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Accident on my Best Friends Birthday It was Friday 26th of August, 2011.

Morning started off the usual way, morning prayers, driving lessons and off to work on the ike whi!h I ride only on Fridays. I was a little relu!tant to take the ike, so I re"uested my dad to drop me ut my father said #why don$t you take the ike to offi!e%. &o there I was all ready to go and sat on the ike re!ited the #Angel of 'od% prayer. It was a day that my instin!ts kept saying #() *A+)F,-%. .hen have we ever listened to our instin!ts// 0hey are never wrong that I !an assure you. I usually never ride fast, for !ertain reasons I maintain an average speed. &in!e there was not mu!h of traffi! I thought of speeding up a little it even though I had no reasons to go fast to offi!e. I was an hour early anyway. I ad1usted my helmet whi!h was not tight enough to handle the speed, a!!elerated slightly and showing off a little it, tried overtaking a us that was at the us stop, whilst a van overtaking the us. 0he us took off, the van stopped, thought I !ould sneak through the gap etween the van and the us, I knew I was going to hit the us, the reak power wasn$t enough to !ontrol the speed. I hit the us so hard that I went sliding on the road like a Motor!y!le stunt ride go wrong. 0he us and the van !ontinued their 1ourney not othered to !he!k who was in1ured on the road. (ut three men on motor ikes ehind me stopped and lifted me up like three angels 2I$v named them Mi!heal, 'a riel and the 'uardian Angel3. It was a narrow es!ape, the us or any vehi!le in fa!t on the opposite dire!tion would have run over me. It was entirely 'od who saved me, with minor in1uries, no fra!tures, no sti!hes, ut with ruises and s!rat!h marks all over my ody. I was rushed to the 4ospital and was home after the dressing. *alled my est friend and informed her that I met with an a!!ident. It was her irthday. It was not something I wanted to tell on her irthday. &he !ame home after work, spent time with me even though her family was waiting for her to return home for !ele rations. &he stayed y my side. I apologi5ed for ruining her irthday. &he said #you did not ruin my irthday, you 1ust made it memora le%. 0hese words will never e forgotten. My offi!e !olleagues and friends !ame to visit me that night, made me reali5e that I$m not alone and there are people around me who a!tually !are for me. 0hank you 6esus for saving me, and giving me another !han!e to live a eautiful life that has een given to me.

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