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1 killed, 2 injured in accident at nuclear submarine under construction in Visakhapatnam

VISAISAKHAPATNA ! In "et another accident in#ol#in$ the Na#", one ci#ilian %orker %as killed and t%o %ere injured in an accident at the nuclear submarine under construction at the shipbuildin$ centre o&'astern Na#al (ommand )'N(* on Saturda"+ The incident took place %hen the pressure o& the h"draulic tank o& the Arihant class submarine %as bein$ tested and the tank,s lid &ell on the %orkers o& - .T at /uildin$01 o& the shipbuildin$ centre, 2e&ence 3esearch 2e#elopment 4r$ani5ation )2324* chie& A#inash (hander told PTI+ He said one %orker 6un&ortunatel" lost his li&e6 in the incident+ Police sources said 270"ear0old Amar %as killed on the spot %hile Am5ad Khan and Vishnu %ere seriousl" injured and admitted to a pri#ate hospital in the cit"+

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