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1 cup uncooked red qulnoa
1/3 cup ollve oll
2 Lablespoons red wlne vlnegar
1 1/2 Leaspoons flnely mlnced shalloLs
1/4 Leaspoon kosher salL
1/4 Leaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 cups (1/2-lnch) dlced seeded LomaLo
1/2 cup (1/2-lnch) dlced seeded cucumber
3 Lablespoons chopped fresh mlnL
1 Lablespoon chopped fresh oregano
1 (13-ounce) can chlckpeas (garbanzo beans), rlnsed and dralned
2 ounces crumbled feLa cheese (abouL 1/2 cup)
4 lemon wedges

1. Cook qulnoa accordlng Lo package dlrecLlons, omlLLlng salL and faL. uraln and place ln a large
bowl. LeL cool 1 hour.
2. Whlle qulnoa cools, comblne oll and nexL 4 lngredlenLs (Lhrough pepper) ln a small bowl, sLlrrlng
wlLh a whlsk. LeL sLand 20 mlnuLes.
3. Add dresslng, LomaLo, and nexL 4 lngredlenLs (Lhrough chlckpeas) Lo qulnoa, Loss well. Add
cheese, and Loss genLly. Serve wlLh lemon wedges.

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