.
a.rWt Vaj. Prat. I. 146;( 2 )
the second or latter portion, of
a repeated word according to
Pat:lini; cf. ffi;'l' P.
VIII.I.2. The AmreQita word gets
the grave accent and has its last
vowel protracted when it implies
censure; cf. P. VIII.I.3 and VIII.
2.95. Haradatta has tried to explain
how the term meanS the
first . member; cf. <'fi!
srI$:: fl}:fuHl'ffifliRt I
g; qR+r16<Jij- I
Padamafij. on VIII. 1.2.
m; an iterative compound;
cf. anGtfB+ffi1 g; I A. l?rat. III.. 1.5.
!SIp:!: the substitute Ofl'I.. for TJ; before a
v<lwel; e.g. for cf.
P. VI. 1.78
<IWI' (I) the affix an<l applied to the
roots Ii'l. ang others' wifh
which they are looked upon as roots;
d. P. III. 1.28; P. III. 1.32. The
affix is applied optionally when an
ardhadhatuka affix is to follow;
e.g. _ mar; cf. P. III. 1.31;
( 2) augment; cf. dlsffi <l'oT't<l BIf:;jif:
R. Prat. XlV. I Uvata.
aw:m:r tension of the limbs or organs
producing sound, which is noticed
in the utterance of a vowel which
is accented acute ( ) dlT<iTm
m'3ffTllT cIT; com. on Tait.
Pdit. XXII. 9; d. 'TfflfUlT<J::
crmf.:rilRi Uv. on R. 'Prat. III. r; cf.
also com. on Vai.
Prato 1.31; cf. also dlMrm
:a'61Wf M.Bh. on P.
I, 2.29.
krt. affix which ii1T
(causal is changed into cf.
, Of'I.. ,dlT41"d 1"'9 P. VI. 4.55.

aTR' substitute dll'{ for 51\' in the words
fllq and lllq; e.g: fitm::rliTm::r; cf. P.
tad. affix. (an<::) applied to the
word i1t'9T in the sense of offspring
according to the Northern ,Gram-
marians; e.g. oTNH::, ( optional forms
, and acc. to others); cf.
P. IV. 1.129, 130.;; ,
tad. affix applied to the words
a:nd '[i({, e.g. cf. P.
P.V.2.122 Vart. 3.
Naiyayika of Banaras of the
nineteenth century, who wrote,
besides many treaties on Nyaya,
a short gloss on the Siitras of
Pa1).ini, called HilJini-siitra-vrtti.
He also wrote Akhyataoviveka and
. the word OfT\IQ;, which is stated
to have two opposite seDses ' near'
and distant' cp.' Vak-pad. IlL
tad. affix applied to the word
'I:'hi<:: when the whole word refers to
a year, e.g. quit in the last year;
d. B.V. 3.22 Vart. 2.
krt. affix applied to the
and 9ret in the sense of habituated
etc. e.g. d. P. III.
attribution or imputation of
properties which leads to the
secondary sense of a \\'ord; cf.
dlsrftr;.aT Par.
- ,
Sek. on Pan. 15.
same as 3lf-.rf.t'Cf(if; see above

!SIN reEuItant from sense;
of sense; dltr.;'l'
Pari. 37.
made up
cf. CI<;:Tfitff'
Sek. on
combination of the meanings
(of the base and affix); see the
word above.
. a term used in contrast
to the term for such verbal
and krt affixes, as are not
personal endings of verbs nor
marked with the mute
d. arr{pqTg<ii T
P. III. 4. II3 and II4. The personal
endings of verbs in the perfect
tense and the benedictive
are termed ardhadhiituka, d. P.IlI. I
4. lIS, II6; while both the terms ;
are promiscuously found utilised in I
the Vedic Literature; d. P. III.
4.II7. The main utility of the
ardhadMtuka term is the augment
i( ) to be prefixed to the ardha.
. dhiituka affixes. The term
was in use in works of the old
ValyakaralJas; d. dl<19l m
___ M. Bb. on
II. 4.35. It cannot be said how
the term ardhadhatuka originated.
Probably such or pratyayas,
like the krt affixes generally as'
could be placed after certain roots
only Were called ardhadhatuka, as
contrasted with the verbal and the
present participle affixes which
were termed sarvadhatuka on
account of their being found in use
after every root.
old term for see

the topic or section
in PalJini's grammar where opera-
tions, 'caused by the presence of
an ardhadhatuka affix ahead, are
enumerated, beginning with the'
rule 0fT1:l'<TTg% VI. 4.46 . and ending
with <'f(iliN VI. 4.69. Such operationl)
are summed up' in the stanza ajffi
6t1:jt <l6tq.aT fUi6tlf.aT 5!'<lf"lif'+( I
'it M.Bh. as
also Kiis. on VI. 446.
derived from the hOly sages;
founded on' sacred tradition, such
as the Vedangas; cf. 'tf
R. Prat. XIV 30. The word
is explained as by the corri.
on Vaj Prato IX.2I, and as Vaidika
,sarildhi on X. 13. PatanjaH has
looked upon the pada-patila or
Pada-text of the Sarilhitas of the
Vedas, as anarl?a, as contrasted
with the sarilbita text which is
arl?a; cf. in the sense
R. Prat. II. 27; cf. also 1Wii1"t.tfl1
M.Bh. on 109.
tad-affixes OO!. etc. as also
the senses in which the affixes are
applied; given in the section of
PaI).ini's grammar P.V 1. 19-71.
case affix in Vedic literature e.g.
KM. on VII. I.39.
tad-affix (8l(6) applied to the
word CfI:;Ci')n the sense of 'talkative'
e.g. CfI'<Iji;5: cf. P. V. 2. 124. i
tad. affix in the sense i
e.g. <JWIm:; P.V. 2 122.
krt. affix (a:rm) applied to the
roots qq: etc. e.g.
f'l1(l: etc. cf. P. III.2.IsB.
incomplete pronunciation, d.
M.Bh. on I. r.8.
tad-affix applied to the word
d. M.Bh. on V. 4 30.
necessary notion or thing; d.
I Kas. on
III. 3.17.
lit. based upon the inser-
tion and extortion of the sense in
tl;1e various parts of a word. d.
Yak. pad. II. 79. cpo f[1ifT
I nSf I
I (!rUlf.)
anPcr+rhr manifestation, appearance;
. d. Yak. pad. III..8 26; III 13.17;
III 14.323. d. also
. .
having a fixed as
. opposed to possessed of all
genders; d. "fIm:
. 5i'Cfij-ij- if .. on I. 2.52; 1
e.g. the word 5j'liTur in 5j'l'jf'JT
characterised by a definite I
number, e.rg. the word 1{1f, which
denotes_a_definite singular number.
cf. Vak. pad. III 14.2BB.
repetition, e.g. Q1{l'l-Rl:, see com.
qn Vaj. Prato IV. 21; cf. also an'lRffi:
+lCfm M.Bh: 1. I. Ahn. 2.
the benedictive mood; cf.
P. III. 4. I04, called
regularly as
(I) name of a work on gram-
mar written by Tiiranatha called
Tarka-vacaspati, a reputed Sanskrit
scholar of Bengal of the I9th. cen-
tury A.D. who compiled the great
SanSKrit Dictionary named
wand wrote commentaries on
many Sanskrit Shastraic and class-
ical works. The grammar called
is very useful for beginners;
(2) name of an elementary gram-
mar in aphorisms written by WI-
which is based on the
Mugdhabodha of Bopadeva. There
is a gloss on this grammar named
by Ramesvara.
(1) relation of dependence; d.
"1TlJIll1fce:tcf +tFc!5lfffi M. Bh. I. I.12
Vart. 4; (2) substratum, place of
residence; d.
+Ii/fro I I I
I M. Bh. II. 2.29.
an authoritative
Pratisakhya work attributed to
Saunaka, the teacher of Asvalayana,
belonging prominently to the Sakala
and the Sakhiis of the
It is widely known by the
name E-k-Pratisakhya. It is a
metrical composition divided into
18 chapters called Patalas, giving
special directions for the proper
pronunciation, recitation and pre-
servation of the E-ksarhhita by lay-
ing down general rules on accents
and euphonic combinations and
mentioning phonetic and metrical
peculiarities. It has got a masterly
commentary written by U vvata.
atml!' nearest, most proximate; cf.
fc\"1f,m V. Pr. 1. 142; d. also
the sutra antl'Ji: Sak. I. I'7, explain-
ed as ; d.
also a:JTWi!: Hem. VII. 4.120. cf. Yak.
pad. I. II; cf. also arre'i! I
close proximity of a word with
. another; d. uir .1{9
I Pari. Bhaskar Pari. 97.
a variety of q,,{Rn metre of
40 letters with Bletters in the first
and second quarters or pad as and
I2 letters in the third and fourth
quarters; d. R. Pr.
XVI. 40. For instances of
q"{Rn see E-gveda siikta 2 ., MaI;lQala
(I) after, following,
which follow: cf.
'iffii'fl"I:, Uvvata on R. Pr. IV. I.
( 2) properly placed at the end e.g ..
(3) another flame
for "1fufrlemr, d. Ath. Pd. I. 48.
. (I) place of articulation, the
mouth, cf. I(m
M. Bh. on I. 1.9; ( 2) found in the
place of articulation; e.g. the effort
made for the utterance of words;
d. +!CfliTt<i<I: M. Bh. on I. 1.9,
also Laghuvrtti
on Sak. I. 1.6.
a sub-division of the :'!nf<t
(Xth conj.) roots, beginning with
the root 3:ll3.. and ending with the
root ';Cfit, which take the VikaraQa
fUl, i.e. which are conjugated like
roots of the tenth conjugation, only
if they are transitive .in sense. ,
tad-affix (311lf) in the general
e.g. belonging to,
produced in, etc., added to the
word a'6\, e.g. alr'6U{ cf. a'6U'm!O:.
I; M. Bh. on IV. 2.I04.
tad-affix added to the word
the general sense of direction
but when distan<;e is speciaUy
meant; e.g.
'-+fOfrlfil:,. See Kas. on P.
name of PaQini. d.

a class of compound words
headed by the word in which
tbe past pass. part. is optionally
placed first. e.g. anmoTm:,
The class
is stated to be d. Kas. on
P . II. 2.37.
i{ (I) tbe vowel!!', representing all its
eighteen forms viz. short, long,
protracted, acute, grave, circum-
flex, pure and nasalised;e.g.!( in
:q P. VI. 4.128; (2) UQi.idi
affix 1(; (3) tad-affix It, ( ) applied
to Bahuvrihi com pounds in. the
sense of exchange of action 0!' as
seen in words likefu:;fui ego
etc. d.
. P. V. 4.127, also V. 4128;' (4) krt.
affix f:ji\( cf. \jtj'311 qr: fcl;: p. III.
3.92; (5) augment (I(): see
( 6) conjugational of the 1st
pers. sing. Atm.
. ( I) short wording ( for the
vowels \j, SR and n; d. ffi
P. VI. I.77; P. I. I.48;
I(cit P. I. I.3;'
P. I. 1.45, P.
VI. I.127, ffi" l5ffiSS'<u P. VI.
3.61; (2) krt. affix applied
to the root form to cite a root e.g.
etc. cf. P.
III. 3.10B Vart. 2; (3) krt. affix
applied to the roots and others
in the sense of verbal activity e.g.
!ifel:, AA:, firlt: d. P. III.
3.IOB Vart. B.
the rule rit
-Po I. 1.3; cf.
Il;'f Siradeva. Pari.
(I) substitute for the affix (; given
as 'l!, oor.. or f5:ro by paQ.ini; d.
P. VII. 3.50; (2) taddhita affix
IitCfii( mentioned in the'
Vartikas (In P. IV. 2.60; (3) krt.
affix \f<fi applied to e.g.
cf. ffi P. III. 3.125 Vart. 3.
the same affix as 'l! meptioned
by the in the Vartikas on
tad. affix it'fi applied to compound
words with as the latter mem ber '
e.g. d. P. IV.
2.60 Vart.'
lqt. affix applie'd to /Sil_ e.g.
*fl<afil't'f'fi cf. P. Ill.
3.125 Vart. 4.
the letter with all its 18 variet-
ies ( !{+'F.R).
the presence of the word
( vowels lf, and w: ) in a rule,
where the operations and 'lfu
are prescribed by putting the words
and 'lfu:; e.g. fm'"l" 'lfu: P.
VII. 2.1; cf. P .I. I.3.
the substitution of the
vowel called i.e. the vowel *fT,
U: or an prescribed specifically for
the called i.e. 1[, 5!\ and
e.g. P. 1. 1.3.
Vart. II; cf. also
Siradeva Pari. 2.
the same as IUltl. See below. The
word U\' is used for Il:\\-E{ in the
Atharva Pratisakbya d.
<uq '"l" A. Pr. III. 3.12.
(or is' binding' e.g. in
here with.
lffff is Tbe term is an old one
d. Prati. 1.35. I
Uvata explains the term as
The term came to be used later
on. d. I
The whole phrase is also called

i{$f!.l' a separable word as opposed to
part 9f a compound word'
which is separated or may be
separated irom the remaining part
when the word is split up into its
constituent parts. 'Generally the
word is applied to the first Pllrt of
a compound word when it is split
up in the recital of the padapathil.
The iIigya' word is shown by a
pause or avagraha after it, which is
shown in writing by the sign ( s ):
d. fl+rm-r
ilW4ftIfu B;pl com, on Tait.
Prato r. 48. ffi9!:1t tfG:iliW'Fl: Com. on
T. Pro I. 48.
(I) short wording or pratyahlira
for vowels except are d.
P. III. 1.36; cf.alw VI.
I. 104. VI. 3.68. VIII. 4.3I, 32 ; ( 2 )
Samaslinta affix it after Bahuvrihi
compounds showing a mutual ex-
change of actions. e. g.
<{l151C{fOG; cf. P. V. 4.
127 also 128.
( I) krt. affix in the sense of
verbal activity applied to any root,
the word so formed being used in
the fem. gender and in connection
with narration or in interrogalion;
e. g. CfiTRW-!iiElr: I tiqT I
cf. PaI,lini III. 3. 110 ; ( :2) krt. affix
in the sense of verbal activity appl-
ied to the r90ts and others e. g.
CfTf4:. CfIm: etc. cf. P. Ill. 3. 108 Vlirt.
7; (3) tadaffix in the sense of
offspring applied to a noun ending
in 31; e. g. cf. P. IV. I.
( I) augment it prefixed. in general,
in the case of all roots barring a ,
few roots ending in vowels except E!i
and and roots q" etc., to
affixes of non-conjugational
tenses and moods as begin with any
consonant except { and cr.;, cf. *fl,q-
P. VII. 2.35 to 78 and
its exceptions P. VII. 2.8 to 34;
( 2 ) personal ending of the third
person sing. Atm. I
(I) short wording or pratylihiira I
for all vowels except at and the I
consonants it, cr., cr., \, d. \l:UJ: Ii: I
P. VIII. 3.39, also P. VIII. 3.57. 78 1
( 2) krt. affix I[ applied to roots such
as am. etc. in the sense of verbal .
activity. e. g. anffi:,_ cf.,
P. III. 3. 108, Vart. 6. I
(I) a letter or a group of letters I
attached to a word which is not
seen in actual use in the spoken I
<;;.' I
language; d. 31ttl1lift l{Cl, Slik. 1. 1.5. I'
Hem. I. 1.37. The letters are
applied to a word before it, or after I
it. and they have got each of them I
a purpose in grammar viz. causing I
or preventing certain grammatical
operations in the formatiqn Of the I
complete word. PiiI,lini has not given
any d,efinition of the word i{Cl, but
he has mentioned when and where
the vowels and consonants attached
to words are to be understood as
(d. I etc.
P. I. 3.2 t08) and stated that tbese
letters are to be dropped in actual
use; d. P. 1. 3.9. It appears that
grammarians before PaI,lini bad also
employed such ltClletters, as is clear
from some passages in the Mabli-
bba!?ya as also from their in
other systems of grammar as also
in the UI}.adi iist of affixes, for pur-
poses similar to found served
in Panini's grammar. Almost all
v.owels and consonants are used' as
ita:. for different purposes and the
letters are applied to roots in the
Dhlitupatha. nouns in the Ga1}.a-
plHba, as also to affixes, augrrents
and substitutes prescribed in gram-
mar. Only at a few places tbeyare
attached to give facility of pronun-
ciation. ,the letters,
especially vowels. which are said
to be {Cf" when uttered as nasalized
by HiI}.ini, are recognised only by
convention; d. qrfcrl
;:fi<rr: (S. K. on P. L 3.2). The word-
literally means going
'or can be explained
as a mute indicatory letter. *f<m-
I 1ICI:. ftJii (Rtrn:iF{oc<l+i: I
:m: if'i'mff q fffgftr I ,
In PaI,lini's 'grammar. the mute
vowelar applied to roots,indicates the
placing of the Atmanepada affixes
after them, if it be uttered as anu-
dlitta and of affixes of both the
pad as if uttered svarita ; d. p. 1. 3.
I2, 7 Z. The mute vowel a:rr signifies
the preven tion of before the
pastpart. affixes; d. P. VII. 2. IO.
Similarly, the mute vowel signifies
the augment if., after ,the last vowel
of the root; cf. P. Vr.!.
signifies the prevention of the aug-
ment l: before the past part. affixes
cf. P.- VII. 2.14 ; :a- signifies the incl-
usion of cognate letters; cf. p. L
1.69, and the optional addition of
the augment t'iTi cf. P. VII.
2. 56 ; '3': signifies tbe optional appli-
cation of the augment d. P. VI I.
2.44; signifies the prevention of
to the vowel of a root before
the causal affix, d. VII. 4.2 ; w: signi-
fies the VikaraQ.a in the Aorist
cf. P. III. 1.55; Q; signifies the pre-
vention of Vrddhi in the Aorist, cf.
P. VII. 2.55 ; air signifies the substi-
tution of i( for ('( of the past part.
d. P. VIII. 2.45; lJ.! signifies the
prevention of and l{fu, d. P. I.

1.5 ; <a. signifies the addition of the
-augment ( +rJ and the shortening
of the preceding vowel; cf. P. VI. 3.
65-66; iT. signifies the prevention of
!JUT and d. P. 1. 1.5; er.. signifies
d. P. VII. 3.62; to
affixes, signifies the' prevention of
!JUT and CJ:f:ir; cf. P. L 1.5; it causes
in the case of certain
roots, cf. P. VI. 1.16 and signifies
if applied to roots; d. P. I.
3.12, and their substitution for the
last letter if applied to sub!1.titutes.
cf. P. 1. 1.53. T!. signifiest he actm;
accent of the last vowel; d. P. VI. I.
159; or. signifies :a+r<iq'.t i. e. the plac-
ing of the affixes of both the padas
after the root to which it has been
affixed; cf. P. 1. 3.72; the case of
an augment signifies its application
to the word at the beginning; cf. P.
I. 1.64, while applied to a nominal
base or an affix shows the addition
of the fern. affix (t'ltr.), d. P. IV. 1.
IS -; signifies the elision of the last
syllable; cf. P. VI. 4.142; OJ. signifles
CJ:f:a, cf. P. VII. 2. II5;
accent, cf. VI. 1. 18r, as also that
,variety of the vowel or
tgCf) to which it has been applied
cf. P. I. 1.70 ; ii. signifies 311'g<n'6, cf.
P. VI. I. 193 ; tr. signifies acc-
ent d. s;Ifi:'qffi P. III. 1+ as .
also :::i?J'6 for the vowel before the
affix marked with tr. cf. P. VI. 1.192;
if, signifies in the case of an augment
its addition after the final vowel.
cf. P. I. 1.47, while in the case of a :
root, the shortening of its vowel
before the causal affix fUr, P. VI.
4.92 ; \. signifies the acute accent
for the penultlmate vowel cf. P. VI.
1.2I7; w: signifies the acute accent
for the vowel preceding the affix
marked with d. P. VI. 1.193 ; iR
implies in the case of an affix its
tIlcll:TTgWf; cf. P. III. 4. II3. while
in the case of substitutes. their
substitution for the cf.
P. I. 1.55; signifies the addition
of the fern. affix d. P. IV.
1.41; in the case of affixes signi-
fies to the base before them,
cf. P. 1. 4.16. Sometimes even with
out the actual addition of the mute
letter, affixes are directed to be
looked upon as possessed of that
mute letter for the sake of a gram-
matical operation e. g. miil:Tlgclilifiiq:
P. I. 2.4; fclier. P. I. 2.5; rnar
filler. P. VII. 1.90 etc. (2) the ShOlt
vowel If as a substitute; d. me
P. VI. 4 34.
tad. affix If(f in the sense of
I found' or ' produced in " which is
affixed to words and
others; e.g,
etc.; cf.
i!:oT!. P. V. 2.36.
possessed of interdependence;
depending upon each other; d.
Ciindra Pari. 54.
Grammatical operations a(e of no
avail if the rules stating them are
mutually depending on each other.
The word has the sense of
mutual relationship with
each other. Out of the four senses
of the indeclinable 'i:I' viz. 6ff1l"l,
and 6j:j1i[{{, the
Dvandva compound is formed of
words connected in the last two
ways' and not in the first two ways.
The instances of ii:i'.! in the sense of
etc.; d. on P. II. 2.29; cf. aJso
I{Rr M. Bh. on II.
2.29; cf. also '6 :afs\iffi19'-
+rcrfct Siradeva,Pari. 16.
depending upon each other;
d. 'i:I' 'IiIlltfal or Sf'iilEqra-
I cfr<!tf.t qJ +!'iRr I M.
Bh. on I. I.I. See above.
, I
a grammatical operation caused
by i.e. by a mute letter which is
purely indicatory; cf. Q;cf offl:'
+!T'l'l<{'iif or +!fcjf<lm M. Bh. I. 3. 2.
the substitution of short by
':<ire;jffi1l P. I. 2.17, 'TIle P.
VI. 4.34, etc.
characterization; indica-
tion by a mark; e.g. d.
'i:I' ( 'i;f\<!T) P. II. 3.21.
krt affix mentioned by Pal)ini ill i
VI. 4.55 as causing the substitution I
of for ful before it; e.g.
M. Bb. on VI. 4.55.
krt affix, added to the roots "f.,
etc., in the sellse of instrument; I
d. ii:sr; P. III. 2. 184-6.
e.g. l3fo!SI'+!. etc. The'
words ending in have got the
acute accent on the last syllable;
cf. P. VI. 2.144.
a letter which is termed lfit;
see il,'a. above.
a Chinese SCholar-pilgrim (634-
713 A.D.) spent many years in
India and travelled in the country I'
in many parts. During 691-692
, A.D. he wrote his Record of Bud- !
dhist Practices home from the I
Southern Sea', He has given a!1
detailed .account of the Sanskrit
grammanans. i
augment \'
cf. P. V. 2.53. '
possessed of the mute indicatory I
letter If; e.g. the roots "fR, f9f&' and ,
the like, in whose case the augment i
("1.) is affixed to the last vo\yel;
cf. I\nrnt l:TTm: P. VlI.I.58.
a:rR+l+I'R:; cf. P. III. 2.24-7; (2) lq:t
affix prescribed by P. III.
3.170 e.g.
(1) substitute for the inst. case
ending in 6ft (GT) after base.s ending
in 31; d. P. V II. r.I2;
( 2) tad. aff. i{"f affixed to 1{cT e.g.
tff:qf+r: d. P. IV. 4. 1 33.
f{iI't substitute lfo\ for the last vowel
of the words and
others before the affix 19 i.e. pre-
scribed after these words in the
Eense of offspring e.g.
etc. cf.
P. IV. I.I26, 127.
tad. affix in the sense of pos-
session applied to the word which
, is changed into f'i:l'9i, e.g. f'i:Jf;f;or: d.
fql'9,. RlCfiF:r 'i:I' P. V. 233.
(1) krt affix lfo\ applied to the
roots with fcr, with and the
roots fu, i, f&:I and others, e.g. m.r-
;;j<fr etc. cf. P. HI. 2.93
and III. 2.156-157; (2) tad. affix
il:"l affixed to the word in
the sense of ' covered with' (cf. P.
IV. 2.IT, ), in the sense of collection
to the word e.g. cf. P. IV.
2.51, to the word 31i!JlI&llTl in sense
, student of ' e.g; 3T!!$!T&JUft d. P. IV.
2.62, to the words and cf.
P. IV. 3.III. to the word "'tot cf.P.
IV.4.23 and to the d. P.-
v. 2.85 and d. P. V. 2.91 in
specified senses and in the general
sense of possession to words ending
,in aT, ct. P. V. 2.Il5-II7 !'Ind to
certain other words d.P. V.
(I) krt affix i{ applied to the roots i
and when they are pre-,
b! certain words like etc.
In certam senses; e.g.
krt affix by III. 3.44 followed
invariably by the tad. affix 0lOJ. by
P. V. 4.15,
author of ' " a com men t
ary on the
of Nage.sabhatta.
Author of Anunyasa, a com-
mentary on. Nyasa on Kasika, by
Jinendrabuddhi. Many quotations.
from Anunyasa are found in Pari-
bba.!?avrtti. of Siradeva. The word
, Indu is often used for Indumitra,
cpo mlllW-E) mrlif: I
Pari. Vr. of Siradeva Pa. 36. He is
also quoted by ViHhala in his com-
mentary Prasada on Prakriyakau-
mudi where quotations are given
from a gloss named Indumati
written probably by Indumitra on
the cpo also Ujjval-
datta on UI)adisil. II. 8 J..
author of a commentary on
name of a great grammarian who is
believed to have written an exhaus-
I tive treatise on grammar before
PaQini; d. the famous verse of
Bopadeva at the-commencement of
his Dhatupatha
II The division of words into
'PIakrti and Pratyaya is attributed
to-Indra. cpo Vyakara'i)a
I. 4.; cpo also lllfir I
Sake Sil. I. 2.37. Indragomin is
as Indra. No work of Indra is avail-.
able at present. He is nowhere
quoted by Pal')ini. Many quotations
believed to have b!'eil taken froml.!
his work are found scattered in
grammar works, from which it ap-
. pears that there was an ancient
system prevalent in the eastern
part of India at the time of FaIJini
which could be named
to which PaIJini possibly refers by
the word 3fT"l'F!. From references, it
appears that the grammar was of
the type of discussing various.
topics of grammar such as alphabet,
coalescence, declension, context,
compounds, derivatives from nouns
and roots, conjugation, and changes
in the base. The treatment was
later on followed by Sakatayana
and writers of the Katantra school.
For detail nee ed. by
D. E. Society, Poona, Vol. VII
pages 124-127.
author of Gil<;lhaphakkikapra-'
kasa, a gloss on the difficult passages
in Siddhantakaumudi. He also
wrote SarhvadacintamaIJi, a small
treatise on roots'and their meanings
and a commentary called Kaus-
tubhagul)a on Sabdakaustubha.
a technical term of Jainendra
grammar for Pal)ini's cf.
"l'1 Jain Sil. 1.2.158.
This Sutra also speaks of technical
terms 'iiT, tTT, +IT, err. of Jainendra
for PaIJiIii's tfi'i+ft, "11ft, qmliT and
a technical term in the J ainen-
dra VyakraIJa for (the locaa
tive case).
ted. affix applied to <:: (letter \)
in the sense of the consonant \.; e.g.
cf. uR\fi: P. III. 3. roB
augment 1f addedto the base . '
after the last vowel, e. g: cf. .
1f'l. p. VII. 3. 92
or tad.' affix 1flii( applied
to the words
words showing colour . and words
such as iG, etc
in the sense of 'quality' or attri-
bute '; cf. Pal). V. 1.122, 123. Fpr
changes in the base before the
affix. see P. VI. 4.I.54-163.
krt. affi?L applied to words
showing '1[Cf or verbal activity;
e.g. trrf.lifIO{" cf. '1TCfllt<llflv:mfct
Kas. on P. IV.
tad affix ( in the sense ofi<pitY'j
e.g. cf. P . V. 3.79.
substitute for the last before a
vowel generally in the case of
monosyllabic roots ending in
the word <til'l'; e.g. f.!<tr f.r<1:,
f<til<rr fum:, d. arRr
P. VI. 4. 7j-80.
it;q"f case-ending for inst. sing. in Vedic
Literature; e. g. ;affl'<iT, (([fcilfl; d.
P. V Ii. 1.39. and Vart. I
'iifq, fWfim, etc.
etc. d. P.V. 2.99, roo, 105, II7.
substitute for 'before an affix
called 'vibhakti '; e.g. d.
P. V. 3.3.
ill! a word frequently used in the
Varttikas and tlie and
other treatises in the senses of
( I }a desired object (2) a desired
i:tt. mute indicatory ending of roots, I purpose, (3) a desjred statement,
signifying the application of the I ( 4) a desired form i.e. the correct
aorist sign ",al e.g. form; d. '19Rr:!VT.Bh.
5!f"l({e(, or a'{"Iffirn. from the root f+!ill I.I. .A,hn. I.' Pari.
(fum in Dbatupatha), d. also '" k P l' 114 .
. '" ;:,e. ar. .
OR'iij'tq: from ( fufl::{); Cf., '
P. III. 1.57. j{;2'1!""a::r'liP.4= .. q
lii6i:':r ot lil a short treatise on
tad. affix (.i{\) in the sens_e of
possession applied in Vedic Litera-
ture; to making the word
e.g. ; d. P. V. 2. 109 Vart. 3.
affix- (iR) in the sense of
possession applied in Vedic Litera-
ture to itl:TT making the
e;g. d. P. V. 2.109 Vart.3.
a root ending with mute indica-
ending See _. _ I
substitute for the perfect 'I
3rd pers. pI. Atm. affix lff; e.g. "l'f<it;
etc:; cf. P. III. 4.8r.
tad. affix applied to the words
I and others iQ the
four senses prescribed in p. IV.
2.67-70 ; e,g.
d. IV. 2.80.
(I) tad. affix in the
sense of pitS; e.g cf.
P- V. 3.79. The tad. affix i Eli(
making the word is-- also
affixed in the same sense. See 1M. (2)
tad.affix making the word
in the sense of possession,
prescribed after the words tfi;;,
grammar ascribed to J ayadeva.
a class of words headed by the
word to which the taddhita
affix (ltr.r) is added in the
sense of af.\'q i.e. 'by him' i.e.
by the agent of the activity
denotedby the past pass. pa:rHciples
and others; d. :t2t <iva, 'tiff
etc. Kas. onP. V. 2.88.
a word generally used in the
statements made in the Mab3.-
bba!?ya, similar to thos.e of . the
Siltrakara and the VarttIkakaras,
which are 'desired olies' with a
view to arrive at the correct
forms of words; cf.
if M.Bh. on
II. 4.56.
the superlative tad. affix in
the sense of or
(excellence). The commentators
however, say that the taddhita
affixes Qll' like all the tadd-
hita affixes showing case-relations,
are applied without any specific
sense of themselves, the affixes
shQ\ the sense of the base. itself
e.g. ilftg:;
<litcrn:, m: etc.; d.
P. V.3. 56-64. The affixes
:ru are applied only to such subst-
antives which denote quality; cf.
P. V. 3 58. " ' I
the same as See :ru.
tone of that vowel; (2) t
for the vowel an of the roots iff and
UIT before the frequentative sign
as for example ct.
P. VII. 4.3t; (3) substitute t for
the vowel at' befote the affixes and
as, for' instance, in
etc.; .d. P., VII. 4.32 , 33; (4),
substitute t for the vowel an at the
emf of reduplicated bases as also
possession of t_he same pro-
perties for causing grammatical
operations as the tad. affix Il:BV(.
possesses, as for instance, the elision
of the syllable, beg'inning with the , '
Jast vowel SUbstitution of I '
the masc. base, for the fem. base "
etc., before. the denom. I
affix fu-,'q"; e. g. l1;ff<iR' in the senEe
for the vowel an of bases' ending in
thecQnjugationalsign qT,e., g.
etc.; d. P. VI. 4. II3;
(5) for the lac. case affix
l{(rn:) in Vedic Literature, e.-g.
formrn<in ,'lffi ,iT,
d. Kas. on P. VII. L39; (6). tad.
affix in the sense of possession
in Vedic Literature as for instance
of 3l'T''l2; similarly tR:<IRr,
,cf. M. Bh.on. P. VI 4.
155 Vlirt. I.
affix !{6!1J=et.. applied; in the sense
of I possessed of habitualbehavi-
our, action, or splendid accomp-
lishment. ' to the roots fi!\I$,
, etc. e.g.
etc.; d. P. III
8. I
kTt ,affix In Vedic Literature in the I
sense of the infinitivE', e.g.
cf P. III. ,po.
I) SUbstitute ;Hi for the vowel of
the roots, ;:fT, m <:;i, I4'T, , 'FI: dc.
before the desiderative, affix I
e. g. f1m:lfu, anR,tsf etc. cf. p. I
Vn. 4.54; (:2) affix :{l;!, e. 1". !
alternative affix mentioned in
the in the place of i
. d. M.Bh. on III, 257 See I

the which is techni- I
cally meluded In the vowel in I
Pa7;lini's alphabet be,ing the long !
'in cf. KM on. P. V.
2. 109; (7) the' fern. affix (.t.M:.,
:s'l/f. or cf. P. IV 1;58, 39,
IV IV. I.13.
tad. affix added to
and <:ifu, ei g. fern.'
<:mihi:; cf .. P. IV 4.59; ( '2) tad. affix
added to and <?trn:iJ in the
'sense of comparison,
d. Kason P. V.
3.IJO; ( 3) tad. affix added to
g. erIFft'fi:; d.
i'fi9''Of P. IV, 1.85 Vlirt. 5.6; (4) tad.
affix in Vedic Literature added
to e.g. CfIFft'li:; cf. Kas. on P. IV.
r.8s. Vart. 7; (5) tad. affix t'iiV(. added
to zcrrfr e.g. fiilEir:t1T.+l:; d. P. "V.
t.;:. augment prefixed to a 5arvad-
hatuka (strong) affix beginning
with a consonant after the roots
and others e.g:
{(I<fiP.i', "1erI<Wc etc.;
ct. P. VII. 3'93-98.
long voweU as from l!' or
, E! prescribed as a substitute; d.
. P. VI. 327; VI. 3.97.
- ---------_.
(a root) possessed of long
a mute indicatory ending meant for
atarangiQi. He is believed to have'
been a pupil of and iived in
the latter part of the
the addition Of, \'
ment to the past part. termtnat
ticns (i and oE/;;(; e.g. ;{\H: etc. ; . an external effort
d. P. VII. 2. 14 \ in the production of soundcharac-
, b' h' h' - I terized by the emission of breath,.
.. ;g(\' a desirea 0 ]ect, W,,!C ; 10 con- ,
necti,on with reots, gets \' when the cavity made by the coids
.. h of the throat is kept wide apart, as,
the designation .CfilJ' wh:n t ; \
has a keen deSIre for It; cr. '!ign- found in the uttt::rance of the con-
fctiffair 'li<t P. 1. 4. 49. I /f., and 13.
tad. affix flit! added to the word I an exte.rnal effcrt (iJIIRIt<j;:C{) in
lW' in sense of possession; e. g. \ productIon 0. character-
cf. P, V.2.114. . lzed by only a shgnt contact of the
, 'I cords of the throat, made in the
substitute for the tad. affix, ; e. g. I utterance of semi-vowels; cf.
ilRil<!! etc; cf. P. VII. 1.2 and I S. K. on P. 1. I9
IV. 2. II4 I stag.! of the quality of a
.' I '
afftx t<I added to the root 5Rtr., ! thing or of an undertaking \vhich is
showir:g the application of the Atm-! ,almost complete, to which, the
, I
anepada affixes; e. g. >R<:fi<!ii; cf. P. ! tadaffixes and are
HI. 1. 29. ! applied to a word; e. g.
i lj<:lTIr'ii"i'11f"
tad-affix showing super i- I"' U 6
ority or excellence of one individual
over another in respect of a quality,
,added to a substantive expressive of
quality; when the substantive ends
in the affix q, that affix q is removed;
e. g. t81<i1il:., ;;><fi<jr-I,;
cf. P. V. .
the same a!:; which see above.,
tad-affix added to the word a:ruG
d. v. 3 7
tqmq: an external etIort characterized
by slight resonance or sounding of
throat cords when they slightly
touch one another.
effort made for the production of
,sound; cf. antf'tlf JtTTBilT crT Cl'f'Tf-
l[T<if;';+!<f R. Pr,
in the sense of possession; e. g.
3j'u-gr{: ; d. P. V. 2.III. I
substitute for -s:q before the
tad-affixes and E/g; e.g. ,
also cf. P. VI. 3.90
( [) labial vowel standing for the
long i3'i and protracted i3'i in Pat:lini',s
grammar unless the consonant C!. is
affixed to it, standing for the
short;.; only; (2) VikaraI)a affix i;I
of the 8th conjugation (':f"lrre;if11l)
and the -roots Moor. and ; cf. P. III.
I. 79-80 ; ( 3) substitute ( ;.;) for the
vowela:r of $, e. g. before
weak Sarvadhatuka affixes, cf. P. VI
author of 'Dhatumiila 'i a
short metrical treatise on roots.
author of ( I ) a gloss on Kaiy- '!
ala's and (2) !
an independent treatise Sabdabodh- I
4.IIO; (4) krt. affix \'J' added to
bases ending iIi and the roots
f*l/lf,f9e:., as also to bases
ending- in <r<i, in the Vedic Litera-
ture, e.g. I
ct. P. III. 2. 168-170; (s) UI}adi
affix a' ( acrr..) e. g. CfiR!:, tlT!'!:, etc.;
d. UI}adi 1. I; (6) mute vowel \'if
added to the first letters of a class
of consonants in Par;lini's grammar
to show the whole class of the five
letters; e. g. 72, g, !I which I
stand for the Guttural, the palatal
the lingual,. the dental and the labial
classes respectively; ct. also
P. VIII. 4.41; (7) \'J' added
showing the conson'ant as nasali-
zed n; d, V. Pr. III. 133. . .
short term for the vowels I
<I,!'.F. and e. g. !
- P. VII. 1.70, also fif.fcr P. VII.
2. II, 1{fflic.v.rr;:eflQ. 'ffi: P. VII. 3, Sr.
(I) the krt. affix applied to ;
the roots qQ., qa;. and others, e.g. :
CfiTtI'li: etc. with udatta accent :
on the first syllable; cf, P. III. 2.
154; ( 2) tad. affix ;a"li (a'Of.or.) added
to the word Cfiff'l. e. g. l:T!:F ;- cf.
Ras. on P. V. 1. 103.
the same as. a''li. See a-'li;
prescribed, taught, lit. said (al"
is _a familiar "
10 the and the Vartti-
kas referring usually to something I
already expressed. Sometimes this I
expression in the Mababbasya refe-
. ,
rring to something which is not
already expressed, but which could
be found expressed,
leC).ds -to the conclusion that the
.rVrahabhii;;yakara had something like
a ' ' before him at the
time of teaching the
See Kielhorn's Katyayana and
Patafijali, also D. E: S.
Ed. Vol. VII, pages 71, 72.
a word with its meaning (in
the neuter gender) unchanged when
used in the masculine gender; gene-
rally an adjectivaJ word; ct. Candra
Vyak. 1. 4.30.
a word or expreSSIOn whose sense
has been already expressed. The
expression is frequently
used in the Mahabba$ya and the
Varttikas and cited as a
or a salutary conventional maxim
against repetition of words in the
Candragomin (Par. 28) and 1Git8.n-
tra (Par. 46 ) and KaJapa (Par. 415 )
af-mwf.r a short anonymous
treatise on case-relations, com-
pounds etc. written mostly in
a short grammar work,
written by explaining decle-
nsion; cases and their
. 0 ,
compounds, etc. and giving a list of
Prakrta words with their Sanskrit
a class 1)f words headed by the
word to which the taddhita
affix (zEJ:!) is applied in sense
of 'one who studies and under"
stands'; ct. '3q:!i+rifri't 9T
similarly Kas .. on P. IV.
a writer on Vedic phonetics and
- euphony quoted in the Taittirlya
Pratisakhya; cf. B'{<f: Tai.
Pra. VIII. 22.
charaCterized by the m_ufe indi-
catory or <:t; see aEJ:!.
or writer of a gloss on
the Nirukta, called
believed to have: lived in the 18th
century A. D;' writer also of a
- . grammatical work Si!?yahitavrtti or \
a gloss on D urg a-
vrtti of Durgasimha, which was sent I
to Kashmir and made popular with I
a large sum of money spent upon I
it, by his pupil- Anandapala. .!
a technical term for <Jql:1T, the pen- i
, . !
ultimate letter in the J ainendra i
Vyakaral}a; cf. Jain. V. 4.
. :
and I. 1.66. '
the higher tone also called a1fRl i
or acute; d. R. T. 55, also .
R. Yr.
III. 19; cf. also the terms R.
T. 61, R T. 62, aTl'il,'Ef,
or acute: see above; cf.
<fl P. I. 235
pronounced or uttered; the
phrase is used in conn-
ection with the mute indicatory
letters termed in Par;tini's gram-
mar,. as these letters are not actu-
ally found in use in the language
and are therefore supposed to vanish
immediately after their purpose has
been served. The phrase'
has been given as a
Paribba!?a by Vya<;li (Pari. II), in
the Candra VyakaraQa (Par. :I:4 ), in
the IGitantra Vyakarana (Pari. 54)
and also in the Kalapa VyakaraJ)a
(Par. 71). Patanjali has used the
expression in connec-
tion with ordinary letters of a word,
which have existence for a moment I
and which also vanish immediately
after they have been uttered; d.
CfUJt: ... r, <fUjI
B:rl<l: M. Bh. on I. 4. 109.
vanishing immediately
after utterance. See
pronunciation, enunchition (in
the Sastra ). The phrase
is often found used in the Mahahh1i.-
!?ya and elsewhere in connection with
the words of PaQini, everyone of
which is believed to have a purpose
or use in the Sastra-;\vhich purpose,
if not clearly manifest, is
to it on the strength of its
utterance; cf. (J%:c:<l't: )
\'J'ccf q <lFc\6<{fcr M. Bh. on III. 4.89 V.
2; cf. also M. Bh. on IV 4.59; VI. 4.
163, VII. I.I?, "50, VII. 2.84 .. In a
few cases, a letter is found '.lsed by
PaJ)ini which cannot be assigned any
purpose but whi,ch has been put
there for facility of the use of other
letters. Such letters are said to be
cf. I ell!!-
<j<=l:T: I oil II 4.36. F<?5 gR:-. 1
"'iinl<-:: <:'1<:r<1-: I !Cas. on III.
:to 43. The expressions and
in the mean the
saine as
diverse; d. <l"l{'"cf Nir. 1. 3.4.
. specially accented; d.
ClT P. I. 235
a technical term of J ainendra
which corresponds to cpo
Jain. Sil. r I. 1. 62.
the famous commentator OIl
the Ur}adi siltras. His work is called
UQadisiltravrtti, which isa scholarly
commentory on theUQadisiitra-
patha, consisting of five Fadas.
Ujjvaladatta is believed to have lived
in the 15th century A. D. He quotes
Vrttinyasa, Anunyasa, BhagavrttI
etc. He is also known by the name
Jajaii. He mentions CandraIinga
sUtra and is qnoted by Padmana.bha-
(1) short term ( for vowels
eKcepting a:r semivowels,nasai
consonants and the consonants ,
and +J:.; ct. +!<! <lsIT <iT P. VIII. 3'-
, 33; (2) the particle a'; cf .. "'i
P. VIII. 3.2!, also ;a'51: P. I.1. 17.
a class of words headed by the
word which have their final
vowel accented acute ('3"itR!)'; C.
?EY: .Q;t
Sfm: I Kas. on P. VI. 1. 160.
.... augment ;:r affixed to the roots
and before the krt affix 'li cf.
6i?; Kas. on P .. VII.
.... the affix :aUT.., causing 'lRl: on accoUQt
of the mute letter UT, prescribed after
the roots iii, err, 1[(', f;;J, fil, fflEJ: and
by the rule I
aur.. which is the first rule (or Siitra) i
of a series of rules prescribing vari- I
ous affixes which are called ul).adi .,
affixes, the affix ;aUT.. being the first
them. e. g. <fiT'!:, tiT!! etc.; I
ct. UlJadi I. I; , ,
different rules; cf. .Piil).ini \3UTl<i:<U
qW'-C P. III. 3.I and
III. A. 75. apparently
ascribing the collection to Sakata-
Yana, as seen from an interesting
passage .of M.Bha. on \3UTlc:<i) I
has given a very interesting discus-
sion about these UlJadi affixes and
stated on the strength of the Vartt-
ika, o;itUllfa;>riaif.:r:, that these affixes
and the words given iri the UlJiidi
collection should not be considered
as genuinely derived .. The deriva-
- tion is not a very systematic and
logically correct one and therefore
for practical purposes, the words
derived by the' application of the
affixes \3UT.. and others should be
looked upon as underived; cf. \3'I1JT1:t-
>rRrQlm:<fii.r.r. M. -Bh. on. P.
I. I.I6, III. 4. 77, IV. I. I, VI. I.
62, VIT. I. 2, ;VII. 2. 8 etc. There
is a counterstatement also seen. in
. the MahiibbaHa re-
presenting the other view prevailing
at the time; cf. M. Bh. on II.I. I.
133; but riot much. importance
seems to be attached to it. The
different systems of grammar have
different collections of such words
which are also known by the term
UQ.adi. Out of the .collections belon-. '
ging to PalJini's system, three colle-
ctions are available at present. the
collection into five piidas given in
the printed edition of the Siddhanta
Kaumlldi, the collection into ten
Piidas given in the printed edition
of the Prakriya-Kaumndi and the
collection in the SarasvatikalJthii-
bharaI).a of Bhoja forming Padas I,
2 and 3 of the secQnd Adhyaya of
the work.
" ... .
affixes headed by the affix ;:rur..,
which are similar to lqt affixes of
PiiI)ini, giving derivation mostly of
such words as are not derived by
rules of PaQ.ini. No particular sense
such as agent, object etc. is menti-
oned in connection with these affixes
but, as PaI)ini has stated in ':
" P. III. 4.75,the various
Ul).adi affix<;s are applied to the
various roots as prescribed in any
Kiiraka sense, except the and
the arcn<i:[C'fj in other words, anyone
of the senses, agent, object, instru-
ment and abode, is assigned to the
UQ.adi affix as suits the meaning of
the word. Although some schol&:rs
believe that the UlJiidi affixes are
given by a grammarian later than
Piil).ini as there are words like
c{r.m: and others included in the list
of UlJiidi words and that there are
many: interpolated Siitras, still the.
UlJiidi must be looked
upon as an old one which is defini.
a work
. tely mentioned by PaQini in two
the \3'lITfcl;words referred to - above,
with meanings assigned to them.
There are two such compositions
one by Ramatarkaviigisa or Rama-
sarma and the other by Ramacandra
Dik!jlita; a third one is by Ramatar-
kavagisa to Mugdhabodha; and by
Padmanabhadatta on SaupadmaulJ-
adisiitra vrtti.
.... ,..., ,,'
word form or crude base,
ending with an affix of the UQ. class,
which is looked upon as practically
underived, the affixes UlJ and others
not being looked upon as standard
affixes applied with regular mean-
ings attached to them and capable
of causing operations to the preced-
ing base as prescribed by rules of
grammar; cf. >rrfcrqfi{-
Cfirf<I I I
Qj)ffi- Pari.
Sek. on Paribha!]a 22;
or is a comme-
ntary on UJ;ladisiitras by
avasin, son of Aryabhaita .
a collection of
Siitras which begins with the Siitra
prescribing the affix ;aur.., after the
. CiT, qT, fu tll'q: and ana,;
cpo '3Uirn: I. i. For the different
versions ofthe text see ;:r'IJTT1:. Similar
siitras in Katantra, ApiSali, Ciindra,
Sakatayana, Haima,' Goyicandra,
and Padmanabha systems of gram-
mar are also called UlJadisiitras.
Some scholars ascribe the author-
ship of UlJiidisiitras to-palJini. The
technical terms. <tIq, '3''tl'6,
\3'!f4T, .mq, B>r8T\UT, and 8f+<lTtI are used
in the same sense as in Pal)ini. The
anubandhas are similar. Katyiiyana
shows that particular rqles of PalJini
viz VIII. 3.50; VII. 4.15; VII. 2.78;
VIII. 359, do not apply to Ubadi.
UlJ1i.di IV. 226 goes against PaQini.
Vimalasarasva:ti (I4th; century)
and Durga ascribe UQadisutras to
Vararuci Magha ascri-
bes U t;l.adi to PaQini cpo Sis. XIX.
75'. Modern scholars ascribe it to
Siikatiiyana. Ul)iidi siitras are found
in the works of Bhattoji (Siddhiin-ta
,Kaumudi), (Com.
on UQadisiitras), Niirayal)abhaHa
(UlJiidi khal)ga in Prakriyasarva-
. sva), Perusiiri (AuI)iidikapadarJ)-
ava), Vltthala (Prasiida) and soon.
the text of the Ut;l.adi .
Siitras divided into ten chapters
believed to have been written py
'TITCfi<!FFl'. It is printed at the end of
the Prakriya Kaumudi and separa-
tely also, and is :in
manuscripts with 'a' few differences.
Patanjali in his p;, III.
31, seems to have
ayana as- the author of th,e U1;liidi
Siitras although it cannot be stated
definitely whether there Wasat that
time, a version of the siitras in five
chapters or in ten chapters or one,
completely different from these, .as
scholars believethat there are many
interpolations and changes, in the
versions of Ul)adi siitras available
at present
the text of the UlJadi
Siitras divided into. five chapters
which is of a scholarly
commentary written by 'Ujjvala-
datta. There is a commentary on
it by Bhattoji also.
. a gloss on the U1;l1i.di
Sutras in the different versions.
Out of the several glosses on the
UQ.1i.di Siitras, the important ones
are those written by Ujjvaladatta,
Riimacandra and Haridatta.
There is also a gloss called UlJ1i.di-
sutrodgh1i.tana by MiSra. is a
gloss by Durgasirhha on the Kiitan-
tra version of the UlJadi Siitras.
'3Q.. (I) Short vowel \3 iIi Plil)ini's
terminology ; P. 1. I.?O, t.2.12.
IV. 1.44, V. I. III; (2) tad-affix
applied to !fcf and for which 'I\.
is substituted; e. g. tflJ':'(:. cpo P. V. I
3.22 Vart. .
a class of words headed by the
word to which tht:. taddhita
affix is added in the four senses,
the affix being popularly biown as
d. etc.;
Kas. On P. IV. 2.90. Ii
a variety of the Krama described I
in the Pditjsakhya
(1) the best, the highest, the
last; (2) the last letter of the con-
sonant I!Iasses, the nasal; d, A. Pro
II. 4.14; R. Pr. IV. 3; cf. also
meaning non-nasal; ( 3 )
or the premier or the first person
constituting the affixes m, and"
l'I(1, and their substi tutes, d. P. 1.
4. 107.
(1) following, subsequent, e. g. I
i3"'Q\tf;;;:, the latter part of a compound"'
word; (2) end of-a word, 'Rl"ff; ct. I
Com. On T. Pr. I
III. 1. I
subsequently, . then, after- I
wards; d. oF( il!lI. M. Bh. !
on r. 1. 1.
in subsequent rules; d. i
M. Bh. on r. 1.23. I
the latter member or portion I
a word as contrasted I
wItb '0tf?:; d. A. Pro
rr. 3. II; cf. also P. VI. I
3. I.
ulterior form. "
serving a purpose in subsequent I
" I
rules; of use in a subsequent rule; ,
. ct. <U1lfc't'+fflT i3"'Q\:1<r:, M.
Bh. on I. 2.22.
elevation of tone.
(I) production; cf. Cfull(lfRi:
production of a phonetic element
T.Pr. 23:1; (2) production of a
gramm!J.tical element. snch as the
application of an affix or addition
of an augment or substitution of a
letter or letters during the process
of word-foruui.tion; cf.
tll1T'f'<Fr Sek.
75 '; M. Bh. II. 2.19. Vart. 4.
to be produced, to be placed
after; 'to be annexed; (caus.) to"
produce, to get annexed, to add;
d. lh!;ftlTl>;:lIfa Apisali's Vart.
quoted. in M. Bh. on P. IV. 2.45.
author of a commentary on paI.:1-
ini's Liilganusasana. It is doubtful
whether he was the same as i3"(lT<?>+J:!
or the famous astrologer of
the tenth century.
possessed of "short '3'; d . .m'fil:ir
. P. IV. 3.151.
a general rule as contrasted with
a special rule which is called
or exception; cf.
Hema. Pari. 56; CJrlT'fl?;-
fef1:r4 ncr Par. Sek. Pari.
63; Sira. Pari. 97 ; cf. also tatEFltlm<T-
iWr <lj"q'rI?:]:. For the Cfll:!!'fN'fi+r1Cf rela-
tion between \:lttIf[ and arqcn;:;: and its
details see Nagesa's Paribha!;lendu-
sekhara on Paribha!;las 57 to 65; d.
also explained
hythe commentator as ;:<IIllT ;;!(6rer
<IT f<t1:j<:f: I
rflCJ:. '3'EtlITUJ ;;fr.fl<llF(1 ar'i<fl?:-
ace-reT: iR<I<r: R. Pro
. I. 23.
a sentence making a general
statement as contrasted with a sen-
tence making a specific statement
( ) which generally forms
an exception and hence is called the
31QCflc{'fffZ{. cpo Vak. pad. II. 347 and
<i(8CrCJr"P-i' I (Pun).
not consistent with what is
taught in rules of a Sastra; d.

oil mfa Sisufalavadha If.
a class of words headed by
the wor.d \:lffi!', to which the tadd-.
hita affix (6" )is added in the J
sense of i[\fq (takes away by I
m'eans of); cf. I
i[\fa ar"IffifWli: I alr:fitlh: I I\ as.
on P. IV. 4.15.. .
a claES of words headed by the !
word \:!ttl to which the taddhita affix!
dlOI., instead" of the usual affixes dlur..i
and others, is added in the sense of !
an offspring; d. anttl:, afr;::;qTil: etc. I
IGis. on P. IV. 1.86. .
that which follows; a term fre- !
quently used in the Pratisfikhya i
works in the sense of ' following' or ;
; cf. j
explained by the commentator as .
311i:l1il To- Pro II. 47; d.
also .<!?:lr <f,0ZtllT" explained by"
the commentator as
tIfa R. Pr. I I. It; cf. also
P. VIII. 4.67.
writer of an extensive gloss
(Nyasa) on Haimabrhadvrtti. His
pupil Devendrasuri wrote Haimala- i
gbunyasa and is an abridgement of i
. Udayacandra's work. "
surnam"ed Piithcika who wrote
a commentary on the Laghusab.
dendusekbara nanled. Jyotsna and
a very critical work on Paribha!;l1i.s
similar to Sirade\'a's Paribh1i.!;l1i.vrtti;
the work is iucomplete.
autbor of a treatise giving!
rules for" the determination of the :
pada or padc:s of roots; the treatise
is m:med He;
was a Jain grammarian, and one of I
the pupil:! of Sadhusundara. )
author of l\fitavrttyarthasarngra-
"ha, a gloss on Hinini's sutras, who-
added a commentary to it. He lived
in the seventeenth century. He
belonged to Gujarat.
author of :Qhun<;lhika on
Haimabrhadvrtti (Priikrta portion
. only) .
the acute accent defined by
PaI..1ini in the words P. 1. 2.
29. The \vord is explained by
Patafijall in the words' ar[<!fm
m<i where
a:rT<lTl'I restriction of the
organs), ( rudeness) and
t 'fiOO\<I closure of
the glottis) are given as specific
clJaracteristics of the acute accent.
The acute is the prominent accent
in a word-a simple" word as also a
. compound word-and when a vowel
in a \\'ord is possessed of the acute
accent, the remaining vowels have
the dlffiJ'Q or the grave accent.
Accent is a property of vowels and
consonants do not possess
independent accent. They possess
the accent of the adjoining vowel
connected with it. The acute accent
'corresponds to what is termed
, accent in English and other
raised acute, a tone slightly
higher than the acute tone which
is mentioned in c:)Dnection with the
first half of a circumflex vowel: d.
CfT R.P. III. 2.
conventional understanding
about a particular 'towel in the
wording of a sutra being marked
acute or udatta, when ordinarily "
it should not have been .so, to imply
tbat a is to applied
for the interpretation of that
d. P. VI. I.I3 Vart.
14, also SIra. Pari. Il2.
an accent made up of Udatta,
1. e. an accent which is a reduced
udatta. It is called also It is I
mentioned in connection with an i
acute vowel following in the II
Padapatha. according to Ki'il}va's .
view; d. rfi'i:f
q<iulRVCl'Sf ii(fu tRt <ft'q
U;q com'I'
on V. Pr.]. 150. '
the same accentless I!
tone, mentioned in with
the latter half of a circumflex vowel' I
as also with a grave vowel or vowels
if not followed by another acute 0; I
circumflex vowel; ct. !
P. VIII. 4.67. .
similar to udatta althOUgh
not exactly acute, which character-
, izes the latter half of the circumflex I
vowel; d. T. Pr. I. 42. I
a grammatical example in ex-I
planation of}n .interpretation; ct.
<l'f.!;f.l:l'HII1j:jtl'lUlJl{II1 P. VI. I.II. I
characterized by short as a !
indicatory vowel, (I) By I
VIrtue of thIs mute added to it the '
word for instance, 'signifies along
with 'l! its cognate consonants <a.
Il" and also; cf.
P. I. 1.69. (2) Roots marked with'
as mute get the augment i( optio- I
nally added before the krt affix mTj I
e. g. .and from the root
( ) by virtue of the rule mm-
<it P. VII. 2.56.
p:ssession of short 0 as the II
penultimate letter, e. g.
P. VII. 3.41
"3 in ... ii. a class of words headed by the
word ;;ruq; to which the taddhita
Olcr.. is added in the sense of I
nature Of' profeSf:>ion '; cf. i3IDSj- I
crT I Similarly 3Tl'\i'il0J:
Ras. on P. V. r.IZg.
alleviation, ease. relief; name
given tt- a Samdhi in the Pratiss-
khya works when a';'isarga and a
short vowel aJ' preceding it are chan-
ged into short aJ', (e. g. <:I: +
= CI as also when the vowel
t( 01' 3i1 is changed into ;jJ being
follo\ved by a dissimilar vowel; e. g.
+ = 3ffi d. R. Pro II. TO
"3l\3OOIiti41:{i[fu name given in the .B.k.
Pratisakbya to the Udgrahasamdhi
where the vowel ar is followed bva
Ipng vowel; = lli
Pr. II. 10.
Dame given to a ilarhdhi in
the Pratisakhya when the vowel
Oi orarr is changed into Of e. g. 3T
. = also +
= cf. R. Pro U. 1I.
elevation; named aJso
(I) elision, a term used in the
sense of ' lopa ' in the ancient gra-
mmar works; (2) name of a com-
mentary by Jayanand:l. on the
description; mention of qualities;
d. #I: qrQIl1<I:, M. Bh. on 1. 32; the
word is used in contrast with i:;tPW
or direct mention; d. lli:
I mqUJ
I I <lIm-
q;Ul en I
a:r<j: <uftf& I 8 1 ;;rr.rfW ir
mftfu 1 1 I 'iifalect
I itqq::l l!:re- 1
I dlwft'.
f*,f,<fl ... {iW i(fu I 3Tltilo
1 l{re- I M. Bh.
on 1. 3.2; (2) spot, place, passage
of occurrence; cf.
Pari. Sek. Pari.

referred to; pointed out, sub- I
as contrasted with the. pre- ,
cf. i
cr.- '
I fir
fif crT I in gram-
mar refers to the sUbjectpart of a
sentence as opposed to the predicate .
-part. In the sentence the i
case is strikingly an opposite one ;
and the, explanation given by Pataii-
jali !s very interesting; cf.
+n\'ii5Tl'f I *fIW[$lli arl'i:flii:
M. Bh. on 1. I. I.
Vak. pad. III. 9-56. Time has two
powers by which it about the
emergence or disappearance of
objects. The power that makes
objects visible is called permission
( 3f+<rW) .
a technical term in the Jainendra
Grammar for the terms !I.. and Sj-.
i3Il. 9T1ffl. J J:
5. ilif1l11l:
Jam. Pari. 20.
a class of words headed by the
word;;rtfcl\ after which the taddhita
affix, added in the sense of ij):;r
relationship between the etc.) is optionally
subject and the predicate where ehded, provided the word is to be
generally the subject is placed first used in the plural number; cf. ;aq-
in a .sentence; d. tpf lliii5lli!iT: also ;;qi!iT:, arrtfifoT-
('fo: IWI,I d. alEo I ;\il!i!iT: 1iTf!lIi1{: I
on P. II. 4.
kyaratna bra .
nCf)R' help given in respect of sense
the word always refers in gra- , to a word by another word connect-
mmar to the famous commentary I ed with it. cpo Vi'ik. pad. III. 7. 13,
by Ni'igesabhaHa written in the first!
4, 149
decade of the dth century A. D. on I
the Mahabha$yapradipa of Kaiyata. ! a fault in the pronunciation of
The Uddyota appears to be one of I letters, noticed sorretimes in the
the earlier works of Nagesa. It is I utterance of a letter adjoinin'g such
also Vivaral)a. The com men- i a letter as is coloured with a musical
tary IS a scholarly one and is looked! tone O? account of the proximity of
u,P0n as a final word re: the exposi- j the adlacent letter which is uttered
hon of the It is belie- i in a musical note and which there-
ved that, NagEsa wrote 12 Uddyot'as ! fore is called' lfiftd"; d.>riftcr: flrlf-
and 12 Sekharas which form some I <rqm;t: I
commentaries on pro- Kalyata s Pradipa on M. Bh I
works in the different Ahnika I. .
;:,astras. =
..... .......... a term used by the ancient gram-
!lame of a commentary marians in the sense of the Parasmai-
on the 'Tantrapradipa' of Mai- pada and the Atmanepada affixes
treya Rakl?ita, which latter is a com- Helaraja" observes
011 Ji.nendrabuddhi's Nyasa
. WhICh Itself IS a comrr:ent?ry on I
Jayaditya's 1{i'isikEi. ?n Vak. Pad. III. 12.1. The word
. IS not found in Pat}ini's A!?tadhy- .-
'. appearance of an object; com- Th V" . . aYl.
. e . "rtbkak1i.ra has used the
mg mto existence. According to worum his Varttika on
- P. III. 2.127 evidently in .the sense \
of Pada affixes referring to the
Atmanepada as explained by
Kaiyata in the words
1 The word occurs in
the Slokavarttika.
quoted by Patafijali in his Maba-
bhii$ya 011 c<itl:l<It P. III. 1.85,
where Nagesa writes Bl'1:,f-
1 ot>rmfafcifi'lifj i3q-
I The word is
found in the sense of Pada in the I
Mahabhiisya on P. III. T,40. The!
'. I
commentator on PU$pasutra eX-I
plains the word as aq"J,iicf B+fti'f
:{fa The author of the, KiiSika 'I
on P. VI. 2.134 has cited the read-
ing instead of "iIJlYcft- I
and made the remark '
'llN.:oi=iCf i
This remark shows that in ancient i
times aq'ir meant 'fB<I<a i.e. a word :
in the genitive case. This
gave rise to, or' W?S based upon, an i
allied sense, viz 1 he meaning of '
'1:niT' i.e. possession. Possibly t\1e
sense ' ' further develop-
ed into the further sense' possession
of the fruit or result f.Jf self or 'I
others' referring to the affixes
which posstssed that sense. The
old sense ''I"Bo/(l' of the word' :a-q-
lit. an injury; destruction, error.
The word is used as ;'3'tf-
tTlaoi The former means an
instructing sentence e.g. when a boy
asked to protect curds from
crows, he certainly protects it also
from dogs and the like. cpo Vak.
pad. II. '312.
(I) taking a secondary sense;
implication; lit. moving for a sense
which is near' about; the,same as
The word OIm
as employment or current
usage, by Pat afijali; cf. 3fT"'lmQ.\
I M. Bh. J. r. I. Vart.
4; (2) substituti9n of the letter (i,
for &Bfr; "'l, P. IV.
I.I Vart. 7. cpo also
:a-Q"'lR I
Nyasa on P. VIII. 3.48; cpo also,
<:I9i1U CIT I
Upalekhasutra V. 6.
known by. oneself, by one's
kno\\'!edge without any
direct instruction from another; cpo
Niltqm I cpo also
... 'HW!i\IJI+f, i
>rq-+T >fUi'P.!+f, 1 Kasika on P.
II4 2 I.
. lit. origin; one that originates,
!Ii[' having gone out of use, and the ...
augment, i3lf;;jT<iij' aTtlT i3q;;;c:r: I The
sense 'qG;" having come ill vouge;
word is used in the sense of ' addi-
the word ''1"91' must have been
tional phonetic element'; cf. \3'lf;;jil
substituted for the word' aq'iif' by 3Tllfli: on Sivasutra 5; cf. also
some grammariaps before the time Si\:a
of the Kasiklikaras. As Patafijali Satra 5 Vart. IS. The Prati-
has dropped the Sutra (VI. 2.134),
sakhya gives <:i. in as an
it cannot be said definitely whether . P IV
instance of i3tfJTil. d. R. r. 37.
the change of reading took place In the Nirukta '3lf;;j<iis given as the
before Patai'ljali or after him.
, ... sense of the prefix '\3'q'; ct.
name of section of I The com. on the Nirukta explains
the third klil)Qa of Vakyapadiya Qf I the word <Iq;;jc:r as SllN<f<i.
Bhartrhari. ;
cause of acceptance; inducing Ii a terril. used by later gram-
t V
-k dIll marians in connection with such a
aceep anee. ep. a. pa. 14.
II4. rule on which another rule depends

cf. ;:mwHflG:;::mfl'iii srl:"!lir Pari.
Sekh. on Pari. 97, as !lIso M. 8h. on
'<l P. III. 1.26. The relation-
ship known as occurs
several times in grammar which
states the inferiority of the depend-
ent as noticed in the world.
instruction; original en'uncia-
tien; first or original precepts or
teaching; ct. aTT.m!i:lHI1I+f, S. K.
on the rule :m.. P. I. 3.2.
ct. M. Bli. on Ahn.
I. Vart. IS. For difference between
and see d. also 3q-
I fl..'!fqTO':
KiiSikii. on P. I. 3.2; ct. also
VyuQi. Pari. 5; (2) employment
(of a, word) for others d.
sr<ItlT: 1 Bl'1:IB-'i 2 <j<!J
o<!J lUiS. on P. I.
such a word as is lound in the I
original instruction. i
occurrence in the original i
statement before the application of !
etc., d. I
Cf<fClo<i., lVI. Bh. on P. 1. I.56, Vart.23 I
to .the effect
that a word should be looked upon
as occurring in the original instruc-
tion although it is not there. See I
d. !
P. VII. 1.58. Vart. I. . i
name of a sauldhi which is des-
cribed as i3<\'i1i[<i-i1:. in R. Pr.; e.g. il
penuitimate letter, as defined in
the rule i3tf4T P. 1. T .65,
e.g. see cftCTlq'Cf, OI'liTUq'Cf
etc.; lit. :a-q,ftl{ij' f<!'<ftl:lij' BT that which.
is placed near the'last letter.
a word or a noun which has
, got'the penuitimate letter omitted
cf. aT., P. IV. 1.28. I
a letter or a phonetic ele-
ment substituted for a visarga folQ
lowed by the first or the second
letter of the labial class. Visarga is
simply letting breath out on he
mouth. Where the visarga is follow-
ed by the first or the second letter
of the labial class, its pronunciation
is. coloured by labial, utt'erance.
This coloured utterance cannot be
made independentiy;, hence this
u tte'rance called ' i3qlll1l"fl<I' (similar
to a sound blown from the mouth),
is not put in, as an independent
letter, in the attributed to .
Patafijali, however, has re-
ferred to such dependent utteranCes
by the term aT<l\ITClIi[ClUT. See Sl<ItilCfll[;
d.:::'!i!{Rr I ;;J;;:llm-i1:. 1
1 :;r.:<::tll-i1:.
3l<i'mcTnr is also called OI'<lN13IT. See

proposition, statenient. The
remark' fcrq'll :a-:fr<i1B: ' is of frequent
occurrence in the Vyakaral)a Mabii-
bhii$ya in connection with state-
ments that are defective anq. have
to be refuted or corrected; cf. M.
Bh. on P. I. I.2f, 46,50; r. 2.5 etc.
\3qqa; lit. a word placed near; an ad-
joining word. In Piil)ini's grammar,
the term is applied to such
/, words as are put in the locative case
by Pal)ini in his rules prescribing
krt affixes in rules from Ill. I.go to
III. 4 end; cf. P. III.
1.92; e.g. '!ilT1Ur in '!iBU<i1ll.. P. III. 2.I.
The word is also used in the senEe
of an adjoining word connected in
sense. e.g. as also Sllrffi "f
+/<'<l\qqito P. I. 4.105, 106; cf. also
KM. on P. n f. 3.10;
ct. also P. I. 3.10,
1. 3.7r,as. aiso
P. II: 2.19; and
P. VI: 2.139. Kaiyata on P.
III. I.92 Vart. 2 explains the word
as or tt<t
The word is found the
Pratisakhya literature where it
means a word standing near and
effecting some change; cf. 'q crT Il: aT{
am!i<iRRli W'fimfilTo Uvata on V. Pr.
VI. 23.
a, grammatical operation
c<J.used by a word which is near; ct.
P. I. I.72 Vart
9. also a{Rl5ftlW P. IV. I.t.
. Vart. 8 where ruJes such as ! cml1ljOT,. ..
and the following aTe referred to as
the words 'fit'lfUr, \'QrGf, enul,
etc. being called by the rule
Ba+ftwll.; P. Ill. I.92.
a case termination added
to a wQrd on account of the pre-
sence of another word requiring the
addition' cf. the well-known Pari-
Sek. Pari. 94; and M. Bh. on I. 4.96 !
stating the possession of greater I
force in the case of a karakavibhakti
than in the case of a'n upapada-
the compound of a word, !
technically termed as by PaQini I
according to his definition of the
word in Ill. 1.92, with another I
word which is a verbal derivative;
a technical ter:m used in the
, works j in the sense of .
words which proceed from a rule to
the following rules up to a particular
stated limit; cf.
T. Pr. I. 59 explained by .the com-
mentator as I

I if orcrcftm
the fourth oat of the seven
stages or places in the production
of articulate speech, upamsu being
the first stage; d. 'rait .
Pr. 23.9 explained by the,comment-
ator as: I ClSf

I .
a short work ill SlUra style
ascribed to Bnaradvaja Brhaspati,
one of the three ancient teachers
of Vedic recital. Vy1i.<;1i in hii!
Vikrtivalli refers to him as his
teacher. He may be taken to be a
contemporary of paQini. The work
discusses "fiI1. one of the eight varia-
ties of the Vedic recital. The work
or may be understood as <fill.
The work, along with i1\'({qc::qTO"f'<li j.;
edited and translated by Prof. K. V.
Abhyankar, Poona 1974.
cf. Cil1<:<fiH'::. Here technicallyi -
. the of the words !-;;<r, Cll1{ I
etc. which are upapadas is formed
with 'fiR, before a case-termination
is added to the nominal base 'fiR;
cf. Bll:
Par. Sek. Pari. 75.
(I) the famous comme)tator
on the grammatical verses attribut-
ed to Nandikesvara which are
misconception, erroneous
knowledge. cpo Yak. pad III. 3.57
I also cpo

known by the name
and which form a kind of a com-
mentary on the siitras of Mahesvara;
( 2) a comparatively modern gram-
marian possibly belonging to the
nineteenth century who is also
named Upamanyu and who has
written a com men tory named
TattvavimarsinI on the famous
Kaslklivrtti by Jayaditya and
Vamana.' Some believe that U pa ..
manyu was an ancient sage who I
wrote a nirukta or etymological i
work and pupil came to be I
known as I
:a-tIm a well-known term in Rhetorics !
meaning the figure of speech I
. simile' or' comparison '. The word j
is often found in the Nirukta in the!
same sense; cf. ;;rqm: I ''li'(
, I Nir III. 13.
Generally an inferior thing is com-
pared to another that is superior in
standard of comparison. The
word is found in the PaI)inisiitra
;;rtfP,T<iTfu P. II. J .55 where
the Kasikavrtti explains it as ;;rq-
an object which is compared.
The word is found in PaI)iriisiitra
P. II. 1.56, where
the KiiSika paraphrases it by the
word and illustrates it by_the
word in
an object which is to be com-
pared. See ;;rqma-.
implication, indication; a
thing indicatory of another thing.
His defined,as tim
I The term is yery fre-
quently found in commentary works
in connection with a word which
signifies something beyond it which
is similar to it; the indication is
generally inclusive; d. Kaslki1 on
P. I. 3.68
M I as also {i
KM. on II. 4;80. The
verbal forms of <?l'i!' and as also
the words etc.
possess the seDse of expressing the
meaning- not primarily, but second-
arily by indication or implication'.
a substituted word element;
cf. mq-: I q"fj:;r-
X. 17.
an ancient. and
Mimamsaka believed to have been
the brother of Var!?a and the pre
ceptor of paJ;lini. He is referred to,
many times as an ancient writer
of some Vrttigranthas.
implication of something by
means of a mark or sign; significant
object or mark. cpo Yak. Pad. II.IS;
'In. 14, 85. I Helii-
immediate contact, as for inst-
ance, of one word with another; d.
'Of Oifctfi+Itfa-
ar.Cl({ff ;;rqOOa, I M. Bh. on Vr.1.72,
The word ;;rqfsgli! is also found in the
M abiibhii.!?ya in the same con text.
mention, generally of the
type of the annExation of some
words to words already given, or
of some limiting conditions or addi-
tions to what has been already
stated. The word is often fonnd
at the end of the statements made
by the Varttikakara on the siitras
of paI)ini.; cf. P. 1. I.29 VaIt. I;
1. 1.36.vart. 3 etc .. -The words crl'C<!
and '1'ffic<{ are also similarly used.
The word is foundsjmilarly used in
the Mahiibba!?ya also very fre-
inclusion of . something, which
is not directly mentioned; cf.
Kas. on P. I. 3.48, also
!{RI'ii<:oi Kas.
onP. VII. 4.65.
(I) union; cf.
'fi+!Iq-g.nrrmo'fiT +tCffra- preposi tions
are signs to show that such a union
with another'sense has occurred in
the case of the noun or. velb to
which they are prefixed.: Nir,' 1. 3.;
( 2) addition; cf. fu
,;r{r<ll!;!,ml1: ,!"ii<:<!: :M. Bh. on P.
IV. 2,21. Vart. 2.
drawn close; cf. ang'r
T. Pr. II. 14. The root is used
in the of finishing in the
MahabhB.$ya; d. '4:t1f qol
qol er;:rr<!gq[1.I:r<! f[cft<f:
iFfY \ M.Bh. on
P.I.4. r09 Vart. 6.
compound"d together, joined
together by speci3l grammlttical
connection oIled BliP,'!; d. C'f i1!iq<Pi:
f&r<ff I I
M.Bh. on vn. 1.1. Vilrt. IS.
preposition, prefix. word
originally meant only' a pre-
fixed word'; d. l3tq'tlii3 R. Pro
XVI. 38.' The word became techni-
cally applierl by ancient Sanskrit
Grammarians to the words If, qu,
::Irq', til(. etc. which are always used
along with a verb ora verbal deriva-
tive or a noun showing a verbal
activity; d. f:ji<fp{!?( P.I.
4.59. These prefixes are necessarily- I
compounded with the following I
word unless the latter is' a verbal I
form; d. P. II. 2.18.\!
Although they are not compounded
with a verbal form, these preposi- ,
tions are used in juxtaposition with
it; sometimes they are found
detached from the verbal form even
with the of ona word
or more. The prefixes are instru-
mental in changing the meaning of
, the loot. cp. \3'q'fllTtIl
(arr<j: lfd'tll?' I Y.L..) I iJ'Wltlfi::<l>-
<j:,f\l'+iliH II Some scholars
like Sakatayana hold the view that
separated from the roots, prefixes
'do Dot express any specific sense as
ordinary words express, while
scholars like Gargya hold the view
that prefixes de express a sense e.g.
sr means beginning or d.
., \3'qtlllT I .
<F.lilWm'1flQ<F.T <FiFer I
+iqrcftffi I a'lf tJ;!:!
Nir. 1.8. It is' doubtful, however,
which view PaI)ini himself held.
In his A.tmanepada topic, he has
melltioned some specific 'roots
as some specific senses
when preceded by . some specific
prefixes, (sec:. P. I. 3.20, 24, 2540,
41,46,52,56, etc.), which implies
possibly that roots themselves
possess various senses, while. pre-
fixes are simply instmm)'!ntal in
indicating or showing them. On the
other hand, in the topic of the
Karmapravacaniyas, the same
words sr, 'Rl etc. which, however, are
not termed Upasargas for the time
being, although they are called, are actually assigned some
specific senses by PaI)ini. The
Varttikakara has defined ;3-!1tlii as
t.fimfci-:W-r<F. \3"11:1<1: P. I. 3.T. Vart. 7,
leaving it doubtful whether the \3'q'-
t'lir or prefix possesses an independ-
ent sense which modifies the sense
of the root, or without possessing
any independent :oense, it shows
only the modified sense of the root
which also is possessed by the root.
Bbartrhari, Kaiyata and their
followers including Nagesa have
emphatically given the view that
not only prefixes but Nipatas,
which include sr, tRl and others as
U pal.'argas as well as Karmapra-
vacaniyas, do not denote any sense,
but they indicate it; they are in fact
.mCfCfi and not 9l'<f<F.. For details see
Nir. I. 3, Vakyapadiya II. 190,
Mababha!?ya on 1. 3.1. Va.rt. 7 and
Pradipaand Uddyota thereon. The
PratiSakhya has discussed the
question in XII. 6-9 where, as ex-
plained by the commentator, it is
stated that prefixes express a sense
along with roots or nouns to which
they are attached. It is not clear
whether they convey the sense by
denotation or indication, the words
'IT'tl'<F. in stanza 6 and in
stanza 8 being in favour of the
former and the latter views respec-
tively; d . \3'!1t!'IT
C'frlT f.!qm:
R. Pr. XII. st. 6 and 8. For the list
ofupasargas see R. Pr. XII. 6, T.
Pr. L 15, V. Pro VI. 24, and S. K.
on P, 1. 4.60.
the or doctrine that
prefixes, by themselves, do not
possess any sense, but they indicate
the sense of the verb or noun with
which they are connected. For de-
tails see Vakyapadiya II. 165-206;
also vol. VII. pages 370-372 of
VyakaraI)a Mahabba!?ya ed. by the
D. E. Society, Poona.
connection with' a. prefix;
joining of prefix. Some scholars
of grammH hold the view the
Upasarga is prefixed to the root
and lhen the verbal form is arrived
at by placing the. desired termina-
tions after the root, While others
hold the opposite view; cf. '{cf 'clig:
I '{cf
'clTg'l!1tlillJi tfalltel\:l if.\'t<!ls: Sira-
deva's Paribha$a"rtti Pari. 131,132 ;
cf. also vol. VII.
edited by the D.E. Society,Poona,
pages 371-372.
a treatise on u pasargas, by
a treatise on upasargas by
Gadadhara Cakravartin.
a shor.t anonymous work
on the nature of upasargas or pre-
positions explaining their meanings
with .illustrations.
a treatise
Bharatamalla in
Century A. D.
on upasargas by
the Sixteen th
(I) adjective, subordinate
mem ber which does not get the treat-
ment of the principal member, e.g.
p. I. 2.4S,
P. IV. 1.T4 .,
S, K. On P. I. 1.29, also P. I. I.27
Vart. 2; (2) a word referred to by
the word which is put in the nomi-
native case in rules of PaI)ini pre-
scribing compounds, e.g. <F.12 (in the
compound <F.efmr: ) which is referred
to by the word '/[m<!T in the rule
'/[at'lT fmrmter o P. II. 1.24 which
scribes the Acc. com-
pound. These words are given the
first place in a compound; d. sr:qm-
tlliftl P. I'. 2.43,
P. II. 230; (3) a word which
has one and the same case when a
. compound in the different cases is
shown as dissolved, e.g. the word
cfir:wicrr in the compound .
which keeps its ablative case when
the compounds f<!
:hRllf;:ar;r", f<!e4ir-
'inf;:ar,n, etc. are dissolved;
d. li;9if9'+if:ffi P. I. 2.44.
attended with a prefix, genemlly
used in connection with roots; e.g.
< P. 1. 4.38 where

the K1isika has explained the word
introduction of the necessary
changes wording of the base,
such as elision, or addition or sub=
stitution or a letter or letters as
caused .by the addition of suffixes.
cpo <!'lffii f+i'alii
Svo. on Vak. pad.
, i
i '
occurrence; presence y VIr ue "' .. ., '1 '1 , '"
. ' b . tIlT""";' "'T"': Com. on T. Pro
of anuvrtti i.e. recurrence or conti- XXIII. 5
Duation of a word in the rules that (I) sibilation; substitution
follow; d. <fi'r..u of a sibilant letter fora visarga;
d. ''q" R. Pro XI. 19; (2)
:M. Bh. on I. 3.II. Vart. I. name of the samdhi, in which a
a word used rather visarga is changed info a sibilant
letter; cf. tI WIf: R.
cally in the sense of the word
which is used in the Krama and Pro IV. 14 which corresponds to
other recitals wheu Vedic reciters pal).ini VIII. 3.
and 19
show separately the' two words \:f'TI'1:l'R' change of Visarga into s
compounded together by uttering sibilation of Visarga, -e. g.
the compp.und word first, then trfu: = :. The words
the word and then the two and <lTfT'<Iit(f are found used in the
compound words" e. g. '! ll.m samesense by ancient Grammarians.
I W+rTCfW The See <lG'-m\; cf: tImlfli! qTll tft<f,
Kasika defines the word as owi' mllCfma;j ,.:.<l1:fl'<IR
trtt ott. m;a;r., arT'<It<!T R. Pro
IUs. on VI. Y.
9 VIII. I2.
The E:k-Pratisakhya explains the'
word rather differently, but in the (I) hypothesis, presumption,
same context. The word'after w,hich acceptance (2) determination of
the sense of a word along with
is placed is called upasthita e.g.
the in ll.m or f.rmCfw limitations put on it by the extra-
in fcjmqW ll.m as contrasted with ordinary powers possessed by that
i. e. the word without ll.m, e. g. wOid. cpo Vak. pad.' III. 133 cpo
<tl{ or ft<iTCJW, as also contrasted
with i. e. the whole word )
ta.mscrl:IT which is also
called or (2) occurring;
present; cf.
,Par. Sek. Pari. 3..
(I) with, preceded by; e. g.
ctTEfIG'fti, (2) sticking to,
conneCted with, '\3G'i3fq-(f '; cf. Durga
oJ? Nir. V. 12; (3) coming to be
placed near or in juxtaposition with
the preceding word; cf.
tlff: R. Pro II. IS.
lit. inaudible. The word is ex-
plained in the technical sense as the
first place or stage in the utterance
of speech where it is perfectly
inaudible although produced; The
first out of the seven positions of
voice in Vedic recital. cf.
a word; a word
which directly expresses its sense.
cpo Vak. 1. 44. cpo \jtfl<n<lf
\:f'CfRf lit. near the first; second.
;aq'lf'il condition, limitation, determi-
nant, qualification: e. g. '<i fu \3G'liit-
crT lVI. Eh.
on I. 3.2 as alEo on V. LI6 ; cf. also
<lf9oo'l+I:' M.Eh. on III. 1.7-
,a commentary work
quoted in Ujjvaladatta's Ul).adisiit-
ravrtti I. 78.
lit. near the last; penultimate.
The word is' generally found used
in the Candra VyakaraJ;la.
see <It'fi''(f; the word is generaUy
found used in the grammars of
Sakatayana and Hemacandra.
;a-qjq means or instrument which is
used in the accomplishment of an '
objective, but which is abandoned
as soon as the objective has been
achieved. cpo Vak. pad. II. 38, 108,
237; III. 13 29; III. 14. 77, 78.
;a-q'fl}'lif recourse, resort. cpo Yak. pad.
III. 3.58; cpo \jtfT$iqr
. ij-rr 'q" mlI[ ,

. presenting a difficulty in
both the ways, cpo
I M. Bha. on VI. 1.68. Kaiy-
ata and Nagesa,have'
and or as
the two constituent words. \j11<!6:
and however, appear to be the
two such words, cpo
cit"'l': 'q"
<1 , Uddyota on VI. 1.68.
cpo also IfRIf I
Apastamba Sulba sutra 15.9.
lit. one near 0r. before the last;
-the term is generally used in con-
nection with words two or
more syllables, where it means the
vowel before the last (vowel); cf:
<ltl\'efIt P. VI. I. 217 and <Utf1:Tlt\:'
P. V. 1.132 where the I
writer of the Kasika, explains it as

giving and as examples
where the long is upottama; cf.
also T. Pro XI. 3. and I. 19
where the word refers to the third
out of the four feet of the verse cpo
also commentary on Ath. Pra.
a supporting assertion or
statement; cf. M.Bh.
on I. 2.64. Vart. 38-39.
'3'miilffi both the alternatives; both
the senses-; double signification; cf.
<iCJfu P.I. 1.23, V1i.rt 4. Pari.
8ek, Par. 9 where the word ubhaya
refers to both the senpes-the ordi-
nary one ( and the technical
one )-e. g. the meanings (i)
numeral, and (ii) i(lI[, etc.
of the word B'lf!ff;
lit. speaking or showing.
both the padas or voices; possessed
of both the padas viz. the Parasmai-
pada and the Atrilanepada, The
word is found commonly used in
the Dhatupatha of paJ;lini.
in both the ways lit. in both
the places; cf. 'q" P. I. I. 44
Vart. 22., The word is
used 'in grammar referring to the
option (fcf<lI'iT) which is ma as also
at'ifTH; cf. M.En. on P.I. 1.26
in both the ways (in the case
of an option, of course); d.
P. III. 4.II7 where the word
ubhayatha refers to both the alter-
native uses e. g. Sarvadhatuka and
Ardpadbatuka; so also vidhilin and
asirlin; cf. on P. III. 4.I!7.
The term is descri.bed
a,S synonymous with" bahulam ' or
, anyatarasyam' or 'va' or eke-
cf. CJT
fum M. Bh. on P. I. 1.44; Vart. 19 ;
d. \+l\Rr R.Pr.
XV. 8.
a hiatus or a stop which
occurs between two 10ng.,vowelled
syllables; the term is a
conventionai term in the Pratisa-
khya literature. The term
is similarly in connection with
short vowels.
a restriction understood in
both the ways; cf.
I 11,<f Sj!jj-mo"I.:

'Of I M. Bh. on P.
III. 1.2, Vart. II; cf. also ;M:. Bh.
on VI. 2.148.
(I) double voice-the Paras-
maipada as well as the Atmanepada;
(2) both the words or members
(in a compound); cf.
lr-'1l::j !{iis. on P. 1. 257
a root conjugated in both the
Padas; a root to which both, the
Parasmaipada and the Atmanepada
terminations are affixed; e.g. roots
ili, O!T, !!'<i.. etc.
these words stand at the end of
Bahuvrihi compounds; d.
similarly Kas. on
P. V. I. 151.
produced at the breast d.
R. Pr. 1. 18, explained by the
commentator as
. opening (of the hole of the
throat); the words are
used in the sense of ' opening of the
glottis' which is described as. a
characteristic condition of the utter-
ance of a vowel accented grave or
a case or a matter in which d. aTf<iTm
both the alternatives occur, as for. ;grfcrI I 8li'Cf,n::lrrr
instance, the genitive case for the I M. Bh. on
subject and the object of a verbal P. 1. 2.30 ; cf. T. Pr. on XXII.. 9, 10.
noun (w.trcr); d. a of the Vedic metre
<Ii+lfUT I ;:r+l<rt: . iifm in which the first pada consists
:ll"i1a: a"f I'\gT <Ii<lR I 8lTilll!f I of twelve syllables imd the rest of..
il9t aTmtfICil%<i i<as. on P. II. eight syllables. d. R. Fr. XVI. 33.
. 3.66. '
substitute for the vowel a
belonging to the Vikarar;ta "g, to roots
and to the noun under certain
conditions; d. 3Tf"Ef
P. VI. 4.77.
possessed of both the kinds
of properties; cf. <i w<fr!!+r<i9l'l:, tI
l{fn M. Bh. on
P. 1. 2.31; cf. also <:f+l<lcrl'l.. ';<Jfur: V.
Pr.1. 110.
expression of the sense by a
word in both ways, by denoting the
gnus as also by denoting an indivi-
dual object. cpo Yak. pad. III. 14.
the augment <:f affixed to the last
vowel of 9'<i.. by P. VII. 4.20; e. g.
. I
tad-pm with udatta accent
on the last vowel, affixed to the \
word ""er when it refers to protu- .
berant teeth; d. P. V. 2.66; e. g. i
\S"q'a: also or G:3T2: a reputed Kasmi-
rian scholar and writer who was
the son of Vajrata. He wrote many
learned commentaries, some of
which are known as Bha$yas.
Some of his important works are
mhitabha$ya, Vedarthadipika etc.
name of the second of
the main seven Vedic metres which
are known by the name
The Usnik metre consists of 28
syllable's' divided into thre!; pttdas
of 8, 8 and 12 syllables. It has got
a class of words headed i by I many varieties such as
the word to which sarna- i and others; for details see R. Pro
santa affix <Ii (if,q,) is added, when.,]
( I) substitute for &r, ending of
the third pers. pIu., in the perfect
tense and in the present te1Jse in
the case of the roots fc!<t. and e.g.
andaTls: d. P. III. 4.82-84;
( 2) substitute for in
the potential and the benedictive
moods, as also after the aorist sign
and affer roots of the third conjuga-.
tion, roots ending in 8lf and the
root fil<t., e.g. 8lf.r-
31!:, etc.; d. Kas. on III.
4.108-lI2. (3) a technical term
of Jainendra standing for PaIJini's
1J..; cpo Jain Suo I. 1.62.
UQadi affix '3"!i. appliedot rota the
to form cf. Ur;t. sutra.
a-ftf that which should be taken out
from a whole; cpo Vak. pad. III
long vowel 13i, i3" being the short
augment 6i added to the or
the reduplicative syllable of the root
which is doubled before the affix
<Ii which is used instead of q (
. <Ii: ); e.g.
. krt affix iifiili added to the root
to form the word ct I
P. III. 2165. ,
fern. affix 6i prescribed after mascu., I
line nouns ending in the vowel 6i
and denoting a human .being as also
after some other specific masculine .
bases; cf. P. IV. 1.66 and the
following sutras. e.g.
etc. '
. R" also agama 6i and i3" prescribed /1
after the roots q and '1 before the
affix or ii, e.g. l:l<iem: en .
<:'lJTifI<l:: q(i:nt d. Kas.
on P. VII. 2.34.
( I) samprasarar;ta' vowel <!'i sub-
I. stituted for the "i. of Cfli!. under cer-
tain conditions e.g. cf. em-
P. VI. 4.132; (2) substitute 6i for.
before certain affixes; e.g.
'1J1r firer: etc. d.
'Of P. VI. 4.19, 20. '
(I) long vowel i:!i which cannot be
combined by rules of samdhi with
the following vowel when it comes
at the end of the forms 9f the dual
number; e.g. 3l"f etc.; cf.
m:<J'<Fr P. I. I.II,aS also
"Ef 1. 1.19; (2) long vowel'iii>
substituted for the short ;:r of the
root m{ before an affix beginning ,
with a vowel e.g. fii'ltrfn; cf.
mtr: P. VI. 4.89.
substitution of the long vowiel iili;
see M. Bh. on P. I. 1.12, VI. I.H5
marked with the mute indicatory
letter iSi; d. crf I
prescribing the 6f the
augment It optionally in the case of
e.ta;q: roots P. VII. 2.44.
i:hoi deficient, wanting; often 'in com-
pounds e.g. tff?Ji1, Q;<iiti1; d.
R. Pc. VIII. 28; t1;1f,i!q'lTM-<!iT
R. Pr, XVII. I.
a variety of the metre
Brhati which has three padas of
twelve syllables each; d. S!<rt
l!';l!T: til R. Pro XVI. 33.
a class of w;rds headed by the
words <!'itT etc. ending in the
taddhita affix which are given
the designation ilfu provided they
are related to a verbal activity, and
as a result, which can be compound-
id with krdanta words ending in
t<i1, etc. cf.; etc.
on P. I; 4.6I.
tad. affix applied to the words emf
and in the sense of ' unable to
bear'; e.g. see Kas .. on
aspiration letters, spirants called
breathings also; the name is given
to letters or sounds produced with
unintonated breath through an open I
position of the mouth; W<lol'(liijll]l<I.
M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.10 "\ art, 3. The
word refers to the letters "l:., <3'..,
it, visarga. jihvamiiliya. upadhmii-
niya and anusvara; cf. i3\
'Wrf qll]T i3\61Hll]: R. Pr. 1. 12; cf. also I'
T. Pr. 1. 10. /
name of a combination or I
where a visarga is changed into a
breathing It .has got two
varieties named o'lltf'a where the
visarga is changed into a breathing
as for instance in while it is
called ( passed over) }Vhere it
remains unchanged as for instance
in <I: <I: tfli'.!; cf. R. Pr. IV. II.
modification of a word. in a Veclic
Mantra. so as to suit the context in
which the mantra is to be utilised,
generally by change of case affixes;
adaptation of a mantra; d. Oij[:
1 if 'q
f.!iIf?:m: 1 'q <I:q'(<!:,.f
I M. Bh. on P. 1.1.
Ahnika I.
'5R' fourth vowel in Par;tini's alphabet;
possessed of long and protracted
varieties and looked upon as cognate
( Biio1) with (ii which has no long
type in th.e grammar of Fal).ini; cf.
R. Pro 1. 9; V. Pr. VIII. 3. ( 2)
uI,ladi suffix ':K applied to the .,root
to form the word
B1:CN: ; cf. Ur;t Sft. II.
, ;!OX.
the letter Off with its 18 varieties
made up of the f$t'f. <{ter, to, and
tilWlrR'liii varieties and characterized
by the three accents. ':K and (ii are
looked upon as cognate in Pal)ini's
grammar and hence, ':K could be
looked upon as possessed of 30
varieties including 12 varieties of (ii.
'5R'if.;:;;r a 'work consisting of five chap-
ters containing in all 287 siitras. It
covers the same topics as the Prati-
sakhya works and is looked upon
as one of the PcatiSakhya works of
the Sarna Veda. Its authorship is
attributed to Sakatayana according
to Nagesa, While is held as
its author by some, and ijjJ1'qI<!<'I by
others. It bears a remarkable simil-
arity to Pal)ini's especi-
ally in topics concerning coalescence
and changes of <3'.. and "l:. to "l:. and Uf..
respectively. It cannot be definitely
said whether it preceded or followed
Pal;lini's work.
one of the. PlatiMikhya
works belonging to the Asvalayana
Sakha of the :B.g Veda. The work
available at present, appears to be
not a very old one, possibly written
a century or so after PaI,lini's time.
It is possible that the work. which
is available, i.s based upon a few
ancient Pratisakhya works which
are lost. Its authorship is attributed
to Saunaka. The work is a metrical
one and comists of three books or
Adhyayas, each Adhyaya being
made up of six Patalas or chapters.
It is written. just as the other
Platisakhya works, with a view to
give directions for the properrecita-
tion of the Veda. It has got a
scholarly commentary written by
Uvata and another one by Kumara
who is also called ViglUrnitra. See

a class of words headed by
OfflFFi' to which the taddhita affix
a:jUf.. ( a:j) is affixed in the sense of
'produced therein' (o;:'f <iii:)" or
, explanatory of' d.
+rtf:, !:F,<!<R<i iiT
etc. Kas. on
P. IV. 3 73.
.. j
verse-pause equal to 3 matra- !
kalas or three matra units. ct. ':Klier-
f:lU+r: W:rl"f tJ;'fi+rTm'<l+rT;:'f
T. Pr. XXII. 13. According to B-k.
Tantra it consists of two matIaS.
short vowel Of., before which the I
preceding vowel is optionally left
as it is, i.e. without coalescence
and shortened also if long; ct.
P. VI. 1.128.
possessed of short Of.; cf.
P. VII. 4.90. Vatt. 1.
possessed of the mute indicatory
letter ':K, signifying in the Grammar
of Pal;tini the prevention of the
of the long vowel in the
reduplicated sylJable of t.he Causal
Aorist form of roots which are
marked with it; e. g. OI11ffi(i
\'fj<j<il'i:lt(.. etc. d. P.
VII. 4.2.
a class of words headed by the
word<f to which the taddbita
. affix iii is added in the four senses
prescribed in the rules IV. 2.67-70 ;
e.g.<!iii:, r<lWl:liii: etc. d. P. IV.
the metre of the Vedic seers.
seven metres-llTC{S]1, ;;nEl1l11,
and "l'RIT consisting
respectively of 24. 28, 32, 36, 40 , 44
and 48 syllables are named
as contrasted with the metres
3Tr;;nt:{i:'! and which, when com-I
bined together. make the metres of
the Vedic seers. For details see R.
Pr. X VI. 1.5.
taddhita affix a:jOJ:. in the sense of
, descendant' applied to names of
ancient sages, by the rule
P. IV. I.II4; e. g. cnR'l3: , .

long variety of the vowel Off.
(roots) ending in SIt which have
the vowel SIt changed into i{\ by the
rule Sltff !i:;alaT: P. VII. 1.100; e.g.
fcf.'(m, Fliijfu.
short vowel i'i taken to be a cognate
. of Off, and described a vocalic
form of
(roots) marked with the mute
indicatory letter (ii, which take the
substitute31- ( for tbe Vikara
al).a of the aorist; e. g. aT'Iml,
. cf. P. III.
q; diphthong vowel t-: made up of 01
and l{, and hence having
as its place of origin. It has no
short form according to Pal).ini. In
cases where a short vowel as a
substitute is prescribed for it in
grammar, the vowel is looked
upon as its short form. Patafijali
in his lVIababha.!?ya has observed
that followers of the Satyamugri
and RilQayaniya branches of the
Samaveda have short tJ; (It) in
their Samaveda recital and has
given OI.!f!ti'!6'. af,,'i<IT
as illustrations; cf. M. Bh. on I.
1.48 ;
( I) Singular number, ekavacana;
cf. ;:ir if V.Pr . II. 3;
the term is found. used in this
sense of singular number in the
Jainendra, Sakatayana and Haima
grammars; ( 2) single (vowel)
substitute for two (vowels);
cf. tl;1ii: P. VI. I.E'4;
T. Pro X. 1; (3) many, a certain
number; (used in pl. in this sens.e),
cf. If"r<Rr M. Bh. on P. I.

transitive verbs having one
object, as contrasted with fa;n;r91;
cf. Kiitantra IV. 6. 62.
possessed of one verb; given
as a definition of a sentence; cf.
P. II. I. I. Vart. IO, explained
by Patafijali as +T'lcftfu ,
I ilI ... W I
. ."
in the same direction, given
as the sense of thetad. affix m:{ by
Pal)ini; cf. I I P. IV. 3.
II2, II3.
"' .
a part or a portIon of the whole;
cf. Pari-Sek. Pari.
37 ;alsd M. Bh. 8iva-Siitra2 Vart.
4; M. Bh. on P. VI.
1 . 93 Val t . 5; cf. also
R. Pro IX. 10.
(a thing or a 5ub::1tance) com-
posed of parts; cf. the term
. tlBT6 Or used in connec-
tion with compounds of words such
as and others with' words
showing the constituted whole
( prescribed by the rule
P. i1. 2. I ;
( 2 I a partisan; cf. the word m;&T-
used often by commenta-
the maxim that a
thing, is called or taken as that
very thing although it is lacking
in a part '0 statedbriefiy as
Pari. 8ek. Pari. 37. The
maxim is given in all the different
schools of grammar; d. Sak. Pari.
I7; Candra Pari. IS, Kat. Par. Vr.
I, Jain. Par. Vr. II, Hem. Pari. 7 .
etc. .
consent to a part of the
whole, . admission of one part as
one and the same individual
substance; cf. the words
91P-!cCf M. Bh. on P. -1. 4.23,
on P. VnL I.5!, ll;'fii\O<lrq-
given, as a definition of mtr .
M. Bh.on P. 1. 4.1.
made up of one word; consisting
of one word; cf . a:r<r91
I <j1:jf I a:rq tJ;'i
M. Bh. first
Ahnika; ( 2) a continuous word
paraphrased as angU$q;'{ and
'R by commentators; cf. ij-<iI<!r(Rf
V. Pro II. 18; (3) every
individual word: cf. ijiqa
WRr R. Pro XI. 18.
made up of a single word; d.
OTcl'Rr . 1;('fi'iu1 t!;CfiW
tJ;'fifr 'l.'t!imfu 1M. Bh. on P. I.
1.21 Vart. 5; (2) made up of one
foot or tfT<{); d. 11;1ii
( R. Pr. X VII. 24) explained by the
commentator as l:rl'lJ<iT-
I "
combined together; cf. R. Pro
. com.
R. Pr. XI. 25 also XVII.
(vowels) combined by rules
of Sarhdhi; cf. R. Pr.
VII. 22. . .
(I) possessed of ope matra
or mora; ( 2) a term used for a
short vowel which measures one
or mora; cf. S<l,101'Uf<'!
:q I Alh. Pro 1.60.
a view or doctrine propound-
'ed by Qne many ancient sages
or muhis who'are believed to be'the
. 'or a' Sastra; a view pro-
pounded orJy by to the
exdJiision on(atyiyana and Patafi
iali; d.
<nir :;;ijciRircrfel+!T'ifSil'ijiy Dur-
ghata-Vrtti I. 1.5; see also 1.
II. 3.18. .
(I) cornbination of two Siitras
. into one; d.
. ;r1ffM. Bh P. 1. ! 3. I. 4.59.
V. 2.25; (2 ) one and the same
Siltra; cf. 'iT
Pari. 8tk. Pari. 17; d. also
P. I V.
1.27. Vart. 2, Pari Se!,;. 39.
cparacterized by i.e.
tioned in one and tbesame 'rule; cf.
M. Bh. OD P. I.
,I,(2: Vart. 10. - See also M. Eh. on
P. VI. L37.
singular; affix of the
- sil gular number in gram- I
mar applied 10 noun',bases I
and roots when the sense of the I
singular number is to be conveyed' ,
; I
the singular Sf'flSe can be of the I
form of an individual or collection I
or The word I'l.'fiq"iii'{ in i
seme of singular number I
18 fou?d. used in the PratiSa.khyas,1
and Nlrukta also. J
, I
or "ttiji'HH"I u:;e or treatment of I
the plural sense as if it is singUlar;
d. I M. Bh.
on II. 4.12. Vart. 5.
(a pad a ) made 1:1P of a single
letter;:cf. tt'll<fOi eff Ii f{fcr; 'C.Op;\o
1J 7
.. !l1entary on. R. Pro X. 2; cf. also
V. Pro IV.. 144-145 where T<:'fi<ioJ is
defined as capable of
being produced with 'a singleefi'ort.
P1iI}ini gives the term a''i'fa to an
affix made :up., of one single letter;.
cf. a{'f<ffl J:f&<i: P. I. 2,{I.
. an giving one idea,
either a single or a composite one.
A positive'statement and itsnega-
tioD, so also. a general rule arid its
exception are looked upon aSlllak-
ing a single sentence on account of
. their mutual expectancy - even
though they be sometimes detached
from each other;
'Iliff{ mRr M. Bh. on III. 4.67; ct.
:>Tfc{: I
! ".
I Par. Sek. on Pari. 3. Such
sentences art', in fact, two sent-
ences, but, to !!ovoid the fault of
caused by qT'I'li'l;:;:, grammarians
hold them to be CQttlpGsite single
a padahaving the same case
in the various dissolutions of the
compound word; e.g. the word
in the compound word
which stands only in the
aolativecase although the
word fuE;fiFa, which stands for the
word f.:m:, could be used in many
cases:. The word f<i<!crr-l'+lm i's aJso
used in the same sense.
single vrtti Or gloss on fhe
Vedic as well as classical portions
of grammar. Puru$ot.tamadeva has
used this term in his to
contrast his Vrtti with
the K1i.Sikavrtfi and the Bhagavrtti
which deal with both the portions;
J1<lftt vrtti
on 1. 1.16
ct. also Bha;;avrtti OD III. _
4.99, IV. and VI. 3.20. lI;if.l!f'6
is possibly med by
-deva in the sense of
i.e. the ,comma;; chief gloss on I
both the portions. .
a word having one seDse only,
as opposed to many words
having the sense or synonyms
which. are given in as also in
ct. 3j"1Q"
Nir. I V. I.
a kind of formation
1n which only One of tbe two or
more words compounded together
subsists, the others being elided; cf.
ll&lll:1 'l&lll:1 W I
IG'i si k a on t{'f.fct<rmf P. I.
2.64; cf. also
I fti;a: ti'!J'PlR<!
'IT''lifi: II 'q
;UrTI 'I'mC<T: I
9.f I Bhasavrtti on P. I. 2.64. There
is a di,ctum of grammarians that
every individual object requires a I
expression to. convey its
presence. Hence, when tbere a
dual the wOld has to be re-
peated, as also the word has to be
n1ultiplied v .. hen there is a plural
.. In current spoken language,
hQwever, in such cases the word is
med only Ol]ce. To justify this
SIngle 'utterance for conveying the
seme of piurality, Pa1)ini has laid
omvn a general rule t('fi-
fi+r:ffir and many other. similar rules I'
'(0 cover cases of plurality not of
ene and the same object, but plural- ,
liy caused by many objects, such
as pituality caused by ideas going
in pairs or relatiolls such as parents,
brothers and Eisters, grand-father
aDd grand-soD, male and female.
For example, see the words 'l&llfU, ll&lll:1
similarly for many trees,
for +miT 'q fCrm"l; for i:1;<ft 'q I
ct. also words "i!1cRr, .
(for ifiiq and ilTicriiljU]),
(for 'q 3lt "l), (for e 'q <fl( )
and m<r: fern. <If'"IT fern. Il'JIIT: masc.
irrespective of the individuals being
some males and some females.
has devoted 10 Siitras to
this topic of The Daiva
grammar has completely ignored
this topic. Patafijali has very criti-
cally and exhaustively discussed
this topic. Some critics hold that
the topic of did not exist in
the priginal of PalJini
but it was interpolated later on,
and adduce the long discussion in
the Mahiibha$ya especially' the
Piirvapak1?a therein, in support of
their argument. Whatever the cas.e
be, the Varttikakara haR comment-
ed upon it at length; hencl'l, the
addition have been made im-
mediately after Panini, if at all
there was any. For details see
on I. 1.64 to 73 as aiso,
Introduction p. 166-167, Vol, 7 of
the l\!ahiibhaSYil published by the
D. E. SOciety: Poona.
statement by subsistence of
one word out of many. The phrase
-is very often used in the Maba-
where the omission of an
individual thing is explained by
saying that the expression used is
a composfte .. one including the
omitted thing along with the thing
already expressed; cf. I
tl'IT<tTf.r 'q tl9f;,{Tf.r "l ti'9T<tlFi I M. Eh.
on I. 1.27, on I. 1.59, I. 2.39. as
alsoon 1. 3.I Viirt. 5, 1. 4.I01. Vart.
3, II. 1.1. VaTt. 19 etc.
that which has got the same
accent or tone; utterance in the
same tone; monotone. The word is
applied to the utterance of the voca-
tive noun or phrase caUing a man
from a distance, as also to that of
the vowels or syllables following a
Svarita vowel in the Samhita i.e.
the continuous utterance of Vedic
sentences; cf. ttq;;f('r and the
foil. P. i. 2.33-40 and the ]\'Iaba-
bhii!;ya thereon. In his discussion
on I. 2.33 Patafijall has given three
alternative vi6WS about, the accent
of Ekasruti sylJables: (a) they
possess an accelit between the
( acute) and (grave), (b)
they are in the same accent as is
possessed by the preceding vowel,
(c) Ekasruti is looked Llpon as
the seventh of the seven accents;
I ... W-fRr I

tlR+r: I M. Bh. on P. T. 233
possessed oi one vowel, mono-
syllabic; a term used by Hema-
candra in his grammar for the term
t{1f.l"l:{, of paI}.ini; cf. Hem.
IV. !.2, which means the same as
P. V 1. I. r.
having a single consonant at
the beginning; cf. i
P. VI. 359 i
(a vowel ) placed between 'I
two single consonants; e.g. the
vowel or in tI"l.., ,,"\.) ... etc. \
consisting of one single syllable;
e.g .. ql"<l,. etc.; cf.
"l qUT 1\1. Bh. on P.
V. 2.IJ:5, as also on VI. 1.168, VI.
possessed of a single
monosyllabic; cf. P.
VI. 1.1.
't'<tIl ...-qIi{ name given by Siradeva and
other grammarians to the first pada
of the sixth adhyaya of PaJ;lini's
Al?tadhyayi, as it begins WIth the
sutra f{ VI. 1:.1.
a single substitute in th!;l. pl,ace
of two original units; e.g. ttJh the
place of or and or, afT in. the place
of ar and \3'. The. adeSas or .,sIlPsti-
tutes named al:)d are
I09ked upon as ekadesas in paI}.ini's
grammar althuugh instead of them;
the omission of the latter and former
vowels respectively, is prescribed
in some Pratisakhya works., and
tf are sometimes single substitutes
. for single originals, whi,le, they are
sometimes ekadesas for two original
vowels e.g. liiilr;::;;:,
{ft;r.-o: etc; see P. VI.
I.87 to III, ct. also A. Pro II. 3. 6
an accent prescribed for
the singie substitute,_ as, for inst-
ance, by rules like
and the following rults
P. VI. 2.4, 5 and 6.
part, portion. Augments or
Agamas in the Vyakarana Sastra
are _Joked upon as forming" a part
of the word to which they are
attached; d. e:r5!f
foii Q't<J tt<!iifflf +!'Ita I
I M. Bb. on I. 3.9,
Vart. 9; d. also ttiiiTfflT: Par. Sek
Pari. 5.
separated or intervened by one
single thing, a letter or a word; e.g.
where fellows
with one word q"lRt interven-
ing; cf. a.;Tli P.
VIII. I.55.
the letter ttj looked upon as a
diphthong made up of the
letters or and. i{. The combination
of the two constituent parts is so
complete as cannot allow any of
the two parts to be independently
working for sarildhi or any other
operation with its adjoining letter;
Eh. Siva Siitra Vart. 9.
(I) possessed oIone sense' as
contrasted wi til, (2),
synonym, d.ifit<iT W I, I
1 Rh.
on I. 2.45Vart. 9; ('3') possess:d
of Cl composite sense; d. tun?!' S,,"i:-
III. 13h. on II. I.I Yurt i. The
words Q;'lilllq and "Cfc!iflkr derived from
the word are often found used
in the 'sense of possession of a
composite sense ' 1If.i:
'IT; d.
a.rqmfu: nr. mi. all' P; viirt.
cf.also the: word (4)
potent, to 'be cf.
1)l1:.ffIl'T t;1l'ilt<'i;r: ( 'C. Vy.'IL 2.X:
krit Grammar wlii>flomi.:ihedin the
cenbjry and the
with the com-
mentary' of Dutgasitilha and many
'appendices in 1876 as_ also the
GalJaratnamah?dadhi' ." :Jha.-
a brief term,'( SI'&mIH) for the two
diphthong letters "l:( .. and aU; d.
VI. lj':{Fap.'\fff
YI. 1.109. etc. '
') ,in Paoini's
" 'for diphthongs
or Q;',ti- aIT.aTr; e.g."
P. Vl
\78, P. 1. 1,48.
( 5) analogous cf.,'t;/fiN
I 'V:'Ii: -H<i
Hem. Vy. III.
1.22;cf. "l' I ,Sak. II. r.4.
un10n of meanings; bne of
the , ways in which ,the-'word
is d. !;('iiI\'-I1mcit in
<iT 1M. Bh. on II.
possessed of 'one single phonetic
element or letter; a.r'l'ffi !;("lil<i
P. I. 2.4I. -
fusion, mixture, union, combi-
nation (of 2 or mure letters); cf.
R. Pr.
III. II. is said to he resulting
from the coalescence called
tlF'if, ct. R. Pro II. 16, 17.
Some scholars. This word is used
by Katyayana seven times, at the
end oIhis Vartikas. Pataiijali while
commenting on them supplies
'they maintain'. By this expression
Kfltyayana wished to point out
that the particular rule of PaQini
may be regarded as optional. cpo
Vartikas on Pa. I.2.38, II. 1..1; etc.
(Eggeling Julius) a well-known
German-scholar of Veda and Sans-
[Edgerton,'Di.'; Franklin] an
American Sanskrit scholar and
,author of' BuddhIst Hybrid
,'krit Grammar and Dictionary. '
A fault in, pronundation when
the voice is indistinct, and the \vord
pronounced is not distinctly heard;
d. I
fu: Pradipa On fi1. Eh.'r. LI,
expiained' as da- '
by'Nagesa in his Uddyota.,
tad. affix applied to the word
lil", in the general senses; d.
I Kas. on P.
the vowel t;; cf.
P.I. J.r.:r! '
limitation 'of the kind; "such
and such J (words etc.); It limits a
word to a particular passage; cpo
I qcofu
11Ji +i''lRr arm <If;:<:Jl!JT I on
Ath. ha. II. 28. cf. A. Pro I.
the substitution of'!;l,;; cf.
( P. VII. 3. r03) ita' SHrum
M.Bh. on P; V. 3.10.
tad. affix applied to the indecli-
nable e. g. I cf.
IGis. on P. IV. 2.
4; d. a1so I tad. affix the sense of unable
I M,Bh. on'P. IV. to beC!,r, found in Vedic Literature
4. only; e.g. mila: ct. I. P.
t?:Ei:q: marked' by the mute indica tory
'lettert;. Roots marked witt indi-
, catory t; do not 'if;[ for their
'.vowel in the aorist;, e. a.r{<i'm,.
d. P. VII. 2.5.
tad. affix applied to' the
pronoun when the word refers
to a day; d. Kas. on
P. V. 3.22.
tad. affi.x to the
pronouns l(Cf, ar;;l.f;' a:r;:ljo{, a.rq{,
"filt; ;;J'tT{ when the words
so formed referto'a day; e. g.
a:rnr!: etc.; d. P. V. 3.22:
q;'olT'<t tad. affix t;'iT substitq.ted for the
tad. affix 'iff optionally, when appli-
'ed to the words fit and fs! e. g.
fsI'ifT, d. Kus. on
P. V. 3.40.
q;<rli tad. affix t;<l' applied to \3''e\:, a:r'if{,
" . ,
and optionally instead of the
'tad. 'affix 3HVr in the senses of
and e. g. '3'Utur, <Rlw: <Rl\'Rl:..
Words with thisQ;'<l' at the end
govern the, ace. case of the word
syntactically connected with them.
e. g. ffSlfrnt Kalidasa :
Megpadiita;cf. Q;'<{QI P.II. 3.3I.
a term used in the Jainendra Vya-
karal}a for the- term of Paoini
standing for the vowels ar, ll; and ail;
cf. Jain. Suo I. 1.16 tl;l( I
q;qi ending added to the consonant <:
when a mention of it is to be made;
, cL T. Pro I. 19; e. g. tl:fi:. '
(I) krt. affix e. g.
cf. P. Ill. 1.96 Vart. I; (2)
UQ.adi affix applied to q'i( d.
UQ. S. IV. 37.
V. 2,122 Vart. 7.
q;;:r {I )a.'p'article in the sense of re".
gUlation (fir'll'! ); cr.
M. Bh. on' V. ( 2 )
indeclinable; ct. I.l;ij
cf 1 ,
1. Bh. on
me of the word !J;i:j ; d. iH'fiO!.
Eh. on P. III. 4.24.
i)'the 'substitute the per-
fect affix 0, sul;>stituted for the -virhole
cr by reason of .the indicatory letter
to t;; cf.
P. III. 4.8r and
I. 1.55; (2) affix 'I;(' applied'to the'
root in Vedic' Literatrire'; , d.
I Ka5. on P.
III. 4.15.
tobe sought; necess-
ary to be prescribed; cf.
M. Eh. on 1. 1.3.
Vart. 8.
q; diphthong vowel1l:; composite form
of a:rr and t;, also terIQed in
PalJini's grammar.
given in the group of eka-
padas or solitarily stated words
as contrasted with anekapadas or
synonyms. See l1;i!iTR above.
treatment as one single word
especially found in the case of com-
'pound words which, as
a of such treatment, have
only one accent (acute), and on'e
case affix after the whole word; ct.

:q M. Bh. on P.
1. I.29. See
possession of the tone or
accent; uniformity of tone or
accent. See the word t;ii3P.r above;
also see P. 1. 2.39 vat-t. XJ 2: VIII.
1.55 Viht. ,I.
hav19g ollly one principal accent
(Udatta' or Svarita) for the whole
compound word ,which is made up
of two or more individual words;
d. :\1. lib. on P. 1. 1.29.
possession of a single composite
(by all words together in a
compound); d.
iiO'Jm, M. Bh. on I. 2.45 Vart IO; cf.
also M.Bh. on 11. 2.29 Vart. 7; ct.
also 0i\l1 Hem.
III. I.18 where the commentator
explains as In the
com. on Hem. III. 2.8 is
axplained as
short te,rrI1 standing for
the two diphthong vowels V: and
afr; d. tt:lt g
P. VII. 3.4; cf.
Eh. On P. 1. r.48. The short sub-
stitdes of and arr are land \3'
when prescribed; cf.' P. 1: r.48;
so also the protracted forms of
Q: and air are protracted l{ and '3";
ct. P. III. 2.I06. They are called
vowels in the :ttk. P'riHisakhya.
Sakittayana says they are
the vowel Q;; cf. M. Bh.
on P; III. 4.93.
the substitution of it for t!Z by the
rule lUi Q; prescribing the substitu-
tion of the' vowel Q,:' for in the
case of the imperative first person
terminations; ct. P. II!. 4.93.
it;:r; name of an ancient school of
grammar and of tl)e treatise also,
1?eJ,onging 'to that school, belisved
to have" been written under instru-
ctions of Indra. The work is not
available. Patafijali mentions that
Brhaspati inl\tructed Indra for one
thousand celestial years and stili
did not finish his' instructions in
words '; (!If. Bh. r. 1:. I). Tbe
Taittidya Saruhitii. mentions the
same. Pal)ini has referred to Eonle
ancient grammarians of the East by
tlle word IH'ifI:J( witho';1t mentioning
their na mes, and' scholars like
Burnell think that the grammar
assigned to Indra is to be referred
to by the ""ord m"ll"l{.: The Brhat-
kathamafijal i remarks that Pal)ini's .
grammar threw into the background
the Aindra Grammar. Some scholars
believe that Kalapa grammar whiCh
is available today is based upon
just as Candra is based upon
Pal)ini's grammar. References to
Aindra Grammar are found "in the
commentary on the Siirasvata-
prakriya in the of
Bopadeva as also in the commentary
upon the Mahabharata by Deva-
bodha. 'Quotations, although very
few, are given by some writers from
the \vork. Akalanka in his Tattvar-
tharajavartika I 5 quotes an Aindrct
siitra. All these facts prove that
there was an ancient prePiiQinian
treatise on' Grammar assigned to'
which was called Aindra-Vya-
karana, For details see Dr. Burnell's
I Aindra School of Sanskrit Gram-
marians' as also Vol. VII pages
1 24-126 of Vyakarana
edited by the D. E. SoCiety. Poona.
it'! a term used in the J ainendra Gram-
mar instead. of the term of
Pal}ini Which stands for err, i}; and
an; cf. P. I. I,I.
taddhita affix applied to the
word 'tWiii in the sense of
to form the word cf. :;:p.:ifirnJ
P. IV. 1.128.
a class of words headed by
'" the word to which the tad-
dhita affix mn is added in the sense
of place of residence ; e.g.
+r'ffi"l{. ; ; cf. K as. on
P. IV. 2.54.
tre substitute for the case affix ft:rfJ:
'after words ending in "31; d. aJar file
P. VII. 1.9 to II.
iTT (I) diphthong vowel made up of
the vowels or and '3", termed as gUI)a
in P1i!)ini
s grammar and prescribed
sometimes in the place of the vowel
<l"; (2) affix iir applied to the root
<Ft or '11 to form a noun; ct. alr'tlU '
<'I1>lii\l11: Nir. II. 5.
the syllable arr called by the
term >tI1Jij and generally recited at
the beginning of Vedic works.
Pataiijali has commented upon the
word briefly as follows; en aN-
f'll'I'l1'l!':Wnlt 'n
>l1l1"i 1\1. Bh. on VIlI. 2.89.
the vowel :m; ct. :ma. P. I. 1.15, 16
for Nipatas like
<>Tlil:T. ::Icrrit and others with a view
that t.he vowel at their end should
not coalesce with the following,
vowel. The PIa tiSiikhya works
prohibit the coalescence ofalr in
many cases with the succeeding
vowe.l; cf. R. Pr. 1.70 ; V. Pro I.94-
marked with the indicatory
ietter :m; roots marked with. the
mute letter alr have the affix
(j or Q9Q changed to or OiCftr,; e.g.
<tr.,:, etc. ct.
P. VIIr. 2.45; d. also
I {if: {<l'!fil;, Si.
Rau. on P. VIII. 2.45.
[Gustav Oppert 1836-1908] a.
German scholar of Sanskrit '.'vbo
edited the Sabdiinusasana of
winJ. See alt<iif\ above- of
2! matras, cf. T.
... ..
Pr. t8.1; says that has
anyone of the thlee accents, while
says it has o. i.e.
absence of any accent.
Wt(iffi a scholar of grammar of the
nineteenth century who wrote a
Vrtti on siitras called lirf"lffl-
He has written many works
on tht! Piirvamitlllirllsa. and other
atm lit. lip; the place of origin .
of the labial letters called
iflf! i.e. the vowels '3', Q;; the conso-
nants fl., 'ii, <1.., "l and Hie
letter ; ct. Sid. Kau.
on ti'loi'l,. P.I. 1.9, also
;;qr-rrqlUlT V. Pro T. 70.
mwr lit. produced upon the lip; a
letter of the labial class; letters '3", ffi,
alr, an, q" i(., if. and It. are given
as letters in the Rk J'r1itiSa-
kbya, d. R. Pro 1. 20. See the
word arrliJ above. For the utterance
of the letter Il, tips of the teth are
also employed; hence the letter et
is said to have as its
the case affix affi:i, of the gen. and
the loe. dual.
(!) the vowel elf; diphthong vowel
made up of arT and aU; (2) the
substitute an for the final letter '3"
of the word before the fern. affix
ct. ; qfi iiil1tfi, *liitlft, mI: Kiis. on
P. IV. 1.38; (3 ) case ending of
the lind dual called
a' term by ancient gram-
the affiiarr of the- nom.
and the f(m)
is substituted for of
nouns of the feminine and neuter
;_cf. mp. VIr. 1.18,19_
propriety,wilich is one of the
factors to decide the sense of a word
in doubtful cases. cp._ Yak. pad. II.
314, 316.
the caseendingotr of the ace.
dual; d. P. IV. 1.2.
an affix mentioned in the
class of affixes called in treatises
of paI).ini and othH grammarians; !
cf. ;:rgRr: IGis. o'n i
P. VI.'3.7S;
M. Bh. on Siva' Siitra 2. See the
word above.
.' -
a collection of words
called mOlIfq:'-f,; The work is a verse
fll'iil'llT il snarffi M. Bh. on IV.
2,66. " ,
an ancient sage and _ scholar
of Vedic Grammar who is believed
to ha ve revised the original text of
the oj t. eSarna-Veda.
d. Sab. Kails. 1._ I. t.
an ancient sage whose
doctrine oHhe permanence of words
in the sense is seen quoted -in the
Nirukta, 1. i. cr"'f<!lll5;;q"-
U<JOll, I cpo also CfFi<Jt<J ... crmt
I Vak. pad. II. 343 and
Svopajfia on it. It refers to the
origin of the Sphota doctrine.
enumerated; actuaIIy stated;
cf. <! g
Nir.1. 4.
resulting from "3'lf"'fn: or
metonymical. _
mentioned in the original
statement; cr. 3frOi:!i[ll'r I
IGis. on 6!J]lmf P. 1. 1.24; d. also
commentary on Ul)adisiitras in five
Par. Sek. Pari.-lw . '
Padas, a name given to his work by of an ancient etymo-
of the 18th century. logist referred to by Yaska in his
Nirukta pos$ibly as a commentator
( I) the letter aTT included in the I dn d. f.FFoi t!;q tim) f.rifl1<!lfu-
vowels 3ff, u; and atr, and hence j E{02:9' iltqrqll;:qcr: Nir. 1. I. line 4.
. called in Pal)ini's grammar, ( 2 )
substitute for the case-ending I figurative; metaphorical appli-
in paI).ini's grammar; d.P. VII. cation or statement; cf.
3.II8, I19.' 1_ il:OO-qlT!Cfi'f. Nir. VII. I3
pertaining to the ulteriOl:: I forming or stand'ing as a means
member of a compound; cf. Viik. pad. III, 14580. cpo
(P. VI. 3.6r) M. I
Bh. on 1. 1.62. resulting from immediate

the mbstitution of the vowel aIT;
cf. P. VII. 3.II7-II9._ I
contact; immediately or closely
connected; one of the three types
of or location Which is given
as the sense of the locative case; d. -
orrii -:E<.jllfciii{,
I "fRr I
M . Bh. Vr..
an affix or an operation re- 1
suIting from the general
d. +f.iR\tafii<h: t"acr: M.
Bb. OIl. IV. I.16.[; d. abo l?ji'f'smaa
subsequently stated _ by
way . of addition or - modification
as done by the V5.rttikakaras; d.
I ;;;:n:r.Olj'iif
Kas. cnP. IV. 2. IL9; d. -also IGiS, ,
on V. I.Z9 and VI. 3.4L
<11. (Aufrecht, Theodore) a German
scholar and compiler of Cata40gus
Catalogorum. He edited Ul)adi-
alR produced from the chst; the
Visarj itniya and h are looked
upon as aTTn, and not by some I
ancient phoneticians; d.
TJ:ffr com.
on R. Pro I. 18; d. also

II Pal). 16. I
produced from the chest. See
sIT.rr substitute an for the nom. and
" '
acc. case endings applied to the
numeral 3fe'l.; d. a:ref+"q VII.
" 1.21. I
.: or fttllr; lit. out breath
from the mouth; sound or utterance
caused by breath esrc&ping from the
mouth; breathing. The Visarjaniya,
jJ.lst like the anusvara, is incapable
of being independently tittered.'
Hence, it is written for convenience
as 3f: although its form for writing
purposes is only two dots after the
preceding it; d.81: i@r
I 3f'iiT{:{i[ l{m
ii'TN I Kat.
Vyak. I. 1.16. See ar:above on
page 2.
a phonetical element or
unit called Jihvamiiliya,' produced
at the root of the tongue, which is
optionally substituted in the place
of the Visarga (left out breath)
directly preceding the utterance of
- the letter or and hence shown
as See 3f -:, above on page 2.
beginning with a stanza of the I
metre; d. '3fi1T[1fll{.cf: I '(5', a-q-.,+n<fr<J lit. blowing; a term appli-
I ed to the visarga when followed by
Uvata on R. Pr. XVIII. 5 I the The upadhma-
.:.. niya is looked upon as a letter or
phonetic element, which is always
connected with the preceding vowel.
As the1lpadhmaniya is an optional
substitute for the visarga before the
letter cr. when, in writing, it is
to be shown: instead of the visarga,
it is sho,wn as '(5', or as co, or even
as X just as the Jihvamilliya; d.
;a-qelH<Ji:j- :{m, a-q wfiq em<li:j-
crT . com. on Kat. 1.; cf.
also 'litf(+<JT SlFl{ffcref1Bi'm
q1:+n<frcfr S. K. on P. VIII. 2.1.
...:.. or r.asal (I) looked upon
as a phonetic element, independent,
no doubt, but incapable of being
pronounced without a vowel preced-
ing it. Hence, it is shown in writing
with 8l although its form in writing
is only a dot above the line; cf.
I 3f'iiR l(i[ l{ffi
Kat. Vyak. I. 1.19 ;
(2) anu5vara,showing or signifying I
Vikara i. e. 3ffilll and used as a
technical ternl for the second Ntif-ti
or the accusative case. See the!
word sf above on page I.
\,:I. t=;:a. I I tt utterance
ii'lTltlif<f, a nasa _ e er or
-included among the letters
analogous to anus\:1ira and yuma
!e ttCf8. 1 t is mentioned in the
Vajasaneyi Pratisiikhya as ij i(m
on which U vvata makes
the reihark The
B.k-Prlitislikhya mentions iilfu<fll, <Ii:!.
and as rflfu'i<l or nasal letters,
while Uvvata dtfines .ure!f<! as a
lettPf produced only by the nose;
cf. CfIllT illfu<f<!:
Uvvatn. on R. Pr. I. 20. The Taitti-
riyJ. Pra.tiSflkhya calls the letter it
as na;;j]{ya when it is follo';,;ed by
the consonant il. or Ol.. or "I:. and gives
"llil"I:., and as instanc;es.
The Pal)iniya Sik!?a does IIot men-
1 ion <nfWFI as a letter The Mahfi-
mentioDs OlTft'tif<i as one of
the six ayogavaha letters; cf.
11. 13h. on Sivasiitra ;
5 Vurt. 5, where some manuscripts.
read .nfljif!j for - while in
some other manuscripts - there is
neither the word nor
i'flfft<f'!J. It is likely that the
, ... I
sika-colouring . given to the vowel I
prec;>ding the COllsonant substi- '
tutcd for the consonants 11, il. and -
dhers Ly P. VIII. 3.2. to IZ, was
looked up-m as a separate phonetic
unit and called OlTfe'f<l as for ins-tance.
in B''f.:tT, liT etc.

"" <l+r, a Idter called <111 ,which is
u; t, reo] partly through the-nose. !
A class consonant excepting the
hlth', wben followed by the fifth
viz. io;, 'i" Ill., <f,. or "I:. , gets doubled
ill tt!e ""die rtcita.l, when the
s(-cond of the doubled consonant
which is coloured by the following
ndsal consonant is called <111. This
<Ff letter is not independent. It
necessarily depends upon ttie follow-
,/ .
ing nasal consonant and hence it is
CiT<fhY'ITir. The nasalization is
shown in script as "'<. followed by the
consonant; e. g. liW-IJf'Jfit, -iIPl'. ....u,
etc. The pronur,ciation of this yama
or _ twin letter is seen in the Vedic
recital only; tf. ...
t{q <{llT: S. K. on P. VIII. 2.
I. d. iffa- <1m:
V. Pr. VIII. 24. -
<i!.. ( i ) the consonant Ii!; the first con-
sonant -of the consonant group as
also of the guttural group -; (2)
substit ute for consonant,s and i;
before the consonant <1; d. V. P.
2.41. For the elisi?n (&iii) of on
account of its being termed see
P. 1. 33 and 8.
- ( I) tad. affix <Ii applied to the
words of the group in the four
sen!:es called e.
etc, cf. P. IV. 2.80;
( 2) tad; affix 'f. applied' to nouns
in the sense of diminution, censure.
pity etc. e. g. 9;l.1'1i:, d.
P. ,V. 3.70-87; (3) tad. affix <Ii in
the very sense.of the word itself
e. g. 31f<, <iT9if,:, 'iifril'li:; cf.
P. V. ':p8-33; (4) UI,ladiaffix 'Ii
e. g ll!fi, Zl!fiI, t1;'li', it'li; - ifil'li, tfi'li,
etc. by UI,ladi sihras HI. 40-48
befote which the augment is
prohibited by P. vn. 2.9; ('5) krt
affix -'11 (CiT) where <j,! is dropped by
P. 1. 3.8, applied, in the serise of
agent, to certain roots mentioned
in P. III. 1.135, 136, 44,III. 2.3 to
7, IlL 2.77 and III. 3.83 e.g.

!;!UIl":; etc.; (6) substitute'll for the
v;ord- before a case affix; cf. P.
VII. _ 2.103; (7) the
affix tfR (!fi) at the end ofBahuvrihi
coinpounds as _prescribed by P. V.
4. 151-160.

itiQfa::i4i rfih a Jain grammarian who
wrote a commentary by .r.ame
'<Ifil(<ii\:;!t on the t!T\HaO<ll'1i{Tr!.
a class of words hE-ailed by""the
word the word after which
in a compound, de,es not the
acute accent on its first vowel, e.g.
cf. P. VI.
a class of words peaded
to whicb the taddhita affix 1Il0l.. is
added in the miscellaneous t
senses, provided the worel, tQ which
the affix "'.or.. is to be added, is the
name of a country; e.g. :;no:
a:rrrq1fi:; similarly mfi!1Ft<!i:, u;P{<J!'Ii:; cf.
Kas. on P. IV. 2.133:
!fiCfi tad. caturarthika affix 'Ii (- I) by
" .
IV. 2.80 after words headed by CRT&:
e.g. (2) by P. IV.
4.21, after the word e.g.- anq-

- the consonant 'Ii; d. qll1ttcm:! P.
lIf. 3-108 Vart. 3.
krt affix (3f) affixed to the root
'lfJ, preceded by aa:. etc. by P.
IV. 2.60 e.g. <lTVU-: etc., fern"
by P. IV. u5.
tad. affix cg affixed to
and OlCf by P. V. 2.29,30 ; e.g.
Sf<P.: etc.
tad. affix affixed to the word
in the sense of collection by P.
IV. 2.51 e.g.
a class of words by the
word which, although adject-
ivaJ, are optionally -placed first in
the Karmadharaya coin pound, e.g. I
d. ,Kas. on n.1
2.38 _ ,I I
. !
. . . '1 d 'b !
etc.; cf. lUiS. Gll P. IV.
(2 I a closs of words headed
by cno'T- to _which the taddhita affix
;;mr is added in thE' SFrSf' of
a 'e.g. cr. Kas. on
P. V. 2.24;
q;oe:iliil.l( of commentarv on
N1i.gesa's Paribhal]endusekhara by
known also as Mantu-
deva or Manyudeva. who was a
pupil of Pii:yaguI,lQ.e in the latter
- half of the 18th century. Th .. com- -
mentarY'1s named
Cfi.GO glottis; cavity in the throat. hold-
ing vOGal cords; the place of thil
production of the sounes31, 2TT a.nd
if; d. V.Pr. I.7!;
cf. also- '<I R Pr.
1. 18.
gutture-palatal. The diph-
thongs Q; and -0; are called Kal)tha-
talavya. as they are produced hi the
formally mentioned; directly
gutturo-labial, tLe
diphthong!'> an and :3Tr are called
as they are produced
at both the KaIJtha and the Ottha
- .1 -.. t' - 11 L L ,j e
pro uceucat. Be _ Hoal or t ul
glottis; the vowel visarga and
the cor.sonant are called <f.'l6tT in
the while latu gram-
marians include tbe gUiturnl con,
sonants ,"E!.. and <{ an;Ol1g
tlie Kal.lthya letters; d.
-<ll<iT <li1T.5: Sid. Kau. on
P. I. 1.g. See <!iU2i. .
l!fi"'II'G. {1:) a Class ot WOiG" lea eCl y;
'!iiI to v:h ich the taddhita affix CiTTll<'l I
(f'lioI.) is applied in the four senses
given in P. IV. 2.67-70; e.g. 'Ii{1I]f<iF!: l
a group of '.':ords which
q .
headed.b:; the word and which
are either nouns or roots or both,
to which the affix <lCjJ is added to
arrive at the secondary roots', e.g.
d. I
"'ll<lmll \:l'Tfcr+lTflHl': II Kas.
on P. III. '1.27.
a class of words forming a
portion of ttJe class' of words called
'I'Ililt, and headed by tbe word q;0"l',
to the derivatives 'of which, formed
by the a'ffix <lot: by the rule 'Im(it--<j}
(P. IV. 1.105), the affix 3jtlJ.. is
added in .the miscellaneous senses;
e.g. ''fijOilT: similarly <l'len!?;JT:,
a:I'Ita<l:, etc.; cf. P. IV.
2.II1 and II. 4.70. '
a grammarian (or a grammatical
work? ) who has referred to Hanii-
man as ninth grammarian; cpo com.
on Ramayal)a VII. 36'44-45. '
a class of words 'beaded by
the wordq;f3f to which the tafl.
affix 'Q;<jq; is applied in the
miscellaneous senses; e.g.
::nlT<jq;:, (from d. P.
IV. 2.75. '
a class of words headed by the
word q;:ql to which the affix
( ) is added in the sense of i good
therein' (Cl'3f Bl!!!'); e.g. q;Mq;:,
mfiJlq;:, d. P. IV.
4. 102.

Efj'o'<r, <ii1:.<A:,krt affix of the infini-
tive in Vedic Literature: cf.
"" PIlI
BB ... ... \19<l:. .4.9.
( I) uJ),adi affix as in the words
u;'I), i'!q;, et c.; (2) tad. affix q;,
as given by PaI;lini siitras IV. 2.131,
IV. 3.32, 65, 147, IV. 4.21; V. 1.22,
23,51 , go, V.2.64, 65, 66, 68-75,
77-82, V.351 , 52, 75, Sr, 82, 87,
, 97 V. 43, 4, 6, 29-33. I
( I) krt affix, en after the I
root e.g. cf. P. III. 2.70 ;
( 2 ) the Samasanta 'd1: ,at the end
of Bahuvrihi compounds e.g.
qHmilq;:, d.
! 1'. V. 4.151-154. For its prohibi-
tion, Sfe P. V.4. 155-I60. .
krt. affix a:j<I:, in Vedic Literature
in the sense of the infinitive, e.g.
ft'mi! in alfir fci<tli! d.
P. III. 4.12.
vibratio,n of the larynx which
produces the sound.
;;P;-q;'I' a fault in uttering an accented
vowel especially a vowel with the
accent which is not pro-
perly uttered. by the Southerners
as remarked by Uvvata ; d.--
q;.qir "1m 1 \1 '<l
lR<ll<lt <'P-fm- 1 \1 "'I 9"V,: 1 Uvvata
on R.Pr. III. 18.
the same as q;;'1<l. See, q;-q'1
"b;41i5'ltftr a class of words headed by
the word the affix placed'
after which is elided, provided the
words q;;q[:;J and others are names
of countries; e.g.
'ilq;:, '!!9;:r: etc. d. P. IV. 1.175.
(I) Ii t. instrument; the term
signifies the most E'fficient means
for accomplishing an act ; d.
f;n<lTfuir <!Q'. . W<i&!cT
'!)Ref; <!i<:!J]B;f( -irqm Kat
on q;<':!J]<J:. P. I. 4.42, e.g.
in g<nIa-; (2) effort
inside the mouth. (2iT+<j;:\1\">I<Ri1)
to produce sOllnd; e.g. touching
of the particular place
inside the month for uttering
consonants; d. en<:U1<I:, M.
Bh. on P . I. LIO Vart. 3.; (3)
disposition of the or'gan which
produces the sound; d. -'I1'!l;1'1F.Umm1f
L 'Q;o-.:"!'
1 Com. on R. Pre
XIII. 3; d, also M .
Bh. on I. 2, 32; cf. also
<!i<:I1Jf9;:<J<lln:. 1 :;j'l<j\r 'l th-
qnlH!J]I'C"!' qiil'+im, T. Pr. XXlII. 2
where karal)a is described to be of
five kinds 3B,W'{1<l ( i. e. or reson-
ance ), ( contact),
and q!t+il!J]; cf. a:I9il<:\<:l
'11;::::, <r.\UJT9;:<Jl.J: ansr,
q!tmrrr qiiilf'i:r:
Cfi\ITJ;f!J]7<lT Com. on Tai. Pro
XXI-II. 2. The Vajasaneyi FratiSa-
khya mentions two karal)as
cf. "[ lii<:lfr
v. Pr. I. II; (4) use of a word e. g.
itrnen1.rrr, cf. '11+[ I
a:I<llq M. Bh. on. P. VI. 1. 129.
tuming the 'iqstrument of
the of 'sounds towards
the activity of production. cpo Val..
Piid. I. 123. cpo 'M:UJI<1t
R<il'l: . F-!r<ll\1: 1
( {. )
or name of a svara bhakti
.i. e. behaviour like the vowel
r.oticed in the case of the consonant
when followed by the sibilant ff.;
i::f. 1
'<l II CR"rn: 1
liifiruit Corn. on T. Pr. XXI. 15.
See .<l{+lfui.
q;fuJTI name of a svarabhakti i. e.
behaviour like the vowel."T\ noticed
in the case of the consonant \. when
it is followed by ff. e. g. 9\i%::. 9iftuft
is named also.
ancient technical terms
for the future tense; the word
more frequently.used.
produced at the root of the
ear; the utterance of a circumflex
vowel is described as Karl)amuliya.
.agent of an action, subject; name
- of a karaka or instrument in general,
of an...action, which produces the
fruit or result of an action withqut .
depending on any other instrument;
cf. q;;:Jl P. I. 4-54, explained
as </:
m<fiH<f; +!9m in the IGisika on
P. I. 4. 54. This agent, or rather,
the word standiflg for the agent, is
put in the nominative case in the
active voice (cf. P. 1. 4.54 ),in the
instrumental casein the passive
voice (cf. P. II. 3. 18), and in the
genitive case when it is connected
with a noun of action or verbal
derivative noun, (cf. P. II. 3.65).
r . ";
the affix <I of the passIVe vOIce
- where ,the object functions as tbe
; e. g. <!'3:! in
d. a:I"!': P. yI. 1.95 and the
Kasika thereon.. .
experience (of something) by
the. agent himself; cf.
P. III. 1.18.
. ,
(an affix) applied in the
of the agent of an activity;
+!'lcfrfu +ller: I Cliil;11'cT<law:T 'lV1. Bh.
on P. 1. 3.1. Vart. 7.
(a root) whose activity is
- found functioning in the subject;
cf. <:J'S{ 9iCt!t Kaiyata
on P. III. 1. 87:Vii1t. 3. Such roots,
although transitive, do, not have
any Karmakartari construction by
the rule P. III.
L87 as e. g. !ll+f it9<:::q: has no
construction; d.
9T 'li'1T +!erelfa' 1
<n<!l;:qf;n<jlUJT ,n q;ffi
1\1. Bh. on III. 1.87. \'art. 3.
a root) action or
G happening is noticed furi'Ctioning in
the subject; e. g. the root cf.
(.m:fcr:) M. Bh. on 1.
3.67, (;W'cTTg:) M. Bll.
on V. 3.55; Valc. pad. III. 14.168.
(I) the topic or the region
of the subjp.ct (2) the portion of
Vakyapadiya IlL III. 7. 101-I28
where the nature of the agent of
an activity 15 discussed.
cpifll!:lllf meant for the agent of the
action. The word is used in connec-
tion with the fruit or result of an I
action; when the result' is for the i
agent, ro_ots having both the Padas I
get the Atmanepada terminations; i
cf. P. 1. I
3.72 !
object of lhe transitive verb I
. I
which functions as the when i
tbere is a marked facility of action ';
e. g. is karmakartaIi-object ,
functioning as subject, in q;;:<lZt
The word is used also
for the srl:jtif where the object,
on which the verb-activity is found,
is turned into a subject and the
verb which is transitive is turned
into intransitive as a result.
CfiiiiUl4lt( dname given by Siradeva and
other grammarians to the second
Pada of the third adhyaya of PaI)i-
ni's A!?tadhyayi, which begins with
the sutra I II r. 2. I.
name technically given to a
compound-formation of two words
in apposition i. e. used in the same
case, technically called
showing the same substratum;' d.
cnlil:Tf\<i: 1. 2.42
The karmadharaya compound is
looked upon as a variety of the I
tatpuru!?a compound. There is no
sa tisfactory explanation of the
reason why. such a compound is
termed Cfill'Cm:'l. Sakatayana defines
Karmadhiiraya as
cnlil:Tl\<lllf where tpe word firo'.jOj
is explained as c<iF!iicn or (distin- I
guishing attribute) showing that
the word !'fill may mean
- The word <!ill\'m<r in that case could
mean '<!ill QT <w;IT !'fill-
\:fR<r:' a compound which gives a
specification, of the thing in hand.
( t ) IJbjt'ct of a transitive verb,
defined as '.something which the.
agent or the doer of an action wants
primarily to achieve. The main
feature of is that it 'is put in
the accusative case; cf.
Cfiilfi1r P. I. 4.49; II. 3.2
Pal)ini has made CfilT a technical
term and called all such words
I karma'n' as are connected with a
verbal activity and used in the
accusative case; cf .m;
; "i and
Cfini iii P.
1. 4.4<)-52; cf. also <iiI, f:!i<l5- CfilT
Wit. II. 4 I3, I. 2. 120
and CfilT Hein. II. 2. 3. Some-
times. a karaka, related to the
activity (f;;n<tT) as sampradana,
apadiina or adhikaniI)a is also treat-
ed as karma, if it is not meant or
desired as apadana, sarilpradana etc!
It is termed in such cases;
Kas. on 1. 4.51. See the word arcnNcr
above. Karman or object is to be
achieved by an activity or &i<iT; it
is always syntactically connected
with a verb or a verbal derivative.
When connected with verbs or
verbal derivatives, indeciinables or
words ending with the affixes 'tfi,
'RiCig, 1'i'1:., etc., it is put in the
. accusative case. It is put in the
genitive case when it is connected
with affixes other than those men-
tioned above; d. P. II. 3,65,69.
\Vhen, however, the karman is ex-
pressed by a verbal termi-
nation or a verbal noun
termination ('litr.), or a noun-affix
- or a compound, it is put
in the nominative case. e.g. <g:
tg: srrm?:Cfi: IlTt/: etc.
It is called Sif+lfua: In such cases;
cf. P.lI. ::.1. See the word <liilf+!fucr
above. The object or Karman
. which is is describ>d to be
of three kinds with reference to
the way in which it is .obtained
-from the activity. It is called
when a transformation or a change
is noticed in the object as a result
of the, verbal activity, e.g. ifitlJIf.;
f+iilfu etc. It is called.
mt<i when no change is seen' to I
result from the action, the object
only coming into contact with the
subject, e.g. Ilnl ,W1m
etC: I t is callEd when the object
is brought into being unqer a
specific name; e.g. 1:Ii <!iUm-,
1Rm- , cf. 'i:f fclm 'i:f mti{ :1ijfu
f!i{\:TT +Rl;x:. I Padamai'ijari
on I. 4.49 ; d. also Vakyapadiya
lII. 7.45 as also N}'asa on 1.4-49.
The object which is not
is al!;o subdivided into four kinds
e.g. ( a) ar.ftftacr (Ilfll 11:ca"l:,) Ilii
ql!<im-, (b) !tTt<{. orl{Q\iI,
or e.g.
a'tfeqia', (c) or e.g.
in qM <!RlZt Clijl'fl<l, . ( d ) .
e.g. Sif;JIif,. cfrOllRr, cf.
Padamapjari on I. 4.49. The com-
mentator Abhayanandin on Jain-
endra VyakaraI)a mentions seven
kinds 5flt <i, 'f.icM, f;tf;n<iRfICfi,
iftecr, lIlcfrfttRr and defining
Cfi<T as Cfi'5ft <i,
cf. Jain. Vy. 1. 2.120
and com. thereon. is
given therein as an instance of
(2) The word is also
used in the sense of f'fi<iT or verbal
activity; cf. P. I. 3.24;
'fff: emR:q P. III. 4 7f,
P. I. 3.14. (3) It is also
used in the sense of activity iIi
general, as for instance, the sense of
a word; e:g.- Cfillrtffi'lm-
+!CfFo Nir. I. 3.4; where Dur-
gacarya explains karrnan as ' sense'
lit. noun action,
a technical term used in
connection with a preposition which
showed a verbal activity formerly,
although for the present time it
does not show it; the word is t!sed
as a technical term in grammar in
connection with prefixes or a'tfefrs
which' are not used along with a
. root, but without it; cf. Si't<ffiCliff:
Cfi;lSl"l"'l;:ft<iT: i(re- M. Bh. on P. I. 4.83 ;
e;g. Il'lti mCicffl:.,
<U;j[H::, an ct. KiiS.
'on' P. 1. 4.83 to 98. cpo Dipika' of
Bhartrhari p. I3, 1. 19-20, and' also
HeHiraja on Vak. pad. III. LT.
the activity of the agent or
karta of an action represented as
object or karman of that very ac-
tion, for the sake of grammatical
operations; e.g. f+!lZt ifiIi
9ifttCIa- tg: To show facility
of a verbal activity on the object,
when the agent or karta is dispens-
ed with, and the object is looked
upon as the agent, and used also
as an agent, the verbal terminations
Rt, cr: etc. are not .applied in the
sense of, an agent, but they are
applied in the sense of an object ;
consequently the sign of .the voice
is not Si but <i and the
verbal terminations are cr, oUffiot: etc
(aii{) instead of Ta-, ffii etc. In
popular language the use of an
expression of this type is called
Karmakartari-Prayoga. For details
see M. Bh. on P.
III. I.87. Only such roots as are
i.e. roots whose
verbal activity is noticed in the
object and not in the subiect can
have this Karmakartari-Pra'yoga.
exchange of verbal
reciprocity of action;
means f;r.lllC<Jfirm: or i?n<!TJ'WF!Il; cf:
'liat{ Cfilt;;<Tmrn P. 1. 3I4; aiso Cfilt-'
UJ'"!.. fu<!11'l:. 1 o<lT'I>lilm.
Kas. on P. III.. 3.43. The roots
having their agents characterized
by a reciprocity of action take the
Atmanepada terminations; d. P.
L 3.14 .
prescribed in the sense of an
object; a term used in the jllaha-
in the sense of affixes used
in the sense of object' as contrast-
ed with or +iT'I8P:lCT; e.g. the
affix foli in the word f<!f-ir, explained
as l(m f<!f<r: or in the word +irer
as +iF<l9- <I: 1;'1 +!ler:;cf. f;r.<lf
fQ +ilolliT, g III.13h.
on P., I. 3.1. See similarly the
words tfl!ll[lt 1\1. Bli. on II. I.5I and
. :aqN M. Bh. on V. I. I3.
(roots) having their verbal
activity situated in the obJ' ect. e 0' , .",.
the root Wf+<:<!; in ar=r(i!J]f;a ifI+r:. or the
root in d.
'9 P. II I. I. ti 7 Vart. 3.
(.roots) having their verbal
action or happening noticed in the
object; e.g. the root arl<i and m in
?(f1<!<!Rr where the function
of the root bears effect in the object
boy and not in the movements of
the object as in the sentence
'1<iUJfu. See &bove as also
. M. Bh. on III. 1.87 and Kaiyata on
the same.
lit. karman and others; a term
often used in the l\Iahabha!]ya for
karakas or words connected with a
verbal activity which have the
object or karma,karaka mentioned
first; llqr _
M. Bh. on I. 4.21.
operations prescribed speci-
fically for objects i.e. prescribed in
the. case of objects which are des-
cribed to be functioning as the sub-
ject to show facility of the verbal
action; e.g. the vikaraI)a 'or the
affix ct. Cfillqrter W1:T<T:
llt<lCfitCTT CIT <1'1 fr;:r! Cfig:!.f-
. -TICI'lila:! c{1ql1.{<!: IvI. Bh. on I. 1.44.
CflfotuTr A kind of svarabhakti. See

Cfiqur extension; protraction, . defined
. as kalaviprakar!?a by commentators;
a peculiarity in the recital as
noticed in the pronimciation. of ?;
when followed by'"!.., or when
followed by e.g. q?;'9j d.
Nar. Sik. r. 7.19.
CfIii5' a fauit of pronunciation consequent
upon directing the tongue to a place
in the mouth which is not the
proper one, for the utterance of a
vowel; a vowel so pronounc'ed; cf.
B''ii'f: Cfi-m IOBa: .. l{f;:r I d. also
CfPt<:flm M.
Bh . .Ahnika I.
(I) part, part of time looked
upon as a power, subordinate to the
main power viz. or time cpo Yak.
pad. III. 9.57, 680)'( 2) Name of
a commentary- by Vaidyanatha on
Laghumanjii!]a of Nagesa.
. .
alternative name
given fa tbe treatise on grammar
written by Sarvavarman who is
believed to have lived in the days
of the Siitavuhana kings. The
treatise is popularly known by the
name Katantra VyakaraI)a. The
treatise, viz. Kaliipasiitras,
is much similar to the Katantra
Siitras having a few changes and
additions only here and there. It is
rather risky to say that Kaliipa
was an ancientsystem of grammar
which is referred to in the PUl}ini
Siitra '!imftr<i)or. P .. IV. 3.108. For
see Cfire"'!.
a commentary on the karaka
of the KaJapa grammar as- I '
cnbed to the famous commentator I
karman, but looked upon as karman
only for the sake of .being used in
the accusative case; subordinate
karman, as for instance, the cow in
iTt .ufi1:l'. The term was used by
ancIent grammarians; cf. f9qfffi g
<{('fill .M. Eh. on P. r.
. Durgasimha. '
a commentary on the
Siitras. .
the author of the work referr-
ed to as Kalapa in the
which perhaps was a work on gram-
mar as the word is mentioned
with the "ord in the
lVIababha!]ya, d. M.Bh. on
P. IV. 3. 108. Kalapin is mentioned
as a pupil of Vaisampayana in the
lvIahabha;;ya; ct.
lvI.Bh. on P. IV. 3. 104. i
mw an old grammarian mentioned I
by Ujjvaladatta, who has written a I
commentaf" Oll' Amara Kosa '
the tad. affix Cfiiiqli. added to any i
substantive in the sense of slightly I
. f . I
In enor, or almost complete; e.g. i
cf. P. V. 3.67 and I
. Kasika thereon. . I
supposition, assumption; I
d. 'i:f
Kas. on P.lV. 3. 110; d. also aRCfi-
arw Pari. Sek.
on. Pari. 94.
iiiqq.,I\\6jjill brevity of thought; brevity
of expressicli; minimum assumption.
See the
tad. affix See
name of a commentary On
Bbattoji's Praudhamanorama by
the same as karman or object
of an action especially when it is
not fully entitled to be called
15 .
4.51. See .
author of the commentary
Sabdaratnadipa 6n the Sabdaratna
of Hari Dik;;ita.
of the Laghu-
sarasvata, a small grammar work.
He livedin the 18th century A.D.
author of the Haimaliilga-
nusasanavivaraI)3, a commentary
on the. Linganusasana chapter of
Hemacandra's grammar. He lived
in the 16th century A.D.
41ft( a class of words headed by
the word to which the tad-
dhita affix D:<T ) IS added,_in the
sense of I offspring' and, side by
side, the ending :q ) is substi-
tuted for the hst of those
words; e.g. d.
Kas. on P. IV. 1.26. ,
. .
the class of guttural consonants
c9nsisting of the five consonants %
a treatise on rcots
by Bopadeva, the son of Kesava
and the pupil of Dhanesa who lived
in the time of Hemadri,
King of Devagiri in the thirteenth
century. He has written a short
grammar work named Mugdha-
bodba which has been very popular'
. in Bengal being studied in many
Tols or PathasaIas.
a cummentary On the
KavikaJpadruma, written bv the
author himself. It is known
-by the name Ka vyaldl.madhenu ;
(2) a commentary on Kavikalpa-
druma by Ramatacbvagisa. \ 3) a
com. by Ramarama on }(avikalpa-
author 01 a small treatise on
grammar called Sarasatvari. He
Jived in the se, ..,enteenth._ century I
A.D. He was a resident of Darbha-
riga. is also given :s the I
name of the author of the Safasa-
tvari "'rammar and it' is possible
that J:yakrg1u was given the title, I
another name, Kayicandra. I
name of a Buddhist grammarian I
who wrote a commentary OIi the \
. Ca,ndrasiitras, named Balabodhini.
ilfiWf,. krt affix 31<l. found in Ve?ic
ture, in the sen::e of the mfimtlve; ,
e.g. P.
III. 4.13, 17. The word ending in
this <n';l'l:,becomes an indeclinable;
cL 'RClTru!;!9i';l<!: P. L r 40,
krt affix am in the sense of the
infinitive in Vedic Literature; e.g.
iN, -rn1lB-; cf. KM. on P. Ii I. 49
a. class of compound-words,
htaded by in which the visarga I
occ,m ing "t the end of tbe first i
member is noticed <13 changed into I
'1 agallist the usual rules ; e.g. I
if.fn<:'fiff: ,;jIg,63,'lif:, I
dh,-rs; ct. P. VIII. 348. As I
t hi.:, is said 'to i
simildr words can be sa"d to be III !
the 'lit'liITGJrITf althoush tlley are not i
actually mentioned in the '11Tfrm;. I
name of an ancient writer
of a Pr1i.tisakhya work who held
that Visarga' before the cqnsonant
<:l. is drvpped only when < follow-
edby a surel consonant; cf. Tai.
Pro IX. I.
name of an important small
treatise on grammar which appears
like a systematic abridgment of the
of pa1)mi. It
many unimportant rules of
adjus!s many, and altogether omits
the Vedic portion and the accent
chapter of PaI,lini. It probably
IOn'-'ed to Aindra system as opposed
b .
to l\laheSvara system. It is also
explained as Kasakrtsnatantra. .It
la \ s down the Siltras in an order
from that of Pa1)ini divid-
ina the work into four adhyayas
with technical terms, samdhi
Iules, declension, syntax, com-
pounds noun-affixes ( taddhita
affixes) conjugation, voice, and ver-
bal derivatives in an order. 'J.he
total number of rules is 14I2 sup- \
plemente9- by many
rules or Varttikas. The treatIse IS
believed to have been written by
cpT a tEchnical term used in the i
Jainendra VyakaraI,la for the term I
used in PUIJini's grammar. I
. Sarvavarman, called Sarvavarman
or Sarva or Sarva, who is said to
have lived in the reign of the S1i.ta-
vah" na kings. The belief that P8I,lini
refers to a work of Kalapin in his
rules IV. 3.108 and IV. 3.43 and
that Patafijali's words <@i:Pill:. and
*iliHC/TTa'lill:. support it, hasnot,much
strength. The work was very
popular especialiy among those Wh,a
wanted to study spoken SanskrIt
with ease and attained for several
years a very prominent place among
text-books on grammar especi,illy
iIi Behar, Bengal and Gujarat. It
has got a large number of glosses
if){Q:S tad. afilx 'filUs prescribed _after i
words like <rqt, ?!iTf, 'fiil in the sense
. of BILl[ ; cL (v. l.
Ciilull:, Kas. on P. IV. 2.5 I
andcommeptary works, many of
which are in a manuscript form at

present. Its last chapter ( Caturtha-
Adhyaya.) is ascribed to VilranicL
.. As the arrangement. of topiCs is
entireiy . dlfferent from Pii.1)ini's
order, in spite of considemble res ern-
bhnce of Sutras and their wordir:g,
it probable that the work was'
based on PaQini but compo!:ed on
th<: models of ancient grammarians'
viz. Indra, Sakatayana a . d others
whose works, although not available
DOW, were available to the author.
The grammar Katantrais also
called KaIapa. A comparison of the
Katantra Siltras and. the Kalapa
Siitras shows that the ore. is a
. different version of the other. The
Katantra Grammar is also called
Kaumara as it is said that the
original instructions for the
grammar were received by the
author from Kumara or Karttikeya.
For detail., see Vol VII Pataiijala
published by the D.E.
Society, Poona, page 375.
(I) a commentary on
the Katantra Siitras written by
Govnrdhana in the 12th century.
A.D.; (z) a commentary on tbe
Katantra Siitras ascribed to GUli-
a gloss on the corr;men-I
tary of Vararuci on the 'lifff'Si'tL.'>f.
a"eribed to Hari of the 17th I
century if this Had is tbe I
srme as the author of thE Sabda-I
ascribed to Durgasirhha,
the famous commentator of the
Katantra Siitras who livtd in the I
nimlh or the tenth centmy. , I
a cammen tar y ascrib- II
cd to Ramanatha and called
, I
Manorama on the Katantradbatu- I
vrttiof Durgasirhha. See 9iTa;;:::f-/
bove .
cpffi;:-srtrf3'{Cf)f a name usually given to
a' compendium of -lh!;:- type of
VivaralJa or gloss writ ten by
canadasa of the eleventh century
, ('n the famous commentary on the
Katantra. Siltras by Durgasin,ha.
Scholars of I(atantra grammar by
name Tri:vikrarna, Jinapra-
bha, Ramacandra have written a
Pafijika on Durgasimha's Yrtti
which is named Pradipa. Another
scholar, Trivikrama has' written a
gloss named Uctdyota.
name given to a text
consisting of Paribbal,iasiltras, be-
lieved to have been written by the
Siitrakara himself as a supplemen-
tary portion to the main grammar .
:Many snch lists of
are available, mostly in Ir.anuscript
form, containing more than a hundr-
ed Siitras divided into two main
groups-the Paribhal,i8siltias and
the BaIabalasutras. See
ed. by B.a. R. I. Poena.
(I) name of a
on the written by
Bhfl,'amisra, probabJy a lIfaithila
Pandit whose is not knuwn.
He has explained 62
derivil'g rHany of them from the
Katantra Siitras. The work seems
to be based on the Paribbii.1}a works
by Vyadi and others on the system
of PaI)ini, suitable changes having
ueen made by the writer with a
view to present the work as belong-
ing to the Kiitantra school; (2)
name of a gloss on the
patha of the Katantra school ex-
plaming 65 No Dame
of the author isIound in the
rnanmcript. The India Office
Library copy has given Durgasirhha
as the ariU.or's name ;'but it is
doubtful whether Durgasimha was
the author of it. See ed.
by B. O.R. I. Poona.
Cf;lQ';;!' ascribed to Sripatidatta,
whose date is not definitely known;
from a .Dumber of glosses written
on tbis work, it appears that the
work was Once very pop.ular among
students of the Katantra School.
a gloss on the
ascribed to a
scholar named
vartin who has written another
work alsoilamed Katantravya-
a gloss on the
written by a
Katantra scholar
a on the
by Goyicandra
in thc twelfth century.
a gloss on
the by Siva-
ramendra,-who is believed' to 1)a ve
written a gloss on the Sutras of
PaDini also.
a name given to the Kii-
tantra Sutras which were written
in the original form as a Prakriya-
grantha or a work discussing the
various topics such as alphabet,
euphonic rules, declension, deriva-
tives from nouns, syntax, conjuga-
tion', derivatives from roots etc. etc.
a grammar work' written
. by a scholar named KasaJa on the
IGi.tantrasiitravrtti by Durgasirpha.
a short explanatory
gloss on the KiHantra Siitras by
Jagaddhara of Kashmir who lived
in the fourteenth century and who I
wrote a work on grammar called
A pasabdanirakara1).a.
a work on the Katantra
Siitras ascribed to Ramiinatha
Vidyiiviicaspati of the sixteenth
century A.D.
a work, explaining the
various forms of nouns and verbs
according. to the. rules of the
Katantra grammar, a!';cribed, to
Bhavasenaoftbe fifteenth century.
a short gloss on the
Katantra Sutras. ascribed to a
scholar named Chucchukabhatta.
Cf;lQ"..;Jf.{ijiii by Jinaprabhasuri of the
thirteenth renttiry is a general work
on Kiitantra A gram-
marian called Ciirlttasirilha has
written a commentary ( avaciiri I
on it.
a commentary on the
Kiitantravistara of Vardhamana by
Prthvidhara who lived in the
fifteenth century A.D.
a famous commentary on
Durgasirilba's .IGitantravrtti written
by Vardhamana a Jain Scholar of
the twelfth century who is believed
to be the same as the author of
the well-known \vork Ga1)aratna-
name of the" earliest com-
mentary on The
commentary ascribed to Durga-
sirilha was popular as proved by a
number of commentaries upon it, -
one of which is writtel} by Durga-
sirhha himself. Some of these
commentaries a or N
by Ugrabhiiti, lGitantrapaiijika by
Trilocanadasa, Katantra,vistara' by
of and a gloss by
another Durgasirilha.
a gloss on
written by GU1).akirti in the feur-
teenth century A.D.
commentary. on I
Durgasiritha's KiHantravrtti by.
in the fifteeenth century I
A.D. I

on Durgasitl1ha's Katimtravrtti,
.written by Ramakisora Cakravartin
who is believed to have written a
grammatical work I
a work of the type'
of a summary written by Rama-
dasa Cakravartin of the twelfth
an old 'i/rtti on the
I{atantra Siitras ascribed to Vara-
ruci who is, of' co'urse, different
from Vararuci Katyayana. The
VrHi appears to have been occu-
pying a position similar to that of
D urgasiIilha.
a treatise on the Katantra
Grammar believed to have been
written by Vidyananda, or Vijaya-
nanda who lived in the eleventh
an ancient writer of Nirukta
quoted by Yaska in his Nirukta.
'li'R'!4' ( I) ,mother name sometimes
given to Katyayana to whom is
a5cribed the composition of the
Varttikas on Pal)ini-siitras; ( 2 ) an
ancient writer Katya quoted as
a lexicographer by
Hemacandra and other wliters.
Pataiijali honours him by the words
5IT'lT"I I M.
13M. on III. 2. 3.
the well-known author of the
Varttikas on the sutras of PUDini'l
He is also believed to be the
author of . the Vajasaneyi Prati- j'
sakhya and many works
named after him. He is believed
to be a resident of South India on
the strength of the remark
. &,1&l1llRlll: made by. PatafijaJi in
connection with the statemtnt lll!l'T
which is
Katyi:ryana's Varttika. Katya refers
to Sakatayana and Sakalya (see Vaj.
Pra. III. 9 ) and mentions Vajapya-
yana ( 1. 2.64. Va. 35). VyaQi ( on
P. 1.2.64 Vii. 45) and
(on P. 8.4.48). The authorship
ofPratijiiasutra and
is attributed to him. lie is called
Vakyakiira and Madhyamamuni.
Some scholars say that Vararuci
was also another name given to him,
in which' case the Varttikakara
VararQci .Katyayana has to be
looked upon as different from the
subsequent writer named Vararuci
to whom some works on Prakrit and
Katantra grammar are ascribed.
For details see Vol.
VII. pages 193-223 published by the
D. E. Society, Poona. See also
CflffiCfiqlo below.
affix alFf forming perfect parti-
ciples which are mostly seen in
Vedic Li terature. The affix 'liliI"t. is
technically a suLstitute for: the
affix. Nouns ending in 'iiTiI"I{.govern
the accusative case of 'the nouns
,connected with them; e.g. Brn
d. P. III. 3.106 P. 3.69.
augment an"'!:. applied to tr-u!hI:.
just as applied, e.g.; anfmla-4
rvi. Bh. on V. 3.72.
option; permission to do as
desired; liberty of applying any of
the rules of grammar that
themselves; ct.
err 'iT M. Bh. on
P.I.I.27 Vart. 6.
abridgment of of
Bopadeva; the word is also used as
a short form for
a commentary' on, ,the
Kavvtikamadhelluby Ananta, ,son
of CintamaIfi who lived in the
sixteenfh century A. D.
CliTmJ:: 0pUQnal"ty; a t will; d. 9ilfTIlRr-
err M. Bh. on 1. 1.57.
in the sense of ( desiring
for applied to nouns to
form denominative 'roots; e. g.
cf 9i11<Rj P.,III, I.9.
<iiH' an affix, give,n in 1 he
works ,and, by Katyajiana also in
his Varttika, which is added to a
letter or a pbonetic element for
convenience of mention; e g. l{9iH.::,
d. qut: q!f,9iIU
TaL Pra. 1. 16; XXII. 4-; d.
also V. Pr. I,37. It is also applied
to syllables or wOidsin a similar
way to indicate the phonetic element
of the word as apart from the sense
of the WOld; e.g. <Iff
\f!\:U]+T, Vyak. d. also the
words "'I9iI\::, N9ill::; (2) additional
purpose served hy a word such as
an adhikara word; d. 3fN9i: I
't.cfR,Qmit'tTl "I Qft(1c<rT M. Bh. on
P. I. 3.1I.
<iilrcfi lit. doer of an action. The
word is used ill th,e tpchnical !iense
of 'instrument of action'; d. 9iJ\9i-
I . 9ilvii qpqt-
'oVl':. I 9i\1l' I Kas. on P. I.
4.23; d. also9iH9i I flNofi
iT<fm I ].1. Bh; on P. I.
4.23. The wonl ' ldhaka' in short, I
means 'the capacity in \\'hich a ;
thil;lg h:ccmes instrumental in brin-
gingabout-an action'. This capacity
is looked upon as the sens of the
case-affix'3s which express it. M.
Blla. Ahu. I rders to seven Kara-
kas; cpo BRP-r+r'qi;q: I cpo
also IIi. Blla. Dipika. p. 13. There
are six karakas given-in all grammar
treatises. 3fQT"Fr, 3fN9i\:01, 9i\Ill, i
and 9it! to express wbich the
ca!;e affixes, orVibbaktis
fiRm. l!'fi<!T, and are
respectively used which, are
called Karakavibhaktis, as contras-
ted with Upapadavibhaktisi, which
show a relation between two sub-
stantives arelboked upon
as weaker than the Karakaviohaktis;
cf. 9iR9iP-r+rR.<iil<l'd{ Pa ri.
Sel;:. Pari. 94. The topic explaining
IGirakavibbaktis is IO'oked .upon as
a very important and, difficult
chapter in treatises of glammar
and there are several small com-
pendiums written by scholars deal-
irg with karakas For the
topic of Karakas see P. I. 4.23 to
55, Kat. II. 4.8-42, Vyakaral)il
Mahabhaya Vol. VII. pp.Z62-264
,published by the D. E. Society,
CliRCliClilftCliT possibly another name for
the treatise on Karakas known as
9i1\:9i"'1';n written by ,
the reputEd grammarian of Bengal
who lived in the latter half of the
twelfth century A.D. See 9iI\9i"!!li.
a work on the Katalltra
grammar discussing the Karaka
, portion.
also c1.Jled
+fOZ<'{ which is a portion of the
author's bigger ,york named
The work is a discourse
on the six kalakas written by
l\laIfikaJ)tha, a grammarian of the
Katalltra school. He has also
written another treatise named
(I) written by
madeva a reputed grammarian of
Bengal who wrote many works on
grammar of which the
the Paribhal?avrtti and Jfi1ipakasa-
muccaya deserve a special mention.

The verse portion of the Karakaca-
kra of which the portion
appears like a commentary might
be bearing the 'name Karakakau-
mudi. '
a \vork on Karakas ascribed
to Bhairava.
<iilt<iiffi<!' a treatise on, the topic of
Karakas written by
belonging to the famous family
of grammarians, who lived in the
seventeenth century
a work diccussing the various
Karakas from the Naiyayika view-
point written by the well-kno\vn
Naiyayika, Gadadhara Chakra-
v,artin of Bengal, who was a pupil
of J agadiSa and, who flourished in
the 16th century A. D. He is looked
upon as one of the greatest scholars
of Nyayasastra. His main literary
work was in the field of Nyaya-
sastra on which he has written
several treatises.
...@ar a work dealing with Kara-
kas ascribed to RudrabhaHa.
name given bySira4eva and
other grammarians t) the fourth
pada of the first adhyaya of PaI).ini's
which begins with the
Sutra 'lil\ifi I.4.! and which deals
with the Kanikas or auxili'aries
of action.
(I) a treatise discussing the
several K1irakas, written by
Arac;1e a famous Naiya-
yika of Benares who lived in
the eighteenth century' A.D; (2)
a treatise on syntax written by
JayaramabhaHacaryawhich is call-
ed also, which see below.
(I) a work on Karakas as-
cribed to MaIfikaI).tha. See Kara-
kakhaIfQ.anamaIf9ana above. (ii)
name of a work by
case affix goveriled hya
verb or verbal derivative as con-
strasted with a case affix
governed by" a nOUD, not, possessing
. any verbal activity. Seethe word
'llH:ifi a.bove. See also the word
the dictum that
" a IGiraka case is stronger than an
Upapada case, e.g. the accusative
case as required by the word qfT-
which is stronger than the
dative case as required by the word
<i+f:. Hence the word gf<i'3f4 has to
be used in the sentence
and not the word cf. ;a<[q<:{-
RWfa-': Pari. Sek.
Pari. 94. '
an anonymous elementary
work on syntax explaining the
nature function of the six
<iiRClim<ii known as 9iR9i1fl<:{ also; a
short work on the meaning and
relation of words written by JaY!I--
ramabhaltacarya who lived in 1he
beginning of the eighteenth century.
The work forms the concluding
portion of a larger work .calJed
which was written by
The work Cf.l\9i1fl<:{ has
a short cpmmentary written by
the author himself.
the same as
written by See 9iR9i-
a short work on syntax
by Rabhasanandin, a BU'ddhist
grammarian of Bengal who lived in
the tenth century.
a verse or a line or lim s in
metrical form giving the gist of the
explanation of a topic; cf.
9itR9iT: Padavyavastha-
sfitrakarika of Udayakirti.
Il!il----_:_:_,_:_:_. -a commeot"y in ve<se 0:
which should be done, used in con-
nection with a grammatical opera-
tion; d. "IiffI I ar1r6lf
R. Pr. XIV.
16; d. also q-t 1.
4-2; (3) a grammatical operation
as for instance in the phrases
etc.; d.
"Ii[tru!f{Y:Jll: Par. Sek. Pari. IS ;
( 4) object of a transitive verb; d.
<f.r4 Sak.
q:;Tfta _ ( I) ancient term for the causal
VikaraI)a, ( fill'i:J',. in PiiQini's grammar
and q in IGitantra); (2) causal
or causative as applied to roots
ending in flJ]'<l:,.or words derived from
such roots called also' I)yanta ' by
the fOllowers of PiiI)ini's grammar;
cf. "Iilful" Kat. III. 2.9,
explained as W +r'lre
'tTR9";,j- 13 "'i I C!>. also tl;it:
"Iirlta- 'i'f 'i'f I 1.13.
a class of headed by
the word which are all
dvandva compounds, and which
have their first member retaining
its own accent; e.g. "Ii1-a-ifir;;jqJ-
etc. d. Kas. on P. VI.
the originr.l instructor of the
Katantra or I(iilapa Grammar to
Sarvavarman who composed the
Satras according to inl'\piration
received. -by him. The Kutantra,
hence, has also got the name Kau-
mara VyakaraQa.
Cfinr.rrmCli the word is found used in
Yaska's Nirukta as an adjective to
the word m'li{\ whc:re it means
'belonging to nouns derived from
roots ("Iiil<!r+r)' like tfT'i'f"Ii, "Iiq"li etc.
The changes undergone by the roots
in the formation of such words Le.
words showing action are termed
d. i1TI1 Cfiil"<!111 I
crfu!CJ: +r9: Durgavrtti on
Nir. I. 13.

Cj;l<i (I) brought into by
activity as oppos- .
ed to fi1{Y:J eternal; d.
<f.1<J::. i1 R. Pr. XIII. :}; cf. aha
qSI 'i'f <f.f<lf: (iP.lTtit .
M. Bh. on I. r.44 Vart. 17; (2) ;
along with the operation; d.
rules laying
down technical terrr.s and-regulating
rules are to be interpreted along
with the rules that prescribe or
enjoin operations (provided the
technical terms occur ill those rules,
or; the 0 regulating rules concern
those rules). See Pari. Sek. Pari 3.
one of the important
regarding the applica- .
tion of the Paribhii!?a rules. See
For details see Par. Sek.
Pari. 3.
looking upon the substitute
as the very original for the sake of-
operations that are caused by the
presence of the original; the word
is used in contrast with
where actually the original is' re-
stored in t.he place of the substitute
on certain conditions. For details
see on P. I.
the word or wording that under-
goes the operation; ct. wIT '!i1FrUJ:
M. Bh. on I. I. r. Viirt.
7, also m <f.1<ir .
Par. 8ek. Pari. ro. .
'iiT(!; of time created by different
. contacts made by a thing with
other things one after another.
Time required for the utterance of
a short vowel is taken as a unit of
time which is called +!T;jT or 9i!<i51l1':lT,
lit. measurement of time; (2)-
_ degree of a vowel,the vowels being
looked upon as possessed of three
degrees 1IJ{<l, tfIfi, and measured
respectively by one, two and three
matras; cf. P. I. 1
2.27; t 3) time notion in general, :
expressed in connection with an
activity in three \vays past
present and future
to show which the I
and were used by ancient
gni.i:nmarians; cf. the \vords
<!ij{ifif<i5; also d.
CCfI"Ii\Il'l;i: Ita';. on P. IL 4.2 I; (4-)
place of recital ( depending
ori the time. of recital; d. q
(V. Pro III. 3) a dictum
similar to PaI).ini's. P.
VIII. 2.I. (5) See Yak. pad. III.
g. I to I14.
_ 'l- word riot sanctioned uy . i:ules
of grammar. The ,-vord probably
refers to the corruption taking place
in connection with the use of a wOl,:-d
on account of lapse of time; d.
Durgh. Vr. on II. 2.6. !
signifying time; cf.
!f('l<JT ?; m?; I
a Siksii work (Madras I
mss. no. 891, 892 ) composed before I
the thirteenth century. It has 'a
. commentary named KalanirI}aya.- I
dipika of 1\Iuktisvaradirya.
difference in the time of utter-
ance ; cf. I if
<f.1i;i;w.:I<tftr I M. Bh. on Siva Satra I.
interval of time; cf.
S! I I qtr.i
am: t M. Bh. on Siva Sutra I. _ I
.... .. pad. I.U, g ..1-1l4. fhe l
sectlon dealmg WIth tIme as the
5upreme force in the matter of the
presentation or manifestation of the
varions objects in the Universe.
time in general; unspecified
time; d. <!
. !fImm- I Kas. on P. IiI. 3.142. '
name of the commentary
by Bopci.cieva Oll his o\\,n work
'fI,;!qa+i". See .
an ancient grammarian refer-
ted 19 ineariier grammatiCal works
like l\Iahabhii!?ya I
(Paspasiihnika ). Bopadeva nifers
to him, in the beginriing of Kavi-
kalpadruma, as one of the eight
grammarians. iGiSika suggests, by
the words (P; V.
1.58 ). that the .\vork of Kasakrtsna
had three arlhyiiyas. In the Wt{U]T1{
and GaI)as we get the name
Kasakrtsli<;t. According to Helaraja
on jytd. ill. 14.564 Kasakrtsna
did riot aCCf"pt the sutra I P.
V. I. II7;
'iIlg'n;:;a Jist of roots written
by Kasai<rtsna-, a pre-Piil)inian
grammarian whuse four sutras of a
Satra patha work are available. The
Dhiitupatha is available with a com-
mentary by CannaYira in
Kannaqa language. The work
which has another name Sabda-
kalapa, has 130 satras. Hhas nine
gaI)as, the having ,been in-
cluded under i>l?:IT't class. There are
about 250 reots in the work, 500
more than those in PfiI)inlya Dhiitu-
a class of words headed by the
word to which the taddhita affix
i(<i5 is affixed in the four senses stated
in P.IV.2.67-70 e.g.
etc.; d. Kiis. on P.IV.2.80.
( I ) name given to the reputed
. gloss (IlRl ) on the Siitras lif PaI}ini
written by the joint authors Jaya-
; i
century A.D; Nbthirig deflnit:ely' can
, be as: ,to ... whi'!::h;, :pottion ,was
written by;-]ayadity'a'arid which by
Vamana, or: the, wtiol work :was
jointly 'written. scholars
'believe the work w'as caJied
Kaslka as it was written in the
city of Kasi and that the'
on the "first five Adhyayas was
written byJayadityaand :tbat on
the last three by.,Vamana. Although
it is written in a, scholarly way,
the work forms an excellent belp
to beginners to understand the
sense of tbe pithy SOtras ofPaniI}.i. '
The work has, not only deserved
but ,obtained, and" main tamed a
very prominent position among stu-
dents and scholars of,PaQIDi's
mar in spite Qf other works like the
the PcakciyaKaumudi,
the Siddhanta Kaumudi andotbers
written by equally learned sC,hcilars.
Its wording is based almost on the,
wbich it has
aVOIdirig, of course, the scholarly
disquisitions occurring here and
there in Traditi-
onally it is called Q;ifiiRr because it
is a common treatise on Vedic and
classical grammar. It has' derived
great help from Candravrtti. It
appears that many commentary
woik13 were written on it, the well-
known among them being the Kiisi-
kavivaraI}.apafijil<i:i or Nyasa written
by Jinendrabuddhi and tbe Pada- ,
m<;LDjad by Haradatta. For details
see V j Vol. VI!
pp 286-87 published by the D.E.
Society, Poona. (2)' The name
Kaslka is sometimes found given I
to their commentarie,; on standdrd
WOlks Sanskrit, Grammar by
scholdrs,' as possibly they were
written at Kasi; as for instance,
a) Kffsikipn
san!. Hari and' ( b )
. by
'Vaiayanatha '
also Nyasa,
. the well-known commentary written
byjineridrabuddhi on the Kasik.
of Jdyaditya and Vamana, See
'Kasika above.
a commentary on
Kasikii, by Ramiuriisra. '
a commentary on' the
Kasikavrtti named by
ViiraI}.avatesa-sastrin :or VaraI}.ava-
'"arne' of an ancient gramma-
nan quoted by paI}.mi, possibly an
, author of some
now lost.
name of an anonymous gloss
on, theCiindra VyakaraI}.a. '
a class of words headed by
the words 9lTfu, and otbers to
which the taddhita affixes oor. and
R-6' are added in the
senses; e. g.
, -.., 1
<lP.t<!if etc.; cf. Ras. on P. IV. 2.Il6.
The fern. affix is applied when
the affix '60{, is added to the word
CfiTfu; cf. P: IV. ,1.15.
q;mrft{ a class of words headed by
,the WOld q;rg after which a word
standing as a second member in a
compound gets the grave accent-
for it, e. g. <!irgl'c<!\'lf'ii:, tf{SlII1l!lqcn: etc.
cf. P. V III. I.67'
fc!; (1) krt affix !{ prescribed after
roots 'With a prefix attached; e.g.
SfRr: cf. P.III.3.92, 93; (2) krt. affix l{
looked upon as a perfect termina-
tion and, hence, causing reduplJcao
tion and accusative case of the
noun connected. found in
Literature added to roots endiQg ;in
an, tbe and th'e roots
e.g. q-fil,: Wi; \;i/VIl:
etc., ct. P. III. 2.171; (2) a term
used in the J ainendra VyakaraI}.a
for term
a formderlved from' thepro-
,noun ct.
'tf '\ Kas.
on P. VIII. I.48.
a of words headed
by the word which get their
final vowel lengthened when: the
wordFTR' is placed after ihem as
tute for tlie .first vowel in the word
to which they are added.
marking'wiihthe mute letter
'J,or 'looking upon as marked with
mute i!! for purposes mentioned
above; ( see bove ). The" word
is often used in the see
M.Rh. 1.3,5,46; I. 2.
krt prescribed along with See above. The affix
causes the' acute accent on the first
, '
vowel of {he' word ending wifh it,
while tbe affix 'ki '( if) has itseif the
acute accent on itsvowe).
a second member of a compound, '
provided the, word so 'is a clas;; headed by the
used as a proper noun; e. g. root viz. tbe five roofs II. 'i,
ifiIfilft:, d. Kat onP.' a;nd which tbe desidera-
VI. 3.
7. .' ,. ,I, tlve SIgn, I.e. the gets the
, . '" ,!, augment e. g.
(, I) the I:, WrRu>ifu'. ctKas. on P. VII. 2.75.
'l!whlch IS apphed byPaQIDl to '\ '
, affixes, for preventing' gUQa and a, d,ass ,of words
vrddhi substitutes to the pre- I, headed by meaningsp!U

ceding vowel ({, '3, !!j\ or w:); I of scent, whIch get the taddhlta
d. 'ii, P. 1.1.5; (2) ,con- i affix (gO{) applied to them
sidered or upon, as marked i when the word so formed means
with mute indicatory iii for, pre-: ' 'a dealer of that thing;' e. g.
venting gUI}.a; d. fcliq: f9:,<{],Rcfa;' cf; Kiis. on P.
and the following P. I. 2.5 etc. IV. 4.53.
The affixes of the fiist type are for
instance 'ffi, '!t<l'T, f'RIii;, and others.
The affixes of the second type are
. given mainly jn the second pada of
the first Adhyaya. by PiiQini. Be-
sides the prevention of gUI}.a and
.vrddhi, affixes marked with or
affixes SariJprasa-
raQa (see P. VI. 1.15,16 ), elision
of the penultimate 0{ ( P. VI. 4.2 4),
elision of the penultimate vowel
( P. VI. 4.98,100), lengtbening of
the vowel (VI. 4.15 ), substitution
, of 6i ,( VI. 4.19.2I), elision of tbe
final nasal ( VI. 4.37 ), substitution
Kielhcrn F., a sound scholar
of Sanskrit Grammar who brought
out excellent editions of the Patanj-
and the
endusekhani. and wrote an essay
on the VaJ;ttikas of Katyayana. In
a number of articles' in Indian
Antiquary he' discussed topics like
Gonardiya and GOQikii.putra, Kasi-
ka.'s indebtedness to Candra gr!1m-
mar, Piijyapada and Sakatiiyana
etc. For details see Patafijala Mabii-
Vo!. VII. p. D. E.
society edition, Poona.
of all ( VI. 4.4z). The taddhita
affixes which are marked with
mute i!' cause the Vrddhi substi-
( I) guttural class of consonants,
i. e. the consonants % <a" ll:., 11i.., '{.
The vowel a- added to signifies
the class e. g. ferol!ru. tad. affix added to words of
352, IVII. VII. 4.62, in sense of C ripened
VIII. 230, VIU. :a. 62 condition', decoction etc.; e.g. ifI9-
ct. r 1 . d. P., V. 2.24.
( 2) substitute for cf. VII.
nal1Je of an ancient gram-
4. m'l.rian who Jived
aug!Dent'l!'( I) addeq to., at Pii.Qini apd befIJre Pata fij ali and
the end of a word before a sibilant who is referred to in the Mah1iG
ietter; e.g. P. VIII.3.28; , as giving an alternative
( 2) added to the wdrds ,lH'tal:d form for the standard form of cer-
.. 3fF.rtm: before the affix for the tain words; ct.
forinationof the words cmr;fi'r and '<1lT11lT :M. Bh. on III. 2 14; cr, also
cf. P. V. 2.129; (3) add- ,infr.,{: I I
ed to words of group before Q;q: :M. Bh. on VII. 3.1.
the tad. affix e.g . .
.=A f P IV name of7an ancient Vrttikara on
c "
the Sfitras of Pii.Qini, mentioned 'in
a commentary. by Siva- . tpeir works by Kaiyata and. Hara-
bhatta . on Pada- datta; cf. Kaiyata's Pradipa on P.
maniari. ; cL 1.74. also Padamaiijari on 1. 1.1.
(I) a cornmentary on Na:gesa's substitutionpf the consonants of
by KH.Qamisra; the "li class or g'llttural
( 2) a commentary on' Niigea';s
Paribhal?endusekhara by ?FID derogation; 'consideration of
carya. inferiority.; the sense of derogation
a class of words headed by or the lik,e which is conveyed by a
to which the taddhita llffix 3fI<!" substantive in addition to its own
is applied in the Sf;nse of sense, the affi ( <ii) being added
'" iQ the of the substantive itself
Le. grandchildren etc. e.g. 'fi1(fif<!.,T:i '
f K
- P ) cpo Vak. pad. Ill, 1.4I.
c. as. on . t. 1.9.
a group of roots headed by the the (P. V. 3.74)
root of the VIth conjugation of Pa.Qini which prescribes the affix
after which an affix which is neither in the selnse of derogation.
nor MQ. becorr,es and CiS a a fatuous grammarian of
result prevents. the substitution
the eighteenth century who wrote
of !lUi or for the preceding vowel;
some works on grammar of which
e.g. 1 d. the IfR<lf!!l+nW is au independent
f;iFn:, I. 2.I. t t' P "bh--
name given' by Siradeva and
later grammarians to the second
pada of the first adhyaya of PaQini's
Mtadhyayi, as the pada begins
with the SUira P. I.
tad. affix 'added to a:{'i, e.g.
d.P. V.2.30.
rea Ise on an
a word containing a guttural
letter in it; d. :q P. VIII. 4.13,
' ( I) Kartikeya who is believed
. to have given inspiration to the
Katantra-sfitrakiira to write the
Katantra-Siitras; (2) named
mitra who wrote a commentary On
the named Piirl?adavya-
a phrase used in the .
gloss on the Cfirer':lf by Durgasirilha :
to give along with the definItion of.
or f<itltr a graphic descrip-
tion of it as shown in script; d.
Kat. l. I.I6 com.
a class of words ( I ) consisting
. of ;:<!iltl:T etc. to which the ,
taddhita affix 6-i'i.. is applied in the
four genses given in P. IV. 2.67-70;
e.g. li!Ire.Cfi+(, etc.; (2) con
sisting of mii<!, etc. to
which tbe taddhita affix (6il!) is
applied in the senses referred to in
( I); U:.r<iiIR<m., etc, cf.
Kiis. on P. IV. 2.80.
a class of words by
in \"hich the word 'iT" at the
end of the compound is changed
into 1fT" and further changed into
qi\.. the feminine affix t e.g.
!'!i++rq{r, tnitp1} etc.; d.
Kiis. on P.V+ 138, 139.
a maxim regarding an
ascetic brahmin who has grains
only in (or measured by) pots.
Such a person is called
;;l'W-f<l: I If he has grains stored else-
where also he cannot be called
[The roots fui\.., f+ii\.. have
another lelter over and above
which is also will
11;)t be a substitute :to these roots
which would have been the casc I
according to P. VII. r.s8 j. !
krt. affix a pplied to the -roots II
' f.T<l.:, f+ri\.. and fui\..; e.g. I I
cf.-lUiS. on P. III. 2.162.,
a term found in the Briihma.Qa
works and used by ancient gram-
marians for t the present tense',
effective or efficient, as opposed
to dormant, as applied to firill'ij
( cause ) ; cf. I
I I Padamafijari
onP. VII.
a class of words headed by the
word 'fi'i to which the taddhita affix
(1111 ) is added in the of .
or descendant ; e.g. etc.
cf. Kas. on P. I.ISI:
a kind of svarabhakti ; see
a grammarian possibly of the
Katantra school. He is said to
have written a work called Katan-
traprakriya. in his Sabda-
kaustubha on 11.3.36 quotes
g "mliT
iJil:" I
a. class of words headed by
the word T6 to which the taddhita
affix 3T<fi is applied in the sense
of C made by " proviqed the word
so formed is. used as a proper noun;
e.g. 'il<ia<li+f,; ct. Kas. on P:
IV.3. II8.
interventi(;}Il by a Jetter of the
guttural class;. d. >rfu'-
q'ioc<!: 'iSlE<]: lil'C<1: >rTEfT-
;frfa, P. VIIf. 42 Viiri. 4, 5:
name' of a grammarian who
wrote aCOlllmentary on the Katan-
travrttipafijika ;
the maxim regarding the
person sinking in a well. When a
person sinks in awell,be is soiled
wUh dust and dirty water. But
when at the' proper depth he gets
clean water, he cleaner with
the help of that water. Similarly
when a person learns corrupt words
he accrues great demerit. However,
with the knowledge of correct \vords,
he is not only free from the earlier
demerit but also to the stock
of his merits. cpo M, Bh. Paspasa-
hnika, vart. 9.
(I) rootti in the of I
actiyity ;, ( 2) ,pratyiiharaor short !
form-for the, three .roots and
3i'd, P. IlL 1. to.
\Per. lit. activity ; a, term used in the
grammars of PaJ}.ini and olhers for
affixes applied to roots to form
. / ......
verbal derivatives; cf. I liflGr:
\<ilit.1 Kas. on III. J.93. The krt
affixes are given exhaustively by
HiJ}.ini in Siitras HI. 1:91 to IlI;4
II7. and appear to be the
ancient Pte-PaIJinia!1' terms used
in the Nirukta and the Pratisakhya
works in the respective senses of
rool-born and noun-born words
and;n according to
PiiI)ini's terminology), and no.t in
the sense of mere affixes; d.
Nir. 1.14;
liflg,+<lr 'liffi Nir.
II: 2; 'Rri(iti'tlfuereJ:Jr61 V. Pr.
1. 27; also d. V. Pr.' VI. 4.
Patafijah and later grammarians
have used the word in the sense,
,of wer; d. tI{
tlliTtI'l'tl'ij Pari. Sek. Pari. ;
75. The krt affixes ,are given by ;
PiiI}ini in the senses of the different :
Karakas SJ1iTi3J<f, ''fi{UI, :
and stating in general terms i
that if no other sense is' assigned to i
a krt affix it should be understood !
that 'linT or the agent of the verbal i
aciivity is the sense; cf. 'iiaR I :
<fTful Wis. on i
III. 4.67. The activity .element i
possessed by the root lies generally I
dormant in the verb3.1 derivative
nouns; cf. <iron
I M. Bh. on V. 4.19 and
VI. 2.139.
(I) a term used by ancient grain-I!
marians in the sense of t past-tense';
( 2) effected, done. The word,
is" mostly used in this sense in
grammar works; e.g.
Par.Sf:'k. Pari 6.
a definition of the term
filfq in the sense of a rule which
occilrs after certain another rule
is, applied, as \vell as' before that
rule is applied; cf. ffii.<i1J I
omff+lP-iE<fO{. I Pari. Sek. Pari. 42;
, cf. also <fi!!T ffiP-l: I I
M.Bh. on Vr. 4.62.
a class of words such firer,
+ler, i3''ffi and others with which
the words 'i:T, and
others are compounded, provided
both the words forming the
pound are in the same case; e.g.
TJ;"iliiffi:, etc. d. Kas.
on P. II. 1.59.
lit. which has got its purpose
served; a term used in connection
, with a rule that has been possible
to be appiied '( without clash with
another rule) in the case of certain
instances, although it comes into
conflict in the case of other ins- '"
tances; tRllf
Kiis. on P. IV. 3.5!
The word is used almost in
the same sense.
lit. that which should be done;
the word is used as a techn ical
term in. grammar in the sense of
krt affixes which possess the sense
should be done.' Pal).ini has n'Ot
defined the term 'but he has
introduced a, topic (3iN<fiR) by the
name (P. III. 1.95), and men-
tioned krt therein which are
to be called !it<i right on upto the
mention of the affix in P.
III. 1.133; cf. itit'!iT: P. III.
1.95. Tbekrtya affixes, common-
ly found in use, are ar.TI<t and <i
(i/Q.. lfCIt'f..and
artificial; technical, as opp,osed
to derivative . In the
'iiterm means' technical 'sense "
a"Scontrasted with t ordinary
sense '.; cf,
Par. Sek. Pari. 9. Vak. pad. II.
371 etc.
occurs first as an expression of the
Varttikakara (P. L 4.13 Vart. 9)
and has been, later on given as a
Paribha,?a by later
,( Pari. Sek. Pari. 28). The
is referre:l to as
in grammar works especially
a term popularly commentary works.
used by grammarians for the d b
' . th t t f the' two I a, short term use Y
or maXIm a ou 0 .'.
. ' d' d I the grammanans, for. the maxIm
senses, the t.echmcal and the enve 1 rut P.-.- cf tq , P
ones, the technical sense should be ! IT" P , dr.
preferred; in rare cases, I e {. an. 2 ee
other too, is preferred; cf. Pan.! a short tieatiseby a gramma-
Sek. Pari. 9' Irian nallied who lived in the
I fifteenth century. The work deals
tad. 'affix applied., to 'I' with, verbal derivatives.
numerals to convey the sense of., re-
petition, e.g. Ct.
P. V. 4 17 ' '
the same as the
retention of its accent by the second
member of a compound,
if the first mem ber is a word term-
ed Gati or Karaka, by the rule
P. VI. 2. 139; ct.
arc<I<ff.Cf<r M.Bh. on VI. 2.52 ;
ct. M.Bh. VI. 252
Vart. 6 ..
the word ending with a krt affix;
the term is found used in the
siitras of Panini for: cf.
,P. 1.2.46. The term
for root-nouns, or nouns derived
'from roots, is found in the Atharva-
pratisakhya (I. 1.10, II. 3.8, III
2.4). the and all the
later on grammar. See the.

$ expr.essed by a krt affix; d.
mcrr M.Bh. on P.
II. III. 1.67, IV. 13. VI. 2,I39
mention of a krt i.e. of a word
ending with a krt affix. The word
mainly occurs in the PadbMl2a
the elision of a kft affix; the
word is found used along with the
words and <fiT{<ii
in the Varttika
CfiT\<!iby means of ' which the phrase
eTler<!fa is furmed for the sentence

the dropping or removal of the
verbal noun (ii'fo'Cf ) after the words
sr, tf\T etc., when they are compound-
ed with the following noun; e.g.
the dropping of from the ex..,
pression fro: when it is
compounded into ffi
cfit;(frficr: I ct.,
M.Bh. on
P. I+I. Vart. 18.
a class-of words headed by
the word to which the tad-
dhitaaffix is, applied in the
four senses given in IV. 2. 67-70.
e,g. am\2't<J:; cf. Kas. on
P. IV. 2.80.
also tlie the foremost of tbe seven
Yamas; d.
li=lT<!T: Tai. Pr. XXIII. 14.
an alternative name for
the welloknown grammar-work
written by Ramacandra I
See :Slf;fi>:!TcfirffcU:
Litera,ture; e.g. <'!f<ilTJt =
cf. Kas. on P;IIL4.I4. .
called also a scholar
of Sanskrit Vyakaral)il. who ,vrote
a commentary oil the
Prakriya-Ka'umudi of Ramacandra
Sesa. It is variously calied tR)ffn'lT-
or)fifitirr or '
a of grammar and
riyaya of the lith century A,D;
who \vrote many ccimllieritaty \'vorks
some cif whicbare ( I j a' comment-
ary . calied RatnarQ.ava 'ori the
Siddhanta-Kaumudi, (2) a com-
mentary named Kalpalri.ta. on
BhaHoji's PrauQhamanonimii, (3') a
commentary mimed. Bhavadlpa on
Bhahoji's Sabdakausttibha, (4) a
cominentary on
by hilme Ktificika,
and (5) a commehtary on Vaiya-
ka.niQ.abhii;;al)ci ..
an aHerr.ative name of
See 1l;6UJfi'I"f
if.;:(f krt. affix i.;i:<! in the sense of
in Vedic Literature; e.g. I
cL onP. iII,4. 14.
krt .. affix 1:I;R;I1, in the
of e.g. 1t11fT:: cf.
. P. vliH.
(2) Ul).l1di affix cf. 11'1"
5ft<l<!: I I Ujj.
on Ul)a. IV.37'
isolated; a term appiied to a letter
or a word \vheh it is not combined
with another letter or another
word in a compound; cf;
I Kas. on
P.V.:j I24; (2) simple (word i
without an affix. added; cL
IF; . 1.2.45
Vii rt. 7; also I <f
. 9'1 M.Bh. on P; Lij:4
i.vTiter ot a commentary named
on ihe Sik;;a of PiiQ.ini. He
iived in the 17th century;
writer of the commentary
named on the grammar.
ifitten by Goyicandra.
son' of Govardharia. arid' I
named I'I'!auni, who wrote ":I.
named 'J<!tM<fr on the
Siddhiinta-Kaumudi at the end of ,
the 17th century A.D.
krt affix i); used in Vedic Literature
as noticed in the forms
and o;r:.;ljfqe'i cL P. III.4.10.
author of a comment-/
ary named Puru;;akfira on Daiva
a grammar work. ,
( a famous gram-
marian and logician of the 18th
century who wrote A.khyiHavivebi.
and Kfirakavada. See
a famous grammarian of the
Se;;a family who wrote a commen-
tary named the GiiQhabhavavivrti
oil the Prakriya Kaumudi of Rama-
candra Se;;a. He wrote Sphotatat-
tvaniriipaQ.a and Kr;;lJak. autiihala. I
<f."I,. krt. affix 1:1; in the sense of
(pot. pass. part.) fOUI\d in Vedic 1
iit. liositioll of questioning
the utility; absence of any apparent
utility; d. f9iiM
M.Bh. on I.4.3, III.
; IlI,z. IZ7, . III.3. 1 9; VI; 4.49
VII.:l.26, and VIII+32.

tii<.R: name of the renowned commenta-
tor on the l\'lahabhii.$ya, who lived in
the IIth century. He was a resident
of Kashmir and his father's name
was J aiyata. The' commentary on
the was named 11u+r!!!<{.
5IcUcr by him,_ which is believed by
later grammarians to have really
acted as w{ttr 'Or light, as without it,
_ the of Patafijali would
have remained unlit, that is un- I
intelligible, at several places. Later'
grammarians attached to al- .
most the same importance as they
did to the and the
expression aSlw has been
often used by commentators. Hara-
datta's Padamaiijari is indebted to
his work. Many commentary works
were written on the Pra9ipa out
of which NageSa's Uddyota is the
most popular. The word came
to be used for the word +rl[(+r[E<l>r<ftq-
which was the work of Kaiya tao
For details see Vyakara1,).a Mahii-
published by the D. E.
Society, Poona, Vol. VII. pp.
a commentary on the Mahiic
bh1i1?yapradipa of Kaiyata written
by NilakaT;ltha of the Draviga coun':
try .. NilakaT;ltha lived in the 17th
century and wrote works.on various
';"'IaAi!/ilroCfiT a commentary on the
vf Kaiyata
written by Pravartakopadhyaya.
.I>. .
(1) a commentary on the
of' Kaiyata
written by ISvarananda, in the 16th
century; (2) a commentary on
Kaiyata's Pradipa by Ramacandra-
Sarasvati, who lived in the 16th
a class of words headed by
the word m which get their final
vowel lengthened When tbe word
9if is placed after tbem as a second
member of a compound, provided
the word so formed is used as a
proper" noun; e.g. c61a(ICl ol" f;{$lliiT-
<J1l1i(.. cf. Ras. on P. VI. 3.II7
. 17 .
a reputed grammarian who
wrote an extensive explanatory
gloss by name
on the VaiyiikaraIjasiddhantakaa
rika of BhaHoji Another
which isin a wayan abridgment of
the was also -written by
him. KOI}.QabhaHa lived in the
beginning of tbe I7th century. He-
was the son of RaIigoji and nep
hew of BhaUoji Diklllita. He. was
one of the few writers on the
Arthavicara in the VyakaraT;lasastra
and his ranks next to
the Vakyapadiya of 1;3hartrbari.
Besides the and BhulllaI).a-
sara, 'KoT;lQabhatta wrote two in-
dependent works viz. Vaiyakaral;la.
siddhantadipika and Spbotavada.
a scholar of Sanskrit Vya-
karaQa who composed
a small treatise dealing with the
declensiop. of nouns.
iJ;m (1765-1837 A.D.)
was an eminent European Sans-
kritist who was responsible for the
development of the study of Sans-
krit learning in the latter half of
eighteenth century in India. His
maj or work is Miscelleneous
Essays'. He has given an intro-
ductory account of Sanskrit gramo
matical in "On the
Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages II
Asiatic Researches -7 (1803, I99-
23I ) .
an ancient grammarian referr- .
ed to in the Taittiriya Pratisakhya
(T. Pro V. 38) and PaT;lini's Mfa-
dhyayi. (P. II.4.?0 ).
(I) an alterna-
tive name of the K1ltantra Vya-
karaT;la given to it on the strength
of the traditional .tbat the
original inspiration for writing it
was received by Sarvavarman f:rom
Kumara or -IGirtikeya; (2). small
treatises bearing the name Kau-
maravyakara.!).a written by Muni-
puiIgava and Bbavasena. The
latter has written Katantrarilpa-
maUi also.

a commentary on Siddh-
anta Kaumudi by Bbiiskaracarya
of Tanjore of the eighteenth century.

a work by
Jagannatha, criticising BhaHoji
Dixita's Sabdakaustubha.
an ancient. grammarian re-
ferred to in the Taittiriya Prati-
sakhya; cf. T. Pr. XVIII.2.
a short Sik$a mannal be-
longing to the Taittiriya school of
the Black Yajurv:eda and a com-
paratively recent compilation.
The work in seventy-nine verses is
attributed to KauhaJi.
oro krt affix n in various senses, called
by the name FlSr in PaJ)ini's gram-
mar along with the affix lfCfCffl". d.
Cf(i!fCi9ct FiID P. 1.1.26. The various
senses in which 'in is prescribed can
be noticed below: (I) The general
sense of done in the past
time as past pass. participle e.g.
etc.; cf. P. III. 2.102;
( 2) the sense of the beginn!ng of an
activity when it is used actively;
e.g. 1f.i cf. P. III.2.I02 .
Viirt. 3; (3) the sense of activity
of the present tense applied to
roots marked with mute oi. as also
to roots in the sense of desire ..
knowledge and worship; e.g. ffr"<l:,
as also mrt +m:,
; d. P.llI. 2.187, 88; (4)
the sense' of mere verbll-l activity
( mer) e.g. l[fuct<{,
( used always in the neuter gender);
cf. P. III, 3. !I4; (5 ) the sense
of benediction when the word end-
ing in Ciff, is used as a technical
term, e.g. in the sense "Qjf
The krt affix is also used
similarly e.g. mre-: <iRr:; cf,
Ras. on P. III. 3.174.
'ffi<4\l, krt affx nem. which also is called
f.1in. It is prescribed in the active
sense of somebody who has done a
thing sometime in the past. A word
ending in it is to the'
past active participle; e.g.
>li&l!Tf:; cf. P. 1. r.26. The fern. affix
:t-l'i.. ( is added to nouns ending
in 'Ri'fg to form feminine bases; ct.
P. IV. 1.6.
"lGy.:Q a noun base ending in the kit
affix 'Ri; past passive participle; cf.
n M. Bh. on II. 2.47.
sense of <ffi" i.e. sense of the past
pass. participle; d. <ftfem:
P, II. 2. 18,
Vart. 4.
krt affix fct added to roots in
the benedictive sense to form
or nouns in a technical sense; e.g.
Wrff: in the sense of d.
on III. 3.174. 'in is also added in
the same way. See'Ri.
lq't. affix fff added to roots to
form nouns in the sense of verb-
action; e.g. liffl: etc. ; cf.
P. III. 394-97.
krtaffix f.r added to roots marked
with the syllable : by Pa1}ini in his
Dhatupatha; after this affix f.r, the
tad. affix +r (liq,) in the sense of
( accomplished) is necessarily
added, e.g. qf.j:Sj+r"f., ["iiFol"l"f. i _cf. P.
III. 3.88 and P. IV. 4.20.
mY krt. affix cql added to roots (I)
in the sense of prohibition conveya
ad by the word are or <99" preceding

the root, e g. are d.
p, III. 4.18; (2) in t.he sense of
exchange in the case of the root <'IT,
d. P. III. 4.19.;
( 3) to show an activity of the past
time along with a verb or noun of
action showing comparatively a
later time, provided the agent of
the former and the- laUer activities
is the same; e.g. <R9T
.men ci.P. III. 421.
This krt affix is always to
roots when they are without any
prefix; when there is a prefix the
indeclinable, ending in is always
compounded with the prefix and
is changed into <i e.g.
5!fJt<I; d. mf P. vn.
I.37. The substitution of <:! is at
will in Vedic Literature; e;g .
q"ffil <j>;I+rrir q!tl:Tl!Wl(9[ (instead of
d. P. VII. 1.38. while
. sometimes, <! is added after (9[ as an
augment e g. G;(ciT<i tlFcim N<i: cf. P:
VII. 1.47, as also sometiil1es (Cl'f or
is substituted for cqT e.g.
jtq1"l.., cf. P. VII . 1.4
creiR gerund; a mid-way derivative
of a verbal root which does not
leave its verbal nature One
hand although it takes the fozra
a substantive on the other hand.
krt affix added to the roots
<lJ.1i{, !["i. and in the sense of
. habituated etc. as given in the fuie
P. III. 2.134;
e.g. etc. of. P. III. 2.14

krt affix +R: added in the sense
of h;bituated etc. to the roots e:,
ere. and e.g. <;'1.11<::, am1::
d. P. III. 2.134 and 160.
Offls- affix <! taking Atmanepada term i-
after it, added in the sense
of similar behaviour to a substan-
tive. The substantive to which
t his affix is added, becomes a
denominative root; e.g. Cfifcli:
<m, d. Kas. on P. III.
1.II-12, also on P. III. 1.14-
denominative affix in
the sense of desiring for oneself,
added to nouns to form denomi
tive roots ; e.g. CRI"L. is also
added to nouns that are upamanas
or standards of comparison in the
sense of (similar) behaviour; e.g.
cf. KM. on P. III. r.8,
10. It is also added in the sense of
doing to the words and
ct.. Kas. on P. III. I.I?
q:qq krt affix <l applied to the roots
in the sense of 'verbal
actiVity' and to the roots with
tIl{., 1iflt with.f.; etc. to form proper
nouns e .g.
etc., cf. P. III. 3.98 and 9.9; (2)
krtya affix ;q in the sense of should
be done' applied to the roots C!",
and ( when preceded by certain
words put as upapada), as also to
roots with penultimate :n and the
roots ii.", and others; e g.
Kas. on P. III. 1.106, 121.
<l added to certain nouns like
. and others to form denomina-
tive roots after. which terminations
of both the padas are placed
cf. Kas. on P. III.
Ul).a.di a.'<'i.
will i.e, energy 01" power; potency;
the inner force which causes vocal
expresSion. cf. Vak. pad. 5

I 3t-u.T-
iiig: Y
common term for the
Cf'.!"L., and 1P-I't,. cf. 01: P. I.
4.1 5, alsl? cr. P. III. 2.!70 , VI. 450.
a class of words headed by the
word i:il!!, whiCh have their first
vowel accented acute in a Bahuvrihi I
.compound, provided the first mem- 'I'
ber of the compound is the word
e.g. d. lias. on P. I
VI. 2.II8. . 'I
(I) erial order or succession as I
contrasted with or simul-
taneity. The difference between I
and is given by in the I
line .q I
Vak. pad. II. 470. In order to form I
a word by the of several
rules of grammar, a partIcular order'
is generally followed in accordance
with the general principle laid down
in the Paribha.llia
as also according to
what is stated in the siitras
etc.; ( 2) sucees
sion, or being placed after, specifio
cally with reference to indeclinables
like tr;q, 'Of etc. which are placed
after a noun with which they are
connected. When an indeclinable
is not so it is called fu'a-
<!ill; cf. qftqr:1r 'Of fugfa- (P. IV. 4.36),
'"lW f+J'ailill': Kas.
on P. IV. 4.36; also I
f+l'ailill': ( VII. 277) am-
KliS. on P. IV. 2.78 ;
( 3) succession of the saine conso-
nant broughtiibout; doubling; re-
duplication; SIilT is used in this way I
in the E.k Pratisakhya as a synonym
of dvitva prescribed by pa1).ini; e.g.
an foIT becomes an-
becomes mliT'l d.
tI ;nijls-
etc. R. Pr. VI. I to 4; ct.
also rn:+rtwrr f9fcf: iifFcrno<!:
Uvvata on R. Pr. VLI. The root
, sn+r. IA. is several times used in the
Priitisakhya works for d.
also T. Pr. XXI. S; XXIV. s;
( 4) repetition of a word in the
recital of Vedic passages, the recital
by such a repetition being called
Sfi"jqlO, which is learnt and taught
with a view to understanding the
original forms of' words combined
in the Samhitii by euphonic rules,
substitution of letters such as that
of or.. for "l:,- or of for as also the
separate words of a compound word
e.g. q;;T.RjT<f Sf I Sf iJT<!O !
'IT<lC'f Ft9": I I I
I' cf.
n<lr: I
R. Pr. X. I. For details
and special features,_ cf. R. Pr.' ch.
X and XI; cf. also V. Pr. IV. 182-
190; T. Pro XXIII; 20, XXIV. 6.
doubling. Irregular doubling is
looked upon as a fault; cf. 9"f
R. Pr. XIV. 2S.
author c;>f a grammar named
B'&lHflR who lived at the end of the
13th century. The grammar work
was revised by Jumaranandin after
whom it was called Jaumara Krama.
also added a gloss on it which is
called Rasavati. .
recital 'of the Vedic Samhitii
by means of separate groups of two
words, repeating. each word ex-
.cept the first of the Vedic verse-
line; see :nlf above. The various
rules and exceptions are given in
detail in Pata.-Ias ten and of
the E.k Pritisakhya.
Samhita or Samhitap8,tha'is
posed to b-e the original one arid the
Padapatha prepared later on,-wIth '
a view to preserying the VediC text
without any change or modification
of a . letter , or accent; cf..q
'amcwri: I
M. Bli. on Ill. 1.109, VI. 1.207 and
VIII. 2.I6, wherePat?-fijalj cleady
says that grammar-rules are not to
follow the but, the


j' ,
. 'l'
writer of the.Padapatha is to follow
the rules already laid down. The
Jatapatha, the Ghanapatha and the
other recitals are later developments
of the Padapatha as they are not
men'tionedin the Pratisakhya works.
a class of words headed by the
word lfill' to which the taddhita affix
0Ffi ( WI.) is added in the sense of
, one who studies and understands ';
e.g. lRCii:, etc. cf.
Kas. on IV. 2.61.
a consonant which is subjected to
doubling cf. <juT: 'i4+raJt R.
Pr. XVIII. 18.
action, verbal activity; cf. fiii"lTq
Cf'OfcU \:IT!!: M. Bh. on 1. '3.1; cf. also
&i<rrCfl'"l'iilil'@<lld<r: R. Pro XII. S. quot
ed by Uvvata in his Bhlilliya on V.
Pr. VIII. So.; cf. also \31ffi;rr:
P. I. +S9, fili<!FlT: P. III. 2.
,I26; cf. also <RIN
tI I mr qj11 tlr M. Bb.
Ahnika I. The +iT9" many
. times is used in the same sense as
kriya. or verbal activity in the siitras
of PaQini. d. P. I. 2.21; I. 3.13 ;
III. r.66 etc.; cf. also +iT9r
a statement frequent-
ly by the Some
scholars draw a nice distinction
between f>fi<.Ir and +IN, meaning
dynamic activity and +1'19" meaning
fltatic activity; cf.
1:ffi9":iT+wi: I ,flfiilT
Kaiyatats Pradipa on M. Bh. III.
1.87. Philosophically is defined
as in temporal sequ-
ence in . various things. When tRIT
does not so appear it is called
a grammatical work on the
conjugation 9f roots written by
a grammar work quoted by
in hjs
lit. over-extension or excess '
of action; the word is, however;
used in grammar in the sense of .
non-happening of an expected action
especialiy when it forms a condition
of the conditional mood cf.
Kas. on P. III: 3.139; ct. also
tlTl:'f<i' &i<rr<!T:
f?n<!Tffftffil;f1t +lW M. Bh. on III.
contact with -the verbal act-
ivity (characterising all karakas)
without which no sentence or state-
ment stands. cf. Vak. pad. II. 425.
having activity as the main
factor of a verb; the
word f:fi<!f31cTTq is given as a sort of
definition of the word which
is found used in the sense of a root
as also in the sense of a verb. cf.
Yak. pad. II. 442.
f?tw1'hiiS intended fruit of a Verbal
activity; cf.
P. I. 3.72.
association with a verbal aCt-
ivity ; cf. '3'li6'ft: &i<rrciFt P. I. 4.S9. '
(adj. to ) lit. meant or in-:-
tended for another action ;e.g"m'lTh
ilalRr where i!+fclf>fi<.IT, i!! intended for'
m"1<if%4I; cf.
P. III. 3.10.
meaning or expressing. a .
verbal activity; a term generally
applied to dhatus or roots, or even
. to verbs. The term is also applied
to denominative affixes like.
which produce a sort of verbal
activity in the noun to which they
are added; cf. !f<I"11C{<!: M.
Bh. on III. I.I9. .
determinant or modifier
of a verbal cf. F:1\<lIfiH'\lijuT
I q:qfer M. Bh.
on II. 1.1; nouns used as Kriya-
vise!?al}a are put in the neuter
gender, and in the nom, or the .acc.
case in the sing. number; d. %<iT-
"l9;tl'liB'WOf 'q Pari.
Bhaskara Pari. 56.
repetition or intensity of .
a verbal activity; d. ifri1: :
en, Kas. on P. III, 4.2.
.r:;.. I
nan:e given to the eighth I
section of the Third Kanda of I
which deals wIth I
verbal actIvIty. .
krt" affix <i applied to the root m,
e.g. +fl<i:, d, P. III. 2.174,
:gCii03:. krt affix <i'Ii; e.g. d. (f+f<i:).
SJiCfi'afi'r Cl9'(f0<i: P. III. 2.174 Varttika.
a root belonging to the class
of roots which are headed by :fit
and which are PJPularly known as
roots of the ninth conjugation; cf.
g crrWii
Padamafijari on VII. 2.48.
. a class of words headed by the
woid ";fitG to which the taddhita
affix .<:r( is added in the sense
oIa female descendant; e. g.
etc; cf. on P.
IV. 1.80.
ihfT<t an ancient school of gramma-
rians who are believed to have
written rules or Varttikas on some
. rules of PaQini to modify them;
the school in the
Maha ; cf. 'q B'f<'fT
;filf!1<1l: qof.(f I M. Bh. on P. I. r.3.
a. class of words headed by
the word ;fuN which do not take
the feminine affix when they stand
at the end of a e. g.
1 etc.; cf.
X{M. on P. IV. I.56.
a clasfl of headed by
the root "iW to which the
conjugational sign.n ( is added;
roots of the ninthcor..jugaJion.
a word used in the senEe of
'neuter gender J by
later than and the Vartti-
kakara; ct. tlB'm1T
EM!?a yr. on P. II. 2.2;
rn: @]"iitC/+(, Kaiyata's Pi. on II. I-
S!; Dmgh. Vr.
on P. II. 4.17'
... krt affix 'Ii added to the root
m; e.g. ct. P. III. 2. 174.
I,+t affix Cl'r, in the sense of agent
added to .(!) a root preceded by
an Upasarga or a Subanta Upapada
or sometimes even without any
preceding word; e.g. 5To/tf<'fT, '<fr91,
tftC!T; (2) to the root VR, preceded
by an Upapada which is the object
of the. root i!'U, e.g. tfl<]:.<t!f; (3) to
roots and having as
their object, ct.
PiiI}ini. III. 2.94-96.
krt affix taking the affix
in the feminine gender, added
to the roots etc.;
i1.<t{"(:, iTtCffr; ct .. P. IlL 2 .
. 163"164.
krt affix taking the fern. affix
in the feminine gender,
prescribed in the sense of perfect
tense, which is mostly found in
Vedic Literature and added to s_ome
roots only such as <fB'" etc. in
. the spcken language; e. g. ;;J&!<n'l.
:ffitfitcn03:. <Krffi: cf. Wi.s.
on P. III. 2. 107-109.
ft; a common term to signify krt
affixes 'ffii;a:. and ffii both; cf,P. II!.
2.134, VI. S.lIS. VI. 4.40; VIII. 3.
@5, VI. 4.15, VI. 4.97,
kit alero i.e. an am:r. of
whi@h V@l'y ie dmp!;)@d and
Ktotb.iDG g'@ooruno
to tb,@ roots
<:!"l'.., etc. under certain I
conditions; e.g. "IiftCf<ji,
cf. Kas. on P. III. 2.58.60.
(I) krt affix zero, added to the
roots tl't" '1" furJ,., and others with a
preceding word as upapada or with
a prefix or sometime:;; even without
any word, as also to the root
preceded by the words >!&F(, and
l?\;f, and to the root preceded by .
l;!, cnil,\: etc., and to the roots 1i!, and .
R, under certain conditions e.g.
fl1f).u" ct. P. Ill, 2.61; 76,
77. 177-179; (2) the de-
nominative affix zero applied to
any substantive in the sense of te-
haviour 3l.<t!fu, <R+ffit etc.; cf. II'I.Bh.
and Kas. on P. III. I. II.
a substantive ending with the
krt affix fem. ( zero affix) added to a
root to form a noun in the sense of
the verbal action em<!}. The words
ending with this affix having got
the sense of. verbal activity in them
quite suppressed, get the noun
terminations etc. and not
m, 0: etc. placed after them; cf.
. Wtfurnfif +frcIT i\0lJCR. +fClm. However,
at the same time, these words
go certain operations peculiar to
roots simply because thekrt affix
entirely disappears and the word
formed, appears like a root; d.
'<Trgt=f q Kaiyata's Prado
on VII. 1.70.
a Jain grammarian quoted in
the well-known stanza
which enumerates the
seven ge7ns of the court of Vikrama-
ditya, on the strength of which
some scholars believe that he w)as a
famous grammarian of the first
century B.C.
with Satra,
system of grammar 1
Dbatu, Gal)a, UQadi
and Linganusasana. It has been
attributed .to K!?apal}aka. Ujjvala-
dafta refers to a gloss on UQadi-
sutra by K!?apaQaka: Tantrapradipa
refers to it.
a Jain grammarian. who
wrote a small grammar work known
as AnitkiirikavivaraI;1a ...
or K>C. CHAT-
TERJI a scj:J.Olar of Sanskrit gram-
mar who' has written a work
technical terms in who
has edited several grammar works
and the Candra VyiikaraQa and
conducting the Sanskrit journal
named Mafiju!iiii at Calcutta,
lit. rapid, accelerated, short ;
name given in Pratisakbya works
to a Sarildbi or euphonic combir.a-
tion of the vowels l{, \j, "Ii,
with a following dissimilar vowel;
cf. Uvvata On R. Pi. III.
10; d. also ffi P. VI. 1.77.
The name K!?ipra is given to this
Sarildhi possihlybecause the vowel,
short or long, which is turned into
a consonant by this sarildhi becomes
:very short (i.e. shorter than a short
vowel i.e. a semi-vowel). The
word is also used in this sense
referring to the K!?iprasarildhi.
or a com-
mentary on the Dhatupatha of
PaI)ini writttenby K!?irasvamin<t O!\'t"ihg an
by the
abridgment of
grammarian of Kashmir
of the I rth century who wrote the
famous commentary on.
the Dhatupatha and a commentary
on the NighaQtu. Kashmir tradition
makes him a teacher of Jayapiqa of
the eighth century. He quotes
.Candra Dhiitupatha and is' quoted
by H(lmacandra and Vitthale.. He
is referred to as Swami by MaIli-
natha. He . lived between IU5-
rx65 A.D.
a class of wordings such as
arid the like in which the
consonant is not changed into
UJ:. although the consonant is
preceded by =ti,' "'I(,! \ or '1, and
intervened by letters which are
admissible; e.g. g"c:rrfo, 1'!'rITfo, 'l<'fliil':
etc. cf. Kas. on P. VIII. 4. 39.
This class is styled
a grammarian who lived in the
sixteenth century and wrote a
commentary on Sarasvataprakriya.
author of a comtnentary on

!as!' (I) another name of the
See the word above; (2) nl'lme
given to the Svarita accent borne
by the vowel following the semi-
vowel which results from the
sarildhi; cf R. Pr. II. 8;. III. 7, IO;
-VIII. 22; cf.
V. Pr. XX. I; cf .also
V. Pr. I. lIS;
P. VIII. 2. 4.
hissing or whizzing sound given
a'S a fault in utterance of sibilants;
cf. I:!qfir: I com.
on R. Pr. XIV. 6.
tR1 (I) aorist vikarat;ta affix substitut-
ed for cf. P. III. 1.45,46; e.g.
cf. onP. III.
I. 45, 46; (2-) krt affix applied to
the root preceded by a pronoun
as etc. e.g.
etc. cf. rt: 'ffi1lT P. III. 2.60
Varttika. (3) affix tI applied to the
root ilT{ or or to form the
noun cf. 'Fa iffa'
II. 2.
era'!"'. Ut;tadi cf. 6fl\<i,.
Ut;tadi III. 75.
Ut;tadi affix m; cf. fom:
U Qadi III. 155.
em krt affix in the sense of
in Vedic Litera ture; (+11f1i!f)
Kas. on III. 4. 9.
second consonant of the guttural
class of consonants possessed of
- and f.tqr\ qualities.
'19 tad. affix, always changed into
(I Lapplied to the in the
sense of a descenqant, e.g.
cf. P. IV. r.I39; ( 2) appli-
ed to the words ar;m, 1lT\, and
in t he sense. e.g.
tfIfrUJ: etc.; cf. P.IV. 2.93
and Varttikas 2, 3 .on it; (3) applied
to words ending in the 91T
( which does not mean t sound' or I
letter') in the sense of 'present
there,' e.g. crlslt2fClll'IUJ:, cf.
P. IV. 3.64; (4) applied to the words
and in -the sense of
bearing' ,and to _,
and e.g. etc., cf!
P. IV. 4.78, 79, 130, I32, 133;
( 5) applied in the!; ense of
favourable to' to the words
etc. (P. V. 1.9), to
( 32 ) to tffSf and
others (53-55), to tIlrr (85-86), .
to and cr!f (87-88)
and and (92 ); e.g.
etc.; (6) to the words ,
etc. e.g. acl'i1f+ffur: cf. P. V. 2.5 to 17;
( 7) to the words etc.
ct. P. V. 4.7, 8. e.g. (8) @
is also .a technicalterm in the sense
of elision or in the Jainendra'
Grammar cf. Jain I. r.6:r. (9) The
word @ is used in the sense of
, glottis' or the bole of the throat
( ) in the ancient Pditis1ikhya
the consonant see m.
lut affix in the of ' agent'
'applied to the roots q", Ol'l., and
<lor. when preceded by certain
words standing as objects.
this affix the augment ffor. ( +!.) .
is added to the preceding ;jqq'={ if it .
. is not an indeclinable. e.g. fll<T9';:;-:,
qt,jlf: etc. cf.
. ,
P. Ilr. 2.38-47'
tad. affix applied to in
the of a descendent; e.g.
llT&ffoJt'<l: d. P. IV. 1.14 T, to !:l.lll
(P. IV. to dl'131<t In
the senses (P. IV. 3.! ), to
SIfn<ilif, etc. (P. IV. 4.99), to
llTUJCf and ( P. V. I.II),. to :p;fc'q<il:.
( P. IV. 3.71 ), to +m! (P. IV. 3.81),
to words meaning corn in the sen;;e'
of' a field producing corn' (P. V.
2.1). to tlcf"'l;jil,. (P. V. 2.5), and to
the words ii1g, 3l-'i:l, etc. in, some
specified senses (P . V.
A vrddhi vowel ( 't!: or a:rr) 1S
substituted for the first yowel of the
word to which this affix is ap-
plied, as OJ, is the mute letter appli-
ed in the affix
tad. affix applied to Cfilli1>,
etc. in th!'l sense of tl't1f, e.g. <f.1i<f,-
\''1lT<iOJ:., also to the words
'lll.1 and its synonyms, e.g.
o'iI::C{O.s: etc.; c.f. KiiS. on P. IV. 2.38.
5 r.
a class of words headed by
the word to which the affix
Blot is added in the sense of colIec-
... 'f
tion; e.g. +1g<l'.OJ:.; c .
Kas. on P. IV. 2.45.
a technical term of J ainendra
grammar, corresponding to itlf of.
Pat;tini. cpo Jain. Su. 1.
krt affix applied to the root
when preceded by a word stand-
ing 2S the object of theroot,
vided an abuse is meant, e.g.
cf. P. III. 4.25.
the pratyahara standing for
the first and second consonants of
the five classes; VII.
4.6; also cf. VIII. 3.6, VIII.
the pratyahara starlding for
"tard consonants viz. the' first and
second letters of the five classes
and the sibilants, before which,
at the end of a word
and soft consonants i.e. the. third
and' fourth consonants of the five
c1asse-s become hard; cf.(g,("lffl"!<lr-
P. VIII. 3.15, and mft 'C! P.
VIII. 4.55.
krt sffix aT addf;d to any root
... .
preceded by the word or
and to the roots l( and preceded
by an upapada word forming either
the subject or the object of the
roots, e.g. iM(Cfi'\: Cfi2J +1i:fClT,
+19iiT; d. P. III. 3.126, 127.
krt affix added to the roots
'( "IlT,
CfIJ., etc. preceded by certain
specified upapada words. The root
un-dergoes all the operations such
as the addition of the conjugational
sign etc. before this on account
of the mute letter which makes
<8'R a Sarvadhatuka affix, and the
augment OJ:. is added to the preced-
ing ;a-qtf'={ if it is not an indeciinable
on account of the mute letter <a.j
e.g .. <il<li1'<il;q:,
qfosffli;:;q: etc.; d. P. III. 2.28-
fuq: characterized by the mute letter
applied to krt affixes which, by
reason of their being fuRI:,. cause
( a) the addition of thene augmt
_ to the preceding words
rn:q, and words ending in a vowel,
and (b) the shortening of the long
vowel of the preceding word if it is
not an indeclinable; cf. P. VI.
( i ) lit. barren, cf. Sayal}.a on
Sat. Bra. 8.3. 4 I; (2) a supple-
mentary recital or enunciation
which is taken along with the ori-
ginal enunciation or upadda gene-
rally in the form of the siitras. The
, word is used in the Kasika in the
sense of one of the texts forming a
part of the original text which is
called upadesa; cf.

(on P. I. 3.2); cf. also '''Hgm;:
Padamafijari on
Kasika 1. 3.2. WRuT
f!.,SJtfl'O: fuiiil'lfI'O!Il I I
I There are such
accessory treatises on Candra
Sakatayana, Haima, Ratantra:
Sarasvata, Mugdhabodha and Sau-
pad rna.
krt affix in the sense of an
agent added to the root e.g.
cf. P. III. 2.57. I
a technical term of Jainendra gram- l
mar, corresponding to of Pal}.ini.
cf. mrr: m: I Jain. Sii. I. r.2g.
krt affix \:i'!ti in the sense of an
added. to the root 'i, ejg.
cI. P. III. 2.57.
See f@
krt affix Of;:{ applied to the root !Ii
in the sense of an instrument when
preceded by the words tj+!lT,
etc. provided the whole word is
similar in sense to cvi-formation
( 'iol:j<T ), e. g. i3iIGir'fROJ+I: .
f I
J II ' .,,'
c. . I: 2.56; fern. cf.
IV. I.I5. Varttika
":! third lettel;" of the guttural class of
consonants, possessed of the pro.-
perties, and ORq3f(Ul;
some gramIllarians look upon the
word f<Wcr. (P. r. 1.5) as made up
it., and and say that the GUl}.a
and Vrddhi substitutes do not take
'. place in the vowels If \3' !OR' and C" , , , ,\..(.
':. if an affix or so, marked by' the
mute letter it. follows.
TELANG J (I) a stalwart gramm-
arian and Sanskrit scholar of repute
who was a pupil of Balasarasvati of
Varal)asi and who prepared in the
Jast century a host of Sanskrit
scholars in VaraJ}.asi among whom
a special mention could be made of
Dr. Thebaut, Dr. Venis and Dr.
Gailganatha Jha. He was given by
Government of India the titles
Mahamahopadhyaya and C.LE.
His surname was Manavalli but he
was often known as
For details, Vol.
VII. D.E. Society Ed. Poona pp.
33, 34; (-2) an old scholar of
VyakaraQa who is believed to have
written a commentary on Vikrta-
of Vya<;li; (3) a compara-
tively modern scholar who is said
to have written two commentaries
both named one on
the and the
other on the Sabdendusekhara' ,
( 4) author of the Vyakaral}.adi-
paprabba, a short commentary on
tbe Vyakaral}.a work of Cidrupasra-
writer of Kfitantra-kaumudi
possibly different from the reputed
. Gaflgesa Upadhyaya who is looked
upon as the founder of the Navya-
nyaya school of modern Naiyayikas,

and who lived in the twelfth
century A.D. .
a graphic description of
the Jihvamiiliya letter as found in
script, given by Durgasimha; cf.
+['l'm Durga-
simha's corn. on Rat. I. 1. 18. see
'lUT a class of words, as found in the
siitras of PaI}.ini by the ,mention
of the first word followed by the
word w; e.g. tj'l'Tfit, i5il:jffu:,
O-=f1fit, Of<{rfit, remf?: etc. The ten'
. gal}.2s or classes of roots given by
PaQini in his dhlitupatha are given
the' !lame Dasaga!)i by later gram-
the mention individually of the
several words forming a class or
.gaI},a, named after the first word
said to have been written by pal}.ini
himself as a supplementary work
to his great grammar called Mtaka
.or the the Dhatu-
patha and the Lioganusasana being
the other ones. Other gramma-
rians such as Sakatayana, Apisali,
Hemacandra and Supadma and
others have their own gal)apathas.
The gal}.apa is traditionally
ascribed. to . pal}.ini; the issue is
questioned, however, by modem
scholars. The text of gaI}.apatha
is metrically arranged by some
scholars, cf. }j'fa'qrf?:a- fif i'(Uf.iil\:
lfTfii'lIM .,"'I'm!{ffi I N yasa on VII. 4 3
cf. also anfu:;Ull({! q
'iTUll;:q6fa'1 Rai. 1. I.34. It is likely
that GaI}.apatha formerly was a part
of Siitrapatha but was separated
later on. The most scholarly and I
authoritative treatise on GaI}.a-
patha is the GaQaratnamahodadhi
of Vardhamana.
a grammar work, con-
sisting of a metrical enumeration
of the words in the Gal}.apatha of
. pal}.ini, written by Vardhamana, a
. Jain grammarian of the 12th cen-
tury, who is believed to have been
one of the six gems at the court of
Bengal. Vardha-
mana has written a commentary
also, on his Gal}.aratnamahodadhi.
BesidesVardhamana's commentary,
there are otber commentaries
written by iTl9{l., and
also called
a commentary on the ifU['
\tCfl1it1:\:fl:T of Vardhamana written by
the author himself. See
a metrical comment-
aryan Vardhamana's Gal}.aratna-
mahodadhi. The name of the
author is not available.
a work of Bhatta Yajfie-
svara. It is based on the Svopajfia
on GaQaratoamahodadhi.
a commentary on GaI}.apiitha
of pal}.ini, written by
of the eleventh century.
a statement of the type of a
Siitra in the GaI}.apatha of pal).ini
where mention of a word or words
in the Gal}.apatha is made along
with certain conditions; e.g. tt,<f*
'RT'l'\O, in the
t{'l'ffitifUl, and
3fl'Rmq: in the Some of the
gal).asiitras are found incorporated
in the Siitrapatba itself. ]'1:any later
grammarians have appended their
own Gal}.apatha to their Sfitrapatha.
a commentary on the
. GaQapatha of Pal}.ini written by
Mannudeva who flourished in the
nineteenth century.
(I) lit. motion; stretching out,
lengthening of a syllable. The word
is explained in the Pratisakhya
works which define it as the length-
ening of a Stobha vowel with the
utterance of the vowel or a- after
it, e.g. or iilFt for i[lj similarly an
-if or 3'!T-Ft; (2) a technical term
used by Pat;liniin connection with
prefixes and certain indeclinables
which are called <rm, cf. P. I. 4.60-
79. The words called gati can be
'compounded with the foHowing
word provided the latter is not a
verb, the compound being named
tatpuruae.g. Sl''!;.i:i<I., e;frt-c<r cf. P. II.
2.18 ;. the word <riff is used by paI).ini
in the masculine gender as seen in
the Siitra P. VI. 2.49 and
hence explained as formed by the
addition of the affix to the
word being used as a technical
term by the rule fu>=(ffir 'if P.
III. 3.174 ; (3) realizatioQ, under-
standing; cf. a-ir<!<rRrrtii +fi:im Par.
Sek. Pari. 9;
Par. Sek. Pari 76; fu qfhrr!:fr
Path a Ifg.
aTICi<l'iR<f;l{Rm<rT a popular name given
to the maxi m <rfcl<!;r\9itq-q"l:TClT 'i!ifi;:: tlii
d. Par. Sek.
Pari. 75.
;rrfCif.temr the grave accent of
the 'If a word before a verb with an
acute (a-i{l'ij) accent; d. femr-
9fu P. VIn. 1.71.
a compound with the preced-
ing gati word prescribed by the rule
P. II. 2.18 ; I
f.i9T1.:rUJm: lVI. Bh. on II. 4'26. I
a root denoting motion; the word (
frequently occurs in the Sutras of
PaI).ini and the in cen-
nection with some special operations
prescribed for roots which are ore:!<T.
There is also a conventional expres-
sion meaning 'roots
denoting motion denote also know-
ledge" ; d. Hem. Pari. 12I.
a popular name given to the
scholarly commentary written. by
Vaidyanatha PayaguQQe on the
Paribha.!,?endusekhara. The comm-
entary is called CfiTNr'IiT also, as it was
written in the town of Kasi (Varii-
I).asi ).
the reputed Naiyayika
who wrote numerous works on the
l'ifavyanyaya; he has written a few
works. like 'IiT\l'Ii-
f.ioT<!, on Vyaka-
ra:t;la themes,_ although the treat-
ment, as also the style, is logical.
that which should be under
stood; the word is used in the sense
of 3l''flirno!j"; cf: aliI
M.Bh. on 1. 1.9,
;rr+l'C!i' capable of conveying the sense;
intelligible; the word is often used
in grammatical works;' cf. tlNe(ic?tfq
llli'll(CfT(E!.,rtl:; cf. also 3'!91i4 9\\<IRrlii5'Bg
M.Bh. on II. I.r.
to be understood, not expressed;
ct. <!\<iT:?r "f 'Sf :v-..a:: tI'ij';q: I
com. on Hem. II. 2.62.
<l+lfift{ a class of words headed by
word <r;:ft which are formed by the
application of uI).adi affixes if! the
sense of future time; e.g. <r1ft' !l1l1<i,
'arrmm, !Hl<f{m etc. d. Kas. on P.
HI. 3.3.
involving a special effort. ,The
word is frequently used by the
Yarttikakara and old grammarians
in connection with something, which
involves greater effort and longer
expression and, hence, not com-
mandable in rules of the Sastra
worl{s where brevity is the soul of
'wit '; ef. Par.
Sek. Pari. IU. The word is also
sometimes used in a &imilar sense;
cf. Q<l;" +fCffa' M.Bh. I. r. Ahn. I
Vart. 2. .
greater effort or prolixity of
expression which is looked upon as
a fault in conneCtion with grammar-
works of the siitra type where every
care is taken to make the expres-
sion as brief a;; possible; cf.
Par. Sek.
Pari. 122. The word iTr\Cf is often
used for <rfr2ft(<j'.
a class of words headed by <rq
to which the affix <:to!', (<!) causing
Vrddhi to the first vowei of the
word, is added in the sense of a
descendant barring the son or
daughter; d. iJ'lTtfit<:<iT <lor. P. IV. 1.
105 and the instances <rr't:,
qrr,;&!: d. Kas, on P. IV.
I. lOS.
;rrJqq: lit. j \lst like a foetus. The word
"is used in connec'tion with affixes
that are placed like a foetus in the
midst of a word in spite of the rule
that affixes are to be placed after;
cf. q\!l:T' P. III. I. 2. The affixes
819i"'l... ZI'I, etc. are of this kind; ct.
'fi:{1jgl9'!<{<iT <1Cffr<i I <!l<fT
Siradeva Par. Yr. Pari. 9r.
the word occurs in the Pratio I
sakhya connection with the
definition of tf"li'l1; in the krama-
patha. The word means bring-
ing together two words when they
are COIT. bined according to rules
of Sarhdhi. (See the word
In the Kramapatha, where each
word occurs twice by repetition, a
word occurring twice in a hymn or
a sentence is not to be repeated for
but it is to be passed
over. The word which is passed
over in the Kramapatha is called
e. g. 'q' <'1m ifITI
qli0i ifITI
If'<fu:ri <'ili: I In the Krama-
patha "fli: and <f11: are passed
OVer and is to be connected
with The words <fit:
and <ili: are called galatpada; cf.
Pro IV. 197. There is no in

iT<iTR< a class of words headed by the
word m to \vhich the affix <Iff;. is
affixed in the senses mentioned in
rules from P. V. 1. 5. to V. 1. 36 ;
e. g. if;q+J;., i[f9
2l<f., etc. ;
d. Kas. on P. V. 1.2.
the dvandva compound
words <r'lT-'!l, '1'1T"f9'!i, <rm,
and others
which are to be declined in. the
neuter gender and singular number;
d. P. II. 4.II.
a class of words headed by the
word to which the taddhita affix
(') is added in the Saiiika or
miscellaneous senses; e. g. <rifr<FI..,
ClRWfr<!<f.; this class called 'gahiya'
is looked upon as and
hence the words and
the like could be explained as
correct; cf. Kas. on P. IV. 2.138.
:rlTli:;tT name of one of the main seven
Vedic metres. It generally has three
padas of eight letters each. However
illustrations of trnq<n, fij:qGJ
and are known in
When a foot of the three-feet ifI<lsIT
is found wanting in one syllable,
we get divisions like (7,,7, 7)
( 7, 6, 7 ), (6, 8,
7), (6, 7.8), >rfflllT (8, 7.
6 ), ( 6, 9, 9 ), <!CfP."<lT ( 7,10, 7 )
. and so on. cf. J,tkpratisakbya xvi.
14, lB.
iiFq an ancient reputed grammarian
'and possibly a writer of a Nirukta
work, whose views, especially in
connection with accents are given
in the PratiS1i.khya works, the
Nirukta and PaIJini's
Although belonging to the Nirukta
school, he upheld the view of the
VaiyiikaraI)as that all words cannot
be derived, but only some of them;
cf. Nir. I. 12.3 d. also V. Pr. IV.
167, Nir. I. 3.5, III. T4.22; R.Pr.
I. 13; XIII. 12; P. yn. 3.99, VIII.
3.20, VIII. 4.69.
i1Fi5<f - ancient grammarian and
niruktakara quoted by PaIJ-in!; d.
P. VI. 3.60, VII. I. 74, VII. 3-99,
VIII. 4.67, d. also Nir. IV. 3. '
'IT<f a technical term for the term 3l1W
(pertaining to the base in the gra-
mmar of PaJ)ini); cf.
Kat. Pari. 72.
Ft a technical term of Jainendra gra-
mmar corresponding to ;:sq-afe in
PaQini. cf. f,f;'!j1'llit f.i 1 Jain. SU.
1.2. ,130.
iil'q: marked with the mute letter '1:.;
affixes that are f.ia: prevent gUI).a
or vrddhi in the preceding word;
cf. f'FfS'm 'q P. I. 1.5; d. also M.
Bh. I. 3. to; III. 2.139; d. also
'T'iiTUtlf'l' Kiis. on P.
I. 1.5.
mR'CI'i!.' writer of fctOl'tf<!litf.iul<l, a work
on syntax.
;fiffi singing, utterance in a musical
tone uttered with which a B,k
hyman cannot be called Saman cf.
- Vak. pad. II. 107 and tflffi;I WfR<lfT
( 9;1lll',,). The word (tflfuor.) also means
a faulty reading on the part of a
reader who reads ina sing-song
way. It is a fault of utterance.
a grammatical
ten by pupil of Bhattoji
in the 17th century who
wrote many works on- grammar
such as +l1l<!<1tn.:;ctr, etc.
" ;
a class of words headed by the
word to which the taddhita affix (Oof..) is added in the sense of
'good therein'; e. g.
ffi\:; cf. lOis. on P._ IV.
4. 103
(I) degree of a vowel; vocalic
degree, the second 'out of the three
degrees of a vowel viz. primary
degree gUI)a degree and vrddhi
degree e. g. ii, Q; and T;;- or;:s, alt and
an. 31' is given as a gUJ)a of 31'; but
regarding 31' also, three degrees can
stated 31', 31' and a:rr. In the .Prati-
siikhya and Nirukta u;- is called
or even UUJT'TIT but no definition is
given; d. U1T[TI1I1RQciOlrfct R. Pr.
XI. 6; il:m I
+fCffcr Nir. X. 17 ; ( 2 ) the properties
of phonetic elements or letters such
as IfITB, ;;r:;: etc. ; d. R. Pr. Ch. XIII;
( 3) secondary, subordinate; cf.
on Nir. I. 12 ;' (4) properties resid-
ing in a just as white-
ness, etc. in a garment which are
different from the substance (il:C<J).
The word U1T[ is explained by quota-
tions from ancien t grammarians in
the astl'eif
I WSB?(Cf-
II aj'ljl; 31'flf 1
[@t 1 9T'9Cfi: il:clfT?:...rr
M Bh. on IV. 1.44; cf.
M. Bh. on V. I. II9 ; (5) properties
of letters like
c{tq'l, tffiItCf, <llGi!rfu'f<!' etc.; cf.
1 <rTff M.
Bh. on I. Vurt. 13; (6) deter-
minant; cf. +f'ffcr
M. Bh. on P. I. I.27 ; ( 7) technical

I ,
term in PaI)ini's grammar standing
for the vowels 31', Q; and an-; cf.
U1T[: P. I. f.2. For the various
of the meaning of the-word see
MaMbhii!}ya on V. I. IIg. "U1T[o{IaU<f
1 I
a term used by the ancient
grammarians for the or
indirect object of a verb having
two objects. The word is found
quoted in the cf.
EfiWa- 'fiflRr'U' I
1 d. also
M. Bh. on I. 4. 5 I.
a Jain writer of the thirteenth
century who wrote a cummentary
named on g;<fffiuRI.
. a vowel, liable to take the
gUI)a substitute e. g. ;:S, "ii, and
the penultimate <ll; cf. <r;:j fCfS1<i"f<tiU
I fi'a+J:, 1 I
i\'lf !I ;; 1 M. Bh. on
I. 1.5.
difference in properties; d.
i3'?:cfi 'lIlT m:<r +f'lRr I
6l;< 1 M. Bh. on
I. 1.2. -
lit. expressing quality; words
expres5ing quality such as ;:fr(;5,
etc.; cf. :g1T[q'qi'fiill&1IJ'fIR<+<r:CfiiifiJr 'q P.
V. I. 124. See page 369 VyakaraIJ-'l
Vol. VII. D.E. Scciety
edition, Poona.
name given to the fifth
section of the third kiilJ9a ofVakY!l--
padiya, which deals with qualities
which depend upon i\C<Jorsubstance.
a class of words headed by the
word which, when preceded by
the word <lg in a Bahuvrihi com-
pound, do n?t 'have their last. vowel I
acute; e. g. This class of UTlllfit words is
considered as <llTiiRllfTll; ct Kas. on
P. VI. 2. 176 .
( =) (potency) of a word
which occupies a subordinate posi-
tion. cf, Vak. pad. III. 7.Br.
possessed of a quality ;cf. iii[
+fCffcr 1 a'll':!fT qa-:
l@ il:Rr 1 I
qa-\<j il:Rr I M. Bh. on 1; 4.21.
subordinate, lit. which has be-
come subordinated, which bas be-
come submerged, and therefore has '
formed an integral part of another;
e. g. an augment (3l1lTlT) with res-
pect to the word to which it
-been added; d.
::JlfUf;; I M. Bh. I. 1.20 Vart. 5 ;
Par. Sek. Po;lri. II
. (I) possessed of a special effort
as opposed to cf. crt\. +19m
M. Bh. Ahnika I. (2) heavy, a
technical term including ( long)
vowel as also a (short) vowel
when it is followed by a conjunct
consonant, (d. I ctrq 'q I
P. I. 4.rr, 12) or a consonant after
which the word terminates or when
it ( the vowel) is nasalized; ct. Tai.
Pro XXII. 14, cf. also R. Pro 1. 5.
a word containing a vowel
in it; cf. P. III. 1.36.
consideration of prolixity and
brevity of expression; cf asrrc'!j<j
I M. Bh.. on
I 1.1.
the same as which see
above; d.
< Siradeva Pari. 125.
held up or caught between two
words with which it is conneted;
e.g. the word 31'm in -s.<f I- <Rir amr'
<j1ic1: I cf. V. Pro IV, 176.
a short gloss on the
difficult passages of Siddhanta-
kaumudi of Bhattoji Dlk!?ita, by
a commentary on Rama-
canora's Prahiya Kaumudi by
of the famous
family of grammarians. The date
'of this is the middle of
the sixteenth century. For details
about I{ and the Se!?u
family see introduction to Prakriya-
kaumudi B.S.S. No. 78.
,...,..... 1'\ -
a commentray on abe
siitras of PaI).ini by Saoasiva Misra
who lived in the seventeenth

a commentary on the
LagbusabdenduSekhara by M. M.
Vasudeva Shastri Abhyankar
( 1863-1942).
name of the gloss on the
Tattvabodbini \vritten by NilaQ
kaI).thavajapeyin, a pupil of
a class of words headed by
the word to which the taddhita
affix UA ( is affixed in the sense
of I an offspring' (31qi5!j ); e.g. <rT2lJ:,
etc:; cf. Kas. on P. IV. I. 136.
included; d. tl;<f
Kiis. on P. III. 2.178.
a grammarian whose view in
connection with the of
the expression 1.ilfi and
is given by the "Mahiibbaiya-
Mra in the words' both expressions
are justified ' iTIfUl9iiS;:;r:).
Nagesa has observed that
is nobody else but the
Mra himself; cf. iTIfil1<fiT9:?'I: +!11'ilJ<fiR:
I Nagesa's Uddyota On Maba-
bha1?yapradipa on P. I. 4.51.
aTI:;r lit. family. The word is used by
P1i.I).ini in the technical sense of a
descendant except the son or a
daughter; cf. a:rtR<i P. IV.
I.162. The word ir't'.iiTq(Cj is also used
in the same sense. The affix, which
is found many times in the sense of
gotra, barring the usual a:j1lT,., is <l5I..;
ct. P. IV. LIaS.
affix in the sense of ifT<;j; ct.
Cj<lUBr l'Wltfu' tI tl;<fi:
l\1.Bh. on IV. I.93.
lit. inhabitant of Gonarda
which was' the name of a district
in the province of Oudh in the days
of the according
to some scholars. Others believe
that Gonarda Was the name of the
district named GOI)<;ta at pre.sent.
The expression ani[ occurs
four times in the where
it refers to a scholar of grammar in
Patafijali's time;, cf. lVI.Bh. on I.
1.2I;I. 1.29; III. 1.92; VII. 2
I01. As Kaiyata paraphrases the'
words m<l1\:I<!WITi'f as
scholars say that mi1f{cll was the
name taken by the Mahabha$yakara
himself who was a of
Gonarda. Hari however,
holds that mif{r<i was the term used
for the author of the Varttikas; cf.
'\)qcr;1W;: a class of eight words headed
by t.he word mlf<fC1, the taddhita
affix in the sense of (j. e. a
descendant excepting a son or a
daughter) such as the affix Cj5I.. or
a:j5I.. after which, is not elided in the
plural number; e. g .rrtf9<lr:, m::
etc.; cf. Kas. on P. II. 4.67.
known more by the nick-
name of or +l"gil:<f who lived
in the eighteenth century and wrote
several commentary works on well-
known grammatical treatises such a"itct-%;r a grammarian who has written
"S the a work on Katantra Grammar called
L.agt;usabdendusekhara, paribhii$e-\ and also a
ndusekhara etc. He is believed to on the GaQaratnam'ahodadhi of
have written a treatise on[ Vardhamana. A gloss on UI).adi-
.( 2) a grammarian siitras. is also assigned to Govar..:
differelit from the above l'l"f!il:<f who I dhana who is likely to be the same
\,:ritten an expinnatQry work on as above.
. Pratisakhyas ;(3 ) a scholar of
grammar, dIfferent the abwe ' writer of a'commentary known
who' is believed to haw ten a , as a:mil<fi::rr by reason of that work
gloss _ named . Oil Ii .begi,linips with I h'e stanZa
the Siirasvata at the .9,:1. the Paribhii$endusekhara of
end uf the sixteenth centurv. '. . Naf'esCl.
a grammarian' who \:'rote. I 'writer of Samasa\'ada,
cO.mmentary VairlikabharaQa on i 'a short t,'eatise On the sense con-
TaiUitlyapriitisakhya. He quotes I "eyed by CiJHlpOUild words.
. i
. known also by the nelme
.n<fi'<lil'( who has written several
commentary works un the gram::'
matical treatises of the Sarllk!?ip-
tasara or Jaumara ;:choolof Vya-
karaI}a fonnded by' KramadiSvara'
and J the I2th
century, the.\';'ell-knownamong
theIn be-ing t he
He is believed to have Jived in the I
thirteenth century A. D.
a Bengali scholar of
Grammar who is believed to have
WI i tten Ka tantraparisi$tapradyota,
a tad. affix applied to .nouns
like etc. in the sense of a
e. g. d.
P. V. 2.29. .
a . well knowil German
scholar who made a sound study' of
PaQini's Sanskrit VyakaraQa and
wrote a' veiy inJormative treatise
entitled ' paQini. his place in Sans;,
krit Literature.
He . lived in the
half.of the 19th century.
wJ,'iter of ' Sabdadipika " a
'commentary Oil the Mugdhabodha
VyakaraI).a oi l:3opadeva.
a class of words to which the
t addn i fit affix 3l'<fi (&'1) is added in
the sense of passessi.'JII provided the
so formed refer,; to ;;, chapter
.( 3le<IT<!) or a section (aTi!9T'ii); cif.
etc.; cf. KiiS. orr P. V.
a t?.d. ,Iffix applied to words like
itt aHd otliers in the sense of I a pla-
ce '; cr. <TfIJ;jT1\:<i: I IflCU-
1:flt?:,,:c:j I mi. iTtiTtij,
lll"lrnlr.(, lifumg<r. Kils. on P. V. 2._29.
It is very likely that words like
. mg, GJi and others were treated as
pratyayas by PaI).ini and Katyayana
who folloVied PiiQini, because they
were found always associated with
a noun preceding them and never
mIlT (r) a word sUbOl din ate in syntax
or sense to another; adjectival;
(2) possi:;ssing a secondo
ary sense, e.g. the word .rr in the
sense'of ' a dull man "; cf
M. Bo. on L I.IS.
1.4. lOS; VI. 3.46 See also Par. sek'l
Pari. IS; ( 3 ) secondary, as opposed
to primary; ct. ifrOt .
the maxim that the I'
primary sense occurs to the mind
earlier than ilJe secondary sense,
and hence words used in the pri-
" mary sense should be always taken
for grammatical operation's 'in pre-
ference to wL'rds in a secondary
sense. See the word <Ti1ll.
'I1'ffii an <!oncient sage referred to in
the Priitisiikhya works as a Pditi-:
siikhyakara; cf. T. Pro V. 38. His
pupils are Gautamiyiil}..
-a white ass; the word is quoted
like or as an instance
of words denoting the genus and
not an individual. cpo
on P. II. r.6g, and Vak. pad. IL
216; III. 14.39.
.m:<r greatness of effort; prolixity as
opposed to <?lfJCf; ct.
Par. Sek. Par. Il5;
cf. also .m'!!Tif.. Par.
SeR. Pari. 121.
;fmf({ a class of words to which the
affix (:s1t!.) is added to form the
feminine base; e.g. <TIn, l=Irtft, If.rr,
the class contains a large
number of \vords exceeding I'50;
for deta iIs see Kasika on 1'. I V. 1.
41; (2) a small class ,of eleven
words, headed 'by, the word
whichdo not have the acute accent
on the last syllable in a tal
compound when they are placed
alter th!;; p.repositioG ;a-q-; cf P. VI.
f;l1ii, tad. affix in the sense of posses-
sion;, ct. CfI'<IT Fllf.,: T P. L
a fault of pronnnciation due to
the utterance of a hindered
C,Jr held back at the throat; ct.
!I{iji't<:ra:. R. Pro XIV. 3; cf.
I aj;<!'m I Pradipa on M.
Bh. Ahnika 1. '
Sii{ a sacrificial pot used for tbe pur-
pose' of drinking the Soma juice.
The ward is used in this sense in
sentences like which f,
often quoted. cpo Yak. Pad. iII. I.
58, 6r. 70,85.
s:r&0l t I) teehhical term' for a word
or q-rmq-yfct'li in Veda; ct. :;;r i
I 'ern:. I
;a-q-ijP\:T i(fa- I
I Com. on
T. Pro 1. 22 ; ( 2) citlDg, quoting; ct.
!:l{U19d"1 if Par.
Sek. Pari. 31 ; cf. also' !Ii[O"frfiI
Com. on T. Pro I. 24. (3)
inclusion; (4) employment in a
rule of grammar; cf. q-rfa-q-yfG:cl!lrUr
Par. Sek. Pari.
citing or instructing the inclu-
sion (!I'1ll) of certain other things
by thl: mention of a particular
thing; e.g. the rule
"fT!:!i.<I<!: is a !IfU1Efi rule as it ad vises
that tbe ci1 ing of t he letters aT'
, ,
a, 'iIr, etc. includes the long and
protracted forms of aT, lI:,;a- etc.; cf.
Sid. Kau. on m;: <ft:r: I
VI. I. lOr.
specifically mentioned in a
rule, individually mentioned; cf.
!II1ll9d"r Par.
Sek. Pari. 3I. See the word
a class of foots headed bv the
root whic.h the affi-l'
causing vrddhi to the preceding
vowel of the root, is added in the I
;;ensc of an agent; e.g. !Irtr" \3cRlliJ, I'
iI'?I't etc.; ci, Kas. on P. Ill.
1.134 .. ,
sm:r afault in the of a \
which makes it indistlnct hy beIng
held up at the throat. See ma-.
krt affix 'G applied to
and in the sense 01 an
agent; cf. <ffll: P. IlL 2.I39
(I) foqrth consonant of the gut:.
tural class of consonants having the
properties <fIotil!:lt'i,
and (2) the consonant fJ
at the of a tad. affix
whiCh is always changed into !t<J,.;
cf. P. VII. I. 9; (3) substituie for
(at the end of roots beginning with
il as also of the root it{ under
certain conditions; d. P. V II.
33. 34; (4) substitute for tbe con-
!'!onant ct. 01 l=IglJ. placed after the
pronouns and which again
is changed into by VII. 1.9 ; e. g.
fii:.<tlif." cf. P. V. 2.4
, ' tV
2.27, 29, 93; (4) tad. affix \;f, !1-ppli-
ed to am, t!!lii: and 6B;J,in the sense
. of 'present there', to in the
sense of ' possession '; tOitfij"Si with-
out any change of sepse, and to
and in" the sense of' deser-
ving '; cf.P . IV. 4.! i7. !I8,
136, 14I, V. 1.7I; {s )krt affixOi
. when the word to which it has been
applied a proper noun i. e.
a noun in a specific sense or a techni-
cal term; cf. III. 3. lIB, II9. 125.
'EfciiR' the consonan t fJ; see 11:
'Cf'<l tad. affix lI:<!, as lound iu the word
.... cf. !!:tffl4'<l.. f"ffiiitBl: P. V.
2.92 and Kiisikii thereon.
'CfS! kft affix aT causing the substitution
. of vrddhi for the preceding vowel
applied in various senses as specified
in P. III. 3. 16-42 , III. 3 45'55,
III. 3. 120-I25, e. g. tfR:, an,,:,
'n'i":, 8T'l!lI&::, 8Tq<:!"R:, Ul1: etc.
'Ef"l:. tad. affix aT applied to the words
l{lSf, and to multisyllabic
words in specified senses, causing
the acute accent 011 the first vowel
of the word so formed; ct. VI. 2.26,
IV.4. lIS. V.r.68, V.379, 80.
'SIif one of the eight varieties of the
modes of Vedic recitation. It is
defined as of four
at "f fu:l:!T <icfd": I -fJ" is explained
I Madhusiidani
55 defines it as
1 mOffi:'
The recital Will be ab ba, abc cba
abc;, bcc bbed dcb bcd, cd, dc, cde,
edc, ede, (c), de. ed, def, fed, def,
ie ef ( f )
(1) consonaut fl., aT being added at ,
the end for facility of pronunciation;
ct. Pro 1. 21; (2) technical
term for the tad. affixes and
aillJ., cf. P. 1. 1.22, causing the
shortening of at the end of
before it, under certain conditions,
cf. P. VI. 3.43-45:. and liable to be .
changed into aWl and after
f.!ii. verbs ending in t/;, and indecli-
nables; d. P. V. 4.II; (3) tad. I
affix fJ (I{<!) in the sense of, ' a
descendant' applied to and in tad affix f(<!, occurring in Vedic
, Literature, applied to the word 'i!rg,
the sense of' having t.hat as a deity . :4. .. f K-.t. . P
._ d 1" e.g. all:{ CI c. on .
applied to arqli!t-q; ,atqlCltq an a _0 . V.I.13
to ilt-=ii: and to the words etc., \
atqT.,FSf<!:, l=IWi{<Ii., , 'fa (I) a tech. term applied to noun
tlf!<I: etc.; d. ,P. IV. I. 138, IV. : bases or Pratipadikas ending in fit
.. '
and OJ excepting the words tlRs
and tffu and tiJose which are. term
ed <rtf; cf. P.I.4.79; (2) a conven- .
tional term for ilSlji (a short vowel)
found used in the J ainendra
VyakaraI)a. cpo W N 'ti Jain. Sii.I.2.99.
'RrG: affixes having the mute letter Ii.
as for instance, !;jot., etc. which
cause the substitution of a gattural
in the place of the palatal letter
, or 5l:. before it; e.g. (lim: .[11:
cf. P. VII. 3.52.
krt affix ifii!. causing the subs-
titntion of Vrddhi for the preceding
vowel, as also to the penultimate I
vowel8i, applied to the eight roots;
o+(, etc., also to i
.etc. and e.g . ,.
om, m; Sf'1l1tft etc., cf.
p. III.2.141- 145.
bases or Pratipadikas)
called or tenned . See fEJ.
a tech. term applied to ttle roots
l'(f and 1:TT, as also to those like or 1
<U which become l'(f by the substitu-
tion of a:JT for the final diphthong
vowel, barring the root 'DlI. (to cut)
and (to purify); ct. f1:TT
P,I. 1.20.
a conventional term for the first
five case-affixes; d. 'ti Kat. II.
1.68. The term is used in the
Katantra VyakaraI)a and corres-
ponds to the term of
krt affix applied to the roots
,;!5"<iI., ';!Itl.. and in the sense of
habit; e.g. <Ii!I!, <ilijt
d. KiiS. on P. III. 2.16r.
'tl"'r.:i an fxternal effort in the pronuncia-
tion of a sonant or a soft consonant
which causes depth at the tone;
cf. S m1:fT: etc., Sid.,
Kau. on VIII. Z.I. .
a consonant characterized by
the property at the time of its
utterance; cf.
elt1i<j"ro: M;Bh. on P. 1. 1.9.
(I) fifth letter of the guttural class
of consonants having the properties
eltlif, ilrrmql'(lif,
and a:rT!FIfRt!fll;( 2) theconsonannt
getting the letter <Ii as an augment
added to it, if standing at the end
of a word and foilowed by a sibilant,
e.g. ct. :!.!!!
P. VIII. 3.28; (3) the consonant
which, standing at the erd of a
\vord and preceded by a short
vowel, causes the vowel follow:ing it
to get the augment prefixed to
it; e.g, d.
P. VIII. 3. 32.,
(!) fifth of the guttural
class of consonants which is a
nasal (3Tiji!fm'li ). consonant; the.
vowel a:r added at the end
for facility of pronunciation; cf. T.
Pro I.2I; (2)- a conventional term
used for al1 the nasal' consonants
in the Jainendra Vyii.karaI)8. cpo
;;:rrfuiii'lt is': I Jain. Su. 1. 1.4.
. a short term OT Pra tyahara
standing for the letters cr., '1:.,
and mentior,ed in
is'aTI I M. Bh. on
Mahesvara Sutras 8, 9.
short term or Pratyahara for the
, cr., and i(. See (3)
augment e.l\(. tl(,or OJ:. prefixed
to a vowel at the beginning of a
word provided that vowel is preced-
ed by or. or standing at the end
of the preceding word. See (3).
ending of the genitive case sing
ulal; \lI is sahstituted for iiI'!3, after
bases ending in <if;
and VII. 1. 12.
cf. p. IV. 1. 2\ fern. affix t which is .
. .( grave) added (a) to wordsendirig'
the vowel or the
(cf. P. IV. 1.5), (b) to words end-:
,case-affix of the ablative case,
changed into antr, after bases cnding
in OJ and -into iRl. after pronouns;
ct. P. IV. 1.2. VII. 1.12, IS
. m case-affix of the locative case,
changed into (a) a Her
termed Nadi, fern. bases ending in
an and the word cfi, ( b) into aIr after
bases ending in If and 3:, and (c)
into ftlfil. after bases of pronouns; cf.
IV. 1. z. VII. 3. II6,1l7. lIS,
LI9and VII. I. IS, 16.
(I) affixes with !i.e mute letter
. attached i:o them either before
or after,' with a view to preventing
'the gUQa arid vrddhi' substitutes for
precec;ling If; '3", for
example, the affixes and
others; (2) affixes' conventionally
called fii:tr, after certain basE:s under
certain conditions;
P. 1. 2. 1-4; (3) roots
marked with the mute letter
signifying tbe application of the
Atmanepada terminations to them;
( 4) substitutes marked with mute
which are put in the place of the
last letter of the word for which
tl,ey are prescribed as substitutes;
( 5) case affiXeS marked with mute
letter <1( which cause the substitution
of guJ;l.a to the last vowellf or '3" of
words termed N.
common term for the fern. affix t
mentioned as G'1t!., Or i!<a:. by
PaI)ini; cf. P. IV. 1. 5-8; IV. 1.
15-39, 40 ..,.65 and IV. 1. 73 i
fe;n. affix added to words in the
class headed by cf. P. IV.
I. 73. Words ending with this affix
have their first vowel accented
acute. .
ing with affixes marked with mute"",:
'3", or ct P. IV. I.6, :(c);. .. : :
words ending' with affixes :; ..
with mute as also < .
affixes <a, 3lu{, 3l<il., !IlI5'E.,
'litlt. (Ct. P. IV;.
I. IS) and to certain other words.:
under certain cOI:1ditions ; ct. P. 1""\7<
I. 16-24. . . .
fern. affixtwhich isudatta,
to words'lll the class of
words headed by a's also to
noun bases ending in affixes marked
with mute 't, as also to .. \vQrds
mentioned in the ciass headed by
<lSi d. P. IV. I.41-:46 .. lt is als,?
added in the sense of ' wife ot'to
any word. a male
cf. P. IV. !. 48, and tOgether. with
the augment a:r@!!! Carr<J:). to. the
words etc. e.g.
<f< meaning 'the script of the
Yavanas' d. p. IV. !.49. It is also
added to words ending in <fittrand
words ending in 'til and also to words
expressive of ' iimos of the bod v '
under certain d. P. iv ..
1. 50-59 and IV. 1.61-65 .
augment mentioned as in
KiiSikii., added to the vowel follow
ing the consonant at the end of
a word. See
dative case termination changed
into <:j after bases ending in short
. ar and into after pronouns; cf. P.
IV. 1.2, VII. I. 13, 14.
noun bases ending with tbe fern.
affix (:slit., or cf.
R(!!cf +jWQjfff M.Bh. on p. I. L8g
Va,rt. 16.
a popular name given by
. grammeriaD3 to the first pada ot
the fourth adhyaya of Pat;lini's I
the pada begins with
the. rule IV. L r. I
krt affix Cf'l. in the sense of an I
agetlt referring to an activity of I
past time, added to the roots ij and!
e. g. '1tcrRi); <:j\;lfi cf.
P. III .. 2. rOJ.
first consonant of the palatal
claso; of co;;Sonan t5, possessed of
the propertiefl, J!{m. amqlllj and
CfiUOfq{ffiCf. ,at the beginning of an
affix is mute e.g. '<1f.Of., cf. p. L
37; words, having the mute letter
,( dropped), ha ve their last vowel
accented acute e.g. I I
d. f'tiff: VI. 1.13.
'<I' (I) the letter " the vowel 31 being
added for facility of utterance, ct.
T. Pro 1. 2I; (2) a Pratyahara Or
short term standing for the palatal
class dconsonants ,. i8:., and
OI..; cf. V. Pro I. 66; (3)
indeclinable '"l' called Nipata by
Pagini; ct. P. I. 4.57,; 'ti
possesses four t1ff!ill<t, 31i'CfT'ti<t,
and t1liTil1, d. Kas. on II.
2.29. See also M. Bll. cn II. 2.29
Varl. IS for a detailfd explanation
,of the four senses. The indeclinable
'ti is sometimes used in the sense of
a determir;ed mention' or ava-
dharat;la; cf. .Kas. on II. 1.48 and
72. It is also used for the purpose
of or 3'f!!<muJ i.e. dra'wing a
word from the previous rule to the
next rule; (ct. M. Bh. on P. VI.
1.90 ) with a cOllvention that a word
drawn thus, does not proceed to
the next rub ; d. '"il!!'l.i2 Par.
Sek Pari. 78; (4) a conventional
term for 31+<tm-( reduplicative syl- I
lable) used in the J ainendra Vya- !
karal}.a cpo l{Cfll:1l Jain. So: 4.3.6. ;
ct. <Il1Jiim i3ffiT1m ifT\:1i6" Kat.
Pari. 75.
'<I''Ii'R the consonant " the vowel 31
being added for facility of lltterance
and clif{ as an affix to show that
only the. consonant 'if.. is meant
there; d. T. Pro 1. 16.2f.
a a grammarian wrote
commt:TI tary LiIig1i.rthacalld rika on
the ' SabdaliIigarthacandrika' of
:;:,jijiiif'ld+1Y a grammarian who is said to
have written a work named Dhatu-
"argument in a circle" a kind , .
of fault in the application of opera-
tions, resulting in confusion; a
fault in which one returns to the
same place not immediately as in
Anavastha but after several steps:
d. "Iifi'!liIlO2jCjWl'
srlmRr I M. Bh. On 1. 3.60 Vart. 5
and Kai. on VI. 1.135.
:;:,j%i{'li' known by the name
also, a small work on syntax attri-
( a of the
of the latter half of the
17th century who held views against
BhaHoji Dik!?ita and wrote
'!iT,C!iffi9 and
Known also as Cakrapar;lidatta, he
was a pupil of Viresvaraand son of

'<I'$lmor,. ( ) a wellknown
Bangali scholar who edited Nyasa.
Dh1i.tupradipa, Bha!?livrtti and
other works from Rajasahi, now in
Bangladesa. between 1921 and I940'
a grammarian who has written
a small disquisition on the correct-
ness of the form See
::r{qit\a Rt<iI<::.
a Vikarana affix of the'aorist sUb-I the tatpuru!?a. compound
." stituted after roots ending . with. wO.rd in the d:tive
in the causal sign fiJI, as also lliter I case m Its dissolutIOn ,; ct.
the roots ii and others; this t1Rr M. Bh.
, ...
causes reduplication of the preced- on II. 1.3

ing root fOlTTi; cf.. P. Ill. 1.4
-5. consifoting of (our. matdis or
e.g. cf. also P. Illoras, a short vowel consisting of
VlI.4.93. . .. one matta, a long 'vowel of two
a grammarian who has written matras, and a protracted vowel of
a work on the topic of the five three rnatras; cf.
The work is named ;:l!f[fuqf +IT I
M. Bh. on Siva siltra, 34
:;:,jw<!f:e- a short treatise written by 'tiW""
dealing with the topic of the
five compact expressions or Vptis
viz. m, t1liffi, _ and

or a scholar of gra-
'" mmar has written. an inde-
pendent work. on Sanskrit Vya-
karat;la called The
treatise is also known- as or

a group of four; the word de-
the four kinds of words ifTli,
:atr6<l and fulffii which are
mentioned by ancient grammarians.
cpo a;!
cUqqf?r I (fu<1. 1. 1.2); cpo also Vlik.
pad. J 1. 343.
"<itIT the indeclinable 'ti (with OJ. as a
"mute letter added to it which of
courEe disappears) possessing the
sense of or condition. e.g. a:r<l "I
d. KM. on P. VIII; 1.3
:;:,j;:if a famous Buddhist Sanskrit
grammariall whose grammar exist-
ing in the Tibetan script, is now
available in the Roman and Deva-
nagari script. The woik consists of
six chapters or Adhyayas ill which
no technical ierrns or sariljfias like
f2' g are found. There is no sectior,
, -3 .
'l:t0Tt!. tad. affix 'i:j1I] in the sense of fcl'G I
(known by) applied to a word
which refers to that tping by which I
a . person is known. e.g. \
d. p. V. 2.26.
writer of a Prakrta gram- ,
mar. He was known also as 'ti;s( and;
hence identified by some with
(!) a term used by ancient gram- i
marians for the fourth conson<lpts \
wbich are sonant aspirates, telmed i
by P1i.1fini; cf.R. I'r. IV. 2. T. i
Pro I. 18, V.-Pr. R. T. 17
. \.
( 2) a musical note in Sarna
a term used by ancient gram- :
. marians fOt'the dative case; d.em i
w:f Nir. I. 93 !
on Vedic Grammar and accents.
Tbe work is caSed on PaQini's gram-
mar and is believed to have been
written by Candra or Car.dragomin
in the 5 thcentury A.D. Bbarq;hari
in his Vakyapadiya reiers to him;
cf. tI rilill Gi"smlS(;f 9;":
Vakyapadiya II. 489- A summary
of the work hi found in the Agni-
puralJa, ch. 248-258.
called also Cfi'i'T, a well-known
commentary on Nagsa's Laghu-
sabdendusekbara by Bhairavaniisra
who lived in the latter. half of the
18th century and the first balf of
the nineteenth century.
'<t-:lt<blla a Jain grammarian' of the
twelfth century A.D. who has
written a commentary named
dhini on the Sarasvata Vyakaral}.a.
or a famous Bud- I
dhl::.t scholar and gramzparian who:
flourished in the earlier pal t . of the I
fourth century A.D. His system of I
grammar with fi1l1, and
lists is complete. Hehas
accepted great help from pal.1ini,
hispurposf! fur giving a new gram-
matical system being to compose a
new grammar which should be short
( dear and complete
His WJth his
own ,commentary is called Candra-
vrLti which comprises I uf six
His work, exceHcntl}
edited by B Leibisch from Brestan
omits ,'vediC siitras and sil tras on
accefH-L'!lil1artrhari cunsider,;; him
reSPQIlsfi)!e lor restoration of Maha-
Yak. pad. II. 478 ff.
. -;: '.' .. ,
who around 1500
a c:.ifilluentary in
." ." .
<1. term (Pratyahara) tor
letters " 1:1.)
of the five Sometimes as
opined by second letterl'
are substituted ioe t!le,e if a sibi-
lant follows them, e. g. 3l1f9U:. 'ft:9\: I
'<I<lT fiW<jr:
cf. S, K. on G'l1ir P. VIII.
"i''{ a short term! Pratyahar-a) for the
hard unaspirated surds and ST '(
. ...., ,
a school of Vedic Learning; ct. "<I{11I-
'li6"M5(4(d>4: Kas. P.IV . .!.46.
lit. eaten UP. swallowed :rile
word is used by Bhartrhari in the
-sense of I included' or 'contained
insiqe cpo -Yak. pad. rio
270,326; cpo 'tfIW rrrlrar
<j<;<j mt I (guq.)
having kriya or verb actiVity
hidden, in it. The term is by
Bhartrhari in connection with a
solitary nounaword or a substantive
having the force of a sentence, and
hence which be termed a,
cuceon accottnt, 'of the verbal
activity dormant in it. e.g.
ct. <HCf4 oi{1it +r.-<F(t
Viikyapad. II. 326, and rPl.W5fT

Cffci4 I Com. on Vakyapadiya
-II. 326.
which has got already a scope
of application; the term is-used by
commentators in conaectiO;1 with
a rule or a word forming a part of
a rule which applies in the case of
s?me instances and hence which
cannot be said to be a<j\<f (super-
fluous) or without any utility and
as a result cannot be said to be
capable of allowing some conclusion
to be drawri from it according to
the dictum I ct.
illl1;:CJ;J <rfl:cffl Par.
Pari. 65.
:a:. The change of the second, _ third
and fourth ietters- into the first is
called '<Itf: cf. 31""flij- -I <aft 'q- I
iWltIR I P. VIII. 4.54- 56.
"'li(( tad. affix '41:)0 tne, of being
(soaild so) iil the past t. e.' g.
fern. cf.
a term used by - the ancient
grammariims in connection with a
secondary root in the sense of
frequency; the term is used
by comparatively modern' gramm'"
. arians in tne same sense. The :qei\uff
rtiots are treated as roots the
adiidi ciass or second conjugation
and hence the general VikaraJ,.1a or
,is olllitted after them: -The
'Nord is based on . the scd pets. sing
P.V. 3.53. " .
explaiqed asa synonym of the
word :mm wruchijleans a branch or
form from the root ii in the I words of a running
sense of frequency; e. g. text or of a compound word.
eit+r<fttff eitmfu; cf . "<I a I .
gaJ,.1a-sutra in the gai}a named substitution of a hard consonant
,I adiidi' given by PiiI).ini in conne- or 'l", Ii, for soft and
ction with P. II. aspirates. Seethe word "<1\;
; cf. aisp"C\ctftalilffi Sfl=trf :;:ulfitc(Q name . of a Nirukta writer
Bhiiii Vr. onP. II. 4.7
The by Yaska; cf. Nir. III. 15.
word is similarly used for the I -
frequentative whl!n the sign of the I the group of consonants of tbe
frequentative viz. <( is not palatal class, ii(., and Gi. ..
elided. See I The word is used in the same
a form of the frequentative
orinteusive. e.g. I
ct. arrq..tI'hoIRffi I Nir.
II. 28 ; {Iff
Nir. VI. 22. See the word "<I,f;fu;., '
(I) splitting up of a word into
its component parts, which is
erally shown in the Padapatha by
ar<!3N (s) . .' The word. hence means
or recital by showing separa-
tely tr,e constitutent words of the
Samhita or the running text of the
Veda. The word is used almost in
the same sense in the Mahiiphaya
in respect of sliowingthe of
a siitra separately; cf. .,
, arm:. I
fin aN I 'ff<Fil"<iIm:
+IiIRr M. Bh. on
Mahesvara Siitia -I Viirt. 61; (2) a
repeated word; ct. !!U!r <l
q({Cf"li! mt Uvvata
on V. Pro III. 20; ( 3) Ii discussion
or a debate where consideration is
given to each' single word; ct.
Sek. Pad. lIS-
rep"etition of a word in the
::l'fmto etc. where the
severalPathas-appear to be called
:;:rqt In a word in a com-
pound is. repeated'. twice. i,n. t,he
is repeated twice.
in the. six ,
sense in the Pratisakhya works.
See the word "<I.
'qf!:liriur an ancient grammarian whose
view is quoted by PaI}ini in his
SUtra 3 P. VI. I. 130.
He was the author of a work similar
to UQiidisfitras as can be seen from
quotations of his words.
the same as or "<Ill' or
. a grammarian who composed '
a compendium on grammar called
ttCl('h{ol;of\qlg and also a commentary
on it.
a on the grammar
written by in the Sfitra form,
'which was named him.
, 'qflfc;qiifi(u( the same as
'" .
the view that- there are four
accents-the udatta, the anudatta,
the svarita and the pracaya-held
by the KhiiI).Qikiya and the Atikhiya
a tad. affiX prescribed in the
f:icrr6: and mentioned by
paJ,.1ini in . IV. cf.
ij on
IV. . ,
thE:; affixes prescribed in the
, four senseS mentioned in,P. IV.
" 2.67-'10 are
" I
given in the Siitras,IV. 2.71 to IV. I
2.91. The term is used for I
these affixes by commentators on
Pal)ini siitras.
M.Bh. on P. I. 1.73.
He is also the propounder
of the CarayaI)iya school of KplH;la
word,; in the I "<.I1U!f1:IITif a work
class headed by '<{fSl<l1nj' where the i belongmg to the Carayat)lya school
tad. affix is applied although I of the Black Yajurveda, the manu-
the words 'i:fg<iu'i, and others I scripts of which are found in Poona
are words to wpich I (BhaI)Qarkar Oriental Research
is regularly applied by P. V. 1.124. i Institute No. 21 of 1875-76) and
cf. p. I Gottingen (University Library,
V. I. 124 V1irt. I. : Sanskrit 25). It treats of Sandhi
- I rules, meter and ten
a class of words beaded by 'i:f of articulation.
which are termed f.rmr by PaI)ini ... .
e.g. "i, <it, if, etc.; fulfilment of or the
; cf. P. I. 4.57. For the I word IS used m con-
meaning of the word attl'tCl see p. I nectIon with a rule of grammar.
370 - Vol. See
VII. published by the D. E. Society, OqN the meaning of the indeclinable
Poona. 'i:f to convey which, as existing in
............. . I different individuals, the dvandva
"' krt affix arTii applied toa root, to I
signify habit, age or strength; e. g. I compound is prescribed. Out of the
a:rmrr.1 I 'ii'i'tf iirmurr: I " four senses possessed by the inde-
clinable 'i:f, the Dvandva compound
milT: I c.. . 2. 129. I
is prescribed in two senses viz.
'ilIPSf name of a treatise on grammar I and out of the four
written by Candra, who is believed I I{d{a\4lir and @l'l{R;
to have been the same as Candra- i cf. I
gomin. The Grammads based upon I l!firM. Bh. on P. II. 2.29;
. that of PaQini, but it does not treat ct. also Ciindra VyakaraQa II. 2.48.
Vedic forms and acce-nts. See the
word "fPj{ above. For details see pp.
PataiiJali Vol. I
D. E. Society's Edition. - !
name of a commen- !
tary on the written by
fern. affix <lIT, applied to
word.s ending in the tad. affixes
and e.g. iiiRmf,
cf. Kas. on P. IV. 1.74.
. an ancient grammarian refer-
red to by Patafijali in the. Mahii.-
as a scholar who had a line
of pupils named after him; d.
tad. affix (arm) applied to the
word in the sense of possession,
optionally along with the. affixes CfiJ,.
and!t'ii. e.g .
and ffafir'ii:; cf. Kas. on V. 2.122.
desiderative formation; a
term used by ancient grammarians
for the te'rm of PliI)ini on the
analogy of the termsll'CFift, cfflm<iT
etc. cf. OTT
'3'6\:, Nir. VI.
in the sense of the desidera-
tive; cf.
Durgacarya on Nir. VI. I.
name- of a commentary on
the written
by Vishnu Shastri Bhat, in reply to
the treatise named See
For details see pp. 39.
40 of Vyakarana Mababba!?ya Vol.
- VII. published by the D. E. Society,
substitute causing vrddhi. in the
place of the aorist. vikaraQa affix
prescribed in the case of all
roots in the passive voice and in the
case of the roots q", <{\ll., etc. in
the active voice before the affix
of tbe' third pers. sing. in the
Atmanepada, which in its turn is
elided by P. VI. 4.14. cf. P.llI.
affixes or substitutes or. bases
marked with the mute letter, sig-
nifying the acute accent for the last
_ vowel; e.g.
d. P. VI. 1.163: 164.
marking with the mute letter
" signifying the acute accent of
the last vowel; ct. '<{ffrf
+rFcisl!fcr; M. Bh; on P.
III. I.3 Vart. 16.
name of a commentary on
the by

fqfcr consciousness, knowledge; the
word is used in the sense of the
word the Samkhya system.
cpo Vak. pad. III. 14.325, 326.
name of a commentary on
the Laghusabdendusekhara by
Vaidyanatha payagul}.Q.e, one of the
distinguished discipies of Nagesa-
named also who
wrote a learned commentary named
'Fci'l+l'"t on the Paribha!?endusekhara
of Nagebbhatta. A small grammar
work called VyakaraQadipa or DIpa-
vyakaraQa is also fathered upon
(1) view; theory. e.g.
d. GfIQlijllil .. q-
f-q;ijfff, Par. Sek. Pari. 58 ;
( 2) a matter of scrutiny on a sns
picion; cf . ftRrr
({ilm ..
Durghata Vr. on VI. 4.69.
f"" .. ijlillUl (I) name of a commentary
on the Siitras of the Siikatayana
VyakaraQa written by It is
also caIled (2) name of a
grammar work.
a commentary on the
of C/aJiiitlOJ:., written by
in the twelfth century. Theother
commentaries are Cintama'Qiprati-
pada and CintamaQitippaQi. See

questionable; contestable; which
cannot be easily ,admitted. The
word is used in connection with a
statement made by a sound scholar
which cannot be easily brushed
aside; cf.
Par. Sekh. Pari. 93.5.
the group of palatal consonants viz.
'" Qf.., iH. and or.; d.' P. r. 3.", .
=tit: VIII. 2.30, VII. 4.62.
tad. affix applied to a word
in .the sense of' well-known by';
e.g. f<l1lIi'3!:; cf. P. V. 2.26.
a class or gronp of: roots headed
by the familiarly known
as the tenth conjugation.
a grammarian who is supposed
to have written a gloss (l!re) on
the Sutras of PaJ)ini; d. fffl "i '!fij:
- ( V. 19 Nyasa,
en the benedictory verse of Kaika:
mq at the
very beginning;
a gloss on the Sutras of paI}.ini
referred to by Itsing and Sripati-
datta. ,Some scholars believe tha,t
Patafijali's is referred,
to here by the word 'iifU!, as it fully.
discusses all the knotty points.
Others believe that stands for
tbe Vrtti of In Jain Reli-
gious Literature there, are some
brief comments on the Sutras which
are called and there possibly
was a similar '"lf61 on' the sutras of
paQini. cpo I ,Vrtti
on Va. Pa. 1. 23. Also cpo i;,<F.f 'q
tithi on Manu Smrti V. I58.
the sign i!j"' of PaQini) Elf
the frequentative or intensive. The
word is mostly used in the Katantra
Grammar works; cf.
Kat. III. 2.14, The
word is used in the Maha- ,
in the sense of CIS-ref where
Kaiyata I
cf. sri{tq- on M. Bb. on P. IV. I
1.78 Vartika. The word i
means Pii.Q.ini's terminology ,
meaning a secondary root derived
from the primary root in the sense
of intensity. The word 'qcfifuniff is
used for the frequentative bases in .
which ii, the sign of the frequenta- I
tive, is omitted. ' :
tad. affix 11;9" applied to the word
in the sense of I unable to bear'
e.g. cf. P. V. 2.122 Vart. 7.
'<i'tEfiif14 a southern grammrian of the
seventeenth century who bas com-
posed in 430 stanzas a short list of
the important roots. with their
meaning. The work is called 1:11g-

(I) an objector; the word is
common in the Commentary Litera-
ture where likely objections to 'a
particular statement are raised,
without specific reference to any
individual objector, and replies are
given, simply with a view to mak- '
ing matters clear; (2) repetition
of a word with ll"/it interposed; ct.
qft!l{: See
and qftq{. the' crude form of the word '<il{
the mute consonant added
to signify the of to
form the feminine base e.g. cf.
P. IV. 1.15.
a root belonging to the tent.h
conjugation of roots cf.
arrll: Uff AA m wrt I
KliS. on P. VII. 3.34.
the consonant with "I. .prefixed,
for which lil is substituted by
\l@ti'1lmili 'q P. VI. 4.19.
tad. affix a:rtCIif causing a vrddhi
substitute for the first vowel of the
word to which it is added. The affix
is added in the sense of I a
desq:ndant except the direct son or
daughter' to words and others;
ct. P. IV. I 98.
the sign of the aorist for
which generally m'l\. and <IIi{, Cffi,
and are substituted in specified
case; cf. P. III.
tad. affix (of which nothing re-
mains) to signify the taking. place
of something which was not so
before; after the word ending in
the forms of the root ii, li. or
have to be placed; e.g. ; ct.
P. V. 4.50.
possessing the sense See
cf. P. III. 2.56 also P. III. 3.127
Virt. I.
w the second consonant of the palatal
... class of cODl;onants (:qqir), which is
possessed of the' properties 1IffiI,
WSHUl and Cfi1l6fciIlOcliTRtQ.
placed at the beginning of affixes, is
, mute; while is substituted. for
standing at the beginning of tp.d-
dhita affixes; d. P. I. 3.7 and VII
1.2. the end of roots has got
'l. substituted for it; d. P. VIII.
tad. affix added (1) to the
words mq: and to words ending
with tad. cf P. IV. 1.143,
144 and 149; (2) to the
compound -of words meamog con-
stellations, to the words
artrliit<l, et.c.
as also to '1li etc. in
certain specified senses, d. P. IV. !
2.6, 28, 29, 32 , 48,
4, 9
& 9
; I
( 3) to words beginning I
vowel called Vrddhi (<lIT, T;; or a:rt),
to words ending with crff, to words
of the iT{ class, and to and
in the 'senses, cf. P. IV.
14, 137-45 and IV. 3.1; (4) to
the words fil,I't<1>, as also to
words ending in <iir. in the sense of
, present there' ; ct. P. IV. 3.62-64;
( 5) to the words
dvandya compounds, and
others in the sense of 'a ,book
composed in respect of', cf. P.
; ( 6 ) to words meaning warrIor
tribes, to words etc, as .also
and mI in some speCified
senses; d. P. IV. 3.9
, 13
, .'
14 Il7' ( 7) to all' words barnng
4,' .' th
those given as exceptIOns m e
general senses mentioned in the sec.
V. 1. 1-37; (8) to the 9:51,
words ending m
etc.@rr, and
specified senses; cf. P. V. 1.4
70, 91,92, III, Il2, 135, V. 2.17
V. 3. 105; < Q) to compound words
in the sense of 1(9; e., g.
etc. ct. V.3. 106;, and
( IO) to words ending, in wand
in specified sellses; cf. P. V. 4,
, 9, 10.
if<!riR the letter U, the word 1fiT{ 'being
looked upon as an affix, added to
tbe consonant which, by the
addition of at, is made a complete
syllable; cf. T. Pr. 1. 16, ZI.
tad. affix causing the vr<;1dhi
'substitute for the first vowel of the
word to which it is added. is
. added ( 1 ) to the \Yords and
in the sense of SllWl; cf. P.
IV. 1.132, 134; (2) to the words
. 'i!)1{ITlI1, and others as a
affix; cf. P. IV. 2.80; (3) to the
words ftrfuft, <i\Qig, and
the sense of 'instructed by', cf.
P, IV. 3.102; and (.4) to
in the seDse of bemg
national of' or ' having as a domI-
cile.' e. g. ct. P. IV. 394
( I) Vedic in gene:-al
as round in the WhICh
has occurred several times in the
Siitras of PaI}.ini, cf.
lfcif.a' M. Bll. on 1. 1.1, and 1. 43;
cf. also V. Pr. 1. I, 4; (2)
Sarilhita texts as contrasted WIth
the BrahmaQa texts; ct.
'q P. IV. 2.66; (3) metre,
metrical portion cf the Veda. cpo

I Nyasa on P.IV. 2.55;
cpo also
I Kai. on IV. 255
Vedic metres. They are mainly
se'ven others being their varieties.
XyI. I to 8 divides
them intq ang{,anit, CJT$'l',
m"f, lIl'fil, and iINl. Each one of
s_even principal metres viz. i1T<i'ft',
'iff;:, and :;f1Fft
can have the above divisions;
represented- by the of
Vedic bymns cpo Vak. pad. 1. 17;
-cpo t!l!!f: 1
I ";"1
anoo I (t )
Vedic language as contrast<:d
with 1t1'1T (ordinary language in
use) ; cf. tIT'<i
:q g wij-ir f,f;;JTilfff T.
XXIV. 5.
a popular name given by gra-
mmarians to the ilrst pada (; f the
fifth Adhyaya ofPaI)ini's
dhyayi as the pada begins with the
rule P. V. r. r.
a short term or Pra"tyahl'ila stand-
ing for " and f(,; cf.
P. VIII. 3.7.
- I
tad. affix added to the .word
+!qG:, in the general senses, e. g.
+tqiflC/:; cf. P. IV. 2. tI5. The mute
letter has been attached to the
affix so tt>at -the base before
it could be termed_ pad a (cf. fum :q
P. 1. 4.I6 ) and as a result have the
,consonant changed into" by P.
VIII. 2.39.
- a grammarian quoted by
Ujjvaladatta III. 70, S;<l'l::lt!'I::"U0:{
found in the Vedic Literature;
Vedic; cf. rnrc:;t!f "IN +!J1:J1<If
on P. IV. 4.143;
ct. also W({tlitm( I -.:.9ra,m
1t:rfff; M. Bh. on 1. I.S.
a learned commentary on Nil-
written by his pupil (possibly
the same as, or the son of,
) who lived in the eighteenth
a grammarian who wrote a
short gloss called on the
Ka tan trasfi tras.
third consonanj of the palatal class
of consonants, of the
properties 'U"f, Ejrq, and '1\00-
ar.. at the bfginning of
affix!:'s is mute in PiiQini's grammar.
::I the consonant ar.. with 61 added to it
for facility of pronunciation; cf. T.
Pro I. 21.
::rmfr one of the seven principal Vedic
metres. It has fourpadas of twelve
. letters each. It has further varieties
like (I2, I2, If, II),
tfitI;;JiRft ( 8, 8, I2., 12, 12) and so on.
cpo XVI. 5).
::rmfm. ( a famous Naiya-
yika who wrote Sabdasaktiprak,a-
sika around I600 A. D.
a poet and grammarian of pro-
bably fourteenth century, who
wrote a commentary named Katan-
trabalabodhini on the Katantra-
sfitras. Rajanaka SitikaI)tha, a des-
cendent oC Jagaddhara wrote a
commentary on Balabodhini.
a poet and grammarian of
mira of the fourteenth century who
wrote a commentary named
on the Katantra SiUras.
::Immr (I) the well-known poet and
scholar of VyakaraI).a and Alamkara
" Who wrote many excellent poetical'
works. He lived in the sixteenth
century. He was a pupil of VireD
SVara, son of and he severely
criticised the views of Appaya
Dikl1ita and Bhattoji He
Vitthala; (2) writer of a comment-
ary named Vadighatamudgara on
the Siirasvataprakriya.
- a famous Beugalee
wrote a sort of refutation of Bhatto
oji's commentary Prau<;lha-MaDora-
ma on the Siddhanta Kaumudi,
which he but
which is popularly termed
His famous work is the Rasa-
gailgadhara on Alailkarasastra; (2)
writer of a commentary on the
PratiSakhya by name Van;takrama-
lakl1aI)a; (3) writer of Sarapradi-
pika, a commentary on the Saras-
vata VyakaraI).Cl. has referred to
his work KaustubhakhaI)<;lana in i
his PrauQhamanoramiikhaQQana. I
a kind of Vedic recital wherein
each word is repeated six times.
;;je[ is called one of the 8 kinds
) of the Kramapatha,
which in its turn is based on the
Papapatha; cf.;;je[
Eli'!: I "Iir fi:
'lillf{,qf ll<frfilm: I ;;J2'f is defined as
mrt I i
I The
recital of al\ti'<i<i: tliit<l can be
illustrated t!!lreI'<i<i:, aTIlf<lc/:

tliit.,- 1
a famous grammarian of the
Mauni family who lived in
in tbe seventeenth century. . He
wrote a
commentary on the Siddhantakau-
mudi called which supple.
mented Tattvabodhini and a com-
mentary on the Madhya Kaumudi
He wrote a comment-
ary on the Laghukaumudi also.
a grammarian, (of course differ- I
ent from the well-known poet), to I
whom a small treatise on
by name or IS I
Fcholar of VyakaraI)a and Nyaya
who has written a small treatise
dealing with syntax. The treatise
is named CflRCnqR.
one of the famous joint
- (:;f<:ilfctt<i. and qrll'ii) 'of the well-
known gloss (<iRI ) on the Siitras of
Pat;lini, popularly called
As the is by
It-sing, who has also mentioned
Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya, as a
grammar treatise written some 40
years before bis visit, the time of
CJiI&!<n1'lfu is fixed as the middle of
the 7th century A.p. Some scholars
believe that ::wnfct(Cj was the same
as ::wntftG a king of Kasmira and
<TIll"- was his minister. For details,
see pp. 386-388 of the Vyakaral}a
Maha bhal1Y a , Vol. VII, published
by theD. E. Society, Poona: See

a Jain grammarian. of the
fourteenth century who wrote a
. commentary named also named
HaimaIiriganusiisana-vyakhya on
the of Hemacandra.
a short term signifying
the soft in aspirate class consonants

substitution of a :;flU. consonant
prescribed by paI).irii for any con-
sonant excepting a semi-vowel 01'
a nasal, if followed by any fourth
or third consonant out of the class
consonants, or if it is at the end of
a piida; cf. P. VIII. 2.39, VIII. 4.
(I) author of a com- the same as which see
mentary on written by above.
case am: of the
plural; cf, P. IV. r.2.
case termination of the nom.
plural mentioned as by PaQini
in IV. 1.2, but referred to as ;;jf6 by
him; cf. P. IV. 1.31 and VII. 1.50.
. affixes, called prescribed
by PaI}ini in the siit"ra o=f :;rrff: and
the following; cf. P. IV.
invalidity of a 13ahir-
ailga operation that. has already
taken"place by virtue of the

that which is ' bahiranga ' is regard-
ed as not having taken effect when
that which is' antaraIiga' is to take
effect. For details' see Par. Sek.
given to an alter-
nate view about- the sense of words I
referring to the expression of
sense which is entirely
the original sense; this secondary
sense is found in cases of indica- i
tion like e1N: I and I invalidity of a gram-
compounds like tftffiHR I' matical operation prescribed by a
cpo Vak.pad. II. 228. rule in the::srr+ltlf section (P. VI. 4.
( ) a composite expres": I' 22 up to the end of the fourth'pada) .
which, although it has taken place.
sion where the constituent mem- I .
is to be looked upon as not having
bers give up their individual sense. , taken place when any other opera-
words such as I tion in the same section is to take
m t e the word effect. See arT+!1<rrfffil.
gIves up lts'sense inasmuch as I'
he, the king, is not brought; mfu genus; dass; universal; the no-
also gives up its sense as every man lion of generality which is present
is not brought. It is of course to be I in the several individual objects of
n?ted that although the sense is I the same kind. The biggest or
gIven up by each word, it is not I widest notion of the universal or
given up; d. . genus is ffilT which, according to the
M. Bh. on P. II. ! grammarians, exists in every object
1.1. VArt. 2. For detailed expla- or substance, and hence, it is the
nation see Mababhii.;;yaon P. II. denotation or denoted sense of every,
I.I. Vart. 2. , substantive or Pditipadika, al-
b d . though on many an occasion vyakti
. a .an ?nment or giving up of or an required
propertIes 1D the case of a word for da'!' if' d . . 't 11
. _ 1 Y a aIrs an IS ac ua y re-
lnclu?ed In a'lffl or composite ex- ferred to in ordinary talks. In the
pressIon; .cf. Durg- a learned is
hata Vrtti on P. II. 2.6. held regarding whethef Glffiris' the
\1IIU@am<ilq a short disquisition on the denotation or is the denotation.
correctness of: the The word :mRr is deaned in 'the
written by a grammarian named Mahabhru;;ya as follows :--3l11iRt!irarr
C'akrin; cf. . .'"l' q I
I .!:IflRT tIJl: .1/ (3fq'{ amr I
colophon. .
born or produced there or then; on IV. For details see Bhattr-
one of the senses in which' the ctad. .. hari's VakltapaQi,f8 .

the view that :o!M, or genus conveying practically the same idea,
only, is the denotation of every d. Nir. X. 163 and 4-
word. T-he view was fi.rst advocated tad. affix added in- the sense of
by Vajap)iayana which wa!' later on 'a root' to the wordsonuT,
. held by the, Mimamsakas and others; e. g. P.
being the chief supporters of the V 4 2.2 .
view. See on P. 1.
2.64. See Par. Sek. Pari. 4
technical term of Jainendra graa
mmar, corresponding to of
see . . \ paI).ini. cpo <Mt fi!: I Jain. sii.
name given to the first sec- ! r. I. 45
. tion of the third KaQQa of Viikya- I
padiya. It discusses :;rrfu' or uni- ! a conventional term for used
versality as the denotation of words. I in the Jainendra VyakaraQa.
. I
the acute for the last 1 ( I) lit. affix marked with the
VOWf I of a word ending with 'ffi of \' mute letter or.; e. g.
the p.p.p. denoting a genus; cf. P. the word is not however found
used in this sense; (2) a word
VI. 2. <7
. . . I supposed to be marked with the \
tad. affix :;rraTl! in the sense of I mute indiCatory letter or.. The word
or variety; is used in this sense by the Vartti-
;;ncfil!:; cf. Kas. on P. V. 3.
9. kakara saying that such a word
Originally :o!laTl! was possibly an does not denote itself but its syno-
independent word, but as its use, nyms jcf. imt. P.
especially as a noun, was found 1. 1.68 Vatt. 7. In the Siitra eu
restricted; it came to be looked P .. II. 4. 23, the word
upon as an affix on the analogy of is. supposed to be fim., and
the affixes and others. hence it denotes ifcI, etc.; but
name of a variety .of the Sva-
rita or circumflex accent; the ori-
ginal svarita accent as contrasted
with the svarita for the grave which
follows uponan acute as prescribed
by P. in VIII. 4 . 67, and which is
found in the words l{iit:, ijor etc.
The jatya svarita is noticed in the
words a:.q:, iii, etc.; d.
I \<if@'
;:r&ftIWn1l' fcr.n ;;JR<l: I it
R. Pr. and com. III. 4
not the word itself; ( 3) In the
Priitisakhva works means the
first two consonants of each class
( qir); e. g. "i", etc. which
are the same as in paI].i-
ni's terminology; d. liT ar 1-:1\1,.-
- V. Pr. I.5o' ; HI. 13
author of the Siddhftntaratna,
a commentary on the Sarasvata
a grammarian of the thirteenth
century \vho wrote a gloss on Katan-
trasfltras. It is named Katantravi-
tautologous, unnecessarily bhrarna on which there is a comm=
ted; the word is defined anddlust- entary named Avacur!J..i by Caritra
rated by Yaska as \ "'imha.
w.:rr<n\W;1.fI'tfR <liifu -
Ni!. X .... 16.2. Fb. a reputed BuddhIst Gl"llQ
other "'defiilithms of w9.d mmarian of the eighth who
wrote a scholarly commentary on
, the Kasikavrtti of J ayaditya and
Vamana. Be calis' himself Bodhi-
sa ttvadeSlyacarya. Tbecommentary
is called P<!Tt! or and
the, writer is referred to as
in many later grammar w()rks.
Some scholars identify him ""ith
the writ,er of the
&jJCRUJ, but this is not possibJe as
was a Jain Gramma-
rian Who flourished much earlier.
mention as cf.
M. Bh. on L 1.68 Vart. 7.
.. ,
filW used in the sense of the tip
of the tongue., '
(r) havingthHoot of the
tongue as the place' of its' produc-
, tion ; the phonetic element or letter
called (2) name given to
that phonetic element into which
. a visarga is changed when followed
by d. X <ii ifffl' ffiijflI,ir{j: V.
Pr. VIII. 19, The letter is
called also; see Nyasa on 1.
I.g. The Pratisakhya looks
upon and the gut-
tural letters as
produced at the root of the
tongue; the same as
which see above.
augment ;;r. added to the root iif
before the' causal sign fi1I'i:f" when the
root means shaking; cf. cIT
P. VII. 3.38.
a grammarian of the four-
teenth century A. D. who revised
and rewrote the grammar :a-&!mm
and the commentary named ffiCfcft
on it, which were comp"sed by
ilil'JClJ1lR in the thirteenth century.
The work of is 1i:nown as

verbal termination substituted
for the original % ofthe third pers.
pI. in certain cases mentioned in
P. Ill. 4-I08, 'IOg,IIO, III andII2.
the transformation of minto
the for flr.
The term is often used in the MaM-
cf. M. Bh. on 1.57, T. I.
63, III. r.43 etc.
class of roots headed
by after which the vikarat:,la sap
is elided and the root is reduplicat-
ed in the .four conjugational tenses;
third conjugation of roots.
.. name. of a grammar work
written by Piijyapada D'evanandin,
also called Siddhanandin, in the
fifth century A.D. The grammar
is based on the of
Pat:,lini, the section of Vedic accent
and rules of Pat:,lini explaining
Vedic forms being, of course, neg-
lected. The grammar- is called
Jainendra VyakaraI}.a or Jainendra
Sabdanusasana. The workis avail-
able in two versions, one consisting
of 3QOO siitras and the ,other of 37
siitras. It has got many comment-
aries, of which the Mahiivrtti written
by Abhayanandin is the principal
one. For details See Jainendra
VyakaraQa, introduction published
by the BhiiratIya JfUin,lpith, Vara-
name of a Com-
mentary on the Jainendra Vyaka-
raQa, written by Abhayanandin in
the ninth century A.D.
C<:Jl<!i{1ll above.
a grammarian of unknown date
who wrote PadaprakaraQasamgati
on Katantra.
( a treatise on Vyii-
kara(,la written by Uumaranandin.
See r'
VyiikaraJ}a has no VedIC section
dealing withVedic oraccent.stl
but it has added a sectIon on Pra-
krta just as the HaimaVyakaraQa.
a supplement to' the
Jaumara VyakaraJ}a written by
Goyicandra. See cWftVi(.
the revised version by
Jumaranandin of the original gram-
mar verse called
written by Kramadisvara. The
JaumarasaluskaraQa is the same as
Jaumara VyiikaraQa, which' see
a root belonging to the
or the third conjugation.
name of a commentary on
Amarasimha's Amarakosa written
by Sripati (Cakravartin) in the
14th century.
author of the well-known
called I
on Siddhantakaumudl. He hved m
the first part of the sixteenth cen-
turyand was a junior contemporary
of Bhattoji The work sum-
marises many points Mahii-
and Prauc;lhamanorama.
His teacher was Vamanendra-
sarasvati while his pupil was
kaJ"ltha Viijapeyin.
lit. indirect or implicit revealer;
a word very commonly used in the
sense of an indicatory statement.
The Sl1tras, especially. those of
PaJ;lini, are very laconic and it .is
believed that not a single word m
the Sutras is devoid of purpose. I
If it is claimed that a particular
word is V\'ithout any purpose, the
object or it beiDg achieved in some
other way, the commentators
always tiy to assign some purpose
or the other for the use of the word
in the Siitra. Such a word or words
or sometimes even the' whole Siitra
is called or indicator of a
particular thing. The
or rules of interpretation are mostly
derived by indication ( )
from a word or words in a Sutra
which apparently appear to be
or without purpose, and which are
shown as after the particular
indication is drawn from
them. The is shown to be con-
'" .
stituted of four parts,
and For the
instances of ]iiapakas, see Paribhii
Puru!,?ottamadeva in
his Jfiiipakasamuccaya has drawn
numerous conclusions of the type
of from the wording of Pat;lini
,Siitras. The weed and are
used many times as synonyms 'al-
though sometimes refers to the
conclusions drawn from a wording
which is or indicator. For in-
stances of cf. M. Bh. on Mahe-
svara Siitras 1,3,5, P. 1. r.3, II, 18,
23, 5 I etc. The word in the rule
is a well-known of the
The, earliest use of the
word in the sense given above,
is found in the of
Vya<;li. The wOfks on
other 5ystems of grammar such as
the Katantra, the Jainendia and
others have drawn similar Jnapakas
from the wording of the Siitras in
their systems. Sometimes a Jiiapaka
is not regularly .constituted of the
four parts given above; it is a mere
indicator and is called cITl:'!'Ii instead
a work glvmg a collec-
tion of about 400 Jfiapakas or indi-
catory wordings found in the Siltras
of PiiQ.ini and the conclusions drawn
from them. It yvas written by
PUfUottamadeva, a Buddhist
scholar of PaQini's grammar in the
twelfth century A.D.,. who was proo
];lably same as the famous great
VaiyakaraI).l patronized by
maQasena. See ' .
realizable, or possible to be
drawn, from a wording in -the Sutra
of PaI)ini in the manner shown
redlized from the word-
ing; the conclusion drawn from an
indicatory. word -in the form of
and the like. Such con-
clusions are not said to be Ul.iver-
aUy valid; d. <1 Par.
Sek. Pari. lIO.J.
51f1Fi a cor.dusion or inference, drawn
from a word or words in a Siitra
with a view to assigning a pUipose
that or to those words which other-
wise would have been without a
purpose. The word is -sometimes
used in the sense of and refers
to the word or words supposed to
be without any purpose and there-
fore looked upon as a reasOn or
for the desired. conclusion to be
drawn. The
occur very frequently in the
M. Rh. on P. 1. 1.
II, 14, 19, 55, 68, I. 2.41 etc. etc.
concluded or proved by means I
of a word or wording; cf.
M. Bh. on
III. 4.37 Vart. 3.
a conclusion or formula to be
drawn from a Jiiapaka word or
words; d. the usual expression
<Hernl<jc'l"{, statin.g
that only so much, as is absolutely
necessary, is to be inferred.
indicated or !uggested; d.1
(:qgl!Jf CiJ:i<rr) I i1f(of<i
. -q:;ftr<!lT etc. M. Bh. on II.
Vart. 3.
short form of the word the
eighteenth constellation cpo
Vak. pad. II. 362. . .
(I) name of a
by Ramacandra possibly belonging
to the 18th cen tury on the Vajasa-
neyiPratisakbya; (2) name of a
commentary on Nagesa's Laghu-
sabdendusekhara by Udayankara
Pathaka of VariiI)asi in .-the 18th
st,anding for 'i=1<!1lfct, name of
a class of 30 roots headed by the
root cUm arld given as 'tjW
;;ro; etc.; d. P.
!'!t. fourth consonant of the palatal
class of consonants. possessed of the
properties .,RGIf;n'i,.
and at the beginning of
an affix in PaI)ini Sutras is mute;
e.g. the affixes lff etc. ; cf. P.
i(. verbal ending of the 3rd pefs.
Atm. for ( i.e, ) ; ct. P. III. 4.
78; for the letter ar.q: is substi-
tuted; d. p. VIII. 1.3. but
in the perfect tense; cLP. III. 4.8-r
and in the potentiai and bene-
dictive moods; cf. P. Ill. 4.85,
!i1'"!:. wording of the affix lff (see above)
suggested by the Varttikakara to
have the last vowel ',of 3fr(f acute
f:qn: (f>. VI. ) the propert;
being transferred. from the
original lff to. arrer; d. Kas. ol'ii:q
119Rr on P. VII. 1.3.
a short term C>rol'Tlm:) for the
fourth, third, second and first con.
of . t.tie five classes, a.fter
which is changed into the COg-I
nate of the preceding comonant
",hile l1L is changed into optionally I
cf. P. VIII. 4,62, 63.
a short term for any con-
sonant except semi-vowels, nasals
and fI.; d. P. VIII. 465.
a short term (Sl(!!lNH) for con so-
_nants excepting semi-vowels and
nasals; d. P. I. 2,9, VI. I.58, VI.
4.t5, VII. VIII. 2.39 and
VIII. 453.
a short term for the
fourth and tl;le third of the Class
consonants; ct. P. VIII. 4,53, 54.
short term for the
fourth ('lff, <1, El", cg and 1:1) of the
class consonants; cf. P. VIIL 2.-31,
m (I) verb-ending of the 3rd pers.
pI. Parasmaipada, subs tit uted for
the <!I<IiH of the ten lakaras, chang-
ed to in the potential and the
benedictive moods, -and optionally
so, in the imperfect and after the
sign of the aorist; d. P. III. <i.8.a,
83. 84, 108, log, lIO, I q, II2; (2)
a conventional term for (in-
declinable) used in the Jainendra
a term, meaning' having as
used by the in COIl-
nection with those words in the
rules of PaQini, which themselves
as well as wor.ds referring to their
special kinds, aJ;e liable to under-
go the prescribed operation; d.
&m. 'q '+!R<IT!r.F{ I
l[frl:T \ \
f{Tltfiltii: I M. Bh. on P. 1. I.
68 Vart. 8.
( I) the nasal (fifth c;onsonant.) of
the palatal of consooants
possessed of the properties
( 2) mute letter, charade.rized by
which an affix signifies'lrn for, the
preceding vowel; of a t2ddhita
affix, howevH, signifies 'lIt: for- the
first vowel of the word to which the
affix is added; (3) a mute letter
added to a root at the end to signify
that the root takes verb endings of.
both the padas.
Of tad. affix 3f; cf. P. IV. 2.58, 106,- IOJ
and IV. 4.129 ..
a short term ( SR'QIflH) for the five
nasal consonants or, ":lnd
, fs; a tuute syllable prefixed to a root
in the Dhatupatba of PaQini, signi-
fyfng the additiQn ofthe affix er ( 'iji )
to the root, in the sense of the
present time; e. g. etc.;
ct. Kas. on P. III. 2. I8J.
tad. affix i[rfi added to words
headed by CfiRft as also to words
meaning a village in the yahika
country optic;maJly. with
;r;or;:in tile senses; e.
The affixes OOI. and m are added to
- \. .
the word preceded by arrqc:... as
l;lso by some other words; e. g.
arrtenrfi;\tfiT, l:TlCCfilre'fiT
etc .. ; ct. F. IV. 2. rr6, II7,
IlS and Varttika on IV.
(I) an affix marked with the
mute letter or.; causing the substi-
ttition of vrddhi for the preceding
vowel and acute accent fer the first
vowel of the \Vord to which, it is
added, but, causing vrddhi for the
first vowel of the word to which H
is in case the affix is a tad.
affix; ct._P. VII. 2. 115, u6. !IJ;
( 2) a root marked with the conso"
nant taking verb-endings of both

.i _
tne Parasmaipada and the Atniane-
pada kinds; e. g. critfu,
.-n'turrfu, etc.;
P. 1: 3.72. .
sfttt. a root with the mute-
syllable f<>r prefixed to i r ,signifying
the addition of the affix :q; in the
present tense. See f5r.
taddhita affix <! signifying the
substitution of vrddhi as also the
. acute accent for the first vowel of
the word to which it is added. It is
added (I) to words headed by
in the four. senses termed
e. g. etc.; cf. P.
IV. 2.80; (2) to the word rrnfu:
and .aTaij<ftlll'i compounds in the
sense of' present there', e. g. mnlt-
iIii,., etc. d. P. IV. 3.58, 59;
( 3 1 to the word' fcf<r<:: e. g. ct.
P. I V. 3. 4; (4 ) to the words
headed by in the sense of
'domicile of', e. g. ct. P.
IV. 3.92; (5) to the words s;:;iJlf,
if!!, etc. in the H.Ilse of I'
or scripture e.
etc.; cr. P. IV.
3.129; (6) to the word in I
the sense of ' associated with '; e.g. I
(a:rft!:); ct. P. IV. 490; (7) i
to the words and cf. P.
V. I.q; (8) to the wO.rds aii!P{'f,
a:r!9t1lof etc" d. P. V. 4.23; (9) to
the word aTRW:r ; cf. V. 4.26; and
( 10) to the ,words in the sense of
t'1 (wandering tribes foreaming
money), as also 'to the wOIds'mean-
ing (kinds of tribes) as also to
words ending with the affix -J!1iO:!,.
under certain conditi9ns; d. P. V.
3lIZ, II3 I
tad. affix in the sense of ' a des-
cendant' added to words beginning
with aiI, V., aIr or ending with !i:, as
also to the words and
provided the;v mean a COllJ."1try and I
a too; e. g.
i d. P. IV. I.17I.
tad. affix <! causing '!f:i< to tbe
first vowel of the word to which it
is added and the addition of (i-ttl.)
< in the sense of feminine gender,
added to words meaning warrior
tribes of the Viihika country but
not BrahmaI}.as or K;;atriyas, e. g.
etc.; d. P. V.3 II4.
krt affix added to the root CIt in
Vedic Literat.ure preceded by the
words SiTtr, .or ll:e<!. e. g.
CJiOii'llifif:, gnI:f9Wa:J:, d. P.
III. 2.65, 66.
the first consonant of the lingual
class (e'l{) possessed of the pro-
and aT<1Q3illllt'i. When prefixed or
affixed to an affix as an indicatory
letter, it signifies the addition of
the fem. affix ct. IV.
1.15. When added to the conju-
gational affixes (W<!il<::) it shows that
in the Atmanepada the vowel of
the last syllable is changed to 1.1;. d.
P. III. 4.79. When added to an
augment (aiIiJ'I1), it shows that the
augment marked with it is to be
prefixed and not to be affixed; e. g.
etc. ; cf.P. 1. 1.46.
1:: (1) the consonant the vowel 3f
being added for facility of utterance;
cf. T. Pr. I. 2I; (2 j
short term, standing for
<1:qiJ or the lingual class of conson-
ants, found used mostly in the
Pratisakhya works; d. RT. 13. V.
Pro 1. 6.1. T. Pro 1. 27; {3} tad.
affix (aT) added to the word lfi<1:l<TI
in the sense ;;'1m:' e. g. lfi<1'j<TI,
cf. P. IV. 3,34. Vart. 2; (' 4) lqt
affix (Cl1) added to the root 'q"
I _
and under certain conditions; e.g.
f9-mcg: m,:; etc.; cf. P. Ill. 2.
krt affix aT, not admitting or
to the preceding vowel and
causing in 'the feminine (by P.
IV. 1.15), added to the roots f(f, qJ
and under certain' conditions;
e. g. tIllIrr:, etc. ; ct. P.
2.8, 52,53, 54,55.
cononant being added
for facility of utterance; d. ClvTIt'I'iI\;
P. Ill. 3.108 Viirt. 3; cf also V
Pr. 1. 17.
the samiisanta affix aT added to
specified words at the end
uf the and other com-
pounds f. g. tf9ii1T9if" ll![t<ltl'l:.,
31':<tRl'f"l.etc. cf. P.V. 4.91-II2.
the class of lingual consonants;
the Eame as in Piil)ini.
Case ending of thethird case.( tj.:ftill )
sir-g. number; cf. P. IV. 1.2.
short term for affixes beginning
with el' P. IV. I.4 and ending
with in P. IV. 1.78; ct.
I <!l!f: arT filii)-
:fi:1. Bh. on I. 2.48 V. 2.
;rrq' ff:'minine affix 3fT added to mascu-
line Iiouns ending in aT by the rule
IV. I.4 excepting those
ncuns where any other affix prescri .. I
bed by subsequent rules becomes
the final syllable beginning with a
vowel; part of a word consisting of
the final vowel in a word and the
consonants following the final vowel;
cf. ar-m<'C<!Tfct 12- P. 1. I. P 4,
(I) tad. affix tcli added to the
words I>f(IllT, +rte and in the
sense of ' something given
e. g. cf. P. IV.;4.6J;
(2) tad. affix If'I'i
the senses,
; cf. P. V. 1.25,
ma,rked or
, mute For the, significance
of the aqdition '. .
deletion or elision of the final
syllable beginning with a vowel, as
prescribed by' P1iI}.ini in certain
rules; ct. VII.I.88,
VI. 4.T43, ISS P. VI. 4.T44
P. VI. .;
tad. affix fie added to the
preposition d1<! in the sense of
'lowering of the nose' (.iflm'I'iI<!T:
e.g. d, P. V. 2.31.,.,
. . .. \
(I) mute syllable prefixed to roots
to signify the additjon of the affix
in the sense of verbal activity;
e.g. cf. P. III. 3.89; (2)
the class of lingual consonants Q;,
and crt,; cf. P. I. 3.7. '
augment added to in, con-
nection' with which it is pre$cribed;
it is prescribed in connection with
and !1l. followed by a sibilant, e'-g.
SilJcrt, + = d. P .. VIII.
tad. affix Ii.Ol{ added to the word
I!'I'i meaning' a warrior tribe not of
a BrahmaI;Ja nor of a Kliiatriya
caste' in the sense of the word
itself; e,g. 91i!fioll:, ct. P. V.
tad. affix ii. causing 'Am for the
initial vowel and the addition of
the fern. affix t applied to the word
m:i:r in the sense of ' having that as
" .... p.
aelty ,e,g. tll;<j tlT+t1 d.
P. IV. 2.30,
tad. affix '3Tif to which the augment
a is prefixed. making the affix tr<i,
applicable to the words BT4', W,
and indeclinable wcrds in
the or miscellaneous senses;
e.g. tn4'crif:, etc; ct.
P. IV. 3.23. 24.
. tad. affix added in the same way
as abovf', making only a dIffer-
ence in the accen t. When the affix
is. added, the acute accent is
given to the last vowel of the word
preceding the affix,
J \
causing vrddhi for the
initial vowel of the word to which
it is added and also the addition of
the fem affix t applied to the word
:u+!T' in the {;{ .' fiicn{\ '. e.g.
d. Kas. on P. IV. 3.142.
having as l{G:,; roots, that have
as or mute, take the affix
in the SEnse of verbal activity. See

the second consonant of the lingual
class possessed of the properties
3ltiter, Fet'lQ'6IiOi:<I a nd
!lfURCf. Fer the syllable 0 at the
beginning of taddhita affixes, the
syllable \l.'l'i is substituted; if how-
ever the affix (beginning with 0 )
follows upon a word ending in l{<!,
'3", andG:, then cn is added,
. ....
instead of e.g. 1:'fG!i:, 3TTcTIliji:1.ii:
etc.; cf. Cb:, P. VII.
3.50,51. Some say that,
and '!i are substituted for by
the siitras quoted above; ct. Kas.
on VII. 3.50. '
. (I) tad. affix 0; see above for the
substitution of and 'l'i for 0:
stands as a common term for 6<ij,
OOJ:, oor. and O'i!l" as a Iso for i
and !l"l.; (2 ) the consonant 0, the
vowel aT being added for facility ot
pronunciation, d. T. Pro 1. 2!.
a very common tad. affix or Cb
in case it is added to words ending
in '3", "R", and G:, according
to P. VII. 3.51, causing the substi-
tution of vrddhi for the first vowel
of the word to which iUs added .
C5'J'l is added to ( I) and other
'words in the sense of descendant
( e.g. "t9m:n:, mfircn:,
d. P. IV. I.
146- I<l9; (2) to the. w.)rds
U'i:f<if etc. in the sense of ' dyed in .,
e.g. cf. P. IV. 2.2;
( 3) to the words '3";:;:fJIm:. in
the sense of made better',
e.g. (9i instead
of substituted for ), ct. P. IV.
2.18, 19; (4) to the words
etc.; cf. P. IV. 2.22,23; (5) to
words ve of inanimate ob-
jects, to the words and as
also to the wprds and all!{ in the
sense of ' multitude '; cf. P. IV. 2.
47. 48 ; (6) to the words ;oS!;.
and words ending in iffiiQ etc.,
in the sense of ' students of'
ct. P. IV. 2.59,60,63; (7) to
the woids :fo11<{ and others as also o
as a affix; cf, P. IV.
2.80, 84; (8) to the words
and CferT in the Sai;;ika senses;
cf .. p, 1 V. 2.ID2, !IS, IV. 318; (9)
to the words and others in
the sense 'generally present '; d.
P. IV. 3.40; (10) to the words
consisting of two syllables, and thp.
words Wli ' ii1{ql!.IJ etc. in the sense of
'explanatory literary work '; d. P.
IV. 3.72; (II) to words meaning
, sources of income' in the sense of
'accruing from '; cf. P. 'IV. 3.75;
( 12) to words denoting inanimate
things excepting words showing
time or place, in the sense of ' ,
d. P. IV. 8.96 ; and (13) to the
words and in the sense of
belonging to', cf. P. IV. 3.124.
The tad. affix. is added as a
general termination, excepting in
such cases where other affixes are
prescribed, in specified senses lik,e

etc.; cf. P. IV. 4.1-75, as also to
words cmr, fcrcrtrSl etc.
in specified senses, ct. P. IV. 481,
102. is also added as a general
tad. affix or in vari-
ous' specified senses, as prescribed
by P. V. 1.19-63, and t6 the words
and to the word in the pre-
scribed senses; cf. P. V. 2.67, 76,
V. 3.r08, 109 ; while, without mak-
ing any change in sense it is added
to NiI<I, 'ffi<I,
being the word formed),
and' others, and to the
word in the sense of expressed'
cf. P. V. 4.13, 34, 35. The 'fem.
affix illi.. ( is added to words end-
ing in . the affix to form fern.
a popular name given to the
fourth pada of the fourth adhy'iya
of PaQini's A!?tadhyayi. The pada
begins with the rule >I'I'I'qifal3'!! P. IV.
4. 1 prescribing 'the taddhita affix
in the senses prescribed in rules
beginning with the next rule'
clJs<Im and ending
with the rule' ?ffiffi ' P. IV. 4
tad. or ( by P. VII. 3.51)
with the vowel aI accented acute
applied to ( 1) and others as a
Caturarthika affix; cf. P. IV. 2.80;
( 2) to multisyllabic words and
words beginning with aq- which are
proper nouns for persons; d. P. V.
3,78 80; and - ( 3) to the word
in the sense of l('ij d. P. V.
3.19. The base, to which is
added, retains generally two sylla
bies or sometimes three, the rest
being elided before the affix e.g.
Cft?l9i:, filQ.9i:, etc. from
the words
etc. ; cf. P. V. 3.83, 84. '
tad. affix or 9i (by P. VII. 3.51)
causing Vrddhi and acute accent
for the first vowel of the word to
which it is added, applied ( I) to
mrRraI, and in the
specified ct. P. IV; 2.35, 41.
e.g. 11NT\m<n, etc.; (2) to
words '2tRt,' and others,
along with e.g. 9itfutfIT,
also with f5ro to words denoting
villages in the Vabika country e.g.
as also to words
ending in '3" forming names of
countries in all the Sai;;ika
cf .P. IV. 2.II6-120; (3) to com-
pound words having a word show
jng direction as their first member,
to words denoting time, as also to
the words fq1Uf and in the
senses; cf. P. IV. 3.6, 7,. II
, IS: (4) to the words <jEff ( in Vedic
Literature), and to i[l'!;:cr and cfBC'G
in the senses; d. P. IV. 3.19-
21; (5) tOlFf(8\, words
having a:Rf: as the first member, to
the word t1Tl1 preceded by or
to multisyllabic words having their
last vowel accented acu' e, to words
denoting sacrifices, to words form-
ing of sages, to words ending
in '1\ alld to the word in the
specific senses which are mentioned
d. P. IV. 3.50,60, 6r, 67, 68; 69,
78, 79, 97 ; ( 6) to the words
J'llii'lT, t[\.ftjI:T, compound
words h'l.ving a multi-syllabic word
as their first member, and to the
words etc. in the specified senses;
cf. P. IV. 4.6, II, 38,52,58,64,
103; (7) to any word as, a general
tad. affix unless any
other affix has been specified in the ,
specified senses !fi'ffiil. '
... in the
'section of siitras V. 1.18 to II7 ;
( 8) to the words G:l1,5,
compound words having or <IT as
their first member as also to the
words and ct. P. V.
2'76, 118, II9.
tad. affix Il'!i or '!i (according to P.
VII. 3.51), causing the addition of
arr, and not for forming the femi-
nine base, applied ( I J to the word
cTI and with two syllables in
the sense of 'crossing' or 'swim-
ming' over; ct. P. IV. 4.7; e.g.
cUfqCfiT, ( 2) to the
words :n<f, and f<ffl:i'l and optional-
ly 'with in the sense of
maintaining (6-il;;fiqfa); cf. P. IV.
4.13, 14; (3) to the word
words ending w.ith 8TlTR', to the word
to words, showing completion
to the aN, l/liT,
tjUliTiS ond in' specified
senses; cf. P. IV. 4.42,70, V.l.21,
48, 49, 5r, 84, V.2.85 and 109;
( 4) to words ending in aT as also
to the words headed by and
optionally with the affix to
and, wjth the aflix q to ill the
sense of il,tI. ( possession ); cf. P. V.
2.Il5, n6, II7 and II9.
marked with the mute letter
There is no affix or word marked
with (at the end) in PiiI)ini's
grammar, but to avoid certain
technical aifficuIties, the, Mahti-
bha$yakara has proposed mute
instead of in the case of the affix
of the first pETS. sing. perf. Atm.
and prescribed as Samprasara!)a
substitute by P. V I. 4.132 e.g :
... '
!flJllH; cf. 1\1. Bh. on III. 4.79 and
VI. 4.19.

(I) third letter of the lingual class
of consonants possessed of the pro-
perties ifrcmvr.:rrif, 'liWr, Wla<fi1l'Ot'i, and
ST<itllTl1lJ; (2) mute letter applied to
affixes by Pii.!)ini to. show the elision
of the fa" part, (cf. P. 1. 1.64.) of
the' preceding word viz. the penulti-
mate vowel and the consonant or
consonants following it; cf.
SRWt tR) VI. 4.143. The
syllable ftr of f<rofa is also elided
before an affix marked with the
mute letter
G (I) krt affix ar applied to the root
ITt{, preceded by 3RT, etc.,
as al -0 to the roots and under
certain conditions; cf. P. III. 2.48,
49, 50, 97-101 ar.d to the root S!iif..
to form the word iffli, cf. P. VI. 3.75;
( 2) tad. affix ar applied to wor-ds
ending in words ending in
and the word fcima- in the sense of
'more than' e.g. '
v:<iifci'ff<I:, cf. P. V. 2.45, 4.6.
samasanta (aT) added to a Bahu-
vdhi compound meaning a numeral
e.g. <flfG:m: cf: P. V. 4.73.
tad. affix ar in the sense of
applied to a numeral to form an
ordinal numeral; e.g.
cf. P. V. 2:48.
tad. affix aT, causing vrddhi and
fu;3!q, applied to iSr;mi.
to show the i.e. measurement
or extent of a BrahmaI)a work; e.g.
Sllijlllf[fir, "'Ilt'fli'WTr.r cf. P.V. 1.62.
tad. affix aTail ih the sense of
determination or selection of one
out of many, applied to the pro-
. nouns <iQ. and ffii,; e.g. Cfi:i+f: ; cf.
P. V. 3.9.3, as also to according
to Eastern Gramm,arians; e.g. 1{<!i(11T1'
+!<jot d. P. V. 3.94.
tad. affix o(H in the sense of
selection ont of two' applied to
the words fcfi, '<rn:.and ffii:. as also to
the word ; e.g. <iiOU mlffi': 'i]': cf.
P. V. 3.92 cf. P; V.
a class of words headed by the
word G'Q\ which stands for GCRIOff i.e.
words ending with the affix
similarly the word follows
;s;:r{ stands forG'dlItra. This class
:;:rnufit is a su.bdivisioD of the bigger
class called and' it consists of
only five words viz.
aTOiI, aTr<ffi\ and l'l:ffi:; d. P. VII. I.25
and I. 1.27.
tad. affix ana- affixed to the word
f.?ii<!:. to show number or measure-
ment; e.g. '!ifa jJfqjllJ\:,cf. P. V. 2.41.
The words ending with the affix .mr
are termed and for purposes
of declension etc.; cf. P. I. 1.23, 25.
krt affix aT{ added to the root
in the sense of t instrument' or
. , location' e.g. aTmR:, cf. P. HI. 3.
125 Varttika.
affix <mi applied to t he word
Jti0'911f and others at the end of a
pada i.e. when the word has
got the tro:tl!f\. e.g. I
d. P. III. 2.7I Vart. I and 2.
(I) verb-ending 3fT, causing elision
of the penultimate vowel as also of
the following consonant, substitut-
ed for the 3rd pers. sing. affix retr.
of the first future; e.g. 'iiffi; d. P.
II. 4.85; (2) case ending arr sub
stituted in Vedic Literature f9r any
case affix a& noticed in Ved,ic usages;
e.g. <rim ct. P. VII. I.39.
tad. affix arr applied to dissyllabic
words, used as imitation of sounds,
or used as onomatopoetic, when
connected with the root w or or
The word to which Gl, is ap-
plied becomes generally doubled;

cf. P. V. 4.57. The affix is also
applied to q:cft<I, to compound
words formed of a nUqleral and the'
word as also to the words ffi':i',
Wl'f, etc. when these words
are connected with the root e.g.
fiM\<r1<ii{rm, ,.
ijWfu etc.; ct. P.V. 4.
58 to 67.
'l1't fern. affix arr added optionally to
words ending in +1'1;. and to Bahu-
vrihi compounds ending in to
show feminine gender, the words
remaining as they are when the
optional affix Gil!.. is not applied;
e.g. G:Tm, anrr, l;!1f<IT; cf. P. IV. I. II,
12, I3.
tad. affix i3fI+I1r added to the
words ilf<! and fqQ; in the sense of
father' ; e. g. ilTffllI\f:, tt!ffllI\f: ; cf. P.
IV. 2.36 Vart. 2.
posseEsed of the mute letteI
added for the purpose of the elisio,n
of f2: ( last vowel and the consonant
or consonants after it) of the pre-
ceding word. See
(I) tad. affix <lpplied to aTi:fT"CR'-
ca1{lT, tamm etc. in the ense of "fda-
( observing); e. g. cf. P. V. I.
94 Vart 3 ; applied in the sense
of' having as measurement.' applied
to numeral words ending in '<Rl:. or
and the word fcft{ffcr; e. g.
m::n:, d. M. Bh. on P.
tad., affix to the words
aTTRt, q!l1lq: and in the Saisika
senSES; e. g. aTTf.:tBO;:,
cf. M. Bb. on P. IV. 3.23 .
case affix for lnst. sing. seen
in Vedic Literature; e. g.
l;Jmf'!flli; ct. Ras. on P. VII .. 1.39. ,
tad. affix < '31f added to the -w()rd
in the sense of : e. g.
a small oil-pot - d. V.
3: 89
UI)adi affix added to the
root lIT to form the word d. tfTij-
UI)adi SiHra IV. 177
tad. affix ;;re in the Eense of
- , brother' applied to the word mq: ;
e. g. ; cf. P. IV. 2. 36 Vart I.
tad. affix +Ri. as, a affix
'applied to the words ii'S and
, e. g. cf.
P. IV. 2.87.
tad. affix <I ( I) added in the sense
of t Sarna introduced by" ffili)
to the word CfTlR'f; e. g. ;
d. P. IV. 2.9; (2) added to tbe
word optionally with <lq: in the
senSe of t present there'
e.g. d. P. IV. 4-II3.
tad. affix <j added to the words'
and <i<tt in the sense of t present
there' (a-:I <l'f: ), e. g. lTT:'</:, <rrl': ; d.
P. IV. 4.1H.
tad. affix <I added along with
to the same words to which the
affix is added as also in the same
sense, the vowel ar of being \<I/'ta.
See the word :soI above.
case affix <IT seen in Vedic Lite-
rature e.g. ,,-C:;:<l19<1mq: d. S. K.
on P. VII. r.39.
krt. affix with fern. affix t added
to it, applied to the root e. g.
d. M. Bh. on
IV. 1.3.
tad, affix in the four senses;
added to the words ii'S and :m&' ; e. g.
d, P. IV, 2.8t1.
a root marked with the mute
q ,
, syllable i (at the beginntng) to
signify the application of the krt
affix which is invariably followed
by the addition' of (+i1i,.), in the
sense of t achieved by" e.g.
_d. P. III. 3.88 and IV: 4.20.
tad. affix aJ''l; added td the words
"" '
and in the tetrad of tad.
senses; e.g. cf. P. V.
(I) fourth consonant of the lingual
class of consonants possessed of the
and (2) the consonant
which is elided when followed by li(
and the preceding vowel is lengthc
ened ; e.g. <riGr. d. P. VIII. 3,13 and
VI. 3.1 II; (3) substitute Fil: for t'
at the end of a lfC{, or, if followed
by any conso:vant excepting a semi-
vowel or a nasal excepting in the
cases of roots beginning with or
the roots , !I[ etc. as also <i[ and
aJ'1[cf. p. VIII. 32,33,34;
( 4) at the beginning of a tad.
affix which has got substituted
for it; cf. cf. P. V.
G tad. affix G ( I ) applied to the word
in the sense of 'fit for' (W-i!
tiT!3:) in Vedic literature; e.g. 00:;
d. IV. 4.106;: (2) applied to the.
word in the seDse of e.g.
&N-'; cf. P. V. 3.102; (3) com-
mon term (G) for the affixes
and G also, after the application
of which the affix iftc!' ( is added
in the seDse of feminine gender; d.
tad. affix Q;<:/ causing the substitu-
tion of vrddhi for the first vowel of
the word t6 which it is added.
is added in the sense of (desa
cendanr) (1) to words ending in
feminine affixes, to words endit:ig in
the vowel i(, excepting fI of the tad.
affix to words of the class head-
ed by to words fcI'iiuT ,
11" and to words headed
by which get i{<i substituted
for its last vowel ;' e.g. m: ,
.... ...
'ii1"l\<;\"i\"1:, 1:119"1',
etc., d. Kas. on P.
IV.I.II9-127; (2) to the words
and with the vowel 'ljt I
elided and to the", word I
+!Tq:cqil<i:, d. Kas.
on P. IV. 1.133, 134,142; (3) to '\
the word in the sense of Sarna,
to the word srfu, in the sense of
, dedicated to a deity' (tiR<!.
as also to the words I1tft, ClrouTm,
and others in the
senses; e g. mil',,:,
etc. cf. KiiS. on P. IV. 2.8,33,
97; (4) to the words tt<tt,
and in the specified
senses; d. P. IV. 3.94. IV. 4.77,
V. I.!27, V.2.'2.
tad. affix "'A'f. applied (I) to the
word optionally along with </q:
and (f., when it is not a member of
a compound; e.g.
cf. P. IV. 1140;. (2) to the words
'f.fui and others in the senses
as also to the words and
if the words formed with the
affix added, respectively mean dog,
sword and oroam,=nt; e.g.
(-'liT), (aJ'Rt:),
(areCfiR:); ct. Kas. on P. IV. 295.
tad. affix ti;<:/ causing Vrddhi sub-
stituted for the first vowel of the
base and the addition of the fern,
affix ttc!' ( i( ), applied (I) to words
meaning quadrupeds' and words'in
the class of words headed by in
the sense of aJ'qt<i; e.g. ilT2il:1:,
etc.; cf .p. IV. 1.135.
136 ; (2) to the word words
of the class headed by the
words it:v, 'Ire, arfu',
q;Tal, Q;uiT, aJ'mw, '!fflfu,
:a-rn1r, !ift@T, and qtffi
in the varlous senses mentioned
in connection with these words:
etc., d. Kas. on P. IV. 2.20,
80, IV. 3.42, 56,57, 94,159, IV.
4.I04, V. r.lo, 13, I7, V.31OI.
tad. affix applied to the
word in the sense of t stu-
dents following the text of' e.g.
in the sense mw.
cf. Kas. on P. IV. 3.I09.
a commentary Qn Brhadvrtti
by HeJ;Ilacandra. It is also known
as Vrddhadipika, Ava-
ciiIl;;lika. The author' of this work
is not well-known. (2), a comment-
ary on Durgasimha's Katantravrtti.
tad .. affix Q;{ ('11;<1. + {) applied in
the sense of offspring to the word
<ttl:IT and optionally with to words
meaning persons having a bodily
defect or a low .social status; e.g.
<I1fOR:cmr{:; <I1fUt<!:,OO:, d.
KM. on P. IV. 1.129. I3I.
"t (. I) fifth consonant of the iingual
class of consonants possessed of the
, properties,
and (2) the mute
letter OJ:. indicating the substitution
of vrddhi (d. P. VII. 2.II5-II7)
when attached to affixes; (3) the
consonant 'o!.. at the beginning of
roots which is changed into <I:.; the
roots, having OJ:. at the beginning
changeable to being called ultq1t:v;
( 4) OJ:. as a substitute for i( follow-
ing the letters Sfi', \, and direct-
ly, or with the intervention of (:on-
sonants of the guttural and labial
classes; 'but occurring in the same
word, Such a substitutIOn of OJ:. for
"l:. is called UJfcfj cf. P. VIII. 4. 139.
For 11Rif in Vedic Literature; d. R.
Pro V. 20-28, T. Pro vlI. 1-12. V.
Pr. III. 84-88; (5), the consonant
!If" added as an augment to a vowel
at the beginning of a word when it I
follows the consonant !If" at the end
of the pn::vious word; d. P. VIII.
3.32. In the Vedic Pratisakhyas
\ this augfi\ent !If" is added to the pre-
ceding !If" and looked upon as a part
of the previous word.
GT (I) krt. affix ar, addedoptionaUy to
the roots headed hy \";'la: alld ending
with in the first conjugation
(see above) in the sense of
agent, and necessarily to the root
roots ending with an and the
roots <<{"l:" with 31m, W
with 3l1f, 1l with "l9, W-[, and .>qij: ,
to the roots alld ;:fr wit bout any
prefix and optionally. to e.g.
or ?J<f:, '<:jTlI:, oqt"f:,
. arm19:, ar'!tl1;Q:, 3l1fifH::,
;gq:, 1fiT8:, GJ9:, ifr;Q:, or mif:; -
in the case of the root !l[ the affix
1l] is applied by the
word meaning a planet and the
word ;:jrvr: meaning a crocodile; d.
Kas. on P. Ill. (2) krt
affix 31 in the sense of verbal actio
vity (+IT'!) applied along with the
affix 3l1!. to the root 311:\.. with #I; e.g.
!I(l": f<jffi:; cf. P. Ill. 360; (3) krt
affix 1l] prescribed by the Varttika-
kara after the roots oif.,
<l"!';'[ and "'!\ with an; d. P. III. I.140
Vart I, and III. 2.1 Vart. 7; (4)
tad. affix ar in the sense of addo
cd along with also, to a word
referring to a female descendant
( if the resultant word indi-
cates censure; e.g. llF;{: iTlm<ii:; cf.
P. IV. 1.147, ISO; (5) tad. affix ar I
in the sense added also with I
the affix fl!ior., to the word I.
( 6) affix ar in the sense of ( a
game! added to a word meaning
, an instrument in the game '; e.g.
+Tr!f, cf. P. IV. 2.57; (7) tad.
affix ar added to the word ffiOI and
others in the sense .of 'habituated
to' e.g. m:sr:, qrihr:, P.
IV. 4.62; (8) tad. affix a:r added to
the words 3ll, tlcf,
ar"'!i, 'lfu and ar{lllj in the
senses specified with respect to each;
e.g. arT'.il:( +lIm: wf
or m;:: or
3lT:;i: or Si'i\c!1c:(, 91=!: or 'lRl+i1i(., 'and
3lT\1l1lT: ( l;!ili1t1: ); cf. Kas. on P. I V.
4.85,100, V. LIO, 76, 98, V.2.101
and IV. 2.104 Varttika.
iiR!.krt affix ar in the se(jse of reci-
procal action, added to any root;
the affix 1l]'<L. is to get necessarily
the affix arol. added to it followed by
the fem. affix e.g. o'l1CJ>fitm, ;;(lTififltfi;
cf. Kas. on P. III. 3.43 and P. V.
om;c cerebralization; lingualization ;
the substitution of !If" for "l:. under
certain conditions; ct. P. VIII. 4.
1-39. See 1l].
0"R<.i1'ffi{ a popular name given by
grammarians to the fourth pada of
the eighth adhyaya of PaQinj's
A$tadhyayi, as the pada begins with
the rule m 1l]: l:FIFftfit and main-
ly gives rules i.e. the
substitution of the consonant for
krt affix causing vrddhi to .
the final vowel or [0 the penultimate
a:r, (r) added to any root in the
sense of the infinitive in Vedic
Literature when' the connected root
is :{l'iQi e.g. aTffl .,riU'G'f"l:.,;
d. Kas. on P. III. 4.!4; (2) added
to any root to show frequency of a
past act!OD
. when the root form
ending with is repeated to con-
vey the sense of frequency; e.g.
m;;i m;;i qr<itfr4 cf. KiiS. on
P. III. 4.22; (3) added to a loot
showing past action and preceded
by the word 3j1l, 3Pi+r or, optional,..
ly along with the krt affix mY; e.g.
arnm;;i or aft! !!'ff<'fT $(C!Rr; d. KhS. on
P. III. 4.24; (4) added in general
to a root specified in P. III. 4.25
to 64. showing a subordinate action
and having the same subject as the
root showing the main action, pro-
vided the root to which is
added is preceded by an antecedent
or connected word, such as or
3l{:.rT or or any other given in
PaJ,.1ini's rules; ct. P. III. 4.26 to
Ill. 4.64; e.g.
'hlfRr. iff.o,
1it'1m, c:m: etc.; ct. Kils. on
P. III. 4.26-64. When is added
to the-roots ct.'!" fII'f., l[i(.and others
mentioned in P. III . 4.34 to 45, the
. same root is repeated to show the
principal action. The word ending
in has the acute accent ( er.:l'ij')
on the first vowel ( ct. P. VI. 1.194)
or on the vowel preceding the affix;
cf. P. VI. 1.193. .
a term used ir.. connection
with the compound of the 1l]ffWrff
with its <fCTtfG.: which precedes; e.g
3I;:j"+!r;;f0J;" ct. P. II. 2.20,
OW. personal ending aT sllbstituted for
ml!. and in or the perfect and
in the case of f<rcr.. and iI. in or
_ the pres. tense optionally; d. P ..
III. 4.82, 83, 84. The affix llJe: dn
account of being marked by the
mute letter !If" causes vrddhi to the
preceding vowel; the vrddhi is,
however, optional in the case of the
1st pers. (flltt.;) d. P. VII. 191:
an is substituted for llJe: after roots
ending in arr; cf. P. VII. 1.34.
om" .... tad. affix m:l applied to the word
in the sense of collection. The
original Varttika is q'!{t:tI!If" P IV.
2.43 Vart. 3. Some scholars read
1l]ij: in the olace of in the Vart-
tika which is read q1ifi
by them. .
fill common term' for fUJil: ( signifying
Atmanepada) and fUJ'<L.; cf. tiRuTr
P. 1. 3.07; VI. 4.5[;
cf.' also P. 1. 3.86, 1. 4;52, II. 4.46,
5I; III. 2.137; VI. I.3I, 48,54,
VI. 4.90; VII. 2.26, VII. 3.36
VII. 4. I ,VIII. 4.30.
affix ll" causing vrddhi, prescribed
after the the base ending
in i.e. 'hTm being called a root;
d. P. III. 1.30, 32. The mute letter
<i{ signifies that the root 'hTfl'l is to
take only the Atmanepada affixes
e.g. 9li+r;Qa-,
filr;i ..... affix causing vrddhi ( I ) applied
to roots of the tenth conjugation
( ::luta:'fUl) such as F.rn: etc. e.g.
cf. P. III. 1.25; (z)
applied to any root to form a causal
base from it, e.g. <,"fCl<!m from <I,
rm;QRr from d. "'! P. III.
1.26; (3) applied to the
etc. in the sense of making, do-
ing, practising etc. ('!i\1l]); e.g.
i:i0<i% (eats something
or avoids it as an observance),
etc.; cf. P. III. 1.21 ;
(4 ) applied to the words tfT:{l".
<f\1lif, g(i;, (Cf"i"
'qo1 and in the various senses
given by the Varttikakara to form
denominative roots ending in ll"; e.g.
tli.'iT[Gc-lRr, tfTiU<lrn, etc.; ct. P. III. 1.25;
( 5) applied to suitable words in
the sense of composing"e.g. tdi ,
etc.; ( 6) applied to a verbal
noun in the sense of 'nar-
rating' with the omission of krt
affix and the karaka of the verbal
activity put in a suitable case; e.g.
ciiB" for the sentence
or ii[i'1:T<ITcr for or
cU;;j<lRr etc.;
cf. Kas. on P. III. 1.26. Roots end-
ing in fUl, (fill;;ji'ff) take the conju-
gationalendings of both the Paras-
maipada and the Atmanepada; cf.
P. I. 3:74.' They have perfect
forms by the addition of an+,. with
a suitable form of the perfect tense
of the l!. or placed after
the word ending with and
the verbal form after it being look-
ed upon as separate words <m<lT
'q9iH: 'liR<IT etc.; ct. P. III: 1.35,
40. They have the aorist form, with
the substitution of the VikaraQa
( for before which the root
is ; e.g.
etc.; ct. P. III. 1.48, VI. I.II as
also VII. 4.93'97.
roots ending in fUJ"'!,.; the term
is generally applied to causal bases
ofroots. See fUJ"l:
fOtq: (I) an affix with. the mute con-
sonant 01, added to it to signify the
substitution of vrddhi for the pre-
ceding vowel or for the penultimate
or for the first vowel of the word
if the affix applied is a taddhita
affix; ct. P. VII. 2.II5-!I7 ; e.g. '>\01., I
UT, "lor.. fill etc.; ( 2 ) an affix not actuale
ly marked with the mute letter 0l.1
but looked upon as such for the
purpose of vrddhi; e.g. the Salva- I
namasthana affixes after the words
m and 6fur, cf. P. VII. I.gO, 92.
possession of Ol. as a letter
for the purpose of vrddhi. See the
word fUJcr:.
fU\f.{ krt affix if<i:. signifying vrddhi I
( 1) applied to the roots headed by
$I( (i.e. the roots !i{, ;ie:1ii., <:l:TT etc. )
in the sense of an agent; e.g. mift,
cf. P. III. 1.134; (2 )
applied to the root preceded by
the word or as i3'li'lG:; e.g.
cfo' P. III. 2.51; (3)
applied to any root preceded by a
substanti ve as upapada in the sense
of habit, or, when comparison or
vow or frequency of action is c'on-'
veyed, or to the, root 1l<J:. with a
substantive as i3'li'lG: e.g.
cf. P. III. 2.78-82; (4) applied to
the root preceded by a word
referring to the of <Ill(qiiiI' as also'
to the root Vi( preceded by a word
forming the object of the
root the words so formed re-
ferring to the past tense; e.g.
flI<ic<jEffiIT, d. P. III. 2.85,
86 ; ( 5) applied to a root when the
word so refers to a kind of
necessary activity or to a debtor;
ct. cf. P.
III. 4.169-I 70; (6) tad. affix
causing vrddhi for the first vowel,
applied to the words and .
referring to ancient 'sages naIQed
so, as also to words which are the
names of the pupils of or of
WIiFI<r, as also to the words
<il;;jif.i<l etc. in the sense of ' students
learning what has been traditional-
ly spoken by those sages' e.g.'
<fiTii<lfit;:{:. ufU{Felui: mfcli<t:,
Cfl"lm<r{: etc.; ct. P. IV. 3.I03-I04,
!06; (7) applied to words forming
the names of ancien t sages who are
the speakers of ancient BrahmaI),a
works in the sense of ( pupils study-
ing those works' as also to words
forming the names of sages who
composed old Kalpa works in the
sanse of those works; e.g.
I trw
cf. Kas. on P. IV. 3.15; (8)
applied to the words qro:u<{ and fuiil{'
fu1:'(, in the sense of 'students
ing the Bhik!?usiitras (of 1fRT:u<f)
and the Nata siitras (of .
n:spectively; e.g. fflu:uftui't fOl!'3'l':,
<r{;rr:. cf. IG'is. on P. IV. g.lIO.
, "
elision of the affix fOT (fUl, or iUl&=..
see above) before an ardhadhatuka
affix without the augm!'!nt
prefixed to it; ct. iiRf.rf2: P. VI. 4.51,
and VI. 4.52, 53. 54 also. '
augment Ol., prefixed to the. initial
vowel whell it follows upon the
llf.. at the end of the pre-
ceding word; e.g. 13!JO'\!IIt:u:for 13!J0l.
+ cf. P. VIII. 33 l
a root mentioned in the Dhii.tu,;,
patha by Fat;lini as beginning with
Ol. which $ubsequently is changed
to <t:. (by P. vi. I.65) in all the-
forms derived from the root ; e.g.
- the roots 1J'{, , uft and others. In the
case of these roots the initial is
again changed into Ol. after a prefix
like If or ffU baving the ll:ltter \. in it
, and having avowel or a consonant-
of the guttural or labial cla!\s inter-
veningbetweell the Jetter \. and the
e.g. SIUlrrm,;rUTJi!9i: etc. cf.
Kas. on P. VIII. 4 T4 .
cn'qre. a popular name given to the
fourth pada of the seventh Adhyaya
of PaI),ini's which
begins with the rule o]T
tad. affix<i (I) applied in the se!!lse
of - : descendant' as also in a few
other senses, mentioned in rules.
from IV. 1.92 to IV. 3.168, appiied
to the words rcmt, and
words with 1fffi as the in a
... ""
compound, e.g.
cf. Kas. on P.lV. 1.84; (2)
applied in the sense of a descend-
ant (0Itf{<l) applied to the words
iFT, <fif<t, etc., e.g.
etc. cf. Ka. on P. IV.
I.15I; (3) applied in the sense of
8'flR'!l or descendant to words end-
ing to the word and to
words in the sense of artisans, e.g.

d. Kas. on P. IV. 1.152; (4 )appUe
ed in the Caturarthika senses to
the words ti9lT'ff, etc.,
e g. etc" d. Kas.
on P. IV. 2.80; (5) applied to the
word ff/tq<t, and .optionally with the
affix O'-li to the \vord U<!T in the sped-
ned senses; e.g. fffttR
W<I: <iT;
d. KM. on P. IV.444.45. 101; (6)
applied as a tad. affix called' tad-
raja', to the word and words
beginning with if e.g.
d. Kas. on P. IV. 1.172; \i{<NT:
etc; are the nom. pi. fbrms.
krtya affix <i which causes vrddhi
and which has the circumflex accent
( I) applied to' a root ending with
5i\ or any consonant to form the pot.
pass. participie; e.g.
etc. ct. KiiS. on P. IV. 1.124 ;
( 2) applied to a root ending in a-
if a necessity of the activity is to
be indicated, e.g.
qrc'lil;, cf. Kas. on P. IV. 1.125;
( 3) tad. affix <! applied to the word
optionally with <II!. and OOI.
affixes; e.g. lfil1liffit<ii:;
cf. Kas. on P. V. 1.84.
kft affix ar.{ in the sense of 'skill-
ed agent' applied (I) to the root
to sing. e.g. "iT<!ii:, ifI<, d. Kas.
on P. lB. 1.147, also anfi'tC!iT
by P. III. 1.146; (2) to tQe root
(III. P. and III. A also) if 'rice'
or < time' be the sense conveyed;
e.g. l[(<r.l: d. Ras.
on P. III. 1.148.
@or lq:t. a,ffix filcr i.e. zero,
vrddbi, applied to the root and
to "lit in Vedic Literature if
the root is preceded by any preposi-:
tion ( ;aqtlCT ) or a substantive as the
upapada; e.g .
cf. Kas. on P. Ill. 2.62, 03,
krt. 'i. or zero, seen applied I
in Vedic .Literature to the root <it.
precededby:ilio, to preceded by
:a<ll:i, to G:R.J:. preceded by and to
preceded by arq. l{i1{:,
<1OfoffiT arcJ<!1:; ct. Ka .
on 2'71, 72.
krt affix'aTiti seen always with the
fern. affix aT{ applied to a root whf'n
the sense conveyed is 'a turn or
'a deserving thing' or or
, occurrence '; e.g. ll<lO:
+1qr-r, l{g+r&l'liA: ,
"TI\<Ifu, ct. Kas. on
p. Ill. 3.Ill.
( I) a very general krt affix aT'li,
causing vrddhi and acute accent to
the vowel preceding t he affix.
applied to a rocit optionally with <r
( i.e. in the sense of an agent
e g. 'li[{9i: m{9i:; aiso CfiOT, 1[ftT; ct.
III. 1.133; ( :2 ) krt. affix 31cfi applied
optionally with the affix W'I:. to a
root when it refers to an action for
which another action is mentioned
by the principal verb; e.g.
or iWf cf KiiS. on!Jt<rt P. III.,3IO; (3)
krt affix 3I<li, necessarily accompani-
ed by fern. affix aT[ added to it,
applied to a root if the sense given
by the word so formed is the name
of a disease or a proper noun or a
narration or a query; e.g.
cnrftclir, ct.
Kas. on P. III. 3.108,109. IrO.
the first consonant of the' dental
class of consonants which has got
CJiUOt'l and When u,sed as
a mute letter by PaQini, (( signifies
the Svarita accent of the vowel of
that affix or so, which is marked with
it; e.g. cf. P. VI.
1.185. When applied to a vowel at
its end, (( signifies only the vowel
of that grade only, possessed by
such of its varieties which require
the same time for their utterance
as the vowel marked with a:., e.g.
C!ffiI. stands for art with any of the accents as als:> pure or nasal-
ised; a:mt. does not include OJ' or a:r 3
cf. P. I. 1.70. The Ulle.
of the indicatory mute (l. for the
above purpo!ie is seen also in the,
Pratisakhya works; cf. V. Pr. I.
IX4 l{. T. 23,4. '
eo (I) personal ending of the third
pers. sing. Atm.; cf.P. III. 4.78,
which is changed to in the perfect
tense and omitted after the substi-
tute f-i:!tit. for fEw 'in the aorist; cf. P.
VI. 4.14; ( 2) personal ending
substituted for the affix :it' of the
Paras. 2nd pers. pI. in the impera-
tive, imperfect, potential. benedic-
tive. aorist and conditional for
which . trnl, a<I and :ir., are substitut-
ed in Vedic Literature, and also for
fq: in case repetition of an action
is meant; d. P. III. 4.85, 101 as
also VII. 1.44. 45 and III. 4.2--5. cf.
P. III. 4.85 ,and III. 4.101; (3)
tad. affix a applied to the words <WI:.
and lfI<J:. e.g. d. P. V. :1).
I38; (4) tad. affix a applied to
when is changed to cf.
<W!<'lt lUmq: I a;;u
KM. on p. V.
1.59; (5) general term forthe affix
'Qi of the past pass. part. in popular
use; (6) a technical term for the
.. past participle affixes (cr) 'iji and
0<1(( ('q,CJg) called by Pal;lini; cf.
P. I. I.26; the term cr is used for
f.i1JT in the Jainendra VyakaraI.1a.
the consonant the vowel ar and
the word 'liR being, placed after it
for facility in understanding; d. T.
Pr. I. 17, 2!.
a class of words head;:d by
to which the taddhita affix
8J (arSJ:) is added in the sense of' a
native place or a domicile '. The'
word so formed has the acute accent
on its first vowel; e.g. cmtit-
d. Kas. on P. IV. 3.93.
(I) a short term used for !he nine
personal endings of the Atmane-
pad a viz. ('1', ... which are
themselves termed Atmanepada;
d. a&'l<IT P. I. 4.100; ( 2 )
the personal ending a of the 2nd
pers. pI. ( substituted for by
4.IOI) looked upon as sometimes,
when it is lengthened in the Vedic
Literature; cf. I
!lfUFJ: I Ka. on P.
VI. 3.133. ,
the triad of senses
and possessed by
the agent' of an action, in connec-
tion with which the
etc. are prescribed (cf. P. III.
2.184 etc.) which (affixes) hence
are called ct. ar<i'
; M. Bh. on P. III.
2.146, e.g. <mT <nalii>
ancient term for and
by the Vartikakara; cf.
ijulTfu <j'q,0tl<i,1 f<l:ifi':lrt 6u1Tffi" I
M. Bh. on p, H. 4.54 Vart.
II; III. 2.8 Viirt. 2; IV. I.52
requiring the same time for
utterance as for example one miUra
for short vowels, two ,for long ones
and three for protracted ones,
although those vowels are nasalised
or pure, or acute, grave or circUl.;n-
flex. See the word CftR'.
occurring or presenting
itself at the same time or simul-
dlioq"l{ name of a commentary on
Ramacandra's Prakriyakaumudi.
name of the well-known
commentary on Bhattoji's Sidd-
Mnta Kaumudi written by his pupil
Jiianendrasarasvati at Benares. Out
of the several commnetaries on the
SiddMntakaumudi, the Tattvabod-
hini is looked upon as the most
authoritative and at the time
very scholarly. It is supplemented
by]ayakrglamauni on the topic of
accents. Nilaka1;,ltha Vajapeyi has
written Gu<;lharthaprakiiSikii on it.
name of a commentary on
the KiiSikavrtti by a grammarian
named Upamanyu in the beginning
of the nineteenth century A. D.
" name of a commentary on the
Paribh1i!?endusekbara written byM.
M. Vasudev Shastri Abhyankar in
1889 A. D. The commentary is
more critical than explanatory,
wherein the author has given the
purpose and the gist of the import"
ant Paribh1i!?as and has brought
out clearly. the differences between
thl:: school of BhaHoji and the
school of Nagesa in import-
ant matters.
name of an impo,rtantkind of
compound words similar to the
compound word i, e. ( m<{
and hEmce chosen as. the
name of such compounds by ancient
grammarians before paI).ini. PaQini
has not defined the term with a
view to including such compounds
as would be covered by the defini-
tion. He has mentioned the term
in II. 1.22 as Adhikara and
on its strength directed that all
compounds mentioned or prescribed
thereafter upto Sutra II. 2.22 be
No definite number of '
the suh-divisions of dt,9,<litf is given;
but from the nature of compounds
included in the the
sub-divisions cf.P. II.
1.24 to 48, cf. P. II.
I.49 to 72, (called by the name
acc to P. I. 2. 42),
(called fm by P. II. 1.52),
81i.f'lI'lttr!i'tiif ,or cf. P. II.
2.1-3. d. P. II.' 2.5,
d. P. II. 2.6, cf.
P. II. 2.19, d. P.rI. 2.18
and ct P. II. 2.20 are
found mentioned in the commentary
literature on standard classical
works. Besides these, a peculiar
tatpurul?a compound mentioned by
P'I).ini in II. I.72, is popularly
called Piil;.lini has
defined only two out of these
varieties viz. as P.
II. 1.23, and as
Cii'{lli: P. I. 2.42. The Maba-
bha;.;yakara has described as
cf. M. Bh. on
II. 1.6, II. 1.20, II. 1.49, etc., and
as a consequence it follows ,that the
gender of the compound
word is that of the last member of
the ; cf.
P. II. 4. 26; d. also <ii:

I <.IT
M. Rh., on II. 4.26.
Sometimes, the compound gets a
gender different from that of the
last word; cf. P. n. 4. The
tatpuru$a compound is optional as '
generally all compounds are,
depending 'as they do upon the
desire of the speaker. Some tat- .
pUTU1J2 compounds such as the'
or are caned
and hence their constitutent words,'
with the - affixes applied to
them, are not noticed separately;
d. P. fIG 2.18; 19. In some cases
as a compound-ending (emtw=a") is
added; d.P.
V. 4.74; in some cases (or) is
added; cf. P. V. 4- 75 to 87; while
in some other cases cr-(or) is added,
the mute signifying the
addition of in the feminine
gender; d. P. V. 4. 9I-IIZ For
details see p.p. 270-273 Mlibabh1il?ya
Vol. VII. published by the D. E.
Society, Poona.
a peculiar feature in the
interpretation of the rules of PaQini,
laid down by the author of the
'Siitras himself by virtue of wbich
an adjectival word, qualifying its
principal word, does not denote
itself, but something ending with
it also; d. P. I. 1.72.
This feature is principally notiCed
in the case of general words or
adhikaras which are put in a parti-
cular rule, but which occur in a
large number of subsequent rules;
for instance, the word s:rrmqRCfiid,
put in P. IV. 1.1, is valid in every
rule up to the end of chapter V and
the words oro:, ;go:, <ls:r: etc. mean
t;:om:,. etc. Similarly
'the words \:jTm: (P. III. 1.9I) and
(P. VI. 4.I) occurring in a
number of subsequent rules have
the adjectival words to tbem, which
are mentioned in subsequent rules,
denoting not only those' words, but
ending with them. In a
large number of cases this feature'
of is not desirable, as it
goes against arriving at the desired
forms, and exceptions deduced from
PaQini's rules are laid down by the
Varttikakara and later grammarians;
cf. Par. Sek. Pari, 16, 23, 3I.; also
Mababbal?ya on P. I. 1.72.
a similar to the
of PiiI).ini, laid down by the
, Varttikakara laying down that' in
case an operation is prescribed for
something . followed by a single
letter, that single letter should be
taken to mean a word beginning
with that single letter; d.
WC{Ic{I'lSltii't ,P. 1:-1.72 Vart. 29; Par.
Sek. Pari. 33.
lit. connection with what
is denoted by the constituent mem-
bers; the word refers to a kind of
Babuvrihi compound where the
object denoted by the compound
includes also what is denoted by
the constituent members of the
compound; g. the compound
word in the rule
iiTIiWr includes the among
the words f.\'Jil', and others, which
alone form the or tbe exter-
nal thing and not merely the exter-
nal object as mentioned i? PaI).ini's
. rule ( P., II. 2. 24) ;
cf. I I
awfioRt M. Bh. on
1. 1.27' For details d. Mahabh1il?ya
on p. I.' 1.27 as also Par. Sek.
Pari. 77.
lit. made subordinated to
(the principal factor) ; completely
included so as to form a portion.
The word is used in connection with
augments which, when added to a
word, are completely included in
that word, and, in fact, form a
part of the word; cf. I
Par. Sek. Pari. II.
a term of the ancient pre-Pa1;li-
Ilian grammarians used by Pal;.lini
just like '. or aro<!<{ without
giving any specific definition of it.
The te'rm occurs in the Nirukta of
Yaska and tbe Vajasaneyi-Pratisa-
khya; cf.
qcffi lfR+!"<i I "UEi:I:
I qT,
<IT Nir. n. 2; also cf. m<{ii'ijfirn'<Igl!<!-
WlTm: Vaj. Prliti. I. 27. It
is to be noted that the word
is used by the ancient grammarians
in the sense of a word derived from
a substantive. by the
application of suffixes like or, <Ri.
etc., and not in the sense,of words
derived from roots by affixes like
ar.!, fu etc. whiCh were termed
as possibly contrasted with the
word used by Yaska in II. 5.'
paI).ini has used the word crn..o not
for words, but for the suffixes which
are added to form such words at all
places (e. g. in 1. 1.38, IV. 1.17,
76, VI. I.6I etc.) In fact, he has
begun the ehumenition of taddhita
affixes with the rule crn..m: (P. IV. I. \
76) by putting the term crfucr for
affixes such as fu, a;ot. etc: which
'are mentioned thereafter. In his
rule and in .the Vartti-
ka .i T. 4.I Vart. 4I)
which are similar to V. Pr. 1. 27
quoted above, tbe word of.lro app-
ears, to be actually used for words
derived from nouns by secondary
affixes, along with the word
which also, means words derived
from roots, although commentators
have -explained there the terms
and for 'aI"l.<d and 'ofuffFff. The
term Cff;[n is evidently echoed in
the Sutra mtr which, although
it is not the first Sutra of the
taddhita section, may imply that
'there were possibly long lists cif
SCondary nouns _with the senses pi
secondary suffixes, and was
perhaps, the first sense given _there.
The number of tacidhita suffixes
mentioned by PaI)ini is quite a large
one; there are in IHO rules
given in the taddhita section cover-
ing almost two Adhyayas Viz. from
p. IV. 1.76 to the end of the fifth
Adhyava. The main sub-divisions
of taddhita affixes mentfonedby- I
commentators are, Apatyadyartha-
ka (IV. 1.92 to 178 ), Raktadyarth-
aka (IV. 2.1 to 9I), Sai!?ika (IV.
2. 92 to IV. 3.133), Pragdivyatiya
(IV. 3.134 to 168),
(IV. 4.1 to IV. 4.74), Priigghitiya
(IV. 4.75 to IV. 4.109 L Arhiya
(V. I. I to 7t ), Thafiadhikarastha
(V. I.72to V. 1.114), Bhavakarm-
arthaka (V. I. IIS to V. 1. 136),
Paficamika (V. 2.1 to V. 2.93),
Matvarthiya ( V. 2.94 to V. 2. 140),
Vibbaktisariijfiaka (V. 3.1 to V.
3.26) and.Svarthika (V. 3.27 to V.
4.160). The samiisiinta affixes ( V.
4.68 to V. 4.1.(0) can be included
in the Svarthika affixes.
a work - on the taddhita
section written by SlromaI)i BhaWi-
carya, who has also written

given in the rules of PaI)ini IV.
T. I68-174and V. 3. lI2-II9. They
are called as they are appJied
to such words as mean both the
cquntry and the warrior race or
clan cf. ffi(r;;;:
S. K. on P. IV. 1.168. The peculiar
feature of these tad raja affixes is
that they are omitted when the
word to which they have been app-
lied is used in the plural number;
e. g. ; similarly
d. P. II. 4.62
(I) as above, sImilarly; the
wurds O:iR( ( the rest as are
frequently seen used by commenta-
tors; (2) the tad. affix ere:. in the
sense of possession and not in the
sense of measure etc. d. oaR\"
V, Pro V. 8.
treatment of something as-
that which is not that e. g. the
treatment of affixes not marked
with' mute fi or I) as marked with
Ii even though they are not actually
marked that way, cf. P. 1. 2. 1-4 ;
also d. P. I. 2.1
Vart. 4.
(I) personal ending for 0 of
second pers. pI. Parasmaipada in
the imperative in Vedic Literature;
the essence, al!'o called o'(1if; ct. e. for cL Kas. onP.
o'fct iI VII. 1.45; (2) tad. affixes and
I _Jcn I M. i. e. Sf., which, with the aug-
Bh. on P. V. I.IIq. roent in effect becomes Oif. e. g.
produced or brought into being - cf. P. IV. 323
by some grammatical operation personal ending for 0 of the
such as the vowel an CfiRCIi, second pers. pl. e. g; G:<iffiii for w
W'lifqjn:, etc. by the substitution of d. Kas. on P. VII. 1.45. See o<r.
i[f:\l:, as contrasted with the original . .
an in fit<rli! etc.' cf. a word frequently used 10 the
Jcn k in the sense of f
tended or The word IS
M. Bh. on I. 1.1. always In gender
lIke lfl1lUFI:; ct. q.:sr M. Bh.
the taddhita affixes aw.:., 6J1l1..,
WI, as lRI, and
on P. 10 II. 2.34. .
onP. 1.2039. III. 3.38, III. 4.21, ,
IV. I.92 etc. The word is also
explained in the sense of r impor-
tant '.
tfP.4Acfi4 mime of the learned commen-
tary written by a famous
Buddhist grammarian ot the 12th
century A. D. on the
(;<jffi) of Jinendrabuddhi. The work
is available at present only in a
manuscript form, and- that too in
fragment:>. Many later scholars
have copiously quoted from this
work. The name of work viz.
is rarely mentioned; but
the name of the author is mentioned
as or even There
are two commentaries on the
named aqd .
a class of roots headed by the
root -trOi.., which is popularly called
the eighth conjugation to which
the conjugational sign 13" is added;
e. g. ocU.fij-, <RIm, d. P. II. 4.79;
III. 1.79.
a class of words which is the I
same as ; d. P. VI. 4.37. See I
tad. affix Sl11l.. prescribed
by the rule
mt+<l: P. IV. 1.113; d. M. Bb.
on P. IV. I.1I4.
(I) tad. affix 0 added to the
words and to form the
words qcffi: ; d. P. V. 2.122
Vart. 10; , ( 2 ) personal ending -in
Vedic Literature substituted for 0
of the impera. sec. pers. pl. e. g.
!:i1911lT: cf. Ras. on P. VII. I.45
addition of the mute letter
after a vowel to signify the in-
clusion of only such varieties of the
vowel as take the same time for
utterance as the vowel marked I
With cf. P. 1. 1.70.
personal ending o-c substituted
for in the impera. imperf.
potential, benedictive, aorist and
conditional; d. P. in. +85, lor.
common term for the tad. affixes
and \illIJ...
tad. affix 011 added optionally
with the affix ( ) to
etc., as also to words ending with
them, in the sense of (comple-
tion ) J and necessarily (f.!t4 r to the
words lUo, ejm, wfff etc. e.g.
ml1: lcr1Ut, fSi1Ut etc.; cf. Ras.
on V. 2.56-58.
tad. affix 0+ added without a
change of sense, i.e. in the sense of
the base itself to noun-bases posses
sing the sense of excellence, as also
to vel bal forms showing excellence;
e:g. 8ltffilT:, tf'<lftra
cf. Kas. on P. V. 3.55-56. The
affix IS termed also; ct. P. I.
6'q tad. affix \'I<IIJ.. applied to a numeral
( in the sense of or
possessed of parts'; e:g. ar'i<l'ff
i:'R'!I ct. KM ..
on P. V. 2,42. a:r<I is_substituted for
Q<! optionally after the numerals fe: i
and and necessarily after G'<l; cf.
P. V. 2.43-41.
tad. affix \'1<1. See oq.
tad. affix m:IJ.. added to bases showA
ing excellence when the
excellence shown is between two
persons; e.g. ar.r-lt:
tRlfffiRFl:; ct. Kas. on p. V. 3.57.
The affix m:1l. is called ju!>t like
cf. P. 1.1.22.
a commentary by Har!?akirti
on his own Sarasvatadhiitupatha.
He was a pupil of Candra-kirti
who flourished in the sixteenth
i i
II i
a"{!. tad. affix 0\. See 0\.
a(?; tad. affix 0 ( r) adJed in the sense
.... of collection ( toJ.he words
;;jq and tll[r<i and <nf also, e.g.
;;ji1cIT etc.; (2) added in. th:
sense of 'the nature of a tbmg
( +ifil ) along with the affix (q
ally, as also optionally
the affixes 5l!0I,., etc, gIven 10
P. V. 1.I22 to 136; e.g.
etc. d. Kas. all .P. V. L119 to 136. I
WOids ending with the affix are i
always declined in the feminine
genaer with tht fern. affix 3l'f (2'IIl)
added to them; d. f<W-IfiI),
Lmganu5asana 17.
m the class of de'ntal consonants
viz, 0., Iif..' and or.; cf. G<iir-,
P. 1. 3.4 Vart. I. - "
lqt affix for the infinitive affix
in Vedic Literature; e.g.
lTIm cf. P. III. 4.9.
krt affix for the infinitive affix
ii< Vedic Literature; e.g. ifi'ait,
ct. P.llI. 4.9.
on the last syllable; e.g. 91-G"0<iil:, cf.
Kiis. on P. III. I.96.
(I) personal ending of the third
....pers. dual Parasmaipada substitut-
ed technically Jor e:. ct. P.
III. 4.78; (2) tad. affix ff, ( ofB or
). See qfu and
(I) tad. affix showing direction
by means of a thipg
cf: Kas. P.lV. 3.II4, IS;
( 2) tad. affixff<e: applied in the
sense of the,abl. case and substitut-
ed for the abl. case affix; ego ::!rmr:,
AAfcr; sometimes the
affixJ.s applied instead of the instru-
mental or the genitive case also. e.g.
<l for i{ ffi
for cf.
Kiis. on P. V. 4.44-49.
( I) tad. affix O<i added to pro-
, nouns from -tI< upto to the pro-
noun and after qft and arf+i; e.g.
<'h=r" ,.".. "'''''3l'fuo'' cf.,Kas. on P.
"1\1', \.1\1-, .J
V" 3.7 to 9.
a class of tad db ita a;ffixes
headed by the affix (crfue:.) as
given by PiiI)ini in, his siitras Itom
\l9l!;Qrerftle:. P. V, 3.7 upto
V. 3.17 ; cf. P.
(I) krt for the infinitive VI.' 3.35. The words ending with
affix in Vedic Literature. The the affixes from. in P. V. 3.7
affix has a peculiarity upto P. V. 3.47 (excluding
namely that the word endmg In O''f become indeclinables; cf.
has got both the initial and ending KiiS. on P. I. I.3

vowels accented acute t e.g. .'
l[tffi GJCfCif 8'; cf. P. III. m': ( r) a technical for gem-
. d VI- I 200' ( 2 ) krtya affix I tive case affix used 10 the Jamendra
49, an " \ . , h d ffi.
in Vedic Literature, e.g. ior Vyakara1J.a; (2) t e ta . a x
....& f Ra-s' on 0 III 4 IA which is popularly called (if as the
'i 1'l.1iflffO<rr. c . . .1. ...... d
' notins ending in i.a. 0' are e-
krtya affix applied to a root to elined in the fern. gender with the
form the poL pass. part. e.g. feme affix 3l'f added to them.
cf. Kas. on P. III. 1.96,'
krtya afiixoo<j applied to a root
to form the pot. part.; the
affix cro<!if. has the circumflex accent
(I) use of a word for that
word ( of whicb. the sense has been
eonveyed); the expression
is .often used by grammar-
ians just a cf. a:rf(Q I
f'i:m M. Bh. on P. 1. -1.29; similarly
for <ia1<lTl1Yf.r qq:rf.1 M. Bh .
on P. I. 1.30 or tIlTIti: M.
Bh. on P. 1.2.43; (2 ) use of a I
word for that word of which there I
is the vicinity; cf.
lliretllRltTI Cful: I <f1liTfq
'!:qj M. Bh. on P. 1. 2.27 where i
the letter 8' is taken in the sense, of !
required for its utterance, .the I
reason being that sound and tIme
go together; ct. also M. Bn. on P. ,
1. 2.70, IV. 3,48, V. 2.79; (3) use
of a word for that which resides
there; cf. Olfclli/:ffu M.
Bh. on V. 4.50 Van. 3. At all the I
,above places, the use of one word
for another is by Lak!?aI)a.
prescribed in the sense of
habituated '; a term used in con-
nection with all affixes prescribed
in the triad of senses viz.
in Siitras from P.
III. 2.134 to 180; ct.
P. III. 2.146 Vart. 3,
Par. Sek. Pari. 67.
\:1m: ( !) the same as substituted
for gaud of the imperative sec.
and third sing. Parasmaipada; cf.
P. VII. 1.35; (2) substitute olq:for
ff of the imperative 2nd. pI. in
Vedic Literature; e.g.
cf. KM. on P. VII. 1.44.
thi' affix mq:, See GTif. ( I).
tad. affix mRt in the very sense
of the word to which it is applied
occurring in Vedic Literature after
the words and as also
fuq =IT:!!" and ami! in the sense of
, .... . th
' bringing ,about' ana In e sense
of m<i (presence) after the same
words =IT"I:. and ajR.i!; e.g.
etc. cf. P. IV. 4.142-
(I) repetition of action; d.
KitS. on III.
2.81 also awr4mecn I omfR:,
I ( 2 ) foremost considera-
tion; cf. t'i'ffi-
+jCffa Ras. on P. vn. 2.59;
( 3) purport ( of a sentence), signi-
ficance, intention; cf. tlcit{/IWq"lli(<j\o
fftfcr Par. Sek. Pari. 2, 3.
name given to the grave
( vowel which is aj<I3:11r i. e.
which occurs at the end of the first
member of a compound and which
is placed between two acute 'vowels
i.e. is preceded by and followed by
an acute vowel; e.g.
ci. I V. Pro
1. 120. The tiith_abhavya vowel is ,
recited as a kampa (cn;q); cf .
<ro ;ft:q i'fiRlq:1
Vedic scholars hold the view that
the vowel is not a grave
vowel, but it is a kind of
or circumflex vowel. Strictly
according to PaI)ini "an anudiiUa
following upon an udatta becomes,
Svarita "; d. P. VIII. 4.66, V. Pro
IV. 1.138; d. also R. Pr. III. 16.
(I) the nature of being meant
for another; cf. Qiil;1lU,
<rtImP'IFT"!. I <wi M.Bh. On P.
II. 3.I3 ; (2) meant fOli another; cr.
ffT1.{di<r" I "'lor,. I
I "lG:, I
d. Kas, on P. V. 4.24; (3) being
possessed ?f the same sense; cf
a remark often made
by Patafijali in Mahabha!?ya, See

possession of the same nature;
, ommCl'(f[; d. 1 GroQ
Kiis. on P. II. 1.2.
being possessed of the same
propert y ; cf. '<IgfiI: >j"'li'i'hnfuliB

f.tfo I M. Bh. on IV. I.48 Vart.3.
restoration to, or resumption of
the same form by the rule of Sthani-
vadbMva, prescribed in P. 1. 1.56,
called as contrasted with
d. M. Bh. I
on VI. 1.85 Vart. 26. .
one uniform accent or tone,
as observed at the time of sacrifices
in the case of the recital of the
hymns; cf. I
V. Pro 1. 130; ct. also P.L 2.34.
a root of the tanadi class of
roots (8th conjugation).
personal ending substituted for
OB. 'of the 3rd pers. dual in the
imperative, imperfect, potential,
benedictive, a(.rist and conditional;
d. P. III. 4.85, lor.
mq: ( I) elevated, high; a place for
the production of words; d. T. Pro
XVII. II; (z) recital in a high
tone which is recommended in the
evening time; d. mtg ('[<Wi,
tiS; 00 com, on T. Pr.
. XXIH. lZ.
aU't"'<'ollli6! a das;> of words headed by the
word di"{"\'il containin
ently the words
and many otbers
numbering more than ninety, to
which the taddhita affil!: 11Rl'
is added in the sense of containing:
As this class, called is looked
upon as nouns with !iff
added at their en{l, are supposed
. to be included in it; ct. P. V. 2.36.
called tlwn'tRl:fffi" ; a Bengali
modem Sanskrit scholar and gra
mmariau.of the nineteenth century
who has written a commentary
called SaraHi on the SiddMnta
Kaumudi. He has edited many
important Sanskrit works consist-
ing of many
lit. produced from ffi the part
below the tongue; the vowel It. :qqir,
<I and i>J.. are called palatal
letters; cf. V. Pro 1. 66.
These letters are formed upon the
palate by the middle part of the
tongue; cf. R. 1.42, R. Pro
a small class of eight words to
which the affix Of (Ctar.) is added in
the sense of 'a product" or C a
part' e.g. etc.;
ct, Kas. on P. IV. 3. 152.
palate; cf.
I B i{'fUW1 I
Cfi\1l]'l.1 cf. T. Pro II. 22.
conjugational sign or VikaraI}a
( added to a root .in the first
future before the personal endings'
which becqme accented grave
( ); d. P. VI. Y. 186; it has
the augment prefixed, if the root.
to which it is added, is cf: P.
VI. 4.62.
miB' the VikaraI)a See
ffi (I) personal ending of the 3rd
pers. sing.; (2) common term for
the krt affixes and as also
for the urjiidi aqx fcr; see and
fu,,; ( 3 ) fern. affix fcr added to the
word i!!q'l:. e. g. cf. P . IV. 1.77;
(4) tad. affix fer as found in the
words qijg and M,{11ti ct. Kas. on P.
V. !.59; ('5) tad. affix added to
the word the sense of' a root',
and to the words and in the
of possession e.g.
tjl\Jm:, Ciifrff:, :{TRr:, cf. Ras. on P. V.
2.25, 138.
a class of compound words
headed by the dvandva compound
facnfilmcrin which the taddhita affixes
added to the constituent members
of the compound are dropped when
the dvandva compound is to be
. used in the plural number; aCfil<!Cj<lllJ
cf. Kas. on P. II.
tad. affix fu<n" added to the word
3l't. in the sense of the word itself
e. g. ; P. V. 4.39.
a class. of words headed by the
woros ffici;, and others to
which the taddhita affix (filio{)
causing the substitution of vrddhi
is added in the sense of a descend-
ant' ; e. g. ; cf. Kas.
on P. IV. 1.154.
(I) a brief trm for tbe
18 personal endings. Out of these
eighteen persofal endings, which
are common for all tenses and
moods, the first nine facr.., cHi etc .
all called Parasmaipada, while the
other nine cr, etc. are named
AtmaDEpada and also; cf,
(2) a verbal form
called also cf. (
I qom I V. Pr .
r. 27"
(I) a word ending in a
verb; (2) a popular name given
to the section which deals with
verbs in books on grammar' as
contrasted with the term
which is for the section deal-I
jng with nouns.
a work dealing. .1ith
verbal forms written by mUJffol-

senses possessed by the personal
" b' (t
en ngs 0. vel's, VIZ. C!iRcn \ eml or
"f. .r For details see

the grave accent for the
whole word (Bcff.iEITff) .generally
possessed by a verbal form when it
is preceded by a word form which
is not a verb; cf. P. VIII.
T2 .. 8
ffiq: an . affix to which the mute
indicatory letter it, is added signi-
fying the circumflex accent of
that affix; e.g. the affixes <lit,. U<lit,
etc.; cf. P. VI. 1.185.
the circumflex accent possessed
by an affix marked with the mute
letter it,. See fffit.
the augment R1:!!. added to the
words 'i'T, ipJf and Bfl, when
they are followed by the tad.
afux aT (G) e g. cf. P.
the personal ending of the 3rd
pers. sing. mbstituted for (<i"fiR)
in the Parasmaipada, For sub-
stitutes for special cases, see
P. VI. 1.68, III. 4.82, 83, 84.
fmrul.ilT a EOuthern grammarian who
wrote a short treatise called
Pratyaharavicara on the pratya-
h1iras like Ofar., liar. etc. in the
grammar of PaI)ini.
a southern writer of the
commentary named on
the Siddhlinta Kaumudi of

(r) Concealment of proper-
ties; the word is used' always in
contrast with the word arrfihu<i
( manifestation ). cpo . Vak. Pad.
HI. 8.26; III 9. II; III I3 -J.7,.
III. 14 3.23 cp,
I mu'l1TCl'll1
(2) attribute of feminity, cpo
Sarilgraha quoted by HeHiraja on
Vak. pad. III. 13.1 "m{llT-l
...... >ITQ'i"I:T:_ RR:f+rT9: I
tad. affix fu added in
Literature to the' word '!'Ii
superior quality is meant,
'Fl\ffi: cf. P.V. 4.41.
compound words headed
by the word which are termed
as avyayibhav; compounds and
treated. as I
aJ'B'>rtff, etc.;- ct. Kas. on
P. II. 1.17.
utterance with a sharp tone
characterizing the pronunciation of
the Abhinihita kind of circum-
flex vowel as 0ppoEsed to the
ntterance which is called when
the circumflex, called is
pronounced; d.
\I Cfdl
. I 1fIa:'!'ffi II
Uvvata on V. Pr. 1. 125.
i:iW tad. affix - in the sense of !f..(UJ
added to the words rn: and
before which is changed into
'i. e.g. ffclt<l:, cL P.V. 2.54,
55; the tad. affix aliI:. (8l') is added
to the words ending in ;ft<{ to mean
a section e.g. fu:;ftciT liFT: d. Kas.
on P.V. 3.48.
sharpness of the
nasalization at the time' of pro-
nouncing the anqsvara and the
fifth letters recommended by Sai-
tyayana. e.g. .... ;:p.ijij-
d. T. Pro XVII. 1.
(t) short term for the
dental consonants Q, l.\., and
WI:. d: P. I. 1.69; (:i) personal-end-
ing substituted for fu in the 2rid
pers. imper; sing. Parasmaipada
cf. P. III. 4.86; (3) tad. affix g
in the sense of possession added,
in Vedic Literature to em.. a'nd
e.g. 9i"g;:, cf. P. V. 2.138;
( 4) uI)adi affix g; prescribed
by the rule
( U Qadi Sutra 1.69). before
which the augment l{ is not added
e.g. Ug: etc. d. P. VII. 2.9.
augment q: added ( 1) to the -rQol
in the form the pot. -pass.
part. of cf. P.llI. 1.132; (2) to
the short vowel at the end of a
root before a krt affi.x marked
with the mute letter It. e,g. arllfftrn:.,
cf. p. VI. 1.71; (3) to a short
vowel before - if there be close
between the
two e g. d. P. VI.
I.73; (4) to the indec1inables ali
. and liT as also to a long vowel be:-
e.g. P.
VI. 1.74. 75; (5) to a long vowel
if it is at the end of a
word, e.g .. cf.
p. VI. 1.76; (7) to the letter "'(
at the end of a word before e.g.
"a d. P. VIII. 3.3I.
rule prescribing the addi-
tion of the augment q:; e g.
1ifu P. VIII. 2.2
roots such as the root and,
the like, which have their vowel
of the reduplicative syll:,'lble lenga
thened as seen mostly in Vedic.
Literature; e.g. 1rJpn<!:, +rfllinii1:, !{lI:TT(
etc.; ct. Kas. on P. VI. 1.7.
augment 'Q ( 1) added to the affix .
8l"I1 substituted for the of and
e.g. tlT4Cfc:i:, cf. P. IV .
3.23; (2) added to the tad. affix
applied to the word in
the senses; e.g.
d. P. IV.
I .
a class of roots headed by the
root ill.\. which take the conjuga-
tional sign 8l' and which are
popularly called roots of the sixth
conjugation; d. P. III. 1.77.
fI"J.. uI)adi affix g, added to the roots
-m, See g; (4).
a very small class of words
headed by the word to which
the taddhita affix iR'i ( is
added in the sense of possesssion
( liw'l ). The affix iR'i is optional
. and the other affixes and
If''Q are also added; e.g. il;cfr,
ilffi:, similarly etc.;
cf"Kas. on P. V. 2.1I7.
krt affix il"\ of the infinitive ( 1)
added to a root optionally with
when the root refers to an
action for the purpose of which
another action is mentioned by the
principal verb; e.g. or
cf. Kas: on P. III. 3.II;
( 2) added to a root with
another root in the sense of desire
provided both have the same sub-
ject; e.g., d. P. III.
3.158; (3) added to a root connec-
ted with the words or
e.g. <TIarg+!:., etc. ct. P. III. 3.167;
( 4) added to any root which is
connected with the roots l:['i.,
\<L, and
or its synonym, as with
8l'i!I+{, or its synonym; e.g.
. oll'fg"\, lICfm iilm are
q<jfa: ct. Kiis on P.
III. 4. 65, 66.
similar in articulation; savarI)a;
cf. R. T. 168.
having got the same sub-
stratum; denoting ultimately the
. same object; expressed in the same
case i the same as samanadhikaral}.a
in the grammar of PaI)ini. cf. Kat.
II. 5.5.
<l (1) substitute prescri)::>ed for the
last vowel of the word so as
to make it declinable like words
marked witli the mute letter '!R;
( 2) common term for the krt
affixes and 1fi!.. pr.escribed in the
sense of the agent of a verbal
activity; the tad. and
u are seen placed after words end-
ing in Q: in Vedic Literature before
which the affix l! is elided; e.g.
W:, d. Kas. on P. V. 3.59 .
tad. affix t!, taking the fern. affix
( 1) added to a root opti-
onally with 8l'l!i in the sense
of the agent of a verbal activity,
the word so formed having the
last vowel acute; e;g. 'lIcTf 9iT(C!i:;
ilGf {TVfi:; ct. P. III. I.I33;
( 2) prescribed in the sense of
'deserving one' optionally along
with the pot. pass. part. affixes; e.g.
'1'1'1'1:, (g' 9i"IUliT '19'F('!iiliT
lIiiffiT (g' cr&:rfi<:rr <l'T;
cf. Kas. on P. III. 3.169. .
,a word ending in the affix <r'i.
and hence .gettil1g the -guI)a vowel
( i.e. al) substituted for the final
vowel 51\. before the Sarvanama-
stMna (i.e. the first five) case
affixes; d. Q%d' M.
Bh. on VIr. 1.96.
. treatment of a word as ending
with the affix li"i. although, in fact,
it does not so end; e.g. the word
sfitg; cf. P. VII. 1.95; cf.
also mT milT' M.
Bh. on VII. 1.95 Vart. 10.
a class of words to which the
taddhita affix is added in the four
senses given in P. IV. 2.67 to 70;
e.g. etc.; cf. Kas
on P. IV. 3.80.
'Fft:q- the third consonants out of the
class consonants ;cr<lq:<TI1.I ; viz: <1:.,
it and '!.; cf. <I"lT q9iIllT
Bli. on P. 1. I.g. "
the third case; affixes of the
third case (instIUmental case or
which are placed (I)
after nouns in the sense of an in-
strument or an agent provided the
agent is 110t expre:;sed by the per-
:;0nal-endilig of the root; e.g. itCfG:%ii
cf, P. III. 3-I 8;
" ( 2) after nouns c-:mnected with Hr,
nouns meaning defective limbs,
nouns forming tbe object of with -
1:!<J:. as also nouns meaning or a
thing c:pa ble of producing a result; 1
e.g. aIPtllJT +11'31"T
T9'1.P-1T <I;a:, ci. Kas. on P. II.
3.I9, 23; (3) optionally witb the
ablative after nouns meaning qua-
lity. and optionally with the geni-
tive after prn.n0l111S in the sense of
when the word is actually
used e.g. ff'ffi: or
or it is observed
by the Varttikakara that when the
word or its synonym is used in
a sentencE, a pronoun is put in any"
case in apposition to that word i e.
W:!1 or its synonym -e.g. fci;
etc.; cf. KiiS. on P. II. 3 25,
27; ( 4 ) optionally after nOuns
connected with the words 'l"l<;f1, fii'fT,
<lTiil, after the words ffilCfi, as
also after 'F, aIfi:i'lCfi and their syno-
nyms; e.g. etc. ff'ffi:,
>TRIo:; cf. Kas. on p.
n. 3.32, 33, 35, 44; (5) optionally
with the locative case after nouns I
constellation when the tad.
affix after them has been elided;
e.g. *I.ITffrWr 9:<'!u<m: lVIaha-
bbarata; d. P. II. 3-45; (6) op-
tionally with the genitive case after
words connected with g<il.l or its
synonyms; e.g, g<?-!l'
cf. P. II. 3.72.
called also as
preFcribed by P. II. 1.30-35; e.g.
Q:cl1l.jlwniJ P. 1. 1.30 and the Maha-
"!<:( (! ) krt affix Q; with the aciite
accent on the first vowel of the
word formed by its application,
applied to any root in the sense of
, an agent' provided the "agent is
habituated to do a thing, or has his
nature to do it, or does it well; e;g.
crFctm ;;'f<'[{1191?Ji(; '2:OSP-mR:
Cfi;:[T cf. Kas. on
P. III. 2.1.)5; words ending with
govern the noun connected with
them in the accusative case; (2)
the term used as a short term
( standing for hrt affixes
beginning 'sith those prescribed by
the rule i?2:: (P. III. 2.124)
and ending with the affix lli( ( in P.
III. 3.69.); cf. Kas. on P. III. 469.
called also mfu-
m(f<l and hence representing
possibly all the different branches
or SaklJiis of the which is
not attributed definitely "CO a parti-
cular author but is supposed to
haVe been revised from time to
time and taught by various acaryas
who were the followers of tbe
Taittiriya Sakba. The work is divid
ed into two main parts, each of
whicll is further divided into twelve
sections c311ed adbyayas, and dis-
cusses the "cuiom topics such as
letters and their propf.rtirs, accents,
euphonic changes and the like, just
as the oth('r Pratisakhya work. It
is believed tInt Vararuci,
and A treY;l wrcte on the
Taittiriya Pratisakhya, but at pre-
sent, ollIy two important commentQ
ary works on it are available (a)
the " based upon
the three mentioned above
as the title shows, written by
and (b) the' Vaidika-.I a class of words beaded by
bharaI),a written by GopiHayajvan. I -the word the taddhita affix
For details see Introduction to I in the sepse of ( grandchild)
, Taittitiya Pratisakhya ' ed. Govt. I, placed after which is not elided by
Oriental Library Series, Mysore.. p. II. 4.60; e;g. fqm, m<i90r<1<'f:
" I Ras. on P. II. 46r.
Q!{ItC!nij a kind of or a vowel
with a circumflex accent which
follows un acute-accented vowel
characterized by a vagraha i,e. com-
ing at the end of the first member
of a compouGd; e.g. i1rqnlFrTff rnsqm
Here the vowel a:r
of q follo\ving upon the avagraha is

V. Pr. L TI8.
a kind of svarita or circum-
flex-accented vowel, which follows
an acute accented vowel; with the
intervention of a consonant between
the acute accented vowel and the
circumflex vowel which (vowel)
originally was grave. e.g.
here the vowel T.l; is froO<j-
ct. V.
Pr. T. II7. "
tad. affix applied in the sense
of oil to a word meaning the sub-
stance- from which oil is extracted;
e.g. cf. fFl'iilZ
KM. onP. V. 2.2g.
a southern :grammarian
who has written a gloss called SJ'iil:a-
on the Siddhantakaumudi of
krt affixffrla_ in the sense of the
infinitive (-g) seen in Vedic Litera-
ture; e.g. The word
ending with iffll<i becomes an inde
a root belonging to the
class of roots ( sixth conjugation)
which take the vikaraI)a aI (:a- )
causing no gUI)a or vrddhi substi-
tute the vowel of the root.
tad. affix til added to the words ffi.
and showing time, as also
to the word WI in Vedic Literature;
e.g. q{(Rt<!,
(where <T is eJided); cf. Kas. on P.
IV. 3.23.
tad. affix (if, added to the word
<'f9 optionally with the" affixes oil!!.
and @ before which ifCf is changed
to 't; e.g. 'iOi'l, <'lofti'l; cf. P.
V. 4. 30 Va.t. 6.
(I) tad. affix standing for
and @.tI. which see below; (2) a
technical term for (a suffix or
a termination) in the Jainendra
tad. affix added in the 8ai!?ika
senses to the words and
e. g. trnW'!:,
cf. P. IV. 2. S8.
tad. affix added to the words
'31T and aiM- in" the senses 'near'
-and ' above' respectively; cf. qcffi-
ct. Kas.
on P. V. 2.34.
a term used for the class of
pronouns headed by t<iit, which are
eight viz. <Tt\., Q;(fC\.,
T.l;9i and cf. P. 1. 1.74, 1. 2.
72, III. 2. 60, VII. 2. 102.
a specific operation pre::-
cribed for the pronouns headed by
e. g. the substitution of a:r for
, the final letter; cf. 'Of
M. Bh; on P. 1.r. 27
Viil't.6. "
tad. affix 't I) added to a few,':
specified. in the Sai!1i-
ka senses; e. g. etc. ; cf.
Kas. on IV. z. 104; ( z) added to
the indeclinables &ttl. and J!:!11.
optionally along with and 0;
e.g. WCfRaCfi<f,; cf.
Kas. on P. IV. 2. 105.
a common term for the krt affixes
and . ( P: 111. 2, 181-!86) in
case the vowel if of is looked
upon as equiv;:,lmt to an augment,
as also for the' Ul;'ladi affix and
the tad. affixes 'Sf and (P. IV.
. 2,51 and V. 3.IO); the tad. affix"Sj
is added in the sense of
coilection to the word m, e. g. ii);;u; I
d. Kas. on P. IV. 2.51. I
wfI lit. triad,the three Vedas E.,gveda,
Yajurveda and the Samaveda,
whleh are believed to be of divine
origin. The Agama and the smrti
compositions, however, are believed
to be in continuous existence ( liCfli[T-
by tradition which,
if broken, is restored by means of
the seed which never perishes. cpo
Yak. pad. I. 133.
tad. affix termed Vibhakti added
"' to pronouns excepting m; and others, i
mute syllable prefixed to them in
the Dh1itupatha; e. g.
(2) a term signifying the
plural number; cf. ilT it
V. Pr. II. 3.
m lit. triad; a term used in the
Mahabh1i!1ya in connection with the
Vibhakti affixes i.e. case en9ings
and personal endings which are in
groups of three; cf.
M. Bh.on P. 1,1,38; cf. alsl)
M. Bh. on P. I.
4.10I; cf. also M. Bh. on II. 2.23,
V. I. 52, V. 1.58.
lit. three kaI).das or books of
Vakyapadiya, the Agama or Brah-
makaQQa, the VakyakaQQa and
the Padaka1;,lQa. Helaraja at the
end of his Prakifi:)aprakasa pays
homage to Bhartrhari by saying
ffltJ<tr I
i{lI: II"
f:;rcr-,.:ft the three views regarding the
interpretation of the negative parti-
cle occurring in a compound (of
course changed into or the
compound being understood as
or cpo Yak.
pad. III. 14. 254. fP. also f'cfiSI1:TT<iTs<l
tll1Tij; I I ...
<ifu I ... +tfcrc
"<ire 1 ( M. Bh. on P. II. 2.6 )
and to the words and fcli'f., when 'I
the)' end with the loco case termi-
nation; e. g. a;l, etc.; CLI of commenta:y on the
Kas. on P. V. I. la, 14. Panbbal.lendusekhara wntten by
. _ Raghavendracarya Gajendragadkar,
<;IT tad. affix SIT in the sense of some- I a resident of Satara and a pupil of
thing donated, as also to the wgrds i NilakaQthasastri Thatte. He lived
and m<l", ending in I in the second half of the eighteenth
the accusative or the locative case; I and first half of the nineteenth
e. g. .rom, <itlm; cf. Kiis. I century and wrote commentaries on
on P. V. 4.55,56. There is :lvagraha : important grammar works.
. . I
before the tad. affix , made up of a collection of three
d. V. Pro V. 9 d
padas or words; the war is used
,& (I) krt affix f'fii, always having the in connection with a or a pore
tad" affix +lQ'.. (:jf) added to it, app- tion of the kramapatha; d.<i<iR'n
lied to the roots marked with the f<jqc::q:!!fu T. Pr. 1.61. The word

is found used in connection with a
Bahuvrihi compound Irlade up of
three words; cf. the term
(I) a term usually used in con-
nection with the last three Padas
(ch. VIIi. 2, VIII. 3 and VIII. .4)
of Panini's Astadhyayi, the rules in
which are not valid by convention
to rules in the first seven chapters
and a quarter, as a'so a later rule
in which (the Tripadi) is not valid
to an earlier one; ct. P.
VIII. 2.1 ; (2) The word according
to Vardhamana, in GaJ}.aratnama-
hodadhi refers to Bhartrhari'sMaha-
bh1i!1yadipika, on threePadas of
1st. adhyaya, of which only seven
Ahnikas have been published so
far. HeUiraja at the end of his
commentary on Vakyapadiya, calls
it Tripadi. (3) name vf a critical
treatise on PaQini's grammar ( "The
Tripadi" f written ,by Dr. H. E.
name of a commentary on
the TaittiIiya Pratisakhya written
by Somayarya. The commentary
is said to have beeD based on the
three Bh8.1.1ya works attributed to
the three ancient Vedic scholars-
Vararuci,'Mahi!1eya ar.d Atreya.
fim'r:;t consisting of three moras or
matI as. The protracted or t9a
vowels are said to consist of three
ruatras as contrasted with the short
, and long vowels whidl respectively
consist of one arid two mail as; d.
Kas. on P. 1. 2.27.
so, being the contribution of the
reputed triad of Grammarians.
repeated thrice, occurring thrice;
a' term used in the Pratisakhya
works in respect of a word which is
repeated in the krama and other
artificial recitations. .
ftlJ'lCfiVfl4 son of Vaidyanatha who
wrote a small treatise on karakas

RtJ'l:q"'a scholar of grammar who has
written a small work named aro<i<i-
on the uses of indeclinables
a -grammarian who has
written a gloss on Katantrapaiijika,
on the Kiitantrasiitravrtti of Dur-
gasimha. He is quoted by Bopadeva
and Vitthala.
pupil' of Vardhamana who
wrote a gloss called on
the, Katantra-vrtti.
name of a commentary on the
Paribha!1endusel<hara written by
Lak!1minrsimha in the 18th century.
one of the seven principal Vedic
metres. It has four padas of eleven
letters each. It has further varieties
like a:rf+mTR.ufi" ( la, 10, I2, 12),
(10, la, 9, II), (II,
II, II, 8), (8, I2, 12,
12 ), ( 12, 12, 8, 12), :aqiWQt.
(12, 12, I2, 8),
(8, 8, II, 8, 8) and so on. cpo
E-kpr atiSakhya XVI. 42-49.
all the three times, past, pre-
sent and future ;cf. SIll: l;iilTiffi:
. . I
(I) the three anCient I Uvvatabhasya on V. Pr. I. IS.
grammarians PaQini (the author of . .
the Siitras), Katyayana (the aut- a rule oran operation prescri-
hor of the Varttikas), a.n,d Pataiijali 1 bed by PaQini in' the last three
(the author of the quarters of his A!1tadhyayi. See.
( 2 ) the grammar of PiiJ}.ini, called f.!ql<{t above.
'" a collection of words (to
express the snme sense); cf .. 3Jfrt '<1
q >rififitffl I aRtfT/frG:.
ftiTr.@r M. Ell. onIII. I.44; d. also
M. Bh. on P. I. 4.74, IV. I.88, IV.
2.60 etc.
(I) use of the three accents
acute, grave and circumflex at the
time of' the recital of the Veda'
1:/;q d.

on P. V. I. 124. d. also q
trn <it <tt"l': I !{nr-
I M. Bh. on P. 1. -2.JI.
(a word) having three vowels
or syllables in it; 511"l, or :;!j'i!'!i;' d.
cf. M. Bh . on
VIII. 4.6.
a grammarian of the nineteenth
century, who resided at Wai in
Satara District and wrote a com-
mentary on the
khara which is named ;;!j.<'r after
the writer.
a commentary on the Pari-
bha$endusekhar by :;!j;:i['!i: see S!j<'i['!i.
cq tad. affix ('fin the sense of duty
nature or essence, prescribed
ally with the affix (ffi); e.g.
"1.1tR9<I:, <TItif<r., ."1Jtfffi, maT; d
P. V. LIIg, also d. i:'ffiit"
P. VI. 3.35 Vart. 10.
krt affix in the sense' of the
potential pass. part. in Vedic Literac
tu re ; e.g. '!itct l[iEt: I <!i<1Oll<r.; also ct.
Kas. on p. III. 4.14; d. also
<IT '<1 Cfit'lf R. V. IX. 47.2.
tad. affix t'f before which there is
ob::erved the caesura or avagraha
in the recital of the
d. V. PI'. V. g.
(I) second consonant of the dental
class of consonants possessed of the
and l1lHlIlUR'f; (2) augment (
added to the 'Iiftt,
and "'Ii'!\. before the PiiraI)a affix
e.g. "l'U1llt '!3Uf: "l'!J:, 1jifu:or:, d. IGis.
on P. V. 2.51; (3) substitute for
the consonant I!. of sni{ before any
COn!ionant except a nasal, and a'
semivowel as also for the consonant
of preceded by the preposition
a<t; d. P. VHf. 2.35, VIII. 4.6r.
(I) of the 2ndpers.
pl. Parasmaipada, substituted for
the of the ten lakara affixes'
( 2) substitute for the 2nd
per!? s:ng. personal ending m'!.. in the
perfect tense; (3) u:t;ladi affix
added to the r60ts !:fT, [, SK. etc. e g.
t:/T:or:, etc.; ct. UQadi Siitra 1I. 7;
( 4) U Qadi affix (<f:q-if..) added to the
roots ;:fT etc.; eg.ff:or:, ;:ft:or:
etc. d. UQadi Siitra II. 2; ( 5 ) u:t;llidi
affix (:orrr.) added to tht:l roots
'IT and::n. e.g. altg:, etc. cf.
U.I)3.di Siitra II.. 4; (6) a technical
term for the term a:r<='l'& or the re-
duplicate syllables of PaQini (ct.
air P. VI. r.5), used in the
Jainendra VyakaraQa. -
krt affix :q'!i added to theJoot tr
to sing', in the sense of agent
provided he is skilled; e.g. 'ITl!J9i:. d.
P. III. 1.146. '
tad. affix \!f added to the numerals
ending in if.. in Vedic Literature;
e.g. tm:or:, lfoh:r<!Tf.r tm:orTr.r
d. P. V. 2.50. '
personal-ending :qq substituted for
of the 2nd pers. pI. of the imperac
tive Parasmaipada in Vedic Litera-
ture, e.g. for d. Kiis,
on P. VII. 1.45.' '
tad. affix :q<r,. in . the sense of 1I'!il\
( manner) added to the pronouns
and f'li<I:, the words ending in
:qil;. becoming indeclinables; e.g.
d. P. V. 3.24, 25.
personal ending :or substituted for
m'!.. of the 2nd pefs. sing. Parasmai-
pada in the perfect tense as also in
the present tense in specific cases;
ct. P. III. 4.82, 83, 84.
personal ending of the 2nd pers.
dual Parasmaipada, which is substi-
tuted for of the lakara affixes;
ct. P. IlL 4.78.
(I) tad. affix "IT in the sense of
question or reason added to
the pronoun in Vedic Litera-
ture: e.g. '!i'.lf "lTBif..; d. WiS. on
p. V. 3.26; ( 2) tad. affix :qr
according to paQ.ini) which gets
caesura or avagraha after >wi, rrf,
Fct1!f, . r{11 and ::ng; e.g. >It<l::O:ifT,
rrfS:qT etc.; d. Vaj. PI'. V. 12 ;
( 3) tad. affix in the sense of
r{<l added to the words }ft'i, If.r, FlJtf
and !{11 in Vedic Literature, e.g. 'ci
I{.cf:ifT d. Kiis. on P.
V. 3.Il1; (4) tad. 'dffix in the
seDse of manner (l191H) added to
f<nif, pronouns excepting those
headed by rn:, 'and the word CiTs;' e.g.
d. P. V. 3.23. .
tad. affix See :orr.
personal ending of the 2nd pers.
sing. A.tmanepada, substituted for
of the lakara affixes.
(THIEM.E, PAUL) a souQd
schoiar of the present day, well
versed in Sanskrit Grammar and
Vedic Literature, who has written
a cl:itical treatise named" PaQinL
and the Veda. "
(r) augment to the words
tj'i., 'liRr, 'lirerr<r and see above;
) augment to the root
a:r(l of the fourth conjugation Paras.
before the affixes of the aorist. e.g.
d. P. VII. 4. 17.
tad. affix til! in the sense of
favourable for' (eWe added
to the words and e.g.
I a:rFtial!T I d. Klis. on P. V. 1.8.
<{ third consonant of the dental class
of conS0nants possessed of the pro-
perties B<lQ'fiU6t9 and
(2) consonant it. substi-
tuted for the' final letter of nouns
ending wi th the affix as also for
the final letter of I$i and "1<l:gi(
provided the final letter is at the
end of a pada ; e.g. fctW<lT<I:etc.; cf.
Kas. on P. VIII. 2.72; (3) conso-
nant a: substituted for the final fr of
" "-
roots excepting the root before
the personal ending fa'!.. of the third
pers. sing.; e.g. d. P.
C{ (I) the consonant ;::, the vowel a:r
being added for facility of utter-
ance or use; (2) a technical term
used in the Jainendra VyakaraI;la
for the term in the gram-
mar of PaI)ini.
a fault of pronunciation where the
letters are uttered indistinct
tad. affix a:fl prescribed optionally
and l1T;;f in the sense of
measlfre (5I111UT), with ( ) to be
added further to form the fern. base
e.g. :oJI!,!&Wl:.,
:;Jf!,!&flf, ct. P. V. 2.37 and IV. LI5;
?:flT.!'." is added optionally along with
6l0l. as also with irift1. al:td 111;;r to the
words and mC!"(. e.g.
ct. P: V.
_ one of the varieties of the Vedic \ I I
recital. It is defined as I . +1.jlOJ:, lfm Com. on T. Pr.
fcltJiT.t<i!FI<ll' I 'I; II. 43
' .
: . I produced at the teeth, dental;
ifRP:fUI' a grammarIan \:ho formed at the teeth by the tip of
wrote a commentary on BhoJa's I th t '. th I tt ;;xc...:c
. _ ' _ I e ongue, e.g. e e ers "<, ' .... , 'l. ,
grammar-work Sara3vahkal)tha- I i d. C{C'a- V. Pr. 1.
bharal)a. I 6g. According to PiiQini's grammar
a class of words headed by the (long) does not exist.
word which the taddhita 1 ing to ,Taittiriya \ is-
affix <i is added in the sense of partly dental and partly lmgual;
deser;ing '; ct. Kas.1 d. T. Pr. II. 41, whil,e q is partly
on P. V. 1.66. dental and partly la!:>Ial ; d. T. Pro
_., II. 43; cf. Pr. I.
tij,IU<a_p:j' the maxim regarding a per- 7
; d. TtlT
SOD being called an ascetic pecause P II
. V . 3.7.).
he has staff in his hand. Patafijali
refers to this maxim while comment- a brilliant Vedic scholar
ing on I p. VIII. 2.83
and its Vart. I When
a greeting remark is returned there
will Lot be the proia ted last vowel
when the remark is with regard to
a low-born person or a woman cr a
person making a sarcastic remark.
The teacher used tffif in t;N
3 I because be thought the
name of the pupil was as he
had a dish in his. hand.
tdftiqq8uflt a class of compound words I
headed by the word which I
are not compounded as I
which ends in the neuter gender and
singular number; e.g. &fer- .
-mniflffiT etc.; d. Kas. on P.
,pJacewhere the utterance of dental
letters originates; d.
S. K. on P. I. I.g.
q<=di(4\:q the letters tI:., 2l., 1\".., "
cf. @i(J'lqtij R. Pro 1. Ig.
The PratWikhya calls \.
also <{iid 't 18t;q.
also or the
dentolabial letter cr.; ct.
and a great reforl1!er of the nine-
, teenth century belonging to Gujarat.
He encouraged and firmly establish-
ed on a sound footing the study of
Vedas and VyakaraI)a and en-
couraged t.he study of A:;;tiidhyayi,
Mahiibhiil?ya and Kasika:vpti. He
'has written Iilany works on Veda
and VyakaraI)a. In a major work
called Vediingaprakiisa, intended
for the uplift of Vediingas, he wrote
small treatises in the very words
of PiiI)ini and Patafijali, and g?t
them translated into Hindi. Some
of them are Namika, Avyayartha,
UQiidiko:;;a, Akhyatika and so on.
G:<rrqwr a Jain \\Titer who wrote a
treatise named. an abrid-
gement of Sa,kata yana's Sabdanusa-
a Jain scholar who has written
a grammar treatise' on the Saras-
vata Gramm.1r called
writer of a commentary on
the Vyaka'raI)a of
, ....
C(qOT name of ,a commentary on
I)asara, written by a grammarian
named Harivallabha.
name of a commentary on the I
Sabdakaustubha, written by I
Mannudeva or :tVlantudev..l of the I
nineteenth century.
- a , name given to the treatise on I
grammar written by o<rTEl'lT't which
consisted of 10 chapters; d,
Kas. on P. V. 1.58. The
\ word also means students reading
the work 'W'l\; cf.
Kas. on P. IV. 2.65.
( I) a section of g,rammatical
treatises dealing with the ten
conjugations of roots. the
first section of the second part
of the Siddhanta Kati-
mudi; (2) name 'If the dhiitupa:tha
of PaI)ini which gives ten classes
of roots; d. <{qf.fOftqf<:'l'ftm
all I. 3.I. \
the ten classes or conjuga- i
tions of roots; was a term for I
!:'fTg; (root) in some ancient gram- I
mar works.
a short. treatise. on the I
roots belonging to more than one
conjugation; the name of the author
is not giv,en.
G:l tad. affix named' vibhakti' app-
lied to the words Blf, Q;<fi, arr<!,
c:m:., o(f. and in the'locative case;
e.g. tlW, <{emT, emf; ct. Kas. on P. I
V. 3.15, Ig, 20, 21. '\
name, 'by which . the
author of the grammar work
is referred to. The word
indicates that w'as a descendant
of and, as PaQini is called
critics say that and Vy1i.4i
were relatives; ct. '<fr+lin 19
erT M. Bh. on P.
If. 3.96.
lit. son of a female descendant
of name given to Pal)ini who
was the son of <{T!tIT, a female de-
scendant of ct. smr-
'cfi"licr Pal). Sik. 56; cf. also
13cflfG:T1WT a:r!tIT9:liR<! QTfuJ;r: M.Bh.
on P. 1. 1.20; VII. I.27.
a JaiD' grammarian, who
wrote a small grammar treatise
tad. affix called fcr+TRn, applied
to CR.. and in the sense of the
.locative case. e.g. OGJ<fi'l.,
ct. P. V. 3.18, I9.'
i:(liiRfrk{ . a Class of words headed by
the word ?J+rfu to which the tadd-
hita affix is added without any
cbange of sense; -e.g. aTI61ft;q:
cf. on P. V. 3.1I6.
explained by the commentators
on the Pratisakhya works as
( firmness) or (hardness,) and
given as a, characteristic of the acute
or ;:!GJ'Q' tone; d.m<rrm
T. Pr. XXII. g,
quoted in the Mah,iibhal?ya on P. 1..
2.29, where 1{RlU1.j is explained as
a class of words headed by
the word OO+m: which; although
are tatpuru:;;a compounds,
retain the accenls of the first
member of the compound i cf. 'P.
VI. 2.42.
a technical term in the J ainendra
Vyiikaral)'a for the term used
by P1igini.
a potency by virtue of which
. 'space limitations are put upon
in daily affairs cpo Viik. pad.
- III. 6.3. /cp. tflllro mCfI1- i
'tWiN-11m <It I

a w Jrd den )ting a dire:tio n
such as l{'f, and the}ike, used
as a substantive. e,g. t'fl t/T+rm:., or
showing the direCtion of another
thing being its adjective, e.g.
rrrT; d. Kas. on P. II. 3.2 9.
ft{cfg+ffii the Bahuvrihi compouud
prescribed by the rule
e.g. ( north-east) or
( north-west); d. HCf61lT8: fu!qfu!:
B!ffiI:, Kas. on P. 1. 1.28. given to the sixth
Eection of the third 1iil06 ofVakya-
padiya, which deals with the no-
tion of space. "
a class of words headed by the
word to wh:ch the tad. affix <I,
is added in the sense or ' pro-
duced therein' (0"1 <19:), e.g.
<lcf similarly i[O'l: etc. ;
ct. Kiis on P. IV. 354.
tad. affix added to the word
before which +Pl'l is changed
to 11\l'li!..; e.g. 11T1:1:jfrc::i1 cf. 111:<1
Vtilfll. 1v1.Bh. on IV. 3.6::>.
a class of roots of the fuurth
conjugation, hea.ded by the root
( called also cf.
cfr a technical term in the J ainendra
Vyakarat;la for c{Tq ( long vowel) in
Pat;lini's grammar. '
a commentary on by
$fa- explained as or throbbing
in utterance. Out of the seven
fivaras or yamas q:!fl1, tr&T<r,
'<Ig.;;\, l1;:i\, and a:rfuffiii, the throbbing
( 1{tfH J of the latter and latter tone
'leads to the' perception iJf the
former and former one d.
long; a term used in ccrinectioll
with the lengthened tone of a
vowel described to be dvimatra as
contrasted with having one
malra and tCf having three matras;
d. cttE'r: V. Pr. 1. 35, V. Pr.
1. 57, also P. 1.2.27.
a .
-let 1"4 gramnlatical operatlOn
where a short vowel is tumed in-
to a IMg one, a .rule of grammar
the lengthening of a
short vowel.
a technical terfu of gram-
, mar corresponding to of paQini.
d. I Jain. Sii. I.I.hS.
a word, or words whose case
affixes can be syntactically con
nected only with some difficulty;
<lcrfer I g
Kas. on P. V. 4.1I3.
produced by an incomplete con-
tact of the <i\{UJ; the term is applied
to the phonetic element which is
due to the incomplete contact of
the org'an at the production of the
letter d. Pal)-
(I) a grammar work on
DurgaslIhha's commelltatyon Kata-
ntrasutras; (2) Srivallabhavacana-
ca[ya on Haimalingallusasana,
composed around ;:718 A.D.
the famous cummentator of the
. Katantra siitras, whose Vrtti on
the siitras is the most popular one.
I t is called or
or cWrfMT'lf'G also. A work on Pari-
bhafJ3s named tfRmqT'J,fu, in which
Paribha!?as are explained and estab-
lished as based on the Katantra
Vyakarat;la siitras, is attributed to
Durgasirhha. It is doubtful whether
this commentator Durgasirhha is
the same as Durgiidirya, the famous
commentator of Yaska's Nirukta.
There is a legend that Durgasimha
was the brother of Vikramaditya,
the founder of the Vikrama Era.
Besides the gloss' OIl the Katat'ltra
siitras, some grammar works such
as a gloss on the Ut;liidi Sutras, a
gloss (cV'G) on Kalapa-VyakaraJ).a
Siitras, a commentary on Karakas
named Namaliilgiinu-
sasana and are ,as-
cribed to Durgasirhha. Some
scholars believe that -the term
tmr was only a title given to Durga-
sirhha for his profound scholarship,
and it WaS Durgasirhha who was
the author of the well-known work
Amarako!?a .
a grammarian \vho wrote (a)
a gloss on Bopadeva's Mugdha-
bodha, (b) a gloss named
on Kavikalpadruma and (c) gab-
a, grammarian who wrote a
work on genders called
and also a commentary on it.
name of a grammar work ex-
Plain,ing words which are difficult [
to derive according to rules of
PaJ).ini. The work is wIitten in the'
style of a running commentary on
select siitras of PaJ).ini, devoted
mainly to explain difficult forma-
tions. The of it, Sarat;ladeva,
was an eastern grammarian who, as
is evident from the number of
quotations in his work, was a great
scholar of the I2th or the I3
a grammar work on the
formation of difficult words attria
buted or
name of a coml,nentary by ,
Kesavadatta-Sarm-an on the grama
mar work named 'ffi'1'JH6T{.
"'I ... 1.. a grammarian who wrote a
treatise on grammar
named after him. Besides this
treatise, he has written. commentar-
ies on Nagesa's Laghumafiju!?a and
name of a grammarian who is
said to have written a work on
grammar named Sabdavatara.

name of a commentary, on
the of Nagesa,
believed to have been written by
GopaIaciii'Va Karhadkar, a gram-
marian of the I9th century and
attributed - to Bhimiidirya. This.
commentary, which was' written to
criticise the commentary WrittE!U
by Vi!?I.,lusastri Bhat, was again
criticised in reply by VifJI)usastri
Bhat in his Ciccandrikii
See +12'.
fault, objection; the word is used
in connection with a fault found
witb, or objection raised against an
argument advanced by a writer,
by his opponent or by the writer
himself who replies it to make his
argument well established ; cf.
CfTc{f <lifC'iq!lt 1VIaha.
Prado on P. 1. 1.44 Viirt. 16.
tad. affix prescribed after the word
am in the sense of milk ) along
with the affixes and tIUtr option-
ally, by the Varttikakara: e.g.

! ' 200
a:rFci'{I<l;. I lfer 8Hlttl<l;.;" cf. Kas.
on M. Bh. IV. 2.36.
a class ')f words headed. by
to which the tad. affix <{ or
l{+!if. ( lflif.!:qJ is added in the sense of
nature (llTCf); (9 and (Cfi) can,
of course, be added optionally; e.g.
See also
...... 0
etc.; d. Kas. on P. V. I.I23.
U! seen in use in Vedic Literature, or"
Classical Literature, or in the talk
of cultured people; said in connec-
tion with words which a grammarian
tries to explain; d.
ll"lfn Vy5.Qi Pari. Patha 68.
taking place of an operation,
or application of a rule of grammar
in accordance with the words seen
in use.
similar instance', generally quot-
ed to explain effectively some rules I
or conventions laid down; cf.
"9T<Il1t<jftn ilmrn: qTEflllffu:lmfa-
ftfu I iTm: M.Bh.
onP. I. 1.7.
discrepant, characterized by
discrepancy ; cf. ljlilflt Cficrc::4
ID!Ttf'i'tl{ 3l<f g lS
SIl21'RT{ <llffiil TJ;9: M. Bh. on P. 1.
3. 19.
a compound word called
whose members are names of deities;
the peculiarities of this Dvandva
compound are (a) that generally
there are changes at the end of the
first member, by virtue, of which it
appears similar to a word ending in
the dual number, and (b) tbat
Qoth the words retain their original
accents. e.g. mml{.lfllJr, arnt-
for changes,
d. P. VI. 3.25-31; ioraccent,cf.
ll:i1lJ'iffiRr;:l!Ft:., l{lff mM V.
Pro II. 48, 49; cf. also 'q P.
VI. 2.14r.
called also tt,;;:ljQl<l: or
believed to have lived in the
fifth century A.D. and written the
treatise on grammar, of course,
based on Piit;lini SO tras, which is
known as or'
?ffiEif. The writer of this grammar
is possibly mentioned as in the
usually quoted verse of Bopadeva:
a great Jain saint and scholar who
wrote many works on Jain Agamas
of which &ftlRlfu, the commentary
on the is well-known.
a class of words headed by
the word the affix <n<I:. applied
to" which in' the of a' statue,
or applied for the formation of a'
proper noun, is dropped.
etc; cf. Kas. on P.
a grammarian who has written
a disquisition on the philosop,hy of
Vyakarat;la in verse, and added a
commentary of his own on it which
he has named as
a Jain grammarian of the
, eighth century who is believed to
have written a grammar 'Work,
called It is
likely that is- the same as
and the grammar
work is the same as
for which see
a name given to the
third pada of the seventh adhyaya
ofPaI).ini's as the pada
begins with the Sotra
P. VII 3. I.
a modern grammarian of the
19th century who has written a
gloss on the of Pat;lini.
... - . I
a Jain grammarian of the 13th I
" century who has written a com-
mentary .named on the
:uTBif of Hemacandra. He has
writ.ten many works on the Jain
Agamas, of which a commentary
on the Uttariidhyayanasutra can be
specially mentioned. He is called
lit. place; (I) original place of
articuiation; cf. 9"T Cf:q.:f
q\<l, R. Pro XIV,S; (2) pla<;:e of
origin; (3) place of in-
ferential establishment of a Pari-
bha$a Par. Sek.
Pari. 2, 3; ( 4) passage of the
Samhita text, cf .T. Pro I. 59.
tad. afflx in the sense of
slightly less, or almost similar, opti-
onally prescribed with the affixes
and e.g.
d. Kas. on P. V. 3.67.
W (I) tad. affix in the sense of

almost similar; see above;
( 2) (words) current in popular use
or language, although not sanction-
ed by rules of grammar; cf.
M.Bh. on P. 3.55;
cf. !lmqrlilr:, Kaiyata
on V. 3.55; probably Kaiyata had
a difficulty in explaining the word
in the old way meaning' current
in use', as many words called bad
words, introduced from other
languages were current at his time
which he was reluctant to term as

name of a system of grammar or
a work on grammar the peculi-
arity of which is the omission of
the topic; cf.
I t is also the name of a metrical
work On Dhiitupatha.
a root belonging to the fourth
conjugation of roots t itcnfctifOT); cf.
26 ", "
l!:Rr m;:t if-
KiiS. on P. n.3.56.
name given to a work on gram-
mar, presumably the same as
written by \;"ljql"l"1Ki(.
(I) a fault of pronurtciation; cf.
!l;nr: .
M.Bh. on 1. I.1 Viirt. 18; (2) de-
fectshown in connection with an
expression Or explanation.
name of' a commentary on
Paribhii$endusekhara wri-
tten by of the eighteenth
name of a commentary on
Nage!,?a's Laghusabdendusekhara
written by of the eighteenth
tad. affix Ill, applied to in the
sense of a day" when is
changed into a:r (arlit); e.g. cf.
P.V. 3.22. Vart. 5.
om:[ tad. affix lilt:!, applied to the word
ijmii when 6W<r is changed into Bj
e.g. l:IIil:) cf. tffi!f\rll'f+!: P. V.
3.22; cf. also t'lliTiR<i
. P.V. 3.22. Vlirt. I.
a technical term in the J ainendra
VyakaraI).a for the term (the
latter or the second member of a
compound word) which is used in
PaI)ini's grammar.
a class of roots headed by the
root the aorist sign aftar
which gets (31) substituted for
it; e.g. aW!!ffi'[.; cf. Kiis. an
P. III. 1.55. and I. 3.91.
:l tad. affix applied to the word
<ill<{ in the sense of a ,day; e.g.
cf.P; V. 3.22 Vart. 7.
indicative, suggestive; not
directly capable of expressing the
. sense by denotation; the nipatas
and upasargas are to be ' dyo-
taka' and not' Vacaka '. by stand-
ard gramrnariails headed by the
Varttikakara; d.
P. I. 2.45 Varttika 12;
.d. Kaiyata also on. the above; ct.
also f.r1fRfT %f'<R'il!/'l'l!/fflll:TTFrii:
Vakyapadiya II. 194; 'l'RtCfT"fcIitcrnfit

oC!i com. on Vakyapadiya II.
1 90 ; cf.
.Par. Sek. on Pari. 50; ct. also
. err'qCliT: moCliT
Yr. on P. I. 1.37. The
Karmapravacaniyas are definitely
laid down as dyotaka, d. ofur-il'
cn<l if 'i!'qCfi: I qrfil-
g Vakyapadiya II. 206;
the case affixes are said to be any
way, 'vacaka' or 'dyotaka '; cf.
. errf,ijCliT mfoCfiT err
Vakyapadiya II. 165.
conveyance of sense indirectly
or by suggestion, and not directly.
See .mOCfi above.
(sense) conveyed by suggestion
indirectly and not directly express-
ed, as in the case of karmapravaca-
niyas, the krt affixes and the tad .
affixes; d. 1i5l!;Jut CfiQ-
Wifu Kas. on P. I. 4.84.
substance, as opposed to pro-
perty action which exist
on dravya. The word is used
by yaska. PaQini and other grama
marians in a very general sense
as something in completed forma-
tion or existence as opposed to
r bhava ' or kriya or verbal activity,
and the word is used by old
grammarians as synonymous with
mer; cf. i
<'l<Wc1 if cf. KM on P.
1. 4.57; d. S. K. also on P. I. 4.57.
( 2) The word :i{e<{ is also found used
in the sense of an individual object, .
as opposed to the genus or generic
notion (an'i\fu): cf. s{cl:ITfli'<TT;l
M. Bh. on P. 1. 2.64. Vart. 45. (3)
The word :i{0<! is found used in the
sense of Sadhana or means in Tait.
Prati. cf. I
Tai. Pr.
XXII. 8.
the view that an individual
thing ( S{Cl:!) and not the genus
is the denotation of a word.
The ancient grammarian VyaQ,i was
the first propounder of this view. cpo
Yak. pad. IlL 14. 333. cpo
a grammarian who main-
tains that' dravya' or 'individual
object' is the sense of words; ct.
if :i{o<l. ii
CfHl.ilffii I M. Bh. on
1. 2.64 Vart. 53. See :i{iXj.
1{O<:I'Ef"'l;J expressive of substance as
thei'r sense as opposed, to
d. <JlT<{9'qi'iT S{C<l I
M. Bh. on P. V. 1.II9.;
behaviour like a dravya as
noticed in the case of the or
kriya found in a root after a krt
affix is added to it; cr.
M. Bh.on H. 2.19, III.
1.67 etc.
name given to the second
section of third KaI,lQ,a of
Vakyapadiya which deals with
substance (S{C<!). The substance in
its nature which is
manent is discussed in this section.
The section which is named
containin'g only four
verses, deal'; also with ':i{C<f' but with
reference to its individual nature
as one thing differing from another.
cpo ,,0:4 :q I :q I
(Vak. pad. III. 5.5)
I g; S{C<i
on Yak. pad. III. 2 ..1). The word
is significant; it suggests
that the fourth section which is
named formed. only a
part of the (Vak. pad. III.
5. 1-9). and along with the missing
lhe number. of
samuddesas or sections of the third
KaQga was fourteen.
err tjffi0:S-
if >rm;a: I ( cpo PUl}yaraja on Yak.
pad. II. 77-83.
denotation of j\o<{ or indi-
vidualobjec.t as the sense of words
as opposed to atlj!ifilP!f[q i.e. denota-
tion of the general form possessed
by objects C?f the same class; d.
ll.1>Qrf+rl:1y;l P. I. 2.64 Vart. 45
See i{O<!.
iii short form for 3'!YS{t, the sixth con-
stellation, which, although found
used in treatises on astrology, can-
not be looked upon as a COl'ect
word, as immediately on hearing
it, one does not remember the word

lit. rapid; the vice of rapidity in
utterance; a fault of speech especi-
ally in connection with the utter-
ance of vowels in Vedic recitai when
on acco1J.nt of haste the utterance
of letters becomes indistinct. cf.

. Ej<1r:! M. Bh. Ahnika I Vart. 18.
lffi'iN name of a treatise on grammar
written for beginners by Bharata-
sena or Bharatamalla: of Bengal in
the sixteenth century.
one of the three Vrttis or styles
of utterance. mentioned in the
Pratisiikhya works and quoted in
the ;cf. mw
lle<{m :q :q I ar+<!fByq
g l1b<!l1F( I
<IF-t R. Pro XIII. 18,
. 19; cf. !!OT<ft
'+i1=<i+rI<if 1ll>ljlWl'f
, .
msfl'iffiT<lr<i:. I M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.70
Vart. 4. The utterance of a letter
takes i rd'time niore in the
than in the while in the
it takes l rd more than in
the 1l1:<iI1'lRt. In short, the utterance
of the same letter takes in the three
vrttis, Denta, Madhyama and
Vilarribita. the quantity of time in
of 9:12:16 respectively.
a kind of the position of the
_ tongue at the Hme of pronouncing .
the letter '!.- .
.. name of a compound; formed of
two or more words used in the
case, showing their collection to-
gether; cf. P. II. 2.29. Out
of the four meanings of the indecli
nable 'q, viz. a:ri1'9</',
and ti+u{t\, the dvandva compound
is sanctioned in the last two senses
only (as in
etc.) and (as in
etc.) respectively. For details see
on II. 2.29. The dvana
dva compound takes place only
when the speaker intends mentioDG
ing the several objects together I.e.
when there is, in short, or
Q;9iT I <iW ORIijl!;il:
II Sr. Pro II. The gender of a
word in the is that of. the
last word in the case of the
. ,;:.;:, while it is the neuter gender
in the case of the
tad, affix ;:<itl. in the sense of
measure, prescribed optionally
along with the G:t'j and 111"f;
d. i!!ilia<!tl+I:; Kas. on :i?
V. 2.37 ; fern. 6illa<!ij't, d. P. IV. 1.15.
'f{Rlft\ a class of words headed by the
word 1;1\ which get the augment
(Le. or an) placed before the
letter" <t or q in them, instead ,of
the substitution of vrddhi, when a
taddhita affix marked with the
mute letter OI" or'l! is added to
them; e.g. <UqTt{ifi: Bf1:lfulifi:,
etc. ; d. Kits. On P. VII. 3.4.
fit a term used for the dual number
in the Pratisakhya works; cf. on .:IT
V. Pro II. 3 where
Uvvata bas explained the words
f6: and t!;ifi as lG:'f"fi1 and
t!;ifi1:l"fi1 respectjvely.
f[: doubled; the term is used in conQ
nection with reduplication in the
Katantra and Halma grammars ct.
Hem. IV. 1.1, Kat. III. 8. 10.
-rn:::!:{<:I'm, doubling; putting a word or
word dement twice; the \vords fu,t<f
and are used in the same
a word used many times synon-
ymously with the
and upadhmaniya {'()' q) are
termed fa:'{1l1! or
a term used in connection with
roots governing two objects or two
words in the accusative case, e,g.
in 'It cU-r.<r Ii'!!:; the term
according to the strict definition of
the term viz., or 3f{C4
- ,
applies to one of the two, which is
called the or the direct
object, the other one, which. in
fact, is related to the verbal
by relation of any other karaka or
instrument is taken as karmakaraka
and hence put in the accusative
case. For details see
iSnQ Kasildi, on P. I. 4.5t, Some'
roots in their formation
govern two objects out of which
one object is the actual' one while
the other is the subject of the
primitive root., e.g. ifl:r<lm "ll11[9'ii
<'!TI1[1:l<E d. Kas. on
P. 1. 4.52. See for Maha-
on P. 1. 4.52.
fi "" ...
!1;Cf>IIt"fli mention by the em-
ployment of a double consonant
e.g. of P. VIIL3.5 has been
understood by PiiQini as Bi1:<;!'1t2- as
Patafijali informs us.
simultaneous occurrence of
two grammatical operations result-
ing -into a conflict and creating a
doubt as to which ofthe two should
take place first; d. f%:
Fctqmq1:T: M. Bh. on P. I. 1.3 Vart. 6;
I. 1.12; etc. The term 'f9ll'ffiihr
occurring in the lit
P. I. 4.2 is evidently defined in this
way by the WOt<1 in the
a compound expression or word
separated into two byavagmha in
the Padapiitha; the word is miss-
tated as S;@1lSby some Vedic reciters.
name of a compound with a
numeral as the first member. The
compound is looked upon as a
subdivision of the com-
pound. The 9vigri compound, hav-
ing collection as its general sense, is
declined in the neuter gender and
singular numQer; when it ends in
ar the fern. affix i-t is added gene-
rally, qij!f['>f;r,.,
The Dvigu compound also takes
place when, a Karmadharaya com
pound, having a word delloting a
direction or a numeral its first
member, ( a) has a tad. affix added
toit e.g. or (b)
bas got a word placed after it in a
cbmpound e.g. or ( c) has a
collective sense e. g. d. oit:-:
"f (P. II. 1.51) also
d. Kas. and S. K. on P. II.
I.St, 52.
a popular name given by gra-
mmarians to the fourth quarter, of
the second Adhyaya of Piil)ini's
which begins with the
sutra II. 4.1.
- the second consonant in the five
groups of consonants, surd aspirate,
cf. T. Pro 1. I! ; V. Pr. 1. 54, R. Pro
VI. 15; it is called also.
the reduplication of a root
beginning with a vowel prescribed
by the rule P. VI. 1.2.
the second case; the accusative
case, mainly prescribed for a word
which is related, as a karmakaraka
to the activity in the sentence; d.
P. II. 3.2 to 5;
doubling, reduplication pres-
cribed for (I) a root in 'the per-
fect tense excepting the cases
where the affix is added to the
root before the personal ending;
e,g. "'FfiH:, etc. cf. P.
VI. LI, 2; (2) a root before the
VikaraQa affixes f.<I::., P. and
e.g. !fl.1'lFti', 'C!'fittFti',
etc. ct. P. VI. . l.9-II;
( 3) a word ending, in
in the sense of repetition, e.g.
m:;'j m:;'j cf. an+IT-
+riffl: P. VIII. 1.12 Viirt. 7;
( 4) any word (a) in the sense of
constant or frequent action, (b) in
the sense of ( c) sho'w-ing
reproach, or scorn, or quality in the
sense of its incompietepossession.
or (d) in the vocative ;'case at the
beginning of a sentence in some
specified senses j reduplication it}
also prescribed for the prepositions
Eft{, Sf, ;:jet., a-qt{,' arM',
in some specified senses cf. VIII.
LI to I5. A letter excepting { and
\' is also repeated, if so desired,
when ( a) it occurs after the letter
[ or \ which is preceded by a vowel
e,g. 31ifi:aJ:l!;r.. etc. cf. VIII, 4.46 ; or
when ( b) it is preceded by a vowel
and followed by a consonar.t e.g.
cf. P. VIII. 4.47. ,For
. details see Kiis. on' V III.
The word is sometimes used in
the sense of the dual number; cf.
Kas. on P. I. 2.5I. The wordsmt'f,
and are generally used
as, synonY,ms. PaQini generally
, uses the word '6:. For fa('ii in Vedic'
Literature d. R. Pr. VI. 1.4; T. Pt.
XIV. 1-8; V. Pr. IV. IpI-II8.
a class of words, which are
, headed by the word and :vhich
. are all Bah\lvrihi compounds, to
which the affix is found added as
a affix e.g. ffB:foG:,
etc.; cf. Kas. on P. V. 4.128.
repetition of a 'word, or of a
letter or' of a root.
phonemic utterance a second
time ; f[-t<f.
phonemicalJy repeated; see
repetition, reduplication .. See
see . mt'l and the word is
very frequently used in the Mahii-
instead of fi:lS:r. cf. M; Bh.
on I. I. Ahnika I, 1. 1.7,10,57, 59
a case affix of the dual number;
dual number; a word in the dual
number; ct. 1V1'. Bh. on 1. I.I!, I.
4.21 etc.; d. WI"fi1'i, Kas.
, on P. V. 3.57.
a word in the dual number;
"H. '\'lfJrc::<1!ll R. Pro I. 28
as byUvvati.
. ;;:- L
a syllablecconsisting of two con-
sonants; cf. ,R.) T;, 245.
fij,qu! (I) a cf.
f1i:ifo1lt'li'cru'hm:., V. Pro IV. 144; (2 )
doubling, repetition; cf. :W'liTU
T.Pr. IX. 18; cr. also T. Pro
XIV;!. R. Pro IX. i8.
double" reduplicated; the word is
frequentlytisedin connection with
, doubling of consonants or words in
tlie Pratisakhya Literature as also
in the I{atantra,Sakatayana and
,Ha:irila gramma:rs d. R. Pro VI. I,
XV.'5, y. Pro IV.IOI,R. T. 264;
cL also Kiit. III. 8.10, Sak. IY. 1.43;
. ';j: ::. ". ' ..
TIl;t1fr'el a: 'killd' interval of
time in fheprontiIiciation of two
consecutive vowels" \vhich as a
result of two euphonk changes has
a v.owel preceded by a vowel; e.g.
\3" R,. Pro II. 44. ,
of two'vowels, dis-
syllabic; d. <i q,:: T. Pro
XVI. 17.
a term, used for, an .upadhm, a-I
niy,a or a phonetIc element
, resulting from a visarga followed by
the letter 't. or \l'i, See \3"q"m<ft<l. The
word is also used sometimes for the
pronunciation and coil. of
possessed of two consecutive
consonants; d. P. VII.
4;71; cf. also M. on VI.
use(l bially for ml:TT In the
sense of. ',.optio
ally , or 'in two
ways '; cf. M.Bh.
on P. I. :1:.44 Vart. 15.
m group of two words; 'an expres-
sion consisting of two words; cf. Sf
eit:;:t <i: R. Pro VIII. 2.IO ;
X. 3; XI. 37 etc.
a word possessed of two v<?wels in
it; dissyllabic words; the word is
frequently used in Pal}.ini's A",ta-
dhyayi and Patafijali's
Ka:sika Vrtti a,nd other works on
Pat:tini's grammar.
a crass of pronouns headed by
the pronoun fu: to which the tad-
dhita affixes called fq+rfu;, as pre-
scribed by the rules of PiiQini in
the rule and the following
ones, are not added. cf. P. V. 3.2.
name of a Samdhi -made up of
two spirants, or resulting in the
, of two spirants or
letters e.g. f<lj6'1"'in:, cf. R.
Pro XI. 22.
(I) fourth letter of.the dental class
( Cf'ilT) possessed, of the properties
iiU1l:G>r?:F-t, Eiler, CfiOC5tf'l(R'i and m[ISflur ;
, ( 2) substitute for il. of "',il.
before a ' j hal' consonant ,or at the
end of a word e.g. ilJl'I., ,cf.
P. VIII. 2.34; (3) substitute '''1.
for the letters Q and placed after
a fourth letter, e.g. etc.
cf. P. V III. 2.40; ,
li4', a term in the Jaineridra
Vyakaral}.a for the term
of PaQini ,used for the first five case
ffix '" '... d a es ii, an, aTfl., <lit an l{
(nom. and acc. pl. neuter gender);
d. P. 1, 1.42,43. cf. Jain Su.
name of the author of a short'
metrical treatise on roots named

preceptor of Bopadeva.
wrote PrakriyaratnamaQi.
who arranged tbesutrasqf PaQini
according to -,the .
He. lived inth.e; century
tad. affix optionally substituted A.D., '. '
in the place of tbetad. affix after " ,', "
the words fu and [:;r; e.g. ( ;r Ja thing possessed of
f-NT, d. P. V. 3.45.. 'ISas ..
'" \ oil P. III. 3.77; d. also'the common
a grammarian of the sixteenth ,- ' , 'p" 's' k
expression at. e.
century at the court of Udaya- on Pari. 55, 66;79. ,82; (2) the
sirilha who wrote a commentary on same as' dharma ili'rare: 'cases
the sutras of PaQini which was according to the dicftirri
named as also a com- ' '" ",' :. , '" ','
,4 ""G:,q';:m:: ".It d.
mentary on the of paQini. . "p' ':
Durglia,ta Yr. oil .IL 1.49.
-.:m defined as the
tional practices laid down by the
sages for posterity; cf.
...m ?{niJrur
M. Bh. I. I. A.hnika I; cf. also ...m-
in '<r M.
Bh. on P. I. 2.64, as also
in <iTfrr 'CJmr.,:;r'lilU: li6frff
Bh. on I.
1.47; (2) religiousineritj cf.

M. Bb. on P. VI. 1.84. cf. also
M. Bh. 1. I. A.hnika
I; (3) property possessed by a
thing or a letter or a word. e.g.
cral'CJ<'i; d. Ka. on P. 1. 2.29; cf.
also Kas. on P.ILI. 55, II. 3.33,
VIII. I,4. d. also R. Pr; III 8, I3
XIV.I etc.; (4) the characteristic of
being in a substance; in the phrase
<>Ii{ qa-: the dharma viz. is pre-
dicated of this' or, in other
words the designation pot
is the predication; the explanation
in short, can be given as E[Gt'!9TVJ:.
a Jain scholar caHed by the
name <fum also, who 1 the
author of and
a well-known treatise on roots; d.

II He is believed
to have been first grammarian
'ill tad. affix (1) applied to a numeral
in'the sense of: a . kind (SlCfiT\). or .a
, division of time; e;g. '1l;Cfi1:Tr,-rn:1:TT,
, etc.; cf. P. V. 3,42, 43;( 2 ) ,applied
to <Is to show divisions ot,a,short
time; e.g. ergl:Tf and
d. KiiS. on P. V. +20.
oerlQ (I) a root; the basicwordpf a ver-
bal form; defined, by the Bbal?ya-
kara as mg: or even' as
<lICfCf'<r.u- 'CJTg:, a word denoting a
verbal activity, pal}.ini has not
defined the term as such, but he
,has given a long list of under
ten groups, named dasagaI)i,which
includes about 2200 roots which
, can be primary roots as con-
trasted with secondary roots. The
secondary toots can be divided into
two main groups (I) roots derived
from roots and (2)
roots derived from nouns ( <TTll1:TTcrcr: ).
The roots derived from roots can
further be classified into three main
subdivisions: (a) causative roots
or frrl;;P(f, (b) desiderative roots or
BiiI;:ff, (c) ifitensive roots or <jS'r(f
. and <1'O;S3lJ'roj \vhiie rools derived
from nouns or denominative roots
canfurther. be.' divided 'into
"il:!S'ro, <!<1'f'"rff, fiJIs-ro, and
the, miscellaneous ones '( 5l<Kro1) as
derived from'nouns like,'lillJ[
by t.he application of the affix or
-from nouns like qro,
rna{, etc. by the application of the
affix fUl,. these, there are
a roots formeq by the applica-:
tion of the affix STrlf and
AU" these roots can further - be
cla;sified into Parasmaipadin or
Atmanepadin or
A.trnanebha!?fi and Ubhayapadin.
Roots possessed of a mute grave
( ST!!<tI"Q) vowel or of the mute con-
sonant added to the root in the
Dhiitupatha or in the affixes
etc, also roots in the
passive voice are termed Atmane-
padin; while roots ending with the
affix fU;, as qlso roots of.a.
mute vowel ora' mute
consoQant . OJ.. applied. to them
are termed U'bhayapadill. All the
rest are termed Parasmaipadin.
There are some other mute letters
or' syllables applied by PaI)ini to
the roots in his for
specific purposes; e.g. t!; at the end
to signify prohibition of vrddhi to
the penultimate or in the aorist, e.g.
cf. P. VII. 2.5; to signify
the optional subStitution of or or
for the affix of the aorist, e.g.
an+lCfc(, cf. P. III. 1.57; a-
to signify the optional application
of the augment i{ before CfcCfT
e.g. cf. P. VII. 2. 56;
e; to signify the optional applica-
tion of the augment ( e.g. iltm,
mr, ct. P. VII. 2.44; arT to signify
the prohibition of the augment
in the case of the past pass. part.
e.g. fP{9DUJ:, ''R'I'it:, cf, P. VII. 2.16; i{
to signify the addition of a nasd.l
after the last vowel e.g. f.!r&:Rr
from f<lfct, cf. P. VII. I.S8;:j\ to
signify the prohibition of to
the penultimate" long vowel before
. fiJI" e.g. cf. P. VII. 4.2; C'i:
to signify the substitution of
for in the aorist, e.g. 91iTmi., ct.
P. III. 1.55; an to signify the sub-
stitution of for cr. of the past pass.
part. e. g. arrrft'Tl:,'
etc.; d. P. VIII. 2.45. Besides
these, the mute syllables f5:r, S and
are prefixed for specific purposes;
, ct. P. III. 2.187, III. 3.89 and III.
3.88. The term '<Tlg is a suffici-
ently old one which is taken by
Pal}ini from ancient grammarians
and which is found used in the
Nirukta and thc: Pratisakhya works,
signifying the' elemental (radical)
base . for nouns which are all de-
rivable from roots according to the
writers of the Nirukta . works and
the grammarian Sakatayana; d.'
<wr 'q '<iTg"ElIiTi'[' 'q
m<iill..M. Bh. on P. III. Some
scholars have divided roots into
six categories; cf. (ffl lffiT9:
(a) qftq'ftm: (b)
"( c ) qftqRi(jWftqRinT:
" (d)
'3i1T'il"OT:, (e) <'lllf<T[QCf:
(i) m<i<li1fll'clTf[Cf:-
c( S'p'tgara Prak. 1. For
details see M.Bh. on P. 1. 3.1 as also
PP.255, 256 Vol. VII. VyakaraI)a-
published by the D.E.
Society; Poona. (2) a 'technical term
of Jainendra grammar for 91'!i1l'li. ,
a-short treatise on the
roots of the different conjugations
written by a grammarian named "
a grammatical work in
verse written by Varadaraja, the
pupil of Bhattoji Dik!?ita who lived
in the 17th century. Besides
Kihikavall, Varadaraja wrote
<Mffcfr and l1e<riT!Ptf also.
(I) name of a comment-
ary on the. Kavikalpadr1,1ma of
. Bopadeva by Rarp.aiarhkara; (2)
name of a commentary on the
Kavikalpadruma by Durgadasa
who wrote a commentary on the
Mugdhabodha also.
l:TffltfTo (i) name given in general to
the several collections of roots given
generally with their meanings by
grammarians belonging to the
various schools of grammar.
These collections are given
as HcesEary appendixes named
Khila to their grammars by the
well-known grammarians of Sans-
krit such as PaI)ini, Siikatayana
. and others (ii) a small treatise on
roots written by Bhimasena who
gave meanings to roots. paI).ini's
Dhatupatha contains two thoDs-"
and roots which were actually used
in the current . language. Whitney
propounded all the roots were never I
used but Buhler and Edgren oppos-
ed this' view. A numbH of Prakrit,
Pfili and Desya lOOtS are also found
in it.
a commentary on the
Dhiitupatha by NageSa.
(i) a word used by Kasika,
along with NamaparayaI)a, is an
old term signifying a ma,nual of
root!'. Such manuals were current
even before Pal)ini. (ii) a gram-
matical treatise dealing with roots
written as a supplementary work
by Jumaranandin to his grammar
work called Rasavati, which itself
was a thoroughly revised and
enlarged edition of the Rasavati
a commentary written by Krama-
diSvara on his own grammar I
Jumaranandm 1S
believed to have been a Jain writer
who lived in the fifteenth century,
. 27
( iii) A work on roots by
candra with his own commentary.
He has listed 1980 'roots and divid-
ed them into nine classes ( gaI)as).
The work was first. published by
J. Kirste in 1899 at Vienna.
'tlfflSl'lim a work dealing with roots
written as a supplementary work
by Balarama-Pancanana to his
own grammar named Prabodha-
a work dealing with
verbal forms written by Dharma,.
k'irti, ,!. Jain grammarian of the
eighth century.
a wo! k dealing with verbal
forms written by Maitreya Rak-
!?ita, a Buddhist writer and a
famous grammarian belonging. to
the eastern part of India who
lived in the middle of the twelfth
century. He is believed to have
written many works in
connection with PiiI)ini's grammar
out of which the Tantrapradlpa is
the most-important one. The work
Dhiitupradipa is quoted by SaraI).a-
deva, who was a contemporary of
Maitreya in his Durghata-
vftti on P. II. 4.52.
also 'cllgtM:i(f attributed
to a grammarian named Kiisinlitlia.
a work on roots in verse-form
attributed to a grammarian named
a treatise dealing with
roots believed to have been written
by Ramasirilhavarmau.
a. work dealing with roots
believed to have been written by
Nar'iyaI).a who was given the title
He lived in the seventeenth
century; a work named-ffiUCfw,o<rTWI
is also believed to. have been written
" by him.
a short list of the import-
ant roots from the Dhatupatha of
PaQini, given in verse by a
gramm<:lrian of the 17th century.
-.nijc?itf an elision of a portion of a
root; cf. if P. I. 1.4
a general term applied to a
treatise discllssing roots, but speci-
fically used in connection with the
scholarly commentary written by
Miidhavadirya, the reputed scholar
and politician at the court of the
Vij ayanagara kings in the fourteenth
century, en the Dh1i.tupatha of
Pat;lini. The work is rem.
ferred to as to distin-
guish jt from ordinary commentary
works called also 1:lTg'lfa written by
grammarians like Vijayananda and
.. a grammar dealing with
verbs believed to have been written
by VaIigasena.
convent10nal name given
to the fourth pacta of the third
Adhyaya of Pli.Qini's
which begins with the Sutra
lTffl<lT: P.II r. 4. r.
enumeration or recital of
roots in the Dhatupatha ; d.
I tii I
'Cf I M. Bh. 'on P. III. 1.I.
lit. meaning of a root, 'the verbal
activity, named Wl<lT or, mtf; cf.
#.\<iI; M. Bh. on Ill. 2.84, III.
2.115. The verbal activity is des-
cribed generally to be made up ()f
a series of con tinuous subordinate
activities carried on by the different
karakas or agents and instruments
of verbal activity helping the pro-
cess of the main activity. When
the process of the verbal activity is
complete, the completed activity is
looked upon as a substantive or
dravya and a word denoting it, such
as 1i1'ii, or does not get conjuga
tional affixes, but it is regularly
declined like a noun. Just as
fuW, mT, and <fiRCll are given as
in the same manner f?!i<rr,
'i'Cfif 'or and <fiRCll are
given as as they are shown by
a verbal form, although strictly.
spe,ddllg verb3-l activity (f?niIT or
"+lR) alone is the sense of a root; as
stated in the For
details see Vaiyak. Bh. Sara, where
it is said that fruit (1lit7i) and effort
( o<lTliR) are expressed by a root, cf.
The five senses given
above are in fact conveyed not by
a root, but by a verb or or

a popular name given to the
second of the fifth adhyaya
of Pat;linj's Ai?tadbyayi possibly
becau 5e the pada begins with the
Sutra -cwl!Tilt -a6I., P. V. 2.1.
't-'iROl (!) suppression of a consonant,
out of two successive consonants
which is looked upon as a fault of
recital; e.g. ijll1m when recited as
Cf<lTm; d. Uvvata on
R. Pr. XIV. 6; (2) repetition of a
consonant which is also a fault; e.g.
for d. Uvvata
on XI V. 6; d. also l:fH<l'ff: qVfit=f
etc. explained by Uvvata as
.8Tr.u \:ffi
wfRr where tTT\<lrff: means r length-
ening' or 'prolonging' ct. R. Pro
on XLV. 23; (3) the peculiar posi-
tion of the mouth by
which a double consonant is recited
as a one, d. ( l1.:CjioQ
cf. V. Pro IV. 144.
N (I) a technical term used for
sonant constants in the Pratillkhya
------------._---_. -------------
and old grammar works; ct. ;ijq:
V. Pr. I. 53, explained'by Uvvata as
9iTIUJT i3'ffi:I&T<l: V. Pr. 1.
53 ; the term W corresponds to
of PaJ;lini; (2) personal ending fl:f
substituted for flr of the impera.
2nd sing. e.g.
\Hfrl:f etc.; d. P. V. 4.101-103. .
a technical term in the Jainendra'
VyakaraI)a for l:flg (a rooO which
is used freely by the ancient gram-
marians and Pat;lini.
(;) the augment prefixed to the
consonant :a following upon the
consonant !i( or "l: occurring at the
end of a word; e:g
etc.; ct. P. VIII. 3.29; (2) tech-
nical short term .for tTTij (root), the
technical term is !'!'i., but the nom.
sing. used is (3) a technical
term . standing for COBsonants
excepting semi-vowels and nasals;
d. Kat. III. 6 sr. The
term is used in the Katantra Vya-
karaJ;ta. It corresponds to the term
lff\ of PaI)ini.
tad. affix called Vlbhakti tad.
affix, applied to the word
is changed into 31; ct.
!,!<lI 'Cf Kas. on P. V. 3.17,
a short term for l:fIg or root. See
a class of words headed by the
word 1[!l' to which the tad. affix aT'll
( is added in the miscellaneous
senses; e.g. l:fTl!'Ii:, <a1U5'll: etc.;
ct. Kas. 'on P. IV. 2.127.
or a kind of original grave
vowel turned into a circumflex lone
which is calledlf'Cf<l unless followed
by another acute or circumflex
vowel. The Taittiriya Pratisakhya
has mentioned seven varieties of
this t pracaya ' out of which
or l[i:i is one. For details see
on l[ff:!f'l'<l: T. Pr. XVIII.
iiN tad. affix applied to the words
mit, and "Ill! in the same sense as
those words possess ; e.g.
ct. Kas. on P. V.4.25. '
q:rn;'name of a fault in the pronuncia-
tion of a vowel when on account of
fullness of breath it appears as
uttered long ( although really
it is short; d. c{\<:i
Kaiyata on I. I. Ahnika I.
tad. affix Ilq!lOI. substituted for l:fT
optionally after the word t;Cji e.g.
tt'lil:fT; cf. P. V. 3.44.
Q1IIT1SOlii'flI{ a great grammarian who
composed an important work called
Bhartrhari in his Dipika on
(p. 261, 1. 20
21) refers
to his opinion 1(Cf-
etc. He is also re-
ferred to by Bhartrhari in his auto
commentary on Viikyapadiya (II.
208). Bhamaha (600 A.D. circa)
in his Kavyalailk1ira (V. i) refers
to a work called Il'-lfiiillr which is
helpful in the ocean of
kr't affix Il'i{ seen in VeJic Litera-
ture, substituted for tifT optionally;
e.g. cf. P. VI. 3.I!3.
(rJ fixed, !;tationary, as contrasted
with moving ( ) which is termed
and hence put in the abla-
tive case; d. .P. I.
4.24; (2) repeated sound (ilT1{)
of a third or a fourth consonant of
the class consonants when it OCcurS
at the end of the first word of a
split up compound word; cf. R. Pro
VI. II and XI. 24.
mo:!i (1) fixed; of a stationary nature;
ct. "Cf P.
III. 4.76; also d. Vak. pad. III. 7.
138, 139; (2) notion of stability in
contrast with an object which is
moving or being abandoned.
\"qiiI a variety of vedic recital. It is
defined as :rn tiRlifiaT5;'ijR-
1 "Cf Efl tfOif tI
the second out of the seven posi-
tions of voice in the Veda recital
which \,<fFT,
and crR.
, personal-ending of the sec. pers. pI.
,Atmanepada in the present and
perfect ten!>es.
II :m:-&.tEf\:fc/: I lif.. fifth consonant of the dental class
1 .I - 1 '
I tITl'tit I I of consonants which is pos:ssed of
I .,.1 lithe properties
I I I I Wlff'iiUO'f:i and In
1 ::;. 1 pa1.1ini's grammar the nasa] conso-
ff I
I nant"t (a) is added as an augment
+rm I I prescribed as or which ori-
I I ginally is taken as"t. but afterwards
I I !o1tm changed into or 1ffi{CfuT as
I CI#r I m: required, as for example in q<jfffi,
-. I - ..... I f. etc.; cf. P .. VII.
I I qC{ra- I I 1.58-73, VII. 1.79-
3; VIII. 3.2 4 ;
I - -- - ( b) is changed into D\ when -it
aTIlflil"CI: I directly follows upon "l\, "it, \. or 't.
("I) sound; ct. or even _ intervened by a vowel, a
. 'semivowel except a guttural
+IT 'liJ1:lT: M. Bh. I. 1.
- consonant, a labial consonant or an
Ahnika 1 ; cf. also Vak. pad. I. 77 ;
cf. also M. anusviira; d . P. VIII. 4
Bh. on I. !.7
Vart. 5. \,cWr or sound (c"> is substituted for the final of
. 'd t b th . d' t ( a root, e g. cf. P. V III.
IS Sal e, e In lca or or I
oCl$fi ) of the eternal sound. ct. 2.64.
Vak. pad. I. 44-100. "'i' (I) the consonant (see above)
suggested, as opposed' to <Rfi with the vowel added to it for faci-
expressed; the 'word is found fre- lity of utterance, cf. T. Pro f.21 ;
quently used in the (2) tad. affix <T added to words
sekhara and other works in connec- headed by in the ,sense of
tion with such dictums as are not possession; e.g. tfTllif:, etc"ci.
actually made, but indicated in the P. V. 2.100; (3) tad. affix it as
Mahabbii!2ya. found in the word derived
from 'ct. P. V. 2. 1I4; (4)
personal-ending of the sec. pers. u1.1adi affix <T as found in the word
pI. Atmanepada, substituted for
,-,IIC'{:; ct. KiiS. on P. VI. 4. 19; (5)
of toe 10 lakaras.
the krt affix as also prescrib-
personal-ending in Vedic Litera- ed after the roots Cll5f., CI'Ri.., <!Q.,
ture, substituted for of the sec. and e.g. Clf'l5'I1,
pers. pI. Atmanepada;' e.g. etc., cf. P. III. 3.90, 91; (6) the
!or cf. P. VII. 1.42. mgative particle if given by Pal}ini
asqOJ:. and referred to in' the same I
way, which (i e. <T.) when corri- I
pounded with a following word, is
changed into a:r' or aTiI,. or retained in
rare cases as for instimce in
etc. cf. P. VI. 3.73-75 ;
( 7) tad. affix ii (OjOJ:.) applied to
the words and in senses given,
from P. IV. 1.92 to V. 2.1 e.g.
cf. IV. 1.87.
,;j'Cil'R' the consonant if to which the
vowel a:r and the affix 'lilt are added
for facility of utt,erance; e.g. trl!ff
il'liH <ilcnft R. Pro IV. 8 ; ct. V. Pr.
I. 17.21.
krt affix ii applied to the roots <jl5f.',
Cit(. and others in the sense of
verbal e.g. in'C5fT, CI(.f:
etc. cf. P. Ill. 3.90, 9r. See ii (5 ).
krt. affix il5l. applied t6 the roots
<rt. and'll!.. in the sense of ' ha bit-
uated' e.g. see Kas. on
P. Ill. 2.172.
the negative particle (ilOJ:.) which
possesses the six senses which are
sketched as nG:<TIq!ij crG:-
I iF>fl!ff:
and which are respectively illustrat-
ed by the examples
ifTRcr, a:rEg: tR::,
8l;fI&laU- qlff!N'li: and I See it
(6 )
a compound with q as its first I
member which is changed into a:r or
aFf.., or unchanged, the
indeclinable;r (ilOJ:.) possessing any
one of the six senses given above
un'der if (6); e.g.
etc.;. d. f. VI. 3.73-77
ij6,(HlI'l'f u compound with if (ilOJ:.) as
its first mf:mber ; the term is found
used in the Mab1ibhii!2ya for both
the as well as the
compounds; d. M. Bh. on P. I. 4.1
Vart. 19; also on P. II. J.T.
the superiority, or
strength of the accent caused by
iJ5'fIi HtI which sei s aside the accent
caused by the case affix; d.
P. VI. 2.158 Vart 13.
(I) a class of words headed by
the wordifG to which the tad. affix
a:rrC!i'! ( 'f.<J!) is. added in the sense of
iW;r (grandchild and further des-
cendants) ; e.g. illGlCll1J:, "CfIUCll1J:; d.
IUs. on P. IV. 1,99; (2) a class
of words headed by ifG to, wbich, the
affix () is added, together with
the aogment 'li placed after the
word and before the affix, in the
foorsenses prescribed ill P. IV. 2.67-
70 ; e.g. d. Kas.
on P. IV. 2.91.
cerebralized; changed into OI... The
change of the consonant into OI..
is called iim- in the old Pratisiikhya
works; ct. :qrqa- R. Pro
IV. 1,1.
;j'Rt lit. inciination, bending down; the
word is used generally in the tech-
nical seDse of 'cerebralizatiori' but
, applied to the change of VI: into OI..
as also that of into f{.; cf.
V. Pro 1. 42. The root
is used in the sense of 'cere-
or 'being cereoralized ';
very frequently in the PriHisiikhya
, works; e.g. the word iJ+<rcr- is used in
the sense of ' is cerebralized '; and
<'I+rClfu in th,e sense of 'cerebralizes'
and in the sense of ' causing
cerebralization ';' cf., SRCfiRTG:iil
iflilm: Cfo'{fT <rffl!l R.
Pro 1. 27:
q;;fr a technical term applied in Pa1.1ini's
grammar to words in the feminine
gender ending in and excepto
ing a few like &11, 511. $1", and others;
it is optionally applied to words
ending in if and <I, of course in
the fern. gender, before case affixes
of thp. dative, ablative, genitive
and locative sing. The term was
probably in use before PiiQ.ini and
was taken from the fern. word <lett
which was taken as a model. Very
probably there was a long list of
words like ilG:
etc. which were given as ending
in and to whiCh the affix (i-tcl.)
was added for forming the femi-
nine base; the first word so
formed, was taken as a model and
all words- in the list and similar
others were called iI-U-; ct. P. I.
\\1te; a fault of pronuncIatIOn when a
letter, although distinctly prono-
unced inside the mouth, does not
audible, being heldJup (ern:)
by the lips or the like. The fault is
similar to ; cf.
R. Pr. XIV. 2.
;rmre: a class of, words headed by ilett,
.m and other fern. nouns to which
the taddhita affix Q;<I is added
in the miscellaneous ( senses;
e.g. [51r<retCf
etc. ; d. Kas. on P. IV. 2.97.
lqt affix iI applied to the root
to show verbal activity: e,g.
cf. P. III. 3.9 r.
one that causes cerebralization;
d. '{ttl iI;:\i! R. Pr. I.
27. See ilITr.
a writer of a supple-
ment to Mugdhabodha. He lived in
the eighteenth century.
a Jain grammarian who wrote
a gloss ( ) on the

ancient grammarian who
has written a short -work in verses
on grammar in general, which is
named There is a
scholarly commentary upon it
written by
a short treatise of 28
stanzas, attributed to an ancient
grammarian ilfrG:%1!I{, which gives
a philosophical interpretation of
the fourteen SlUras attributed to
God Siva. The authorship of the
treatise is assigned traditionally to
the Divine Bull of God Set:
The treatise is also named

called also ilfrG:-
a gloss written by
Upamanyu 00 ",P1{4.1!I\<fiTWnt. See

name given to the class of roots
beginning with the root 'lrG.:, which
includes the roots '11:1:.,
and others as given in the
GaI;tapatha. These roots have the
affix i.e. ar<r added to them in
the sense of agent. e.g.
+R'1:; <frq:, :Um":, {liOl:, G:qU]:, ,",ilr<t<:r:,
<I9i!: etc.; cf. P. III. 1.134.
lit. a word which is peither in
the masculine nor in the feminine
gender; a word in the neuter
gender; d. R. Pr. XIII. 7, V. Pro
, II. 32; III. 138; d. P. VI. 3.75,
on which the Siddhanta Kaumudi
observe3 iI lID" I
the special accent viz. the
acute accent for the first vowel
for nouns in the neuter gender
excepting those that end in as
prescribed by Phit-
sUtra II; cf. +IT M. Bh.
on P. VII. 1.77.
capable of being cerebralized.
See ilfu.
person; peisonal ending; the term
is used in connection with (the
affixes of) the three persons
+l"<!11, and '<Rf!T which are promisc-
uously seen sometimes' in the Vedic
Literature; d.
c<it<!<!m-C:'C9RJ ... M. I Bh. on HI. r.8S.
an old grammarian believ.ed
to have been the original writer of
the Sarasvata VyakaraI;).a, on the
strength of references to him in
the commentary on the Sarasvata
VyakaraI).a written by as also
references in the' commentary on
the Prakriyakaumudi by Vlttha-
lesa. He is believed to have lived
in the tenth century A. D.
the same as See

."citq elision of which in PaI}ini's
grammar is sometimes taken as
valid for certain grammatical opera-
tion:?, al).d otherwis; for other opera-
tions; cr. \l:ifcr
P. VIII. 2.2.
a term used in connection with
the first nine gaI).as or conjugations
given by PiiI;tini in his Dhiitupatha,
the tenth conjugation being looked
upon as a secondary conjugation.
nflme given to the first nine
Ahnikas or lessons of the Maha-
bhii!?ya which are written in expla-
nation of only the first pada of the
fnRt Adhyaya of PiiI;).ini's A!?tadh-
yayj and which contain almost all
the important theories, statements
and problems newly' introduced by
a term used for the different-
htion in views and explanations
held by the comparatively new
Echool of BhaHoji Dik!}ita, as con-
trasted with those beld by Kasika-
kara and Kaiyata; the term is
sometimes applied to the differences
of opinion expressed by Nagesa-
bhatta in ccntrast with Bhattoji
Dik!}ita. For details see p.p. 23-24
Vol. VII. of the Pataiijala Mah1i.-
bba!}ya ed. D.E. Society, Poona.
elided or dropped; a term used
as a synonym of lupta' in some
name given to an' anu!}tup verse
. which has nine, ten and eleven.
syllables respectively for the first,
second and third feet; e.g.
lflCfflI'l:. a:crlcr R. V. I. 120. 4; d. R.
Pr; XVI. 29. The verse has got 32
syllables, but it has only three feet
inste'ad of four.
the maxim one losing
a horse and the other losing the
chariot, later on combining them-
selves with one's chariot and an-
other's horse and getting their
purpose served. Pataiijali reiers to
this maxim while commenting ou
91 .,mWI:Rl!l'lq: I Var. 16 on
I P. 1. I-SO. =R"'!iT{ tells
. 3T<fiR that you do not ha\'e an
original and I do .not have
a substitute (arriW); let us enter
into com.
ii'l1 (I) tad. affix ill as also -nor. presQ
cribed respectively after fer and ilor.
(negative particle.,.) in the sense
of separation; e.g. f9<rr, iIlilT; (2)
case ending ill substituted for the
ins. sing. affix C!T (called also
in ancient grammars) in the mas-
culine gender after vy.ords called f?r
i.e. words ending in if or,::r excepting
such as are called iIctf.
the most reputed modern scholar
of PaI;iinl's grammar, of the eightQ
hi , .
.eenth century, who was well-versed
in other also, who lived in
Benares in the latter half of the
seventeenth and the first half . of
the eighteenth century. He wrote
many masterly comme.ntaries known
by the words m on the
authoritative old works in the
different t he total list of
his small and big works together
well nigh exceeding a hundred.
He was a bright pupil ofHari
the grandson Of Bhattoji
Dik!?ita. He was a renowned
teacher also, and many of the
famous scholars of grammar in
Benares and outside at present
are his spiritual descendants. He
was a BrahmaQa of
Tasgaon in SiHara District, who
received his education in Benares.
For some years he stayed under
the patronage of Rama, the king
of Srngibera at his time. He was
very clever in leading debates in
the varfous Sastras and won the
title of Sabhiipati. Out of his
numerous works, the Uddyota on
Kaiyata's the
Laghnsabdendusekhara on the
Siddhanta Kaumudi, Laghumafiju!?ii
and the Paribha!?endusekhara are
quite well-known a.nd studied by
everyone who wishes to get profi-
ciency in paI).ini's grammar. For
details see pp. 21-24 and 401-403,
Vol. VII of the Patafijala M:ahii-
ed. D. E.Society, Poona.
see iiT.
tad. affix q'g applied to the prefix
SJCf optionally with the affixes <ft2"ll..
and e.g. <ll9-
ct. KM. on P. V. 2.31.
(I) voice; resonance; tone; the
sound . caused by the vibration of
the vocal chords in the open glottis
when the air passes through them;
cf. <iR:
Uddyota on M. Bh . on P. 1. 1.9 ; cf.
also <I: mij- tl
+rcrfu T. Pr. II. 4; (2) sound, arti ..
culate sound generally without sense
which Js ; ( 3) the
highest sound. See qu.
having voice (<iR) as their
main cause ; a term used in connec-
tion with vowels and sonant con-
sonants which are caused by ifI<\; cf.
<iR: I
qoT: B:ffi" com. on T.
Pr. II. 8.
(a root) beginning with "1;. in the
DMtupiitha as contrasted with one
.beginning with OJ:: (Ollfct) whose OJ,. is,
of course, changed into "1;. when
conjugational and other forms are
arrived at; ct. c:rwrr iifa'-
M. Bh. on
<: ... .
VI. r.65.
.. possessed of sonorous, re-
sonant. See <llG.
different words as opposed to
. Bm<il'fi{.or a single word; cf. V. Pr.
III. 80; T. Pr. XXIV. 3, XX. 3.
"'I1R({\"ICfi absolutely necessary; being,
in a way, inseparable; cf.
M. Bh. on P. III. 3.18 on which
Kaiyata observes I
I qO!tlilm-
G:\n:fclli\I'G!j<fjRcrqqlflmtnrriIT I
the same as or neuter
gender; cf. <!Tie<ii I .<l<f
M. Bh. on IV. 1.3.
the genitive affix 8m!:. together
with the augment "1;. prefixed to it ;
cf. q@r P. VI. 4.3.
;m:m a word. or noun derived from a
noun, as opposed to a word
derived from a root.
a denominative root; the term I
is also used for. <iIIN'Tg; cf.
Nyasa On P. VI.
1.3. See th!:l word \:llg.
ifI1i<r.. noun, substantive; one :"of the
four categories of words given in
the Nirukta . and other ancient
grammar d.
:t\)l:ftIcTf.'IIfIGTaI, Nir. L I. The
'word is defined as illllrfil
by grammarians; d. Nir.
L I.; d. 11so <ilR, R. Pr.
XIII. 8 ; V. Pro VIII. 49 and com.
thereon. PaI)ini divides words into
two categories only". viz.
and ffi;g.;:a- and includes ilTlii'l.,
and Ii!CflOiunder The Srngara- 'defines ifIlIil. as follows- I miir fu:fci\:lriir I ar.rr ..
fcrgfii'SlIf.i :q I The word iJ1llii.. at the
end of a !?a!?tbi-tatpuru!?a carr. pound
signifies a name or SamjDa. e.g. B<i-
cf. also
on P.
II. 4.20 and P. III. 2.46
where the author ot the work ex-
plains the word as <infl. The
(word is used in the sense. of i a
collection of words' in the Nilukta,
i3'ifcfiilTmfir, etc.
ifl;ftfRF{lJt a work for the oral recital
of nominal words; It may' have
been of the nature. of a lexicon.
Such works are refused to by
KiiSika: alfi
I f; 1\
intra. verse I. No. such work is
a treatise in which
words with their genders are given.
The term il'l usually. used in con-
nection with the great dictionary
by which is called

'ii+il&4id<a'@Ol similar in form both as
a verb and as a noun; ct. Vak.pad.
II. 318.
(vowels) which cause cerebrali ..
zation; the ten vowels !:l\, 'lit, 1(, t, '3',
iii, tr, alt,11:, aTI; cf. cffi
R. Pr. I. 27. cf. also R. 1'. 94.
See the word The word
is used for in the Vajasaneyi
Pratisakhya; ct. m<ft V. Pr.
I. 46; cf. also Kiit. I. 5.1:2 .
one of the older Sikf.i, works,
treats of accents in the Siimaveda.
It was composed sometime before
eight century A.D.
(I) name o{ a grammarian
who wrote a commentary onthe
(2) a gram-
marian who is said to have written
a gloss named SabdabhU$aI).a on
the Sutras of PiiI).ini as also some
minllr works named
also known as Melputtiir
Bhat\:atiri, the most prominent
grammarian of Kerala who lived
between IS6o-1666.A.D. He has
composed a number of Stott:as,
Campus, Vyakara1J.a-works ani
Mimiirilsa' works; His most promi-
nent VyakaraI).a isPrakriya-
sarvasva, which follows a method
found in Prakriya Kaumudi and
Siddhilnta Kaumudi of . Riima-
candra and Bhattoji Dik!?it respy.
The work is divided into twenty
sections viz. sariljfia;
Samdhi, Krt, Taddhita, Samiisa,
Stripratyaya, Subartha, Subvidhi,
Atmanepada, tin,
sannanta, yailanta, yaIiluk, sub ..
dhatu, nyaya, dhatu, UI)iidi, and
Chii.ndasa. About eight comment-
aries on the work are known,but
all of them are fragmentary.
, I
a grammarian of the seven-
teenth century who wrote a treatise
on grammar named SaIiivali, and
a treatise on roots named Dhatu-
nCHary intervention; d. \
qTiCfCfr.'r ti<'! c2jqmaSN
$l) statement whkh is looked upOl}
as a general statement of the nature
of Paribha::j8. occurring in the Maha-
bnal?ya on P. VII. 2.3.
errllT elision, the word is used in gram-
rna. as a synonym of 'lopa '.
a place in the nose where
a nasa11etter such as OI" UI.,
and anusvara get a tinge of
nasalization while passing through
it. The yam a letters e.g. the nasal
il., EI.. get nasalization in tbe
utterance of the words qfum.r:;.
8Jf-iJ:, cf. <1m VIlli quT:
S. K. on P. VIII. 2.1.
cf. also V. Pr.
1. 74, R. T. 12.
letters or phonetk elements
produced in the nose; d. Vllftm<lf
R. T. 12. See
( VlTfWf<i ) 0
apparent disappearance by
withdtawal into the primary cause.
cf. Vak. pad. III. 1.38. cf. also
ffilq t<fcfif\UT!'!;
if g I 'i:f
I (Relii..)

(I) personal ending substituted
for i1i (ftlqJ of the 1st pers. sing. in
the imper:itive; (2) a technical
term in the Jainendra-VyakaraJ,.1a
for the term iilqm of PaJ,.1ini.
not possessed of any number-
sense; the term is used in connec-
tionwitb indeclinables ; d.
Kas. on P. 1. 4.2I.
deprived of Sarildhi; without
any euphonic combination or eu-
phonic change.
augment f<r as seen in the redupli-
cated syllable q;f.r of the aorist form
of root ;n;a..; d.
':I1<lfcl) firll"f!Tli?<!
I <lf1SfT<ii<r.; IGis. on
P. VII. 4.65.
\ ' a statement In the Vedic passage;
a Vedic passage; sacred tradition or
Vedic Literature in general; cf. the
frequent expression f<r<Tm i'fcIfc'r
where R<T1i means' a vedic word,
given as an instance '; it also means
, Veda' ; d. f.:!lTli t1;<f <I;,rr \<lIe( T M. Bh.
On VII, 2.64. Durgadirya says that
the word is also used in tbe sense
of ' meaning' ; cf. Rrrm
"<iqfr;;r Nir. III. 9. Durglicarya has
also explained the word as <f>l<JRr
that make the hidden meaning of
the Mantras veryc1ear.
r.tiiR a kind of sound whicb apparent
ly is made up of a combination of
three phonetic elements il, :tJ:. and
Cflm'flj. It is a peculiar sound through
both the mouth and the nose, al-
though no specific place of produc-
tion is assiglled to it; cf.
I <iT iilliR
R. T. II
a name given to a collection of
words whicb are mainly Vedic. In
ancient times such collections were
possibly very general and numerous
and the works or treatises On deri-
vation sucb as tbe Nirukta of Yaska
were. based upon tbem ; cf.
I +rerfra I
trCf frFn:r-
if(ffiEIUGq :a-'C<jra I 8JN 'IT an&:<{-
I tI>lI&:CfT I <JiU
WiRr (Nir. I. I) where tbe word is
derived from or i[<'( The
word is taken/as synonymous
with by Durgadirya.
f.imcr toning down; the grave accent;
the root in its various forms is
used in the sense of toning down
the voice and the is used
in the sense of tbe grave accent
( in the VyakaralJ3 and
Pratisakhya works; The word was
not in use in PalJini's time. It was
first used by Vartikakara when the
musical accents came in vogue. cr.
also the words etc.;
cf. P. V II I.
I.I8 Vart, 5.
substitute iii for the last letter of
the word '"ll<!f at the end of a Bahu-
vri_hi compound; d.
!Gis. on P. V. 4-134.
less by one syllable; the word is
used as an adjective to the name of
a Vedic metre which has got one
syllable less than tbe normal; cf.
Bq R. Pro
f-iq: an affix pOEsessed of the mute
indicatory letter <'(, the word cha-
racterized bv which has the acute
accent 'on the vowel of the first
syllable; e.g. m'l'q:, <!1t;;<i:, cf. Ras.
on P. VI. 1.197.
the acute accent for the first
vowel of a word prescribed by
. paJ,.1ini's sutra vi. I. 197
(I) eternal, as applied to word
or sabda in contrast with sound or
dhvani which is evanescent
The sound with meaning or without
meaning, made by men and animals
is but sense or I
idea awakened 1D the mmd by the
evanescent audible words on Leach-
ing the mind is of a permanent or
eternal nature; cf. lft-sU
d. also
Nir. 1. x; (2) constant; not liable
to be set aside by another; d. 'a"lf-
fu<l'\., if I f.R;q-
T. Pro I. 59, :IV.
14 ; ( 3) original as contrasted
witb one introduced anew such as
an augment; ct. T. Pro VI. 14; (4)
permanently functioning, as oppos-
ed to tentatively doing so; d. Rill!
mit R. T. 37 ; (5) unchange-
able, permanent, imperishable; cf.
M. Bh. on P. VIII. I.4; ( 6) always
or invariably applying, as opposed
to optional; the word in this sense
is used in connection with rules or
operations that do not optionally
apply: cL :a-qq({t1mm lHlf-
tI>lT\:I: M. Bh. on P. II. 2.19;
( 7) constant, as applied to a rule
whicb applies if anotl!er simultane-
ously applying rule were to have
taken effEct, 'as well as when that
other rule does not take effect; d.
frit(1T Par. Sek.
Pari 46. The operations wbicb are
nitya according to tbis
take effect in preference to others
which are not nitya '. altbough
., p.
they may even e' para ; cr.
Par. Sek. Pari. 42.
-ii1CiOiqJl;q;r:c;:q possession of grea ter force;
the word is used in connection with
rules that are called See
( 7)
an invariably effective com.
pound; the term is explained as
Rill!tlmtl; i.e. compound
whose dissolution cannot be shown
by its component words as such;
e.g. the dissolution of cana
not be sbown as but it
must be shown as tI: I The

the gafisamasa
and the dative with the
word are examples of
a scholar of Sanskrit
Grammar \Vho wrote glosses on the
on the Lagbu-
sabdendusekbara. and on the Pari-
He was a resident
of Benares where he coacbed many
pupils in Sanskrit Grammar.
He lived in the first half of the
nineteenth century.
illustration; d.
M. Bh. on 1. 4.23 Vart.
15; cf.also 1m R.
Pro 1. 22 .
fiitlm a particle which -possesses no
gender and number, and the case
termination after which is dropped
or elided. NiplHa . is given as one
of the four categories of words viz.
C'fTl1iL, B'rrefr and fclmr by all
the ancient writers of PratiSiikhya,
VyiikaraI..1a and Nirukta works; cf.
Nir. I. 4, M. Bh. on I. I. Ahnika
I, R. Pro XII. 8 etc. The word is
derived from the root 'Cfq: 'with f.T
by Yaska who has mentioned three
subdivisions of Nipiitas </iqPt-
and ; cf. f.!'tfTfU: 1
fcr'CfffFa I I OlN
I arfi't I Nir. 1. 4.
The Nipiifas are looked upon as
possessed of no sense; ct. fcrqrcr:
R. Pro XII. 8, V. Pro VIII.
50, (com. by U vvata). paI).ini has
not given any definition of the
word mIff, but he bas enumerated
them as forming a class with 'q at
their head in the rule
where the word Offfil conveys an
impression that' they possess no
sense, the sense being of two
kinds and mer, and the Nipiitas
not possessing anyone of the two.
The impression is made rather'
firm by the statement of the
Varttikakara- SlTRr-
" P. I. 2. 45 Vart.IZ.
Thus, the question whether the
Nipatas possess any sense by them-
selves or not, becomes a difficult
one to be answered. Although the
:Rkpratisiikhya in XII. 8 lays down
that the Nipatas are expletive, still
in the next verse it says that some
of them do possess sense; cf.
'q on
which Uvvata remarks fcr'Cflm:
I The remark
of Uvvata appears to be a sound
one as based on actual observa-
tion, and the conflicting views have
to be reconciled. This is done by
Bhartrhari who lays down that
Nipatas never directly convey the
sense btJ,t they indicate the sense.
Regarding the sense indicated by
the Nipatas, it is said t1;1at the sense
is never Sattva or Dravya or sub-
stance as remarked by paI..1ini; it is
a certain kind of relation and 'tbat
too, is not directly expressed by
them but it is indicated. Bhoja in
his Splgaraprakasa gives a very
comprehensive definition of Nipata

17;er '9JG:<IT Fl'CfIClT: I
He gives six varieties of them, viz.

and and
mentions more than a of
them. For details see Bhartrhari's
Viikyapadiya II. 189-206. .
the view that the nipatas
and the upasargas too, as cont-
rasted with nouns, pronouns and
other indeclinables, only indicate
the sense and do not denote it;
this view, as grammarians say, was
implied in the and
was prominently given in the Vak-
yapadiya by Bhartrhari which was
followed by almost all later gra-
mmarians. See Fl'CfTff.
a word given, as it appears,
without trying for its in
authoritative works of ancient gra-
mmarians especially paI..1ini; cf .
P; VI. '4.174, .'as
also V.4.77 etc. etc. The
phrase IiiqTCI'1IRtl:a+r. is very frequen-
tly used by Patafijali to show that
some, technical difficulties in the
formation. of a word are 'not some-
times to be taken into considera-
tion,. the word given by PaQ.ini
being the correct one; cf. M.Bh. on
1. 1.4, III. 1,22 etc. etc.; cf. also
. the usual expression f.'!qm-
c:rTIii. The derivation of the word
from 'R( with fcr causal,' is suggest;'
ed in the:Rk Prfl,tisakhya Where it:
is stated that Nipatas are laid down
or presented as' such iq
senses; cf. :R. Pr. XII. 9";' cf. also
mil\<! 'q I
Bh. Pradipa on P. V. 1.II4; cf.
also M. Bh. on II. 1.27.
the accent, with which the
Nipatana word is expressed in the
Siitra, which is said to prevail over
the accent which ordinarily should
be possessed by the word; cf. tl
f<!'CfTff<R'f{: cnlq''!i) M.
Bh. on P. 1. 1.56 Vart. 23; cf. also
M.Bh. ali. 1. 3.3, VI. 1.123 etc.
Fl1mtl<r$ti(E{ the view prominently ex-
pressed by the Varttikakiira that
nipatas do not possess any sense,
which was modified by Bhartrhari
who stated that. they do possess
sense which, of course, is indicated
and not expressed. See f.Tqrcr.
a short treatise ex-
plaining and illustrating the use of
indeclinables, written by, a gra-
lived ill KasItJira . ':"". . ..... .
. .
.. ,.. .
. f.\q;:I:l'<r the word is uset!I:in the sense
of root-cause or support by Bhart-
rhari in Vakyapadiya, cpo 1. 13;
II.I'Z7, .132, 29'71 ; III. 12.5 etc.-
fir+rtr (I) mime of the third out of
the seven positions of voice in the
Vedic recital. (2) a of utter-
ance of words at the performance
of a sacrifice. Seven such modes
are given in the Taittiriya Pratisii-
.khya; cf.
GRifuT T. Pr. XXIII. 5.
. .
C I) the formal cause of a gra-
mmatical operation; ct. fcrrn'UIOllif
I given as a Pari-
. by many grammarians like
Vya<;'ii, Siradeva and others; cf.
also Flrn'Qf
M:.Bh. on In. 1 .. 1 Vart. '2; (2)
distinguishing sign <I: OlCifu
Cif, M. Bh. on I. 1.26 Vart. 5.
locative' case, used in the
sense of a cause as prescribed by
P. U. 3.36 Vart. 6
and by the usually'
quoted verse '9ijfrrT i[fra
I 'qlRl' II'
M. Bh. on II. 3.36 Vart.6, also d.
Kas. on P. 1. 1.57.
Action in accordance
with the cause as the application
of the gender and case affixes to
the adjective in accordance with
the noun qualified by it. cpo Yak.
pad. III. 14. 3IO, 3II.
firm'Q(qT<ftrib::rr!;fl a popular name
given by grammarians to the
maxim a
thing, which is brought' into eXist-
ence by a cause, disappears on the
disappearance of the cause, The
. 222
!llaxim is not, of course, universally
applicable. For details see Par. Sek.
Pari. 56, Sira. Pari. 99,
an affix or an augment or a
substitute taking place on account
of certain formal causes or nimittas;
M. Bh. on III. i. I Vart. 2.
disappearance of an object;
shutting up. According to Vak.
pad. III. 9.56., Time has two powers
by which it brings about the emer-
or disappearance of objects.
The power that shuts up objects
is STfcr<ti=1:T.
(I) regulated in size or number;
definitely fixed; the word f.r<Io is
used in grammar in connection with
the nimitta or nimittin in a gram-
matical operation prescribed by a
rule, which, or a part of which, is
shown . to be superfluous unless
there is laid down a regulation; d.
cnaO<Jif.. I I
f.f<lm m<l<lT s:Il'::i!<fRr
M.Bh. on I. 3.12 Vart. 6; (2) The
grave accent; cf. f.!<jcr ...
E.. Pro III. 9
(1) an affix whose accent is
definitely given by an indicatory
mute letter applied to it; d. M.Bh.
on 1. 1.3; (2) the grave accent; a
syllable with a grave accent; grave
vowel; cf. R. Pro XL 2 5;
(3) name of a Samdhi. when a
visarga is changed . into and
then omitted and the preceding
vowel is iengthened; cf.
f.:r<mr 'o+nfcim R. Pr . IV. 9; cf. also
P. VIII. 3.14 and VI. 3.III.
(I) restriction; regulation; bind-
ing; the term is very frequently
used by grammarians in connec-
tion with a restriction laid down
with reference to the application
of a grammatical rule generally on
the strength of that rule, or a part
of it, liable to become superfluous
if the restriction has not been laid
down; d. M. Bh. on 1. 1.3, KM.
on I. 3.63, VI. 4.II; cf. also the
frequently quoted dictum 8lf.!<!lt
f.!<ilicliTRuft' q!t..,m; (2) limitation as
contrasted with or d.
f.!<i<U ..,=rm ;
m; M. Bb. on
II. 2. 34 Vart. 2; (3) 1.1. regulating
rule; a restrictive rule, correspond-
ing to the Parisamkhya statement
of the Mimarhsakas, e. g.the rule
8lH+Fi!fll..;Z P. 1. 3.12; the
grammarians generally take a rule
as a positive injunction avoiding a
restric.tive sense as far as possihle ;
cf. the dictum fcrf<Itcr
Par. Sek. Pari. 100; the
commentators have given various
kinds of restrictions, such as
fq:ql1, 8lEtfct<I+r, >f&-l!JF!<Iil,
etc. etc.; ( 4 )
grave accent or anudatta; cf.
f.!<Ia<I., R. Pro III. 9;, see
f.r<jQ (2).
limiting; limitative; d. g;:
fsti.m I B fil<lTlfcfir I
ffl M. Sh. on II. 4.83 ; cf. also
I f.r<lTiioii d7{-
f.r<!Tli<ii "i Par. Sek. Pari. 56.
an obligatory order pr command,
such as that of a preceptor, as
contrasted witb cf. l:Hfft: q(:
. <fciRr .. <fiatt "''1m
etc. M. Bh. on P. III. 4.67 Vart. 8
where Kaiyata explains as
pure, unnasalized, as
osed to tmFlRlCfi nasalized. cf. tlfva'
f5: <jUj: I Mo Bh.
on I, .t. Ahnika I.
possessed of no mute
indicatory letter; not possessed of
any mute indicatory letter; cf. Eli
!!<Kcl (81JCfiR:) Eli I
M. Bh. 'on 1. 1.14.
.. a short term used for
the maxim ;;:r
. Par. Sek. Pari. 8r.
possessed of 110 scope of, or
occasion for, application; the word
ar.:r'lClil'8" is also used, in this sense.
The niravakasa rules always set
aside the genera! rules which are
always present wherever they i.e.
the niravakasl rules are possible to
be applied. Niravakasatva is looked
upon as one of the two criteria for
Cf{l:T or SUblation, the other one being
as illustrated by the
. usual maxim, known as
See cf. also a:r.t9-
'liRTI &- f9l:lcU 'lT1:1C!il <19Rr Par. Sek. on
Pari. 64. "
a fault of pronunciation when a
vowel is harshly pronounced and
hence is not properly audible; cf.
f.!<:ffl Pradipa on M. Bh.1. I.
Ahn. I. The fault occurs when the
place and the means of utterance
are pressed and drawn in; cf.
R. Pro XIV. 2.
(I) set as.ide; answered; the
word is frequently used in connec-
tion with faults which are stated to
occur or present themselves if a
particular explanation is given;
( 2) prevailed over by another ; cf.
('fGJ if R. Pro XI. 30,
where Uvvata paraphrases as

name of a class of works Which
were composed to explain the collec-
tions of Vedic words by means of
proposing derivations of those words
from roots as would suit the sense.
The Nirukta works are looked upon
. as supplementary to grammar works
and there must have been a good
many works of this kind in ancient
times as shown by references to the
writers of viz. Upamanyu,
Sakatayana, Sakapiil).i, Sakapurti
and others, but, out of them only
one work composed by Yaska has
survived; the word, hence has been
applied by scholars to the Niruktaof
Yaska which is believed to have
been written in the seventh or the
eighth century B.C. i.e. a century
or two before .Pal).ini. The Nirukta
works were looked upon as subsi-
diary to the study of the Vedas
along with works on phonetics
(fuarr), rituals grammar
( 0<iT'li\1ll ) prosody and astro-
nomy and a mention of
them is found made in the CMndoG
As many of the deri-
vations in the Nirukta appear to be
forced and fanciful, it is doubtfui
whether the Nirkuta works could
be called scientific efhe
work of Yaska, however, has got
its own importance and place among
works subsidiary to the Veda, being
a very old work of that kind and
quoted by later commen tators.
There were some glosses and com-
mentary works written upon Yaska's
Nirukta out of which the one. by
Durgadirya is a scholarly one. It is
doubtful whether Durgacarya is the
same as who wrote a
Vrtti or gloss On the Katantra Vya-
karal).a. The word is found in
the Pratisakhya works in the sense
of ' explained ' and not in the sense
. of derived; cf. R. Pro XV. 6 ;V. Pro
IV. 19, 195.
a gloss on Yaska's Nirukta
written by a modern scholar of'
grammar named Ugracarya in the
eighteenth century A.D.
?- of. V{<ortts.
headed by the., word
have their last vowf31
acute; e.g.
etc.; cJ. lias. on P. VI. 2.184.
potentiality of implication
which gives the meaning of a word
which is based upon implication;
e.g. .
a word, the penultimate vowel
which is picked up and taken
:'back, as for instance, the penulti-
mate or of l[ in the word cf.
ati[fual at{al atg!i1
Nir. IV. 25. '
-( u1fI) (existence) with<lut
any clear attributes; of a vague
nature. cpo Vak. pad. In. 14.263.
a short form for the
maxim w:rfra which
means r substitutes take the place
of that or its part which has been
actually statEd or enunciated in the
. rule ( of grammar)' Par. Sek. Pari.
12. For details see Par. Sek.
Pari 12.
exhibited, enunciated; d ..
aft+rRlfu frif{f! I P. 1. 1.66; V.
Pr.1. 134. "
a popular name of the
Paribha$a aRf.jffifu \ cf.
\ . Pari .
Bbaskara Pari. 97.
mention, actual statement; the
word is often used in the Mahabha-
$ya in sentences like fuw:
Cfiij-o!{:, etc. ; d. also V. Pro
1. 36 ; d. also the maxim aRliffifu
P. 1. 1.66 and V. Pro 1. 134;
cf. also
"." .s. M B
h. on P. 1. 2.39
Vart. I. Sometimes the mention or
exhibition made by a word shows
. the parHc1,llar tYP,e of word; d.
Durghaia Vrtti on:P .. and VII.
4.73 as also J\.M. on P. IV. 3.II and
(1) selection o,f' one or some
out oImany;
CiT . Ras. on P. II. 2.10 as
also on II. 3.41; (.2) determined
or definite sense to the exclusion of
another, generally on the strength
of the indeclinable t/;q which is ex-
pressed or understood. The word
is used for in this.
sense; cf. <la a
'" maxim used as a Paribhafj. by some
. grammarians; d. also
Kas. on P'-VI. I,8I.
fii.r.e: separated, dissociated, discon-
nected ; d. ij ;:J1161lf
Nii. I. 3
a name for the Sarilhitapatha;
cf. R. Pro 1. 3.
name of a commentary on
the Prakriya-Raumudi.
of a grammarian who is
bf(tM'lved to have written a gloss
( '[Rl) on the Siitras of on
the" strength of a reference to him
iu the Nyasa of Jinendrabuddhi;
d. '!fu: fli;rort
Nyasa on I. I.I.
interpretation by means of
etymology as found in the Nirukta
works; the act of fully uttering the
meaning hidden in words that are
partially or wholly unintelligible.
in respect of their derivation, by
separating a word into its compo-
nent letters; d. fu
!>5!{ f.r<liU
Durgavrtti on Nir. II. I. For details
see Nirukta II. I.
. iiI-.iijCfi (I) productive, as opposed to
expressive; .d. 1%' \
I \
51mqRl: \ 111:. Bh. on
P. 1.:r.50 I; productive
of activity; c::f.
+19m@- lIL op. r. 4.23.
?f q-iany
or by trap.-
'()f I:po( got
pf beiIlg prodllc::
, ; d. 'fi;'!
'\ . (Tlqt( <'f!HJliR: '\'

\' i \
pf. ll:if
PH L' 449: Fqr
wor4 lfiW!:.; !llso see
Bh. I. 4-49. ." '. " . .
of the effeGt; pro-
. dJlction the qc;tivi'ty by
or . ac::tivit'y cl:\-Utld
+}ar!li{as ; , cf. fu:. f>n<lt
mg'l!3'lf f.l M. Bh. on II. 2.19
Vart. 2. '
a fault of pronunciation by Which
a letter is uttered harsh 01: rude;
cf. futn Kaiyata on M. Bh. 1. 1.
Abnika I.
. fiI&:m (I) abridgment, diminution;
cf. \ a:flj"'!<I:
\ Kaiyata on M. Btl. on
IV. 3.100 ; (2) being turned intq
a short (vowel.>; d.
R. Pro IV. 39. ,
l>. '
1'1<1t'!Cfi lit. expeller, pther
forms whicbare otherwise,
incorrect; d. "I'l'"f
<19"fu \ M. Btl.
1. Siitni 2. '
fiF-im that which pot pr()ceed
to the next rule; d.
M. Bh. pn III. 2.6$,' V. I;IQ,etc.
See the warp Fl'[RI. .' '
f<'f<llQ sometimes .used for f.lmcr or the
gra,:e < " : .,
f<'f<lfu (r) cess!ltion of recummce of
... 'w9r4' :a :
pr ;.
tht) cessation of recurrence'or
v'rtti' ct.;
'fiUfu pn P. 1. r.44 Vart.
8. cf. !l'lRl:
'tTf.JrRl; V\. '9 ;
( 2) cess9-tion . Or ij

5TC11fG<I I ]., Fl,[RI
-llfcl5!iRr 111:. Bh.on 1. i.i:. Viirt. .j;cf.
also M. Bli. '1. 1.3 etc.; cf. also
the llsqai word
and 'lfuclO nqt apply;
ati(}I1s; kit or nit affixe:; in
PaQini's grammar; d.'
Wlfcr \ Brmfcr \ Nir. II.
I. The word is also used in
this sense by ancient grammarians.
iirG'Cf negation; prohibition; d. fciq,,{-
Bhasavrtti on P. II.
2.16;' d. Par. Sck.
-Pari. II2. The word >rq"{ is used
frequently in this sense in old gram-
mar works such as the .l\Iahabha$ya,
the wprd Fltr'if being comparatively
a I;i1odern one.
fflQ'PTrc; qf words headed by the
wor4 f.!1'i'fi ,:hich the affix i{'{\
is proviqf!cl thf:!se words are
?PF . IDeIllbers 9l a ; e,g.
l1Wllfi<I:. etc. ; cf. Kas;
P. Y. 1.H). .
separated; takf!n out from a
tIling ; o';'ly iq
or idea; cf.
if g <I<rT
ifi'if: I Kaiy. P. II.
fifm the affixes:q'i and in Pfu;lini's
Grammar; cf. 'ffi'm'itt filgr L I,26.
also fiI:m; completed, accom-
plished; used in connection with a
grammatically formed' word by
applying affixes to the bases; cf.
Pari. 94, where Siradeva has ex-
plained the word filfmr as
struck down in tone, grave, pos.
sessed of a grave accent; cf. V. Pro
IV. 138.
separated with the intervention
of a consonant. The word is used
in connection with the detached first
part of a compound word not follow-
ed immediately by a vowel; d.
Uvvata on V. Pr.
augment <fr affixed to the redupli-
cative syllables of the roots tfiUl,..
ire, q;<:I, tIn:.,
in the intensive; e.g.
etc. cf. P. VII. 4.65 and 84.
a term used for the grave accent
, or for the vowel, accented grave;
d. T.Pr. XIX.
I. l'r R. T. 54, 55 cf.
also V. Pro 1. III.

constituting the accent,
features of the .. ccent; cf.
, 6i?fCf6iJl
M. Bh. on 1. 2.30.
author of a
commentary on the Siddhiinta
Kaumudi of BhaHoji '
or a famous gram- '
marian of the seventeenth century, J
who wrote an work: On
Paribhasas in VyakaraI).a' named
This Vrtti is referred
to in the by
NagesabhaHa and the views ex-
pressed in it are ,severely criticised
in the commentary Gada. He wrote
a gloss on which was
named paI).iniyadipika., He has
refemdto it in his
He also wrote
a commentary on and
Gii<;lh1i.rthaprakasika, a commentary
on Siddbiintakaumudi. He also
wrote a commentary named Sukha-
bodhini on Siddhantakaumudi., It
is also known as VaiyakaraI).asid-
dhantarahasya; cpo tr<Jm:1ll-
Paribha.1jiavrtti, Pari. 55, page 303
of paribba1jiasamgraha.
nephew of Appaya
Dik:;;ita; who has writ ten a com
mentaryon Kaiyata's
augment if. (I) affixed to the
words l>F'acln:. and qfcrqn:. before the
feminine affix e.g. mrcwfi,
cf. P. IV. 1.32; (2) affixed to 'the
root ?if before the causal affix fii'I=tt"
e.g. cf. P. VII. 339; (3)
affixed to the reduplicative syllable
of roots ending in a nasal consonant
and having the penultimate 8l as
also of the (;i+I" ({[,
'i:!\, and in the inten-
sive; e.g. it<ImRr,
d. P. VII. 4.85, 86,87.
augment if. prefixed ( I) to the
gen. pl. ending in 3TI1l. after a crude
base ending in a short vowel, or in
or e; of feminine bases termed
nadi, or in a:rr of the feminine affix
( 2.1l!., or 'qII!.); e.g. arnt-
cf. P. VII. 1.54; (z) to the affix
8l1+J:. after numerals termed, and
"the numerals as also after the
words Y..l1', 'iilf!iTand m in Vedic
Literature, :, e.g. qUUjI+J:,
'ii+fUfl<n'I., ij'!ql+J:.i ct.
P; ,vIr. 1.55,56, 57; (3) to the
part of a root possessed of two'
consonants, as also of the root
of the fifth conjugation after the
reduplicative sy Hable ending iIi a:rr,
which is substituted for e.g.
cf.P. VII. 4.71,72; (4) to
the affix after a base ending in
8li( as also to the affixes and
ijill!. after a base ending in if. in
Vedic Literature, e.g. 8l&JUa':,
etc., ct. P. VIII. 2.16, 17 ;
( .5) to the initial vowel of the
second member of a compound hav-
ing 8l of <1OJ,. as the first member;
e.g. cf. P. VI. 3.74; (6) to
any vowel "after if. which ispreced-
ed by a short vowel and which is at
the end of a word e.g. cf. r.

"l the last
vowel' (I) of a root given in the
as ending with lJ1ute
, 'f<Ira;m,
etc;; ct: P VIL1.S8; ( 2,) of roots!r'l,.
and others' before the conjQgational
ai-" (iu)i. g. qf.
P. VIt 1.59: '(:3 )0 the
(;i+I, and
specified ,<lID',
; 'cf. P. VII. I.60.69; (4) of declin-
aiM bases marked with the mute
letter <3", 'K or as also
;, of' the' declinable wording,
from the roo't and
d. Kas. on P. Vq.I.
,:: 70,71; (5) 'of the"declinable'base
- in'the neuter genaer,
'vdirel o't wtill:
a apasal,
:', - .' ",-
before a case-ending termed Sara
vanamasthiina;. e.g. <rnrffi,Cfonfir,
etc., cf. Kas. on VIL1.72; (6)
of the declinable base in' the neuter
gender, ending with If, ;;r, Sl\ or
before a case-ending' beginning
with a vowel; e.g. etc.,
ct. Kas. on P. VII.I-73; (7) of the
affi; (am:. of the pres. part.)
under certain conditions <mfi
If'tfo'ctT, cf. VII. 1. 8o-8! ; ( 8 r
of the word before the nom.
and voc; sing. affix l;l;;e.g.
ct. P. VII. I, 82; (9) of
the words i<!!, and
before the nom. and VOC. sing. affix
ij in Vedic Literature, e. g.
{</CfIif, cf. P. VILr.83.
augment'\. inserted after the
last vowel of a root or a noun-base
in specified cases. See
name of the second Yama
evi{ a grammarian of the seventeenth
who wrote, a work on
accents; viz. Svaramafijari.
partly touched, haif
semi-cqntacted; ,a used, for
sibilants and hissing sounds.
multisyllabic, possessed of many
syllables, as contrasted with ri'!iRl.
(1) belonging to the Veda;'Vedic
as opposed to <iTNCfi; cf.
Nir., 1.20;' {z}
name given to KaI)<;las 4, 5 and 6
of the of Yaska;

burga Vr onNir IV.:i:.
mentioned as s'econdary; ljt.
tlC{Ti'ir; the term is
applied,to the first three Kai}.c;las ';
or sections of the Nirukta:
accessory; 'accidental;, f.'!qmRi.
. ;;
, I
l 1: I.
effeCt;_one that is catised; d.
given by VyiiQi, Sinideva
and others.
(1) obtained by derivation, ety.:
riioiogical; (2) etymologist; writer
ef a Nitukhl. work:.
matter of comrhiinication;
statement made for' c<>mCbuniCa-
tion. Uddyota explains the word
as I d.

fflm: on
P. i.r;6j;
tad. affixes 0fUI.. and others
added in the sense of'
(P;IV:2.69); as in wdrds like
meariing the place of residence of
the Sibis.
a technical term in the J aineh:;
dra VyakaraI)a fo.r . the term
defined by FaQini in the rules
aud 11,:1Ii-
fcr+!fui P 4 t
I Jain. si.i. :(-3-93.
lagging back or iagging behind
as concealed; dependence. cf. Yak.
pad. III. 7.95, 123; cf. I
(Hela. )
withdrawal of the sense to
a previous stage. cp; Vak;-pad.
ill. 7;'59.
a kind of metre in
lVhich the second foot has twelve
syllables; while tht? rest have eight
syllables each; d.
a class of words headed by the
,,,ord which are formed by
-me,ans of the substitution of a guttu-
ral in the place of a
of any other claSs belong"
ing t,o 'the root from which these
etc.; cf. Kas; on P. VII.;i.S3.
going lower, subordinate; the word
is used in the sense of upasarjana
a. technical term in the Jainfmdra
d. Jain; Vy.I.
also the vowei at the
OT'I!P[, or end of the first.JDemberof
a compound word which has got a
grave atcerii; e:g. tbevowel ;3; of i!.
V. Pr. 1. 120. See
fiame given to alWii=G- or the grave
tone; cf. $'3f1
R; Pro IIi. 17 where Uvvata expla-
ins as
maximi a famiiar or patent inst-
arlee quoted t6 explain similar cases;
cf. the words arnr'li<:'ITfair<n<! M. Bh;
on P; II.2;24i M. Bh.on
P. 1. 3. 9; M. Bh; oli P.
IV. I. 88, 89, IV. 2.q:>, IV.3.13I, V.
i.7, i8, VI; M.Bn.
on P. 1. 37, M.Bh. tI.
Ahnika I, M.Bh. Oil
2.83, .M. Bh. on P. I-
1.50, M.Bh. on pjl.
1.69, VI. 3.82, M. Bh.
. on P. 1. 1.8, M; Bh. on
P.I.2.39, M.Bh. on Siva
Si.iica 2 Vart. 5, M.Bh.
on P. M:Bh; on'
P. 1.3; 12; The- word to be
used iii the gerierai sense of Pafibh-
or niles ofinterpretatioD many
of whiCh were based upon pophlar
maxims as stated iIi the word m1li-
by Nagesa; Hemacimdra has.
used the word rljT<I for Paribhi!sa-
vacana. Bhartrhari uses the term" in
the sense of systematic e;poSition
Vilk. pacL 479,4840 word
15 also used in the sense of a. general
ruiewhich has got some exceptions,
d. :sra'T<!l'(, R. Pro
which iays down the direction that
'one should interpret the rule lay-
ing down an exception along with
thegeneril rule
a. work dealing with
Vy1ikaraI)a or, maxims
fciiiiidin HemacaIidra's system
of t-Iemaham-
sagai],ih, a pupii of Ratnasekhara,
in The author has written.a
comtrleritary alSo on the work,
named Nyasa;
a work enurDtmi.ting the Pari-
in Hemacaridra's grammar,
ntimbei'iog 140 -Iiyayas outot which
57 riyayas are said to have been
given by Hemacatldra hiqlseif at
the end of his comment mclRo! on his
Sabdahusas!!-na. The work is written
by who has added a com-
mentary to it called Nyayartha-
mafij ulja wri tten by him self, which is
also known by the
for Which, see above.
combined euphonically accor-
ding to rules of grammer; cf.
a-F.ii\ :it;J. explained as
V. Pr. V. 8 com.
established by a maxim; with
fuIl jiistification; cf. M.
Bh. on V. 1;19. The word is used as
opposed to by NageSa; cf; .
Par. Sek. Pari. I.
a name given to ;:l{{<ruij-
proper; fully justified
cf. P;lV. 4.92; correct; regular;
GlIRr M. Bh. crill. 3. I where Kai-
however; explains. the word
differently. Kaiyata states that
. rljTl<j means a general rule ; tift-:
P. II; 3.1:; BYPi.irvacatya he possi-
bly refers to. the writers of the
ilild other similar
works. by hhtient grammarians,
where the w'ord nyaya is used in
the sense of a general rule '. See
the \vord alioire.
;:llTe' (i j lit. p03ition, plaCing; a word
used in the sense of actrial express-
ion or wording especially In' the
cf. the usual expression
tea;:;:ljTEl te9' in the
cf:M. Bh. ori 1. I.i: ri I.I.47 etc:;
( 2) a mime given by the writers.
or readers to works of the type of
iearned and scholarly comniehtaiie.s
on vritti-type':'works on . stand.ard
si.itras in a e g. the name
Nyasa is given to the learned com-
mentaries on the Vrtti on Hema-
candra's Sabdaliu$lsanaas also on .
the by Hemaham-
sagaI)i. Similarly the commep.tary
byDevananrlin on,Jairiendra gram-
mar and that by P-rabhacandra on
the Amoghavrtti. on Sakatayana
gra,mmar are named Nyasa. IntI!e
same way, the learned commentary
on the Kasikiivrtti by Jinendra-
buddbi, named Kasika vivarana-
paiijika by the author, is very
widely_ known by the riame Nyasa.
This commentary Nyasa was wri-
tten in the eighth century by the
Buddhist grammadan Jinefidra-
buddhi, who belonged to . the
.eastern school of PaI}ini's Grammar.
It has incorporated all important
points of the previous gi:ammarians.
This N yasa has a learned commen-
tary wntten.on it by MaHreya
Rak$ita in the twelfth century
named Tantrapradipa which is very
largely quoted lit subsequent gra-.
romarians, but which unfortunately
l ,
-is ' available "only: in--a'Jragmentary
" a'well-
"in ,his which also is
;",well-kn9W.n as a scholarly work.
,'( 3)ta",!=ommentary called',Nyasa
,c' oll,Balabodhini; a commentary: on
hara, who himself wrote andiiher
Nyasa. 'Mahabha$yadipika refers to
a Nyasa, cpo p. 2'33; l,i :ig. r ;
'a learned on
;' Jinendrahudd,hi'$ Nyasa by
Mallinatha, thestandard:comment-
ator ot.:prominent' classics.
as opposed to Piir:Q,a; cf. 'imIqf<t
, , ,': 1--: , ' i ;,
'l. ( r) first' consonant of the labial
. class of consonants"possessed of the
'properties and '11110-
, applied :as"a,',mute
, ma.kingt:'the. si,1ifix

" :1.'" _ T ' ,
q, cOI,lsonant '1., vowel
,".ar,and, the af5.){ 'liT{ ..Jor
\; !.. ..". ,", "." . ' ;:-,
, facility of jlDderst8:npi,ng an9. ;pro-
ci. T, Pr.;I. tf
is, also"' 'as "a ' for
.' th!'iflfth class (tjqfr);
. ; c,f. .. ,Y,,:,,:Pr. I. 64 and
.. _ ... :'.:l :t
alternative views or re:
",.:the!, int.erpretation of the rule, l!:<it
;,:cf. M. Bh. on p. 1. I.3; cf.
M. Bh.
,on P. I. 2.64.: '
I I. .. .
a class of w.ords headed by the
word tfl5' to which the taddhita
i: ;: affix arJ<r.r ( causing vrddhi
; 'added 'in the four Senses given in P.
" :-iV. 2',67-70; e. g.
, ; etc. ;"d. Kas. on P. IV. 2.80.
, One of the seven principal Vedic
metres. It has four padasof ten
letters each. It has other 'varieties
, like '6O:tf&I; (8, 12, 8, I2)
tisakhya calls ),'
(8,8, I2, 12), PZ,I2,
8, 8), ( 12,' 8, 8,
, ( 8, I2, I2, 8 ) and soon. :cp.
" XVI. 38-41. '
. 1:.. __ " .!.' , .'. :
of roots headed by the
to v/4ich the krt. affix 8T
, is,?9.ded in the sense of fan,
;e. g. P.j''i''l':, etc.
"The class is,deseribed as
ifUI and it is usual with commenta-
"l"tors 'to make a remark 'fi'fCI'<!.:wheIi:'
, a krt- affix 8T :is seen' after 'a"root
: without causing the vrddhi,mb-
stitute to-the preceding .vowel or
to the penultimate vowel liT., cf.
:; 'Cf -tf"l'fC{<!:, 1
ffil:<!Fa J!lq:i:!w:r: Iia. 'on
P., III. t;134. , , "
VIeW or explatiiition a term used iii: 'the'Atharva-
or for the
tlie' two :or r'fuore affixes " VIZ: the nbmiml:iive -: case
, affixes and> 'the accusative' sing.
I , .. a:ttd dual affixes; cf.
'views A. !; '
are"I'n if to,theSar'Vaa
notin .'cbiifiiit, arid,if as . namElstnana:' of PaI)inij:which' is
altern;lti've carl 'be ':ttilihy P. I.
,:in 's:' seVen ' , ' "
qo:-:q;r the fifth consonant of the " five
classes' of consonants,; the nasal
consonant, called also ; cf.
, tmm M.
Bh. on P. I. 1.9 Vart. 2. '
(I) the fifth case;, ending of
the fifth' or ablative case as prescrib-
ed, by rules of PiiI)ini '>NiGJit
tfflliT, P. II. 3-7, 10, etc. (2 j
imperative mood; d. Kat. III. I.I8.
statement ':by the abla't'ive,
case, cf. G': m P. VIII. 3.29; d.
e.g. G'liT
i(jt"llG:Rr G'gflliR<1;. P. VIII. 3.32, Par.
Silk. Pari. 70;" ct' also
M.Bh.' on!>. I.
, 1.67 Valt. 3.
a grammar work based on the
shorter version of Jainendra gra-
mmar. ,The author is Srutakirti of
eleventh century. It is arranged in
different topics"
a' grammatical system
with Sotra, Dhatu, UQiidi" GaI)a
and Linganusasana.
qiltctiqa:irn the usage or the' inethod
of the Pancalas ; the eastern method
of euphonic combinations, viz. the,
retention of the vowel 01 after the
preceding vowel aiT which is sub-
stituted for the Visarga; e. g.
ct. R. Pro II. 12; T. Pro XI.
I9. This vowel OI'which is retained,
is pronounced like a short aiT or aN-
aTt<nR by the followers of the Sat:ya,;,
mugri and Ra:Q,ayaniya branches
of the Samavedins ; cf. comUlentary
on T. Pro XL I9 as alsoM. Bh.
Ahnika I.
a popular name given to critical
commentaries by scholars; d. CfilfiU-
by Jinendrabuddhi
which is popularly known, by the
name c:crm.
tad. affix the, ,otextent
( fcfHm:) added, to the. ,word 9lfct ;
e. g. P!N.
2.29, Vart. 2. '
qo;r oral recital, the word is used ,in
connection with the use ,o{ words
by the author himself in his text
which h,e is supposed 'to have hand-
ed over orally' to his disciples, as
was the case with the ancient Vedic
aud Sotra: works; d. the words trRiff,
q2J1.II and the like, frequeutly
used in tbe in conne-
ction with the mention of words in
the Siitras of PliI)ini.
qiU:sawriter of' Citprabba,' a com-
mentary on the Paribba1?endu-
sekhara. A commentary' bn the
Laghusabdendusekhara is also as-
cribed to him. He was a Gau\la
BrahmaJ;,la whose native place was
Kuruk1?etra. He lived in the begin-
ning of the nineteenth century.
, the author of the
Mahlibha!?ya, known as the' Pataii-
jala Mahabh1i1?ya him. His
date is deternlined definitely as the
second centmy B.C. on the strength
-ofthe internal evidence supplied by
the text of the Mablibhli1?ya itself.
The words "Gonardiya ar.-d GO!j.ika-
putra which are.found in the MaMa
, are believed to be referring
'to the'autbor himself and" on their
strength, neis to 'have
son of GO:Q,ika and a resident of the
,count;fY Gonarda in his days.
On the strength of the ipternal
evidence, supplied by the' Mahll-
bha1?ya, it can be said that Pataiijali
received his education,at
and ,that he was, just'iike, pal}.ini,
verffamiliar with yillages, and towns
in and near Vahika and Gandhara
, can ' definitely' ,
. . .". . '
be said abciui:"his birth-place. and
. ,
although it might be believed thlit
his place was Gonar<la, its
exact situation not been defined
so far. too,
no definite informatio.n is
Tradition says that be wa!'; the
foster-son of' a childless woman
named to whom
handed over by a sage of
in whose hands he fell down from
the sky in the' evening at the
of the offering of ,water-handfuls to
1beSun in the west; ct. mre. +
tllederivation pf word by'
the from an-
ecdotes and legendary information,
ft can be said with certainty that
Pataiij ali was a thorough of
Sanskrit Grammar who had studied
the available texts of' the-
Literature anqGrammar and ayai!-
ed himself of information gathered
. personally by visiting '-the
schools' of San!';kritGrammar and
observing the methods 01
tiOIlS given by teachers there, . His
Mababhii{iya supplies an
fund of information on the ways ill
which the 1 of J;1l1igipj
wele explained- in those ip.
various gramfDar school!). Tlli!?
formation i!'; supplied by :Qini ip tIle
Viirttika::i which he has
given He had re-:
markable masterY Qver . Sanskrit
Langmge w.\lich wasa, spoken one
at his time and it can be safely Sefid
1 hat in of style, the Ml:!-Pii:
bhii;;ya excels all the.
in the different branclles qf learning
()ut 9.f' tho!';!:! ()f
swamm' anq are
for It is
ed by t11at4e was
conv.ersant with ()tllF
cii:llly Yoga on which
he has written 1earned treatises. He
is said b'e the
siitras, which, are
Y c,gasiitras,
actor of the Carakasaiiil1ita.
Rnly, a114

arg\lm\')nt q1ainly 011 the
that it'is impossible. for a scholar
over' tlH'ee ,
a tim\'). The. argurnl'lIlf
13trength, in India, \yhere
there are many
p-ossesslng so-imd scholarsllip
different branches' of . iearning.
of and
about hIS being tIle author of
works on different siistra,
there is a direct reference to Patafi':'
j alh in y
and' M:edicinEl in' the work of
Bhoja of the eleventh ce.nturY and, an
indirect' one in the' of
of the
A.D. "There is a work the life'"of
b:y scho.lar Of '
grammar - of theSolltl:h namt?d
which gives' many
stories and incidents of' hisIife 'otit
of which it is to find Cl1lt
the of true incide.nts from the
legendary husk witll Whicll
are covElred. For see.
jala M.ahiibha;;ya, D. E. Society's
Vpl. VII pagElS 349 te) 374.
Se.e ?olso the word +nn+r1
a word; a unit forming a of
!?entence; a unit of a letter
- ()f of IE,;ltters, poS13e.ssed or cf.
cfr) Pro
46, 47. . wprd was
applied tq tQe. -
which the Ved,ic Sam-
hita; cf: Nir. t. i'7.:
it' .
. as . <
(V. Pro HI. 2 ) as-contrasted
with ' Pr.
I. 15&). The definition '
is attributed to the ancient gram-,
marian Indra " who is believed to
have been the 'first Grammarian of
India. has defined the term
If<{ as P. I. 4. !4. His
definition is applicable to complete
noun-forms and ver b-forins and also"
to prefixes and indeclinables where
a case-affix is placed ,and elided
according to him; cf. 3lo<J<!TiUcaq: P.
II. 4.82. The before case
affixes and tad. affixes, Qlentioned
in rules upto the end of the fifth
adhyaya, which begin with a: con-
sonant excepting Z{ are also termed
If<{ by to include parts of
words before the ,case affixes o:<jp(,
, 'flRi., ij etc. as also before the tad.
affixes m(" etc. which are given
as separate padas many times in the
pada-patha of the Vedas; cf. ffifct-
P. I. 4.I7. Seefordetails
the word There are given
four kinds of padas or words viz.
owr, \3'lftlfr and f.itm:r in the
Nirukta and Priitisiikhya works;cf.
also '" M.
Bh. on P. I. 2.64 Vart. 19,
M. Bh. on I. 1.21 Vart. 5,
Kat. I. 1.20, qi{-
Kaiyata vn P. I. 2.42
Vart. 2 ; cf. also oN:
Nyasa on P. III. 1.92.
The verb endings or affixes f6",
and others are also called If<{. The
word qi{ in this sense is never used
alone, but with the or
preceding it. The term qWrq1{
stands for the nine affixes RlI:J.., ali.
While the term stands
for the nine affixes' 0, ..
cf. It is
possible to say that in the terms
mijq1{ and also, the term If<{
could be' taken to mean a word, anel (
it is very likely that the
II({ and were' originalI y . used
in the sense of I words referring
to something meant 'for another'
and to something mant
forself' respectively. Such words .
of course. 'referred to verbal forms.
roughly corresponding to verbs
in the active voice and verbs in the
passive voice. There ate some moo;' .
ern scholars of grammar, especially
linguists, who like
as I active voice" and as
I passive voice'. _appears,, to have adapted the sense
of the terms and and
taken them to mean mere affixes
just as he done in the case of
the terms Preslimably
in ancient times. words current in
use were grouped into four classes
by the authors of the works,
viz. ( a) (words derived from
roots) such as ifitfi,. ifil'\cfi:, etc.,
- ,
( b ) (words derived from
nouDs) such as etc.,
( c) Parasmaipada words' viz. verbs
such as lI'Ifff, q:qfff, and ( d)
nepadawords te. verbs like
etc. Verbs !iiURI' or
and were looked upon asboth
mijqi{ words and The
question of simpti3 weirds, as they are
called by the followers ot Pii.Qini.
such as iff, iTt, aj"l,._and a number
of underived words, did nGt
occur to the authors of the Nirukta
as they believed that every noun-
derivable. and hehce. could De
bicluded An the krt words.
(I) a term used In connection
with thetllirdisection of the Vakya-
padiya natded also, which
deals with padas, as contrasted with
the second. section which ,deals with
Viikyas; (2) a section of the
dbyayi of wliicli gives rules
about changes and modifications
. applicable to, the, pada, or the
formed word, as contrasted with
the "base- ( aTW) ,and the
The section is called
begins ,with the :fule, ,P.VII1.
1.16. and ends with the rule
,VIII. 3. 54. '
lit. one who has, divided, the
'Samhita text of the Vedas int,o the,
Pada:text: The term is applied to
Vedic scholars
and others who wrote the
Padapatha of the Vedic Samhitas.
referred to as by Patau-
jali in the
a grammar work, on the
nature of words ""ritten by
of the sixteenth century.
, The auth6rs of the padapatha
, of the Vedic Samhitas e.g. Sakalya,
, A:treya, Katyayami a:nd others who
look upon the pada-textas the
original one, as against' grammari-
ans who accept' Vakya (here
SamhiUi, as unit' and 'authorita-
tive. d.'
I (lW[[<l<ICflfctf+l:'
I (s,uZ/:) onVak. pad.
II. 57.
'The, term is applied ' possibly
by some
'scholars' to the Mababha:;;yakara
\vhb has not divided any Vedic
has" in 'fact, pointed
out a error&ofthe Pad,aka'ras
and tbatgra- q'{q'a:I the Eame as
need not follow, the
Padapatha, but,rather; the writers
of' the Padapath, should have
followed the rules of grammar.
,', Pataiijali, in fact, refers by the
q<m\ to 'E atyayana, who
wrote the , the Pra":
tisakhya of the Vajasaneyi-Samhita
in the following <i5!\3U\q
IlffiU q({'iill:<lf+c I
M. Bh. on P. III.l.
109; VI. I. 207; VIII. 2.16;, cf. also

the recital oUhe VeM text pro-
nouncing or showing each word
separately as detached from the
adjoining word. It is believed that
the Veda texts were recite,d origin-
ally as runnjng texts by theinspir-
ed sages, and as such, were
preserved by people by oral tradi-
Later on after several centu-
" ffm +rcrRr of arrfu Pari.
42) where Vyagi c1eai:ly refers to
the Vartika of Katyayana '
P. I. 1.6 Vart. 1.
The misunderstanding is due to
passages in the commentary of
on the Nirukt,a passage,
I. 3, on XIII. 19
and others the' statements I
, I
, referred to as th?se of Pataiijali ar:, I
in fact, quotatIOns from the Pra- i
tisakhya works and it is.the writers f
of the Pratisakbya works who are )
ries; their individually. distinct
words were shown by grammarians
'who were called The
t:R1il(; later on had many _ JIlodifica-
or artificial recitations such as
"!ill _q<f etc. in which each word
, . ,. .
was repea ted twice or mQre times,
being uttered conIlectdly with the
preceding or the fQllQwing word, or
with both. These artificial recita-
tionswere of eight kinps, which came
to be known by the ,term
a term used in coimection'
, with the Samhita text Qf
which is believed to have, been
based upon words (q'Ufij lfiifff: <i\<ir:
er) or which forms the basis of
words or word text or the pada-
path a (q;:;:f<li :lT2.ifff:); d. q;:;:Sfm:
Nir. 1.17.
lit. divisions of words:
of speech. There, are' four parts of
speech viz. qTI1'1:" "qef! and
f.rqrcr given by ancient grammarians
and the authors of the Praqsakhya
works, while there are given only
two, tiORf and ftWrcr by paI).ini. For
details see pp. 14$, 146, Vol. VII.
E. Society'S edi-I
tion. " ,
,the learned commentar; by I
Haradatta ,on the
datta was a very learned grammar-
ian of the Southern School, and the
Benares School of Grammarians
. n . j'
follow more than the equa- ,
By learned another commentary
Cfilfu9ilfcr'HU]qfu'iiT or '<ift!. In the
Padamafijari, Hiuadatta is said to
have given everything, of import-
ance from the Maha cf ar'ifra-
il mnm5 !t rlir' m For details
. see D. E. S. Ed. Vol.
VII, P. 390-391. '
a disquisition on gra-
mni!tr dealing with the different
ways in which sense of words is
conveyed. The work of a
running commentary on his ,verses
by the' author Gokulanatha Misra
who, from internal evidence, appe- :
ars to have' flourished before!
KQI).c;labhatta and after Kaiyata.
q"'\qI'{ or view that words
are real and have an 'existence and
individualty of their own. The view
is advocated by the followers of
both the<!\'IImamsa schools and the
logicians who pelieve that words
have areal
admit the view, for; practical: pur-
pose, while they advocate that'the
,alone is the rea1..sense.
cf.Vakyapadiya II.goand the '011.
. '.
an operation " in
connection with words endingw.ith
case or verbal affixes ap.d, in
connection with noun-basesor'root-
bases or with single ietters or syila-
bles. q({fcrRr. is in this way contra-'
sted with alWfcrfl:T (including :lTrfff-
and CfctFctN and
Such Padavidhis are given
in PaI).ini's grammar in Adhyaya 2,
Padas 1 and 2 as also in VI. I. 158,
and in VIII.1.16 to VIII. 3.54 and
include rules in' connection with
compounds, accents and euphonic
combinatioils. When, 'however, an
operation is prescribed for two or
more pad as, it is necessary that' the
two padas or words must be syntac-
tically connectible; cf. tI+c<'t:
P.Il.I.I. '
' pause between 1\vo words
measuring two D;latras, or equal to
, the time required for the utterance
of a long vowel; e.g. in l{tr
the pause between !(tr and t9T is
measured by two matras; cf. q;:;:f9WT)'
TIOO'>f: T. Pr.XXII. I3. Some Prati-
sakhya texts declare that the pause
between two words is of one' matra
as at avagraha ; cf.R. Pro II. I and
R. T. 35-38.
a metrical' work On
the determination of, pada or
padasof the roots attributed to'
a short gloss on
the written by
Udayakirti, a Jain grammarian.
an alternative with
the '" formatioA
.of words by the application of affixes
to crude bases. According. to the
Padasamskara alternative, every
word is formed independently, and
after formation the words are syn-
tactically connected and used in a
sentence. The sense of the sentence
too, is understood after the sense of
every word bas been understood;
cf. Cfl'flr "lillFr;;r Sira.
on Pari. 22. According to the other
alternative a whole
sentence is brought before the mind
and then the constituent individual
words are formed e.g. Ull + +
or + fff I Both the yiews have got
some advantages and some defects ;
cf. Par. Sek. Pari. 56.
expression of the sense by the
whole word without any considera-
tion shown to its division into a base
and an affix. For instance, the word
. means' by Rama ' irrespective
of any consideration whether q is
the affix or l{iI is the affix which
could be any of the two, or even one;
different from the two; cf.
II. 240.
(I) beginning of a word, the
first letter of a word; cf. P.
VIII. 3.I:.rI; cI. also
VIII. 2.6. Pataiijali, for the
sake of argument, has only once ex-
plained as cf. M. Bh.
on I. 1.63 Vart. 6; (2) a class of
words headed by the word which
is substituted for lR in all cases ex-
cept the nom. and the acc. singular
and dual; this class, called 'C/GJta:,
contains the substitutes a:el,
etc. respectively for qyG:, 'frO', <l'lre<iiT
etc. cf. Kas. on P. VI. 1.63; (3) the
words in the class, called 'C/GJR, con-
sisting of the words lfi\, I
. if'l, and Only, hiVe) tile
case affix after them accented acute;
cf. P. 1.171.
a grammatical . operation
specifically prescribe<;l.for the initial
letter of a word.
the topic concerning padas
i.e. words which are regnlarly form-
ed as contrasted with words in , .
formation. Several grammatical
operations,' such as accents or eu-
phonic combinations, are specifically
prescribed together by Pa1)ini at
places which are said to be in the
Padadhikara formed by sfitras VIII.
1.16 to VIII. 3.54.
.finalletter of a word; cf. P. VI.
1.76, 109; VII. 3.3, g; VIII. 4.35,
37,42,59 . At one place, Pataiijali
for purposes of argument has ex-
plained the word as final in a word;
cI. ffi<Wtf: lRfr<T: lRRHfitfu I
;;r(t I qit arrcr: lRrrO': M.
Bh. on VIII. 4.35.
meaning of a word, signification
of a word; that which corresponds
to the meaning of a word; sense of
a word. Grammarians look upon
both-the generic notion and the
individual object as Padartha or
meaning of a word, and support
view by quoting the sfitras of
1. 2.58 and l1;i:n
I. 2.64; cf. !I<i\liifo:
1 I 1
1 SfliiRr
. .
t{G:N llt'lT I
m<rr am+'C!a-, M. Bh. in
1. I. first Ahnika. In rules of gram-
mar the meaning of a word is
generally the vocal element or the'
wording, as the science of grammar-
deals with words' and their forma-
tion; cf. P. I,
;j;,(jB. Tbe llossession of vocal element
as the sense is technically termed
as opposed to
cf. 00
Bh. 1. 1.44 V. 3. The word
means also the categories or the
predicaments in with the
different Sastras or lores as for
instance, the 25 categories in the
Samkhyasastra or 7 in the Vaisel}ika
system or 16 in the Nyayasastra.
ThE! VyakaraQasastra, in this way
to state,. has only one category the
AkhaQQavakyasphota or the radical
meaning given by sentence in
one stroke.
tRlifTlf (I) a grammarian who wrote
a treatise on grammar known as the
S1l;padma Vyakaral)a. He is believ-
ed to have been an inhabitant of
Bengal who lived in the fourteenth
century. Some say that he was a
resident of Mithila. The works
Dhiitu-Kaumudi, UQadivrtti, Pari-
bhal}avftti, Yaillugvrtti etc. are also
fathered upon Padmanabha, (2) A
Padmanabha wrote P[l}odariidivrtti.
He was son of Ga1)esvara and grand.
son of Sripati. He is diffet:ent from
the author of SupadmavyakaralJa.-
(I) a . letter capable of occur-
ring at the end of a word cpo q:{R.<l:
ql: lAth. Pra. 1.3; (z)forming apart.
of a word or pada ; cf. i3.:j)"\flt .
q q<lO{, R. Pro 1. 29; . d. also
R. Pro I. 30. The word is used in
this sense mostly in the
Pratisakhya works. The word is.
used in the sense of made
up of the feet (of verses), in the
in contrast with
made up of syllables. In this
sense the word is derived from the
word qyG:; cr. R. Pro
XVIII. 3 .
(I) subsequent, as opposed
or prior; the word is fre'luently useQ .
in grammar in connection with . a . .
rule or an operation prescribed later
on in a grammar treatise; cf. fq-qfuiN
P. I. 4.2; (2) occurring
after (something); cf. sre!lf: 'Rill P.
III. 1.1 and 2; cf. also
T. Pro XXl.2. (3) The word lJ\ is
sometimes explained in the sense of
l{2 or desired, possibly on the
logy of the meaning possessed
by the word. This sense is given to
the word in the rule qt
with a view to apply it to earlier
rules in cases of emergency; cf. fcrq.
fcliN <im Oi{<rfa M. Bh. on 1. I.3.
Vart, 6; IR'{[C:{: M. Bh. oat.
25, I. 4.2. Vart. 7 ; II. I.6g etc ..
('I - C'
or view that
the subsequent or technical
term should be preferred to the
prior one, when both happen to
apply simultaneously to a word.
The word is frequently used in the
Mahabhal}ya as referring to the
reading 81T i:nTsl\Tit qt which is
believed to have been an alterna-
tive to the reading orr
<fii'mt.nT Bw; cf. q!! 'i! 'itcnMtcf
a-i'frfil" M. Bh. on I. 4.
I; also I
g i'f fu;a</ffi'j M.Bh. on II; I.20, II.-
a term used in the Pratiakhya.
works for "doubling' of a conso-
nant; cf. 'ffi:.lf"rO': Q,ifiI1O{, I R.
Pro XIV.23.
the use of the word IR; inser-
tion of the word in a rule; cf.
a-<l'lfq q{l:Iifui M.Bh. on I.4.
cf. also M.Bh. on III.
tR'<:<1' postei:iority; mention after wards
the word is frequently used in.
. works on grammar in. connection
. with a rule which is mentioned in
tbe treatise after another nde; the
posterior rule is ,looked upon
stronger than the prior one" and IS
given priority in application when
the two rules come in conflict.
although technica1ly they are
equally strong; cf. qw:llcrntq:; M.Bh.
on 1.4 Vart ,7; lR""(Cf['iB1m<i: l.I.II
of the later rule
before the former one, according to
the dictum'laid down by PaQini in
the rule q{ 1. 4.
; d.
<19fer Sira. Pari.
lit. placing after; the placing
of a word in a compound after ano-
ther as contrasted with
A subordinate word is generally
placed first in a compound, d. ;:rq-
in some exceptional,cases,
however, this general rule, IS not
observed as in the cases of
and the like, where the subordinate
word is placed after the principal
word, and which cases, hence, are
taken as cases of q{Ftqrcr. The words
and q{ are relative, and hence,
the cases of tf{Ftlfl('f with respect to
the subordinate word such
as 5IlHoftf<l'li etc. can be called
cases of with respect to the
principal word (5f'Cflif) d.
KiiS. on P. II.
caused by something which
follows; the term is used in gra-
mmar in connection with some-
thing caused by what follows; cf.,
5ffcr if
, < '" PI
S. K. on arT;{: 157
q'{+rSl'!iRl the most original base; the
original of' the original base; the
word is used in connection, with a
base which is not ,a direct base to
which' an affix is added, but
which is a remote basei 'Cfi antR<U efT
I I Y. Bh. on
IV. 1.89; ct. also M. Bh.on IV.
I.93,98, 163.
q'{+rm a time-unit equal to one--half of
the unit called ar!!!; which forms
one-half of the unit called ifI"IT
which is for \be' purpose
of the utterance of a consonant;
ct. q{1'lf!!! V. Pro 1.61.
in short, is the duration of very
infinitesimal time equal to the
two 'individual
pause between
continuous sounds. The interval
between the utterances of two
consecutive consonants is given to
be equivalent to one Paramal).u; cf.
qUItrat R. T. 34
lR+rT:;rt an appearance of another viz.
the supreme, as opposed to
appearance of the' self inside, d.
N , I
g GfltR 5fi.<l<i+!ffiij- I
qftulll1 wrfct
...... t9T :-' 11\fffir.r-

IT<:j\:1W: CfT CfT

on Yak. pad. 1129
the ,form of the subsequent
letter The word is used
in grammar when the' resultant of
the two coalescing vowels
is the latter v9wel itself, as for
instance, in ; cf.;
P.VI. 194
q{futfCfT possession of the gender of
the final member of a compound
word, which, in compo-
unds is the 'second of the two or
the iast out of many; cf. tf{Cfrnw
ir' .. (P. 11.4.26) m- q\<ifewerr
M. Bh.on p . V. 4.68; also
Vak. pad. III. 14' 3
. ,
the. conflict between two
rules (by occurrence together)
when the latter prevails over the
former and takes place by virtue of
the dictum q{ 'liTci<J: P. 1.
4.2; cf. 'Ii:4' M.Bh. on
in the sense of"
, what follow', as contrasted with
and the like;
cf. <fi'rm tf{tffflft '{['FIT .:[ W
'Iif I 'liT clll: I tiffiRm M.Bh.
on ,P.I.2. 49.
'H:a'qOr cognate of the latter voweJ or
consonant: The word is frequently
.used in grammar in connection
with a substitute of which is
specified to be cognate (tiC/or) of
the succeeding vowel or consonant;
cf. qmdl: P. VIII. 4. 58.
mutual expectancy possess
ed by two words, which is ' called
in grammar. Such an expec-
tancy is necessary between the two
or more words which form a com-
pound; cf. q{ffi:C<!Tt!t\t P.Il.
1.1, V.4; cf. also
l{m I M.Bh. on II.
a term used In grammar with
referencee to the personal affixes
fer, ('f: etc. applied to roots. The
term is given to the first
nine affixes fcr, ('f:, 81Rr,ffi, lq':, lq', i1t,
q: and l1:, while the term is
used in connection with the next
nine('f, SHeff'{" etc.; cf.
Vac. term q\<:trtrn:' is
explained by some' as representing
the Active Voice as contrasted with
the Passive Yoke which necessarily
is characterized by the Atmane-.
pad a affixes: The term in'
the sense of w,as used by
ancient and is also
found in the Varttika
P. VI. 3.8 Vart.
I. The ,as applied 'to
roots, could be explained as
f:fi<It ( or
and originally such roots a:s'had their
activity meant for another, used to
take the qW!'R. affixes, while the
rest which had the activity meant
for self, took the affixes.
Roots having activity for both,
took both the terminations and
were termed ;:r+f<:jqfitq:;' also Yak.
pad. III. 12.20.
lit. speaking the activity or
for another; a term of ancient
, grammarians for roots taking the'
:&rst nine personal affixes only yiz.
ra-, ef: ... +RI. The term
mbstituted for m'1rmq- later on,
more commonly. See above.
The term along with ilflt+l;r-
m"f is found' almost used
in the Dhatupatha attributed to
Pal).ini; cf. li tffiTIlT<J: I '3'{I'Cl: I
t1;'Cf1<{'-l 3T1i'>Rlfl"fr: Dhiitu-
lRT the highest etenlal voiCe or word,
the highet and the most lofty of
the four divisions of language
( 9l,!! ), viz. 'RT, qll:Il;::iT, +I"<mT' and
tnatt, which,( qU ), philosophically
is identified with (jjlil) or
jj'liI. It is described as

5flfuJiTf I
'1{r s<:j\l<:jij- I
ar{lT[ fci"l-ij-: I
behaviour as having become
a part and parcel of another ; treat-
ment of a word as a part of another.
The term is used by PaI).ini in con-
nection with a word, followed by
and connected with a word in the
vocative case of which it is looked
upon as a part - for purposes of
accent, e.g. etc.
Here the words and being
in the vocative case, are i.e.
OT (at the beginning ofa:R:il:.) and
arr ( in are acute and as a re-
sult all the other vowels in
and +tSl:l11'\T become or
grave; d. P. II.
initial or first of the next or suc-
ceeding word; cf. l'iii ![<lira- arrit-
M. Bh. on P. I.
I.47 3 ; d. also M. Bh. on IV.
1.87, IV., 2.91.
a consonant belonging to the
succeeding vowel in syllabication;
d. R. Pro 1. IS.
tRP.t (I) the sense of anotber word'
- cf. @.Is: I M. Bh.
II. I.r, Vart; 2; (2) for the-sake
of, or being of use in, the next
d. lPl M.
Bh. on 1. 1.59 Vart. 8.
fancied things; appearances.
cpo Vak. pad. III._ 3.65.
fc!iliffi: I (HeIa.).
dragged to the latter; d.
sutra III. II4; the word !fft stands
for here.
the same as 1R:nll"; doubling
of a subsequent consonant as
for example the doubling of in
cf. If[{(lrtr: tf\slill
(v.l. R. Pro XIV. 23.
lit. enumeration. The word- is
used in grammar treatises in the
sense of 'a definite or complete
enumeration' with a view to
excluding those that are not includ-
ed in the enumeration; cf. q1\'I1I'\c1
mO( I M. Bh. on I.
1.4 Vart. x-.
qRJ:i'fr also (I) acceptance, in-
c:;lusion; cf. fifi sr<l\;;jiIOf. I
M. Bh. on P. III. 26.1; (2)
repetition of a Samhita word in the
Pada recital, technically named
also; repetition of a word with
interposed; e g. ijmc<!T l{Rr ijSlS arc<!t:
Veda II. 13.9,
+!9;:m-: IV. 18.6 ; d. qft::m: ('fii11li-
ra-m" I ;:qyWll'<llt
OI.JTW;@- rRt II R. Pro III. cf.
also, R. Pr: XI. 32, 36, 42.
qfWlfuu- completely formed; with the
formation completely achieved ;
cf. qRf.lTI3Ci'=l( q'l,.lrtri"lr?j- fit
olT'ltm cTIulC<lmnfM . S!
Par.Sek. on Pari. IS.
a kind of Sarildhi or coalescence
characterizeo by the change of the
consonant Of. into an anusviira, as
by oU!!,='it<::_ P. VIII. 3.23, before a
sibilant or before cf.
qf.ttfall"ls: R. Pro IV.
5 ; cf. also R.
Pro IV. 7. .
qR."C:C9QmoRil flickering nature,
tinctness, cpo Vak. pad. II. 45. cpo
CfIii<iIl!T{<I! )
mm'u an authoritative statement
dictum. helping ( I) the correct
interpretation of the rules (sfitras)
of grammar, or (2) the removal of
conflict between two rules which
occur simultaneously in the process
of the formation of words
or (3) the formation of correct
Various definitions of the
word m+lt1'!T are given by comDlen-
tators, the prominent ones being-
qftm- O'!Jt'l(lT +!Ttl qft+!ltIT (i<jffi);
or, iii tiT qR+lll'f1 Slernerm.
The word is also defined as fc!..rr
,qR:+!tl'fT qR+Im
can also be briefly defined as the
convention ()f a standard author.
applies the word
qft+!ltll to the maxims of standard
writers, d. qR+!TtlT fit ii qlfiil;:f\cjtr.r
q'q;:nr.r; Puru. Pari. II9; while Hari-
bhaskara, at the end of his treatise
states that Vya<;li was
the first writer on The
rules (fftllfufcr
and others are in fact
rules laid down by PUl}ini. For the
difference between qK+lFn and alM-
CfiT{, see on II. LI. I
Many times the writers of Sfitras
lay down certain conventions for
the proper interpretation of their
rules, to which additions are made
in course of time according to neces-
sities that arise, by commentators.
In the different systems of gram-
mar there are different collections
of In PUl}ini's system,
apart from commentaries thereon,
there are independent col1ections
of by, Bhojadeva,
Siradeva, Nila-
kal}tha, Haribh1iskara, Nugesa and
a few others. There are independ-
ent collections of Paribbasas in the
Katantra, Candra, 8akatayana,.
Jainendra and Hemacandra systems
of grammar. It is a noticeable fact
that many are common,
with their wordings quite similar or
sometimes identical in the different
systems. Generally the collections
of have got scholiums
or commentaries' by recognised
grammaIians, which in their turn
have sometimes other glosses or
commentaries upon them. The Pari-
of Nagesa is- an
authoritative work of an outstand-
ing merit in the system of Pal}ini's
Grammar, which is. commented
upon by more than twenty five
scholars during fae last two or three
The total number of
in the different systems
of grammar may well-nigh exceed
500. See .
an independent treatise
. explaining the various
in the system of Pal}ini's grammar,
written by of the famous
family. - .
a scholarly indepeno-
ent treatise' on Vyakaral}a Pari-
written by Udayarilkara
Pathaka, called also Nana Pathaka,
. a Nagara Brahmal}a, who lived at
Benares in the middle of the I8th
century A.D. He has also written
commentaries on the two Sekharas
of Nagesa.
(I) a treatise on the
in Pal}ini's grammar
written by Haribhaskara Agnihotri,
son of Appajibhatta Agnihotri, who
lived in the seventeenth century;
( 2 ) a treatise on
as arranged by Siradeva, written
a treatise on the Pati-
bh1i!?8.s in the system of Pal}ini's
grammar written by Vaidyanatha
QRmF.!Flfu a general name given to
an explanatory independent work
on . of the type of a
gloss on a collection of Pari-
irrespective of the system
of g'rammar, whether it be that
of PaQini, or of Katantra, or of
Jainendra or of Hemacandra. Th@
treatises of VyaQi (Pal}ini system),
Durgashhha and Bhiivamisra
( Katantra system),
deva and ,Siradeva CPal}ini system},
Abhyankar (Jainendra system)
and others are all known by the

qft+tl'Wlf:a{aw:qufl a very brief comm-
entary on the of
Siradeva written by Srimanasarman
of CampahaW.
qft+fTE{I,[RlftC61 a commentary on the
of Siradeva written
by Ramabhadra who. lived
in the seventeenth century A. D.
a work containing a collec-
tion of independent wDrks on
ill the several systems
of Sanskrit Grammar, cDmpiled by
M. M. K. V. Abhyankar. The coll-
ection cDnsists of the follDwing
works (i) containing 93
with a commentary by
VyaQi, an ancient grammarian who.
lived before Patafijali; (ii)
tffi:+!fElTtflo, a bare text of 140 Pari-
belonging to the school of
VyaQi. (iii) a text
of 98 aphorisms, attri-
buted to the ancient grammarian
Sakatayana, or belonging to that
schoDl; (iv) a text of
86 aphDrisms given at
the end of his grammar work by
CandragDmin; (v) 9iTffiSjqft<T!QY\l.;r-
'[RI agloss on 65 aphor-
isms of the Katantra by
Durgasirilha 3 ( vi )
a short gloss On 62 aphor-
isms of the, Katantra School by
Bbavamisra; (vii)
a text of 96 rules
ing to the Katantra SChD91 WithDut
any authDr's name associated with
it; (viii) a text of
II8 rules belonging to
the Kiilapa SChODI without any
authDr's name associated with it
. "" '
( IX) a gloss writ ten
by, M. M. _ K. V. Abhyclnkar (the
cDmpiler of the collection ), on 108
or maxims noticeable in
the Mahii.vrtti of Abhayanandin on
the Jainendra VyakaraQa of Piijya-
pada Devanandin; ( x)
a text of II 8 rules
given by Bhoja in the second pada
of the first adhyaya of his grammar
work named Sarasvatikalttbabha-
ralta; (xi) a bare text of
140 (which are called
by the name nyii.ya) given by
HemaharilsagaI)i in his
work named (xii)
+!'11:fT'lfu a gloss on 120 Paribhaas
of the Piiltini SChODI written by
'lRl containing 130 Paribhaas with
a commentary by Siradeva and a
very short gloss on the cDmmentary
by Srimanasarman; (xiv) tff\+!'ltfT-
'lfu a short gloss on 140 Paribhaiis
of the PaQini school written by
NilakaI)tha ; ( xv ) a
collection of 132 with
a commentary by. Haribhaskara
Agnihotri; ( xvi) bare text of Pari-
given land explained by
Nagesabhatta in his Paribha$=ndu-
sekhara. (xvii)
by containing eleven
criticising NiigeSa. The
introduction describes the seventeen
collections and discusses the service
rendered by Paribha$a literature.
The total number of
mentioned and treated in the whole
collection exceeds five hundred
and fifty.
an old work on the Pari-
in the system of Pat;lini's
Grammar, believed to have been
written by VyaQi,who lived alter
Katyayana and before Patafijali.
The work is written in the old style
of the and consists of
a short commentary .on 93 Pari-
. .
" q '"
.. the
tive .work on
reputed authorita_
the 'in
the system of PaQini's grammar
written by Nagesabhatta in the
beginning of the 18th century A. D;
at Benares. The work is studied
very widely and has got more than
25 cDmmentaries written by pupils
in the spiritual line of Nagesa. Well-
knDwn among these commentaries
are those written by Vaidyanatha
PayaguQQe ( called iJGJ), by Bhaira-
vamisra (called by Ragha-
vendracarya Gajendragadakara
(called by Govindacarya
A!?taputre of Poona in the beginn-
ing of the nineteenth century
(called by Bhaskara-
sastri Abhyankar of Siitadi. (called
and by M. M.' Vasudev!!--
sastri Abhyankar of Poona (called
Besides these, there are
commentaries written by Tatya
sastri Patawardhana,. GaQapati
sastri Mokate, Jayadeva Misra,
Bhat, Vishwanatha
DaJ;lQibhatta, Hariniitha Dwiwedi,
Gopalacarya Karhiidkar, Harisha-
stri Bhagawata, Govinda Shastri
Bharadwaja, Narayalta Shastri
Galagali, VeQimadhava Shukla,
Branmananda Saraswati, ,Mani$ise-
$asarroa, Manyudeva, Sarilkara-
bhatta, Indirapati, Bhimaci:irya
Galagali, Madhavacarya Waikar,
Cidriipasraya, BhimabhaHa, Lak-
and a few others. SDme
of these works are named by their
authors as Tikas, others as Vyakh-
yas and still others as TippaQis or
Sartha, Sena etc. The telm qRflfUl.
in connection with the utterance of
letters, is used in the sense of lli'U-
or one mora.
elision of a phonetic member;
the same as lopa in the Grammar
of PiiQini. The term ana the
verbal forms of the root tfl@tt. are
found in the Pratisiikhya works;
cf. '3
f{l R. Pre II. 4.
qro.ffi;r reversion in the order of words
as found in the recital of the Veda
at the time of the rec;tal of ;;fi!l, l:ffi
and oUler artificial types of reci-
lit. enumeration; enuncia-
tion ; mention; the word is found
generally used by Katyiiyana and
other Varttiklikiiras. at the end of
their Viirttikas. The
Cfl'Ci!j"l:, and the like, are similarly
application of the complete
sense; the -word is found used in
the three alternative views about
the' application of the full sense of
a sentence,-c<;lIlectively, individu-
ally or in bDth the ways, to the
individuals cDncerned; cf.
CflEfi!jQf@lrfa:, CitEf!{qf\Bj:[rrn:,
'3+!'<!!l'T Effii<!qftemiH:; d. M. Bh. 1.
1.1 Viirt. 12 -; ( 2 } completion ; cf.
'l9i\Uy (<:rt tCfIOO:q
Kas. on VII. 3.80.
qR&R' (I) removal oi a difficulty ; cf.
aY;:i!j!l'T ''l:m wmqfulj\: M;.
P ... . Bh. on P. IV. 1.7. V8:rt. 3; (i)
"I,,,,ml1T a word used by aQIDl In . .
repetition in the Padapatna., Kra-
V. Llg and explained by mapatha etc. e. g. IIi this
Patafijali aSBcfaT Samkhy.a sense the word is forind in" the
(number) .is _also be a,Pari-j neuter Pr.
maQa. PanmaQa IS of two kmds- III. 1,1. .,' c;:; . .iiI'
. fua:rcr cir defiriite as in the case of _, ' .. ':::W'l
Khari, drolta etc;. and 6lfuija, as used as an adjective the
in the case 'of GaQa, Samgha
, Puga, I - word meaning . past' tensh Ji; 'lit,
behind the eyes, unnoticed by the
eyes. The word is generally used in
the sense of remote or long (past)
or 'perfect'. For the alternative
explanation of the word WIJ;), cf.-
!F!: qu1';j <'lPi t
I 9iZlrafuf
t t
lVI.Bh. on P. IlI.Z.II5.
lit. behind the eyes; remote;
the term is found used by ancient
grammarians, and also referred to
in the M:ahabba?ya as referring to
the perfect tense called in
Pii.:Qini's grammar; d.
<i i1f?!E<jRr I M:. Bh. on P. I.
2.28; d. also '1 qUIlJl<ll<I.. Kat.
III. 4.21.
the application of a
grammatical rule or 'operation like
the rains which occur on dry land
as also on the sea surface: ct. 'limR: '
I Cf"l"lT I
'q lVI. Bh. onP.I. 1;.29 ;
VI. 1.127 ; cf. also
1{tiJ 9Tfi1CftfRr tl;cf <frrtCf<I.. I
Rl=ml'irn, I Vya<;ii. Pari. 58, d.
l'!<fom. '1 "fT'liCl'IiTR
Pari. 86.
a class of words headed by the
word qq to which the tad. affix l{'fi
("l:) is added in the sense of
'moving by' or I eating along
with' e.g. qrll'fi:, qfq<fu;
<>1m:; etc.;, d. KiiS .. on P.
IV. 4.10.
(I) serial order or succession as
opposed to simultaneity; the word-
is used in grammar in connection
with a rule which, as the objector '
for the. sake of argument, would
like to hold and would apply by
succession with respect to the rule
in conflict, either before it or after
it i.e. alternatively; tfilYiI:lTe:rim
often found used in the M;aba-
as for example on
etc.; cf. also Q:>!T({<l: i1Cjfrcr
M:.Bh. on P. 1.4.2. Vart.3; (2)
alternative word, synonym; cf.
I, q<jT<nii'f. I
lffcr I
Kas. orr P. III,Z.II2.
synonym, synonymous word;
d. Frn:. I I
M.Bh. on 1. 1.68; d. also
'<l({<l 'fiUfu I
M. Bh. on II. 3.9.
(I)' exclusion; negation with
a view to exclude ; one of the two
senses and of
the negative particle <l0J:l; generally

, found in cases when the particle
<iQI. is compounded with a noun, and
not . used independently with a
verbal form or a verbal activity;'
e. g. eTilR cf. I
<i14 I crill
I M. Bh. on 1.
,'1.43; cf. also >rl;;<:{qffiifl:f:
tlif <lSfqOI,I e qOI, II
( 2) removal in general, not by the
use of a negative particle; cf.
9i-5O<J: I qftffr.If
I M. Bh. On 1. 1.27 Vart. 3.
word, pada; lit. member of a
sentence; the word is found used
in the sense of tf({ in the old Prii-
tisii.khya Literature; cf. qquIT I
I q<U<f.;2l <>I1'lm <1Cjfa I
I Uvvata on
V: Pr. L 138.,
a class of words headeq by the
word to which the tad. affix ar
(31crr..) is added without any change
of sense provided the words and
others, to which the affix ar is to be
added, mean fighting clans;, e.g.
tfTtrcT:, arJij\: ,. \lP;JtI:, etc. cf.
Kas. on V. 3. II,}.

a class of words headed by
the word qii5<!J to which the tad.
affix <> applied in' the miscen!l"
neouS senses; e.g.
: , , trra=en:: etc. ct, Kas.
on P. IV. 2.I!0.
a class of words headed by \
the word to which the affixar
(<>I?{.) is added in the sense of' a
product of' or 'a part of ;' e. g.
: , l8lm : . etc. ct. Kas.
on P.IV,3.!41.
name of the second out of the
four successive stages in the origi-
nation or utterance of a word from
the mouth. According to the' an-
cient writers on Phoneties, sound or
word \, which is . constituted
of air ( originates at the
Miiliidharacakra where 'it is called
qu. It then springs up and it is
called in the second stage.
Thence it comes up and is called
l'll:'<lm in the third stage; rising up
from the third stage when the air
strikes against the .vocal chords in
the glottis and comes in contact
with the different parts of the
mouth, it becomes articulate and is
heard in the form of different
sounds, when it is called cf.
Cfl'<l: qt tf({fL.lI Viikya-
padiya 1. 144, and also cf. g '3T
Nc1l'1iHr f.luetiTU 'q
I ql\<\<'i.'ijT ,
<;5tq;O<ji.f{RT<fIt'lll;. I com. on Viikya-
padiya 1. 144. cf. also
I g <;5tq;o llCj&.I(I<;ftai I
<ufiI'1f g I
\f\l<lT g '1 I Uddyota
on :qCCHR lUif1fRl1im Wf.(9 M. Bh.
.Ahnika t.
tWtm called also ; , -name
given to the first or introductory
chapter ( arrf&j'fi) of the
of Pataiijali. The word occurs first
in the SiSupalavadha of lVIagha.
The word is derived from the
frequentative base uf to touch
or to see (ancient use). Possibly it
may be explained as derived from
with 3llJ.; cf. <iT mm
Sis.If.H2. MalliIlatha
has undersood the word m.
and explained it as introduction to
a Sastra treatise; d.
I l\:iaIlinii.tha/
on SIS. ILII2.
a word used in the w9rks
for a kind of pause or hiatus. :
alternative; occurring option-
ally or alternatively; cf.
M. Bh. on 11.3.46 Vart. 8 ; VI.
1.61 V1i.rt. 4; d. also
f?!RrllCffu Kas. on P. I.2.36.
mmcp lit. pertaining to the fifth;
name given to the affixes prescrib-
ed in the fifth Adhyaya of Pa:Qini's
especially in Siitras
V.2.1 to V.2.93.
I:fto (I) recital of a sacred Vedic or
Siistra work; the original recital of
an authoritative text; (2) .' the
various artificial ways or methods
of such a recital; e.g. q({qlo, SfilltfTo
etc. in the case of Vedic Literature;
( 3) an original recital such as the
\:ll:gt1ro, 'lGJqro, cuf!q;tfTO and
1fR<1TlifItfTO in the case of the several
systems of Sanskrit Grammar; the
five Path as are called (4)
recitation; cf. tfTi'
9T Fmtg<I.. M. Bh. on P.I.3.I.
Vart. 13 ; ( 5 ) reading, variant; ef.
,uWlJf.I tfTORWl,
}{ai. QD P. V. 2.134
lffi;'fi (I) or \'iGjr'ii\1l"I6'fi name of a
scholar of Sanskrit Grammar, who
wrote an ;ndependent work on Pari-
bhii$as and commentaries on the
Paribhii$endusekhara and Laghu-
sabdendusekhara. See and
(2) Pathak, K. B.
a modern scholar who wrote learn-
ed papers on grammar works and
Six kinds of bad reciters.
They are:-reciting in a
manner (.rtfa' ), reciting too-quickly
reciting with the nodding of
head (&r\:Cii+tft), using a written
text reciting without
knowing the meaning and
reciting with a low voice
cpo Pii. Sik$ii v. 32 and Yiij5a-
valkyasik$ii v. 198.
qTo<fiT name popularly given to the
commentaries written by
See ql6<l\.
tn-o'li Six merits in a reciter.
These are sweetness clarity
( separation of words
( ), righ t accent ( ),
patience and ob-
serve time ( ; cpo Pii. Sik$ii
v. 33 and Yaj. Sik$ii v. 199.
ttliU!f;{ the illustrious ancient gram-
marian of India who is well known
by his magnum opus, the A$taka or
A$t1i.dhy1i.yi which has maintained
its position as a unique work on
Sanskrit grammar upto
the present day by any other work
'ori grammar, not only of the Sans-
krit language, but of any other
language, classical as well as spoken.
His migp:ty intelligence grasped,
studied and digested not only the
niceties of acceniiIation and forma-
tionof Vedic words, scattered in
the vast Vedic Literature of his
time, but those of classical words
in the classical literature and the
spoken Sanskrit language of his
time in all its different aspects and
shades, noticeable in the various
provinces and districts of the vast
c,ountry. the result of his careful
study of the Vedic Literature and
close observation of the classical
Sanskrit, which was a spoken langu-
age in his days, was the production
of the and monumental
work, the which gives
an authoritative description of the
Sanskrit language, to a com-
plete exposition of which, several
life times have to be spent, in spite
of several commentaries upon it,
written from time to time by several
distinguished scholars. The work is
a linguist's and .not a language
teacher's. Some \Vestern scholars
have described it as a wonderful
specimen of human intelligence. or
as a notable manifestation of human
intelligence. Very little is known
unfortunately about his native
place, parentage or personal history.
The account given ab,out these in
the Kathiisarits1i.gara and other
books is only legendary and hence,
it has very little historical value.
The internal evidence, supplied by
his work shows that he lived in the
sixth or the seventh century B.C"
if not earlier, in the north western
province of India of those days.
Jinendrabuddhi, the author of the
KasikavivaraI)apafijika or Nyiisa,
has stated that the word men-
tioned by him in his siltra (IV.
3.94 ) refers to his native place and
the word 'iT1i!>Tg;f\'<! derived by him
from the word by that siltra
was, in' fact his own name, based
upon the' name of the town which
formed his native place. PiiI)ini has
shown in his work his close knowl-
VII of PiHaiijala D.
E. Society's
. "
edge of, and familiarity with, the
names of towns, villages, districts,
rivers and mountains in and near
Viiblka, the north wEstern Punjab
of the present day, and it is very
likely that he was educated at the
ancient University of
Apart from the authors of the Prati-
s1ikbya works, which in a way could
be styled as grammar works, tbere
were scholars of grammar as such,
who preceded him and out of whom
he has mentioned ten viz. Apisali,
Kasyapa, 'Bharadvaja, Galava,
called also by the name i>lf!'fi
or, lfIfiJI;:ft<!'31f!'ii; name given' to the
Siltras of PiiQini comprising eight
adhy1i.yas or books. The total
number of Siitras as commented
upon by the writers of Kasika_
and the Siddhantakaumudi is, 3983.
As nine siltras out of these are des-
cribed as Viirttikas and two as
GaI)asutras by Patafijali, it is evi-
dent that there were 3972 Siitras
in the A$taka of PaI)ini according
to Patafijali. A verse current among
Vaiy1ikaraI:1a schools states the
number to be 399(5; cf. sftfur
"9' :q I 'fIl'1\crfGa! tfTfriTf<!:
The traditional recital
by Veda scholars who look upon
the as a - Vediiriga,
consists of 3983 Sutras which are
accepted and commented upon by_
all later grammarians and com-
mentators. The Siitras of PaI)ini,
which aim at the correct
formation of words, discuss declen-
sion, conjugation, euphonic changes,
verbal derivativt's, lloun derivatives
and accents. For details see Vol.
VII, VyiikaraQ.a Mahllbh1i.$},a, D.
E. Society's edition pp. 152-162.
CiikravarmaI)a, Senaka and Spbota-
yana. The'- grammarian Indrahas
not been mentioned by P1iI)ini, al-
though tradition says that he was
the first grammarian of the Sanskrit
language. It is very likely tbat
PaI)ini had no grammar work of
Indra before him, but at the same
time it can be said that the works
of some grammarians mentioned by
PaI)ini such as Siikatayana, Apisali,
Gargya and others had been based
on the work of Indra. The mention
of several ga I)as as also the exhaus-
tive enumeration of all the two
thousand and two hundred roots in
the Dlliitupatha can very well
testify to the existence of systematic
grammatical works before P5.lJini of
which he has made a thorough
study and a careful use in the com-
position of his GaI)apiitha and I
Dh1itupiitha. His exhaustive gram-
mar of a rich language like Sanskrit
has not only remained superb in
spite of several other grammars of '
the language written w?seque?tly, \
but its careful study 1S felt as a I
supreme necessity by scholars- of
philology and linguistics of the pre- I
sent day for doing any real work in
the vast field of linguistic research.
For details see pp. 151-I54. Vol.
,..... "t"'..t'
name gIven to the
collection of' explanatory pithy
notes oUhe type of Siitras written
mainly by Katyiiyana. The Vart-
tikas are generally written in the
style of the Siltras, but sometimes
they are written in' verse also.
The ,total number of Varttikas is
well-nigh above 5000, including
Viirttikas in Verse. There are three
kindll ofVarttikas; cf.
f:q.:m <iSf I ci' 3:\;;4' Cflfctcfi
1\ Nagesa appears to have
divided Viirttikas into twC) cll/.sses
'as shown by his definition '
' .If this
. definition be followed, many of the
Varttikas given in the Mababha!?ya
as explaining and commenting
upon the Siitras will 'not strictly
be termed as Varttikas, and their
. total number which is given as
exceeding 5000; will be reduced
to about 1400 or so. There are
some manuscript co'pies which
give this reduced' number, and it
may be said that only these Vartd-
kas were written by Katyiiyana
while the' others were added by
learned grammarians after Kiityii-
yana. In the Mabii.bhii!?ya there are
seen more than 5000 statements of
the type of Varttikas out of which
Dr. Kielhorn has marked about
4200 as Varttikas. A t some places
the has quoted
the names of the authors of some
Viirttikas or their f chools, in words
such as tRifro, mm;;IT<jT: 1:f6r.a-,
qof;o-. etc. Many of the
Varttikas given in the Mahabba!?ya
are not seen in the Kasikiivrtti,
while some more are seen in the
Kasikiivrtti, which, evidently are
composed by scholars who flourish-
ed after Patafijati, as they have not
been noticed by the Mabii.bhii.!?ya-
kara. It is very difficult to show
separately the statements of the
'Bhii.!?yakara popularly named
. from the Varttikas of Katyayana
and others. For details. see Vol.
VII D. E. Society's
edition, pp. 193"':'214.
a gloss on the grammar
rules of Many glosses were
written from time to time on the
Siitras of Pii.Qini, out of which the
most important aQd the oldest one
is the one named Kasika vrtti,
written by the joint authors Jaya-
ditya and Vamana in the 7th
century A.D. It is belived that the
KiiSikavrtti was based upon some
old Vrttis said to have been written
by .
and others. Besides the
famous Vrtti, and those of
and others which are only reported,
there are r;>ther Vrttis which are
comparatively modern. Some of
them have been printed, while
others have remained only in
manuscript form. Some of these
are: the Bbii.!?avrtti by Puru!?o-
ttamadeva, VyakaraQasudbii.riidhi
by VisveSvara, Gii<;lharthadipini by
Sadasivamisra, Siitravrtti by An-
nambhatta, VaiyakaraQasarvasva
by DharaQidhara, Sabdabhii!?ana
by Narayal)a Pal)<;lita, paQ.ini-
siitravrtti by RamacandrabhaHa
Tiire and Vyakaral)adipika by
Oram bhaHa. There 'are extracts
available from a Siitravrtti called
Bbagavrtti which is ascribed to
Bhartrhari, but, which is evidently
written by a later writer ( {it1'[<!51'[fci'
accQrding to some scholars) as
there are found verses from
Bhiiravi and. Magha quoted in it as
noticed by Siradeva in his vrtti on
Pari. 76. Glosses based upon PiiQini
Siitras, but having a topical
arrangement are also available,' the
famous ones among these being the
Prakriyakaumudi by Ramacandra
Sesa and the Siddbiintakaumudi by
BhaHoji Dik1iita. The and
the can also be. noted here
although they are the abridgments
of the Siddhiinta Kaumudi. There
are Vrttis in other languages also,
written in modern times, out of
which those written by B6htlingk,
Basu and Renon are well-known.
a short work on phonetics
which is taken as a Vedanga 'work
and believed to have been written by
paQ.ini. Some say that the work
was written by Pingala.
name of a commen-
tary on the Sik!?a of Pal)ini by
as ordered by king
the same as
See +lI[TOII
a class of irregular com-
pound words headed by the com-
pound word which are
taken correct as they. are. This
class of words consists mostly of
work forming a tatpurul?a; com-
pound which cannot be explained
by regular rules. The class is
and hence similar irregular
words are included in e.g.
etc. d.
KiiS. 011 P. II.I.48.
lit. foot; the term is applied to a
fourth part of a section such as
or of a verse which is divisi-
ble into four parts or liiles; d.
P. VI.1.lT5, also
m: P. VII. I.57.
completion of the fourth part
or Pii.da of a stanza or verse; cf.
itil ;;rn. P. VL1.134,
also VIII. 1.6. As
many times some particles, not
with any specific or required sense,
were used for the completion of a
P1i.da, such particles were called
cf. qfl'[ mro:
R. Pr.XII.7 ; also
tITc{l{{1i1t +rcrfa' V. Pro VIII.50
a class of words headed by 'the
word to which the teld. affix if
is added optionally with ;mlJ.. in the
sense of 'possession', e.g. m:.
CfTIlii: >, If[+[c{lct etc.; cii;' Kas.
on V.2.IOO. '
A learned' pupil of
Nagesabhatta who lived in Vara-
nasi in the .latter half of the'I8th
A.D. He waS a renowned
teacher of Grammar and is believed
to have written commentaries' on
many works of Nagesa,.the famous,
among which are the 'Kasika:'
. called also 'Gada' on the Pari':
bhisendusekhara, the' Cidasthi-
maul.' on Laghusabdenduek-
hara and the' Chaya.' on the Udd-
yota. Balarnbbatta,
who bas written a commentary on
the Mitakl?ara (tbefamous comm-
entaryon the Yafnavalkyasmrti),
is believed by some as the same as
Vaidyanatha; while otbers say that
Balarilbhatta was the son of
qJ{UT tbe same as recital of the
'Veda in any of the various artifi-
cial ways prescribed,' such as
krama, jata, ghana etc.; ct.. if
'q Ql"{lTf.111T
Q'lnCRITa;if1lT or words head-
. ed by the word which have
got some irregularity, especially the
insertion of between the
tuent words. For details sse q[Wfi\;'
'q P. VI. 1.153 and
the commentary thereon.
'1RTQot oral recital of a sacred work.
See qRtr[
lit. serving the purpose of
anotber like the Paribb1i.!?a and the
Adhikara in Gramm;l.r which
have got no utility as far as they
themselves are' concerned, but
whichare'of use in the
tion of other rtiles; cf.
lfRT1!lm:; Pat.Seki Pari.
2, 3.
a &!lijt work 6f the White
Yaj urveda. It contains a list of fu&.ns
of White Yajurveda. Almost a
complete work, it quotes a number I
of examples from the White Yajur-I
veda. . .
. I
t I) techmcal. as opposed I
to literal; conventional; e.g. the I
words etc. cf. !
I I{as. on P. t 2.56; cf. !
. qrf{lIlftiCfifr: . :
I i
. .' I
M. Bh. on P. I. 2.33; (2) derived;
on the strength of a Paribb1ilia ct. I
lflRm\f{;;fi Kat. Par. vr. I
Pari. 58. I
a complete Sika work with a i
commentary. treats of doubling, I
quantity, accent and so on. Cakra,!
the author of the work, belonged I
to the South: Tp.e work got its name I
because it follows the tenets laid I
down by the teacher Pari.
residual nature; the Jawor
rule of elimination; the remain-
ing alternative after full consi-
deration of all the .other altern a- I
tives; ct. fct+rI'iT I qrft-
f<i+rflH Kas. on P. IV.
2.I30 ; ct. also Rl::
Sira. Pari. 37.
lit. belonging to the assembly;
the term ITIRqa; refers to the results
of the discussions held, at the
assemblies of specially prominent
scholars or learned persons; ct.

q:qr: 0/'R!ITgiJ:. I M. Bh. on II. I
rs8; VI. 3.14. I
remoteness; lit. being out of
sight; in .grammar, is a con- I
dition for the use of. the perfect
tense See tRt&:!. j
tfllf<{ +rot lit. the inter-
pretatiorr or theory discussed and
settled at the assembly of the learn-
ed. The word is used in the sense
of works on Nirukti or derivation
of words as also works of the type
of the Pratisakhyas; cf.
Nir. 1. 17 and the
com. of cf. also

aN ancnRt M. Bh. on I. I. 48;
see also pp. I04, 105 Vol. VII.
Mahabbal?ya D. E. Society's edition.

name given to the com-
mentary written by on the
name given to the works
of the type of commentaries written
by on the old Pratisiikhya
books. .
another Dame for Sakatii-
yana, the aut her of Sakatayana
VyakaraQa, along with his own
commentary Amoghavrtti. He
belonged to the Yapaniya Jain
Sangha and J;ved around 867 to 910
A. D. as can be understood from a
reference (Sak. Vyii. IV. 3. 208)
to Amoghavarlia r. The grammar
work is complete in four adl:iyayas.
The system has a Siitrapatha (along
With auto-commentary Amoghaa
vrtti), Gal}apatha,
and Ul}iidipatha.
.. a class of headed by the
word lfllU to which the taddhita
affix <:r is added in the sense of
collection; e. g. q0<jT, etc.
cf. Kas; on P. IV. 2.49.
an ancIent scholar who is
believed to be the first writer on
Prosody, his work being known as
of Some scholars
believe that he wrote a work on
Phonetics which is now popularly
a class of words headed by the
word to which the taddhita
affix is added optionally
with mt:. (ifglJ..l, in the sense of
, possessed of'; e.g.
etc.; cf. Kas. on V.
2. IOO.
rt&:i a tad. affix applied to the word
in the Sense of fruitless, useless;
cf. fqf;j{qm IV. 2.36 Vart.
6; cf. also fcr",i!';;f: I
KM. on P. IV. 2.36.
a tad. affix applied to the word
f.t in the sense of the depression of
the nose, the word f,ij being sub-
stituted for f.r; e .. g. ; cf.
'<f P. V. 2.33.
marked with the mute letter I:J"
which is iQdicative of a grave
accent in the case of affixes marked
with it, as for example, the, affixes
Rr!!., futI. and flll:J,,; cf. ijfC'Rir P.
II( 1.4. A Sarvadb1i.tnka affix,
marked with the mute consonant !!.,
in paI].ini's Grammar has been des
cribed as instrumental in causing
many operations such as (a) the
of gUQa; (cf. P. VII. 3
84, 91). (b) the prevention of gUQa
in the case of a reduplicative sylla-
ble as also in the case of the roots ?{
and ti (cf. P. VII. 3.87, 88); (c)
the substitution of Vfddhi, (cf. P.
VII .. 3.89. 90'). (d) the augments
1'( and in the case of the roots ill!.
and 'l respectively (cf. VII.
3.92, 93, 94), and ( e) acute accent
for the vowel preceding. the affix
in the of the roots m-,
and others {d . P. V1.-:I. i92 );A
short vowel ( of a .rQot ) getsq: add-
c;d it, W..J)@D. followed. ,by: akrt
affix with 'I.; e.g.
etc. (cf. P. VI. 1.71).
marking an . affix with the
mnte consonant 'I. for several gra-
mmatical purposes; see firo.: cf:
P. III. t. 33
Vart. 5. See'ftm:.
a operation caused
by an affix with the mute
consonant I:J,,; cf. lS fimf
smuRr fufcr :q {irt$:f tliil: M. Bh.
on III. I. 83 Vart. 7. For details
see fuJ..
the same as See filtlRlll
and fq..
name given
to a stanza of or. or <i!rn
type consisting of three feet, the
middle foot consisting of six or
seven or eight syllables orily: e. g.
X. 105, 2 and 7; IX. HO.
I, VIII. 46.q; cf.
R. Pro XVI.. 25,
famous European Grammarian of
the nineteenth century who wrote
many articles on grammatical sub,:,
jects and wrote a work entitled
Prakrit Gramma:r.
compression; a fault in the pro",
nunciation of vowels and consonan ts
caused by the compression orcont
raction of the pJace of utterance;
d. I
R. Pro XlV. 2; cf. also
3Tmii:iRtiT mi'fR. p.r. XIV. 5.
a. class of words headed by the
word tft to which the taddhita
affix ( is added in the sense
oJ decoction' (:lfllh); e.
:ct KM; on P; V. .
short term -for the labial consonants
Ii., % Of. , +r.. and as prescribed by
P.1. I.61 e. g. an: (P. VII.
4.80 ).
qq:mq restoration of the ,masculine
form in the place of the feminine
one as noticed in compound words,
formed generally by the Karma-
dharaya and the Bahuvrihi com-
pounds, where the first member is
declinable in all the three genders;
g. This restoration to
the masculine form -is also noticed
before the tad. affixes ffii., ffi", Q+f,
qro, 1:9 as also before and
the word llTfiriI:.. For details, see P.
VI. 3.34 to 42 and commentaries
thereon. See also page 334, Vol.
VII. of the Patafijala Mahabha1?ya
D. E. Society's edition.
masculine;. a word used in gra-
. mmar in the or the masculine,
gender; d. &I1'g.,9;tfcf.3 Br. Dev. I.
40. d. also
tlTllf?i "i M.
Bh. on P. I. 2.68 Vart. I ; cf.
and ifIl1lf.J.
masculine nature, hence mascu-
line gender. The word is generally
found as a part of the word +rrfertr-
which means a word which is
declined in the masculine and the
. feminine gender or in the
and the masculine gender in the
same sense. For details see M. Bh.
on P. VI.
the augment Ii. 'added to the roots
etc. as also to all roots
ending in 3fT before the causal sign
fill, (l{); e. g. Oiq-lIfff, Giq-qfff, If<i'ttrlifff,
etc.; cf.
utr P. VII. 3.36. '
0. famous grammarian of the
twelfth century, who wrote
ed comme,ntary on two of
Vakyapadiya of Bhartrhari, in
which he has quoted passages from
famous writers and grammarians
such as Bhamaha, Kuntaka, Vam-
ana, Hemacandra and others. The
. name is found written-as PUQyaraja
also. It is now establiShed that the
commentary on Brahmak1iQQ.R fath-
ered on PUQyaraja is a kind of
collection of notes culled from
Bhartrhari's Svopajiiavrtti on
BrahmakaQQa. ,However, PUQyara-
ja's commentary on the second or
VakyakiilJQ.a is independent and
scholarly. A scholar called Pufija-
raja, but different from the above,
is known to have written a com-
mentary on Sarasvataprakriyii.
a of the four-
teenth century who wrote a com-
mentary named On
the of Sripati.
a famous grammarian, who
wrote a grammar work, named

a Jain grammarian who
has written a commentary work on
the 1fIg'Cft6 of
(I) the word as given in the
ancient list masculine -words
marked with the mute letter to
signify the addition of the fern. affix
cf. P. IV.I.IS; (2)
the substitute (i.e. SSlf) for the
word optionally prescribed
after the words :a-q, U;;J, -mr,
and in the simple sense of ' girl '
and. not 'daughter' e.g.
cf. P. yI. 3.70 Vart. 9.
occurrence or possibility
of 'the application of a preceding
grammatical rule or operation a
second time again, after once it has
been set aside by a. subsequent
opposing rule or rules in conflict;
d. Sek. Pari.
39; cf.,M. Bh. on P. I. 4,2 Vart .. 7;
cf. also Purn. Pari. 40
S'l':SR=I<i the same as srRtsm9 counter-
exception; cf. Candra Vyak. VI. 4
a passage which is repeated in
the ;fiJ:l'CfICi and the other Patbas or
recitals; the word, is also used in
the sense of the conventional repe-
tition of a word at the end of a
chapter. The word is used
also in the same sense; cr.
IT. Pr. I.
61; d. also R. Pr. X. 8 and 10.
recital of a word again in the
Krama and other Piitbas for a spe-
cial purpose, although such a recital
after three times is generally dis-
couraged ; d. !l'r1iT
*1Cffff... Uv. Bba1?ya on V. Pr. IV. 177.
use of the same word or expres-
sion, which, if noticed in the writing
of the Siitrakara, is indicative of
something in the mind of the Siitra-
kara; cf. 3faJ: a:rf.'t-
M. Bh. on P. III. 3.12Vii.rt.
I; cf. also I
Kas. on P. I. 41.'
prescribing the same affix or
operation again, which generally is
attended with some purpose; cf.
PlfJr:rt<f ([5Irfit3Tfcr-
qI:Tt!:fi,., P. III. 3.10 Vart. I; cf. also
if, Kas. on
P. V. 1.57. J
occurrence of the same opera-
c,tion again after it has once occurred
and has been superseded; cf.
M. Bh. on' VI. 4,160;
YII. I.30 etc.
or masculine. It appears that
both !Ii,., and were current t-erms
meaning masculine' in ancient
days. lli: P. VIII. 3.12
and P. VII. 1.89. Although
!Pi.. is changed to before a word
with a hard consonant,
still is given as an independent
word derived from the root 'Cf[ cf.
UQadi S. IV. 177; d. also
the and !Pill[.
occurring beforehand, preced-
ing; d. aT<irffi:!il'.
'1Niff Par. Sek. Pari. 59, also
M. Bh. on VII. 2.100; cf. also the
expression which means
the same as which is opposed
to 3l!!'lRt.
old; the word is used in the sense
of old or ancient; cf. ;{llll"l-
P. IV. 3.105. It is also used
in the sense of old mythological
works; cf. M. Bh
on Ahnika I Vart. 5.
a grammatical term in the sense
of' person '; cf .rofcr: tf:::nct1;rt
*1Cffcr: -?q'llc<i' "i. These
persons or are described to
be three and '3'Q1i corres-
ponding to the third second and first
persons respectively in' English
Grammar; d. also Nir. VII. I and 2.
(I) name of a commentary
on the Sarasvatika:r;tthiibharaQa of
Bhoja by Kr1?QaliliiSukamuni. ( 2 )
-name of a commentary on Daiva
VyakanlI)a by
name of the tenth section
of the third KaI)Q.a of Vakyapadiya.
It deals with three persons,
the term or person viz.
the first, the second arid the third.
the rule prescribing the term gw is
P. I. 4.101;
ci. M. Bh. on
P. 1. 4.1 8,
a famous grammarian be-
lieved . to have been a Buddhist,
who flourished in the reign of
Lak!jmat}asena in the latter half of
the twelfth century in Bengal. Many
works on grammar are ascribed to
him, the prominent ories among
which are the vItti and, the
the Gat}avrtti and
the Jiilipakasamuccaya and a com-
mentary on the Mahabbii!jya caned
lPral)apat}a of which only a frag-
ment is available and a commentary
on Ul}.lidisiitras noted by Ujjvala-
datta. Besides these works on gram-
mar, he has written some lexico-
graphical works of )Vhich Hariivali,
are the prominent
ones. The Bhaljavrtti' has got a
lucid commentary on it written by
a famous gram-
marian of Bengal, who wrote the
grammar work Prayogaratnamiila
in the fifteenth century. The work
betrays a deep study and scholaro
ship of. the writer in the, Mantra-
a class of words headed by
the word to which the tad-
dhifa affix <;'11 is added in the sense
of' duty' or' nature '; e.g.
etc.; d; KM.
on P. V. I.t28.
of roots headed by the
root !III. of the fourth conjugation
whose peculiarity is the substitu-
tion of the aorist sign 81'.( for
ffis; e ..g. ar!itf6;, etc. cf.
.P. III, 1.55.
a popular term used for the
treatise on grammar by an ancient
grammarian ApiSali. ct.
Kas. oli P. IV. 3.15. It was
called probably because
it was very extensive and Widely
read before PiiQini. For the reading
9;5'!i\Ul for and other details
see Mahabha!jya, Vol. VII. pp. 1320
133, D. E. Society's edition.
a class of words.headecl by the
word !l6'1\f, to which the taddhita
affix q ( ) is added provided the
word ending with the affix forms
the llame of a district. e.g, !!'&'iifto!T,
'fmrfi etc. cf. Ras. on P. V. 2.135.
lit. for the sake of paying
respect. The word is used by
commentators in connection with
references to ancient grammarians
by Pa:q.ini in his siltras, where the
commentators 'usually say that the
siltras citing the views of ancient
grammarians imply merely an
option, the name' being quoted
merely to show respect to the
grammarian ;cf.
S. K. on P. VLt.92.
originally a title, but mostly
used in. connection with the famous
Jain grammarian whose
work on grammar caned
is well-known; see
an ordinalnumera,l; lit. the word
means completion of a particular
number (ti<lIT); d.
'!,qij' I
I Kas. on V 2.48.
The word is used also in the sense
of an affix by the application of.
which the particular number.
( referring to an object . is'
shown' as' complete; cf.
atill( . Kas. on
. P;V.2.48, These Pilra.I}.a 'pratyayas
are given in P. V. 2. 48-58; d.
<mrrtl: I I are-: M.Bh.
on P.II.2.3. The means
an ordinal number'; cf.
P. II.a.II.
a tad. affix showing the
completion of the particular
number shown by the word
to which the affix is applied;. cf .
I I M. Bh. on P .1.
1.23 Vart. 7. These affixes are
mentioned by PiiQini in V. 2. 48 to
'lfl3'fPQ ending with an ordinal affix;
the same as cf.
,{(uU"dI(,( M.Bh. on
P. II. 2.3.
'(il (I) ancient, old; (2) belonging
to tbe Easterndistriets. The word
is frequently used as qualifying the
word an'i!fr4 where it means ancient.
the dictum of PaI)ini
about rules in his second, third and
fourth quarters (Piidas) of the
eighth Adhyaya being invalid to
(i.e. not seen by) all the previous
rules in the first seven chapters
ar.d the first quarter of the eighth
as laid down by him in the rule
VIlI.2.I. The rule '!,ct
is taken also as a governing
rule i.e. laying down that in
the last three quarters also of his
grammar, a subsequent rule is
invalid to the preceding rule. The
purpose of this dictum is to prohi-
bit the application of the rules in
the last three quartets as also that
of a subsequent rule in the last
three quarters, before all such
preceding rules, as are applicable
in the formation of a word. have
been given effect to; cf.
M.Bh. on P. VIH.2.I
an operation prescribed in
tIle province of the rule
i.e. in the last three quarters of the
eighth book of Pal}.ini's grammar.
the grave accent for the
preceding acute vowel as a result
of the following vowel made acute,
and the preceding, as a
turned into grave by virtue of the
rule VI.I.198; cf.
arfi!JI'Iil.I cm!+wJ::. I M. Bh. on P.I.t.39
'l,4li1Qjd placing first ( in a com-
pound); priority of a word in a
compound, as in the case of an
adjectival word. For special instru-
ctions in grammar about priority
See P. n.2.30 to 38.
lit. the view placed fir&t for
consideration which generally js the
view of the objector and is gene-
rally refuted by the author's view
called or fffilTiff.
anterior member,the first out
of the two members of a com-
pound, as contrasted with the next
membar which is d. 'itt-
Bh. on P.VI.I.85 Vart. 4. .
retention of the original
acute accent of the first member in
a compollnd as is generally noticed
in the Bahuvribi compound and in
special cases in other compounds ;
cf. and the
following rules P. VI. 2.1 to 63-
importance in sense
possessed by the first member of a
compound as noticed generally in
the case of the Avyayibbava tom ..
_ pound, which hence' is defined as
, M. Bh. on P.Il.
1.6. II.I.20, II. 1.49.
substitution of the former letter
in the place of the two viz. the'
fqrmer and the latter, as a result of
the coalescence of the two; d. arm
and the following rules P. VI.
(I) an operation or karya for
the anterior; d. P. 1. 1;57; cf.
also P. 1. 1.57 ; d,
also M.Bh. on
1.2.4 Vart. and II. 4.62 Vart 4 ;
( 2) an operation or . a rule cited
earlier in the order of sutras; cf.
M. Bh. on P.1.
1.44 Vart. 13.
conflict of two rules where
the preceding rule supersedes
the latter rule, as the arrival
at the correct form requires it.
Generally the dictum is that a
subsequent rule should supersede
the preceding one; d. RSlrnqq rrt
P. I. 4. 2; but sometimes the
previous rule has to supersede the
subsequent one in spite of the
dictum fiI>rfuttq wr.. The author of
. the has brought these
cases of the which are,
in fact, numerous, under the' rule
fct>rffiqq rrt '!itir:l:. by . taking the word
q-{ in the sense of Ill!! what is de-
sired' ; d. W'l'r=<ft I qt
<lfitf! a=I{Cftfiffi' I M. Bh. on I. 1.3; 1.2,
5; I. 4.2; lI. I.6g, IV.' 1.85 etc.;
cf. also <{Tf{ <114 wsnaqq
I{6qff Puru. Pari 108; for
details see page 2 I 7 Vol. VII
D.E. Society's edition.
substitution of the long
form of the previous vowel in the
place of two vowels as a result of
their coalescence, prescribed by
pa1J.ini in VI. 1.102.

lit. previous rule; a rule cited
earlier in a treatise. The word is,
however, frequently used in the
in the sense of' a rule
laid down by an earlier grammar-
'; cf. -errs: Bh.
Ahnika I,
M. Bh. on 1.2. 68; cf. also M.Bh.
on P.IV.I.!4 3, VI.r.r63
Vart. I,Vn. 1.18, VIII. 4.7.
a variety of an tara riga tva
mentioned by Nagda in. the Pari-
where an opera-
tion, affecting a part of a word
which precedes that portion of the
word which is _affected by the
other operation is looked'
upon as antaraIiga; e.g. the f2mq-
in + is looked upon
as ariC!Uf with respect to the elision
of Fct-Cf.. which is qflrof. This kind of
antaratigatva is, of course, not
admitted by Nagesa although men-
tion,ed by him; cf. Par. Sek. Pari.
end of the previous. The word
is used in connection with a vowel
which is substituted for two vQwels
Such a substitute is look-
ed upon as the ending vowel of the
preceding word or initial vowel
of the succeeding word; it cannot
be looked upon as both at one and
the same time; P. VI.
1.85 and <Jll'lff ilFffliitcrn: Sira.
Pari. 60 ; d. als9 a:rm.
R<rn. qGiit: am:)ftC!i{llm: M. Bh .. on 1.
1.47 Vart. 3.
belonging to the previous
vowel in syllabicatio!1; e.g. a con-
sonant at the end of a word or the
first in a 'consonant group (
name given to the second
pad a of the second adhyaya of
PaI;lini's which begins
with the Sutra
N'!i\Uf P. II. 2.1.
'l'ifl lit. The term is used in
the Pratisakhya works in connec-
tion with the vowel Sj\ or which
is looked upon as a llmter{ being
mixed with the consonant or 6;'
ct. illl1 'h'!ih.:
1l'ij't9'IQ. com. on T. Pc; XIII. 16.
separately as far' as hearing, is
concerned; distinctly separate from
another; cf. Ba R.
Pr. XIII. 17,
ijciqt{ group of all the individual-
ly separate words, syntactically
connected. It is a definition of
Vakya as given by some scholars.
cpo Yak. pad. II. 2.
framing a separate rule for
a thing instead of mentioning it
along with other things in the same
context, which implies some purpose
in the mind of the author such as
anuvrtti in subsequent rules, option,
and so on; d.
Ras. on P. 1. 3.7; cf. also
Kas. on 1. 3.33, I. 3.84, 1. 4.58,
III. 1.56, 1.16, VU. 4.33, VIII.
1.52, VIII. 1-74.
a class of words headed by the .
word to which the taddhita affix
(:{+If.:,:q,) is added optionally
with the other usual affixes tci
. '
and 66; m t he sense of nature .
e.g. simi-
larly $lP.:+rr, mc(q<!:.., qfam,
'WJiI<l;., ci. Kas. on P. V.
a' grammarian of the East-
ern school who wrote tbe' treatise
on Katantra. Vistara of
a group of with irrem
gularity in. the coalescence of the
two constituent members, collected.
together by PaQini and
together with the word the
head; cf. If.Il<<<rctrfir P. VI.
9; cf. also
ij :;:j Olfir,
<l'IRr I .. ,

etc. Ras. on VI. 3.109. '
Q5'( tad. affix added to the word fffiio;
optionally with the affix fi\'w;' e.g.
See fii!!. -
a who has' written
a treatise named .ailuIIRCJ\IIiOjQ11f, a
verse commentary on the Ul)iidi.
siitras ( l;laticapadi).
a class .of words headed by the
, word qi!\', the tad. affix in the sense
of ifI"l. applied to which ( words) . is
eli.ded; e g. qi!\': fi\'!fT. for de-
tatls see KiiS. on P. II. 4.59.
\((ij: frequency; repetition; a sense
in which the -frequentative affiE
and in some cases the imperativ.9
. mood are prescribed.. ci.
S. K. @:ifl Po Hi.
1.22; cf. also S. K. on P. IU. 4.a
'Il grammsrime
eastern school which is believed to
have been Elwtoo by the
wKiter of the glCl called ii'!ffii on the
K!3ik:vrUi. The school practically
terminated with
at the end of the twelfth century
A.D. Such a school existed also at
the time of PiiQini and Patafijali, a
reference to which is found made in
!lfi:it 1S1fi P. IV. 1.17 and >rr'<iTil-
IV. l.r6oand
:q V. 3.80 where the word is
- explained as SIT'<lTlll'tf!cflurt by the
. writer of the Kasika .
tfrCfm (I) a relation between
operations or rules
anterior and nltenor pOSItIOns,
which is many times taken into
coru;ideration for deciding their
relative strength; (2) the order <>!
words; cf. :;J;:ar
tflClNil*( M. Bh. on P. I. 4. 19
Vart. 10; cf. also
umrr. P. 1. 4.109 Vart. 8.
an ancient grammarian of
the eastern school who belonged to
the dynasty of whose views
are quoted by the Varttikakara
and the writers of the Pratisakhya
works; cf. 'i:f<lt
P. VIII. 4.48 Vart. 3 ; d. also
11\: SfCfiT\*( T. Pr. V ;
cf. also T. Pro XIII. 16; XIV. 2,
XVII. 6.
Sf a conventional term for m (short)
generally applied to vowels. in the
Jainendra Vyakaral).a cpo Jamendra
Sutra I. I.II.
mitl!99fuR M. Bh. on. I. 2.45
Vart. 9.
literary works in which the
treatment is given in the form of
topics by the original
siitras or rules differently so that
all such rules as relate to a
cular topic are found together; the
Prakriyakaumudi. the Siddbanta-
kaumudi and others are called q9i\lll-
Such works are generally
known by the name as
opposed to
S[l:};q eminence; excellence of a parti-
cular quality; cf. 9i'4" l1'Q;QUT
. d. also -
l1'<fiqr <It fur a-:.nfq SI9i"!l
i(cRf Kas. on P. V. 4II
Slmf6 preferential treatment,
consideration; d. Q'jf
tu'<ft<l: mr. M. Bh. on P. I. I.
56; d. also, M. Bh. on III. 194
3lCfill1' depression of the voice after I
raising it as noticed in connection
with the utterance of the svarita
vowels in certain cases and in cer-
tain Vedic schools with a view
showing the svarita nature of the
vowel distinctly. in spite .of the fact
that such a depref;sion is generally
looked upon as a fault ;cf.
. Pr. III.
18 as also l1'W,2 tfcl
'i:f I 1;tij- .;qu: R. \
Pr. IlL 19.
Slcri01 keeping wide the two parts?f
the chm which causes a In
pronunciation called d.
l1'<fi&ur a-g; l1'9iqur tI<t-
a ft <II+!" &r>U Olqfu;
Uvvata on R. Pr.XIV. 3
(fem. a word o.r ex-
pression causing a change In the
nature of another word or ex-
pression which has to be taken as
changed accordingly; d. Sl9i<iq1j\mRt
P. I. 1.68 Vart. 15 ;
if 'q stt'l'lfcrctt
M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.27 Vli.rt. I,
I. I. 62 Vart. 7; II. 2.3 Vart. I. IV.
1.60; cf. also q1ij+ft
mr 1ffil M. Bh. on
II. 2.3. Vart. I, III. I 33
topic; context; a section where-
in a particular subject is treated;
d. l1'9i\une:r mit
M. Bh. on I. 1.23 ; cf.
also en
WIi''I..;qf$<{ a word in which a verbal
activity -has to be conjectured. as
for example. the words m:, 8l'.<tt: etc.
Words which are not actually
derived by rules of grammar are
called Sl9i<illfrrn as contrasted with

S[l:};T{ (I) attribute, attribute which
differentiates. manner, difference;
differentiating description; cf. ciif'q-
tlfClilt lItH: Kas. on P. II. 3.21;
( 2) resemblance, similarity of one
thing with another with slight
deficiency; cf. Sl9iR I l1'ifiro
'q I Sl9ilU I
m it "Ol'!cf: I
I I qft-

Kas. on P. VIII. 1.12; (3 ) differeno
tiating attribute; d.
V. 3.23, ;;ncfi'l\ V.3.69.
' v. 4.3 where
KiiSika defines the word Sl9iR as
q9\TG Ras. on V.
3. 23 and 69; (4) type, cf.
Kas. on V. 2.93; cf. also
Kas. on
P. V. 3.100; cf. also SI9iR
<lilij- I I
M. Bh. on I.3.! Vart. II.
srq;m (1) name of the commentary on
Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya by
Pufijariija. (2) name of a comm-
entary on Ra.macandra's Prakriya-
kaumudi by Kr?QapaQ<;1ita. (3)
name of a commentary on Pal)iniya
Sik?a by Kesava. (4) name of a
gloss on Siddhantakaumudi.
name given to the .hird
Kanda or book of Bhartrhari's
Vakyapadiya where miscellaneous
topics are treated. The third
Kanda consists of 14 sections called
by the name Samuddesa. For de-
tails see pp. 381-382 Mababbai?ya
Vol. VII. D. E. Society's edition.
(I) in context, in question; the
word is frequently used in connec-
tion with words in. the preceding
rules which are drawn on tp the
following rules by anuvrtti or con-
tinuation; ct ,.
M. Bh. on I. I.3 vart. 2: (2)
found or available in a large q uan-
tity; cf. I
%:10{.1 KM. on P. V. 4.21.
(1) material cause; d..
fcliifu: Kas. on P.V. 1.12;
( 2 ) original. as opposed to t modifi-
ed' the original base of a
word which is used in language by
the addition of affixes. There are
mentioned three kinds of such
original words in grammar, roots
( noun bases (}[rRtqlft<fi) and
affixes is defined as

a-f SIiifc!ftfu . I
in the Srilgaraprakasa; cf.
I <i. SIiifa: I <1
if I
M. Bh. on Siva Siitra 2; cf. also
M. Bh. on P. VI. 2. 139
2; BWoI I act,
'q\lllI<lf 1. 17.
_ restriction regarding the
base, as contrasted with
cf. fififfir 5ft'l<!:
Sl.q)CfCfO<!: CllqiifalfU I Cllnttfffii:.
f<l'lff: I sR'l'lm ClllW{!iqU
I M. Bh. on P. III. 1.2.
division a word
(in rise in a language) into the
base and the affix, which is looked
upon as the main function of
restoration to the .ori-
ginal word from the substituted
i I
word; e.g. the restoration of the
ro')t in <iitt . qffi"<!.Rr; d.
CfiRcfi +icffllfcr
iYI. Bh. on HI. 1.26 Vart. 6.
phonetical maintenance of. a
wording without ailowing any
euphonic modifications as found in
the case of a dual form ending in
e; or t1; as also in other specified
""" I'
cases; cf. and the
following rules P. I. 1.11 to. 19, as
also 3lRr VI. 1.12.5
the accent i.e. the acute
accent possessed by the
original word as contrasted with the
accent of the affix ( )
which (latter) is looked upon as
more powerful; cf.
+iCjfu M. Bh. on II. 1.24, II.
2.29 Vart. 17. See paI).ini Sutras
VI. 2. I to 63. .
.. ai{ difference in the radical base ;
a different radical base; d.
!!t[Eltut( I M. Bh. on I.
1.4 ; cf, also
f<fil.m:fcr M. Bh. on P.I.
restriction regarding the
sense of the radical base; cf. 51'li:<!:Ii-
fudV!"II<;..u C{ M. Bh. on P. I.
3.12 Vart. 5.
such as throat, chest, palate and
the like; ct. W 5lSliIi:
M. Bh. Pradipa on g
P. I. 2.30 Vart. 2;
(, 2) recital of Veda, described as
ijilTCflo cf. :q SIiji?t +iCff<:r M.
Bh. on P. VIII. 4.28.; cf. also
,. Slijiit!i <1cIfcr" quoted in the
Mahi.i.bba!?yaon P. VI. 1.172 ; (3)
regularity in the position of words,
regular order of words.
a well-known grammatical
work by of the
fifteenth century. The subject
matter of paI).ini's A!?tadhyayiis
arranged in this work according to
topics. It is similar to and the
predecessor of Siddhantakaumudi
which has a similar arrangement.
The work was very popular before
Siddhantakaumudi. It has almost
about a dozen commentaries of
which of Vitthala and
Prakasa of Se!?akrg1a are famous.
Prakriyakaumudi has an abridge-
ment called Tattvacandra by
Jayanta, a pupil of Ramacandra.
There are glosses like Prakriya
rafijana by Visvanatlia, Prakriya-
vyi.i.krti by Visvakarma, Prakriya-
ratmimaI).i by Dhanesvara, precep-
tor of Bopadeva.
intact, without any' change by \
rules of euphony; accent etc.; cf.
P. VI. 2.1: etc. VI. 2.137, VI. 374
and VI.4 I63.
called also
or even fl6tljtffoSdT ( 'lRI )
written by a learned grammarian
named Kr!jiI).apaQ<;lita belonging to
the famous Se!jia family of gra-
a commentary on
superior, excellent;
C{ 'if
M. Bh. on P. V. 3.55 Vart3
(I) the place of articulation, the
p1e.t1e of tbe pt'oduGtioo of louna,
Ramacandra's Prakriyakaumudi by
a grammarian named KMinatha.
name of the learned
commentary on the
c;alled also
the son of Nrsirilhasesa
. . .
which is, in a way,. an iinprovement
upon the commentary Prasada of
name of a commentary on
the written by
name of the scholarly com-
mentary on Ramacandra'g Prakri-
yakaumudi, written by Vitthales'i,
the grandson of Ramacandra.
a famous prakriya work,
in twenty sections, of NarayaI).a
Bhatta, the most prominent gra-
mmarian of Kerala of the seven-
teenth century A:.D, see NarayaI).a
a work on grammar by
Abhayacandra in which the Siitras
of S1ikatayana's Sabdanusasana are
arranged in the form of different
sections dealing with the different
topics of grammar.
liTMTrf( a class of words headed by
the word to which the tad.
affix <i (<>) is added in the four
senses prescribed in P. IV. 2.67-'10 ;
e.g. etc.; cf.
on P. IV. 2.80.
3tirTij" a couple of Vedic hymns divided
into three .hymns for purposes of
singing as Saman; cf.<iSf liff<IT
5l!lm 6 5f1TTlq"<1IC( s:rcm1TTCfl6J
sIliN Kas. on P. IV. 2.55 ..
!Tifta' a fault of utterance. or recital
where a simple word in conversa-
tion or recital is uttered in a tone
proper for singing or in a manner .
suitable for singing; cf. SIlft\i: till1ci-
Kaiy. on M. Bh. Ahni. I:
lit. held as it is,
by euphonic ruleS; the same as SflJ.ta.
a description of the Sarhhitii.
text of the Veda in which a pragr-
hya vowel preceding another vowel
is held up i. e. kept as it is,
witho!!t anyeuphonic combination;
<l9 R. Pro II. 27 .
a term used iil the Pratisakhya
works and by PaQini, in the sense
of a vowel which is not combined
with the following vowel by
of etiphony; e. g. wrra- arlit
3lSf etc; ct. R. Pr. I. 28 and 29; P.
1. I.II-19 and VI. I. 125.
absence of euphonic change; the
term is frequently used in the
Taittiriya Pri.i.tisakhya; cf. T. Pro
1. 60, IV. I. I-54.
name given to the subdivisions
of chapters or sections in certain
(I) a specific feature or quality
( -.m) of the grave accent
. when a vowel, accented grave, is
by a (circumflex
vowel) and is followed upon by
another grave-accented vowel..
These grave vowels in succession,
i.e. the grave vowels which ate not
followed by ail acute or a circum-
flex vowel, are uttered neither dis-
tinctly circumflex nor distinctly
grave; cf. aJso R.Pr. III. II-r4.
They are uttered like the acute,
but slightly so; e. g. the vowels
afteri'f and before fit in i't 'l1i
cf. 5("i:
T. Pro XXI. 10, 11 also cf.
P. 1.2.39, where the term is
used for the word $fi:; (2) the
connection of one word with many
words; e. g . ifT!Sl.<!1!!l where
is connected with iit, 61111 .and
l'Qli ; cf. srqzt M. Bh.
QO II. IiI Vart. 6 . ( 3) It is under ..
stood as an independent accent by
the Khat;lQikiya and Aukhikiya
KiiS. on P.1. 3.2, VII. 1.1.
KiiS. on P. 1. 3!I
a class of words -headed by the
word to which the tad. affix 0/
(0f1ll.) is added without any change
of sense; e. g. 'flfill;;{: etc.; cf.
fctlij" I Kas. on J'. V.
a supplement to the Vajas-
aneyi PriHisakhya. Its authorship
is attributed to Katyayana. A rela-
tively recent work, it is different
from a Pratijnasiitra mentioned by
composition (of the' original
Sutra work); cf. IF.fl1N mw.<J;, I
Kas. on. P. IV. 2.
II7 ; d. also Kas. on P. V. 1.94-
and V. 4.21.
silent; cf. >/o<jW T.
, Pre II. 20 explained by Uvvata as

(1) vocally, pronouncedly,
expressly without any attention to
the deri vation or the formation of
the word; ( 2) irregular formation;
c. where
is explained as by Uvvat
d. srfuCfioi; fir!fTiji[<:C,1
Uvvati on R. Pro 1. 23
srmSiiif recital in the reverse order as
in some of the artificial recitations
of the Sarilhita text such as f,
opponent, opposing;
tffi'r tf&.1r I
M. Bh. on P. VIII. 3.15;
predicate, as opposed to
the subject; d.
<ilh'llTItfR<ifficY<Uij q<fF\ur M.
Bh. Pradipa.
knowledge, understanding; ct.
>rfu!R!fTO: I
M. Bh. on Ahn. 1 ; also ct. M. Bh.
on P. I. I. 2). Vart. 5, 1. I . 44,
46 etc.
difficulty in understand,-
ing; cequiring an effort to under-
stand the sense; cf. g >rm<!tif
o!j'ffi srR!tffulTfr<j<;(q<J;, Puru.
Pari. 98.
difficulty in understand-
ing; requiring a longer time in
derstanding the sense; cf. >rro-
qf'Gm\lt WTo. Sira, Pari. 50. See

srfuqmlcr-i facility of understanding;
srm:n;;vft\ a ciass of words headed by d. l{m
the word to which the tad. \ fcNr<I;r. Sira. Pari. 9

affix (<sO!.) is added in the. sense .
' d t' (= :D1j,l' ). cf (I) recital of each and every
o goo a \I "l "'>3" . 1 '. f
: Kiis. word; (2)", 0
P IV 4 99 - word; d. TCfi :uaUqf >rfcrlRlT >rfu!f?:tflo.
on . . -
'ii-a-,<j:, M. Bh. on Aho. I. .
also; hypothesis, express
tenet in a Sastra oc convention; d.
ans=: l{m C['qI0<i<I:, I
I aJTRlgij- I
Bhlon P. I. 3
; ci. also
express statement by a
definite wording: d.
fSfi<I5' '9
M. Bh. on Ill. 3. 12.
Vart. it; cf. also '9 qlft
<l' I cnr 3'il: cnr
I tI"l't
I lim <iT 'l"1ft til .
'tillitm; M. Bh. on P.Il. 2.8 and II.
an or operation
stating expressly the word or words
for which it is meant; d. <i fcJN srm
tI I ({"j' '<f
u: I M. Bh.
on P. VIII. 2.72.
srfu'q'V'ffi' expressly stated as opposed
to implied or suggested; cf.
_ Par.
Sek. Pari. 105; cf.also srfu'-
IITfctct Puru. Pari. 3.
a crude base such as a
root or a substantive without a case
affix as given by etymologists and
grammarians for the convenience of
understanding with a sense attri-
buted 10 it, although, as a matter of
fact, it does not possess individually
any sense. cpo Vak. pad. I. 24.
lit. bringing into life again;
the 'term is used in the sense of a
counter-exception; cf.
3'<1: Cfir{Cfi"llftijlTItlirfIDrtl'nC\,
I on II.
obstacle in the way of the
production of the result as caused
by the Time Force. cpo Vak. pad.
Ill. 9.II. cpo srfcr<.j7cT:
srftnfT (I) original flash of intelligence'
which is described to be of six kinds
as arising from nature, practice,
study, contact, luck, special
. stance, automatic appearance and
immediate coming in. cpo Vak. pad.
the titterimce of a sentence, which
is stated by some scholars as the
sense of a sentence., cpo Yak. pad.
II. 143.
negative counterpart; cf. <l'
'<f1i'cRu! +rciRr on 1I
1.69. Vart. 6 ; also M. on VIII.
8.4 Vart. 8 ; corresponding term; d.
'<f KiiS.
on V. 3.1.
SlRt,\{iiii similar in appearance; cf.
R'mll +rciRr M.
Bh. on P. II. 2.24. Vart. 22, as also
on P. III. 4.2; cf.
R'mll:, R'mll: ; cf. also
arfuT '<f ltfu'
Nyasa on P. 1. 4.54.
lit. regressive; a kind of
Sarildhi or combination,
in which the consonant precedes
and the vowel cOmes after it; e.g.
Uvvata on R. Pro 1.4.
for every letter; corresponding
to every letter; d. 'fUJi:
Bh. on Ahnika 2,
Siva siitra 5.
counteraction; solving a
difficulty by taking the necessary
action; cf. aJqmC{liJ"j' tI srfcrf<f\nif-iiw.
M. Bh. on P. VII. 4.60 Vart. 4; d.
also 0'iI srfffft.nct ttci'<f<l'ffirn'G
Kas. on P. VI. 1.2; d. also the
usual expression M. Bh.
on 1. 1.39, I. 3.10, 4.1.1 etc.
a rule or operation which is
prohibited or prevented feom appli-
cation by a specific negation of it
by another rule or operation laid
down to prohibit it. Generally the
prohibited rule does not apply,
again; cf. <nnNct ffi(IN-
II. 117,
52. cpo smtm tiClsrrfil't-1
(!lOll. )
( 2) sense arising in the mind on '
m Par. Sek. Pari. 40; cf.
lJfeIfim tldt' I M. Bh. on P. I.
1.43. The word >!fafitii: which is
generally used in ancient works
appears to be au earlier word as
compared with which is used
by later grammarians.
prohibition"negation, prohibi-
tion of a Iule or operation; general-
ly or is laid down
by the use of the negative particle
(<101..) connected with a verbal acti-
vity, and not with a noun in a
compound in which case the nega-
tion is named cf.
</: fsfi<!<lT a&: i\6I; 1 6:
a word expressing a prohibi-
tion, e.g. the negative particle if
(<fCl.); cf. T. Pro XXII.
the priority of consi-
deration given to rules laying down
a prohibition, for instance, the
prohibition of gUI}a or vrddhi by
the rule '<l' P. I. 1.5 after giving
due consideration to which, the
ini unctions i.e. the gUQa and vrddhi
rules are to be applied; f.lif.:nlfl
Par. Sek. Pari. It2; cf. also
>!lmffi; M. Bh. P. on Ill. 130.
what is as opposed
to ef, afRcr:q llfaite"<l; M. Bh.
on P. I. 1:47, 1. I5I
editing with improvement,
with an attempt to r'estore the
correct version or the original text
in the place of the corrupt one;
sometimes suitable additions and
improvements are also made; e.g.
attributed to Pataiijali.
srfm;ii[l'{ withdrawal of a qualifying
. word after its function of qualifying
the principal word is accomplished
as in the case of the word where
the possessive affix 1Tgl!.. is with-
drawn or deleted after qualifying
the word cpo Yak. pad. II!. 149
excessive contact with the
sound-producing org'an which is,
looked upon asa fault; d. q;js;
::!rGt I
q;j (acriT) >!fa{l.R: a:rffi5!<rc<IT qp:r
o:t<ifa 1 Uvvata on R. Pro XIV. 7.
whose sense is clear and which
hence does not require any further
explanation; cf.
I Nir. I. 13
w.rror lit. broken or split up; the
separated words of the Sarhhita of
the Vedas i e. the Padapatha; the
recitation of the Padapatha; cf.
'<l' 5[(!01I11l:. R. Pro 1. 3 .'
presence of the soul inside the
body occupied by it, with a consci-
ousness of which the subject causes
the application of the :::RIll or
the first person affixes to the root
expressing an activity. cpo Yak.
pad. III. 10.1. cpo srRr,f.I<la-
<iT :;:ffi 31rff<li+ft: ftllT,
e f.{'!jffi q-acr, I
a$fil<:Mlilll!>lwf '
6 1 )
a word in which the verbal
activity is actually noticed, as for.
instance,verbs and krt formations;
the term is used as an antonym of

affix, suffix, a termination, as
contrasted with the base; cf.
aN af.r.:r :;:Rr cf. also
6 M. Bh. on III. I.Y
Vart. 8; The m<!'!l is used in
the Pratisakhya works in the sense
of 'following' or 'that which
follows e.g. m;!Ilt R.
Pro 1. 30 which is explained by .
Uvvata as
'ffl' <lml.,
o:t9ffi; Uyvata 'on R.Pr. 1. 30; d.
'R: Pro
V. 7; cf. also V. Pro III. 8. Pra-
tyaya or the suffix is generally
placed after the base; cf. llt'!j'!l: IRa{
P. III. lor, 2; but sometimes it is
placed before the base; e.g.
cf. f9mlff ijq[ GlW'l P. V. 368.
The conjugational signs (m,
etc. ), the signs of t,enses and moods
ffi;;Z. etc. ) and the
compound endings ( 611n=ll"ff ) are all.
called . pratyayas according to
PaQini's grammar, as they are all
given in the jurisdiction
of the rule S[';'<!<l: III. I. I, which
extends upto the end of the fifth
chapter (8lI:"<lT<l). There are six main
kinds of affixes given in grammar
ijtllii!l<l', cmrnllii!l'!l,
llii!l<l' (e.g. in the roots
etc.) and The word >!ii!I<l is
used in the sense of realization, in
which case the root l{ in the word
means 'knowing', according to
the maxim tli:i <rejIQ"T cf.
srii!l<!1<l Nir. 1. 15.
the guiding rule that
when an affix (m;!I<l) is given in a
rule as a f.!f1l'Q ( causing something),
the affix denotes a wordform which
begins with that to which that affix
has been added ends with the
affix itself; cf. 6 AAff-
'<l' Par. Sek. Pari.
23. The rule which pre-
scribes the affix tf.,!! (a:rI<lif), has the
word <jOJ:. and l(OJ:. which respectively
mean <lSRf and in tlie word
IRliiTF!!T<lUJ from 'RWTl.i{ the word
is looked upon as <l51rft' to which Iii,!!
( 8li<:frr) is affixed and hence the word
'RllifTI'!lY<M is arrived at and not

a term applied to' secondary
root5 whi.;b !ilre formed by adding
affixes like iili"l." 6if:" '!l&: etc. to pri-
mary roots or by the addition of
affixes Uke 00i.., etc. to
nouns; e.g.' '!illI<l', lIT{<l, f;:t'lh'ltt.
ifii'T<!, <:{;;r{<:f, etc.;
cf. 1:lffiq: P., III. 1.32; d.
also 1 iThrt<!ffi', 1[llT<!fu,
M. Bh. on VI. 1.162 Vart. 3.
a conventional name given to
the first pada of the third adhyaya
ofPaI}ini's which begins
with the rule III. I. I.
an operation caused by an
affix which takes place even though
the affix is elided; e.g. the term tfr.{
is applied to' W+rs;q: etc. on
account of the words ending with a
case affix although the affix of the
nom. sing. has been elided; cf.
P. I. 1.62 and Kas.
a rule prescribing the addi-
tion of a suffix; ct
P. I. 4. 13.
an accent which is prescribed
in general for an affix viz. the
acute accent or Udatta by the rule
anw.l'Qa{ Pa. III. 1.3. cf.
f.rqrtr<fffi:: sr'liffim t;cf lTt<ll!mli/Q'
I 1 M.
Bh. on p. 1. 1.56 Vart. 23.
(>!liRr) a base ending in an
affix, a secondary base as opposed
to the original base, which is des-
cribed to be of kinds.
( as in etc.
. '
as In q'qoori{.,
etc.; as in
muFctUJ1I;. etc.; as in m.!!Tu
<llll:, etc.; as in
fi:r'i':Tlii, etc.; as in
<film: etc.
the meaning of . an
Generally meanings are assigned
.to affixes when they
WheD the are .Dot assign-.
ed, the affix is supposed to bear
the sense of the base; ct.
on Pari. '1:13.
The given' by' a word in
language is the composite. sense of
the base arid the affi'x together; cf.
ito: I <'! %cr<!5T
;('l'l: I M.13h.-on
P. I. 2.64 Vart. 5.
reference' ( made to some-
thing) by a word; cf.
Ras. on P. III.
475; d. tlctilloai
3lt<lCf<1'<!: Riis. on P. IV.
rejection of a rule or- a
word or words in a rule shown as
redundant, ,their purpose being
shown as served otherwise; cf. gfq
fi<!l *IfqE<&r la&:fuE<t
1\8.5. on 1. '2.51.
an alternative which propo-
ses the rejection of something such
as a rule or its part; d. <lR
M. Bh. on Siva
Sutra 4; cf. also
"i<!m I V) a<;1i
Pari. 42.
one who advocates the
rejection of 'something, an oppo-
nent; an objector; d.
Kaiy. on M.Bh.
on P. VI. 4.22 yart. 15.
lit. taking again; uttering a
word already utttered .in the I
Krama and other recitations of
the Vedas; d.;fim >{(<:fl-
I 5lt'lfGJ<l Uvvata
on R. Pro X-I.
restitution, restoration to the
previous wording; d. 'tf
,M. Bh., on P. VI. 3.34
,Vart. 2 ; . to the,. pre-
, viousnature; d.
rfIlEI,rrnl;f1:T: I BT<!5r I M. 'Bh.on p.
'c" ,VIII. .,' .
, . -
literally, repetition
trary way;, in. the, Pratlsakhya
literature; the' word refers to" the
of a passage;
repetitiou by pupils hearing
from the preceptor;. cf.
Sircl'i:I<'! Uvvata on R. Pr. XV. 9.
That which is expressed by a
word, cpo Vak. pad. II. IIg.
crT'C'l: I (su<r. ).
(1) statement afterprohibi.
tion, lit. commencing again; .induc-
ing a person to do something: after
he has refused to do it by repeating
the order or request for
by beginning the appeal with the
word ill[ ; <Ii[ mp,<I?r "l[
d . nr ll'm;:lt P. VIII. I.31 and
Kasika and Nyasa thereon. (2)
commencement or laying down
again in spite of previous mention;
d. <llffi
M. Bb. on P. VI-3.46. . ,
close contact or association;
V. Pr. V. 2
. proximity ; close
contact; the same as which
see above; d. qfaTtcTIfTt
I(a8. on P. I. 3.88.
d. Kas. on VII. 1.95.
or m<rfaf'ij<j'tfil a dictum
that a word should, as far as possi-
, ble, be construed with the nearest
word; cf. f9f<l: >@rife!)
Sira. p'ari. 48.
lit. biingingtogether;
iug together several letters ( Of,
in a few cases, such as roots
or nouns) by lllentioning the first
and the last only for the sake of I
brevity. It is a means to obtain I
brevity of utterance. The term
is generally used incon-
, nexion with brief ter!i1s. such as 3Pl..,
3fi'f.., and- the like, :created
by PaJ;.:lini in his grammar by taking
any particular letter and associat- I
ing if with any mute final letter
(81!Io/<l) of the fourteen Sivasutras
with a to inciuding all letters
beginning \vith the letter uttered
and ending with the letter that
precedes IDute letter. The
practice of llsiI)g such abbrevia-
tions was . iIi existence before
PiiQ.ini, possibly in the
attributed to Indra.Bopadeva
uses the word Samahiira for
Pratyahara. The word 5li<:fIi[l{ is not
actually used by Piil)ini. It is found
i.n Rktantra 1.3,
I VajasaneyiPiatisakhya
has the same as in paQ.ini.
The term appears to
into use after PaI)ini. Pal)ini has'
not given any definilion of the
. term Pratyahara. He has simply
given the method cif forming the
Pratyahiiras and he has profusely
used them. F or a list of Pratya-
, baras used by paQ.ini; see Kasikii on
Mahesvara Siitras. According to
Kasika are- forty two.
Candra has reduced the number.
Jainendra, Malayagiri
and Mugdhabodha have'adopted
the of pal)ini. They are not
found in Katantra. Sanisvata uses
them without ( marker ).
a term' for the fourteen
Siva Slitras which are for
the formation of Pratyaharas.
a short treatise explain-
ing the pratyaharas 3101" 3ll, etc.
in the grammar of Pal)ini; one such
work is written by a' southern
grammarian named fu+luurr. ..
name given to the second
A.hnika of the which
explains the Siva Siit:rasi31if31l..,
and hence n,aturaUy discusses
repetition especially of what
has been.,. recited by the preceptor;
d. q{& +iT
crT, R. Pro XV. 8.
bringing to life again; the
term is used in the' sense of srmlfficr
or counter exception.
counter instance. In order
.to explain the wording of a gram
matical rule clearly, it is custo-
mary to give along with' the
instances of the rule (where the
rule has been effectively employ-
ed ), a few words which would
have resulted into other faulty
words by-the' application of, the
particular rule in case that rule
had not been stated or a word or
more of it had been omitted; cf.
C'f %Cf<!51F.'r '{f.;;: i311Q;; Q.'C{,
i\m I li:fi or'll 91Cf<[{l!<![,-
+!<I'm I M. Bh.
. in Ahnika 1.
Si2i+r lit. premier, first; the word is
used in with the puso-
nal affixes fci't., (Hi, % (arfra") of
verbal forms. See the word
above; d.
I I M. Bh.
on P. II. 3.1 and 4. The word
is used in the Pratisiikhya works in
the sense of the first consonants of
the five varg!ls or groups of conso-
.nants; cf. V. Pr.'
IV. 110 d.
M. Bh. on P. VI. 4. i 20
VaIt 3, also cf. Katantra 1. 4.1
and Hem. 1. 3.35. (3.) The
word is also used ( in the
feminine gender) in the' sense of
the case affixes (li), alT, (arB:)
of the' nominative cast>. ( 4)' The
word is also used in the sense of the
premier accent (acute);. cf.
3f4lnnfclc:l: Uvvata on R.
Pr. III. 8. (5) Name of the second
musical note in the singing of
the nominative case; case affixes
of the nominative case. cf. 3frRr-
. 3f4ijT p. IL
illustration; cf. I
!{fu'li\O'J: 3f'l::IT<ll!:T:<I
liii aN I IGiS.
on P. III. 1.4 [; cf. also <U'I-
fcr'llll: I I 1\:3.s. on P. 1. 2.59.
mode of articulation, the same
SI';:fttr popular name of the famous com-
mentary on the of
Patanjali, written by the reputed
grammarian Kaiyata in the eleventh
century A.D. ' The commentary is
a very scholarly and critical one
and really does justice to the well-
known compliment given to it, viz.
that the Pradipa has kept the IvIahii.-
alive which otherwise would
have remained and
consequently become lost. The
commentary 3fcfrq is based on the
commentary or >rcfrfil'!il
written by Bharlrhari, The
Pradipa is to this day looked upon
as the single commentary on the
in spite of the presence'
of a few other commentaries on
it which are all thrown into the
back-ground by it.
KaiyatabhaHa, the author of
tbe famous commentry Ilcfrq on
which see above.
called also '3''t-ma- written by
. the well-known grammarian Nagesa-
bhafta of VariiI)asi who
flourished in the first half of the
eighteenth century
lit. district; sphere of application,
place of the application of a rule.
The word is frequently used in this
!'ense in the Kasikii Vrtti ;' cf. m<i<i-
Q?-P-Imit Kas.
on P. III. 1.1; d. also
3liIr..r-Gf Kas. on P. 1.
230. ' The word is also used in
the sense of the of use or
lity ; f. g
1'1\ g I , ..
'i:f Q;'f Par. Sek. Pari. 3.
Nirukta uses it in the sense of root.
a rule, laying down a positive
original injunction as opposed to
the oTr.r
com. on R. Pr. XI. 35.
SI''CtTif (I) the principal thing as oppos-
ed to the subordinate one; some-
thing which has got an independent
purpose of its own and is not meant
for another; >r'9T<ig'1t\"'i<lmffi' 'i:f
M. Bh. on P. I. 2.43 V. 5 ;
ct. 3,1so >r>:'fI'll!T<IT<l1j): I
Par. Sek. Pari. 97; (2) predomi-
nant; of main importance; d. 'icf-
etc. M. Bh. on II.
1.6, 20, 49; II. 2 6 etc.; (3) pri-
mary as opposed to secondary; d.
;'flirt Cfi'llfuJ' >riff.! I
d. also
a:r>r<rf.t M. Bh. on 1. 4.51.
SI''Cf'FffitllZ prominently mentioned . as
opposed to cf.
IvI.Bh. on III. I.II ; d. also
>fl:'fr. Vya9i Pari. 67.
disappearing; d.
Vya<;l.i Pari. IT. '
amplification, further explana-
tion, . clarification. The expression
or mli'il<! ,>rlffl: IS very
frequently used in the Kasikii vrtti ;
cf. Kas .. on P. n. 1.33. 37, 41, 58,
n. 4.28, III. 2.61 etc.
SI'!:fWf) a term used for a division of a
. work by an ancient writer, as for
instance in the case of the A th;lrva-
a small treatise on gram- I,
mar in general by Vijjalabhfipati,
has a comrrentary on it by Gopala-
SI'"+fT (I,) name of a commentary on
the Sabdakaustubha by Raghaven-
dracarya Gaj endragadkar; (2) name
of a' commentary' on Kaiyata's
(3) name of a
commentary on Sabdakaustubha
by Vaidyanatha.
a Jain grammarian who wrote
a learned commentary named Nyiisa
on the Amoghiivrtti of Amogha-
SI''lf a passage or a word at the com-
mencement; ct. i{\T9'<fi>rQffi' arT
'T. Pro IV. 22; "f R. Pr.
X. 4 'i:f P. II. 1.17.
smaller division, sub-division.
Sl'muT (I) authority; authoritative
proof; d. 3fI1lUl+. M.
Bh. on 1. 2.64 Vart. 29; (-2) mea-
surement, measure; ct. 3flilUT
P. V. 2.37; >rinUlff: 3lCfirU !JUI:
>rIa: Ka5. on P. 1. r.50.
SI'+l'T::J; inadvertence; neglige lice ; cf.
M. Bh. on
P. IV. 2.70; cf. also a:rr!t g
Kaiy. on P. 1. 1.72
Yart. 4.
the same as 3f<lt<l; see
(I)' effort; the word is used in
connection with the effort made
for producing sound; d.
tI'iuT'+. P. 1. 1.9; these efforts are
described to be of two kinds <rTl!J and
3l1-<rrffi: of which the latter are con-
sidered, in determining the cognate
nature of letters ('3lqutr); d. 3lF1Fm:-
Kas. on P. 1.
1.9; ( 2) specific measure taken for
a particular purpose such as mark-
ing a letter with a particular tone
or accent or dividing a rule, or lay-
ing down a modi fica tory rule or the
like; ct.
Ka5. on P. ,IV.
'3. 2 2.
a small" treatise on
verbal forms by '3H:'i\''I\f9.
(I) or use of word
in language and literature about
which, laying down rules is looked
npon as the purpose of grammar; .
d. Kaiy. on
P. V. 1.16, ,
lol+lr.r<!m M.13h. Ahnika
I. Viirt. I; (2) use of speech;
utterance; cf. ijl;<ji't<l tI 9Tif5j';ij}<r: >(uw-
(ij'l\: T. Pro X VIII. 4. t 3 )
cpo Viik. pad. II. 124.
Sl'itiTf;!<.tti general rules or principles
laid down regarding the use of words
in language and literature such as
( I) a word recognised as corr,ect
should always be u.:5ed, ct.
"f l:T;rf.!<rI1:
&\<I" I T.!;<i-
+t9'Rr M. Bh. on' P.
I. I .Ahnika I, (2) never a b;tse
alone or an affix alone should be
used, but always a base with the.
necessary affix should be used; ct.
<jT9ffi tlll<i: '$:ft ., .,
IvI. Bh. on P. I. 2.64 Vart.
-8, also on P. Ill. I.94 Vart: 3,; (3)
when the sense is already expressed
by a word, a word repeating. the
sense should not be used; I
<i1l1!l,jllT:. Besides these many minor
regulations of the -type of Pari-
are laid down by gram-
marians. For dEtails see
SaJilgraha introduction.
a small treafise in verses on I
the of roots, written
by Bhavanatha Misra, son of
known also by the
name all elementary trea-
tise on syntax, attributed to
who must, of course, have'been
diffierent hom the ancient gramma-
rian "
name of a recognised trea-
tise on grammar written by
of Bengal in the four-
,teentli century. The treatise ex-
plains many words which, although
current in language and literature,
cannot be easily formed by rules of
grammar. The author has tried to
'fonn them by, applying rules of
grammar given in the grammatical
systems of Pal)ini and
The alphabet given in this treatise
is according to the system of tbe
Tantra Sastra which a
scholarsb'ipoC the author in ,that
branch. The grammar was studied
much in Bengal 5lnd Assam.
Sf<iTiTCI'lCP-i a which is actually
in use among tlie people as opposed
_ to !If'lil1FH'f1j, a senter;ce for techni-
cal purposes. cpo Vak. pad. III.
14.615. cpo g 5f!jhr-
<Jw:i, I
an elementary work on the
three constructions which has no
name of the author mentioned.
sphere or domain of the use
of words; the' whole Vedic and
classical recognized Eterature; cfr,
rn- 5f<UlTf<ltf<T: I tlRifiqr
:J<U <m9iI: '<lt9TU tllWi: tl\H/jf:, 'l!pH
HI2I'ltl1l tlfl1-
i:t'{:, 91iI.ifc<I, ,
<llir'lf'i"lfi'rRrUe: , '
5f4tllfil'f/j: M. Bh . .Ahnika. I.
Vart. 5. '
causing another to do. causal
, >--
agent; cf. Kiis.
On P. 1. 4.55. also Viik. pad.T1.
399 '
object, motive or purpose - in
undertaking particular thing; the
wOld is used although rarely, in the
sense of a: cause also; cf.
o/jI9il;UJ"(. M. Eh. Aimika
T. For the ad,vantages of the study
of VyakaraI)a-, see M. Bh
To See also VyakaraI)a
VoL VII pp. 226, 227, D. E.
Society's edition.
that ,which is employed or
incited or urged; 'the word which
is the subj ect in th-e primitive con-
struction and becomes an object in
the causal construction 'and as a
, ,
result, which is put in the accusa-
tive case being 'As, how-
ever, the originally ocCu-
pies the place of the subject in the
primitive construction, the term
5f4t;;:/j'li'Jt 'q') is often
used in connection with it, as
contrasted with the term !fqJ;;J'f.9i']T
which is used with respect to the
,subject in the causal construction'
cf_ 'q' 9ilgl.,r:
fl'lfu 'fIll' <l' 5fIHtRr I M. Bh.
on P. III. I.26 Vart. I ; cf. also
Kaiy. on P. 1. 2.65.
Sf"i"<:Tif (I) recital of Vedic texts; ct.
qIU<iOT 5fCf'i:f<l
R. Pro XV:. 16; also !(fu
.. ''OJ 5f4iT"
" '<i,;R.:t>r. XI. 33; (2) thex:eaciing of
the'Saii:ih1ta 'text 5f[<j''ij'<lf'<lL<T;ijNI
5f1'l''<l<i: I
V. Pr. L 13,2, '
- - . ;
SiijUT circumfi,;x accent ; possessed of
- svaritaaccent ;d. 'tlel: 5f(Jj'l' I
: 5f'li'lUJ o::lftffi<l\:
T. 1. L 47; ct. also !l9OT
1\1. Bh.- on VI. 2.33.
. ""
>iijaEpp:rT..::ql<J a grammarian who wrote,
an explanatory gloss named tn<i2::-
on the written
by KaiyatabhaHa.
incitement or inducement which
is the sense of the 'lin' affixes in
ger.eral; d.
a grammatical explanation;
detailed explanation by citing the
gender,nUlnber, krt affix, tad. affix
and the like; cf.
( original) q;:nRt UJe'l'+rrrufrr tl 'OJ 5flw,r: I
T. Pro XIII. 9: The word. is -ex-\
. piained as a change in the from of
a word, as for instance, by the sub- '
stitution of fcltllT where feteit' is,
in fact, expected; cf. 'li'!""<i-
q?,J<l'T >f'lI'U
aq'ij'lt ;;j<mRi I <T<TT I
Uvv'l-ta on R. Pro IV. 22; I
d. also 5i<lro: R. Pro IX.
It:. In the Nirukta, the word is
used in the sense of 'distinct men-
tion '; d.
>!'l'l;n: <:ga<lT Oi'lfra (deities are men-
tioned under the name of Aditya )
Nir II. 13; cf. also >!<ll'{f:
Nir. VII. 23.
Si'qTftfo'r: scholars who explain the
changes mentioned above;
possibly the, Padakaras or writers
of the qQ;ll'16; cf.
... R.;fr.
XL :20. (noin.
sing.) to 'be the' wi:>rd' in the
explana:tion of U vva:ta. " ,
of several words -of a sentence
which are jcined together by S_arh- ,
dhi rules in a compound'( 8lrTij) or
a -very short pause
( 01<l::[([) after each word. e.g. a" \3'
v;fG instead of '3'G.Rr; cf. <lfJ;'l'-
R. Pro XV. 10, 'where
Uvvata remarks 5f(P.;2 fclf'l2
I I '<l a" a r;;fu
i{fff g
'Sifin::r'm made _separate with, their
component parts showu clearly;
split up into component parts in
such a way that their meaning
also is fully stated; d.
'q' '!.cf' 3l4t
, Oi;;:<t I "U<I: I 'IT
!(m 'If I Nir. II. 2.
'Sifcr+rFi the appearance of the supreme
Word.Energy into manifoid objects
of the 'Universe whkh is des,cribed
as the wakeful conditi.on of the
Word-Energy. cf.Vak. pad. 1. u8.
, cpo rn- I
'ifT<l, I >!'l(fi I
(ffi. )
(! ) complete ; cf. 3l:.r

Nir. 1. 9; (2) w,hich has pre-
sented itself, . which has become
the word used in
co'nnectioD :vith a grammatical rule
or operation; cf.' O:<f 'OJ w;.m
liCJ.W:C; M. Bh. on P. 1. 2.64 Vart.
-mfGM 'q' 1 M. Bh. on II. 2.6 ;
d. ct\Ei'!:'i Il:fu M. Bh. on
P. VI. I.77; also cf.
... +r-'1l't qll:l<Rr
S. K. on P. VII. 1.35.
(I) application; or presentation
of a rule as opposed to' Fr'!re; cf.

;:2j-\tq I ( 2) working; function; d.
trI'<l<f f.ncl1<rr: Bh. on
P. II. 3.7.
'cause of the application of
a word which is shown by the
word when the affix or or, is
added to it; ct. +!FlWfflW I
KM. on P. V.
I.Ilg. There are given four such
causes ;:nfu, fijj<j'T and
difference regarding the cause
of application; d. 'I..ciFrre- cra-in;r
on P. VI. 2; 174.
a class of compound words
headed by the in which
the second word, which is a past
pass. part., has its last vowel
accented acute; .ct. <ITi/i(,
BEffiCj:, I I
crrer m: +!crfu
Kas. on P. VI. 2. 147.
'SffS$l! (I) an additional letter (vowel
or consonant.) read on splitting up
a euphonic combination; ct.
M. Bh. on P. I. l.g Vart. 2 ;
(2) contracted combination; name
of a Samdhi where two vowels
coalesce into one single vowel, ct. R.
Pro II. I5-19.
of a thing in a
coalescence, which when 'split up,
shows a phonetic element or a letter
which could not be known before
the componenls were separated'
a:r a:r,if. W I M. Bh. on I. 1.27 Vart.
6 ; cf. also M. Bh. on P. II. 3.69.
(I) coalescence of two vowels
, into one, as given inR. Pro II. 6,
and 7, corresponding to the '
and ctTq substitutes prescribed by
the rules P, IV. 1.87; 8Ffi:
ctTq: VI. 1.101; and VI. 1.88
which are stated under the' juris-
diction of the, rule Q;Cfi: t0Wlr: VI.
1.84; (2) finding out' the presence
of a letter in addition to the letters
already present as coalesced, after
splitting the combination into its
different 'constituent letters: This
P!actice of finding out an additional
letter is resorted to by the com-
mentators only to remove certain
difficulties in arriving at some cor-
rect forms which otherwise could
not be obtained; e.g. see 'q'
where <ii is believed to be a combina-
tion of if", See and

srl! leader of a town I Pa.
VIII. 3.92); the word is quoted as
a word which although declined
generally in the masculine gender
on account of its peculiar sense of
leadership, has the feminine affix
6-1't. applied to it in the sense of
wife' I
cp. P. I IV. 1.48.
sni'ellil' lit. linking up; joining; repeat-
ing a word in the Kramapatha and,
joining it with the follpwing word.
/" ,
e.g. the second words etc.
in arr''iT I I I
applicable, but not actually
applied ;, the word is used in Con-
nection with a grammatical rule or
operation that has become appli-
cable, but has not been applied; cf:
smmt<!Tll'l11tl CfT"1<fit +!<Ifu; M. Bh.
on P. II. 3.32, also
+JCffu M. Bh. and S: K. on P. I. I.60.
The term 5ltlm is opposed to the

Disappearance or absence I
of what sho'uld have been present,
- which is technicaily called Lopa '.
cpo Vak. pad. III. 14.132. .
applicability; possibility of being
applied; the word is used with res-
pect to a grammatical rule or
operation which is on the point of
being applied or taking place; the
word is also used in the same
sense; ct. <fit ru
'i'lTl'ir C1 'q' M. Bh. on P. I. 1.60;
d. also ru- 6
ml:T:, M. Bh. on P. I. 4.2; also cf.
tlre- S.K. on
P. I. 1.50
prohibition of the possible
application of a rule, generally laid
down by the use of the negative
particle C1, together with, or con-
nected with, a verbal activity e.g
ij P. I. 1.63, c:rrFr P. VI. 43,
ij VI. 4.74 etc. etc.; cf.
5lrnil..nsi{ fui<l<rr t!ir' iiO!,; cf. also
0"0": M.
Bh. on P. II. 2.6. In some cases
the negative particle in a compound
has also to be taken at stating a
negation by ; ct. M. Bh.
on P. I. 1.43,
1. 4. 2, I. 4.57.
productivity, tE:chnically stated to
be the characteristic mark of a'
male; masculineness. cpo Vak. pad.
III. 6.10; III. I3.27. I
see by ViHhalesa.
a term used by ancient gra,m-
marians for i.e. thesubsti-
tution of'a corresponding vowel for
a semivowel; e.g. 1t for 'l.; \3',,'for <i.,
for an<:11?i: cf. I
P. 1. r.4. Vart. 6.
that which or is liable to
get, the PrasaraI).a or SamprasaraI).a
substitute; ct. 6':
P. III. 2.3 Vart. I. '
(I) established; in existence;
ct. rn
R. Pro XI. 34 where the
Kramapatha is said to be one which
was Dot established before the
Samhitapatha; (2) known; ct.
, a:rf.!ta- ll'm:rr <ret +!fcj6<j'fa M. Bh. on P.
III. 1.45 Vart 4, fi
M. Bh. on P. IV.
1.3; (3) brought, about, accom-
plished, realized ; >rffiit +!crfu
M. Bh. on P. IV. 1.89 Vart. 2.
m M. Bh. on P. VIII.
context, topic, the same as
which see above; cf. lrofTCf: I
<T+!il>fCRUT (Cfiil, Kaiy. on M. Bh.1.
1.23 Vart. 4.
a word or utterance in three -
matras or moras; cf. aiWrfu
f<r+ilSi: R. Pr.
XV. 3 whereon Uvvata remarks
I See the word aWm:.
before a particular thing in place,
or in recital, or in mention. The
word is used generally to show the
limit upto whiCh a particular topic
extends; cf. cf.
also CjiGTUffi+!ffi: P. I. 4. r ; ct. also
(I) original, primary, belonging
to the Prakrti as contrasted' with a
modification or a modified
thing; ct.
" com. on T. Pro XIV. 28; cf.
g; 5lTiiffT: 6+11: R. Pro XVIl.
, . 23; d. also a&:1il: .. )'!f T. Pro VI. 14; (2)
natural,which can be so ordinarily,
without any specific eff?rt ;cf.
Cfi<T il:.n: 'Ii .wfu, M. Bh. on
P. II. 3.5, cf. also M. Bh. on P. III.
-- 1.5 Vart. 8, 9 '-
a treaiise on the grammar I
,_ of Priikrta Languages attributed to
MarkaI}.Qeya. . '
name given to a group of tad.
affixes ilQ:..and others prescribed
in the different 'senses and
()thers }giveQ. in rules upio
P. V. 1.37. from f&:<:!+J: P. V. I.5
n"aOie given to tad. affixes
mentioned in rules from P. V: 3.
upto P. V. 3.95.
name -given -- to tad. affixes
prescribed by rules beginning with
P. IV. 4.75 and ending
with P. IV. 4.
snmrm'lf name given to tad. affixes
prescribed in rules from P. V. 31
to 25.
name given to tad. affixes
prescribed by rules brginning with
P. IV. 3.134 and ending
with the rule ciimtR=ae<l<n40r0'IT 'Cf
P. IV. 3;168.
1.75. is in
some manuscript. copies and
is a well-known in the Punjab
near Kuruk$etra, 'which disappears
in thesandy.desert to the s()uth ; a
reading is also iound and
may stand for the river Ravi.
Burma is simply out of
consideration. For _ details see
VyakaralJ.a Vol. VII,
pp. 202-204 and 141-142 D. E.
Society's Edition..
sntcfF.r name gi'ven to tad. affixes
in rules fromP. V. 1.18
to lIS.
. t ::-
name given to tad. affixes
. prescribed in ru1es fromP.
to 76.
SIl"ft.,;rQ the view or doctrine of. the
former -or rather oldef gramma-
rians. The word is used in;many
commentary books and the mean-
ing of the word is to be decided
according to the context. For
example, in the ...Vorks of Ram a-
candra, the author of the Prakriya-
kaumudi .' and his followers, - the
- word refei:s to the view given by
the writers of the E asildivrtti and
the commentaries thereon ; in the
works of Bhattoji and his pupils, it
refers to the writer of the Prakriya-
kaumudi in -addition to the writers
of the Kiisika, while in the works
of Nagesa it refers to the writings
of Bhattoji and his For
details see VyakaraI,).a
Vol. VII, pp. 23-24 D; E.S9
districts of the east especially
districts to the' east of Ayodhya. and
Pataliputra, such as Magadh,,vanga
and -others; nothing can definitely
be said as to which districts Were
called Eastern by PiiI,).ini and his
foilowers Katyayana and Pataiijrui.
A Varttika given in the Kfisikii but
not traceable in the
defines Pragdesa as districts situat- suceession . of - two vowels
ed to the east of (probably where the former vowel, which is
the 'modern river J:(avi or a river 'either -t1;- or an remains without
near that river); ct. fctlf>Ia- coalescence' with _. the _-' following
iitl: ftftucfcfi lIl!:JTI if: vowel a:r, even though by rules it is
1:[1]; II Kas. lfl'Cff P. 1. liable to be changed; e.g.
I arl:'!<lT a:rfsct'<l": I In such
the vowel a:r is prc;mounced
. This view is held by the .senior
Sakalya ct;
\3tftfTr.rm<::<fr: fulia-:,
R. Pr, II. 44; ct. also 6
T. Pr. 19 and
commentaries thereon; cf. 'also
I I a:re'f<iT an
a:rl?{fl1: M. Bh. on Siva Siitra
3, 4 as also on P. I. 1.4S

an 'eastern grammarian;
tbe term SlR'l (eastern) being a
relative term, the east, is to. be
taken with respect to the place in
the context. The word lff'qf occurs
many times in PaI).ini's Siitras and
the term may refer to countdes
east of the river or in
the Punjab. See above. SIl'9't
is understood by some commenta-
tors as referring to time, in which
case, the word may refer to ancient
and others who lived before Panini .
... ' ,
ct. Cfrqfi!Cfiffq Par.
Sek. Pari. I. Tne word lTffi<r is, of
course, mostly used in the sense of
apcient, rather than the word
or speciJic' peculiarities of the
eastern grammarians see pp. 148-
I49 Vyakarat,la Mahabha.!lYa Vol.
VII. D. E, Society's Edition.
SflllT air, which is instrumental in pro-
ducing sound; cf. litO]: oa:n:ri'j;-
R. Pl'. XIII. I.
SI'(l1{qIJfJ a gloss on the of
Pataiijali, written by the famous
eastern grammarian
deva of the 12th cerith'rY.A..
which only a '6f'i:c few
pages is' available. As the legend
goes, the name lfIO]'i"OJI was given to
the gloss as it was accompanied fly
an oath on the pait of the author
that his life was at stake if he did
'even the slightest injustice to the
authOr of the
the tad. affix arOJ:. by
the rule p. IV. 154.
cf. >rlo!jOJ:. P. -IV.3.
1S6 V1irt. 4.
lit, available iii everyword.
The term 5Itfutrrfct'fi can be explained
as m?: "J,i9ilfu mr.- I cf.
P. IV. 4.39. or 'i"t srFcr I
+r9+J: I The original form of
words. It originally included roots
also. Ancient works like Sabda
para ya:r;ta included them MI. The
term lfrfulfR'fi, although mentioned
in tbe BrahmaI,).a works. is not
found in the Pratisakhya works
probably because those works were
concerned with formed words which
had been actually in use. The regu-
lar division of a word into the basa
( and the, affix is
available; first in the grammar of
Pii:r;tini, who has given two kinds of
bases, the noun-base and the verb-
base. The is named
Priitipadika by him while the verb-
base is named Dhatu. Tbe defini-
tion of Priitipadika is given by him
as a word which is possessed of
sense, but which is neither a root
nor a suffix; ct, snFcr-
'i"f<t'li+J:. P. I. 2.45; Although his
definition includes, the Krdanta
- words, the taddbitanta words and
the compound words, still, PaI,).ini
bas mentioned them separately in
the rule P. 1. to
distinguish them as secondary
noun-bases as compared with the
primary noun .. bases which are
mentioned in the rule
snfcrtrfct'll<I:, TJ:?-us, paI}.ini implies four
kinds of Pratipadikas ii'{"o,
ff%mPff and The Viirttikakara
appears to have given nine kinds-
fJuIq:q.:r, afuciti{i,
;;rrfu, See
Varttikas 39 to 44 on P. 1. 4. I.
Later on, Bhojaraj!l in his Srrigara-
Prakasa has quoted the definition
by Pal)ini, and has
given six subdivision&.; d. m:n-
Prak.1. page For the seDse con-
veyed by Pratipadika or noun-
corresponding to
in .the case of the 'declinables,
wpich . the Siitrakara mentions
specifically with, respect ,to the
nou.n-base .
express mention '. by
. wording of a as in
and not
. by description as in ala
{P. IV.l.gS) or in ,a ,group of
words ('Till); cf. ,W,W-
wwmTJi't Par.Sek. Pari. 71,
Which recommends the feminine
form of the base for an operation,
provi.ded the base is
and not merely described
e.g . ' @<!5fcr,:
. Cifsffim etc.
the general accent of the
Pditipadika viz. the acute
, for the. last vowel as giveIl by the
fitE{: OIi'cJ
acu'Q: ;. ct. also
. i M. Bh. on. P. VI. 1.9
denoted sense oia Prati-
padika or a noun-base: Standard'
state that thedehota-
. tion of a pratipadikais fi,ve-old
. viz. "<;91*r,
The word "<;<u:q. refers)o 'the causal
factor of 'denbtati6ti or
w liich is of four fiji<f[
. and as noticed in
the' words <iT:, and
The word refers to the
dual' object which sometimes is
directly dehoted as in
while on some occasions it' is in-
directly denoted through the genus
or the general. notion as 'in iIlmlll:
the gender,. tbe num-
bet" and 1lil{Cli tbe case-relation are
tbe denotations of the case-termi-
nations, but sometimes-'as they are
conveyed in the absence of a case-
. affix as in the words 'ffi, a.
others, they are as the de-
noted senses of Pratip<l:dika,
while the case-affixes are, said to
indicate them; mfcr1lil "IT

order, . antithesis,
reverse sense; e.g. and 1f<:1 mean
the reverse of OIT, or >IRr . means the
. reverse oi-OIft{; d.a:r i(l!l<r1'T41 51
etc. Nir. 1.4 .
,a. wor k on Vedic
of a .specific . which is
, concerned mainly with, the changes,
euphonic and others,in the Pada
text of the Sathhita as compared
the tbe Sa.rilhita
itself. The Pratisakhya works are
neither concerned with the sense of
words, nor with their division into
bases and affixes, nor with
etymology. They contain, more or
less, Vedic' passages arranged' from
tbe point of view of Samdhi. In
the available, topics' of metre, tecil:al,
phontic:s and the like are introduc-
ed; but),t. appears that originally
. ; the Pratisakhya, Just like the
. Atharva Pratisakhya; was concern-
ed with . euphonic changes,' the
othe'r 'subjects being intrdduced
that 'thei'ewere " such" treatises for
everyone of the several Sakhas or
branches of each Veda many' of
which later on disappeared as the
number of tbe followers of tbose
brancbes dwindled. Out oftbe
remaining ones also, many were
combined witb others of the same
Veda. At present, only five or six
Pratis1i.kbyas are available which
are the surviving of
the ancient
s1i.khya Saunaka, theTaittidya
Pratisakhya:the 'Vajasimey'i Prati-
siiJihya by Katyayana, the Atbarva
Pratisakhya and the B-k Taritra by
Sakatayana, which is practically
PriitiSakhya of' tbe Samf1.
The WOfQ tflWi:. Of also
used for the Pratisakbyas as" they
were the outcome of the discussions
of leanied scbolars in Vedic- asSem.;
blies ; cf. :+r<t , Although
the Pratisakhya works in. nature,
are preliminary. to works on
grammar, it appears that the exist-
ing Pratisakhyas, whicb are 'the
revised and, enlarged' editions of the
old ones; are written after PaI).ini's
grammar, one .ofihe pr.esent
of course.
several ancient' . Priitisakbyas,
which were written before panini.
Uvvata, a learned scholar of 'the
twelfth century has written a brief
commentary on the Pratisakhya
and8;notber one on the Vajasaneyi
Pratisakhya. The Taittiriya Plati
sakhya has got two commentaries
-one by Somayarya, called Tri-
bha!?yaratna and the other called
. " Vaidikabb,araQCJ. w,ritten
. yajvan. There is a commentary by
Ananta Bhatta em.
Pratisakhya. ' These commentaries
are called. Bba.!?y_as ,
.. places.of echQ reverbera-
tiqn viz. chest and others

which gets its orlgm at the navel
but becomes reverberated at chest,
throat, top of the .mouth, mouth
and nose; d. ( )
+!9frff <1<:: 1liUO: f,Uu
ltfcr, T. Pi. II. 3 .
name given: to the circumflex
vowei, standing at the.
of a word and following the final
vowel of the previouswordwhi<::h
is acute cf. OIfq
5{Ifoifa-: T; Pro
XX. 3. .
of the first type or kind;
primary; as opposed 'to secondary;
d.' 'ar<i
'i:{, M. Ell,.
on P. 1. 1.29, I. 1.30; 2,42;cf.
also cfi'rFffl.'
"IT qT M. Eh. on P
n. 2.29 Vart. IS.
first preference; first:' place;
priority; d; ;!r'I: >tr:qriJ ,f1li '
I M. Bh. on 1. 3. I. Vart.
sn1({ a group of words with
sf;, which are all prefixes or upasar-
gas e.g . >II' qU, 0{1:f etc. d.
P. II. 2. 18.
a compound: with 5f
others prescribed by the rule
: 5{p.;<!: P. II. 2.18 and explained in
detail by the Varttikas headed by
the Varttika 5{1&:m p. II .
2.18.Vaet. 4, whiGh comes
the general head the, corn
pound,is alsl) called d .
Kas. on Po Ill. 3.24. d.
5{Rr: Wa: I "IT
Ki'iS. on P. VI. 2. 180. . .
word .has here, the . Peculiar
Of aro.ot
ing ot the iloun (under discussion)
cf. 0'It'f
mf.l Nil'. I. 12.
preponderanc;e,principal nature
, opposed to the, s?bordinafe
( ) ; cf. mirriT
M.Bh. on P. 1. I.5
pIe ::wl in ::Iri{ or .
m1llCiCfi:. The term mtl'.{ is defin!!d as
<lift: &i<ll'.{f
en erG:. S11tl{ Cfill I cf. Cfif!U-
fcRffair cn4 I O'Q f.ifi!l-ir fcrcnt1{ mel'.{-
fum I <R<I
... mr. Spigara Prakasa
cf. also <l'l"fro I
SIlqct) applying in the usual way; lit.
leading to the injunction ;
d. fn M.
Bh. on P. 1. 1.70; cf. also M.Bh. on
lit. beginning jts activity
after going to the object just al)
the sense of sight wbich accorn--
plishes the activity of seeing on
reaching the object. ct. Yak. pad.
P. III. 4.IIO .
s{fq'lJl reaching, arrival; d.
M. Bh. on P. I.
3.2 ,
or optional
prescription of sOlne operation or
rule which otherwise is obligatory;
cf . fcn:tT"fl1 r. VIII. I.45; ... ef.
also I fuITl'.{q I
KiiS. on P. 1. 453
S'fTfIJ- application of a rule, arrival at a
. particu-l
form; incidence, occur-
rence of a particular rule; cf. alq.:(RT
err }frm: ID SlRliil<.<{l M. Bh. on P. 1.
snfu;j'J a person who knows only tbe
application of a ruie and the realiza-
tion from it of the form that can
be arrived at, as opposed to one
who knows the form that is desired
or current; cf. iT
I M. Bh. on II
0.. "" N t'\
V lirt, I ; d. also i=!i{lCf "'I9ltrcT\r{'i"
<It I }frtair alit stT{lS\,"{-
I M. l3h. on VU. 4.9

1. 80.
Sl'mTfOrefi -authoritative; those that
talk with authority; d.mmfU'lCfil1o-
l\mr., a phrase used by' com-
S'fHn<RJ authority; d. !I;:ftiTt
S. 1).. on iT P. I.l.29 ;
d. also the usual expression q'9if-
}frm0lll<r. Kas. on P. VII. 27
S'ftmfu;ci; faulty, uttered or expressed
with a fault; i!1!lccurate.
general nature, general public; d.
}f['l Bh. on r. V.
1.16; cf. ...
R. Pr. XVII. 16;' d. also,
M, Bb. on P.
, V.1.16.
optional, to be done at pleil
common, usual; ef. }flMcii .1
belonging to one who speaks
. or says; cf. 3lilq }fr<lt'f"l't atful
M. Bh. on P. V.1.16.
lit. which is arrived at; an object
which is to be reached; cf, SlM Cfill ;
the word S1)"tli is used as e; word
'qualifying the word Cfill, which
case iUs called. as for -
accentuation, as noticed in the
original Samhitapatha ; ef. ffi'l'<fclt Cf[
'lq: stl'l":qq: "'I I aTc:ij-
Cf[ I V. Pr. I. 13

name of the circumfle?t
possessed by a vowel which has re-
. \
sulted from the coa]escenceof two
. simihlr vowels, as for 'example in
I see }fP.1;2. .
. secondary to' another thing
which is to be principally dealt with .
cpo Viik. pad. II.' 77.

I (lltnJ).
inclusion of a thing
even though it possesses an' addi-
tional factor, or consideration,
other than what is referred to; ct.
!lil:ol I
91m;:r: I. .
. 'q 1M. Bh. on
P.1. 1.8. '
a -class of words headed by the .
word which do not allow their
previous word in a bahuvrihi coma
pound. to take the masculine' base
by the rule Rill'.{T: !j9(f. ... P. VI. 3.34 ;
e.g. For details, see Kas.
on P. VL3:34.
stan (I) appearance, the being Seen
or understood; cf. <rffi
;;JlfT+r I qT 9T I Nir.
r. 17 ;( 2) thoughtful
ct. 'l Q;Cf <l'l"fff
frrfl'!Wr f<ffl:!'6ElIll G.%"; M. Bh. on P.
1. 1.26 Vart. 5.
a class of words to which the
tad. is added in the four
senses given in P. IV. 2.67-,]0; e.g.
iT!tI't, !;!cffir; d. KiiS. on P. IV. 2.80.
desiderative adjective; a word
.formed by adding the affix '3" in the
sense of' an agent' to a desidera-
. tive root by the rule \3":.
HI. 2.168. The term was'
used for such nouns by ancient
sr{;joft a tenD. used by ancient gram-
marians for the imperative mood or
of paQini. . ' .
the senses wr 'order to. do \
8l1aBii 'permission to do " and mfi'tiT-
fitness of time', as ;possessed
. by the potential passive participles;
d. . M. Bh. on
P. III. 1.26.
possessed of the masculine
Slii!+I<tl't+l1 popularly also;
. the famous' commeIlta.rY on the
Siddhantakaumudi of BhattoJI Dik-
.written by the author lii,mself
to explain fully i.n a scholarly
manner the popular grammar
writtenby.hiJ;ll; the word
is used in contrast with
-another commentary on the Sid-
dhantakaumudi by Vasudeva-
dik:;;ita.. On account :of the qifficult
nature of it, it is usual to read the
upto the endoft)Je
prakaraQa only in the Sanskrit
.Pathasalas before the study the
Sabdendusek hara and the -Pari-
is undertaken.
(I) a - grammatical
work written by a . grammarian
named CakrapaQi of the Se:;;a family
,of grammarians. The work is,meant
, to refute. the arguments of BhCl-ttoji
in his PraUl;lhamanorama;
( :2) a grammar work written by
the famous poetacd. rhetoridan
Jagannatha in. refutation' of
doctrines and explanations given in
the P_rauQhamanorama by the
stalwart Grammarian . Bhattoji
Dik:;;ita. The work is not a
;one and it has got a tone of banter.
,It was written by Jagannatha to
show that he could also write works
on Grammar and the-bearded pedant
,Bhattoji should ,not be proud of his
profound sCholarship in -Grammar.
The work of Jagannatha was named
possibly by his followers
'or even by himself.
!:OGiJolll+(titcf;r a commentary on
Bhatt<* Dik!?ita's PrauQbamano-
rama written by Bhattoji's grand-
son Hari Dik!?ita. The commentary
is called or
wJ1ich is an abridg1ent of the
author's work The Laghu-
sabdaratna is widely studied along
with the PrauQhamanorama in the
a class of words headed by the
word to which the tad. affix 0J'0l.
is added in the sense of' a fruit'
e.g. d. KiiS. on P.
IV. 3.164.
an ancient Vedic scholar who
presumably wrote a work on Vedic
grammar ( of the type ofthe Prati-
sakhya works). For a difference
6 vIew he is quoted in the Taitti-
riya Pratisakhya; cf. <1
T. Pr. IX. 6. \
an ancient writer vf a Prati-
,sakbya work quoted in the Taitti-
riya Pratisakhya. See above.
-The words arid as also
(feminine) occur in the Maha-
bha;;ya also, but not in the Ga:Q.a-
patha of pa:Q.ini.
_ 'l:'3Q' prGtracted, name given to vowels
in the protracted grade. The vowels
in tbis' grade which are termed pro-
traCted vowels are possessed of three
matras and it) wtiting they are
marked with the figure 3., placed
'after them. In pronunciation they
take a longer time than the long or
<tlif, vowels ; P. I.
2.27.' The derived from ,tff
also) I Atmane. to ex-
plained as The word
is often found for in tbe
Priitisakhya works; cf. also lilSff
l tffif
m: I 6l'cl:
ffl: II R. Pr. 1.'16.
prolation or protraction of a
vowel when it is possessed of three
matras; d. R. Pr. I. 31. See tffif
above; d. aTm.fe: iflW ,<1
tffRr I <fITll' g feimll<[ <lfi
Bh. on P. 1. I Ahnika I.
a class or roots headed by the
root t[ which get their vowel short-
ened in the four conjugational
tenses as also before the pers. part.
affix; e.g. fclTRf, Cfc'(.
etc.; cf. Kas. on P. VII. 3.80.
hard labial consonant, aspirate of l!.,
possessed of properties 'IIt8, IN[-
>I"('l1t1T, and
'Ii (I) the letter or sound the vowel
aT being added for facility of pro-
nunciation; ( 2) the affix tfi for
which a:rt<i01 is always substituted as
given by Pii:Q.ini in P. VII. 1.2.
(I) tad; affix tfi marked with mute
for effecting the 'lfu substitute for
the initial. .vowel of the word to
which it is applied. The initial letter
all the affixes beginning with
in PaQini's grammar is always'
changed into The tad. affix
is affixed (I) in the sense of
grandchild and his issues, to
the word ij6' and others as 'also to
the words ending with the affixes
<lot and ltot and itar
etc. e.g,
.... ....'f P
i\lulI<iil:, <if:; a:rJ<f: etc.; c. _.
_ i
" .. , .":: .-
IV. I.99-r03; (2) as a caturarthika .
to qr/Wr anq. others; e.g.
affix in the four senses mentI'o'ned "'== - " Po
tt, .. "1'''1:, Cfirtr<i<fR:!r.1:, etc. ct.,
in P. IV. 2.67-70 t"o the wor,ds P'IV I 5 '
''V ,...r 9.
and otbers e.g. cf.
P. IV. 2.80.' , a small work C;n aftriQ
buted to Santana va, . an ancient
Vedic scholar who lived before
Patafijali if not before Piil,lini, as
the 'laUer has not referred to him.
There is an anonymous commento
aryupon it ..
affix marked w.ith ot causing
the Vrddhi substitute for tbe initial
vowel' of the word, applied in the
sense of grandchildren arid their'
issues to words Ol'll and others, as
also to the word +Iii; e.g. 6lT-'IlI<r-l:
+rM<illl: cf. aTl!lRh:<i: 'f.OJ:. and
+!IlRl 'iiTer; d. P. IV. and III.
{q;Tf. tad. affix 6IFlfrr in the sense of off-
spring added according .. to the
Eastern grammarians to words not
with aTT; 11: or alr,
d. IV. I. r60.
If.UlTft{ .a class of seven roots by
the root q:;o-r", whicb belong to the
first conjugation and which have
their vowel aT changed
mto v: and the reduplicative syllable
( dropped, in the forms of'
:. the perfect tense before the affix l{l!f
and '. \Veak affixes; e.g. tfiuJ:,
Tf;-fuil!f, If.IfiUJg:, tt'f.frrll!f etc. d. P.
a little known commentator of
, Vakyapadiya. - To fill up the gaps
crt)ated by the loss ,of HeJii.raja's
commentary on Vak. pad. III. 7.34
to 4,7, remarks of this:commentator
have been put and the scribes write
. Wl!f1lfcffi'tllilFf I
A?"aIn the ,commentary ,beginning
w:th the words on
Vak.' pad. _ 7-65 also belonged
to Ph ullaraJa. Nothing is known
about him.
VI. .
(I) fruit or benefit of an action
which goes to the agent; cf., If.ii)o<iT-
which' is given as Ubhayapadin
I,? I'aI)ini's Grammar takes the
Atmanepada affixes when tbe fruit
of tbe activity is meant for the
while otherwise it takes the
Parasmaipada affixes; ( 2 ) The
word also means the result of a
grammatical operation or, gram-
matical injunction. ,,' ,
, scholar of Sanskrit Grammar, who
has written a book 'Studies in
PaJ;lini's Grammar '.
ft1i third letter of the labial class which
a common term for the affixes is soft and inaspirate. _

{q;<;f tad affi " 1" '
.... x aTt<i1iT app led to the
word.". the Sense of offspring
e.g. cf. P. IV. I.I50; it is
added in the same sense of (off-
sprlOg) to the words Rlcn and others
as also to ,tbe, word cf.Ttwll; two-syl-
36 labled words ending with SlOT.. and
-.;:r Of the letter the vowel ar- as .
also the word lfiR being added for
facility of utterance; cf. T. Pro 1.
The letter cr. is sometimes
used for er. especially when it stands
at the beginning of a word, for
use the expression

the regular affix q; e.g.
cf. Ras. on P. V. 2.136.
-[ BURNELL, Dr.] a European
Sanskrit scholar who hal'! written a
learned booklet 'Aindra School of
Sanskrit Grammarians '.which dis-
cusses the problem of the Aindra
relative superiority in-
. . a fault in pronunciation of the
type of rougnness or barbarousness
in the utterance of the letter \.; cf.
Uvvata on R. Pr.
XIV. 8.
. (written as or mil possibly
through mistake in the printed
Calcutta Edition) ; connected with
the socket of the teeth. As the
utterance of \" proceeds from the
socket of the teeth, \. is called
cf. '"I'
T. Pr. II. 18. "Ref is explain-
ed here by the commentator as

'"I' liRCIf: I The word
;aqf{eRi. in the explanation given
aoove is' questionable; the explana-
tion given by Uvvata in his com-
ment on R. Pr. I.
20. viz.
>riW appears better although
apparently CItE! is written in text
for or CltW.
writer of a gloss named "lff.\>rifil:(l'
on the of pal)ini. He is
also known as Balarama Panca-
nana. He wrote PrauQhaprakasa,
a . Saiva-oriented gram'mar work
where vowels are called Siva and
consonants are called Sakti.
(I) a class of words headed by.
the word to which the tad. affix
is added in the four senses given
by PaI)ini in IV. 2.6"7-70. e,g . .<if<i'l:,
Clr<:j+J:. etc. ct. Kas. on .
P. IV. 2.80; (2) a class of words
headed by tre which take the posses- '
sive tad. affix +m:. optionally with
strength possessed by rules of
grammar or by operations based on
. rules of grammar. This superiority
is decided generally on allY one or
more of the four recognized criteria
such as 'CfWf, and
The phra!!e
very frequently occurs in the Vart-
tikas and iu the Mababhii.f?ya; cf.
M. Bb. on P. III. :1'.67, VI. I.I7, 85
Vart. IS, VI. 4.62 and VII. I.I.
short term or pratyahara the
consonants from or to mute in
Mahesvarasiitra i.e. the consonants
and <:;..
a 'rule or operation which is
( lit. external) ; the word erfufji
is used in grammar in connection
with a rule or operation, the cause
of which occurs later in
place or 'time than the cause of the
other which is called _ For
the various kinds of see'the
word the kinds of 31;:[-
Urt9" are given.
the . or the
maxim . (Par. Sek.
Pari. 50) which cites the compara-
tive weakness of the rule or opera-
which is Bahirariga.
an operation or rule which
is characterized as cf. arfe:il:
M. Bb. on P. I.
1.57; cf. also M. Bh. on P. 1. 4.2
invalidity i.e. non-occur-
rence or non-application of a bahi-
ratiga rule or operation before the
antaratigaoperation which is looked
upon as stronger occurring earlier
to the mind. or in the wording, as
it does.
plural, many, the word is used in
the sense of abundance also; cf.
P. r. 4.21 and
"'I VI. 4.158.
tad. suffix 'Is which is always
prefixed to a noun in the sense of
t almost complete', .' almost full',
to a considerable extent';' e:g.
'lS!lsT ct. &lfl1'fT 'Is,
P. V. 3.68.
(I) consisting of a large
number of verbal parts in deriva-
tion ; <i'!; (2) a com-
pound in which the constituent
words are all in the plQ.ral number,
cf. iFiit I '!S>rn:ira-rmr
<fffie<f'l.. M. Bh. on P. II. 4.12 Vart.
I; (3) a compound word ( lR )
made up of
words; d. 0<:;. <!s>rn:iRr
Vaj. Prato V. 7.
a word which bas entered
between two constit.uent words of
a compound by splitting in a way
the compound e.g. the word "'I in
<in "'I Rg. Veda IX.
B6.42 ; cf. t:i;QTf.r qf{<;!t9il''lRi. <if[ll"<iiIQlf.r
"'II R. Pro X. 7.' explained by
U yvata as <![ilT q({l<lr "'I <IIR
wfrr ffifrr 31m;n+<{ 'llG:. I
lit. variously applicable; the
word is used in the rules of PaI)ini
in connection with a grammatical
rule or affix or the like that is seen
necessarily applied in some cases,
optionally applied in a few other
cases and not at all applied in the
other cases still. The wor,d is
used by PaI)ini in an such cases.
See P. II. I.32, 57; II. 3.62; JI.
439, 73,76, 84; III. i.34 etc.;' cf.
the usuafexplanation of given
by grammarians in the lines !fiR!'-
I j
erg"lf i:{({fia
Com. V. Pro III. 18. .
name given by grammarians
to the third pada of the third
adhyaya of tlie Af?tadhyayi.
the plural number; the affix-
es of the plural number applied to
noun-bases as also to root_s; ct. iifS9;
'lSCfi:j'ii"L,P. 1. 4.2r.
a compound similar in mean-
ing to the word (possessed
of much rice) which, in sense
shows quite a distinct object than
those which are shown by the
constituent members of the com-
pound; a relative or adjective
compound. There are various kinds
of the Bahuvrihi compound such as

and which depend upon
the specific peculiarity noticed in
the various cases. Pal)ini in his
grammar has not given any defini-
tion of but has stated that a
compound other than those already
given viz. iIJf( and
is and cited under Bahuvrihi .
all cases mentioned above; cf.
II. 3.23-28 ; also ct. ;arr<:jtTG:I!!T.
>rtTT<lt <rg<itf{: M. Bh. on P. II. I 6 ;
II. 1.20; II. 1.49.
conventional' term used for
. the second pada of the sixth
adhyaya of PaQ.ini:s Af?tadhyayi.
the accenLpeculiar to,
or specifically mentioned in the
case of the Bahuvrihi compound
viz. the retention of its own accents
by the first member, in spite of the
general rule that a compound word
has the last vowel accented acute
i.e. cf. ers;;r1iT P.
VI. 2.1. The expression in
this very sense is used in the Malia-
. bhaf?ya ct.
m M Bb. 011 P. VI. 2.Z.
"I&"'!! -multisyllq.bled, a word which
c;ontains three, or more, than three
vowels.; the word occurs many
times in the siUras of pa!).ini. cf.
II. 4.66, IV. 2.73, IV; 2.10g, IV;
3.67; V.3-78, VI. VI. 3.I18.
lit. dependipg on 'many; the
word is used in the sense of depend-
ing on many causal
'mf.r) and given as the definition of
a kind of by some grammari-
, ans ;' f.
. This kind of cited by
Kaiyata is, .however,disapproved
by . NageSabhatta; cf.
.' .' .
aRi\l+r,:a I "ftr arfu;ir .
'. I Par. Sek. on'Pari.50.
lit .. the meaning. of the word
. Tl;lere are many senses .of the word
<IS out of which t plurality' is the
sense usually seen. The word also
'collection;' cf. <i
c:.'<f l1:fcr 1M. Bh. on P. 1.1.8,21.
a class of words headed by <IS to
. ' which . the . fern. affix is
added to fortn the feminine base;
ending in in this class
take the fern. affix aH (;::jqJ in case
which is optional, is not added;
other words remain as tht/ are, if
is not added; e.g. <IS:, q;aRi":;
q;am, <1m: ,'1m, etc. cf.
Kas. on P. IV. 1-45.
sublation, setting aside; "Tl1F.<!-
Gfl'Cf: Par. Sek. on
Pari. sr.
lit. that which sublates or sets
asile; generally . a special rule
which sets aSide a general rule; cf.
<U G{2l Cff'Cf<hl +r'lfcr,
Pari. Patha of Pari. 51;
cf. also
l{fcr I +rf9o
<i m+TRF<tf%:a:&
. 1M. Bh. on P. II. 1.24
Vart. 5. GfI\:lCfi is used as a syn,o!fym
of arqqr;:;:. cf. Cff'Cf'li'R:-l Par.
Sek. Pari. 58'-
GfNCfcC<t the sam.e as Cf['Cf; sublation;
setting aside; this sublat,io_n is des-
cribed to be of two I )
complete sublation w'hen . the rule
set aside, is for ever set aside 'and
cannot, by the maxim called
be applied again; cf.<i:N
.. <iT c:.1lmf
41'lfu J. cf. M.Bh.
onP. I. 1.47; VI. 1.2; VI. 2.1; etc.;
( 2 ) temporary sublation when the'
rule set . aside, - can' be .applied, if
possibleaHer the speciaJ, rule has
been applied; .of.
. Cff'Cf: I oS!
o':t[ <!:.fT Par.Sek.
on Pari. 57. The sublation or <!1'Cf'lit'i
is not only iIi the case of
+rJ'l and as given above,
but a rule or operation which is '1<':
( cited later), or g(Cl, or sets
aside the rule or operation which
is!f, or Gffu,W respectively .
This iifTl:<ICff<fCfillT'i 9ccupies . a very
important position in respect of
the application of grammar, rules
for arriving at the correct forms
and grammarians have
laid down a number of Paribha!?as
in the field of <!jl!l.lGfT\:l'!i+rTGf.
a refuting statement; the word
is used, x-ather rarely, almost in the
place of the usually used won:} GfN.
cf. Vak. pad. II. 77. cpo

<IS! '.'IT Gfi'Cf r (!lUll). In GfN the.
general rule is actually stated before,
while in GfNT the presence of it is
to be inferred.
a. section of the third
KaIJQa of Along
with it was lost early"
probably a few years after.Bhartr-
hari's death. cpo Pu!).yaraja on Yak.
pad. II. 77.
surnamed Paya-
'guIJc;Ia or PiiyaguI.Jge, who. has
written a commentary . on the
commentary on the
Some.schollus say that
he was also a. grammarian
and identfcal with who
written the commen,tary
or on the Paribba!?endusekhara,
.. the Cidasthimalii. on the Laghusab-
dendusekhara and commentaries on
. the Sabda-
kaustubha and
yota. Other scholars believe' that
Balambhatta was the son of Vaidya-
natha and that he wrote only the
commentary on 'MWik!?ara . called
Balambhatti after (2) There
'. was also a ,comparatively modern
.: grammarian of Tanjore who has
written small grammar works Cf[(?-
<fl fc:r;:ft an d GfI<1l1:;J;:ft.
qj(!iqTf'cTcfr (I) name of a grammatical
work ascribed to Balambhatta of
Tanjore. (2) name of a comment-
ary by J agaddhara on the Ka tantra-
name of a commentary on
the Siddbanta-kaumudi of Bhattoji
by Vasudeva Dik!?ita, a
grammarian of Tanjore. There is
8:1so another commentary cal!ed
Balamanorama written by Ananta-
deva on the Siddhanta-kaumudi.
name of a gramrnar work
written by Balarhbhattaof Tanjore.
See ( 2 ).
CfTi?liorarr-er (I) a popular recast of the
Candra by Kasyapa studied in
Ceylon. It is like Laghusiddha,nta-
kaumudi. (2) a small grammatical
manuaUor beginners by N arahari.
. .
the application of a 'gramma-
. tical rule as a necessity to arrive at
some forms in literature ,especially
in the ,Vedic Literature as also in
the works of standard writers, which
cannot be explained easily by the
regular application, of the stated
rules; ct.
-t:f msfu 'Cf
mellfcr M .. Bh. on P. III. I.8S;
also cf.
<'!rcdrr I
it M.Bh. on P. III. 3.1 . In
many sutras, pa!).ini' has put the
word to arrive at such forms ;
e.g. see It I.32, 57; II. 3.62,
II. 4.39, 73, 76, 84 etc.
a word' which is given along
with the word to show that
the presence of one'particular word
in language, as for instance,
does not necessarily mean' the ab-
sence of another word such as
although as a matter of fact,
which is found in the shows
tbat the word can have the
affix added to it . in the
. sense of an offspring, while can-
not have it. cpo Vak. pad. III. 3.7S;
III. 14.14g. '
( WTfo'I') external effort; the term .
is used many times in connection
with the external effort in the pro-
duction of articulate sound, as
different from the internal effort
arl+o/cH:Il<R.,. The external effort is
described to be consisting of II
kinds; cf. I for'll<::
ti<m:: .<tImf
I S.K. On P.I. I.g.
a class of words by the
word to which the tad. affix l1:
(il:ot,) is added in the sense of a.
descendant; e.g. Cfliff.f:, fier!?::,
lfIm: etc. The class called CfTiiJl!?: is
looked upon as on the
strength of the word 't:f in the rule,
so that similar words, not included
in the class, could be explained; cf.
Kas. on P. IV. r.g6.
a class of words headed by the
word to which the affix Of (Ofot.)
is added in the sense of a grandchild
and further descendants; e.g.
- alrcr:, <film: et c. The words
in this class are mostly names of
sages. In the case of such words
as are not names of sages, the affix
Of is added in the sense of the off-
spring and not any descendant. e.g.
tiT'!:, etc.; cf. Kas. on P. IV.
anusvara, letter pronounced only
through the nose; a dot to indicate
the nasal phonetic element shown
in writing above or sometimes after
that letter or vowel, after which it
is uttered; d. af I 8l9iR

"l'lm II Kat. 1. I.Ig.
a class of words headed by ,
the word foi<i'!9l the affix
placed after which is elided when
another tad. affix such as or the
like is placed after them; cf. foi<icn
:afro foi<icr::fir "l'!I: 'Kas.
on P. VI. 4.153.
a class of words headed by the
word to which the tad. affix Of
( 8fOI.) . is added in the sense of .' a
product' or < a part' ; e.g. iffi:::,
etc.; d. Kas. on P. IV. 3.136,
;;fhi latent force, potency, seed. cpo
vak pad. 1. 84. cpo
<ft"lrlir I
[BUISKOOL H. E.] A Euro-
pean grammarian who has written
an essay on the last three Padas of
PaQini's under
the title < The Tripadi '.
notion, mental understanding;
mental. inclination; d.
I or "l'!m-
SIffim M. Bh . On P. 1. 1.56 Vart.
14; (2) mental inclusion; d. <IT <rt
fcl+lRil 8fIarf<!$j; ffi elarf<!oOl:jr
M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.57.; d. Of:.r
w.tL, M. Eh. on III. 2.
Il8 Vart. 4.
activity of the mind of the
. type of understanding as contrast-
ed with the activity of the sense
,organs; cf. l:tr.i\<i;fi;t e+rltlI'f<l
oi:{'itl1<r: I M. Bh. on P. III. 3.133
Vart. 8.
a Jain writer of a grammar
work who lived in the eleventh
century. He belonged to the Sve-
tambara sect and was a resident
of Jabalipura. His grammar is call-
ed Paficagranthi VyakaraQa as it
has Dhatu;5iitra, GaQa, UQadi and
Linganusasana sections. His work
_ is available in found in
mental concept; mental
image given as an explanation of
or Time by the Buddhists who
say that Tlme is not an independ-
ent principle, but it is only the re-
capitulation of events
occurring one after cpo
pad. III. 9.57. cpo f+lrilT:

.r.rill=G I u;qi-nrr-
a single united mental con-
cept of the different senses of
several individual words .spoken as
connected together; this single
mental concept is the internal word
according to some philo-
sophers of grammar, and it is stated
as a definition of <il'f<[. cpo Vak.
pad. II. I.
keeping; preservation; d.
't:f I i{oT
Uvvata on R. Pro XI. 37. '
a learned commentary on
the +r.TIW of
tbe commentary was written by m-
the grandson of Bhattoji. The
work is called in contrast
with the of the same
author ( which is generally ,
. studied at the Pathasa1as all over
the country. The work is
only in a Manuscript form at pre-
sent. Some scholars believe that it
Was written by who
ascribed it to his preceptor Hari
but tbe belief is not correct
as proved by a reference in the
Laghusabdaratna, where the author
himself remarks .that he himself
has written the and in'ter-
nal evidences show that is
sometimes a word-for-word
mary of the <ai['T:ei'RCif. ct.

't:f i\20Ii: I Laghusabdaratna; For
details see Bhandarkar Ins. Journal
Vol. 32, pp. 258-260.' .
written by
small. cpo Vak. pad. III. 14.618,
620. cpo
'lTo I on Pa. 5.4.3.
the same as or 1Il'!:ill
a bigger terminology as contrasted
with brief terminology such
a: "l etc. for which ( latter)
PaQIDlls very particular. The bigger
terms such as .
and others are evidently borrowed
by PaI)ini from the ancient gram.
marians who' lived before him. '
mquu name of a commentary on
bhatta's VaiyakaraQabbfi_
by Mannudeva, who was
called also Mantudeva, who lived
in the latter half of, the eighteenth
century. .
(i) Hemacandra's detailed
commentary on his OWn Sabdanu-
sasana. There are different Nyasa
on it, as well as abridgements.
( 11) name of a gloss .on Katantra
siitras by Sarvavarman. .
a grammar work
written by Ram"'anatha Chobhe.
a traditional writer of Sabda-
parayaQa, an. ancient list of basic
cpo paspa-
sahntka. Bhartrbari in his
calls it a work, cpo
ifl+r I
a Vedic metre consisting of four
padas and 36 syllables. There are
three padas of eight syllables and
the fourth has twelve syllables. It
has got further subdivisions known
. BEL V ALKAR] a well-known
S.uiskrit scholar of the present day
who has been the General Editor
of the Mababharata published by
the Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, Poona. He has written a
book on grammar reviewing very
briefly the various systems of Sans-
krit grammar, which is named
< Systems of Sanskrit Grammar'.
or i:liIl4<ai[ift, ttit:flw.<ii-
lI'!<illT and For details see R.
Pro XVI. 31-37.
a gem appearing big on account
of its powerful light although it is
- name of an old grammarian who
is supposed to have attacked by
means of logical quibbiings the
traditional explanations given in
PatafijaJi's lVIahabha!?ya and Vyac;li's
Samgraha. d. Vak pad. n: 4 81..
German Sanskrit scholar and
Grammarian of St. Petersbcrg, who
has written a short gloss in German
on PaI)ini's under the
title .; PaI)ini's Grammatik" with
an introduction and various index-
es at the end: He has also critically
edited Mugdhabodha of BopaCleva.
Gf)'.t:j a technical term for the vocative
case in the Jainendra Vyakaral}a.
Gfrq [BOPP, FRANZ] a German
Samkrit scholar -who has written
the famous volumes of 'The com-
parative Sanskrit Grammar'.
a great Sanskrit scholar and
grammarian belonging to Devagiri
in the greater who was
supported by Hemadri of Devagiri.
He resided at on the river
._ Varada in the first half of the thir-
teenth century. He wrote a short
treatise on Sanskrit Grammar,
which has a number. of peculiar
abbreviations for the usual well-
known grammatical terms. His
grammar had a wide spread in
Hengal and it is -today a very
common text on Grammar in
Bengal. On this account some Echo-
lars believe that he lived in Bengal.
He was the sori of E;esava and
pupil of Dhanesa. He is also the
author of the well-known work
on which he has written a
commentary named or Cfile<j-
He tried to improve upon
Pal)ini's grammar.
I BUhler, George] -a versatile
German scholar- who also wrote on
Grammai topics.
name given to the first section
or Kal}<;h of Bhartrhari's Vakya-
padiya. It deals with Sphota, and -
in a way it contains - in a nutshell
the philosophy of Sanskrit Gra-
the sacred Sanskrit alphabet
given the fourteen sfitras of Mah-
named Ak;;arasamamnaya
which is called ii&mN! as it contains
the basic letters of which is
-Brahma according to Gramm-arians ;
urn: I M. Bh. Ahnika 2 end; d. also
I V. Pr.
VIII. 25.
sfr&iOl&Rr a sentence expressing an
activity similar to that of a Drah:-
maQ.a e.g. I cpo Vak.
pad. III. I4.492-494, 542
a class- of words headed by
the word Sll&1UJ to which the tad.
affix <[ is added in the sense
of ' nature' or 'duty';. e.g. Sll&fll4
(SlI&lUJ\<l' '+!l'!: CIT); cf. iil&lQl\fuT-
_ \tiRmUJ: I Kas. onP.
V. I.!24.
fourth letter of the labial class
which is possessed of the properties
_ Cfi116B,[craT, <n<:J!];;:r,tr<!, Eittf, _ !lnd
- ( 1) the letter or sound +r., with
the vowel aT for facility of
utterance; -(2) atechnical'term in
the Grammar of PiiI).ini given to a
before such case and
taddhita affixes as begin with any
-', vbwel-otWithtpe consonant '!..
, Tlieritility of this designation' of <l
-. to is (1 r to prevent the-
subslituteswhich are -enjoined for
the final vowel or consonant of a
-pada (a word e-nding withatase-;
affix or a base before case -and tad.
affixes beg\nning with -anyc6nso-
nant' exceptirg <Ij just as ;the:
stit.ution of Visarga, anusvara, the
- - first or -third consciriant, and others
given -in- P. VIlT. 437 alld-'the
following. 'For the' various -changes
and operations for it, base termed +r
EeeP. VI. 4;I29 to 175.
+rcF.Tf the consonant+r., with the vowel
. a:r and the affix added for facility
of utterance; d. T. Pr. I. 17, 2r.
+r'ffi for'ming, or -portion (of
somethirig in connection with
which it bas been prescribed as an
_ ), d. -
I7 ;cf.
,+I'm I M. Bh. on P.
VII. 1.33.
affix +1m applied to the
words mftfCfi and others in the
sense of' a piace 6 '; d.
P. IV. - -
(I) -name given to two of the
five divisions of aSaman which are
i3l!1{,! - and
frllIT<lllRn; (2) tbe vowel portion
surrounding, or placed after, the
consonant \ or which (conson-
ant) is believed to be present in the
vowel 'lj\ or w: respectively, forming
its irriportar.t portion, but never
separately noticed in it. The vowels
'lj\ and w: artl made up of one
each. It is contended by the
grammarians that the consonants \.
and W;, forming re::.pEctively the por-
tion of 'lj\ -and w:, make up-_half-a-
ma.tra, whUe the remaining half is
"made vowel
mrrounding' the: consonant or situ-
atedaiter the ,The'word
which, is generally 'for this
'bhakti' is-'ajbhakti i instead of
whichtbe word is found in
the Pi atisakhya: ",orks,;cf.
tfiT(qt smufo' I ........ .
-. - w,(qt, - -
I IvL Bh.'cin Vart-
2 ; cf. R.Pr. I.
17; also
'KifiRr'lUJt 1 R.' Pro VI. 13.
+rf&:lQ' lit. eaten up; a fault in -pro-
nunciation when a letter is so hurri-
edly pronounced that itappeais to
have been dropped.
'- -
a restriction regarding edi-
- blesof a particular kind. The word
is quoted to illustrate ther.r'llifcif\i[
or restrictive rule in grammar.
_ Although the restriction in the inst-
ance is of the kind
of and called qftmr, and
not f<i<m, by the Mimamsakas, the
grammarians call it a niyamavidhi.
There isno qftmlfilN according to
grammarians-; they cite only two
kinds of vidhi, viz. simple vidhi or
apfirva vidhi and iliyamavidhi. -
+ritfii surnamed Dik;;ita; a stalwart-
grammarian of tbe paI).ini system
who flourished in the first half of
the seventeenth century and wrote
many independent book!5 and tom-
mentaries such as the - Siddhanta-
kaumudi, the Prau<;lhamanorama,
the VaiyakaraQ.asiddMntaldirika,
the Sat.dakaustubha and others.
The most reputed workout of
these, however, is the Siddhanta-
kaumudi, which is very popular
even today and which has almost
set aside other works its kind
-such as the PrakriyakaumiIdi'and
others.: Bhattoji was a Telugu
Brahmai,.e, as is generally believed,
. and altbough he' belonged to the
South, be made ViiraQasi his home
. where. he prepared a schqol of I
learned Gnlmmarians. Although he
cahied on his WOlk in
was 'envied . by the
reputed shetorician of .histime
PaI).<.lita Jagannalha, 'whq criticiEed I
his work"( Bhattoji's w'ork) named '[
. seVerd)l,. See_
'above .. The Siddhanta-
kaumudi',' has got many comme-
ntaries of which .the Tattvabodhini
written by .. ,J3baHoji's pupil ]nline-
,-is'apprel;:iated mucb
by learned gram,marians.
+IF-{ the nature pr qualiiy of being
called <lwhicli many gram-
n'at.ical operations which are given
together by HiI).ini lh' VI. 4.I29 to
I75. See the word 01 above.
+!('a'm:a a grammarian of Bengal who
lived in the sixteenth century and
wrote and other
works on grammar.
a class of words headed by 'llii
which are gtnerally names of coun-
tries, the taddhita affixes 3l1l1.. and
others addfd to which are not elid-
Ed e.g. 'llT<1r, i d. Kas.
on IV. 1.178. "
a very distinguished Grammar-
ian who lived in the fifth century
A.D. Kasika on Fa. IV. 3.88.
mentions his work viz. Viikya-
padiya, CfI9'<T-
IT<ft<!<I:. I Vakyapadiya is divided into
three books ( KaJ)9as), viz.
Brahma, Vakya and PrakirJ).a. The
work is very widely by I
Brahmanical, Buddhist and ] ain
philosophers beginning from Din-
naga till Nagesa. The work is an
authoritative and work
on Philosophy of Grammar. He
has written an autocommentary.
( Svopajiiavrtti) on the first two
kaJ)9as of Vakyaparliya. Gram"
marian Bhartrhari is differnt from
Bhattl,poet 'Bhartrhari or' yogin
Bbartrhari of the (KanfaHii ' sect.
Nothing is kno'wn about his birth-
place or persona] history. Another
important work of Bhartrhari is
a scholarly com:"
mentary upto seven
Ahnikas (MahabhMya o'n P. J.
57). Be was a great scholar of Veda,
Mimaril;a and Vedanta; Three other
works viz. a
V,edantasiitravrtti and Sabdadhiio:
tusamiksa are fathered on him.
A of modern tndian gra-
mmarian scholars prominent among
them. being Profs. Abhyankar,
Limaye, and S. Iyer have edited
and studied bis two .majorworks.
+rCl'Q. ancient term for the
present tense found in the Brhad-
devalii and other works. The term
('vartamana' for the present tense
was also equally common. The
word is found in the Mahabhii?ya,
the UJ;ladisiitravrtti of Ujjvala-
datta and in the Grammar of Jai-
nendra d. P. II. 3.1 Vart. II, UlJadi.
III. 50 Jain Vyak. I. 1.47I.
a scholar of grammar who has
written a commentary on the
Brhacchabdaratna of Bari
+rOlo:ffi ancient term for the present
tense or according to PaJ)ini cf.

M. Bh. on P. n, 3. r. Vart. 4; d.
also :mrnne<lT 'll9rcft I :{ifI-
I Cltlfl1: I l1l[ <lFf<lTI1: I
lVI. Bh. on P. Ill. 2.123. See
( 'llOfrq:).
ancient term for the future
tense in general; d. I
.,fcj1S'lm!l1'lffiir :a-m<T1il+I: P. HI. 3.3
. Vart. I ; ct. also the words
<lfeteW.{N<iiH.". ' .
ancient for the future
tense in general; ct. qftitcRJ!l{CI;:fi
P. III. 3.I5. Vart. I; cf.
also Kiit. III. 1. IS; Hem. III. 3 IS.
+f'{ short term for the con-
f{" ct. crm
+!'l:.o P. VIII. 2.37.
+f"+TT<f the substitution of the tbird
consonants respectively for' the
fourth and
d.P. VI. 1.13. Vart. 13.
a class of words headed by the
word to which the tad. affix i1:<ii
(B"(,) is added in the sense of
, carrying by '; e.g. 'llful4i'r
cf. 1(as. on P. IV. 4.16.
+R:rll'j'T the term'll applied to the noun-
base in contrast with the term
For details see the word 01.
+rTI1<fa a modern scholar of
grammar who has written a com-
mentary named Vakyarthacandrik'
on the Palibhii:?endusekhara of
Nagesa; he lived in the first half
of the eighteenth century.
one of tbe oldest commentaries
on the Siltras of PaQini, which,
although not available at present,
has been profusely quoted by
Sa r a 1) ad e v a,
Siradeva and other Eastern Gram-
marians of the twelfth and later
centuries including Kaiyata, Hara-
datta, Ujjvaladatta, BhaHoji,
Nagesa and so on. A gammarian
Sridhara is said to have commented
upon thi., Bhagav[tti. The ,author:'
ship of the work is attributed to I
Bhart rhari, but the point is doubt-
ful as Siradeva in his
vrtti on Pari. 76 has stated that
the authQr of the Bhagavrtti has
quoted from Magbakavya; d. am ll;q
il' I Some
scholars attribute its authorship to
Vimalamati. Whosoever be the
author, the gloss was a
work of retlOgBised d.
Mim i
rc<TClT 1if!nmmfi:lft4 at
tbe end. in hisoommentary
on the Bta!]avrtti alsO says "tIT
R "
+rrgft' a famous ancient grammarian
. referred to by' later writers like Ji-
nendrabuddhi (Nyasa on Kasikaon
P. 6-2-37) and J agadisha Tarka-
lailkara. Pataiijali refers to one
(onP. 7-3-45) possibly a
scbolarly sister of A number
of ullcomfirmed references to his
works on lexicography, poetics,
BrabmaJ).a-exegesis, politics, are
found. The famous verse Offu
31Pt <Tl'IT
OfT"!T II is found in grammar
.:rTqHq;{ [Sir Ramakrishna Gopal
Bhandarkar I837-1925 A.D. ] a
well-known scholar of Sanskrit
Grammar who. has written learned
articles on many grammatical
topics. He was a distinguisbed
Professor Of Sanskrit in the latter
half of the nineteenth century. He
was one of the pioneers of Sanskrit
studies in India.
. (I) an ancient grammarian
quoted by PiiJ)ini in his rules to
show differences of opinion; d.
VII. 2.63; (2) name of a
country in the days of PaI}ini ct.
P. IV. 2.145.
a work of the
Taittiriya: school of the Black
Yajurveda. It was composed some-

,-: time', arouIid "Thirteenth centnry
+m'alathi and grammarians
belongingto or following the, Bhara-
dwajaSchool of Gramniarwhose
views are ofteri' quoted- in the
+il<iU-m<U: 'tj6RfM; Bh.
" on P. I. 1.20 Vart. '1,1. 1.56 Vart.
'II ; Vart.f;'I. .. Vart.
4. III. :t38 Vai:t. {; II(1.48 Vart.
3; IiI i.89 Vart. I, IV. i.79, VI. 4
'47 and V!. 4. 155; , , ,
ll'f.{ ,( I) existence." The,
, word is used many, times in the
serise 'of' 'sense 6( a ioot
,is ; \
process of evolvmg ; d.,
\fig: R. Pr. xtI.5 ;' d.
also +r<iFff Nir. r: '36 ;
8Tqqi(qf{rti+( Nir. 1. I; ( 2 )
activity as 'opposed to
or ); d. I
on P.IIl. 1.'24; d.
also +!l'i:fiii<ll, KiiS.on 'i'f
P. n. 3.37; (3) complet-
ed action which is shown, nol by a
verb, but by a verbal derivative;
noun; d. I
<!lii '4flm l:lOfl?:<!: f9 ..,!'tlj.a- I
I{as. on 'lHi;[' P. III. 3.18; cf.
also m<i'l' i\C<imm. M; Bh.
on P. II. 2.19, HI. 1.67, IY.
13, V. 4.19; d. also M. Bh.
on P. III. 1.67; (4) the radical
factor for the use of a: word;
f.lfi!:q; C!. I
ar!!iffi I KM. on P. 51Il9; (5)
thing. object cf.
1 - '
M. Bh. I. I. Ahmka I ;
( 6) transformation, substitution;
change in'to the nature of another;
d. R. Pro H. 4. d.
also the words arf+rf.t\fl<!+tl'i
etc. (7) possession of the qualities,
nature i +tlCi: M. Bh.
on P. II. 3.13; (8) relationship;
d. "
for its a
derivati ve in the sense ,of the or
the word
, isexp,lfiined as +rr:-!'lit!lfi fp. the, ;K,as,i,ka-
'vrtti. the word in
Kiis. on' P. 'ct .
Kas. on P. II; '354.
name of a corrirrienhtr;' oithe
; 1,' ;7":!
a giimmarian who has 'wHiten
, a commentary ont'be Brhacdhabda-
ratna of Had Dikjiita ; phssibly' the
Same as ,See .: - ,;;::"
effort, activity; It also haidhe
sense of thought" 'or "i'e-flection.
, Bhavar,a as a theory is disCiissedby
Bhartrhari,cp. V.k. pad. II. n6.
, +rlCl'J:ICIim name of a comrrieiltaryon
the by
'name 'of a 'comment'ary
on Sabdaratna, by Vaidyanatha.
an affix in the sense of'
lity such as t'i, ffI etc.; ct. Cf
m'l}[tl:!i{ +t'lfu '
description of a verb or
verbal form in which activity plays
the main part as opposed to a noun
in which completed activity (m<r)
is predominant.
the different activities such as
igniting a hearth, placing a rice-pot
on it, pouring water in it etc.,
,which form the different parts of
the main activity viz. cooking; d.
+it'Sii' M. Bh. on P. III.
3.19, III.
(r) expressive of +IJCI or the
completed verbal activity; e.g. the
word +IT'i itself, as also UIJ, and
others; :( 2) having for their sub-
ject a verbal derivative in the form
of the ,verbal activity. See
kinds of verbal activity which
are described to be six in number
viz. production, existence; transfor-
'mation, growth, decay and destruc-
ticilD. These six modes of existence
'first mentioned by ViigiyayaI).Land
quoted by 'Yaska are explained
, philosophically by Bhartrbari :', as J
a mere appearance,' of the Sabda-
'brahman or Satta' when' oile of its
own powers; the time' factor (
'as,aresult of that superimposition,
'it (i.e. the Sabdabrahman) appe-
ars', as a process ; cf.
+!'ifrcr 'I1
111ClM: I'm<!a- aTIr
" 'i'<la- :i!lqf;j\"<ia- j{(ffl Nir. 1.2 ; d.
, also Vlikyapadiya III. 30.
. '. '". . .',
+rT;.rolA',. the authoi: of the
m"fl'!Rf, a work on 'the
in grammar which' are utilized' in
explainirig the rules of th,e
c<[{1gUf by Sarvavarman.
m"l{:n'elCf (I) a word in the sense of
+tl'i or completed ver bal activity
I fctM'ftfu
M,' Bh. on P. 1. 1.57; (2) an affix
applied for the formatipn of a word
in the sense of verbal activity; d.
>r<lCl<i' :l1'<Ici'l: I >r'i'il'ill'a-a-+ii'itlll:lcIT
M. Bh. on I. 1.9.
a grammar manual of
BhaHa Vinayaka for prince Bhliva-
sidlha. He is b:llieved to have
written a work named Sakataya- ,
a grammarian of the Katantra
school who wrote the works Kata-
ntrariipamala and Siikatayanajika.
mfill'a' designated by a technical term;
cf. F!i 9;<!ftci
+tTO<fo'a- a-I:ff
arriTretlt. M. Bh. on P. 1. '
which is to come into being; of
future time; cf; +{Tf<r
BkoD III., 4. 'I ; mf9i'l:
on P; VII. 1.33; cf.
also t!;;f'oit. M.
Bh. onP.I. 1',45. !
'form of a ,.sen-
tence when is no, activity
mentioDd,' on the pa,it of the agent
nor resulting the obj but
tl,lere' isa mere mention of verb-
activity. .' '
';ITI' that which 'is to 'be produced;
cf. Jain. 'Vyak; I. 1'72; See +tTal:!-
lit. which is to be pr.Jduced;
which is prescribed by a rule, like
an affix ;, hence, an affix or an aug-
ment or a sUQstitute prescribed by
a rule as contrasted with the condi-
tions or the original wording for
which something is substituted, or
after which' an affix is placed, or to
which an addition is made, or which
is deleted; cf. +tl'HIIlFri'l <!
Par. Sek. Pari. 19; also cf. M, Eh.
on P. 1.-1.50, I. 1.69, VI. 1.85, VI.
4. 160 -
+H!U spoken language as opposed to
, the archaic Vedic Vmguage; cr.
+IlI:fl<if 6C\'i6'tFI: ; P. II I. 2.108;
+tl'ffllT VIII. 4.45 Vlirt. I ;
d. also R. T. 96, 212; cf.
+tPH<!l<r.. I <J+t<!IF'II:<IT<!l1" N ir.
a work on language attri-
" buted to <j.(f:'lifcr. '
a treatise on grammar
written by VyaIikata Subbli-
a short gloss on the,
yayi of Pal}.ini in the 12th century
, by Puru!?ottamadeva, a reputed
scholar belonging to the Eastern
school of grammarians which fiouri-
, shed in Bengal and Behar in the
:\ .
. .
i \
;roth, nth and 12th The
gloss is very useful for
and it has given a clear explanatIon
of the different siitras without
going into difficult niceties and
discussions. The treatise does not
'comment upon Vedic portions or
Inles referring to V dic Language
because, as the legend goes, king
Lak$maQa Sma, for whom the gloss
was written, was not qualified to
understand Vedic Language; cf.
Com. on Bha$3.
by Sr$tidhara. ThEre isa popular
evaluation of the BM$avrtti
given by the author himsel,f in the
'<IT: 'I f<lR<(<!(!T 'i'i II "
at the elld of his treatjse; for
details see
+rTliu<rf'Ufr'fiT a learned commentary on
PUfU$otlamadeva's Bh1i.$avrtti by
a learned grammarian of
the sixteenth century.
+rTfqq;- belonging to, or used in spoken
language as contrasted with the
Vedic Langnage or fi'ilTll; cf. or:.nfit
"lTg-.:iir Nir.
a word or a noun-base which
has the same sense in the masculine
gender as in the neu ter gender; gene-
rally words of quallty or adjectives
like 'il'! etc. fall in this category;
d. <rm<lTP.:;! P. VII.
1.74; cf. also +TINa: 9,"l1I<J:.
8 1 om-
o?:rr I
iHI:! iP.::rr I
Kas. on VII. 1.74
a learned commentary on an
original work, of recognised merit
and scholarship, for which people
have got a sense of sanctity in their
mind; generally every Siitra work. l
of a branch of technical learning
(or Sastra) in Sanskrit has got a
Bha$ya written on it by a scholar
of recognised merit. Out of tlie
various works of the kind
given above, the on the
Vyakaral)a sutras of pa1).ini is called
. the Mababba$ya, on the nature of
which possibly the followingdefini-
tion is based " tR:
I 'q +rRfcrU
II ".Parasara Pura1).a XVIII. 15
In books on Sanskrit Grammar the
word +T16l{ is used always for the
The word +TM is
sometimes used in t.he
of Pataiijali ( d. \3:ffit "l1T'I1f-U msif III.
3.19. IV. 4.67) where the word may
refer to a work like which
PataiijaIi may have written, or may
have got available to him as written
by somebody else, before he wrote
the lVlahabha$ya.
Patai'ijali, the author of the
Patafijala the term,
in this sense, frequently occurs in
works on Grammar. See
the brief pithy statements in
the Mah1ibha$ya of the type of the
Siltras or .the Varttikas. These
assertions or statements are Hamed
, i$ti' also.
the brief pithy assertions or
injunctions of the type of Sutras
given by Pataiijali ina way to
supplement the Siitras of PaQini
and the Varttikas thereon. See the
word above and the word
surnamed . - Abh yankar
( 1785-1870) a great grammarian
in the' line of the pupils of Nagesa
who was educated at Poona 'and
lived at Sa tara. He taught many
. pupils, ,a large number of whom
if ,
helped the spread of Vyakara1).a
studies even in distant places of the
Country, such as ViiraQasi and
others. For details' see Vyakaral)a
Mabii.bha$Ya, Vol. VII. pp. 21-29,
D. E. Society's Edition.
a class of words' headed by the
word f'+l&Jf to which the tad. affix' OJ
( 3Icrr.) is added in the sense 'of collec-
tion; e.g. <l19'aOJ:: ,trpunOJ::; cf.
lias. on P. IV. 2.38.
a class of roots headed by the
root f+T<:;" to which the krt affix or
( always in the fent. gender as orr)
is added in the sense of verbal
activity; e.g. itlirr etc.
cf. Ras. 'on P. III. 3.I04.
ftR:r" affix of the instrumental plural
before which the base is looked
upon as a Pada and sometimes split
up in the Padapatha, especially
when .the preceding word has got
no change for its last letter or
. syilable.
writer of the commentary,
named after him, on the Pari-
bha$endusekhara of Nagesa.
called <fu:J?:l6 also, who flourish-
ed in the fourteenth ce1).tury. Ac-
cording to Maitreya, Bhattoji and
Nagesa, he gave meanings to
PaQirJiya Dbatupatha.
a class of words headed by the
word in which the UlJiidi
+r and others, as prescribed by
specific U,Qadi sutras, are found
added in the sense of the 'apadana'
case-relation; e.g. mil: ill the sense
'felitffr '. Similarly m
etc. cf. Ras.on P. III. 4.74. '
lit. swallowed or eaten up-; the
term is used in connection with
letters that are uttered imperfect-
lyon account of -the proximity of
similar letters .
name of a Samdhi or coalescence
given by the writers of the Prati,;,
. sakhya works where the diphthong
vowels arr and aff, followed by any
vowel which is not labial, are turn-
ed respectively inlo 0l9:. and Slier.;
e.g. :r.l'<i
Samh. I. 2.8); d.
Cj'.fijDSflra\llTll: I <!:.n
I l{fcr WiOJ:: 1 9T<U
2.2. (R. 5amh.' I. 2.'2). 9'1<i
d. R. Pro II. II.
more by one syllable; the word
is used as an adjective to the name
of a Vedic metre which has got one
syllable more than the n01mal ;_ cpo
B'f I
'B.,kprati. xvii. I.
lit .. what has become oJ;' happened.
The word is used in books on gram-
mar in the sense of past tense in
general, which has been subdivided
into ( a ) unseen past
( b) past, not of today
or and (c) past in general
P. III. 2.84,
P. III. 2:II6 and ii>'t:
P. III. 2.!II. .
lit. denotation of something
which formerly was existing; a
consideration of that form of a word
which was formerly present. The
word is used frEquently by com-
mentators When they try to apply
a rule of grammar to a changed
wording under the plea that the
wording required by the rule was
formerly there; d. ( lFliw,rit
) c;:\'l. M. Bh. on P. 1. I.
20 Vart. 9; ct. also M. Bh. On P. I.
I.56, V II. 1.9 and VII. 3.103; ct.
also ffi5fffi'OfiT.m Par. Sek.
Pari. 76.
name popularly given by Sira-
deva and other grammarians to the
third pada of the first adhyaya of
:PaI)ini's as, it" begin?
'with the P.,L3.I.
of' the re-
fm:ed to;,d. P. VI.
2.175 " i,'-,
+r!iTP.l: the plura-
lify) and others
other possessive' taddhita.." affixes
should take place; in the
general sense o(the' presence at
one place' as also ' the possession
by some 'individual i; ct.
+f<iRr l!g}fI<{'1: \I ,M. Bh. on V. 2.94.
of the cthird IdiI)<;la of Vakya-
paoiya. It deals with the nature
of ii;r or individual substance.
!:leaded by headed by
and <H sorpe scholars like to
explain; the term means roots in
general, which the first
root in PaI)ini's list of roots; d.
, :<fm<l: P. I. 3.1; The word
denotirg roots stands, in
contrast with the word <''fTFt which
stands for the roots of the first con-
jugation. <i9ilU<i
<IT 91;;:'1: \I
mis. on P. I. 3.I.
a class of nouns headed by
to which the denominative affix
is added in the sense of ' being or
becoming what they were not be-
fore'; e.g. +film
similarly :m'lI'1ij-,
!l:<Ti1T'l'1 etc. d. Kas. III. 1. 15.
that which is to be distinguished
by nleans of adjectives. cpo Yak.
pad. II. I83. il'G'3<lT +19m I
(S:U'1. )
(i) differelice,cause of difference,
such as a special feature; I
iating principle which causes an I
individually, different i treatment.
, cp.' lI.77 ,i 8 5.
( ii) difference, d.
. tim 't.tCjT
+!fclo'lm M. Bh, on P.}., L9, Viiit; 2.
(I) lit. ;
, 'ialing; d.
M. Bh.on'P.I. i.I Vart. 13 ;" ( 2 )
, adjective; d. itir
Kas. onP.ll. 1.57; (3 ) variety;
kind; d.
Kas. on P. V. 3.23; (4) 'indica:tmg;
suggesting, as, contrated, with
<iT"{9i; d g Vakyapadiya.
imagined difference in knowl-
edge cimsed noticed
in objects which are' kn(Hvn. cpo
Yak. pad. I. 86.'
mr' that which is distinguished'; the
\Von! \vhich, is, , cf.
Kas.on P. 11.,1.57. :'
a grammar treatise written
by +fh:ri.:l'., in the fourteenth century
A.D. .;.
'" . ., .' ,"
+rm name "of a commentary on the
of 'Niigesa
written' by Bhimabhatta in the
latter half of the eighteenth cen-
one of the reputed gramma-
rians of the latter half of the
eighteenth century and the first
half of the nineteenth century who
wrote commentaries on several
prominent works on grammar. He
was the son of +!cft\:cr and his native
place was Prayaga. He has written
the comIpentary called Candrakala
'on the L'lghus3.bdendusekhara,
on the VaiyakaraQa-
bhu;,anasara, Gada called' also
Bhairavi or Bhairavigada on the
and commen-
taries (popularly named Bhairavl)
on the Sabdaratna and Linganu-
sa"ana. He is reported to' have
visited Poona, the capital of the
Pesawas and received magnificent
gifts for exceptional proficiency in
Nyaya aDd Vyakarana. For details
seepp. 24 and 25 'Vol. VII. pataii.-
jala D. E. Society's
m<ll" name to a commentary in
general written by Bhairavamisra,
which see above. The commentary
on the is
more popularly known as Bhairavi.
tad. affix mf.'r.r\ suggested by
the Varttikakara to form words like
'\ljjmm<l', which are
derived by the rule a:J'[c.w<iJ!j:;j.,-
m<Tl'G<:'lP.D-cr:. 13: P. V. 1. 9.
'+ft:st' the well-known king of Dbara
who was very famous for his chari-
ties and love of learning. He flouri-
shEd in the eleventh century A. D.
He is aid to have got written cr
himself written several treatises on
various sastras. The work Sarasvati-
kaI)thabharaI)a which is based on
the of PaQini, but
which has included in it the Vartti-
kas and also, has be-
come in a way a Vyakarat;la or a
general work on grammar and can
be styled as Bhoja-VyakaraQa.
He wrote a commentary, on his
Sutras. There are commentaries
,like Hrdayabiiril)i by NarayaQa
DaI)Qanatha and Ratnac13rpaI)a by
Ramasirhha also.
a grammarian who has
written a commentary na)lled
'Sandarbhamrta on Bopadeva's
the consideration that a thmg
was such and such a one formerly,
a.p9- hence liable to undergo gra-
mmatical operations on that
ground; d. I Rttl tre. I
, M. Bh. on P. VII. I.g.
'" '" '
belonging to the class of roots'
headed a root of the first
conjugation; ct. OlfIm
1(as. on P. III. 1.75.
case-affix of the detive and' abla-
tive plural; d. P. IV.
+"<tT+f, case-affix of the instrumental.
'dative and ablative dual; cf.
BBI?;O P. IV. I.2.
tad. affix w- applied to the prefix
al'l' in the sense of depression of the
nose; e,g. ann;g: 8l'CfW-T iflffl9iT
( depression of the nOse iflm-
, <fiT'll ; d. Kas. on
i'rq <m:'R W;'''{: P. V. 23I.
lit. a person or a thing of
which the proper occasion has'
passed; the word is used in connec-
tion with the application of a rule
even though the proper time
of its application is gone, on the
analogy of a man who is paid his
although the proper time
has gone ('j;j2T9'Bt-'l!P.l'<l' a:&!U'\f );
d. <r' 'i:f
Kas. on p. VII. 2.IOI,
stray or spurious verses or sta.n-
zas whose authorship cannot be
traced, but which are commonly
quoted by scholars; d. iflli
1\'1. Bh. on 1. I Ahnika I; the
\vord is explained as composo
cd by Katyayana' by Nagesa:
bhatta in his Uddyota.
lit. centre of ,the brows, or eye-'
brows which is described as the
- . place of air (which produces utter-
or speech) at the time of the
evening soma-pressing or sacrifice;
:fu'ITI CfT<IT+lCff.ff I
Vaj. 1. 30; cf. also
Bh. Gila. VIII. 10.
+enf;;::i1OT the class of roots headed by
+(; the first conjugation of roots.
, +r. (I) fifth letter of the labial class
of consonants which is possessed of
the properties Cf.UO-
WlffiCf, and (2)
substitute of the
1st. sing. in Vedic literature; !
e.g. 9'fl'. d. arm +ro, P. VII.
+f (I) the consonant with the vowel
aT added for facility of utterance;
ct. T. Pro 1. 2.1; (2) The substi-
tute +r for mI, of the 1st pers. pI. in
the perfect tense d.
P. III. 4.82 and in the present
tense also in the case of the root
(3) tad. affix +r added to the
word ij'e<j in the Sail?ika sense's, and
to the words and in the sense
of possession; d.-P. IV. 3.8, V.2.
(I) name of a commentary by
Ranganatha on tbe Padamafijari of
Haradatta; (2) name of a comm-
entary on the Supadma VyakaraI)a
by Vil?l)umisra.
+r<fiR the consonant +J:. with the vowel
a:{ and the affix added' for faci-
lity of use and pronunciation; d.
T. Pr. I. 17 and 21.
for the sake of auspiciousness
at the beginning of a treatise or
work; cf.
M. Bh. on P. ,1. 3.1.; cf.
fif I M. Bh. on P. I.
+1'2: tad. affix +r applied to' a numeral,
"not preceded by another numeral in
the sense of completion; e.g.
BEI+r: ; d. V.249
+fa:! tad. affix+r, causing vrddhi for the
word +[\f:<!, in the sense of 'present
therein' (q;j' '+fcf: ) ; -e.g.'. ; d.
llmft<li "'fTfCi' m<!<IT, P. IV. 3.60
lit. the gait of a frog; jump;
the continuation of a word from a
preceding Siitra to the following
, Sutra or Sutras in the manner of a '
frog by omitting one or more Sut-
ras in the middle; the word
is also used in the same sense
especially ,by later grammarians;
d. I <i:.rr
ia(t:t<ltl1:w-i '!-.:gRi II M. Bh.
on P. 1. I.3 Vart. 2, II. 3.32, II.
4.34, VI. LI6, VI. 3.49, VII. 2.II7.
the same as which ,
see above; d. a:{:.rcrr
M. Bh. on P. V. 2.4.
a popular name given to the
work of Nagesa on
5fGiilfT (science or method of inter-
pretation) in Vyakaral)a which is
generally read by advanced stu-
dents. Nagesa has also written a
bigger work on the same subject
<!lWl"""Qi! which sometimes is also
referred to by the word
+r!! the same as +rgl{. a tad. affix show-
ing possession; the word is frequent-
ly used in Pal)ini's rules for ll"gl{.. cf.
+rmlll' P. IV. 2.72; cf. also,
P. IV. 4.I25, 136; V. 2.59, VI. 1.215,
VI. 3.nS, 130; VIII. 2.9; for the.
sense of <ig see ll'gl{. below. The affix
. ilg (instead of +rgl{. of Pal)ini) is
found in the Athar-va Pratisakhya.
tad.' affix changed in some
to (ct.
. I
9lffl;+<j: P. VIII. 2.9), applied to any
noun or substantive in the sense of
I who possesses that', or 'which
contains it " or in the sense of
possession as popularly expressed.
The affix is called . possessive affix
also, and is very commonly found
in use; e.g. iITm, <i'fm, etc.
cf. ll'gl{. P. V. 2.94. The
very general sense of 'possession'
is limited to certain kinds of pos-
session by the Varttikakara in the
following stanza:
I +T9Rr +rg-
91({<I: II cf. Kas. on P. V. 2.94. There
are other tad. affixes prescribed in
the same senses as +rgl{., such as the
affixes <!l"!. ( V. 2.96-98), (99,
100, I05, II7), and <r (100), IT[
( 101), fclf.l (102,121, 122 ). (102,
lIS, II6, 128, I29-I37), a:{OJ.. (103,
104), (106), \ (107), +r (lOS),
9 (109, Ira), and ( III),
( H2, II3 ), '<5'1.. ( !I5, Il6), oOI"
( !I8, II9 ), <lti. ( 120), Wi ( 123, 138
140), a:{l<i!'i:{"and
( 125 ), 3l'i:{" ( 127 ), and '1', +1', fa, g,
ff and each one applied to speci-
fically stated words. is also
specially prescribed after the words
headed by (d. \mf<l:+<!1ll' p. V. 2.
95) in supersession of some of the
other affixes mentioned above which
would take place in such cases, if
+rgl{. were not prescribed by the rule
The portion of the
dhyayi prescribing the possessive
affixes is named (P. V. 2.92
to 140).
a conventional name given by
grammarians to the third pada of
the eighth Adhyaya of Pal)ini's
Al?tadhyayi as the pada begins with
the sutra <fgCfW l;! P. VIII.
affix in the sense of +Tlf!. i.e. in
the sense of possession. For these
affixes of which l{fit is very
common see the word +rgl{., cf.
;r2: Bf.i6<{i!\- II M. Bh. on III.
1.7; V. 2.94.
affix in the sense of ll"gl{.; see
elision of the affix +rgl{. specially
prescribed after words of quality,
or words meaning quamy, such as
which originally mean the
white colour, the black colour etc.
e.g. tg: cf. W1m+<lt '1l p,
V . 2.94 Vart. 3.
name of a commentary on
KOI}.<;labhatta's Vaiyakaral)abhu-
l?al)a, written by a grammarian
named .
sense in which the affix +rg (<fgl{.)
is affixed; the sense of ' possession '
in general; see the word +rgti. above.
an affix which has got the
sense of +rg (<fgl{.). See the words
and above.
+f'e"'f lit. middle; middling variety
The word is used in the sense of the
middling effort between the open
( ) and the close (BH) external
efforts which technically is called
; d. lj'e-!r l'['!il\: I trar .-:rq: illll:!: 1
a:{ I n({<f>l>:f: I
BRr <'ITll 9T&:!: !
"'f I T. Pr.
on II. 6.
'" " called also Madhyamakau-
mudi or Madhyasiddhanta-katimudi,
a work on grammar which is an
abridgment, to a certain extent, of
Bhattoji's Siddhiintakaumudi. The
treatise was written by Varadaraja,
a pupil of Bhattoji for facilitating
the study of the Siddhanta-kau-
lit. fallen in the middle; the
word is used generally in the. sense
of an augme'nt which is inserted in
the middle of a word. Sometimes
an affix too, like "fcr."!. or a conjuga-
tional sign like is placed in the
middle of a word. Such a middling
augment is technically ignored and
a word together is taken as
the original word" for grammatical
operations; e.g. etc. cf.
Par. Sek.
Pari.89. "I
;f1:.<:J+f (I) the middle person, affix of
the second person d.
... 1I1:<j1l: P. 1. 4.105; cf. also
Nir. VII. 7; (2) middling tone or
drort. d. CfF'f<Jiilrr: T. Pr.
XVIII. 4, where 'the commentator
explains the word as
C!l'!5f<UTr: 1 the word is
used in this sense as qualifying a
mode of .utterence. cf.
acrt g 1I1:1llfl<I: I R. Pr. XIII.
19; d. also 1I1:<Jl1T<JI<!.. R. T.
32; (3) one of the seven modes of
speech or tones. d. tiS CfT'<!:
lI'fFcr I
mufcr! T. Pro XXIII. 4 and 5 and
also XVIII. II where the I
commentator exphins. fJl:<jlf as <I"]
91tR;- 5f<urr crrl1I:<J1l ifTli qg
I ( 4) one of the seven
musical notes originating or pro-
ceeding from the Svarita accent_ ct.

(I) name of a treatise on
grammar by Ramasarman ; ( 2 ) the
same as +r.:;q<Krgcfr.
lit. the dropping of the
middle word or member (of a com-
pound generally) as for instance in
'TII'lilfIM9i for the word
111:1I11tf::{il1:f is aJ!)o used in the sense,
of a compound. The .compounds
which have the middle word dr.op
ped are enumerated by the Varttika..,
kara under the Yarttika 'TIT91tflffr<H-
cfr<if lfIllililR,ffl1:flij Bh. II. - 1.60
Vart.; cf. also Kat. II. 6.30.
name of the speech which is in-
audible and which is of the type of
a thought without any definite
presence of words making up the
expression. cpo Vak. pad. I. 143 cpo
1I1:"<j"IH tC!i'ff: 1:fR,!Ba:n?rcr
lIrmtnG;lifT tff g
lIfcj-ftr I ( )
See 1I1:1I91rgcfr.
a rnle forming a,n exception
to other general rules being placed
'between them, one or many of
which are placed before and the
others afterwards. Such a rule sets
aside the previous rules and not the
succeeding ones. The statement
laying down this dictum is
'{:'1li'(. w'ifi'i. CfI'CIra- cTI'ffi:li'(. Par: Sek.
Pari. 60, also M. Bh. on P. VI. 4.
148 Viirt. 5.
the maxim of the mid del
rure of exception; see lIi!r!fCllG;.
the acute or udatta accent
to the 1I1:"<j" vowel which is neither
the initial (3nm:) nor_the final one
( ;;J"i'ff ) as laid down by the rule
ftfcr P. VI. 1.217; cf. lfIl<U-
G:l'U"m-t cWfcr M.
Bh. on III. 1.3.
a class of words headed by the
word 1I!:]; to which the taddhita
mr.. (liSl.'l.) is added as a Caturar-
thika affix; e.g. etc. ;
d. KM .. on P. IV. 2.86.
+r.I. (I) the affix 11fi1i'(. general! y found
in Vedic Literature added to roots
ending in OfT and preceded by a
noun; e.g. ij({[lH, 811t{tl!ft+Tf; cf. amIT
P. III. 2.74, 75 i (2;0'1
Unadi affix in d. 4'11I"!(Rr
.,.mtlt !JUTlij f.,tn;:Zia- K1i.S.
on P. VI. 4.29'-
+rf.!rJ:. See lFI:..
wn-:tHk( a class of words headed by.
the to which the tadd-
hita affix "f91 is added in the
sense of t nature' or 'duty'; e.g.
etc. cf.
Kas. on P. V. 1.133.
(I.) the popular name given
to the commentary on the
Siddhantakaumudi of by
the author himself; the" comm-
entary is a scholarly one and very
extensive; and its first portion only
up to the end of Karaka is generally
read in the Sanskrit Pathasaliis;
( 2) of a commentary on the
Madhyasiddhantakaumudi by Ram-
asarman; (3) name given to a
treatise discussing roots given in
the Katantra Grammar written by
in the sixteenth century.
The work is called
name given in a banter-
ing tone to the treatise
laUsi1 written bY'W!'ilTl!fqfoiSff.
known also as li"Q;a:<f, a famous
grammarian of tp.e eighteenth
century who has written a comm-
entary named G;qurr on the
of KOl,.1<;la-
bhatta and a commentary named
or KaIJtakoddhiira on Nag-
esa's and a
commentary called on
Nagesa's Laghusabdendsekhara.
name given to the Samhita por-
. tion of the Veda works, especially
of the E.gveda and the Yajurveda l
as different from the Brahmai).a,
AraI].yaka and other portions of the
two Vedas as also from the other
. Vedas; cf. 'q
'q; M. Bh. on P. I. 1.68 Vart. 4.
The word 1Ir3f occurs several times
in the rules of pal,.1ini( cf. P. II. 4.
80, III. 2.71, III. 3.96, VI. I. lSI,
VI. 1.2!O, VI. 3.131, VI. 4.53, VI.
4.141) and a few times in the
Varttikas. (d. I. 1.68 Vart . 4, IV.
3.66 Vart. 5 and VI. 4. I4I Vilrt.
I) It is, however, doubtful whet-
her the word was used in the limit-
ed sense by pal).ini and Katya-
Later on, the word came to
mean any sacred text or even any
mystic formula, which was looked
upon as sacred. Still later on, the
word came to mean a secret
counsel. For details see Goldstlic-
ker's PiiIJini p. 69, Thieme's' pal).-
ini and the Veda' p. 38.
+Irit, (I) one of the three places of
the origination of articulate speech
which is described as situated in
the throat; Ct.:;fifil'r 'tf I
qij-a- Uvvata on R. Pro
XIII. 17; ct. also
1I'f-Rr-1 T. Pr.XXII. II. (2)
name of the "sixth musical note in
the singing of the Samano
+r'!. tad. affix. If always added to the
krt. affix"f-! prescribed after
roots characterized by the mute
syllable :; e.g. etc.
P. IV.
a technical term of J ainendra
corresponding to mtrlR+J.. of PaIJini.
cf. Jain. Sii.I.2.150.
abbreviated term or pratyahara
'for all the of the five
classes or Vargas excepting the
consonant or.; ct. If<1 a-srr </t If[ P.
VIII. 3.33. .
tad. affix ( I) in the sense of
proceeding therefrom (mf 0fl1ffi: P.
3.92) added to words showing
cause or meaning human being; e.g.
(2) in the sense
of product ( fctCfiR) or part (a:JCf<i.Cf)
added optionaliy with a:J1ll. to any
word, e.g. , 'i"lfl!<l+f..,
and necessarily to words
beginning with orr,11: and aU, words
of the class headed by the word
and the words <Tt, Ji't2, ftre and I
some others; cf. P. IV. 3. 143-150;
(3) in the sense of proportion,
added to a numeral; e.g.
ct. P. V. 2.47; (4 lin
tbe sense of 'made up of' added
to the thing of which there isa
large quantity; e.g. a:J'!.ql!<l+f"
ct.; P. V.4.2r, 22.
SEe lfll.
a class of compounds of
the type of W{\oiIt!<ii which are some-
what irregular formations and
hence mentioned as they are found
in use. The compounds are called
simple tatpurulila compounds; e.g.

etc.; cf. P.
II. 1.72.
tad. affix lffre"'l,. adde<1 to the
word a:Jfct' in the sense of milk; e.g.
arf9+lfrali; cf. P.
V. 2.36. Vatt. 5.
a well-known commentator
of Jain Sfitras. He is said to be the
same man as the grammarian who
wrote his Sabdanusasana with his
own commentary (published' from
Ahmedabad). He uses pratyahii.-
ras and follows Jain 8iikatayana.
a reputed commentator on
m,any classical, poetic and dramatic
works, who flourished in the fOllro
teenth century. He was a scholar
of Grammar and is believed to have
written a commentary on. the
Sabdendusekhara and another
named on the i<lTtI

personal ending +r.. substituted for
ar+r.. in Vedic Literature; e.g. '1l:Tf
cf. VII. I.40; See
personal ending of the first person
( plural; e.g. ;
III. 4.78.
+{fg personal ending formed by add-
ing to of the 1st person
pI. in Vedic.
lfRt, cf; Kas. on lfm
P. VII. 1.46.
+!'E[amm a long technical term which
has an application according to the
sense conveyed by its wording, e.g.
t!<filT'f, etc. cf. Yak. pad. n.
368; Mahabhiililya on P. 101-23.
"' . a grammarian of the Katantra
school who has written a gloss on
the <iiriF3f'!RI of gfI'ie-i[: It is named
Sabdasiddhi. Mahadeva lived in the
fourteenth century.
a -grammarian of the eigh-
teenth century who has written a
gloss on Kot;lQabhaHa's Vaiyiika-
name of a commentary On the
KasikavivaraQapafijika (popularly
named Nyasa). mentioned by
Ujjvaladatta in his U t;ladisii travrtti.
Possibly Nyasa with Raklilita's Anu-
nyasa was named Mahanyasa.
lit. hard breathing, aspirate
characteristic of conso-
nants possessed by the second and .
fourth consonants of the five
. ,
and the sibilants lU." '!. and which
letters are also called +mSfIUT that
lit. the great commentary.
The word is uniformly used by
commentators and classical Sans-
krit writers for the reputed comm-
entary on PaI;lini's Sijtras and the
Varttikas thereon, by Patafijali in
the 2nd century B.C. The cq,mm-
entary is very scholarly yet very
simple in style, and exhaustive
although 'omitting a _ number of
Pat;lini's rules. It is the first and
oldest existing commentary on' the
of PaI;lini, and. in spite
of some other commentaries and
glosses and other compendia
written later on to explain the
Siitras of PaI).ini, it has remained
supremely authoritative and fur-
nishes the last and final word in all
places of doubt;' cf. the remarks
etc. scattered here and there in
several VyakaraI).a treatises forming,
in fact, the patent words used by
commentators when they finish any
chain of arguments. Besides com-
menting on, the Siitras of PaI;lini,
Patafijali, the author, has raised
many other grammatical issues and
after discussing them fully and
thoroughly, given his conclusions
which have become the final dicta
in those matters. The work, in
short, has become an encyclopaedic
one' and hence aptly called <aFt or
'i3ll'li\. The work is spread over such
a wide field of grammatical studies
that not a single grammatical issue
appears to have been left out. The
author appears to have a
close study of the method and ex-
planations of the Siitras of
given at various academies all over
the country and incorporated the
gist of those studies given in the
form of Varttikas- at the various
places, in his great work. He has
thoroughly scrutinized and com-
men ted upon the Varttikas many
of which he has approved, some of
which he has rejected; and a few of
which he has supplemented. Besides
the VarUikas which are referred' to
above, he has quoted stanzas which
verily sum up the arguments in ex-
planation of the difficult siitras,
composed by his predecessors. There
is 'a good reason to believe that
there were smali glosses or com-
mentaries on the Siitras of paI).ini
written by learned teachers at the
various academies, and the Varttikas
formed in a way, a short pithy
summary of those glosses or Vrttis.
The explanation of the word 'raT
till:! given by Kaiyata may
be quoted in support of this point.
Kaiyatahas at one place even
stated that the argument of the
Bhalilyakara is -in consonance with
that of Kut;li, his predecessOJ;; The
work is divided into eightyfive sec-
tions which are given the name of
lesson or ar(i\i<ii by the author, pro-
bably because they form the subject
matter of one day's study each, if
the student has already made a
thorough study of the subject and
is very sharp in intelligence. d. 61&
(the explanation
given by the commentators). Many
commentary works were written on
this magnum opus of Patafijali
during the long period of twenty
centuries upto this time under the
names <ft<iit, f2'cqurr, Sl<iifWc!ir,
'[R!, 5fCfrcr,
and the like, but only one of them
the (Pradipa ' of is found
complete. The learned commentary
by Bhartrbari, written five ceno
turies before the Pradipa, is avail-
able only in a fragment and that
too, in a manuscript form copied
down from the original one from
time to time by the scribes very .
.. - cartile:ssly. The available co:nment-
ary is upto the first seven Ahnikas
of (upto P. I.I53)
Two other commentaries are
comparatively modern, written by
and Nilaka:Qtha are
available but they. are also incom-
plete and in amanuscdpt form.
PoSsibly KaiyatabhaHa's Pradipa
threw into the background the
commentaries of his predecessors
and no grammarian after Kaiyat
dared write a commentary superior
to Kaiyata's Pradipa or, if he
began, he had to abandon his work
in the middle. The commentary of
Kaiyata is such a scholarly one and
1'0 written to the point, that later
commentators have almost identifi-
ed the original with the
commentary Pradipa and many a
time expressed the two words
and Kaiyata in the same
breath as or
written by Kaiyatabhatta in the
eleventh century. The commentary
has so nicely explained every'
difficult and point in the
and has so thor<;mghly
explained each sentence the
remark of later ,grammarians
the torch of the has
heen kept burning by the Pradipa
appears ,apt and. justified.
Haradatta's Padamaiijari is indebt-
ed to it. Kaiyata's commentary has
thrown much additional light on
the original arguments and state- the There is
a learned commentary on the
Prad'ipa written by Nagesabhatt
. which is named ' vivarat;,la ,. by the
author but which is .well known by
the name Uddyota' among stu-
dents and teachers of Vyakara:Qa.
For details see pp. 389,' 390 Vol.
VII, D. E.
Society's Edition.
a commentary on
by Dhanesvara of the
sixteenth century.
. name _ given to each
of the various commentaries on the
Pradipa of Kaiyata written hy
grammarians, out of which the com-
mentaries of
<'lRFlUT, and -one
or two more are available in a manu-
uscript form and those too quite
a very learned old com-
mentary on the of
Patafijali written by the. reputed
grammarian Bhartrhari or Had in,
the fifth century A.D. The com-
mentary has been published from
Poona from only one manuscript
preserved in Germany available at
present, of which copies' 1
or ordinary copies are found here
and there.' The first page of the
manuscript is missing and it is in-
complete also, the commentary not
going beyond the first seven
Ahnikas. . For details see page 383
Vol. VII Vyiikarat;,lB
Do E. Society's edition.
a very scholarly com-
mentary on Patafijali's
called also
name of the commentary on the
Pradipa of Kaiyata by Nilanka:t;ltha-
makhl, a versatile writer of the 17th
(I) original name
of the learned commentary on the
, Pradipa' of Kaiyata written by
Nagesabhatta, a stalwart and epoch-
making grammarian of the 18th
century. The commentary is known
popularly qy the name Uddyota
or Pradipoddyota; ( 2) name of
the commentary. on Kaiyata's Pra-
dipa by NityanandaParvatiya.
The commentary is also kIiown by
the name
name given to the short.
gloss on the :written
by the famous eastern grammar-I
scholar of the
twelfth century.
name given to each of
the explanatory glosses on the
written by gram-
marians prominent of whom were
Nilaka:t;ltha and others
whose fragmentary works exist in
manuscript form. . .
;J'&tml}l' name of a grammarian who
wrote a commentary on Jinendra-
budd hi's -Nyasa. The commentary
is known by the name' Vyakara:Qa-
a rule laying down an
option for rules in a topic
by being present int;lvery rule; d.
+mfcim1'f<lT qmlfflr. ( Po' II.
I.II) and tIll:.fV<lT >[:.fllHU (P. IV.
1.82) are some of the rules of
S. K. on wf-
ilTlilr.r P. I. 1.27.
personal ending of the !tmane':
pad a first person plural;
d. Rlmw .. P. III. 4.78.
a class of words headed by
the word to which the tad.
affix a:r is added in the sense
of 'proper for' ( ; e.g.
aff1l:., d. KiiS. on P. IV.
;rit'eff a grammarian of the sixteenth
century who,' besides many small
treatises on other subjects, wrote a.
commentary on the Sarasvata-
Prakriya Vyakara:t;la.
a Jain Grammarian who
has written a work on the kii-raka
topic of grammar, named
name of an ancient writer of
PriitiSakhya works mentioned in
the Pratisii.khya; d. R. Pr. 1:.2.
an ancient writer a Prati-
sakbya work, wl10 is quoted in the
TaittiriyaPratisakhya as one, hold-
ing the view that and CJ:.preceded
by a:r _and followed by ;:r and an-
respectively, are di:opped provided
they stand at the beginning of a
Pada (wold). who belong-
ed to the Yajurveda school, is .said
to have held this view which is
generally held by the followers of
the . cf. \:sCfl!UCfI4('
(T.Pr. X.29) on which
the commentator adds C/&,'l'i:l'TilTll<i

a long term, as contrasted
with the very short terms ![, +1',
and others introduced by Pa:Qini
in his grammar f01;'cthe sake of
brevity. These]ong terms such as'
many others were 'widely in use at
the time of Pii.:Qini . and herice -he
could not but pick them up in his
grammar in spite of his
attempts at brevity. The commen-
tators, however, find out a motive
for his doing this viz .. that appro-
priate words only could be under-
stood by those terms and not
others; cf, (CfI(U\q
. the maxim regarding
Matbara and KaUI)c).inya serving
(and not dining). The maxim
points out that when it is ordered /
. that Brahmins should dine but
other Bdihtnins) Miithara
-and Kaut;l"Jnya should serve, the
latter do not dine. In the same way,
according to the Sutra 8l.n m+"<If" I
P. VlII. 4.46, the <i\S coming after
and &.<m: which in their turn
succeed a vowel are doubled. Here
and \. are not doubled. fl: not
being a <i\ and \ being rejected by
this maxim will not be doubled cf.
M. Bh. on Si. Su. 5, Va. 5.
a Jain writer who has
a gloss on theU1}adisiitras
consisting of ten chapters popularly
called i3'U1rfctttsmrqw.
a work belonging to
the White Yajurveda and attributed.
to Mat;lgavya who is mentioned in
the SatapathaBrahmaQa (X. 6.5.9)
a work belonging to
the Atharvaveda, treats of Vedic
Accent and details of the musical
notes in the Sarna chants.
name of an ancient writer of a
PratiSakhya work referred to in the
B-k Pratisakhya, d. R. Pro I. 2.
letters of the alphabet. See

+rrn""t a tad. affix in the sense of
measure applied optionally with
a<ffi and <:;fI to a noun; e.g.
cf. srIlrUr I P.
V. 2.37 arid KMika thereon which
remarks that a<ffi and<:;fI are applied
in the sense of height, while is
applied in the sense of any measure;
cf. Wft<i!ll <:1\I:cfijf.t ilm i/i/ K1i.S.
.on P. V. 2.37.
iffifI' (I) measure, quantity; cf. 1f<ijij"
ft tffl ill:q <n<Rft :q aNm'lilT M. Bh. on
P. I. 2.45 and II. 1.1; (2)
prosodial unit of one instant, i.e.
the length of time required to pro-
nounce a short vowel; cf. i/T'!iIT
M. Bh. on
I. 1.48 Vart. 4; cf.
3:!fliQt," eM:, tCf ffi:
R. Pr. I. 16; ct. alsa R. Pro I. 34,
T. Pro I. 37, V. Pr. I. 59, R. T. 28;
also d. aNilISlIi1144<l
Par. Sek. Pari. 132. The ins-
tant is taken to be equal to the
. throbbing of the eye, or a flash of
lightning, or a note of a wood-cock.
( 3) condition; d. Vak. pad. II.
1.24; cpo also m:
<;Of arRllliTSlT I Put;lya-
;fNCl' the well-known epoch-making.
scholar of the 14th century who.
has written a number of treatises
in various Sastras. His is a
well-known work in grammar.
a learned gloss on the
Dhiitupatha of Pat;lini by Madbava.
This work refers to ]3himasena,
Maitri'lya, Haradatta, and Siradeva
and is referred to by Bhattoji and
a gloss not composed b:r, but
simply explained by an inhabitant
of Mathura or Madhura. Such a
gloss is referred to in the Mahii-
bhiitiya on P. IV. 3. 101 Vart. 3;
which possibly might be referring
to an existing gloss on the Sutras
of Pa1}ini, which was being explain-
ed at Mathura, at the time of Pataii-
jali. The term 1ll:!U was used for
in ancient times and the word
is also used for 'lRt.
tmaT a work belonging to
the White Yajurveda and attribut-
ed to the sage Miidhyandina.It is
known for its famous rule that the .
cerebral :;; was to be pronounced as
kD, except before a cerebral plosive
{lJiiiIWI ('fi\\: <:/Uij, <It 1t4Q:.1 )
+nii krt affix arrq of the present parti-
ciple with the augment OJ: prefixed
to it by arR P. VII. 2.82; e.g.
Q;\:TIWi:, etc.
an old grammarian, who wrote
a grammar of Prakrta languages
which is known by the name 3f1iiCf-

softness of the voice characteriz-
ing the pronunciation of a grave
vowel; cf. ftcF1:Tffi'
'< ..'
so cf. a:Ji<l'itfilf ;:ft:q:-
, cmfUr M. Bh. on P. I. 2.29, 30;
cf. also T. Pr. XXII. 10.
;r(<15T a variety of the methods of Vedic
recital; it is a kind of ifil11fIO and
one of the eight artificial recitations.
It is of two kinds viz. i'filf+!lm which
is defined as
. '"
;:ffij': I ar<'ff "fiR \I
J - J J J


wij-, WRr
T _. -'- -
\I is defined as miT
llWci 1RT<lf ft \
name of a very ancient, pre-
Pii1}inian grammar ascribed to
of which some references only are
availa;ble. The grammar work is
also referred to cf.
IIu1qlll.\ it
.mf.r \I Devebodha's
com. on' the Mabiibhiirata. For
details see p. 124-27. Vol. VII
D. E. Society's
the fourteen sutras
etc. which are believed to
have been composed by Siva and
taught to Pat;lini, by means of the
sounds of the drum beaten at the
end of the dance; cf. v:g- J
\I Nandi-
kdvara-karika I. For details, see
Vol. VII. Vyiikarat;la
D. E. Society's edition.
the Sutras, the
of which is attributed to Siva; the
sutras etc. giving the alpha-
bet. See
the maxim regarding
fish bone. When a person desires
fish, he brings it along with the fish-
bones or when a person desires flesh,
he brings it with the bone pieces .
inside. Later on, he removes them.
He cannot help bringing ,the
with bones inside. In the same way,
in the sutra dt<ll4<1i( I (P; IV.
I.92) the word in masculine
singular could not but be used.
This masculine singular should not
be taken as a fact determining a
rule. It is only accidental. cpo M.
Bh. on IV. 1..92. Viirt. r ..
ftc (ii\q,) personal ending of the first
person 'singular;. cf. futr-
P; III. 4.78
(I) characterized by the mute
letter i(; augments so characteriz-
ed such as 6Ji( and the like, are
inserted after the last vowel of a
word to which they are to be add-
ed; cf. lR: P. J. 1.47; (2)
a technical term applied to the
fifty-five roots which are headed by
the and which belong to
first conjugation, to the roots
etc., as also roots
and roots ending in
1 hese roots are not really charac-
terized by the mute letter i( but
they are-given the
The use of the designation
imr. 'is ( a ) the shortening
of the penultimate vowel which
has been lengthened by Vr
the causal sign fiil', and (b)
the optional lengthening of the
penultimate vowel before the affix
. f'CfOl:. and For a complete list
of' mit' roots, see Dhatupatha
name of a . grammatical
work on the Siitras of' pal}.ini by
(I) name of a commentary on
the Sarasvatasara, written by Hari-
deva. (2) a commentary on
dhyayi by the famous logician
tad. affix in the sense of possession .
added to the word m; e.g. <TImer.,
P. V.
m'\ personal ending fu of the first
person ( sing. Parasmai-
pada; cf. Rlt;'ffur .. P. Ill. 4.78.
roots taking personal endings of
both the Padas ; Ubhayapadin
roots; this term is given in
. Bopadeva's grammar.
a popular name given in popular
use by grammarians. to the com-
mentary written by on the

lft<:r tad. affix <f!<i along with +j (+llll..)
applied to the word in the
sense of a case-affix ( locative
case-affix )e. g. +llO!!<f!<I ; ct. +tUlft<lr 'q
Kas., on P. IV. 3.60.
augment or.. prefixed to the affix
OfF! (i.e. :alii" and :aTiier.)
of the pres. part. Atmanep.ada;
e. g. !2;'CfIilii:, 'IiI+{!i!: lJCI+flif:, <j::\IlIii:,
etc.; ct. P. VII. .2. 82. See
aperture of the mouth; the main
piace of the utterance of a letter.
definition of 3@llfuc6,
a letter which is pronounced
through both-the mouth and the
nose-as contrasted with a
letter which is uttered only through
the nose; e. g. O!., ut, er., <I,. and
the nasalized vowels and nasalized
'{.. "i, and a: ;cf.
P. 1. 1.8; d. also C!lti)@(I"ijl1f Ofti)-
qyffi;!;r: (T. Pr. II. 30), where the
fifth letters and the anusvara are
called anunasika. According to
Bhattoji, however, can-
not be anunasika as it is pronounc-
ed through the nose alone, and not
through both-the mouth and the
nose. As the anusvara is pronounced
something like a nasalized ll. accord-
ing to the Taittiriyas, it is called a
consonant in the Taittiriya PratiSa-
khya; ,d.
@T<iR.1 Com. on T. Pr.
II. 30.
'a mute letter added to an
affix or a substitute or the like,
which does not really form a part
of the affix etc., but which simply
facilitates the utterance of it; cf.
arliT <fcIiTUJtt I M. Bli. on
L 1.1. VI. 1.87; cf. als.) Q<IiIU
ii tti<f G"!R:: I Kas. on P. III. .
main, principal, primary sub-
stantive 'as contrasted with a quali-
fying substantive; cf.
Sek. Pari. IS.
the principal word in a
sentence which comes last in
the technical expression of the
import or It is described
as primary and not 'subordinated
to any other thing
This is, in a way, the cru-'
cial point in the theories
of import; e. g. according to the
grammarians, the verbal activity is
the principal word, while, according
to the Mimarilsakas, the bhavana
is the principal word and accord-
ing to the Naiyayikas; it is the
subject that is the' principal word.
. lit. instructions to the igno-
rant; a treatise on grammar simi-
lar to the of PaQini but
much shorter, written by Bopa-
deva or Vopadeva, an inhabitant
of the greater in the
Vardha district, in the thirteenth
century. After the fall of the Hindu
rulers in Bengal, treatis,=s like
and others written by east-
ern grammarians fell into the back-
ground and their place was taken
up by easier treatises written by
Bopadeva and others: Many com-
mentaries were written upon the
Mugdhabodha, of which the Vidy-
anivasa is much known to gramm-
arians. Supplementary works to
Mugdhabodha were written by
Nandakishore Bha!ta, RamaTarka-
vagisa' and Kasisvara.
a commentary work on
Mugdhabodha; the name is given
to commentaries written by Rama-
tarkavagisd. (called
by Radhavallabha (called
by Gangadhara (called
by Durgadasa, by Dayarama and
by Ramananda.
the substitution of !I for the
,syllable beginning with certain
cases; cf. OlG:&oog; <U +j: P. VIII.
r a technical term for the sibilants
;u:", 'i. and <3:. given in'the Vajasaneyi-
Pratisakhya; cf. !fii V. Pr. I. 52.
ct. also V. Pr. Ill. 9, III. 13, IV.
the popular .and honorific term
for the three prominent grammari-
ans of the PaQinian system of gra-
mmar viz. !fIfUTr.r, and'tffii!&>
who -were the pioneers of that
; cf. Siddhanta-
Kaumudi beginning .
the augment <I,. inserted imme-
diately aIter the final vowel of the
word for which it is prescribed; cf.
P. VI. 3.67 ; d., als9
P. III. 2.26, V. 4,7 and VI. 3.69-72.
the cognition of tangible
things and in the world.
cpo Yak. pad. 1. 19; cpo l!.(!{V: f,fi!!T-
I (i.)
.. '
the top of the 'orifice of the
mouth; the place of utterance
( Wii) of the letters SK,
and ut, \. and f.; cf. +[1:TV
S. K. on. P. -I. 1.9; d. also 'liT
V. Pr. 1. 67, R. T. 6, R. Pr. 1. 19,
and T. Pr. II. 37 where \. appears
letters pronounced at the place
called cerebral or lingual
the letters SK, Ill..
(I) the root of the teeth given as
the place of origin for the letter \.
in the l,{k Tantra; cf.
'II. R. T. 8; (2) the main
instrument of the utterance of
letters known as or 3T!1lfiW('.
the base of- the word
used in language; the root and the
pratipadika; the word -q-{+fSliim is
also used in the same sense.
the crude base of a declinable
word; the pratipadika; the term is
found used in the Jainendra Vya-
karaQa; cf. Jain. Vyak. I. 1.5.
. ( I) soft in utterance; the term is
used in the Vajasaneyi Pratisakhya
for the I'1i!ii. and IW{ft(
varieties of the circumflex accent
( out .of which the is
the softest ( ) and consequently
always' called while the others
are called only with respect to
the preceding one in the order
given above; viz. arlirf.rlrff, etc.
cf. I mft
<:00 II mIT
Uvvata on V. Pr. I. 1
( 2) soft, as opposed to hard; the
term is used in connection' with the
first, third and fifth consonants of
the five classes.
ANTHONY] a deep scholar of
Vedic Gram. and Literature who
has written an exhaustive Vedic
Grammar. in treatment, at places
he differs from PiiI}.ini and follows
a different method, but the manner
of ttIinking and argument is on
original lines.
a Jain grammarian of the
seventeenth century, who ' has
written a grammar work. similar to
the Siddh1inta Kaumudi, on the
Sabdiinusiisana of Hemacandra.
The grammar work is
or also.
a Priitisiikhya or
Piir;;ada work giving the peculiarit-
ies of Sandhi, accent and the like,
in changing the MaitrayaI}.iya-Sam-
hit'apiitha into the Pa<:lapiitha
a recognised scholar of
PiiQini's gr'ammar, who belonged to
the Eastern part of India and
flourished in the beginning of the
twelfth century. As it appears
from the name Maitreya Rakf?ita,
he appears to have been a Buddhist
r grammarian. Subsequent writers
in their works refer to, him by the
name alone, as also by the
name Maitreya, but very rarely by
the name Maitreya Rakf?ita. He
wrote many works on grammar of
which the < Tantrapradipa " a learn-
ed commentary on Jinendrabud-
dhi's Nyasa on KiiSikii, was a reput-
ed one, which, although available
in a fragmentary manuscript form
today, has been profusely quoted
by prominent grammarians after
a grammarian of the fourteenth
century who has written a comment-,
ary on the Kiitantra Vrtti of
Durgasirilha. He has' written ,a
commentary on the .Akhyatavrtti
of the Kiitantra school as aiso a
short treatise dealing with the krt
affixes called Krdvrtti.
(I) a word although correct,
yet looked upon as incorrect owing
to its faulty utterance; (2) a per-
son iike the uncultured people, who
is not able to pronounce words
correctly; cf. +IT
c<!\Cwl Mi ah. I. I. Ahnika I.

(I) a consonant of palatal
class, called semivowel or
(spelt as also), possessed of
the properties and
in addition; (2)a substi-
tute for <1:. when that is followed
by a which is followed by <I.. e.g.
cf. err P. VIII.
3.26 Vart. -I ; (3 ) <I. looked upon as
possessed of a very little effort in
produ&ion i.e. which appears as
almost dropped but not completely
dropped when its elision is pre-
scribed at the end of a word. e.g.
P. VIII. 3.18.
(I) the consonant <I. with ar added
to it merely for the sake of
in pronunciation; <I'liR is also used'
in the same sense; e.g. <felt <I:;
P. VI. 1.38 d. T. Pr. I; 17, 21;
( 2) krt affix (<Ie() prescribed as
or potential passive participle; e.g'.
etc.; d. ar'i'it <le( . P.
III. 1.97-105; <'3) krt. affix Cf<ll1.
which is also an affix called krtya;
e. g. il!&jlOJ:., EfR<lOJ:.,
firir:, !l5<[:,
also d. P. III.
( 4) krt. affix TP.ffl:. (which is also
. .
'ifi(<r ,e.g.
etc.; d. P. III. ;
( 5) tad. affix <i affixed ( a) in the
sense of collection to CfTff etc.,
. as also to iff and , e.g. tfli!<iT,
etc., cf. P. IV. 2.49,50; (b) in
the senses to etc.
e.g. C!<i<j:, ct. P. IV. 2.80, (c)
as a tad. affix to !lTlT, along
with the affix (SOl; e.g. !IT+</:,3WftIlT:;
d. P. IV. 2.94; (d) in the sense of
, good therein' ) and other
stated senses affixed to tMT, 00,
and Bill; e.g. tl+<!:, etc. cf. P.IV.
4. 105, 109, 133, 137, 138; (e) in
the sense of deserving it' to G:11G
and other words, a:!cq, ilE<f,
etc.; cf. P. V. 1.66; (f) in the
sense. of quality or action to
e g. d. P. V. 1.126; (6) tad.
affix <Ie( applied to (a) J!lSR,
in the sense of offspring, ( b)
\3'@, ;ng and others, under
certain conditions; d. P. IV. 2.17,
31, 32, 101, (c) ter aN, words
in the class headed
and others in specific senses ; P.
IV. 3-46,54 etc. and ( d) in specific
senses to specific words
here and there in -Ii number of
siitras froin IV. to V. 4.25 ;
( e) to and others in
the sense of (similar to) e.g.
, etc.;cf. P. V. 3.103 ;
( 7) <I substituted for
of the dative sing; e.g. \T+IT<! cf. P.
VII. 3.102; (8) verb-affix <!'J! ap-"
plied to the nouns and others
to make them ( denominative) roots;
e.g. etc; cf. <!'J!
P. III. 1.27; (g) VikaraI).a <I
applied to any root before the
Siirvadhatuka personal endings to
form the base for the passive voice
as also the base for the < Karma-
kartari ' voice e.g. cf.
P. III. 1.67; (10) UQadi
affix <I ( applied to the roo't
to form the Vedic word a:!Er<f; cf.
( II) augment <r (
added'to the affix 'R'ff, -in Vedic
Literature; e.g. C{'i:'iT<r; cf. mt P.
VII. I.47 ; ( 12 ) verb affix added '
to a root to form its Intensive base
(which sometimes is dropped and
the root is doubled. e.g.
'i'iWfcr; cf. P. III. 1.22, 24; (13)
short term ( ;rt<iTif!\ ) supposed to be
beginning with <r in the affix in
the siitra <fffilt=!iT"l't III. I.22, and
ending with in the siitra
III. 1.86, with a view to including
the various verb affixes and con-
jugational signs.
the affix <I; see <j ( g ), ( g), ( 10 )
and ( II ) above.
author of the commentary
called filran:rfUr on the Sabdiinu-
sasana of Siikatiiyana.
see <f (12 ) and ( 13 ) above;
a secondary root formed by
adding the affix in the sense of
repetition and intensity, to roots
having one syllable and beginning
with a consonant; cf.
p. III. 1.22, 23, 24.
See <I ( 12) above.
a: secondary root formed by
adding the affix to roots speci-
fied in P. III. 1.22, 23{ 24, which
sometimes dropped; cf.
'Cj'; P. II. 4.74. The Yailluganta
Toots take the Parasmaipada ,per-
sonal endings and not the A tmane-
pad a ones which are appJied to
Yananta roots.
<.JUt a brief term for letters <{; EL, \.
and i.e. the semi-vowels; cf.
<ltllF:! P. VI. 1.77;' d. also I. 145.
and VI. 4.81.
a grammar work deal-
ing with the frequentative roots
writteu by PaJ;lQ.ita Seliakg;J;la.
<!{;j\Tre; roots headed by the root <I"l,.
which take the samprasaral}a sub-
stitute for their semlvowe-Ybefore
terminations marked with the mute
Jetter '.!1; e.g. l{@:; cf.
fotfu P. VI. 1.15. These roots
are nine in number, <l"l,., '1tI,., '<il, Cf1'f.. .
and others which are of the first '
conjugation given by PaQini in his
Dhatupatha at the end of.the rQots
of the first conjugation.
( 1) short term formed
,by the letter <i of and the
mute letter O!.. of la'1l0!.. including
semi-vowels and the third a,tfd the
fourth consonants excepting
and of the fiye consonant groups;'
d. ayffi <{tEll' <lf5:r;P;'"VH. 3. lOr ;(2}
tad. affix added (a) in the sense
of mS! (grand-children and their
descendants) to words of the IF'i
class and some other words under
specific conditions, e.g .. 1T1l: CJttt<I:,
Cf.ll:<{: etc., d. <l0!.. and the
following P. IV. I. 105-108; ( b )
in the sense of collection to
crfU'l1fiT, and a:{JIl, cf. P. IV. 2.40
and the Varttika thereon and IV.
2.48; (c) in the senses to
the word ifill', d. P. IV. 3.10; (d)
to the word e.g. cf. P.
IV. ,3. 168, and (e) to the words
a.nd others when they . the affix a:{rII., added to
them: e.g. d. P. V. 3.
:zruCl'Q. containing a semi-vowel
it; d. '<fTIDiIu:m: P. VIII.
see <i (6).
<!{(i\' (1) effort in the utterance of a
letter; the word which is generally
used for such an effort is S\<ICc1. This
effort is described to be of two
kinds alr+<rrm: internal i.e. below the.
root of the tongue and above
the root of the tongue te. inside
the mouth; cf. <itciT ftcn I
iifTlUla I S. K. on P. 1. 1.9; (2) spe-
cific effort, by adding a word to a
rule for drawing some inference,
with a view to removing some
technical difficulty; cf. q-<if
Kas. on P. VIII.
2.25. J'he phrase Cf.-G'o<ll-:;r <lCc1: often
occurs in the Mahabhaliya.
lit. the topic or the section of
. <it(; the section where the tad. affix'
< prescribed. This tad. affix lR1:.
is- prescribed in the fifth adhyaya of
Pal}ini in a number of rules in diffe-
rent senses; d. <ltSICf.l:Uf P. V.
1.6 Vart. I; P. V.
Ii39. Vart. I.
as they are actually found in
Vedic recital with some irregulari-
ties of euphonic changes, length-
ening of the vowel and the like.
Specimen's of such phrases are given
in R. Pro II. 33 to 39.
as it is actually put in the
rule or a treatise by the author.
The phrase is often used in the
when after a long dis-
cussion, involving further and fur-
ther difficulties, the author reverts
to the original stand and defends
the writing of the sutta as it stands.
9 +{<fR\' or I
trffl:: is the usual exp-
ression found in the Mababha!?ya;
cf, M. Bh. I. I. Ahnika I, 1. t. I 9,
. ,
20, 62, 65 etc.
as formed according to rules.
The phrase is very
often found in the as
a general guiding remark that
noun-forms or word-forms which are
not found in use in the language of
the people or in literature should
be understood as they are derived
by observing all the rules that are

as if-is in" the original Samhi-
tapatha without any change of
accent, etc. when cited in the
Padapatha; the word (not
allowing any change or reduction )
is given by Uvvata,in explanation
of cf. <i:.rIqQ.. R. Pr.
XI. 31.
one who grasps the
sense as given by the actual word-
ing without going into details re:
the use or application etc.; cf.
li.fff %<ia-: I
Par. Sek. Pari. 2.
in respective order, the first
for the first, the second for the
second, and so on; when the
number of subjects and predicates
is the same, they should be conne-
cted in the respective order; cf.
"6JfCi1Ff,. P. I. 3. 10.
(qftlrt1!fi) a short phrase' or
term fer the Paribhii!]ii or guiding
statement r tech-
nical terms and Paribhiilias are to
be interpreted at the place where
they are stated, and not at the
place or of their application
or utility. '
(Iift<wrr) short familiar word-
ing for the dictum or
I' Par.
Sek. Pari. II.
lit. a chance-word; Sam-
jfiii-sabda or proper noun which is
given accidentally without any
attention to derivation or authority;
ct. ' a:r4 dre: I
M. Bh. on Siva Sutra 2.
a connection with the word
(pronoun) <iii'. by its use in the
same sentence and context, which
prevents the anudatta (grave)
accent for the verb in the sentence;
ct. P.
VIII. 1.30;' cf. also the usual
expression' <imlTT<lftlEffQ: found in
commentary works.
lit. a word formed from <lSi.; a
word which contains the pronoun
<iSi. in it which prevents sarvanu-
datta for a verb which follows; d .
on P. VIII.
1.66; cf. also <lmTf':U;eJ V. Pro VI.
14, where Uvvata explains as
I V. Pr. VI. I4. com.
a short term for the con-
sonants which begin with '!. ( in
and end (in
before the mute i1. i.e. all semi-
vowels, and fifth consonants of the
five classes; cf. \'l:&t <illT <1m P.
VIII. 4,64.
<i+I' (I) one of a pair, a twin letter
available in pronunciation before a
nasal letter and similar to it, when
the nasal consonant is preceded by
anyone of the four consonants of
the five' classes; a transitional
s:ound intervening between a non-
nasal and the following nasal as a
counterpart of the non-nasal; cf.
"'mUIr m tR <.jilT cn+r
'1m: S. K. on
P. VIII. 1.1; (2) name given to
the seven musical notes, found in
the singing of Saman; cf. *Rtli"<!ll-
Cfl"l: m
+!'If.-ff I
I T. Pr. XXIII. 13.14.
an obscure term found used in
the Phit-siitras <.jiliCjT :it&:
+!9fu) Phit-siitra II. 42,
where the word <.jiliCjT is explained
as by the For the
meaning of <m, see
i[ilOI. p. 101.73. .
short term (SRi!ili[R) for the con-
sonants beginning with ':!: ( in
and ending before the mute
letter 7J.. ( in <m<r:) i. e. all consonants
except and {; cf.
P. VIII. 4. 58 by which
an anusvara is changed into a cog-
nate letter of the fonowing which
is a letter included in
.:f\ a short term ( 3Rilm, ) for any
consonant except it, which. (I)
standing at the end of a word is
optionally changed to the. nasal
consonant of its class if followed
by a nasal letter ;cf .
cnfW-fit 9l P. VIII. 4.45; and (2) is
doubled if preceded by. \. or i!. as
also if preceded by a vowel but not
followed by a vowel; e. g. aNi:.
cf. 1+<It l; :qP.
VIII. 4.46, 47.
tad. affix in the sense of' posse-
ssion found in Vedic Literature
added optionally with the affix
( to the words and
e. g. WWCT:; iffit+mtc:r:. w-
+mtc:r:; cf. P. IV. 4. 131.
dropping of the consonant 7J..
which prevents the validity of a
changed letter d. q
q&l<t1 ((<f"4q<l{<:[J\q ...... fciN9; P. I. 1.58
lit. having the bulging
out like the Yava grain; (I) Ilame
given to a variety of the Gayatri
which has 7 letters in the first and
third (last) feet and 10 letters in
the second i.e. the middle foot;
( 2) the name is also given to a
Mahabrhati having the first and the
last feet consisting of 8 letters and
the middle one consisting of 12
syllables; cf. R. Pr. XVI. 18 and 48
the class of the consonants head-
ed by 7J.. i.e. the semi-vowels <:[, CJ , ,
and ;,;;,
a class of words headed by the
word <{Ci, the ta"ddhita affix +rn::. after
which- does not get the consonant
changed into CJ.. although the affix
+rn::. be added to a word ending in
or aT, or having <t. or aj as the penul-
timate letter; e. g.
etc. ; d. KiiS. on P. VIII.
2.9. This <:fCfIWJur is looked upon as
a grammarian, the author of
a treatise named Bha!]iinusiisana.
a Jain grammarian, the aut-
hor of a work named Samasasobba.
the same as the aut-
hor of M<t1litfill', a commentary on
the Sabdanusiisana of Sakatayana.
tad. affix <:[ with mute to indi-
cate the application of the term
'II&: to the preceding base as a con-
sequence of which the final il. of
the words lifI1( and after which
is prescribed, gets changed into
anusvaril i e. g. ct?1:, ct. P. V.

W'ords headed by the word
the affixes in the sense of C a descen-
dant ' placed' after which are
elided and' the words are to be used
in the plural number in the mascu-
line gender; e. g. <R'iit: ; cf. Kas. on
P. II. 4.63. .
:q'l substitute for a case affix in Vedic
Literature; e. g. for
cf. P. VII. 1.39.
for a case affix found
in Vedic Literature; e. g. for
cf. ijqf ..... P. VII.
a class of words headed by
,!1}.e words qIt"fRCli and
i)thers with which a word in the
case is compounded, in spite
the prohibition of compounds
. *ith such words, laid down by the
:rule '<j' P. II. 2.16; e. g. jJngtJI-
etc.; ct. Kas. on P.
II. These words, and
):-otb.ers standing as the second mem-
bers of compounds have their last
v.olVel accented acute; cf. P. VI.
iciliQ(#4fit1qrr a work belonging
,to ':White Yajurveda, written in the
Iemh century A. D. It qnotes Vaja-
saneyi Pratisiikhya e.g. II. 20.
<:fT prefixed to the case-
amxes marked with the mute letter
e. the date sing. the able sing,
gen. sing. and the'loc. sing.)
a feminine base ending in an ;
e.'g. ct. <:[tGN:
VII. 3.II3.
a of words headed by tbe
word.iR'f to which the
affix <Ii ('1\'1.) is added without any
specific sense assigned to it; e. g ..
+rlU\<n: etc.; cf. KiiS. on P. V.
angment <mi. prefixed to the
parasinaipada case-endings of
( the potential and the benedictive)
which is accented acute; e. g.

:q'l{CW a reputed ancient Nirnktakara
or etymologist, of the 6th century
B. C. or even a few centuries before
that, whose work,. the Nirnkta, is
looked upon as the oldest authori-
tative treatise regarding derivation
of Vedic words. Yaska was preceded
. by a number of etymologists whom
he has mentioned in his work and
whose works he has utilised. Yaska's
Nirukta threw into the back-ground
the older treatises on etymology,
all of which disappeared gradually
in the course of time.
augment 7J.. prefixed to the tad
affix when it is applied to the
in which case is changed
into ; cf . ..-fu;1iIT '<j' ..-it:;
l{lR2i 'i.f;P. VI. 4. 158, 159.
generafwo.rdingincluding the affixes
of which
only fl. remains :as the affix, which
is' changed into i!Jif by the rule flm:-
qtif P. VII. I.t.
augment 7J.. (1) added to a verb-
base or a root ending in <>IT before
thie affix and krt affixes marked
witb mute or.. or OI.;
cf. P. VII. 3.33; (2)
added to the roots m, (m), Sf (m )
tit (tit), fC Ir( 9l ) and
1fi ( lIT and q.) before the causal affix
fill,; e. g. etc. cf.
P. VII. 3S7; (3)
added in Vedic Literature to the
frequentative base of the root
of which ".is;the form of perf.
1st and srd pers. instead of
m; cf. ... "4 P.
VII. 4.65.
(1) proper, appropriate, justi-
fied; the word is very frequently-
used in the Mahiibhii!?ya and other
grammar works; (2) the sense of
the original base which is connected
with the sense of the affix; cf.
KiiS. on P.
1. 2.51; (3) connected with; cf.
R. Pr. 1. 29 ;
P. I. 4.50
(1) argumentation; reasoning;
( 2) current maxim; cf.
simultaneous possibility of
the application of two rules or
operations, when in grammar no
option re': their application is
admissible as it is admissible accord-
ing to Mimamsa roles re: two
operations enjoined by Vedic
behests. In Grammar, only one of
the sense of the original base, such rules applies, the priority of
the affix after which is dropped application being based upon the
by means of the term ! cont- criteria of 1R?-f, and
rasted with the terms and 'jj 6j\fCJT&?-f; d. 'i{ISi{'RMSlfdiNr ifll[ --.-rqfcr
which are used in the same sense; I M. Bh. on VI. 1.15
cf. HCffctfcr 'm'fgcrr \ Vart. 12.
I tI it Wlfui Kiis.
on P. I. 3.51. denotation of two
lit. behaviour like the ori-
ginal base. The term is used in
the sense of possession of, or
getting, the same gender and
number as was possessed by the
base to which the tad. affix was
added and subsequently dropped
by a rule of paI}.ini in which the
word Il. is put in the sense of
dropping; e.g. or 8lm:
in the sense of or OTWT.,i f.t;;rffit
cf. ;;r.jq&: Il. P. IV. 3.81 and
9"ftt -}'. 1. 2.51; cf.
also M. Bh. on P. 1. 2.51 and 52.
a class of compound words
headed by the word which
have their initial vowel accented
acute in spite of the dictum
that a compound word except a
Bahuvrihi compound word, has its
last vowel accented acute; cf. Kas.
on P. VI. 2.8r; cpo Vak. Ead. III.
the sense possessed by the
original word to which the affix ,
subsequently dropped by means of
the word Il., was added.
or more things by one single mem-
ber by virtue of their being. put
together in a dvandva compound
of two or more words; the gram-
marians advocate this doctrine stat-
ing that- in a. dvandva compound
such as or the word
. has the capacity of expressing the
sense of both and q<!:, which in a
sentence it does not possess.
Similarly qc: also has the capacity of
conveying the sense of both qc: an_d
Possibly this theory is advocat-
ed by grammarians, on the analogy
of words like fuRr or maU for maT-
mm, 'miff for and on on ; cf.
9 OC"i(if'Cf.,I<:( P. II.
2.29 Vart. 2. For details see Vyii.-
karaQamahii.bha!?ya on 'CfTij P.
II. 2.29.
desire to express two
or more senses simultaneously (by
one word) ; cf. oofiiT iJ.iiT I
+!Cifu M. Bh. on P.
II. 4.62. See
( or expres-
sion of the senses of two words to-
gether by one word as, for example,

- by the word 'miff which <lenotes both
heaven and the earth
Simultaneous denotation of the
several senses of the individual
members of a dvandva compound
by any single individual member
cpo Yak. pad. III. 14.34. cpo
'ti I M. Bh. on II. 2.29. '
(I) lit. pair; the word is used for
the second and fourth consontants
er.., etc. of the five classes
which, in a way, are combinations
of two consonants; cf.
R. T. 16; cf. also
the word is explained as i3ll+IT
I @'I' or:;
'lil[; cf. ( 2)
even, as opposed to odd, referring
to the vowels aTI and afT which are
even in the enumeration "t. ail 1; afT.
The consonants called viz.
and others which are defined as
are also the even consonants in their
krt affix changed into ar.r, (I)
applied in the sense ,of < a habituat-
ed agent' to intransitive roots in
the sense of movement or utterance
. - .,
to Atmanepadi roots beginning
with a consonant, to the toots
as also to roots in
the sense of cdecoration; e.g.
cf. P. III. 2.148-151; (2)
applied to causal roots, as also to
the roots OTm., and others in the
sense of verbal activity when the
word so formed has always the
feminine gender; e.g. CfiRUlT, ifRUTT,
etc.; cf. P. III. 3.107
and the Varttikas thereon; (3) ap-
plied to roots ending in an and pre-
ceded by the indeclinables
or tl in the sense of easy or difficult
for obtainment and, wherever seen
to any root in the Vedic language,
as also to some other roots as found
in actual use in the classical litera-
ture; e.g. .-rr.l'fffi, g;-sQl<r:, li!ffi:,
etc. g;<lT'Ff:, etc., ct.
P. III. 3.128-130'
augment <r. prefixed to the tad.
affix fCIior. ( OTI<@r) after the words
'<m", and ilf.ij e.g.
cnli<flllfUr:; cf. P. IV. 1.55 Vart. I.
lit. young person; masculine' the
word is given as a technical in
grammar in the sense of one who
is the son of the grandson his
descendant, provided- his father is
alive; the term is also applied to a
nephew, brother, or a paternal rela-
tive of tbe grandson or his descend-
ant, provided his elderly-relati-ve
if not his father, is alive; it is als;
applied to the grandson, in case
respect is .to be shown to him; cf.
P. IV. 1;163-167. The affixes pre-
scribed in the sense of are
al;-vays applied to a word ending
WIth a ta<;l. affix applied to it in the
sense of an offspring ( am<t) or
grandson (iir.!), in spite of the rul-
ing that in the sense of grandson
or his descendant (<TIs{), one affix
only il:Qi. or 311l1. or the like is added
to the base; e.g. ifFlIllllT(:
<UPiWfIJj:; lTF'4 ;;ft-crra
tIflfUil- iff lTl:ntMIT(: lTT;fr:; lTl;<tT<tUTt
a conventional term used for
the first pada of the seventh adh-
yaya which begins with the sutra
P. VII. 1.1.
tad. affix (OTI<\i'!), (s:rT-'lfri )
or .any. other in the sense of
which IS to be applied to a base
ending with an affix in the sense of
offspring l or with an
affix in the sense of a grandson (
>rz;!lC{liQ). The affix is not applied
when a female offspring is meant.
( 3) natural relation cf. Vak. pad.
the technical term which a word that can be derived, but
is given to persons described or is always used in a specific sense,
mentioned in P. IV. 1.163 to 167. the derivative sense which is wider
. being limited; e.g.
a class of words headed by the .
word friii:. which have the taddhita \ a . technical . term used
affix or (a:r0l..) added .to them in the phonetic or latters W.hICh
sense of 'duty' or 'nature'; e.g. are mentioned in the alphabet of
etc.; d. KM. PaJ)ini, viz., the Mahesvara sutras
oli p. V. 1.130. in contrast with the .term
. which is used by grammarians for
conventional name given to the phonetic elements
the third pad a of the fonrth and others which are not mentioned.
adhyayaof paI).ini's Al?tMhyayi See a:rcRifCffi[; d. also M. Bh. on
which begins with the sutra . Siva sutTa 5.
<5OI. 'q' P.lV. 3.1
.. designation of the second
person, used in the Jainendra Vya-
tad. affix in the sense of posses-
sion applied to (I) the word ;;!;11J1;
e.g. cf. P. V. 2.123; (2) to
the words <ii, art e.g.
ct. P. V. 2.138-140'
a term used by gram-
marians and commentators very
frequently for the
<IT tI m<l Par.
Sek. on Pari. 57. The term
is used in the Mahabhal?ya
which is the same as m>r(WlflC{ of
later grammarians.
4T'l (I) a rule of grammar; the
word <Uil in this sense is very fre
quently found used in 'the Maha-
-ct. the frequent state-
ments 314 <uq: M. Bh. on
P. I. I. 6, 62, etc. or <OiT\'!!
M. Bh. on P. 1.1.31. Vart.
6, 1.1. 57 etc.; (2) grammatical
connection; d. <Ol(lI{ Nir.
1.2; cf. also 1i1ft P. I. 1.49.
division of a rule which has
been traditionally given as one sin-
glerule, into two for explaining the
formation . of certain words, which
,are likely to be stamped
as ungrammatical formations. The
writer of the Varttikas and the
author of the have
very frequently taken recourse to
this metho,d of ; cf. P.l 1.3
Vaet .8. :1,17 Vart. I, I. 1.61,
Vart. 3.;JJ 4.59 Vart. I, II. 4.2.
Viiti. 2 .. III. 1.67 Vari:. 5, III. 4.2.
Vaet. fj,fVI. I.l Vart. 5, VI. 1.33
Although this Yogavi-
bhiiga, istnota happy method of
removiQgdifficulties and has to be
as a last recourse, the
Varttikakiira has suggested it very
often, a sUtra which
is divi(iedpy,.the Varttikakara into
two, has been recognised as a
couple'of sutrasin the Siitrapatha
which has ,come down to us at
a part or portion of the rule of
the grammarian; d. 'q'
M .. Bh. on P. I. 1.30,
II. 4 etc.
--.,-'q'-Ifui-. -<JFrq-'"
cular rule to which it refers. The I I 57 . cf al M Bh I .
. , so . . on 4.I. I.
word is many times used in connec- I
t' , 42, I. 13 etc.
to? a deduction
whIch IS not to be applied in gene- based on derivation; etyma-
ral, but which is restricted to the logical; one of the kinds of words
functions of that rule from which <I"'tm, and cf.
the deduction is drawn; ct. <olT% 69Uf I
M. Bh. on P. I. 1.23 Vart. 10 I KiiS. on P. II. 4.31.
P. III. 1,95 Vart. 2., P. IV. 1.8; ..
Vart. 2, d. also M. Bh. on p. 1. 3.62 a class of nine words headed
and V. 1.1. by the word .niifcr, a taddhita affix
applied to which is not to be elided
laying down or citing a rule even though the word be used in
as done by the writers of siitras' the plural number.
d. Sf<U::!l'<jfa" M. Bh:
on P. III. 1.67 Vart. 5; P. VII.
1.96 Vart. 2.
(1) c'ompatibility of sense; d.
a:rw<jfit -q iffirf.t ciF<r:r<n.nEr Iltilf.,.
Kas. on P. III. 4.73. (2) The
naturally existing rclation between
a word and its sense which is in no
way brought about by any individ-
ual person ct. Vak. pad. III. 3.29
and HeHiriifa there on.
causal instrument or causal
agent; the word is used in the
sense of >rR in the J ainendra
grammar; cf. Jain.!. 2. I2S.
41iif place of origin; d. Q"1f: 'q'
Jifrq:tIlji'fiH.1J1Of., M. Bh.on P. V. I.
rIS; cf.. also M.Bh; on IV. I.
48; Vart. 9; d. also
41!:lr a woman; the word is used in
the sense of feminine as applicable
to gender.
simultaneity of occurrence;
simultaneous possibility of the
appJication of two rules which
evidently cannot apply simulta-
neously, but scope has to be given
to one of the two, the priority
being decided on the criteria of
and j ct.
(I) second letter of the <{Ol.. class
( semi-vowels) which has got the
properties il'lC{mFlf<l',
and i.e. it is a sonant, inas .
pirate consonant. Regarding its
or place of production, there
is a difference of opinion: generally
the consonant \ is looked upon as
a cerebral or lingual letter ('itf"C{).
cf. 'i1:ff S. K. also PaQ:
Sik$a; but it is called by some
or cf, iiT
RT. S, by others and
by still others gingival.
In the Vajasaneyi-PratiS1i.khya, it is
described al;j d. t.-
I. 68, while in the Taittiriya Prati-
sakhya, it is said to be produced by
the touch of the middle part of the
tip of the' tongue just above the
root of the teeth; d. 1:iti
T. Pro II. 41; (2) sub-
stitute \. , for the final letter of
the word as also for the final
of and optionally
with which is dropped before
vowels, and changed to an before at
and soft consonants while it is , .
changed into visarga before hard
consonants and surds. e.g. a:r+q
11;<f; cf. Kas. on P.
VIII. 2.70; (3) the consonant,
(technically called in Pfu;lini's
which is substituted for
the consonant and for the con-
sonant "'l:. of the word 0Ii!il when the
consonant or if. stauds at the end
of a word. This substitute unlike
the substitute is liable to be
changed iuto oithe con-
sonant 'i... or the vowel <r by P.
VIII. 3.15,17, VI. I. U3. II4
(I) the consonant {. generally cited
as the vowel Ell is added to \.
for of utterance; d. T. Pr.
1. 21; (2) short term
for \. and cf. \IR:, P. I. I5! ;
( 3) krt affix { applied _to the roots
.,*!... 9i"1!. etc. in the sense of agent
who is habituated to, or expert in
the action expressed by the root;
e.g .,;j: <P1T:; cf.
<Uti't P. III. 2. 167; (4) tad. affix
'{ as a Caturarthika affix applied to
the words headed by e.g.
ani:m::; d. P. IV. 2.80; (5)
tad affix { iu the seuse of possess-
ion affixed to the words Wit,
the second CIlRl. with the
second Ell of om! changed e.g.
Bi'R';(" ofuw; cf. Kas. on.
P. V. 2.107 and Il4; (6) tad. affix
'{ in the sense of diminution affixed
to the words and ; e.g.
cf. Kas. no P.
V. 3.88; (7) tad. affix ''!! which
see below; (9) a term for
in the Jainendra Vyakaral}a.
(I) tad. affix { proposed by the
Varttikakara instead of aJR,!! for
being affixed to the word <TIlill to
form the word d.
+FIMi IV. 1.130 Vart.
I; (2) krt affix applied to the
root ;;<fl.; d. P. I. 14
tom lit. coloured i.e. cOloured --by
nasalization; il term used by
ati"cient grammarians for a nasa-
lized letter d. '.-
R. Pr. 1.17 on which Uvvata
comments Cfulr
also cf. 8l('fctij0jrqQQm tfr{ R. Pro
XI. 18, where unnasalized EIlf is
stated as and illnstrated by
the commentator by qnoting the
passage +i"S\O+iICl'{U"I"( as contrasted
with am aft EIlIJ:\
conventional name given to the
second pada of the fourth Adhya ya
of Pfu;lini's Alitadhyayi as the Piida
begins with the Siitra m WfRI.
P. IV. 2.1.
named or also; a
famous gralllmarian of the Eastern
school of grammarians which
flonrished in Bihar and Bengal in
the ninth. tenth, eleventh and
twelfth centuries, claiming
and otbers as pro-
minent grammar scholars among
others. See the word'i.I1:t"l(l\t!a.
a of the seven-
teeuth who was a pup,il of
13hattoji Dikljita and who wrote a
small gloss on the topic
named of the Siddhiinta-
He wrote
on the Siirasvataprakriya also.
. a commentator on
Dnrgasirilha's vrtti.
nasalisation; colouring of a letter
by its nasalisation ; cf. ,W'lUT
en- pa:Q. 27.
a grammarian; son of
who wrote a commentary named
on Haradatta's Padamaiijari.,
a class of words headed by the
word @O to which the taddhita
affix Ell (a:ror.) is added in the sense
of r a product' or r a part'; e.g.
___ etc. ; cf. Kas.
on P. IV.
tad. affix cansing vrddhi, applied
to the wO'd amlliJ:. in the sense of
8aral}a i.e. a room or a place; e g.
cf. aml<f: if 'ii P. IV.
3120 9.
same as 'eJ,. bl"ipg only a variant.
name of a commentary by
Ramasirilha, on the grammar-wof k
of Bhoja, Sarasvatikal}tbabharal}a.
a grammarian of the eighte-
euth century who wrote a short
on the Kiiraka relations
, named
a grammar work by
tamadeva widely used in Eastern
India, according to. Colebrooke,
r Miscellaneous Essays, II. p. 47.
name of a commentary o.n the
Siddhantakanmudi written by
Krlil}amitra, a famons grammarian
and Naiyiiyika. who lived in the
eighteenth cent1Ih' and wrote many'
commentary WOrks on books 'in' the
a who wrote a gram-
mar work named .
name of one pf the eight kinds of.
recitals of the Veda Sarilhita by
dividing it into the component
words and reciting the com-
ponent words by repeating them,
in their regular order and reverse
order too.
krt affix W!I- applied to the
root e.g. d. I
M. Bh. on 'Siva Sutra -5,
a class of eight roots headed by
the rODt which allow the addi-
tion of the augment 1 ( optional-
ly to the ardbadhatuka affix begin-
ning with any cons9nant except
placed after them; e.g. \Nor
om afqm etc. d. P. 2.35
and VII. 2.45.
personal ending substituted for
the personal ending i[ of the 3fq+f-
( third person) Xtmanepada of
, liIi' (potential and benedictive);
cf. <"'l:. P. III. 4.r05.-
[RENOU, LOUIS] a sound Sans-
krit scholar of France of the present
time who has written some treatises
and many articles on Sanskrit
grammar ont of which his works on
the Terminology of Sanskrit Gram-
mar, Kasika and Durghatavrtti
require a special mention.
m with the letter inserted after it ;
the term is used in connection with
the gUl}a and vrddhi substitutes for
'1\. These snbstitutes are respect-
ively Ell and OIl, which, by the addi-
tionof \, always become Of\ and
011\.; ct. ,'If'{: p. -1. I.5r, cf.
also uuiT
M. Bh. on P. Vr;4.I2I,
VIII. 2.42.
(gif a small article showing
that the short term { for the consa-'
nants and e: need not be advocated
as . done by the learned old gram-
marians. The treatise was written
by Vaidyanatha PayagU1;\(j.e, the
prominent pupil of Nagesabhatta.
an anonymous work,
comparatively modern, refnting the
arguments advanced in the
by Vaidyanatha PiiyagUl}c;1e.
t""'9ifP'l.'R. a -Buddhist grammarian of,
Bengal of the tenth century. who
wrote a short treatise on Syntax
viz. Karakasambandhoddyota.
322 '
augment inserted after the vowel
a:r of the root whEn the letter
which is already present in
(befOle 3f) and t-he penultk;lte
are dropped; the f('SUlt is tlut the
word in short, bemme, substi-
tuted in'the place of cf.
P. VI. 4.47, and
3TTIlm fit'<l'T:!fa- as
Bharadvajiya Varttik-l thereon.
a writer of a c'Jmmeritary on
a grammarian of the
Katantra school who lived in the
fifteenth century and wrote a com-
mentary n3med Manorama on the
Katantradhafuvttti and Sabda-

a short term used for all
consonants excepting <r.. and cr.: cf.
p. 1. 2.26.
personal ending of the third pers.
( substituted for the affix
fu in the first future ct. e:
3:i'fl1t<! :sru<:f!: ] 1. 4.85.
name of a commentary on his
. own work 'Sarlk$iptasara Vya-
kara.Qa' by Kramadi4vara, a sound
scholar of grammar in the thirteenth
cenlury A.D.
'ZiSfifu.' 2. class of words headed by the
word 'Cfi which h:we affix
'ig'i. added to them in the sense of
possession in preference to other
affixes like e.g. <:fJ91,,{,
etc.; d. Kas. on P. V. 295.
'J. famous
scholdT 01 Grammar In the nine-
+e;:;r;tn century, who taught many
:;mpils and wrote SOTTle commentaiY
l]FOrks; the '\i/ell-knoyvn being on
::[1e ::;abdakamtubha, on
the :Laghusabdendusekhaia and
ffllfl!fITI on thp. Paribha$endusekhara.
For dp.tails see p, 27 Vy5kara.Qa
Mahabha$Yd Vol. VII, D. E.
Society's Edition.
a c;lass of compound words
headed by {l;of;;:;:(f in wbich the order
of words or the constituent mem-
bers is fixed. There are about 50
words in the class; some of them
are ta tpuru$a com pounds such as
{r;l!1{r5 ()r 311!'i'l1 in which the sub-
ordinate word which ought to have
been placed first is placed second.
There are some karmadharaya
compounds in which one particular
word is always placed first and not
anyone of t he two; e.g.
etc. The! e are some
dvandva compounds such as
f'if5ITffim, +fl<:flqm etC. in which
a definite order of words is laid
down. For details see KiiSik1i on
If'11:. P. II. 2.3I.
a class of words headed by
the word <:T;;jrtj to which the
taddhita affix 3'!'ll is added in
'the sense of 'the place of iesid-
ence'; e.g. etc.
'ihis cl'lss named il"3li <:frfit is called
and simiLu \vords can be
included in this class such as
fit7J2: and from\vhich
the"'words etc.
can be arrived dt; cf. Kffi.s. on p,
IV. 2.53.
a rpputed scholar
of Sanskrit gramm"r yy'ho resided
at;usi anci established a
school of 'SaI15krit G[J.mmarians
there in the nineteenth century. He
wrote a tre;ltise on grammar named

(;1't\CiFIT) a grammarian who
",,,rote two eiementary grammar
treatises ( I ) 3To<!l11<t and (2)
titled who wrote a
commentary named on the
Mugdhabodha VyakaraI)a.
U+f or who wrole a commentary
on the Prakriyakaumudi of Rarna-
candra Se$d..
inhabitant of Mitbila who wrote a
comm;>ntary by name
on the Sarasvdta Prakriya.
a grammarian who
wrote a small grammar treatiEe
named which is diff-
erent from the well-known
("l"fi"lafJ author of (I) 3l1!-
a commentary on the 'llld''t<[Rt
of Durgasirhha, as also of (2)
a small work on the
import of words.
a grammarian who wrote a
treatise on K1i.raka nila'ions known
by the name
a gramrr.arian of the 17th
century who wrote
a commentary on the diffe-
lent port:ons of the Siddhanta
writer of a commentary on
the IvIahiibh1i$ya which is available
in a fragmentary f')fm.
(I) ( son of
the weU-known author of the
Prakriy1ikaumudi. He belonged to
the family and the latter half
of the fifteenth century is assigned
as his date. He is bdievd to _have
. been a resident of Andhra.- His
work, the Prakriyakaumudi, was a
popular grammar tn:atise for some
time before 13Lattoji's Siddhanta-
Kaumudi got its hold, and it I!ad a
number of commentaries written;
upon it especially by his descen,.
dants and mtmbers of his family
which became well-known as the
St$a family of grammarians. The
Prakriyakaumudi is named
SIl'fi'lT also. (2) There was a gra-
. mrr,arian named R1imacandra who
wrote a small treatise on grammar
named (3) There was
another grammarian of the same
name who was a pupil of Nagesa-
bhatt'i of the eighteenth century
and who wrote a small commentary
called on P1iI;fini'sA$tadh
yayi. (4) There was also another
Ramacandra who was a scholar of
Vedic grammar arfa who wrote the
commentary named on the
V1i.jasaneyi.Pratisakhya. (5) Writer
of a commentary on Saupadma-
siitra!'. (6) Writer of a comm-
entary on Katantravrttipafijika of
Trilocanadas. (7) Writer of a comm-
entary on Katantra-parisi$ta; how-.
ever, his name is Ramacandra
Cak ra vart i.
a grammarian who wr,)te
- (I) UI)adikosa, (2) Ma.Qidipika.
a commentary on the
and (3) S'Ibdabhedanirfipa.Qa.
one of the senior pupils
of NagEsabhtta who was a teacher
of Vaidyan1itha Payagu.Q<;le. He
wrote a small gloss on the
yayi which in named
He lived in the first half of the
eighteenth century and taught
several pupils at Vadi.Qasi.
See ( I ).
pupil of of
the sixteenth century who has
written a gloss named W9\tlj on the
Mah1ibha$yapradipa of Kaiyatd.
a grammarian who wrote
Siddhantacandrikii on Sarasvata
vyakaraJ)a. who in tnrn is comm-
ented upon by Sadananda in his
Subodhini and Lokesvara in Tattva-
a learned grammarian
who held the titles and
,He was an advocate of the
!vI ugdhabcdha School and wrote
commentaries on (1) the Mogdha-
bodha, (2) the Kavikalpadruma,'
(3) the Amarakosa and (4) the
UJ)adi sutras. He, also wrote a
short gloss on case';'relations, his
treathe on the subject being
('i:Pli'im y a follower of, the
Katantra ,school of grammar who
wrote (I) 'CfR\9il, a commentary
on and ( 2)

('CfifiCRf1) who wrote short
glosses on the Katantra and .the
KaJa pa VyakaraJ)as.
a grammarian of the
nineteenth century who wrote' ( I)
( 2 ) and
,( 3) '
a Sanskrit scho-
lar of the 17th century who !>tudied
VyakaraQa, Dharma, Alarilka:r:a and
other 8astras and wrote a gra-
mmar work besides many
books on other Sastras.
writer of a commentary on
the Sarasvataprakriya.
(I) writer of a commentary
on the prakriyakaurDudi and (2)
, a commentary Vidvanmanorafijani
or RamabbaW on Sarasvatapra-
mr+nr son of a
grammarian of Tanjore of the
seventeenth century who wrote a
commentaIy on the
of Siradeva Darned
He has also written the life of
Patafijali' and many
miscellaneous works, such as i31ll1f<t-
murctlfi\cnr and, (thers.
a grammarian who has written
a commentary on the Kavikalpa-
aruma of He waS a gra-
mmarian of the Bopadeva school.
He wrote in verse. He
also wrote . a commentary on
the same as See

possibly the same king of
Srngaberapura who' patronised
Nagesabhatta. 'He is said to have
written some small comments on
the RamayaJ)a and a small gram-
mar work named
'Uftlifq a grammarian of the seven-
teenth century who wf.ote a com-
mentary on Bopadeva's Mugdha-
bodha. He, was possibly the same .
as Ramarama (see above) and
who wrote the
Katantni.s!lrilgraha, although diffe-
rent from the well-known
of the sixteenth century who wa.s
a samnyasin and who wrote many
and religious' booklets.
possibly the same as UlRIlt
( see above) who wrote Dhatudi-
pika, a commentary on the Kavi-
kalpadruma of Bopadeva.
UfI1SJn.T (I) a grammarian of the
seventeenth century who wrote a
commentary named Siddhanta-
candrikaon the Sarasvata Vyaka-
raQa. (2) Same as. Visvesvara or
Bbanudik!?ita, son on Bhattoji

! .

a grammarian who wrote a gloss
on grammar namE:d

ufttr usually used in the sense of a
collectipn or a heap or a lunar
constellation; the word is often
med after the word qat when it
means the traditional collection of
letters or the al.phabet. The words
aT?,JW&r, and aT?,J<tI'lI\lIl{ are
al!>o used in the same sense.
ftciI a n augment added optionally with
and n'lj to the reduplicative
syllable of the frequentative root
from a primitive root which ends
in !lff or has a penultimate:n; e. g.
'Cfitm, etc.; d.
'Cf 'fiii. P. VII. 4.9' and vn.
ft for a verbal base
ending in :n before (the sign of
the 6th conj. ) <I'lj ( sign of the pass.
voice) and a affix beginning
with l{ which is not a Sarvadhatuka
affix; e. g. fsn'lRt.; ct.
P. VII. 428.
fuJ:. ( I) characterized by the mute
consonant \. signifying the acute
accent for tbe penultimate vowel ;
ct. ftfct P. VI. I. 217 j. ( 2 )
the same as' or visarga
which is, changeable into \. wben
euphonically combined; d.
Rft!io: V. Pro I. 160; d. also
'Cf fHdti!t.ft<ir-mf.! V. Pr. VII. 9
The term's mo, * and ftQ:. are
given in the Padapatha to a or
word which erids in a Visarga which
has originated from \. in the Sarilhi-
tapatba; e: g. the .Visarga in; 'Ii:,
etc.; d. R. Pro I. 30 to 32.,
(I) a Visarga in the Padapa1:ba
which has originated from \. in the
Sarilhita-patba ; (2) a word or
'pada which has got a ftf!JlO at its
end ;cf. 'Ii:, mo: etc. (which in
the Sarilhitapatha are Cf.\, '8\, lfTo\.
etc. ;) cf R. PI. 1. 30 to 36 V. Pr.
IV. 18. 192.
tad. affix ft addded optionally with
fWi:r. to the word 6\\:cf which becomes
changed into <!1f; e. g. ;orqft, 'atffte1tI:.;
cf. \3ll11rciT 'Cf P. V .
3.31 Vart. 1.
tad. affix f(l!ltI:. added to 6\lltl;
augment fr added optionally with
and to the reduplicative syll-
able (lIf+<lT6) of the frequer,
base of roots having !lff as their
penultimate vowel; e. g.
C!fi1aitfff, iffulffi", cf.
'q' P. VII. 4.90.
substitute fr for the VOWel !lff at
the end of a base (lIfW) before the
affix -Rcr as also before l{ whiCh does
not belong to a krt or Sarvadha-
tuka affix; e. g. +!t;j1<lir; cf.
P. VIT. 4.27.
(I) substitute \. for the conwnant
at the end of a word as also for
the tt. of . of and option-
ally with \ for the final of
and aT9'i! in Veda; e. g.
ct. J? VIII. 2.66; the
\. of tbis (as contrasted with the
substitute \. which see above) is
further changed into ;or before a
soft consonant and before the vowel
aT provided it is preceded by the
vowel lIf, while \., prescribed as
substitute ( (which see above),
remains unchanged; e. g.
fuclt. as contrasted with <Il1f<'f,
aTFrIll: ; ( 2) substitute \. for the nnal
of (e. g. for {of
lQff9{ ( ), and for of
( e.g. 9:U6I: ) before the case affix
d. P. VIII. 4.67; (3) substitute \
( or <t) for the final B'. or " 9f aver b-
form ending with the personal end-
ing ffili..of the 2nd pers. siDg.; d. P.
VIII. 2.74, 75; ( 4) substitute \ for
the final of w. o.rds ending with the I
affix 11Q:. 01 Cfl{ III Veda; e.g.
ifftCT:; d. Kils. 011 P. VIII. 3. 1 ; (5)
substitute \. for the final at the
end of a wore! when it is iollowed
by' a letter i. e. the first or a
second C01.>.OlJa nt excepting <a. and
'.fJ; e.g. 'l1il't&!<TIfu; d. P. V m. 37;
( 6 ) substitute \ for the final of
before the letter Ii.. as for the
final of and cnl"l under
certain conditions; ct. P. VIII. 3
roo 12.
augment \ added optionally with
ft<J:! to the reduplicative syllable;
(see above); e. g. 'i:f9iffi" .,<ffij;
ct. P. VII. 4.9[, 93 as also VII.
the primary Yama letter; a
term in the Slk!,la treatises.
augment \, prefixed to the pers.
ending iff of the (3rd pers.
plural) after tile rcot and in
Vedic literature after a few other
P. VII. I. 6-8.
a tErm used for the five roots
headed by the root which have
the augment l( added to a Sarva-
dhiHuka affix in certain cases; e.g.
ufctfu, -'!Ifufu, a:riJ<ttQ., etc.; cf.
P. VII. 2. 76, VII. 3.98 .
a grammarian who has written
a commentary on the VaiyakaraJ;la-
Siddhanta-Bhu!?aJ;la of KOJ;lQabhaHa
a class roots headed by thf
root which take (cz) as the
conjugational sign inserted after
the final vowel, e. g. (where
becomes <!U1\i{,). These roots are
popularly called roots of the 8th
conventional; traditional; one of
the four senses in which words are
used. The senses are .nF'rifi (deriva-
( conventional ), and
The term is also used
in the sense of 'a conventional
word' cf. I
Kiis. on P. VI. I. r02.
(:rJI SarhhiUipatha, as contra:ted with
the Padapatha.
convention; usage; cu!>him. The
word is given along with <WI
( derivatio.n) as the basis of the
use of words which are de.':cribed
to be of four kinds; see above.
ct. t;I'6T!,:! P. III. 3. I.
Vart. I.
(I). word-form which is complete
with qi!it'o (the base ) and 5j{I.!I.!, i.e.
tbe affix which js attached to it;
d. <1lrfcficfi
M. Bh. on P. I. I.22 Vart. 3; ct.
also the usuai expression C!i1
in the Mahabh1?ya ; cf. M. Bb.
on I. LSI, L2.58 etc.; the word
is also used in the sense of a word-
base (l:Tlg or Jfrffillfctq;); cf.
P. I. L68; (2) the
word form as characterized by its
derivation and properties; cf.
explained as
Cfo1ltG:: T. Pr.XXII. 2.
a grammarian of the
fifteenth century who wrote Hari-
namamrta. He lived bet.ween 1484-
a grammarian of Bengal of
the fifteenth century who wrote
short comments on some sections
of the Supadma VyakaraI}.a under
the names and

tad. affix in the sense of ' praise'
which is, in fact, posse sed by the
word to which the affix is
added, without 'making any
change in the sense of the word,
the affix being called i. e.
an affix in the sense of the base
or ct. \<nfir'!iT: SHl.!l.!l:
' I I
I 'l1CTrn I .
I.!: t;I,t fqCffCi I I
. Kas. onP. V. 3.66.
(r) a recast of A!?tadhyayi com-
posed by Vimalasarasvati, in which
tbe Siltras of Pal)ini are arrJmged in
dlfferent topics many of which are
called +H<1IT, such as 3Flfi'511l<1lf,
llW-f, ajc<j<jl1!(1;f, and so on.
(2.) the name is also found
given to a work giving collections
of formed words written by PUJ;lya-
lit. the formation of words;
the name 'I:''1mfu is given to a small
literary work on the formation of
written by Dayananda-
actual replacement of the I
oriinal in the vJace of the substi- I
by vir!ue Ofr the rnle
P. 1. I.5);one of the two
kinds of wherein the word-
form of the original ('!4!..ii ) is put in
the piace of the substitute
the other kind of wrf<I<I;Wq being
called by means of which
g;:cmmatical operations caused by
. ..... -i:l.) D1;"'ce
:;_l1e CI!glnal \ __ .. !c:.
",', C,oc;gh the substitute bas
been ;ctualiY put in the place of
::he c;igioaL About the
::,:" oithe rule P. Ie I,59,
cf. iiJl.!CTcnlOOl.,
I lIl11!: I
311m 'i:f (l,=1f ,=<nfir-
l<:CfiT'<IT '[;:0 @<l,,!;:f +19m I Kas.
on P. I. I.59; cf. also I
q\6lQ; I Pari.
Bhaskara Pari. 97. For details see
Mahabhii.!?ya on P. VI I. 1.95-90.
a well-known work on word
formati'n writteri by a Jain
grammarian of the twelfth century.
Scholars believe that this work was
the first work of the form of topics
which was taken as a model by the
authors of the Prakriyakaumudi
and the Siddhantakaumudi.
(r) a fad. affix applied to a word
meaning 'a cause' or expns'ling
'a human beicg' in lhe Eense of
, proceeding therefrom 1 e. g. 13l1TG:lmf
ct. .. <iT-
P. IV. 3.81; (2) a tad.
applied to a word in the genia
t: ve .case in t he sense of "l.fttt
, formelly belonging to ' ; e g. 1::9?:'e!\<4
iTl: ; cf. Kas. on I!ffJ1H
'i:f P. V3 .54.
word-form of the ajbr:akti or Svara-
bhakti ( a term used in the ancient
Platisakhya works j', ',ynere is
looked upon as the consonant :;::
_ surrounded by, or fonawed by, the
nature of a vowel. as a vowel is
possesseq of one matra of which in
svarabhakti, the consonant '( DOS-
sesses half and tbe sVarabhakti
s hHlf ; cf. .. ...
Pr 'II.
personal ending in 'V"edic -
for q oi the
one of the eight modes of Vedic
recital. It is defined 'fu:fo!-
9,i!: II e g.
I I' I I I
I mitcl
, I I I
I Btllq
I ,I I
. I
(1896-1966 A.D.) an eminent
French Orientalist and a great
'scholar of PiiI;linian grammar; his
major works are I Durghatavrtti .
(1940 - 1956 ), I Terminologie'
maticale du Sanskrit' (1942) and.
a translation in lirench, in collabo-"
ration with Ojihara, of parts of the
first adhyiiya of KiiSikii.
the consonant \; generally tbe
word is used for \ and not
d. CfUJWm:: I P. III. 3.1()8 Vart.
3, 4. The consonant \ is described
as one pronounced like the tearing
of a piece of cloth and resembling a .
snarl or a glOwl; d.
(the gUI;la or the vrddhi sub
stitute for SK viz. <>1\ or Oll\) with
the letter \. represented in script by
a sign on the top; e.g. at<!i:,
cf. i[fu+lcifu !luir ifciij'lfcr
M. Bh. on P. VI.
, a term applied ( 1 ) to the Visar-
Jamya letter preceded by any
vowel excepting OJ and OJr, ( 2) to
the Viscpjaniya preceded by a:r in
some specified words such as smr:,
m:, a:rFcr+r:, 'Ii: etc. under certain
conditions, as aI50,. ( 3) to the
Visarjaniya in ito:, .: etc. For
details see R. Pro 1. 30-36.
a class of words headed by the
'word which the affix O!f! is
added in the SfDse of r an offspring'.
A ' '
e.g. \'Ita<n:, etc.
ct. Kas. on P. IV. 1.146.
{OJ a class of words hea-ded by
to which the taddhita affix
is added in the sense of r be-
longing to'; e.g.
mtftcl: etc. cf. Kas.:on P. IV. 3I3r.
r-;m one of the faults in pronuncia-
tion ; d. smtff
M. Bh. 1. 1. Ah. I.
tT personal ending substituted for the
(3rd pers. dmil affix
ffii) in the periphrastic OT first
future; e.g. <IiffiU; cf. a':
P. U.4.85
an ancient scholarlY writer.
possibly a grammarian, referied to
by KMika ( P. 6.2-36) with
paI;lini aud Kasakrtsna. " rrrfil'r.:fT<r-
I" Patafijali's
reference VlfR'Mtlll: I (On P. I. 1.73)
proves nothing important except
that he was a rich man who enjoy-
ed giving ghee to his.students ( cpo
Kas'ka w-
I " ( Ka. on P. 1. 1.73).
a term jocularly used' with the
word.ff preceding it, for students .
of a famous. scholar named
cf. M. Dh. on
P. I. 1.73-
another name given to the
class ,of words which are
headed by and which ta ke the
affix S!!,{ to form their base in the
feminine; e.g. :@il'm cf. :g
.. ...
I 'fI I
, it :@EifiWl: M. Bh. on P. IV. 1.79.
a root belonging to the class
of roots headed by W. which take
the conjugational sign CJ:. ( See

(I) a tad. affix termed also
which is applied to tbe word in
the sense of the locative case. the
word being changed into
cf. wlt P. V. 3.16 and
P. V. 3.4- (2,- tl;\d. affix
applied in Veda .to ffiI:. and other
pronouns; e:g. nit, 'Iil1', <ffit. cf. 'P.
V. 3.20. 21.
<?i (I) a consonant of the dental class
which is a semi-vowel with'
liquid contact in the mouth. and
which is in aspirate voic-'
ed and both uasalized and
'nnnasalized j (2 ) name in general
) given to the personal endings
applied to roots in the ten tenses
and moods which take different
substitutes fif. 0':. OJfiff etc. and have
various modifications and augments
in the different tenses and . moods ;
{3) substituted ,as a semi-vowel
(CllIl..)for the vowel by
, any other vowel in the euphonic
combinations; (4) applied at the
heginning of non-taddhita affixes as
a mute letter indicating .the acute I
accent for the vowel preceding the
affix; cf. P. VI. 1.193; (5)
substitutfd for <t, or CJ:. be-
fore ct. P. VIII. 4.60; (6) sub-
stituted under certain conditions
for the consomint \ (a) of the root
(b) of prefixes and wbefore
the root <!lil... (c) of the root in
frequentative forms and optionally
before affixes beginning with a
vowel, and ( d) of the word m: be-
fore t:f and ct. P. VIII. 2.18 to
(is (1) consonan t j see 1St above
(2 ) a general term usually used
by ancient grammarians to signifya
(elision or disappearance) of
a letter of a syllable or a word; cf.
-<i>: lecnk, M.
Bh. on P. IV. 2.60; (.3) tad. affix
<i> to the word fij\I when
and fui: are substituted for the woia
fP j e.g. file: cf. P. V. 2.33
Vart 2. ' .
(I) the consonant {!(; ,see ( 1)
above; (2) the personal endings
affixed to roots; see 6: (2). ,
,c:lf(fUr ( I)a rule or a sutra composed
by the ancient Sutrakiras; the
word is very frequently used in tbis
sense by the Bhiil?yakara and later
commentators; OCilq,N .... ;
d. also N illlr ni"
mq qrcrmfi M. Bh. on P. 1.1.3 Vart
.10; (2) characteristic or sign; ct
<>Ilfuij<.4 P. n. 1. 14;
ct. also P. 1.4.90 and III. 2.1a;
( 3) inqirect way of expression;
cf. <i>/ijul)1ffiQ\M:
Par. Sek. Pari. i05.
a short term used for
the well-known Paribhii!?a
Par. Sek.
Pari. 105. laying down that when
a question arises as to which of the
two words (arrived at by
certain changes or modifications)
and (directly expressed)
be accepted. the latter should be
a work on grammar written
by a grammarian
imJllication ; potentiality of
implication; this potentiality of
words viz. is not recognised
by grammarians as a potentia'lity
different from the Or the
power of denotation . Later gra-
mmarians, however. like the Alam-
karikas. haye used the word in the
sense of, potentiality of implicatioli
as different from that of denota-\
tion; d. iI .:q Pari-

a grammarian who has
written a booklet on the six dia-
lects, which is named
a grammarian oJ the eight-
eenth century who has written (I), a comm-
entary on 1 he Siddh1i.ntakaumudi
and (2) Trisikha, a commentary
on Nagesa's
lit. target; illustration;
pie of a gram!Datical rule; cf.
Wlmf also

endusekharB:; cf. also
M. Bh. on P. I. I.IV1i.rt. 14.
implied sense. See the word

(I) a term used in the _ seLse of
light or short as contrasted with
meaning heavy or long, which is
applied. to vowels like aT, etc. d.
P. 1. 4. 10; (2) brevity;
brief expression; d.
M. Bh. on P. I. 2,27 Vart. 6 also
iI1if c:r (3) small,
as qualifying an effo.rt in writing or I
explaining something as also in
utterance; ct
P. VIII. 3.18.
known as also,
an abridged work based upon the
Siddhiintakaumudi of BhcitHi Dik-
written by BhaUoj\'s pupIl
Varadariija. The work is very valu-
able and helpful to beginners in
grammar. It has got the.same topics
as the Siddhantakaumudi, but
arranged dIfferently. The work has
a commentary on it by Jayakp.'Qa-
manni, The work is
the same as Possibly
was the name
given, by the author.
effort as contrasted
with cf.
M. Bh. on P. 1. ;.3
(I) short writing, brief putt-
ing in, brief expression; ct.
etc.; (2) the word
is given as a -name to a grammati-
cal work, written by on the
of Hemacandra, possibly
in contrast with the written
by Hemacandra himself or with
KiiSikiivivaraQapaiijika, popularly
called written by Jinendra-
huddhi on Kaslkavrtti of J aya-
ditya and Viimana. See rljltI.
an independent _work on
wntten by
ttarpadeva in: the twelfth century
A. D. called in contrast
with the of The
Vrtti is named t Lalita' also, by
the au\hor.
name of a gr . mmar treatise
based on the Sabdanusasana of
Hemacandrawritten by Vinaya-
vijaya where:the sutras of Hema-
candra are arranged in different
topics as in the Siddhantakaumudi
of BhotHi.
Iequiripg stiIlless effort
utterance than that required for
the usua1 utterance; the term is
used in connection with t!te utter-
ance of the consonant <J:. which is
substituted for Visarga following
upon long <Ill and followed by any
vowel. In such cases'!. is not pro-
nounced at all according to Saka-
Iya, while it is somewhat audibly
pronounced according to Siikata-
yana; cf. P.
VIII. 3.18.
(I) a work on PiiQi-
ni's Sutras imagined as referred to
in PataiijaIi's remark
. on P. III. 3.I9; I fI.4 67 ( ii) a
work on S1i.rasvataprakriya by
Raghunatha, pupil of Bhattoji

Dame of a commentary
work by Harivallabha on KOQt;laa
or name of a
commentary by Mannudeva on
KOI;tt;labhatta's . Vaiyakara:t;labbii-

name of an independent
work on the meaning of words and
'their interpretation written by
Nagesa of which the is
a popular short extra::t by the
author himself.
name of a commentary on
Bhattoji's Manoram'ii by his
son' i Lih.i}ita, which is gene-
rally read together witl} ,the Mano-
rama, by students upto ,the end of
the Kiiraka Chapter after they have
completely read and mastered the
Siddhantakaumudi. The comm-
enfary is called which
differentiates it from the
written by the same author 'l.{iz.
... name of a commentary
on Bhattoji's Siddt>iintakaumurli
written by Nagesa Bhatta,
the stalwat t Grammarian of the
eighteenth century. The work is
name which differen-
tiates it from the author's another
work of which the for-
mer is an abridgment. As the study
of the Laghusabdendusekhara is
very common and as the
l?rhatsa1;>dendusekhara is
studied, it is the Laghusa-
bdendusekhara that is understood
by the simple and popular name
a commentary on
the Laghusabdendusekhara. There
are more than a dozen commentary
works on the popular Lagbusa-
bdendusekhara called by 'the \1sua1
names <ftc!ir or the prominent
among which are 'l'.IT, and fcta;cn.
A few of them have special names
e fcJqmetc.
i'iS.ijQI{'<4a an epitome of the Sarasvata
VyiikaraQ3, by
m '"
name given Jo the affixes of the
imperfect tense; cr.
Ill. 2.IIT, explained by Bhattoji
as l{ffiiI'lRf.'t in his Siddhfutta-'
tad. affix applied' optionally with
the affix +lg;1J. to words ending
in an and meaning a detachable or
undetachable part of. an animal, as
also to words mel,1tioned in the
group -beaded by the word Hlsr, as
also to words 9<:8 and ah1 showing
affection and strength ;
e.g. ml:llre:, etc. ; ef. P.
V. 2.96-:-98.
general personal ending applied to
roots ( I) to show the present time'
for which the personal endings fu
o: ... are substituted for the for-
mation of verbs and am:. (;aq) and
C!1lCl or mc:r (1iJfii"i,.) for the format-
:ion of the present participle; (2)
to show past time when fhe inde-
clinable <.:ij is used in the sentence
along with the verbal form or when
the em. <1', !!(J, <iflR{u
W, iflft etc. are used along with the
vetbW form under specific condi-
tions '; e.g. iliURr -
lilt !I CfiUPt, !!U' mm:,
etc.; d. P. III. z.n8-I
HI. 3.4-9.
lit. the maxim regard-'
ing a SJIiall fruit ( or a sparrow)
being brought down from the top
of a tree by a very long bamboo
pole. This refers to obtaining negli-
gent results after making great
efforts. This is accepted to prove
that changing the siitra
etc. (P. VIII. 2'86.) to
I and then pointing out. tbat
is redundant in the Sivasiit,ra,
will be geUiLg very little
proved after a herculian effort at a
detailed discussion. ct. M. :Sh. :i.I
Ahnika 2, Var. 5.
iircn'l I
change of \, into See t;; above.
name givm to the Pari-
bba!}avrtti written by Puru!}ottama-
deva, a famous grammarian of the
Eastern branch of PiiJ}.ini's I'ystem
which prevailed in Bengal from the
eighth to the end of the twelfth
century A. D.

a personal ending substitut-
ed for e: which in certain cases gets
the grave accent' in, spite of the
general rule that affixes (which
include personal endings) are acote;
+ltfiqiJ: P. VI. 1.186.
. (I) secondary; taken or
understood in the sense;
( 2) stated by a rule cf.
lI;cj mt Gi SIftriN
M. Bh. on P. I. 4.2 Viirt. 9.
brevity of ,expressiou; express-
jng in as few words as possible;
brevity of thought and conception.
About brevity of expression, rules
or siitras of the ancient Siitrakiiras
are noteworthy especially those of .
the grammarian PiiJ}.ini, whose
brevity of expression is aptly exto-
lled in the familiar expression
Sek. Pari . 122; cf. also in contrast
Sek. Pari. Il5. .
law of parsi-
mony in the use of words or parsi-
mony in expression, followed gene-
rally by the Siitra writers.
substitutes ffiq:, ffii, ( (ijf.o), iWt.
...... for signifying the ten
e: affixes or etc.,
applied to roots in the senses of the
different tenses and moods; (ef.
P. III. 4.78.
ctllctlr.ullRO( a grammarian of the nine-
teenth century who wrote a, gloss
on Nagesa's
the original condition of e: or
the personal endings hefore the
affixes m.,. and others are subs-
tituted for them in accordance with
the time or mood, as also the person
and the numller in view; cf.
W1TG:<i: M. Bh.
'on P. Ill. 1.33.
:f6 a common term used ( I) for the
aorist vikaraQa affix for which
cn:t, etc. are substituted as
prescribed; (2) ,for and
affixes; e.g.
P. II. 4.80.
general term for the called
(optative) which includes the
potential and the condi-
tional affixes; ef.

P. III. 3.161 and 173.

(1) sign or characteristic mark'
generally the mute letter prefixed
or suffixed to roots, or aug-
ments and their substitutes with a
specific purpose; d.
M. Bh. on I. 1.1 Viirt. 7.
Bh. on P. I. 3.62 Vart. 5; (2)
proof, evidence (SIITUI)' the word
. '
IS of teD used in the Paribhasendu-
sekhara and other works in
tion with a rule or part of a rule
quoted as an evidence to deduce
some general dictum or Paribhasii
( 3) gender; d. rew
Cfilf.t Kas. on P. II. 3.46; cf. also
Sek. Pari. 7I. The gender of a word
in Sanskrit language does not
depend on any, properties
of a thing; it simply depends on
the current usage; cf.
which is often quoted in' the
cf. M. Bh. on P. II.
1.36, II. 2.29, II. 4.12. IV. J.3, V.
3.66, V. 4.68, VIII. 1.15. For
details see Mahiibbii!}ya on P. IV.
. 1. 3 where after a long
discussion, the definition
a work on genders by a
southern grammarian
Risfi'it j=ctCfi5l(q:q an affix such as air (ettJ"
"1f1l) or
which is added to a masculine base;
cf. P. IV. I.3 to IV. I. 77.
inclusion of the feminine
form of a word when a 'word in the
masculine gender is used in a rule,
for certain operations such as ,the
application of affixes and the like;
cf. the usual dictum regarding this
practice viz. the Paribhii!}ii IURlqF<::'*i-
Par. Sek.
pari. 71. as also M. Bh. on P.
1.1 Va,ri. 5 to Vart. 15 for places of
tlJe application of the dictum and
those of its rejection.
the dictum to include
the feminine form of a word whE"n
in a rule the word is used in the
masculine' gender:
fc!furollfir Par. Sek. Pari. 71.
transposition of genders, as
notIced. often in Vedic language;
e.g. or for ; cf.
M. Bh. on P. 1. 4.9.
name given to the thir-
teenth section of the third kiinda
of Vakyapadiya. It deals wi th
lit. of genders; a
short comprehensive old treatise on
the gender of words att.ributed to
PiiQini. Other works witli similar
designations are ( I ) Lirigiinusasana
of Candragomin referred' to by
Vamaniidirya and Ujjvaladatta
( 2) Liilgiinusiisana of -Vii mana-
earya, (3) ot Siikatayana, ( 4) of
Hemacandt'a,( 5) of Durgatma,
named Durgapadaprabodha' in
system and so on.
fiqi!!lliiMotc&CfiI name of a commentary
on PiiJ)ini's Itlil ; some
commentaries of this kind are the
by feftit1+.jf,iilil-
srcmr by by
and by m\liIltf. '
fcq:.ti4lf;lI1I'l see
sel!se of the optative and
the potential moods given or ex-
pressed by affixes under the comm-
,on name prescribed by P. III,
3..161, 164. 173.
an affix of the perfect tense; ct.
P. III 2.l!5 for which the
specific affixes etc. are
suhstiiuted after roots WhICh take
Parasmaipada affixes. Refore the
affixes, a monrsyllabic root is re-
duplicated while dissyllabic roots
and denominative and other second-
ary root!', formed by adding an
affix to an original root, take the
affix arlO{, after which all per-
sonal endings are dropped and the
forms of t he "i and are. with
the necessary personal-endings, are
placed immediately after the word
ending in 6HOJ:, but often with
intervention of a word or more In
ttie Vedic language and rarely in'
the classical language; ct. ff 1f1'(i<iT
Q1flcr cf.
P. III. 1.35 to-42
an affix marked with the mute
letter t?,: such as mRtt?,: , ome:,
fcNe:, etc. where the mute
.signifies the acute accent for the
vowel of the base which immediate-
ly precedes the affix;
in which the vowel is aceute; ct.
f6fti 1.193
the acute accent for the vowel
immediately preceding the affix
caused by iliat affix being marked
with the mute consonant 6,:,.
above; ct. dl!!<U'ijr-j W
M. Bh. on P. II.4-33.
(1862'1939 A D.l
scholar who wrote and edited im-
portant works on Sanskrit grammar.
He is well-known for bringing to
light for the first time Candra-
gomin's system of Gram-
mar. His principal works are
OCjTiii\U1 ( 1902), ( 19IB), ajt{.
( 1930) and !fffiilf.r ( PaQini),
the last two in German language.
[Limaye V. P.] a modern gram-
mar schoiar of Poona, who, along
with independent studies on gram-
mar-topics, has published Viikya-
padiya, Mahabha.!?yadipika jointly
with Prof. K. V. Abhyankar.
elision of an affix or its part in the
process of the formation of a word
as prescribed by the specific men-
tion of the words CJ'1, "'3 and !l.
which have the syllable 3 as com-.
mono The specific feature of the
elision by the use of these letters is
the prohibition of any such opera-
tion for the preceding base as. is
conditioned. by the elided affix; cf.
! if P. 1.
(I ). ( Cli );
a term used by Pa:t;lini for the dis-
appearance of an affix or its part
under specified conditions as pre-
scribed by a grammar rule with the
mention of the word e.g.
P. 1. 1.61; (2) augment 6,:,
added to root <!>f in the sense of
(an oily thing); cf. '<lCf
See Kas. on P.-VII. 3.=9.
jPiC(!fi{OI a term nsed by grammarians
especially in the (d.
M. Bh. on P. 1. 2.4,1. 2.I2, II. 4.77
etc.) ior such roots as have their
VikaraQa (conjugational,sign) drop
ped by a rule with th.e mention of
the word e.g. the roots of the
second conjugation as contrasted
with other roots; cf.
Par. Sek.Pari. 90.
an affix applied to a root, showing
'action of immediate past time as
contrasted with affixes called or
The affix is found used,
however, in the sense of the past
time in general, and. irrespective of
time in Vedic Literature;
P. III. 4.6. The conjugli-
tional affixes m, 0:, etc. are substi-
tuted for as for the lakaras of
other tenses and moods and the dis-
tinguishing sign or f.t'li\11J is added
to a root before the affix called
ct. and the following P. III.
1.43 etc.
general name for affixes of the
first future which are added to
roots when the future time is not
the present day, but the next and
the succeeding ones; ct. arifllleR
P. III. 3.15. The affixes fff, cr: etc.
replace 1 he affix in accordance
with the number and person in view;
ct. ..... P. III. 4-78.
disappearance !l.); a
term used by PaQini with reference
to the disappearance of an affix or
its part under specified conditions
by the express mention of the word
Ii.. Although after the disapaear-
ance of an affix no operation for the
base before, can take place as con-
difioned by the affix, i.e. although
there is no still, when.the
disappearance is mentioned as !l., .
the base gets the gender and num-
ber of that original fonn of if which
existed before the affix, which has
disappeared, was applied; cf.
9;<1I:J: 'tf!ilT; cf. fq OCjffii-
cr'<f.f. P.1. 2.51 and Kasika thereon.
. that which has been elided or
dropped during the process of the
formation of words .. As elision or
c;;5llf is looked-upon as a kind of 'stib-
stitute, in short a
the conv.ention of the substitute be-
ing looked upon as the original one,
viz. the stbanivadbhava, applies to
supposed to be mentioned
although not seen or heard in a
particular rule, for the sake of bring-
ing abriutsome grammatical opera-
tion with a view to arriving at some
desired forms; cf.
. I f.!i 9'cIirit if I ffi{f.lRm
-.'l'IiR: I M. Bh. on P. 1. [.3. Vart. to;
"ct. also M. Bh. on 1. 3.7, III. 1.4'1
etc.; also cf. &;fff"f P. 1. 1.5 where
the consonant 'l.. is supposed. to be
present in the word fli;fa".-
Pci"li{OI a term applied to roots after
which the conju"gadonal sign is
dropped; e.g. roots of the second
and third conjugations; cf. if ffi{-
M. Bh. on P. VI.
lit. possessed of the syllable or
wording 3. . The word is applied to
the terms CJ'1, , and !l. which con-
tain the letter 3 and which all mean
the disappearance of a word-ele-
rrent; cf. I !l.
"11iO: S. K. on P. I. 1.63.
common term for the affixes
(second Future) and (condi-
tional), the remnant being Qt after
the mute consonants and ?ave
been dropped.
general term for the personal
affixes of the conditional, which are
applied to a root to show the hap-
pening of an action only if there
was another preceding action, both
the actions being expressed by
or conditional affixes; e g.
P. III. 3.I39, 140.
also used under certain other con-
ditions when some specific particles
are used ; cf. III. 3.14I-146, 1ST.
a general term for the general affix .
of the second future which is
applied in the sense of future time
in general, without. any specific
, 1
cOnditions. the affixes iff, 0:, be-
ing snbstitnted for the and the
sign {vikaraga} being added to
the root; cf. P. III. 3.I3 and III.
3.I33. The terminations am:. and aJIii
are sub"liluted for the affix to
form future participles; e.g.
d. iP-: m P. lli. 3.14.
one .:;1 the varieties - or ,develop-
ments of the or the artificial
recitation of the separate words of
the Sambil a.
a general term for the affixes of ,
-the Vedic subjunctive, the usual
pers:Jnal-endings fa" ffii etc. being ,
snbstitnted for, as in the case'
of other tErues and moods. The:
augmeuts and are sometimes
prefixed to the affix and the sign
'( (. fut:() :is sometimes added i
to the roots. The fm1DS of .are to ,
be <Wived at as they are. fOllIld .
actually used' in Vecijc language.
even hy placing pezsonal-endings of
a person or number different from
what is actually required.
snch a slow or indistinct utterance
or pronnnciation of the letter iJ'.. or ..
preceded by ar, as shows that it is
almost dropped. This indistmct or
sluned utterance of or which is
described as advocated 'by the
Pratisakhyakara Vatsapra, corres-
ponds to the utterance of or 'I.
with a very low tone as mentioned I
by PaQini in the rule
e.g. a:r(1j If(
etc.; cf. CflffiWl
T. Pro 10.23; cf. also m
iXIf1<iTilT Uvvata on R.
Pro XIV. 5.
a grammatical operation or a rule
of grammar concerning gender; cf. '
<lilt oN: fffi:'
if M. Bb. on P.)!. 2.24
Vart. 8, 9.
arising from '1iIiga' or signili-
cant the word is used in
connexion with knowledge which
arises indirectly by means of notic-
'ing the characteristic, marks of a
thing. cf. V1i.k. pad.!. 137. d.
cxffin: I .. " mr
!i6l ij;;ff 'ir
I (ffi-)
" a term used in tl1e in
contrast with the term signifying
common people speaking the langu-
age correctly; the term is also
used in contrast with the term
or its technique; cf. or
M. Rh. on P. VII. :r. 9, I. 1.44
Vart.3 ; also cf. q if.ifi tNT
M. :Rh. on P. L Li Vart. 7-
:il i!i, or understanding of a
word current among the people;
d. m M..
Eh. on P. I. 1:.21: V1i.rt. 5.
,son of who
wrote Tattvadipika in :1683. on
Siirasvatacandxjldi.. ,
ciaq)Hliiij6:1 upon the people
i ' 'the "use. The phrase ci}ifiP!<kiiI-,
referring to the fixation of
gender depending entirely on the
people's nSage, is very common in
the Mababhat\ya; d. M. Bh. on P.
II. 1.36, II. 2.29, etc.
a term for the affixes of tbe impe-
rative mood or applied to
roots in the same sense in which
the' liIi' affixes are applied; cf.
I ,
P. 'III. 3.161, 162. ,These .affixes,
specifically the affixes of the second
person singular and plural, are also
applied in tbe sense of frequency or
collection, to a root when that root
is repeated to show that frequency;
e.g. 9vITfcr;
mr 8lzta- ; d. on P.
,III. 4. 2, 3.
tiN disappearance of a word or part
of a word enjoined in grammar for
arriving at the 'required' forms of
a word; d I. ; cf.

iR<I ci}l[ '+I'lffir Kas. on P.I. r.
52. This disappearance in the case,
of an affix is tanta!D0unt to its,
notional presence or imaginary
presence, as operations by
it do take place although the word
element has disappeared ;
5lMe/3U(lii;. I
Kiis. on, P. L 1.02.
ci\QEiJ1:q@ the superior strength or
superiority of elision as a gramma-
tical operation in contrast
other operations,:by virtue of which
the elision, which is prescribed.
takes place first and then other
operations get a scope for their
application; cf.
Par. Sek. Pari. 93.
the utterance of an aspirate
letter rather harShly, with a stress
ou it. when that utterance is look-
ed upon as a fault; ct.
IlQ erlir:
Uvvata on R. Pro XIV. 6.
a class of words headed by the
word to which the tad. affix, :ff,
in the sense pos essed of ' is added
optionally along, with the usual
affix: +m;, e.g.
etc ct.
Kas. on P. V. 2.100. '
(Y) a class of words beaded
by to which the affix ffl )
is added iu'thesense-o{'becoming "
to form a' denominative
which gets the vetb-endtngs of both
the padas;, e;. g.
the class is
considered as sO' that simi-
lar denominative verb-bases. could
t>eexplained ;cf. Kas .. on P. III. I.
13; (2) a class of words 1;teaded
by to which the fern. affix: EiIJi
( an<frft) is added after they have
got the taddhita affix <rot. added to
tbem in the sense of ' a grandchild ';
e.g. iffilIl<fcft etc.; d. Kas.
on p. IV. 1.18.
prevalent jn common utterance
of the people as contrasted with
cf. '<NT
M.Bh. on .Ahnika I. See above.
krt affix substitnted for the
termination, 'Rif{ wben the
root, to which ffl has been applied,
is preceded by a prefix: with which'
it , (the root with the affix) is
compounded; cf. '
P. VII. I. 37.
lqt affix changed ioto OICI in
the sense of an agent applied to the
root and others (after which it
is seen actually used in language) ;
e.g. U:q;:r: ct.
P. 'III. I. I34.
1qt affix OICI in the sense of verbal
a"ctivity as, also in the sense of an
'abode' or an instrument' ; cf. P.
III.3.:I13, uS. n6, II7.
a class of roots, headed by the
the past. pass part. affix 0
placed after which becomes changed'
into if; e.g. &:,if:, ;;!\ir.,
etc. cf. Kas. on P. VII. 2.44.
l!!. (I) fourth letter iJf the class, of
consonants beaded by wl:!ich
are looked upon as semi-vowels;
cr.. is a dental, soft, non-aspirate
consonant prononnced as OJ:. in some
provinces and written alSo
times like especially when it
stands -at the beginning of a word;
'( :2 ) substitute for:;;r which is follow-
ed by a vowel excepting e. g.
11!g + 81'1t: = <P:'ilt:; d. ll<it P.
VI. 1.77; (3) the consonant lII.,
which is sometimes uttered with
very little effort when it is at the
end of a word and followed by a
vowel or a semivowel, or a fifth,
fourth or third consonant or the
consonant t. In such ca!:es it is
called cL
::;!l.m B S.
K. on P. VIII. 3. 18; (4) solitary
remnant of the afiil. .. '"es fem., fEM:., fiT.r
and the like, when the other letters,
, which are mute are dropped and l
the affix or the like becomes a t
zero affix. This C!:. also is finally'
dropped; d. P. VI. 1.67.
q (1) the semivowel C!:.; see C!:.; (2)-
personal-ending substituted for
in the perfect first ,person
), and in the present tense
in the case of the root f?l1\.; d.
qwrt and qT. 'Po III.
4.82, 83; (3) krt affix or
fct of \\ hich only C!:. remains; d. arlir-
P. VI. 2.52; ct. also
VI. 3.92; the
affix is mentioned as by PliJ)ini.
but, in fact, it is C!:., 31' being added
for ease in pronunciation; (4) tad.
affix in the sense of possessIOn add-
ed along with the other affixes
and em to the word and to
some other words such as mot,
mr, etc. as ,also and
cf. P. V. 2.r09, !l0 ..
<ffim: a class of words headed by the
word the word om: placed after'
which gets the taddhita affixes add-
ed to it, as prescribed in tl}e senses
, takes it " , carries it ' or ' produces
it' ; e.g. d. Kas. on P. V.
I 50. The tad. affixes as prescribed
in 1 he semes mentioned above are
added to thfl words ern etc. and not
to <=IH: according to some comment-
ators; e.g. etc;; cf.
KM, on P. V. I.50.
the consonant C!:. with the vowel
31' and "fiR being added for facility of
utterance; ct. T. Pro I. 17,2[, also
P. III. 3.ro8, Vart. 3.
which ought to'be stated
or prescribed; the word is frequent-
ly found used by the Varttikakara
when he suggests any addition to,
or modification in PaI)ini's rules.
Sometimes, the word is added by
the author'of the Mahabbii.!}ya in
the explanation of a Varttika' after
stating what is lacking in the
CfCP.f mouth, or orifice of the mouth,
,Which, in general, is the place of
utterence for all letters, but espe-
cially for the vowel 01; cf.

a grammarian who wrote a
grammatica1 work on verbs named

( I) lit. state'ment; an authorita-
tive statement made by the authors -
of the SiitraS .and the Varttikas as
also of the Mabiibbii!}ya ;d. O1fffi
Cif'll\tdt4 M. Bh. on Siva
Sutra I Vart. I. The word is also
used predicatively in the sense of
by the' Varttikakara; cf.
w: !liffi" li\ (2)
number, nch as
etc ; cf. Kiis. on
P. 1. 2 Sr ; cf, 9fif I
g-fq:; I I
I ;M. Bh. on P.' I. 2:57;
( 3) expressive word; cf. !Mq'Cfif-
''9 P: V. 1.14 where
the KMika explains the word!M-
'CRfil' as cf. also I
the terms I
etc. as classes of words; ct. also :
P. III. 2,II2; (4) that
which is uttered; d.
i!1fuq;: I c:nfuq;J i ffilT
a:rtIT quT: Kas. on P. In.8.
the form of or Ihunderboit,'
in which (form) the Jlhvamtiliya
(letter) is writing; d.
Kat. 1. I.17. See

substitute for m( of l11!1{, See +!gl{,
qfu (I) tad. affix in the sense of
similar activity or thing;
ct. f?n<lT
I ffSj om P. V. I.lI5, p6;
(2) tad. affix qt[, in the sense of
deserving; e.g. qw.:j"I:.; cf. crGj"f::
P. V. I. II7; (3) tad. affix ere:. ap-
plied to prefixes in Vedic Literature
wi.thout any sense of its own; e.g.
f.rcrnr d.
P. V.I.IlB.
<iRtiiri{l:i1 specific statement by putting
the word CiG'" for the sake of extend-
mentary on KOI)<::!a-
bhatta's and
grammar 'works named
f.litCfi and 'KalapavyakaralJotpatti-
a class of compoued words
headed by retain the
original, of tbe members cif
the compound, as for eXl;1mple, in
the compound word CiiRqfcl' botb the
words qil and qfu have got their
initial vowel 81' acc:;ented accute; d.
Kas. on P. VI. 2.140.
krt af!ix Cii( applied in the sense
of agent in Vedic literature to a root
ending in 8l'T and in spoken language
, to any root where forms are Sten ;
ct. amIT +!fu;llf.r"Cf-
f.rq"lll P. III. 2. 71, 75.
q<:f tad. affix q<:[ applied to the word
in the sense of +Ir.f (a peculiar
product); e g. cf.
P. IV. 3.162.
ed application e.g. JiliW(-
d. B crffl:' qfuf.iW: I if
I M.Bh. on P.1. -
I.23 Vart. 4.
<R' or Ci\"'!. krt, affix' qt applied' to t.he
roots ml3, itre.and
to the intensive base of <:fT in the
sense of a bab,ituated agent; e.g.
tJIH, <fTiitiR etc. c{,
fqffiitiT CR"'!. I <16': P. nI.2.175,
;;ffiT the possessive affix qt[, ( l1gll.) with
,fern. added; cf. cR<ri"f::
V. Pr. III. fI7.
<i9; or qgll. tad. affix ere:. applied to the
f,fi1{ and !(&<f..
in the sense of measurement; e.g.
<!Tqli(, l1;OTlfIil.,
d, qlt+j'flif <rgll.,
q: P. V. 2.39, 40.
ending with this affixqg: are de;;i- ,
gnated d. P.
1. 1.23.
a grammarian of the seven-
- teenth century who wrote a com-
a class of words headed bv,<!<:Ul
which have affix elided,
if it is added to-them in the four
senses mentioned in P. IV. 2.67-70;
cf. CRUJlilTli<[<:<rcf <mt CRUll: I'
!1Tl1: I d. Kas. on P.
IV. 2.82.
a scholar of grammar ,and a
pupil of Bbatt6ji Dik!?ita, who
flourished in the end of the seven-
teenth century and wrote abridg-
ments of the Siddbanta-kaumudi
for beginners in grammar named
and as
alsoliflgifllRifllClJ) and
The work under the name t1Rfi:t4ifid-
which is the shortt$t
ment. is, in fact, the cll!IM:I<tI'li1!!1{\
itself. It is possible that the author
first prepared the and
then, he himself or a pupil of his. "
put additional neces5ary and ,
prepared the' . LaghuSlddhanta-
(I) a reputed ancient gram-
marian who is identified with
Katyayana, the prominent author
of the Varttikas on the Siitrasof
paJ;lini. Both the names and
'Il1fl<iif are mentioned in comment-\
ary works'in connection with the ,
Varttikas on the Siitras of
and it is very likely that Vararnci
was the individual name of the
scholar, and Katyayana his family
name. The words <iiR<I and CfiItllTClif
art! found used in Slokayarttikas in
the Mahiibhayi1o on P. HI. 2.3 and
III. 2.1 [8 where refe;ences made
are actually found in the prose
Varttikils (see 'IlFNr m
P. III. 2.3 Vart.
if P; III. 2.n8 Vart. I)
indicating that the SLokavarttika-
kara balieved that the Varttikas
were composed by Katyayana.
There is no reference at all in the
Mababhaya to Vararuci - as a
writer of the Varttikas; there is
only one reference which shows
that there was a scholar by name
has' been associated with Sarvavar-
man, (the author of the first three
Adhyayas of the Katantra Siitras ),
as the author of the fourth Adhya-
ya. Patafijali does not associate
with Katyayana at all. His
mention of as a writer of a
Kavya is a sufficient testimony for
that. Henc
, it appears probable
that Katyayana, to whom the
authorship of the Vajasaneyi Prati-
sakhyaand many other works allied
with Veda has bi::en attributed, was
not aSSoCiilted;;, with Vararnci by
PatafijaIi, and, it is only the later-
writers who identified the gramma-
rian Vararuci, ,who composed the
fourth Adhyaya. of the Katantra
Grammar and wrote a Priilqit Gra-
mmar and, some other grammar
works. with the ancient revered
Katyayaria. 'the' author of Vartti-
kas, the Vajasaneyi PratiSiikhya
and the POlllPasiitra; (3) There
was -a comparatively modern gra-
mmarian named who wrote a
small treatise 'on genders of words
consisting of about 125 stanzas
with a commentary named Linga-
vrtti. possibly written by the aut-
lior- himself. (4). There was also
another modern grammarian by
name who wrote a work on
syntax named discuss-
ing the fout topics 'IiR.'Ii.,
Some catalogues of manu,,:
scripts mention a gloss on the
Mahabhliya by Vararuci.
'Vararuci known to Patafijali, but
he was a poet; ct. in the
sen5e of composed' and not
llt'i'li) by M. Bh. on P. IV.
2,4. (2) is also mentioned as
the author of the Prakrta Grammar
known by tbe name or
Tbis Cft<!Ri. who, also was
by Gotra name, was a gra-
mmarian later than Pataiijali.who
CRcriU1wft name' of a commentary on'
the Paribbliendosekhara' written
by Gurnprasada Sastri, a reputed
grammarian of the present century.
a class, of words headed by
<RW which have the taddhita affix
'Ii (<ffl;l) added to them in the four
senses mentioned in P. IV. 2.67-'1
e.g. etc.; d. Kas. \
on P. IV. 2.80., '
qft' r of the .,9f.lf!.; I
e.g. =F.ffICffi, etc.; cI. 'lifT 'q I
, ' P. IV. 1.7. I
<iii name given to the different clasEes I
of which are hea?ed by I'
an un aSpIrate surd; e.g. 'liCfif, 'Of9i[,
ir.Fr, ocrT. and m. The' several!
consonants in each group or class, ' "
are,in their serial order, named CfoT-
etc. On the analogy
of these five classes, the semivowels
are calJed by the name <i9lt and sibi.
lants are called by the name :wFf.
a class of words headed by the
word qrlj- which have their "initial
vowel accented ii!:ule when they
stand as second men-.bers of a tat-
purnllla compound otber than the
karmadharaya type of it; e.g. clT{!-
itqq3ii::, cf. Kas. on P. VI.
phonemiC unit; a letter. Tbe term
was in use in ancient times and
found used generally in the mascu-
line gender, but occasionally in the
neuter gender too; e.g. ;j':rfctID
quIT: M. Bh. Ahnika r. also +IT 'Il't[-
M. Bh. on Siva
3, 4.
mention of a grammatical
ration concernil!g a sing!e letter or
Cil u5ed by a single letter; cf. if Cful-
(T1;1'f Sira-
cleva' Pari ro.
faults in pronunciation. On
account of wrong emphasis, etc. a
reciter commits these mistakes.
They refer to faults regarding places
of pronunciation and effort in pro-
nunciation. A number of these
faults are enumerated by Pratisa-
kbya works, P<l;tafijali and paJ}.iniya
Sik!?8.. lists them as
C<lTt!, tf\;s;:r, !if!, lU.,if,
6!!j<i1re'ii, 8Fj:.rHIlSf etc.
cpo Prato Xl\'. 1-3.
q-uttf(e serial mention or enumeration
of- 'letters in the fourteen Siva
Siilras. The word is also used'in the
sense of the alphabet given in the
Pratisakhya and grammar works;
cf. ' aN CfulQT6
M.Bh. On P. 1. 1.69.
a minor wprk' upon let,ters
and their nature by a grammarian
named Ghanasyama.
q-rJiq!.{'titrci;r a comparatively
modern kbelonging'to
the WbiteYajurveda. It follows,the
Vajasaneyi PIatisakhya. It was
composed bv Amaresa belonging to
the Bharadvaja family.
erUtUF.(r the collection of letters as
mentioned in works on grammar
and Pratisakhya; cf.
ifllf!!l R. Pro I. 10.
change of one letter into ano-
ther (in the formation of a word)
the diEcossion of which is looked
upon as one of the features of gra-
mmar; cf.
<nrqf\tnclf<it><jfu. 1\1. Bh. Ahnika I.
disappearance of a letter; d.
9UJf8t<i: 5I(<i<IT I 1lJ&I: I
M. Bh. on. P. I. 1.39 vart. 10.
q:olfctfl;f an injunction or operation
conditioned by a single letter;
M. Bh. on P.
changing the place of letters;
ct. Vart. 20.
a minor grammar work
on the nature of letters by a g.fa
mmarian named,
transposition of letters; d.
qUiT:) ;
M. Bh. on Siva Sutra 5 ; cf.
'iiit: fu'iiffT: I I@: fulr: I <i1<1-
I M. Bh. on Siva Sulra 5
a collection of letters or
alphabet given traditionally. AI-
thoogh the Sanskrit alpbabet bas
got everywhere the same cardinal
letters i.e .. vowels a:r, l< etc., con:5O-
nants <s:. etc., semivowels <J:., \,
Ci" sibilants lJ. tt {and a few addi-
tional phonetic Ull its such as
m:rfr and others, still their number
and order differ in the different
traditional eIlllmerations. paI.1ini
bas not mentioned . them actually
but the fourteen Siva Sutras, On
which he has based his work, men-
tion only 9 vowels and 34 conso
nants, the long vowels being looked
upon as varieties of the short ones.
The of PaI..1ini mentions 63 or
64 letters. adding the letter Ci\"
h d. fsrEfrn: 'ilg:Efffiqf qUiT:
+rffT: PaQini St. 3. The E-k
Pratisakhya adds four ( Visarga,
Jihvamiiliya, Upadhmiiniya a,nd
Anusvara) to the forty three given
in the Siva Sutras and mentions 47.
The Taittiriya Pratisakhya men-
tions 52 letters viz. 16 vowels, 25
class consonants, 4 semivowels, six
sibilants ( lJ., :::'!.)
and anusvara. The Vajasaneyi
Pratisakbya mentions 65 letters 3
varieties of a:r, <1", 'Ii and two
varieties of Q;, alt, an, !Z5 class-
consonants, four semivowels, four
sibilants, and <rq1:11l'fT<!, am-
. ;;nRw:l, and four <Ill
letters;. cf. IlSiqT!!'fUIT ii!qjUfflut+rqI'i:!':
V.Pr. VIII. 25. The Tantra
gives 57 letters viz: 14 vowels. 25
class consonants, 4 semiyowels, 4
sibilants, Visarga, Jihvamiiliya.
Upadhmaniya, 4 yam as
and two Anusvaras. The E-k
Tantra gives two dHferent serial
orders, the Uddesa (common), and
tbe Upadesa C tJ aditional). Tbe
common order or Uddesa gives the
14 vowels' beginning wit h a:r, tben
the 25 class conson&nts, then the
four semivowels, the four .sibilants
and lastly the eight ayogavahas. viz.
thl'! visarjaniya and others. The
traditional order gives the diph-
thongs first, then long vowels' ( a:rT,
3ft, t and then short vowels
( 'Ii, 0'<, and lastly a:r ). thm semi-
vowel!:', then the five fifth conso-
nants, the five fourths, the five
tbirds. the five :;econds. t he five
firsts. then the four sibilants and
then the eight ayogavaha letters
and two Anusvaras instead of one
anusvara. PiiI).ini appears to have
followed the traditional order with
a few changes that are necessary for
the technique of his work.
by Candragomiu, is a work
of Candra system of grammar. In
about twenty-three sutras, it des-
cribes tupics likeSthana, KaraQa,
Prayatna and so on.
view that letters do not
possess the sense, as individually in
every lett er no separate sense is
seen; cf. etc. M. Bh. 9n
Siva Sutra 5, Vart. 14 and IS. .
the theory or view that indi-
vidual letters are severally possess-
ed of different senses. For instance,
the difference in the meanings of
the wor.ds Wi. <r:r,and tlH, is due to
the difference in their initial letter.
The theory is not acceptable to the
VaiyakaraQas nor the theory
given above. They follow the
theory of i.e. sense given
by a group of words together. See
M.Bh. on Siva Siitra 5, Varttikas 9
to 15. . .
a gramrr.atical operation de-
pending upnn a single letter i.e. an
operation caused by a letter singly;
d. I Par. Sek.
Pari. 2 I; d. also 5fr'<icIT qUi-
I I M. Bh. o'n P.
I. 1.39 10.
or an old writer
on grammar who has written a work
named on the meanings of
\\ ords. The work forms a part of
his bigger work Both tbe
works are incomplete. The
is based mostly upon a'ncient gram-
mar v,orks -of Patafijali. Vararuci,.
Varttikakara, Sarva\.arman, Bhar';'
tfhari and otbers.
a part or a portion of a com-
bined letter i.e. or
The diphthongs or are
divisible into two Svaras, for inst-
ance, Q; into 8fT' ana 11;, all into a:rrland
alt. Similarly doubJe consonants
I ike 'fCli, Cfll' , 'RI:: etc. are also divi-
sible. Regarding the point raised
whether the individual parts can be
,looked upon as separate letters for
undergoing or causing a grammata
ical operation, the decision of the
grammarians is that they cannot
be looked upon as separate, ,when
. they are completely mixed as the
diphthongs; d. crfu;-
M. Bh. on Siva Siitra 3.
4 Viirt. 6.
Cia a term used by ancient grammar-
ians and later on oy commentators
for compound words;. cf. 9'<lct
tll'ffB: N yasa on Kas; II. 4.15 .
<fflliJif the present tense; cf. em+if.t
P. III. 2.123; d. also '9'
P. II. 3 67 ; also 'f'6+rTiffim
P. III. 3.13T.
a term used by ancient gram-
marians for the present tense, along
with the term q(}+rl<i also; ct. <m f{
.ffi{T emllI'lT l/Fcls1jRr, M. Bh. on .
P. III. 3.133 Vart. 8. See also Vak.'
pad. III. 9.
"',.. . .
from qtT WhiCh means a com-
pound; see qa. (I) Tbe term qlfr-r or
qRl1R is used in the sense of a mem-
ber of a compound; cf.
qfu Nyasa On P. II. 4.
:r:5. (2) the term is also used
for a syllable ; ct. qfff R. T.
47, explained by the commentator
as 9Rr 'qlt1:f?i\t l/qfu- I
ct. also R. Pro
XVIII. 32.
lit. gingival, 'or produced at the
gums; the letter <: according to some
scholars who believe that \ is pro-
duced at the root of the teeth i.e.
at the gums; d. OlT'i:!'T<IT
I qffi +/CIT I
(gums) Uvvata
on R. Pro I. 20. .
future, belonging to future; ct.
. f:n<ira-
87 given by Siradeva.

(I) a long vowel; (2) name
of a famous Jain grammarian, dis-
ciple of Govindasuri, who lived in
the beginning of the tweltth century
A.D. and wrote a metrical work on
gaQas or groups of words ,in gram-
mar, named and also a
commentary on it. The work can.,
sists of 8 chapters and has got some
commentaries besides the weIl- _
known one by the author himself.
.. He also wrote two other works on
grammar and as
also,aJew books.
ri name of an ancient scholar of
grammar and Mimamsa, cited by
some as the preceptor cif and
pat;lini. If not of paI..1ini, he may
have been' a preceptor of Katyii-
or gingival, produced at the
gums; the word is probably the
correct word meaning the root of
the teeth or gums; the word qil was
also used in the same sense as
from which the word could be
derived. and are only the
variant pronunciations of and
The word qt&, with G:. inserted
between and 'I, is given above as
explained'by Uvvata from qt!. It is,
very likely that -'1* is wrongly writ-
ten for <r<;cf or
Cj<!'j short term for consonants
... excepting <r,.; cf. el.jliiia' P. VI. 1.
06 ; P. VII. 235
( I) tad. diturarthika affi..x Cf\!>'i:f..
applied to the word fu@T in the four
senses country and others; e.g.
i\'iIt Kas. on P. IV . 2.8g;
( 2) tad. q<;5 in the sense of
possession applied to words
'i!,ifit and others as also to <(iO and
-m@T when the word is used as
proper noun and to theword
e.g. etc.;
<n<I:. and 'P.
V. 2.II2, IJ3, II4
named mqa+! also, who wrote a.
commentary on Nagesa's Sabdendu-
given in P. VIII. 2.39, :VIII. 3-7.
VIII. 3.2 3, VIII. 4-40 , 4
, 58, 59.
62, 63; cf. if arqft-
!IfcITf.r Uvvata on
R. Pr. IV. 5.
. .
<R=\ (I) pres. participle affix em; subs-
tituted for applied to the toot
e.g. fcnre" d. P. VII.
; (2) perf. part. affu; ifi$l subs-
tituted for the general: affix
mostly in Vedic but in
specific cases in spoken language;
e.g: ct. P.
III. 2. 107-9. See !fl';.
a class of words headed by'
the word Cfff.U, which are mostly
names. of seasons; to which the
affix i[cn is added in the sense
of 'that which one studies or
knows' ; cf. qt\rut\i[ilm ;pIT Cltf.ij"-
I CflNifi: l{.iiS. on
IV. 2.63.
the krt. affix which see above.
The word <m is used for by the
Varttikakata ; d. fmi:
P. VI. 4.22 9
atmanepada personal-ending of the
first person dual, sub-
stituted for the general affix; cf.
. P. III. 4-7

<iT a term often nsed in the SlitrclS of
PaI;dni and others, to show the
optional application of a rule; ct. if
iffi' f<tm'ElT P. 1. 2.44 ; d. also 1.
2.13 etc. See fetlWfl.
short term (3f\i!Im{) for consonants
from Cf in to the mute
i.e. all semi-vowels except-
ing <r,., and the fifth, the fourth and
the third class consonants; ct. .. "i'FP a technical term of Jainendra gra-
qfu'liRr d. P. VII. 2.8. 'mmar, corresporidmg to of
pa:Q.ini cpo CfFf! I Jain. Su. 2.
name given in the PratisakhY!l';
works to letter-combinations 1.79
a consonant gets a change . [ W ACKERNAGELL ], a
to the neighhouring consonants a,s German Professor and scholar of
given in the E.k. Pratisakhya in IV. Sanskrit Grammar who collaborat
I to IV. 5 including ed in the work of editing Altindi-'
tR:6CJol, and others, as seh Grammatik.
a class of words headed by the
word cnf.ficr to which the taddbita
affix awliii' (ftnol:.) is . added in
sense of an I offspring' along
with the tad. affix awlr.r, the aug- .
ment is added to the base
or the like) ; e.g.
ct. KiiS. on P. IV. LIS8.
a st'ntence giving an idea in' a
single unit of expression consisting
of the verb with its karakas' or
instruments and adverbs; ct. <II'1'@IRi
tIifiRCii l!CRftftr
I*" qoftr I I
1M. Eh. on P. II. I.I.
Vart. IO. Regarding the different
theoretical ways of the interpreta-
tion of a sentence, see the word
For details, see 'llflq{\lIII.
2 where the different definitions of
. are given and the I
is established as the sense 01 a
name giveu to the second
of Bhartrhari's Vakyapa-
dlya in whiCh problems regarding
the interpretation of a sentence are
fa1!y discussed.
name is confounded with
CI(ii<N<t\4 of through
mistake. .'
CCI'MqcfN a celebrated work 01 mean-
ings of words and sentenceswdtfen
by the famons grammarian Bbartr';"
hari (called also of the
fifth century. The work is look-
, ed upon as a final authority regard-
ing the grammatical treatment of
words and sentences for thElir inter-
pretation and later
graJDmarians. It consists of three
& PrakirI}aka:QQa and has got
excellent commentaries written by
Bhartrhari . himself on the Brahma
& Vakyaka:QQas, by
the VllkyalcaI}Q.a and by' Helllraja
on the Prakirnakanda.
CCI'Mq4i4ftCfij of commentary
on Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya mi-
tten by PUI}yaraja on the fit'St arid
the second KaI}c;la. :Some scholars
hold the view that the ..commentary
on the first KaI}c;la was by
Bhart{hari himself.
name given to the,
commentary on the third KiiI}c;la or
4tIlf4Cfii( a term used for'a writer who book of Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya .
composes a work in pithy, brief by Hela,raja.
assertions in the manner of Slitras.. cU'Mqt\Q+llftl completion of the idea
such as the Varttikas. The term to be expressed in a sentence orin
found. used in Bhartrhari's MaM- a of sentences by the word-
by contrast ing actually given, leaving
with' the term it possi- to be understood as contrasted with
bly refers to the Varttikakara CfFf!flllfu:nnfHuc;eci in the Mababbstya;
Katyayana; ct. '00" cf. P.1. 1.10
if Baartrhari and the Mabab 1i.ya thereOn.
dipikll. cf. also 'Nagea's statement are two wa\,s ill which such a com
; cf. also $+qli:(oij) pletion take, pia :e, ..:;i?1glv anti t.. ,If.
ClIlCfiFlhn: Miidhaviya Dbatuvrtti.\ ectively ; cf. . .
. rated by the us,alexample
CC.if4Qc{\ name of a work on the denota- where Patafijali
tion of wordsin verse-form with a remarks
commentary of his own written by .a cf. also CJl<RqRemfa where
grammarian named ilWI<m1. The Pataiijali remarks iflri:
44 ,//
+rcif.-o it 'tr
I M. Bh. onP. I: 1.1 Vart.
12 ;,icf. also M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.7. I.
2.39. II. 2.I etc.
"iijCfi4SiOJ)IIi( a work on the interpretation
of . sentences written with a com-
mentary upon it by of
North. Gujarat who lived in the
century A.D.
Ci"lctaiSit{14 a term sometimes seen
( wrong]y) applied to the Vakya-
padiya of Bhartrhati. It may have
been the name of the
on the Vakyaprakasa.
li\V44iCi the same as Vli.rtikapatha for
which see helow. The word is used
by Haradatta in his Padamafijari.
cpo '<TIgtm;: <!T'f<i-
I on Kasika on P. I. 3.2
a serious fault of expression I
. when a sentence is required to tie
divided into two sentences for the
sake of its proper interpretation;
ijO'iflm 9iUfu Kas on P. VI.
1.94; ct. also crfu .
fctlfRulij! <;'<T!f.1iT:
etc. Par. Sek. on Pari. 13.
(pI.) advocates of <!T'f<i or
statement as an indivisible unit
presenting the sense as a unit,
which, for convenience, is further
divided in to separate senses of indi- .
vidual words which have a pheno-
menal existence. cpo Vllk. pad. II.
57. cpo fflC!'lIRf+tVlt{-
" ..::. I

complement of a sentence;
something required to be under-
stood to complete the sense of a
sentence generally according to the
context; cf. ffi: cn'fli
fir I M.Bh. on P. I. I.57
Vart. 6; d .. Cfi!ll't[RaJ'
1 0'lI'<T! ! ;a'iftii(9 .. iTTCf: !
if wa'tRr ! !
it ! M.Bh. on p. 1. 3.62.
the grammarian's the-
ory that as the individual words
have practically no existence as
far as the interpretation or the
expression of sense is concerned.
the sentence alone being capable of
conveying the sense, the formation
of individual words in a sentence
is explained by putting them ina
sentence and knowing their mutual
relationship. The word cannot
be explained singly by showing the
base iit and the case ending
unless it is seen in tbe sentence
an<i<.J; <.J'<T!
AA SiN..
fcr mr
_.Pari. Bbiiskara Pari.
99. The view is put in alternation
with the other view, viz. the
which has to be accept-
ed in connection with the
n<I; cf. aRii
( I
31r<il'.TT oi{iTTffil: Par.
Sek. on Pari. IS. The grammarians
usually follow the
the meaning of a seutence,
which comes as a whole composite
idea when all the constituent words
of it are heard; cf. lfcUiit
+fr.rr.d CfI9'!!N:, M. Bh.
on P. 1. 2.45 Viirt. 4. According to
later grammarians the. import or
meaning of a sentence ( Cfl'Rlq)
flashes out suddenly iii the mind of
the hearer immediately after the
sentence is completely uttered.
The import is named 3liam by
Bharqbari, cf. Viikyapadiya 11.45;
ct. also.<fI1WIqaJ' 3fRhllliF-lfcrf<i: Laghu-
mafiju!?a. For details and the six
kinds of viikyartha, see Vakya-
padiya II.I54.
name of a commentary
on the Paribbaljiendusekhara by
Hari Sastri Bhagawata.
part of a sentence which
sometimes, on the strength of the
context, conveys the whole mean-
ing; ct. ffi:
>m%lr.rr: 'tr 1
1 i{'ij: I
ml't/ff M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.45
(I) expression from the mouth;
series of sounds caused by
expelling the air from the lungs
through differently shaped posi-
tions of the mouth and the throat;
cf. lfffiTtIJil:. >i'rc<I CflHICf/ff Va j. Pr.
I.9; see the word cnufT; (2) the
sacred or divine utterance referring
to the Veda; cf. CfT'"!": qt
( 3) term used for '3qqt{ in the J ai-
nendra Vyakarru;ta; ct.
Jain. Pari I04.
cn:qcp expressive, as contrasted with
and it<{lh which
mean suggestive; the term is used
in connection with words which
directly convey their sense by
denotation, as opposed to words
which convery indirectly the sense
or suggest it as the prefixes or
Nipiitas do.
expressly cited by a q:qi{ or a
statement of the authors of the
Sutra, the Varttika and the
bhli.!iiya, as contrasted with what
naturally OCCUIS or is inferred from
their statements; cf.;r1t
'tr I \<i1m-
M. Bh. on P. I. I.38 Vart.
5 and P. II. 2.6; cf. also M. Bh. on
P. I. 2.64 Vart. 53.
See CfT'trf.icn above; cf.
M. Bh. on P.
II. 2.6; d. also the usual express-
ion CfT'ilf.!1i! with respect to some
Paribha!ii8.s or maxims.
expressing directly, denoting;
( fem. of CfI't[Cfi) ; d.
'+I9ffi" M. Bh. on P. II. I.I
Vart. 4.
CI1'i (1) directly expressed (sense)
as contrasted with or ; ct.
<mr 1
M. Bh. on P. 1.4.19 Viirt. 10;
( 2) which should be stated or
which d,eserves to be stated. The
word CfI'CCl is generally put in connec-
tion with the additions or correc-
tions to the sutras by the Wirttika-
kiira and the in
their explanations; d.
M. Bh. on P. I. 4. I; cf. also CfI'CCl
. M. Bh. on P. III. 1.22
Vart. 3; III. I.36 Viirt. 6.
Eliil1Q4I<4<i an ancient grammarian who
holds the view that words denote
always the jati i.e. they always
convey the geLeric sense and that
the individual object or the case is
understood in connection with the
statement or the word, as a natural
course, when the purpose is not
served by taking the generic sense ;
cf. <miD
t:<fI(.jij' +roW M. Bh. on P.
I. 2.64 Viirt. 35.
the Pratimbya work
belonging to the VajaSQMyi branch
of the White Yejutvede. which is
the only existing
day representing all the branches
of the Sukla Yajurveda. Its
ship is attributed to Kiityayana .
and OD. account of its striking
with PiiQini"s s.Qtras
tlt vuious places, its author Katyl'"
yana is likely to be the same as the
yarttikakara. Kiityiiyana. .It is
<I.p.ite reasonable to expect that the
matter iu this Pratisakhya
J:based on that in the ancient
. ,};t;atiAakhya works of the same
. school of the Yajurveda.
has a lucid commentary
Bhii!?ya written by Uvvata.
*,;_p'pssibly the same as KUJ}.ara-
. vaQ.ava; an ancient grammariau
quoted in the Mabiibbii$ya.; ct.
<jWcf: qoRr, M. Bh.
on P. VIII. 2.1G6 Vart 3
; utterance; the same as
is believed to be of four
kinds as cited by the grammarians
and explained by Bhartrhari; the
":fuur kinds are based upon the four
places of origin, the three first
places belonging to the inarticulate
speech and the fourth helonging to
the articulate one; ct
-rmn t{(Uf.! ffif.r I 00

M. Bh. I Ahnika I aud the Pradipa
Uddyota thereon.
q:m::m: an ancient writer of Pratisa-
khya works who believed in the
very feeble utterance of . consonants and <I., when
preceded by or and standing at tbe
en.d of a word. See .
Elli(i1$:;fiiliM a work on grammatical
debates etc. by Appaya a
scholar and' a senior
of Jagannatha in the
. seventeebth century.
be tbe interpretation of the rule;
ct. dir:;:r <n<{iI' M. Bh. on P.
I. 3. I. Vart. II.
cnft.iii!jl{ name of a commentary on
tbe Siirasvat3 VyakaraJ;la by a
grammarian named Jayanta.
qr;r the suffix Cfil. mentioned as <fIiI in
the Atharvapriitisiikhya and illus-'
trated in the word cf. A.
Pr. III. 24.
name of one of the joint authors
of the well-known gloss or ;:fu upon
the Sutras of Pal}ini, who lived in
the seventb century A. D. It can-
not be ascertained wbich' portion of
the J{asika was written by Vamana
and which by his colleague
There was another famous scbolar
Kashmir by name Vamana wbo
rished in the tenth century and
who ote an independent gra-
mmar 1 rea ise together
witb and
air or SllllJ, which is believed to
spring up from the root of the
navel and become a cause (eve-ll a
material cause according to some
scholars) of sound of four kinds
produced at four different places,
tbe last kind being audible to us;
cf. Slrult Vak-
yapadiya I. II6; d. also R.Pr.
XIII. 13. V. Pr. I. 7'9; T. Pro II. 2;
Sik!jia of PiiJ}.ini st. 6. According to
Taitt. Sam. VI. 4.7 Vayu helped
Indra in producing words.
a grammarian of the seven-
teenth century who wrote a. gloss
named on tbe P,rakriyii-
kaumudi. He is also known as
roots headed by <lr and to
qy. Really there is no class of roots
headed by qy given anywhere but
in the interpretation of the rule
1:TRIer: it is suggested that a work attributed to ef.
the roots which are similar to "'T I ==* = M Bh P IV
., .,.,,,., .,,,0.,., on .3.101 ;
are termed roots ('itg)' could also I cf. also S. on P. IV. 3
101. This work possibly was not
a grammar and its author a]so
was not the same as the Varttika-
kara Kat}ayana. See above.
The name was given
possibly to Kiityayana's Priikrt
Grammar, the author of which
surnamed Kiityayana. For
details see p. 395 Vyiikaral}a Maha-
Vol. VII. D. E. Society's
Clil(lijii4ifiiRcP' an ancient grammar-work
in verse believed to have been
written by an ancient scholar of
grammar, who, if not the same as
Katyayana who wrote the Viirttikas
was bis contemporary and to
the authorship of the Ul}adi Siitras
is ascribed by some scholars. See
a grammar work of twenty:'
five verses on caseconstruction ,
compounds, verbs and nominal for-
mation fathered on Vararuci Kiitya-
<rRl of no use; serving no purpose;
the word is possibly derived from
erlaT ( meaning people's
gossip; cf. M. Bb. on P. I.
2.64 Vart. 25; also. on P. II. 2.24,
II. -1.13 etc.
an ancient grammarian who
held the view that the intended
se-nse in the case of a sentence, has
a sta ble and real existence and the
division of a sentence into several
words. Eut into four categories, is all
imaginary; be is referred to by
with who is mention-
ed 1
a statement whicb is as much
authoritative as the original state-
, ment to which it is given as an addi-
tion for of correction,
completion or explanation. The
word is defined by old writers in an
often-quoted verc;e'<J'ffiI!1l'di$'

'q.ffi >1'11:11:1 I ff
+r.ftfq1l1: (I This definition fully applies
to the Varttikas on the Siitras of
The ,!ord is explained by
as ffi which
gives strength to the supposition
that there were glosses ou the Siitras
of Pfu;l.ini of wbich the Viirttikas
formed a faithfnl pithy summary of \
tbe topics discussed. The word
Varttika is used in tbe Mababhasya
at t,:o places only
wfur: M.Bh. on P. III. 437
on P. II. 2.24 Vart. :t8. In am: aJN"
the word is contrasted with
the word which means the
original Siitra ( of Piil}ini) which has
been actually quoted, viz.
<ITm1Io II. 2.25. Nagesa gives
8G'fd5;<f'RIfq"dl9i'lEii as the
definition of a Varttika which refers
only to two out of the tbree features
of the Varttikas stated above. If the
word ia"fd' has been omitted 'with a
purpose by the defimtion
well-nigh lead to the
vIew that the genuine Varltikapatba
of Katyayana consisted of a smaller
number of Varttikas which along
with a large number of Varttikas
other writers are qnoted in the ,.
without names
of writers. For details see pages
193-223 Vol. VII Piitaiijala Maba-
D. E. Society's Edition.
ElffftCfi<iil( believed to be Katya yana
to whom the whole bnlk of the
Yiirttikas quoted in
IS attributed by Jater grammarians.
Pataiijali gives tbe word 9lffiiMil'lin
four places only (in the Mahiibhasya
on P. I. 1.34, III. 1.44. III. 2.II8
VII. 1.1 ) out of which his statement

+!9'fu fii; Vol. VII, VyakaraI)a
'liH:: explanation of D. E. Society's Edition.
the Siokavarttika ... <!craf .
. the same as CfTfc'r'li<i'q.'! which
shows that })ataiijali
above. The Varttikas are term-
gives <W<!1<l., as the Varttikakara ed Varttika sutras on account of
( of Varttikas in small prose state- . h
their close similarity WIth t e
ments) and the Siokavarttika is riot
original Sutras, which in contrast
composed by Katyayana. As asser-
tions similar to those' made by are termed Vrttisntras.
other writers are quoted with the an ancient grammarian quot-
names of their authors (+lR1l:T;;fr<jT:, ed in the Mahabha!?ya and the
m.rrm:, etc.) in the Mahii- Nirukta in conne.ction with the six-
bha!?ya, it is evident that the Vart- fold division of bhava or verbal
tikas quoted in the Mahabha!?ya- activity; cf. +lCRllm
( even excluding tbe Slokavarttikas) l;m<ja- 311m fcrtrftUJll'f <fc:la-
did not all belong to Katyayana. fci<R<lcftfu Nir. 1.3'
For details see pp. '93-200, Vol. I
VII, Vyakara1)a Mahabha!?ya, D.
E. Society's Edition. I
the text of the Varttikas as
traditionally handed over ,in the oral
recital or in manuscripts. As ob-
served above (see errftl'h), although I
a large number of Varttikas quot-
ed in the Mahiibba;,ya are ascribed
to Katyayana, the genuine Vartti-
kapatba giving such Varttikas only, I
as were definitely composed by him,
has not been prese'n1ed and Nagesa \
has actually gone to the length of I
making a statement like .' 9lTkl'h'TI<5: '
Sl!!: "; cf. Uddyota on P. I. 1.12
Varttika 6.
a small pithy statement or
assertion in the manner of the
original sutras which is held as
much authoritative as Sutra;
d. <'f 'lRifI?{Cf'q.jIHt:!jU<!Tfu:ffi I r?fi
(IN" I CflRl'fiCf'l<'f>tTt:fjU<lmm I M.Bh. on
P. II. 1.1 Varttika 2 3.
categorical conclusive
statements made by the Varttika-
kara many of which were cited
later on as by later
writers. For details see pp. 212-220,
citing an option not specifically
by tbe particle err, but by the terms
fcrllNT, and the like; d.
P. I. 4.53 Vart. r; ct. also M. Bh.
on p. 1. 3.79, II. 1.18 etc.
<.nfcrN' 91NI:1Ff also, laying down an
option regarding a grammatical
operation; cf.
ufufl! errNI:1l'fIC(. P. II. 3.16 Vart. i;
d. also Cljejlcfr<IT
Cfl'(<nm M. Bb. on P.
III. I.3I Vart. 2 ; ct. also M. Bb. on
P. III. 1.94.
l+4I(Ol'@:Qri4F-i the dictum d applying
optionally any two or more krt
affixes to a root if they become
applicable at one and the same time,
only provided that tbose affixes are
not in the topic of f&T<!l<I: ( P. III. 3.
94 etc.) and are not the same in
appearance such as UJ, '31, 'Ii etc.,
which are tIle same viz. 31; d.
sfu!<lT<I: P. III. 1.94; ct. also
UWiftr Bh. on P. III.
2.146 Vart. I; cf also M. Ell on P.
III. 2.150 Viirt. 1. The words
and are also used in the
same sense; dl'6iftW'hr <'f

<ierrtta M. Bh. on P. III. 2.150 Viirt.
2, as also
Par. Sek. Pari. 67.
a fu!\:lT work belonging to
the ,White Yajurveda. It is a select-
ion from the SarvanukramalJi and
is therefore a late work. Another
work of the same name belongs to
the Taittiriya school of the Black
Yajurveda. It seems to be older
than VaidikabharaI)a.
son of the
author of the Balamanorama,a com-
mentary on the Siddhantakaumudi.
was a resident of
Tanjore who lived in the beginning
of th<; eighteenth century A.D. and
wrote a few works on Purvami-
surnamed Abhyankar,
who lived from 1863 to 1942 and
did vigorous and active work of
teaching pupils and writing essays,
articles, commentary works and
original works on various Sastras
with the same scholarship, zeal
and ncumen for fifty years in Poona.
He wrote a commentary
on the Laghusabdendusekhara and
a commentary on the Pari-
bha!?endusekhara in r889. His works
total more than twenty-five. His
edition of the Patafijala Maha-
bha!?ya with full translation and
notes in Marathi can be called his
magnum opus. See
f.I (I) UI)adi affix N quoted by Par;lini
in the rule VII.
I,85 ; e.g. ; cf.
UI)adi IV. 54; also fcfii.. IV. 53:
( 2) common term for the affixes
fim., foCi, fcI,and
See cr..
fcrc1;, augment fct as seen in the word
given as a nipatana in the
sutra ... P. VII. 4.65 ; ct.
a:Jt:f .
Ras. on P. VII. 4.65.
a fault in the pronunciation
of vowels, the utterance being
attended with a kind of tremor;
d. . I M. Bh. at
the end of Ahnika I.
an affix placed between a root
and the personal ending,. for showa
ing the specific tense or mood or
voice to convey which, the personal
ending is applied; e.g. the con-
jugational signs :all., :a-,
'3', and <I'l!, also
mil., and with its substitutes.
Although the term fcrgur is used by
ancient grammarians and freely
used by the Mahabha!?yakara in
connection with the affixes, menti-
oned in the siltras of PaQini, such
as m, and others, the term is
not found in the Sutras of PaI)ini.
The vikaraI)as are different from
the major kinds of the regular
affixes and other similar
, ones. The vikaraI)as can be called
iii'!.; so also, as they are mentioned
in the topic (aTI\:'fifiR:) of affixes or
Pratyayas, they hold the desig-
nation' pratyaya'. For the use of
the word see M.Bh. on P. I. 3.
12, III. 1.31 and VI. 1.5. The term
is found in the Yajiiavalkya
Sik!?a in the sense of change, (cf.
and possi-
bly the ancient grammarians used
it in that very sense as they found
the root ii modified as 'Ii(! or or
as or as Wi before the
regular personal endings 'Rrl., etc.
!' .
m (I) a fault in the utterance of a
vowel with its proper accent (acute,
grave or circumflex) which results
from the proper accent being mixed
-with another in the ntterance; cf.
hi Oi1flill%ediUvva!a on R. Pro
III. '18; (2) protraction of the
accent especially of the circumflex
choice or option re: the appli-
caDen of a role as stated by the
word Cfi, fcrmtrr, aji<{d4I<{O or the
like; cf.
W ;rqRr,
f.! tffl
Ras. On P. L 1.44.
, ,Mififu;qd made applicable optionally.
lit. change; modification; 'modi-
fication of a word-base or an affix,
cansed generally by the addition of
suffixes; cf. Wm:: KliS.
on P. IV. 3.134; cf. also
ql{l(l<lSRit5<}Rr Maba-'
Abnika I.
lit. changeable; that which gets
changed in, its nature; a variety or
snbdivision of or the object; ct.
cniil Ras.
on P. TIl. 2.1. The is ex-
plained as <RlI 'IT
1 iN{ alta:cI: I I
I Srngarapra1tiisa II; d. also,
Vakyapadiya III. 7.78. I
a fanlt in the ntterance of a ;
vowel when aile vowel appears, or I
is beard as another; ct. f.!cfITuiT
, I Pradipa on
the Mababhfuiya Ahn. I 'end. ,
ftl!iO mntilated, changed in nature;
e.g. the word WI into in
which is equivalent to + aU.
For technical purposes in grammar
a word, althongh mutilated a little
by lopa, agama or varQavikara, is
looked upon as the original one for
undergoing operations; ct.
$d4i{i<{q Par. Sek. Pari. 37.
i<t'llalitt('!1 'ntterance of a word in its
mutilated form with some object
in view; e.g. for in
Slla<t\04dlSGI.. P. IV. I. 83; cf. fcIi
Cf1R!ii' I M. Bh. on P.
IV. 1.83; cf. also CfIll fclw.r1il1W:
Ras. on P. VI. I. I59;
cf. also &'lifcrcgtir Ras.
on P. VI. 4.89.
, change, modification as differ-
ent from the original which is called
ct. mer
Ras. on P. V. 1.12.
a work On the modified
recital of the Veda words, or q;::W;-
ascribed to Vyli<;li, who is
believed to have been a pupil of Cfl1.
of a commentary
on fci'liffiCf(j (which see above) writ-,
ten by a Vedic scholarmf\"<:'R.
(I) name given to a grave vowel
placed _ between two circumflex
vowels, or between a circumflex
and an acute, or between an acute
and a circumflex; cf.
T. Pro XIX. I; (2)
name given to a grave vowel bet-
ween a pracaya vowel and an acnte
or a circnmflex vowel; -cf. 3fii<ilclaI
T. Pr. XIX. 2 ; ( 3) repeti-
tion of a word or q;:: as in tbe Rrama
recital of the Veda words; ( 4 )
name given to a visarjaniya which
has remained intact, as for instance
in iI: 3fflllffi cf. R. Pro 1. 5;
VI. I; the word fcr.nll is sometimes
nsed in the sense of visarjaniya in
general; cf. also &;n;ri't!
R. Pro XIII. II.,
name given to a samdhi wbere
the visarga remains intact although
it can optionally be changed into a
sibilant consonant j e.g. iI: Cliiill:, iI:
ql, q: I cf.
SlTliffitNt foIefr: R Pro
a fault in the utterance of a
Jetter when there does not take
place the necessary contact with
the proper place of utterance
of a word; cf. 5fCf1qtrr
if Til cntit<1c!fo \ i1f1'f aJ'd -
RPr. XIV.3.
shown by separating the com-
bined elements, for instance, the
two or more words in a compound
or, the base or affix from a word
which is a combination of the base
and the affix ( ); d. ct'?:er
N<X0ci +Term M. Bh. on I.
I. Ahnika I, Vart. II, 14; also d.
fcI'J,itorC{fit P. IV. 2.93 Vaft.
lit. separation of the two parts of
a thing; the term is generally
applied to the separation of the
constituent words of a compound
word; it is described to be of two
kinds: (a) or technical
'separation; e.g. 'into mil:.
t! and (2) or Com-
mon or popular separation; e.g.
into mr: It is also
divided into two kinds according to
the nature of the constituent words
( a) separation by means
of the constituent words, e.g.
into (b) 3'R9tRfcj!:llf, e.g.
into ' or e.g.
into cf. M. Bh. on P.
V.4.7. The compounds whose sepa-
ration into constituent words can-
not be shown by those words (viz.
the constituent words) are popularly
termed nityasamasa. The term f.!&j-
tIIlffi is explained as tllTIm
tIlill3: I N::jU <Trfur I M. Bh. on P.
II. 2.1g Vlirt. 4. The upapada
sam lisa is described. as
Sometimes especially in some Dvan-
dva compounds each of the two
separated is capable of giving
- individually the senses of both the
,words e.g. \yards \!WIT and ?JTlIT
of the compound 'm'iTPJll1T, The wor,j
is found uSf'd in 1 he Prall-
sakhya works in the sense' of the
separate use of a word as contrasted
with the use in a compound' cf
tCf +Terfff R' Pro ViI. I:
is defined as ctFflf
fcr::jlf: in the Siddhantakaumudi. .
fcrmrur enclosure or closure by
the use of the, word l{Rr as done in
the Krama and other Veda-recitals.
immolation; sacrifice; destruc-
tion, as applicable to a word or pint
of a word or a rela tion of words'
d. eraWl:m<f fcremTt
if +rfcis<!kl M. Bh. on P. I. r .50 Vart.
15; ct. also the famous' Paribhasli
<:if.rQrd<i'il5ulr P;r.
Sek. Pari. 85; M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.24
impediment to an operation
caused by something preceding on
'account of its coming in the way;
a vyavaya or vyavadhana or inter-
vention which is not admissible just
as the interruption of palatals,
dentals and sibilants ex-
cepting. for the change of il:. into
(1[,; R Pro V. 25.
fcr:rt krt affix fcr (which also becomes
nil or zero) applied to a root in the
sense of an agent, as observed in
Vedic and classical use, as also to the
root <far.. with ;gq and roots ending in
an generally in Vedic Literature but
sometimes in popular language; d.
wa:m I amft I
.. <itsfll I etc. Kas.
on P. III. 74, 75.
fci"iR\Ulf, examination, question
or topic or subject for examination;
d. fcf"fR1llf I M. Bh. on P.
1. 1.50 Vart. I.
immolation, . des,truction ; ct.
9Ullar<i: I GJ&1:
M. Bh. on P. I. I.39 Vart. 10 ; d.
also Par. Sek. on Pari. 85.
the indeclinable
called in the Nirukta ;
the word is ,explained as
confirmation after deliberation by
Durgadirya. d. m'n<lflI.1
lill1<!*l..1 I
Nir. 1.5.
of various or wonderful kinds
beyond our ken or comprehension
cf. M. Bh. on P. II.
4.32 Vart. 7 ; VI. i.99 Vart 2.
. (I) breach or break (in the
Sarilhitapatha) ; utterance of words
separately by breaking their coale-
scence; d. V. Pr. I.
I56; (2) doubling .of. a consonant
technical! y called <J+r; cf. 5{i'o:f<t
V. Pr. IV. I63.
fll1"J.. a Jain grammarian of the
seventeenth century who wrote a
commentary on the Haimalaghu-
.name of a commentary on the
Laghusabdendusekhara by Siva-
a matter of special understand-'
ing ; the phrase arcr.Iii very -
frequently occurs in the Mababha-
cf. M. Bh. on P. 1.1.1,3, S.
22, 1. 2.47, 48, 64, I. 4.23 etc.
krt affix (fct, C!. or nil) applied to
the roots ;;j'''l., tI'1:., and i'(;(.
and to the root 8l1t in special cases.
as seen in Vedic Literature; e.g.
iittn:, <Jim:, Gftfcnr:, etc.
or grandson of (Ili"'l .. the
author of He was
a J'elagu BrahmaI).a of Andhra who
lived in the beginning of the six-
teenth century and wrote a com-
mentary named SlB1<{ on the Pra ..
kriya-Kaumudi and two small works '
or tad. affix m applied to
the word f.r in the, sense ofdepI'.es-
sion of the nose. See under
d. P. V. 2.32.
fctOUliil"i( See
fct' name of a commentary on
Bopadeva's Mugdhabodha.
grandson of Ramesvara ..
bhatia ()f who 'wrote a
grammar of the Prakrta dialects.
or name of a com-
mentary on the Sarasvata-prakriya
by a grammarian named Rama-
fcldcP possessed of different phonetic
A.- I properties"
ca led also a gram- I
mar scholar of the Katantra school tad. affix applied to the
who wrote (I) Katantradhatu- words and others in the sense
vrtti (2) Katantrottara and (3) of ' inhabiteci country ; e.g. mltfci\-
Kriyakalapa. ct. Kas. on P. IV. 2.54.
specific knowledge or under- ftrerr characteristic feature of an acti-
standing; cf. R'tt li 8TU'f9<1"Cf-' - vity ; d. I fctI:TT SlCfiR::
M. Bh. on P. tliff:!i<rTFctt:f<l" trcf Kas. on P. V.
VI. 1.84 Vart. 5. 3.4'1.
fcI'tIFi' (I) prescription, statement; d.
P. 1. 1.62
Vart. 3; 'ct. also i'I'i P.
VI. 1.85 Vart. 16; (2) instrument
or cause of an activity; cf.
"4cffir I Siradeva Pari. 13.'
of a consonant as
intact i.e. without any phonetic
coalescence or the same as
The term is used in this
sense in the Pratisakhya works. '
fcrf.;r (I) a prescriptive rule; ct. OS!
BTt&T trcf fcffq
.tFc\6<!Rr or #r<!r-r: M. Bh. on P. I. 4.3;
d. also tlli<1: I fot'rrl:aTSf: em-
8T\:l<1 1fcfiR: I fcfNftfu M.Bh. on
p. II. I.I; (2) prescription, state-
ment; injunction; cf. amff +rlCitiNor: I
fctfq: I M. Bh. on P. I. 1.57.
the superior strength of
an inj unctive rule ; term is very
frequently used by grammarians in
speaking about the relative strength
of rules; ct. the term
M. Bh. on P. VII. 2.3.
an injunctive. statement or
subordinate proposition to a
statement of injunction. cf. Yak.
pad. II. 350. cpo 'tcKt

(I) predicate as contrasted with
; d.
M. Bh. on P. II. I.I Vart.
17; (2) that which should be' pre-
scribed as contrasted with ;
d. mil{ C!ifalfiWf: M.
Bh. on P. 1. 2.64 Vart. 9.
the' senses headed by AA as
given in the rule
P. 3.161; cf.
"f Kat. III. 1.20; cf.
also Candra
Vyak. 1. 3.I2I.
forming one single state-
ment or idea wit h the prescriptive
statement; union with the prescrip-
tive rule so as to form one rule with
it. The term :is used in connection
with or prohibitive assertions
which have to be explained in com-
bination with the prescriptive sent-
ences or vidhivakyas ; ct.
ilf+liiT' -
9F9<I: :par. Sek. on Pari. 2, 3. '
tad. (fcfrft) in. the sense of
possession applied to the words
words ending in also wher-
ever it is seen in Vedic lite-
rature ; e.g. i'l'lftCf'1:., ",JJRoI'1:., m<!Tf.!'1:.,
'-'IFCf'1:., etc.; ct. P. V. 2.102,
1I4:, 121, 122.
cerebralized, turned into a cere-
bral1etter or. or ,,; see the word ilfij
meaning cerebralization or Murdha-
fcIi1'4 a Jain grammarian who has
written a gloss on '
a class of words headed by
f.!ii<I to which the taddhita affix
( is applied without any change
of sense; cf. fcfc:I<I li;Cf I I
I Kas. on P. V. 4.34.
fc(ill+/' cerebralization; ct. the word
ilfcr; the word was used in ancient
grammar works in the s.ense of tlft9
. (change of ;i: into or.); ct.
%9iI({i[OItf:.; M. Bh.
on P. VIII. 4.I Vart. 2.
fcr.:rm disappearance, elision; the word'
is frequently' used in the sense of
lopa; ct. oWrrr<ffl <Itffifl'
i'fTli en M. Bh.
on P. T. 1.56 Vart. 12.
tad. affix See the word
meant to cause prohibi-
tion or opposition; ct. anr mr :q if llm
:q <mS<im I iT <RE<I-
dTffi- Nir.1. 5. .
fcifilm'\1 caused by different condi-
tions; due to differmt causes; cf.
I I IvI.
Bh. on. P. VIle 1.72 Viirt. 3.
employment separately of
different persons or things for diffe-
rent purposes; cf. ama- fcrf.r<!m
:q.P. VIII. 1.61; d. also fcrf.r<!Ft- I
fcrm.rr OW!
orr<:rWr.<fi<lfil'r V. Pr.
VI. 2I.
lit. sending away; causing
prohibition; cf. fcrf.!-
I T.
Pr. XXII. 6.
the same as placing or
employment of the instrument .of
sound to touch the various places
or sthanas where sound is produced;
cf. 61!!IRI<ll(ffi:lilm:.
\l!l<l"a- tR.'lmllJllEf T. Pro
change; cf.
M. Bh. on 1. 1.'56 Vart. I4. The
Wl.rd is vely frequently used in
connection with a change of the
c"se of a word in a grammar rule
whIch b"comes necessary 10r inter-
pretation; d.
as also +rcim I M.
Eh. on P. 1. 3.9,I2; V. 3.60, VI.
1.4, VII. 3.50
(I) in the opposite or reverse
way; cf. lilUCfR1lIJ:
M. Bh. on P. IV. 2.93 Viirt. 2; (2)
change of into li", seen sometimes
in Vedic Literature when that is
preceded or followed by a palatal
letter; e. g. -"Rr into tmf ( E.k. Samh.
V. 2.9) into farfWIrcr. (E-k.
Samh. X.X.9 ) into form E.g.
Veda II. 27. 6; cf.
JIll' R. Pr.XIV.

IQ't"'i"l change in the reverse order;
reverse transposition; interversion;
cf. the usual expression c(
CfllJfiTtTR. I s. K.
on P. VI. 3.109. The word is
used in this sense in the Maba-
cf. I
I M. Bh. on Siva 5 Vart.
IS; d. also Kas. on P. VI. 3.109
and Ciindra VyakaraQa II. 2'48.
fcmct;q distance; standing at. a disto
. ance ; cf. <r :q 'lil"6<lm:
M. Bh. on P.IV. 2.3.
remote; at a distance, with a
word or two intervening; cf Bf.nI5!-
fcr}fi[.f!<i"t: I given like a Pari-
V. Pr. I. !44.
(r) dcubtful; a matter of
doubt; cf. fifsrffitral<!T
R.Fr. XVII. 13; (2) per-
verted; cf. trcf
M. Bh. on I.
I . .Ahnika I.
.standing in conflict; conflict-
ing; contradictory; d.
Kas. on P. II. 4.13.
fc!s:rfm conflict, opposition; opposi-
tion or conflict between two rules
of equal strength, which become
applicable simultaneously when
PaQini's dictum 1ft ap-
plies and the rule mentioned later
on, or subsequently, in the
dhyiiyi is allowed to apply; cf. fif!f-
qt CfiFto( P. 1. 4.2; d. also if.I
"'" .f+n
e.T tI;'1ll""'"{,
fcrsllitq1:T: I Ras. on P. I.
4.2; cf. also V.
Pr. I. 159. The dictum of the
application of the subsequent rule
is adopted only if conflicting
rules are of equal strength; hence,
rules which are either nitya, auta-
ranga or apavada, among which
each subsequent one is more power-
ful than the preceding one and
which are all more powerful than
the IR or the subsequent rule, set
aside the IR rule. There is another
dictum that when by the dictu'm
about the subsequent rule being
more powerfui, an earlier rule is set
aside by a later rqle, the earlier rule
does not apply again in that inst-
ance, barring a few exceptional
cases; cf. CfrMa- a'i{
I !l<r:JfBwN;vT<iRL Par .
Sek. Pari. 40 , 39.
(I) separation as contrasted
with B8ir mentioned as one of the
several criteria for deciding the
sense of a word in cases of doubt
cpo llm
'tll<T: i:Rf !lifUl iT g
"'fm lillUimfu I (!lO<J. on Vak. pad. II.
3I5) (2) use of a word against the
warrant of experience ct. M. Bh.
on P. I.4.2I Vart. I.
a grammarian
written lilfil'rf.!ll.l:IfcrCRUl,
the S11 tras of PiiI}
who. has
a gloss on
lit. division, separation; sepa-
ration of the base i.e. that factor
which the base separa tely.
The f.t<tfui is generally. used
in the sense of case affixes; but in
Pib.lini's grammar the term iE!+!Rn
is applied also to personal endings
applied to roots to form verbs; cf.
fc!+rRn!ll1 S. K. on
P. 1.4. 104. The term is also
applied to tad. affixes which are
applied to pronouns, fohO( and "Is,
ending in the ablative or in the
locative case or in other cases on
rare occasioLs. Such affixes are ff13:..
( l:I if, are. , GJ,
GJ;:fii(.,1:TT and in P.
V. 3.r to V: 3.26. The case affixes
are further divided into
affixes and CfiRClifcr+!Rn affixes. For
details see P. II. 3.r to 73.
conventional name given to
tIle third pada of the fiftIi Adhyaya
of Piil)ini's A!?tiidhyayi, as it begins
with the Sutra for+!Rn: P.
a term applied to
words ending with krt affixes as
appear similar to words ending
with case-af,'fixes; such words have
no further case affixes put after
. them, and hence, they are called by
the t avyaya '; e.g. cf.
similar to ;aqffi- .
F.rqrm: GaQas11tra
inside theCiidigal)a P. 1. 4.57.
the relative superior
strength possessed by the
which takes place in supersession
of the aq1l?:fcr+!Rn when both become
applicable at one and the same
time; e.g. fff.iSj<i and not

Par. Sek. Pari. 94.
supposition of adiffe-
rent case affix in the place of
that which is actually stated, for
purposes of construing and inter-
preting. cf. Viik, pad. III. 14.468.
similar in form to a
word ending in a case-affix or to a
vowel. Such words are looked upon
. and are treated as indec1inables ;
e.g. f-<Rur, 8lRa, d, q; etc.; cf.
the usual expressions fu;gidS!
_ etc. d.
f.:rqmr +!'fRr M. Bh. on P. VIII. 31;
d. also f.!qmr:
a Gal}asiitra inside the '<lrl1tiJlT[ men-
tioned in P. 1.
lit. the sense of a case-affix
as also of a personal affix; the t.erm
is applied to the Karaka PrakaraI;la.
or Karaka chapter or topic in gra-
mmar where senses of the
affixes are fully discussed and .illu-
strated: cf. a chapter in .
the Siddhanta-kaumudi of Bhattoji

a general term given to
a chapter on case-affixes as also to
treatises discussing the sense and
relations of case-affixes. There is a
treatise of this name written by
Giridhara and aoot her written by
J Mauni.
a work on -"syntax of
words written by a grammarian
named KamaliikarabhaHa
. an indeclinable, which
is generally described as having the
sense of a case :;ffix prEdomi-
nant in it; e.g. a1i!, 6flf:, etc.;
some indec1inables have the sense
of a root viz. the v:erb.actvity as
predominant; ct.
srlfrcf M. Bh. onP.
I. 1.38.
a method of forming a
word, or of arriving at the comp-
lete form of a word by putting all
the constituent elements of the
word such as the base, the afij.x,
the augment, the modification, the
accent, etc. one after another and
then arriving at the form instead
of ,completing the formation stage
by stage; e.g. in arriving at the
form.mflt the wording is
to be considered as it stands. and
not and then
The in connection
with the formation of a word
corresponds to the in
connection with the. formation of a
fcr+rm (I) lit. division, splitting; the
splitting of a sentence into its con-
stituent parts viz. the words; the
splitting of a word into its _con':
stituent parts viz. the base, the
affix, the augments and the like;
(2) understanding or taking a
thing separately from a group of
two or more; cf.
M. on P. V. 3.57; (3)
splitting of a SamhiHi text of the
Vedas into the Pad a text; cf.
I:ltcl T. Pro
III.. I, where is explained as
m+flif by the commentator; cf.
also R. Pr. XVII. 15; (4) the
capacity of the Karakas (to show
the sense); d. 'iiT('!i:rrf.ffi: fcI+!ti(:
N yasa on KiiS. 1. 2.44.
f.Olm optionally, alternatively; the
word is explained by Pal}ini as it
in the rule q irIfu (P. I. 1.44 )
in consonance with its derivation
frem the root ml( with f.r; ct.

;iijffi"r SlfuiN-
.. The option (fc!+!t'IT)
is further divided into three kinds
31T8 arsria fc!+!ftiT
fct+Im. For details see
on P. 1. 1.44.
(I) stated or enjoined optio-
nally; cf. itl:<!: I
M. Bh. on P. I. 1.44
Vlirt. 15; ct. also I
M. Bh. on P. III. 1.27 Vlirt. 4;
( 2) roots taking personal affixes
of both the Padas.
taking the gUI)a-gradation
optionally; ct. fc!mfiia-
1 Nirukta X. 17.
'f<t;rCi5<ftfd a Jain grammarian of the
sixteenth century who Frote a short
metrical work on the padas of
roots, known by the name

. I'd an old grammarian who is
believed to have written a gloss
named +!Jl11lRt on PliI}.ini's Siitras to
which the grammarians
tamadeva, Siradeva and others of
the . twelfth century refer. Some
scholars say that was written
by but it is not feasible, as
there is a reference to Maghakiivya
in In books on grammar,
especially of the:lEastern School in
the rrth and the Izthcentury,
there are several quotations from
the Bhagavrtti. See +!P-'TiRr.
M+li'i'H:'1'l'E<lm- a grammarian who wrote a
. small grammar work named
a class of words beaded by
the word to which the tadd-
hita. affix at' is added in the
sense of f possessed of', provided
the word so formed, denotes a chap-
ter or a lesson of a sacred work; cf.
<iT I
1 Kiis; on P. V. 2.6r.
liberation of. the last letter
( especially a class consonant) of a
word from phonetic modificatio,ns
by coalescence with the initial
letter of the following word, or
liberation of modification of. a
consonant or vowel standing at the
end of a verse or sometimes even
in the middle of a verse; e.g. ffif..n
; cf. V. Pro 1. go, gl.
omission of a consonant, some-
times when it is preceded and also
followed by another consonant, as
if it were squeezed between the two;
this is no doubt looked upon as a
fault; e.g. the omission of the con-
sonant" in ll:r uttered as
'iT ; cf. Cl[$'IilTi!t fc!UIi:
R. Pr. XIV. 16. where Uvvata
explains milT as
f<m an ancient term used in the
Pratislikhya works for a stop or
pause in general at the end of. a
word, or at the end of the first
member of a compound, which is
shown split up in the Padapatha,
or .inside a word, or at the end of a
word,or at the end of a vowel when
it is followed by another vowel. The
duration of this virama is different
in different circumstances; but
sometimes under the same circum-
stances, it is described differently
in the different Pratisakbyas. Gener-
ally, there is no pause between two
consonants as also between a vowel
and a consonant preceding orfollow-
ing it. The Taittiriya Pratislikhya
has given four kinds of (a)
pause at the end of a foot
or a verse of duration equal to three
matras or moras, ( b) pause
between two words of duration
equal to two matras; e.g. ('iT
(qJ, (c) pause. between two words
the preceding one of which ends in
a vowel and -the following begins
with a vowel, the vowels being not
euphonically combined; this pause
has a duration of one matra e.g. 6
a (d) pause between
two vowels inside a word which is a
rare occurrence; this has a duration
of half a matra; e.g. ;
d . fci'lRIFm+r: fif!lit-
T. Pr. XXII. I3. l'he word
W'lRi is explained as The
vivrtti-virama is further divided
which has the preced-
ing vowel short and the succeeding
long, which bas the pre-
ceding vowel a long ,one and the
succeeding vowel a short one,
which has both the vowels short,
and which bas got both the
vowels long. This four-fold division
is given in the Silq;awhere their
duration is given as one matra,one
matIa, three-fourths of a matra
. and one-fourth of a matra respect-
ively. The duration between the
two words of a compound word
when split up in the is also
equal to one matra; ct. R. Pr.1. I6.
The word f9t111 occurs in paJ.1ini's
rule P. I. 4.1I0 where
commentators have explained it as
absence; cf. Wfil.
S. K. on P. 1.4.110 ;'cf. also
mr: I aR<r CfT fcf\l1: KM. on
P. I. 4.IIO. According to KMika
e'ven intbe Sarilhita text, there is a
duration of half a matra between
the various phonetic elements, even
between two consonants or between
a vowel and a consonant, which,
however, is quite imperceptible; ct.
tffi <{: qUTlqT !3
o:rerfo Kas. on P. 1. 4. I09, cf.
also mm -nOiT R. T. 35 ; cf. also R.
Pr. 1. 16 and 17. For details see
on P. 1. 4.I09 and 1.

tad. affix ffi1!3 or f9ful applied
to the word R in the sense of' flat-
ness of nose. See m1!3 above; cf.
P. V. 2:32.
opposition or conflict between
two rules where, the rule which is
subsequently mentioned is regarded
as stronger and given preference to,
. as far as its application is concern-
ed ;' ct. fcf3ffuifcr: I wsffit-
tR Cfi1i! P. 1. 4.2; (2) contra
diction where one thing prevents
another; cf. !3<filTl1wf.t 6ltiCfd+lW
+lfit fW"TIf?:l[ iT *<(ij- KM. on P. VII.
contrary nature; dissimilar-
ity; enmity as one of the criteria
for deciding the sense of .a word in
cases of doubt. d, Yak, pad. II.
3I5. d. I

3fdlfu: I (!lUG[.)
a kind of tone where the inter-
val between the utterance of two
letters as also the time required for
the utterance.of a letter is compa-
,ratively longer than in the other
two kinds, viz. and +le'i; d.
M. Bh. on P. 1. I.70; d. also an-
P. I; I.69 Vart. II.
P.i(1S(+1!Hll '[fu retarding or slow manner
of speech in which the letters are
uttered quite distinctly; this kind
of speech is followed by the pre-
ceptor while teaching {'eda to his
pupils; cf. 'll';ij 9
I 'lffi
0111 R. Pr. XIII. I9. d. also T. Pro
XXIII. 24. See fc!'z;;Fif:f above.
fctiiiT9' name of a commentary by Jaya-
Mauni on the Madhyasid-
dhanta Kaumudi of Varadaraja.
(I) a substantive which is
declined in all the three genders cf.
Hemacandra III. I.I42; (2) of a
different gender (although in the
same case) ; cf. fir
M. Bh. on P. 1. r.44 Vart.
the same as which see above.
The term fcfz;;)q was possibly in u,se
before PaJ.1ini's time; d.
q(j' R. I
Pr. XI. 26; cf. also fcritqr fcf<:mr: I
Uvvata on R. Pr. XI. 28.
reverse, in the opposite way;
the same as which see above.
m&.lT intention or desire, generally of
the speaker with Iegard to the sense
to be conveyed by his words; the
words are often used by
grammarians in this sense; cf.
'liTffiiUr ct. also
<mil: 1 1 M. Bh. on P. 1. 166-
67; I. 2.64 Vart. 53, IV. 1.3; d.
also f99l'Jl'4t<rr . Vr.
II. 2.8 ; ct also KM.
on P. II. 2.27, IV. 2.21, IV. 2.55,
57, etc.
FrcRur critical comment; a name given
by a writer of commentary works
, to a critical commentary work
, wr'itten by him;
; Jiilendrabuddhi,
by Nagesa, as also
AbhyaDkar;There are a ,number
Vivai"a1;las on Bhli!?)'apradipa of
Kaiyata, .' by lsvaraminoa., . Nara-
- yaJ}a. R1it:nacandril. Sarasvau and
others. '. ..
".:,' ;:' "j
transformation,; the word is
,.,: . geilerall y. used in.Jhe of
i formation ,'of into
'; the Samhitapiithae; ,('.
f.rcnt name given to an e'x'terJial 'effort
':" in .the.
,- chords of or
, are ,e?':t'ended ; '-d.
., Uddyota on M.:,Bh I.
.c;f.: also I !3
.: trcf :.niM' l1<{cC'f:
! .wr I
' , ' ",'.', ...
iTT+{ GfTi!:I: 3f<!C<lf m.m-;:fir
on T. Pr. II. 5.
AA+rf'ffi possessed of a 'differen t case-
affix; cf. ll;'l't{fit fcl-f9+Rli1'<rf iT lID1tfu I
tR1(( M. Eh. P.
II. I.!. Vart Ig ; ct. also M. Bh. on'
P. r. 1.27. VI.'4.1; VII. 2.82 .
fcrerw name given to an internal
effort ( as contrasted with the exter-
nal effort named ml\) when the
tip, middle, or root of the tongue
which is instrumental in producing
a sound. is kept apart' from the
place or sthana of the production of
the sound; .cf. 3fli <{;n
niU WHaT. Tattvabop.hini
on S. K. on P. 1:1.g.
produced by fully extending
the chords of the throat. The first
and the second class-consonants
are cf.
CfiTiurt - foti[d'!iUOT: .
. a:reftlf[:;M. 131.I. oIlP; L I.g. Vart. 2.
possessed, 01 the internal
. 'effort ,viz. ,fii'lo"w1;J.ich', is' specially
strengthened., The Hiphthongshave
got at
the iI).ternal,e W'l:f speciaHy
, d.
. . M: 'on, Siva Sutra
. "e",

is' used in ''''co'antktion . with, 'the
: <!ira ..
combinaH6N;( .tile'
-:. i" 'i ... :: . .I'"!:;? .:;',;};".1
(I) separation
, vowelf
'combined into' otie; the or
" o(t'rO 'yowels . 'near each
. - ' (2 fthe
, .
o !;; ... :_,., _ '""'" .
near each other; cf.
V. Pro I. II9; ct. also
ofQfutm Uvvata on
R. Pro II. I. This interval is- one
matra accordiIlg to the Taittiriya
Priitisakbya, while it is only half-a-
matra according to the Rktantra
I '
and tbF d. T.
Pro XXII. 13 ; R. T. 35. See fiiU'T.
doubtful; possessed of a
doubt about itself; cf. iirollCJt<lT &-
twli +rCJRr I fiimf'J: I 1l'aO( I
8lCJ'G+r,.1 Nir. II. I.
(I) lit. specific; qualified hy,
characterized by; ct. 'ffi;:f
ifFlOJ.; P. II. I.60; cf. also -srrRItrfct-
Par. Sek.
Pari. 71; (2) djfferent; cf fcJ&1f!-
fll\ilWlWI.jj Kas. on p.
II. 4.7.
specific nature causing differ-
, ence; difference; specific feature;
d. ( Pari-
cf. also
etc. M. Bh. iil Ahnika I; cf. also
f.!i<rI9T'q'lil'lROlfloijqaiir Uvvata
on V. Pr. VIII. 50.
,determining; determinant; cf.
Offili'i I ijq
+rc@r ; M. Dh.on P. II.
, 2.6; cf. \!Y.f f<ffl!f<ii
+rCJRr; M.Bh. on P. I. 3.62 5.
attribute; adjective; any word
which qualifies another; hence,
subordinate; cf. I
U]tf.fI M. Bh. on P. I.
Yak. pad. III. 14.7 " ,'-
(I) a com-
pound of the type of Mayuravyam-
sak1i.di where both' the words which
a:e compounded together are adjec-
tIval ; (2) a karmadharaya com-
pound where the second member is'
an adjective; a determinative com-
pound; d. 'filet 'if 00 'if
Kas. on P. VI. 2.6.
a clear understanding, or a:
determined sense in a place of
doubt; d.
Par. Sek. Pari. I; also
M. Bh. in Ahnika I.
specifically prescribed, as
contrasted wjth prescribed in gene-
ral which is set aside; cf.
<ifcT: ; M. Bh. ' on
P. II. I.24; cf. also M. Bh. on P.
III. I.94 Vart. III. 2.77 etc.
attribution of special pro-
pertiesof that thing or object with
which another object is stated to be
looked upon as similar Or identical.
cf. Vak. pad. II. 77. '
substantive, as opposed to
adjective or qualifying; cf.
KiiS. on P. II.
157; cf. also
Kas. on P. II. 1.36. cf. also
Viik. pad. II. 14.7.
relaxation, a characteristic of
'the grave accent, as coptrasted
with ar!iIIlf w4ich characterizes the
acute' accent; cf.
<;'lftrll' 'Il{:
Uvvata on R. Pr. III. I. &'w:+r is
the same as arrifci"Wi which is ex-
plained in the Mahabhiitlya as arr<f-
CJtJllf 'Tr.UUJt M. Bh. on p.
1.2.29. 30.
r.r"'IRtfctiQl\:l{ name of a grammar
work of a general type which once
occupied a prominent position and
was studied as a text book of gra-
mmar, an independent
system. The work is referred to by
Hemacandra and Haribhadra. It is
attributed to Vamana who may be
the same as one of the joint writers
of the KiiSikiivrtti. In that case the
date of t-he work is the 7th century -
A. D.; cf. the- popular verse W
I fiJ-8lRf.
fclm: B&.JRtlRCfiT: II quoted in Vol.
VII. p. 388 VyakaraJ}.a
D. E. Society's edition.' '
separation of vowels that are in
coalescence; showing separately
the two vowels that are combined
together in the Sarilhlta Text. The
term is contrasted with which
is the same as in the termi-
nology of PiiI;lini:
name of a grammarian
who wrote a commentary
oqtiifu on the Prakriya-kaumudi.
a -well-known gramma-
rian of the nineteenth century who
wrote several commentary works
of which the commentaries on the
two Sekharas of Nagesa are well-
known to scholars.
a grammarian of the sixteenth
century who bas written a small
grammar treatise called
a h
grammarian w 0 has
written a gloss on the Siddhanfa-
f.4tt+iQq:C4R<41 or fiJ-q<ft ( 1) a critical
on Nagesa's Laghu-
sabdendusekhara written by Rag-
havendracarya Gajendragadkar of
Satara, who lived in the first half of
the nineteenth century and who
has also written a gloss named
foItNilT on the
( 2) name of a commentary on
Niigesa's by
Cidriipasraya; (3) name of a
commentary on Siradeva's Pari-
bhfu?ii vrtti. (4) name of a mocm-
entary on Sabdakaustubha by
jncorrect nasalization, men-
tioned as a fault of pronunciation;
d. fcl"llRliffi1 'if I R. Pr. XIV. 4,
domain; province; d. >fCMt<I
mr I Par.
Sek. Pari. 63.
'being a subject of discussion
of; coming under the domain of,
applicability; the meaning of f.rEr<I-
mt+ft which is similar to
relation between the
object and the subject; cf. IlRrePi
fiJ-'Ej<lfcrEWr+ri<i: Kaiyata on
P. VI. 4.104. Vart. 2.
fct,,{<!feal11 locative case denoting the
domain or province of a particular
suffix or a substitute or the like,
which could be actually applied
later on; this fct'E!<Imt+ft is contrasted
with when the thing men-
tioned in the locative case is
required to be present in front;
cf. a:refff fcjqlltlaifl
M.Bh. on P. II. 4.35; cf.
mr _ f.j'Ej<l00lft Kas. on P. II.
4.35; cf. also M.Bh. on P. III.
I.26 and IV. 1.90.
meant for showing the pro-
vince or domain ,of the application
of a particular rule; cf. ( in
M.Bh. on
P. III. 1.92 Vart. 6.
or more properly
a grammarian belonging to the
famous family of grammarians,
who has written a small treatise on
Paribhaiis or maxims of interpreta-
tion which hehas named
m:) a scholar of
, grammar of the latter half of the
nineteenth century, who has written
. learned commentaries on the woi ks
of Nagesa BhaHa, two of which viz.
and are well-known
to schQlars. .
narfle given to the commen-
tary on the
written See
a Vedic scholar who wrote
a gloss on the
which is lmown as
a scholar of the Supadma
system of grammar who has
written a commentary
or on 'the
and also a commentary
on the
aspiration, leaving off the breath
generally at the completion of the
utterance of a 'word when there is
a pause; the term was in use
in ancient times. Although not men-
in his alphabet by PaJ"lini,
thi5> phonetic element, Visarga, is
looked upon as a letter; it is men-
tioned as one of the letters in the
and the Pratis1ikhya works
and Patafijali has' advised its
inclusion in the alphabet. As visarga
cannot be found in me indepen-
dently of another letter (which is
any vovel after which it occurs)
it is called a:rcll<mtr.
same as which see above
, d. fc!q\l'<{a- ffil:.<!a- fc!Bfr:;
, Durgasiillba on Kat. 1. 1.16. The
term is also used in the same
sense. The visarjaniyahas the
same position in the mouth
as the vowel aiter which it occurs.
It is, a glottal sound; the :B.k-
Pratis1ikhya says that some scholars
describe visarjaniya as a chest
sound; cf. 'ii1l6<lt<iiT-:: gj'i:'
emulf I R. Pro I 18 ct.
also 'iT R. T. 3. '
r..rmE the same as Visarjaniya
Visarga, which see above.
belonging 'to a position of
utterance other": than the
one assigned, or referred to ; ct.
+fcIiR:; R. Pro IV. 3.
clear and correct; the ter,m
is used in connection with the
pronunciation of Vedic words; ct.
t1j[CLI Nir. I. 16.
mtll!ifc( a class of words headed by
the word which retain their
own accents in a cpmpound when
they are the first members/of a
compound, provided that any word
of quality Is the second member'
e.g. I where th;
words and C<fffi are used in the
sense of clear. referring to the differ-
ent tastes; cf. Ras. on P. VI. 2.24.
characterized by a faulty or in-
correct accent, which is looked upon
as a fault of pronunciation.
expansion of the position
and the means of utterance ( CJi\liT)
of 'a sound beyond the' necessary
extent, which produces a fault of
pronunciation, called ecm:r; cf. fcrim:-
I 'maR
olfrBt q1>lT on R. Pro
XIV. 2.
prescribed by a rule; that for
which a vidhi or inj unction has been
laid down. The word' is very fre-
quently used by grammarians with
respect to an affix prescribed after
a base.
an adjectival word gene-
rally in a drfferent case from that
of the word to which it is applied,
as an adjective, and hence, trans-
lated as ' prescribed after' and not
as ' belonging to cf. 1:'flg;-
1:TRIT<IT mr I M. Bh. on
P. I. 1.5 Vart 3; d. also Bh. on
II. 4.74. Vart r.
complete application to all the
different parts; comprehensive hi-
elusion of every part or unit; desire
to occupy completely; cf.
f9'f<!T Q<llcfgft-em <fttffi' q(q(CjINq(+iRr-

CfR'lIrFr a-qf
<fttBJ"; mm mm I
Kas. on, P. VIII. 1.4. For details
see cn P. VIII.
general term for the augme'nt and
the affixes and
After the indicatory letter has dis-
appeared the remnant of the
affixes and not of the augment, is
always changed into 3f'ii; ct.
P. VII. I.!.
(I) augment added (a) to the
word Sf after it, when the tad. affi.x:
(1;\<1'''') in the sense of 8!tre1 is affix-
ed d. wit ::q P. IV. I.I25;
( b) to .;'oot before an affix
beginning with a vowel in the per-
fect and the aorist tenses; e.g.
etc. ; cf. P. VI.4.8S; (c)' to
the root ti in the Perfect third pers.
sing.; e.g. P. VII. 4.74; (2)
tad. affix 8Jl!i applied to the word
seen in use in the Bannu
( district; e.g. d. P.
IV. 2.103.
tad. affix 8Jl!i applied optionally
with the affixes q and to the
preposition \'31.j' when the word
is used as the, name' of a man e.g.
; d. Ras. on P. V. 3.

(I) tad. affix 3f'ii causing
to the vowel of the first syllable or
that word to which it is addbd, as
prescribed, (a) to the words de-
noting an offspring as also 'to the
words <I/{I, etc. in the sense of,' a
group; e.g. 8!fIFl''l'ii<I:,
'" A,
etc.; ct. P. IV. 2.39, 40;
( b ))0 the words and others
in the seme of 'inhabited country';
e,g." etc., d. P. IV.
2.53, (c) to the words headed by
such as !!EjtlJ,
etc. in the quadruple senses;
e.g. dlIU1[ ol'iii(, ct. P. IV.
2.80, (d) to the word IF<f meaning
a desert, to words with <r. or for,
their penultimate, to words ending
in !!\ and 9tr as also to words
headed VllR, 8!<:tl'l,
etc., under certain conditions in the
miscellaneous senses; e.g.
dlTIf'!i:, <mf'ii:,oo:,
<rFR9i:, etc.; cf. P. IV. Z.IZI-
130, 134, 13S, ,136 ; ( e) to the
words met, 3:j'ft;ij,
and o,thers in the specific
senses given; d. p. IV. 3.27. 45.
46,49, 50; (f) to words denoting
descendmce or spiritual relation,
words meaning families a,nd warrior
clans, words and others, words
meaning clans, and students learn-
ing a specific Vedic branch speci-
fic senses prescribed; e.g.
, . . .
HICf(+{1[Cji, :j(!5(,:,I<{Vl'ii, 1fiRAl,
CfiI(!5'[lI<fi etc. ; ct. P. IV. 3.77, 99, II8,
Iz6; (g) to the words :mcfi(!5,
;:rm and 6iUIl in the specially given
. ....:::..
senses; e.g. :mCfi(!5:, B'Ef:, dl'flii(,
d. P. IV. 3.18S,::r.57, 158;
( h) to words with penultimate If..
and a long vowel preceding the
last one, to in the dvandva
compound,- and to the words
and others in the sense
of nature' or 'profession "; e.g.
etc.; cf. P. V. 1.132, !33, 134; (2)
krt affix 3f'ii.added to the roots
and others. and to the roots
and with a' prefix in the
sense of a habituated, professional
or skilled agent; e.g.
llRI.,Cfcii:, etc. d. ,P.
III. 2.I46, 147.
(I) krt. affix 5fcl:i added to the
roots a. and in the sense of I a
skilled agent' and to any root in
the sense of ' an agent who is hless-
ed'; e.g. men:, WcfCfi:, ;;[r'fcli:
(meaning ('meaning
ce. P. III. I.149, ISO;
( 2) tad. affix <If'ii added to ( a) the
words ;n+I' and others in the sense of
, a student of' ; e.g. ;nW-li:, lRCfi:
+ft+rtecn:; d. P. IV. 2.61; (b) the
words etc. as also the
words and in the sense
of 'produced in'; e.g. ffi,
cf.P. IV. 3.28, 29, 30;
( c) the words 8lJQN, <i<f and I
in the sense of ' debt paid at the
time of " the words
in the sense of I devoted to', and
the dvandva compounds when the
words so formed mean either
, enmity' or I nuptial ties'; e.g.

d. P. IV. 3.48, 98, 125; f d) the
words etc. in !he sense of
I containing' or I po?Sessing ., and
the word in the' sense of I ex-
pert' e.g. 1NCfi:; d.P. V. 2.62,
63; and (e) the words 1f[({ and
preceded by a numeral, in the sense
of <tl'tm, as also in the senses of
( fine) and when those words
are preceded by a numeral; e.g.
(Cf<URr), filll-
ct. Kas. on P. V. 4.1
a word signifying the end of a
particnlar group of words; the word
frequently occurs in the Dhatu-
patha of Pii1;lini but not necessarily
at the end of each class or group
therein; e.g. I \
a:r4 qGjffaJ \3<O=m trW!mtTi- I Dhiitu-
patha at the end of the First Conjua
gation. Similarly em:. is used at the
end of the fourth, fifth. and sixth
a class of roots headed by the '
root em:. which take optionally the
Parasmaipada affixes when the
vikaraI)a of the future ,tense and
the conditional mood, or the deside-
rative vikaraQa BCJ::. is added to
them; e.g. Efrtlffir, cffii6zrcr;
8lCjffililjo, fc{Clffl ct. Kas. on
P. I. 3.92; ct. also P. VII. 2.59.
(I) arrived at or accomplished. as
a result of which means a further
grammatical formation from a nonn
or a verb; resultant from a vrtti;
ct. <Wlill Cfilt:RI'Rt arRt-
Cf !fci: M. Bh. on P. I.
2.ST ; d. also :qp{
(2) employment, the
same as SI<l\cr. cf. If:miU I \
Pradipa on P. 1.3.9; (3) behaviour
, ,
treatment; cf., R. Pro
X. 13; ( 4) manner of Veda writ-
ing, metrical form, metre; cf.
T6 R. Pro XVII. 22.
tfff (I) treatment, practice of pro-
nunciation; (2) conversion of one
phonetic element into another; cf.
R. Pro I. 95; (3) position of the
padas or words as they stand in the
Samhita text, the word is often seen
used in this way in the compound
word a:r[iIfC{f: R. Pro
IV. 17; (4) modes of recital of the
Vedic text which are described to
be three [0, and based
npon the time of the interval and
the pronunciation which differs in
each one; d. M. Bh. on P. 4. I09,
Vart. 4; also I. 69 Vart. 1I; (-S')
nature; cf. R,
, I
Pr. XVIII. 33; (6) interpretation
of a word; (7) verba'- or nominal
form of a root; cf. tffii5'o
Nir. II. I; (8)
mode or treatment followed by a
scientific treatise; cf. CfiI I 'Ire:
I _ M. Bh. in Ahnika 1 on
atrlW: Varttika 10; (-9)
manner of with' the
literal sense of the constituents
present or absent. described usually
as two-fold ani <IN1iffi<l1.n,
but with a third kind added by
'some grammarians viz. the
(10) a compound word giv-
ing an aggregate sense different
from the exact literal sense of the
constituent words; there are men-
tioned five vrttis of this kind; cf.
If!' fci!l{: S. K.
at the end of the Ekase!}aprakaraJ}a;
( I I) interpretation of a collection
of statements; the word was origin-
ally applied to glosses or comments
on the ancient works like the Sutra
works, in which the interpretation
of the text was given with examples
and counter-examples where neces-
sary; d. lIfI"l am
introductory stanza in the Kasika.
Later on, when many commentary
works were written, the word
was differentiated from
;ftcnr, '1!Ur. 1iI&Rn. and
others, and made applicable to com-
mentary works concerned with the
explanation of the rules with ex-
amples and counter-examples and
such statements or arguments as
were necessary for the explanation
of the rnles or the examples and
conuter-examples. In the Vyiika-
raQa-Sastra the word occurs almost
exclusively used -for the learned
Vrtti on Panini-sutras by Vamana
was given the I
name Kii.Sika Vrtti ; cf. tNT ::q .-
often occurring in works on Par;ini' ..
an important re-
ferred by Bhartrhari often in his
Mababba:?yadipikii. He is not the
author of Kasika. Bhartrbari ex-
tensively- ,quotes from him e.g. in
his Dlpika, P. II2, line 14. 15.18 etc.
-'lfi6$1Ai commentary works of the type
of Vrtti, which set above; d.

'lfi64E(Pi(Cfii name of a grammar work
written by a grammarian Kasinatha
who also is believed to have written
fi6 .
'l ::t4C4i1'a'P a very short work - m
verse-form explaining in a very
general manner the nature of Siitras
and Varttikas; the work is anonytJ,l-
tre{lfitiifil a ireatise on the different
ways in which the meaning is
conveyed by words according to
the conventions of grammarians.
written by a grammarian
bhatta surnamed Mauni.
tftitr!{f the alternative method of
speaking by the use of compound
words as contrasted with simple
words; both the methods, are
obs,erved in use among the people;
d. !{{ it q$ \ fl11fcf-
cnCfii 'q tIlmlaJ I M. Bh. on
P. II. I.I, II. 1.51. III. 1.7. IV.
a definite enumeration of
words 1Jsed in a specific sense (as
contrasted with <!l'dqlU!OjCl) which
means a definite enumeration of the
senses in which an operation, f>nch
as a compound-formation or so,
takes place; cf.
'!fijqR<lolcl f:nW,'

._ cf. M. Bh. on P. II. 2.24.'Vart.
'li%eil& . name of a gloss on Pa,Qini's
written by Rama-
serial arrangement of
letters in a specific way (as for
instance in the Mahesvara Sutras) .
for the sake of grammatical func-
tions; cf. I
I mTCfT<ll-
M. Bh. on Ahnika I.
name giveu to the four-
teenth . section of the third Kal.lC;la
of Vakyapadiya. It discusses the
denotation of compact expressions
( !Rr) such as compounds, taddhita
formation and others.
a rule fOlming the basis of a
vftti, i.e. a role on which glosses
.. are written, as contrasted with
'. or crrfficl;, a pithy Sutra-like
statcqIent composed' as an addition
or a modification' of the original
d. I
" (P.
II. 2.25) ll:m' i M. On P. II.'
'. 2.24 .It is mentioned by ._"
_ a term used in PaQini's' gra-
.' . words nouns (3fJftr-
.. - '. - /. ,
). which have their first -
a ""vrddhi vowel; either
( 4) a: term used in the Prati-
sakhya works for a protracted
vowel ( tSQ' ) which has three
matras; cf. R. T. 44.
(I) a technical term used _ by
'PaQini to denote the vowels arr,
and an; a vowel belonging to the
third grade out of the three grades
of vowels which are known as zero,
normal and long grades; cf.
P. 1. 1.1; (2) lengthening campa
letely of a vowel which is called
tfcr in grammar; the term is used
in the Tantra PratiSakhya in .
this sense.
'lPJ:fiililt'd lit. cause of Vrddhi
such as the employment of
the indicatory letter cr.' or !ll. in an
affix or the letter 'lj"in tad. affixes;
the term is, however, found used
in the sense of having in it a cause
of Vrddhi, i.e. a:p. indicatory letter
at, 0( or cf. =q
P. VI. 3.39. d.
'lk;:Mlli'd: M. Bh. on P. I. I.I
Dame given to the first piida
. of by gramm-
arians, as the beginning of the
. plida is made by the Sutra
. (J'lT),. a term used in ancient
:: works for a word of the
gender. as contrasted
._ ""'. -
" ....
arror-,v;, or arr; HWlT,e
.; words headed by the
d. 1.'1.73 ( 2 ) .' ..'
.... , . wordTi -which have :their .. 'initial
a term applied to the eight pro-
nouns .headed by for purPoses '.,- V-oweCiccented' act1tEF; d . Kas. on
;'-' :,,1.;',;.< ;;':;""-.+' .
.. . .. .. the
'.' -as P.IV.'2.u4 ;'.(:3) a aH{;!r
term applied to w9rds having-It or:"denoting: members _pf.
, an; as the firstvowe!'in themiProvi-;. ra:ce ; cf.. I
ded such -words i denote' districts of' . .... ".;:' .....:., _'. ..,..
Eastern e;g. etc. ,.: - .. which
.. I. and 75;. ()ptionally of
the augment ll: to the Ardha-
dhatuka affixes placed after them,
e.g. roots having the indicatory
vowel i;!; added to them as also the
roots 't., 1'l.. and the roots headed
by a-s also some specifically men-
tioned roots under certain condi-
tions; cf. P. VII . .2.44-51.
a class of words headed by
which have. the taddhita affix ll:<ii
( 6'jj) added to them in the sense
of 'earning a livelihood' e.g.
I,<rm"fi:fi:.; cf. I
Kas. ,on P. IV. 4.12. I
language of the Vedic Literature
as contrasted with the term !<fo; cf.
Cf '<l OFfiTU F1'lffifurM. Bh.
on Mahesvara Sulra; d. also
C<fl'8:UJ, M. tih. Ahnika I.
The term referring to words
found in Vedic language is also
frequently used in the
IRT II on which Uvvataremarks

'ijOfifflqiii lit. optional,voluntary; tbe
term is used in connection with a
tule or operation prescribed alter-
natively with another, where there
is an option to apply anyone of
the two and arrive at two forms in
the same sense.
'" lit. subjected to modifications j
which have undergone a change ;
the term, as contrasted with
refers to letters which are noticed
in the Samhitapatha and not in the
Padapatha. The change of are, into
an, or of the consonant q: into"
before soft letters, as also the inser-
tion of q: between a:. and etc. are
given as instances. d. tfl:t:fI?;
I <!l!lT . a:rra:lf[C!l:

an'd articulate speech. cpo
paI}.ini, however, has used the term .
. Yak. pad. I. 143. cpo q"(: msr-
+FS! and R'Tl'f, and not iR, out I .. .,.
of which the first term is srmr.l<!a tIT q<.gn
often used; cf. P. II. I
4.39, 76 ; III. 2.88 ; V. 2.122; or I Pi
'<l P. V. 1.67, V. 4.
, VI. <i simply for th:fisake of
6 VI VII . 8 t I without any specl c purpose m
3 12. . 1,34, I. , e c. view; d, I flff'tl""1T ft
an ancient writer of a prati-, $ffi: I KiiS. on P. I. 235
. sakhya work mentioned in the . cf. also Kas. on P. In. 3.9
, IV.
PratiSakhya. 1.1,4
, 153, 160
Berlin, 1825-1901] a sound scho-
lar of Vedic Literature who has
written many articles on Sanskrit
-Grammar in "Indische Studien."
lit. enclosure or erivelope; the
term is used in the sense of IfR!4if
with reference to the repetition of
one and the same word more than
once in the Krama and other arti-
ficial recitals; cf. qfu;W: ijq
I tffii
47 I
found in Vedic Literature; the
term is used in contrast with
whicb means 'found in
common use'; cf.
. M .. Bb. Ahnika I. Kaiyata explains

an important work on gene-
ral phonetic topics. It quotes a
number of works, many of
which are available. Its author
Gopala lived
the fourteenth century.
name of that section of
- BhaHoji-'s"'Siddhantakaumudi which
deals with Vedic peculiarities notic-
ed by PaQini in his siUras. There is
a well-known commentary upon,
this section named wiTNifr written
by' Jayakn;T)a, a famcus grammar
scholar of the Maunin famHY.
.:,. r.. "r:: "
(I) a commentary
on the 5iitras of Pal}ini dealing
with the Vedic words and their
peculiarities written by a gram-
marian named Murari; (2) a com-
mentary on the section of Bhattoji's
Siddhantakaumudi named
written by Jayaknil}a Maunin and
named Subodhini.
Vaidyanatha PayaguQge, a
famous grammarian of the eight- '
eenth centurv, who was ODe of the I
chief pupils Nagcsa and who pre-I
pared a line of pupils at Varal}asi.
He has written learned commentar-
ies on standard works on grammar,
the principal ones being the PrabM
on the the Bbava-
praldisika on the Brhacchabdendu-
se4hara, the Cidasthimaia on the
Laghusabdendusekhara, the Kasika I
or Gada on the Paribhasendu-
sekhara and an independent" short I
treatise named l<apratyahara-
khandana. I
to a case-affix; d. I
>iiT+<!t W ( I I
'lfolg t ct. also P. VI. 1.85 I
Varttika 6. .
<I+HI"I'i> optional, alternative; cf. ;;rm
T. Pro XXII. 7; see
lit. possel':sion of separate
residences, as contrasted with
o:rrN<fi"tnf, absence of apposition; use
in different cases, non-agreement
in case.
. .
absence of any purpose or ub-
lity ; the word is used many times
in the case of a rule, or a word or
two of it, in -whose case or ab-
sence of utility is shown, and, with
a view to' preve,nt its being looked
upon as a serious fault. something
is deduced and the purpose is shown;
cf. and
used in grammar treatises.
lit. a student of grammar;
cf. Kas. on P. IV.
2.59. The word is used in the sense
of 'a scholar of Grammar '; or, a
person who has obtained proficiency
in Grammar.' The word is used
several times in this sense in the
cf. M. Bh. on P. I.
1.3; I. 4.2, II. I.53, II. 2.29, II. 3.
IS, II. 4.56, III. 2.II5 etc. The
word is also used in the sense of
, pertaining to grammar' or ' found
in grammar:
a term used for ihe
grammar treatise written by Can-
gudasa, which is also called Cail-
gusiitra or Ciinguvyakaral}a.
or a
well-known work on the gramma-
tical interpretation of words written
by KOlJQ.abhatta as an explanatory
work on the small work
in verse consisting of '<lilly 72
K arikas written by his uncle Bhat-
toji The treatise is also
A smaller work consisting of fhe
same subject-matter bllt omitting
discussions, is written by the author
for facilitating the understanding
of students to which he has given
the name
This latter work has got three com-
mentary works written on it, !lamed
Kiisika, Kanti and Matonmajja and
one more scholarly one SankaIi,
recently written by Shankar Shastri
Marulkar. There is also a comment-
ary by Rudradeva.
a slightly . abridged
form of the by
the author KOI)Qabbatta himself,
for students and beginners. It con-
sists of the same number of fourteen
chapters as the main treatise, which
are given the name NirlJ.aya. .See
a commentary
written 'on the well-known work
on the sense of words and syntax
written by KOI)QabhaHa. There
are many commentaries out of
which, the well-known ones are
( I) Darpa:l}[ by Harivallabha, ( 2 )
by Gopaladeva,
a pupil of Balarbbhatta PiiyaguQQ.e,
and ( 3 ) Kasika by Harirama
Kesava Kale and 5ailkari by
Sankarasastri Marulakara.
a commentary on
the written
by Mabananda in the beginning of
the nineteenth century.
treatise on the use of words written
as a helpful guide to Sanskrit
writers, by a grammarian named
Somayajin in 1848 A.D.
Q<.fFli"{0I'fi((o:.'3l.ii( 'Cf import of a sentence
according to the grammarians, in
which verbal activity occupies a
predominant place, and the residing
place of the subject as also that of
the. verbal activity is identical in
the active voice, while the object
and the verbal activity have got
the same place. of residence in the
passive voice. The other auxiliaries.
of activity such as the. instrument,
location and the like, are connected
with the verbal aCtivity. The im-
port of the sentence tf'tfm, in
short, can be expressed as
a small treatise on gram-
mar written by a scholar of gram-
mar named KMinatha, who has also
written a few more small works
9tI!m<fiWi\'liT, ,[Rr'lf.i\<fir, etc.

a very scholarly
work by Bhattoji on the
interpretation of words and sent-
ences, based upon the learned
- cussion on that subject introduced
in the Vakyapadiya,
Pradipa etc. and discussed fully in
his Sabdakaustubha by the author
himself. The work although scholar-
ly and valuable, is compressed in
only 72 verses ( karikas) and has to
be understood with the help of the
sara, written by KOl}9abhatta, the
nephew of the author. See
an extremely
popular work on the subject of
Sanskrit grammar written for the
use of students, whiCh, although
difficult at a few places, enables the
students by its careful study to get
a command over the subject and
enable him to read other higher
works on grammar. The work is,
based on the of Pal}ini
without omitting a single Siitra.
The arrangement _of the Siitnis is
entirely different, as the author, for
the sake of facility in understand-
ing, has divided the work into
different topics and explained the
Sutras required for the topic by
bringing them together in the topic.
The main topics or PrakaraJ}.as are
twelve in (I)
I 372
- tfR01PH, (2) (3 )ij<Rf or "t-
W,W, (4) (5) i:fiR'fi, (6 )Wfltl,
( 7) qNlO, (8) mSiff, (9) >r&i<rr;
( ro) i!iCl:iff, (II) and ( 12 )
which are sometimes styled as
The work is generally
known by the term m:ar..aim;<{T, or
even and it has got a large
number of scholarly and ordinar
commentaries as also commentaries
on commentaries, all numbering
above twelve, and two abridgments
the Madhyakaumudi and the
Laghukaumudi. The work was
written by the reputed
BhaHoji of VliraQ,asi in the
seventeenth century. See Bhattoji

a general name given to
the large number of commentaries
written by members of the line of
pupils, and pupils Qf pupils of
Bhattoji. The well-known among
the commentarias are m"f,lIlil"tQn by
the author himself; by
ijem'<T<'/'r by;;J%l'IlJ<l& +iFft,
by and crown-
ing all, the by
The has got a learned
commentary written by
called or which also
has on it commentaries named
by Cfloi:i'lg -and by
Cf.llTOllie. -- The Laghusabdenduse-
khara has got commentaries reach-
ing about ten in number.. .
the same
which see above.
a well-known
work on the syntax and denotation
of words written by Nagesabhatta
which is popular by the name
Laghumafij The Paramalaghu-
is an abridgment of this
work by the author himself. There
isa commentary called Kala on it.
.. name of a comm-
entary on the Siddhiintakaumudi
by in the latter half of
the seventeenth century.
name of a comm-
entary on the Siddhiintakaumudi
by NilakaI}.tha.
name of a treatise of grammar
written in ten chapters by an an-
. cient grammarian cf.
Kas. on P. IV. 2.65. For
details, see
Vol. VII. D. E. Society's Ed. pp.
133, 134.
i term used for the Pragrhya
vowel, possibly the same as [;r"Ff,
which means a specific feature of
or the dual number. The
term is used in some works.
name given to the svarita or
circumflex accent on the vowel
following upon a vowel accented
acute, when there is a vivrtti or
pause between the two vowels; e,g.
<l ct. =q.
ffiii:. I R. Pr. III. 10.
specific feature, peculiarity.
special differentiating feature;
d. I
mmunliii1i!illl1Q, II T.Pr.
diversity in number or proper-
ties; ct. t;'l11ftr 3fflJf+lif:
if 01<mT M. Eh.
Ahnika :r ; d. also M. Bh. onP. I.
2.27, 1. 3.10. Vlirt. 4, I. 4.IOI.
(x) pertaining to the word
fcf'!flf in the sutra fcfq<iT P. IV. 2.
52 ;. the term refers to the tad.
. A
affixes prescribed in the sense. of
country' or district' in
P. IV. 2.52-54 as contrasted Vvith
affixes prescribed in the
sense of 'inhabited district' by P. I
IV. 2.69,80. (2) one of the three I
. of the locative case, viz. the
sense substratum' of the locative
case, which is not physical but
which is a topical one, forming an
object or aim of an action as speci-
. fied by. the word 'about>; cf.
-WT 0lfltffimq'ig!?rt
mcnmm I
O<l'ffi distinctly perceived i.e. percei-
ved with reference to the indivi-
dual referred to, which enables the
speaker to apply the specific affixes
in the ;ense of gender and number;
cf. lflmtflfct<ii
<WIT 01'1fu 1
M. Bh. on P. I. 1.57 ..
(I) lit. distinct manifestation,
as for instance that of the generic
features in the individual object;
cf. M.Bh.
on P. 1. I,57; (2) gender, which
in fact, is the symbol of the mani-
festation of the generic property in
the individual c.bject;
O<!fui: P. I. 2.52 Vart. 3, as also fq
P. I. 2.5 r; (3) indi-
vidual object; cf. O<!Rn:. cpo
also Vlik. pad. 1. 68, 69; III.
the same as
the view that a word denotes the
individual object and not the
generic nature. The oldest gramma-
rian referred to as holding this
view, is Ollfre who preceded-
.. \ljI{!II<ai'T a grammarian who
has written a grammar treatise-
(I) suggested sense as contrast-
ed with the denoted sense; (2)
the supreme or ultimate suggested
sense viz. Sphot'l which is the
ultimate sense of every sentence.
a consonant; that which mani-
fests itself in the pr-esence of a
vowel, being incapable of standing
alone; cf . .;
W:dff.1 Frcf'iFA. I
ffiT: I *'!'l:i wmr I M. Bh. on
I. 2.30; cf. also a:r:qqr 1
1 ;;m:r-
l(l!l O1CJEr. if I
Kaiyata on P. 1. 2.30; ct.
T. Pro r. 6; ct. also
'UCffg 1;(9 3f!5t019Rr 1 Uvvata
on V. Pro III .. 45.
a junction or coalescence of
- two consonants as distinguished
from In PiiQ,ini's system of
grammar the name is given to
and the Siddbantakaumudi
has given a separate section for it.
or B<i'tlJ, conjunction or
falling together of two consonants;
cf. WIll(: P. I. 1.7.
consideration of a
consonant being not present as far
as the accentuation of a vowel is
concerned, the vowel being looked
upon as the initial or the final,
irrespective of the consonant or
consonants respectively preceding it,
or following it; cf.
+i1im Par. Sek. Pari. 79.
tad. affix <HI added to the word
mti in the sense of e.g. ;
cf. P. IV. 1.144
(I) confusion of one numbera
affix for another number-affix
( q'qii{), as noticed in the state-. .
ments e.g. O/ejliiJt it 1:JTGJ it
M. Bh. on" P. r. 4.21 ; (2)
_any "confusion, say confusion of one
grammatical element for another;
d. w: '-"I"
If'WlT, C<fm9iU" m M. Bh. on P.
III. 4.1 Vart. 2. 'f
<:<rfaft:m distinct from, separate from,
I Kas. on P. II.
<:<fftitef; (I) surplus, excess; ( 2) sepa-
rate presence; (3) contrary thing;
d. cr'>f I M. Bh. on
Ahnika I.
reciprocal junction or conne-
ction ; d. If't; R.
Pr. XIII. 16.
e")Cchange of activity; d.
P. 1. 3.14.
occurrence of one for another;
transposition; cf. ...
m'C3m- ... M. Bh. on P. III.
1.85. See fctqfJq.
<:<f21if alteration of a phonetic element;
change of sound; mispronunciation;
cf. ?J"fT: R. Pr. XIV. I.
<;<rf1:T<fi'{OT characterized by different
case-relations or case-affixes; posse-
ssed of different case-affixes; 9):
3I"tlm q" tI+rrtl': M. Bh.
on P. II. 1.67.
<:<for. tad. affix C<f causing the acute
accent for the first vowel of the
word, added to the word l'lTQ: when
the sense of the word so, formed,
is' enemy'; see 0<rn:. above; d: P.
IV. 1. 145.
exception to a rule; d.
I M.Bh.
on P. VIII. 4.61 Vart. 4. .
(I) special designation or re-
presentation; cf. SH<l
errfctff anf?:cr: R. Pr. XVII. 4; (2)
main designation; d.
Sek. Pari. 30; d. also tffit-
f.'IRI!4'r: 3I"tiW <l9m-, arrlltHm
M.Bh. on P. I. LSI Vart. 7.
treatment of a secondary
thing as the principal one, e.g. a
person or a thing, without any
second or any others, looked upon
as the first or the last; d. O<irRmcr-
<lCf<fiffi M. Bh. on
P. 1. 1.2 r. Vart. 2. The remark or
expression "oqqit&r9i{fcr.r -is
found often given in the Mahabha-
!,?ya; cf. M. Bh. Ahnika I Vart.
14; 1. 1.9,1. 1.5 I, I. I 72 ; I.
etc. For details see Par. Sek.
Pari. 30.
statement of Vyapade-
sivadbhava; cf. ('f'l' O<irfclfucra'qilOJ:-
11:911'<IT "[ I
M. Rh. on VIII. 3.59 Vart. 7.
(I) division of a single thing
into its constitqent elements; d.
oqq<jfr: M. Bh. on VII.
2.36, VII. 3.44 Vart. 3 ; ( 2 ) distinct .
comprehension as possessed of a
!:pecific quality; d. q
ol:jq<jlji- iFl/ij- c:frer I
M. fih. on P. I. 2.64 Vart. 37; (3)
separation into parts, cf.
3I"rntlJ oqq<j;f 9iUm, M. Bh. on V. 1.
Il9 Vart. 5; (4) distinct notion
as a separate unit after the things
have been combined; d.
o!jq<rmm9: l3"!'lRaJtiit if mmre M.Bh.
on P. VI. 1.69 Vart. 3; cf. also M.
Bh. on VII. I. 80.
distinctly separated as two or
more consonants joined together in
a conjunct consonant, as contrasted
with the two vowels in a diphthong
which cannot be called olllJ'l'ffl; d.
M. Bh.
on Siva SiitIas 3, 4 Vart. 9. cf. also
I oqql['fGT
6liq- M. Bb on Siva Sfitras
3, 4 Vart. I I.
designation, reference. cf.
o!jtr'l}lIfI I Vak. pad.
II. 223.
mutual relationship in sense,
as obtaining between two different
words (lf1t) connected with ea<;h
other in a sentence, as contras-
ted with compositenes's of sense as
seen in two word;; joined into a
compound word (tlJ{ftI); o!jtrl'Jl' is
given as an alternative definition
of the word along with Q;9i!:ff-
mer as the other one, in the Maha-,
bha!,?ya ; e. g. there is oqq?JT between
t!fq: and ftiq in the sentence
but not in regg tiN: NiT cf.
+Rfu" 1ffi":qI<llcIT elf
O,'ltr1;.'l1 ittff I M. Bh. on P. II. 1.1;
cf. also RiiS. on P. VHr.3.44. cf.
also Viik. pad. III. I4. 4I etc.
"<:<jG('l' having an intervention of (a
letter, or letters or a pada); the
word is used in the same sen!?e as
d. ffifti!l&uT O<Iitmif<:c, I' oqtt-
I I M.Bh. on
P. VII. 4 67.
ct{m'tfR: lit. deviation or discrepancy;
irregularity re: the application of a'
rule: cf. KliS. on
P. III. 3.19; cf. also.
I fcr;;IT'tl'iiT I q 'q <l<rRr I
fuuffi":; Ras. on P. Ill. 3. 108.
deviating, being. irregular
in application, not applying neces-
sarily: d.

Cii<.!' lit. loss; disappearance; the word
is" med iu the sense of inflectional
changes. An indeclinable is called
ajo!j<j because it has no inflectional
changes. ct. w:mr (
g <lq-Rt ( Nir. I. 8 ; "Y. 23.
(I) possessed of or inflec-
tional change; a declinable word;
cf. B
o1f<l9l"l: \a:rrW'd': 'q <l"l'm- I
V. Pr. II. 26; ( 2 ) characterized by
a loss of accent i.e. the loss of the
original accent and the presence
of another accent; d. qit i2
q I 'q I
Uvvataon R. Pro XL 31.
(I) useless; serving no purpose,
superfluous; the word is usually
used in the sense of useless or futile
in connection with" a rule or its
part, which serves no purpose, its
purpose or object being served
otherwise; such words or rules have
never been condemned as' futile
by commentators, but an attempt
is made invariably by them to
deduce something from the futile
wording and 'show its necessity; ct.
a remark which is
often found in the commentary
literature; d. a:rr<.f41
ll'E<r<Ilf[c[1 ( Par. Sek.
Pari. 56; (2) possessed of various
senses such as the words +!'T!;fT:
etc. ; d. 'q I M.Bh. on
P. 1.2.64 Vart: The word ol:{lit
possibly stands for in such
cases. It appears that the word
oq:q. in the sense of futile was rarely
used by ancient grammarians; the
word appears to have been
used in rs place. See Mahabha!,?ya
in whicll the oqlit does not
occur in this sense while the word
a:r<!ifen occurs at several places.
(I) separated; detached
from a specific thing by 1he loss of
connection with it; d.
r!!wffl <lR '"flU!}
<lI+r M. Bh. on P. II. I. I. Vart. 2;
( 2) characterized or possessed of
an intervention by similar things
cf. ffiU o<[cTRml q
_ 1 M. Bh. on P. II I.
3.83; cf. also P. VI. 42.
(I) interventi?n; word \
is used in connectIOn wIth the
intervention or occurrem;e of \
letters or phonetic units between
the cause (f<lm'6) of an operation.
and the operatee d.
.m@ c<f<lliF!<I:. 1 ClfCNT<l-
lfq I The word is used also in
the sense of intervention in gene-
ral, which separates the two con-
nected thin gs; c<fI'<Tr-i 'q +19m 919'it
word oc{'fT<! is used
in the same sense; d.
(2) an inserted letter or
phonetic element; d. OC{'f'<TF!: 8lri-
f.lliiR T. Pr. 185, } 86.
causing an intervention;
intervener which is required to be
of a different kind; d.
oc{'flir<lcfi +!'im M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.7.
lit. definite arrangement; re-
striction regarding the application
of a rule, especially when it seems
to overlap, as done by the Varttika.:
kara, and later on by the
laid down by grammarians regard-
ing the rules of PaQini ; d. 'ffifiN<!T-
S. K. on P. 1. 1.34;
ct. also Par. Sek. Pari .
99, !O8.
permanence where the in-
ner essence remains intact. although
appearances show . differences.
cpo Vak. pad. I. 28.
<!1<RJ. (, 'l.)
an option which does
not apply universally in all the
instances of a rule, which prescribes
an operation optionally, but applies
necessarily in some. cases, and
not apply at all in the cases,
the total result being an option re-
garding the conduct of the rule. The
rules P. II. 456, z;;a-:
lIt 2.124 and cnm
1. 4.5 are some of ,the rules
have got an option described as
oijqmFctmqr. Tbe standard inst-
ances of o!l'iRl!foFctlfrqr are given in
the ancient verse
'q ti@:N: I <l
<rna}: 1\ M. Bh. on P. III.
3.156; VII. 4.41. cpo aiso Vak. pad.
III. 14.45.
(1) having an intervention by
a dissimilar thing;., separated by
something coming between; ct
liT M. Bh.on I.
1.8. Vart. 5. (2) separated; cf.
Vak. pad. II. 328.
intervention, separation by
insertion; separation by means of
the insertion of a phonetic element.
See 0!l'i'<TTCf above. d.
P. VIII. 4.2; P. VI.
1.26; cf. R. T. 190 ;
R. Pro XIV.
25. d. Vak. pad. II. 384.
separated into its constituent
elements; separated by a new in-
sertion ; a recital of the Vedic tex.t
by separating a coalesced vowel,
wbich is looked upon as a fault of
Grammar; the development of
the meaning of the term can be seen
by the senses given below in a serial
order and the examples after those
senses; ( a ) analysis or explanation
by analysis; (b) rules of explana-
tion ; (c) specific rules explaining
the formation of words; (d) ex-
planation of the formation of rules;
( e) a treatise in which such an
explanation is given ; (f) a collec-
tion of such treatises a:nd (g) a sys-
tematic explanation of the forma-
tion of words in a language (
or ; ct. (a) 1XfIf
mr It refers to
f<tlfTif; M. Bh. on Ahnika 1. Vart.
12; cf. (b) M.
Bh. Abnika I, Vart. 14; d. (c) <l
a'<TT M. Bli. on P. I.
1.1 . Vart. 7; (d)
M.Bh. on
P. I. I.T. VaTt. 7; (e) <l
M. Bh. on P. L 1.23 Vart.
4 ; cf. ( f):{l[ 'q e<!I'fil:Ut Blf'f:,
M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.68.
cf. (g) <!111 1 M.
Bh. on P. I. 2.32. The word
, is mostly used in the sense of t the
Science of Grammar' in the Maba-
bha.;;;ya. It is explained by modern
scholars as t the law of tbe correct-
ness of speech and etymological
science' and described both as a
science and an art.
( name of a
single grammarian or sometimes
tbat of a school of grammar. They
are Indra, PaI)ini, Candra, Katantra,
Jainendra, Sakatayana, Hema-
candra, Sarasvata, Bopadeva,
Jaumai, Saupadma, or
Saiva. The number of grammarians
is given as eight in Durga and
Bopadeva -and five in KiiSika on
P. IV. 2.60.
a short treatise on gram-
mar written by
the science of VyakaraQa
with the element of Sphota intro-
duced in it and brought conSEquent-
lyon a par with other Darsanas
by the stalwart grammar-schol<l;r
'Bhartrbari of the 7th <;entury A.D.
For details see Sarvadarsanasam-
graha t Pat:linidarsanam' and page
385 Vol. VII. of the VyakaraI)a
published -by the D.
E. Society, Poona.
a small treatise on gram-
mar by Cidriipasraya.
name of a gloss or
Vrtti on the Siitras of PaI)ini written
by a. modern scholar of grammar
Orambhatta of Varal).asi.
,name of the commentary
written by Mabamisra on Jinendra":
budd hi's . great work t Kasikaviva-
raI)apafijika' or Nyasa.
a brief com-
mentaryon the written
by Sadasiva, son of NilakaI)tha and
pupil of The
gloss confines itself to the explana-
tions of. obscure and difficult
passages in the and
criticises Kaiyata's explanations.
the original name
of the learned commentary on
Pataiijali's - by Kai-
yatabhatta, the well-known gram-
marian of Kashmir of .the eleventh
century. See >r<frq and
(I) a gloss
on the l\fahabha$yapradipa of
Kaiyata, written by a pupil
of (2) a gloss on the Mah1i.-
of Kaiyata by <lHl<!'lT.
":-" ...
tbe well-
, known scholarly commentary by
the stalwart grammarian Nagesa-
bhatta on the
of Kaiyata. See and
see mrT+!1li<!
am'li(otl(cifl<l6T a short work on gram-
. mar written by
a small grammar work
written by a grammar scholar
Gangadhara which is based upon '
. the Mugdhabodha of Bopadevq .
a gloss on the Siitras
of PaI)ini written by ViSvesvara.
the purpose of the
study of Grammar which is beauti-
fully summed up and discussed in
the first Ahnika by Pataiijali in his

a term ued by scholars
of the PUI.1inian system of gram-
mar with respect to grammar works
of other systems such as the
KataDtra, :the Sakatayana, and
others; cf. fBf!: F.l;'fct
S. K. on P . VII. 4.
a commentary on Prakriya
Kaumudi by Visvakarman.
(I) explanation of a rule, or
a line, or a verse by analysing the
rule and glvmg examples and
counter-examples; d. if
"'f"'flQ;;:rf.1 ani!. I fcIi
aTh" I
+Term I 11. Bh . .Ahnika
I Vart. I I; d. also I
W-:im I
I (2) authoritatiye deci .
sian given in places of doubt by
ancient scholars; d. o<iT<
<i MBb.
.Ahnika I; Par. Sek. Pari. I.
name of an ancient gram- I
marian who is quoted in the Prati-
sakhya works and the l\'[ahabha!?ya.
His grammar work was called
: dasaka.' on of I
Its of 10 chapters; d. 'I'
erft:s; Kas. on P. VII. 1. 9{; cf. also
Kas. on P. IV. 2.65.
name of an old grammarian
later than Pataiijali who is quoted
by later grammarians; d.

kaumudi on P. VII.
a class of words headed by
which, as standards of compa-
rison, are with w'!rds
showing objects of comparison
provided the common property is
not mentioned; e g.
etc., d, Kas. on P. II. 1.56.
name of an ancient grammarian
with a sound scholarship in Vedic
phonetics, accentuation, derivation
of words and their interpretation.
He is believed to have been a rela-
tive and contemporary of Pal)ini
and to have written' a very scho-
larly huge vol,ume on: Sam,krit gra-
mmar named 'Samgraha' which
is beileved to have consisted of a
lac of verses; cf .. B:;jl[t
:;ji'i<f: I Nagesa's Vddyota; ct.
also lfTfUl;:fRt arn<l:""<!I'f.(ii)
qnT.f(f ti;<lrl:FimdlQ.. I Vak.
pad. Tika. The work is not avail-
able at preent. References to
Vyat;li or to bis work are found in
the Pratisakhya works, the Maha-
bbii.!;lya, the Varttikas, the Vakya-
padiya and many sub;;equent treat-
ises. A work on the VyakaraI)a
Paribb1i!;liis, believed to have been
written by Vyat;li, is available by
the Dame '1ft:iTmli"'fi'f which from its
style and other peculiarities seems
to have been written after the
Varttikas, but befOre the Mah1i-
bha!;lya. Vyat;li is well-known to
have been the oldest exponent of
the doctrine that words denote an
individual object and not the genus.
For details see pp. 136-8, Vol. 7
VyakaraI)a - Mah1ibh1i!?ya, D. E.
Society's Edition. . .
name given to the pupils and
students belonging to the school of
. Vyat;li; cf. M. Bh. on P. VI. 2.36.
covering or applying to the
whole in entirety, and not in parts;
d. i1T+T fsr>ICfiTt
M. Bh. on P. VI. I. 72,
d. t1;9
+Rllr.!' aJ'T{1 Kaiyata on P.
VI. 422.
separated; one out of the two
conjoined consonants separated by
inserting a vowel in .between; d.
O!fI<!ff ff
R. Pr. XIV. 19. where Uvvata
gives the explanation-<tttlYm: aro<Il<!(f
I <M I I I
ftij- I E-k Sarlihita I. 85.39.
X. 158. I, IX. 91.3 and IX. 63.2.
a<:rttrfu lit. loss or disapperance; the I
word is used in the seDse of con- !
version of one thing into another i
in the Pditisakhya works; cf. aj'lQ"T- ! reversing the order of words
e<rrGO<\l1:rnrJerfG Nir. II. I; d. also I and going back from a Subsequent
am word to the previous one. as in the
R. Pr. V. I. II Krama, Jata and other artificial
recitals of Veda.
c:qn:r occupied fully; d. I
an:qTm+rT e>.ilRl +Terfu 1\'1. -Bh. on I pushing aside; removal; the
P. 1. 3.II Vart. 7; ct. also M. Bh. i word is frequently used in connec
on P. 1. 4.42; <nerffi : tion with the setting aside or
P. IV. 3.
34 Vart. 2. i removal of the application of such
i rules. as also of the contingency of
C<fIta" occupation; presence; com pre- ; such rules as are not desired in the
hensive nature; d. ! formation of a correct word, by
Nir. I. 2, where o<llm refers to the: meaDS of applying another rule
permanent of the word in i &ecessary for the correct formation;
the minds of the speaker and the I cf. m l{o:{ RM!l'lclf;!
bearer, the word referring to Par. Sek. on Pari., 34; as also Gf.ii:
the or m
Par. Sek. on Pari. 55; d. also the
. usual &i<!ij-I
the general method of tak- I
ing a comprehensive sense instead
of a restricted one in places of
doubt; cf. .lItf8pl.lTilllT Ras. on P.
In. 2.168. I
'lit. that which is occupied; the !
word refers to a kind of an object I
where the object is occupied by the I
verbal activity of the transitive I
root; the word aj'ltq is also used in !
this sense; cf. 'f.+T ti;cM fctCfiT<{ "'f I I
cflEqJa- I !
2. Tbe term is I
used as a technical term insteC!d of .
the term 'f.<l in the Hemacandra,
Candra and other systems of gra-
mmar; cf. Hem. II. 2 .3; Candra.
I. I.23.
resting on, or applying to,
different words or elements of
words or parts of words; the word
is used in connection with a gra. ..
mmatical operation which affeets
. one part of the word. as distiagui ..
shed from another operation which
affects another part; d.
I lWUifq '". , M.
Bb. on P. IIr. 1.44. VI. 4.aa Virt.
12, VI. 4.43 etc.
( I) showing separately; sepa-
rate expression as contrasted with
(a) fault of pronunciation
of the type of unnecessarily extend-
ing the place of origin as also the

- of the production of
sound ;cf.
Uvva!a on R. Pr. XIV. 2.
a older 'Slk!;?a
work belonging to the Taittiriya
school of the Black Yajurveda. The I
Madras ms. of the work (no . 957 ,
of 1905) contains thirteen verses I
treating doubling.
or o!jlfl:l't lit. the utterance of
a word; the word is generally used
in the sense of the spEcific utter-
ance of the words +!: ' !!9: etc; cf.,
tr;ffif<;o!jti;;(j1f+r: Tait. Sam. I..
6.10; ct. also +Ttno<lTWt: P.
VIII. 2.71. '
the same as or qRcl-a.r,
which s':e above.
derivation of a word from a
-. root which formed a spEcial feature
of the Naimkta school of Vedic
scholars in ancient times; the word
Fr3.'"Fl is used in the same sense; ct.
0!iiqftl<:r<i:.r! <!i-ao<ll I
E5.s. on P. V.2'93.
the view that every word is
derived from a suitable root as
and interpretation of words like
the well-known' work Vyutpatti-
vada of Gadadhara Cakravartin.
derivation, correct under-
standing of the senseby derivation.
the view that every word
in the language has been de,rived
from a root which explains its
sense; see
setting a!;ide of a rule or ope-
ration by means of another more
powerful rule, or by means of a
convention;:tl dictum. cp; Yak. pad.
II. 79.
a class of words headed by the.
word to which the taddhita
affix ar ("iOT..) is added in tQe sense
of the place- where something is
given or d. cft<w
I Ka5. on P. V. 1.97.
(I) resolution or determination;
ct. a:rW,i:l0Ii[T: I1rfUJ;:fr<rr: I W,i:IT
BiTI 'it: I ar.
Sek. Pari. 56 ; ( 2) separation of the
phonetic elements in a word, done
especiaJly for the recital of the
Vedic texts according to metre; cf.
Uvvata on R. Pr. VIII. 22.
, contrasted with the other view viz.
the The grammarians
hold that paI).ini held the
i.e. the view that not all words in
language can be derived but only
some of tllem can be so done, and
him I (i.e. PaJ;,lini) with an
equally great grammarian Sakata-
yana who stated that every word
lias to be derived; cf. rljijp:f<i(j1fu
r<lm<r lO:fa- f.l<lliT<4<J:.1
q{t f<jl'<r''l<!:. Kas, on P. VII. 3.6.
lowering of the chin, resulting
in a fault Of utterance; d.
W:E +r=rfu I Uvvata
on R. Pr. XIV. 3.
=nf:i ' (
.... (I) lIame given to a t\:,pic
in grammar which deals .with the
dHivation of words as suitabie to
the sense; (2) name given to
treatises discussing the derivation
a ,class of words headed by
to which the taddhita affixes
and are applied in the sense
of possession along with the usual
affix +R(, (+rgl{.); e. g.' mfu', Sl'tf&<!i:,
I +rr<TI, mFt<!i: +TI<iT91i1:.; ct.
Ras. on P. V.2. II6.
DWIGHT. 1827-1894] a sound
scholar of Vedic grammar who
has, some books on Ling-
uistic studies, written a work on'
Vedic Grammar and edited the
Atharvaveda PratiS'lkhya.
( I) 'a sibilant letter of the palatal,
class, passessed of the properties,
and (2)
the initial indicatory letter
of a non-taddhita affix in Pat;lini's
, grammar, which is dropped; (3)
sub'ltitute for when followed by
an affix beginning with a nasal con-
sonant; e.g. d. P. VL 4.I9;
( 4) SUbstitute for when followed
by or any palatal letter; e. g.
Ras. on P. VIII.
r(T (I) COil juga ti on al si gn ( N'ti{UJ )
applied to the roots of the sixth
conj ugation (:g?':!R(llUJ) in all conjuga-
tional tenses and moods (i. 'e. the
present, the imperfect, the impera-
tive and the potential) before the
,personal-endings; ct. g':{Tf1'{+<!:
P. In. 1.77; this sign (ar) has
got the ir.itial consonant 'U.. as an
indicatory one, and hence this 3f
is a Sarvadhatuka affix, but, it
is weak and does not cause
for the preceding vowel; (2) tad,
affix in the sense of possession
applied to the words z;l}li"l and
others; e. g. <tli;a:, Uli;a: cf. P. V. 2.
100; (3) krt affix (ar) applied to
the roots 111, gr, "IH, and ["R when
pr.',:,ceded by a prefix, to t})e roots
W" etc. not preceded by a
prefix, and optionally to <::.:! and 1:lT
of the third conjugati9n in the
of 'an agent'; e.g. '3Rcr<f:,'
WG::, <f<l::, 1'{f<j:; cf. P. III.!.
name of a grammarian of the
eighteenth century who wrote a
commentary, called after him,
on Nagesa's usekhara.
( ) a scho-
lar of grammar who lived in
Poona and did tbe work of teaching
and writing commentaries. He bas
written a commentary named
on the VaiyakaraI).abhu!;?aJ;,lasara of
KOI)..;iabhatta., '
name given to a Yama letter in
. the Sik!;?a treatises.
nameO'f a. class of words in
whose case the last voi.vel of the ..-
first word does not coalesce with
the first vowel of the next word;
e. g. I 3fm I
'l11T I 3fW3'l<r. I ct.
R. T. 87 which is ex- .
plained by the commentator as
'<f q
name of a class of words in
'which an irregular coalescence of
the vowels of the kind of the latter
vowel in the place of the former
and latter both is observed; e.g.
l2:r, tf!qr(f:, +Trfl'Ir etc. cf.
'<f P. VI. I.
94 Vart. 4
r(T'fcr endowed with i. e. the
potentiality to express the sense;
potent to show the I?articular sense.
pote,ntiality of ex-
pressing the sense which is possess-
ed by words permanently with
them; denotative potentiality or
denotation ; this potentiality shows
'the senses, which are permanently
possessed by the words, to the
bearer and is described to be of one
kind 'by ancient grammarian' as
contrasted with the two (arf+!l;'!T and
mentioned by the modern
ones. It is descnbed to be of two
kinds-( a) rafcfcr or recalling
capacity which combines with
tfFIi, and (b') a:(!J;+IW9iT which is
responsible for the actual meaning
of a .sentence. For details see
Vakyapadiya III.
the substratum of potentiality
which forms the object pointed out
by means of the potentiality to the
hearer by the word (i.e .. :w.::) which
directly communicates the sense,
in which case it is termed cH"l'li as
contrasted with or mCl'li when
. the sense, which il? of the type of
is conveyed rather indirectly.
This' nice division into <fFlcmr and
was introduced clearly by
+If!ifft; ct. Vakyapadiya KaJ;l<;la 2.
tad. affix applied opti-
onally with the affix
to the prefix W in the sense of the
base itself e. g. i
I; ct. S. K. on V. 2.28;
ct. Kas. on P. "N. 2.28 wltich states
I -
a class of words headed by
the word :ufO:s'li which have the
taddhita affix <[ ( 'ii'lj) added to
them in the sense 'of < domicile' or
< native place'; e.g. m-
B-riI:, cf. Kas. on P. IV. 3""(jZ.
tad. affix as seen in the words
etc., d.
P. V. 1.59.
conventional name to the
fourth pada of the fifth adhyaya
of PaQini's A;;tadhyayi which begins
wi th the sii tra
.mqlij P. V. 4 I.
tad. affix applied to the word
-rn: to form the word d. P. V.
I. 59.
'iiTii krt affix S1tr. in the sense of 'the
agent of the present time', appU.o
ed to any root which takes the
Parasmaipada personal affixes;
cf. P.
III. 2.124. The words formed
with this:uq: (S1cr.) affix are termed
present participles in the declen-
sian of which, by virtue of the
indicatory vowel "1\ in the
augment is inserted after the
last vowel of the base, aI!d the root
receives such modifications as are
caused by a Sarvadbatuka affix, the
affix being looked upon as a
Sarvadhatuka affix on account of
the indicatory The word
ending in this affix:UQ: governs 'a
nOUn forming its object, in the accu-
sative case.
the acute [ccent specifically
stated for the vowel of the case-
affix beginning with a vowel etc.
prescribed by the rule
P. VI. 1.173; d. I .
<['iT I
M. Bh. on P. VIII. 2.6. Vart 2.
.... krt affix aTilt in the sense
of the infiniti ve added to a root as
seen in the Vedic Literature; d.

P. III. 49:
a VikaraI)a afllx ( conjugational
sign) applied to roots of the first
conjugation and i':1 general to all
secondary roots i.e. roots formed
from nouns and from other roots
before personal-endings which are
Sarvadhatuka and which possess
the sense of agent, provided there
is no other vikaraI).a -affix prescrib-
ed; e. g. +r=rffi", Q;<Ta-,
g"l1<!fu , ,
rnt!T<!ffi, <tu1[<im, tf<?:<!m, fitclfrff (<I1mi'<[:)
etc. d. <t-a-ft P: III; 1.68. This
affix is dropped after roots of .
the second and
those of the third coniusation
and in Vedic Literature it Can be applied to crude bases,
wherever observed; cf. P. II. 4.72, affixes, as also to ':words t.hat are
73, 75, 76. completely formed with case-end-
a grammarian to whom a
metrical treatise on genders named
is ascribed. This \{j<f{t"lTm"l
was comparatively a modern gram-
marian who was given the title
<i'lmJt!\. This' has a com-
mentary written by Evi-
dently these grammarians
are different from the
famous author of the ;fh::rrtrlmSGf and
the patron of the poet BaI)a re-
the VikaraQa affixes
;:r and according to those who
hold the view that these affixes do
not form the exceptions of but
they are substituted for d.
IvI. Bh. on P. I.
1.27. II. 2.3, III. I.33 and III. 1.67.
ings or personal affixes. In fact,
taking it to be ;pplicable to such
kinds, some grammarians have given
twelve subdivisions of viz.
5R<l<[, ;:rlRCfil\, i3EftlG:, 3ffRlQfil:Cfi, fc\"+lRn,
BB'ffI, lj({, 'fTCf<!, 5f<fK'lT and
d. SriJgara Prakasa L

a treatise on\ grammar,
critically explaining and.. discussing
the meaning of PaQini'i.1 Siitras in
the' order of the autha"i- himself.
The work is written by Bhattoji
and is mainly based on the
a short gloss on Bha-
. ttoji's Sabdakaustribha written by
a grammarian named
or a
commentary on Bhattoji's Sabda-
lit. ' sound' in general; cf. 'llq kaustubha written by Vaidyanatha
l'/T Cfiltli: I I M.Bb. PayaguQ<;le.
-in A.hnika I; ct. also _ .
( CfuT9.'ffi: 'fT"l :mfu: T. ':u ... a commentary on
Pr. XXIII. I, XXIII. 3. In gram- Bhattoji's Sabdakaustubha,
mar the word is applied to such a n,ame. probably _glv:m
words as p"ossess sense; to a commentary wntten by Nagesa.
1:'11Tf: M. Bh III name of a commentary
Ahmka I; c! .. on the. Sarasvata-Vyakarai).a by
B Srngara I ; .ct. Karhsavijaya.
also M. Bn. Abmka. .
I. In the .. essence of a word; the,
:w.:: is said to be c;;;;; c. .. conveyed by the
as far as its nature is concerned, word wpich is termed rita- by the
but it is taken to mean jn the VaiyiikaraQas. Philosophically, this
Pratisakhya and grammar works. in.. or Spbota is the philo-
a sense as letters sophicaIBrahman of the Vedantins,
ed of sense. The Vajasaneyi-Prati- which is named as Sabdabrahma or
sakhya gives four kinds of word's Nadabrahma by the VaiyakaraI)as,
and WlffI while c:rn:r, and which appears as the pheno-
OlT<t<[lo, f.fqm and ;:rqtl<T are described menal world on the basis of its own
to be the four kinds in the Nirukta. powers such as the time factor and
As in grammar is restricted to the . like ; cf. ar.=rrfctf.f\:"j;:f mtI
a phonetic unit possessed of sense, 1 >rT:n<IT Wiat <Ri: II
-Viikyapad'iya, I. I; cf. also
padiya II. 3I.
name of a commentary on
the Mugdhabodha VyakaraI)a by
the indicatory. power to
show the sense; the word is used in
connection with the potentiality to
convey the sense possessed by the
the two special properties of
word viz. tbe property of reception
of sense and the property of delivery
of sense. cpo Viik.pad. I.58.
the doctrine of the Vaiya-
karaJ;las as also of the Mimiirhsakas
that word is permanent, as contrast-
ed with that of the Naiyayikas who
advocate the impermanence of
the comparatively sup-
erior strergth pos!:essed by a word,
which in the text of a particular
Sutra is later than another word,
which is put in earlier in the Sutra.
This is contrasted with
the standard which is
laid down by PiiQini in his rule
qi: CfiTIt+r.. and which lays down
the superior strength of that rule
which is put by PaI)ini later on in
his A;;tiidhyayi; e.g. in the rule
it is not the
word although occuring earlier,
but the word occuring later in
the rule, which helps us to decide
which should be taken. ct.
I <J"ffii l{f;:cr<n

l{frq: I Kaiyata on P.
VI.I. 2.18; d. also, P. VI. 1.I51:i I
Vart. 12.
name of a commentary on
Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya which is
available only on the first -KiiQ<;la.
It was written by Helariija, the
famous commentator of Viikya-
recital or enumeration of
one word after another in a langu-
age ; 5Im-
tRt<f:n<'lT .. T mql'"l qf;rj
"lifi+T I M. Bh. Ahl'lika I. Mababha;;ya
Dipika says it was a grammatical
work. " Clfll I" P. 17
use of a word in the spoken
language which forms in a way the
basis of grammar.
a treatise on
the denotation and relation of wOEds
written by a grammarian named
R iimakr;;I)a.
name of a short gloss on the
Sutra.s of Pal)ini, written by Nara-
yaI)a PaI)Qita.
name of a small gramma-
tical work written by Rarriacandra

name of a short grammar
work written by Nar1iyaQa PaI)<;lita.
name of a commentary
O!l Hemacandra's Brhadvrtti.
name of a scholarly gloss
written by Haridik;;ita on the
Manorama, a commentary by
Bhattoji Dik;;ita on his own
Siddhantakaumudi. The proper
name of the commentary is
of which is an abridged
form. The commentary is
gene,rally studied along with the
M.anorama by students. There is a
b;gger work named i[ti.-ccHHtCf
written by Hari Dik;;ita, of which
the is an abridgment.
known by the name 11[9-
a commentary on Hari
Dik;;jta's Sabdaratlla, written by
Vaidyanatha PayaguI)<;le.
the power possessed by a
word of expressing ita sense. cf.
Vak. pad. II. 168.
a cOQlmentary. on the
Laghusabdaratna written by a
grammarian named, KalyaQamalla .
the sciene of words: The term
applied to grammar.
although strictly speaking .the
is also a science.of
the actual form of I!- word as a C
collection of letters or Of
of :the
In grammar,.it is
mainly considered arid IlGt the
meaning of th.e word ;,cf.
P. I. t.68.
a very brief treatise on
declension giving the forms of the
seven cases of a few choice-words.
The work is studied as the first
elementary . work and is very
common without the pame of any
specific author. There are different
works named giving
declensions of different words
which are all anonymous, although
from the dates of manuscripts men-
tioned, they appear to be more
than five or six hundred years old.
...:q(q expression of its fense by a
word which occurs to the mind of
the hearer as soon as a word is
a grammar work on the
meaning of words and how it is
conveYEd, written by a grammarian ,
named Tee work forms a .
part of his bigger. work GJilm<T'fo.
See Cltul!!'4Uilra:. I
derivation of a war? b! .
tracing it to the root from whIch It
is formed.
a small trea tise on the
of words written by a
grammarian named Riijadima-
. Sastrin.
If '(-art declension sifuilar to
. . ....
, .'" ! .....
a tecp.pical a .
wording irrespective of the -sense
element as contrasted
e.g. +{ or the like; ct.
P. 1. 1.44.
Vatt. 2.
preparation of a word for
its use. d. Viik. pad. III. 14.139-
'Itl .. a work on grammar said
to have been writ ten bya gramma-
rian named
a grammar work on the
formation of words written by a
gnlmmari;m. named _
(1) formation of a complete
word fit for use by adding proper
suffixes to the crude base _ and
making the necessary modifications;
cf. I (2) name
of a commentary by +m'itCf on the
by Durgashilha
name of a grammar w:Jrk by
a grammarian named
lit. science of grammar
dealing with the formation of
words, . their accents, and use in a
sentence. The word is used - in
connection with standard works on
grammar which are complete and
self-sufficient in" alltlle
- tioned features. Patafijaji has
begun his ",ith the
words referring
possibly to the vast number of
Varttikas on the Siitras of Pa:Qini;
. and hence the term I
according to him means a treatise
on the science of grammar made up
of the rules of Pa:Qini with the ex-
planatory and critical Varttikas
written by Katyayana and other
Varttikakaras. The word
later on became synonymous with
VyakaraJ}.a and it was given as a
title to their treatises by later gra-
mmarians, or was applied to the
authoritative treatise which intro-
duced a of grammar, similar
to that of pa:Qini. Hemacandra's
famous treatise, named by
the author, came to be known as
Similarly, the works
on grammar written by
i!l<!<! and were called 'TIJ'ii2"l<!<r
and respec-
tively. "
fil 0 G:IR1{ a different wording, as it
results from modificatioIls such as
agama, or adtsa, or lopa; d.
Par. Sek.
Pari. 34.
a work, of the
- Siitras of Pii:Qini, written by a
grammarian named
name of a grammar work
by Hamsavijayagal)i of the seven-
teenth century on the introductory
verses of Sarasvataprakriyii.
of the meaning of a word from that
word when heard, the word being
either denotativa (9T"fCIi) or indi-
ca tive
a grammatical work on the
interpretation of words by Rama-
natba Vidyavacaspati.
the connection between a
word and its sense which is a
permanently established .:me.
According to griunmatians,' words.
their seDse and tbeir connection,
all the three, are established for
ever; d. P. 1. I.
Varttika I, and the Bba!?ya thereon
I Later gra-
mmarians have twelve
kinds of viz. anlil:TT, N9a,lT,
. and d. Sp:igaraprakasa. I.
explanation of the sense
of a word as arising from the ward
by stating the base, the affixes and
the modifications to the base and
the affixes.
a science fully dealingwith
the words in a language and their
sense; the same are
which see above.
name of a grammatical
work believed to have been written
by Durgavinita.
name of a glass on the
"Mabiibhii!?ya attributed to Deva-
a popular name given to
the Laghusabdendusekhara written
by Nagesabhatta. See
':ilo>(lq'i:f.!\ scientific and authoritative
citation or statement of a word as
contrasted with d,f,j;

!I'm I M. Bh. in
Abnika I.
a class of eight roots headed by
'TIOf. which" get their vowel
lengthened before the
tional sign i( as also before the
krt. affix ( in the sense of
'habituated to'; e.g.
$'{ri't etc.; d. P. VII" 3.74
and P. Ill. 2.141.
God Siva who is supposed to
have composed, or to have inspired
Pa:Qini to compose, the fe. urteen
Siitras etc. giving the
alphabet of the PaQini system; cf.
F-r:r'!: "'Ig:t;{f!!.<rl 9Ult: mn: Pal).
St. 3.
a Sik!?a work of the Taittiriya
school of the Black Yajurveda,
com posed in the middle of the
thirteenth century. It is fairly com-
plete and deals with -"a"ccent, quan-
tity, hiatus, doubling and so on. It
is quoted (verse 36) by Vaidika-
bharaQa on Taittitiya Priitisiikhya
(I. 40 ).
a brief term or Pratyaharastand-
-ing for the three sibilant or spirant
consonants \il., "l.. and
a prominent graIPmarian of
the Eastern school of }?al)ini's
system of grammar who lived in the
thirteenth century and wrote works
on Pa:Qini's grammar. His work
named s;el2"'lfu which explains aC-
cording to Pii:Qini's rules, the Varto
tikas thereon, and the jfiapakas
deduced from them, the various
words difficult to be explained, is
much appreciated by of
grammar. He has quoted from a
large number of clas.sical works, and
referred to many works of the
Eastern grammarians who followed
the KiiSikii school.
the words of the type of
such as ml=R etc.
which have the compound-ending or
( <!'Ii.) added to them when they are
at the end of the A vyayibhii va
compound; e.g. lTfa-f9'ml0(.
d Kas. on P. V. 4.I07- "
a class of words headed by the
word which have the tad. affix
( added to them in the sense
of 'product' or 'portion'; e.g.
({ifllf.liI.., d. Kas. on
P. IV. 3.144; (2) a class of words
headed by which get their final
vowel lengthened before the tad.
affix llQ. when the whole word forms
a pI:oper noun; e.g. <imaT,
ifotlll'l:; d. P. VI. 3.II9
a class of words headed by
to which the tad. affix or is
added in the sense of viz.similar-
ity; d. 'TI<f;ter
Kas. on P. V. 3.107.
a reputed grammarian 'who is
believed to have been a contem-
porary of the poet GUJ;la<;lhya in the
court of Satavabana. He wrote the
Grammar rules which are named the
Kiitimtra Siitras which are mostly
based on the Siitras of Pal}.ini. In
the grammar treatise named' the
Katantra Siitra ' written by Sarva-
varmaD, the" Vedic section all
the intricacies and difficult elements
are carefully and scrupulously
omitted by him, with a view LO
making his grammar tlseful for
beginners "and students of
intelligence. He is said to have
written a commentary on it named
. ;w;<t<Wi intervention by anyone of the
spiran ts 'R, "l and <;i, which prevents
the substitution of 01,. for- i(. but
" allows the substitution of "l for'!;
cf. <r "M. Bh.on P. VIII.
4.2 as also Ii\' P.
VIII. 3.58 Viirt. I.
short term for the slbi.,.
lants lU., 'i., and (; d.
P. III, 144
. !
class of letters beginning with
i.e. the consonants I!:, and 1[.-
name of a work on gram-
mar by which is mentioned
by Al Beruni.
(I) case affix of the accu-
sative plural; d. . IV.
1.2; (2) tad. affix applied'to words
meaning much or little as also to
a numeral; e.g.
;:rom, fu::a:, lfT({:a: etc.; ct.
P. V.4.42, 43.
I) name of a gloss on K01}.Q.a-
bhatta's Vaiyakara1}.abhfi!;1aQasara
by Marulkar; (2)
name of a commentary on the Pari-
of written
by Sankarabha\ta; (..)) The Vya-
karaQa-vidya or instructions in
Grammar given by God Siva to
PaQini on wnich the Sik!;1a of PaQini
has been based.
tm<:1R: a tad. affix _ added optionally
with mfcfi<r to the words and
others in the sense of a field pro-
ducing the thing; e.g. cf.
P; V. 2.29.
(I) name of an ancient re-
puted scholar of Grammar and
Pratisakbyas ,who .is quoted by
pa1}.ini. He, is despisingly referred
to by Pataiijali as a traitor gram-
marian sympathizing with the
Nairuktas or etymologists in holding
the view that all substantives are
derivable and can be derived from
roots; d. CF-f ..
Nir. I. 12; cf. also ilTl1
'tj' l:TIg;..,mf{ c<lfcJi\vt
M. Bh. all. p. III. 3.1. _ Sakatayana
is believed to have been the author
of the UQadisfitrapatha as also of
the Tantra Pratislikhya of _ the
Siimaveda ; (2) Dame of a Jain
grammarian named tfl<il:lcfi1ffi"
who lived in the ninth century
during the reign of the Ra!;1trakfita
king Amoghavar!;1a and wrote the
which .is' much
similar to the Sfitrapatha of PaQinl
and introduced a new system of
Grammar. It has an auto-comment-
ary called Amoghavrtti. - He freely'
takes help from pa1}.ini, Katantra,
Jainendra and Candra. His work
named the consists,
of four chapters which are arrangeq
in the form of topics, which are
named The grammar work is
a, commentary on
the treatise on gram-
mar written by Sakatayana. See

name of the
treatise on grammar written by
a class of irregular samana.
dbikara1}.a Sl!.miisas, or Karma.
dbaraya cClllpound formations,
where according to the sense con-
veyed by the compound w9rd, a
word after the first word or so, has
to be taken liS omitted; cf.
. 'l''mClf: I :at'li$;ITl1Im: I
-m!l!i:f: I
I M. Bh. on P. II.
, 1.69 Vart. B.
an ,ancient writer of Nirukta
who is quoted by Yaska; cf. fciStt
N ir. III. II, or
+ff.'lq <I1'i[Talfu <mf.Ifer :allfi'{.filr:
Nir. III. 13 or I I
Nir. III. 19.
'ifll"Ii'Ci'S a word frequently used in the
Mahabhiiljlya for a grammatical
J i
ration or injunction (AA ) which
forms a specific feature of the gram-
mar of viz. that the vowels
t, ;;r, and remain without
phonetical combination and a short-
ening of them, if they are long; cf.
P. VI. 1.127 ;
- I; cf. also M. Bh.
on P. VI. 1.77, VI. 1.125, VI. 1.27;
VI. 2.52, VII. 3.3 and VIiI. 2.10B;
( 2) pupils of d.
M.Bh. onP.IV.I.IB; (3)
a village in the Vahika district; cf.
i'fTiI M. Bh. on IV.
2.104 Vart. 3.
ijllllliiiSSI'tif6+m1 absence of a ,phonetic
coalescence ("l"iim+!Ti/) as speCifically
mentioned by :alCfilili. See
prohibition of the
coalescence of any of the vowels
l{, ;;r, and with any dissimilar
vowel following it. See
name of an ancient gramma-
rian and Vedic scholar who is
snpposed to have revised the Vedic
-texts and written their Pada-patha.
He is often quoted by pw.ini and
the writers of the PratiSakhya
works; cf. M.
Bh. P. I. 4.84; also on P. I.I.IB.
IV. 1.18; cf. also ;;rq"tflt fet
OiITW-mclili<il1l;?ji: I R. Pro XIIl.I2
tad. affix (originally a word
formed from m::fi'r by affixing ., as
given in M. Bh. on P. V. 2.100),
applied to the word -I in the sense
of a field producing it; e.g.
Kas. on P. V.
a class of words headed by the
word which have the taddhita
affix added to them in the sense
of i.e. similarity; e.g.
etc. cf. Kiis. on P. V.
3. 103
m"I" (I) kft affix ( arril) substituted
for the Atmanepada affixes, to
which <I:. is prefixed if the base
before the affix ends in 0/; e.g. Q;\f-
i11il, f<!>:;Jmi'f, etc.; cf. P. III. 2. 124,
125, 126 ; ( 2) Vikara1}.a affix (3'jfi'f)
substituted for before the
nal ending of the imperative
second person singular, if the
preceding root ends in a consonant;
e.g. ffiiffUT, cf. P. III. I.B3.
mil'll. krt affix (an"') substituted for
the Atmanepada affixesinsted of-
m<I"I", prescribed after the roots '..
and <1<11:,,; the application of iWii"1;. for
:alil"l" is for the acute accent on
initial vowel of the root; e.g. q'l'+{j",:
with the acute accent on the initial
vowel as contrasted with Ff'i!HIfi'f:
with 1he aGute accent 'on the last
vowel; cf. P. III. 2.128.
an ancimt scholar of grammar
who wrote a treatise known as the
Phit-sfitras on accents. He lived
after P'Qini.
'ifI101t;;fN verbal the
term is generally used with refer-
ence to the verbal interpretation'
of a sentence as arising from that
of the words which are'all connect
ed dirt:cctly or indirectly with the
verb-activity. It is defined as
- Accord ing
to the. grammarians, verbal activity
is the chief thing in a sentence and
all the other weirds (excepting the
one which expresses vt'!rbal acti-
vity) are subordinated to the
verbal activity and hence are
connected with it; cf. g C!i\tfr
m CI'3\' I
tlffiltuft I Ill. Br.
a treatise on the theory
of verbal- import written by
a treatise on the
theory of written by
theory of bal import or
cognition; the theories to be
noted in this respect are those of
the Grammarians, the Naiyayikas
and the according to
whom verb-activity,' agent, and
llljunction stand respectively as the
ptincipal fdctors in a sentence.
'lITFi'Ef Vikarana affix (3'fI<!) su bstitut-
cd for in Vedic
Literature; e.g. "!'If<! l'l!=l; cf.
Kas. on P. HI 1.84.
a cla5s of words headed by
the word which take the femi- .
nine affix (;s1<i:.) making the
initial vowel of the word ( to which
g. of the feminine is added) an
one; e.g .. ;
d. P. IV. r.73.
'1fITtZ'Ef tad. affix applied to the
fcr in the sense of the base
itself See
name of the great gramma-
rian Pi:i.I;Jini given to him on account
of his being an inhabitant of
old name of the modern Lahore
ur a name of a place near Lahore;
cf. P. IV. 3.14.
cternaJ or permanent, as con-
trasted with i.e. produced; d.
fl:iJfuF<!m mr.:r:
Siradeva Pari. 36; d. also Cfll11or.
<'f <fiFfy<!:' R. Pr, XIII. 4.
sdenti6c treatment of a subject;
a system of thoughts givirig a scien-
tific treatment of any subject. The
word is applied to the rules of
Panini and sometimes to an indivi-
.. d. or
Irequently used by the
commentators; d. '1
Nagesa's Par. Sek.on Pari.
I ; R. Pro
II. 2.
the originator or the founder
of a Sastra or system of particular
thought:::. The word was ued by
ancient grammarians for Pat,;lini,
the founder of the great system of
grainmar, or of grammar in general;
d. mr.t 'q m'e<!m
M. Bh. P. III. 1.85.
brought about by a rule;
brought about by the science of
grammar; cf. Nir. 1. 2;
d. also
M. Bh. on P. VII. 3.54,
VIII. 2.38.
.harm or to a science;
i.e. non-application of a rule
although it could apply, there being
. no prohibition for it; d. I
m<Ta- M.Bh. on "P.
VI. I.I Vart. 12.
supposition of the original
in the place of the substitute
merely for the sake of the appli-
cation of a grammatical rule as
, contrasted with the actual
restoration of the original forql ; cf.
f.i; I oG:fu-
I ClG:m-
M. Bh. on VII. I.9S.
the purpose of a rule of gra-
mmar ; cf.
M. Bb. on P. VI. 1.84 Vart. 5; cf.
also, (f!lif[ I <f{;.a- 'jffm01tw"YG:'<ft1 fu
lil[Riij <1Cffiil
M. Bh. on VI. I. 84' Vart. 3; VI.
4. 104 Vart. 3.
the supposed invalidity OJ
. a rule or a set of rules byvirttie of
the dictum laid down by Par,;lini in
VIII. 2.1; d.
I a:rm:t <1<ffo I
M. Bh. on P. VI. r.86 VaTt. 5.
P-!1 case-affix substituted for the
case-affixes and of the nom.
pI. and the acc. pI. in the neuter
gender; cf. fu: P. VII. 1.20.
This affix fu is called just
like the first five case-affixes in the
masculine and fern. gender. This
case affix is seen dropped in Vedic
passages; cf.
P. VI. 1.70.
f,P(fT gnleral name given to a work on
Phonetics. Although there are
many such works which are all
called the work, which is
oftEn refer:ed to, by the word, is
the Siksa named about
the aut'hcfship of which, however,
there is a doubt whether it
was the work of pa1;J.ini or
of somebody belonging to his
school. The Sik!?3. works are helpa
ful, no doubt, for the study. of
grammar, but no
to Siksa is given by Pal;UD1 WhICh
means that these works
do. not come under the subject or
province of
why the Sik!?a toptCS are gI:v
b Pa
- niui is worth conslderation.
y .'. .
These Sikl;a works are not specI-
fi.-ally related to a particular Veda
it cannot be said whet?er
they preceded or succeeded the
Piatisakhya works.
a variety of the methods of Vedic
'tal It is defined as
I e. g.
I .....

,- I .::.:L.
- -, - I I
::J. =';),. =>-7- I
'1 ..... ", .,'<... ttltj'l, _ -
!!,,-"'" -'
W, I This
is an-extension of ;;gr. It is in
order of abbaabc, bccbbcd,
cddccde, deeddef, effeef.
one of the subdivisior.s of the
artificial recitals of the Vedic texts.
a term for wf<lT+lil. (a: pronoun) in
the works of ancient grammarit:ils;
d. Phit Siitra 29,
where is explained as
in the gloss. '
possessed of, or characterized by,
the indicatory letter the krt
affixes which are marked with the
indicatory are termed Sarvadha-
tuka affixes (cf. P. III. 4.1I3),
while the Adesas or . substitutes, ,
marked with the indicatory 'lU., are
substituted for the whole of the
Stbanin or the original and not for
its final letter according to the rule
P. I. 1.52; e.g. f\n is s.uh-
stituted, not for the final <:1, t?f
and but for the whole ;;Jli and
the whole cf. P. I. 1.55
produced at the top of the
orifice, cere1?ral.
a grammarian who
wrote the grammaticai works CliRllfi-
f.t1t<ii, and
a grammarian, who wrote a
commentary named on
the Padamafijari of HaradaUa. He
was the grandson of Nilakantha
Diksita who was also a gramma-
rian' and who wrote an indepen-
dent work on the named
a grammarian who
wrote a commentary on the Katan-
called the Siddhiintara-
a grammarian who
wrote (I) a gloss on the 'siitras of
Piil')ini, ( 2) a commentary named
on the Siddhantakail-
mudi, and (3) a commentary on
the named. Mahiibhii'::
name given. to the fourteen
j;mall "the alp!w-p,!t
which Piil}itil took as the basis''6f .
got aWfll-kno'Wb''ID:ti .Oft .whiCh-
there is a commentary of
of by Tbe origin of
the Sivasiitra given by the writer
of the Kiirikii is summed up in the
stanza-i!'ijT=rl3f.l' ilo:{TC{
I '3:S:WnI+i: l
fcr!i:TI II Nand. T.
a grammarian mentioned by
Vardbamiina and referred to in the
Dbiituvrttis of M:iidhava and Siva-
swiimin. He lived in Kashmere in
the tenth century.
a big class of about ninety
words headed by the word
which have the tad. affix a:r (CII1lI..)
added to them in the SeI1Se of a
descendant ( in spite of other
affixes such as !l.WI" and others
prescribed by other rules, ..yhich
sometimes do not take place, or do
so optionally; e g. ; cnpt1l]:, ;
iflW:, lTIfI<lf.f:; cf. Kas. on P.
IV. I. II2. This class is looked upon
as a:rTiiRti[1l1 and a word is supposed
to be included in this clas!!, when
the affixa:r is noticed in spite of
some other affix being applicable
by some other rule.
(I) cultured. and learned people
who want to speak correctly and
who have studied gra-
mmar; cf. 3'0:{: f:U2T: \ I
I M. Bh. on P. VI. 1.109;
. (2) enjoined, prescribed; cf.
I R. Pr. VI. 120.
the forms of words used by
_: , learned pepple; the expression
"used by soch persons; cf. .'<lTm
I M. Bh. on P .. I. 3. 1

we:gllFt !!xp\af).ation (oL,,p.oubUul,
" tbIngs or given by the
. people.
(tRl) a work on grammar
written by of which a men ..
tion is .made by Al Beruni in his
mr (I) case affix (t) substituted for
the nom. pI. affix (ai.) in the
declension . of the propouns, when
the affix is preceded by the
vowel a:r; e.g. fciii{; cf. KiiS.. on
P. VII.- 1.17; (2) case affix
substituted for an of the nom. and
the acc. dual after fem. bases end-
ing in 311, as also after bases in the
neuter gender; cf.t ;
d. Kas. onP. VII. r.I8, 19.
lit. over-rapid; an extra quick-
ness of breath (lfl1l1) which charac-
terizes the utterance. of a sibilant
which has got one more property
viz. in addition to the three
proper.lies (ifTliIlfIlM) possessed by
the other consonants; cf.
I R. Pr. XIII. 6. .
mrm a person' reciting Vedic passa.-
. ges more rapidly, when his recital
results into ;:dault of utterance.
principal; chief; the word is
in connection with the utter-
ance of Veda passages which.' are
uttered loudly at the time of the
third pressing (<r<I1<1t!9o:{); cf.
T. Pr. XXIII. 12; cf.
ffi: M.Bh. on P. VI. I 6r.
of the Pratiii-
khya treatise pertaining to the
White. Yajurveda which is also
called the Vajasaneyi-Pliitlsakhya._-
This work appears to be a later one'
as compared with the other Priiti-
siikhya works and. bears much
similarity with some of the Siitras
of PiiQini. It is divided into eight
chapters by the author and it deals
with letters) their origin and their
classification, the euphonic and
. other changes when . the
text is rendered into the Pada text,
and accents. The WOrk l:1ppeais to
be a common work for all the
different branches of the White
Yajurveda, being probably based
on the individually different Prati-
Siikhya . works of the different
branches of the 5ukla Yajurveda
composed in ancient times. Katyii-
yara is traditionally believed to be
the author of the work and very
likely he'was the same Kiityayana
who wrote the Varttikas on the
Siitras of Piil)ini. .
a class of words headed by
to whicb the taddhita affix
a:r is added in the sense of
who has come from'; e.g.
Ciilciill1:; cf:Kiis. on P. IV. 3.76.
pure, unmixed; the term is used
( I) in connection with a vowel
is not nasalized (6l1!FTRl'li);
<l!!!ijrmt, Kas. on P. VII. 1.8S; as
also, (2) in connection with words
which are used in their primary
sense' and not in any secondary
sense; cf. I
if 69T<t\f.t M.Bh. on
P. I. 1.27 Vart. 3 ...
a gloss on the
Asubodha-grammar, written by a
grammarian named Ramesvara
a class of words headed by the
word to which the taddhita
affix.v:<f is added in the sense
of a descendant in spite of other
affixes being prescribed by some
other rules which sometimes are
.optionally with this t1;l{; e.g.
This class is
looked upon as and hence
if this affix t1;l{ is seen applied
although not prescribed actually as
in the wordm, the word is
supposed to have been included in .
this class;cf. P. IV. 1.123.
utterance with a swollen mouth
which is looked upon as a fault of
Vedic recital; cf.
R. Pr. XIV. 2.
name of a grammarian who
wrote a glos5 named on the
Siirasvata . V YiikaraQa.
case-ending seen in Vedic Literature
substituted for anyone of the 21
case-endings as found in Vedic
Language; words ending in. this
(ll;) are not coalesced with a vowel
tnat follows; e.g. OItlt
cf. P. VII. 1.39 and 1. 1.13.
(I) any other senses than what
are given above ;cf. P. IV.2.g2 ;
( 2 ) . surname of a reputed family
of grammarians belonging to Sou
thern India which produced many
grammarians, from the fifteenth
century to the eighteenth century
Riimacandra Se!?a wasthe first gra-
mmarian. in the family who wrote
the Prakriyiikaumndi in the fif-
teenth century. His descendants
developed the system studying
grammar by the study of topics as .
given in the Prakriya Kaumudi
and wrote several works' of the
nat ure of glosses and comments.
one of the prominent gramma-
rians belonging to the Sesa family,
who was the son of and
brother of Ramacandrase!?a, the
author of Prakriyakaumudi. He
wrote a gloss on the Prakriyakau-
mudi and two small works Prakrta-
candrika and Padacandrikil. Two
other minor gr c'.rnxpar works viz.
the Yati.!ugantasiromaQi and Upa-
padamatiti.utra vyakhyana are ascri-
bed to who may be the same
as the son of or ano-
ther, as there were many persons
who had the name Kl"!?I).a in the big
family. He was preceptor of
ifllij'Cj$fiqiiifl a grammarian of the
family who wrote a small
on case-relations named
also Imown by t he name l!;:ft-
a grammarian who has
written a commentary on
Nagesa's Paribha!?endusekbara.
a grammarian who wrote a
commentaIY on the Paribha!?endu-
sekhalu of Nagesa.bhatta.
a grammarian of the seven-
teenth century who has written a
work, on the
of the paQ.ini system;
the treati!>c is written in the manner
of Siradeva's Paribha!?avrtti which
has been taken as a basis by him. I
the genitive case used in any
other st!nse than those given in the
specific rules. The expreosion
+rfc!6<jfu' is often found in comm-
entary work=.
an ancient Grammarian and
Vedic scholar who is quoted in the
Taittiriya PratiSakhya for recomm-
ending a sharp and distinct nasa-
lisation of the anusvara and the
fifth class-consonants; cf. cf\stcro:n!,);-
T. Pro
XVII. r.
recital of the ij.gveda in the
school named after Sisira, a pupil
of. Sakalya.
remaining, Qr remnant; the
term is used with reference to a tad.
affix prescribed in senses other
than those mentioned before the
,rule P. IV. 2.92; cf.

a class of words headed by the
word which are compounded
with a noun in the locative ,case to
'fonn a tatpuru!?a
pound ; e.g. etc. cf.
KiiS. on P. II. 1.40.
a great ancient
who is believed to have written the
Priitisakhya, which is said to
be common for the. two main
branches of the ij.gveda but which,
at present, represents, in fact, all
the different branches of the

a popular name of the
well.known PratiSiikhya of the
:{lgveda, named as well

a class of words headed by
the word to which the tadd-
hita affix I!OJ:. ( fiTrr.r) is added in the
sense of 'instructed by', provided
the word so formed is a portion of
what is looked npon as a part of
the sacred Vedic Literature; cf.
si)Cffil1<'f\<!ij' ,
cf. Kas. on P. IV. 3.106.
the substitution of the palatal
consonants 'i{(.", at.., lH., and or..
respectively for the similar COnson- ,
ants li, Q:., Il. and ii. of the I
dental class; cf. cit: P; VIII.
4. 10
the syllable fa applied to the
VikaraQ.a-ending form of a rootto
denote a root for a grammatical
operation. The specific mention of
a root with added, shows that
the root of the particular class or
conj ugation shown, is to be taken
and not the root belonging to
any other' conju,gation ; cf.
e.g. P.
III. 1.52. Although operations
prescribed for a primary root are
applicable to a frequentative root
when the frequentative sign 'l ha'l
been omitted, operations prescribed
for a root which is stated in a rule
with fu (file!'{) added to it, do not
take place in the frequentative
roots; cf.
a vikaraI)a or conjugational sign
of the agama type to be inserted
after the last vowel of the roots of
the seventh
e.g. fllqf'ij etc. ; cf.
P. III. 1.78.
If!Ti a vikaraQa or conjugational sign of
the ninth conjugation, to be added
to roots headed by before the
Siirvadhiituka affixes; e.g. lfI'tUJTfct;
cfo -m. P. III. I.8r. '81 is
added optionally with (!');) to
the roots W<I,., and
etc. ; cf. P. III. 1.82.
a vikaraI).a or a conjugational sign
to be placed after the roots headed
by lii (i.e. roots of the fifth conju- I
1 gation) as also after the root 8,
when !lj is to be into "2:, and
the roots 8la:.( and e.g.
d. III. 1.73. It is also
added optionally witli to the
root etc. See
a vikaraQ.a or conjugational sign
of -the fourth conjugation added
to roots headed by re:<!" before the
Sarvadhatuka affixes; e.g.
!!G<!Rf, etc. is added optionally
with'i{lf!. ( 81) to the roots SlflR,
iil. and others, as also to 'l'i..
a technical term for noun-stems
ending in an in the feminine gender
used in the Katantra Grammar; cf.
an mr Kat. II. .10.
a class of words headed by the
word with which words in the
masculine or the feminine gender
are compounded when they stand
in apposition; cf. WiUJT :pm:-
$fl1UJl, 31'::CjTqcji: KiiS. on
P. II. 1.70.
&C{Ilt hearing of a plionetic, element ,Of
a word in the actual, sp!=ech; audi-
tion ; cf.
S. K. on P. I. 2.32. In , mimy
technical grammatical' terms, affixes '
anCI substitutt!s, there is sometimes
a portion of them which is not a
vital part of the word, buUt is for '
the sake of caming certain prescrib-
ed grammatical operations. The
letters or syllables which form such
a portion are called and they are
only for the sake of grammatical
operations (Cfil"'ll:.t), as contrasted
with the other ones which are
actually heard or
lit. ttat which is heard; cf.
lllfci: \ EIor..\ ffililOORf mEfi Nyasa
ooRas. V.2-37. The term is used
in connection with an affix for which
no eiision is prescribed and hence
which remains and is heard; cf
M. Bh. on P. V.
2.37; Kas. on P. V. 2.37.
who has written
a small treatise on corrupt words'
or ungrammatical words, which is
m'tR' (I) an old grammarian who
wrote a gloss. on Bhiigavrtti. (2) a
grammarian of the last century who
has written a commentary named
after him, cn the Parib1!a-
name of a commentary on the
Parjbhatlendusekhara written by
Sridhara. See
a grammarian who has written
a commentary on the Paribha!i'a-
bbiiskara of Haribhaskara.
probably same as Sri-
nivasa given above, who wrote a
scholarly work on accents named
wrote a supplement to Katantra
named Katantraparisista. It has
been commented on by Gopinatha
Tarkadirya, Ramacandra Cakra-
varti, Sivarama Cakravarti and
a famous grammarian who
held the titles 3T'1<i+!oefi-
'ffii[ and and who has written
a systematic work on case-relations
named the work is
also known by the name
)}1'')+lI<t'l!I+lY a famous grammarian of
Eastern India who has written a
short scholarly gioss named Vljaya
on Niigesa's Paribha!i'endusekhara.
For details refer to Paribha!i'asam.-
graha .
lit. what is actually heard; the
word is used in conneCtion with
such statements as are. by the
authoritative grammarians, Pal}ini
and the Varttikakara by their
actual utterance or wording, as con-
trasted with such dictums as can
be deduced only from their writings.
cf. m(f: Par.
Sek. Pari. 104.
a term of a very' great honour
given to such Jain monks as have
almost attained perfection; the
tum is used in connection with
Palyakirti Sakata vana, the Jain
grammarian whose works
and its presel!ta-
tion in a topical form named
GT<j<l3Tf?n<lr are studied at the present
day in some parts of India. See
(I) lit. hearing; sound. cf. 'if
M. Bh. on P. r. 2.64; per-
ception, as a proof contrasted with
. inference; d. em 'q ?l;foiiitttr
M. Bh. on P. VII. 1.72 Vart. I; cf.
also M. Bh. on P. VIII. 2.25; cf.
also ewnS,'ii!?l;ftf.'r R. T. 6 r ; ( 2 )
authoritative ward;. the. word is
sometimes used in with
the utterances of the Sutrakaras
viz. the Sutra.
common hearing; common
form of technically different word-
ings, such as 8il of Glt!., Glt!. and "Il'l..
feminine affixes, or of
and :s1if. fern. affixes; d. ?l;Rr-
on P. VIII. 2.18;
ct. also Kas. on VIII. 2.42 and
\TIll. 4.1. '
heard, presented; cf.
mill: d.
Wt +l9Rr I llWI'glllT M. Bh. on P.
\TIl. 1.73:
a class of words!headed by. the
word *rrrt, which are compounded
with words like if they in .
apposition, provided thft word so
co,rnpounded has got the sense of
the affix fcC! i.e. having become what
was not before; d. iim:
Ka.s .. on P. II. 1.59.
a loose connection as obtaining
between the various words in the
Pada recital, as contrasted with
in the Sarilhita text.
or W;l!iifi'<T compact arrangement
as seen in the Sarilhita text.
a term u!:ed in the sense of elision
or lopa in the case of the affix
when it is elided after the roots
headed by S. i.e. roots of the third
conjugation as also after any root
wherever it is so seen in the Vedic
Literature; d. P. III. 4.
76 .. This! is looked upon as a sub-
stitute zero, or nil for the general
vikaral}a :at!. in the case of these
roots; d. P. II. 4.75.
The specific feature of this elision'
of the vikaraQa :at!. by means of the
term 7.', is, that .it causes reduplica-
tion of the roots to which it is add-
ed; d. Afii'<Tl<T I
Kas. on P. n: 4.75 and P. III. .. \
treatment as before the elision
named ', i.e. Ieduplication of the
preceding root. This is pre-
scribed in the case of th e roots <tT,
tSt, <1, and ; d. P. ,III.

roots. characterized by the
addition or application ot, the con-
jugational sign which is elided by
the use of ..the term for elision;
roots of the third conjugation; cf.
C{ f;cr'li\UlT: "fqCfi\l1lTlI:l M. Bh. on P.
III. 1.67 Vart. 2, as also on P. III.
.. (t( the specific operation caused
. by ,viz. the reduplication for the
preceding root; cf. tl"'f fin
it'<T:, M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.62 Vart. 6.
Varttika or supplemEntary
rule to PaQini's rules laid down by
scholars of grammar immediately
after Pal}ini, composed in verse
form. These Slokavarttikas, nearly
250, are quoted in the Mahabbii!i'ya
at various pJiJ.ces and supposed to
have been current .in the expJana-
tionS:of pal}ini's A!i'ladhyayi in the
days of Pataiijali. The word is often
used by later commentators; 51oka-
vartikas 'o/ere composed by prede-
cessors of Kat yay ana, Katyayana
and Patafijali also.
.sm;acft a term of ancient grammarians
for the first future called SR .by
PaQini; d. Jlffifcfi 1
'!i<n' iRfT tOO M. Bh.
on P. III. 3.T5.
'Ill(:f lit. breath; the voiceless breath
required for uttering some letters;
the term is used in the Pratisa-
khya and \Tyakaral}a books in the
sense of breath which is promi-
nently required in the uttera,nce
of the hard consonants, sibilants,
visarga and the Jihvamfiliya and
Upadhmaniya letters; the term is
used in connection with these
letters also;' the usual tfrm in rise
is, of course, the term
. - showing the property of the breath, .
with which these letters are charac-
jue"i$lqlif caused by the emission of
breath; the. term is used in con-
trast with in connection
with hard consonants, surds, visarga,
the Jihvamfiliya and the Upadh-'
maniya letters; see IIIffl above.
an .ancient grammarian who
lived before Pataiijali; cpo MaM-
on 1. 1.57. The name Sva-
bhiiti instead of Svobhiiti is given
by Kaiyata as also in Kaslka on
VII. 2.1f.
a grammatical work of the
type of a gloss on the Siitras of
PiiJ;,lini written by an ancient gra-
mmarian .sQ!lif'a mentioned in the
Mahabha;;ya; d. qrfu:cfi-
ffij": T.f M. Bh.
on P. I. I.S7. Possibly the gramma-
rian ;ijtllY-r is referred to in the word
in the verse.
15[, ( ! ) a sibilant letter of the cerebral
class of consonants possessed of the
properties JflR,," aleq, CfiO(l;fq,m: and
(2) mute indicatory letter
'!., attached tu nouns as also to
affixes with which nouns are form-
ed, such as liifii(, etc.
showing the addition of the femi-
nine affix d. P.
IV. 1.41; (3) changeable to l'{
when placed at the beginning of
loots in the Dhatupatha except in
the case of the roots formed from
nouns and the roots fuCI,. and
(4) substitute for the last conson-
_ <lllt of the roots trar"
<!<iI. . Uar" mat. as also of "the roots
ending in and before a conson
ant excepting a nasal and a semi-
vowel, as also when the
is at the end of the word; e.g.
<lgt{., etc. cr. P. VIL1. 2.36;
( 5) substitute for a visarfaniya
preceded by a vowel except al and
followed by a consonant of the
guttural or the labial class which
does not begin a different word, as
also Before the word!> tfro, 'Ii,
CfiT+lI, etc. d. P. VIII. 3.39 ; d. also
P. VIII 3.41, 43, 44, 45 and 48 for
some specified cases; (6) substi-
tute for when placed near a con-
sonant of the cerebral clas's or near
the consonant 'i..; e.g. <!!'{Il!m:
KliS. on P. VIII. 4.41.
(I) consonant 'i.., the vowel al be-
ing added for facility of pronuncia-
tion; (2) compound-ending al,
substituted for the final of the word
at the end of a Bahuvrihi com-
pound when the word is prece-
ded by ft;: or f,{ e.g. 'ct.
ft;:R!<'<jT q "ii: P. V.4 1J5 (3) a
technical tt;rm for in the
Jainendra: VyakaraJ)a.
q'"t the compound-ending (BllTefiQ) al
added for the final of the words
tlWr. alf!\.! and standing at "the
end of a Bahuvrihi compound
under specific condition::. e.g.
<1>T!'{I:, cf. P. V.
4.113, 114
(I) the six Karakas or instru-
ments of action, which a:re differ-
ently connected with the verbal.
activity. viz. .m,
<i!qIGJ" and alNcnl:UJ; for details see
CfiRq;" above; cf. a5f

lI<if.a" i CfiOi 'lill cgui
I Srngara Prakasa IV; (2) a:'
work of the name written
by a Jain grammarian Mahesa-
known also as CfiR'li-
<gUi5<ij:JUsc1 a grammar-work on the
six case-relations written bya
scholar of grammar named
a work dealing with the
six kinds of instruments of the
verbal activity (kiirakas) written
by Trilokanatha.
short work in
verses on' the six case-relations
written by a grammarian Prabhu-
, I .
dasa who has added his
commentary to it.
a small work in verses on
the six case relations ascribed to
Amarasirhha, but very likely the
autllor was Amaracandra. a Jain
grammarian of the fifteenth cen,-
tury. The work is also named

an anonymous small trea- I
" tise on the six case-relations in
verse-form with a commentary.
a smali tre ltise on the
six case-relations writ !en by a gra-
mmarian Bhavananda who held the
title SiddbantavagiSa.
the six kinds of subordin'ate
activities ( 1ft: +rICifetCfiTU: I ) which
the principal activity of existence
called e'ffi. assumes in the ordinary
affairs of the world .. cpo Viik. pad.
III. 1.36.
a popular IJame given by' I
grammarians to the topic of gra-
mmar which deals with the abbre-
viated popular forms of proper
nouns which are names of persons,
as for example the form for
ct. P.
lit. a collection of six cows;
secondarily a collection of six
animals or quadrupeds.' The word
was prescribed by later gra-
mmarians as a tad-affix by means
of a Vartika whtm they saw the
word wrcr used in language
after the word allQ etc. e.g. allQ-
d. Kas.
on P. V. 2,29,
a work on six dialects
written by a Jain grammarian

a term used instead of the desidera-
tive affix Bii;. prescribed by P. I II.
1.5. to 7, especially when the
affix is changed into!!:. as for insta-
nce in etc.; d.
T.f Blil Ii\('!:
KM. on qo<J+lTt11Q.. P.
VIII. 3.61.
change of the consonant into 'i..
in certain conditions in the forma-
tion of a word, or after prepositions
in the case of verbs beginning with
This cerebralization of was a
peculiar phonetic change which
naturally occurred when in utter-
ance came 'after a vowel excepting
or. Some of the works
pave exhaustively treated this
change and Pat;lini has also men-
tioned many rules in connection
with it.
a technical term used in
PaQini's grammar for such numeral
words as end with 't. or
e.g. "l!!:.. etc. ; cf. EIlfRfT
J? 1. 1.24
I!lW a term used in OORneetion with the
sixth of the spirants viz. the Jivha-
muliya letter ct. !!f\'4II<lNil<ilf*f 'N i!I'j:Jr
R. Pro 1. 18; the term is also used
in the sense of the sixth vowel viz.
t. in the J.<k. Pratisakhya;
tni'I+rqtrltar R. Pro II. 29.
qiT the sixth case; the genitive case.
This case is generally an ordinary
case or as contrasted with
'liR<iiFcr+rRn. A noun in the genitive
case shows a relation in general
with another nOUn connected
with it in a sentence. Com men;'
tators have mentioned many kinds
of relations denoted by the geni-
tive case and the phrase t!;<iRRi"
( the genitive case has
senses a hundred and one in all),
is frequently used by gramma-
rians; d. 1'!g'f P. II. 3.50; d.
also 1&
i!lqra-: r{lCiit
>rfu! R<i;f: qgt
I KM. on P. I. 1.49.' The
genitive case is used in the :ense
of any karaka when that karaka
is not to be considered as a karaka ;
d. 1:nfi
A noun standing as a subject or
object of a'1. activity is put in.
genitive case when
is expressed by a verbal derIva-
tive and not by a verb itself; cf.
'tiRf p. II. 3.65 ... For the
senses and,use of the gemtlve case,
d. P. II. 3.50 to 73
a tatpurul?a compound with
the first mem ber ( rarelY the second
member as in the case of
in the genitive cast'. The \
is very common, as lr.
the case, of a word in the gemtlve
case with any other word connected
with it; e g. etc.;
the other tatpurul?a compounds viz.
and other.s
prescribed in connection with speCI-
fic words or kinds of words. The
word 1'!'1e+!TfI is also used in this
qitAAv: a word put in' the genitive
case; a sUbstitute given as con-
nected with a genitive case which
replaces the whole word which is
put in the genitive case unless the
substitute consis! s of a single letter
cr is characterized by the mute
letter cf. GIir I I
etc. ct. P. 1. J'.49
to .55.
a compound word formed
by one noun with another in the
genitive case; see above.
ffm sense of the genitive case which
is a relation in general. See ffi
a krt affix applied to the rcots
,Hid in the sense
cf an agent, the mute letter If. signi-
fying the addition of the fem. affix
e.g; ;mtff-li:, etc. ; fem. base
;mtrTcKT, <rocfIT. etc. ; d. P. III. 2.155.
tad. affix added to the word
in the sense of 'a student of
or 'a scholar of' when the word
qf:qi{ is preceded by the
or "irn; e.g. I cf.
q:q: KiiS. o'n P. II. 2.60.
tvrcJ: an affix, or sometimes a wcrd
marked by the mute letter". The
mute letter 'to attached to roots
signifies the 'addition of the krt
affix (31) in the sense of -the
verbal activity; e.g. from the
root from
cf. P. III. 3.14;
attached to affixes, , signifies the
addition of the fern. affix
e.g. lfucfIT, etc .. cf.
P. IV. 1.41. A few roots headed by
(rcots from to are to be
locked upon as ffir. for the purpose
of the addition of the krt. affix' 31 ;
e.g. sm, c<j':qT etc. d. E[<!:fc{<i: lita: I Gat;lao
sutra in Dhatupatha.
combination ()f the verbal l:nda
ing with the augment
prefixed to it, which is changeci
into after a root base ending in
q -
a vowel excepting 31; cf.' l[(1l:
_ P. VIII. 3.78 79.
augment II!. added to (!) bec
fore the tad. affixes and <i, e.g.
; cf. P. IV. I.!6I; (2)
Sf!!, and before the tad. affix <f/\Ii.
e.g. cf. P. ,3.138 ;
( 3) before the tad. affix e.g.

cf. P. IV. 4.89 ; ,( 4) the root
:it befcre the affix 'fUr of the causal.
e.g. d. P. VII. 3.40; (5) the
root ;ft before the affix (<i) e.g.
cf. 'q P. III. 2.135
Vart. 2 and Vart. 4.
tad. affix l1;r<j' added to the word
e.g. +ji';j':,
cf. qOI:{UI., P. IV. 3.120.
Viirt. 10.
an anonymous work consi-
sting of only 16 stanzas discussing
the denotation of words and that
of the case-relations with a com-
mentary by the author himself.
1S<fiWJ,; tad. affix lIi added to the
in the sense cf' one who goes 'j
e.g. qf:q9\: 'd. q:q: E<f.'} P. V.
tad. affix added to the words
and iltuftin the' sense of small-
n cf. lIiTW l!iTli,ClU, iltu'tffiu
Kiis. on P. V. 3.90.
cerebralization of the dental con-
S> as prescribed by the rule
P. VIIL 4. 41:..; e.g. <fiI'<ifu-
etc; d. Kas. on P.
VIII. 4.41.
( I ) krt. affix S{, signifying the
acute accent of the initial vcwel
and the addition of to. the base in
the feminine, added to the root
'tn in the sense cf object (lIiW{) and-
to the roots 'DlI..,;ft, and cthers
in the sense of instrument (lfi\UT);
e.g. \:l1sft, etc;
d. P. III, 2. 181-183; (2) UI).adi
affix ';j' as seen in the word illS{ from
the root d.
P. II. 4.54 Vart.12.
.... tad. affix causing to
the initial vowel and the addltIcn
cf the fern. affix t applied to the
51 -:.;;?.- .
word in the sense of prcduct
cr portion; 'Wire "'1m; d. P. IV.
'g""!. tad. affix added to the word
in the Eense of censurable
giving cf interest or profit;
d. Kas. on P. IV.
tad. affix (I) added to the
word !!.tfr&: in the sense cf giving a
sum or something on an objection-
able rate of interest or prcfit; cf.
P. IVo 4.31; (2) added to the
words in the sense
of explanatory book therecn ' ; e.g.
ll'Rlmfulli:, tiro-
GTfucfu; cf. P. IV. 3.70; (3) added
to. the words qt{ and others as also
to -'W[UT, 'mm and others, fcrcr!:T, cftq\:'f
and others, the words
ll'{S{ and the wcrds amilCfi, 3lTPirn' and
qls{ at the end cf Dvigu compounds
in the specific senses mentioned;
e. g. qf4l!i:, AFTMlIi:, +1m:,
,;rn{(!;fiMi'r etc.; d. P. IV. 4.IO, II,'
16, 17, 53, 54, v.,1-4\'5, 54, 55
'g(?i tad. affix added (:1) to the
.... wcrd anlfi1iT (touchstone) in the
sense of living thereby'; e. g.
OTTCfi%:, cf. P. IV. 49;
( 2) to the word OTllfj:q in the sense
of t dwelling in', e.g.
arr9'tIN'Ii:, d. P. IV. 4.74
1;qi feminine affix termed also
(I) added, according to. the
Eastern school of grammarians, to
words ending with the tad. affix
( prescribed by rules like
1I0J; IV. I. 105) e.g. miP-iuft,
as contrasted with 'lll'Jf or
lfltm according to the Western
school of Pat;lini; (2) added to
form feminine bases cf the
words from timl' to 9\Q to which
<rol:. has already been added' as also
to the words and e.g.
... ......!+ "",,
<lrfi, cf. P. IV; I.I7-I9.
iffix '3l'!i:added to a root in
the sense of,a skilled artisan e. g.
d. P.III. I.I45.
.", .,"
tad. affix <lTI<!." added to the
.' . . __ words Cfilfi'!m and as also to the
words in the residual or
miscellaneous tad. senses; e.g.
Cfilmn<t<i' +Ill,
m:, aTr<V'lrfi, tITG:T<FfT, d. M.
Bh. on.P. IV. 2.99 and IOo.
(I)a sibilant, letter, of ,the dental
class of consonants, possessed of the
properties and
mrtSfl1ll; {2}substitute for visarja..;
niya if follow'ed by a hard consonant
tad. affix <l ( taking Samprasara:Q.a
change I.e. before the words
and %t and in the BahuvIihi
compound) added, instead of the
affix aJUl, or il:0l., in the sense of off-
spring, ( I) to words having a long
vowel for their penultimate,
only in the formation of femiQine
bases; e.g.
( Bah. compo ); d. P. IV. I.78; (2)
to words expressive of family names
like :c!fUi', t{qj\ etc. as also to the
words anfiffif5 etc.
and optionally to the words
and others in the formation of femi-' ,,-
nine bases; e.g. m('c[lIT, ::
etc.; cf. P. IV. I79. 1-,
80,8I. ,\:
, ,
- excepting' a .;sibila,nt p. ,VIII.
334, 36,38, 49>42, 46,
'.' . ..
(I) shot(terin ior llsedby
ancient gramm,arians; tbe tenn is
found' 11.sed ,in the J ainendra Vya-
karal)a also;:ct;
. Pari, IOO; cealso
affix tI placed
others; d,Ul.liidi-Siitras 342-349;
(3 ) tad. affix in the quadruple
senses ' applied to' the
words and.Otbers. e;g. quta:; d.
P. 2.8o;(4)tad. affix
to the word ."l,,'when praise is. in-
tended e:g. <rfflr, also cf; P. V.
4.41 ;(5) substitute fotthe pre-
position 'before the words ,
and mr; ct M. Bh.
on P. Vl. Vart. I. .
tad. affix (I) in the sense cif ' .' .
, nature' applied optionally with B'Cfi"l" non-resolution of the consonants
the affix i\:llf.i, to words "<r..
EL and <!C{,
" as'contrasted with f<{= which is
co our as also to words headed by' " ......... ....
. e.g. ' called " .,',
etc.; d. P. V. I.I23; (I) JQining, with a subsequent
( 2) in the sense of nature as also word after 'omitting' a 'word or two
in the sense of professional work to ,',occurring between cf.
words of quality and words headed, 6fqz;sm tlif BsEl1:; for
by mlWl, e.g. cf. P. ::a.ll: aF;:l{ where' <m. is passed overin
V. !.I24; (3) to the words, "fg<tu't, the krama aQd other recital's; cf. V.
and others in the same sense Pr. IV. 77, 16S, I94; (2) a term
as that of those very words; , e.g. used in ancient grammars for' such
t" C'
affixes and others which do not
ct. P. V. r.I24 Vart. I. ' a.How tbesubstitution of gUQa or
. (
vrddhi for the precedirlg vowel'; the
term is also usedfol' the
and when they are mute,.
ing only the purpose of preventing
g\lI;\a or vrddhi; ,d.
Nmqr :D.tBh. on P.I. I.3.
Vart. ro. ,,"
name of grammar.;;'.
work written by "!iir<t1'l!{\ for facility:'
of , This grammar appears to
have heen written before the time
of%lIe or be seen from,
the popular stanza tftsr
II, It' is an epitome of,
A!?tiidhyliyi. It IS likely that Pi-a- . '
kiiyaKa'umudi and Siddhanta-
Kaumudi were modelled on Sam-
There is a commentary',
on it by J umarriandin. I
(I) a numeral such as \1;,, etc. "
In Piit;lirii's although"
, the term isdefine<! as applicable to
'the word' ilIg, i'fllT, and words ending,
the tad. affiXes Cfg and G'm-.
such as CfrcrtI., 'mand the like, still.
the term is aPplied to all numerals
to which it is seen applied by the
people; M; Bh.on' P. 1. I.23ulso.'
Pari. $ek. Pari. 9;" ( 2) numerical
order; d. mT V. Pr. I. 49.
;lppHcation respectively of
terms stated in the and ,
portions in their ,numerical order.
when the stated terms are equal in
number; cf. p.
L 3.IO; cf; also qij('(IH&l<i
,mum M. Bh.
.Ahnika 2.
mT., (I) a w,ord denotin& a
number given to a collection of
objects such as lj'lijQ, etc.
which is used in connexion with
groups of objects. cpo Yak. pad.
III. II. 19. (2) enumeration;
,statement; d. "fT'!fu
<Jfq.s<rrn- I M.Bh. on
Sivasiitra I Vart. IO.
with a numeral word placed
first or at the beginning; a term
used for defining the Dvigu com.
pound; P. II. I.52.
name given to the eleventh
section of the third KaI;\9a of Vak-
yapadiya. It deals with number.
. '"
lit. those that are to be count-
ed; objects of enumeration; cf.
P. V. 4.73;
d. also a:{l!fc'U B<P-rf ,<fn:r i\:<l 1H'!\f!CIT I
lVI.Bh. on P. II.
2.24 Vart. 9.
a word unit where the senses
of two words are mixed together
completely as in a compound word
such as etc. ; d.
M.Bh. on P. II. I.I. Vart. 4.
combination' of things coming
one after another; cf.
B<m: where the term is used with
respect to a combination of grave
syllables; d. also O<!lftiH.:i'.-rir
Nl!lre:.. R. Pr. XVIII. I9.
included ; ,the word is often
used in the in conne-
ction with instances which are
covered by a rule, if interpreted
in a' specific way; cf. 8ll!f
<J9'rn- M. Bb. on P.
I. I.57; cf. also
<JCim, M. Bh. on P.
name of a very vast work on
grammar attributed to an ancient
grammarian Vyagi who is supposed
to have been a relative of Pal)ini : "
ei. Bbartrhari's Vako
yapadiye. cf. also d.
.,Ill I
Some quotations only are found
from the Samgraha in grammar
works, like and Vak-
yapadiya, but the work is 105't long
. ago. Mahi'ibha!?ya is greatly indebt-
ed to it. cpo Vak. pad. II. 478-48r.
(!) aggregate, collection; the
word is often used in grammar in .
connection with letters ('loT) ; cf.
croresmr: d. also
91T\1t(. M.Bh. on Siva SiHra 5
Vart. 13; the word is also
, in connection with a collection of
words; d. smnm I
M. Bh. on P. 1. 4.13
Vart. 8; (2) effort made in the _
utterance of a word; d. Cffl1
3fl!f: Ij Tal:lT I
on V. Pro 1. 9. ct. also Ij
91'5:1 V. Pro 1. 9.
coliective sense given by a
combination of letters called
When the collective senseis given
by a combination of words it is
called and when the idea is
complete it is called Some-
times the meaning of a compound
word is taken individually and not
collectively; such a meaning is
called d.
M. Bh. on IV.
3.72 Vart. r.
a collection or a group; d.
which means a:rW611Hi![<j or
. (I) a technical term; a short
wording to convey ample sense; a I
term to know the general nature
of things; convention; cf.
an&:"f: M.Bh. on P. 1.
I.r There are two main divisions of
or an artificial term
such as ta-. !'!, or ;{ which is merely
conventional, and which
refers to the literal sense conveyed
by the word such as trcfrrrll
and the like. Some grammar works
such as the Candra avoid purely
conventional terms. Thesef'Samjfias
are necessary for every scientific
treatise. In PaI)ini's grammar,
there are the first two chapters
giving and explaining the technical
terms whose number exceeds well
nigh a hundred. (2) isknow-
ledge (<IT'9) cpo M. Bh.
on P. 1. 2.53.
(i) one of the four divisions
of words,
and The is also
called a word forming the
name of a thing by virtue- of a
convention; See . ( ii )
Technical terms in a Sastra. PaI)ini
gives them in first and second
adhyayas of The
technical terms of Pratisakhyas are
the same as those of Aindra 'system
according to some scholars. @The
techinical terms of Klltantra,
Sakatayana '( Jain), Jainendra,
Bopadeva, SaupJ.dma, Harinama-
mrta and Prabodhaprakaia are
different from those of paI)ini.
a topic Ot a chapter or a
portion of a treatise in which
technical terms are given and ex-
plained; ,d. M. Bh.
on P. 1. 1.46, 1.56, 1. 4.1, I.
4.23; see the
an operation with respect to
which a techinical term has been
expressly mentio.ned; cf.
Par. Sek. Pari. 93.1;
(I) that, which by usage has
become a technical word possessed
of a conventional sense; cf. f<li
J;tcflr.r :a'(tj'C'If *lfcl'-
(iOlI<{" M. Bh. on Ill. I. 26 Vart- 7;
(2) which'stands as a proper noun
or the name of a person; d.
c:r S. K. on P. 1. 1.27
a rule laying down the defi-
nition of a or a technical term
as contrasted with or a rule
laying down a grammatical opera-
tion; d. l<:fu
M. Bh. on Siva Siitra 3, 4.
the recipient or the bearer or I
possessor of a technical term; ct.
a:{11t"f: j{fa I M. Bh. on P.I. 1.1
Vart. 3; d. also $iT:
M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.1
Vart. 7.
continuity; line; continuous
name of a commentary, on
the Ivlugdhabodha VyakaraI)a of
Bopadeva, written by a gramma-
rian, named Bholanatha.
a fault of pronunciation when
the constituent letters of ,a word
are uttered with the teeth kept
close together. Kaiyata has explain.
ed the word as <@m.
ambiguity; doubt regarding the
wording of a rule or its interpreta-
tion or regarding the correctness of
a word. It is looked upon as the
main purpose of grammar to solve
doubts regarding the correctness. of
words; cf.
Pari. Sekh. Pari. I.
L lit. meant for the
of doubt; the word used. III
connection with a word or an
expression or an addition of a. mute
letter, as seen in the expressIon of
the siitrakara for the purpose of
leaving n,o kind of doubt regarding
the wording orits meaning; cf. ir.i

'iClC<!: M. Bh. on P. II. 2.24. Vart. 6.
putting very close in utter-
ance; slurring of a phonetic
ment when it appears as almost
suppressed; d.
Uvvata on R. Pro VI. 5. , '
euphonic combinatioi:t; phonetic
combination of two vowels or two
consonants or one vowel and one
consonant resulting from their close
utterance; many kinds of such
combinations and varieties are
given in the Pratisakhya works. In
the Siddbantakaumudi, Bhattoji
Dik!?ita has given five kinds of such
Sandhis at the begipning of his
work; cf. I <j:
Ij tF.l:FcrC[<{Ilf1ffu.Ci
l!: I ij-
*I' I m:-
V. Pro III. 3.
.. :zr a diphthong; see the' word
diphthong, a vowel resulting
from a combination of two vowels,
but which is to be looked upon as
one single vowel by reason of only
a single effort being required for its
pronunciation; the letters 11;, 11;, a:rr
and arr are turned as &<:'1&j\,. as con-
trasted with trllTilT?;;I<:. cf. arnr
R. Pro
1. 10; cf. also T. Pro II. 13, R. T.
III; d. a130
Kat. Pari. 43
interpretation, explanation; cf.
, i=li!1P-rei.. Nir. I.
'contact, juxtapositjon; this
contact between two letters is called
anrm when it is very close; d. tR:
1. 4.
ijiircrftl<f putting together too close, so
that the two phonetic elements
which are so placed, coalesce toge-
ther and result into a third, or one
of the two merges into another.
juxtaposition; corning together
phonetically very close; d. tp.Jiif[ll-
Tarka Samgraha;
a:ro<!'!'c"ff.Fr Tattva-
cintama1).i 4; the BP.!'liq
which see
( I) a contact or relation of
two things. d. Br.rmf a<It: 1
Pari. Sek. Pari. 85; ( 2) coming
,together; d. <r BFlmt
11. Bh. on P. III. 2.123 Vart 5.
the maxim or conven-
tion that an operation which is
based upon, or is caused or oCCa-
sioned by, relationship between two
things cannot break their relation ;
in short, such an operation as res-
ults in breaking the .relationship
between two things on which it is
bast;d, cannot take place. This
,dictum is many times followed in
grammar'in preventing the appli-
cation of such rules as are likely to
spoil the formation of the correct
word; many times, however, this
dictum has to be ignored; For details
see Pari. Sek. Pari. 85; also
on P. I. 1.39.
an operation which is
characterized by the relationship
between two words or two phonetic
elements. See efrrqrmrfttiM above
occurrence together of two or
more words in one sentence or in
one grammatical rule; d. Bfi!<ITrr-
3"tI<IT{t<Iqrq: M. Bh. on
I V 1.36 Vart. 4; d. also tl;q t1;'! !'f<!r
<i'ia 3"tI<lh.t<I+ff9: 1

trW <r orrUm, M. Bll. on V.
I.64 and ;;6.
placed together in a particular
order at a particular place; d. &Ii
M. Bh. on P. III.
1.40 Vart. 3; III. 2.127 Vart. 6.
order or arrangement of letters;
d. B'WRr: BI19f<!: M.
Bh. Ahnika' I. Vart. 15; cf. also
1 R. T. 1.3.
(I) present by implicatio'u;
taken as granted; . d. an'it "q' 'l!\c!iR3'.ITut
<i9Rr M. Bh. on P. I.
1.9. Vart. 5; (2) nearby, at hand;
d. tI"ij9;
tr<fflltitCf<\.. tlCfRr 1 M. Bh.
on I. Vart. 2; I. 4.23 Vart.IS.
the agent of the activity or of
the event which is to take place;
cf. R'!: 1 Bm: 'liaT
B.Cfl91:fr Kas. on P. V. 4.50.
completely mixed in such a way
that one of the two or more letters
mixed together can neither be
distinguished as different, nor can
be separated; d. I P;J'tv< B'lcRr
f'K<!q: rtflt 1
<'f WlSHt1 I
M. Bh. on p. I. 2.32.
understanding" comprehens-
ion of the sense; d.
B5fRrqf'Q:, M. Bh. on P. VIII. 3.82
Vart. 2.
the same as B'ITRrqfu which see
above; d. M.
Bh. on P. I. 1.I Vart. 2; d. also

B'5ft<[<IT tliJfu tI 1 M. Bh. on
Ahnika I.
a karaka relation or a relation
between a noun and the verbal
activity with which it is connected,
of the type of the donation and the
donee; the word is technically used
in connection with the bearer of
such a relation; d. C!ii'iUJT B
BITGJ<I<I:; p.1 I. 4.32. cf. also Vak.
pad. III. 7.12.
simultaneous occurrence. arw.-
WI "'f <rrRcr M. Bh.
on 1. 4.2. Vart. 9; d. also m:aT-
m:aiitl'ij 'TIRcr M. Bh. on P.
VI. 1.9. Vart. 7.
used together with; d.
itfu B tl;9 BII?!'ffl: R.
Pr. 1.22.
communion, ,uuion, e.g.:j\
entering into union with a:r because
the former has no original (<;:qj<ft)
and the latter has no substitute
( ). This can be Possible by the
maxim d. M. Bh.
On Vart. 16, on P. 1.1.50.
lit. extension; the process of
changing a semi-vowel into a simple
vowel of the same sthana or place
ference in the formation of a word'
d. "'f <recm. Pari:
Sek. Pari. IIg.
the relative'superior
strength of the samprasara1).a
change in comparison with other
operations' occurring simultane-
ously: The phrase <'f 'fTBlltlFC1lI'!J't-
is often used in the Maha-
bba!?ya which is based upon the
dictum of the superior strength of
the samprasaraJ;la subMitutioD,
which is announced by the writer
of the Varttikas; P. VI. I.I7
Vart. 2. See 135ftTRUT.
with senses ( of the two words)
merely connected with each other
and not completely mixed into
.each other ;' cf. Bmrrii mI2Tir
I .. &Ii:
of utterance; the substitution of
the vowels If, 3",w. and for the
semi-vowels <I." cr., \ and respecti-
vely; d. BIlBRUJ<r. P. 11.45
The term B5f8Rtr[ is rendered as a .
resultant vowel' or as 'an emer-
gent vowel '. The ancient term was
5ftf["UJ and possibly it referred to the
extension of <I., and cr. into their
constituent parts +ar, 3" + ar etc.
'<iiffi"!:q: 1 Bar:a <IT ,,;w<fT
?f<!tIT 'IT tI'!Rr 1 M.Bh. on
P; IL!.!. Vart. 4. This is
connected with the definition ocNl\.lT
out of the two definitions
and O<litl'{lT cited with respect to the
(I) lit. Gonr.ection in general;
ct. <rrgBorr?r >Tt<[<lT: P. III. 4. I. The
word is explained by the general
term cf.
Kas. on P. III. 4.!; (2)
context,' cf. 'Fffo;:j' <i' ITfo
a- Sim tl9m- M. Bh. on
P. L 2.43. Vart. 5.
. the vowel a:r being of a weak grade
but becoming strong after the
merging of the subsequent -vowel
into it; e.g. d. m' 5fmfU1+<IT G": P. I
III. 2.8. Vart. I. For the words
taking this samprasaraQa change,
see P. VI. 1.I3 to 19. According to
some grammarians the term
is applied to the substituted vowels
while according to others, the term
refers to the operation of the sub-
stitution ; d. M. Bh. on P. I. 1.15
The substitution of the sampra-
saraI}.a vowel is to be given pre-
name, given by convention by
grammarians to the fourth pada of
,the third adhyaya of pa1).ini's
dhyayi which begins with the sutra
. P. IIf. 4.1.
name given' to the third
section' ot the third Ka1).Qa of Vakya-
padiya. It discusses the relation
between a word and its denotation.
relative term; the. term
refers to words connected in such a
way by their meaning that if one of
them is uttered, the other has to be
anticipated and undersrood; e.g.
ft!q:, Sllq:; .n<r, +lfllt etc. d. 1
1 11IClR 1 fti(,IR
1 q ';'!B1t "lmft
ftmft i{fu 1 d. also M. Bh. on I. I.7!.
d. also 'CT
M. Eh. on P. 1. 2.43 Vtirt. 5 j 1.
2.48 Vart. 4. See also M. Bh. on
III.. 1.1g. Vart. 3.
(I) a term in PiiI)ini's
grammar for the cast-affix of the
vocative singular; d.
P. II. 3. 49; the vocative is, how-
ever, not looked upon as a separate
but the designation tialt1:lC'f is
given to the nominative case hav-
ing the sense of (2) the
word is also used in. the general
sem:e of 'B:i't1:lCl Le. addressing or
calling; d. 1 fct.m;t
3-49) -J<Ul:T<1 M.
Bll. on, P. I. 2.33.
lit. lying inside; preseny inside.
Continuing its own condition
condition or existence as a cause.
cpo Viik. pad. III. 7.II8and :5fClT<l-
1, ( HeHi.. ).
(1) closely connected; d. 'l!l[-
qfuflT P. IV. 4.90; (2)
joint, conjoint; the term is used
frequently in connection with two
or more consonants in juxtaposition;
cf. 1 T. Pr. XXII. 15.
B<Im connection in general; the word
is used as a technical term in the
grammar of PaI)ini, in the sense of
two or more consonants coming
closely together un separated by any
vowel; cf. -Jiim: d. P. 1.
. 1.7 ; d. also a:rq;:ot V. Pr. I. 48.
the elision of the first of
the conjunct consonants if it is "!. or
provided the conjunct consonants
are at. the end of a word or followed
by a consonant which is not a
vowel nor a nasal ; e.g. ClEJ:!, ClI!Cf1"L
from the root Cl!l.'!; cf.
'CT P. VIII. 2.29.
tP-itmrcrm the elision of the final of
i::r"lll:1<r calling or address which is the conjunct consonants when they
given as one of the additional are at the end of a word provided
senses of the nominative case they are not formed of \, as the first
affixes (d. '<! P. II. 3.47) in member and any consonant except
addition to those given in the rule t! as the second member; e.g. <11111"1:.,
q:<T1H P. II. I 6ii etc.; d. m6\l.! P.
3.46; cf. Kas. I V III. 2 23, 24
on P. II. 347 . I 2:1"= Ii' I l'
t. concea ment; s urnng over
a consonant by practically merging
lit. possibility. The word is its sound into that of the following
used in the general sense of the one; the technical term a:rf1:rf<!"Wf is
possibility of the application of a also used in the same sense; e.g.
;rule or of the occurrence of a rule; 1l;1e:Ij cf. &cm:u1-Jc:r<:u1 R. Pr.VI.
d. fclf'if'tr ;J<iI<!1'l:. M.
,4 5.
Bh. on VI. 4.49 Vart.; Pari. ;:,ek.
Pari. 100; d. also cH'if<T name of a small treatise
<'19m 1 81m T.f B'+lcIT <!9;+i<i I Sira-
deva Pari. 35.
on. roots and their meanings written
by a grammarian named
who has also written a commentary
the Sabdak,a,ustubha called
one of the external efforts in the
production of a sound when the
gullet is a little bit contracted as at
the'time of the utterance of the I
third, fourth and the fifth of the
class-consonants; d. -
'ti,m: on P. 1. 1.9.
conventional; lit. known wide-
ly among the people, as a result, of
course, of convention; d. B'li:iWClTr.r
orf<:! <ii,S!!: Nir. 1. 12.
apprehellsion; d.

.' hilrd, middling and soft; 'cf. 'tifl<1f
1 B I
1 8flI:-
fqusm:<Tr<llit1fug<!m- 1 dRR:.n<fuTW1'{W-
1 S\'llYfCtuscre: 1
com. on T. Pr. XXIII. I; (2)
syntactical connection between
words themselves which exists be-
tween pairs of words as between
nouns and adjectives as also be-
tween verbs and the karakas . which
. ,
IS necessary for understanding the
meaning of a sentence. Some
Mimamsakas and Logicians hold
that samsarga itself is the meaning
of a sentence. The syntactical rela-
tion between two. words is
ed to be of two kinds of the
type of and of
the type of fcI'l<rFcr'EfP-l"+ll'f, Bll"crT<!,
and the like.
. furnishing with the necessary
material for an activity. cpo Vak.
pad. III. 12.8. cpo q fu: Ufcp;Tf;:i1{<f 1
8-lTtr sl Q';::o\ <la:. W'I<t: 1
fu: <1t"l,fij q
ClT9(>{<i't'5i9\: 1
lit. covered or concealed; name I
of an internal effort in the produc-
hon of sound which is accolIJpanied
words syntactically connected
with each other, and hence, cap-
able of expressing the sense of a
sentence; d. -Btlru 1 Viikya-
padiya II. 2.
with a laryngeal hum; d. -'ti'lffi the theory, that the mean-
m'lClJ'(; d. also 1 ing of a sentence is a rio vel thing
S! N'lcrncr S. K, on P. 1. (81'i,cf), held by some Mimiirilsakas
I.9; d. also who believe that words connected
with activity display their pheno.
B+fiqii'f o<U Sabda- menal capacity after
kaus. on P. I. the recalling of the senses of words
. . by the recalling capacity (mTftnt-
very closely held together just

as the sound of the consonant \. in
the vowel d.
Q;9iCfUjf whereUvvata has ex-
plained the word BWl! as d.
Uvvata on V. Pro IV. 148. .
lit. contact, connection; (I)
contact of the air passing up
through the gullet and striking the
several places which produce the
sound, whicli is of three kinds,
. ( I) preparation such as (a)
that of a word by placing the affix
alter the base and accomplishing all
the necessary changes. or (b) that
of a sentence by placing all words
connected mutually by syntax and
then their formation;
these two views are respectively
called the and the <ri'f<I-
(2) grammatical forma-
tiun; cf. R<!l1: I
, I Uvvata on
Pro 1.1; cf. also o1O!
etc. Nir. 1.
a short handbook on
declension and wri tten
by, a grammarian named
sundara, who lived in tbebeginning
of the eighteenth century.
deterioration of qualities or
parts; contraction. cpo Vak.pad.
III. 13-27; III. 14.171. cpo
m:Clcf amf.i'lRl: 5TCJ.fu:
mUmCf: I ( Sarngraha
quoted by on Vak. pa9. III.
stature, form; cpo Yak. pad.
II. 105 ; III. 1.4I.
lit. formed by combination or
compact; the term is used in the
Pratisakhyas for diphthongs which
are combinations, in fact, of two
, vowels which ale completely mixed
being produced with a single effort.
The diphthongs and, also; are
a peculiar phonetic element
described along with another one
named fi!im:: both of which have got
no definite place of utterance in the
mouth; cf. I
QCfiRiififil(i'O{'liI{r: 'IT Bt9r't I
err fiI.m: I com. on R:T. II.
a combination or collection of
the Svaras or musical for
purpose.s of singing the Sama hymns.
a Dote in which two or 'more
, accents or tones are mixed up with
one another; cf. Bhiiradvaj:a
unnecessary contraction of the
place (<:l'l"Iil') as also of the instru-
ment which results into a
fault of utterance called tITG<1;' cf.
R. Pro XIV; 2.
position of words or parts of
words in the formation of a word
quite near each other which results
into the natural phonetic coale-
scence of the preceding and the
. following letters. Originally when
the Vedic hymns or the running
prose passages of the Yajurveda
,were split up into their different
constituent parts namely the wQrds
or padas by the Padakaras, the
word or came into use
as contrasted with the The
writers of the Pratisiikhyas have
consequently defined Bmrr as qc{3f1!5fcr:
while Pal)ini who further split
up the padas into 'bases (>riifu)
and' affixes mentioned
several augments and substitutes,
the phonetic combinations, which
resulted inside the word or pada,
had to explain by reason of the
closevlcinity of the several phone-
tic units forming the base, the affix,
the augment, the substitute and
the like, and he bad to define the
word rather differently which
he did in the I
ct. P. I. 4.t09; d. also
Rt'll I CfI'F't g
tIT 1\ Sabdakaustubha on
Mahesvara Sutra 5.!.
the running text or the ori-
ginal text of tbe four Vedas 'as ori-
gi.nally composed. This text, which
was the original one, was split up
into its constituent padas or sepa-
rate words by ancient sages :iTr.ICfi,
and others,with a view to
facilitating the understanding of
it, and consequently, to preserving
it in the oral tradition. The origi-
nal was called of which the
and the ;011'11<5 which were
comparatively older than the other
artificial recitations' such as the
EFFlT6 and others, are found
mentioned in the Pratisakhya
augment ll, added to the roots <t<I,.
<f<I.. as also to roots which end
in Blr before of the aorist'
tense; e.g. 3f4mu., Cl1ttiN 3f<!1:rtT-:r
, , '11\1",
cf. P. VII. 2.73.
a root which, by virtue of the
nature of its meaning i.e. verbal.
activity, or expects an
,object which is covered by the
activity; a transitive root. In the
passive voice of these roots the
object is expreEsed by the verbal
termination and hence it is put in
the nominative case.
acccmpanied by the qualifying
words such as the different Karakas
or causal agents for 'the verbal
activity; d. We<{<{
'Il'f!i<I..! all'f<'i
q'q'm I M. Bh. on P. II. 1.1. Vart. 9.
capable of being
understood on being mentioned
only once just as the notion of
genus or generality which is so
understood; the phrase
is cited as definition of ;;'!Im d.
ii'tlt 'q' I M.Bh.
on P. IV. 1.63.
or the' maxim or
convention of the non-application
of a grammaticai rule or operation
any longer when, on conflict with I
another, it has been once set aside. I
The maxim is </&;INci
lvLBh. on P. I. 1.56, 1.4.
2, VI. 3-42 etc. d. aiso Par. Sek.
Pari. 40.
accompained ty a word
qualifying the verbal activity;
sometimes a verb with such a word
makes a sentence; ct.
"itRt 9''foo<!l{ I tt'<!Rt I M. Bh. on P.
II. 1.1 Vart. 9.
(iiffa or l:llfrn'll accompanied by a pre-
position which is called '1m; d.
l:l1Tffi<:flt P. VIII. +.68; cf. also
BITfcRfl\' I >rCf'q'm 11. Bh. on P., VIII.
1.68 .
a short term .or SR'l1lffi: made up of
the B of in P. III.
I.5, and the of in P. III.
4.78 with a view to includiJ;1g all
affixes from Bit to cf.
q M. Bh. on
Po VI, 1.9 Vart. 7; d. also M. Bh.
on P. VIII. 2.22.
tad. affix l:llll. prescribed after the
word iri the sense of collection ;
e.g. qrkm,; cf. If-'lt: P. IV. 2.43
Vart. 3 for which there is an alter-
native reading If-'lt 'l9'frocI:; for
facility of grammatical operations
is recommended with preference
in the cf. m"t
M. Bh: on P. IV. 2.43 Vart.
3; (2) tllll. is given as a technical
term for in the Pratisakhya
works; ct. tl"l. I
+!Cffa R. T. 27.
a short term used for the affixes
(anI.) and (a:rr<r) which
are aj)plied to roots to form the
present and_the future participles;
ct. m w. P. III. 2.127; cf. also
P. III. 3. I4
ring after the preceding has taken
place; cf. Bfa ml:Tlg-
Cfit9t q I although the words <:lm
and are separate still it is
"habitual to take them combined in
an adjectival sense and make the
word ma-&rl:! an adjective to the
word as in the dictum l:lffiful:!-
'i:j P. VI. 1.158 VaI-t. 9.
the' comparatively
superior strength of a subsequent
accent which prevails by the remo-
val of the accent obtaining before
in the process of the formation of a
word; d. VI. 1.158 -Vart. 9. See
above. d. Vak. pad. III.
4.413; III. 14.62.
the word meaning j\0<:f ; d.
I ar<i
, I M. Bh. on P. I. 4.57;
name of work
on the Sarasvatapnikrlya.
a teacher of ISvarananda who
. the' locative case prescribed
by the rule '<f .
P. II. 3.37 as seen,in iil9;
i\Q:; cf. ll:fcr lffilwft I 'fiT
tfffr I I Bfcr M. Bh.
on P. 1. 2.49 Vart. 2. On account
of the frequent occurrence of the
word in a large number of
examples of this locative-absolute,
the term is used by modern
grammarians for the better word
m8Rift 'in the d. M.
Bh. on P. VI. 4.23 as also on P.
VIII. 3.6r.
B'if,ucr-atmit;;ft name of a modern
grammarian of the seventeenth
century who has-written a gloss on
Pratisakhya works called
existence, supreme' or universal
existen(::; the Jiti par excellence
which is advocated to be the final
sense 'of all words and expressions
in the language by- Bhartrharl and
other grammarians . after him who
discussed the 'interpretation of
words. The grammarians believe
that the ultimate sense of a word
ffilT which appears manifold and
limited in our everyday experience
due to different limitations such as
desaj kala and others. Seen from the
titatic viewpoint, appears as ${O'l,
while from the dynamic viewpoint, !
it appears as a This is the
soul of everything and it is the
S,lme as or or cf.
Viikyapadiya II. 121. The' static
exister:ce, further, is called o<lfui or
individual with reference to tbe
object, and ;;lIfu with rebrence to
the common form possessed by
individuals; d. Yak. pad. IlL II a grammarian of the
3 4
4. seventeenth century who has written
< ., a commentary on the Siitras of
fiCf an of 01 the type of I HiJ;lini and a brief commentary on
the eXIstence posses:ed by I the "I.<.lIIif< or
substantives as contrasted wIth m'l which is incomplete.
the dynamic type of existence '
possessed by verbs; d. a prominent gram ..
<'!Tl'flFl'\ Nir. I; marian of the latter half of the
ct. also <'iTli f.ijqr(i: I eighteenth century who was a resi-
.1<.. Pro XII. 8. V. Pro VIII. 50. d. dent of Nagpur and whose gloss on
Vak. pad. III. !.3S. the Laghusabdendusekhara by
qualities of a substantive such
!!<;C9, <'!gtl'h(q, or TJ;'fit'f,
and cf. 1i;'iiC'l-'
'<f I l\L Bh. on P. 1. 1.38
Vart. 6, also on P. I. 2.64 Viirt. 53. I
name is well-known to
name of a commentary
written by on the Laghu.
sabdendusekhara of Niigesa.
lit. belonging to the' same place; I
the' word is used in' the sense of \
immediately near; or quite in proxi-
mity ; cf. Pari. I .
Sek. Pari. 103.' .
tad. affix arel't<i proposed by the
Varttikakara in the sense of ' some-
. thing in that or from _ th?t ' ; e.g.
P. V. 4.7 Vart.? Tbe standard
affix in such cases is 13 rt.:r)by the
rule ... I P. V. 4.7.
. . , .
( I) desiderative affix
any root in the sense of desire;
e. g. &I-iMfer, ; cf.
'cfIm: ePI!1f: qT P. III.
1.7; (2) applied 'in the specific semes
.possessed by the root to the roots
e. g.
iftj:jt&r, cf.
P. III. 1.5 and 6. The roots to
which is applied are redupli",.
cated and the reduplic:atedform
ending with 8C'(. ( B) is looked. upon
as a different root from the original
one for purposEs of conjugation,
which takes, hmvever, conjugational
affixes of the same Pada as the
original root; ct. tI<'l1!i'CTT '<Tfer'f: III.
graver, comparatively more
gra ve; a term used in connection
with a grave ac<;:ent which is follow-
ed by a vowel with an acute or cir-
cumflex accent; e.g. the vowel if' of
in ific '111'
cf. tlmfl: 'll'lm lVI. -Bh. on
duplicated syllable P.
VII. 4.79 . This 8?!iUq is prescribed
in the case of a
before the aor:stsign( f9Cfi\U1)
cf. VII. 4.93.
a term used in con-nec-
tion with PiiQini's first seven . books
and a quarter of -the eighth, as con-
trasted with the term . Tripadi,
which' is used for' the last tlir,ee
. quarters of the eighth book.'
rules or . operations given .. in' the
Tripadi, are stated' tobe.asiddha
or jnvalid for purposes' of theappli-
cation of the rule!!\ in. the
portion,' vi_z. the Sapadasaptii-
dhyayi, and hence in the formation
of words all the rules given-'in the
first seven chapters and a quarter,
are applied first and then a way is
prepared for the rules of the last
three quarters. It is a striking thing
that the rules in the Tripiidi mostly
concern the padas or formed words,
the province; in fact, of the Prati-
sakhya treatises, and hence they
should, as a matter of fact, be appli-
" cable to words after their forma-
. tion and evidently to accomylish
this object, PiiJ;lini has laid down
the convention of the invalidity in
qilestion by the rule 'tcf'iTRlf.l:<l;. P.
together with a word that is put
before, and not with any suffix like
. placed before; cf.
f<i'III'H. P. VIII. 1.26; B'{,'IT'& V.
P.1. 2.33. \ the seventh of the vowels state,!
in the alphabet; a word used for
behaviour like that of the \ the vowel r ( "!\) by ancient gram-
affix tiC'(. in point of its ! marians ; d.
tures, viz. causing reduplIcatIon In II R. Pro 1. 14.
the case of the previous root by
the rule Br<:fit: VI. 1.9, also the \ (1) the seventh case; the
substitution of i( for a{ 10 the re- bve case; a term used for the
tive case by ancient grammarians
and PiiI)i'ni ; cf. q V:, Pr.
III. 139; cf. trffi '<i Po'I. 1.19
or P. V. 3.10; d. also
J;1'rr B'!<1ic\"
KM. on P. II. 3.2; "( 2) the seventh
" of the moods and tenses; theopta-
tive mood;' cf. Kat. III. 1.20;
Hemacandra III. 37.
lit. ,the seven accents ; the
term refers, to the seven ,accents
formed of, the subdivisions of the
three main Vedic accents i3a:T'6,
and viz. i3l{['Cf,
0f!I'U'el, and
cf. Cf BR
+f=rfrcr I I i3"'U'6'H: I 0f!Ia:1'Cf: I
I I II i3"a;f'6: Bt;:lril
I BRir: II M. Bh. on P. I.
2.33. It is possible that these seven
accents which were turned into the
seven notes of the chantings of the
'samans developed into the seven
musical notes which have tradition-
ally come down to the present day
known as Br 'i +f l{ <r ;:fr; d.
i3"a;\'6 rq1;fTa:crr.:<rRl Of!!'l:I'6 =!\q+r<rq(i T I
I PUl).
The Vajasaneyi Pratisiikhya
mentions the seven accents differen-
tly; cf. i3"a:l'61a:<!: BH I
f&cr%q->fPJ2 - a-Uc'!'ti!il - -
QT<TFIl0'lT: Uvvata on V. Pc. I. 1I4.
a term used for tbe first
seven chapters or books of PaI)ini's
grammar; cf. BRfliljflllf <:'lm?t
<'l I 1 M. Bh. on P. VI. 1.
158 Vlirt. I.
equal in number to something
given; d. BIiT<!l'1i.. cf.
KM. on P. 1. 3.10.
a Jain scholar of great repute
who is believed to have written,
besides many well-known religious
books such as iJi'1:ff[fffilll
etc. on J ainism, a treatise on gram-
rna, called CintamaI,li-Tippal)i on -
a treatise on the philo-
sophy of VyakaraI,la written as a
commentary by the author
on his own Karikas on the subject.
utterance together of
several vocal elements or words;
verbal concomitance; cf. 6li'!<!T l{f<:-
,!2TC'fT ...
Par. Sek. Pari. 71.
repetition of an action; in-
tensity of an action. QTC'f:9;r<:i
9T Bm+r\iR: Kas. on P. III. 1.22.
the omission of words which
have already occurred before in
the recital of the Pada and other
Pathas or recitals, with a view to
avoiding an unnecessary repetition:;
d. 'lilt 1
"'f "'f '<i I RPr.X.12.
t=I+rii (1) having an identical sense;
cf. mql+<tT I cIT
+rqa: I iji 1
1fi<'iflJ{ I Kas. on P. 1. 3.42; (2)
mutually connected in meaning in
such a way that the meanings are
connected together or commixed
together; '{[9':r! I N!ll!'fI<P-rNTa
<I: B ?tfa;ao!j: I Of<T'll
1 BTf<rT<IT lJ:a:1<IT
I Kas. on
P. II. 1.1; cf. also t!;1fil:q-[+uciT
'if I (3) connected with
reiationship of senses, as between
the activity and the subject, object,
instrument etc., or as between the
master and the servant or the
possessor and the possessed;
or !!rir 'i'<Ut\I, or Brq: [qer, but
nO,t Btl{: Nor in the sentence m2g BN:
fqq I ; (4) capable of ex-
pressing the Sense e.g. a word with
the sandhis well observed; cf.
BiI<Ttqf 1 I
lljqil:, I S. K. on IV.
t.B2; d. also Bliii: '{['fcf: 'l:fu
I "'f I etc. I
Balamanorama 01;1 the above.
that which can be justifiEd
justifiable; t;'if.c:r crt
I Kas. on P. V. 2.I18.

name given by Siradeva and
other grammarians to the first pada
of the second adhyaya of PaI)ini's
which begins with the
siitra P. II. I.I.
a case which is appro-
priate to express the sense of the
tad. affix prescribed; e.g. Cf<:llrqci!'Ii.. 1
1'flft I cf. P. IV. 1.92;
Wllil:, I '1a1<1r I
cf. P. IV. 2.1; cf. '5{W-IT Bliiifcf+rRnG-
9mr I, M. Bh. on P. IV. 3.
134 Vart. 2. .
the rule q:a:FciRr: P. II.
1.1. d. i31\fCiR 'l:fu +f!'G!JIT<WrIil:,
S. K. on P. VI. 4.II
the province or the
jurisdiction of the rule Bj:fiq"TilT >f<Tl'ffir1 I
(P. IV. 1.82 ),' all the tbree words I
in which continue further on, and
become vaild in every rule upto the
end of the second pad a of the fifth
adhyaya; ct. >f<TTfT6;TI ';j'<!l'ltl[-
"'f >f<TITIB:Rr '<i mr "'f I
I f<i+rRn-
ftfu <!T9'Cl:. 1 <!'q:ljr/i't "flfti:f 1
fcrCfi1Etlt!it Cf"'lli1qft<TCi: I KM. on?" IV.
appearing together, present-
ing themselves together; d.
+fqfa' T M.
Bh. on P. 1. 1.3 Vart. 6.
(I) combination as .contrasted
with Olj'iflj disjunction or separat-
ion; (2) the enumeration of the
letters of the alpbabet in a parti-
cular order so as to facilitate their
combination, technicll,lly termed
>fc'lTm; cf. 'I\T
I J Of:q- 1fi: BIi<jf<j: I
I M. Bh. Ahnika
I Vart. 15. d. also Bli9'T<U crUliRT:
I Uddyota on the
ment!oned above; (3) contact;
ct \'ffi D'i: Bli'il?t R. Pr.
XIV. 24. ' '
tad. affix applied to the
word to form the
meaning 'this year'; cf.
wreUJ:. I BIiBUJ:. >fwrr
I U;!fli: 1 M. Bh. on
p. V. 3.22 Vart. 3.
appelation; name; mere app-
elation without any refernce to the
real nature of the thing. cr. Vak.
pad. Ill. 6.7.
concourse, coming in close
quarters; ct. BlWBIiTIfit R. T. 224.
BliTRr reply to remove the
objection; conclusion.
common; the same; d. B+fTil-
1 ,<lij:1j'
crftcr 1fi\UJ'Ii..; V. Pro I. Bo. BIiTc:ra1:
lFllT'!T "'f a:j1j+'lFli 'q M. Rh. on
A.hnika 1.

having got the same agent;
the word is used in connection
with actions (fiiic:ll) having the
same agent of the activity; ct.
P. III. 3.15B.
the same word as contrasted
with a compound word which
consists of two or more words. cf.
<iT ,ur: Bm<!l{!t P. VIII. 4.1.
simple vowels or monoph-
thongs ai, it and i3 as contrasted
with diphthongs ( ; cf. arit
Pro II.
Pr. 1. 2. Some WrIters
of held Sf\" as and
not _ as d. 81;;:<I3.l
<fuJi '111TuIT
::iU'lR'fT ir \ gloss
on T. Pr. I. 2.
words whjch have got the
same individual object refer-
red to by means of their own .
sense, and which are put in the same I
case ; d. I
P. L 2.42, d. i
1 I
1 Ras. on P. I. 2.42. I
" . I
having got_ the same wording
to operate on; the word is used in
connection with operation which
occur in the same word or wording I
as contrasted with c'!l81l{; d.
w;:mt S. K. on P. VI.
" 4. 22 ; d. also I
Ras. on P. VI. 4.22. . \
of the resultant to I
the original, as for instance, resto-
ration of the padap1itha and the
to the Sarhhit1ipatha;
d: Wnqfti: A. III. 1. 7.
traditional enumeration or list
of words or letters; d. 81l?;RBijy<'rl1<:f,
etc. ; cf.
V. Pr. VIII. I.
81:!!" qol6+r1<=<11<:f; T. Pr. 1. I;" d. also
N ir. I.
I. \ Com; on T.
Pr. I. I.
superimposed; secondary
placing together at one place,
simultane_ous application, generally
with a view that the two or more
things so placed, should always go
together although in a few instances
they may not go together; Gf. Qr{'Cfta-
oG:<I: \ \ it
Cfifulffltrri qofcr ir 'tI' itfu \ itRi ir 'tI'
trTi; qofcr \" M. Bh. on P. IV. 2.59;
d. also Slt<1<I-
O11fm M. Bh. on
P. I. 4.I.
placing together of two or more
words sO as to express a composite
sense; compound composition; d.
I Although
the word tilTH:! in its derivative sense
isapplicaQle to any wording which
has a composite sense still
it is by convention applied to the
only by virtue of the Adhi-
kiirasiitra CfiSlUcr. which
enumerates in its province the com-
pound words only. The Maha-
has mentioned only
fonr principal kinds of these com-
pounds and defined them; d. 'Lif-
wlIro:q.Q"qrt 1 <i+r<i1:f'l:lfrlll:fT<IT
\ M. Bh. on P. II. 1.6; cf.
also M. Bh. on P. II. 1.20, II.
I.49, II. 2.6, II. 4.26, V. I.g.
Later grammarians have" given
many subdivisions of these com-
pounds as for example
and (with
etc. as also aWl'fffiPltf, and
so on)

and so on.
"n:m::r:q::n a short anonymous treatise
on compounds which is very popu-
lar and useful for beginners." The
work is attributed to and
called also tI+rTfI'Cf2:<1>. The work is
studied and committed to memory
by beginners of Sanskrit studies in
the Piithasal1is of the old type.
a metrical work on com-
pounds which has no author men-
tioned in or assigned to it.
(I) a short treatise On com-
pounds by (2) a
compendium on compounds
. written by a grarr.marian named
.. - -
a treatise on com-
pounds by
secondary Euffixes. which are
at the end of compounds
in specific cases and which are
looked upon as taddhita affixes;
e.g. the Samasanta \S"i'l:.. ( 81), caus-
ing elision of the last syllab!e of the
compound word, is added to com-
pounds called e.g. ;sq'-
<('ilT:, etc. P. V. 473 Sama-
santa 81 is added to compounds
ending with !If.,, OjtI., and
and 0;" to words ending with @liil"
'tiQ\., gtt, +r"t!.
alilii, <i\ij; 'If, Cfl''li'(,
OjI:.Cj"!:., dc. under specific condi-
tions; d. P. V. 4.68 to 85. <>1,( 01)
is added at the end of the tat-
compounds to the words
and Uffl, under specific condi
tions; d. P. V. 486, 87;
_ is added at "the end of
compounds ending in 81&."!:.;
'filla, iIT, and am and under
conditions to those ending in
-'Il"!:., irT, as
also to words ending in 81t! and81ii.,.
in the neuter gendfI in Vedic Lite-
rature, and to the word?lll"!:.under
specific conditions; cL P. _ 4.91 I
to 105; e.,is added at the end of
compounds" ending in "
;;J.., \,!f. and it and at the
- end of ,81oll<Tr+!11f c(mpounds ending
with the words 'il\", ar.ll;!.,and
:+!irfl etc. as also at the end of words
ending in ar<I.. or with any of the
class consonants except nasals, d.
P. -V_ 4.I06-iI2 ; (81) is added
tQ ending
53 .
with 'fIfc!:1!f and as limbs of tbe
body, as also with while 1if, Ol!l,.
and OJ, are added to specified words
under spfcial the Sama-
santa affix 3lff., ("am lis added at
the erid of a Bahuvrihi comptjund
ending in and iNT, the Sama-
santa affix added-at the end
of the peculiar Bahuvrihi com-
pound formed of <{Us, when
they are Iepeated and when they
show a, fight with the instruments
of fight exchanged; ct. P. V. 4.I13-
I28.Besides these affixes, a gene-
ral tlllTfI1rCf affix Cf.tI. is added nece-
ssarily or optionally ,as specified in
P.V. 4.15I-I59.
a -substitute for a
word or its part at the end of a
compound prescribed for certain
specified words under specified
conditions; e.g. 'g for for
6itl'i':!., l:T<=ii{ for l:TWiJ-, for ;on<rI,
;rf;:'Cf for '1<"Cf, ql" and qa;,. for 1W{, em..
for Cfi$'<>;' for Cfij.;t.; cf. V.
4 I29-I 5

the acute accent prescri-
bed in general at the end of com-
pounds excepting Bahuvrlhi
and some specified compounds; cf.
P. VI. 1.223 and VI. 2.1. to. end.
collection, collective, notion,
which ison(:l of the four senses of
the indeclinabie 'tI'. The colle,ctive
notion by nature being single, the
dvandva compound formed of
words showing" such a collection
takes the neuter gender and singu-
lar number affixes; cf. "liUftR)'mn;r-
Q"tl'Tc1 CfGJ' 'f!iIlm: SIra-
deva Pari. 16; cf. also P. II. 2.29
and iI. I.SI. (2) Term for Q"1l11lffi:
in Bopadeva's grammar.
accumulation ",hich is one of"
- the four senses of the indeclinable
- 21:18
"f and which means the anticipa-
tion of - another allied by the
express mention of one, in which
seDse the Dvandva compound,pres-
cribed by the rule iFf:::: does not
take place; d. I
M. Bh. ,on P. II.
2.29 Vart.,IS
denotation of objects
put togethar as by the indeclinable
:q; cpo Vak. pad. n. 19S. 196
aggregate, totality, collection
of individual members; d.
W!'ID: also d.
,.uqqla- M.Bh.
Ahnika I Vart. 14; d. also
I Par. Sek. 'Pari. 108.
specific individual mention or
discussion; the term is -used in
, connection with the several sections
of the third Kfu,H;1p. or book of Bhart-
rhari's Vakyapadiya.
simultaneous presentation
different grammatical operations;
cf. 3lm;a-
q!tOlllfr<r>t9ij'a-I_Kas.on P. VI.4.22.
pre.senting themselves simu-
ltaneously; the word is used in
connection with two gramm;tical
operations which present themselves
aggregate, group or collec-tion'
one of the prominent sen sis
which the tad. aflixes and
others are prescribed. These affixes
are called e.g. <iiTCfilf. (<iiT9iFiT
tl'l.i[: ) ; similarly
- etc. cr. P.
IV. 2.37 to sr. '
a collection of, al I
thmgs formmg one noit of Eense as
the sense of a compound.
Yak. pad. II. 14.599.
connected, the word was used by
ancient grammarians in the sense
-of ; cf. R. 27.
m UI)adi affix w:: mentioned in the
rule 'i:f P; VII. 2.7.
e.g. cf. Effi0. Ul}aqi.
III. 70.. . ..
mer,. (9t!\i'() UI)adi affix e.g.
'\:, CfB<I;., d. UIjaai
Ill. 70-77.
name of a comparatively modern
lucid commentary written by Tara..;
natha Tarkavacaspati on the

called . also '.
name of a volumirious grammar
work ascribed to king Bhoja ill the
'eleventh century. The grammer is
based very closely on PaI)ini's
.A!,?tadhyayi, consisting of eight
cbapters or books. Although the
affixes, the augments and. the sub-
stiutes are much the same, the
order of the SUtras is considerably
changed. By the anxiety of the
author to bring tcgether,the nece-
ssalY portions of. the Gal)apiitha,
theUl}adipatha and the
which the author has included in
his eight chapters, the book instead
of being easy to, understand, has
lost the element- of brevity- and
become tedious for reading. Hence
it is that it is not studied widely.
It ha? an auto-commentary by
-Bhoja himself. There is a comm-
entary called Hrda yahiiriI].i by
DaI)<;ianatha, Puru!,?akara by Kr!?I].a,
RatnadarpaI)a by Ramasimhadeva
and a work calledPrakdyasindhu-
setu mentioned by Vitthala in his
'Prasada. For details see pp. 392 ,
. 393 VyakaraI)a Vol.
VII. D. E. Society'S edition.
(I) having the same forin for
;purposes such 'as the form
3lT possessed by '<:{It, and or I on P.,1. 1.27 Vart. 2.; (2) The
tbe form 8f possessed by the affixes word tlt.:lT>i'I:, means also a common
. 0l0I" 8f"l,.t Ii, <ii, Uf and others; (2) term, a general teJ;m; cf.,
.. havipg ,the same form even literally, <il!fi' <r9;tl<fi rewat{<mTM. Bh.
but possessed of different senses' on P. VI. 4.174 Vart.4.
e.g. 1 he: works inti', qlG: ,etc. ; , '
<{:l wi a term used in Pii'Jini's
I l{m I sir grammar; for the first fiveca,se;.--
"-" , affixes """', ,= and as' al,so'
q I 'f1<;:T: 1l1lff: ll:fff \ - ..... , . '" ...... -t,
s<f: 'W-i+fltrr <r ;:uqr +lqm I M. Bh. on for the nom. and ace. pi.',affix
P. J. 2.64. ll:' of the neu.ter gender. l'he
term appears to be an ,old One
lit .. at all places, on all occa-
sions'; the word is used in connec-
tion with an essential application
. of a rule and nof optiorially in some
cases; cf.
m sua m-rn:.r q'q<llf. I Kas, on P. IV.
1.18 ; cf. also p.
VIII. 4.45 Vart. Ii
VIII. 4.S1. etc.
I:I.t all costs, in auy case, in all
places; d. M. Bh. on
P. 1. 1.69 Vart. 4; d. also O'l!fi'
. :B-. Pro XII. 2.
. .,
whlcb was used, by a specific men-
tion, for .the first fivecase--affi:xes
wbich- caused a special cbange]n
the: base before them in the case
of. many words; cf.
For details
see Vol.
VII,. D. -E. Socief:y's_ ed. i 239
footnote. "
grave accent ( ) . for
the whole word. generally for a
verbal form or a word in the voca-
tive case, if preceded by
word which is Dot a verb. The term
s . is used in contrast with
pronoun; lit. standing for
the grave accent for the remaining
any noun. There is no definition vowels of a word when a particular
as such given of tbe word pron- vowel is definitely fixed as an acute
oun, but the words, called pro- or an independent Svarita or cir-'
nouns, are enumerated in Piil)ini's
cumflex; cf. P. VIII" I.aS to 74.
grammar one after another in the
. .
class or group headed bytlcf (tlcf, a sub3htute for the entire
f9.<tl, '3'+1, words ending in the word and not for a part of it. This
affixes and ;gCfil', arr<i etc.) wbicb doctrine of everywhere is
appear to be pronouns primarily. advocated by grammarians in con-
SOffle words suc h as I( if, q{, 8i'R sonance with their doctrine of
<Rl\, 3l1R, 3li'Q\ etc. are I f.rwi ; cf. tfcf I
. treated as pronouns under certain It!: Ii M:Bh.
conditions. In any case, i on P. 1. I. 20, VII. I.27
has to be paid to the literal sense : 1 h'b't' f
. ;.. h' b' ! ",,", .. a genera pro 1 I Ion 0 every
of the term w IC IS an l. grammaticaloperationthat presents
ancient term and none of these! itself; cf. <rmT:TflG:mm I M.
words when standing as a. proper i Bh P VI
. . on .' I.IlS.
noun, is to b.e treated a.s a pronoun; '\ , '
cf. tl,Mrr.r P. I. 1. 27,.ef. presehtationof ,the ,sub,-
also tl9fu:<f: M. Bh.; . stitutes for all the original ones
indiscriminately; an application in
all cases irrespective of any special
consideration; cf.
1M. Bb. on' P.
1. 1.50 I and 12; cf. also
M.Bh. on P. 1. I.60,I. 3.2,,3,10 etc.
to- ...... t"I. . .. ," '".r
any noun-base urespechve
of any di!'criminatiOn; cf. ilmr
:orr "fR
M.Bh. on P. III. I.II
Viirt. 3. '
a commentary on' Niigsa's
'Paribba.!]er:dusekhara written
'grammarian of the 'nineteenth- cen-
fury named or
The work is incomplete.

the whole orifice of the
mouth as a place of utterance, as
for example for the vowel ar; cf.
I M.Bh. I
P. I. 1.9 Viirt. 2.
spelt as also; a Budd-
, hist grammarian who is believed to
have redacted or revised the gra-
mmar work Durghatavrtticf Sara-
hya at the court, and
to have revised and redacted -the
Katantra Siitras already existing
for the benefit of his patron. With
him began' the Katantra school of
grammar, the main contri_bution to
which was made by who
,:: wrote a scholarly gloss on the Kat-
antra Siitras. For details see
lit. with all cases;
the term is used as an' adjective of
the word tI'lTtl and refers to a com-'
pound which can be' dissolved by
putting the first member in 'any
. case ; cf. tI+nm <!:.ff I
'<m>: fi!fll: Bh. '
'on P. L 1.56.
a Siksil. work of the Tai-
tthiya' school 6f the Black'Yajur-
veda, has i70 verses and is attri-
buted to Kesa varya . (Madras ms.
no. 998 of 1905). It is a compara-
tivelyolder work quoted by Tribha-
(Taitt. Prati. XXI. 5)
and Vaidlka bharaI)a (Taitt. Pra'ti.
XIV. 6)
conventional name given to
the fir!it pada of the eighth adhyaya
the personal. affixes in gene- I, of Pal)ini's which begins
, ral pertaining to aU the ten laka- with Sutra tl4<:2! VIII. 1.1.
ras Wil; etc., d. I lit. a group or a of words
Kas. on P. III. 3. 144.' b .. . h th d h
egmmng Wit e wor tI'f as t e
s . aU th ' d f first word :the list; the term is
, u III e gtn ers; c. .
tI rf<r.Wi'ff "T' I 11<1: I used in general as a synonymous
I <I'1f'l,= I term with Sarvanaman; cf.
if t191?;<!: Kas. on P. 1. 1.27.
the elision of the entire word-
a substitute for the entire
ing instead of the final letter only,
which is prescribed by P. 1. I. 52., wording instead qf the final letter
:;,.' ' as prescribed by the qIle
d. g: tlCf<:1i +iT I
I M.Bh.on P. VI. 4.
54. ,P. I. 1.5
; cf. P.I. 155.
.;." , the grave accent for the
spelt as :u<l9'ilcr. also, the reput- entire word. See
ed aU'thor of the Katantra Vyaka-
raI)a. He is belie'ved to have been a final, of all those, that are
contemporary of the poet denoted or enumerated; ct.
I M.Bh.!
on P. IV. 2.67.
all the constituent members
of which (compound) are subordi-
nated to quite a different word and
, not mutually in the manner of one
member to another. The Bahuvrihi
compound, as contrasted with. other
compounds, is described to be such
a one, as all its members - are
subordinate in" sense to another
word; cf. tlf ar<r<!9T
tI I Ras. on P.
Yr'. 3.82.
.. a term used by
the authors of the Kasika in conne-
ction with the application of a
rule irrespective of all limitations
and not of anyone limitatioI;l; d.
I 31fcl'i}<l'i::
; Kas: 'on P. III. 2.75; cf. also
KM. on P. II. 1.32, III. Z.IO!,
VII. 1.38.
inclusive of the n-otion of
gender; the word is used incorinec-
tion with. the sense of a Pratipadika
or a crude as inclusive of the
notion of gender and number; cf.
>T<IT;;J<'r 'i!:i;ti{:
I M. Bh. Oli P.
II. 2.24. Vart. 8.
ot:qif with the notion of number
included in the sense of the base
itself; see
(1<itl belonging to the same class of
letters; cf. '3a'T R'ifr:
ant?:: tl1f 9'ijUj ::IIIll: I 'i:ff: I Candra
I. 1.2.
ccgnate homophonic; 'a letter
, .
belonging to the same techmcal
category of letters possessing an
identical place ,of 21tteraJlCe and
internal effort; cf. tI'!oT+(:
P. I. 1.9. For example, tbe eigb-
teen varieties of 31; due to its short,
long and protracted, nature as also
due to its accents and
are savarJ;a to each other. The
vowels "K and Ci are prescribed to'
be considered as SavarQaalthough
their plCJce of 'utterance differs.' The
consonants in each class of conson-
ants are savarI)a to one another,
but by the utterance of one, ano-
ther cannot be taken except when'
the vowel a has been applied to
the first. Thus stands for
er.., and cf. tI9'rn+J:, P. I. "
. 1.9. and P.1.I.69.
taking or including the cog-
nate letters; a convention of gra-
mmarians to understand 'by the
utterance of 'a vowel like 31', 1{ or a
'all the 18 types of it which are
looked upon as cognate (tI'1U1), as
also to understand all the five con-
sonants of class by
of the first consonant with '3 added
to it; e.g. denoting' ali the five
consonants '-9., er.. and cf.
'i:flm<l'i: P. 1. 1.69.
the lengthened form of a
vowel which is substitnted for two
cognate vowels coming near each
other; cf. 31Cfi: tI'fili P. VI.
of the same kind; 4a ving the
same accent.
with the suitable case-affix
added; cf. tlf<tl1f'W-lir: C!if2!t: M.
Bh. in Ahnika I.
possessed of the same number
t\<Ii'f'qif, fil:Cf"lif or <rS'1"fi{ j cf. 'i!:i:<::i1:
qi{r:.f1f+rcfr!to I M.
Bh. on P. II. 2.24 Viirt. 8.
having got an identical,place of
utterance; the word is much used
in the Pratisakhya works; cf.
I .
. 422.
EfifG"UJf R. Pro XIII. 5 ..
, .
more sasthana i.e. nearer
among .those that have the same
. sthana or place of production; cf.
't{ M. Bh.
on' P. I. 1'48 Vart. 3.
lit. connected with a vowel; the
term is used in connection with a
consonant as connected with a
vowel for purpose of syllabication,
. the vowe! being either the previous
one or' the succeedfng' one.
going together; occurring
together; e:g. (where m
is taken as the preposition m and
not the pronoun m which is the
fem. 'base of tR on acco.unt of the
d. Pari.Sek. Pari. 103.
the same as the
desire to put quite closely with each
other; ef. \
1\'1. Bh. on P. I.
2;64 Vart. Ig, 1. 2.r05 Vart. 5.
expression of
words as found in the Dvandva
compound; cf. Hem. III.
a rule or a topic concerning
n umber; cf. ;;riij:
fet<f<n i'f ful.f.:;;r, M. Bh.
on P. II. 2.24. Vart. 8.g. ,
a student of the
word occurs in the Mahabhii.;;ya
along with CfTm<litrfo!1fi, and it may
therefore mean a student of the
stupendous work named the Sam-
graha of which is believed to
have consisled of small numerous
assertions,' with an exhau-
stive gloss thereon. Seeij;u.
lit. placed .as a deposit, i.e.
without any special purpose for the
time being; the word is used in
connection with a word in a
rule which apparently' is . super-
fluous; cf. m3g
. mG'. i M. Bh. on p. cf.
also M. Bb. on III. 2.r07, '. VI.
1.8, VIr. 2.86.
(r}what is actually express-
.. ed or found in the context; d.
"6tscffi"lil+rf.r M. Bh. on
P. VI. 1.177 Vllrt. I; (2) origi-
nal, found in the original context
or Prakrti. cf. . , .
"6Rr l[Cli[U ;:rTif -Hill: SMc;:r: f,fi!!a- T: Pro
II. 6; (3) of the present time;
d. Puru1? Pari. 15.
original, as belonging to the
Samhitapatha of the Siitras. and
not introduced for some additional
purpose without forming apart
of the actual affix; cf. 3fi</i"licr. \
l{\f licer
M. Bh. on P. IV. 4.9.
. >(
together with the
which is inserted in a pronoun after
its last vowel; d. wiTcq-
!!: 3fff"li: 1M. Bh.
on P. VrI. 2.107; cf. also flili: 'Ii:'
I . Kas. on P. VII.
possessed of an expectancy
in -.,. cf. +ffir.
flI9i]&:{I l:f 'Ii:.f IV!. Bh., on
P. 2.1I4.
possessed of the augment;; cf.
ari1TlT1i9iI<lt M . Bll. on
P. I. 1.20. Vart. 5, also on P. I.
1.46; d. also the verse'

cnq-q{a- .. quoted in the Mahabhii.;;ya
to .support the view that augments
are not inserted, but a word with
. an augment replaces a word with-
out that augment; d. M.Bh. on
'J? I. 1.20 Valt 5.
mfu ( I) tad. affix in the.sense of
entirety with respect to the Occurr-
ence.of a thing where' it was
not 'before. e.g.
.. d. P. V. 4.52, 53;( 2)
tad. affix in the sense of 'handing
.' over' . or 'entrusting'; e.g. ,,;;reIG;.
. WRr, ef. 'P. V. 4.55.
. of a substantive, belonging to
the object; d. arfrr 'IT
fG:Ef'q;:f I N ir.
VI. 16.
instrument of an activity; ct .
fl'lYtcrl M. Bh. On I.
1.42; ef. also
EfCfCllX{l!. M. Bh. on 1. 4.23.
See the word 9il{"Ii above.
m'Cl'''IiQ"lJ most efficient in' the accom-
plishment of an action; the karaka
called Kara1}.a; cf. 'li\UJl!.'
P. I. 4.42. See the word Cfi{UJ.
the same as or "IiR'li which
see above; .cf. tll'Cf<f 'q. ,
M. Bh. on P. I. 3. I .....
Vart. I; ef. also .t<f ,<fTg: :!F<la-
q-llllS;Q"6I1Ol and its opposite maxim
<:Llso, ?F<Jl M.
Bh. on P. VI. 1.135. Vart. g. cf.
also Siradeva pari. 128, 12g.
seventh section of the
third . kanda of Viikyapadiya. It I
discusses 'karaka i
. I
m'<IT\11I conveying a common I
notion; Cf. "l?;
. 'q Nir. II. 13.
a scholar of grammar who
. \vas a pupil of and who.
wrote a short work on grammar
named -afui<lI9i<:.
nasalized; uttered
. through the nose; d. <jUJ
M. Bh. on P.
VI. 1.67.
or affix or a root
or the like, to which a mute lett'er
. has been 'attached; ef. 'filGo/"Cf"Ii'ltrUr
;:r Par. Sek. Pari. 81
an injunction accompa.nied
by a rule or rules of exception. It
is a convention that an injunctive
rule gets its sense completed when
prohibitions or exceptions to it
have been fully considered; hence.
the convention runs, ClTtfCfl'{-
fet"l<i tf(f Par. Sek.
Pari 63; ct . also B
g;<l{:r{'i<jl?:9i: M. Bh.on P. IV. 3.155,
VI. 2.177; VIII. 1.68.
mtta.::r with an expectancy in sense;
although in grammar expectancy
is the root of, and forms a sort
of a connecting link for, the,-various
kinds of relations which exist be-
tween the different words of. a
sentence which has to give a com-
posite sense, yet, if a word. outside
a compound is connected with a'
word inSide a: compound, especially
with a second or further member,
the sense becomes ambiguous; and
expectancy in such cases is looked
upon as a fault; e.g .. 31SfW2fcitr<i't N
Ragliu XI. When, however,
in spite of' the fault of
the sense is clear, the compound IS
admissible; cf. <iRt <ifu<f
oa'Q':!l 'iT w;1Tcroi ;:r
Sl'i oafM 5!Tmm ,
\ M.
on P. II. 1.1 ref. also the expressIOn
'111'lit'fltwim: often. used by
commentators .
prescribed in the seventh
chapter or Adhyaya of the
dhyayi; d. fllarnCfi 9;;:r,4
+lCfRr , M.Bh. Oil P. VI. 4.62,
lfffgit +!f<ie<!m I M,Bh.
on P. VI. 1.70.
furnished wilh anl:l! or object; a
transitive root; the term hused in
the Sakatayana, Haimacandra and
Candia grammars; cf; candra I. 4.
100, Hema. 3.21, Sakqt. IV.
togetper with the reduplica-
tive syllable; d. ''3'+lT P.
VIII. 4.2I.
the case-endings (31Fl) of the
genitive plural with the augment
prefixed; cf. tI!+f awf,<{, P. VII. 1.33.
an anonymous ancient
, work of the type of the Pratisakhya
works dealing with the euphoniC
changes and accentS in the pada-
patha of the Samaveda. ,Some
scholars attribute its authorship to
Audavraji, others to Gargya.
equalization of tones ;cf. 9UJT<lT
, \
lit. capacity of a word to ex-
press its sense; the word is, how-
ever, used rather technical1y, as
deJived from in the sense of
compositeness; d. a;:!! [
'IT I M. Bh. on P. II. I.r.
See tlli!:T 'above. The wor'd is also l
used in the sense of 'conformity in
sense' or' connectedness'; d.
P. VIII. 3.41; d. also i3'!f;;Ef:
R. T. 105; d. also R. T. 98
and 130.
of a,Samdhi or
change of the tYPt! of the vowels 8'1,
il: and i3' being lengthened in some
specified cases chiefly for the sake
of music or metre. This
lengthening is given the name
in the Pratisakhya; cf. eM
tI trfr1:T: I
R. Pr. VII. I.
name of aPratisakhya
work on Samaveda. It is probable
, that ,there were some Pditisakhya
wOIks written dealing, with, the
different branches or Sakbas of the
Samaveda, as could be 'inferred
'from indirect references to, such
works. For instance in the Maha-
there is a passage .. "'i
+!1w;?:\<rFlt aNl{'IiH:-
\ ..... o;;j-
+!Cfffi+(" which refers to such works.
At present, however, one such work
common to the several branches of
the Samaveda, caUed :aktantra is
available, ar;td it iS,called Sihpaveda
PratiSakhya. It is believed to have
been written by and r!'vised

standing in apposition;
the word is uSEd many times in its
literal sense' having the same sub-
stratum '. For instance, in l;li,'.ilUm-
the personal ending ffi and
are said to be tI>H<l1N"iil..UJ. The
SamanadhikaralJ.a words are put in
the same case although, the gender
and number sometimes differ. See
the word
lit. resemblance in anyone or
many respects. In the Nirukta' the
word is used, in the senseo! resem-
blance b<!tween the word, be
derived, and any' form of a root; ,
. the term refers there to gramma-
tical resemblance and many there-
fore mean grammaticalconsidera-
tion in general; cf.
Nir. II. I.
mention of a term such
a general way as would include some
varieties or specific of it to
which the expression put is common
e.g. the word anI{,' (fern. affix) for
the affixes all{" GIl{, and "'ill{,; cf.
UJCf\\\: Bh. on P. III.
1.30 ; cf. also \
l . III. 1.43 Vart. r.
the preservation of
the inclusion of two or more terms
by such a wording as is common to
those two or more terms; e.g i-t for
i-tr!." i-t'I. and i-f.:t,; aril{, for G1tl., GIl{"
and "'iiI{,; cf. :3l'l!l'qr ST<roil'[;;j
fcrI;lTml:!: I M. Bh. on
P. III. 1.83 Vart. 7. The phrase
is very 'frequently
used in the Kasikavrtti.
future tense in general;
the general future tense expressed
by t he verb-endings substituted for
There is also the term
or +!f?!e<R\T used in the same sense;
cf. "'i \
v,tl:l<!t +iCfRr I Kas. on P. III.
{i!+li*jq'qi'{ denotation of a general
nature. cf. Vak. pad. III. 1431:)7.
cf. 1:Tlif
BIlW<lfttta" CRnr-
G:'<Til:Cfm- \ )
the relationship be-
tWEen the general and the parti-
cular, which forms the basis of the
type of apavada \vhich is explained
by the analogy of the
word also refers to the method
followed by the Siitras of PaQ,ini,
or any treatise of grammar for the
matter of that, where a general rule
is prescribed and, for the sake of
definiteQess, some specific rules
laying down exceptions. are given
afterwards: cf.
;mr: I
M. Bh A.hnika I.
a general rule, a rule laid
down in general which is restricted
by special rules afterwards; cf.
fcrfua-<'l M. Bh; on P. II. 1.24 Vart.
5. cf. also M.Bh. on III. 1.94, III.
2.77 etc. '
extended application of. a
thing to ot hers in general; d.
. I a-<r,

( 3.3.132) I Pari. Sek.
Pari. 101.
name given to the
Pari. Sek. Pari, IOI.
referring only to a general
thing indicated: and not to any
specific instances. The word is used
in connection with a Jiiapana or
indication drawn from the
of a rule, which is taken to apply in
general to kindred things and
rarely to specific things; cf. !R 'i:f
tlTliir<iTitij <ltcrfui-lfq I
Pari. Sek. on Pari. 50.
denotation of the genus
facter of a word, as contrasted with
denotation of the indivi-
dual object; d. a'1i<U CRT
Cfgcr"l<i <p.;r
9"l<i +!Rls<!Rr lY1. Bh. on P. 1. 2. 58
Vart. 7.
t:r1+iIR:iCfi pertaining to a compound;
found inside a compound; ct. +IT
"I,crT <!Tffi <iH3f
I M. Bh. on
P. V II. I. I; cf. also
etc. Pari. Sek. on Pari. 56.
name given to tad. affixes
prescribed in the sense of collection'
( by the rule iRlj and the
following ones; P. IV. 2.37. to sr.
similarity, homogeneity: df's-
cribed to be of two bnds- in VI 0 ds
and in sense; cf. Jifi !I<i:
M.Bh. on
P. 1. Vart. 3; cf. also
CfIT<!\TIG:Ilr: T. Pr. XXIV. 5.
'St<iOU"<iU4 the celebrated Vedic
scholar and grammarian of Vijaya-
nagar who flourished in the 14th
century and wrote, besides the
monumental comm.entary works on
tbe Vedas, a grammatical work on
roots and their forms known by the
name <llqq1<!T I:lTg'!R!. As the colo-
phon of the work shows, the Dhatu-
vitti was written by SayaI}adirya, I'
but published under the name of
l\Iadhava, the brother of SayaI}a-
carya; ct !{fu
tlr<!Il1T"lPl 01 <lTI:l'ft-
I:lTgcr6r.- Madhaviya
at the end; d. also
or., +I;:frfq01T I +lTI:l'oft I:lTg'lfu-
I Mad. Dbatuvrtti at the
name of a grammarian, the
writer of
name of a commentary by
Jagannatba on the Sarasvata Pra-
kriya. .
name of a grammar work
written by Kavicandra.
a further abridgement
of See
name of a grammar
work which was once very popular
on account of its brevity, believed
to bave been written in the siitra
form by an ancient grammarian
named Narendra who is said to
have composed 700 siitr<:lS under
the inspiration of Sarasvati. The
exposition of these Siitras by a I
reputed grammarian named Anu-
bhiitisvariipacarya, who possibly
flourished in the thirteenth century
A. D., is by the name
m:n<ll, which bas remained as a text
book on grammar to the present
day in some parts of India. This
>rf,mr is popularly known as
. The technical terms in this
grammar are the current popular
name. in general given to
commentary works on tbe Sara-
svata Vyakarana, out of which
Vidvatprabodhini by Ramanarii-
. yaI}a, Dil'ika by Satyaprabodha,
TippaI)a by Kliiemankar, Sarapradi-
pika by Jagannatba are known to
scholars. Besides these; there are
commentaries byPufijariija, Subo
dhika by Amrtabharati. (Mss. of
Subodhika mention different names
as its authors viz. Visvesvarabdhi,
SatyaprabodhabhaHaraka, all be-
longing to fifteentll century), a
commentary by Narendra, Subo-
dhika of Candrakirti, a commentary
by Madhava (16th. cent.) Vasu-
devabhatta (17tb. cent.), MaI}-
<;lana, Megharaja (I)huI}<;lhika),
Dhanesvara, Saradipika of J aga-
nnatha, Siirasvatabba.liiya of Kasi
natha, Saraprakriyavartika of
Sahajakirti, a commentary by
Bhattagopala, Sabdarthacandrikii.
by HansavijayagaI}i, Vidvatprabo-
dbilil by Ramabhatt'l, and comm-
entaries by Ratnakara, NarayaQa-
bharati, Kliiemailkar and Mahi-
by Megharatna of the
eventeenth century, is a comm-
entary on Sarasvataprakriya. It is
also called SarasvatavyakaraQaQhu-
a grammar work of the
Siintsvata school written by Daya-
ratna in explanation of the techni-
rules giving conventions and
the popular name given
to the gloss by Anubhiitisvariipa-
carya on / Narendra's grammar
rules. See above.
see above .
a commentary on Sara-
svataprakriya by Vasudevabhatta
of the sixteenth century. .,
by PaI}ini from ancient grammar
works and thence in their grammars
by other grammarians; cf.
I Trilok-com. on Kat.
III. 1.34. The term tlrcfl:lTg'iiJ also
was used by ancient grammarians
before PaQini ; cf.
11Ofra-. KfiS. on
P. VII. 3.95.
a critical gloss on the
Siirasvata grammar by a gramma-
rian named Kasinatha.
see tllffin above.
a work giving a short sub-
stance of the Sarasvata VyakaraI}a
with a commentary named Mitak-
on the same by Harideva.
a work on the
Sarasvata VyakaraI)':I by a gramma-
rian named Riimasrama.
a work on the Sara-
svata VyakaraI}a by Siirasirhha.
mu::ret or an inde-
pendent treatise on grammar by
NarayaJ)a Vandyopadhyaya.
name of a commentary
on Nagesa's Paribhaliiendusekhara
written by the stal-
wart grammarian of the ninteentb
century at VaraJ)asi.
. lit. of sense; signi-
ficant, as contrasted with d.
"l B,k. Prati. XLII. 9.
denoting time, irrespective
of its divisions such as the past,'
the present and tte. future; ego
the krt affixes prescribed by rules
before P. III. 2.84; d. am: mer-
' Nl:l<!f Kas. on P. III.
a term used in PiilJini's gra-
mmar for affixes applied to verbs,
such as the personal endmgs and
those krt affixes which are marked
with the mute letter d.
P. III. 4. 1I3. The
term was taken into his grammar
{1t,hUifI'fi' lit. pertaining to pronouns;
. the term is used in connection with
rules or operations concerning ex-
clusively tile pronouns; cf.
<nill<ii+C I Kat. II. 1.33.
t ...
'STti+mr . a grammarian of the eightenth
century Who wrote a very brief
critical work on compounds named

t .
pertaining to all caEes, i.e.
prescribed to convey the sense
of all case affixes; the term is
commonly useQ by commentators
with reference to the tad. affix
prescribed by the rule >rffi<i'liT
tfW'lTffifu: and the Varttika
thereon, cf. P. V.
4.44 and Vart. I.
possessed of scope for its ap-
plication as contrasted with
a term used in connection with a
rule which has got its application.
to some cases without conflict with
any other rule; d. a:<lt[t tlI9'ml<lt:
+19m I M. Bh. on
P. I. I.3Vart. 6.
'ST<{11;q. the quality of being cognate or
allied; see the word ti'l'uT above.
together with avyaya or in-
declinable; cf. tiloljej- 9f-f<F1:. I
1:fC!ifu I 110m I lVI. Bb. on P.
II. lor. Vart. 9.
presence together, mention
together, association; this mm 1$
ri;any times of use in cases of doubt
regarding tbe meanu'g of a word or
. the choice of a word in a particular
sense; d. I
M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.70, 1. 2.27; d.
t!i["l ftcIT iTfoirlii '!;<jm m{'<l<{iQ:.;
M. Bh. on P. 1. 2.51 Vart, 3.
1% (I) personal endingre'l.. of the sec.
pers. sing. ; ct. P.
III. 4.78; (2) Ul)adi affix f<fB (fu)
cf. f9'B: UJ}. III. ISS.
the analogy of the
backward look peculiar to a lion,
who, as he advances, does always
look back at the ground" covered.
The word is used in grammar with
reference to a word taken back
irom a rule to the preceding rule
which technically is called d.

Kas. on P. Ill. 3.49.
ffi'<l one of the substitutes (<3,) for the
general sign of the aorist tense
(<t: J; cf. I ftl' P. III.
name given by convention to
the second pada of the seventh
ad!lyaya of pal).ini's as I
the pad a begins with the sutra fuHf
'[fu: P. VII. 2. I.
fuq: an affix marked with the mute
letter signifying the designation
t:R for lhe preceding base to which
that affix has been added; for
examples where such affixes are
noticed, sec the words
"I\f"t'l<:!:, d. ftlfu 'i:j P. 1. 4.16.
iB;g: (I) established; the term is used
in the sense of or eternal)n the
VarttJka where, as
Pataiijali has observed, the word
ftl; meaning f.'rtC! bas been pmposely
put in to mark an auspicious begin-
nIng of the which
commences with that Varttika; cf.
<iTWW,'fi an"ll-ii mro:
M. Bh. on Ahnika ! ;
( 2) established, proved, formed;
the word is many times used in this
sense in the as also in
the Varttikas' especially when a
reply is to be given to an objection;
cf. P. I. 1.3 Vart. 17, I" :I 4. Vart.
6; I. I.5, Vart. 5, 1. l.g Vart. 2 etc.
the: chapter or portion of
PaI).ini's grammar which is valid to
the rules inside that portioo, as. also
to the rules enumerated after it.
The word is used in connection with
the first seven chapters and a quar-
ter of the eighth chapter of paQ.ini's
as with the
last three quarters called ftrl:fr1{T, the
rules in which are not valid to any
rule in the preceding portion, -called
by the name or as
also to any preceding rQle in the
Tripadi itself; cf. P. VIII.
an ancient Jain sage who is
believed to have written an original
work on grammar.
.. It a title given to his grama
mar by Hemacandra himself, which
subsequently came to be called
or For details
established tenet or principle
or conclusion, in the standard works
of the different Sastras.
a critical and scholarly
commentary on the Sutras of pal)ini.
in which the several Siltras are
arranged topicwise and fully eXa
plained with examples and counter
examples. The work is exhaustive,
yet not voluminous, difficult yet
popular: and_critical yet lucid. The
work is next in impoltance to the
in the system of Panini
" and its study prepares the way fo:
understanding the Mababbal?ya. It
is prescribed for"study in the courses
of at every academy and
Hithas1Ua and is expected to be
cominittedJo memory by students
who want to be thorough scholars of
V) akaraJ}a. By virtue of its metho-
dical, treatment, it has thrown into
the" background all kindred works
and glosses or Vrttis on the Siitras
of PaQini. It is arranged into two
halves, the first half dealing with
seven topics ( I) ( 2 )
( 3) ( 4)
( 5) 'fiH'fi, (6 )tIlm!, (7) aito, aud
the latter haH dealing with five
topics, (I) (2)
( 3) (4) and (5)
The autbor has himself
written a scholarly gloss on it called
;TI<:ol+T<ITOO on which, his grandson.
Had has written a learned
commentary named or
simple The
mudi has got a large number of
commentaries on it out of which,
the commentaries "!W-
(by crm"it<:!,,1fa;Rr), lRCIciTNofr
and are read by almost
every true scholar of Vyakaralja.
Besides these four, there are a dozen
or more commentaries some of.
which can be given below with their
names arid authors (I) by
"l'l'J)&U]liTfu, (2) l;!<ITf'<T'fr by
( 3) by qm:rr,( 4)
+Ffl<:liT by a:r<Rrqfu;so, ( 5)
by (6) by
'[)<U]fI1Sl, ( 7) by
(8) ffi:<iiT by (9)
l;!liii'l-:m by m;flR, (1O)
by ( .! I) re:m<ij'liTlf.l.1-
by (12) Wll<!i1: by I
and ( 13) by
mttI<ili{tfiJCi. A!tl!.Gugh the name I
of the work IS as I
given by the author, stiilpopularly
the work is weH-known by the name
_The work has got three
abridged forms, the" MadhyakauG
mudi; SarasiddhantakaumudIand
the LaghukaumudI" all written.;by
the pupil of Bhattoji
l%.tJ .. a small gloss
on Bhattoji's
explaining its difficult lines and
passages, written by a grammarian
... or Vaiyakaraljasid-
dhantakaumudirahasya," a com-
mentary by Nilakaljtha .Dixita on
Siddhantakaumudi; cpo Paribbiil?aa
samgraha, p. 303.
,..... .:-:. r. f'
an explanatory
work, discussing the difficult sent-
ences and passages of the Siddhanta-
kaumudi, written by a grammarian
Damed Ramakr!?Qa.
a graminar work based
'on tbe Sarasvataprakriya. written
by Ramacandr11Srarna. It "has a
commentary called Tattvadipika
by Lokesaldira, SubodhiDl by Sada-
nanda, Laghusiddbantacandrika is
" an abridgement by the author hima
an independent gloss On the
Sarasvatisfitra written by a gram-
marian named Jinacandra.
name of a commentary
on the Katantraparisi!}ta by
a commentary on Sarac
svataprakriya written by Madhava,
an independent work on
grammar" believed to have been
\tritten by Devanandin,
a term used in' connection
with the writer himself of a , trea-
tise when he gives a reply to the
obiections raised by himself or
qu"oted from others, the term
being used for the objector.' ,
formation of a word; establish-
ment of the correct view after 1he
removal of the objection; e. g.

fW!. (I) the personal ending (fu) of
the econd person singular
substituted for the
of the ten tenses and moods
and others; d. P. lIT. 4.78; (2)
Vikaral)a affix added' to a root
before the affix('s of or Vedic
a technical term used in the
V1i.jasaneyi-Pratisiikhya for the fir::t
eight vowels of the alphabet, viz.
61, alT, i{, '3', 6, llfi and cf.
V. Pro 144
augment prefixed to the
personal affixes which are sub-
stituted for the affixes, in the
A.tmanepada; e.g. ffi ffiRfll(, cf.
P. III. 4.102.
a prominent gtammarian of the
Eastern part of India who lived in
the twelfth century A.D. He was a
very sound scholar of Piil)ini's gra-
mmar and 'wrote a few glosses on
prominent works in, the system.
His is a masterly
independent treatise among the
recognised works on the I
in which he has quoted very pro-
fusely from the works of his prede-
cessors, such as the Kiisikii, N yiisa, and others. The reputed
scholar Maitreya Rak!?ita is more
often quoted than others.
!i (I) case affix of the nomina-
tive singular and ( ij ) of the
locative plural; d. P. IV. 1.2;
( 2 ) Ul)iidi affix (Cftl) applied
to the root e.g, llg: cf. Cfij:
Ul)adi 437.
augment added according to
some grammarians to any word
optionally with 61.,!!, which is pre-
scribed in the ca'se of the words
OI.lII, <{Ii, (it<.: and before the affix
Cf<I'E!,. ( in the sense of desire. e.g.
+!!Flftr etc. cf. P;,VII. 1.51
(I) tad. affix applied to m:,
fo{, and to u;<Ii optionally, in
the sense of repetition of the
activity' e.g. m:: 'Iiuftr etc. d. Kas.
on P. V. 4.18, I9; (2) U!)adi
affix see $I above.
a grammarian who ' wrote
a small treatise on genders named

( I) short term for the
first five case-affixes which' are
called also, when they
pertain to the masculine or the
feminine gender; d. I.
1.43; (2) augment prefixed to
the root Ii and to the root 'Ii when
.. ..
preceded, by certain preposItions
and as seen in the words
and others as also in the words
artmlR, rnsqc::, am-qc::, Sll/.\l4, 61q-m,
3R<fiOq, m'l\\,
and words in the
class of words headed by t{Rm,
under certain conditions; cf. P.
VI. 1.135-57; (3) augment
prefixed to the case-affix 31F(
after a prononn; e. g. cf.
P. VII. 1.52; (4) augment'1i pre-
fixed to the consonant q, or
pertaining to affixes, e. g.
cf. P. III. 4.107.
an anonymons commentary
on the Siddhiintakaumudi of Bhatt-
oji Dik:?ita.
(I) locative case affix (2)
short term for case-affixes, as
formed by the syllable (the
nom. sing. affix) at the beginning
and the final consonant IJ.. of
the locative plural case-affix in
the rule ... P. IV.
1.2. These case affixes are called
vibhakti' also. These affixes
are elided after an indeclinable
word; cf. 61CC!<1ltntijtl': P. II. 4.82 ;
in Veda i;!, (q;); <IT, :sr, :sqr, <l1,
and as seen, are substituted for
these case affixes, which some-
times are even dropped or assimi-
Jated with the previous vowel of
the base; e. g. B;:g "ill'!:,
etc. ct. P. VII. I.39. These case-
affixes are ,as a rulet grave-accented
( ) excepting in such cases
as are mentioned in P. VI. I. 166
to 184 and 19T.
!1lQ,o'iji<ti{ot an independent work on
grammar written by a scholar of
grammar named lfVc'!r+T, who fiourQ
ished in Mithila in the fifteenth
century A. D.
a commentary written
by a scholar of grammar named
on the SupadmavyakaraI)a,
which see above.
a treatise written by a
grammarian on the
which see below.
a commentary by a
grammarian Darned on the
ijQ'llltl+lle6!1if which see above.
a popular name given to a
compound formed of tV/o nouns,
which cannot be ordinarily explain-
ed by the rules of grammar laid
down in definite terms by Pal,)ini
in II. I.51 to II. 2.29. These so
called irregular compounds are ex-
plained as formed in accordance
with the rule m: !:!llT II. 1.4 wherein
the word presents itself by
from 'W'I1+tf.:"Iti II. 1.2,
the rule as a result being
'explained as !;!'!. ijllT As
these compounds cannot' be put
under the topics of a:ro<!<:/htfcf,
and others mentioned by Pal)ini in
II. 1.5 to II. 2.29 they are called
name given to a word formed
with the addition of a case-affix'
and hence capable of being used
in a sentence by viitue of its being
called a by the rule
Tbe ancient grammarians gave four
kinds of words or pad as ,viz. ifni,
and which Panini
has brought under two heads
including q]lf, and fittfffi" and
fct;s:rcr standing for cf.
P. I. 4.14.
name given to (I) a com ..
mentary on the Siddhiintakaumndi
by Kf!?l)amaunin or Jayakrs!)a-
maunin; (2) a co'mmentary on the
Siirasvata Vyakaral)a by Amrta-
bharati; (3) a commentary on the
Sarasvata VyakaraI)a by Candra-
kirti. (4) a commentary by Gopa-
lagiri on Vijjalabhiipati's Prabodha-
prakasa. Another similar name
Subodhika should be as
a commentary on Sarasvataprakriya
by Amftabhiirati.
a root formed from a noun or
a subanta by the addition of any
of the following ( by p.
III. 1.8, 10 and 19), (by
P. III. log), (by P. III. l.rr,
12 and 14-I8 ), ( by P. III. 1.13),
(by' P. III. I.20 ), (P. III.
, 1.21 and 25 ) and CfoJS ( by P. III. I27)
and'also by fuitJ.. or zero affix by P.
III. I.II Vadtika 3. All these
formations ending with the affixes
mentioned above are" termed roots
by the rule '<Trtr<r:( P. "III. I.
32) and are regulai'ly conjugated
in all the ten tenses and moods
with the general conjugational sign
added to them in the conjuga-
tional tenses, and and others
in the other tenses and moods, and
have verbal derivatives also formed
by the addition of suitable krt
affixes. /
known also as Subhuticandra
was a grammarian who wrote a
commentary on the Amarakoa.
He is mentioned by Ujjvaladatta.
name of a commentary writo
ten by a Southern grammarian"
on Bhattoji's Siddhantakau-
a short pithy assertion laying
down something in a scientific
treatise; aphorism; the word is
sometimes used in a collective
sense in the singular, referring to
the whole collection of Siitras or
rules; cf. M. Bh. on
Ahnika I. The term is defined as

'i:{ &,.:;1' fcl;:11 There are
given generally six kinds of Siitras
and also cf. B;vT
'i:{ q(t+rrqr 'i:{ fcrf?rffl<i::r It;Ef :;:; I
Com. on Kat.
1. I.2.
1({?1"i:lR' the original writer of the
siitras ; e.g. tflfUlr.r,
and others. In Pa.!.)ini's syso
tern, Pa1).ini is caned Sutrakara, as
contrasted with Katyayana. who is
called the Varttikakiira and Patan-
jali, who is called the ;
cf. tflfof.t: M. Bh. on P. II.
the text of Pa:t;lini"s Sutras, hand-
ed down by oral tradition from
the preceptor to the pupil.
Although it is said that the actual
text of Pa:t;lini was modified from
time to time, still it can be said with
certainty that it was" fixed at the
time of the who has
noted a few different readings only.
The Sutra text approved by the
was followed by" the
authors of the KMika excepting in
a few cases. It is customary with
learned Pandits and gramtl1arians
to say that the recital of the Siitras
of Pa1).ini was originally a conti-
nuous one in the form of a Samhltfi.-
text and it was later on, that if was
split up into the different Siitras,
which explains according to them
the variation in the Dumber of
Sutras which is due to the different
ways of splitting the Sutrapatha.
I) splitting up of a gramma-
tical rule (2) cha:Qge
in the wording of a rule; cf. tI;!;f

M. Bh.
on Siva Sutra 2 Vart. S.
reference to something as
present, when, in fact, it is yet to
come into existence, on the analogy
of the expression a:r<::/i '9<1 ;
cf. mf<r.:ft I M.
Bh. on P. 1. 3.12 Viirt. 2.
the p1ace of the articulation or
production of the sound 't, .
name of the famous commen-
tator on PUiU;;ottamadeva's
vrtti, who lived in the fifteenth
century A.D.
(t) one of the several affixes found
in Veda in the sense of !I'l:, (g, of
the infinitive); e.g. \r.!l:; cf.
P. III. 4.9; (2)
ing substituted for in the pres.,
perfect, ,aud other tenses; cf.
P. III. 4.80.
with the augment iii'
prescribed in general for being preQ
"fixed to an Ardhadbatuka affix
beginning with any consonant
- except <I.: The word is also used in
the sense of a root which ailows the
augment ( It") to be prefixed to
val1i.di Ardhadhatuka affixes placed
after it, in contrast with such roots
which do not allow it and hence
which are termed
posses!':ed of the augment See

name of a commentary on
Bopadeva's Mugdhabodha Gra-
mmar written by a grammarian
named Gangiidhara.
one of the several affixes found in
Veda in the sense of the infinitive
affix 'l1:. ;.g. I1;tr cf. P. III. 4.9.
name of an ancient grammarian
quoted by PaQ.ini in the rule rn$.l
P. V, 4.II2.
tad. affix prescribed in the
sense of 'milk', optionally along
with the affixes i.tI and after
the word 61f.:1; e.g. cf.
P. IV. 2.36. Vart. 5.
B:tG'<Ci' nature of being borne in mind;
being stored up in memory; memori
zation by frequent "utterance ct.

ffiI. \ 'l. on Viik. pad.
1. 8.2. .,
together with a preposition I
( \:IqtFr) prefixed;" the term is
in connection with a root to which
a preposition such as 51:, 'q{T etc. has
been prfixed; ct, a:rttt
trm: +lcrRr. M. Bh. on P. I.
having utility; having some
purpose to serve. cpo Vak." pad.
III. 14-465-. . .- :
name of the writer. of a
gloss named on the Taitti.
riya Pratisiikhya.
a Jain Grammarian, the writer
of a gloss SabdiirQ.avacandrika on
tl1e Jainendra Vyakara1).a named
by the author, who was a
resident of the Deccan and lived in
a village named "Arjurikii (called
to-day) near Kolhapur in the
twelfth century. Sabdar1).ava is
said to be another name for the
southern version of Jainendra Vya-
kara:t;la, which is attributed to
a grammarian quoted by
Ujjvaladatta, possibly the same as "
Sornadeva," which see above.
a modern grammarian 9f the
nineteenth century who wrote a
short grammatical work as a hand-
book for scholars who aspired to be
poets. The work was caned

accompanied by a rush of
breath. The word is taken to apply
to the second and fourth com on-
ants which are produced by the
rush of unintonated breath through
. the open mouth like steam through
a pipe; the second and fourth
class consonants; cf.
R. T. 16.
.... .-
belonging to the sutra; found in
the sUtra as contrasted with what
is given elsewhere; d. 'fig:
or etc. ,ct. also
M. Bh. on p. III. 2,139, III. 4.60,
64. IV. 2.04 etc.
.... .
m<rm name of a schooi of ancient gra-
mmarians who composed Varttikas
"in explanation of the siitras - ot
C Pii:t;lini ; cf.ffinyrn: III. 2 S6
Vart. I, IV," 1.74. Vart. I.
M.' Bh. on II.
2 .18. Vart. 4.
school of grammar founded by

Padmanabhadatta. See
Padmanabha has himself written
Supadmapafijika. Accessories writ-
ten by Padmanabha are Saupad-
maparibh1i!;iav rtti, U1)adi, GaQa-
patha by K1iSiSvara and commented
on it by Ramakanta. There are
works in the system like Saupad-
mamakaranda by Vi!;iI)umltra, and
commentary works by Kasisvara.
,Slidhara Cakravartin and Rama-
name of a grammarian who is
(I) affixes added to the mascu-
line base of a word to show the
sense of the feminine, such as an in
C!l't, _;s]1!. and :erR and in :s1't, :s"R,
and:s-fvl: See P. IV. I.3 to 81. ( 2)
name of a section ,of Bhattoji's
Siddbantakaumudi which gives the
affix,es added for the formation of a
feminine base.
based upon; the word is peculiarly
used in the Pratisakhya works in
the sense of ' based on" ' belonging
to' or 'made up of ' ; cf.
R. T. 94, so also cf. ct
H.. T. 162.
name of an udent \vriter
of Pratisakhya works who is quoted
in the Taittiriya Pratisakhya d. T.
Pro XVII. 4. '
believed to have criticised'the argu-
ments of the author of
as quibbling. cf. Vak. pad. II. 481.
an ancient grammarian
quoted in -the cf.
91G'9: 1f6Rr I
:erg*r: tEa: M. Bh. On P. VIII.
2.106. Viirt. 3.
name of Jinendrabuddhi;
a root of the or the
Fifth Conjugation.
a tad. affix in the sense of
collection, added to the words -H; CfiR:
and d. Varttika on P. IV.
2.51 quoted in the Kasikavrtti.
a term used for the sibilant fI and ['
dental class consonants for the
substitution of the sibilant
palatal consonants in respective I
order; cf. @t: P. VIII. 4.40.
(I) the sense of the 'feminine; 1
d. P. IV. 1.3-81 ( 2) a word I
ending with an affix in the sense of !
feminity such as 2l1!., Gil!. or 'i:l11!. or (I
iTl!., or or the ltke; d. $.i't
IV. I.I20; (3) a word in the I
sense of feminine cf. P. I.
2.66. I
place of articulation; place of the
production of sound, which is one
of the chief factors in the produc-
tion of sound; cf. amr;Ja:r<m'(
Cfi{U!f.j"<!<!Tn,. I tIn
+nUH'll! 1\ T. Pr. XXIII. 2. Gen-
erally there are given 'five places of
the production of sound viz. Cj)U2i,
am, G:;:o and ii'tg,respectively
for the articulation of guttural,
palatal, cerebral, dental and labial
letters and cUfuCfil as an additional
one for the articulation of the nasal
consonants OJ:.. IIl.lind <J:. For
the JihvamUliya. sound (::: Cfi),
is given as a specific one. -For
details and minor differences of
views. see T. Pr. III, R. Pr. 1.18 to
20, R. T. 2-10; V. Pr. I. 65 to 84
and M. Bh. on P. I. T.9. (2) place,
substratum, which is generally un-
derstood as the sense of the genitive
case-affix in rules which prescribe
substitutes; ct. "flft P. I.
one of the several kinds of
the genitive case when it means a
'place or substratum, see the word
the original<word or part of a
such asa syllable or two of it
or a letter of it, for which a substi-
tute ( ) is prescribed; cf.
Gft:WS<lfu9l:lT P. I. 1.56
similar to the original be-
haviour; d. P. I.
I.S6. See -':lfIm:ro:r.
acting like the originaL See

behaviour of tbe substitute
like the original in respect of hold-
ing the qualities of the original and
causing grammatical operations by ,
virtue of those qualities. By means
of o;:iflf.r%lCf, the substitute for a
root is, for instance, looked upon
as a root; similarly. a noun-base or
an affix or so, is looked upon like
the original and, it can cause such
operations or be a recipient of such
operations as are due to its being a
root or a noun or an affix or the I
'like. This be,' and
is not made also, a uDlversally ap-
plicable feature; and there are
limitations or restrictions put upon
it the chief of them being or
in the matter -of such operations as
are caused by 'the property of be-
ing a single letter' (01fu'; There
are two views regarding this 'be-
haviour like the original' : ( !) sup-
posed behaviour which is only
instrumental in causing operations
or undergoing them which is called
and ( 2) actual restoration
to the form of the original under
certain conditions only as prescrib-
ed which is called The
is actually resorted to by
some grammarians in the case of
the reduplication of roots; d. Ras.
on P. I. I.59 and M. Bh. on
P. 1. I.59. See the' word
also. For details see Vol. VII. pp.
241-243, Vyakara1)a Mahabba.!;iya
D. E. Society'S Edition.
one of the two alter-
native views regarding reduplic,!-
tion according to which two word-
ings or units of the same form re-
place the original single wording,
d. I
Siradeva Pari. 68. The other kind
of red_uplication is called'
fa<f:er<lt:{l;J which looks upon redupii-
cation as the mere placing of an
exactly similar unit or wording after
the original first unit: This alter-
native view is accepted in the
KiiSiki'i ; d. Kas. on P. VI. I.I.
a variety of the genitive case
when it is connected in sense with
the Pratipadika by the relationship
of '<:<r1Cl or place, as contrasted with
the relationships of the kind of fctq<j-
f<rqf<{mcr, 3f9<l91<f<lf9'ucr and others.
As grammar is a science of words,
in those places where one is
mentioned for another by the use
of the genitive case it should be
understood that the word mention-
ed is to be for the other;
d. the rule of PaQirli for that pur-
pose qgf explained by Bhat-
toji as qlft
d. S. K. on P. 1. I.49.
In some grammars the sthanin and
adesa are expressed in the same
case, viz. the nominative case.
the relation between the
original and the substitute which is
described as of two kinds:- sup-
posed and actual; cf.
Pari. Sek. PaTi. '
to be established,' to be
brought about.
(I) happened, come to pass; e.g.
\HI fi'4a:- etc.; (2) establish
ed; int.act after the re-
moval of doubts; cf.l;f<j- ft'4crltotr.;
( 3 ) remaining unaffected as referr-
ing to cf.
'q' 'h\oT iiliil' I
crtr. ft'4om-
Uvvata on R. XIII.; (4)
established or stated in the Pada-
pa1ha; cf. Rl:Ta- qa:qR; gloss
on T. Pro XX. 2.
utterance of a pad a or padas in
the PadapiiJha without ; the
utterance with ida- being called <lq.
ft'4f(r; d. tr.t tIf #'4Rl: R.
Pro XL 15; (2) established prac-
tice or view; cf. :(fFI*!l<::l!
ft'4ffi: R. Pro II. 44.
a Buddhist scholar who trans-
lated grammar-wOI ks of the Caodra-
school into Tibetan.
tad. affix added optionally with
tI, to the word in the sense of
praiseworthy; e.g. also ;
cf. sr-btIr<!T+I:,1 P. V. 4 40 r
tad. affix <::<1. added: in many tad- I
dhita senses, ;;fro, tl'!.,if, aTlmf
and others mentioned uplO P. V.
1st pada end; e.g. cf.
<R<lI(f. P. I V. 1.87.
a word used in the sense of a
conflict of two rules' (f.lsrffittl:T) in
some grammars such as those of
Jainendra, Sakatiiyana and Hema-
candra; ct. Jain.!. 2.39, 5ak. 1.
1.46 and Hema. VII. 4.1I9.
a contact consonant; a term
used in connection with the conso-
nants of the five classes, verily
because the karaI}a or the tip of
the tongue touches the place of
utterance in' the in their
pronuncia,tion; cf. .
S. K. SariljiiaprakaraI)a on P.
VIII. 2.1; cf. also ql\j
lflIiCflrl: R. Pro 1.78; cf. also T. Pro
an expression used often . by
commentators with' reference to a
line or a passage of the text the
meaning of which is clear and no
explanation in necessary.
name of one of the four internal
efforts when the in!)trument
of articulation fully touches the
sthiina or the place of the produc-
tion of sound in the mouth. See
the word above;
S. K. on P. VIII. 2.I; ct.
also M. Bh. on P. I. 1.9.
a short technical term used in the
Jainenpra Vyiikara1].a instead of
the in PaI)ini's grammar. cpo
Jain. Sii. 1.1.3.
name given to the radical Sabda
which communicates the meaning
to the hearers as different from Il'iFr
or the sound in ordinary. experience.
The VaiyakaraI).as, who followed
PaI).iniand who were headed by
Bhartrhari entered into discussions
regarding the philosophy of Gra;.
mmar, and introduced by way of
deduction' from PaQ.ini' s grammar,
an important theory that '8C1{ which
comm.unicates the J;lleaning is diffe-
rent from the sound which 1S pro-
duced and heard and which is
merely instrumental in. the mani-
festation of an internal voice which
is called Sp;bota. S:Rr
Vakyapadiya; cf. also
aTr.-at: '8C1{: Kaiyata's
Pradipa. For details see Vakya-
padIya I and Sabdakaustubba
Ahnika I. It is doubtful whether
this .Sphc-ta theory was advocated
before paI)ini. The word ffi<':l<iq has
been put by PiiQ.ini in the rule a:rqs .
only incidentally and, in
fact, nothing can be definitely dedu- I
ced from it although Haradatta
says that was the originator
of the The word <:cfiP.: is not
actually found in the Priitisakhya
works. However, commentators on I
the Priitisakhya works have intro-
duced it in their explanations of the
texts which describe Cfoikrfu . or
production of sound; cf. com. on R.
Pro XIII 4., T: Pr. II. I. Gramma-
rians have given various' kinds of .
Sphota; ct. -rn:l:fT \I
I . I
I f:r>n I aT@0;g; .:r.::-
Cfl'f<i &\fT I l;f<j- tfl\j I ;;frm-
ffilz: f:rl:fT I t'fiR:r:
crl'{ qe!:lT: 19l'f<f
lTTlIi: 1\ d. also
qa:5ffiiRr: I
r 1/
. a small treatise on the theory
of Sphota by a sound modern scho-
lar of VyakaraI)a and Nyaya, by
name Kgwasastri Arade, who lived
in Benaras in the earlier part of the
nineteenth century.
a small treatise on the
theory of Sphota written by Jaya-
Mauni of the famous Maunin
family. The author is known as
Kr!?l)abhatta also.
a work on the Sphota
theory by the famous
of the family of
(I) manifestation of the sense
of a word by sound or I
dbvani; the same as spbota; (2)
separate or distinct pronunciation
of,a consonant in a way by break-'
ing it from the conjU!lct consonants;
ct. i!l1l
\11f+I:.1 tI.n.n 9f <'I9f I V. Pro IV. 165
name of work discussing
the nature of Sphota written by
a general name given to trea-
tises discussing the nature of Sphota
written by the .Vaiyakara1].as who
defend and establish the theory of
Sphota and by the Naiyiiyikas who
critidse the theory. Famous among
these works are (I) bya
stalwart Grammarian K01].<;iabhatta,
the author of the VaiyiikaraI)abhii-
saI).a and (2) by Nagesa,
the reputed grammarian of the
eighteenth century.
the doctrine of Sphota, as
advocated by the grammarians and
criticised by others. See the word

(x) name of a short treatise
on the nature of Sphota, written by
a grammarian named Bharata
Misra; (2) name of a short dis-
quisition on Sphota by MaI)Q.ana-
an ancient grammarian refe-
rred to by Pat;tini in the rule
ffi<':l9<R<!' P. VI. 1.123. Great gra-
mmarians like Haradatta observe
that this t'fiR:r<:[if was the first advo-
cate of the Sphota theory and
hence he was nicknamed ffizF{q
d. <::wa-: aTl!ir 'Rr<!Ur tl ffi2:P-Ff: I
I Padaman-
jari on P. VI. 1.123.
case-ending tllT(f. substituted for
the ablative sing. case-affix
placed after pronouns; ct. :s:ffi,(<i't:
P. VII. 1.15, 16.
an authoritive dictum of an
ancient grammarian before, the
famous author of the Varttikas; d.
=cr etc,
SiradevaPari. 68.
case ending substituted for the
dative sing. case-affix after pro-
nouns; d.<a: m P. VII. 1.14.
(I) case-ending t<:I substituted for
the genitive singular case;.affix after
bases ending in 81; cf. ZlsmS'Brm-'
P. VII. LIZ; (2) VikaraI)a
affix placed before the personal
, endings of and (the second
future tense and the conditional
mood); cf. <",<.gat: P. III.
1.33. (3) a term used for words
ending with the genitive singular
affix used by andent gramma-
augment affixed to a 9ase-
affix marked with the mute i.e.
siB, and fu of the dat. able gen.
and lac, singular after a pronoun
and optionally after Q:i\T<l and fit({f<l
ending with the fern. affix an; cf.,
<[({f<lr<l; cf. P. VII. 3.II4.
the VikaraQas headed by the
Vikara:Qa ';<1, mentioned in P. HI.
1.33 upto III. 1.90.
'2;r (I) porsonal-ending of the second
per30n sing. A tmanepada in the
imperative mood; ct" :iflt1: I
9TBf I P. III. 4.80, 91; (2) a term
usd in the sense of 0:.<I1TI<l ( belong-
ing to the same class or category)
in the Pratisakhya works; ct.
R. T. 25; d. also CfiR!, R. T.
, I.SS; cf. also R. Pr. IV. I; and
VI. 1; (3) cognate, the same as
B'itTi defined by PaQini in
P. 1.1.9; the term is
found used in the Jain grammar
works of Jainendra, Sakatayana
and Hemacanda cf. Jain. 1. 1.2.
Sak. I. 1.2; Hema. I. 1.17.
lit. independent; independent
in activity; the subject or
agent of an action (Cfiffi) is defin-
ed as o:.<Iff<Sf independent in his
activity, i. e. not depending upon
anyone for the same; cf.
'fiar P. 1. 4. 54. '
an alternative view
regarding the explanation of the
rule WlW' P 1. I; 3 by
taking an additional word
supplied in the sutra. For full ex-
planation see Sabdakaustubha on
P. 'I. I. 3.
meaning of one's own, as
possessed by a word. In many
compounds especially in the Bahu-
vrihi compounds the meaning ex-
pressed by the compoun(l word
is quite different from the one
expressed by the constituent words;
d. 'Ii<1<fT{<l: I I
M. Bh. on P. 'I. 69.
the original recital of the Veda;
the Sarhhitapatha as opposed to
the which is looked
upon more or less as artificial.
existence or nature of self;
evolution or development of self.
cpo Bc7r W fcl'!iR:: I
(-w. Viik. pad.!, 129)
(I) vowel, as contrasted with a
consonant which never stands by
itself independently. The word
is defined generally as \fOIrtt
o:.<l'{[: (M. Bh. on P.), The word

is al ways used in the sense of a
vowel in the Pratlsakhya. works;
Pii:Qini, however, has got the word
a:Ri.. ( short term or Pratyah1ira form-
ed of 81 in ' ?fi!\3UI,' and at the end
of 1i;afl'<i. lVlahesvara sii tia 4) al-
ways used for vowls, the term '(:C/'(.
being relegated by him to denote
accents which are also termed m
in the ancient PriHisakhyas and
grammars. The number of vowels,
although shown differently in diff-
erent ancient works, is the same,
viz. five simple vowels 81, if, ;:J, :n, w:,
and four diphthongs 'Q;, Q;, aIT, and
arr. These nine, by tbe addition
of the long varieties of the first
four such as au, and are
increased to thirteen and fmther to
twentytwo by adding the pluta
forms, there being no long variety
for w: and short one for the dipht-
hongs. All these twentytwo varieties
have further subdivisions, made on
the criterion of each of them being
further characterized by the pro-
perties ;:J'lJ"O, a:rf!<l:T"O and z<r/@ and I
f.lG'TIm'fi and tIr!:flrm'fi. (2) The I
word 0:.<1<: also means accent, a I
proper.ty possessed exclusively by
vowels and not by consonants,' as
they are entirely dependent on
vowels and can at the most be
said to the same accent
as the vowel with which they are
uttered together. The, accents
are mentioned to be three; the
acute the grave
and the circumflex (o:.<Ifur) defined
respectively as
and ';'ifta: by Pii:Qini (P. I.
2.29, 30, 31). The point whether
tllTIiIT{ a combination or
coming together one after another
of the two, or a commixture or
blending of the two is critically
discussed in the Mahiibha!}ya. ( vide
M. Bh. on P. I. 2.31). There
are, however, two kinds of svarita
mentioned by Pii:Qini and found
actually in use: (a) the indepen-
dent as possessed by the word
(from which possibly the word
m(f was formed) and a few other
words as also many times by the
resultant vowel out 'of two vowels
. and combined, and
( b) the enclitic or secondary
svarita by - which name, one or
more grave vowels occurring after
the udatta, in a chain, are called;
d. P. VIII. 2.4 VIII. 2.6 and VIII.
4.66 and 67. The topic of accents
is fully discussed by the authors of
the Pratisilkbyas as also by P?:Qini.
For details, see R. Pr. III. 1.19 ;
T. Pro 38-47 V. Pr. 1. 108 to 132,
II. 1.65 A. Pro Adbyaya I padas
I, 2, 3 and 51-66;
see also Kaiyata on P. 1. 2.29;
( 3) The word o:.<It is used also in
the of a musical tone. This
meaning arose out of the second
meaning, taccent' which itEelf'
arose from the first viz. ' vowel',
and it is fully discussed in works
explanatory of the chanting of
Samas. Patanjali has given seven
subdivisions of accents which may
be at the origin of the seven musi-
cal notes, See BRo:.<It above.
a ward or Fratipadika
which is exactly similar to a single
vowel such as;:J or aH or 'Q; and the'
like; such words are to be looked
upon as A vyay'as the case-
affixes after them are dropped when
they are used. d.
a vowel part; appearance
of a consonant as a vowel; the
character of a vowel borne by a
consonant. Many times a semi-
vowel which consists of one letter
has to be divided especially for
purposes of metre, as also for
accentuation into two letters or
rather, has to be turned into two
letters by inserting a vowel before
It or after it, for instance'!. is to
,.- .;
(I) the same as <:9<;:Fetnl1
which see above ; (2) short trea-
tise on '\(edic accents written by a
modern scholar and gramme
rian name'd Indradattoplidhaya.
, be turned into e. g. in fflqr.1:Jcii \
while \. or is to be turned
into as for instance iD'liil T'tfi'[.
which is to be uttered as 'Ii\. f&:
fim.. This prefixing or suffixing
of a vowel is called cf.
euphonic of
:q I a:J1:TlifI;:<n I R. Pro I. 32.35; d. I two vowels, a detaIled deSCrIptIon
also i! R. Pr.1 of which forms a small topic
VI. 35; d. also \ in the. and grammar
<U&<lTa:..' R. Pr. works; VIde R. Pr. chapter II.
VI. 46. In PaQini's grammar, 1-26; T. Pro chapters 9 and 10
however, the word which I V. Pro III. and aretlfr1:TI{<!i\U]f( in
means the same, is used for \<I'\:m'ffi; I the Siddhantakaumudi.
ct. :fifo ClT 'iT Ii(<<: .. a common accent; the
Clo1a4 I ;j1:'2t iT
+miT I I S. accent which is supposed to be
pr:esent in a word when none of
k. on VI. 1.101.
differing in the matter of
accent; words so differing are
practically looked upon as one and
the same; ct. I
C[9'(io<j: I an,{lJ'<! I
M. Bh. on 1. 2. 64 Vart. 24. For
technical purposes, they some-
times looked upon as different; ct.
:q 3f1c:1Cl<J:. I Par.
Sek. Pari. 49.
difference in accents. See
a grammar-work on accents
by Nrsimha, who is quoted by
writers of works. on accents, They
mostly refute his arguments and
views. He belonged to the seven-
teenth century. He 1.S quoted in
the Chandas' section of NaraYaI.1a-
bhaHa's Prakriyasarvasva.
a rule prescribing an accent
:r a modification of accent. . I
a pause between two vowelS-
in one and the same word as in
or or in two different words
close by the visarga or <{,
between the two being elided. as
for instance in .
the three accents is definite, cf.
M. Bh. on VI. 4.I74.
recital 0f the Veda
Samhita text with intonation or
accents, as contrasted with
'ilRIlT which is specially prescribed in
a few cases; tonal system showing
distinction between words of differ-
ent senses although pronounced
alike, in the Sarilhita text. e.g.
and i!
a scholarly on
accents by Srinivasadixita, pupil of
Ramacandra Dixita. He lived in
the seventeenth century.
for purposes of accent, meant
for accent; cf. q\t>!I9T {
M. Bh.
on P. 1. 1.57.
the circumflex accent, the accent
between the acute (:ar.I'Cf) and the
grave ); for details see ffi.
marking or characterizing
by a svaritaaccent, as is supposed
to have been done by
he wrote down his; sii tras 'gram-
mar as also t!J,e Dhatupatha, the
Gal}apatha and other subsidiary
. appendixes. Although the rules of
the Al?tadbyayi are not recited
at pre!:ent with the proper accents
possessed by the various vowels as
given by the Siitrakara, still, by'
convention and traditional explana-
, HOll, certain words are' to be
as possessed of certain
aCGents. In the Dh1itupatha, by
oral tradition the accents of the
several roots are known by the
phrases a:J1:T <:'1fta-a:,
?:1'6T:, put therein at
different places. In the siitras, I
a major purpose is served by the
circumflex accent with wbich such
words, as are to continue to the
next or next few or next many rule,
have been marked. As the oral
tradition, according to which tbe
Siitras are recited at present, bas
preserved no accents, it is only the
au thoritative word, described as
( pratijiiti' of tbe ancient gramma-
rians, which now is available for
knowing the svarita. The same-'
, holds good in the case of
tion which is used as a
factor for determining the indicatory
nature of vowels as stated by the
rule :m.;' d.
'1tfU'r.n<ll: S. K. on P. I. 32.
the conventional dictum
, that a particular rule or part of a
rule, is marked with the accent
which enables the gramma-
rians to decide that that rule I
that part of a rule is to occur 10 I
each of the subsequent Siitras, I
.' . b' I
the limit of contInUatIOn emg j
. It' I
ascertained from . . 15 I
possible that paI.1ini in hIS \
recital of the Mtadhyayl . reCIted '\
the words in the rules wIth the
necessary accents; probably he
recited every word, which was not
to proceed further, lVith' one acute
vr with one circumflex vowel,
while, the words which we're "to -
proceed to the next rule or rules,
were' marked with 'an actualcir-
accent or with a
neutralization of the
grave accents ('t<lfuR:r); that is,
probably or by ,
or by li"iq; d.
P. I. 3.II and the
marked with a mute circumflex
vowel; the term\is used in
tion with roots in the Dhatupatha
which' are said, to have been so
, marked for the purpose of indicat-
ing that they are to take personal
endings of both the pidas; d.
'li4!f+rm2t P. 1.3.7

mention by the verbal form,
and not by the description of
characteristics; e. g. P.
VII. 2.II4; VI. I.
58'; d. 'Iilfr-
M. Bh. on P. VI. 1.58.
deserving by virtue of
one's own form.
an operation prescribed for
the verbal form of the word and
not for such words as possess the
meaning of the word; d. a:Jfto cif<'<f:
I 'Ii: I I l["a-mlFt-
I M. Bh.
on P. I. 1.56 Vart. I. In grammar
there is a general dictum that in
connection with words of a Sutra,
unless they are technical terms, the
word-forms are to be understood,
and not those shown by the sense
of the word; d. o.<i'
P. 1. 1.63. This rule has some
exceptions; for example, in the rule
P. II. 1.20 the various rivers
are to be understood and not the
lit. in its own form
. without admitting .'
change for the final letter . an anci-
. .
ent term for 'pragrhya' of Fa.Qini.
relationship of the posse-
ssor and tile possessed; one of the
general meanings of the type of
relation, expressed' by the genitive
case; I I 'if

I on. P. 1. 4.97.
(I) one's own limb, as contrast-
ed with that of another person; d.
I q qlit-
+nf?l<t I oW I Kas.
on:P; J. 3.28; (:2 ) forming a part,
a portion.; cf.
19; q]'111' Ofl\<f
I Of;'[(.\'4 a'=i 'if
Of>nfiliillfi'! I M. Bh. on
P .. IV. I.54.
..;lt independence, or autonomy
as a characteristic of the agent
( 9iOT ); cf. Cf.i!<9lifu! I I
fct9&m:ml. I Cf.m
I M. Bh. on P. III. l.87
vart. 5.
the affixes headed by 1;;!; a
term for d.
.. P. IV. I.2.
the a,ddition of case-affixes
which requires the de5ignation
for the preceding base by the
rule or
fuJre+lTBT&:! I P. "1. 2.45,' 46. The
addition of a .case-affix entitles the
word, made up of the base and the
case-affix, to be termed a Pada
wh!ch is fit for use in language; cf.
OflK q ct.
9'ffiClfT I fcfi I
I mffiqf<t9irfitfa
I M. Bh. on P. I. 2.45
Vart. l2.
natural, unartificial . the
wbrd' is frequently in
tion with t4e capacity of denot'a-
tion whiCh words naturally possess;
d. Ofn:r'<ll'i' P. I. 2.64
inherence; natural capacity;
the word' is used many times in
connection with the power of deno-
tation; d.
on P. II 1. 1. i-I2 or Ofn:r1:TT<1'<Tf'mffi-nelfRl.
, Nyasa on P. IV. 4.60... .
a 1,lsed h} the Pratisa!rhya
. 'Yorks for or the .circumflex
Jlccent ; Com: Pro
6; 'ct .a'lsoT. Pr. xx.
. There are seven variet-
qf in the
Viz.l;JIf, '8l'ftrf.ll[Q
XX. l-7. .,
one's own, sense possessed by a
word, such or
which is called in. the
case of nouns, and in the case
of verbs; cf. also Off.iRID':qr: 5I&-:!T:
+!9frcr M. Bh. on P. II!. 2.4.
Vart. 2.
prescribed (after a' ,base) in
the sense of itself ; i.e. in the sense
of the base. The word is used in
connection'with a large nnmber of
tad. affixes which are prescribed
without any special sense attached
. to them; vide P. V. 3.36 to P. V.
4.67 .. The Samiisanta affixes pre-
scribed from P.V. 4.68 onwards can
also be called :t<llFli:!;; ct.
M. Bh.on P.
V. 4.l4.27. See the word
BrT&<r possessed as its own, . as
contrasted with artificial or inteI\-
tionally stated cf. 8'ffi9'li
51rntt1:T: I
+lFctc,lfffi'M. Bh. on P.1. I.59
'f. the last of the spirant consonants;
which is a glottal, voiced letter
called also $lSI{ or spiran t of a part-
ial contact, i.e. possessed of the
properties 9\081, i3i'61{ and
This letter has been given
twice in the PaQinian alphabet,
viz. the Miihesvara Sfttras, and the
has given the purpose
of it, viz. the technical utility oJ
being included among soft conson-
ants along with semivowels, nasals
and tbe fifth, the fourth, and the
third class-consonants.
etc.). as 'also among the hard con-
sonants along with the fourth and
the third clas-letters and spiran ts
The second letter :. in
appears, however, to have only a
technical utility, as the purpose of
its place there among spirants is
served by the Jihvamfiliya and the
Upadhmanlya letters, which are, in
fact, the 'velar and the labial
spirants respectively, besides the
other three !{ The
PratiSakhya'calls if a chest sound.
For details, see on
the Siva Siitra ViirttikasI. 2
and 3.
i[ (I) representation of the conso-
nant it with Of added for facility of
pronunciation; ( 2) a technical
term for the internal effort
fcI'lQ and which causes in
the consonants cf.
<I: B +19m I
, !rla'. (a-
) I on T.Pr. [
11.6; (3) name of an external
efforts causing cf.
m <rr+r:'91q.j: fml
'if I Vaidikabharana
on T.Pr. II.6; (4) 'name of a
of external effort of. the type of
found in the utterance of
the consonant (it> and thefourth
class-consonants; cf.
name given to a kind of
svarabhakti, when tlie consomtnt \,
followed by '{" is read as + '{, +
author Sabdarthacan-
drika, a small treatise on the
introductory verses 'of Sarasvata-
&'filt See it as also if,
an old grammarian quoted by
Ujjvaladatta and Rayamukuta.
He has written a commentary on
G inside of the chin, mentioned as
a or place which is touched
by tbe tongue when a 'Peculiar
sound desGribed as somethlng like
is produced; cf. Fctl;;;:MrsI%r{l
i[''''fT ffigfa R.T.IO.
name of a reputed grammar-
ian of Sou them India who wrote
a very learned and scholarly com-
mentary, named on the
Kasikavrtti which is held by gramm-
arians as the standard vrtti or gloss
on the sutras of Plu)ini, and studied
especially in the schools of the sout-
hern grammarians. Haradatta was
a DraviQa BrahmaI),a, residing in a
village on the Bank of Kaved. His
another name was Sudarsana. His
father's name was Padmakumara.
He was a pupil of Apariij\ta. He
lived in the beginning. of -the
twelfth century after Kaiyata. His
scholarship in Grammar 'was' very
sound and he is believed to have
---- --------------
commented on many' grammar-
wor;k!;i The only fault of tbe scbol<l.r
was a very keen sense 01 egotism
which is found in his work, iliho-
ugh it can certainly be said' that
the egotism was not ill-placed
.' and could be justified' Qjf
. qft"i<l: I
I .
%c:r II Padamafijari, on P. I.T.
3, 4. The credit of popuhrising
PaI).ini's system of grammar in
. Southern India goes to Haradatta
to a c-Onsiderable e.xtent.
a short form used for the I
stalwart grammarian Bhartrhari, by I
later and commenta-I
tors 1n theIr references to him.
See the wonl above. I
:l scholar of grammar who I
wrote a short treatise on the I
nature and function of prepositions
&ftan. name of a kind of svarabhakti
when r (\.) followed by 5 (:u..)
and s is read as J.: + + ''It and
+ +
a of headed by the II
word lfTW to whIch the taddhita
affix (311'11"[) is added in the!
.sense\ of a descendant aiter the I
affix dl' (a:pt) bas already been \
added to them by 1:'. IV. I.I04,
the word so. formed possessing the
sense of the great gr,andchild
of 'the individuals denoted
by i[fur and others; e.g. mfurl<!'l: ;
cf. U
Kas. on P. IV. LICO.
a grammarian who wrote a
commentary on the UI].adi Sfltras,
a reputed grammarian of
the Siddhiintakaumudi school of
PiilJ.ini who lived in the end of the
seventeenth century. He was the
grandson ot Bhettoji Dikl?ita and
the preceptor of NagesabhHa. His
commentary named but
popularly called on Bhattoji
Di'kl?ita's PrauQ.hamanorama, is
widely studied by the pupils' along
with the PrauQ.hamanorama in the
VyakaraI].apathasa1as . There' a
work named' BrhatSabdaratna '
which has been written by Hari-
although some scholars
believe that it was written by
who ascribed it to . his,
Foidetails see
a grammarian of the
nineteenth century who has written _,
a commentary named
en Nagesa's
80:1.=.,..,.= '
Q. name Of a grammar work
Ly Riiptlgoswamin. \
a grammarian
of ti1e. Deccan who lived in the
seventeenth century at Nasikand
wrote on grammar-
works out of which his treatise on
independently but. based upon
Siradeva's deserves
a special notice and mention.
Cfil@- ) a modern
grammariCl.n who has writteen a
commentary" named Kasika on
KOI).Q.abh3Ha's VaiyakaraI).abhfl-
$aI).asara. He lived in the second
half of the eighteenth century and
the commentary I{iasika was
written by bim in 1797. He is said
to have been a 'pupil of the great
grammarian Bhairavamisra,
a grammarian who has written
commentaries named on the
Vaiyakaral)abhfl!?anasara of KOl)Qa-
bhatta, and on
the Sabdakaustubha of Bhattoji I

.( +!'lrrcRf) a grammarian of the
. nineteenth century who has written
Vakyarthacandrika,a commentary
on Nagesa's

name of an ancient grammarian
. who found fault with the Maha-
as quibblings as also by
advancing baseless; arguments cpo
pad. II. A8I.
a pupil of Candrakirti. He wrote I
a Dhatupatha for Sarasvata gra-
mmar and wrote a Vrtti on' the
latter called Tarangit;li. He lived
in the seventeenth century.
a fairly old grammarian
who wrote an extensive metrical
compendium on genders named
on which a commentary
was written by a grammarian
named These gramma-
rians were, of course, different from
. the .. reputed king and the
a short term for conso-
nants, made up of the first letter {
and thelast in
The term is universally used for
the word in PaQini's grammar;
cf. P. 1. 17.
1. 2.1:0 etc.
a term used for words ending in
consonants; d. +!f:l"5(jm
M. Bh. on P. 1. 1.3 Vart.lO; cf.
also :the term '{F.;: for the
Vrddhi prescribed by the rule CWtO!-
P. VII. 23
beginning with a consonant; d.
M. Bh. on P. II.
4.32 Viirt. 2; '<iTg,q tr<illfa:: M.
Bh. on P. III. 1.22. Viirt. 2. etc. J
a term frequently used' by
commentators for the omission of
all consonants except the initial
one in the syllable
as prescribed by the rule of paI).ini
l[tiIm: VII. The' word
as one word,' is also
found used in the same sepse.
a possibility of the applica-
tion of an accent to the consonant
by the litedil interpretation of rules
prescribing an. accen.t for the first
or the last letter of a word, to pre-
vent which a ruling is la,id down
that a consonant is not to be accen-
ted; cf. CJl':!i!'lJ:If9'lTI1T<ICRJ:. Par.
Sek. Pari. 80. '.
a short term (m<!Tifll:) for semi-
vowels, it, and the fifths, the
fourths and the thirds of the class-
consonants; cf. trfu :q P. VI. I.II4 .
&Ifun' name given to a kind of Svara-
bhakti when the consonant is
followed by:u.. and the conjunct
consonant is read or e:
;U,; cf. Tait.
Samh. I.
ftr (1) personal-ending of the second
pers. sing. substituted for m in the
imperative mood; cf. P. III.
4.87; (2) a sign-word' used in the
Vajasaneyi-priitisakhya to mark the
termination of the . words of the
Adhikarasfltra V. Pro III. 5, IV. II.
the use of the sign-word put
in the grammar of ApiSali acco:ding
to some grammarians who read Wfi\1l!
for in the Kiisikavrtti on P.
IV. 3. I IS.
a technical term of J ainendra gra-
mmar, corresponding to nfucr of
PaQini cpo I Jain. Sil. 3.r.61.
name of a 'commentary
written by a grammriannamed
OIi'the SarasvatikaI).thftbharat;,la
of Bhojaraja.
mr( I)' d.
R ... Pro X1.2; also d .. II.
3.23; P.Il!. 3.126; (2)
causal agent cf. CIiR<Ifu tI Kat.
II. 4.I5 ;cf. also p. 1.
. 4.55. cp.' Yak. pad .. UI. 7. 26,27.
the added to aroot
in the sense of activity of the
causal agent; see above; d.
(p.:f P. 1. 1.62. Vart7.
the of the causal agent
to express which a root has the
affix to it; cf.
<nfJ;: I a<a-.u <Rflm::
I \:lTmfOi"'!.. I
1GiS. on P. III. 1.26.
a Jain sage and scholar of
remarkable erudition in the reli-
gious works of the Jainas as also in
several Sastras. He. ;as a resident
of Dhandhuka in Gujarat. who; like
Sailkadidirya took at a
very early age alld wrote' a very
large number of original books and
commentaries, the total number of
which may well nigh exceed fifty,
during his long life of eighty-four
years (1088 to II72). He stayed
at Anhilavac;la-PattaI;la in the North
Gujarat and was patr'onised with
extreme reverence by King Kumar- who, in fact, became his- devo-
ted pupil. Besides the well-known
works on the various Sastras like
Kavyanusasana, Abhidhanacint-
amaQi, DesinamamaHi, Yogasastra,
Dvyasrayakavya, Tr.i!}a!;itisalakapu-
and others which are
well-known, he wrote a big work on
grammar called by him,
but popularly known by the name
.' . '"ij:+r<Rfl<glJl or The work
consists of eight books or Adhyayas,
out of which the eighth book is
devoted to Prakrit Grammar, and
. can be' styled as a Grammar of .all
'the Prakrit dialects. The Sanskrit
Grammar .of seven chapters is based
practically upon P1iI).ini's
yayi, the rules or sutras referring
to Vedic words or Vedic' affixes or
acceI),ts being entirely omitted.
The wording of the Sutras i's much
similar to that of paI).ini; at some
places it is even identical. The
order of the treatment of the sub-
jects in the is not;
however, similar to that obtaining
in the A!}tadhyayi of PaI).ini. He
is. mainly indebted to Pat;,lini and
Amoghavrtti and Jainendra Maha-
vrtti. It is somewhat topicwise as
in the Katantra Vyakarat;,la. The
first Adhyaya and a quarter of the
second are devoted to Samjiia,
and declension; the
second Pada of the second Adhyaya
is devoted to karaka, while the
third Pad a of it is devoted to
cerebralization and the fourth to
the Stripratyayas. The first two
Padas of the -third Adhyaya are
devoted to San1i:isas or compound
words, while the last two Padas of
the third Adhyaya and the fourth
Adhyaya iue devoted to conjuga-:
tion. The fifth Adhyaya is devoted
to verbal derivatives or krdanta,
while the sixth and the seventh
Adp.yayas are devoted to forma-
tions of nouns from notins, or tadd-
hita words. On this Sabdanusasana,
which is just like paI).ini's A!;itadb-
yayi, the eight adhyaya of Hema-
..;andra being devoted to tbe gra-
mmarof the Ar!}a languge similar
to Vedic grammar of Pat;,lini, Hema-
candra has himself written two
glosses which are and
t ' l..!..: _
and the famous commentary
known as . the Brhannyasa. Besides
these works viz. the
the two Vrttis on it and the Brha-
nnyasa, bas given an
viz. the LiIiganusasana. The Gra-
. n;l1Ijar of .Hemacandra, in sbort,
introduced a new system of gra-
mmar different from, yet similar to,
tbat of PaI;lini, which by his fol-
lowers was made completely
Jar to the Pa:Qiniya' systen;t by
writing works similar to. the Sid-
dhantakamudi, the Dhatuvrtti, the
Manorama and the Parihba!;iendu-
sekhara. He has drawn very freely
on earlier Brahmanical and Jain
grammatical works.
a grammarian belonging to
the school of Hemacandra, who
Ii ved in the fifteenth century and
wrote a work on Paribba!;ias named
on which he himself wrote
a commentary called
and another one called by the
name i<lf!3.
a learned grammarian who
wrote a commentary on the tbird
KalJ.Qa of the Vakyapadiya of
Bhartrhari to. which he has give.
the name -
. also called Candraprabhii-an
exhaustive commentary on the
Sabdanusasana of Hemacandra
written by a Jain gram;narian
Megbavijaya in the seventeenth
century which is similar to the
Siddhantakaum'udi of' Bhattoji
name of a treatise 011 roots,
as found in BrhadvrUi of Hema-
" .
written by a Jain gra-
mmarian named which is
similar to the. Madhaviya J?hatu- '.
. . ., - ': :: .,
'" . .
a work very similar 'to the
Siddhiintakaumudi written by .. a
comparatively modern Jain scholar
named Girijashankar'Sbastrt: :"
a g1oss written" on the
Haima Sfitrapatha
Hernacandra himself. See
above. . .
"" an extensive critical comm-
enta,ry.written by Hemacandra on
his own work, Haima
sana. See
a comm.entary on Hema-
candra's Brhadvrtti by
suri, pupil of Udayacandra.
a topicwise work
. on Hemacendra's Sabdanusasana
written by Vinayavijaya, a Jain
scholar of grammar.
a gloss on the Sabda-
nusasana, written by Hemacandra
himself. See above.
a treatise cn genders
written by See above.
" "
a commentary,
written in the seventeenth century
by Kalyiit;,lasagara on the
" "
a commentary
named also, written by Jaya-
nanda on the
a treatise on grammar
written by .called by the
name See above.
a treatise on 'grammar
written by Hemacandra. See
a short comm-
entary on Hemacandra's Sabdanu-
sa sana written by Devendrasuri.
a short gloss called
also, written by a Jain gra-
mmarian on _ the

imperfect tense; -a -term used
by ancient grammarians for the
affixes of the immediate past tense,
but not comprising the present day,
corresponding to the term of
paQini. The term is found in the
Katantra and Haimacandra gra-
mmars; cf. Kat. III. 1.23, 27-; cf. Ill.
a Chinese pilgrim (602-6
A. D.) who came to India in 62.9
A. D. stayed and extensively
travelled in many parts ot the
country. wrote a work entitled
Records of the Western Couutries
(Si-yuki) wherein details regard-
ing Indian alphabet and Indian
grarpmarians are given.
short, a term used in connection
with "the short vowels taking a unit
of time measured by one matra for
their utterllnce; cf.
tCf: P. 1. 2..27

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