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Year Level: 6 Time: 10.50 11.50 am Date: 10/04/2014 St&dent'( Pri!r )n!*ledge: / / / 0a!e an nderstanding of iMovie and Microsoft Publisher $ble to se comp ters and i*ads 1no"ledge of gro p disc ssion eti2 ette

Learning Area: English Strand T!"i# $r!m t%e A&'tralian C&rri#&l&m Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts st dents ha!e experienced in inno!ati!e "ays #$CE%&1'1() *articipate in and contrib te to disc ssions+ clarifying and interrogating ideas+ de!eloping and s pporting arg ments+ sharing and e!al ating information+ experiences and opinions #$CE%,1-0.) General Ca"a+ilitie' #that may potentially be covered in the lesson) Criti#al and Litera#, N&mera#, ICT

#reative t%in-ing N/A

Et%i#al +e%avi!&r

Per'!nal and S!#ial #!m"eten#e S&'taina+ilit,

Inter#&lt&ral &nder'tanding

Cr!''.#&rri#&l&m "ri!ritie' (may be addressed in the lesson)

A+!riginal and T!rre' Strait I'lander %i't!rie' and #&lt&re'

A'ia and A&'tralia(' engagement *it% A'ia

Le''!n O+/e#tive' As a result of this lesson, students will have 3ifferentiated bet"een 4 types of programs #Comic life+ p blisher and i5o!ie) sed to de!elop texts. 6dentified the aim of the pro7ect and "hat is expected of them for the next 4 "ee8s. Chosen their fable and the form of digital media they "ill be sing to transform it. Tea#%er(' Pri!r Pre"arati!n Organi'ati!n: Comp ters "ith ComicLife and Microsoft Publisher do"nloaded. i*ad "ith iMovie and ComicLife installed. Examples of the different interpretations of the &ortoise and the 0are fable: 9e"s article http://""".thene"'/ &ortoise/beats/rabbit/in/China/pet/s8i/off+ comic https://""" /search: 2;comic<tortoise<and<the<hare=rls; :en/$>:6E/ $ddress=so rce;lnms=tbm;isch=sa;?=ei;9b0a> @Ct%A3/ oBC4h40BDB=!ed;0C$8B@$>o$B=bi";1'00=b ih;(21Efacrc;@=imgdii;@=imgrc;laFrGx19/sg?x5 H254$H4Dfb42h2y15If155H4DhttpH254$ H252IH252I!oices." H252Icomic/riffsH252Iassets@c Pr!vi'i!n $!r 't&dent' at ed&#ati!nal ri'-: %en8a+ Carmen and Job "ill need to ha!e the instr ctions reiterated to them after directing the rest of the class. Kendy and J th are li8ely to str ggle "ith the 6C& components of the pro7ectL ens re that their gro p is accommodating them. $ndre" and *riscilla ha!e great confidence in sing 6C&L ens re that they are allo"ing others to participate.

H252I2010H252I0.H252I65B0.05/th mb/ 440x201/24--4.7pgH4DhttpH254$H252I H252I!oices."ashingtonpost.comH252Icomic/ riffs H252I2010H252I0.H252Inext@great@cartoonist @s nday@i.htmlH4D440H4D201+ and i5o!ie http://""".yo t"atch:!;isCM1s8i5", Ens re "ebsite is operational. Cet p the three "or8stations "ith the appropriate material at each #abo!e)L teaching station #Comic%ife)+ st dent station 1 #5icrosoft p blisher)+ and st dent station 2 #i5o!ie). &ext Comparison "or8sheet print 40 copies. Krite lesson se2 ence on the "hiteboard. %ist of allocated gro ps of st dents. Chec8list for assessment.

LESSON E0ALUATION A''e''ment !$ Le''!n O+/e#tive and S&gge'ti!n' $!r Im"r!vement : $ chec8list "ill be sed to determine: 3id the st dents recognise the differences bet"een comics+ ne"s articles and !ideo: 3id the st dents choose a fable and text type that "as s itable to their abilities and interests: 3id st dents sho" their nderstanding of the aim and expectations of the pro7ect in the blog post: 3id the st dents ta8e t rns "ith each other: Khat "ill the st dents need to "or8 on in the next lesson: Kas the acti!ity helpf l and sef l: Khat tas8s did the st dents find diffic lt: Tea#%er 'el$.re$le#ti!n and 'el$.eval&ati!n : $necdotal notes "ill be 8ept on: Kere the st dents interested in the lesson that they "ere presented "ith: 3id each st dent participate: Kere all ob7ecti!es met: Khat aspects of the lesson did the st dents complete: 0o" can this be impro!ed: NOFFICIAL USE ONLYO Comments by classroom teacher+ 0P**+ s per!isor:

Time 10:50 1!tivati!n and Intr!d&#ti!n: 1. Ct dents come in from recess and are as8ed to ta8e o t their English materials and sit on the mat. 2. Ct dents are introd ced to the topicL transforming classic fables into a choice of three texts+ sing ComicLife+ Microsoft Publisher or iMovie !"elcome bac# everyone$ % hope you en&oyed your recess 'oday we are (oin( to be startin( a new )n(lish pro&ect usin( lots of different types of %C' "ho has heard of a fable before*+ Re'!&r#e'

4. $fter a short disc ssion abo t fables+ a comic+ ne"s article and a short !ideo of a dramatic reading #all interpretations of the fable the &ortoise and the 0are) "ill be sho"n to the class to ill strate ho" fables can be con!erted into the different texts. 4. 6ntrod ce the "ebsite """.morethanafable." "hich "ill na!igate st dents thro gh the pro7ect. 10:57am Le''!n Ste"': 1. Ct dents are p t into their pre/allocated gro ps and instr cted to go onto the More than a ,able "ebsite and complete the first tas8: choose a fable from the list in the Jeso rces section. 2. 6n their gro ps+ st dents are gi!en ' min tes to re!ie" the list of possible fables and come to an agreement on "hich one they "ill se for the pro7ect. 4. Ct dents are no" di!ided into 4 gro ps #one member from each of the pro7ect gro ps is p t into a "or8station gro p)L Mro p 1 "ill begin at the teaching station+ "here ComicLife "ill be demonstrated+ Mro p 2 "ill begin at the Microsoft Publisher st dent station and Mro p 4 "ill begin at the iMovie st dent station. 4. $s8 one st dent to hand o t the &ext Comparison "or8sheet+ "hich st dents are expected to fill o t+ indi!id ally+ at each station. 5. Pnce all the "or8station gro ps ha!e !isited each station+ they are instr cted to get bac8 into their pro7ect gro ps to disc ss and choose "hat digital text they "o ld li8e to se to con!ert their fable. '. Ct dents are no" instr cted to begin ma8ing a ro gh plan for their pro7ect. Le''!n Cl!'&re: 1. Ct dents are as8ed to share their choices of fable and digital text for the pro7ect and "hy. 11:40am 2. Ct dents are instr cted to "or8 indi!id ally+ ans"ering the first of fo r blog post 2 estions+ "hich are sed to re!ie" and reflect on the first lesson. Tran'iti!n: 11:49am 1. Ct dents are as8ed to log o t of their comp ters+ p t their English e2 ipment a"ay+ and ta8e their maths e2 ipment. 2. Iinally+ st dents are as8ed to sit 2 ietly on the mat in anticipation of the next lesson. A''e''ment: &he teacher "ill assess the gro ps 1+ 2+ 4 and 4 for personal and social competence and cooperation+ sing a chec8list to mar8 those st dents "ho did/did not "or8 together cooperati!ely.

*ro7ector "ith tabs of the comic+ "ebsite+ !ideo and ne"s article open.

%in8 to Q5ore than a IableR "ritten on "hiteboard.

Ctations f lly set p and defined.


S&ext ComparisonT "or8sheet. Chec8list for assessment.


&he teacher "ill assess the st dentsR indi!id al nderstanding of the three different texts by mar8ing the &ext Comparison "or8sheets. &he teacher "ill informally assess st dentsR ability to foc s on the tas8 at hand and their pro7ect choices.

C%e#-li't *ill in#l&de Contrib ting to gro p disc ssions Mi!ing other gro p members the chance to share their ideas Ppenly and tho ghtf lly considers othersR ideas Kor8/responsibilities are e2 ally shared bet"een gro p members

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