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Lumbini Tour Packages (Buddhist Tour in Nepal) - 10 a!

Lumbini is the birth of place of Lord Buddha and has been declared as a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. It is s all to!n in the southern "erai plains of Nepal# !here the ruins of the old city can still be seen. $t the age of %&# he left this !orld !ith thousands of follo!ers to 'eep Buddhis ali(e. Lu bini has since been a holy ground for Buddhists all o(er the !orld. "he restored garden and surroundings of Lu bini ha(e the re ains of any of the ancient stupas and onasteries. $ large stone pillar erected by the Indian E peror $sho'a in )*+ BC bears an inscription about the birth of the Buddha. $n i portant part of Lu bini is the te ple of ,aya -e(i. It has stone i age of ,aya -e(i gi(ing birth to Lord Buddha as she holds onto a branch. $n i portant archeological site near Lu bini# .apil(astu e(o'es the ancient palace !here Lord Buddha spent his for ati(e years. Scattered foundations of the palace are abundant and archeologists ha(e by no! disco(ered /0 successi(e layers of hu an habitation dating bac' to the eighth century BC.

Access: Siddhartha High!ay connects Lu bini by road to 1o'hara# "ansen and .ath andu. 2egular 3lights fro .ath andu to Siddharthanagar# !hich is a /* 4 )+ inute dri(e fro Lu bini# connects Lu bini to the capital.

+tinerar! A: *athmandu-Pokhara-Lumbini-*athmandu - 0' Nights 0( a!s

a! 01: $rri(al at .ath andu transfers to Hotel O(ernight at hotel a! 0": .at andu city sightseeing place to (isit Bouddha Nath # Copen ,onastery# S!aya bhu Nath stupa# Bonpo ,onastery# 1atan 5olden "e ple 67arna ,ahabihar8 bac' to hotel# O(ernight a! 0#: -ri(e to 1o'hara chec' in Hotel# o(ernight a! 0$: Early in the orning sunrise trip to Saran'ot bac' to Hotel. $fternoon 1o'hara city sightseeing place to (isit 4 "ibetan onastery# Seti 2i(er 5eorge. "ibetan 2efugee ca p# -e(i9s !aterfall and :apanese stupa# O(ernight a! 0%; $fter brea'fast dri(e to Lu bini O(ernight a! 0&:Lu bini sight seeing place to (isit :apanese te ple# Chinese te ple# $SO.$ 1ILLE2 # 7ieatna "e lpe Buddha birth place# ,aya 5arden and any ore other Buddha stupa# bac' to hotel O(ernight. a! 0': Bac' to .ath andu# O(ernight a! 0(: -eparture to on!ard -estination.

+tinerar! B: *athmandu-Nagarkot-Pokhara-,hit-an-Lumbini Tour - 0. Nights 10 a!s

a! 01: Arri)al at *athmandu ,eet the guide at the airport and transfer to Hotel. a! 0": *athmandu-Nagarkot -ri(e to Nagar'ot (ia Bha'tpur city# e(ening sunrise progra # o(ernight Hotel. a! 0#: Nagarkot-*athamndu $fter sunrise bac' to .at andu. $fternoon .at andu city sightseeing place to (isit 1ashupatinath# Bouddha Nath # Budhanil'antha# Bala<u !ater# S!aya bhu Nath stupa 6,on'ey9s te ple8 .ath andu -urbar S=uare and 1atan -urbar S=uare !ith .rishna "e ple# o(ernight Hotel. a! 0$: *athmandu-Pokhara -ri(e > fly to 1o'hara chec' in Hotel# o(ernight.

a! 0%: Pokhara Early in the orning sunrise trip to Saran'ot bac' to Hotel. $fter noon 1o'hara city sightseeing place to (isit 4 Bindhabasini "e ple# Seti 2i(er gorge# 5or'ha ,useu # -e(i9s !aterfall# ,ahade( Ca(e and (isit the Barahi "e ple by boat ride in 3e!a La'e. a! 0&: Pokhara-,hit-an -ri(e to Chit!an# $rri(al in 2esort# 2efresh ent# Briefing about the progra e# $fter lunch 7isit to "haru 7illage National 1ar'9s (isitors9 center# Sunset (ie! fro the ri(er ban'# -inner !ith "haru Culture -ancing progra e # O(ernight a! 0': ,hit-an $fter Brea'fast -ugout canoe trip follo!ed by a nature !al' progra e or (isit to Elephant breeding far # bac' to 2esort $fter lunch Elephant bac' safari progra e# leisure# o(ernight# a! 0(: ,hit-an-Lumbini $fter brea'fast Bird !atching "our# dri(e to Lu bini# O(ernight. a! 0.: Lumbini-*athmandu $t $, (isit the $SO.$ 1ILL$2 that ar's the spot of Buddha9s birth# ,aya 5arden and any other onasteries and te ples in the (icinity. Late morning/ lea(e Lu bini for .ath andu.

0hat is included in the price1 /. Hotel > $irport pic' up ? drop by pri(ate car > (an > bus ). $cco odation as re=uired by you or as specified in the appropriate itinerary 0. 5uided tour by pri(ate car > (an > bus &. @our entire standard ,eals during the tour if appropriate 6Brea'fasts# Lunches# -inners8. *. Local licensed English spea'ing 5uide A. $ll our go(ern ent taBes C. Official eBpense 0hat is not included in the price1 /. Certain lunches and dinners as eBplained in the tour itinerary ). @our tra(el insurance 6co pulsory8 0. International airfare and airport departure taB &. $ppropriate (isa fees

*. $lcoholic# cold and hot drin's# laundry A. "ips for staff and dri(er 6"ipping is eBpected8 C. Certain sightseeing> onu ent entrance fees %. $ny others eBpenses !hich are not entioned on 1rice Includes section


,limate ,u'tinath and its high (alley are located in the ,ustang Bhote region. "he cli ate and landscape here are si ilar to those of the "ibetan 1lateau since it is situated in the rain shado! of the 5reater Hi alayas. "he changes in cli ate fro !ar to cold ta'e you to the sacred shrine of ,u'tinath in ,ustang district. 3lo!ing through the region fro north to south and for ing deep gorges is the .ali 5anda'i ri(er. "he te perature in su er 6,arch to $ugust8 ho(er bet!een ,aBi u of /A to /% degree Celsius and ,ini u A to % -egree Celsius. In the beginning of !inter 6Septe ber to No(e ber8 the te perature fluctuates bet!een /& to /A degree Celsius and + to & degree Celsius. In the !inter 6-ece ber to 3ebruary8 the aBi u te perature !ill be & to A degree Celsius and ini u + to 4% degree Celsius. 2eason: "he ost suitable ti e to (isit 4uktinath fro ,arch to ,ay ? October. In No(e ber ? 3ebruary it can be cold# but you can tra(el. -ece ber and :anuary are for the diehard ? sno!fall in the all of area & to /+ ft. :une to Septe ber is raining season. $s the !eather conditions !ould not be safe enough to tra(el in o ther onths. ,lothing: We suggest you to ta'e nor al !ar clothes. Light !ar <ac'et# !oolen s!eater# !ar Shirts# co fortable shoes# trousers and cotton pants are enough for this trip. We reco you to bring do!n <ac'et for the !inter. "4 ended

Accommodation: "here is enough Hotels and lodges near by ,u'tinath in :har'ot and 2anipau!a. "he Hotels and lodges are fine there. So e Hotels ha(e solar heated hot sho!ers and pro(ide roo s !ith attached bath. $lso local restaurant are a(ailable there. "hey pro(ide good food. 3or Hindu pilgri s there are also free -hara salas . 5thers 6acilities: S"- >IS- telephone ser(ices are a(ailable in 2anipau!a and :har'ot. Health post and 1ost office in :har'ot. 1olice station# $C$1 tourist infor ation center and Safe drin'ing !ater station at 2anipau!a. "here are a(ailable Electricity facilities also. 7ule 8 7egulation ,u'tinath lies in the $nnapurna conser(ation area !here entry fee re=uired. Entry fee can be obtained fro .ath andu and 1o'hara. "he $C$1 entry fee is 2s. )++.++ 1er person for Indians and others S$$2C nationals and 2s. )+++.++ per person to others foreign nationals at the abo(e entioned designated place. $n e=ual eBtra fee !ill le(ied if per its are issued fro

field chec' post. "he 1er it is non refundable# non4transferable and is (alid for single entry. Children belo! /+ yrs. need not entry fee.

,ontact us
2amrat Tours 8 Tra)els P)t: Ltd: 51O BoB; )+DA/# 5airidhara# .ath andu# Nepal. "el; EDCC4/4&++&C++ > &++&C+/ 3aB; EDCC4/4&C++))A Cell; EDCC4D%*/+0+*A& 6CN 1andey8 Cell; EDCC4D%*/+0)%AC 62a<ara "i!ari8 E ail; salesFsa sa rat(elF!lin'.co .np Web; !!!.sa !!!.e( !!!.'

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