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Stories that passed down from generation to generation that changing slowly over time.

Theme A. Often universal in quality B. Generally obvious and straightforward C. Usually deals with conflict or contrast, for example: good vs. evil, innocence vs. wise. e.g: Cinderella received unfair treatment by her stepsibling.

Also called as magic stories.

Characters A. Stereotyped, one-dimensional B. Can be animals or humans C. Represent types; they are not developed as flesh-and-blood people.

Plot A. Quick, concise introduction B. Logical, fast-paced development of events C. Logical, abrupt ending after the climax or resolution of the problem D. Satisfying, definite conclusion (universal happy ending)

Style (word usage and structure of story) A. Limited description and detail B. Frequent use of rhyme and repetition C. Reflects culture in which the story is found.

Appropriate Language Level The language in the story mostly known or understood by the children. The length and complexity of the story for students age 10- 11 years old.

VISUALS Illustrations help students to understand both the vocabulary and the story. Type that is too small, or too many words on a page, can intimidate young students.

Content Can reinforce vocabulary acquisition. This story can be used to teach about morals and consequences.

Language Learning Potential The characters names, and the use of pronouns careful use of intonation and gestures along with the story telling/reading help to make concept clear. The nouns there a lot of related vocabulary items, such as animals, fruits, colours, family members, or transport. Numbers this story have times. Predictable patterns. Children love stories with predictable patterns, and they are great for language learning practice.

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