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Choosing the Appropriate Method

What to use, and when ...

Use the Cylindrical coordinate method if you desire the easiest and most versatile method of involute creation, or if you have to use polar coordinates.

Use Cartesian Coordinates if you have to have the equations in terms of X,Y,Z only.

Use the Variable Section Sweep method only if yo dont know/care about the major dia., and you are creating a straight (non(non-helical) tooth surface.

Deriving the Involute Curve quations -- Terms

Ri = Base dia./2

artesian Coordinates

Ro = Major dia./2

Salpha = arc length

SR = tangent line length at any poin X,Y on the involu

SRo = tangent line length at major diameter on invo

Beta = angle from start of involute to tangent point on base circle

Xc,Yc = tangent point on base circ

Deriving the Involute Curve quations

artesian Coordinates

For now, we will assume a start angle of 0 0 for simplicity, and emove it from the formulae.

m Basic Trigonometry:

Xc = Ri*cos(Beta)

Yc = Ri*sin(Beta)

Salpha = SR = Ri*Beta*(2*pi/360)

arc length = pi*dia*angle/360)

XR = Xc + SR*sin(Beta)

YR = Yc SR*cos(Beta)

R = (X 2+Y 2) by

Deriving the Involute Curve quations

artesian Coordinates

mplify/substitute to get the XR and YR terms in terms of R and Beta:

Substituting Ri*cos(Beta) for Xc, and Beta*(2*pi/360)*Ri f SR, then simplifying: original equation

XR = Xc + SR*sin(Beta)

XR = Ri*cos(Beta) + Beta* Ri *(2*pi/360)*sin(Beta)

Substituting Ri*sin(Beta) for Yc and Beta*(2*pi/360)*Ri for SR , then simplifying: original equation

YR = Yc SR*cos(Beta)

Y = R *sin(Beta) Beta*R *(2*pi/360)*cos(Beta)

Deriving the Involute Curve quations

artesian Coordinates

Substituting for XR, YR, in the eqn. for Ro and simplifying: original equation

2+Y 2) = (X o R R

emember that: = Ri*sin(Beta) Beta*Ri*(2*pi/360)*cos(Beta)

= Ri*cos(Beta) + Beta* Ri *(2*pi/360)*sin(Beta), a

ugging these equations in gives:

2 + = [(R *cos(Beta)+R *Beta*(2*pi/360)*sin(Beta)) o i i

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