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Lack of affordable access to the nearest health center and other health resources The ability of each member

of the community to access health services and other health resources vastly depends on the income of their own families. In traditional Filipino family, the father is usually the bread winner who earns to provide for the needs of his family. It may suffice if the job is at least decent. However, the Aeta community in the mountains of Nabuclod Pampanga cannot even land a contractual job but only blue collar jobs such as carpentry, farming, and the like which can only provide at most food on the table. "Pero mahal yung sasakyan. Tapos matagal. Bumababa [lang kami sa Floridablanca] kung may pera ka. Kung wala, di ka bumababa. The key informant also admitted: "Pagka ano, 500 din. 500 bayad sa motor" (referring to cost of a motor ride). Indeed money hinders them in accessing health resources. According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, individuals' top most priority is the group of physiologic needs. These include the most basic needs that are vital to survival, such as the need for water, air, food, and sleep. Maslow believed that these needs are the most basic and instinctive needs in the hierarchy because all needs become secondary until these physiological needs are met. These needs can also be categorized as health resources and money plays a great role in achieving them.

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