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I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You Gallagher Girls Book 1 Ally


[v !" #$anned % #&ell$he$ked 'y the(usual )ro* dt+ [v1! ,roo)ed 'y the(usual+

C-.T/.T# A$kno0ledg*ents Cha&ter -ne Cha&ter T0o Cha&ter Three Cha&ter 1our Cha&ter 1ive Cha&ter #i2 Cha&ter #even Cha&ter /ight Cha&ter .ine Cha&ter Ten Cha&ter /leven Cha&ter T0elve Cha&ter Thirteen Cha&ter 1ourteen Cha&ter 1i)teen Cha&ter #i2teen Cha&ter #eventeen Cha&ter /ighteen Cha&ter .ineteen

Cha&ter T0enty Cha&ter T0enty3one Cha&ter T0enty3t0o Cha&ter T0enty3three Cha&ter T0enty3)our Cha&ter T0enty3)ive Cha&ter T0enty3si2 Cha&ter T0enty3seven Cha&ter T0enty3eight Cha&ter T0enty3nine


This 'ook 0ould not have 'een &ossi'le 0ithout the hel& and en$ourage*ent o) *any 0onder)ul &eo&le! I thank the tre*endously talented 4onna Bray and Arianne Le0in )or all their kindness,&ro)essionalis*, and su&&ort! I o0e a lot to *y 0onder)ul )riends and )a*ily, 0ho have al0ays stood 'y *e! But *ostly, )or this 'ook, I thank Kristin .elson, 0ho sent the e3*ail that started it all!

Te2t $o&yright 5 6

7 'y Ally Carter

In *e*ory o) /llen 8oore Balar9s, a true Gallagher Girl

Cha&ter -ne

I su&&ose a lot o) teenage girls )eel invisi'le so*eti*es, like they :ust disa&&ear! ;ell, that's *e<Ca**ie the Cha*eleon! But I'* lu$kier than *ost 'e$ause,

at *y s$hool, that's $onsidered $ool! I go to a s$hool )or s&ies! -) $ourse, te$hni$ally, the Gallagher A$ade*y )or /2$e&tional Young ;o*en is a s$hool )or geniuses<not s&ies<and 0e're )ree to &ursue any $areer that 'e)its our e2$e&tional edu$ations! But 0hen a s$hool tells you that, and then tea$hes you things like advan$ed en$ry&tion and )ourteen di))erent languages, it's kind o) like 'ig to'a$$o telling kids not to s*oke= so all o) us Gallagher Girls kno0 li& servi$e 0hen 0e hear it! /ven *y *o* rolls her eyes 'ut doesn't $orre$t *e 0hen I $all it s&y s$hool, and she's the head*istress! -) $ourse, she's also a retired CIA o&erative, and it 0as her idea )or *e to 0rite this, *y )irst Covert -&erations >e&ort, to su**ari9e 0hat ha&&ened last se*ester! #he's al0ays telling us that the 0orst &art o) the s&y li)e isn't the danger<it's the &a&er0ork! A)ter all, 0hen you're on a &lane ho*e )ro* Istan'ul 0ith a nu$lear 0arhead in a hat'o2, the last thing you 0ant to do is 0rite a re&ort a'out it! #o that's 0hy I'* 0riting this<)or the &ra$ti$e! I) you've got a Level 1our $learan$e or higher, you &ro'a'ly kno0 all a'out us Gallagher Girls, sin$e 0e've 'een around )or *ore than a hundred years ?the s$hool, not *e< I'll turn si2teen ne2t *onth@A! But i) you don't have that kind o) $learan$e, then you &ro'a'ly think 0e're :ust an ur'an s&y *yth<like :et &a$ks and invisi'ility suits<and you drive 'y our ivy3$overed 0alls, look at our gorgeous *ansion and *ani$ured grounds, and assu*e, like everyone else, that the Gallagher A$ade*y )or /2$e&tional Young ;o*en is :ust a snooty 'oarding s$hool )or 'ored heiresses 0ith no &la$e else to go! ;ell, to tell you the truth, 0e're totally )ine 0ith that< it's one o) the reasons no one in the to0n o) >oseville, Birginia, thought t0i$e a'out the long line o) li*ousines that 'rought *y $lass*ates 'a$k to $a*&us last #e&te*'er! I 0at$hed )ro* a 0indo0 seat on the third )loor o) the *ansion as the $ars *ateriali9ed out o) the 'lankets o) green )oliage and turned through the to0ering 0rought3iron gates! The hal)3*ile3long drive0ay $urved through the hills, looking as har*less as 4orothy's yello0 'ri$k road, not giving a $lue that it's eCui&&ed 0ith laser 'ea*s that read tire treads and sensors that $he$k )or e2&losives, and one entire se$tion that $an o&en u& and s0allo0 a tru$k 0hole! ?I) you think that's dangerous, don't even get *e started a'out the &ond@A I 0ra&&ed *y ar*s around *y knees and stared through the 0indo0's 0avy glass! The red velvet $urtains 0ere dra0n around the tiny al$ove, and I 0as envelo&ed 'y an odd sense o) &ea$e, kno0ing that in t0enty *inutes, the halls 0ere going to 'e $ro0ded= *usi$ 0as going to 'e 'laring= and I 0as going to go )ro* 'eing an only $hild to one o) a hundred sisters, so I kne0 to savor the silen$e 0hile it lasted! Then, as i) to &rove *y &oint, a loud 'last and the s*ell o) 'urning hair $a*e )loating u& the *ain stairs )ro* the se$ond3)loor Hall o) History, )ollo0ed 'y ,ro)essor Bu$kingha*'s distinguished voi$e $rying, DGirls@ I told you not to tou$h that@D The s*ell got 0orse, and one o) the seventh graders 0as &ro'a'ly still on )ire, 'e$ause ,ro)essor Bu$kingha* yelled, D#tand still! #tand still, I say@D Then ,ro)essor Bu$kingha* said so*e 1ren$h s0ear 0ords that the seventh graders &ro'a'ly 0ouldn't understand )or three se*esters, and I re*e*'ered ho0 every year during ne0 student orientation one o) the ne0'ies 0ill get $o$ky and try to sho0 o)) 'y gra''ing the s0ord Gillian Gallagher used to slay the guy 0ho 0as going to kill A'raha* Lin$oln<the )irst guy, that is! The one you never hear a'out! But 0hat the ne0'ies aren't told on their $a*&us tour is that Gilly's s0ord is $harged 0ith enough ele$tri$ity to E 0ellElight your hair on )ire! I :ust love the start o) s$hool!

I think our roo* used to 'e an atti$, on$e u&on a ti*e! It has these $ool dor*ers and oddly sha&ed 0indo0s and lots o) little nooks and $rannies, 0here a girl $an sit 0ith her 'a$k against the 0all and listen to the thundering )eet and sCueals o) hello that are &ro'a'ly &retty standard at 'oarding s$hools every0here on the )irst day a)ter su**er 'reak ?'ut they &ro'a'ly sto& 'eing standard 0hen they take &la$e in ,ortuguese and 1arsiA! -ut in the hall, Ki* Lee 0as talking a'out her su**er in #inga&ore= and Tina ;alters 0as de$laring that DCairo 0as su&er $ool! Fohannes'urg< not so *u$h,D 0hi$h is e2a$tly 0hat *y *o* had said 0hen I'd $o*&lained a'out ho0 Tina's &arents 0ere taking her to A)ri$a over the su**er 0hereas I 0as going to have to visit *y dad's &arents on their ran$h in .e'raska<an e2&erien$e I'* )airly sure 0ill never hel& *e 'reak out o) an ene*y interrogation )a$ility or disar* a dirty 'o*'! DHey, 0here's Ca**ieGD Tina asked, 'ut I 0asn't a'out to leave *y roo* until I $ould $o*e u& 0ith a )ish story to *at$h the international e2&loits o) *y $lass*ates, seventy &er$ent o) 0ho* are the daughters o) $urrent or )or*er govern*ent o&eratives<aka s&ies! /ven Courtney Bauer had s&ent a 0eek in ,aris, and her &arents are 'oth o&to*etrists, so you $an see 0hy I 0asn't es&e$ially eager to ad*it that I'd s&ent three *onths &lo&&ed do0n right in the *iddle o) .orth A*eri$a, $leaning )ish! I'd )inally de$ided to tell the* a'out the ti*e I 0as e2&eri*enting 0ith average household ite*s that $an 'e used as 0ea&ons and a$$identally de$a&itated a s$are$ro0 ?0ho kne0 knitting needles $ould do that kind o) da*ageGA, 0hen I heard the distin$tive thud o) luggage $rashing into a 0all and a so)t, #outhern, D-h, Ca**ie E $o*e out, $o*e out, 0herever you are!D I &eered around the $orner and sa0 Li9 &osing in the door0ay, trying to look like 8iss Ala'a*a, 'ut 'earing a greater rese*'lan$e to a tooth&i$k in $a&ri &ants and )li&3)lo&s! A very red tooth&i$k! #he s*iled and said, D4id you *iss *eGD ;ell, I did *iss her, 'ut I 0as totally a)raid to hug her! D;hat ha&&ened to youGD Li9 rolled her eyes and :ust said, D4on't )all aslee& 'y a &ool in Ala'a*a,D as i) she should have kno0n 'etter< 0hi$h she totally should have! I *ean, 0e're all te$hni$ally geniuses and everything, 'ut at age nine, Li9 had the highest s$ore on the third3grade a$hieve*ent tests ever! The govern*ent kee&s tra$k o) that kind o) thing, so the su**er 'e)ore seventh grade, her &arents got a visit )ro* so*e 'ig guys in dark suits and three *onths later, Li9 0as a Gallagher Girl< :ust not the kill3a3*an30ith3her3'are3hands variety! I) I'* ever on a *ission, I 0ant Be2 'eside *e and Li9 )ar, )ar a0ay, 0ith a'out a do9en $o*&uters and a $hess'oard<a )a$t I $ouldn't hel& 'ut re*e*'er 0hen Li9 tried to )ling her suit$ase onto the 'ed, 'ut *issed and ended u& kno$king over a 'ook$ase, de*olishing *y stereo and )lattening a &er)e$tly3s$aled re&li$a o) 4.A that I'd *ade out o) &a&ier3*H$hI in eighth grade! D-o&sy daisy,D Li9 said, thro0ing her hand to her *outh!

#ure, she kno0s $uss 0ords in )ourteen di))erent languages, 'ut 0hen )a$ed 0ith a *inor $atastro&he, Li9 says oo&sy daisy! At that &oint I didn't $are ho0 sun'urned she 0as<I had to hug *y )riend!

At si2 thirty e2a$tly, 0e 0ere in our uni)or*s, sliding our hands over the s*ooth *ahogany 'anisters, and des$ending do0n the stair$ases that s&iral gra$e)ully to the )oyer )loor! /veryone 0as laughing ?turns out *y knitting needle story 0as a 'ig hitA, 'ut Li9 and I ke&t looking to0ard the door in the $enter o) the atriu* 'elo0! D8ay'e there 0as trou'le 0ith the &laneGD Li9 0his&ered! D-r $usto*sG -r E I'* sure she's :ust late!D I nodded and $ontinued glan$ing do0n at the )oyer as i), on $ue, Be2 0as going to 'urst through the doors! But they stayed $losed, and Li9's voi$e got sCueakier as she asked, D4id you hear )ro* herG I didn't hear )ro* her! ;hy didn't 0e hear )ro* herGD ;ell, I 0ould have 'een sur&rised i) 0e had heard )ro* her, to tell you the truth! As soon as Be2 had told us that 'oth her *o* and her dad 0ere taking a leave o) a'sen$e to s&end the su**er 0ith her, I kne0 she 0asn't going to 'e *u$h o) a &en &al! Leave it to Li9 to $o*e to a $o*&letely di))erent $on$lusion! D-h *y gosh, 0hat i) she dro&&ed outGD Li9 $ranked u& the 0orry in her voi$e! D4id she get ki$ked outGD D;hy 0ould you think thatGD D;ellED she said, stu*'ling over the o'vious, DBe2 al0ays has 'een kind o) rules3 o&tionalD Li9 shrugged, and, sadly, I $ouldn't disagree! DAnd 0hy else 0ould she 'e lateG Gallagher Girls are never late@ Ca**ie, you kno0 so*ething, don't youG You've got to kno0 so*ething!D Ti*es like this are 0hen it's no )un 'eing the head*istress's daughter, 'e$ause AA it's totally annoying 0hen &eo&le think I'* in a loo& I'* not in, and BA &eo&le al0ays assu*e I'* in &artnershi& 0ith the sta)), 0hi$h really I'* not3 #ure, I have &rivate dinners 0ith *y *o* on #unday nights, and so*eti*es she leaves *e alone in her o))i$e )or )ive se$onds, 'ut that's it! ;henever s$hool is in session, I'* :ust another Gallagher Girl ?e2$e&t )or 'eing the girl to 0ho* the a)ore*entioned A and B a&&lyA! I looked 'a$k do0n at the )ront doors, then turned to Li9! DI 'et she's :ust late,D I said, &raying that there 0ould 'e a &o& Cui9 over su&&er ?nothing distra$ts Li9 )aster than a &o& Cui9A! As 0e a&&roa$hed the *assive, o&en doors o) the Grand Hall, 0here Gilly Gallagher su&&osedly &oisoned a *an at her o0n $otillion, I involuntarily glan$ed u& at the ele$troni$ s$reen that read D/nglish<A*eri$anD even though I kne0 0e al0ays talk in our o0n language and a$$ents )or the 0el$o*e3'a$k dinner! -ur *ealti*e $onversations 0ouldn't 'e taking &la$e in DChinese<8andarinD )or at least a 0eek, I ho&ed! ;e settled at our usual ta'le in the Grand Hall, and I )inally )elt at ho*e! -) $ourse, I'd a$tually 'een 'a$k )or three 0eeks, 'ut *y only $o*&any had 'een the ne0'ies and the sta))! The only thing 0orse than 'eing the only u&&er' $lass*an in

a *ansion )ull o) seventh graders is hanging out in the tea$hers' lounge 0at$hing your An$ient Languages &ro)essor &ut dro&s in the ears o) the 0orld's )ore*ost authority on data en$ry&tion 0hile he s0ears he'll never go s$u'a diving again! ?/0, *ental &i$ture o) 8r! 8os$ko0it9 in a 0et suit@ Gross@A #in$e a girl $an only read so *any 'a$k issues o) /s&ionage Today, I usually s&ent those &re3se*ester days 0andering around the *ansion, dis$overing hidden $o*&art*ents and se$ret &assage0ays that are at least a hundred years old and haven't seen a good dusting in a'out that long! 8ostly, I tried to s&end ti*e 0ith *y *o*, 'ut she'd 'een su&er 'usy and totally distra$ted! >e*e*'ering this no0, I thought a'out Be2's *ysterious a'sen$e and suddenly 'egan to 0orry that *ay'e Li9 had 'een onto so*ething! Then Anna 1etter*an sCuee9ed onto the 'en$h ne2t to Li9 and asked, DHave you seen itG 4id you lookGD Anna 0as holding a 'lue sli& o) &a&er that instantly dissolves 0hen you &ut it in your *outh! ?/ven though it looks like it 0ill taste like $otton $andy, it doesn't< trust *e@A I don't kno0 0hy they al0ays &ut our $lass s$hedules on /va&o&a&er< &ro'a'ly so 0e $an use u& our stash o) the 'ad3tasting kind and *ove on to the good stu)), like *int $ho$olate $hi&! But Anna 0asn't thinking a'out the /va&o&a&er )lavor 0hen she yelled, D;e have Covert -&erations@D #he sounded a'solutely terri)ied, and I re*e*'ered that she 0as &ro'a'ly the only Gallagher Girl that Li9 $ould take in a )ist3)ight! I looked at Li9, and even she rolled her eyes at Anna's hysteri$s! A)ter all, everyone kno0s so&ho*ore year is the )irst ti*e 0e get to do anything that even a&&roa$hes a$tual )ield0ork! It's our )irst e2&osure to real s&y stu)), 'ut Anna see*ed to 'e )orgetting that the $lass itsel) 0as, sadly, kind o) a $ake0alk! DI'* &retty sure 0e $an handle it,D Li9 soothed, &rying the &a&er )ro* Anna's )rail hands! DAll Bu$kingha* does is tell horror stories a'out all the stu)) she sa0 in ;orld ;ar T0o and sho0 slides, re*e*'erG /ver sin$e she 'roke her hi& she's<D DBut Bu$kingha* is out@D Anna e2$lai*ed, and this got *y attention! I'* sure I stared at her )or a se$ond or t0o 'e)ore saying, D,ro)essor Bu$kingha* is still here, Anna,D not adding that I'd s&ent hal) the *orning $oa2ing -ny2, her $at, do0n )ro* the to& shel) o) the sta)) li'rary! DThat's got to 'e :ust a start3 o)3s$hool ru*or!D There 0ere al0ays &lenty o) those<like ho0 so*e girl got kidna&&ed 'y terrorists, or one o) the sta)) *e*'ers 0on a hundred grand on ;heel o) 1ortune! ?Though, no0 that I think o) it, that one 0as a$tually true!A D.o,D Anna said! DYou don't understand! Bu$kingha*'s doing so*e kind o) se*iretire*ent thing! #he's gonna do orientation and a$$li*ation )or the ne0'ies< 'ut that's it! #he's not tea$hing any*ore!D ;ordlessly, our heads turned, and 0e $ounted seats at the sta)) ta'le! #ure enough, there 0as an e2tra $hair! DThen 0ho's tea$hing Cove-&sGD I asked! Fust then a loud *ur*ur ri&&led through the enor*ous roo* as *y *o* strolled through the doors at the 'a$k o) the hall, )ollo0ed 'y all the usual sus&e$ts<the t0enty tea$hers I'd 'een looking at and learning )ro* )or the &ast three years! T0enty tea$hers! T0enty3one $hairs! I kno0 I'* the genius, 'ut you do the *ath! Li9, Anna, and I all looked at ea$h other, then 'a$k at the sta)) ta'le as 0e ran through the )a$es, trying to $o*&rehend that e2tra $hair! -ne )a$e 0as ne0, 'ut 0e 0ere e2&e$ting that, 'e$ause ,ro)essor #*ith al0ays

returns )ro* su**er va$ation 0ith a 0hole ne0 look<literally! His nose 0as larger, his ears *ore &ro*inent, and a s*all *ole had 'een added to his le)t te*&le, disguising 0hat he $lai*ed 0as the *ost 0anted )a$e on three $ontinents! >u*or has it he's 0anted 'y gun s*ugglers in the 8iddle /ast, e23KGB hit *en in /astern /uro&e, and a very u&set e230i)e so*e0here in Bra9il! #ure, all this e2&erien$e *akes hi* a great Countries o) the ;orld ?C-;A &ro)essor, 'ut the 'est thing ,ro)essor #*ith 'rings to the Gallagher A$ade*y is the annual anti$i&ation o) guessing 0hat )a$e he 0ill assu*e in order to en:oy his su**er 'reak! He hasn't $o*e 'a$k as a 0o*an yet, 'ut it's &ro'a'ly :ust a *atter o) ti*e! The tea$hers took their seats, 'ut the $hair stayed e*&ty as *y *other took her &la$e at the &odiu* in the $enter o) the long head ta'le! D;o*en o) the Gallagher A$ade*y, 0ho $o*es hereGD she asked! Fust then, every girl at every ta'le ?even the ne0'iesA stood and said in unison, D;e are the sisters o) Gillian!D D;hy do you $o*eGD *y *other asked! DTo learn her skills! Honor her s0ord! And kee& her se$rets!D DTo 0hat end do you 0orkGD DTo the $ause o) :usti$e and light!D DHo0 long 0ill you striveGD D1or all the days o) our lives!D ;e )inished, and I )elt a little like a $hara$ter on one o) *y grand*a's soa& o&eras! ;e sat do0n, 'ut 8o* re*ained standing! D;el$o*e 'a$k, students,D she said, 'ea*ing! DThis is going to 'e a 0onder)ul year here at the Gallagher A$ade*y! 1or our ne0est *e*'ersD<she turned to the ta'le o) seventh graders, 0ho see*ed to shiver under her intense ga9e< D0el$o*e! You are a'out to 'egin the *ost $hallenging year o) your young lives! >est assured that you 0ould not have 'een given this $hallenge 0ere you not u& to it! To our returning students, this year 0ill *ark *any $hanges!D #he glan$ed at her $olleagues and see*ed to &onder so*ething 'e)ore turning 'a$k to )a$e us! D;e have $o*e to a ti*e 0hen<D But 'e)ore she $ould )inish, the doors )le0 o&en, and not even three years o) training at s&y s$hool &re&ared *e )or 0hat I sa0! Be)ore I say any *ore, I should &ro'a'ly re*ind you that I G- T- A GI>L#' #CH--L< that's all girls, all the ti*e, 0ith a )e0 ear3dro&3needing, &lasti$3surgery3 getting *ale )a$ulty *e*'ers thro0n in )or good *easure! But 0hen 0e turned around, 0e sa0 a *an 0alking in our *idst 0ho 0ould have *ade Fa*es Bond )eel inse$ure! Indiana Fones 0ould have looked like a *o**a's 'oy $o*&ared to the *an in the leather :a$ket 0ith t0o days' gro0th o) 'eard 0ho 0alked to 0here *y *other stood and then<horror o) horrors<0inked at her! D#orry I'* late,D he said as he slid into the e*&ty $hair! His &resen$e 0as so un&re$edented, so surreal, that I didn't even reali9e Be2 had sCuee9ed onto the 'en$h 'et0een Li9 and Anna, and I had to do a dou'le take 0hen I sa0 her, and re*e*'ered that )ive se$onds 'e)ore she'd 'een 8IA! DTrou'le, ladiesGD she asked! D;here have you 'eenGD Li9 de*anded!

D1orget that,D Anna $ut in! D;ho is heGD But Be2 0as a natural3'orn s&y! #he :ust raised her eye'ro0s and said, DYou'll see!D

Cha&ter T0o

Be2 had s&ent si2 hours on a &rivate :et, 'ut her $a&&u$$ino3$olored skin 0as glo0ing, and she looked as i) she'd :ust 0alked out o) a .o29e*a $o**er$ial, so I really 0anted to 'e &etty and &oint out that the sign in the )oyer said 0e 0ere su&&osed to 'e s&eaking /nglish 0ith A*eri$an a$$ents during the ;el$o*e Ba$k 4inner! But as the only non3J!#! $iti9en Gallagher Girl in history, Be2 0as used to 'eing an e2$e&tion! 8y *o* had 'ent so*e serious rules 0hen her old )riends )ro* /ngland's 8I7 $alled and asked i) their daughter $ould 'e a Gallagher Girl! Ad*itting Be2 had 'een 8o*'s )irst $ontroversial a$t as head*istress ?'ut not her lastA! DYou have a good holiday, thenGD Throughout the hall, girls 0ere 'eginning to eat, 'ut Be2 :ust 'le0 a 'u''le 0ith her gu* and grinned, daring us to ask her )or the story! DBe2, i) you kno0 so*ething, you've got to tell us,D Li9 de*anded, even though it 0as totally &ointless! .o one $an *ake Be2 do anything she doesn't 0ant to do! I *ay 'e a $ha*eleon, and Li9 *ay 'e the ne2t /instein, 'ut 0hen it $o*es to general stu''ornness, Be2 is the 'est s&y ever@ #he s*irked, hal)0ay over theatri$alA! 0as a'out to non$halantly it! D;e gave and I kne0 she'd &ro'a'ly 'een &lanning this s$ene sin$e she 0as the Atlanti$ -$ean ?in addition to 'eing stu''orn, Be2 is also Cuite #he 0aited until all eyes 0ere on her<holding the silen$e until Li9 e2&lode, then she took a 0ar* roll )ro* the 'asket on the ta'le and said, D.e0 tea$her!D #he tore the 'read in hal) and slo0ly 'uttered hi* a ride )ro* London this *orning! He's an old &al o) *y )ather's!D

D.a*eGD Li9 asked, &ro'a'ly already &lanning ho0 she 0as going to ha$k into the CIA headCuarters at Langley )or details as soon as 0e 0ere )ree to go 'a$k to our roo*s! D#olo*on,D Be2 said, eyeing us! DFoe #olo*on!D #he sounded eerily like the 'la$k, teenage, )e*ale Fa*es Bond! ;e all turned to look at Foe #olo*on! He had the s$ru))y 'eard and restless hands o) an agent )resh o)) a *ission! Around *e, the hall )illed 0ith 0his&ers and giggles< )uel that 0ould have the ru*or *ill running on high 'y *idnight<and I re*e*'ered that, even though the Gallagher A$ade*y is a s$hool )or girl geniuses, so*eti*es the e*&hasis should 'e ke&t on the girl!

The ne2t *orning 0as torture! A'solute torture@ And that's not a 0ord I use

lightly, $onsidering the )a*ily 'usiness! #o *ay'e I should re&hraseK the )irst day o) $lasses 0as $hallenging! ;e didn't e2a$tly go to 'ed early E or even a little late E or even at all, unless you $ount lying on the )au23)ur rug in the $o**on roo* 0ith the entire so&ho*ore $lass s&ra0led around *e as the 'asis )or a good night's slee&! ;hen Li9 0oke us u& at seven, 0e de$ided 0e $ould either &ri*& )or an hour and ski& 'reak)ast, or thro0 on our uni)or*s and eat like Cueens, 'e)ore ,ro)essor #*ith's LK M C-; le$ture! B!#! ?Be)ore #olo*onA, 0a))les and 'agels 0ould have 0on out )or sure! But today, ,ro)essor #*ith had a lot o) eye3lined and li&3glossed girls 0ith gro0ling sto*a$hs listening to hi* talk a'out $ivil unrest in the Balti$ #tates 0hen LKN rolled around! I looked at *y 0at$h, the ulti*ate &ointless gesture at the Gallagher A$ade*y, 'e$ause $lasses run &re$isely on ti*e, 'ut I had to see ho0 *any se$onds 0ere standing 'et0een *e and lun$h! ?11,O M, :ust in $ase you're $urious!A ;hen C-; 0as over, 0e ran u& t0o )lights o) stairs to the )ourth )loor )or 8ada*e 4a'ney's Culture and Assi*ilation lessons 0hi$h, sadly, that day did not in$lude tea! Then it 0as ti*e )or third &eriod! I had a &ain in *y ne$k )ro* slee&ing )unny, at least )ive hours' 0orth o) ho*e0ork, and a ne0)ound reali9ation that 0o*an $annot live on $herry3)lavored li& gloss alone! I dug in the 'otto* o) *y 'ag and )ound a very Cuestiona'le 'reath *int, and )igured that i) I 0as going to die o) starvation, I should at least have *inty3)resh 'reath )or the 'ene)it o) 0hatever $lass*ate or )a$ulty *e*'er 0ould 'e )or$ed to give *e C,>! Li9 had to go 'y 8r! 8os$ko0it9's o))i$e to dro& o)) an e2tra3$redit essay she'd 0ritten over the su**er ?yeah, she's that girlA, so I 0as alone 0ith Be2 0hen 0e rea$hed the 'ase o) the grand stair$ase and turned into the s*all $orridor that 0as one o) three 0ays to the #u's, or su')loors, 0here 0e'd never 'een allo0ed 'e)ore! #tanding in )ront o) the )ull3length *irror, 0e tried hard not to 'link or do anything that *ight $on)use the o&ti$al s$anner that 0as going to veri)y that 0e 0ere, in )a$t, so&ho*ores and not )resh*en trying to sneak do0n to the #u's on a dare! I studied our re)le$tions and reali9ed that I, Ca*eron 8organ, the head*istress's daughter, 0ho kne0 *ore a'out the s$hool than any Gallagher Girl sin$e Gilly hersel), 0as getting ready to go dee&er into the vault o) Gallagher se$rets! Fudging )ro* the goose 'u*&s on Be2's ar*, I 0asn't the only one 0ho got $hills at the thought o) it! A green light )lashed in the eyes o) a &ainting 'ehind us! The *irror slid aside, revealing a s*all elevator that 0ould take us one )loor 'eneath the 'ase*ent to the Covert -&erations $lassroo* and<i) you 0ant to 'e dra*ati$ a'out it<our destinies! DCa**ie,D Be2 said slo0ly, D0e're in!D

;e 0ere sitting $al*ly, $he$king our ?syn$hroni9edA 0at$hes, and all thinking the e2a$t sa*e thingK so*ething is de)initely di))erent! The Gallagher *ansion is *ade o) stone and 0ood! It has $arved 'anisters and to0ering )ire&la$es a girl $an $url u& in )ront o) on sno0y days and read all a'out 0ho killed F1K ?the real storyA, 'ut so*eho0 that elevator had 'rought us into a s&a$e that didn't 'elong in the sa*e $entury, *u$h less the sa*e 'uilding, as the rest o) the *ansion! The 0alls 0ere )rosted glass! The ta'les 0ere stainless steel!

But the a'solute 0eirdest thing a'out the Covert -&erations $lassroo* 0as that our tea$her 0asn't in it! Foe #olo*on 0as late<so late, I 0as 'eginning to get a little resent)ul that I hadn't taken the ti*e to go steal so*e 8%8's )ro* *y *o*'s desk, 'e$ause, )rankly, a t0o3year3old Ti$ Ta$ si*&ly doesn't satis)y the hunger o) a gro0ing girl! ;e sat Cuietly as the se$onds ti$ked a0ay, 'ut I guess the silen$e 'e$a*e too *u$h )or Tina ;alters, 'e$ause she leaned a$ross the aisle and said, DCa**ie, 0hat do you kno0 a'out hi*GD ;ell, I only kne0 0hat Be2 had told *e, 'ut Tina's *o* 0rites a gossi& $olu*n in a *a:or *etro&olitan ne0s&a&er that shall re*ain na*eless ?sin$e that's her $over and allA, so there 0as no 0ay Tina 0asn't going to try to get to the 'otto* o) this story! #oon I 0as tra&&ed under an avalan$he o) Cuestions like, D;here's he )ro*GD and D4oes he have a girl)riendGD and DIs it true he killed a Turkish a*'assador 0ith a thongGD I 0asn't sure i) she 0as talking a'out the sandals or the &anties, 'ut in any $ase, I didn't have the ans0er! DCo*e on,D Tina said, DI heard 8ada*e 4a'ney telling Che) Louis that your *o* 0as 0orking on hi* all su**er to get hi* to take the :o'! You had to hear so*ething@D #o Tina's interrogation did have one 'ene)itK I )inally understood the hushed &hone $alls and lo$ked doors that had ke&t *y *other distra$ted )or 0eeks! I 0as :ust starting to &ro$ess 0hat it *eant, 0hen Foe #olo*on strolled into $lass<)ive *inutes late! His hair 0as slightly da*&, his 0hite shirt neatly &ressed<and it's either a tri'ute to his drea*iness or our edu$ation that it took *e t0o )ull *inutes to reali9e he 0as s&eaking in Fa&anese! D;hat is the $a&ital o) BruneiGD DBandar #eri Bega0an,D 0e re&lied! DThe sCuare root o) "O,"7" is ED he asked in #0ahili! DThree hundred and thirteen,D Li9 ans0ered in *ath, 'e$ause, as she likes to re*ind us, *ath is the universal language! DA 4o*ini$an di$tator 0as assassinated in 1"71,D he said in ,ortuguese! D;hat 0as his na*eGD In unison, 0e all said D>a)ael Tru:illo!D ?An a$t, I 0ould like to &oint out, that 0as not $o**itted 'y a Gallagher Girl, des&ite ru*ors to the $ontrary!A I 0as :ust starting to get into the rhyth* o) our little ga*e, 0hen 8r! #olo*on said, DClose your eyes,D in Ara'i$! ;e did as 0e 0ere told! D;hat $olor are *y shoesGD This ti*e he s&oke in /nglish and, a*a9ingly, thirteen Gallagher Girls sat there Cuietly 0ithout an ans0er! DA* I right3handed or le)t3handedGD he asked, 'ut didn't &ause )or a res&onse! D#in$e I 0alked into this roo* I have le)t )inger&rints in )ive di))erent &la$es! .a*e the*@D he de*anded, 'ut 0as *et 0ith e*&ty silen$e!

D-&en your eyes,D he said, and 0hen I did, I sa0 hi* sitting on the $orner o) his desk, one )oot on the )loor and the other hanging loosely o)) the side! DYe&,D he said! DYou girls are &retty s*art! But you're also kind o) stu&id!D I) 0e hadn't kno0n )or a s$ienti)i$ )a$t that the earth si*&ly $an't sto& *oving, 0e all 0ould have s0orn it had :ust ha&&ened! D;el$o*e to Covert -&erations! I'* Foe #olo*on! I've never taught 'e)ore, 'ut I've 'een doing this stu)) )or eighteen years, and I'* still 'reathing, so that *eans I kno0 0hat I'* talking a'out! This is not going to 'e like your other $lasses!D 8y sto*a$h gro0led, and Li9, 0ho had o&ted )or a )ull 'reak)ast and a &onytail, said, D#hhh,D as i) I $ould *ake it sto&! DLadies, I'* going to get you ready )or 0hat goes on!D He &aused and &ointed u&0ard! D-ut there! It's not )or everyone, and that's 0hy I'* going to *ake this hard on you! 4a*n hard! I*&ress *e, and ne2t year those elevators *ight take you one )loor lo0er! But i) I have even the slightest sus&i$ion that you are not su&re*ely gi)ted in the area o) )ield0ork, then I'* going to save your li)e right no0 and &ut you on the -&erations and >esear$h tra$k!D He stood and &la$ed his hands in his &o$kets! D/veryone starts in this 'usiness looking )or adventure, 'ut I don't $are 0hat your )antasies look like, ladies! I) you $an't get out )ro* 'ehind those desks and sho0 *e so*ething other than 'ook s*arts, then none o) you 0ill ever see #u'level T0o!D -ut o) the $orner o) *y eye, I sa0 8i$k 8orrison )ollo0ing his every 0ord, al*ost salivating at the sound o) it, 'e$ause 8i$k had 'een 0anting to hurt so*eone )or years! Jnsur&risingly, her 'ee)y hand )le0 into the air! D4oes that *ean you'll 'e tea$hing us )irear*s, sirGD she shouted as i) a drill sergeant *ight *ake her dro& and do &ush3u&s! But 8r! #olo*on only 0alked around the desk and said, DIn this 'usiness, i) you need a gun, then it's &ro'a'ly too late )or one to do any good!D #o*e o) the air see*ed to go out o) 8i$k's 0ell3toned 'ody! DBut on the 'right side,D he told her, D*ay'e they'll 'ury you 0ith it<that's assu*ing you get to 'e 'uried!D 8y skin 'urned red! Tears )illed *y eyes! Be)ore I even kne0 0hat 0as ha&&ening, *y throat 0as so tight I $ould 'arely 'reathe as Foe #olo*on stared at *e! Then, as soon as *y eyes lo$ked 0ith his, he glan$ed a0ay! DThe lu$ky ones $o*e ho*e, even i) it is in a 'o2!D Although he hadn't *entioned *e 'y na*e, I )elt *y $lass*ates 0at$hing *e! They all kno0 0hat ha&&ened to *y dad<that he 0ent on a *ission, that he didn't $o*e ho*e! I'll &ro'a'ly never kno0 any *ore than those t0o si*&le )a$ts, 'ut that those t0o )a$ts 0ere all that *attered! ,eo&le $all *e The Cha*eleon here<i) you go to s&y s$hool, I guess that's a &retty good ni$kna*e! I 0onder so*eti*es 0hat *ade *e that 0ay, 0hat kee&s *e still and Cuiet 0hen Li9 is :a''ering and Be2 is, 0ell, Be2ing! A* I good at going unnoti$ed 'e$ause o) *y s&y geneti$s or 'e$ause I've al0ays 'een shyG -r a* I :ust the girl &eo&le 0ould rather not see<lest they reali9e ho0 easily it $ould ha&&en to the*! 8r! #olo*on took another ste&, and *y $lass*ates &ulled their ga9es a0ay :ust that Cui$kly<everyone 'ut Be2, that is! #he 0as in$hing to0ard the edge o) her $hair, ready to kee& *e )ro* tearing out the gorgeous green eyes o) our ne0 hot tea$her as he said, DGet good, ladies! -r get dead!D

A &art o) *e 0anted to run straight to *y *other's o))i$e and tell her 0hat he'd said, that he 0as talking a'out 4ad, i*&lying that it had 'een his )ault<that he 0asn't good enough! But I stayed seated, &ossi'ly out o) &araly9ing anger 'ut *ore &ro'a'ly 'e$ause I )eared, so*e0here inside *e, that 8r! #olo*on 0as right and I didn't 0ant *y *other to say so! Fust then, Anna 1etter*an &ushed through the )rosted3glass doors and stood &anting in )ront o) the $lass! DI'* sorry,D she said to 8r! #olo*on, still gas&ing )or 'reath! DThe stu&id s$anners didn't re$ogni9e *e, so the elevator lo$ked *e in, and I had to listen to a )ive3*inute &rere$orded le$ture a'out trying to sneak out o) 'ounds, andED Her voi$e trailed o)) as she studied the tea$her and his very uni*&ressed e2&ression, 0hi$h I thought 0as a little hy&o$riti$al $o*ing )ro* a *an 0ho had 'een )ive *inutes late hi*sel)! D4on't 'other taking a seat,D 8r! #olo*on said as Anna started to0ard a desk in the 'a$k o) the roo*! DYour $lass*ates 0ere :ust leaving!D ;e all looked at our re$ently syn$hroni9ed 0at$hes, 0hi$h sho0ed the e2a$t sa*e thing<0e had )orty3)ive *inutes o) $lass ti*e le)t! 1orty3)ive valua'le and never3 0asted *inutes! A)ter 0hat see*ed like )orever, Li9's hand shot into the air! DYesGD Foe #olo*on sounded like so*eone 0ith )ar 'etter things to do! DIs there any ho*e0orkGD she asked, and the $lass turned instantly )ro* sho$ked to irritated! ?.ever ask that Cuestion in a roo* )ull o) girls 0ho are all 'la$k 'elts in karate!A DYes,D #olo*on said, holding the door in the universal signal )or get out! D.oti$e things!D

As I headed do0n the sli$k 0hite I heard *y $lass*ates 0alking in $losest to our roo*s! A)ter 0hat )ootste&s going the other 0ay! I

hall0ay to the elevator that had 'rought *e there, the o&&osite dire$tion, to0ard the elevator had :ust ha&&ened, I 0as glad to hear their 0asn't sur&rised 0hen Be2 $a*e to stand 'eside *e!

DYou okayGD she asked, 'e$ause that's a 'est )riend's :o'! DYes,D I lied, 'e$ause that's 0hat s&ies do! ;e rode the elevator to the narro0 )irst3)loor hall0ay, and as the doors slid o&en, I 0as seriously $onsidering going to see *y *other ?and not :ust )or the 8%8'sA, 0hen I ste&&ed into the di* $orridor and heard a voi$e $ry, DCa*eron 8organ@D ,ro)essor Bu$kingha* 0as rushing do0n the hall, and I $ouldn't i*agine 0hat 0ould *ake the genteel British lady s&eak in su$h a 0ay, 0hen, a'ove us, a red light 'egan to 0hirl, and a s$rea*ing 'u99er &ier$ed our ears so that 0e $ould 'arely hear the $ries o) the ele$troni$ voi$e that &ulsed 0ith the light, DC-4/ >/4! C-4/ >/4! C-4/ >/4!D DCa*eron 8organ@D Bu$kingha* 'ello0ed again, gra''ing Be2 and *e 'y our ar*s! DYour *other needs you! .-;@D

Cha&ter Three

Instantly, the $orridors 0ent )ro* e*&ty to over)lo0ing as girls ran and sta)) *e*'ers hurried and the red lights $ontinued to &ulse o)) and on! A shel) o) tro&hies s&un around, sending the &laCues and ri''ons $o**e*orating 0inners in the annual hand3to3hand $o*'at and tea* $ode3'reaking $o*&etitions to the hidden $o*&art*ent 'ehind the 0all, leaving a ro0 o) a0ards )ro* s0i* *eets and de'ate $ontests in its &la$e! A'ove us, in the u&&er story o) the )oyer, three gold3and3'urgundy Learn Her #kills, Honor Her #0ord, and Kee& Her #e$rets 'anners rolled *ira$ulously u& and 0ere re&la$ed 'y hand*ade &osters su&&orting so*eone na*ed /*ily )or student $oun$il &resident! Bu$kingha* dragged Be2 and *e u& the s0ee&ing stair$ase as a )lo$k o) ne0'ies ran do0n, s$ree$hing at the to& o) their lungs! I re*e*'ered 0hat those sirens had sounded like the )irst ti*e I'd heard the*! It 0as no 0onder the girls 0ere a$ting like it 0as the end o) the 0orld! Bu$kingha* yelled, DGirls@D and silen$ed the*! D1ollo0 8ada*e 4a'ney! #he's going to take you to the sta'les )or the a)ternoon! And ladiesD<she sna&&ed at a &air o) dark3haired t0ins 0ho see*ed to 'e es&e$ially )ranti$<D$o*&osure@D And then Bu$kingha* 0hirled and ra$ed u& the stair$ase to the se$ond3story landing, 0here 8r! 8os$ko0it9 and 8r! #*ith 0ere trying to 0heel a statue o) /leanor /verett ?the Gallagher Girl 0ho had on$e disa'led a 'o*' in the ;hite House 0ith her teethA into a 'roo* $loset! ;e s0e&t through the Hall o) History, 0here Gillian's s0ord slid s*oothly into the vault 'eneath its $ase like /2$ali'ur returning to the Lady o) the Lake, and 0as re&la$ed 'y a 'ust o) a *an 0ith enor*ous ears 0ho 0as su&&osedly the s$hool's )irst head*aster! The entire s$hool 0as in a state o) organi9ed $haos! Be2 and I shared a Cuestioning look, 'e$ause 0e 0ere su&&osed to 'e do0nstairs, hel&ing the other so&ho*ores $he$k the *ain level )or anything s&y3related that so*eone *ight have le)t lying around, 'ut Bu$kingha* turned and sna&&ed, DGirls, hurry@D #he sounded less like the so)t, elderly tea$her 0e kne0 and *ore like the 0o*an 0ho had single3handedly taken out a .a9i *a$hine gun on 43day! I heard a $rash 'ehind us, )ollo0ed 'y so*e ,olish e2&letives, and kne0 that the /leanor /verett statue 0as &ro'a'ly in a 'illion &ie$es= 'ut at the end o) the Hall o) History, *y *other 0as leaning against the dou'le doors o) her o))i$e, dro&&ing an 8%8 into her *outh as $al*ly as i) she 0ere 0aiting to &i$k *e u& )ro* so$$er &ra$ti$e, a$ting like it 0as :ust an ordinary day! Her long dark hair )ell a$ross the shoulder o) her 'la$k &ants suit! A 0is& o) 'angs 'rushed a$ross a )la0less )orehead that she s0ears I'll have, too, :ust as soon as *y hor*ones sto& 0aging 0ar 0ith *y &ores! #o*eti*es I'* seriously glad that 0e live ninety &er$ent o) our lives inside the *ansion, 'e$ause 0henever 0e do leave, I have to 0at$h *en drool over *y *o*, or ?i$kA ask i) 0e're sisters, 0hi$h totally )reaks *e out, even though I kno0 I should 'e )lattered that anyone 0ould think I 0as related to her at all! In short, *y *o*'s a hottie!

DHey, Ca*, >e'e$$a,D she said 'e)ore turning to Bu$kingha*! DThanks )or 'ringing the*, ,atri$ia! Co*e inside a se$!D Inside her o))i$e, thanks to its sound&roo)ed 0alls, the *ayhe* o) the rest o) the s$hool $o*&letely )aded a0ay! Light strea*ed through leaded 0indo0s and )lashed u&on *ahogany &aneling and )loor3to3$eiling 'ook$ases that 0ere, even as 0e s&oke, s&inning around to hide to*es like ,oisons Through the Ages and A ,raetorian's Guide to an Honora'le 4eath, re&la$ing the* 0ith a )li& side o) volu*es like /du$ating the J&&er /$helon and ,rivate /du$ation 8onthly! There 0as a &hoto on her desk o) the t0o o) us on va$ation in >ussia, and I 0at$hed in a0e as 0e hugged and s*iled in the )ra*e 0hile, in the 'a$kground, the Kre*lin 0as re&la$ed 'y Cinderella's Castle at 4isney ;orld! DHologra&hi$, radio3synthesi9ed &hoto &a&er,D *o* said, 0hen she sa0 *y ga&ing *outh! D4r! 1i's 0hi&&ed u& a 'at$h in his la' over the su**er! HungryGD #he held her $u&&ed hand to0ard Be2 and *e! A*a9ingly, I'd )orgotten all a'out *y e*&ty sto*a$h, 'ut I took a green &ie$e )or good lu$k! #o*ething told *e 0e 0ere going to need it! DGirls, I need you to do a tour!D DButE0e're so&ho*ores@D Be2 e2$lai*ed, as i) *y *other had *ysteriously )orgotten! 8o*'s *outh 0as )ull o) $ho$olate, so Bu$kingha* e2&lained, DThe :uniors are 'eginning their se*ester 0ith interrogation ta$ti$s, so they are all under the in)luen$e o) sodiu* &entothal at the *o*ent, and the seniors are 'eing )itted 0ith their night3vision $onta$ts, and they 0on't un3dilate )or at least t0o hours! This is *ost un)ortunate ti*ing, 'ut Code >eds are su$h )or a reason! ;e don't kno0 0hen they'll ha&&en and, 0ell, one is ha&&ening no0!D D;hat do you sayGD 8o* asked, s*iling! DCan you hel& us outGD

There are three things a &erson has to 'e 'e)ore they sho0 u& uninvited on the doorste& o) the Gallagher A$ade*y )or /2$e&tional Young ;o*enK &ersistent, &o0er)ul, and $o*&letely out o) other o&tions! A)ter all, *ost &otential students never *ake it &ast the D;e are not a$$e&ting a&&li$ations at this ti*eD s&ee$h they get 0henever they $all or 0rite= you have to 'e turned do0n 'y every &re& s$hool in the $ountry 'e)ore you a$tually drive all the 0ay to >oseville, ho&ing that an in3 &erson visit 0ill $hange our *inds! But no a*ount o) &ersisten$e or des&eration $an get you through the gates! .o, )or that, it takes real &o0er! That's 0hy Be2 and I 0ere standing on the )ront ste&s, 0aiting on the 'la$k stret$h li*ousine that $arried the 8$Henry )a*ily ?yes, those 8$Henrys<the ones on the $over o) last 4e$e*'er's .e0s0eekA to drive do0n the 0inding lane! They 0ere the kind o) &eo&le 0ho aren't easily turned a0ay, and 0e learned a long ti*e ago that the 'est &la$e to hide is in &lain sight, so Be2 and I 0ere there to 0el$o*e the* to Gallagher A$ade*y )or /2$e&tional Young ;o*en! -ur *issionK *ake sure they never kno0 :ust ho0 e2$e&tional 0e really are! The *an 0ho ste&&ed out o) the li*o 0ore a $har$oal gray suit :a$ket and &o0er tie= the 0o*an looked like the $os*eti$s heiress she 0as<not a hair or lash out o) &la$e < and I 0ondered i) *y $herry li& gloss 0ould i*&ress her! Fudging )ro* the s$o0l on her )a$e, it didn't! D#enator,D Be2 said, e2tending her hand to0ard the *an, sounding as A*eri$an as

a&&le &ie and loving the $harade! D;el$o*e to the Gallagher A$ade*y! It's an honor to have you 0ith us today!D I thought she 0as laying it on a little thi$k until #enator 8$Henry s*iled and said, DThank you! It's 0onder)ul to 'e here,D as i) he didn't reali9e she $ouldn't vote! DI'* >e'e$$a,D Be2 said! DThis is Ca*eron!D The senator glan$ed at *e then looked Cui$kly 'a$k to Be2, 0ho looked like a &i$ture3&er)e$t *odel o) an elite edu$ation! D;e're ha&&y to sho0 you and ED And that's 0hen Be2 and I 'oth reali9ed that their daughter hadn't a&&eared! DIs your daughter going to 'eED But :ust then, a 'la$k $o*'at 'oot e*erged )ro* the li*ousine! D4arling,D the senator said, &ointing to0ard the sta'les, D$o*e look! They have horses!D D-h, is that 0hat I s*ellGD 8rs! 8$Henry said 0ith a shudder! ?1or the re$ord, our s$hool s*ells :ust )ine, unless o) $ourse your s*elling a'ility has 'een irre&ara'ly da*aged 'y a li)eti*e o) sni))ing &er)u*e sa*&les!A But the senator glared at his 0i)e and said, D8a$ey loves horses!D D.o, 8a$ey hates horses,D 8rs! 8$Henry said, narro0ing her eyes and glan$ing to0ard Be2 and *e as i) to re*ind the senator not to $ontradi$t her in )ront o) the hel&! D#he )ell o)) one and 'roke her ar*!D I 0as thinking a'out disru&ting this little dis&lay o) do*esti$ 'liss to tell the* 'oth that there 0eren't any horses in the sta'les<:ust )reaked3out seventh graders and a )or*er 1ren$h s&y 0ho had invented a 0ay o) sending $oded *essages in $heese, 0hen a voi$e said, DYeah, they *ake great glue!D .o0, I don't kno0 this )or a )a$t, 'ut I'* &retty sure 8a$ey 8$Henry had never tou$hed a horse in her li)e! Her legs 0ere long and athleti$= her $lothes, though &unk and re'ellious, 0ere de)initely high3end, and the dia*ond in her nose 0as at least a $arat and a hal)! Her hair *ight have 'een stark 'la$k and 'luntly $ut, 'ut it 0as also thi$k and shiny, and it )ra*ed a )a$e that 'elonged on the $over o) a *aga9ine! I've seen enough TB and *ovies to kno0 that i) a girl like 8a$ey 8$Henry $an't survive high s$hool, then so*eone like *e 0ould &ro'a'ly get eaten alive! And yet, so*ething had driven her to our gates<*aking us her last resort! -r so her &arents thought! D;e're ED I sta**ered, 'e$ause I *ay 'e a 0hi9 at &oison3$on$o$ting, 'ut good at &u'li$ s&eaking<I'* not@ D;e're really ha&&y to have you here!D DThen 0hy did you kee& us sittingD<8rs! 8$Henry $o$ked her head to0ard the iron gates<Dout there )or over an hourGD DI'* a)raid that's standard &roto$ol )or &eo&le 0ho $o*e 0ithout a&&oint*ents,D Be2 said in her *ost honor3student3y voi$e! D#e$urity is a to& $on$ern here at the Gallagher A$ade*y! I) your daughter 0ere to go here, you $ould e2&e$t that sa*e level o) &rote$tion!D But 8rs! 8$Henry's hands 0ere on her hi&s 0hen she sna&&ed, D4on't you kno0 0ho he isG 4o you kno0<D D;e 0ere on our 0ay 'a$k to 4!C!,D the senator ste&&ed in, $utting his 0i)e o))! DAnd 0e :ust $ouldn't resist 'ringing 8a$ey 'y )or a visit!D He sent his 0i)e a this is our last $han$e, don't 'lo0 it look as he added, DAnd the se$urity is *ost

i*&ressive!D Be2 o&ened the )ront doors and 0el$o*ed the* inside, 'ut all I $ould do 0as 0at$h the* go and think, #enator, you have no idea!

Be2 and I got to sit in 8o*'s o))i$e as she 0ent through her standard s&ee$h a'out the s$hool's Dhistory!D >eally, it's not all that di))erent )ro* the truth, :ust a'ridged! A lot! D;e have graduates 0orking all over the 0orld,D 8o* said, and I thought, Yeah, as s&ies! D;e )o$us on languages, *ath, s$ien$e, and $ulture! Those are the things our graduates tell us they've needed *ost in their lives!D As s&ies! DBy ad*itting only young 0o*en, our students develo& a sense o) e*&o0er*ent, 0hi$h ena'les the* to 'e highly su$$ess)ul!D As s&ies! I 0as :ust starting to en:oy *y little ga*e, 0hen 8o* turned to Be2 and said, D>e'e$$a, 0hy don't you and Ca**ie sho0 8a$ey aroundGD and I kne0 it 0as sho0ti*e! Be2 glo0ed, 'ut all I $ould do 0as think a'out ho0 0e'd only had one hal) o) a $overt o&erations $ourse, yet 0e 0ere already going on a *ission@ Ho0 0as I su&&osed to kno0 ho0 to a$tG #ure, i) 8a$ey 0anted to $on:ugate Chinese ver's or 'reak KGB $odes, I 0as &er)e$tly trained, 'ut our *ission 0as to a$t nor*ally, and that's so*ething I'* totally not Cuali)ied to do@ Lu$kily, Be2 :ust likes to a$t! ,eriod! D#enator,D Be2 said, gri&&ing his hand, Dit 0as an honor *eeting you, sir! And you, too, *a'a*!D #he s*iled at 8rs! 8$Henry! D#o glad that you 'oth<D DThank you, >e'e$$a,D 8o* $ut Be2 o)) 0ith her don't3overdo3it voi$e! 8a$ey stood and, 0ith a )lurry o) her ultra3*iniskirt, 0as through the door and into the Hall o) History 0ithout even a glan$e at her &arents! 8a$ey 0as leaning against a $a'inet that nor*ally $hroni$led the history o) the gas *ask ?a devi$e on 0hi$h the Gallagher A$ade*y holds the &atent, thank you very *u$hA, lighting u& a $igarette, 0hen 0e $aught u&! #he took a long $on)ident drag and then 'le0 s*oke to0ard a $eiling that &ro'a'ly held a do9en di))erent kinds o) sensors, the least o) 0hi$h 0as )or s*oke! DYou've got to &ut that out,D Be2 said, entering the *ake3sure3she3kno0s3she'd3'e3 *isera'le3here &hase o) the o&eration! DAt the Gallagher A$ade*y, 0e value &ersonal health and sa)ety!D 8a$ey looked at Be2 as i) she'd 'een s&eaking Chinese! I had to think )or a *o*ent to *ake sure she hadn't! D.o s*oking,D I translated as I &ulled an e*&ty alu*inu* $an )ro* a re$y$ling 'in at the to& o) the stairs and held it to0ard her! #he took another drag and then looked at *e as i) to say she'd stu' out her $igarette 0hen I )or$ed her, 0hi$h I $ould, o) $ourse, 'ut she 0asn't su&&osed to kno0 that! D1ine,D I said, and turned to stalk o))! DYour lungs!D

But Be2 0as glaring at her and, unlike *e, she a$tually looked $a&a'le o) thro0ing so*eone o)) the landing= so 0ith one last drag, our guest dro&&ed the $igarette into the e*&ty 4iet Coke $an and )ollo0ed *e do0n the stairs as a 0ave o) girls &ushed &ast us! DIt's lun$hti*e,D I e2&lained, reali9ing that the green 8%8 had gotten together 0ith the Ti$ Ta$ in *y sto*a$h and 0ere trying to $onvin$e *e that they 0ould like so*e $o*&any! D;e $an go eat i) you 0ant<D DI don't think so@D 8a$ey $ried 0ith a roll o) her eyes! But stu&id *e :u*&ed to say, D>eally, the )ood here is great,D 0hi$h totally didn't serve our *ission o':e$tive, sin$e gross )ood is usually a &retty good turno))! But our $he) is a*a9ing! He a$tually 0orked at the ;hite House 'e)ore this in$ident involving 1lu))y ?the 1irst ,oodleA, a gastrono*i$al $he*i$al agent, and so*e very Cuestiona'le $heese! Lu$kily, a Gallagher Girl saved &oor 1lu))y's li)e, so to sho0 his a&&re$iation, Che) Louis $a*e to us and 'rought his a0eso*e $rP*e 'rQlIe 0ith hi*! I started to *ention the $rP*e 'rQlIe, 'ut then 8a$ey e2$lai*ed, DI eat eight hundred $alories a day!D Be2 and I looked at ea$h other, a*a9ed! ;e &ro'a'ly 'urned that *any $alories during one session o) ,%/ ?,rote$tion and /n)or$e*entA $lass! 8a$ey studied us ske&ti$ally, then added, D1ood is so yesterday!D Jn)ortunately, that 0as the last ti*e I'd had so*e! ;e rea$hed the )oyer, and I said, DThis is the Grand Hall,D 'e$ause that sounded like a s$hool tour3y thing to say, 'ut 8a$ey a$ted like I 0asn't even there as she turned to Be2 ?her &hysi$al eCualA and said, D#o everyone 0ears those uni)or*sGD I )ound this to 'e &arti$ularly o))ensive, having 'een on the uni)or* sele$tion $o**ittee, 'ut Be2 :ust )ingered her knee3length navy &laid skirt and *at$hing 0hite 'louse and said, D;e even 0ear the* during gy* $lass!D Good one, I thought, taking in the horror on 8a$ey's )a$e as Be2 ste&&ed to0ard the east $orridor and said, DHere 0e have the li'rary<D But 8a$ey 0as heading do0n another hall0ay! D;hat's do0n hereGD And :ust like that she 0as gone, &assing $lassroo*s and hidden &assage0ays 0ith every ste&! Be2 and I :ogged to kee& u& 0ith her, thro0ing out &ie$es o) *ade3u& trivia like DThat &ainting 0as a gi)t )ro* the 4uke o) /din'urghD or D-h, yes, the ;i9enhouse 8e*orial Chandelier,D or *y &ersonal )avorite, DThis is the ;ashington 8e*orial Chalk'oard!D ?It really is a ni$e $halk'oard!A Be2 0as in the *iddle o) a &retty 'elieva'le story a'out ho0, i) a girl gets a &er)e$t s$ore on a test, she's allo0ed to 0at$h one 0hole hour o) television that 0eek, 0hen 8a$ey &lo&&ed do0n in one o) *y )avorite 0indo0 seats, &ulled out a $ell &hone, and &ro$eeded to *ake a $all right in )ront o) us 0ithout so *u$h as an e2$use *e! ?>ude@A The :oke 0as on her, though, sin$e, a)ter dialing in the nu*'er, she held the devi$e out in )ront o) her in 'e0ilder*ent! Be2 and I glan$ed at ea$h other, and then I tried to sound all sy*&atheti$ as I said, DYeah, $ell &hones don't 0ork here!D T>J/! D;e're too )ar )ro* a to0er,D Be2 added! 1AL#/! ;e'd a$tually have great $ell re$e&tion i) it 0eren't )or the *onster :a**er that 'lo$ks any and all )oreign trans*issions )ro* $a*&us, 'ut 8a$ey 8$Henry and her Ca&itol Hill )ather $ertainly

didn't need to kno0 that! D.o $ell &honesGD 8a$ey said as i) 0e'd :ust told her all students 0ere reCuired to shave their heads and live on 'read and 0ater! DThat's it! I'* so out o) here!D And then she turned and stor*ed 'a$k to0ard *y *other's o))i$e! At least she thought that 0as the 0ay to *y *other's o))i$e! #he 0as nearing the doors that lead do0n to the >esear$h and 4evelo&*ent de&art*ent in the 'ase*ent! I 0as &retty sure 4r! 1i's 0ould have everything in Code >ed )or*, 'ut in the tradition o) *ad s$ientists every0here, 4r! 1i's had a tenden$y to 'e a little, shall 0e say, a$$ident &rone! #ure enough, as 0e turned the $orner, 0e sa0 8r! 8os$ko0it9, 0ho ha&&ens to 'e the 0orld's )ore*ost authority on data en$ry&tion, 'ut he didn't look like a *ega3genius :ust then! .o! He looked like the resident al$oholi$! His eyes 0ere 'loodshot and 0atering, his )a$e 0as &ale, and he 0as totally stu*'ling and slurring his 0ords as he said, DHello@D 8a$ey stared at hi* in disgust, 0hi$h 0as a$tually a good thing, 'e$ause that 0ay she didn't noti$e the thi$k )og o) &ur&le s*oke that 0as see&ing 'eneath the stair0ell doors 'ehind hi*! ,ro)essor Bu$kingha* 0as shoving to0els in the $ra$ks, 'ut every ti*e she got near the &ur&le )og she'd start snee9ing un$ontrolla'ly! #he ki$ked the to0el 0ith her )oot! 4r! 1i's a&&eared 0ith a roll o) du$t ta&e and started trying to seal the $ra$ks around the doors! ?Ho0's that )or su&ers&y te$hnologyGA 8r! 8os$ko0it9 ke&t s0aying 'a$k and )orth, *ay'e 'e$ause the &ur&le stu)) had *essed 0ith his sense o) 'alan$e or *ay'e 'e$ause he 0as trying to 'lo$k 8a$ey's vie0, 0hi$h 0ould have 'een tough, $onsidering he $an't 'e an in$h taller that )ive )oot )ive! He said, DI understand you're a &otential student!D But :ust then, 4r! 1i's's tall, lanky )ra*e $rashed onto the )loor! He 0as out $old, and the &ur&le s*oke 0as gro0ing thi$ker! Be2 and I looked at ea$h other! This is seriously .-T G--4@ Bu$kingha* hauled 4r! 1i's into a tea$her's $hair and started rolling hi* a0ay, 'ut I didn't have a $lue 0hat to do! Be2 gra''ed 8a$ey's ar*! DCo*e on, 8a$ey! I kno0 a short<D But 8a$ey only 0ren$hed her ar* out o) Be2's gras& and said, D4on't tou$h *e, '<<!D ?Yeah, that's right, she $alled Be2 the B 0ord!A .o0 see, here's 0here the 0hole &rivate3s$hool thing &uts a girl at a disadvantage! 8TB 0ill lead us to 'elieve that the B 0ord has 'e$o*e a ter* o) endear*ent or slang a*ong eCuals, 'ut I still *ainly think o) it as the insult o) $hoi$e )or the inarti$ulate! #o, either 8a$ey hated us or res&e$ted us, 'ut I looked at Be2 and kne0 that she 0as 'etting on the )or*er! Be2 ste&&ed )or0ard, shaking o)) her ha&&y s$hoolgirl &ersona and &utting on her su&ers&y )a$e! This is #/>I-J#LY not good, I thought again, :ust as a 0hite shirt and khaki &ants a&&eared in *y &eri&heral vision! .ever again 0ould I 0onder i) the only reason 0e thought 8r! #olo*on 0as hot 0as 'e$ause 0e'd 'een grading on the girls'3s$hool $urve= one look at 8a$ey 8$Henry *ade it &er)e$tly $lear that even 'eyond the 0alls o) the Gallagher A$ade*y, Foe #olo*on 0as gorgeous! And she didn't even kno0 he 0as a s&y ?0hi$h al0ays *akes a guy hotterA!

DHello!D It 0as the e2a$t sa*e thing 8r! 8os$ko0it9 had said, 'ut oh 0as it di))erent! D;el$o*e to the Gallagher A$ade*y! I ho&e you're $onsidering :oining us,D he said, 'ut I'* &retty sure 8a$ey, Be2, and I all heard, I think you're the *ost 'eauti)ul 0o*an in the 0orld, and I'd 'e honored i) you'd 'ear *y $hildren! ?>eally, truly, I think he said that!A DAre you en:oying your tourGD he asked, 'ut 8a$ey :ust 'atted her eyelashes and 0ent all sedu$tive in a 0ay that totally didn't go 0ith her $o*'at 'oots! 8ay'e it 0as the $loud o) &ur&le s*oke 0a)ting to0ard *e, 'ut I thought I *ight 'ar)! D4o you have a se$ondGD 8r! #olo*on asked, 'ut didn't 0ait )or her to res&ond 'e)ore he said, DThere's so*ething on the se$ond )loor that I'd love to sho0 you!D He &ointed her to0ard a $ir$ular stone stair$ase that had on$e 'een a )i2ture in the Gallagher )a*ily $ha&el! #tained3glass 0indo0s stood t0o stories tall and $olored the light that landed on 8r! #olo*on's 0hite shirt as 0e $li*'ed! ;hen 0e rea$hed the se$ond )loor, he held his ar*s out at the grand, high3$eilinged $orridor that 0as a0ash in a kaleidos$o&e o) $olor! It 0as, in a 0ord, 'eauti)ul, and yet I'd never really noti$ed it until then<there had al0ays 'een $lasses to get to, assign*ents to )inish! I heard 8r! #olo*on's le$ture again<noti$e things<and I $ouldn't hel& )eeling that 0e'd :ust had our )irst Cove-&s test! And 0e'd )ailed! He 0alked us all the 0ay to the Hall o) History 'e)ore turning and strolling 'a$k to0ard that gorgeous 0all o) stained glass! As 8a$ey 0at$hed hi* go, she *uttered, D;ho 0as thatGD It 0as the )irst enthusiasti$ thing 8a$ey had said sin$e $ra0ling out o) the li*o and *ay'e long 'e)ore that<&ro'a'ly sin$e reali9ing that her )ather 0ould sell his soul )or a vote and her *other 0as the B 0ord as used in its traditional $onte2t! DHe's a ne0 tea$her,D Be2 ans0ered! DYeah,D 8a$ey s$o))ed! DI) you say so!D But Be2, 0ho hadn't )orgotten the B30ord in$ident, 0heeled around and said, DI do say so!D 8a$ey rea$hed )or her &a$k o) $igarettes 'ut sto&&ed short 0hen Be2's glare hardened! DLet *e lay it out )or you,D 8a$ey said, like it 0as so*e 'ig )avor! DBest3$ase s$enarioK all the girls go ga3ga )or hi* and lose )o$us, 0hi$h I'* sure is very i*&ortant at the Gallagher A$ade*y,D she said 0ith *o$k reveren$e! D;orst3$ase s$enarioK he's an ina&&ro&riate3$ondu$t $ase looking )or a &la$e to ha&&en!D I had to ad*it that, so )ar, 8a$ey the B 0ord 0as *aking so*e sense! DThe only &eo&le 0ho tea$h at these &la$es are )reaks and geeks! And 0hen you've got a head*istress 0ho looks like thatD<she &ointed to *y *o* in all her hotness, 0ho stood talking to the 8$Henrys thirty )eet a0ay<Dit's easy to see 0hat 8r! /ye$andy 0as hired )or!D D;hatGD I asked, not understanding! DYou're the Gallagher Girl,D she *o$ked again! DI) you $an't )igure that out, then 0ho a* I to tell you!D I thought a'out *y *other<*y 'eauti)ul *other, 0ho had re$ently 'een 0inked at 'y

*y se2y Cove-&s tea$her, and I thought I 0ould never eat again!

Cha&ter 1our

There are *any e2$ellent things a'out having three girls sharing a )our3girl suite! The )irst, o'viously, is $loset s&a$e< )ollo0ed 'y shel) s&a$e )ollo0ed 'y the )a$t that 0e had an entire $orner o) the roo* devoted to 'ean'ag $hairs! It 0as a very s0eet setu& ?i) you'll &ardon the &unA, 'ut I don't think any o) us really a&&re$iated 0hat 0e had until t0o guys )ro* the *aintenan$e de&art*ent kno$ked on our door and asked 0here 0e 0anted the e2tra 'ed! .o0, in addition to our tea$hers and our $he), the Gallagher A$ade*y has a &retty e2tensive sta)), 'ut it's not the kind o) &la$e that advertises in the 0ant ads ?0ellE you kno0Ee2$e&t )or $oded *essagesA! There are t0o ty&es o) &eo&le 0ho $o*e here<students looking to get into the Al& ?CIA, 1BI, .#A, et$!A, and sta)) *e*'ers looking to get out! #o 0hen t0o *en 'uilt like re)rigerators sho0 u& 0ith long *etal &oles and vise gri&s, it's )airly likely that those have 'een the tools o) their trade )or a 0hile no0<:ust in a very di))erent $onte2t! That's 0hy 0e didn't ask any Cuestions that night! ;e :ust &ointed to a $orner and then the three o) us *ade a 'eeline )or the se$ond )loor! DCo*e in, girls,D *y *other yelled as soon as 0e entered the Hall o) History<long 'e)ore she $ould have seen us! /ven though I'd gro0n u& 0ith her, so*eti*es her su&ers&y instin$ts s$ared *e! #he 0alked to the door! DI've 'een e2&e$ting you!D I'd 'een 0orking on a doo9y o) a s&ee$h, let *e tell you, 'ut as soon as I sa0 *y *other silhouetted in the door )ra*e I )orgot it! Lu$kily, Be2 never has that &ro'le*! D/2$use *e, *a'a*,D she said, D'ut do you kno0 0hy the *aintenan$e de&art*ent has delivered an e2tra 'ed to our roo*GD Anyone else asking that Cuestion in that tone *ight have seen the 0rath o) >a$hel 8organ, 'ut all *y *o* did 0as $ross her ar*s and *at$h Be2's s$holarly in)le$tions! D;hy, yes, >e'e$$a! I do kno0!D DIs that in)or*ation you $an share 0ith us, *a'a*G -r is it need3to3kno0GD ?I) anyone had a need<it 0as us! ;e 0ere the ones losing our 'ean'ag $orner over the deal@A But 8o* :ust took a ste& and gestured )or us to )ollo0! DLet's take a 0alk!D #o*ething 0as 0rong, I reali9ed! It had to 'e, so I 0as on her heels, )ollo0ing her do0n the grand stair$ase, saying, D;hatG Is it 'la$k*ailG 4oes the senator have so*ething on<D DCa*eron,D 8o* said, trying to $ut *e o))! DIs he on the House Ar*ed #ervi$es Co**itteeG Is it a )unding thing, 'e$ause 0e

$ould start $harging tuition, you<D DCa**ie, :ust 0alk,D 8o* $o**anded! I did as I 0as told, 'ut I still didn't shut u&! D#he 0on't last! ;e $an get rid o) <D DCa*eron Ann 8organ,D 8o* said, &laying the *iddle3na*e $ard that all *o*s kee& in their 'a$k &o$kets )or :ust su$h an o$$asion! DThat's enough!D I )ro9e as she handed the large *anila envelo&e she'd 'een $arrying to Be2 and said, DThose are your ne0 roo**ate's test s$ores!D -kay, I'll ad*it it<they 0ere good! .ot Li93good, or anything, 'ut they 0ere )ar 'etter than 8a$ey 8$Henry's 6! G,A 0ould indi$ate! ;e turned do0n an old stone $orridor, our )eet e$hoing through the $old hall! D#o she tests 0ell,D I said! D#o<D 8o* sto&&ed short, and all three o) us nearly ran into her! DI don't run de$isions &ast you, do I, Ca**ieGD #ha*e started 're0ing inside *e, 'ut 8o* had already shi)ted her attention to0ard Be2! DAnd I do *ake $ontroversial de$isions )ro* ti*e to ti*e, don't I, >e'e$$aGD At this, 0e all re*e*'ered ho0 Be2 $a*e to us, and even she shut u&! DAnd, Li9!D 8o* shi)ted her ga9e one last ti*e! D4o you think 0e should only ad*it girls 0ho $o*e )ro* s&y )a*iliesGD That 0as it<she had us! 8o* $rossed her ar*s and said, D8a$ey 8$Henry 0ill 'ring a *u$h3needed level o) diversity to the Gallagher A$ade*y! #he has )a*ily $onne$tions that 0ill allo0 entry into so*e very $losed so$ieties! #he has an underutili9ed intelle$t! AndED 8o* see*ed to 'e &ondering this ne2t 'it! DEshe has a Cuality a'out her!D RualityG Yeah, right! #no''ery is a Cuality, so is elitis*, )as$is*, and anore2i$is*! I started to tell *y *o* a'out the eight3hundred3$alorie3a3day thing, or the B30ord thing, or to &oint out that Code >eds 0ere )ake intervie0s, not real ones! But then I looked at the 0o*an 0ho had raised *e and 0ho, ru*or has it, on$e s0eet3talked a >ussian dignitary into dressing in drag and $arrying a 'ea$h 'all )ull o) liCuid nitrogen under his shirt like a &regnant lady, and I kne0 I 0as su))i$iently outgunned, even 0ith Be2 and Li9 'eside *e! DAnd i) that isn't enough )or you ED 8o* turned to look at an old velvet ta&estry that hung in the $enter o) the long stone 0all! -) $ourse I'd seen it 'e)ore! I) a girl 0anted to stand there long enough, she $ould tra$e the Gallagher )a*ily tree that 'ran$hed a$ross the ta&estry through nine generations 'e)ore Gilly, and t0o generations a)ter! I) a girl had 'etter things to do, she $ould rea$h 'ehind the ta&estry, to the Gallagher )a*ily $rest i*'edded in the stone, and turn the little s0ord around, then sli& through the se$ret door that &o&s o&en! ?Let's :ust say I'* the se$ond ty&e o) girl!A D;hat does this have to do 0ith ED I started, 'ut Li9's D-h *y goshD $ut *e o))! I )ollo0ed *y )riend's thin )inger to the line at the 'otto* o) the ta&estry! I'd never kno0n that Gilly had gotten *arried! I'd never kno0n she'd had a $hild! I'd never drea*ed that $hild's last na*e 0as D8$Henry!D And all this ti*e I thought I 0as a Gallagher lega$y!

DI) 8a$ey 8$Henry 0ants to $o*e here,D 8o* said, D0e'll )ind a &la$e )or her!D #he turned and started to leave, 'ut Li9 $alled a)ter her, DBut, *a'a*, ho0's she gonnaEyou kno0 E $at$h u&GD 8o* $onsidered this to 'e a )air Cuestion, 'e$ause she )olded her hands and said, DI ad*it that, a$ade*i$ally, 8s! 8$Henry 0ill 'e 'ehind the rest o) the so&ho*ore $lass! 1or that reason, she 0ill 'e taking *any o) her $ourses 0ith our younger students!D Be2 grinned at *e, 'ut even the thought o) 8a$ey's su&er*odel legs stret$hing her high a'ove a $lass )ull o) ne0'ies $ouldn't $hange the )a$t that t0o guys 0ith 'ald heads ?that *ay or *ay not have &ri$es on the*A 0ere at that very *o*ent *aking roo* )or her in our suite! The Cuestion on *y *other's )a$e 0as 0hether 0e 0ould *ake roo* )or her in our lives! I looked at *y 'est )riends, kno0ing that our *ission, should 0e $hoose to a$$e&t it, 0as to 'e)riend 8a$ey 8$Henry! The good girl inside o) *e kne0 that I should at least try to hel& her )it in! The s&y in *e kne0 I'd 'een given an assign*ent, and i) I ever 0anted to see #u'level T0o, I'd 'etter grin and say DYes, *a'a*!D The daughter in *e kne0 there 0asn't any $hoosing involved here! D;hen does she startGD I asked! D8onday!D

That #unday night I *et 8o* in her o))i$e )or Tater Tots and $hi$ken nuggets! ;e had one hard3and3)ast rule a'out #unday night su&&ers<8o* had to *ake the* hersel), 0hi$h is ni$e and all, 'ut not e2a$tly good )or *y digestion! ?4ad al0ays said the *ost lethal thing a'out her 0as her $ooking!A 4ire$tly 'eneath us, *y )riends 0ere dining on the )inest )oods a )ive3star $he) $ould o))er, 'ut as *y *o* 0alked around in an old s0eatshirt o) *y dad's, looking like a teenager hersel), I 0ouldn't have traded &la$es 0ith the* )or all the $rP*e 'rQlIe in the 0orld! ;hen I )irst $a*e to the Gallagher A$ade*y, I )elt guilty a'out 'eing a'le to see *y *other every day 0hen *y $lass*ates had to go *onths on end 0ithout their &arents! /ventually, I sto&&ed )eeling 'ad a'out it! A)ter all, 8o* and I don't have su**ers together! But *ostly, 0e don't have 4ad! D#o ho0's s$hoolGD #he al0ays asked as i) she didn't kno0<and *ay'e she didn't! 8ay'e, :ust like every good o&erative, she 0anted to hear all sides o) the story 'e)ore *aking u& her *ind! I di&&ed a Tater Tot in so*e honey *ustard dressing and said, D1ine!D DHo0's Cove-&sGD the *other asked, 'ut I kne0 the head*istress 0as in there so*e0here, and she 0anted to kno0 i) her ne0est sta)) *e*'er 0as *aking the grade! DHe kno0s a'out 4ad!D I don't kno0 0here the senten$e $a*e )ro* or 0hy I s&oke it! I'd s&ent si2 days dreading 8a$ey 8$Henry's arrival into our little so$iety, 'ut that 0as 0hat I said 0hen I )inally had *y *other aloneG I studied her, 0ishing 8r! #olo*on 0ould have

$overed >eading Body Language that 0eek instead o) Basi$ #urveillan$e! DThere are &eo&le in this 0orld, 0hat ha&&ened to hi*! It's their get used to the look in &eo&le's de$ide 0hether or not to *ention itGD DKinda!D DAnd ho0 did you handle itGD I hadn't yelled, and I hadn't $ried, so I told *y *other, D-kay, I guess!D DGood!D #he s*oothed *y hair, and I 0ondered )or the *illionth ti*e i) she had one set o) hands )or 0ork and another )or *o*ents like this! I i*agined her kee&ing the* in a 'rie)$ase and s0a&&ing the* out, silk )or steel! 4r! 1i's $ould have *ade the*<'ut he didn't! DI'* &roud o) you, kiddo,D she said si*&ly! DIt'll get easier!D 8y *o*'s the 'est s&y I kno0<so I 'elieved her! Ca*<&eo&le like 8r! #olo*on<0ho are going to kno0 :o' to kno0 0hat ha&&ened! I ho&e so*eday you'll eyes as they &ut t0o and t0o together and try to it! A* I right to assu*e 8r! #olo*on *entioned

;hen 0e 0oke u& the ne2t *orning, I re*e*'ered that it 0as 8onday! I )orgot that it 0as The 8onday! That's 0hy I sto&&ed $old on *y 0ay into 'reak)ast 0hen I heard Bu$kingha*'s &o0er)ul DCa*eron 8organ@D e$ho through the )oyer! DI'll need you and 8s! Ba2ter and 8s! #utton to )ollo0 *e, &lease!D Be2 and Li9 looked as lost as I )elt, until Bu$kingha* e2&lained, DYour ne0 roo**ate has arrived!D Bu$kingha* 0as &retty old, and 0e did have her outnu*'ered three3to3one, 'ut still I didn't see *any alternatives! ;e )ollo0ed her u& the stairs! I thought it 0ould :ust 'e 8o* and 8a$ey in her o))i$e<8a$ey's &arents having already 'een sent a0ay in the li*o i) they'd 'othered $o*ing at all ?0hi$h they hadn'tA<'ut 0hen Bu$kingha* thre0 o&en the door I sa0 8r! #olo*on and Fessi$a Boden sharing the leather $ou$h! He looked so $o*&letely 'ored I al*ost )elt sorry )or hi*, and Fessi$a 0as &er$hed eagerly on the edge o) the so)a! The guest o) honor 0as seated a$ross the desk )ro* *y *other, 0earing an o))i$ial uni)or* 'ut looking like a su&er*odel! #he didn't even turn around 0hen 0e 0alked in! DAs I 0as ourselves attention Gallagher DHu*&h@D Yeah, I kno0 heiress isn't one o) the languages I s&eak, 'ut I'* &retty sure that translates into Tell it to so*eone 0ho $ares 'e$ause I've heard it all 'e)ore, and you're only saying that 'e$ause *y )ather 0rote you an enor*ous $he$k! ?But that's :ust a guess!A D;ell, 8a$ey,D an utterly re&ulsive voi$e $hi*ed! I'* not sure 0hy I hate Fessi$a saying, 8a$ey,D *y *o* said, on$e Li9, Be2, and I had &ositioned in the 0indo0 seat at the )ar side o) the roo* 0hile Bu$kingha* stood at in )ront o) the 'ookshelves, DI ho&e you'll 'e ha&&y here at the A$ade*y!D

Boden, 'ut I'* &retty sure it has so*ething to do 0ith the )a$t that her &osture is 0ay too u&3and3do0n, and I don't trust so*eone 0ho doesn't kno0 ho0 to &ro&erly slou$h! D;hen the trustees heard a'out your ad*ittan$e, *y *other<D DThank you, Fessi$a!D Ho0 *u$h do I love *y *otherG Bery *u$h! 8o* o&ened a thi$k )ile that lay on her desk! D8a$ey, I see here that you s&ent a se*ester at the Triad A$ade*yGD DYeah,D 8a$ey said! ?.o0, there's a girl 0ho kno0s ho0 to slou$h!A DAnd then a )ull year at ;ellington House! T0o *onths at Ingalls! -oh, :ust a 0eek at the ;ilder Institute!D D4o you have a &ointGD 8a$ey asked, her tone :ust as shar& as the letter o&ener3 slash3dagger that Foe #olo*on had 'een a'sent*indedly )ingering 0hile they s&oke! DYou've seen a lot o) di))erent s$hools, 8a$ey<D DI 0ouldn't say there 0as anything di))erent a'out the*,D she shot 'a$k! But no sooner had the 0ords le)t her *outh than the letter3o&ening dagger 0ent sli$ing through the air, no *ore than a )oot a0ay )ro* her glossy hair, )lying )ro* 8r! #olo*on's hand dire$tly to0ard Bu$kingha*'s head! It all ha&&ened so )ast<like 'link3or3you'll3*iss3it )ast! -ne se$ond 8a$ey 0as talking a'out ho0 all &re& s$hools are the sa*e, and the ne2t, ,atri$ia Bu$kingha* 0as gra''ing a $o&y o) ;ar and ,ea$e )ro* the 'ookshel) 'ehind her and holding it in$hes )ro* her )a$e :ust as the dagger &ier$ed its leather $over! 1or a long ti*e, the only sound 0as the su'tle vi'ration o) the letter o&ener as it stu$k out o) the 'ook, hu**ing like a tuning )ork looking )or *iddle C! Then *y *o* leaned onto her desk and said, DI think you'll )ind there are so*e things 0e tea$h that your other s$hools haven't o))ered!D D;hatED 8a$ey sta**ered! D;hatE ;hatE Are you $ra9yGD That's 0hen *y *o* 0ent through the s$hool history again<the una'ridged version< starting 0ith Gilly and then hitting highlights like ho0 it 0as Gallagher Girls giving ea$h other *ani$ures 0ho had )igured out the 0hole no3t0o3)inger&rints3alike thing, and a )e0 o) our *ore highly &ro)ita'le $reations! ?4u$t ta&e didn't invent itsel), you kno0!A ;hen 8o* )inished, Be2 said, D;el$o*e to s&y s$hool,D in her real a$$ent instead o) the geogra&hi$ally neutral dra0l, 0hi$h is all 8a$ey had heard until then, and I $ould tell she 0as a'out to go into serious in)or*ation overload, 0hi$h, o) $ourse, 0asn't hel&ed 'y Fessi$a! D8a$ey, I kno0 this is going to $o*e as a 'ig ad:ust*ent to you, 'ut that's 0hy *y *other<she's a Gallagher Trustee<has en$ouraged *e to hel& you through this<D DThank you, Fessi$a,D 8o* said, $utting her o)) yet again! D,erha&s I $an *ake things a little *ore $lear!D 8o* rea$hed into her &o$ket and &ulled out 0hat looked like an ordinary silver $o*&a$t! #he )li&&ed u& the lid and tou$hed her )ore)inger to *irror inside! I sa0 the s*all light s$an her )inger&rint, and 0hen she sna&&ed the $o*&a$t $losed, the 0orld around 8a$ey 8$Henry shi)ted as the 0hole Code >ed &ro$ess 0ent into reverse! The 'ookshelves had 'een )a$ing 0rong30ay3out )or a 0eek, 'ut no0 they 0ere s&inning around to sho0 their true side! 4isney ;orld disa&&eared in the &hoto on 8o*'s desk= and Li9 'roke out her ,ortuguese long enough to say, D#era Cue ela vai vo*itarGD But I had to shake *y head in res&onse 'e$ause I honestly didn't kno0 0hether or not 8a$ey 0as going to thro0 u&!

;hen everything sto&&ed s&inning ?literallyA 8a$ey 0as surrounded 'y *ore than a hundred years o) $overt se$rets, 'ut she 0asn't sto&&ing to take it all in! Instead, she s$rea*ed, DYou &eo&le are &sy$ho@D and 'olted )or the door! Jn)ortunately, Foe #olo*on 0as one ste& ahead o) her! DGet out o) *y 0ay@D she sna&&ed! D#orry,D he said $oolly! DI don't 'elieve the head*istress is )inished Cuite yet!D D8a$ey!D 8y *o*'s voi$e 0as $al* and )ull o) reason! DI kno0 this *ust $o*e as Cuite a sho$k to you! But 0e're really :ust a s$hool )or e2$e&tional young 0o*en! -ur $lasses are hard! -ur $urri$ulu* uniCue! But you *ay use 0hat you learn here any0here in the 0orld! In any 0ay you see )it!D 8o*'s eyes narro0ed! Her voi$e hardened as she said, DI) you stay!D ;hen 8o* ste&&ed )or0ard, I kne0 she 0asn't talking as an ad*inistrator any*ore= she 0as talking as a *other! DI) you 0ant to leave, 8a$ey, 0e $an *ake you )orget this ever ha&&ened! ;hen you 0ake u& to*orro0, this 0ill 'e a drea* you don't re*e*'er, and you'll have one *ore dis*al s$hool e2&erien$e on your re$ord! But no *atter your de$ision, there is only one thing you have to understand!D 8o* 0as *oving $loser, and 8a$ey sna&&ed, D;hatGD D.o one 0ill ever kno0 0hat you have seen and heard here today!D 8a$ey 0as still staring daggers, 'ut *y *o* didn't have a $o&y o) ;ar and ,ea$e handy, so she rea$hed )or the ne2t 'est thing! D/s&e$ially your &arents!D And :ust 0hen I'd thought I'd never see 8a$ey 8$Henry s*ileE

Cha&ter 1ive

By the third 0eek o) s$hool, *y 'a$k&a$k 0as heavier than *e ?0ell, *ay'e not *e, 'ut &ro'a'ly Li9A, I had a *ountain o) ho*e0ork, and the sign a'ove the Grand Hall 0as announ$ing that 0e'd all 'etter dust o)) our 1ren$h i) 0e intended to *ake s*all talk over lun$h! ,lus, it 0as al*ost a )ull3ti*e :o' kee&ing ru*ors se&arated )ro* )a$ts! ?.o 'ig sur&rise 0ho the ru*ors 0ere all a'out!A 8a$ey 8$Henry had gotten ki$ked out o) her last s$hool 'e$ause she 0as &regnant 0ith the head*aster's 'a'y! >J8->! At her )irst ,%/ $lass, 8a$ey ki$ked a seventh grader so hard she 0as out $old )or an hour! 1ACT! ?And also the reason 8a$ey's no0 taking ,%/ 0ith the eighth graders!A 8a$ey told a seventh grader that her glasses *ake her )a$e look )at, a senior that her hair looks like a 0ig ?0hi$h it is, thanks to a very un)ortunate &lutoniu* in$identA, and ,ro)essor Bu$kingha* that she really should try $ontrol3to& &anty hose! 1ACT! 1ACT! 1ACT! As 0e 0alked 'et0een 8ada*e 4a'ney's tea roo* and the elevator to #u'level -ne, Tina ;alters told *e )or a'out the tenth ti*e, DCa**ie, you don't even have to steal the )ileEFust take a little<D DTina@D I sna&&ed, then 0his&ered 'e$ause a $ro0ded hall0ay )ull o) )uture s&ies isn't the 'est &la$e to have a $overt $onversation, DI'* not going to steal 8a$ey's &er*anent re$ord :ust to see i) she really set the gy* on )ire at her last s$hool!D

DBorro0,D Tina re*inded *e! DBorro0 the &er*anent re$ord! Fust a &eek!D D.o@D I said again, :ust as 0e turned into the s*all, dark $orridor! I sa0 Li9 standing there, staring into the *irror that $on$ealed the elevator as i) she didn't re$ogni9e her o0n re)le$tion! D;hat's 0rong 0ith ED Then I sa0 the little sli& o) yello0 &a&er! D;hatG Is it out o) order or<D And then I read the little sli& o) yello0 &a&er!

#o&ho*ore C!-! $lass $an$eled! 8eet outside tonight! OK 4on't 0ear your uni)or*s@ 3#olo*on ,

Be2's re)le$tion a&&eared 'eside *ine, and our eyes lo$ked! I started to ri& the note )ro* the *irror, to save it as a &ie$e o) Gallagher A$ade*y history, 'e$ause t0o things 0ere e2traordinary a'out it! 1irst, I'd never even heard o) a $lass 'eing $an$eled, *u$h less 0itnessed it *ysel)! #e$ond, Foe #olo*on had :ust invited )ourteen girls to go on 0hat a*ounted to a *oonlight stroll! Things 0ere a'out to get interesting!

I've seen Li9 )reak out a'out assign*ents 'e)ore, 'ut that day at lun$h, she 0as as 0hite as the salt in the shaker as she 0ent over every tiny, &er)e$tly &un$tuated line o) her Cove-&s notes<sto&&ing o$$asionally to $in$h her eyes together as i) she 0ere trying to read the ans0ers on the to& o) her head! ?8ay'e she 0as! ;ith Li9's head, anything is &ossi'le!A DLi9, est3$e Cu3il3y3a une I&reuve de Cove-&s dont :e ne $onnais &asGD I asked, thinking that i) there 0as a Cove-&s test I didn't kno0 a'out, so*eone should really 'ring *e into the loo&! But Li9 thought I 0as trying to 'e )unny! DTu ne la $onsidIras &as sIrieuseGD she nearly yelled! DTu sais Cues Ke Cui se &asse $e soir@D -) $ourse I 0as taking it seriously, 'ut Li9 0asn't a'out to 'elieve that, so I a'andoned our 1ren$h assign*ent and 0his&ered, D.o, Li9, I don't kno0 0hat's going to ha&&en tonight!D D/2a$te*ent@D she $ried, leaning $loser! DAnything in these 'ooks $ould 'e out there@D she said, as i) 0e 0ere dro&&ing into an a$tual 0ar 9one and not our o0n 'a$kyard! D-r it $ould 'e so*ethingD<she looked around and then leaned $loser<Dnot in the 'ooks@D I seriously thought she *ight thro0 u&, es&e$ially 0hen Be2 leaned over and said, DI 'et 0e're going to 'ust u& a drug $artel that's o&erating out o) a night$lu'!D ?Be$ause she sa0 that on$e on an e&isode o) Alias!A

Li9 gul&ed, and her knu$kles 0ent 0hite as she gri&&ed a )lash $ard! DIt 0on't 'e anything like that, Li9,D I 0his&ered! But 'y this ti*e the entire so&ho*ore $lass 0as staring! D;hyGD Tina de*anded! D;hat do you kno0G 4id your *other tell you so*ethingGD D.o@D I said, 0ishing I hadn't gotten the* started! DI don't kno0 anything!D D#o #olo*on didn't ask your *other )or t0o heli$o&ters, three stun guns, and a do9en Bra9ilian &ass&ortsGD But 'e)ore I $ould res&ond to Tina's ridi$ulous Cuestion, the *ain doors o&ened, and the seventh3grade $lass $a*e in, doing a lot o) 'on :ouring<DhelloD 'eing one o) the )e0 &hrases they kne0<and the so&ho*ore $lass )orgot a'out *e and 0ent 'a$k to doing 0hat it had 'een doing )or a 0eek<0at$hing 8a$ey 8$Henry! #he 0as the )irst &erson to ever $o*'ine 'la$k )ingernail &olish 0ith a ,eter ,an3 $ollared 0hite 'louse ?that's not veri)ied or anything<:ust a guessA, and her dia*ond nose ring looked like a t0enty3thousand3dollar 9it, 'ut to an outsider, 8a$ey 8$Henry *ight have see*ed like one o) us! #he 0alked through the Grand Hall like she o0ned the &la$e ?as usualA, &i$ked u& a &lain green salad 0ith no dressing ?as usualA, and 0alked to our ta'le! Then she &lo&&ed do0n ne2t to Be2 and said, DThe *un$hkins annoy,D 0hi$h 0as totally not usual! J& to that &oint, I'd *ainly heard 8a$ey say things like DYou're in *y light,D and DI) you're gonna have &lasti$ surgery, you *ight 0ant to try *y *other's guy in ,al* #&rings!D ?.eedless to say, 8r! #*ith didn't 0rite do0n the nu*'er!A But there she 0as, sitting 0ith us, talking 0ith us! A$ting like one o) us@ Li9 said, DFe *e de*ande &ourCuoi elk a dI$idI a &arler S nous au:ourd'hui! Co**e $'est 'i9arre@D But I didn't kno0 0hy 8a$ey 0as )eeling so talkative, either! Be)ore I $ould res&ond, 8a$ey turned to Li9 and sna&&ed, DI don't 0ant to talk to you either, )reak!D I 0as :ust starting to &ro$ess the )a$t that even $os*eti$ heiresses 0ho get ki$ked out o) a lot o) &rivate s$hools s&eak &retty good 1ren$h, 0hen 8a$ey leaned $loser to Li9, 0ho leaned a0ay! DTell *e,D 8a$ey said in the 0orst i*itation #outhern a$$ent I've ever heard, Dho0 $an so*eone 0ho's su&&osed to 'e so s*art sound so stu&idGD Li9's &ale )a$e turned instantly red as tears $a*e to the $orners o) her eyes! Be)ore I kne0 0hat 0as ha&&ening, Be2 had )lo0n )ro* her seat, &inned 8a$ey's right ar* 'ehind her 'a$k 0ith one hand, and gra''ed that dia*ond nose ring 0ith the other so )ast that I said a Cui$k &rayer o) thanks that the British are on our side ?0ell, assu*ing 0e never revisit the >evolutionary ;arA! DI kno0 you're three years late, 'ut let *e give you a real Cui$k, i*&ortant lesson,D Be2 said in /nglish ?&ro'a'ly 'e$ause it's harder to sound s$ary in 1ren$hA! But the strangest thing 0as ha&&ening<8a$ey 0as s*iling<al*ost laughing, and Be2 totally didn't kno0 0hat to do! The rest o) the hall 0as going slo0ly Cuiet, as i) so*eone the volu*e do0n! By the ti*e the tea$hers sto&&ed talking, 8a$ey, I had leaned a$ross the ta'le to gra' ahold o) Be2, on a )lash $ard that listed the to& )ive &la$es you should *arket e2&losives in #t! ,eters'urg! so*e0here 0as turning Be2 still had ahold o) and Li9 had a death gri& go to look )or 'la$k

D>e'e$$a,D said a *ale voi$e! I turned a0ay )ro* the tight3li&&ed s*irk that 0as s&reading a$ross 8a$ey's )a$e to see Foe #olo*on standing 'ehind *e, s&eaking a$ross the ta'le to Be2, 0ho 0as slo0ly allo0ing 'lood to $ree& 'a$k into 8a$ey's ar*! DI understand you $ould get into trou'le )or that,D he said! It's true! Gallagher Girls don't )ight in the hall0ays! ;e don't sla& and 0e don't shove! But *ostly, 0e don't use the skills o) the sisterhood against the sisters! /ver! It's a testa*ent to ho0 universally des&ised and vie0ed as an outsider 8a$ey 0as that Be2 0asn't i**ediately :u*&ed )ro* ten dire$tions! But 8r! #olo*on 0as an outsider, too! 8ay'e that's 0hy he said, DI) you're so eager to sho0 o)), you and your )riends $an take &oint tonight!D He looked at Li9 and *e! DGood lu$k!D It 0asn't a $heery, 'reak3a3leg Dgood lu$k,D though! It 0as a 0at$h3out3or3you'll3 have3your3legs3'roken Dgood lu$k!D Li9 0ent 'a$k to her )lash $ards, 'ut Be2 and I stared at ea$h other a$ross the ta'le as our )a$es *or&hed )ro* sheer terror to un$ontrolled e2$ite*ent! 1or Gallagher Girls, leading a *ission is no &unish*ent<that's the gold3)reaking3star@ -nly a little o) the dread lingered in the 'a$k o) *y *ind as I reali9ed that 0e 0ere a'out to &lay 0ith live a**o< *ay'e in 'oth the literal and )igurative senses o) the 0ord! 8a$ey returned to her salad 0hile 8r! #olo*on added, D/t n'ou'lie9 &as, *esde*oiselles, $e soir vous Ttes des $ivils< resse*'le93y!D -h, yeah, :ust 0hat I needed<)ashion advi$e )ro* Foe #olo*on hi*sel)! The Grand Hall 0ent 'a$k to nor*al, 'ut I dou't that any o) the so&ho*ores, 'esides 8a$ey, took another 'ite! As i) 0e hadn't kno0n it 'e)ore, Foe #olo*on had :ust re*inded us that 0e'd soon 'e venturing out )ro* 'ehind our $o*)orta'le 0alls, o&erating on our o0n )or the )irst ti*e in our su&ers&y lives! 1our years o) training had all $o*e do0n to this, and I )or one didn't have a thing to 0ear!

I'* not sure ho0 it ha&&ened, 'ut at so*e &oint 'et0een one ,!8! and si2 )orty3 )ive, the so&ho*ore $lass )ro* the Gallagher A$ade*y )or /2$e&tional Young ;o*en *or&hed )ro* a grou& o) s&ies3in3training into a 'un$h o) teenage girls! It 0as &retty s$ary! Li9 s&ent her a)ternoon 'e$o*ing the te2t'ook version o) 0hat an under$over o&erative should look like, $o&ying everything )ro* the &atent leather &urse to the &ill'o2 hat! ?It 0as a &retty old te2t'ook!A Then the hall0ays started rever'erating 0ith terri)ying yells o) DHave you seen *y 'la$k 'ootsGD and D4oes anyone have any hair s&rayGD I 0as seriously starting to 0orry a'out the )ate o) national se$urity! In our suite, Be2 looked a0eso*e ?as usualA, Li9 looked ridi$ulous ?'ut try telling her thatA, and 8a$ey 0as looking at an old Cos*o as i) deter*ining 0hether green is the ne0 'la$k 0as a *atter o) li)e or death! All I $ould do 0as sit on *y 'ed in *y old :eans and a 'la$k knit to& *y *o* on$e 0ore to &ara$hute onto the to& o) the Iranian /*'assy, and 0at$h the $lo$k ti$k do0n! But then Tina $a*e 'usting into our roo*! D;hi$h oneGD she asked, holding a &air o) 'la$k leather &ants and short skirt in )ront o) her! I 0as on the verge o) saying,

neither, 0hen /va Alvare9 ran in! D4o these goG I don't kno0 i) these go@D /va held u& a &air o) high3heeled 'oots that *ade *y )eet hurt :ust 'y looking at the*! DJ*, /va, $an you run in thoseGD I asked! But 'e)ore /va $ould ans0er, I heard so*eone say, DThey're all the rage in 8ilan!D I looked around! I $ounted heads! And then it da0ned on *e 0ho 0as s&eaking! 8a$ey stared at us over the to& o) her *aga9ine, and added, DI) you 0ant to kno0!D ;ithin *inutes, hal) the so&ho*ore $lass 0as in our little suite, and 8a$ey 0as telling Tina, DYou kno0, li& liner is su&&osed to go on the li&s,D and Tina 0as a$tually listening@ I *ean, this is the sa*e girl 0ho had single3handedly started the 8a$ey3is38r! #*ith's3illegiti*ate3daughter ru*or! Little did 0e kno0 she 0as one )ashion e*ergen$y a0ay )ro* turning to the ene*y@ Courtney 0as 'orro0ing earrings= Anna 0as trying on :a$kets= and I 0asn't sure i) I 0ould ever )eel sa)e going into hostile territory 0ith any o) the* ever again! DYou kno0, /va, 0hat 'lends in 8ilan *ight sti$k out in >oseville,D I tried, 'ut she didn't $are! DYou kno0, guys, hiding in &lain sight reCuires looking &lain@D I said, 'ut Ki* Lee 0as 0riggling out o) a halter to& and nearly kno$ked *y head o)) 0ith her )lailing ar*s! DYou kno0, I really don't think he's taking us to the &ro*@D I shouted, and Anna &ut 8a$ey's gorgeous )or*al go0n 'a$k into the $loset! I'* the $ha*eleon@ I 0anted to $ry! I'* the Cove-&s lega$y@ I'd 'een &re&aring )or this night *y entire li)e<doing drills 0ith *y dad, asking *y *o* to tell *e stories, 'e$o*ing the girl no'ody sees! But no0 I 0as dri)ting dee&er and dee&er into the shado0s until I 0as standing in the *iddle o) *y o0n roo*, 0at$hing *y $losest )riends s0ar* around our gorgeous ne0 guest, and I 0as $o*&letely invisi'le! DLose the earrings,D 8a$ey said, &ointing to /va! DTu$k in the shirt,D she told Anna, then turned to Courtney Bauer and said, D;hat died in your hairGD ?Courtney does have a tenden$y to over3gel so*eti*es!A Be2 0as sitting 0ith Li9 on her 'ed, and they 'oth looked as a*a9ed as I )elt! DHey@D I $ried again, to no avail, so I $alled u&on *y su&ers&y heritage, and se$onds later I 0as 0histling loudly enough to *ake the $o0s $o*e ho*e ?literally< that's 0hy Grand&a 8organ taught *e ho0 to do itA! 8y $lass*ates )inally turned a0ay )ro* 8a$ey, and I said, DIt's ti*e!D A silen$e had )allen over the roo*, 'ut then a longer, dee&er Cuiet stret$hed out! ;e 0ere through &laying dress3u&, and everyone kne0 it!

DHello, ladies!D

The 0ords 0ere right, 'ut the voi$e $o*ing to us through the shado0s 0as 0rong in so *any 0ays that I $an't &ossi'ly des$ri'e it here! >eally, it 0ould 'e $ruel to all the trees 0ho 0ould have to give their lives )or *e to e2&lain 0hat it 0as like to 'e e2&e$ting Foe #olo*on and get 8r! 8os$ko0it9! D4on't you all look veryED He 0as staring, *outh ga&ing, as i) he'd never seen &ush3u& 'ras or eyeliner 'e)ore! DEni$e,D he )inally said, then sla&&ed his hands together, I guess to sto& the nervous shaking! But he still $ouldn't steady his voi$e as he said, D;ell, very 'ig night! Bery 'ig! 1orED He hesitated! DEall o) us!D 8r! 8os$ko0it9 &ushed his glasses u& the 'ridge o) his nose and stared 'eyond the lighted drive0ay o) the *ansion! /ven I didn't kno0 e2a$tly 0hat lay in that dark a'yss! #ure, there are 0oods and :ogging trails and a la$rosse )ield that is handy during Code >eds ?and dou'les as a great underground storage )a$ility )or the heli$o&tersA, 'ut everyone kno0s the Gallagher ;oods are a *ine)ield<*ay'e literally<and I started shaking in *y sensi'le shoes! ;hat i) there are sni&ersG -r atta$k dogs E or E 'ut 'e)ore I $ould )inish that thought, I heard $run$hing gravel and sCuealing tires, and turned around to see an -vernight /2&ress tru$k roaring to0ard us! Gee, 0hat's the &a$kage e*ergen$yG I 0ondered! But 0hen the driver's3side door )le0 o&en and 8r! #olo*on :u*&ed out and yelled, DGet in@D I reali9ed 0e 0ere the &a$kage! Instantly, *y *ind )lashed 'a$k to one o) Li9's note $ards! C-B/>T -,/>ATI-. >JL/ U1K 4-.'T H/#ITAT/! 8r! 8os$ko0it9 o&ened the $argo doors and I $li*'ed inside, i*agining that the tru$k 0as like our tea$hers<it had led a )as$inating and dangerous li)e 'e)ore it retired and $a*e to us! But I didn't see a 0all o) *onitors and headsets<none o) the stu)) the tru$ks have in *ovies<only $rates and $rates o) &a$kages! That's 0hen the tru$k 'e$a*e even $ooler, 'e$ause I'* &retty sure 8r! #olo*on had stolen it@ D1irst rule,D he 0arned as 0e settled inside, Ddon't tou$h any o) the &a$kages!D Then 8r! #olo*on $ra0led in 'ehind us, leaving 8r! 8os$ko0it9 outside looking u& at hi* like a 0ater 'oy 0ho'd :ust 'een asked to hold the star Cuarter'a$k's hel*et! DHarveyGD 8r! #olo*on said i*&atiently 'ut still so)t enough that he sounded like a &retty ni$e guy, D$lo$k's ti$king!D He tossed 8r! 8osko0it9 the keys! D-h@D This see*ed to 0ake hi* u&! DYe&! #ure thing! I'll see youD<he &ointed to0ard all o) us<Dout there!D D.o, you 0on't, Harvey,D 8r! #olo*on said! DThat's the idea!D

Call *e $ra9y, 'ut this 0asn't ho0 I'd al0ays &i$tured the )irst ti*e I'd 'e in the dark 0ith a guy 0ho looks like Foe #olo*on! ?And I'* &retty sure I s&eak )or the entire so&ho*ore $lass on that one!A D-&eratives in dee& $over 0ill 'e given )alse histories,D he )ired at us through the dark! DThese histories, in$luding na*es, dates o) 'irth, and )avorite kindergarten tea$hers, and are $alled ED

DLegends@D Li9 'lurted! A test is a test, in Li9's *ind, and as long as there 0as a R%A, she $ould handle this *ission 'usiness! DBery good, 8s! #utton,D he said, and even in the dark I kne0 Li9 0as a nu*'er t0o lead &en$il a0ay )ro* heaven! D1or this *ission, ladies, you 0ill 'e &osing as nor*al teenage girls! Think you $an handle thatGD I'* not sure, 'ut I think that *ight have 'een Foe #olo*on's idea o) a :oke<'ut it 0as soooo not )unny 'e$ause, i) there's one thing 0e're not, it's nor*al! But he o'viously didn't $are a'out any o) that, 'e$ause he :ust &lo0ed on! D;hen $ondu$ting *anual surveillan$e on a su':e$t in a three3*an rotation, the &erson 0ith visual $onta$t is the ED D/ye'all@D DCorre$t! The &erson 0ithin sight o) the eye'all is theED DBa$ku&!D DAnd the )inal &erson ED DThe reserve!D DBery good! .o0 re*e*'er, rotate )reCuently, 'ut not too )reCuently! Bary your &a$e and s&a$ing, and a'ove allED I )elt the tru$k $o*e to a sto&! The engine turned o))! A'ove all, 0hatG I 0anted to $ry! The *ost i*&ortant night o) *y li)e, and he )orgets the &un$h line@ A s*all light $a*e on in the $eiling o) the tru$k, 'athing us in an eerie, orange3yello0 glo0, and I heard *usi$, the kind a *erry3go3round *akes, and I 0ondered i) *y 0hole li)e )ro* that &oint on 0ould 'e a house o) *irrors! 8r! #olo*on *oved a television *onitor to one o) the shelves and )iddled 0ith so*e 0ires! I 0as e2&e$ting a vie0 o) the 0orld outside ?or at least so*ething )ro* the ;BA, 'ut instead I sa0 0hat I'd 'een seeing )or years<the )ourteen )a$es o) the so&ho*ore $lass! DIn the )ield, ladies, you $an never e2&e$t to have things go as &lanned! I )ully e2&e$t you to *aster the a'ility to i*&rovise! 1or e2a*&le, tonight's *ission reCuires a vehi$le not o0ned 'y the Gallagher A$ade*y! #oD<he *otioned around us<DI *ade alternative arrange*ents!D ?Ye&! He de)initely stole it@A He &assed ear&ie$es to Be2, Li9, and *e, and said, DBasi$ $o**s units! 4on't 'e a)raid to use the*!D Then he sho0ed us a &air o) tortoiseshell eyeglasses, an I [H/A>T+ >oseville 'utton, and a ne$kla$e 0ith a silver $ross! DThere are $a*eras $ontained 0ithin these three ite*s, 0hi$h 0ill allo0 us to )ollo0 and $ritiCue your &rogress!D The $ross s0ung )ro* his )ore)inger and, on the s$reen, the i*age o) *y $lass*ates s0ayed 'a$k and )orth! DThese are )or our 'ene)it tonight< not yours! It's a :ust tea$hing e2er$ise, ladies, 'ut don't e2&e$t us to $o*e to your res$ue!D -kay, I'll ad*it it! I 0as starting to get a little )reaked out at that &oint, 'ut seriously, 0ho $an 'la*e *eG ;e 0ere all )eeling it<I $ould tell 'y the 0ay Be2's leg t0it$hed and Li9 ke&t 0ringing her hands! /very girl in the 'a$k o) that tru$k 0as on edge ?and not :ust 'e$ause 0e 0ere u& $lose and &ersonal 0ith 8r! #olo*on, eitherA! /ven though Li9, Be2, and I 0ere the only ones going outside, 0e 0ere all *ore than Gallagher Girls right then<0e 0ere o&eratives on a *ission, and 0e kne0 there 0ould $o*e a day 0hen 0ay *ore than grades 0ould 'e riding on 0hat 0e 0ere

a'out to learn! The $arnival *usi$ suddenly got louder as the 'a$k door o&ened, and the )irst thing I sa0 0as a 'right orange $a& as 8r! 8os$ko0it9 &eeked in! DThey're $lose,D he said! 8r! #olo*on &lugged a 0ire into a s&eaker, and in the ne2t se$ond I heard *y *other's voi$e :oining the $arnival *usi$! DIt's great 0eather )or running!D 8y 'lood 0ent $old! Anyone 'ut 8o*, I &rayed! Anyone 'ut 8o*! You kno0 the &hrase Be $are)ul 0hat you 0ish )or@ -h yeah, I'* no0 a really 'ig 'eliever in that one, 'e$ause no sooner had the 0ords $rossed *y *ind than 8r! #olo*on turned to us and said, DThere are three ty&es o) su':e$ts 0ho 0ill al0ays 'e the *ost di))i$ult to surveil!D He ti$ked the* o)) on his )ingers! D,eo&le 0ho are trained! ,eo&le 0ho sus&e$t they *ay 'e )ollo0ed! And &eo&le you kno0!D He &aused! DLadies, this is your lu$ky night!D He &ulled a 'la$k3and30hite &hoto )ro* the &o$ket o) his :a$ket and held it u&! The )a$e 0as ne0 to us, 'ut the voi$e that $a*e 'laring through the s&eaker saying, DYes! I should &ro'a'ly get 'a$k into that ha'it *ysel),D 0as one 0e kne0 0ell! D-h, 'ollo$ks@D Be2 e2$lai*ed, and Li9 dro&&ed her note $ards! D#*ith@D I $ried! DYou e2&e$t us to re$on ,ro)essor #*ithGD I $ouldn't 'elieve it@ .ot only 0as it our )irst *ission ever, 'ut he honestly e2&e$ted us to tail a *an 0ho had thirty years o) e2&erien$e, and 0ho had seen us every s$hool day sin$e seventh grade, and 0ho, 0orst o) all, 0as the single *ost &aranoid hu*an 'eing on the &lanet@ ?#eriously! I *ean, he's got the &lasti$ surgery 'ills to &rove it!A A tea* o) CIA all3stars 0ould &ro'a'ly get *ade 0ithin t0enty *inutes! Three Gallagher Girls didn't stand a $han$e! A)ter all, on$e a guy's heard you give a re&ort on the trade routes o) .orthern A)ri$a, he's &ro'a'ly gonna 0onder 0hy you're sitting 'ehind hi* on the *erry3go3round@ DButE 'utE 'utE he never leaves the grounds,D I &rotested, )inally )inding *y 0ords! DHe 0ould never enter an unse$ured area on a 0hi*!D -ooh, good one, I thought, as I struggled to re$all Li9's )lash $ards! DThis goes against the su':e$t's &attern o) 'ehavior@D But 8r! #olo*on only s*iled! He kne0 it 0as an i*&ossi'le *ission<that 0as 0hy he'd given it to us! DTrust *e, ladies,D he said 0ith so*'er res&e$t, Dno one kno0s 8r! #*ith's &atterns o) 'ehavior!D He tossed a thi$k )ile )older to0ard us! DThe one thing 0e do kno0 is that tonight is the >oseville to0n $arnival, and 8r! #*ith, )or good or 'ad, is a *an 0ho loves his )unnel $akes!D D;ell, have )un@D 8y *other's voi$e $a*e 'laring through the s&eakers! I i*agined her 0aving at her $olleague as he turned at the edge o) to0n! I heard her 'reathing 'e$o*e dee&er, al*ost )elt her $ross trainers as they stru$k the dark &ave*ent! DYour *ission,D 8r! #olo*on said, Dis to )ind out 0hat he drinks 0ith those )unnel $akes!D I'd 'een 0aiting *y 0hole li)e )or *y )irst *ission and it all $a*e do0n to 0hatG Car'onated 'everagesG@ D#u':e$t's at the )irehouse, ;ise Guy,D 8o* 0his&ered! DHe's all yours!D And then, :ust like that, *y *other and her 0at$h)ul eyes 0ere gone, leaving us alone in the

dark 0ith Foe D;ise GuyD #olo*on and a *athe*ati$ian in a 'right orange $a&! 8r! #olo*on thrust the ne$kla$e to0ard *e and said, DIn or outGD I gra''ed the $ross, kno0ing I 0ould need it!

Cha&ter #i2

I love Be2 and Li9! #eriously, I do! But 0hen your *ission is to go unnoti$ed at the >oseville to0n $arnival 0hile trailing an o&erative 0ho's as good as 8r! #*ith, a genius in Fa$kie - shades and a girl 0ho $ould totally 'e 8iss A*eri$a ?even though she's BritishA are not e2a$tly 0hat I'd $all ideal 'a$ku&! DI have eye'all,D Be2 said, as I lurked a$ross the to0n sCuare 'y the dunking 'ooth! /very *inute or so, I'd hear a s&lash and a&&lause 'ehind *e! ,eo&le ke&t 0alking 'y $arrying $orn dogs and $ara*el a&&les<lots o) $alories on sti$ks<and I suddenly re*e*'ered that 0hile our $he) *akes an a0eso*e $rP*e 'rQlIe, his $orn dogs really do leave so*ething to 'e desired! #o I 'ought one<a $orn dog, that is! .o0, here's 0here you *ight start thinking< Hey, 0ho is she to eat during a *issionG -r, isn't it $areless to stand there s*earing *ustard all over a dee&3)ried 0eenie 0hen there are o&eratives to tailG But that's the thing a'out 'eing a &ave*ent artist ?a ter* )irst used to des$ri'e *e 0hen I 0as nine and su$$ess)ully tailed *y )ather through the *all to )ind out 0hat he 0as going to 'uy *e )or Christ*asA, you $an't 'e du$king 'ehind 4u*&sters and dodging into door0ays all the ti*e! #eriously, ho0 $overt is thatG >eal &ave*ent artists don't hide<they 'lend! #o 0hen you start $raving a $orn dog 'e$ause every third &erson you see is eating one, then 'ring on the *ustard@ ?Besides, even s&ies have to eat!A Be2 0as on the )ar side o) the sCuare, *illing around outside the li'rary 0hile the ,ride o) >oseville *ar$hing 'and 0ar*ed u&! Li9 0as su&&osed to 'e 'ehind *e, 'ut I $ouldn't see her! ?,lease tell *e she didn't 'ring her *ole$ular regeneration ho*e0orkEA 8r! #*ith 0as &ro'a'ly thirty )eet in )ront o) Be2, 'eing Foe -rdinary, 0hi$h 0as totally $ree&ing *e out! /very )e0 *o*ents I'd $at$h a )lash o) his 'la$k :a$ket as he strolled along the streets, looking like a so$$er dad 0ho 0as 0orried a'out the *ortgage, and I re*e*'ered that o) all the )alse )aVades at the Gallagher A$ade*y, the 'est 'elonged to its &eo&le! DHo0 you doing u& there, 4u$hessGD I asked, and Be2 shot 'a$k, DI hate that 'loody $ode na*e!D D-kay, ,rin$ess,D I said! DCa*<D Be2 started, 'ut 'e)ore she $ould )inish her threat, I heard Li9's voi$e in *y ear! DCha*eleon, 0here are youGD Li9 $o*&lained! DI lost you again!D DI'* over 'y the dunk tank, Book0or*!D D;ave your ar*s or so*ething!D I $ould al*ost hear Li9 standing on ti&toes, &eering

through the $ro0d! DThat kind o) de)eats the &ur&ose no0, doesn't itGD Be2 noted! DBut ho0 a* I su&&osed to )ollo0 you, )ollo0ing #*ith i) I $an't< -h, never *ind,D Li9 said! DI see you!D I looked around and thought, -h, yeah, I $an see 0hy I'd 'e tough to s&ot! I 0as sitting on a 'en$h in &lain sight! #eriously! I $ouldn't have 'een *ore out in the o&en i) I'd had a 'ig neon sign over *y head! But that's the thing *ost &eo&le don't get a'out surveillan$e! .o one<not even one o) *y 'est )riends<0as going to look t0i$e at an ordinary3looking girl in last year's $lothes sitting on a &ark 'en$h eating a $orn dog! I) you $an 'e still enough, and $o**on enough, then it's really easy to 'e invisi'le! DHe's )li&&ing,D Be2 said so)tly, and I kne0 it 0as sho0ti*e! >oseville *ight look like 8ay'erry, 'ut ,ro)essor #*ith 0asn't taking any $han$es! He 0as dou'ling 'a$k, so I got o)) *y 'en$h and eased to0ard the side0alk, kno0ing #*ith 0as heading to0ard *e on the o&&osite side o) the sCuare, &ast Be2, 0ho *anaged to du$k her head and a$t non$halant! That's 0hen a lot o) &eo&le 0ould have lost it! An a*ateur 0ould have looked at her 0at$h and s&un around as i) she'd :ust re*e*'ered so*e &la$e she needed to 'e, 'ut not Be2<she :ust ke&t 0alking! Hal) the to0n *ust have turned out )or the $arnival, so there 0as lots o) &edestrian $over on the side0alk 'et0een 8r! #*ith and *e ?a very good thingA! ,eo&le don't see things nearly as Cui$kly as they see *otion, so 0hen ,ro)essor #*ith turned, I stayed &er)e$tly still! ;hen he *oved, I 0aited )ive se$onds, then )ollo0ed! But *ostly, I re*e*'ered 0hat *y dad al0ays said a'out ho0 a tail isn't a string<it's a ru''er 'and, stret$hing 'a$k and )orth, in and out, *oving inde&endently o) The #u':e$t! ;hen so*ething interested *e, I sto&&ed! ;hen so*eone said so*ething )unny, I laughed! ;hen I &assed an i$e3$rea* stand, I 'ought so*e, all the 0hile kee&ing 8r! #*ith at the edge o) *y vision! But that's not to say it 0as easy! .o 0ay! In all the ti*es I'd i*agined *y )irst *ission, I'd al0ays thought I'd 'e retrieving to& se$ret )iles or so*ething! .ever on$e did I i*agine that I'd 'e asked to tail *y C-; &ro)essor through a $arnival and )ind out 0hat he drinks 0ith his )unnel $akes! The $ra9y thing 0as that this 0as #- 8JCH HA>4/>@ ,ro)essor #*ith 0as a$ting as i) those KGB hit*en 0ere already on their 0ay to >oseville<using every $ountersurveillan$e te$hniCue in the 'ook ?or at least the 'ooks I've seenA, and I reali9ed ho0 e2hausting it *ust 'e to 'e hi*! He $ouldn't even go out )or )unnel $akes 0ithout D)li&&ingD and D$orner $learingD and D'read$ru*'ingD all the ti*e! -n$e, things got really toasty, and I thought )or sure he 0as going to *ake *e, 'ut I )ell in 'ehind a grou& o) little old 0o*en! But then one o) the 0o*en stu*'led at the $ur', and, instin$tively, I rea$hed out to hel& her! Ahead o) us, ,ro)essor #*ith sto&&ed in )ront o) a darkened store)ront, staring at the re)le$tion in the glass, 'ut I 0as t0enty )eet 'ehind hi* and shrouded 'y a sea o) gray hair and &olyester<0hi$h 0as a good thing! But then the 0o*en all turned to )a$e *e<0hi$h 0as a 'ad thing! DThank you, young lady,D the older 0o*an said! #he sCuinted at *e! D4o I kno0 youGD But :ust then, a voi$e 'lared in *y ear! D4id 0e rotateGD Li9 sounded $lose to &ani$! D4id 0e rotate the eye'allGD ,ro)essor #*ith 0as getting a0ay, heading 'a$k in Be2's dire$tion, so I ans0ered, DYes,D 'ut that only *ade the 0o*an $o$k her eye'ro0 and stare harder!

DI don't re*e*'er seeing you 'e)ore,D the old 0o*an said! D#ure you do, Betty,D one o) the other 0o*en said, &atting her )riend on the ar*! D#he's that Fa$kson girl!D And that's 0hy I'* the $ha*eleon! I a* the girl ne2t door ?it's :ust that our doors have )inger&rint3reading sensors and are 'ullet&roo) and allEA! D-h@ Is your grand*other out o) the hos&ital yetGD the *ore )ragile o) the 0o*en asked! -kay, so I didn't kno0 the Fa$ksons, *u$h less ho0 Granny 0as )eeling, 'ut Grand*a 8organ had taught *e that Chinese ;ater Torture is nothing $o*&ared to a grand*other 0ho really 0ants to kno0 so*ething! I sa0 ,ro)essor #*ith nearing Be2, 'ut over *y $o**s unit, Be2 0as laughing, saying, DYeah, *an! Go, ,irates@D as i) she lived )or 1riday night )oot'all! #ure, Be2's de)inition o) )oot'all *ight have 'een so$$er, 'ut 'oys 0ere al0ays 'oys, and a $ro0d o) :ersey3$lad testosterone 0as asse*'ling a$ross the street! I didn't need surveillan$e &hotos to kno0 0ho 0as at the $enter o) the *o'! The old 0o*en 0ere staring at *e as i) I 0ere a needle they 0ere trying to thread, and I said the only thing I $ould think o)! D4r! #*ith says she needs to go south< that she needs to 'e toasty!D I looked &ast the *o' surrounding *e and to0ard the one surrounding Be2, ho&ing she'd heard and understood that trou'le 0as heading her 0ay! 8y ho&es d0indled, though, 0hen I heard her say, DYeah, I love tight ends!D DIsn't that ni$eGD the old 0o*an said! D4oes she kno0 0here she's goingGD I sa0 8r! #*ith's dark :a$ket disa&&ear &ast the &illars o) the li'rary's *ain entran$e and then out o) sight! DYou kno0 she's su$h a 'ook0or*,D I said, ho&ing Li9 0as listening! D#he $an't 0ait to 'e near the li'rary, :ust around the $orner )ro* the li'rary, in )a$t,D I said through gritted teeth, :ust as stati$ and $haos )illed *y ears! I heard Be2 *utter, D-h, no@D Ahead o) *e, the )oot'all 'oys 0ere heading in a &a$k do0n the street, 'ut Be2 0asn't 0ith the*! As )ar as I $ould see, Be2 0asn't any0here, and neither 0as #*ith! D#orry, ladies! Gotta go,D I sna&&ed and hurried a0ay! DBook0or*,D I said, Ddo you have the*G I have lost visual 0ith The #u':e$t and the eye'all! I re&eat! I have lost visual 0ith The #u':e$t and theED I rea$hed the li'rary and looked in the dire$tion 0here I'd last seen 8r! #*ith, 'ut all I sa0 0as a long line o) yello0 streetlights! I 0eaved 'a$k through the $ro0d, $ir$ling the entire sCuare, until I 0ound u& right 'a$k 0here I'd started, in a va$ant lot 'et0een a shoe store and City Hall, right 'ehind the dunk tank! I should have 'een *ore a0are o) *y surroundings, I kno0<#&y 1 1 and all that<'ut it 0as too late! ;e'd 'een so $lose E soooo $lose! I hadn't 0anted to ad*it it to *ysel), 'ut a'out the ti*e I &olished o)) that i$e3$rea* $one, I'd honestly started i*agining 0hat it 0ould )eel like to have Foe #olo*on say, D.i$e :o'!D But no0 they 0ere gone<everyone<#*ith, Be2, and Li9! I $ouldn't turn tail and run 'a$k to s$hool<not then! ;e'd $o*e too $lose! #o I darted to0ard the )unnel3$ake

stand, the one &la$e 0e )elt $ertain #*ith 0ould have to visit 'e)ore the night 0as through, 'ut I didn't &ay attention to 0here I 0as going or ho0 $o*&letely the 4e&uty Chie) o) ,oli$e )illed the little seat a'ove the dunk tank! I heard the $ra$k o) a 'ase'all hitting *etal, sensed *ove*ent out o) the $orner o) *y eye, 'ut all the ,%/ training in the 0orld 0asn't enough to hel& *e dodge the tidal 0ave that $rashed over *y shoulders! Yeah, that's right! 8y )irst $overt o&erations *ission 0as also *y )irst 0et T3 shirt $ontest, and as I stood there shivering, I kne0 it 0ould &ro'a'ly 'e *y last o) 'oth! ,eo&le 0ere rushing to0ard *e, o))ering to0els, asking i) they $ould give *e a ride ho*e! Yeah, I'* stealthy, I thought, as I thanked the* as un*e*ora'ly as &ossi'le and darted a0ay! Hal)0ay do0n the side0alk, I &ulled a soggy t0enty3dollar 'ill )ro* *y &o$ket, 'ought a Go ,irates@ s0eatshirt, and &ulled it on! In *y ear, the $o**s unit had gone )ro* $ra$kling stati$ to dense nothing, and I reali9ed 0ith a thud that *y little silver $ross, though state3o)3the3art, 0asn't the 0ater&roo) edition! Be2's 'and o) )oot'all :o$ks strolled 'y, 'ut not a single eye looked *y 0ay! As a girl, I 0ouldn't have *inded a little $orner3o)3the3eye $he$king out, 'ut as a s&y, I 0as totally relieved that the 0hole dro0ned3$hi$ look didn't under*ine *y $overtness too *u$h! I 0alked to0ard the )unnel3$ake stand, kno0ing that at any *inute I $ould turn the $orner on disaster<and I guess in a 0ay, I did!

Be2 and Li9 0ere sitting together on a 'en$h as 8r! #*ith &a$ed 'e)ore the*, and 'oy, 0as he s$ary :ust then! His ne0 )a$e had al0ays see*ed strong, 'ut I hadn't a&&re$iated its hard lines until he leaned over Li9 and yelled, D8s! #utton@D Li9 started shrinking, 'ut Be2 $rossed her ar*s and looked totally 'ored! DI 0ant to kno0 0hat you are doing here@D #*ith de*anded! D8s! Ba2terD<he turned to Be2<Dyou are going to tell *e 0hy you and 8s! #utton have le)t $a*&us! You are going to e2&lain 0hy you've 'een )ollo0ing *e )or thirty *inutes, and ED I 0at$hed his e2&ression $hange as so*ething da0ned on hi*! DAnd you are going to tell *e 0here Foe #olo*on is right no0!D Be2 and Li9 looked at ea$h other )or a long ti*e 'e)ore Be2 turned 'a$k to 8r! #*ith! DI had a $raving )or a $orn dog!D ;ell, I have already &ointed out the $orn dog inadeCua$y o) the Gallagher A$ade*y )ood servi$e tea*, 'ut 8r! #*ith didn't 'uy her argu*ent, 0hi$h 0as :ust as 0ell! He 0asn't su&&osed to! He'd heard her real *essage loud and $lear<Be2 and Li9 0eren't talking! Those are *y girls! Then I re*e*'ered that I 0as &ro'a'ly su&&osed to 'e doing so*ething@ A)ter all, the *ission 0asn't over yet<not really! There 0as still ho&e! #urely I $ould salvage so*e o) it! #urelyE I 0as really starting to hate Foe #olo*on! 1irst he sends us out to tail a guy 0ho 0as al*ost 'ound to $at$h at least one o) us, and then he doesn't tea$h us 0hat to do 0hen 0e get $aught@ ;as I su&&osed to $ause a diversion and ho&e Be2 and Li9

$ould sli& a0ayG ;as I su&&osed to )ind a 0ea&on and :u*& #*ith )ro* 'ehindG -r 0as I si*&ly su&&osed to stroll a$ross the street and take *y right)ul &la$e 'eside the* on that 'en$h o) sha*eG 1ro* the $orner o) *y eye, I sa0 the -vernight /2&ress tru$k $ruise 'y! It $ould have sto&&ed and an ar*y $ould have s0ar*ed in and saved the day, 'ut that didn't ha&&en= and I instantly kne0 0hy! The street 0as )ull o) &eo&le 0ho $ould never kno0 the &o0er o) the girls on the 'en$h! I $ould have saved the sisters, 'ut not at the risk o) the sisterhood! DGet u&,D 8r! #*ith told Li9! He tossed a 4r ,e&&er 'ottle into a near'y trash $an! D;e'll )inish this dis$ussion 'a$k at s$hool!D I stayed in the shado0s and 0at$hed Be2 and Li9 0alk 'y! You kno0 you're stealthy i) your t0o 'est )riends in the universe $an &ass 0ithin t0enty )eet o) you and don't have a $lue you're there! But it 0as )or the 'est, I )igured! A)ter all, I 0as still a girl on a *ission! I 0aited until they turned the $orner, then I strolled a$ross the street! .o one looked t0i$e at *e! .ot a soul sto&&ed to ask *y na*e or tell *e ho0 *u$h I looked like *y *other! I didn't have to see the look o) instant, un$o*)orta'le sadness in anyone's eyes as they reali9ed I 0as Ca**ie 8organ<one o) the 8organs<that I 0as the girl 0ith the dead dad! -n the streets o) >oseville I 0as :ust a regular girl, and it )elt so good I al*ost didn't 0ant to &ull a Kleene2 )ro* *y &o$ket, rea$h into the trash $an, and $are)ully retrieve the 'ottle 8r! #*ith had thro0n a0ay<'ut I did it any0ay! D8ission a$$o*&lished,D I 0his&ered! Then I turned, kno0ing it 0as ti*e to go 'a$k to the 0orld 0here I $ould 'e invisi'le, 'ut never unkno0n! And that's 0hen I sa0 hi*<a 'oy a$ross the street< seeing *e!

Cha&ter #even

In sho$k, I dro&&ed the 'ottle on the street, 'ut it didn't 'reak! As it rolled to0ard the $ur', I 'olted )or0ard and tried to &i$k it u&, 'ut another hand 'eat *e to it<a hand that 0as &retty 'ig and de$idedly 'oylike, and I'd 'e lying i) I said there 0asn't so*e inadvertent &inkie3'rushing, 0hi$h led to a tingly sensation si*ilar to the one I get 0hen 0e use 4r! 1i's's te*&orary )inger&rint *odi)i$ation $rea* ?only 0ay 'etterA! I stood u&, and the 'oy e2tended the 'ottle to0ard *e! I took it! DHi, there!D He had one hand in the &o$ket o) his 'aggy :eans, &ressing do0n, as i) daring the &ants to slide o)) his hi&s and gather around his .ikes that had that too30hite, )irst3day3o)3s$hool glo0 a'out the*! D#o, do you $o*e here o)tenGD he asked in a slightly sel)3*o$king 0ay! I $ouldn't hel& *ysel)<I s*iled! D#ee, you don't even have to ans0er that, 'e$ause I kno0 all the trash $ans in to0n, and 0hile this is a very ni$e trash $an, it doesn't look like the kind o) trash $an a girl like you 0ould nor*ally s$avenge )ro*!D I o&ened *y *outh to &rotest, 'ut he 0ent on! D.o0, the trash $ans on #eventh #treet, those are so*e very ni$e trash $ans!D

8r! #olo*on's lesson )ro* the )irst day o) $lass $a*e 'a$k to *e, so I noted the detailsK the 'oy 0as a'out )ive )oot ten, and he had 0avy 'ro0n hair, and eyes that 0ould &ut even 8r! #olo*on's to sha*e! But the thing I noti$ed *ost 0as ho0 easily he s*iled! I 0ouldn't even *ention it e2$e&t it see*ed to de)ine his entire )a$e< eyes, li&s, $heeks! It 0asn't es&e$ially toothy or anything! It 0as :ust easy and s*ooth, like *elting 'utter! But then again, I 0asn't the *ost i*&artial :udge o) su$h things! A)ter all, he 0as s*iling at *e! DThat *ust not 'e an ordinary 'ottle,D he said ?0hile s*iling, o) $ourseA! I reali9ed ho0 ridi$ulous it *ust have looked! Jnder the 0ar*th o) that s*ile, I )orgot *y legend, *y *ission< everything<and I 'lurted the )irst thing that &o&&ed into *y *ind, DI have a $at@D He raised his eye'ro0s, and I i*agined hi* 0hi&&ing out a $ell &hone to noti)y the nearest *ental institution that I 0as on the loose in >oseville! D#he likes to &lay 0ith 'ottles,D I ra*'led on, s&eaking ninety *iles an hour! DBut her last one 'roke, and then she got glass in her &a0! #u9ie@ That's *y $at's na*e< the one 0ith the glass in her &a0<not that I have any other ones< $ats, I *ean, not 'ottles! That's 0hy I needed this 'ottle! I'* not even sure she'll 0ant another 'ottle, 0hat 0ith the<D DTrau*a o) having glass in her &a0,D he )inished )or *e! I e2haled, grate)ul )or the $han$e to $at$h *y 'reath! D/2a$tly!D Yeah, this is ho0 a highly trained govern*ent o&erative 'ehaves 0hen inter$e&ted on a *ission! #o*eho0, I think the )a$t that the inter$e&tor looked like a $ross 'et0een a young George Clooney and -rlando Bloo* *ight have &layed into that a little 'it! ?I) he'd looked like a $ross 'et0een 8r! Clooney and, say, one o) the ho''its, I &ro'a'ly 0ould have 'een )ar *ore $a&a'le o) $oherent thought!A 1ro* the $orner o) *y eye I sa0 the -vernight /2&ress tru$k turn into an alley! I $ould sense it idling there<0aiting on *e<so I turned and started do0n the street, 'ut not 'e)ore the 'oy said, D#o, you're ne0 to >oseville, huhGD I turned 'a$k to hi*! 8r! #olo*on &ro'a'ly 0ouldn't lay on the horn to tell a girl to hurry u&, 'ut even through *y 'usted $o**s unit I $ould )eel his )rustration, hear the ti$king $lo$k! DI'*Eu*, ho0 did you kno0 thatGD He raised his shoulders u& and do0n an in$h or t0o as he shoved his hands )arther into his &o$kets! DI've lived in >oseville all *y li)e! /veryone I kno0 has lived in >oseville all their li)e! But I've never seen you 'e)ore!D 8ay'e that's 'e$ause I'* the girl no one sees, I 0anted to say! But he had seen *e, I reali9ed, and that thought took *y 'reath a0ay as surely as i) I'd 'een ki$ked in *y sto*a$h ?a $o*&arison I'* &er)e$tly Cuali)ied to *akeA! DButEheyED he said, as i) a thought had :ust o$$urred to hi*! DI guess I'll 'e seeing you at s$hool!D HuhG I thought )or a se$ond, 0ondering ho0 a 'oy $ould ever get a$$e&ted at the Gallagher A$ade*y ?es&e$ially 0hen Tina ;alters s0ears there's a to& se$ret 'oys' s$hool so*e0here in 8aine, and every year she &etitions *y *o* to let us take a )ield tri&A!

Then I re*e*'ered *y legend<I 0as a nor*al teenage girl<one he 0asn't going to see around the halls o) >oseville High, so I shook *y head! DI'* not in the &u'li$ s$hool syste*!D He see*ed kind o) sur&rised 'y this, 'ut then he looked do0n at *y $hest! ?.ot THAT 0ay<I 0as totally 0earing a s0eatshirt, re*e*'erG ,lus, let *e tell you, there's not that *u$h to stare at!A I glan$ed do0n to see the silver $ross glistening against *y ne0 'la$k s0eatshirt! D;hatEare you ho*es$hooled or so*ethingGD he asked, and I nodded! D1or 0hat, like, religious reasonsGD DYes,D I said, thinking that sounded as good as anything! D#o*ething like that!D I took a 'a$k0ard ste& to0ard the tru$k, to0ard *y $lass*ates, to0ard *y ho*e! DI have to go!D DHey@D he $ried a)ter *e! DIt's dark! Let *e 0alk you ho*e<you kno0<)or &rote$tion!D I'* )airly $ertain I $ould have killed hi* 0ith that &o& 'ottle, so I *ight have laughed i) his o))er hadn't 'een so s0eet! DI'll 'e )ine,D I $alled 'a$k to hi* as I hurried do0n the side0alk! DThen )or *y &rote$tion!D I $ouldn't hel& *ysel)<I laughed as I yelled, DGo 'a$k to the $arnival@D Ten *ore ste&s and I 0ould have turned the $orner= I 0ould have 'een )ree, 'ut then the 'oy shouted, DHey, 0hat's your na*eGD DCa**ie@D I don't kno0 0hat *ade *e say it, 'ut the 0ord 0as already out there, and I $ouldn't take it 'a$k, so I said again, D8y na*e is Ca**ie,D as i) trying the truth on )or si9e! DHey, Ca**ie ED He 0as taking long, la9y ste&s, 'a$king a0ay )ro* *e, to0ard the lights and sounds o) the )estival in )ull s0ing! DEtell #u9ie she's a lu$ky $at!D Have se2ier 0ords ever 'een s&okenG I seriously think not@ DI'* Fosh, 'y the 0ay!D I started running as I yelled, DGood3'ye, Fosh!D But 'e)ore the 0ords even rea$hed hi*, I 0as gone!

The -vernight /2&ress tru$k 0as 0aiting at the end o) the alley 0hen I got there, lights o))! I )elt 8r! #*ith's &o& 'ottle in *y hand, and )or a se$ond I $ouldn't re*e*'er 0hy I 0ould 'e $arrying su$h a thing! I kno0! I'* al*ost asha*ed o) it no0 <the )a$t that ten se$onds 0ith a 'oy had driven *y *ission )ro* *y *ind! But I did look at it, and I did re*e*'er 0ho I 0as<0hy I 0as there<and I kne0 it 0as ti*e to )orget a'out 'oys and trash $ans and $ats na*ed #u9ie= I re*e*'ered 0hat 0as real and 0hat 0as legend! As I &ulled o&en the 'a$k door o) the tru$k, I e2&e$ted to see *y $lass*ates sitting there, envying *y *ission3a$$o*&lishing su&ers&y3ness, 'ut all I sa0 0ere &a$kages and &a$kages<even the television 0as gone, and instead o) $ries o)

$ongratulations, I heard the 0ords Tell #u9ie she's a lu$ky $at e$hoing in *y head then gro0ing silent as I reali9ed so*ething 0as 0rong! I s&un in the street! I looked in the $a' o) the tru$k, 0here a 'right orange $a& lay on the dash'oard, &ro'a'ly 0here the right)ul driver had le)t it! ;e had $o*e and gone 0ithout a tra$e, and no0 all that 0as le)t 0as that 'ottle and a long run ho*e! I told *ysel) that having to run t0o *iles in 0et :eans 0as :ust kar*i$ &ay'a$k )or having indulged in 'oth the $orn dog and the i$e $rea*, 'ut as I rea$hed the edge o) to0n, I 0asn't so sure! As I ran, *y *ind 0as )ree! I 0as 'a$k on the street 0ith Fosh! I 0as 0at$hing Li9 and Be2 disa&&ear around a $orner 0ith 8r! #*ith! I 0as talking to an old 0o*an a'out a grand*other I didn't kno0! I 0as :ust another girl at the &arty! The lights o) the s$hool $ut through the leaves o) the trees in the distan$e as *y 'oots 'eat a heavy rhyth* on the &ave*ent! 4a*& deni* ru''ed against *y legs! #0eat &oured do0n *y 'a$k! 8o* is al0ays saying that a s&y should trust her gut, and right then *y gut 0as telling *e that I didn't 0ant to go 'a$k to the *ansion, that I didn't 0ant to 'e any0here near Foe #olo*on and 8r! #*ith, and 'y the ti*e I rea$hed the *ain gates, I 0ould have given :ust a'out anything not to have to go through the*! DBig night, Ca*GD A sto$ky *an 0ith a 'u99 $ut and a &er&etual *outh )ull o) 'u''le gu* a&&eared at the guardhouse doo)! He kne0 *y na*e, 'ut I'd never 'een introdu$ed to hi*! I) I had, I &ro'a'ly 0ould have $alled hi* so*ething other than Bu''legu* Guard! But as it 0as, he 0as :ust another guy on the sta)) 0ho 0orked )or *y *o*, 0ho &ro'a'ly 0ent on *issions 0ith *y dad, 0ho kne0 all the details a'out *y li)e, 0hile I kne0 none a'out his! I suddenly *issed *y 'en$h in >oseville! I longed )or the noisy, anony*ous $haos o) the sCuare! I started do0n the drive0ay, 'ut Bu''legu* Guard $alled out to *e, DHey, Ca*, you 0ant a rideGD He gestured to0ard a ru'y red gol) $art that sat 'ehind the guardhouse! D.o, thanks!D I shook *y head! DGood night!D I'* sorry I don't kno0 your na*e! ;hen I rea$hed the *ain )oyer, I started )or the stairs! I 0anted a sho0er! I 0anted *y 'ed! I 0anted to shake )ree o) the uneasy )eeling that had settled in *y gut )ro* the *o*ent I sa0 that orange $a& lying on the dash'oard< a'andoned! I had the 'ottle in *y hands, 'ut so*eho0 I kne0 that 0asn't really the &oint! Then I heard )ootste&s and a $ry o) D;ait@D as 8r! 8os$ko0it9 rushed a)ter *e! DHi, 8r! 8! Great driving tonight,D I said! I re*e*'ered that it had 'een his )irst *ission, too! #o*ething i*&ortant *ust have *ade hi* $hase *e do0n, 'ut )or a se$ond his )eatures shi)ted! He a$tually glo0ed ?'ut not like the ti*e he tested that )la*e3retardant skin gel )or 4r! 1i'sA! DYou thinkGD he asked! DBe$ause, 0ell, at that se$ond sto& sign, I think I *ight have hesitated a little too long! 1orty3eight hours or less,D he said, 0ith a &un$h at the air, Dthat's the -vernight /2&ress *otto= I :ust don't think a real driver 0ould have 0aited so long!D

D-h!D I gave hi* a nod! DI thought it 0as :ust right< nothing $auses delays like an a$$ident, you kno0!D His )a$e 'rightened again! DYou thinkGD DIt 0as &er)e$t!D I turned again and started u& the stairs, 'ut 8r! 8os$ko0it9 said, D-h, gee, 0ait! I 0as su&&osed to tell youED He &aused, and I i*agined hi* $hurning through the giga'ytes o) his 'rain! DE that you are su&&osed to go to the Cove-&s $lass )or a de'rie)!D -) $ourse I a*, I thought as I gri&&ed the 'ottle! -) $ourse it isn't over! As the o&ti$al s$anners s0e&t over *y )a$e I heard 8r! 8os$ko0it9 ask, D#o, hey, Ca**ie, it 0as )un! ;asn't itGD And I reali9ed that one o) the *ost 'rilliant *en in the 0orld needed *e to veri)y that he'd had )un! This &la$e never $eases to a*a9e *e!

Cha&ter /ight

#u'level -ne 0as dark as I got out o) the elevator! I )ollo0ed the *a9e o) )rosted glass through the light o) e*ergen$y e2it signs and the )li$kering $o*&uter s$reens! I &assed a li'rary )illed 0ith )a$ts too sensitive )or a seventh grader to kno0! I 0alked along a 'al$ony that overlooks a *assive three3story roo* the si9e o) a gy*nasiu* that $o*es $o*&lete 0ith *ova'le 0alls and )ake &eo&le, so Be2 and I $all it the dollhouse<it's 0here s&ies $o*e to &lay! As I got $loser to the $lassroo*, the hall0ay got 'righter, and soon I 0as looking through one 0all o) illu*inated glass at the silhouettes o) *y $lass*ates! .o one 0as talking! .ot 8r! #olo*on! .ot any o) the girls! I $re&t to0ard the o&en door< sa0 *y $lass*ates in their usual seats and 8r! #olo*on &er$hed on a lo0 'ook$ase at the 'a$k o) the roo*, his hands gri&&ing the dark 0ood as he leaned $asually 'a$k! I stood there )or a long ti*e, not kno0ing 0hat to do! 1inally, I said, DI got the 'ottle!D But Foe #olo*on didn't s*ile! He didn't say D0ell done!D He didn't even look at *e as he leaned against that 'ook$ase, staring at the 0hite tiles on the )loor! DCo*e in, 8s! 8organ,D he said so)tly! D;e've 'een e2&e$ting you!D I headed )or *y desk on the )ar side o) the roo*, and then I sa0 the*<the t0o e*&ty $hairs! I sear$hed )or the eyes o) *y $lass*ates, 'ut not one o) the* looked 'a$k! DThey should 'e 'a$k 'y ED I 'egan, 'ut :ust then 8r! #olo*on &i$ked u& a re*ote $ontrol and &un$hed a 'utton, and the roo* 0ent dark e2$e&t )or a long sliver o) light that shone )ro* a &ro:e$tor 'eside hi*! I 0as standing in the $enter o) its &ath, silhouetted against the i*age glo0ing on a s$reen!

In the &i$ture, Be2 0as sitting on the 0all in )ront o) the >oseville li'rary! Then I heard a $li$k and the i*age $hanged! I sa0 Li9 &eeking around a tree, 0hi$h is really 'ad )or*, 'ut 8r! #olo*on didn't $o**ent! His silen$e see*ed totally 0orse! Another $li$k! Be2 0as looking over her shoulder, $rossing a street! Cli$k! Li9 0as ne2t to a )unnel3$ake stand! DAsk the Cuestion, 8s! 8organ,D he said, his voi$e $arrying o*inously through the dark roo*! D4on't you 0ant to kno0 0here they areGD I did 0ant to kno0, 'ut I 0as al*ost a)raid to hear the ans0er! 8ore i*ages )lashed on the s$reen, surveillan$e &hotos taken 'y a 0ell3trained, 0ell3&la$ed tea*! Be2 and Li9 hadn't kno0n they 0ere there<I hadn't kno0n they 0ere there<and yet so*eone had stalked our every ste&! I )elt like &rey! DAsk *e 0hy they're not here,D 8r! #olo*on de*anded! I sa0 his di* outline! His ar*s 0ere $rossed! DYou 0ant to 'e a s&y, don't you, Cha*eleonGD 8y $ode na*e 0as nothing *ore than a *o$kery on his li&s! D.o0 tell *e 0hat ha&&ens to s&ies 0ho get *ade!D .o, I thought! Another $li$k! Is that Be2G -) $ourse it 0asn't<she 0as 0ith 8r! #*ith= she 0as sa)e, 'ut I $ouldn't hel& 'ut stare at the dark, gritty i*age on the s$reen<the 'loody, s0ollen )a$e that stared 'a$k at *e<and tre*'le )or *y )riend! DThey 0on't start 0ith Be2, you kno0,D he 0ent on! DThey'll start 0ith Li9!D Another $li$k and then I 0as looking at a &air o) thin ar*s 'ound 'ehind a $hair and a $as$ade o) 'loody 'lond hair! DThese &eo&le are very good at 0hat they do! They kno0 Be2 $an take the &un$hes= 0hat hurts Be2 *ost is listening to her )riend s$rea*!D The &ro:e$tor's light 0as 0ar* as it dan$ed a$ross *y skin! He 0as *oving $loser! I sa0 his shado0 :oin *ine on the s$reen! DAnd she is s$rea*ing<she 0ill 'e )or a'out si2 hours, until she 'e$o*es so dehydrated she $an't )or* sounds!D 8y ga9e 0as going 'lurry= *y knees 0ere 0eak! Terror 0as &ounding in *y ears so loudly that I 'arely heard hi* 0hen he 0his&ered, DAnd then they start on Be2!D Another $li$k! DThey have s&e$ial things in *ind )or her!D I'* going to 'e si$k, I thought, una'le to look hi* in the eye! DThis is 0hat you're signing u& )or!D He )or$ed *e to )a$e the i*age! DLook at 0hat is ha&&ening to your )riends@D D#to& it@D I yelled! D#to& it!D And then I dro&&ed the 'ottle! The ne$k sna&&ed, shattering, sending shards o) glass a$ross the )loor! DYou lost t0o3thirds o) your tea*! Your )riends are gone!D D.o,D I said again! D#to&!D D.o, 8s! 8organ, on$e this starts<it doesn't sto&!D 8y )a$e 0as hot and *y eyes 0ere s0ollen! DIt never sto&s!D And it doesn't! He 0as right and I kne0 it all too 0ell!

I sensed, rather than sa0, 8r! #olo*on turn to the $lass and ask, D;ho 0ants to 'e a s&y no0GD .o one raised a hand! .o one s&oke! ;e 0eren't su&&osed to! D.e2t se*ester, ladies, Covert -&erations 0ill 'e an o&tional )ield o) study, 'ut this se*ester, it's *andatory! .o one gets to 'a$k out no0 'e$ause they're s$ared! But you 0on't ever 'e as s$ared as you are right no0<not this se*ester! -n that you have *y 0ord!D The overhead lights $a*e on, and t0elve girls sCuinted against the sudden glare! 8r! #olo*on *oved to0ard the door, 'ut sto&&ed! DAnd ladies, i) you aren't s$ared right no0, 0e don't 0ant you any0ay!D He slid aside a glass &artition, revealing Be2 and Li9, 0ho sat 'ehind it, unhar*ed! Then he 0alked a0ay! ;e sat in silen$e )or a long ti*e, listening to his )ootste&s )ade!

J& in our roo*, 0e 0ere greeted 'y a &ile o) $lothes and a$$essories that had see*ed so i*&ortant at the start o) our night<'ut see*ed so insigni)i$ant no0! 8a$ey 0as aslee&<or &retending to 'e<I didn't $are! #he had a &air o) those really e2&ensive Bose sound3eli*inating head&hones ?&ro'a'ly so she 0ouldn't 'e ke&t a0ake 'y the sound o) air 0hi99ing &ast her nose ringA, so Be2 and Li9 and I $ould have talked or s$rea*ed! But 0e didn't! /ven Be2 had lost her s0agger, and that 0as *ay'e the s$ariest thing o) all! I 0anted her to $ra$k a :oke! I 0anted her to reena$t everything #*ith had said on their long 0alk ho*e! I 0anted Be2 to $all out )or the s&otlight so that our roo* 0ouldn't 'e so dark! But instead, 0e sat in silen$e until I $ouldn't take it any*ore! DGuys, I<D I started, needing to say I 0as sorry, 'ut Be2 sto&&ed *e! DYou did 0hat I 0ould have done,D she said, then looked at Li9! D8e, too,D Li9 agreed! DYeah, 'utED I 0anted to say so*ething else, 'ut 0hat, I didn't kno0! In her 'ed, 8a$ey rolled over, 'ut she didn't o&en her eyes! I looked at the $lo$k and reali9ed it 0as al*ost one in the *orning! D;as #*ith *adGD I asked a)ter a long ti*e! Li9 0as in the 'athroo* 'rushing her teeth, so Be2 0as the one 0ho ans0ered, DI don't think so! He's &ro'a'ly having a good laugh a'out it no0, don't you thinkGD D8ay'e,D I said! I &ulled on *y &a:a*as! DHe said he never even sa0 you, though,D Be2 said, as i) she'd :ust re*e*'ered!

Li9 $a*e in and added, DYeah, Ca**ie, he 0as really i*&ressed 0hen he heard you'd 'een out there! Like, really i*&ressed!D I )elt so*ething $old against *y $hest, so I rea$hed u& to )eel the tiny silver $ross still dangling around *y ne$k, and I re*e*'ered that so*eone had seen *e! Jntil then, the 'oy on the street had )aded al*ost $o*&letely )ro* *y *ind! D#o,D Li9 asked, D0hat ha&&ened 0ith you a)ter 0e le)tGD I )ingered the $ross, 'ut said, D.othing!D I don't kno0 0hy I didn't tell the* a'out Fosh! I *ean, it should have 'een signi)i$ant<a rando* $ivilian initiating $onta$t during an o&eration<that's the kind o) thing you totally tell your su&eriors, let alone your 'est )riends! But I ke&t it to *ysel)<*ay'e 'e$ause I didn't think it *attered, 'ut &ro'a'ly 'e$ause, in a &la$e 0here everyone kne0 *y story, it 0as ni$e to kno0 there 0as a $ha&ter that only I had read!

Cha&ter .ine

Culture and Assi*ilation isn't like our other $lasses, so I guess that's 0hy 8ada*e 4a'ney's tea roo* isn't like our other $lassroo*s! 1ren$h silk lines the 0alls! The lighting )i2tures are $rystal! /verything in that roo* is 'eauti)ul and re)ined and re*inds us that 0e don't :ust have to 'e s&ies< 0e have to 'e ladies! #o*eti*es I hate it and s&end hours thinking 0hat a 0aste it is to tea$h us things like $alligra&hy and needle&oint ?aside )ro* the o'vious $oded *essage usages, o) $ourseA! But other ti*es I love listening to 8ada*e 4a'ney as she )loats through the roo* 0ith a *onogra**ed handker$hie) in her hand, talking a'out 0hat )lo0ers are in season or the history o) the 0alt9! The day a)ter our )irst *ission 0as one o) those days! I *ight have 'lo0n the *ission, 'ut I 0as still a 0hi9 at setting ta'les, so I 0as a$tually sad to hear 8ada*e 4a'ney say, D-h, dear, girls, look at the ti*e!D I didn't 0ant to &ut a0ay the good $hina! I didn't 0ant to go do0nstairs and )a$e 8r! #olo*on again! DBut 'e)ore you leave today, girls,D 8ada*e 4a'ney said in an e2&e$tant, e2$ited tone that held *y attention, DI have an announ$e*ent to *ake@D The sounds o) $lattering $hina all 'ut $eased as everyone took 8ada*e 4a'ney in! DIt's ti*e )or you to e2&and your edu$ation here at the Gallagher A$ade*y, soED #he ad:usted her glasses! DE'eginning today a)ter s$hool, I a* going to 'e tea$hing 4river's /d@D -h *y gosh@ I'd $o*&letely )orgotten a'out 4river's /d@ #ure, 0e're allo0ed to toss ea$h other over our shoulders or $on$o$t antidotes )or rare &oisons )or e2tra $redit, 'ut 0hen it $o*es to tri$ky stu)) like ad:usting rearvie0 *irrors and kno0ing 0ho has the right3o)30ay at )our30ay sto&s, the Gallagher Trustees don't take any $han$es! ,lus, there's that 0hole dis$ount3on3your3$ar3insuran$e thing to $onsider! 8ada*e 4a'ney said, D;e'll 'e going out in grou&s o) )our<'y suite!D #he $onsulted a &ie$e o) &a&er then looked dire$tly to0ard Li9, Be2, and *e! DBeginning 0ith the

)our o) you!D Li9 looked at Be2 and *e, not understanding! D1ourGD she 0his&ered, :ust as a light see*ed to da0n, and )ro* the 'a$k o) the roo* 0e heard 8a$ey say, D#ounds like )un!D ?4o I really need to say she 0as 'eing sar$asti$GA That a)ternoon, 0e strolled do0n the ste&s o) the rear &orti$o and to0ard the *otor &ool, 0here an old 1ord Taurus 0as 0aiting )or us, its yello0 #TJ4/.T 4>IB/> triangle glea*ing in the sun! 8o* tells *e 8ada*e 4a'ney s&ent *ost o) her $areer in dee& $over, 0orking the underground .a9i $ells that re*ained a$tive in 1ran$e a)ter ;orld ;ar II, 'ut at ti*es like this I have a really hard ti*e 'elieving her<es&e$ially 0hen the 0o*an in Cuestion sho0s u& 0earing a Give #a)ety a Brake@ T3shirt! D-oooh, girls@ This is going to 'e su$h a delight@D she said, and then &ro$eeded to do things like &oint to the 'rake and say, DThat *akes the $ar sto&,D and the a$$elerator, DThat *akes the $ar go!D But the $ra9iest thing o) all 0as that Li9 0as taking notes! #he has a &hotogra&hi$ *e*ory@ #he :oined 8ensa at the age o) eight@ And yet she )elt $o*&elled to dra0 a diagra* o) the steering $olu*n and note e2a$tly 0hi$h 'utton turned on the 0indshield 0i&ers! DBe sure you 0rite do0n that the steering 0heel is round,D I said, and she seriously had the ;3H3/ o) 0heel 0ritten in her little note'ook 'e)ore she reali9ed I 0as :oking! DCa**ie, don't *ake )un,D Li9 said, the 0ay she al0ays did! But :ust then, 8a$ey *o$ked, DYeah, Ca**ie, don't *ake )un!D /ven Li9 0anted to de$k her! D.o0, girls,D 8ada*e 4a'ney said, Dlet's )o$us!D #he dre0 her hands into a &osition o) &rayer as she turned to Be2! D>e'e$$a, dear, ho0 do you )eel a'out starting us outGD I gas&ed! 4on't get *e 0rong= I love Be2! #he's *y 'est )riend! But I've 'een driving sin$e I $ould see over the 0heel and 0ork the &edals at the sa*e ti*e ?so*ething Grand&a 8organ s0ears is a *ilestone in every )ar* kid's li)eA, so 0hy should Be2, a native Londoner 0ho s&ent her )or*ative years riding the Tu'e and 0aving do0n ta2is, 'e the )irst to ta$kle High0ay 1 G I $onsoled *ysel) 'y thinking that Be2 is *y 'est )riend, and she is good at everything, or so I thought until she &ulled out onto the high0ay -. TH/ ;>-.G #I4/ -1 TH/ >-A4@ .o0 all this *ight have 'een )unny e2$e&t there's a hill there<did I *ention thatG A great 'ig $an't3see3the3se*i3until3it's3a'out3to3hit3you3head3on hill! But I 0as the only one 0ho noti$ed, 'e$ause 8ada*e 4a'ney 0as 0riting on her $li&'oard, Li9 0as doing 'io3$he* ho*e0ork, and 8a$ey 0as having a )ingernail e*ergen$y! I tried to yell, 'ut I *ust have te*&orarily lost the &o0er o) s&ee$h, and Be2 0as the only other &erson &aying attention to the road, and she thought she 0as on the right side o) it<or le)t side<or 0hatever ?you get 0hat I *eanA! 8y voi$e returned :ust in ti*e )or *e to yell DB/W@D and she said, D;hatGD turning and sending us s0erving into the other lane, 0hi$h under nor*al $ir$u*stan$es 0ould have 'een disastrous, 'ut in this $ase really saved our lives! 1ate is tri$ky that 0ay<so*ething I guess every s&y )igures out eventually!

Then Be2 $al*ly righted the $ar and headed into to0n, $o*&letely un)a9ed! ;hen Be2 hung a le)t at the ,iggly ;iggly and nearly took out a $rossing guard )ro* >oseville /le*entary #$hool, 8ada*e 4a'ney *ade her &ull into the gro$ery store &arking lot and trade &la$es 0ith 8a$ey! But Be2 didn't see* *ad, 0hi$h in itsel) 0as a little s$ary! Instead, she had a really &leased look on her )a$e as she o&ened *y door and *ade *e &ush Li9 into the seat 8a$ey 0as va$ating, 0hi$h 0as harder than it sounds, sin$e Li9 had 'e$o*e kind o)E oh, 0hat's the 0ordGE &etri)ied! 8ada*e 4a'ney had o'viously learned her lesson 0ith Be2, 'e$ause there 0ere lots o) /asy on the a$$elerator, dears and -kay, there's a sto& sign over there, darlings $o*ing )ro* the )ront seat as 8a$ey eased onto the streets! Things 0ere starting to get &retty $al*! I *ean, really, it 0as al*ost ni$e, 'eing driven around, sitting 'et0een *y t0o 'est )riends in the 0orld, )eeling the sun 'ea* through the 0indo0s! It 0as al*ost nor*al<or as $lose to nor*al as three geniuses, a $os*eti$s heiress3slash3senator's daughter, and a se$ret agent in a 1ord Taurus $an ever 'e! .estled in the 'a$kseat 'et0een Li9 and Be2, I started thinking that it 0ould have 'een 0ay too *u$h to ask )or us to have a tour o) the to0n 'e)ore 0e 0ere su&&osed to tail one o) the *ost 0anted *en in the 0orld through it! -h, yeah, that 0ould have 'een a totally un)air advantage! In the daylight, I $ould see thousands o) hiding &la$es 0here a girl $ould linger unseen! I re$ogni9ed alleys and side streets that 0ould have 'een great short$uts! I started, des&ite everything, to 0ant a re*at$h 0ith 8r! #*ith! But *ostly, I 0ondered a'out the 'oy I'd seen! ;as he realG 4id he really 0alk these streetsG Then, I got *y ans0er! D;hat the 'loody hell are you doing do0n thereGD Be2 asked! DLooking )or *y $onta$ts,D I sna&&ed 'a$k! DYou have t0enty3t0enty vision,D Li9 re*inded *e! DIt's :ustE I :ustE I $an't look u& right no0!D I kne0 the $ar 0as sto&&ed, &ro'a'ly at a tra))i$ light< one o) only t0o in the to0n, so Fosh had to 'e getting $lose! D;hatGD Be2 asked in a 0his&er! D;hat's going onGD #he shi)ted into s&y3*ode, sat u&, and looked around! DThere's nothing out there! -h, 0ell, you are *issing a real hottie at three o'$lo$k!D Li9 $raned her ne$k around to look! D-oh, yeah, he's &retty skinny 'ut 0orth $he$king out!D Then she shrugged and said, D-h! .ever *ind! He's giving us the Gallagher Glare!D I have no idea 0ho $a*e u& 0ith that na*e, 'ut it's 0hat 0e al0ays $all the look that &eo&le in to0n give us 0henever they )igure out 0here 0e go to s$hool! It's the only ti*e I ever hate our $over story<0hen &eo&le look at *e as i) I *ust 'e &rivileged, as i) I *ust 'e s&oiled! As i) I *ust 'e like 8a$ey 8$Henry! I 0ant to tell the* that I s&ent *y su**er $leaning )ish and $anning vegeta'les<'ut that's :ust one o) a thousand things that the good &eo&le o) >oseville 0ill never kno0 a'out *e! #till, 0hen &eo&le like Fosh look at you like you're a $ross 'et0een Charles 8anson and ,aris Hilton, it hurts a little<even )or a s&y!

DYeah, 'ut he's still a 'oy,D Be2 said longingly! DHey, Ca*, $o*e take a &eek!D DI a* not going to look at so*e 'oy@D I sna&&ed! DI don't $are ho0 0avy his hair is!D D;ho said anything a'out 0avy hairGD -h, Be2 is good!

DI $an't 'elieve this@D Li9 said, &a$ing! #he hadn't sat do0n on$e sin$e 0e got 'a$k to the *ansion<she :ust ke&t going 'a$k and )orth<trying to *ake sense o) it all! I $ouldn't really 'la*e her! Li9's 'elie) syste* is &retty natural )or s$ienti)i$ geniuses! #he 0ants li)e to 'e so*ething that $an 'e tested in a la' or re)eren$ed in a 'ook! #he'd thought she'd kno0n *e! I'd thought I'd kno0n *ysel)! .o0 'oth o) our hy&otheses had 'een thro0n out the 0indo0, and 0e hated to start )ro* s$rat$h! I $ouldn't let her see ho0 shaken I 0as, so I did the ne2t 'est thingK I got angry! D/2a$tly 0hat is so un'elieva'leGD I asked! DThat a 'oy looked at *eGD #ure, I'd never 'e an e2oti$ 'eauty like Be2 or a &i2yish 0ai) like Li9, 'ut I had yet to gro0 'oils all over *y 'ody! 8irrors don't $ra$k 0hen I 0alk 'y the*! 8y Grand)ather $alls *e Angel! ;as I that un0orthy o) 'eing noti$edG DCa*@D Be2 ordered! D-) $ourse that's not it!D Li9 thre0 her hands into the air and said, DI $an't 'elieve you didn't tell us@ I $an't 'elieve you didn't tell so*eone!D Li9's de)inition o) so*eone didn't *ean so*eone! Li9's so*eone *eant a tea$her! D#o 0hatGD I said, trying to 'rush the 0hole thing aside! D#o 0hatGD Li9 said! D#o, he sa0 you@ Ca**ie, no one sees you 0hen you don't 0ant to 'e seen!D #he eased onto the 'ed 'eside *e! D;hen 0e 0ere trailing #*ith and I had to kee& you in sight, it 0as al*ost i*&ossi'le, and I $ould hear you through the $o**s unit! And I kne0 0hat you 0ere 0earing! And ED #he thre0 her hands into the air! D#o 0hatGD I turned to look at Be2, *y eye'ro0s raised as i) to ask Are you )reaked out, tooG DYou really are a*a9ing, Ca*,D Be2 said in a &er)e$tly serious tone, so I kne0 it *ust 'e true! D#o*ething isn't right, here,D Li9 said as I 0ent into the 'athroo* and started 'rushing *y teeth! ?It's hard to say things that 0ill do lasting da*age to a li)elong )riendshi& 0hen you're )oa*ing at the *outh like a ra'id dog!A D8r! #olo*on 0ants su**aries o) our *ission, so 0e've got to in$lude hi*! He $ould very 0ell 'e trying to in)iltrate the s$hool through Ca**ie! He $ould 'e a honey&ot@D I nearly gagged on *y o0n tooth'rush! The te$hni$al de)inition o) a honey&ot is a )e*ale agent using ro*an$e to $o*&ro*ise a target! The &ra$ti$al de)inition is anyone 0ith $leavage! ?>u*or has it Gilly kind o) ins&ired the ter*!A The thought that Fosh $ould 'e the *ale eCuivalent *ade *y sto*a$h )li&! D.o@D I $ried! D.o! .o! .o! He is not a honey&ot!D

DHo0 do you kno0GD Be2 asked, &laying devil's advo$ate! DI :ust do@D I re&lied! But Li9 0as shrugging, saying, D;e've got to in$lude hi* in the re&orts, Ca*!D But re&orts lead to revie0s! >evie0s lead to &roto$ol! ,roto$ol 0ould lead to t0o 0eeks o) the se$urity de&art*ent tailing hi* through to0n 0hile they tra$k do0n his 'irth $erti)i$ate and )ind out i) his *o* drinks or his dad ga*'les<they've done )ar *ore )or )e0er reasons! A)ter all, the Gallagher A$ade*y hasn't re*ained a 0ell3ke&t se$ret )or *ore than a hundred years 'y taking $han$es! I thought a'out Fosh, ho0 s0eet and nor*al he had see*ed! I didn't 0ant strangers looking at hi* 'eneath a *i$ros$o&e! I didn't 0ant there to 'e a )ile in Langley 0ith his na*e on it! But *ostly, I didn't 0ant to sit in a roo* and e2&lain 0hy he'd a&&roa$hed *e, 0hen the to0n sCuare had 'een )ull o) )ar &rettier girls! I looked do0n at the )loor, shaking o)) the thought! D.o, Li9, I $an't do it! That is 0ay too high a &ri$e to &ay )or talking to a girl!D Then Be2 $rossed her ar*s and grinned deviously in *y dire$tion! DI think there's so*ething *ore to this story,D she said 0ith her usual )lair! The rush o) 'lood to *y $heeks *ust have 'een enough to 'etray *e, 'e$ause she leaned do0n and said, D#&ill it!D #o I told the* a'out the trash $an and the dro&&ed 4r ,e&&er 'ottle and, )inally, Tell #u9ie she's a lu$ky $at, 0hi$h, even i) it hadn't 'een )or the 0hole genius thing, I still 0ould have 'een a'le to re*e*'er ver'ati*, 'e$ause senten$es like that are like &eanut 'utter on a girl's *ind! ;hen I )inished, Be2 0as staring at *e as i) she 0ondered 0hether or not I had 'een re&la$ed 'y a geneti$ally engineered $lone, and Li9 had a starry3eyed ga9e very si*ilar to the one #no0 ;hite 0ore 0hile those 'irds )luttered a'ove her head! D;hatGD I asked, needing the* to say so*ething<anything! D#ounds like I $ould sna& his ne$k 0ith one hand,D Be2 said, and she 0as &ro'a'ly right! DBut i) you go in )or that sort o) thingED DEhe's a*a9ing,D Li9 )inished )or her! DIt doesn't *atter 0hat he is or isn't! He'sED I struggled! Li9 shot u&right and )inished )or *e! DEstill got to go in the re&orts@D DLi9@D I $ried, 'ut Be2's hand 0as on *y ar*! D;hy don't 0e do itGD Her *ost devious e2&ression )lashed a$ross her )a$e! D;e'll $he$k hi* out, and i) he's an ordinary 'oy, 0e )orget a'out it! I) so*ething's strange, 0e'll turn hi* in!D I kne0 instantly 0hat the argu*ents against it should have 'eenK 0e 0ere too 'usy= it 0as against a'out a *illion rules= i) 0e got $aught, 0e $ould 'e risking our $areers )orever! But in the silen$e o) the roo*, 0e looked at ea$h other, our *utual agree*ent settling do0n u&on us in the 0ay o) &eo&le 0ho have kno0n ea$h other too 0ell and too long! D-kay,D I said )inally! D;e'll do the 'asi$s, and no one has to kno0!D

Be2 s*iled! DAgreed!D ;e 'oth looked at Li9, 0ho shrugged! DLet's )a$e it<he's either an ene*y agent trying to in)iltrate the Gallagher Girls through Ca**ie ED Li9 sto&&ed *idsenten$e, &ro*&ting *e to say, D-rE GD Her entire )a$e lit u&! DHe's your soul *ate!D

Cha&ter Ten

-kay, )ro* this &oint on, i) you are related to *e or in a &osition to add things to *y D&er*anent re$ordD ?0hi$h I'* assu*ing at the Gallagher A$ade*y is a little *ore detailed than 0hat they kee& at >oseville HighA, you *ight 0ant to sto& reading! #eriously! Go ahead and ski& the ne2t hundred &ages! It 0on't hurt *y )eelings at all In other 0ords, I'* not &roud o) 0hat $o*es ne2t, 'ut I'* not e2a$tly asha*ed o) it either, i) that *akes any sense! #o*eti*es I think *y 0hole li)e has 'een that kind o) $ontradi$tion! I *ean, all I've heard )or the last three years has 'een 4on't hesitate, 'ut 'e &atient! Be logi$al<trust your instin$ts! 1ollo0 &roto$ol< i*&rovise! .ever let your guard do0n<al0ays look at ease! #o, see, i) you give a 'un$h o) teenage girls those kinds o) *essages, then, yeah, eventually things are going to get interesting! The rest o) the 0eek staggered on, our uns&oken *ission loo*ing in the 'a$k o) our *inds like a silent 'ut ever3&resent $harge that )illed the air, so that every ti*e one o) us rea$hed )or the doorkno', I hal) e2&e$ted to see s&arks! ;e 0ere u& at the $ra$k o) da0n on #aturday *orning, 0hi$h 0as de)initely not *y idea! Thanks to Tina ;alters's annual 4irty 4an$ing e2travagan9a, 0here 0e 0at$hed the Dno'ody &uts Ba'y in a $ornerD s$ene a do9en ti*es, I 0as really needing a good Dlie3in,D as Be2 $alls it! But even though Li9 *ight have 'een at the 'otto* o) our $lass in ,%/, she is the 'est &erson I've ever seen at getting *e out o) 'ed, 0hi$h is saying so*ething, $onsidering the 0o*an 0ho raised *e! 8a$ey 0as aslee& in her head&hones, so Li9 )elt )ree to yell, D;e're doing this )or you@D as she &ulled on *y le)t leg and Be2 0ent in sear$h o) 'reak)ast! Li9 &ut her )oot against the *attress )or leverage as she tugged! DCo*e on, Ca*! G/T! J,!D D.o@D I said, 'urro0ing dee&er into the $overs! D1ive *ore *inutes!D Then she gra''ed *y hair, 0hi$h is totally a lo0 'lo0, sin$e everyone kno0s I'* tender3headed! DHe's a honey&ot!D DHe'll still 'e one in an hour,D I &leaded! Then Li9 dro&&ed do0n 'eside *e! #he leaned $lose! #he 0his&ered, DTell #u9ie she's a lu$ky $at!D I thre0 the $overs aside! DI'* u&@D

Ten *inutes later Be2 0as )alling into ste& 'eside *e, handing *e a ,o&3Tart, as Li9 led the 0ay to the 'ase*ent! The halls 0ere e*&ty= the *ansion silent! It 0as al*ost like su**er, e2$e&t a $hill had settled into the stone 0alls, and *y 'est )riends 0ere 'eside *e! ;hen 0e rea$hed the vending *a$hines outside 4r! 1i's's o))i$e, I took a 'ite out o) *y 'reak)ast and )elt the sugar ki$k in! D>eady, thenGD Be2 asked, and Li9 nodded! They 'oth looked at *e! I took another 'ite and )igured that i) 0e'd $o*e this )ar ?and sin$e I 0as already out o) 'edA, 0e *ight as 0ell go all the 0ay! I &ulled a Cuarter )ro* *y &o$ket and held it to0ard the slot, 'ut Li9 sto&&ed *e! D;ait!D #he rea$hed )or the $oin! DI) anyone looks at the logs, *y na*e 0ill send u& )e0er red )lags,D she said, even though nothing 0e 0ere doing 0as against s$hool rules! ?I kno0<I $he$ked!A In )a$t, 0e are en$ouraged to do as *any Ds&e$ial &ro:e$tsD )or Dinde&endent studyD as 0e'd like, and no one ever said 0e $ouldn't *ake a &ro:e$t out o) studying s&e$ial 'oys inde&endently! #till, it see*ed like a good idea to hand the Cuarter over to Li9 and have her 'e the one to &ress her thu*'&rint onto George ;ashington's head, dro& it into the vending *a$hine, and order ite* A31"! T0o se$onds later, the vending *a$hine &o&&ed o&en, revealing a $orridor to the *ost state3o)3the3art )orensi$s la'oratory outside the CIA! ?I) Li9 had ordered B31X, a ladder 0ould have dro&&ed do0n out o) the *ahogany &aneling 'ehind us!A As 0e 0alked into the )orensi$s la', Li9 0as already &ulling 8r! #*ith's &o& 'ottle )ro* her 'ag and &la$ing it in the $enter o) a ta'le! The 'roken shards 0ere &ie$ed together, and I $ould al*ost )orget 0hy I had dro&&ed it<al*ost! D;e'll :ust run it through the syste* and see 0hat 0e've got,D Li9 said, sounding very o))i$ial and )ar too 0ide3a0ake )or #/B/. A!8! on a #ATJ>4AY 8->.I.G@ Besides, I $ould have told her 0hat 0e 0ere going to )ind< nothing! .ada! That 4r ,e&&er 'ottle 0as going to yield the )inger&rints o) a Gallagher A$ade*y student ?*eA, a none2istent3as3)ar3as3te$hnology3is3$on$erned3'e$ause3every3year3he3gets3ne03 )inger&rints3to3go30ith3his3)a$e Gallagher A$ade*y instru$tor ?#*ithA, and a &er)e$tly inno$ent 'ystander 0hose only $ri*e 0as 'eing $on$erned )or teenage girls 0ho are )or$ed to &il)er )ro* trash $ans ?FoshA! I started to share all this 0ith Li9, 'ut she'd already &ut on her 0hite la' $oat, and nothing gives Li9 *ore :oy than 0earing a 0hite la' $oat, so I 9i&&ed *y li&s and tried to rest *y head on the desk! An hour later, Li9 0as shaking *e a0ake, telling *e that Fosh's )inger&rints 0ere no0here in the syste* ?sho$ker, I kno0A! This &retty *u$h *eant that he'd never 'een in &rison or the ar*y! He 0asn't a &ra$ti$ing attorney or a *e*'er o) the CIA! He'd never tried to 'uy a handgun or run )or o))i$e ?0hi$h, )or so*e reason, $a*e as kind o) a relie)A! D#eeGD I told Li9, thinking she'd a'andon the hunt and allo0 *e to go 'a$k to a &ro&er 'ed, 'ut she looked at *e as i) I 0ere $ra9y! DThis is only ,hase -ne,D she said, sounding hurt! D4o I 0ant to kno0 0hat ,hase T0o isGD I asked! Li9 :ust looked at *e )or a long *o*ent and then said, DGo 'a$k to slee&!D

DI $an't 'elieve I let you talk *e into this,D I said as 0e $rou$hed in the 'ushes outside Fosh's house! Another $ar drove 'y and the *usi$ got louder, and all I $ould say 0as, DI $an't 'elieve I let you talk *e into this!D DYou $an't 'elieve itGD Be2 sna&&ed then turned! DLi9, I thought you said that house 0as going to 'e e*&ty at eight!D D;ell, te$hni$ally, the A'ra*s house is e*&ty!D I $ouldn't 'la*e Li9 )or 'eing de)ensive! A)ter all, it had taken her three hours o) 'reaking through )ire0alls ?ours, not theirsA and s$rolling through the >oseville &u'li$ s$hools' $o*&uter syste* to )ind out that D*yD Fosh 0as Fosh A'ra*s o) 7 1 .orth Bellis #treet! It had taken another hour to a$$ess all the A'ra*s )a*ily a$$ounts and inter$e&t the e3*ail in 0hi$h Foan A'ra*s ?aka Fosh's *o*A &ro*ised so*eone na*ed 4orothy that D;e 0ouldn't *iss Keith's sur&rise &arty )or the 0orld@ ;e'll 'e there at eight shar&@D #o i*agine our sur&rise as 0e $rou$hed in the a9aleas and 0at$hed hal) the to0n o) >oseville trai&se in and out o) a 0hite house 0ith 'lue shutters at the end o) Fosh's 'lo$k! I &ulled on a &air o) glasses that only 0ork i) you're really nearsighted ?they're a$tually 'ino$ularsA and 9oo*ed in on the house 0here the &arty 0as in )ull s0ing! DKeith 0hoGD I asked, )or$ing Li9 to think 'a$k on the e3*ail 0e'd &rinted on /va&o&a&er and hidden under *y 'ed! DFones,D Li9 said! D;hyGD I handed the glasses to her so that she too $ould look at the house at the end o) the street and see the Kee&ing J& 0ith the Foneses sign that hung over the )ront door! D-h,D Li9 *u*'led, and 0e all kne0 that the A'ra*s )a*ily hadn't gone )ar! I had i*agined 0here Fosh 0ould live, 'ut *y drea*s &aled in $o*&arison to 0hat I a$tually sa0! It 0asn't a real neigh'orhood<it 0as a TB neigh'orhood, 0here la0ns are *ani$ured and &or$hes are *ade )or s0ings and le*onade! Be)ore I $a*e to the Gallagher A$ade*y, 0e lived in a narro0 to0n house in 4!C! I s&end *y su**ers on a dusty ran$h! I had never seen so *u$h su'ur'an &er)e$tion in one &la$e as I looked through the di* streetlight to0ard the long ro0s o) 0hite &i$ket )en$e! #o*eho0, I kne0 a s&y 0ould never 'elong there! #till, three 0ere there<$rou$hing in the dark<until Be2 &ulled out her lo$k3&i$king kit and rushed to0ard the 'a$k door! Li9 0as right 'ehind her until she stu''ed her toe on a garden gno*e and landed )lat on a holly 'ush 0ith a Cuiet $ry o) DI'* okay@D I hel&ed Li9 to her )eet, and se$onds later 0e 0ere right 'ehind Be2 as she 0orked her *agi$ on the lo$k o) the 'a$k door! DAl*ost got it,D Be2 said )ir*ly, $on)idently! I kne0 that tone! That tone 0as dangerous!

I heard the *usi$ )ro* the &arty do0n the street, sa0 our &i$turesCue surroundings, and a thought da0ned on *e! DJ*, guys, *ay'e 0e should try<D I rea$hed )or the kno'! It turned e))ortlessly 'eneath *y &al*! DYeah,D Be2 said! DThat 0orks, too!D #te&&ing inside Fosh's house 0as like ste&&ing inside a *aga9ine! There 0ere )resh )lo0ers on the ta'le! An a&&le &ie 0as $ooling on a ra$k 'y the stove! Fosh's sister's re&ort $ards 0ere $li&&ed 'eneath a *agnet on the re)rigerator< straight A's! Be2 and Li9 darted through the living roo* and u& the stairs, and I &ulled *y thoughts together long enough to say, D1ive *inutes@D But I $ouldn't )ollo0! I $ouldn't *ove! I kne0 at on$e that I 0asn't su&&osed to 'e there<)or a lot o) reasons! I 0as tres&assing not only on a house, 'ut also a 0ay o) li)e! I )ound a se0ing 'asket in a 0indo0 seat, 0here so*eone 0as *aking a $ostu*e )or Hallo0een! A 'ook a'out do3 it3yoursel) u&holstery lay on the $o))ee ta'le, and )our )a'ri$ s0at$hes hung on the ar* o) the so)a! DCa*@D Be2 $alled to *e and thre0 a trans*itter *y 0ay! DLi9 says this has to go outside! ;hy don't you try that el* treeGD I 0as glad to have a :o'! I 0as glad to get out o) that house! #ure, doing 'asi$ re$onnaissan$e 0as an essential &art o) honey&ot dete$tion! A)ter all, i) Fosh 0as getting instru$tions )ro* a terror $ell or rogue govern*ent or so*ething, &lanting a Tro:an horse on his $o*&uter and digging through his under0ear dra0er 0as &ro'a'ly the 'est 0ay to )ind out a'out it! #till, it 0as a relie) to go outside and $li*' the tree! I 0as on the third 'ran$h o) the tree, tying o)) the trans*itter, 0hen I looked do0n the street and sa0 a )igure $utting through yards! He 0as tall! He 0as young! And he had his hands in his &o$kets, &ushing do0n in a 0ay I've only seen on$e 'e)ore@ DBook0or*, do you read *eGD I tried= 'ut even though Li9 had done her 'est to )i2 *y shorted3out $o**s unit, the $ra$kling stati$ in *y ear told *e that her hasty re&air :o' hadn't 0orked! I stayed $rou$hed against the 'ran$h as su**er's last re*aining leaves s0ayed around *e! D4u$hess,D I 0his&ered, &raying Be2 0ould ans0er<or 'etter yet<ta& *e on the shoulder and s$old *e )or not having a little )aith! DBe2, I'll let you $hoose any $ode na*e you 0ant, i) you'll :ust ans0er *e,D I 0his&ered through the dark! Fosh 0as $rossing the &or$h! Fosh 0as o&ening the )ront door! DGuys, i) you $an hear *e, :ust hide, okayG The #u':e$t is entering the house! I re&eat! The #u':e$t is entering the house!D The door $losed 'ehind hi*, so I :u*&ed out o) the tree and hurried to take $over in the 'ushes, $onstantly kee&ing an eye on the )ront door, 0hi$h sounds great in theory e2$e&t that *eant I totally *issed seeing Li9 and Be2 $ra0l out o) a se$ond3 story 0indo0 and take re)uge on the roo)! DCha*eleon@D Be2 $alled through the dark, s$aring *e hal) to death as I dove head)irst into the 'ushes and then &eeked u& to see Be2 &eering over the eaves o)

the house! They *ust have thought Fosh 0as ho*e )or the night 'e$ause they started atta$hing ra&&elling $a'les to the $hi*ney, and they 0ere a'out to :u*& o)) the roo), 'ut then Fosh ste&&ed through the )ront door@ I 0at$hed )ro* the 'ushes, )ro9en in terror, as I reali9ed that *y t0o 'est )riends 0ere a'out to land on to& o) the $utest 'oy I've ever seen<and the a&&le &ie he 0as $arrying! They $ouldn't see hi*! He $ouldn't see the*! But I $ould see everything! He took a ste&! They took a ste&! ;e 0ere se$onds a0ay )ro* disaster, and honestly, I didn't even kno0 0hat I 0as doing until the 0ords, D-h, hi,D 0ere out o) *y *outh and I 0as standing in the *iddle o) the A'ra*s )a*ily yard! 1ro* the $orner o) *y eye, I sa0 terror register on Be2's )a$e a'ove *e as she gra''ed Li9 and tried to &ull her a0ay )ro* the edge, 'ut I 0asn't really &aying attention to the*! Ho0 $ould I, 0hen a 'oy as drea*y as Fosh A'ra*s 0as 0alking to0ard *e, looking totally sur&rised to see *e< 0hi$h 0as &er)e$tly understanda'le! DHi! I didn't e2&e$t to )ind you here,D he said, and i**ediately I )reaked out! 4id that *ean he'd 'een thinking a'out *eG -r 0as he si*&ly trying to )igure out ho0 and 0hy a strange girl dressed all in 'la$k a&&ears in your )ront yardG ?Thank goodness I'd dro&&ed *y hat and utility 'elt in the 'ushes!A D-h, you kno0 the Foneses,D I said, even though I didn't, 'ut :udging 'y the line o) &eo&le going in and out o) the house at the end o) the 'lo$k, it 0as &ro'a'ly a &retty sa)e thing to say! Lu$kily, Fosh s*iled and added, DYeah, these &arties get 0ilder every year!D DJh3huh,D I said, all the 0hile 0at$hing as Be2 struggled to drag Li9 a$ross the roo)<to the 'a$k o) the house<'ut Li9 sli&&ed and started sliding do0n! #he tried to hang on to a gutter, 'ut sli&&ed, and soon she 0as s0inging o)) the side o) the A'ra*ses' house, and *y heart 0as &ounding harder and harder ?)or a lot o) reasonsA! Fosh looked as e*'arrassed as I )elt as he nodded to0ard the &ie in his hand and said, D8y *o* )orgot this!D He &aused, as i) de'ating 0hether to say *ore! D/2$e&t she never :ust )orgets her &ies!D He rolled his eyes! D#ee, she's kind o) )a*ous )or her &ies, so 0henever she goes any0here, she likes )or &eo&le to ask a'out her &ie a'out ten ti*es 'e)ore she unveils it, or so*ething!D His )ree hand 0as 'a$k in his &o$ket! He looked e*'arrassed that he'd shared that dee&, dark )a*ily se$ret! DLa*e, huhGD A$tually, the &ie did look really good, 'ut I totally $ouldn't tell hi* that! D.o,D I said! DI think it's kinda ni$e!D And I did! 8y *o* isn't )a*ous )or her &ies! .o, she's )a*ous )or de)using a nu$lear devi$e in Brussels 0ith only a &air o) $uti$le s$issors and a &onytail holder! #o*eho0, at that *o*ent, &ies see*ed $ooler! Fosh started to turn, 'ut Li9 0as still dangling o)) the roo), so I 'lurted out the )irst thing that $a*e to *y *ind, D;as Keith sur&risedGD ;ell, I didn't kno0 0ho Keith 0as or 0hy the Foneses 0ere thro0ing hi* a sur&rise

&arty, 'ut that 0as good enough to sto& Fosh and *ake hi* say, D.o, he's never sur&rised! But he )akes it &retty good!D I 0as so*ething o) an e2&ert at )aking it *ysel)< es&e$ially 0hen I sa0 Be2 lo0er hersel) to Li9's level<the t0o o) the* s0inging in *idair as Be2 struggled to )i2 Li9's tangled $a'les<'ut Be2 still *anaged to give *e the 'ig thu*'s3u& and *outh, He's $ute@ DYou 0anna go get a CokeGD he asked, and I thought, Yes@ There 0as nothing in the 0orld I 0anted *ore! But 'ehind hi*, Be2 0as taking ai* at the heel o) his shoe, )iring a tra$king devi$e into the 'a$k o) his .ike! I heard a su'tle sound as the devi$e 'uried itsel) into the ru''er sole, 'ut Fosh didn't even 'at an eye! Be2 looked totally &roud o) hersel), des&ite the )a$t that Li9 0as still s&inning like an out3o)3$ontrol &iYata! D#o this is 0here you liveGD I asked, as i) I didn't kno0! DYeah! All *y li)e,D Fosh said, 'ut he didn't sound &roud o) it<not like Grand&a 8organ 0hen he says he's lived on the ran$h all his li)e<like he has roots! ;hen Fosh said it, he sounded like he had $hains! I've s&ent enough ti*e studying languages to kno0 that al*ost any &hrase $an have t0o *eanings! Behind Fosh, Be2 *ust have )i2ed Li9's $a'le, 'e$ause I heard the 0hi99ing sound o) t0o &eo&le in near )ree )all and then the $langing ra$ket o) so*eone landing in a &ile o) *etal trash $ans! I 0as ready to kno$k Fosh un$ons$ious and run )or it, 'ut he 0aved the noise a0ay and said, DThis neigh'orhood has all kinds o) dogs!D D-h!D I sighed 0ith relie)! There 0as *ore $langing, so I said, DBig ones, I guess!D I didn't 'reathe again until I sa0 Be2 $la*& her hand over Li9's *outh and drag her into the 'ushes on the )ar side o) the yard! D-h, u*, I told *y *o* I'd go get her :a$ket out o) the $ar,D I said, ste&&ing to0ard the do9ens o) vehi$les that lined the street! DI'll go 0ith<D he started, 'ut :ust then a 'oy a&&eared in the street and yelled, DFosh@D Fosh looked at the 'oy and 0aved at hi*! DYou go on,D I said! D.o, that's<D DFosh@D the 'oy $alled again, dra0ing nearer! D>eally,D I said, DI'll $at$h u& 0ith you over there!D And then, )or the se$ond ti*e, I )ound *ysel) running a0ay )ro* hi*, trying to avoid the &arty! I du$ked 'ehind an #JB, re&ositioned its side *irror, and 0at$hed as the 'oy *et u& 0ith Fosh in the *iddle o) the street! He tried to take the &ie )ro* Fosh, and said, D4id you 'ake that )or *eG You shouldn't have@D Fosh &un$hed hi* hard on the shoulder! D-0,D the 'oy said, ru''ing his ar*! Then he gestured to0ard 0here I had

disa&&eared in the dark! D;ho 0as thatG #he 0as kinda $ute!D I held *y 'reath as Fosh )ollo0ed his )riend's ga9e and then said, D-h, no'ody! Fust so*e girl!D

Cha&ter /leven #u**ary o) #urveillan$e -&erativesK Ca*eron 8organ, >e'e$$a Ba2ter, and /li9a'eth #utton ?herea)ter re)erred to as DThe -&erativesDA A)ter o'serving a Gallagher A$ade*y o&erative ?Ca*eron 8organA on t0o routine assign*ents, The -&eratives $on$luded that a young *an ?kno0n at the ti*e only as DFosh,D aka Tell3#u9ie3she's3a3lu$ky3$at 'oyA 0as a ,-I ?,erson o) InterestA! The -&eratives then 'egan a series o) re$on o&erations during 0hi$h they o'served the )ollo0ingK The #u':e$t, Fosh Ada*son A'ra*s, resides at 7 1 .orth Bellis in >oseville, Birginia! Kno0n asso$iatesK a s$an o) The #u':e$t's online a$tivity revealed that he routinely e3*ails 4illon Fones, s$reen na*e 4'8an,?also o) .orth Bellis #treetA< ty&i$ally in regard to Dreally a0eso*eD video ga*es, Dla*eD *ovies, D*y stu&idD dad, and s$hool assign*ents! -$$u&ationK so&ho*ore at >oseville High #$hool3ho*e o) the 1ighting ,irates! ?But evidently not )ighting too hard, sin$e a )urther sear$h revealed that their re$ord is 3N!A G,AK N!OM! The #u':e$t e2hi'its di))i$ulty in $al$ulus and 0ood0orking! ?>ules out $areer as .#A $ode 'reaker andZor ho*e i*&rove*ent television D#e2y Car&enter Guy!D 4oes .-T eli*inate &ossi'ility su':e$t looks hot in a tool 'elt!A The #u':e$t a&&ears to e2$el at /nglish, Geogra&hy, and Civi$s ?0hi$h is great 'e$ause Ca**ie is /nglish3s&eaking and very $ivil@A! 1a*ilyK 8other, Foan /llen A'ra*s, X7, house0i)e and very e2&erien$ed &ie 'aker! 1ather, Fa$o' ;hitney A'ra*s, XO, &har*a$ist and sole &ro&rietor o) A'ra*s and #on ,har*a$y! #ister, Foy 8ar:orie A'ra*s, 1 , student! Jnusual )inan$ial a$tivityK none, unless you $ount the )a$t that so*eone in the )a*ily is 0ay too into Civil ;ar 'iogra&hies! ?Can this 'e a &ossi'le indi$ation o) Con)ederate insurgents still living and 0orking in BirginiaG 8ust resear$h )urther!A >es&e$t)ully su'*itted, Ca**ie, Be2, and Li9 DI'* telling you it doesn't *ean anything,D Be2 said as 0e stood together in )ront o) the *irror, 0aiting )or the s$anner to slide a$ross our )a$es and the light in the eyes o) the &ainting to turn green! I hadn't *entioned Fosh, 'ut I kne0 0hat she 0as talking a'out! Be2 read *y re)le$tion in the *irror, and I reali9ed that

the s$anner 0asn't the only thing that $ould see inside *e! The doors slid o&en, and 0e $li*'ed in! D;e've got the $o*&uter $onne$tion,D Li9 o))ered! D1inan$ial re$ords, )or e2a*&le, $an illustrate *any<D DLi9@D I sna&&ed! I looked u& at the lights and 0at$hed our des$ent! DIt's :ust not 0orth the risk, okayGD 8y voi$e $ra$ked as I thought o) ho0 he'd said I 0as :ust so*e girl<I 0as no'ody! It 0asn't very s&ylike to 'e sad over su$h a silly thing, 'ut *ostly, I didn't 0ant *y )riends to hear it! DGuys, it's okay! Fosh isn't interested in *e! That's )ine! I'* not the kind o) girl guys like! It's no 'iggie!D I 0asn't sear$hing )or $o*&li*ents, like 0hen skinny girls say they look )at, or 0hen girls 0ith gorgeous $urly hair say ho0 they hate hu*idity! #ure, there are a )e0 &eo&le 0ho al0ays tell *e D4on't say you're not &rettyD and D-) $ourse you look like your *o*,D 'ut I s0ear I 0asn't silently 'egging Be2 to roll her eyes and say, D;hatever@ That guy should 'e so lu$ky!D But she did, and I'd 'e lying i) I said that didn't *ake it 'etter! DCo*e on, guys,D I said, laughing! D;hatG 4id you think he 0as going to ask *e to the &ro*GD I teased! D-r, hey, 8o*'s 'urning *a$aroni and $heese )or su&&er #unday night= *ay'e he $an $o*e over and she $an tell hi* a'out the ti*e she :u*&ed o)) a ninety3story 'al$ony in Hong Kong 0ith a &ara$hute she *ade out o) &illo0$ases!D I looked at the*! I tried to laugh, 'ut Be2 and Li9 looked at ea$h other! I re$ogni9ed the e2&ression that $rossed their )a$es! 1or days, they had 'een &assing it 'et0een the* like a note under the desk! DCo*e on!D ;e 0alked &ast the dollhouse! DIn $ase you've )orgotten, 0e have 'etter things to do!D That's 0hen 0e turned the $orner, and all three o) us :olted to a sto&! 8y :a0 0ent sla$k, and *y heart started to &ound as 0e stared into 8r! #olo*on's do*ain! The $lassroo* in #u'level -ne didn't look like a $lassroo*<not any*ore! Instead o) desks there 0ere three long ta'les! Instead o) $halk and &a&er there 0ere 'o2es o) ru''er gloves! ;ith the )rosted3glass &artitions and glea*ing 0hite )loors, it looked as i) 0e'd 'een kidna&&ed 'y aliens and 'rought to the *other shi& )or invasive *edi$al &ro$edures! ?,ersonally, I 0as ho&ing )or a nose :o'!A ;e all stood together, Gallagher Girls $losing ranks, &re&aring )or any $hallenge that *ight 0alk through that door! Little did 0e kno0 that the $hallenge 0as going to 'e 8r! #olo*on $arrying three sea*3'usting, 'la$k &lasti$ 'ags! The sight o) those 'ulging *onstrosities *ade the 0hole e2traterrestrial thing look &retty good! He dro&&ed a 'ag onto ea$h o) the three ta'les 0ith a si$kening thunk! Then he tossed a 'o2 o) gloves in our dire$tion! D/s&ionage is dirty 'usiness, ladies!D He sla&&ed his hands together as i) 'rushing o)) the dust o) his )or*er li)e! D8ost o) 0hat &eo&le don't 0ant you to kno0 they send out 0ith the 0eekly trash!D He started 0orking the knot at the to& o) one o) the 'ags! DHo0 do they s&end their *oneyG ;here and 0hat do they eatG ;hat kind o) &ills do they takeG Ho0 *u$h do they love their &etsGD He gra''ed the $orners at the 'otto* o) the &lasti$ and then :erked, u&turning the 'ag in one )luid *otion that 0as &art 'irthday3&arty *agi$ian and &art e2e$utioner! Gar'age 0ent every0here, 'ursting )ree, taking u& every in$h o) the long ta'le! The sten$h 0as over0hel*ing, and )or the se$ond ti*e in t0o 0eeks, I thought I *ight thro0 u& 0ithin that $lassroo*, 'ut not Foe #olo*on<he leaned $loser, )ingering the )ilth!

DIs he the ty&e o) &erson 0ho does $ross0ords 0ith a &enGD He dro&&ed the &a&er and &i$ked u& an old envelo&e that 0as $overed 0ith &ie$es o) eggshell! D;hat does she doodle 0hen she's on the &honeGD 1inally, he rea$hed dee& 0ithin the &ile o) gar'age and )ound an old Band3Aid! He held it to0ard the light, studying the se*i$ir$le o) dried 'lood that stained the sCuare o) gau9e! D/verything a &erson tou$hes tells us so*ething<&ie$es o) the &u99les o) their lives!D He dro&&ed the 'andage 'a$k onto the &ile and sla&&ed his hands together! D;el$o*e to the s$ien$e o) Gar'ology,D he said 0ith a grin!

Thursday *orning it 0as raining! All day, the stone 0alls see*ed to see& *oisture! The heavy ta&estries and great stone )ire&la$es didn't see* u& to the $hallenge o) )ighting the $hili! 4r! 1i's had needed Li9, Be2, and *e to hel& hi* a)ter s$hool on 8onday, and 0e'd had to trade 4river's /d days 0ith Tina, Courtney, and /va! #o instead o) a sunny Indian su**er a)ternoon, 0e 0ere going to go driving under a sky that *at$hed *y *ood! I stood 0aiting )or Be2 and Li9 do0nstairs 'y the 1ren$h doors that lead to the &orti$o! I tra$ed *y initials into the $ondensation, 'ut the 0ater only 'eaded and ran do0n the &ane! .ot everyone )elt as dreary as the day looked, though, 'e$ause 0hen Li9 a&&eared 'eside *e, she $ried, DThis is great@ I $an't 'elieve 0e're going to get to use the 0i&ers@D I guess 0hen you get &u'lished in #$ienti)i$ A*eri$an at the age o) nine, you have a slightly ske0ed idea o) )un! -ur )eet s&lashed do0n the soggy grass as 0e $ut a$ross the la0n to0ard 0here 8ada*e 4a'ney sat 0aiting in the $ar, its headlights already sli$ing through the gray as the 0i&ers sloshed 'a$k and )orth! 1i)teen *inutes later, 8ada*e 4a'ney 0as saying, DJ*, >e'e$$a dear, &erha&s you shouldED Her voi$e trailed o)), though, as Be2 *ade yet another turn and ended u& on the 0rong side o) the road! -ne *ight have e2&e$ted a s&y to lay on the e*ergen$y 'rake and kno$k Be2 un$ons$ious 0ith a 0ell3&la$ed 'lo0 to the 'a$k o) her head, 'ut 8ada*e 4a'ney *erely said, DYes, a right u& here, dearE -h, *yED and gri&&ed the dash'oard as Be2 turned a$ross tra))i$! D#orry,D Be2 yelled, &resu*a'ly to the tru$k driver she'd $ut o))! DKee& )orgetting they're over there, don't IGD The rain had sto&&ed, 'ut the 0heels *ade a 0et, sli$k sound as they thre0 0ater u& into the under$arriage o) the $ar! The 0indo0s 0ere )ogged, and I $ouldn't see 0here 0e 0ere going, 0hi$h 0as kind o) a 'lessing, 'e$ause every ti*e I $aught a glan$e at the 0orld around us, I sa0 another year o) *y li)e )lash 'e)ore *y eyes! D,erha&s 0e should let one o) your $lass*ates take a turnGD 8ada*e 4a'ney )inally *anaged to say as Be2 nearly ran into a $e*ent tru$k, :erked the 0heel, :u*&ed the $ur', and )le0 a$ross the $orner o) a &arking lot and onto another street! But that's 0hen I noti$ed so*ething strange! .ot only 0as Be2 not &aying attention to 8ada*e 4a'ney's anguished $ries and the la0s 0hi$h govern the o&eration o) *otor vehi$les in this $ountry, 'ut<and here's the 0eird thing<Li9 0asn't )reaking out@ Li9, 0ho hates s&iders and re)uses to go 'are)oot any0here! Li9, 0ho is a &er)e$tly good s0i**er and yet o0ns si2 di))erent ty&es o) )lotation devi$es! Li9, 0ho on$e 0ent to 'ed 0ithout )lossing and $ouldn't slee& the entire night, 0as sitting

$al*ly in the 'a$kseat 0hile Be2 nearly took out a trash $an on the $ur'! D>e'e$$a, that $ould have 'een a &edestrian,D 8ada*e 4a'ney 0arned, 'ut she didn't use her e*ergen$y 'rake, so no0 I'll al0ays 0onder 0hat 8ada*e 4a'ney sa0 in 1ran$e to *ake her de)inition o) De*ergen$yD so 0ildly ske0ed! That's also 0hen I noti$ed the street signs! D-h *y gosh@D I *uttered through $len$hed teeth! Li9 0as grinning as a sign announ$ing 0e 0ere on .orth Bellis 0hi99ed 'y! D#hhh,D Li9 said as she rea$hed into the &o$ket o) her 'ag and &ulled out the re*ote $ontrol )ro* the stereo she'd destroyed on her )irst day 'a$k! D;hat are you doing 0ith<D D#hhh@D #he $ut a 0arning glan$e to0ard 8ada*e 4a'ney! DIt 0ill only 'e a little e2&losion!D /2&losion@ #e$onds later a loud 'ang ro$keted through the $ar! Be2 )ought )or $ontrol o) the 0heel! I s*elled s*oke and heard the dull, li)eless )la&&ing o) ru''er 'anging against the &ave*ent! D-h, no, 8ada*e 4a'ney,D Be2 e2$lai*ed in her *ost theatri$al voi$e! DI think 0e've got a )lat@D D-h, do 0e no0GD I said as I glared at Li9, 0ho :ust shrugged! 8ay'e I should take 'a$k *y ringing endorse*ent )or having genius )riends! .or*al )riends &ro'a'ly don't go around 'lo0ing u& 4river's /d $ars<0ell, not intentionally, any0ay! ;hen the $ar )inally $a*e to a sto&<you guessed it< 0e 0ere in )ront o) Fosh's house! D-h, girls,D 8ada*e 4a'ney soothed, turning around to *ake sure that Li9 and I 0ere still in our original one3&ie$e 'odies! DIs everyone okayGD ;e nodded! D;ell,D 8ada*e 4a'ney said, $o*&osing hersel), DI su&&ose 0e'll :ust learn ho0 to $hange a tire!D -) $ourse Be2 and Li9 had kno0n that 0as $o*ing! That 0as the 0hole &oint! But Be2 still sounded sur&rised as she shouted, DI'll get the s&are@D In a )lash o) 'linding s&eed she 0as out o) the $ar and &o&&ing the trunk, 0hile Li9 inter$e&ted 8ada*e 4a'ney! DTell *e, *a'a*, 0hat $auses the *a:ority o) )lat tires, do you thinkGD As Li9 dragged our instru$tor to ins&e$t the da*age at the )ront o) the $ar, I *et Be2 around 'a$k! D;hat are you doingGD I de*anded! But Be2 only grinned and rea$hed into the trunk, revealing a 'ulging trash 'ag :ust like the ones that lined the street! DCouldn't leave the $ur' 'are, no0, $ould 0eGD And then I noti$ed it= all u& and do0n Bellis #treet, trash $ans and &lasti$ sa$ks $overed the $ur', 0aiting like soldiers standing at attention! DYou s0it$hed the days,D I said, dis*ayed! DYou 'le0 the tire! You ED I trailed

o)), &ro'a'ly 'e$ause the ne2t 0ords out o) *y *outh 0ere either going to 'e DYou $are enough to do thisGD or DYou're destined )or a li)e o) $ri*e!D It 0as a toss3u& either 0ay! DCan't give u& no0, $an 0eGD Be2 said, sounding very Be2ish! 4ra*ati$ally, she &ulled the :a$k out o) the trunk and $o$ked an eye'ro0! D;e o0e it to your $ountry!D .o, they thought they o0ed it to *e! I'* :ust really glad she didn't say so! ;ithin se$onds, Be2 and I had the s&are tire out o) the trunk, and 8ada*e 4a'ney 0as illustrating the )iner &oints o) lug3nut3loosening, 'ut all I $ould do 0as look u& and do0n Bellis #treet! ;hat i) he sa0 *e and re$ogni9ed the $ar and the uni)or*sG Ho0 0ould I ever e2&lainG ;ould he 0ant *e to e2&lainG ;ould he even see *e at all, or 0ould I si*&ly 'e Dso*e girlDG ;ould I :ust 'e Dno'odyDG D#$hool tri& to 4!C!,D Li9 0his&ered in *y ear 0hen she sa0 ho0 tense I 0as! DHe 0on't 'e 'a$k until a)ter nine!D I )elt *ysel) e2hale! D4o you have any CuestionsGD 8ada*e 4a'ney asked as she eased the :a$k out )ro* 'eneath the $ar and Be2 0ent to &ut the ruined tire in the trunk! Li9 and I shook our heads! D;ell, that should do it, then,D 8ada*e 4a'ney said, sla&&ing her hands together, o'viously &roud o) her handi0ork! Yeah, I thought, as I stole one last look at the neigh'orhood around *e and sa0 Be2 )lash *e a Cui$k thu*'s3u&! That should do it!

#u**ary o) #urveillan$e -&erativesK Ca*eron 8organ, >e'e$$a Ba2ter, and /li9a'eth #utton

>e&ort o) trash taken )ro* the ho*e o) Fosh A'ra*s .u*'er o) e*&ty $ard'oard toilet &a&er rollsK 6 ,re)erred variety o) $anned sou&K to*ato ?)ollo0ed $losely 'y Ca*&'ell's Crea* o) 8ushroo*A! .u*'er o) e*&ty Ben % Ferry's $ontainersK N<t0o *int $ho$olate $ookie, one &lain vanilla! ?;ho 'uys &lain vanilla i$e $rea* )ro* Ben % Ferry's, any0ayG Is there a greater 0asteGA .u*'er o) ,ottery Barn $atalogsK 1X ?.o ite*s *arked or other0ise identi)ied, even though the ;indsor ;asha'le Thro0 ,illo0s 0ere on sale and a&&eared to 'e Cuite a 'argain!A

D;here are 0e &utting the &a&er to0els againGD Be2 asked, looking around our odd little $ir$le o) &iles! DAre they household or )oodGD D4e&ends,D Li9 said, leaning to0ard her! D;hat's on itGD Be2 took a 0hi)) o) the used &a&er to0el in her hand and said, D#&aghetti sau$e E I think! -r 'loodGD

D#o, either they love &asta or are a )a*ily o) a2e *urderersGD I Cui&&ed! Be2 turned and dro&&ed the to0els onto one o) the hal) do9en &iles that 0ere gro0ing around us 0hile the original &ile in the $enter 'egan to slo0ly shrink! ;e'd o&ened all the 0indo0s in the suite, and a $ool, da*& 'ree9e 'le0 in, diluting the s*ell o) gar'age ?a littleA as 0e sat on a &lasti$ tar&, e2a*ining everything )ro* used tissues to e*&ty $ans o) tuna! I) you ever 0onder 0hether or not so*eone is too good )or you, I'd advise going through their trash! >eally! .o one looks su&erior a)ter that! ,lus, i) 8r! #olo*on 0as right, there 0ere ans0ers here<ans0ers I des&erately 0anted! ;hy did he o))er to 0alk 0ith *e to ?su&&osedlyA get *y *o*'s :a$ket, and then turn around and tell his )riend I 0as no oneG 4id he have a girl)riendG Had he stru$k u& that $onversation 0ith *e in the street so that he $ould 0in so*e horrendous 'et 0ith his )riends, like they al0ays do in teen *oviesG I *ean, I kno0 I s&end *y 0inters in a *ansion 0ith a 'un$h o) girls, and *y su**ers on a ran$h in .e'raska, 'ut 'oth &la$es have *ovies, and a lot o) the* involve 0agers in 0hi$h &lain3 looking girls ?like *eA are a&&roa$hed 'y really $ute 'oys ?like FoshA! But those 'oys aren't Fosh3like, not really, or so I reali9ed the dee&er into his gar'age 0e 0ent! The 'oys in those *ovies 0ouldn't hel& their kid sisters 0ith a )ourth3grade ode to A*elia /arhart ?Gallagher A$ade*y, Class o) 1"1MA! Those 'oys 0ouldn't 0rite notes like the one I have taken the li'erty o) &asting 'elo0K 8o*, 4illon says his *o* $an dro& *e o)) a)ter the )ield tri&, so don't 0ait u& )or *y $all! Love you, F

He tells his *o* he loves her! Ho0 great is thatG I *ean, the 'oys in the *ovies 0ith the 'ets and the &lain girls ?0ho are never really &lain, :ust &oorly a$$essori9edA and the 'ig, dra*ati$ &ro* s$enes<those 'oys 0ould never leave their *others kind and $ourteous notes! ,lus, 'oys 0ho leave kind and $ourteous notes 'e$o*e *en 0ho leave kind and $ourteous notes! I $ouldn't hel& *ysel)K I instantly i*agined 0hat it 0ould 'e like to get a note like that *ysel) so*eday! 4arling, I *ay have to 0ork late, so I *ight not 'e here 0hen you get 'a$k! I ho&e you had a great ti*e in .orth Korea and disa'led lots o) nu$lear 0ea&ons! ;ith all *y love, Fosh

?But that's :ust a dra)t!A I stared at an e*&ty &a$k re*e*'er i) his teeth had thought, so I $hu$ked the again, not kno0ing 0hat I o) $he0ing gu*<the teeth30hitening kind<and I tried to 'een e2tra 0hite or :ust regular 0hite! >egular 0hite, I &a$k into a sta$k 'eside Li9 and dug 'a$k into the &ile ho&ed to &ull out!

I )ound an envelo&e, s*all and sCuare, 0ith 'eauti)ul $alligra&hy on the )ront! It 0as addressed to The A'ra*s 1a*ily! I'd never seen anything in *y li)e addressed to The 8organ 1a*ily! ;e never got invited to &arties! #ure, I re*e*'ered a ti*e or t0o 0hen 8o* and 4ad dressed u& and le)t *e 0ith a sitter, 'ut even then I kne0 she had a teeny tiny *i$ro)il* re$order in her rhinestone 'roa$h and his $u)) links $ontained $a'les that $ould shoot out )or )i)ty yards and let a &erson ra&&el do0n the side o) a 'uilding i) he really 0anted to! ?;hen you think a'out it, it's not that sur&rising 0e didn't get invited out *u$h!A

I 0as :ust starting to i*agine 0hat it 0ould 'e like to 'e the other kind o) )a*ily, 0hen I heard an o*inous, DJh3oh!D I turned to look at Li9, 0ho 0as holding a &ie$e o) &a&er to0ard Be2! #he has to go through Be2 )irst, I reali9ed in terror! Fosh only has si2 *onths to live@ He's taking drugs that 0ill &re&are hi* )or a se2 $hange o&eration@ His entire )a*ily is *oving to Alaska@ It 0as 0orse! DCa*,D Be2 said, her voi$e 'ra$ing *e )or the 0orst, DLi9 )ound so*ething you should &ro'a'ly see!D DIt's &ro'a'ly nothing,D Li9 added, )or$ing a s*ile as Be2 held out a )olded &ie$e o) &ink &a&er! #o*eone had 0ritten DF-#HD on it in 'lue ink 0ith a )lo0ery, ornate kind o) &en*anshi& that no one at the Gallagher A$ade*y ever see*ed a'le to *aster< a)ter all, i) you've got organi$ $he*istry, advan$ed en$ry&tion, and $onversational #0ahili ho*e0ork every night, you're not going to s&end a lot o) ti*e learning ho0 to dot your i's 0ith little hearts! D>ead it to *e,D I said! D.oE!D Li9 started! DIt's &ro'a'ly<D DLi9@D I sna&&ed! But Be2 had already started! D'4ear Fosh! It 0as great seeing you at the $arnival! I had )un, too! ;e should do it again so*eti*e! Love, 4ee4ee!'D Be2 had done her 'est to *ake the note sound 'lah, adding lots o) unne$essary &auses and dull in)le$tions, 'ut there 0asn't any denying that this 4ee4ee &erson *eant 'usiness! A)ter all, I didn't 0rite notes on &ink &a&er 0ith )an$y 0riting! I didn't even o0n &ink &a&er! /di'le &a&er< yes, 'ut &retty &ink &a&er<no 0ay@ #o there it 0as, &roo) in 'la$k3and30hite ?or E 0ellE&ink3and3'lue, 'ut you get 0hat I *eanA, that I 0as o))i$ially out o) *y league! That I really 0as no'ody! Li9 *ust have read *y e2&ression, 'e$ause she :u*&ed to say, DThis doesn't *ean anything, Ca*! It's in the trash@D #he turned to Be2! DThat's got to *ean so*ething, rightGD And that's 0hen I $ouldn't ignore it any*oreK the universal truth that, des&ite our elite edu$ation and genius IRs, 0e didn't kno0 'oys! 4ee4ee, 0ith her &ink &a&er and a'ility to *ake the 'ig, &u))y F's, *ight have kno0n the signi)i$an$e o) a 'oy like Fosh &utting her &er)e$t &ink note in the trash, 'ut 0e sure didn't! The 'oy o) *y drea*s *ay have 'een as $lose as the to0n o) >oseville<:ust t0o *iles, eighty se$urity $a*eras, and a 'ig honking stone )en$e a0ay, 'ut he and I 0ould never s&eak the sa*e language ?0hi$h is totally ironi$, sin$e D'oyD 0as the one language *y s$hool had never tried to tea$h *eA! DThat's okay, Li9,D I said so)tly! D;e kne0 it 0as a long shot! It's<D D;ait@D I )elt Be2's hand lash out and gra' *y 0rist! DTell *e 0hat you told hi* again!D #he read *y 'lank e2&ression! DThat nightGD she &ro*&ted! D;hen you told hi* you 0ere ho*es$hooled!D DHe asked i) I 0as ho*es$hooled, and I said yes!D

DAnd 0hat reason did you giveGD D1or ED I started, 'ut *y voi$e trailed o)) as I looked at the sta$k o) &a&ers that she had laid out 'et0een us! D>eligious reasons!D There 0as a &rogra* )or the >oseville 1ree ;ill Ba&tist Asse*'ly, a )lyer )or the Jnited 8ethodist Chur$h o) >oseville, and a hand)ul o) others! /ither Fosh 0as $olle$ting $hur$h 'ulletins )or so*e kind o) 'i9arre s$avenger hunt, or he'd 'een 'usy trai&sing to #unday s$hools and Tuesday3night teen so$ials )or an entirely di))erent reason! DHe's looking )or you, Ca*,D Be2 said, 'ea*ing as i) she'd :ust *ade the )irst ste& in $ra$king the ulti*ate $ode! #ilen$e 0ashed over us! 8y heart &ounded in *y $hest! Be2 and Li9 0ere staring at *e, 'ut I $ouldn't &ull *y ga9e a0ay )ro* 0hat 0e'd )ound<)ro* the ho&e that 0as s&read out a$ross our )loor! I guess that's 0hy none o) us noti$ed the door o&ening! I guess that's 0hy 0e :u*&ed 0hen 0e heard 8a$ey 8$Henry say, D#o, 0hat's his na*eGD

Cha&ter T0elve

DI don't kno0 0hat you're talking a'out,D I shot 'a$k, 0ay too Cui$kly )or the lie to 'e any good! Here's the thing a'out lyingK a &art o) you has to *ean it<even i) it is a tiny, sinister shred that only lives in the 'la$kest, darkest &arts o) your *ind! You have to 0ant it to 'e true! I guess I didn't! D-h, $o*e on,D 8a$ey said 0ith a roll o) her eyes! DIt's 'een, 0hatG T0o 0eeksGD I 0as sho$ked! 8a$ey $o$ked her head and asked, DYou 'een to se$ond 'ase yetGD There are entire 'ooks in the Gallagher A$ade*y li'rary a'out )e*ale inde&enden$e and ho0 0e shouldn't let *en distra$t us )ro* our *issions, 'ut all I $ould do 0as look at 8a$ey 8$Henry and say, DYou think I $ould get to se$ond 'aseGD I hate to ad*it it, 'ut it 0as &ro'a'ly one o) the greatest $o*&li*ents I had re$eived in *y 0hole, entire li)e! But 8a$ey only rolled her eyes and said, D1orget I asked,D as she strolled to the &ile o) gar'age and, unsur&risingly, turned u& her &er)e$t nose and said, DThis is disgusting@D Then she looked at *e! DYou *ust have it 'ad!D Leave it to Be2 to kee& her $ool and say, D;e've got Cove-&s ho*e0ork, 8a$ey!D /ven I al*ost 'elieved that 0hat 0e 0ere doing 0as &er)e$tly inno$ent! 8a$ey looked do0n at our &iles, e2a*ining the s$ene as i) this 0ere the *ost e2$iting thing she'd seen in *onths, 0hi$h a'solutely, &ositively $ould not have 'een true, sin$e I kno0 )or a )a$t that her $lass had 'een in the &hysi$s la's 0hen 8r! 1i's got atta$ked 'y the 'ees he thought he'd geneti$ally *odi)ied to o'ey

$o**ands )ro* a 0histle! ?Turns out they only res&ond to the voi$e o) Fa*es /arl Fones!A DHis na*e is Fosh,D I said )inally! DCa**ie@D Li9 $ried, as i) she $ouldn't 'elieve I 0as giving su$h sensitive intel to the ene*y! But 8a$ey only re&eated, DFosh,D as i) trying it on )or si9e! DYeah,D I said! DI *et hi* 0hen 0e had a *ission in to0n, and E 0ellED D.o0 you $an't sto& thinking a'out hi*E! You al0ays 0ant to kno0 0hat he's doingE ! You'd kill to kno0 i) he's thinking a'out youE!D 8a$ey said, like a do$tor reeling o)) sy*&to*s! DYes@D I $ried! DThat's sooooo it@D #he shrugged! DThat's too 'ad, kid!D #he 0as only three *onths older than *e, so I totally $ould have gotten *ad a'out the DkidD thing, 'ut I $ouldn't get *ad at her<not then! I 0asn't e2a$tly sure 0hat 0as ha&&ening, 'ut one thing 0as 'e$o*ing o'viousK 8a$ey 8$Henry had intel I des&erately needed! DHe told *e I had a lu$ky $at,D I said! D;hat does that *eanGD DYou don't have a $at!D DTe$hni$ality!D I 0aved that )a$t a0ay! D#o, 0hat does it *eanGD DIt sounds like he 0ants to &lay it $oolE! That he *ight like you, and he 0ants to kee& his o&tions o&en in $ase you de$ide you don't like hi*, or i) he de$ides he doesn't like you!D DBut then I sa0 hi* on the street, and I overheard hi* telling a )riend that I 0as 'no'ody!' But he'd 'een really ni$e and<D D-h, you have 'een 'usy!D DHe a$ts really ni$e, 'ut 'ased on 0hat he told his )riend<D D;ait!D 8a$ey sto&&ed *e! DHe said that to a )riendG Another guyGD DYes!D DAnd you 'elieved hi*GD #he rolled her eyes! DTotal hearsay! Could 'e &osturing, $ould 'e territory *arking, $ould 'e sha*e over liking the ne0 0eird $hi$k<I'* assu*ing he thinks you're a 0eird $hi$kGD DHe thinks I'* ho*es$hooled )or religious reasons!D DYeah,D she said, nodding as i) that 0ere ans0er enough! DI'd say you've still got a shot!D -H! 8Y! G-#H! It 0as as i) the gray stor* $louds had &arted and 8a$ey 8$Henry 0as the sun, 'ringing 0isdo* and truth into the eternal darkness! ?-r so*ething a lot less *elodra*ati$!A

Fust in $ase you *issed *y &ointK 8a$ey 8$Henry kno0s a'out 'oys@@ -) $ourse, this shouldn't have $o*e as a huge, $olossal sur&rise, 'ut I $ouldn't hel& *ysel)= I 0as groveling at her )eet, 0orshi&&ing at the altar o) eyeliner, &ush3u& 'ras, and $oed &arties 0ithout &arental su&ervision! /ven Li9 said, DThat's a*a9ing!D DYou've got to hel& *e,D I &leaded! D-ooh, sorry! .ot *y de&art*ent!D -) $ourse it 0asn't! It 0as $lear that 8a$ey 8$Henry 0as the lurkee, not the lurker! #he $ouldn't &ossi'ly understand li)e on the outside, looking through the 0indo0 at a &la$e she'd never kno0! Then I thought a'out the hours she'd s&ent lo$ked a0ay in the silen$e o) those head&hones and 0ondered, or $ould sheG Be)ore *e stood a &erson 0ho 0as $a&a'le o) $ra$king the Y $hro*oso*e $ode, and I 0asn't going to let her get a0ay that easily! DCo*e on@D I said! DYeah, 0ell tell it to so*eone 0ho isn't the )reaking *as$ot o) the seventh3 )reaking3grade@D #he eased onto her 'ed and $rossed her legs! D#o there is only one 0ay that I a* going to $are a'out your 'oy &ro'le*s!D ;ork 'rain, 0ork, I urged *y *ind, 'ut it 0as like a $ar stu$k in the *ud! DI'* getting out o) the ne0'ie $lasses,D 8a$ey said! DAnd you're going to hel& *e!D I really didn't like the sound o) this, 'ut I still *anaged to ask, D;hat's in it )or *eGD D1or starters, I don't have a $onversation 0ith our )riend Fessi$a Boden a'out an early *orning tri& to the la's 0ith an old 4r ,e&&er 'ottle, or a late3night tri& outside the grounds, 0here so*eone $a*e ho*e 0ith leaves in her hair!D #he s*irked at Li9! D-r a $ertain 4river's /d in$ident!D 1or the )irst ti*e, I didn't dou't that 8a$ey 0as a Gallagher Girl, too! The looks Li9 and Be2 0ere giving *e said that they agreed! D4id you kno0 Fessi$a's *other is a trusteeGD 8a$ey said, her voi$e dri&&ing 0ith sar$asti$ irony! D#ee, Fessi$a's *entioned that )a$t to *e a'out a hundred and )i)ty ti*es no0 and<D D-kay, already,D I said, sto&&ing her! D;hat else do I getGD DA soul *ate!D

DLadies, this is a 'usiness o) allian$es,D 8r! #olo*on said as he stood in )ront o) our $lass the ne2t *orning! DYou *ay not like these &eo&le! You *ay hate these &eo&le! These &eo&le *ay re&resent everything you hate, 'ut all it takes is one thing, ladies<one thread o) $o**onality to )or* a 'ond in our lives!D He strolled 'a$k to his desk! DTo *ake an ally!D #o that's 0hat I had 0ith 8a$ey<an allian$e! ;e 0eren't )riends= 0e 0eren't

ene*ies! I 0asn't e2a$tly 'lo$king o)) 1ourth o) Fuly 0eekend to s&end at her &la$e in the Ha*&tons, 'ut I &lanned on &laying ni$e :ust the sa*e! ;hen lun$hti*e rolled around, 8a$ey strolled over to our ta'le, and I 'ra$ed *ysel) )or 0hat 0as going to ha&&en! I) the Co**unists and the Ca&italists $ould )ight together to take do0n the .a9is E I told *ysel)! I) #&ike $ould )ight alongside Bu))y to rid the 0orld o) de*ons E I) le*on $ould :oin )or$es 0ith li*e to $reate so*ething as deli$ious and re)reshing as #&rite, then surely I $an 0ork alongside 8a$ey 8$Henry )or the $ause o) true love@ #he 0as sitting 'eside *e! #he 0as eating &ie! I had to look again! 8a$ey's eating &ieG@ And then she a$tually s&oke, 'ut I $ouldn't hear her over the roar o) a near'y de'ate ?in KoreanA a'out 0hether Fason Bourne $ould take Fa*es Bond, and i) it *attered 0hether it 0as #ean3Connery3Bond or ,ier$e3Brosnan3Bond! D4id you say so*ething, 8a$eyGD I asked, 'ut she $ut *e a look that $ould kill! #he rea$hed into her 'ag, ri&&ed o)) a sliver o) /va&o&a&er, and s$ri''ledK Can 0e study tonightG ?Tell anyone, and I'll kill you in your slee&@A

D#even o'$lo$kGD I asked her! #he nodded! ;e had a date! The &ie had looked &retty good, so I got u& to go get so*e, and 0hen I did, I glan$ed at the Bogue 8a$ey had 'een reading, 'ut I $ouldn't learn *u$h a'out )ashion, 'e$ause 8a$ey's organi$ $he*istry notes 0ere ta&ed inside, $overing that *onth's salute to silk!

#itting on the )loor o) our suite that night 0ith 8a$ey's ho*e0ork s$attered around us, I 0asn't really sure ho0 this allian$e 'usiness 0as su&&osed to 0ork! Lu$kily, Li9 had 'een giving it so*e thought DYou $an start 'y e2&laining 0hat this *eans!D #he held 4ee4ee's note u& to 8a$ey's )a$e! D/0@D 8a$ey $ried, turning her head and holding her nose as she &ushed the &a&er a0ay! But 0hat Li9 la$ked in strength, she *ade u& )or in tena$ity! #he shoved the note 'a$k in 8a$ey's dire$tion des&ite 8a$ey's $o*&laint o), DI thought you got rid o) all that trash@D D;ell, not this! This is eviden$e,D Li9 said, stating 0hat, in her *ind, 0as the o'vious! DJgh@ Gross!D I sa0 Be2 shi)t! #he'd 'een doing a 'etter than average :o' o) ignoring us, 'ut I kne0 all o) her sensors 0ere on )ull alert! Her eyes never le)t her note'ook, 'ut she sa0 everything! ?Be2 is su&er sleuthy that 0ay!A D;hat does it *eanGD Li9 asked again, in$hing $loser and $loser to 8a$ey 8$Henry, our ne0 &ro)essor o) 'oys!

8a$ey looked 'a$k at her note'ook, and *ust have $o*e to the $on$lusion that she'd studied enough )or one night, 'e$ause she tossed her notes aside! #he *ar$hed to her 'ed, glan$ed at the s$ra& o) &a&er on$e *ore, then dro&&ed it to the )loor! DIt *eans he's in de*and!D #he nodded at *e! DGood $hoosing!D DBut does he like her 'a$kGD Li9 0anted to kno0! DThis 4ee4ee &ersonGD 8a$ey shrugged and stret$hed out on her 'ed! DHard to say!D That's 0hen Li9 &ulled out a note'ook I'd seen her $arrying around )or the &ast 0eek! I'd thought it 0as )or an e2tra &ro:e$t<little did I kno0 it 0as our e2tra &ro:e$t! #he thre0 the 'inder o&en 0ith a thunk, and a hundred &ie$es o) &a&er ru))led 0ith the sudden 0a)t o) air! I looked at the headers o) ea$h &ie$e as Li9 ri)led through the*! D#ee ED #he &ointed to a highlighted &ortion o) one &age! DEin this e3*ail he used the 0ord ''ro' in re)eren$e to his )riend 4illon! As in, and I Cuote, '$hill out, 'ro! It 0ill 'e okay!' He doesn't have a 'rother! ;hat is it a'out 'oys that *akes the* re)er to ea$h other in that 0ayG I don't $all Ca* or Be2 sis! ;hyGD she de*anded, as i) her li)e de&ended u&on her understanding this )a$t! D;HYGD Yeah, that's 0hen 8a$ey 8$Henry looked at Li9 as i) she 0ere stu&id! -) all the $ra9y things I've seen in this 'usiness, that 0as one o) the $ra9iest! 8a$ey $o$ked her head and said, DYou're the u'er3geniusGD Fust like that, Be2 0as u& o)) the 'ed and *oving to0ard 8a$ey! Things 0ere a'out to get 'ad<really 'ad! But &oor Li9 0asn't hurt 'y 0hat 8a$ey said! In )a$t, she :ust looked at her and said, DI kno0<right@D as i) she too 0ere outraged! Be2 sto&&ed! I e2haled! And eventually Li9 shook her head in a*a9e*ent, s$attering the unans0ered Cuestions )ro* her *ind<so*ething I *ust have seen her do a thousand ti*es! That's 0hen I kne0 that 'oys 0ere :ust another su':e$t to Li9<another $ode she had to $ra$k! /ventually, she dro&&ed to the )loor and said, DI've got to *ake a $hart!D DLook!D 8a$ey see*ed to give u& as she straightened hersel) on the 'ed! DI) he's the senti*ental ty&e, then it *eans he doesn't $are a'out her! I) he's not, then he *ight like her<or *ight not!D #he leaned $loser, needing us to understand! DYou $an analy9e or theori9e<or 0hatever<'ut seriously, 0hat good do you think it 0ill doG You're in here! He's out there! And there's nothing I $an do a'out that!D D-h,D Be2 said, s&eaking )or the )irst ti*e! DThat's not your area o) e2&ertise any0ay!D I sa0 her *ind $hurning! #he looked like a girl on a *ission as she ste&&ed )or0ard! DIt's ours!D

Cha&ter Thirteen

#&ies are 0ise! #&ies are strong! But, *ost o) all, s&ies are &atient! ;e 0aited t0o 0eeks! T;- ;//K#@ 4o you kno0 ho0 long that is in )i)teen3year3old3 girl ti*eG A lot! A L-T, a lot! I 0as really starting to e*&athi9e 0ith all those

0o*en 0ho talk a'out 'iologi$al $lo$ks! I *ean, I kno0 *ine's still got a lot o) ti$ks le)t in it, 'ut I still *anaged to think and 0orry a'out -&eration Fosh every s&are *inute<and that 0as at genius s&y s$hool, 0here s&are *inutes aren't e2a$tly $o**on! I $an only i*agine the *isery o) a girl going to a nor*al s$hool, sin$e she &ro'a'ly isn't going to s&end her #aturday nights hel&ing her 'est )riend $ra$k the $odes that &rote$t J!#! s&y satellites! ?Li9 even s&lit the e2tra $redit she earned )ro* 8r! 8os$ko0it9 0ith *e<the $ash &ri9e o))ered 'y the .#A, she ke&t!A ;e 0ere in the $lassi$ holding &attern, gathering in)o, 'uilding his &ro)ile and *y legend, 'iding our ti*e until 0e had 0hat 0e needed to go in! T0o 0eeks o) this! T;- ;//K#@ ?Fust in $ase you *issed it 'e)ore!A Then, as 0ith all good $overt o&eratives, 0e $aught a 'reak!

Tuesday, -$to'er 1! #u':e$t re$eived an e3*ail )ro* 4illon, s$reen na*e D4'8an,D asking i) The #u':e$t 0ould like a ride ho*e )ro* &lay &ra$ti$e! The #u':e$t res&onded 'y saying that he 0ould 'e 0alking ho*e<that he needs to return so*e videos at DAF'sD ?lo$al esta'lish*ent lo$ated on to0n sCuare that s&e$iali9es in *ovie and video ga*e rentalsA!

I looked at the e3*ail as Be2 slid it onto the 'reak)ast ta'le in )ront o) *e! DTonight,D she 0his&ered! D;e're on!D

4uring Cove-&s $lass I honestly $ouldn't 0rite )ast enough! Foe #olo*on is a genius, I thought, 0ondering 0hy I'd never reali9ed it 'e)ore! DLearn your legends early! Learn the* 0ell,D he 0arned as he leaned over, gri&&ing the 'a$k o) the tea$her's $hair I'd never seen hi* sit in! DThe s&lit se$ond it takes you to re$all so*ething your $over identity 0ould kno0 is the s&lit se$ond in 0hi$h very 'ad &eo&le $an do very 'ad things!D 8y hand 0as shaking! ,en$il *arks 0ere going every0here on the &age<kind o) like the ti*e I &i$ked u& a &en$il to use in 4r! 1i's's $lass, only it turned out it 0asn't an ordinary &en$il, 'ut rather a &rototy&e )or a ne0 8orse $ode auto3 translator! ?.eedless to say, I still haven't )ully re$overed )ro* the guilt o) shar&ening it!A D8ost o) all, re*e*'er that going into dee& $over does not *ean a&&roa$hing su':e$ts!D 8r! #olo*on eyed us! DIt *eans &utting yoursel) in a &osition 0here the su':e$t a&&roa$hes you!D

I don't kno0 a'out regular girls, 'ut 0hen you're a s&y, getting dressed to go out $an 'e so*ething o) a &rodu$tion! ?Can I :ust say thank goodness )or Bel$ro< seriously<no 0onder the Gallagher A$ade*y invented the stu))!A DI still think 0e should have &ut her hair u&,D Li9 said! DIt looks gla*orous!D DYeah,D 8a$ey s$o))ed, D'e$ause so *any girls go )or gla*our 0hen they hang out at the >oseville to0n sCuare!D #he had a &oint! ,ersonally, I didn't $are, 0hi$h 0as kind o) ironi$ sin$e it 0as *y hair and all, 'ut I had &lenty o) other things on *y *ind<not the least o) 0hi$h 0as the arsenal o) ite*s that Be2 0as s&reading out on the 'ed in )ront o) *e<not that I $ould really see all that 0ell, 'e$ause 8a$ey 0as doing *y *akeu& and she ke&t telling *e to Dlook u&D or Dlook do0nD or Dhold &er)e$tly still!D ;hen she 0asn't 'arking de*ands, she 0as saying things like, DTalk, 'ut not too *u$h! Laugh, 'ut not too loud!D And, *y &ersonal )avorite, DI) he's shorter than you, slou$h!D Then Be2 took over! DLet's talk &o$ket litter!D ?.ot a senten$e you hear every day unless you'reE0ellE us!A DYou're not si2teen, so I4s aren't a &ro'le*, 'ut 0e still have to su&&ort your $over identity!D #he turned and 'egan s$anning the ite*s on the 'ed! DTake this,D she said, tossing a &a$k o) gu* in *y dire$tion! It 0as the sa*e 'rand 0e'd &ulled )ro* Fosh's gar'age! DTo dis&lay $o**on likes and hel& 0ith the 0hole 'reath thing!D Be2 s$anned the 'ed again! D;hat did 0e say, hand'ag or no hand'agGD she asked, turning 'a$k to the grou&! D#he should de)initely $arry a &urse,D 8a$ey said, and Be2 agreed! I $ouldn't 'elieve it@ 8a$ey and Be2 0ere 'ondingEover a$$essories@ ;ould 0onders never $easeG Be2 &ulled a 'ag o)) the 'ed and o&ened it! D8ovie ti$ket stu'<i) he asks you ho0 you liked it, :ust say you did, 'ut you didn't 'uy the ending!D #he dro&&ed the tiny s$ra& o) &a&er into the 'ag and &i$ked u& another ite*! DBino$uglasses! You shouldn't need the* tonight, o) $ourse, 'ut it 0on't hurt to have the*!D #he dro&&ed yet another ite* inside our &a$k o) lies then to&&ed everything o)) 0ith a ;hat ;ould Fesus 4oG ink &en, then sna&&ed the 'ag shut 0ith a very sel)3satis)ied s*irk! I had no idea 0ant to kno0! a'out all the through thisG ho0 Be2 had )ound all that stu)), and to tell you the truth, I didn't But as I looked at everything I 0as su&&osed to $arry and thought things I 0as su&&osed to kno0, I had to 0onderK 4o all girls go Is every girl on a date really in dee& $overG

DAnd, don't )orgetED I looked u& to see the silver $ross s0inging 'a$k and )orth on its $hain! DIt's 'roken,D I told Be2! DIt hasn't 0orked right sin$e the 0ater )ro* the tank shorted it out= and you still 0ouldn't have 'een a'le to &i$k u& the signal 'e$ause o) the :a**ers!D DCa**ie,D Be2 said, sighing! DCa**ie, Ca**ie, Ca**ieEthis is your legend!D The $ross ke&t s0inging! DThis is ho0 it's a$$essori9ed!D I kne0 she 0as right! As soon as I $rossed that )en$e, I had to sto& 'eing *e and start 'eing that other &erson<the ho*es$hooled girl 0ho 0ore that ne$kla$e and E

DYou have got to 'e kidding *e@D I sna&&ed, 'ut it 0as too late, Li9 had a&&eared in the door0ay, holding -ny2! And I thought this 'oy 'usiness 0as hard 'e)ore I had to ru' a $at all over *y 'ody to give the hair3$overed illusion o) a )eline3lover! All these years I'd thought 'eing a s&y 0as $hallenging! Turns out, 'eing a girl is the tri$ky &art!

They 0alked 0ith *e do0nstairs to the *ost re*ote o) the se$ret &assage0ays! D4id you $he$k your )lashlightGD Li9 asked, the 0ay Grand*a 8organ al0ays says D4o you have your ti$ketGD 0henever they take *e to the air&ort! It 0as s0eet! I 0ished they $ould go 0ith *e, 'ut that's so*ething every s&y learns early in the ga*e<it doesn't *atter ho0 skilled your tea* is, there 0ill $o*e a ti*e 0hen you have to go on alone! As 0e 0alked along, 8a$ey said, DI still don't understand ho0 you're going to get out and 'a$k in 0ithout getting $aught!D #he sounded genuinely $on)used, 'ut I 0asn't! #o*eday, I really ought to 0rite a 'ook a'out the *ansion! I $ould &ro'a'ly *ake a )ortune selling $o&ies to the ne0'ies, sharing tri$ks like ho0 you $an :iggle the door o) the :anitor's $loset in the 0est stair0ell, then slide do0n a &i&e all the 0ay to the 'utler's &antry! ?Ho0 you get 'a$k u& is u& to you!A Another good one is the 0ooden &anel on the landing o) the stone stair$ase in the old $ha&el! I) you &ress it three ti*es, it 0ill &o& o&en, and )ro* there, you have $eiling a$$ess to every roo* in the .orth Hall! ?I :ust 0ouldn't re$o**end this one i) you are in any 0ay a)raid o) s&iders!A DYou'll see, 8a$ey,D I told her as 0e turned to 0alk do0n a long stone $orridor to0ard the old ru'y3$olored ta&estry that hung alone on the $old stone 0all! I looked at the Gallagher )a*ily tree, and then at 8a$ey! #he didn't study the generations, didn't )ind her o0n na*e there or ask Cuestions= she :ust said, DYou look good,D and I nearly &assed out )ro* the sho$k o) su$h high &raise! I &ulled the ta&estry aside and started to sli& in, :ust as Be2 said, DKno$k 'e* dead@D I 0as already inside 0hen Li9 yelled a)ter *e, DBut not literally@D

Cha&ter 1ourteen

I don't kno0 ho0 I let the* talk *e into it! ;ell, I do, 'ut you'll never hear *e ad*it it out loud! #neaking outside the $a*&us grounds 0as one thing<that 0as *erely a *atter o) *e*ori9ing the s0ee&ing grids o) the $a*eras, kno0ing the 'lind s&ots o) the guards, and $ir$u*venting the *otion dete$tors along the south 0all! But 0earing shoes that *ade the sneaking in)initely *ore di))i$ult 0as so*ething I 0ill never 'e &roud o)! #ure, 8a$ey's 'la$k 'oots elongated *y legs and gave *e an

aura o) Charlie's Angels3ness, 'ut 'y the ti*e I 0as in &osition on a &ark 'en$h at the $orner o) the to0n sCuare, *y )eet 0ere sore, *y ankle 0as t0isted, and *y nerves 0ere shot! Lu$ky )or *e, I had so*e ti*e to $olle$t *ysel)! #o! 8u$h! Ti*e! Here's the thing you need to kno0 a'out surveillan$eK it's 'oring! #ure, so*eti*es 0e 'lo0 stu)) u& and :u*& o)) 'uildings andZor *oving trains, 'ut *ost o) the ti*e 0e :ust hang around 0aiting )or so*ething to ha&&en ?a )a$t that al*ost never *akes it into the *oviesA, so I *ight have )elt &retty silly i) I 0ere a nor*al girl and not a highly trained se$ret3agent3ty&e &erson as I sat on that &ark 'en$h, trying to a$t nor*al 0hen, 'y de)inition, I'* anything 'ut!

1OKNM hours ?that's )ive thirty3)ive &!*!AK The -&erative *oved into &osition! 1LK hoursK The -&erative 0as 0ishing she'd 'rought so*ething to eat 'e$ause she $ouldn't leave her &ost to go 'uy a $andy 'ar, *u$h less use the 'athroo*! 1LKN hoursK The -&erative reali9ed it's al*ost i*&ossi'le to look &retty andZor sedu$tive i) you #/>I-J#LY have to go &ee! 8y ho*e0ork )or that night $onsisted o) )i)ty &ages o) The Art o) ;ar, 0hi$h needed translating into Ara'i$, a $redit $ard<slash3)inger&rint *odi)ier that need &er)e$ting )or 4r! 1i's, and 8ada*e 4a'ney had 'een dro&&ing 'ig &o&3Cui9 hints at the end o) C%A! Yet, there I 0as, ru''ing *y s0elling ankle and thinking that I really should 'e getting Cove-&s e2tra $redit )or this! I looked at *y 0at$h againK seven )orty3)ive! -kay, I thought, I'll give hi* until eight and thenE DHi,D I heard )ro* 'ehind *e! -h, :ee93 -h, :ee9! I $ouldn't turn around! -h he$k, I had to turn around! DCa**ieGD he said again as i) it 0ere a Cuestion! I $ould have said hi 'a$k in )ourteen di))erent languages ?and that's not in$luding &ig LatinA! And yet I 0as s&ee$hless as he $a*e to stand in )ront o) *e! DJ* E -h E J* ED DFosh,D he said, &ointing to hi*sel) as i) he thought I'd )orgotten! Ho0 s0eet is thatG I kno0 I'* no 'oy e2&ert, 'ut I have heard entire le$tures on reading 'ody language, and I have to say that assu*ing that a &erson 0ill have )orgotten your na*e is 0ay high on *y Dindi$ators o) hu*'lenessD list ?not that I have one, 'ut I totally have a starting &oint no0A! DHi!D I said that in /nglish, didn't IG It 0asn't Ara'i$ or 1ren$hG -h, &lease, God in Heaven, don't let hi* think I'* an e2$hange student E or 0orse, a girl 0ho kno0s, like, three 0ords o) a )oreign language and goes around using the* all the ti*e :ust to &rove ho0 s*artZ$ulturedZgenerally 'etter than everyone else she is! DI sa0 you sitting over here,D he said! -kay, looks like 0e're good on the /nglish thing! DI haven't seen you around at all lately!D

D-h!D I shot u&right! DI 0as in 8ongolia!D .ote to sel)K learn to 'e a less e2tre*e liar! D;ith the ,ea$e Cor&s,D I said slo0ly! D8y &arents are 'ig into that! That's 0hen they started the ho*es$hooling thing,D I said, re*e*'ering *y legend, )eeling the *o*entu*! D;o0! That's so $ool,D he said! DIt isGD I asked, 0ondering i) he 0as serious! But he 0as s*iling, so I said, D-h, yeah! It is!D He slid onto the seat 'eside *e! D#o, have you lived, like, a lot o) &la$esGD I've traveled Cuite a 'it, 'ut I've a$tually only lived three &la$esK a .e'raska ran$h, a s$hool )or geniuses, and a 4!C! to0n house! Lu$kily, I'* an e2$ellent liar 0ith a very thorough legend! 1our years' 0orth o) C-; lessons s0a* in *y head, and I 0ent )or so*e o) the highlights! DThailand's really 'eauti)ul!D D;o0!D Then I re*e*'ered 8a$ey's don't 'e $ooler than he is advi$e! DIt 0as long ti*e ago,D I said! DIt 0asn't a 'ig thing!D DBut you live here no0GD The #u':e$t likes to state the o'vious, 0hi$h *ay signi)y a de)e$t in o'servation skills andZor short3ter* *e*oryG

DYeah!D I nodded! And then things got Cuiet<&ain)ully Cuiet! DI'* 0aiting on *y *o*,D I 'lurted, )inally re*e*'ering *y $over story! D#he takes a $lass at night E at the li'rary!D I gestured to the red 'ri$k 'uilding a$ross the sCuare! DAnd I like to $o*e into to0n 0ith her 'e$ause I don't get out *u$h, thanks to *y nontraditional edu$ation!D The #u':e$t has really 'lue eyes that t0inkle 0hen he looks at so*eone like she's *ay'e a little 'it insane!

A)ter a long stret$h o) really a0k0ard silen$e, he stood u& and said, DI gotta go!D I 0anted to 'eg hi* not to leave, 'ut even I kne0 that *ight $o*e o)) as a tad 'it des&erate! He ste&&ed a0ay, and I didn't kno0 ho0 to sto& hi* ?0ell, I did, 'ut several o) the *oves I had in *ind are really only legal during ti*es o) 0arA! DHey,D he said, D0hat's your last na*eGD D#olo*on,D I 'lurted! /0@ A large &ortion o) *y )uture govern*ent salary 0ill so*eday 'e s&ent trying to understand 0hy I $hose that na*e at this *o*ent, 'ut it 0as out there and I $ouldn't take it 'a$k! DAre you, like, in the 'ookGD

The 'ookG ;hat 'ookG He laughed and ste&&ed $loser! DCan I $all youGD he asked, reading the $on)usion on *y )a$e! Fosh 0as asking i) he $ould $all *e@ He 0anted *y &hone nu*'er@ ;hat it *eant<truly and irrevo$a'ly *eant<I didn't kno0! But I )elt very sa)e in ruling out the &ossi'ility that he thought I 0as Dno'ody!D #till, that didn't $hange the )a$t that the last &hone I used dou'les as a stun gun ?so )or o'vious reasons I &ro'a'ly shouldn't give hi* the nu*'er o) that oneA! I said, D.o!D But then the *ost a*a9ing thing ha&&enedK Fosh looked totally sad@ It 0as as i) I'd run over his &u&&y ?though no a$tual &u&&ies 0ere har*ed in the )or*ation o) that *eta&horA! I 0as sho$ked! I 0as a*a9ed! I 0as drunk on &o0er@ D.o@D I said again! D.ot, 'no you $an't $all *e!' I *eant, 'no, you $an't $all *e!'D Then, seeing his $on)usion, I added, DThere are stri$t rules at *y house!D .ot a lie! He nodded, )aking understanding, then asked, D;hat a'out e3*ailGD I shook *y head! DI see!D DI'll 'e 'a$k here to*orro0,D I 'lurted, sto&&ing hi* in his tra$ks! D8y *o*, she has $lass again! I'llED D-kay!D He nodded, then turned to go! D8ay'e I'll see you around!D

D;hat the he$k is that su&&osed to *eanGD I yelled at 8a$ey, though )ault! I *ean, i) a 'oy gets all gooey and disa&&ointed 'e$ause you your &hone nu*'er and then you tell hi* you 0ill 'e at a designated designated ti*e<therein eli*inating the need )or a &hone nu*'er<and he'll see you thereG That's $ause to yell<isn't itG

it 0asn't her 0on't give hi* &la$e at a he says D*ay'eD

D8ay'eGD I yelled again, 0hi$h *ight have 'een overkill sin$e I'd had the 0hole 0alk 'a$k to s$hool to si**er in his 0ords, and *y roo**ates 0ere hearing the* )or the )irst ti*e! Li9 0as 0earing the sa*e e2&ression she gets 0henever 4r! 1i's tells us 0e'll 'e needing our gas *asks )or $lass< eCual &arts )ear and eu&horia! 8a$ey 0as doing her nails, and Be2 0as doing yoga in the $orner o) the roo*! 8ost &eo&le are su&&osed to get $al*er 0ith dee& 'reathing and inner re)le$tion<not Be2! DI $ould take hi* out,D she o))ered, and i) she hadn't 'een t0isted u& like a &ret9el at the ti*e, I *ight have 0orried *ore a'out it! A)ter all, she kne0 0here he lived! D;ellED Li9 sta**ered! DI su&&osed you'll :ust have to go, and then i) he sho0s, it *eans he likes you!D D;rong,D 8a$ey said, *aking a 'u99er sound as she )li&&ed through a te2t'ook! DI)

he $o*es, it *eans he's $urious<or 'ored<'ut &ro'a'ly $urious!D DBut 0hen 0ill 0e kno0 i) he likes herGD Li9 &leaded! 8a$ey rolled her 'ig, 'lue, 'eauti)ul eyes! DThat's not the Cuestion,D she said, as i) it 0ere the *ost o'vious thing in the 0orld! DThe Cuestion is<ho0 *u$hGD Is there no end to the things 0e have to learnG

Cha&ter 1i)teen

#&y training isn't so*ething you $an turn o)) and on! ;e eat, slee&, and 'reathe this stu))! It has 'e$o*e as *u$h a &art o) *y 4.A as la$kluster hair and a 0eakness )or &eanut 8%8's! I kno0 that &ro'a'ly goes 0ithout saying, 'ut 'e)ore I tell you 0hat $a*e ne2t, I thought I'd 'etter &oint it out! A)ter all, i*agine i) you 0ere a )i)teen3year3old girl standing alone on a deserted street on a dark night, &re&aring )or a $landestine *eeting, 0hen, all o) a sudden you $an't see anything 'e$ause a &air o) hands are $overing your eyes! -ne se$ond you're standing there, 'eing grate)ul that you'd re*e*'ered to &a$k a $andy 'ar, and thenE,-;Eeverything goes 'la$k! ;ell, that's 0hat ha&&ened! But did I &ani$G .o 0ay! I did 0hat I 0as trained to do <I gra''ed the o))ending ar*, shi)ted *y 0eight, and used the )or$e o) *y 0ould3'e atta$ker's *o*entu* against hi*! It 0as )ast! >eally )ast! #$ary, these3hands3are3lethal' 0ea&ons )ast! I a* so good, I thought, right u& until the &oint 0hen I looked do0n and sa0 Fosh lying at *y )eet, the 0ind kno$ked out o) hi*! D-h *y gosh@ I'* so sorry@D I $ried and rea$hed do0n )or hi*! DI'* so sorry! Are you all rightG ,lease 'e all right!D DCa**ieGD he $roaked! His voi$e sounded so 0eak, and I thought, This is it! I've killed the only *an I $ould ever love, and no0 I'* a'out to hear his death'ed ?deathstreetGA $on)ession! I leaned $lose to hi*! 8y hair )ell into his o&en *outh! He gagged! #o E yeah E on *y )irst &suedo3date, I not only &hysi$ally assaulted *y &otential soul *ate, I also *ade hi* gag<literally! I &ushed *y hair 'ehind *y ear and $rou$hed 'eside hi*! ?In$identally, i) you ever 0ant to )eel a 'oy's a's, this is a &retty good te$hniCue<'e$ause it see*ed &er)e$tly natural )or *e to &ut *y hands on his sto*a$h and $hest!A D-oh! ;hat is itGD D4o so*ething )or *eGD DAnything@D I $rou$hed lo0er, not 0anting to *iss a single, &re$ious 0ord! D,lease don't ever tell any o) *y )riends a'out this!D

He s*iled, and relie) )looded *y 'ody! He thinks I'll *eet his )riends@ I thought<then 0ondered, ;hat does that *eanG The #u':e$t de*onstrates a*a9ing &hysi$al )ortitude, as 0as e2hi'ited 'y his a'ility to re$over Cui$kly a)ter a very hard )all onto as&halt! The #u':e$t is also sur&risingly heavy!

I hel&ed Fosh get u& and 'rush hi*sel) o))! D;o0@D he said! D;here did you learn to do thatGD I shrugged, trying to guess ho0 Ca**ie the ho*es$hooled girl 0ho had a $at na*ed #u9ie 0ould re&ly! D8y *o* says a girl needs to kno0 ho0 to take $are o) hersel)!D .ot a lie! He ru''ed the 'a$k o) his head! DI )eel sorry )or your dad!D Bullets $ouldn't have hit *e any harder! But then I reali9ed that he 0asn't taking it 'a$k, slinking a0ay, trying to &ull his )oot out o) his *outh! He :ust looked at *e and s*iled! 1or the )irst ti*e in a long ti*e, 0hen thinking a'out *y )ather, I )elt like s*iling, too! DHe says he's &retty tough, 'ut I think she $ould take hi*!D DLike *other like daughter, huhGD He had no idea 0hat an a*a9ing $o*&li*ent he'd :ust given *e<and the thing 0asK he'd never kno0! DCan youElikeED He 0as gesturing to the to0n around us! DE0alk around or so*ethingGD D#ure!D ;e set o)) do0n the street! 1or a girl 0ho has 'een des$ri'ed as a &ave*ent artist, I 0as a little sur&rised at ho0 hard it is to 0alk 0hen you're a$tually trying to 'e seen! A)ter a )e0 *inutes o) listening to our )eet on the street, I reali9ed so*ething! Talking! #houldn't there 'e talkingG I sear$hed *y *ind )or so*ething<anything<to say, 'ut ke&t $o*ing u& 0ith things like D#o, ho0 ''out those ne0 satellite3 $ontrolled detonators 0ith the t0elve3*ile rangeGD -r, DHave you read the ne0 translation o) Art o) ;arG Be$ause I &re)er it in the original diale$t! ED I hal) 0ished he'd $harge at *e again or dra0 a kni)e or start s&eaking in Fa&anese or so*ething E 'ut he didn't, and so I didn't kno0 0hat to do! He 0alked! #o I 0alked! He s*iled, so I s*iled 'a$k! He turned a $orner ?0ithout using the #tre*'esky te$hniCue o) dete$ting a tail, 0hi$h 0as really slo&&y o) hi*A, and I )ollo0ed! ;e turned another $orner, and I kne0 )ro* *y 4river's /d re$on that there 0as a &layground u& ahead! DI 'roke *y ar* there,D he said, &ointing to the *onkey 'ars! Then he 'lushed! DIt 0as a real ru*'le<'odies every0here<you should have seen the other guy!D I s*iled! D-h, sounds 0ild!D

DAs 0ild as anything in >oseville ever gets!D He laughed, and then ki$ked a stone 0ith the toe o) his shoe! It skidded a$ross the va$ant street and into an e*&ty gutter! D8y *o* totally )reaked out! #he 0as s$rea*ing and trying to drag *e into the $ar!D He $hu$kled, then ran a hand through his 0avy hair! D#he's a little high *aintenan$e!D DYeah,D I said, s*iling! DI kno0 the ty&e!D D.o,D he said! DYour *o* *ust 'e $ool! I *ean, I $an't i*agine getting to see the &la$es you've seen! All *y *o* does is $ook all the ti*e, you kno0G Like one kind o) &ie isn't enough! .o! #he's got to have three di))erent kinds, and ED His voi$e trailed o)) as he looked at *e! DI 'et your *o* doesn't do that!D D-h, yes she does@D I said Cui$kly! D#he's really 'ig on all that stu))!D DYou *ean, I'* not the only kid 0ho has to sit through eight3$ourse dinnersGD D-h, are you kiddingGD I said! D;e do that all the ti*e@D ?I) eight $ourses $ould 'e de)ined as )ive 4iet Cokes and three T0inkles!A D>eallyG I thought that 0ith the ,ea$e Cor&s andED D-h, no, are you kiddingG They're 'ig on )a*ily ti*e andD<I thought 'a$k to the huge sta$k o) ,ottery Barn $atalogs<Dde$orating!D DYes@D he said! DI kno0! You kno0 ho0 they de$ide, overnight, that you need ne0 $urtains in your 'edroo*ELike &lain $urtains aren't really getting it done, and no0 you need stri&ed $urtainsGD ,lain $urtainsG #tri&ed $urtainsG ;hat kind o) so$iety had I stu*'led intoG I should 'e getting C-; e2tra $redit )or this@ ;e 0alked )arther, do0n a 0inding street 0ith *ani$ured la0ns and &er)e$t )lo0er 'eds that $ouldn't &ossi'ly have 'een *ere *iles )ro* the Gallagher 0alls! I 0as getting an insider's tour 'ehind the &i$ket )en$e! I 0as going 0here no Gallagher Girl ?0ell, at least this Gallagher GirlA had ever gone 'e)ore<into a nor*al A*eri$an )a*ily! DThis is ni$e! It's a ni$eEnight!D And it 0as! The air 0as $hilly 'ut not $old, and only a light dusting o) $louds 'le0 a$ross the starry sky! D#o 0hat 0as it likeGD he &ried! ;hat 0as 0hat likeG D8ongoliaG ThailandG It *ust 'e like ED DAnother 0orld,D I said! And it 0as true<I 0as )ro* another 0orld<:ust one that 0as sur&risingly near his o0n! Then he did the $oolest thing! ;e 0ere sto&&ed under this streetlight, and he said, DHold it! You've got a ED And then he rea$hed u& and 'rushed *y $heek 0ith his )inger! D/yelash!D He held it out in )ront o) *e! D8ake a 0ish!D But right then, there 0as nothing else I 0anted! I don't kno0 ho0 long 0e 0andered the streets o) >oseville, 'e$ause, )or the )irst ti*e in years, I lost tra$k o) ti*e! DBut I guess you don't have $ra9y tea$hers,D he said, teasing a)ter he'd )inished a story a'out his &sy$ho tra$k $oa$h! D-h, you'd 'e sur&rised!D

DTell *e so*ething a'out you,D Fosh 0as &ro*&ting *e! DI've told you all a'out *y $ra9y 8artha #te0art30anna'e *o* and *y hy&er kid sister and *y dad!D DLike 0hatGD I asked, )reaking out, as 0as &ro'a'ly evident 'y the *ind3nu*'ing silen$e! DAnything! ;hat's your )avorite $olorG Your )avorite 'andGD He &ointed at *e as he :u*&ed o)) the $ur' and turned in the street! D;hat's your )avorite thing to eat 0hen you're si$kGD Ho0 great a Cuestion is thatG I *ean, *y 0hole li)e I've 'een ans0ering Cuestions< hard ones, too<'ut that one see*ed es&e$ially telling! D;a))les,D I said, suddenly a*a9ed 0hen I reali9ed it 0as true! D8e too@D Fosh said! DThey're so *u$h 'etter than &an$akes, 0hi$h *y *o* says is $ra9y 'e$ause it's the sa*e 'atter, 'ut I tell her that it's a<D DTe2ture thing,D 0e said at the e2a$t sa*e ti*e! -H 8Y G-#H@ He gets the &an$akes versus 0a))les thing@ He gets it@ He 0as s*iling! I 0as *elting! D;hen's your 'irthdayGD He shot the Cuestion at *e like a dart! DJ*ED The se$ond it takes )or you to re$all so*ething your $over should kno0, is the se$ond it takes )or 'ad &eo&le to do 'ad things! D.ove*'er nineteenth,D I 'lurted )or no a&&arent reason= the date :ust landed in *y head like a stone! D;hat's your )avorite i$e $rea*GD D8int $ho$olate $ookie,D I said, re*e*'ering that 0as 0hat 0e'd )ound in his gar'age! His )a$e lit u&! D8e too@D 1an$y that! D4o you have 'rothers and sistersGD D#isters,D I re&lied instin$tively! DI have sisters!D D;hat does your dad doG ;hen he isn't o)) saving the 0orldGD DHe's an engineer! He's 0onder)ul!D I didn't even &ause 'e)ore I said it! The 0ords 0ere out, and I didn't 0ant to shove the* 'a$k in! -) all the lies I'd told that night, that 0as the only one I kne0 I 0ouldn't have to try to re*e*'er! 8y dad's stri$t, 'ut he loves *e! He takes $are o) *e and *y *o*! ;hen I get ho*e<he'll 'e there! And he did save the 0orld<a lot! I looked at Fosh, 0ho didn't dou't *e! And I kne0 that right then, right there, that in a 0ay, all o) it 0as true! I kne0 that )ro* that &oint on, the legend 0ould live! DIt's not a )a*ily 'usiness, though! >ightGD Fosh asked! I shook *y head, kno0ing it 0as a lie!

DGood,D Fosh said! DBe glad you don't have so*eone 'reathing do0n your ne$k to )ollo0 in your old *an's shoes!D He ki$ked a stone! D;hat's that they $all it<you kno0, in the Bi'le<a'out ho0 0e $an do 0hatever 0e 0antGD D1ree 0ill,D I said! DYeah!D Fosh nodded! DBe glad you've got )ree 0ill!D D;hyG ;hat do you haveGD ;e'd rea$hed a $orner o) the sCuare I'd never &aid *u$h attention to 'e)ore! Fosh &ointed to the sign a'ove a ro0 o) dark 0indo0s<AB>A8# A.4 #-. ,HA>8ACY, 1A8ILY -;./4 #I.C/ 1"NL! And then I kne0 0hy 0e do )ield0ork! -) $ourse I kne0 that Fosh's dad 0as the to0n &har*a$ist! But $o*&uter )iles and ta2 re$ords hadn't told us ho0 Fosh 0ould rea$t to that &la$e! They hadn't &re&ared *e )or the look in his eye 0hen he said, DI don't really like running tra$k! I :ustE It kee&s *e a0ay )ro* here a)ter s$hool!D #o*ething in the 0ay he said it told *e that it 0as so*ething he hadn't told anyone else, 'ut I 0as no one his )riends kne0! I 0as no one 0ho'd let it sli& to his &arents! I 0as no one! DI guess there's so*e &ressure to )ollo0 in *y dad's )ootste&s, too,D I ad*itted! D>eallyGD I nodded, una'le to say any *ore, 'e$ause the truth 0as, I didn't kno0 0here those )ootste&s led! I didn't have that kind o) $learan$e! The $lo$k in the to0er over the li'rary $hi*ed ten, and I kne0 it *ay as 0ell have 'een *idnight, and I *ay as 0ell have 'een Cinderella! DI've got to ED I *otioned to0ard the li'rary ?and, )ar 'eyond it, the to0ering 0alls o) *y ho*eA! DI $an't getEI've gotEI'* sorry!D D;ait!D He gra''ed *y ar* ?'ut in a ni$e 0ayA! DYou've got a se$ret identity, don't youGD He grinned! DCo*e on! You $an tell *e! You're ;onder ;o*an's illegiti*ate daughterG >eally, it's okay! I a* )ine 0ith it<:ust as long as your )ather isn't ACua*an, 'e$ause, to tell you the truth, I al0ays got a really su&erior vi'e o)) o) hi*!D DThis is serious,D I said through *y laughter! DI've got to go!D DBut 0ho's going to *ake sure I get ho*e sa)elyG These are dark and dangerous streets!D A$ross the sCuare, a grou& o) older 0o*en 0as leaving the *ovie theater! D#ee, I'* not sa)e out here 'y *ysel)!D D-h, I think you'll survive!D D;ill I see you to*orro0GD Gone 0as the silly tone, the )lirting $aden$e! I) he hadn't 'een holding *e I *ight have )ainted<seriously! It 0as :ust that s0eet and strong and se2y! Yes, *y heart $ried, 'ut *y 'rain s&oke o) a 'io$he*istry *idter*, seven $ha&ters o) C-; reading, and t0o 0eeks' 0orth o) la' re&orts )or 4r! 1i's! #o*eti*es I really hate *y 'rain!

But *ost o) all, I heard 8r! #olo*on's voi$e, and it 0as telling *e that a good s&y al0ays varies her routines! The &eo&le at the Gallagher A$ade*y *ight not noti$e one stray girl t0o nights in a ro0<'ut three 0ould 'e &ushing *y lu$k, and I kne0 it! DI'* sorry!D I &ulled a0ay )ro* hi*! DI never kno0 0hen *y *o* has $lasses or 0hen I'll get to $o*e! ;e live out in the $ountry, and I $an't drive yet, so E I'* sorry!D D;ill I :ust see you around, thenG You kno0, )or sel)3de)ense ti&s and stu))GD DI ED I stu*'led, kno0ing I'd )inally *ade it to the edge o) the $li)), and I had to de$ide i) it 0as 0orth the )all! I attend the 'est s$hool in the $ountry! I $an s&eak )ourteen languages, 'ut I $an't talk to this 'oyG ;hat good is a genius IRG ;hy 'other tea$hing us the things 0e kno0G ;hat's the use in E And then I sa0 it! I turned to Fosh! D4o you like s&y *oviesGD He looked at *e, then *uttered, DJ*Esure!D D;ellED I in$hed $loser to the ga9e'o, 0hi$h 0as very A*eri$ana! Bery #ound o) 8usi$! Bery Gil*ore Girls! But the really i*&ortant thing a'out the >oseville ga9e'o 0asn't that it had a0eso*e t0inkle lights! .o, it 0as 'etter<it 0as the loose stone :utting out )ro* its 'ase! ?1YI, )or the *ost &art, s&ies love loose stones!A DI sa0 this *ovie,D I said, &a$ing *ysel)! DIt 0as an old *ovie E in 'la$k3and3 0hiteEand this girl 0anted to $o**uni$ate 0ith this 'oy, 'ut they $ouldn't, 'e$ause it 0as too dangerous!D D;hyG Be$ause he 0as a s&yGD HeG #o*eti*es the se2is* in this $ountry a*a9es *e, 'ut then I re*e*'ered that so$iety's tenden$y to underesti*ate 0o*en is a Gallagher Girl's greatest 0ea&on, and I $onsoled *ysel) 'y re*e*'ering ho0 it had taken less than t0o se$onds )or *e to level Fosh )lat and hard onto the &ave*ent! DYes,D I said! DHe 0as a s&y!D DCool!D He nodded! DYou $an leave *e notes in there!D I re*oved the stone, revealing the s*all hole in the *ortar! DAnd :ust re&la$e the stone 'a$k0ard, so I'll kno0 there's a note!D I slid the stone in so that the &ainted )a$e 0as on the inside! The e))e$t 0as o) one gray &ie$e o) slate in a sno03$olored )ield! DAnd 0hen I leave a note, I'll turn it around the other 0ay! #eeGD I said, )eeling &erha&s a little too &roud o) *ysel)! D;e used to do this all the ti*e E in 8ongolia!D 4oesn't she kno0 there's su$h a thing as e3*ailG I i*agined hi* 0ondering! Instant 8essengerG Cell &honesG /ven tin $ans tied together 0ith string &ro'a'ly see*ed high3te$h $o*&ared to 0hat I 0as &ro&osing! He either thought I 0as $ra9y or )ro* so*e really 'i9arre e2&eri*ent 0here they )ree9e &eo&le )or de$ades, even though I kno0 )or a )a$t that te$hnology isn't to a &rototy&e &hase yet!

He looked at *e like I 0as $ra9y, so I said, DYou're right! It's stu&id!D I turned! DI've got to go! It 0as ED DCa**ie!D The 0ord sto&&ed *e! DYou're not a nor*al girl, are youGD -kay, so *ay'e Fosh 0as &retty s*art, too!

Cha&ter #i2teen

#u**ary o) Co**uni$ation -n -$to'er 1L, during a routine 4river's /d assign*ent, The -&eratives noti$ed that the D)ill signD 0as *arked ?in other 0ords, the stone 0as turnedA at the designated dead letter dro&, so Agent 8organ )aked a sto*a$ha$he 0hen everyone else 0as engaged in a Gil*ore Girls *arathon and 0ent to retrieve the )ollo0ingK


so i) your dad's not ACua*an, is he The 1lashG

TranslationK ,lease think I'* )unny, 'e$ause *y sel)3estee* is )airly lo0, and hu*or *ay 'e all I have going )or *e! ?Translation done 'y 8a$ey 8$Henry!A

A)ter a 'rie) re&ly )ro* The -&erative, The #u':e$t 0rote 'a$k the )ollo0ing 0eekK Today *y sho& tea$her gave *e detention )or not &ro&erly sanding a 'irdhouse! Then *y dad told *e I should start hel&ing hi* at the &har*a$y t0o nights a 0eek! ;hen I got ho*e, I )ound out that *y *o* *ade 1L di))erent kinds o) 'anana 'read, and I had to taste3test ea$h one! It 0as torture! Ho0 0as your dayG

TranslationK I )eel very $o*)orta'le sharing things 0ith you 'e$ause you are se&arate )ro* *y ordinary, *undane li)e! Leaving these notes and having $landestine *eetings is e2$iting! Having a relationshi& 0ith you is ne0 and uniCue, and I'* en:oying it! ?Translation done 'y 8a$ey 8$Henry, 0ith assistan$e )ro* /li9a'eth #utton!A

The -&eratives took this *essage as a &ositive sign and )ully e2&e$ted The #u':e$t to $ontinue $o**uni$ation! A level o) trust see*ed to 'e 'uilding, and The -&eratives )elt as i) The #u':e$t *ay soon 'e ready to 'e $alled on to a$t! The #u':e$t 0as *aking e2$ellent &rogress!

Then they re$eived the )ollo0ingK

This is $ra9y! You kno0 that rightG

TranslationK ;hile I en:oy the te*&orary release )ro* nor*al$y this relationshi& &rovides, I $an see that it is i*&ra$ti$al in the long run! Ho0ever, I a* 0illing to see 0here it goes! ?Translation done 'y 8a$ey 8$Henry!A

1ollo0ing this $o**uni$ation, The -&eratives kne0 that it 0as i*&ortant to &ro$eed slo0ly in order to 'ring The #u':e$t along at a *anagea'le &a$e! They agreed that any *ention o) dates, *aking out, and any sort o) )or*al events should 'e &ost&oned inde)initely! Another 0eek &assed 'e)ore The -&eratives re$eived their *ost signi)i$ant &ie$e o) $o**uni$ation to dateK

Is there, any $han$e you $an $o*e to the *ovies this 1ridayG I kno0 you *ay not 'e a'le to, 'ut I'll 'e here ?at our &la$eA at seven i) you $an!

TranslationK ;/'>/ I.@@ ?Translation done 'y Ca*eron 8organ and veri)ied 'y 8a$ey 8$Henry!A

;e had a &la$e@ ;e had a date<to the *ovies@ 8y eu&horia lasted )ro* the ti*e I &i$ked u& the note and all the 0ay through our $usto*ary de'rie) u& in the suite! By the ne2t *orning, ho0ever, I 0asn't thinking like a girl<I 0as thinking like a s&y! ;hat i) *ovies 0ere the )avorite &asti*e o) the guys in the Gallagher 8aintenan$e 4e&art*entG -r, 0hat i) the *ovie 0as gross and I got nauseous and &uked 8ilk 4uds every0hereG 8ILK 4J4#@ ;hat i) I got $ara*el in *y teeth and had to go digging around in a *olar or so*ething to get it outG There is si*&ly no attra$tive 0ay o) doing that@ ;hat 0as I going to do<only eat &o&$ornG But then the sa*e thing $ould ha&&en 0ith the little kernel &ie$es@ -h *y gosh@ I had an -rgani$ Che*istry test and a Conversational #0ahili e2a*, 'ut 'oth o) those things see*ed like $hild's &lay $o*&ared to the dile**a at hand< right u& until 8a$ey :oined us at our lun$h ta'le and said, DFunior 8ints!D Funior 8ints<o) $ourse@ 8inty $ho$olate )un 0ith none o) the dangerous side e))e$ts! I take 'a$k everything I ever said a'out her ever in *y li)e! 8AC/Y 8$H/.>Y I# A G/.IJ#@ Li9 0as looking at the note, $o*&aring it against the others she'd already run through the la' to see i) the $he*i$al $o*&osition o) the &a&er or the ink $ould tell us anything! ?It did<he sho&s at ;al38art!A D.oti$e ho0 he tilts the 8 in *ovie,D Li9 said, holding the note to0ard us! DI

think I re*e*'er reading that this sho0s a tenden$y toED But a tenden$y to 0hat, 0e'd never )ind out, 'e$ause :ust then the so&ho*ore lun$h ta'les 0ent Cuiet in a 0ay that $ould only *ean one thing! DHello, ladies,D Foe #olo*on said, 'ut not 'e)ore I snat$hed the &ie$e o) &a&er and $ra**ed it in *y *outh, 0hi$h ordinarily 0ould have 'een really great s&y *aneuvering e2$e&t that Fosh doesn't use /va&o&a&er! DHo0's the lasagnaGD 8r! #olo*on asked, and I started to say so*ething 'e)ore I re*e*'ered that *y *outh 0asE0ellE other0ise engaged! DThe Gallagher A$ade*y $areer )air is this 1riday evening,D 8r! #olo*on said! 8y roo**ates and I all looked at ea$h other<the e2a$t sa*e thing $rossing our *inds< this 1riday evening@ DHere's a list o) agen$ies and )ir*s that 0ill 'e re&resented!D He tossed a sta$k o) )lyers onto the long ta'le! DGreat $han$e to see 0hat's out there<es&e$ially )or those o) you 0ho 0on't 'e :oining *e in #u'level T0o!D -kay, I ad*it it! That &art *ade *e s0allo0 a little &a&er! A)ter 8r! #olo*on le)t, I s&at out 0hat 0as le)t o) Fosh's note ?0hi$h lu$kily in$luded all o) the 0ritingA and stared at it and the shiny )lyer, 0hi$h announ$ed a $han$e )or *e to $hart the $ourse o) the rest o) *y li)e! I 0asn't hungry any*ore!

Career day at s&y s$hool is &ro'a'ly like $areer days at regular s$hools e2$e&tE 0ell E 0e &ro'a'ly have a lot *ore guests 0ho arrive 'y ra&&eling out o) 'la$k heli$o&ters! ?The guys )ro* Al$ohol To'a$$o and 1irear*s have al0ays 'een kinda sho03o))y!A The hall0ays 0ere )ull o) )olding ta'les and $heesy 'anners, ?go ALL TH/ ;AY ;ITH TH/ .#A<0ho thinks o) this stu))GA /very $lassroo* had a s$out &er$hed at a 'a$k ta'le, 0at$hing in a*a9e*ent as 0e 0ent through our routines! /ven ,%/ 0as $ra0ling 0ith s&ies<literally<as 0e s&read out in the 'arn and sho0ed o)) our overall lethal3ness )or the re$ruiters! D4on't take *y head o))@D Li9 $ried! I 0asn't sure i) she 0as talking a'out the roundhouse ki$k that had :ust &assed in$hes )ro* her nose or the )a$t that Be2 0as re)using to $onsider &ost&oning *y 'ig date! In any $ase, I 0as )airly $ertain 0e &ro'a'ly shouldn't 'e having that $onversation in a haylo)t )ull o) $urrent and )uture govern*ent agents! Light $as$aded through the skylights! Barn s0allo0s nested in the ra)ters u& a'ove! And ten )eet a0ay, Tina ;alters 0as sho0ing an agent )ro* the 1BI ho0 0e'd learned to kill a *an 0ith a &ie$e o) un$ooked s&aghetti! DGuys@D I sna&&ed! A 0histle 'le0, telling us it 0as ti*e to shi)t &ositions, so Be2 $a*e to stand 'ehind *e! As she 0ra&&ed her ar*s around *y ne$k, she 0his&ered in *y ear, DCro0ded $orridors! Tons o) &eo&le! .o one 0ill *iss you<not The Cha*eleon!D I )li&&ed her over *y 'a$k and glared at her as she lay s&ra0led on the *at 'eneath

*e! DI think you have to $an$el,D Li9 said as she $harged at *e! I slid aside and dro&&ed her neatly to the *at ne2t to Be2! #he &ushed u& on her el'o0s and 0his&ered, DThis is an o&&ortunity )or the Gallagher Girls o) today to de$ide ho0 they 0ill 'e$o*e the Gallagher ;o*en o) to*orro0!D ?-r so 0e'd read on the )lyer!A I 0as :ust starting to )eel in $ontrol o) the situation, 0hen Be2's leg s0ung s0i)tly around, $at$hing *e o)) guard, dro&&ing *e to the to& o) the &ile! DYeah, like Ca**ie doesn't kno0 0hat she's going to 'e 0hen she gro0s u&!D Be)ore I $ould re&ly, 0e sa0 a *an 0alking to0ard us, so 0e s$ra*'led to our )eet! He 0asn't tall or short= he 0asn't handso*e or ugly! He 0as the kind o) &erson you $ould see a do9en ti*es and never Cuite re*e*'er, and 0ith :ust one glan$e I kne0 he 0as a &ave*ent artist<I kne0 he 0as like *e! DBery ni$e,D the *an said! There 0as no telling ho0 long he'd 'een in that $ro0ded lo)t, 0at$hing! DYou girls are so&ho*ores, is that rightGD There 0as an e2tra 'oun$e in Be2's ste& as she in$hed to0ard hi*! DYes, sir,D she said, her voi$e )ull o) s0agger! DAnd you're all studying Covert -&erationsGD he asked 0ith a side0ays glan$e at Li9, 0ho had so*eho0 gotten her hair tangled in the la$es o) *y shoe! DFust )or this se*ester,D Li9 said, sounding totally relieved! D.e2t se*ester 0e $an s&e$iali9e i) 0e 0ant to,D Be2 $lari)ied! DBut a lot o) us $ontinue training )or )ield0ork!D I'* &retty sure she 0as getting ready to sli& into the $onversation ho0 she got to 'e lookout )or her dad on$e 0hile he took out an ar*s dealer at an outdoor *arket in Cairo, 'ut the *an didn't give her a $han$e! D;ell,D he said! DI'll let you get 'a$k to your &ra$ti$e!D He &la$ed his hands in his &o$kets and s*iled! ;hen he turned to 0alk a0ay, I didn't think he'd seen *e at all, until he glan$ed in *y dire$tion and nodded! D8s! 8organ!D I) he'd had a hat he 0ould have ti&&ed it! -n the other side o) the roo*, 8s! Han$o$k 'le0 her 0histle again and yelled, DCir$le u&, girls! Let's sho0 our guests ho0 0e &lay ro$k3&a&er3s$issors!D Be2 0inked at *e and rolled u& a $o&y o) the -$to'er Bogue that she'd 'orro0ed )ro* 8a$ey! I )elt sorry )or 0hoever dre0 ro$k and s$issors!

-&eration 4ivide and ConCuer The o&eration, 0hi$h took &la$e on 1riday night, -$to'er 6", 0as a 'asi$ )our3*an o& 0ith three agents holding in se$ure s0ee&ing &atterns throughout the Gallagher A$ade*y )or /2$e&tional Young ;o*en! The >eserve -&eratives 0ere assigned a &ortion o) the *ain $a*&us, and 0hen asked 0here Agent 8organ 0as, The -&eratives 0ere to re&ly DI don't kno0D or DI :ust sa0 her heading that 0ayD 0hile &ointing in a very general dire$tion! I) asked *ore dire$tly a'out the lo$ation o) Agent 8organ, The -&eratives 0ere to

e2$lai*, DYou :ust *issed her@D and then 0alk very Cui$kly a0ay!

I )ollo0ed Be2 and 8a$ey through the $orridors! #ounds 'oun$ed o)) the hard0ood )loors and stone 0alls as ne0'ies drooled over the 8r! #olo*on3like re$ruiters )ro* the CIA, and a )lo$k o) seventh graders oohed and aahed over the latest satellite )eeds )ro* Ho*eland #e$urity! ?#o that's 0hat Brad ,itt's 'edroo* looks likeEA Be2 0as totally right! I've seen the Gallagher A$ade*y in states o) organi9ed $haos 'e)ore, 'ut never have I seen it so alive! The air 0as )ull o) so*ething ?and not :ust the gases that had es$a&ed )ro* the la's 0hen so*eone )ro* Inter&ol got a little too $lose to one o) 4r! 1i's's $lassi)ied &ro:e$tsA! D-kay,D Be2 said to *e 'eneath her 'reath! DKno$k 'e* dead!D I glan$ed at 8a$ey! DYou'll 'e )ine,D she said, and I started to )eel really good! Then she )inished! DFust don't 'e an idiot!D I turned do0n an e*&ty $orridor, leaving the sounds o) our )uture 'ehind *e, and sensed so*ething else dra0ing $loser! I rea$hed out )or the ta&estry and the $rest3 slash3trigger 'ehind it, 0hen I sto&&ed )ro9en at the sound o) *y na*e! DYou *ust 'e Ca*eron 8organ!D The *an strolling to0ard *e had a dark suit, dark hair, and eyes so 'la$k they $ould get $o*&letely lost in the night! DAnd 0here are you running o)) toGD the *an asked! D-h, they needed *ore na&kins at the re)resh*ents ta'le!D ?;hether you agree or disagree 0ith *y a$tions, you've got to ad*it that *y )i''ing a'ility 0as totally getting 'etter!A He laughed! D-h, $hild, don't you kno0 that anyone 0ith your &edigree should never have to )et$h the na&kinsGD I stared 'lankly at hi*, una'le to s*ile, until he e2tended his hand! DI'* 8a2 /d0ards! I kne0 your )ather!D -) $ourse he did! I'd *et a hal) do9en *en like 8a2 /d0ards already that day<*en 0ith stories, *en 0ith se$rets<all 0anting to &ull *e aside and return a little &ie$e o) *y )ather to *e! /ven 0ithout Fosh 0aiting )or *e at the end o) the tunnel, I think I *ight have )elt like running the other 0ay! DI'* 0ith Inter&ol no0!D 8a2 /d0ards said, eyeing *e! DI kno0 you're a CIA lega$y and all, 'ut that's no reason not to give the rest o) us a shot, ehGD D.o, sir!D D#tarted the Cove-&s training yetGD DYes, sir, 0ith the intro $lass!D DGood! Good! I'* sure Foe #olo*on is )inding &lenty to tea$h you,D he said, &atting *e on the3shoulder, e*&hasi9ing the 0ord in a 0ay I didn't understand! Then he leaned $loser and 0his&ered, DI'* going to give you so*e advi$e, Ca**ie! .ot everyone $an live this li)e, you kno0! .ot everyone has it in their 'lood<the stress, the risk, the sa$ri)i$e!D He rea$hed into his &o$ket and &ulled out a

'usiness $ard 0ith a &hone nu*'er $entered and alone on the &lain 0hite 'a$kground! DCall *e anyti*e! You'll al0ays have a &la$e 0ith us!D He &atted *e on the shoulder again and 0alked a0ay, his )ootste&s e$hoing do0n the e*&ty stone $orridor! I 0at$hed hi* turn the $orner= then I $ounted to ten and sli&&ed 'ehind the ta&estry! Hal)0ay do0n the tunnel, I sto&&ed and $hanged *y $lothes! I never sa0 that $ard again!

Cha&ter #eventeen

I kno0 in s&y *ovies it al0ays looks really $ool 0hen the o&erative goes )ro* a *aid's uni)or* to a slinky, se2y 'allgo0n in the a*ount o) ti*e it takes an elevator to $li*' three )loors! ;ell, I don't kno0 ho0 it is )or TB s&ies, 'ut I $an tell you that even 0ith Bel$ro, the art o) the Cui$k $hange is one that *ust take a lot o) &ra$ti$e ?not to *ention 'etter lighting than one is likely to )ind in a tunnel that 0as on$e a &art o) the Jnderground >ailroadA! That's &ro'a'ly 0hy I &ani$ked 0hen I sa0 the strange look on Fosh's )a$e 0hen he )irst sa0 *e outside the ga9e'o! /ither *y 'louse 0as o&en, or *y skirt 0as stu$k in *y under0ear, or so*ething even *ore *orti)ying! I )ro9e! DYou look ED I have li&sti$k on *y teeth! 8y hair is )ull o) $o'0e's! I'* 0earing t0o di))erent kinds o) shoes and *y 'a$ku& is t0o 0hole *iles a0ay@ DE a*a9ing!D I'd never )elt less invisi'le in *y li)e! I )orgot a'out Be2 and 8a$ey and their great 'odies, Li9 and her gorgeous 'lond hair! /ven *y *other )aded )ro* *y *ind as I sa0 *ysel) through Fosh's eyes! 1or the )irst ti*e in a long ti*e I didn't 0ant to disa&&ear! Then I re*e*'ered that it 0as *y turn to say so*ething! He 0as 0earing a leather :a$ket and khaki &ants that had the kind o) $ris& $reases that *ade *e think o) the .avy #/ALs, 0ho 0ere &ro'a'ly doing a de*onstration in the Gallagher A$ade*y &ond at that very *o*ent, so I said, DYou look veryE$lean!D DYeah!D He tugged at his $ollar! D8y *o* )ound out and E 0ellE let's :ust say you 0ere this $lose to having to 0ear a 0rist $orsage!D He held t0o )ingers in$hes a&art, and I re*e*'ered one ti*e 0hen *y dad got *y *o* a $orsage< o) $ourse it $a*e eCui&&ed 0ith a retinal s$anner and $o**s unit, 'ut still, the thought 0as ni$e! I started to say so, 'ut :ust then Fosh said, DI'* sorry, 'ut 0e kind o) *issed the *ovie! I should have looked u& the ti*es 'e)ore I asked you! It started at si2!D

The *ission 0as $o*&ro*ised at 1"K

hours 0hen The -&erative and The #u':e$t

reali9ed they had *issed their 0indo0 o) o&&ortunity<0hi$h in The -&erative's o&inion 0as a 0aste o) her 'est out)it!

D-h,D I said, trying not to sound too heart'roken! I'd let Li9 do *y hair! I'd :ogged t0o *iles in the dark! I had 'een looking )or0ard to this all 0eek, 'ut all I $ould do 0as &ut on *y 'est s&y )a$e and say, DThat's okay! I guess I'll :ustED D4o you 0ant to gra' a 'urgerGD Fosh 'lurted 'e)ore I $ould )inish *y thought! Gra' a 'urgerG I'd :ust eaten )ilet *ignon 0ith the 4e&uty 4ire$tor o) the CIA, 'ut I )ound *ysel) saying, DI'd love to@D A$ross the sCuare, 'right lights 'ea*ed through one set o) 0indo0s! ;e 0alked to0ard the light, and Fosh held the door o&en )or *e and gestured )or *e to 0alk in ?ho0 s0eet is that@A! The diner had a 'la$k3and30hite $he$ker'oard )loor 0ith red vinyl 'ooths and lots o) old re$ords and &i$tures o) /lvis nailed to the 0alls! The 0hole &la$e 0as a little too doo30o&&y )or *y &ersonal taste, 'ut that didn't sto& *e )ro* $ra0ling into a 'ooth<un)ortunately on the side )a$ing a0ay )ro* the 0indo0s sin$e Fosh had already na''ed the 'est &osition )or hi*sel)! ?8r! #*ith 0ould have 'een very disa&&ointed in *e!A But at least a$ross the 'ooth he &ro'a'ly $ouldn't )eel *y leg shaking! The -&erative tried to i*&le*ent the ,urusey 'reathing te$hniCue, 0hi$h has 'een &roven e))e$tive at )ooling &olygra&hs! There is no $on$lusive eviden$e as to 0hether it is e))e$tive at *asking the internal lie dete$tors o) )i)teen3year3old 'oys!

The 0aitress $a*e and took our orders, and Fosh leaned 0ay 'a$k in his seat! I kne0 )ro* Li9's notes on 'ody language that this *eant he 0as )eeling &retty $on)ident ?either that or I s*elled like the tunnel and he 0anted to get as )ar a0ay )ro* *e as &ossi'leA! DI'* sorry 0e *issed the *ovie,D Fosh said as he rearranged his &i$kles! DThat's okay,D I said! DThis is )un, too!D Then the strangest thing ha&&ened<0e 'oth sto&&ed talking! It 0as like that e&isode o) Bu))y the Ba*&ire #layer 0here everyone in to0n got their voi$es stolen! I 0as 'eginning to 0onder i) that had a$tually ha&&ened<like *ay'e, 'a$k at s$hool, the CIA had 'een )iddling around 0ith one o) 4r! 1i's's e2&eri*ents and so*ething had gone horri'ly 0rong! I started to o&en *y *outh and test *y theory, 0hen I heard a *u))led $ry o) DFosh@D and so*e 'anging on the diner 0indo0s, and I reali9ed that the *uteness hadn't a))e$ted anyone 'ut us! ;hen I heard the ding o) the diner door, I s&un to see a *o' o) teenagers heading our 0ay, and let *e tell you, )or a girl 0ho's gone to a &rivate all3girls s$hool sin$e the seventh grade, that's a &retty s$ary sight! I have never 'een so 'ehind ene*y lines in *y li)e@ I thought, s$rolling 'a$k through our ,%/ training on ho0 to handle *ulti&le atta$kers! .or*ally, I *ight have $ounted on Fosh<*y guide in that strange and )oreign land<'ut he 0as &ani$king, too! I $ould tell 'y the 0ay his :a0 had gone all sla$k and a )ren$h )ry 0as &oised, *idair, en route to his *outh!

I *entally reeled through the things in *y )avorK no one kne0 *e! I 0asn't 0earing *y uni)or*! And i) &ush $a*e to shove I $ouldE0ellE&ush and shove! ?T0o o) the 'oys looked &retty )oot'all &layer3ish, 'ut I did an entire &ro:e$t on$e on the Dthe 'igger they are the harder they )allD &hiloso&hy o) hand3to3hand $o*'at, and there is totally so*ething to it!A I 0as sa)e, )or the *eanti*e! 8y $over *ight not have 'een 'lo0n, 'ut I $ouldn't say the sa*e )or *y $on)iden$e< es&e$ially 0hen one o) the girls, a very &retty 'lond, said, DHi, Fosh,D and he said, DHi, 4ee4ee!D The -&erative reali9ed that the 'and o) insurgents 0as led 'y the sus&e$t kno0n as 4ee4ee ?even though she did not a&&ear to have any &ink &a&er in her &ossessionA!

8ost o) the *o' 0alked 'y 0ith :ust the o$$asional DHey, FoshD as they &assed, 'ut 4ee4ee and another 'oy $ra0led into the 'ooth 0ith us, and oh yeah, guess 0ho ended u& 'eing &ressed u& against FoshG 4// 4//@ ?#oooo not an a$$ident@A Can I :ust say that it is su$h a good thing that there 0as an entire diner )ull o) 0itnesses, 'e$ause I'* )airly $ertain I $ould have killed her 0ith a 'ottle o) ket$hu&! DHi, I'* 4ee4ee,D she said as she hel&ed hersel) to one o) Fosh's )ries ?rude@A! DHave 0e *etGD I'* the daughter o) t0o se$ret agents 0ho has a genius IR and the a'ility to kill you in your slee& and *ake it look like an a$$ident, you silly, va&id, t0o3'itE DCa**ie's ne0 in to0n!D -kay, this is 0hy it's al0ays 'est to have 'a$ku&! Fosh totally saved *e, 'e$ause I 0as seriously starting to )inger the ket$hu& 'ottle a'out then! D-h,D she said! /ven though 8a$ey 8$Henry hersel) had done *y *akeu&, I )elt $o*&letely $overed 0ith 'oils as I sat there! #he hel&ed hersel) to another )ry, 'ut didn't look at *e 0hen she said, DHi!D D4ee4ee and I have kno0n ea$h other )or )orever,D Fosh said, and 4ee4ee 'lushed! T0o o) the girls )ro* the *o' &ut so*e *oney in the :uke'o2 and soon a song I'd never heard 0as e$hoing throughout the diner, $ausing the 'oy 0ho 0as sliding into the 'ooth ne2t to *e to yell 0hen he said, DYeah, she's :ust one o) the 'oys!D He thrust a hand in *y dire$tion! DHey, I'* 4illon!D THI# is 4illonG 8y su&ers&y instin$ts 0ere taken a'a$k as I studied the s*all 'oy 0ho 0as su&&osedly D4'8an!D ?.ote to sel)K don't 'elieve everything you read 0hen ha$king into the 48B, 'e$ause short 'oys 0ill totally lie a'out their height 0hen a&&lying )or their learners' &er*its!A It took a se$ond )or *e to re$ogni9e hi* and reali9e he'd 'een the 'oy 0ith Fosh in the street<the one 0ho'd 'een told I 0as no'ody! #o*eho0 I *anaged to say, DHi! I'* Ca**ie!D 4illon 0as nodding his head slo0ly as he eyed *e and said, D#o this is the *ystery 0o*an!D 4ee4ee instantly sto&&ed $he0ing on her )ry! D#o she e2ists@D 4illon e2$lai*ed! DYou have to )orgive *y )riend here,D 4illon said as he slid one ar* around *y shoulders! DHe's not the *ost outgoing o) hosts, so i) I $an do anything to hel& you )eel at ho*e here, $onsider *e at your dis&osal!D

4illon's ar* 0as still around *e, so I 0as )eeling &retty grate)ul )or all those ,%/ $lasses 0hen Fosh rea$hed a$ross the ta'le and &un$hed 4illon in the shoulder! D;hatGD 4illon $ried! DI'* :ust 'eing hos&ita'le!D I) that 0as hos&ita'le then 8ada*e 4a'ney really needed to u&date her $urri$ulu*! D;ell, Ca**ie,D 4illon 0ent on, un)a9ed, D&lease allo0 *e to say that I $an see 0hy doo)us here's 'een kee&ing you to hi*sel)!D 4illon rea$hed )or a )ry, 'ut this ti*e Fosh *oved the &late a0ay and said, D;ell, thanks )or sto&&ing 'y! 4on't let us kee& you!D And then Fosh tried to ki$k 4illon under the ta'le, 'ut he *issed and hit *e, 'ut it's not like I s$rea*ed or anything! ?I've totally 'een ki$ked harder!A DAre you kiddingGD 4illon asked, el'o0s3on3ta'le as he lo0ered his voi$e, )or$ing us all to huddle around his $ons&ira$y! D;e're gonna go $li*' the 0all and *oon so*e ri$h girls later! ;anna $o*eGD The 0allG -J> 0allG I 0ondered in dis'elie)! Is it &ossi'le I've 'een routinely *ooned )or the &ast three years and didn't kno0 itG Has Fosh's very o0n 'a$kside 'een e2&osed ?and &ossi'ly &hotogra&hed 'y the se$urity de&art*entA 0ithout *y kno0ledgeG ?.ote to sel)K )ind those &hotogra&hs!A I *ust have looked as $on)used as I )elt, 'e$ause Fosh leaned $loser and said, DThe Gallagher A$ade*yGD as i) 0ondering 0hether or not I'd heard o) the &la$e! DIt's a really snooty 'oarding s$hool! The girls there are all ri$h delinCuents or so*ething!D I 0anted to :u*& to our de)ense! I 0anted to &ro$lai* that you shouldn't :udge so*eone until you've 0alked a *ile through an underground tunnel in her un$o*)orta'le shoes! I 0anted to tell the* everything they o0ed to the Gallagher Girls 0ho had gone 'e)ore *e, 'ut I $ouldn't! #o*eti*es s&ies $an only nod and say, D-h, reallyGD D;hatGD 4illon said! DYou don't, like, go thereGD he asked, then laughed so loudly that everyone in the restaurant turned to stare! I studied 4illon and 0ondered ho0 long it 0ould take *e to ha$k into the I>#<I 'et, 'y 4e$e*'er, Jn$le #a* $ould 'e re&ossessing everything his )a*ily o0ned! DI'* ho*es$hooled,D I said, 0hile silently $hanting, And I have a $at na*ed #u9ie, and *y dad's an engineer, and I love *int $ho$olate $ookie i$e $rea*! DYeah,D 4illon said! DI )orgot! You kno0 that's kinda 0eird, don't youGD But 'e)ore I $ould de)end *ysel), 4ee4ee said, DI think that's really ni$e!D 8aking it in)initely *ore di))i$ult to hate her! D#o, 0hat do you sayGD 4illon asked, turning 'a$k to Fosh! He sounded al*ost giddy, and $an I :ust say, giddy is not an e2&ression that *ost 'oys 0ear 0ell! D;anna T, the grounds or so*ethingGD But Fosh didn't ans0er! Instead, he 0as &ushing 4ee4ee out o) the 'ooth and &ulling *oney out o) his 0allet! He dro&&ed the 'ills on the ta'le, then rea$hed )or *y hand! DYou 0anna leave, too! >ightGD he asked!

Yes@ I 0anted to $ry! I )eeling it, too! I took 0orld instead o) out o) on the ta'le 'ehind us,

read his )a$e! I kne0 0hat he 0as )eeling, and I 0as his hand, and it 0as as i) he 0ere hel&ing *e into another a red3vinyl 'ooth! The t0o ha*'urgers lay, 'arely tou$hed, 'ut I didn't $are!

4illon got u& and let *e out, 'ut Fosh didn't dro& *y hand! ;/ ;/>/ H-L4I.G HA.4#@ He started &ulling *e to0ard the door, 'ut a girl doesn't )orget three years o) $ulture training :ust like that, so I turned to 4illon and 4ee4ee and *uttered, DBye! It 0as ni$e *eeting you!D Total lie, 'ut one even non3s&ies tell in &olite so$iety, so it &ro'a'ly doesn't $ount! 4illon yelled, D;hoa,D in the *anner o) so*eone 0ho's seen 0ay too *any Keanu >eeves *ovies! DYou're *issing out, 'ro! ;e're gonna *ess 0ith so*e ri$h $hi$ks@D Yeah, 4'8an, I thought, as Fosh o&ened the door! ;hy don't you go ahead and try itG

.o0, nor*ally, I'* not a huge )an o) hand3holding, 'ut that's really :ust in *ovies 0hen the hero and the heroine have to run )ro* the 'ad guys, and they do it 0hile holding hands, 0hi$h is :ust $ra9y! .o one $an run as )ast 0hen they're holding so*eone else's hand! ?A )a$t I on$e veri)ied in a ,%/ e2&eri*ent!A But Fosh and I 0eren't running! -h, no! ;e 0ere strolling! -ur :oined hands kind o) s0ayed 'a$k and )orth as i) 0e 0ere a'out to ask >ed >over to send so*eone on over! A)ter a long ti*e, he looked do0n at the street and said, DI'* sorry!D D1or 0hatGD I honestly $ouldn't think o) one thing he'd done 0rong! .ot one thing! He :erked his head 'a$k to0ard the diner! D4illon! He's really not that 'ad,D he said! D;e've 'een having that sa*e $onversation sin$e kindergarten! He's 'ig on the talk<not so *u$h on the a$tion!D D#o 0e don't need to go 0arn the Gallagher A$ade*y, thenGD I teased! D.o,D he said, s*iling! DI think they're sa)e!D DYeah,D I said, Dthey &ro'a'ly are!D I thought a'out our 0alls<our 0orld! DAnd 4ee4eeGD I asked and )elt *y 'reath $at$h! D#he see*s s0eet!D #adly, not a lie! D#he is, 'utD<his hand tightened around *ine<DI don't 0ant to talk a'out 4ee4ee!D 8ay'e it 0as the t0inkle lights o) the ga9e'o or the 0ay Fosh's hand )elt in *ine, or &erha&s it 0as the e2&osure to 4r! 1i's's &ur&le snee9ing gas I'd had earlier in the day, 'ut 0hen 0e sto&&ed 0alking, everything got really, really 0hirly, like the 0hole 0orld 0as a *erry3go3round and Fosh and I 0ere standing in the $enter! There *ust have 'een all kinds o) $entri&etal )or$e, 'e$ause 0e 0ere getting $loser and $loser together, and 'e)ore I kne0 it, so*ething I'd 'een drea*ing a'out *y 0hole li)e 0as ha&&ening! But I'* not going to 0rite a'out it here, 'e$ause< seriously< *y *other is going to read this@ ,lus, all kinds o) BI,s are &ro'a'ly going to $o**ission this re&ort, and they seriously don't need to hear a'out *y )irst kiss! ?-h, :ee9@ I didn't *ean to say thatE!A #o, okay, Fosh kissed *e! I kno0 so*e o) you *ight 0ant details<like ho0 so)t his li&s 0ere, and ho0, as I

'reathed out, he 'reathed in and vi$e versa so that it see*ed 0e 0ere &er*anently :oined at the soul or so*ethingE! But I'* not going to tell you those &arts! .o 0ay! They're &rivate! But I 0ill say that it 0as everything it 0as su&&osed to 'e<0ar* and s0eet and very *u$h the 'eginning o) E 0ellE:ust the 'eginning!

Cha&ter /ighteen

,ros and $ons o) 'eing a girl3genius3slash3s&y3in3training3slash3girl)riend o) $utest3slash3ni$est3slash3s0eetest 'oy in the 0orldK ,>-K a'ility to tell the 'oy ho0 you )eel in any o) )ourteen di))erent languages! C-.K 'oy $annot understand any o) the languages ?0ell, e2$e&t /nglish, o) $ourse, 'ut even then he s&eaks 0ith the highly s&e$iali9ed and o)ten untranslata'le D'oyD diale$tA! ,>-K 0hen 'oy is having trou'le 0ith his $he*istry &ro:e$t, you $an *eet hi* at the li'rary and hel& hi* study! C-.K you $an't hel& hi* too *u$h 'e$ause it's kind o) hard to e2&lain ho0 you're doing ,h43level $he*istry in the tenth grade! ,>-K the look on your 'oy)riend's )a$e 0hen he sur&rises you 0ith an assort*ent o) $at toys and asks, D4o you think #u9ie 0ill like the*GD C-.K kno0ing there is no #u9ie, and you $an never tell hi* that!

Three 0eeks later I 0as sitting in the Grand Hall, listening to *y $lass*ates talk a'out ho0 they 0ere going to use their #aturday night to $at$h u& on *ovies ?or ho*e0ork E 'ut *ostly *oviesA, 0hen Li9 $a*e in and dro&&ed a'out a do9en te2t'ooks on the ta'le so hard *y )ork :u*&ed o)) *y &late! DAre you ready )or thisGD she said, her voi$e rever'erating 0ith glee! D;e've got a little Chang, a little 8ulvaney, a lot o) #trendesky, so*e<D DLi9,D I said, really hating 0hat had to $o*e ne2t! D-h, gee, Li9, I thought you kne0EI've got &lans 0ith<D DFosh,D she )inished )or *e! #he &i$ked u& a $o&y o) A 8ayan's Guide to 8ole$ular >egeneration that had )allen to the )loor and added it to the to& o) the sta$k! DThis &ro:e$t's due on ;ednesday, Ca*!D DI kno0!D DIt's thirty &er$ent o) our *idter* grade!D

DI kno0! I'* gonna 0ork on itED But I didn't kno0 0hen! I hadn't thought a'out it on$e sin$e 4r! 1i's assigned it three 0eeks ago<the 8onday a)ter *y )irst date 0ith Fosh! I 0as taking li)e one day, one out)it, one date at a ti*e! The Grand Hall 0as starting to e*&ty as so*e girls 0ent to gra' dessert and others headed u&stairs or outside! I glan$ed at *y 0at$h and got u&! DLook, Fosh has got so*ething &lanned, okayG It's this 0hole sur&rise thing he's 'een talking a'out and E I think it's a 'ig deal! It'll 'e okay! I'll do the &ro:e$t to*orro0!D That 0as 0hat I'd said yesterday! But Li9 didn't re*ind *e o) that! #he :ust nodded and told *e to 'e $are)ul as I dashed out o) the Grand Hall and to0ard the li'rary, 0here, i) you &ush against the 431 shel) 0hile &ulling on a $o&y o) 4o0ning's 8ode* Jses )or An$ient ;ea&ons, you $an sli& into *y se$ond )avorite &assage0ay! That is, unless 8r! #olo*on is in the li'rary! DHello, 8s! 8organ,D 8r! #olo*on said, sto&&ing *e in *y tra$ks! I'* &retty sure he doesn't kno0 a'out any o) the se$ret &assage0ays<es&e$ially that one, sin$e it took *e t0o )ull years to )ind it<'ut still it totally )reaked *e out to turn around and see hi* standing there! DAnd 0hat are you u& to this )ine eveningGD He shoved 'oth hands into his &o$kets, then leaned )or0ard! DHot dateGD I'* &retty sure that 0as Foe #olo*on's atte*&t at *ale3role3*odel hu*or, 'ut it still didn't sto& *e )ro* *aking a noise that sounded like hahahahahaha! Yeah! I kno0! Ho0 $overt a* IG D-h, I 0as :ustE J* ED DHey, kiddo,D I heard )ro* 'ehind *e! D;ere you looking )or *eGD The li'rary is &ro'a'ly *y )avorite roo* in the *ansion! It has a huge stone )ire&la$e in the *iddle o) a t0o3story $ir$ular s&a$e that's )illed 0ith study ta'les and 'ig $o*)y ar*$hairs! -verhead, a se$ond3story 'al$ony overlooks everything, and that's 0here I sa0 *y *other! #he started do0n the stairs, a 'ook o) &oetry in her hands, and I thought she looked like the *ost 'eauti)ul thing I'd ever seen! #he rea$hed the *ain )loor and sli&&ed her ar* around *e! DI 0as :ust $o*ing to )ind you!D DJh, you 0ereGD And then I re*e*'ered Foe #olo*on 0ho 0as standing there, looking on! D;ell then,D he said, taking a ste& to0ard the door! DI'll leave you t0o girls alone!D -kay, I'* not sure, 'ut I think *y *o* $ould totally take Foe #olo*on, and as soon as he $alled her a DgirlD I thought )or sure I'd see the &roo)! But 8o* didn't say anything! #he didn't &in his ar* 'ehind his 'a$k or :u*& into the air and slash hi* a$ross the )a$e 0ith one o) her high3heeled 'la$k 'oots ?a *ove I totally 0ant to &er)e$t so*eday<:ust as soon as I $an 'orro0 those 'ootsA! -h, no, she :ust s*iled at hi*! Like a Thanks, I $an take it )ro* here s*ile! I )elt si$k! #he &ulled *e into the hall and 0alked 0ith *e to0ard the $ha&el! Behind *e, I heard the s$ra&e o) )orks on &lates and dinner $hatter ?in 1arsiA as 0e &assed the Great Hall! #he loo&ed her ar* through *ine and said, DI 0as

0ondering i) you 0anted to do so*ething tonight!D -kay, so I kno0 I have lots o) di))erent languages at *y dis&osal and everything, 'ut I honestly didn't understand 0hat *y *other 0as asking! It 0as 0eird< not like .a9i3su'*arine3in3the3lake 0eird, 'ut so*eone's3'een30at$hing3too3*any3*ade3)or3TB3 *ovies 0eird! D-r not,D she :u*&ed to say 0hen she read *y 'e0ildered e2&ression! DI :ust thought you *ight 0ant to go into to0n or so*ething!D ;ell, a$tually, I did 0ant to go to to0n<:ust not 0ith her! In )a$t, I 0as already 0earing li&sti$k, and an out)it 0as stashed in the tunnel! Fosh had sounded so e2$ited 0hen he'd said, D.o0, you're $o*ing #aturday night, rightG You don't have to do so*ething 0ith your &arents, do youGD I'd said no, 'ut no0 *y *other 0as asking *e to do :ust that! I looked into her eyes<her 'eauti)ul eyes that have seen horrors and *ira$les and all things in 'et0een, and then I said, DI'* &retty tired!D Te$hni$ally not a lie! D#o*ething lo03key, then,D she said 0ith all her su&er3s&y &ersisten$e! D8ay'e a *ovieGD DIED I a* a terri'le &erson! DIE #ee, I've got to ED Then I heard a voi$e 'ehind *e! DCa**ie &ro*ised to hel& *e 0ith *y organi$ $he*istry &a&er!D I turned to see 8a$ey 8$Henry strolling *y 0ay! Her )a$e 0as 'lank, her tone &er)e$tly nor*al! 8a$ey *ight have 'een 'ehind the $urve a$ade*i$ally, 'ut 0hen it $a*e to the lyin' side o) s&yin', the girl 0as a natural! ?And the )a$t that Tina ;alters s0ears she hi:a$ked a sheik's ya$ht in the 8editerranean &ro'a'ly &layed into that a little 'it!A 8o* looked at 8a$ey and then 'a$k at *e! D-h,D she said, 'ut her s*ile see*ed a little )or$ed and her tone a little sad as she lo0ered her voi$e and ru''ed *y ar*s! D-kay! I :ust didn't 0ant you to 'e alone tonight!D AloneG ;hen a* I ever aloneG I live in a *ansion 0ith a'out a hundred girls, and e2$e&t )or 0hen I'* in *y se$ret roo* or one o) the 0indo0 seats or 'y *ysel) in the lo)t o) the ,%/ 'arn or E -kay, so so*eti*es I'* alone! 8a$ey sli&&ed a0ay, and 8o* 0at$hed her go! DI kno0 it hasn't 'een easy E 0ith her! But I'* &roud o) you, kiddo!D #he hugged *e again! It 0as a hug that lingered, like there *ight not 'e another one )or a long, long ti*e, and I 0ished )or a se$ond that I didn't have to &ull a0ay so soon! -r ever! But I did any0ay! Fosh 0as 0aiting! D#u&&erGD I asked! DTo*orro0 nightGD D#ure thing, kiddo,D 8o* said as she tu$ked a stray strand o) hair 'ehind *y ear! I turned and headed do0n the $orridor, *y )ootste&s thank)ully louder than *y thoughts! That is, until I turned the $orner in the long stone $orridor and ran right into 8a$ey! #he 0as leaning against the 0all, hands on hi&s as she looked at *e! DI don't like lying to your *o*,D she said! DI'll lie to *ine, 'ut not yours! That's *essed u&!D Then 8a$ey let out a lo0, so)t laugh, &ushed o)) )ro* the 0all and studied *e! DI ho&e he's 0orth it!D

DHe is,D I 0his&ered! #he sto&&ed :ust 'e)ore she &assed *e! D>eallyG He isG 'Cause I don't see 0hat's so s&e$ial a'out hi* that you'd risk losing 0hat you've got!D It 0as a good Cuestion! A great Cuestion, es&e$ially i) you're 8a$ey 8$Henry and everything in li)e has 'een given to you 'ut nothing has 'een earned! I) the 0orld looks at your sli$k, &lasti$ shell and e2&e$ts there to 'e nothing 'ut $andy inside! I) this is your one and only shot at 'eing &art o) a )a*ily<des&ite your )a*ous last na*e! Yeah! Then that's a really good Cuestion! DHe's :ustED I tried, 0anting to say Ds0eetD or D$aringD or D)unnyD<'e$ause they're all totally true! But instead, I said, DHe's :ust a nor*al 'oy!D DH*&h,D 8a$ey s$o))ed! DI kno0 lots o) nor*al 'oys!D I looked at her! DI don't!D

Cha&ter .ineteen

Fosh 0as su&&osed to *eet *e at the ga9e'o, 'ut he 0asn't in sight! In )a$t, no one 0as in sight! I glan$ed to0ard the *ovie theater<nothing! The lights 0ere o)) in all the stores, and as a s$ra& o) orange &a&er 'le0 a$ross the deserted to0n sCuare, I 0as re*inded o) a s$ene )ro* :ust a'out every a&o$aly&se *ovie ever *ade ?and at least three e&isodes o) Bu))yA! I 0as a little )reaked out! The -&erative surveyed the area, assessing &ossi'le threats and e2it routes and 0hether or not that really $ute &urse in the Anderson's A$$essories store 0indo0 ever 0ould go on sale!

Then a *inivan turned onto the street! I guess I 0as too 'usy staring at its 8Y CHIL4 I# A. H-.-> #TJ4/.T AT >-#/BILL/ /L/8/.TA>Y #CH--L 'u*&er sti$ker to noti$e 0ho 0as driving, 'e$ause I didn't reali9e it 0as Fosh until he &arked and got out and stood there in the *iddle o) the e*&ty street, holding a 0rist $orsage! That's right! You read that $orre$tly<)lo0ers on a sti$k ?or, 0ell, )lo0ers on a stret$hy 'and thingyA! He 0alked to0ard *e slo0ly, as I said, DThat's a 0rist $orsage!D DYeah,D he said, 'lushing! D;ell, it's a s&e$ial o$$asion!D D#o, is this an inside :oke thing or a your3*o*3*ade' you3'uy3it thingGD He leaned do0n to kiss *e 'ut sto&&ed hal)0ay! DYou 0anna kno0 the truthGD he 0his&ered! DYes!D

I )elt a Cui$k &e$k on *y $he$k, then he said, DBoth!D At a&&ro2i*ately 1LK O hours The #u':e$t &resented The -&erative 0ith a vital &ie$e o) ?)loralA eviden$e! 8a$ey 8$Henry later deter*ined this to 'e an eight on the overall Dla*eness s$ale!D The -&erative, ho0ever, thought it 0as s0eet and kind o) )unny, and de$ided to 0ear it 0ith &ride!

DYou look great,D he said, 'ut I totally didn't! I *ean, I looked *ovie okay or 'o0ling okay! I soooo didn't look 0rist3$orsage okay! I tugged at *y skirt! D#o 0hat is this s&e$ial o$$asionGD And then he laughed! DYou didn't think I'd re*e*'er, did youGD he teased! >e*e*'er 0hatG the girl in *e 0anted to s$rea*, 'ut the s&y in *e :ust s*iled and said, D-) $ourse I kne0 you'd re*e*'er!D Total lie! D#oD<Fosh 0ent to o&en the door<Dshall 0eGD A$$ording to &roto$ol, an o&erative should never allo0 hersel) to 'e trans&orted to a se$ondary lo$ation! Ho0ever, 'e$ause o) her history 0ith The #u':e$t and the )a$t that she on$e tossed hi* to the street like a sa$k o) &otatoes, The -&erative thought it 0as &ro'a'ly sa)e!

I'd never 'een in a *inivan 'e)ore! It 0as like the roadtri& &ortion o) *y great s*all3to0n e2&eri*ent<0ith $u& holders! Take it )ro* so*eone 0ho is highly interested in gadgetry on 'oth a &ersonal and &ro)essional level<the *odern3day es&ionage 0orld has nothing on the good )olks at General 8otors 0hen it $o*es to $u& holder design! DI like your van!D DI'* saving )or a $ar, you kno0GD he said, like he'd thought I 0as 'eing sar$asti$! D.o, really,D I hurried to say! DIt'sE roo*y, and it's got these greatE I :ust like it!D 8ay'e 0rist $orsages $ut o)) $ir$ulation to the 'rainG I *ean, is that 0hy so *any girls do stu&id things on &ro* nightG I 0as really going to have to investigate this )urther, I de$ided! Then I $aught a gli*&se o) Fosh in the dash'oard lights, and he 0as, in a 0ord, 'eauti)ul! His hair 0as longer no0, and I $ould see the shado0 o) his long eyelashes on his $heek'ones! The *ore I 0as around hi* the *ore I sa0 the little things<like his hands or the s*all s$ar at the edge o) his :a0 0here ?he saysA he got $ut in a kni)e )ight, 'ut 0here ?a$$ording to his *edi$al )ilesA he )ell o)) his 'ike 0hen he 0as seven! I have s$ars, too, o) $ourse! But Fosh $an never hear the stories! DFoshGD I said, and he glan$ed at *e! ;e 0ere al*ost out o) to0n, and the trees 0ere gro0ing heavier overhead as the road $urved! D;hatGD he asked so)tly, as i) se$retly )earing so*ething 0as 0rong! He turned o)) o) the high0ay and onto a 0inding 'it o) 'la$kto&!

DThanks!D D1or 0hatGD D1or everything!D

-kay, so there are t0o 'asi$ things I kno0 )or a )a$t a'out the good $iti9ens o) >oseville! -neK they honestly have no $lue a'out 0hat really goes on at the Gallagher A$ade*y! .one! You'd think there 0ould 'e a )e0 govern*ent $ons&ira$y theories )loating around a'out 0hat takes &la$e 'ehind our ivy3$overed 0alls, 'ut I never heard a single one ?and I had reason to listenA! The se$ond thing a'out >oseville is that it takes its s*all3to0n3ness seriously! As i) the ga9e'o and to0n $arnival hadn't 'een enough to ti& *e o)), I sa0 a *an 0ith a re)le$tor vest and a )lashlight dire$ting tra))i$ as soon as Fosh &ulled into a &asture! Yeah, that's right, $ro0d $ontrol in &astures is key to s*all3to0n li)e! ;e &arked at the end o) a line o) $ars, and I looked at Fosh! D;hat's going<D DYou'll see!D Then he 0alked around to o&en *y door! ?I kno0<totally s0eet@A ;e )ollo0ed the gentle strains o) *usi$ that )loated out to0ard us, riding on a 0ave o) light that )iltered 'et0een the slats and through the sliding doors o) a huge old 'arn! DHey,D I $ried, Dthat looks :ust like our 'arn<D He looked at *e Cui99i$ally! D<in 8ongolia!D DIt's the )all harvest dan$e,D Fosh e2&lained! DIt's a >oseville tradition )ro* 'a$k 0hen al*ost everyone )ar*ed! But no0 it's :ust an e2$use )or everyone to get drunk and dan$e 0ith &eo&le they're not *arried to!D He sto&&ed and looked at *e! D;e $an do 0hatever you 0ant to do, 'ut 0hen I heard this 0as tonight I kinda thought you *ight 0ant to $o*e,D he said! DI *eanEit's okay i) you 0ant to go do so*ething else! ;e $ouldED I shut hi* u& 0ith a kiss ?a 'asi$ te$hniCue that, I've 'een told, even non3s&y girls have used 0ith great su$$essA! DLet's dan$e!D

Can I :ust say that doing the tango 0ith 8ada*e 4a'ney had totally not &re&ared *e )or 0hat a$tual dan$es are likeG #ure, i) I ever have to in)iltrate an e*'assy &arty, I'll &ro'a'ly 'e glad I've had C%A, 'ut I $ould tell as soon as 0e 0alked into the 'arn that I didn't have the training )or this! #trea*ers hung )ro* the ra)ters a'ove us! T0inkling lights )or*ed a tentlike do*e! A )lat'ed trailer sat along the south 0all, and a 'and 0as &laying an old $ountry song 0hile 0hat looked like the entire &o&ulation o) >oseville dan$ed around in $ir$les! I sa0 a haylo)t a'ove us at the )ar end o) the 'arn, 'ut 0here 0e stood there 0as nothing a'ove us 'ut ra)ters and lights! -ld 0o*en sat on 'ales o) stra0, $la&&ing, kee&ing rhyth* as the de&uty $hie) o) &oli$e ?I re$ogni9ed hi* )ro* the dunk tankA &i$ked u& a )iddle and started to &lay! Little girls dan$ed 'y, standing on their )athers' )eet, and Fosh led *e to a

)olding ta'le that 0as dra&ed 0ith $re&e &a&er! D;ell, hi there, honey,D said the 0o*an sitting 'ehind it! DHi, #hirley,D Fosh re&lied as he rea$hed )or his 0allet! DT0o, &lease,D he said! D-h, honey,D she said, Dyour *o**a already took $are o) that!D Fosh looked at *e, &ani$ in his eyes, as every oun$e o) 'lood in *y 'ody turned $old! DThey're here alreadyGD Fosh asked, 'ut 'e)ore #hirley $ould ans0er, I heard so*eone $ry, DFosh@ Ca**ie@D The de&uty $hie) o) &oli$e &ut do0n his )iddle, and everyone $la&&ed as the kid 0ho 0orks the ti$ket 'ooth at the *ovie theater &i$ked u& a sa2o&hone! /veryone on the )loor &i$ked u& their te*&o<es&e$ially the thin, i**a$ulate 0o*an 0ho 0as rushing to0ard us 0ith her ar*s outstret$hed! DFosh@ Ca**ie@D Her ivory s0eater set and light3$olored trousers 0ere :ust 'egging )or a stain in the dusty 'arn, 'ut she didn't a$t like she $ared as she &ushed her 0ay through the tide o) dan$ing $ou&les<a tall, thin *an trailing duti)ully 'ehind her! DI'* sorry,D Fosh 0his&ered as he &ulled *e a0ay )ro* #hirley and to0ard the sta*&eding $ou&le! DI'* so sorry! I'* so sorry! ;e only have to say hi to the*! I thought I'd have ti*e to 0arn<D DCa**ie, darling@D the 0o*an $ried! D;ell, i) you aren't :ust the $utest thingGD And then she hugged *e! -h, yeah, a $o*&lete stranger a$tually hugged *e<so*ething the Gallagher A$ade*y had totally not &re&ared *e )or! #he gri&&ed *e 'y the shoulders and stared into *y eyes! DI'* 8rs! A'ra*s! It is so ni$e to )inally *eet you@D And then she hugged *e again@ -n$e dee& inside ene*y territory, The -&erative *et 0ith high3ranking o))i$ials in the organi9ation! #he 0as .-T &re&ared )or this develo&*ent, 'ut any diversionary ta$ti$s 0ould #/>I-J#LY $o*&ro*ise the entire o&eration@

D-h,D 8rs! A'ra*s said, DI see you're 0earing your $orsage!D And then she )ingered the )lo0ers! DIsn't that lovelyGD I looked at Fosh in his neatly &ressed khakis and his 'utton3do0n shirt, and I suddenly understood 0hy he al0ays dressed less like a high s$hool 'oy and *ore like a E &har*a$ist! DHello, young lady,D the *an said, on$e his 0i)e released *e! DI'* Foshua's )ather, 8r! A'ra*s! And ho0 are you )inding our )air to0nGD This isn't good, I thought, reali9ing I 0as surrounded! I didn't 'elong here, and it 0asn't going to take Fosh's &arents long to reali9e it! I thought a'out *y o&tionsK AA )ake a *edi$al $ondition and rush outside, BA &i$k u& the &en 0ith 0hi$h #hirley 0as 0riting re$ei&ts and do so*e da*age 'e)ore getting gang ta$kled 'y so*e 0ell3*eaning to0ns&eo&le, or CA think o) this as *y *ost dee&3$over assign*ent yet and *ilk it )or all it 0as 0orth!

DIt's a very ni$e to0n,D I said, e2tending *y hand to the *an! D8r! A'ra*s, so ni$e to *eet you!D He 0as tall and had 0avy hair like Fosh's! He 0ore 0ire3ri**ed glasses and relished in 0aving at the &eo&le 0ho &assed 'y! DHi, Carl, Betty,D he said to one $ou&le! DGot those ne0 'union3re*oving &ads you like, ,at!D D-ur )a*ily's run this to0n's &har*a$y sin$e 1"NL,D 8rs! A'ra*s told *e &roudly! Then 8r! A'ra*s asked, DHas Fosh told you a'out our little 'usinessGD DYes,D I said! DHe has!D DThere's not a &erson in this roo* I haven't *edi$ated,D 8r! A'ra*s said, and 'eside *e, I )elt Fosh $hoke on the &un$h his *other had handed hi*! DThat's ED I struggled )or 0ords! DEi*&ressive!D He $la*&ed a hand onto his son's shoulder! DAnd so*e day, it's all going to 'elong to this guy!D D-h, Fa$o',D 8rs! A'ra*s said, Dgive the &oor kid a 'reak!D An air o) &er)e$tion )loated all around her even in that dusty 'arn, and I kne0 that she'd never 'een stained, 0rinkled, or una$$essori9ed in her li)e! I tugged at the he* o) *y skirt and )ingered *y $orsage, )eeling naked sin$e I hadn't kno0n to 0ear *y *other's &earls! ?/ven the ones 0ithout the *i$ro)il* reader $ould have $o*e in handy!A There 0ere a lot o) things I 0anted to ask, like Ho0 do you stay so $leanG and 4oes that tooth30hitening gu* really 0orkG 'ut I $ouldn't say any o) that, so I :ust stood there like an idiot, s*iling at her, $linging to *y $over! DAre your &arents here, darlingGD she asked, and then started s$anning the $ro0d! D.o,D I said, Dthey're E 'usy!D D-h, 0hat a sha*e,D she said, 0ith a tilt o) her head! But she didn't give *e ti*e to re&ly 'e)ore 'lurting, DCa**ie, I 0ant you to )eel as 0el$o*e in our house as you do your o0n!D I**ediately, I started )antasi9ing a'out the re$on 0e $ould set u& 0ith that kind o) a$$ess, 'ut all I $ould *anage to say 0as, D-h E J* E Thanks!D The 'and $hanged songs, and 8rs! A'ra*s leaned $lose to yell through the noise, D;hat's your )avorite kind o) &ieGD I 'arely heard her, and 0as on the verge o) shouting, DI'* not a s&y@D 0hen I sa0 4illon standing on a 'ale o) stra0, 0aving 0ildly in our dire$tion! Fosh glan$ed at his *other 'ut didn't have to say a 0ord 'e)ore she said, D-kay, darling! You kids go have )un!D And then she gave *e another hug! TH>// HJG#@ This 0as seriously )reaking *e out! DCa**ie, darling, you :ust $o*e over any ti*e, okayG And 0hen you get a $han$e, give our nu*'er to your &arents! 8ay'e they'd 'e interested in :oining our 'ridge $lu'!D The last 'ridge *y &arents had anything to do 0ith involved the Gansu ,rovin$e, dyna*ite, and a really ti$ked3o)) yak, 'ut I :ust s*iled and said, DThanks!D

As Fosh &ulled *e a0ay, I risked a glan$e 'a$k! 8r! A'ra*s had his ar* around his 0i)e's shoulders, and 8rs! A'ra*s raised her hand in a sad hal)30ave, as i) she 0ere )ree9ing that 'it o) Fosh in s&a$e and ti*e! #o those are nor*al &arents! I studied the 'oy 'eside *e 0ho longed )or a li)e in 8ongolia and 0asn't allo0ed to leave the house in anything 0rinkled or stained, and another &ie$e o) his $ode )ell into &la$e<he 0as a little less en$ry&ted! I started 0alking to0ard 4illon and the $ro0d o) kids our age ?i) you're going to do the dee&3$over thing you *ight as 0ell do it all the 0ayA, 'ut Fosh tugged at *y hand, sto&&ing *e! DCo*e on, let's dan$e!D DButD<I &ointed to the teenage *o'<Daren't those your )riendsGD Fosh looked at the*! DYeah, those are the kids )ro* *y s$hool!D DI) you 0ant to go say hi or so*ething ED DLet *e think,D he said, teasing! DI $ould dan$e 0ith the &rettiest girl at the &arty or go hang out 0ith a 'un$h o) idiots I see all day every day! ;hat do you thinkGD I thought he 0as getting so*e serious 'onus &oints )or the &rettiest &arty line, 0as 0hat I thought, 'ut that didn't sto& *e )ro* looking ne0 0ay as he steered us to the o&&osite side o) the 'arn, a0ay )ro* a0ay )ro* his &arents! 1or the )irst ti*e, I reali9ed I *ight not 'e in dee& $over! girl at the at hi* in a his )riends, the only one

;e dan$ed )or a long ti*e 'e)ore Fosh said, DThanks )or *eeting *y &arents! They're 'ig on that!D DYeah,D I said! DThey're really ni$e!D DThey're &sy$ho,D he $orre$ted *e! D4id you hear 0hat he saidG A'out the storeG He seriously thinks everyone in this to0n 0ould die i) it 0eren't )or hi*!D He shook his head! DYou're so lu$ky no one $ares 0hat you do! I *ean, you $an 'e anything you 0ant to 'e! .o one's 0aiting on you to 'e so*e kind o) $hosen one!D D.o,D I said! DI guess no one is!D Lie<a'solute, total, and $o*&lete lie! He &ulled *e tighter, 0hi$h 0as a good thing )or t0o reasons, 'e$ause AA it ke&t hi* )ro* seeing the tears that 0ere )or*ing at the $orners o) *y eyes, threatening to test the 0ater&roo)ness o) 8a$ey's ne0 *as$ara, and BA it gave *e &retty good $over, 0hi$h I 0as a'out to totally need! In )a$t, no s&y in the history o) the kno0n universe has ever needed $over *ore! D-h *y gosh@D I gas&ed and du$ked, hiding *y head 'ehind Fosh's shoulder! D;hatGD he said! D-h, u*, I :ust stu''ed *y toe,D I lied, 'e$ause that 0as hardly the ti*e to say, Hey Fosh, s&eaking o) &arents, 8Y 8-8 FJ#T ;ALK/4 I. ;ITH 8Y C-B/-,# T/ACH/>@ A$ross the dan$e )loor, 8o* 0as in 8r! #olo*on's ar*s! They 0ere 'oth totally laughing, and he 0as t0irling her, and her hair 0as )lying around like she 0as in a sha*&oo $o**er$ial! #eriously! #he $ould have sold $onditioner to a 'ald *an the 0ay she looked out there!

I started easing to0ard the shado0s, )ar a0ay )ro* the *ain doors, $ursing *ysel) )or not *arking all the e2its earlier! I 0as stu&id! #TJ,I4! #TJ,I4! #TJ,I4! DI think I 0ant to sit do0n )or a 0hile!D I )ound a stret$h o) shado0y s&a$e at the 'a$k o) the 'arn, 'eneath the haylo)t, )ar a0ay )ro* 8o* and 8r! #olo*on! D4o you 0ant so*e &un$hGD he asked! DY/#@ ,un$h sounds great@D I 0at$hed Fosh disa&&ear into the $ro0d, and )or a se$ond the &ani$ sto&&ed and I )elt another )eeling in *y gut, like the ground had 'een s0e&t out )ro* under *e! But it 0asn't :ust nerves! I 0as )lying, hurtling through the sky! Literally!

Cha&ter T0enty

-h *y gosh@ I thought 'ut didn't s$rea*<&artly 'e$ause all the air had 'een :erked out o) *y lungs, and &artly 'e$ause Be2 had one hand $la*&ed over *y *outh! Li9 0as looking at *e through the &ale light that )loated into the haylo)t )ro* the &arty 'elo0, the noise *u))led 'y 'ales o) last year's stra0! DCa**ie,D Li9 said &atiently, as i) trying to 0ake *e )ro* a dee& slee&! D;e had to get you out o) there! Your *o* and #olo*on<they're here@D That's 0hen I looked around the haylo)t and sa0 the series o) &ulleys the girls had $onstru$ted<the 0ires that 0ere tied to Be2 and to *e<and I suddenly understood 0hy I )elt like a )ish Grand&a 8organ had :ust :erked out o) the 0ater! /ven 8a$ey 0as there, lying on her sto*a$h, &eering over the edge o) the lo)t! D;e're good!D #he rolled onto her side to )a$e us! DThe shado0s are so thi$k 'a$k there= I don't think anyone sa0!D D-h *y gosh,D I )inally said! 1or so*eone 0ho 0as te$hni$ally involved in her )irst a$t o) es&ionage, 8a$ey 0as a$ting &retty $al* a'out it< like *ay'e Tina's theory that she had on$e 'la$k*ailed the editor o) Bogue into 'ringing 'a$k gau$ho &ants 0as a$tually true! Li9, on the other hand, 0as )reaking out! DCa**ie, did you hear *eGD she nearly shouted! DYour *o* and #olo*on are here@ They're here@ They $ould have seen you@ 4o you kno0 0hat 0ould ha&&en i) they sa0 youGD DI kno0,D I said as I sank to the )loor o) the lo)t! I 'reathed in the s0eet s*ell o) the hay and 0aited )or *y heart to sto& &ounding! Then I reali9ed so*ething! DThey didn't see *e,D I said! DBut ho0 $an you 'e sureGD This ti*e, Be2 ans0ered! DBe$ause she isn't dead yet!D The haylo)t 0as dark and at least thirty )eet a'ove the heart o) the &arty, so Be2

and Li9 sank to the )loor and together 0e $ra0led to0ard 8a$ey and the edge! 4i* lights t0inkled 'elo0 us, and the 'and &layed a slo0 song! I 0at$hed *y *o* dan$e 0ith 8r! #olo*on! #he rested her head on his shoulder, and suddenly, having the* skin *e alive see*ed like a totally 'etter o&tion than 0at$hing that! D;o0,D 8a$ey *uttered! DKiller $ou&le!D But I don't kno0 i) she *eant it literally! D-h, Ca**ie,D Li9 said, DI'* sure they're :ust here as )riends! >ight, Be2GD Be2 0as s&ee$hless! -h *y gosh@ DI *ean, I'* sure they're :ust<D Li9 tried to *ake things 'etter, 'ut it 0as 8a$ey 0ho said, D4on't 0orry, they aren't dating or in love or anything!D #he sounded kno0 su$h a 0as totally I 0as going so de$isive<so sure! I looked at her, 0ondering Ho0 $an she &ossi'ly thing@ Then I re*e*'ered<she 0as 8a$ey 8$Henry@ -) $ourse she kne0@ I starting to )eel 'etter until she added a )ate)ul, DYet,D and I thought to 'e si$k!

I $ouldn't 0at$h any *ore, so I turned a0ay and asked, DHo0 did this ha&&enGD DA)ter you turned your *o* do0n, I sa0 her talking to dou'le3-3hottie do0n there,D 8a$ey said! DAnd they de$ided to go do so*ething!D DAnd 0e kne0 so*ething like this $ould ha&&en, so 0e sli&&ed a tra$ker into your *o*'s &urse,D Be2 said s*ugly, loving the situation a little too *u$h, i) you ask *e! DAnd 0e a$tivated the tra$ker in Fosh's shoe!D Li9 held her 0rist to0ard *e, and suddenly I sa0 t0o red dots 'linking side 'y side, as 'eneath us, Fosh $arried t0o $u&s o) &un$h through the &arty, &assing in$hes a0ay )ro* *y *other! DAnd then 0e de$ided you *ight need an e*ergen$y o&erative e2tra$tion,D Li9 said, reveling in the $han$e to Cuote one o) her )lash $ards! I thre0 *y ar*s over *y head, 'urying *y )a$e in the s0eet3s*elling hay, 0illing it all to 'e a drea*, and I had al*ost su$$eeded 0hen I heard, D.i$e $orsage!D I looked u& and glared at 8a$ey, 0ho shrugged and said, D;hatG Like you didn't think itGD But that 0as hardly the ti*e to e2&lain! -h, no, 0e totally had 'etter things to do, as Be2 0as no dou't a0are, 'e$ause she 0as 'a$king )arther into the shado0s, saying, DCo*e on! -ne o&erative e2tra$tion $o*ing u&!D Be)ore I kne0 0hat 0as ha&&ening, Be2 0as &ulling *e to *y )eet and hooking *e to the $a'le, and 8a$ey 0as &ushing o&en the lo)t door to the $hilly autu*n night, getting ready to lo0er *e outside like a great 'ig 'ale o) hay! D.o,D I said, 'ut Li9 &ushed *e out the door! DI $an't,D I $ried, 'ut I 0as s&inning around and around in *idair! Be)ore I kne0 it, Li9 0as :oining *e on the ground, )ollo0ed 'y 8a$ey, 0ho 'olted )or the trees that lined the edges o) the &asture! DLi9, I $an't do this,D I said as I gri&&ed *y )riend's skinny shoulders! DI've got to get 'a$k inside, so*eho0!D

DHave you gone $o*&letely 'onkersGD Be2 said as she :oined us on the ground! DBut Fosh is in there,D I &rotested! D#o are your *other and 8r! #olo*on,D Be2 &ointed out! #he :erked the stret$h o) $a'le I 0as holding, and it 'urned through *y hands! DBe2, I $an't :ust leave hi*@ He'll 0orry! He'll start looking and asking around andED D#he's right,D I heard Li9 saying! DIt's a dire$t violation o) Cove-&s rule nu*'er <D But I 0as never going to kno0 0hi$h Cove-&s rule that violated, 'e$ause :ust then a 'ig ru'y3$olored )lash $a*e 9oo*ing out o) the )orest! DGet in@D 8a$ey $ried )ro* the driver's seat! 1or a *o*ent, I didn't kno0 0hi$h 0as *ore sur&rising, the )a$t that *y $lass*ates had $o*e to res$ue *e in a Gallagher A$ade*y gol) $art or that Be2 had let 8a$ey drive ?although, 0hen you think a'out it, 8a$ey &ro'a'ly did have 0ay *ore gol)3$art e2&erien$e than the rest o) usA! ;hen Li9 sa0 the da9ed look on *y )a$e, she 'lushed and said, DLet's :ust say Bu''legu* Guard is going to 0ake u& in a )e0 hours, a*a9ed that his sinus *edi$ine *ade hi* so dro0sy!D I heard the *usi$ sto& and 0ild a&&lause, 'ut it )elt like 0e 0ere a *ile )ro* the &arty! Fosh 0as in there! -) $ourse, so 0ere t0o &eo&le 0ho $ould &unish *e in 0ays that have 'een illegal sin$e the Geneva Convention! But still, I looked at Be2 and said, DI $an't go!D Li9 0as already $li*'ing into the gol) $art, leaving Be2 and *e alone in the dark! DI'll 'e okay,D I told Be2! DI'll get Fosh and 0e'll leave!D #he didn't say anything! ;e 0ere on the dark side o) the &arty, 'ut I $ould read her )a$e in the light o) the )ull *oon! I didn't see )ear= I sa0 disa&&oint*ent! It see*ed a 0hole lot 0orse! DThey $ould $at$h you, you kno0GD Be2 asked! DHey,D I tried, )or$ing a laugh, trusting *y s*ile to tha0 her, DI'* The Cha*eleon, rightGD But Be2 0as already sliding into the 'a$kseat! D#ee you at ho*e!D The -&erative de$ided to go into a holding &attern in ho&es o) e2tra$ting The #u':e$t and salvaging the *ission! At least t0o hostile agents 0ere inside ?and they 0ere going to get a lot *ore hostile i) things didn't go 0ellA, so it 0as a risky *ove, 'ut one she 0as 0illing to *ake, even as she 0at$hed her 'a$ku& drive a0ay! 8o* and 8r! #olo*on *ight have had the advantage 0hen it $a*e to training and e2&erien$e, 'ut I had a su&erior &osition and )ar *ore in)or*ation! As I $rou$hed 'ehind the hood o) a 'ig, 'la$k Bui$k, 0at$hing the doors, I 0ent through *y o&tionsK AA $ause a diversion and ho&e to &ull Fosh a0ay in the $haos, BA 0ait )or either Fosh or 8o* and 8r! #olo*on to leave, and &ray they didn't de$ide to leave at the e2a$t sa*e ti*e, or CA think o) *ore o&tions! A)ter all, I did have a$$ess to gasoline, ro$ks, and alu*inu* $ans, 'ut that old 'arn see*ed really, really )la**a'le, and I 0asn't e2a$tly in the *ood to take

$han$es! I 0as :ust starting to 0onder i) one o) the &i$ku& tru$ks &arked 'eside *e 0ould have a ro&e, 0hen I heard so*eone say, DCa**ieGD I s&un around to see 4ee4ee heading *y 0ay! DHi! I thought that 0as you!D #he 0as 0earing a really &retty &ink dress that *at$hed her stationery! Her 'lond hair 0as &ulled a0ay )ro* her )a$e! #he looked al*ost doll3like as she )loated to0ard *e through the dark! DHi, 4ee4ee,D I said! DYou look really ni$e!D DThanks,D she said, 'ut didn't sound like she 'elieved *e! DYou, too!D .ervously, I )ingered the $orsage! The or$hid &etals )elt like silk against *y hand! DI see he 0ent ahead and got you one!D I looked do0n at *y 0rist! DYeah!D I didn't kno0 ho0 to )eel a'out the )a$t that Fosh had dis$ussed his $orsage &lans 0ith another girl, 'ut then I looked at her and reali9ed I didn't )eel nearly as 0eirded3out a'out it as she did! 4ee4ee &ointed to0ard the lights and s0aying $ou&les in the distan$e and said, DI )igured i) I $a*e late then I 0ouldn't have to 'e a 0all)lo0er )or too long!D I i*agined her 'lending in 0ith the 0ooden slats and 'ales o) hay, disa&&earing a*ong the sea o) $ou&les until no one noti$ed one girl standing alone, not Cuite a &art o) the &arty! That's 0hen I kne0 that 4ee4ee 0as a $ha*eleon, too! D#o, 0hat are you doing out here 'y yoursel)GD 4ee4ee asked! It 0as a &retty good Cuestion! Thank)ully, one I 0as ready )or! I ru''ed *y te*&les and said, DIt's so loud in there, *y head is killing *e! I had to get so*e air!D D-h,D she said, and started digging in her tiny &ink &urse! D4o you 0ant so*e as&irin or so*ethingGD D.o! Thanks, though!D 4ee4ee sto&&ed digging, 'ut she still didn't look at *e 0hen she said, DHe really likes you, you kno0G I've kno0n hi* )or )orever, and I $an tell he really likes you!D /ven i) I hadn't read her note, I 0ould have kno0n ho0 *u$h she liked Fosh, ho0 dee&ly she 0ished that he 0ould so*eday 'uy her a 0rist $orsage! And she'd 0ear it< not 'e$ause it 0as &art o) so*e silly inside :oke 'ut 'e$ause Fosh had given it to her! DI really like hi*, too,D I said, not kno0ing 0hat else to say! #he s*iled! DI kno0!D And then I thought she'd 0alk a0ay! I really needed her to 0alk a0ay, 'e$ause I a'solutely had to $o*e u& 0ith a 0ay o) getting Fosh out o) there@ D;ell, don't let *e kee& you, 4ee4ee,D I said, running through &ossi'le distra$tions in *y *indK s*all e2&losion, easily $ontained )orest )ire, the &ossi'ility that there *ight 'e

so*e &regnant 0o*an inside 0ho $ould go into la'or in the ne2t hal) hour E DCa**ieGD 4ee4ee asked, and I $ouldn't hel& *ysel), I sna&&ed, D;hatGD D4o you 0ant *e to tell Fosh you need to go ho*eGD -r that $ould 0ork, too! As 4ee4ee 0alked to0ard the &arty, I )ound *ysel) envying her! #he sa0 Fosh at s$hool! #he kne0 0hat he ate in the $a)eteria and 0here he sat in $lass! There 0as no &art o) her li)e she $ouldn't share 0ith hi*<nothing he didn't already kno0 )ro* a li)eti*e o) dan$es and $arnivals and ordinary days! And then I )ound *ysel) thinkingK i) all things 0ere eCual, 0ould he still like *e thenG But I 0ould never kno0, 'e$ause things 0ould never 'e eCual! 4ee4ee 0ould al0ays 'e )lesh and 'lood to hi*, and I'd al0ays 'e a legend!

DAre you sure I $an't drive you ho*eGD Fosh asked as he turned the van onto 8ain #treet and 0e headed )or the sCuare! DCo*e on! I kno0 you're not )eeling 0ell! Let *e<D D.o, that's okay,D I said! D8y head doesn't hurt no0!D .ot a lie! DAre you sureGD DYeah!D He &arked hand, and lights in 0ar*, and along the sCuare, and 0e got out and 0alked to the ga9e'o! He held *y it 0as a very 4ear 4iary *o*ent, i) you kno0 0hat I *ean, 'e$ause the the ga9e'o 0ere on 'ut the to0n 0as deserted and his hand 0as so)t and then E he handed *e a &resent@

The 'o2 0as s*all and 'lue ?'ut not Ti))any 'lue as 8a$ey 0ould later &oint outA and $ir$led 'y a &ink ri''on! He said, DI ho&e you like it!D I 0as stunned! Co*&letely! I'd gotten &resents 'e)ore, sure, 'ut usually they 0ere things like ne0 running shoes or a signed )irst edition o) A #&y's Guide to Jnderground >ussia! .ever had the &resents $o*e 0ith &retty &ink ri''ons! D8y *o* hel&ed *e 0ra& it,D Fosh ad*itted, then *otioned to the gi)t in *y hands! DGo ahead,D he told *e, 'ut I didn't 0ant to o&en it! Ho0 sad is that<that the idea o) a &resent 0as *ore &re$ious to *e than the gi)t itsel)G DGo on@D Fosh said, gro0ing i*&atient! DI 0asn't sure 0hat you 0anted, 'utEoh, 0ellED He started tearing at the &a&er! DHa&&y 'irthday@D Yeah, in $ase you haven't )igured it out alreadyK it totally 0asn't *y 'irthday! The &resent in *y hands )elt )oreign and heavy then! 4oesn't it usually take N7M days to earn a 'irthday &resentG I 0ondered! I *ean, I kno0 I've had a &retty sheltered li)e and all, 'ut I'* &retty sure that's the standard 0ay in 0hi$h these things 0ork!

DI 'et you thought I'd )orgotten,D he teased, &ulling *e into a 'one3$rushing hug! D-h, u* E yeahGD I tried! D4ee4ee hel&ed *e &i$k the* out!D He had taken the lid o)) the 'o2 and 0as &ulling out the *ost deli$ate &air o) silver earrings I'd ever seen! ?.ote to sel)K get ears &ier$ed!A DI thought they'd go 0ith your ne$kla$e<you kno0, the silver one, 0ith the $rossGD DYeah,D I said, dis*ayed! DI kno0 the one!D The earrings glistened in the night, and all I $ould do 0as stare at the*, hy&noti9ed, thinking that no girl has ever had a ni$er 'oy)riend, and no girl has ever 'een less deserving o) hi*! I )elt like I 0as outside *ysel) looking do0n! 4oesn't she kno0 ho0 lu$ky she isG 4oesn't she earrings that *at$h her ne$kla$e and a 'oy 0ho she to 0orry a'out Cuantu* &hysi$s or $he*i$al kno0 this is one o) those rare *o*ents in li)e and 0onder)ulG 4oesn't she kno0 these *o*ents al0ays endG ;ho is that girl, I 0ondered! reali9e that she has really &retty 0ould think o) su$h a thingG ;ho is agents or .#A $odesG 4oesn't she 0here everything is right and good

Cha&ter T0enty3one

As I in$hed through the se$ret &assage0ays, *y thoughts see*ed to e$ho in the narro0 s&a$eK But it isn't *y 'irthday! I 0ished the nagging dou't 0ould :ust go a0ay! I had earrings, didn't IG 4oes it really *atter 0hy he'd given the* to *eG A)ter all, nor*al girls get *ad 0hen their 'oy)riends )orget their 'irthdays, so shouldn't re*e*'ering a 0rong 'irthday 'e 0orth 'onus &oints or so*ethingG I should have 'een $rediting Fosh's a$$ount in $ase he ever )orgot so*ething else<like t0enty years )ro* no0 he $ould )orget our 0edding anniversary and I $ould say, 4on't 0orry, darling= re*e*'er 0hen you gave *e earrings 0hen it 0asn't *y 'irthdayG .o0 0e're even! But it 0asn't *y 'irthday! I thought a'out the dateK .ove*'er nineteenth! I re*e*'ered telling Fosh that 0as *y 'irthday during his ra&id3)ire interrogation 'y the &ark, and I 0asn't sure 0hi$h 0as *ore so'ering<that he'd re*e*'ered or I'd )orgotten! The e*&ty $orridors see*ed to s&iral out in )ront o) *e! I 0as tired! I 0as hungry! I 0anted to take a sho0er and talk to *y )riends, and so I 0as already hal) aslee& as I leaned against the 'a$k side o) the an$ient stone that )ra*ed the huge )ire&la$e in the se$ond3)loor student lounge! In :ust a $ou&le o) 0eeks the )ire&la$e 0as going to 'e useless to *e as a &assage0ay unless I 0anted to 0ear one o) 4r! 1i's's )ire&roo) 'odysuits on *y dates 0ith Fosh ?'ut they *ake even Be2 look )atA, so I &ulled the lever one last ti*e, e2&e$ting the stones to &art, 'ut 0hen I did, I a$$identally kno$ked an old tor$h holder that slid do0n, o&ening yet another hidden door, and revealing a 'ran$h in the &assage0ay that I don't think

I'd ever seen 'e)ore! I don't kno0 0hy I )ollo0ed it<s&y geneti$s or teenage $uriosity<'ut soon I 0as 0andering do0n the $orridor, not kno0ing 0here I 0as until I 0alked through thin slivers o) light and sto&&ed to &eer through $ra$ks into the Hall o) History, 0here Gilly's s0ord stood glea*ing 'eneath its &er&etual s&otlight! That's also 0hen I heard the $rying! 1arther do0n the &assage0ay I )ound *y *other's o))i$e and the 'ookshelves I had 0at$hed s&in around to reveal the *e*ora'ilia o) a head*aster o) an elite 'oarding s$hool! I leaned against the*, &eered through a $ra$k in the &laster, and 0at$hed *y *other $ry! #o*eone $ould have thro0n a s0it$h, and the 'ook$ase 0ould have s&un around, taking *e 0ith it, 'ut as I stood in the $ra*&ed and *usty s&a$e I $ouldn't turn a0ay! #he 0as alone in her o))i$e, $urled u& in her $hair! The last ti*e I'd seen her she'd 'een dan$ing and laughing, 'ut no0 she sat alone, and tears ran do0n her )a$e! I 0anted to hold her so that 0e $ould $ry together! I 0anted to )eel her salty tears on *y $heek! I 0anted to s*ooth her hair and tell her that I 0as tired, too! But I stayed 0here I 0as<0at$hing, kno0ing the reasons I didn't go $o*)ort herK I $ouldn't e2&lain 0hat I 0as 0earing= I $ouldn't tell her 0hy I 0as there= 'ut *ostly, I kne0 that it 0as so*ething she didn't 0ant *e to see! ;hen she rea$hed )or a tissue on the shel) 'ehind her desk, her eyes 0ere $losed, and yet she )ound the 'o2 0ith the sure, steady *otion o) so*eone 0ho had kno0n it 0ould 'e there! It 0as a &ra$ti$ed gesture, a ha'it! And I kne0 that *y *other's grie), like her li)e, 0as )ull o) se$rets! Then I )elt the earrings in *y &o$ket, and I kne0 0hy the tears had &i$ked that night to $o*e! D-h *y gosh,D I said, on$e *ore that night<this ti*e )or a very di))erent reason! I sli&&ed )arther do0n the &assage0ay and eventually a'andoned $lassroo*! I didn't $ry! #o*ething told *e 'oth 8organ 0o*en 0ee&ing at the sa*e ti*e, so I sat *other 'e the 0eak one )or a little 0hile, taking *y slid to a 0indo0 seat in an the universe $ouldn't handle there stoi$ally, letting *y turn on duty!

I didn't *ove= I :ust 0aited out the night! The s$hool 0as Cuiet around *e, and I let the silen$e $al* *y heart'reak, lull *e into a slee&less tran$e as I stared &ast *y re)le$tion in the dark glass, and 0his&ered, DHa&&y 'irthday, 4addy!D

I stayed a0ay as long as I $ould that #unday *orning, 'ut 'y noon, I had to see *y *other= I had to kno0 that she 0as okay and a&ologi9e so*eho0 )or )orgetting *y )ather in that s*all 0ay! I had to kno0 i) that 0as the 'eginning o) the end o) *y *e*ories! I 'urst through her o))i$e door, ar*ed 0ith a do9en e2$uses, 'ut they all )le0 )ro* *y *ind 0hen I sa0 8o*, 8r! #olo*on, and Bu$kingha* staring at *e as i) I'd :ust 'een 'ea*ed do0n )ro* outer s&a$e! They shut u& too Cui$kly<so*ething you'd think s&ies 0ould kno0 'etter than to do! I didn't kno0 0hat 0as *ore distur'ing<the )a$t that so*ething 0as o'viously 0rong, or that three )a$ulty *e*'ers o) the 0orld's &re*iere s&y s$hool had )orgotten to lo$k the door! A)ter 0hat see*ed like )orever, Bu$kingha* said, DCa*eron, I'* glad you're here! You have )irsthand e2&erien$e in a *atter 0e've 'een dis$ussing!D At that *o*ent it

didn't *atter that ,atri$ia Bu$kingha* had t0o 'ad hi&s and arthriti$ )ingers, I still 0ould have s0orn she 0as *ade o) steel! D-) $ourse, >a$hel, you are Ca*eron's *other, not to *ention head*istress o) this s$hool, so I 0ould res&e$t your o&inion i) you $hose to ask Ca*eron to leave!D D.o,D *y *o* said! D#he's in no0! #he'll 0ant to hel&!D The 0hole vi'e o) the roo* 0as starting to seriously $ree& *e out, so I said, D;hat is itG ;hat's<D DClose the door, Ca*eron,D Bu$kingha* instru$ted! I did as I 0as told! DA'e Ba2ter *issed a $all3in,D 8r! #olo*on said, $rossing his ar*s as he leaned on the $orner o) 8o*'s desk, :ust like I'd seen hi* do a hundred ti*es during Cove-&s $lass! And yet, it didn't )eel like a le$ture! DA$tually, he's *issed three $all3 ins!D I didn't reali9e his 0ords had kno$ked *e o)) *y )eet until I )elt *y 'a$k&a$k &ressing against *y s&ine as I tried to lean 'a$k on the so)a! 4oes Be2 kno0, I 0ondered )or a s&lit se$ond 'e)ore the o'vious ans0er da0ned on *eK o) $ourse not! DHe *ay :ust 'e delayed, o) $ourse,D Bu$kingha* o))ered! DThese things ha&&en< $o**uni$ations di))i$ulties, $hanges in $ell o&erationEThis doesn't ne$essarily *ean that his $over has 'een $o*&ro*ised! #till, three *issed $alls is E trou'ling!D DIs Be2's *o* ED I stu*'led over *y 0ords! DIs she 0ith hi*GD 8r! #olo*on looked at Bu$kingha*, 0ho shook her head! D-ur )riends at #i2 say no!D And then I reali9ed 0hy Bu$kingha* 0as in $harge o) that dis$ussion<she had 'een 8I7, :ust like Be2's &arents! #he had 'een the one to get the $all! #he 0as the one 0ho 0as going to have to de$ide 0hat, i) anything, to tell Be2! DIt doesn't *ean anything,D *y *o* soothed, 'ut I heard tra$es o) the 0o*an I'd seen the night 'e)ore<tra$es I &ro'a'ly 0ouldn't have heard t0enty3)our hours earlier, 'ut I kne0 they 0ere there no0, and I'd 'e listening )or the* )or the rest o) *y li)e! DBe2 ED I *uttered! D;e 0ere :ust talking a'out her, Ca*,D 8o* said! D;e don't kno0 0hat to do!D #ay 0hat you 0ill a'out s&ies, 'ut they don't do anything hal)0ay! -ur lies $o*e $o*&lete 0ith #o$ial #e$urity nu*'ers and )ake I4s, and our truths $ut like #&anish steel! I kne0 0hat *y *o* 0as saying! I kne0 0hy she risked saying it to *e! The Gallagher A$ade*y 0as *ade o) stone, 'ut ne0s like that $ould 'urn it to the ground as Cui$kly as i) it 0ere 'uilt out o) ne0s&a&ers and &ainted 0ith gasoline! DCa*D<8o* sat on the edge o) the $o))ee ta'le in )ront o) *e<Dthis has ha&&ened 'e)ore, o) $ourse, 'ut ea$h $ase is di))erent, and you kno0 Be2 'etter than anyone <D D4on't tell her!D The 0ords sur&rised even *e! I kno0 0e're su&&osed to 'e tough and hardened and in the &ro$ess o) 'eing &re&ared )or anything, 'ut I didn't 0ant her to kno0 :ust 'e$ause 0e 0ere too 0eak to $arry the se$ret on our o0n! I looked at *y *other again, re*e*'ered ho0 long it takes so*e 0ounds to heal, and reali9ed there 0ould 'e &lenty o) ti*e )or grieving!

Be2's )ather 0as thousands o) *iles a0ay, 'ut she still had the &ro*ise o) hi*! ;ho 0as I to take that a0ay too soonG ;hat 0ould I have given )or a )e0 e2tra hours o) it *ysel)G

DHey,D 8a$ey 8$Henry said 'ehind *e, and I instantly regretted sho0ing her the s*all, an$ient $orridor and telling her it 0as a great &la$e to study! DThat had 'etter not 'e 'e$ause o) a 'oy!D #he dro&&ed her sta$k o) 'ooks 'eside *e, 'ut I $ouldn't look at her! Instead, I :ust sat there 0i&ing a0ay the tears I 0as $rying Cuietly )or Be2's )ather< s0allo0ing the tears I 0as $rying )or *y o0n! A long ti*e &assed! I don't kno0< *ay'e like a *illenniu* or so*ething<'e)ore 8a$ey nudged *e 0ith her knee and said, D#&ill!D #ay 0hat you 0ill a'out 8a$ey 8$Henry, 'ut she really doesn't 'eat around the 'ush! A su&ers&y 0ould have lied to her<good lies, too! But I $ouldn't! 8ay'e it 0as stress! 8ay'e it 0as grie)! 8ay'e it 0as ,8#, 'ut so*ething *ade *e look u& at 8a$ey and say, DBe2's dad is *issing! He *ight 'e dead!D 8a$ey slid to sit 'eside *e! DYou $an't tell her!D DI kno0,D I said, and then I 'le0 *y nose! D;hen 0ill they kno0 )or sureGD DI don't kno0!D And I didn't! DCould 'e days! Could 'e *onths! He hasn't $alled his handler! I) he $alls, then ED D;e $an't tell her!D -) $ourse 0e $ouldn't, 'ut so*ething a'out that state*ent *ade *e sto& and look at her! I thought 'a$k on it, and )or the )irst ti*e, I heard the 0e! There 0ere things I $ouldn't tell *y *other, things I $ouldn't tell *y 'oy)riend, and things I $ouldn't tell *y )riends! But sitting there 0ith 8a$ey 8$Henry, I reali9ed )or the )irst ti*e that so*eone kne0 all *y se$rets<that I 0asn't entirely alone! 8a$ey stood and started to 0alk a0ay! DCa**ie, no o))ense ED ;hen so*eone like 8a$ey 8$Henry says Dno o))enseD it's al*ost i*&ossi'le )or so*eone like *e not to 'e o))ended 'y 0hat she says ne2t, 'ut I tried! DE 'ut don't go u& there no0! You look like hell, and she'll see it!D I 0asn't o))ended! I 0as a$tually glad she'd said it, 'e$ause it 0as true and I *ight not have reali9ed it i) 8a$ey hadn't said so! 8a$ey 0alked a0ay, and I sat there )or a long ti*e< thinking! I re*e*'ered the ti*e *y dad took *e to the $ir$us! 1or t0o hours 0e sat side 'y side, 0at$hing the $lo0ns and $heering )or the lion ta*er! But the &art I re*e*'er *ost 0as 0hen a *an ste&&ed out onto the high 0ire, )i)ty )eet a'ove the ground! By the ti*e he rea$hed the other side, )ive other &eo&le had $li*'ed onto his shoulders, 'ut I 0asn't 0at$hing hi*<I 0as too 'usy staring at *y )ather, 0ho looked on as i) he kne0 0hat it )elt like, u& there 0ithout a net! #itting there that day, I kne0 that the only thing I $ould do 0as kee& &utting one )oot in )ront o) the other, ho&ing none o) the se$rets on *y shoulders 0ould *ake *e lose *y 'alan$e!

Cha&ter T0enty3t0o

D/yes $losed,D 8r! #olo*on $o**anded again, and 0e )ollo0ed his instru$tions! The &ro:e$tor &urred 'ehind *e! I )elt its 0hite light sli$ing through the roo* as 0e $in$hed our eyes together and trained our *inds to re$all even the *ost *inute details o) the things 0e had :ust seen! I thought a'out the &hoto o) a su&er*arket &arking lot as 8r! #olo*on said, D8s! Alvare9, 0hat's 0rong 0ith this &i$tureGD DThe 'lue van has handi$a&&ed &lates,D /va said! DBut it's &arked at the 'a$k o) the lot!D DCorre$t! .e2t &i$ture!D The &ro:e$tor $li$ked, the i*age $hanged, and 0e had t0o se$onds to study the &hoto that )lashed 'e)ore our eyes! D8s! Ba2terGD 8r! #olo*on asked! D;hat's 0rong hereGD DThe u*'rella,D Be2 said! DThere's rain on the 0indo0 and the $oat on the hook is da*&, 'ut the u*'rella is 'undled u&! 8ost &eo&le leave the* o&en to dry!D DBery good!D ;hen 0e o&ened our eyes, I didn't look at the s$reen, I looked at our tea$her and 0ondered yet again ho0 he $ould talk to Be2, $hallenge her as i) nothing in the 0orld 0as 0rong! I didn't kno0 0hether to envy hi* or hate hi*, 'ut I didn't have ti*e )or either, 'e$ause he 0as saying, D/yes $losed!D I heard hi* take a ste&, and I 0anted to kno0 ho0 he $ould stand there 0hen all I 0anted to do 0as run a0ay! D8s! 8organ, 0hat's 0rong 0ith this &i$tureGD DJ* E I didn'tE I *ean, I'* ED ;hat 0as 0rong 0as that I hadn't 'een a'le to look *y 'est )riend in the eye )or days! ;hat 0as 0rong 0as that &eo&le like A'e Ba2ter live and die, and the 0hole 0orld goes on<never kno0ing 0hat they've sa$ri)i$ed! There 0as so *u$h 0rong that I didn't kno0 0here to start! D-kay! Ho0 a'out you, 8s! BauerGD DThe tea$u& at the head o) the ta'le,D Courtney said! D;hat a'out itGD DIts handle is )a$ing the 0rong 0ay!D D#o it is,D 8r! #olo*on said as the lights in the $lassroo* )li$kered to li)e and 0e all sCuinted against the glare! -ur internal $lo$ks 0ere telling us the sa*e thing< $lass 0asn't over! DI've got so*ething )or you today, ladies,D 8r! #olo*on said as he handed a sta$k o) &a&ers to ea$h girl in the )ront ro0! Li9's hand 0as instantly in the air!

D.o, 8s! #utton,D 8r! #olo*on said 'e)ore Li9 $ould even ask the Cuestion! DThis isn't a test, and it's not )or a grade! Your s$hool :ust needs you to say in 'la$k and 0hite 0hether you are going to kee& studying $overt o&erations ne2t se*ester!D All around *e, *y $lass*ates started )illing out the )or*<a $he$k *ark here, a signature there, until 8r! #olo*on ste&&ed )or0ard and sna&&ed, DLadiesD<he &aused as everyone looked u&<D*y $olleague 8r! #*ith is )ond o) saying, 'It is a 'ig 0orld )ull o) dark $orners and long *e*ories!' 4o notD<he &aused, surveying us, and I $ould have s0orn his stare lingered on *e<Dtake this de$ision lightly!D Be2 &oked *e in the shoulder! ;hen I turned around, she )lashed a 'ig thu*'s3u& and *outhed the 0ords DThis is a0eso*e@D I looked 'a$k do0n at the )or* in *y hands, ru''ed it 'et0een *y )ingers, and tried to s*ell i) there 0as &oison in the ink! It's :ust &a&er, I told *ysel)! -rdinary &a&er! But then that very )a$t sent $hills do0n *y s&ine as I reali9ed the )or* 0asn't on /va&o&a&er! It 0asn't *eant to dissolve and 0ash a0ay! I $aught Foe #olo*on's eye, and I'* &retty sure he sa0 *e noti$e that<the &er*anen$e o) 0hat it *eant! And even though it 0asn't *eant to 'e eaten, I still got a 'ad taste in *y *outh!

Cha&ter T0enty3three

.o0, you *ay think that i) you're a Gallagher Girl dating a 'oy )ro* >oseville that the 'est thing in the 0orld 0ould 'e having Tina ;alters $o*e running u& to you at 'reak)ast, e2$lai*ing, DCa**ie, I talked to your *o*, and she said 0e $an all 0alk into to0n on #aturday@D You *ay think that<'ut you'd 'e 0rong! /very *o*ent I s&ent in to0n 0hile it 0as s0ar*ing 0ith Gallagher Girls 0as a *o*ent they $ould see *e 0ith Fosh, or Fosh $ould see *e 0ith the*! #till, I looked at Be2 a$ross the 'reak)ast ta'le, )elt the sadness that I'd 'een $arrying )or days, and even though Li9 0his&ered, DCa*, it's a 'ig risk,D I kne0 I had to go! I needed a )e0 hours o) )orgetting! #aturday *orning, the suites 0ere 'u99ing as girls $olle$ted their Christ*as sho&&ing lists and $he$ked 0hat *ovies 0ere &laying! ?I'd already seen the* 'oth 0ith Fosh, o) $ourse!A #o*e o) us rode into to0n in Gallagher A$ade*y vans, 'ut I $hose to 0alk 0ith the rest o) the so&ho*ores< a*a9ed at ho0 that )a*iliar terrain looked 'y the light o) day! ;hen 0e head is &o$kets 'e$ause rea$hed the edge o) to0n, I started ru''ing *y te*&les! D-h,D I said, D*y killing *e! 4oes any'ody have any as&irinGD 8y $lass*ates $he$ked their and &urses, 'ut no one $ould )ind any little 'ottles o) &ills ?&ro'a'ly I'd stolen the* all the night 'e)oreA!

DYou guys go on 0ithout *e,D I said, 0hen 0e rea$hed the sCuare! DI'* gonna run to the &har*a$y!D .ot a lie!

DThe *ovie's gonna start in ten *inutes,D Be2 re*inded *e, 'ut I 0as already 0alking a0ay, $alling a)ter the*, DI'll *eet you in there!D As &lans go, it 0as a &retty good one! I $ould s&end t0o hours 0ith Fosh, then sneak into the 'a$k o) the theater, say so*ething a'out the *ovie on the 0ay ho*e, and they'd never kno0 I hadn't 'een there all along! The door dinged 0hen I &ushed inside! I'd never 'een to the &har*a$y 0ith Fosh! It had al0ays see*ed 'etter not to see hi* there! But he'd told *e his dad 0as *aking hi* 0ork on #aturdays, and having &er*ission to 'e in to0n 0as too good an o&&ortunity to &ass u&! I 0alked to the $ounter and s&oke to the 0o*an 'ehind it! DHi! Is Fosh hereGD D;ell, hello, Ca**ie,D a *an said 'ehind *e! I turned to see 8r! A'ra*s 0alking *y 0ay! He 0as 0earing a 0hite s*o$k 0ith his na*e e*'roidered a'ove the &o$ket! I )elt like I 0as getting ready to have *y teeth $leaned! DThis is a ni$e sur&rise!D D-h, hello, 8r! A'ra*s!D DIs this your )irst tri& to our little storeGD DYes, it is! It's ED I looked around at the long ro0s o) $ough syru&s and greeting $ards and 'andages )or every o$$asion! DEni$e!D 8r! A'ra*s 'ea*ed! D;ell, Fosh :ust ran out to *ake a delivery! -ught to 'e right 'a$k, though! In the *eanti*e, I 0ant you to go over to the $ounter and order u& any kind o) i$e $rea* you 0ant<on the house! Ho0's that soundGD I glan$ed 'ehind *e to see an old3)ashioned soda )ountain stret$hing a$ross the )ar 0all! DThat sounds great@D Totally not a lie! 8r! A'ra*s s*iled at *e and started to0ard a set o) narro0 stairs, 'ut 'e)ore $li*'ing, he turned and said, DCa**ie, you $o*e 'a$k any ti*e!D He disa&&eared around a $orner! I 0as al*ost sad to 0at$h hi* go! The i$e3$rea* $ounter 0as s*ooth against *y hands as I 0alked in )ront o) the huge *irror that hung 'ehind the 'ar! The 0o*an )ro* the $ounter )ollo0ed *e over and sli&&ed on an a&ron as I $li*'ed onto one o) the old *etal stools! A sign a'ove the 'ar read D,roudly serving Co$a3Cola sin$e 1"X6!D There 0as a tall glass :ar )ull o) stra0s! The 0o*an didn't 'at an eye 0hen I ordered a dou'le $ho$olate sundae, and )or the )irst ti*e in 0eeks I )elt al*ost nor*al! -utside it 0as .ove*'er and $old, 'ut the sun 0as 'ea*ing through the glass store)ront, 0ar*ing *y skin as I ate *y i$e $rea* and )ell into a drea*y, sugar3indu$ed tran$e! Then, I heard the :ingling o) the little 'rass 'ells a'ove the door! I didn't turn around! I didn't have to! The 0o*an 0ho'd 'een hel&ing *e &ulled o)) her a&ron and headed to0ard the $ounter as I &aused 0ith a s&oon hal)0ay to *y *outh and sa0 Anna 1etter*an's re)le$tion in the *irror 'ehind the 'ar! DCan you hel& *eGD Anna said, on$e the $lerk dre0 near! DI need to have *y inhaler re)illed!D D#ure, honey!D The 0o*an took the sli& o) &a&er )ro* Anna's hand! DLet *e go $he$k on this! It'll :ust 'e a *inute!D

I 0as already o)) *y stool and $rou$hing 'ehind an adult dia&ers dis&lay, 0hen I reali9ed that all I 0as really guilty o) 0as eating a hot )udge sundae so soon a)ter lun$h, and let *e tell you<Anna has seen *e eat 0ay *ore than that ?a $ertain in$ident involving 4oritos, sCuirty $heese, and the 0inter -ly*&i$s $o*es to *indA, so I 0as :ust getting ready to go say hi, 0hen I heard so*ething that *ade *e )ree9e! The 'ells rang again, and I glan$ed through the shelves to see 4illon and a 'un$h o) 'oys )ro* the 'arn dan$e 0alk in! But they didn't 0alk do0n the aisles! .o! They'd already )ound 0hat they 0ere looking )or! DHey, don't I kno0 youGD 4illon asked, 'ut he 0asn't talking to *e! It 0as 0orse! He 0as talking to Anna, and he 0asn't si*&ly asking a Cuestion! His 0ords 0ere too shar&! His tone too &redatory as he ste&&ed $loser to little Anna 1etter*an and said, D.o, 0ait, you don't go to *y s$hool!D In the *irror a'ove the 'ar I sa0 hi* $ro0d Anna against the shelves! DI 'et you go to the Gallagher A$ade*y!D Anna dre0 her &urse to her $hest as i) he 0ere going to gra' it and run a0ay! D;hat a ni$e &urse,D 4illon said! D4id your daddy 'uy you that &urseGD Anna's daddy is an eighth3grade 'iology tea$her in 4ayton, -hio, 'ut 4illon didn't kno0 that and Anna $ouldn't tell hi*! #he 0as $linging to her $over :ust as ardently as I 0as $linging to *ine! The 'oys around 4illon started to laugh! And :ust like that I re*e*'ered 0hy Gallagher Girls and to0n 'oys aren't su&&osed to *i2! Anna stu*'led 'a$k0ard, 'e$ause, des&ite nearly three and a hal) years o) ,%/ training, she $ould hardly s0at a )ly! The to0n 0as s0ar*ing 0ith Gallagher Girls that a)ternoon, 'ut 4illon and his )riends had )ound Anna! It 0asn't an a$$ident! Anna 0as alone and 0eak, so o'viously so*eone like 4illon 0ould 'e there to try to thin her )ro* the herd! DI'* :ust here to ED Anna tried to s&eak, 'ut her voi$e 0as 'arely *ore than a 0his&er! D;hat's thatGD 4illon asked! DI didn't hear you!D DIED Anna stuttered! I 0anted to go to her, 'ut I 0as )ro9en so*eho0< hal)0ay 'et0een 'eing her )riend and 'eing a ho*es$hooled girl 0ith a $at na*ed #u9ie! I) I 0ere one and not the other, I $ould have sto&&ed it, 'ut instead I told *ysel) over and over, #he'll 'e okay= she'll 'e okay= she'll 'e< D;hat's the *atterG 4on't they tea$h you ho0 to s&eak at the Gallagher A$ade*yGD 4illon said, and I 0ould have given anything )or Anna to 'ite 'a$k in Ara'i$, or Fa&anese, or 1arsi, 'ut she :ust took another 'a$k0ard ste&! Her el'o0 kno$ked a 'o2 o) Band3Aids, and it teetered on the edge o) the shel)! Anna in$hed to0ard the door and *u*'led, DI'll $o*e 'a$k )or<D But a $ou&le o) 4illon's )riends ste&&ed in )ront o) her, surrounding her 0ith a 0all o) $ri*son letter*en's :a$kets, and I $ouldn't see her any*ore! #he'll 'e )ine, I said again, 0illing it to 'e true! ;hi$h in a 0ay it 0as, 'e$ause :ust then the door'ells $hi*ed, and in 0alked 8a$ey 8$Henry! DHey, Anna!D To *y kno0ledge, 8a$ey had never said *ore than t0o 0ords to Anna

1etter*an, 'ut as she strolled through the door, her voi$e 0as light and )ree, and she sounded like the tiny girl's 'est )riend in the 0orld! D;hat's going onGD The )our 'oys &arted around Anna, 'a$king a0ay= *ay'e 'e$ause o) the 0ay 8a$ey $ho*&ed her gu* then 'le0 a 'u''le that &o&&ed in 4illon's )a$e= *ay'e 'e$ause they'd never seen a girl so 'eauti)ul in &erson 'e)ore! But 4illon didn't stray! D-h,D he said s*ugly, looking 8a$ey's a*a9ing )igure u& and do0n! D#he has a )riend!D Anna looked at 8a$ey as i) she hal) sus&e$ted her $lass*ate to say, ;ho *eG I'* not her )riend! But 8a$ey only )ingered the 'ottles on the shelves, handing Anna a 'ottle o) vita*in C! DYou should really take these!D 8a$ey 0alked do0n the aisle, e2a*ining the shelves, ignoring 4illon and the gang, 0ho ke&t looking at their leader )or dire$tions! DI should have kno0n the Gallagher A$ade*y 0ouldn't let its &re$ious darlings out on their o0n,D 4illon *o$ked! But 8a$ey only s*iled one o) her &atently 'eauti)ul s*iles! DYeah,D she said, eyeing his 'uddies! D;e're not 'rave like you!D DIs there a &ro'le* hereGD I kne0 the voi$e, 'ut the a$$ent 0as one Be2 only used on rare o$$asions! To this day, I don't kno0 ho0 she got through the )ront door 0ithout setting o)) the $hi*es, 'ut there she 0as, strolling &ast the Cold and 1lu se$tion, $o*ing to stand on Anna's other side! I didn't kno0 0hy she 0asn't at the *ovie! I didn't $are! It 0as three against )our no0, and 4illon didn't like those odds! #till, he *anaged to look at Be2 and say, D;hat's the *atterG Is your ya$ht 'roken or so*ethingGD 4illon sni$kered! The )riends sni$kered! It 0as an idiot sni$ker3a3thon until 8a$ey said, D.ot that I've heard!D D4id you 'oys $o*e over here to )lirt 0ith AnnaGD Be2 said, laying on her )au2 $har*! #he &ushed a &etri)ied Anna to0ard the $lan! DAnna, tell the 'oys a little so*ething a'out yoursel)!D DI have a 'oy)riend@D she 'lurted in a 0ay that told *e it totally 0asn't a lie! I 0as stunned! Be2 0as stunned! /ven 8a$ey took a se$ond to re$over! Anna has a 'oy)riendG In all this ti*e, I'd never thought that one o) *y $lass*ates *ight have a 'oy)riend<es&e$ially not Anna! DHis na*e is Carl,D she added! D#orry, 'oys,D Be2 said, sliding her ar* around Anna's shoulder! DCarl 'eat you to it!D D-h, so they have 'oy)riends! Tell *e, is Carl a to0nieGD 4illon asked, as i) he 0anted to 'e let in on a se$ret! D4o you girls like to go slu**ingGD DIt's &ro'a'ly Carl >o$ke)eller,D 8a$ey added, and Be2 sCuee9ed Anna harder until she said, DYes! Carl >o$ke)eller! ;e kno0 ea$h other )ro* the &hysi$sD<another hard sCuee9e<this ti*e 0ith )ingernails<Du*, ya$ht,D Anna $orre$ted, D$lu'!D T0o &ats on Anna's shoulder told her she'd done 0ell! DHey,D 4illon said, ste&&ing )or0ard as i) he 0ere tired o) 'eating around the

'ush! DI 0as 0ondering i) you kno0 so*eone I kno0ED His voi$e trailed o))! He leaned )or0ard, and I :ust kne0<I *ean K./;<that he 0as on to *e, 'ut then he said, DThe Rueen o) /ngland!D ;ell, Be2 a$tually has *et the Cueen, 'ut o'viously she 0asn't a'out to say so! #he :ust stood Cuietly as 4illon and his 'uddies laughed )ar too hard at the :oke, *aking it even less )unny! DHoney, I got your<D The 0o*an 'ehind the $ounter sto&&ed a'ru&tly 0hen she sa0 )our 'oys $losing in on three girls! The only sound in the roo* 0as the 0hite &a&er 'ag that held Anna's &res$ri&tion as it $rinkled in her hands! DThanks,D Be2 said, snat$hing the &a$kage! DIs this all you neededGD she asked Anna, 0ho nodded, and the $olor slo0ly returned to her $heeks! DHo0 ''out youGD 8a$ey asked 4illon! DYou get 0hat you $a*e )orGD But they didn't 0ait )or his res&onse! Instead, they 0alked together &ast a long shel) o) *aga9ines, 0here 8a$ey's )a$e stared out )ro* the $over o) .e0s0eek, along 0ith the rest o) the 8$Henry )a*ily, 'eneath a $a&tion that read The 8ost ,o0er)ul 1a*ily in A*eri$aG 4illon looked at it, then at her! 8a$ey $o$ked a hi&! D;e a&&re$iate your vote!D A long ti*e a)ter they'd gone, I still $ouldn't turn a0ay still ringing! I 0at$hed Anna stroll do0n the street 0ith )riends! A hand $ir$led *y 0rist, and Fosh said, DHey!D I *irror )ro* the $orner o) *y eye, 'ut there 0as so*ething $ouldn't turn a0ay )ro*! )ro* the 'ells that 0ere her saviors<0ith her sa0 his re)le$tion in the through that 0indo0 I

Li9 0as standing on the side0alk, staring at *e through the glass as i) she didn't kno0 *e! As i) she didn't 0ant to! DHey, 0hat's 0rongGD Fosh asked, )inally turning *e to )a$e hi*! D;hat are you doing 0ith thoseGD He gestured to the hal) do9en 'ottles o) as&irin I *ust have su'$ons$iously gathered in *y ar*s to thro0 like sno0'alls at 4illon and his $ronies i) hel& hadn't $o*e! D-h!D I looked do0n! DI kno$ked the* o)) and 0as &i$king the* u&!D DThat's okay,D he said, and &ushed the 'ottles 'a$k onto the shel)! I turned 'a$k to0ard the 0indo0, 'ut Li9 0as already gone!

Cha&ter T0enty3)our

A $old )ront 'le0 in that night<in a lot o) 0ays! 1ires 'urned in all the lounges! ;e traded our knee3so$ks )or tights! /very 0indo0 0e &assed 0as $overed 0ith )rost, 'lo$king our vie0 o) the 0orld outside! But nothing *ade *e shiver Cuite as *u$h as the look on Li9's )a$e! 1or days, it 0as as i) 0e 0ere still se&arated 'y the &har*a$y 0indo0s! It 0as as i) she hardly kne0

*e! ;hen I 0ent to the $he* la' a)ter su&&er Tuesday night, Li9 0as already there! D;ell, )an$y seeing you here,D I said, trying to sound $hi&&er as I gathered *y things and *oved to the la' ta'le a$ross )ro* her! Her eyes 0ere shielded 'ehind her &rote$tive goggles! #he didn't even look u&! D/arth to Li9,D I tried again, 'ut she turned a0ay! DI don't have ti*e to hel& you 0ith your ho*e0ork, Ca**ie,D she said, and it *ight have 'een *y i*agination, 'ut I $ould have s0orn all the 'eakers )rosted over! DThat's okay,D I said! DI think I've got it under $ontrol!D ;e 0orked in silen$e )or a long ti*e 'e)ore Li9 said, DHe 0as Fosh's )riend<0asn't heGD I didn't have to ask 0ho she 0as talking a'out! DYeah, they're neigh'ors! I'd *et hi* 'e)ore, that's 0hy I $ouldn't $o*&ro*ise<D D.i$e )riend,D Li9 sna&&ed! DHe's all talk,D I said, re&eating Fosh's 0ords to *e! DHe's har*less!D But Li9's voi$e 0as shaking 0hen she said, DGo ask Anna ho0 har*less he is!D -) $ourse, 0ord o) Anna's en$ounter in the &har*a$y had s&read like $ra9y, and Anna 0as no0 so*ething o) a hero<thanks to the )a$t that Be2 and 8a$ey insisted that Anna had the situation 0ell under $ontrol 0hen they got there! But I $ouldn't share this 0ith Li9! ;e 'oth kne0 the truth! DI) things had gotten out o) hand I $ould have<D DCould have or 0ould haveGD Li9 asked! The di))eren$e 'et0een those t0o 0ords had never see*ed so huge! D;ould,D I said! DI 0ould have sto&&ed it!D D/ven i) it *eant losing FoshGD Li9 said, not asking 0hat she really 0anted to kno0 <that i) it had 'een her instead o) Anna in 4illon's sights, 0ould I have saved her= i) it $a*e do0n to a )ight 'et0een the real *e and *y legend, 0hi$h one 0ould I $hooseG The glass doors at the 'a$k o) the la' slid o&en, and 8a$ey 0alked in! DHey, I thought I *ight )ind you t0o<D DIt's gone too )ar, Ca**ie,D Li9 said, shaking ingredients 0ildly into the *i2 until the 0hole thing started to 'u''le and $hange $olors like so*ething in a 0it$h's $aldron! DYou've gone too )ar!D DI've gone too )arGD I said! DI 0asn't the one 'lo0ing u& 4river's /d $ars@D DHey,D Li9 sna&&ed! D;e thought he 0as a honey&ot@D D.o!D I shook *y head! D;e thought he 0as a 'oy!D I gathered *y things! D;e thought he 0as 0orth it! And, you kno0 0hatG He 0as!D DYeah,D Li9 $alled a)ter *e! D;ell, I never thought you 0ere so*eone 0ho'd $hoose a

'oy over her )riends@D DHey, $ool it,D 8a$ey said! D;ell, I never thought I had )riends 0ho'd *ake *e $hoose@D As I neared the door, I heard Li9 start to s&eak, 'ut 8a$ey $ut her o)), saying, DHey, genius girl, you don't have any idea 0hat kinds o) sa$ri)i$es she's 0illing to *ake )or her )riends!D D;hat are you<D Li9 started, then her voi$e so)tened slightly as she asked, D;hyG ;hat do you kno0GD ;hen 8a$ey s&oke, she le)t no roo* )or dou't! D/nough to say, 'a$k o))!D The glass doors slid o&en and I darted through the* :ust as Li9 said, D-kay,D 'ut I $ouldn't sto& *oving, didn't dare 'reak *y &a$e until I rea$hed the su&&ly $loset in the east $orridor, 0here I slid aside a sta$k o) long )luores$ent light3'ul's, gra''ed a )lashlight )ro* the to& shel), and )ound the loose stone that I had dis$overed one day during *y seventh3grade year 0hile looking )or -ny2, Bu$kingha*'s $at! The stone 0as $old 'eneath *y hand 0hen I &ushed against it and )elt the rush o) air as the 0all slid aside! A s*all sliver o) light sli&&ed 'eneath the door 'ehind *e, 'ut it )aded into nothing in the dee& e2&anse o) 'la$k!

An hour later I 0as standing in the shado0s o) Bellis #treet, shivering in the dark! ;hat did I intend to a$$o*&lish 'y sneaking through a se$ret tunnel, $li*'ing over a )en$e, and literally staking out Fosh's house in the darkG I didn't have a $lue! Instead, I :ust stood there like an idiot ?and even an idiot 0ho is very good at not 'eing seen 0hile standing around $an )eel &retty silly 0hile doing itA! This is &ro'a'ly a &retty good ti*e to &oint out that 0hile it *ay a&&ear that I 0as lurking<I 0asn't! Lurking is 0hat $ree&y guys 0ith rando* )a$ial hair and stains on their shirts do! Geniuses 0ith three years o) to& se$ret s&y training don't lurk<0e surveil! ?-kay, I *ight have 'een lurking<a little!A ;hite eyelet $urtains 0ere &ushed 'a$k )ro* a kit$hen 0indo0 0here Fosh's *other 0as 0ashing dishes! ;hen Fosh 0alked through the kit$hen, his *other 'le0 soa&suds at hi*, and he laughed! I thought a'out Be2, 0ho 0as &ro'a'ly laughing right then, too! I thought a'out *y *other, 0hose tears only $a*e in se$ret! I thought a'out *y li)e<the one I had and the one I 0anted, so all I did 0as stand shivering in the $old, 0at$hing Fosh laugh, as I started to $ry! But that's a girl's right<isn't itG To $ry so*eti*es )or no reasonG >eally, 0hen you think a'out it, that ought to 'e in the Constitution! 8ay'e I'll 'reak into the .ational Ar$hives so*eti*e and 0rite that in! Be2 0ould totally hel& *e! #o*eho0, I don't think the 1ounding 1athers 0ould *ind!

Cha&ter T0enty3)ive

;ith )inals and the stress that $o*es 0ith the*, I didn't really see Li9 again until su&&er the )ollo0ing night 0hen she 'rought her sli$e o) &i99a and $a*e to sit 'eside *e! D#o, 0here did you go last nightGD she asked! But 'e)ore I $ould ans0er, she said, DTo see FoshGD I nodded! DYou didn't 'reak u& 0ith hi*, did youGD #he sounded genuinely $on$erned! D.o,D I said, sho$ked! DGood!D Then she *ust have sensed *y $on)usion 'e$ause she said, DHe's good to you, and you deserve that!D #he looked around the Grand Hall at the hundred other girls 0ho 0ere like us! D;e all deserve that!D Yeah, I reali9ed, I think 0e do! I stole a glan$e at Be2 0ho sat 'eside *e, laughing! ;e all deserve laughter and love and the kinds o) )riends I had 'eside *e, 'ut as I 0at$hed her, I $ouldn't hel& 'ut 0onder i) she'd still )ind li)e so )unny i) she kne0 all I kne0! I 0ondered i) our )athers' )ates had 'een reversed, 0ould our &ersonalities have s0it$hed, tooG ;ould I 'e the one standing in the Grand Hall allo0ing Anna 1etter*an to de*onstrate ho0 she'd de)ended hersel) against a *o' o) t0enty angry to0ns&eo&le ?'e$ause, 'y that ti*e, the *o' had gro0n $onsidera'lyAG ;ould Be2, 'eauti)ul Be2, 'e a $ha*eleon, thenG D8s! Ba2ter@D I turned to see ,ro)essor Bu$kingha* starting to0ard us! I )elt *y heart sto&<literally! ?It $an do that<I kno0, I asked Li9!A #he 0as 0alking to0ard us, 'earing do0n like the )or$e o) nature she 0as! 8a$ey 0as a$ross the ta'le )ro* *e, and 0e glan$ed at ea$h other<an uns&oken dread lingering 'et0een us like the s*ell o) olive oil and *elting $heese, 'ut 'eside *e, Be2 0as un)a9ed, and I re*e*'ered the &o0er o) a se$ret! As she dre0 near, I tried to read so*ething in Bu$kingha*'s eyes, 'ut they 0ere as $old and 'lank as stone! D8iss Ba2ter, I :ust had a &hone $allED Bu$kingha* started and then, ever so slightly, turned her ga9e to0ard *e! DE)ro* your )ather!D Air returned to *y lungs! Blood started *oving in *y veins, and I'* &retty sure Bu$kingha* gave so*ething that rese*'led a 0ink in *y dire$tion! DHe said to tell you hello!D 8y el'o0s )ell to the ta'le, and a$ross )ro* *e, 8a$ey *irrored *y relie)! It 0as over! D-h,D Be2 said, 'ut she hadn't even sto&&ed $he0ing! DThat's ni$e!D #he 0ould never kno0 ho0 ni$e! I glan$ed to0ard the head ta'le, and 8o* raised a glass in *y dire$tion! Beside *e, Be2 didn't 'reathe a sigh o) relie)! #he didn't say a &rayer! #he didn't do any o) the things I )elt like doing, 'ut that's okay, I guess! Her )ather 0as still on his

high 0ire! It 0as :ust as 0ell she'd never looked u&! Al*ost everyone had gone u&stairs t0enty *inutes later 0hen Be2 and I started to leave! D#o, 0hat do you 0ant to do no0GD Be2 asked! DI guess 0e $ould do anything,D I said, and it 0as true! ;e 0ere leaving the hall, and it didn't *atter 0here 0e 0ere going! ;e 0ere trained and 0e 0ere young and 0e had the rest o) our lives to $arry the 0orry o) gro0n3u&s! >ight then, I :ust 0anted to $ele'rate 0ith *y 'est )riend<even i) she didn't kno0 0hy! DLet's get all the i$e $rea* 0e $an $arry and ED But then I sa0 Li9 running do0n the s&iral stair$ase, $rying, DCa**ie@D as i) I hadn't already sto&&ed! And then Li9 0his&ered, or at least she tried to 0his&er, 'ut I s0ear everyone in the entire *ansion *ust have heard her 0hen she said, DIt's Fosh@D

;ars have 'een 0on and lost, assassination atte*&ts have 'een th0arted, and 0o*en have avoided sho0ing u& at the sa*e event in the sa*e dress<all 'e$ause o) really good intel! That's 0hy 0e have entire $lasses devoted to this stu))! But as Li9 dragged *e into our suite, I didn't really a&&re$iate its i*&ortan$e until I sa0 the s$reen! DThese 0ere here 0hen I got 'a$k )ro* su&&er!D ,oor Li9! #he'd done this a*a9ing :o' o) getting us &at$hed into Fosh's syste*, and I $ould tell 'y looking at her that she 0ould have given :ust a'out anything to undo it all right then! Ignoran$e is 'liss, a)ter all! But the &ro'le* is, )or s&ies, ignoran$e is usually &retty short3lived!

1ro* 4'8an To FA'ra*s Have you $o*e to your senses yetG I'* telling you<I sa0 her ;ITH 8Y -;. /Y/#! You've got to 'elieve *e no0! #H/ G-/# T- TH/ GALLAGH/> ACA4/8Y@@ #he's 'een lying to you@@ Ho0 $an you take H/> 0ord over 8I./G

1ro* FA'ra*s To 4'8an I trust Ca**ie! I 'elieve her! You &ro'a'ly :ust thought you sa0 her 0alking 0ith a 'un$h o) those girls on #aturday! #he doesn't even kno0 the*! Trust *e! Give it a 'reak!

4illon's res&onse 0as a single line!

1ro* 4'8an To FA'ra*s Tonight! "K

! ;/'LL G/T ,>--1@

.o0, at this &oint I 0as starting to &ani$, 0hi$h isn't very s&ylike, 'ut is &retty girl3like, so I )igured I 0as 0ell 0ithin *y )e*inine rights! The D&roo)D to 0hi$h I'd seen teenage 'oys re)er in *ovies usually involved video eCui&*ent andZor )e*inine undergar*ents, so I yelled, D-h *y gosh@D and started looking around )or Li9's )lash $ards! #urely so*e0here in all that vat o) kno0ledge there had to 'e instru$tions on 0hat to do 0hen your $over is $o*&letely and irrevo$a'ly 'lo0n!

,a$ed 0ith the kno0ledge that the o&eration had 'een severely $o*&ro*ised, The -&eratives )or*ed a list o) alternatives, 0hi$h in$luded ?'ut 0ere not li*ited toA the )ollo0ingK

A! 8isdire$tionK in a variation o) the Dyou *ust have seen so*eone 0ho looks like *eD a&&roa$h, one o) The -&eratives $ould i*&ersonate Ca**ie and $li*' the 0all 0hile Ca**ie looks on 0ith Fosh and 4illon and says, DIs that 0ho you sa0GD ?;hi$h is es&e$ially e))e$tive 0hen The #u':e$t is nearsighted!A B! #y*&athyK this te$hniCue has not only 'een used su$$ess)ully 'y s&ies )or *any $enturies, 'ut it is also a sta&le o) teenage girls! The $onversation 0ould likely rese*'le the )ollo0ingK F-#HK Ca**ie, is it true you attend the Gallagher A$ade*y, ho*e o) )ilthy rotten heiresses, and are not ho*es$hooled, as you initially told *eG CA88I/K ?instantly 'ursts into tears<noteK tears are very i*&ortant@A Yes! It's true! I do go to the Gallagher A$ade*y, 'ut no one there understands *e! It's not a s$hool= ?dra*ati$ &auseA it's a &rison! I'll understand i) you never 0ant to see *e again! F-#HK Ho0 $ould I ever hate you, Ca**ieG I love you! And, i) &ossi'le, no0 I love you even *ore! C! /li*inationK 4illon, aka 4'8an, $ould 'e Dtaken out!D ?This alternative )ailed to a$hieve universal su&&ort!A

These 0ere all &retty good o&tions ?0ell, not C, 'ut I )elt as i) I o0ed it to Be2 to at least in$lude itA, 'ut as I 0eighed the* in *y *ind, and nine o'$lo$k dre0 $loser, I kne0 there 0as another o&tion! -ne 0e hadn't &ut on &a&er! Fosh and 4illon 0ere $o*ing to get &roo), and even though the ru*or that the se$urity division had re$ently invested in &oisonous darts &ro'a'ly 0asn't true, I still didn't 0ant to think a'out 0hat 0ould ha&&en i) Fosh $a*e looking )or *e<no0 or ever! And 0hen I thought a'out it that 0ay, I really only had one $hoi$e! DI'll 'e 'a$k soon,D I said as I shoved Fosh's earrings in *y &o$ket and rea$hed )or *y silver $ross, $linging to *y legend till the end! I 0alked to0ard the door as Be2 $alled, D;hat are you gonna tell hi*GD

I didn't sto& as I said, DThe truth!D

Cha&ter T0enty3si2

;ell! o'viously I didn't *ean DThe truth, the 0hole truth, and nothing 'ut the truthD truth! 8ore like Code >ed truth<the a'ridged kind! #&y truth! Yes, I go to the Gallagher A$ade*y! Yes, I have 'een lying to you! Yes, you $an't 'elieve a single thing I've said or done! But here's the thing a'out s&y truthK so*eti*es it isn't enough to a$hieve your *ission o':e$tives! #o*eti*es you need *ore, and even though I didn't 0ant to do it, *ay'e it's only )itting that a relationshi& that started 0ith a lie 0ould end 0ith one! .o, I never really loved you! .o, I don't $are that you're hurt! .o, I never 0ant to see you again! The *ansion see*ed es&e$ially silent and e*&ty )or so early on a 8onday night! 8y )ootste&s e$hoed in the di* halls, 'ut I didn't )ear the noise! The tunnels 0ere a0aiting *e, and Fosh, and the end o) so*ething I had $herished! #till, 'e)ore I $li*'ed the 0all one last ti*e, there 0as so*ething I $ouldn't stand to $arry over it! 8r! #olo*on's into the 'a$k that everyone reali9ed that un)inished! o))i$e 0asn't e2a$tly on *y 0ay<'ut it 0as $lose enough! I rea$hed &o$ket o) *y :eans )or the )olded )or* that 8r! #olo*on had given us< 'ut *e had long sin$e turned in! It 0as $reased and *angled, and I I'd $arried it 0ith *e al*ost every0here I'd gone )or 0eeks<unsigned,

T0enty3)our hours 'e)ore, I had 'een a)raid to even look at it, 'ut so *u$h $an ha&&en in a s&y's li)e in that a*ount o) ti*e<a )ather $an get re'orn, a )riendshi& $an live and die, a true love $an dissolve like the &a&er its love notes are 0ritten on! T0enty3)our hours 'e)ore, I had 'een sitting on to& o) our 0alls, 'ut no0 I kne0 on 0hi$h side I 'elonged! The t0o 'o2es lay at the 'otto* o) the &age, like a )ork in the road that I had gro0n tired o) straddling! Beyond our 0alls 0as a 'oy I $ould only hurt, and inside the* 0ere &eo&le I $ould hel&! It 0as &ro'a'ly the hardest de$ision o) *y li)e, and I *ade it 'y dra0ing an W! That's one o) the golden rules o) Cove-&sK don't *ake anything *ore di))i$ult than it has to 'e! It 0as true= things 0ere hard enough already!

DHi, Fosh! Hello, 4illon, so ni$e seeing you again,D I &ra$ti$ed as I &a$ed the shado0s o) the side0alk<0aiting, not really thinking a'out 0hat I had to do, 'ut instead trying to )igure out a 0ay to a$$identally3on3&ur&ose ki$k 4illon in the head<hard! Bee&! Bee& 'ee&! Bee&'ee&'ee&! I glan$ed do0n at *y 0at$h and sa0 the red dot on the s$reen *oving $loser to *y &osition as the tra$ker 'e$a*e a $onstant Bee&3'ee&3'ee&3'ee&3'eeeeeeeeeeee&! I te*&orarily dea$tivated it :ust as I heard 4illon's e$hoing, DI'* telling you, this is gonna 'e o)) the<D DHi, guys!D -kay, so *y $ha*eleon3ness 0asn't entirely gone, 'e$ause it 0as &retty o'vious they hadn't had a $lue I 0as there! 4illon even dro&&ed his ro&e! ?By the 0ay, 0hat kind o) 0uss needs a ro&e to $li*' a t0elve3)oot stone 0allG I'd totally 'een doing that sin$e se$ond grade@A But the )a$t that I'd $aught hi* o)) guard didn't sto& 4illon )ro* 'eing su&er $o$ky ?on$e he'd *anaged to round u& his ro&e and allA! D;ell, 0ell, 0ell!D He strolled to0ard *e! DThere she is! Ho0 0as s$hool todayGD he asked, as i) he 0as going to 'e really $lever and tri& *e u&! D1ine!D I s0allo0ed! I didn't 0ant to look at Fosh! I) I did, I )eared *y nerve 0ould $ru*'le! 8ore than anything, I 0anted 4illon to &i$k a )ight! I $ould yell at 4illon= I $ould s$rea*= I $ould earn *y Gallagher glare )ro* hi*! Fosh 0as another story! D;e 0ere :ust $o*ing to see you,D 4illon said, in$hing $loser! D>eallyGD I said, adding an arti)i$ial nervousness to *y voi$e! DBut ED I glan$ed 'et0een the t0o o) the*! DYou don't kno0 0here I live!D D-h, sure 0e do,D 4illon said! DI sa0 you #aturday! ;alking 'a$k to s$hool! ;ith your )riends!D DButE I'* ho*es$hooled!D And the A$ade*y A0ard )or Best A$tress in a Teenage 4ra*a goes to<Ca**ie 8organ@ DI don't kno0 0hat you're talking a'out!D The streetlight a'ove us )li$kered o)) and on, and in that hal) se$ond o) darkness, 4illon ste&&ed $loser! DGive it u&, ri$h girl! I #A; you@D Behind hi*, Fosh 0his&ered, D4illon ED DYeah, you don't o0n this to0n, you kno0! I don't $are 0hat your daddy<D D4illon,D Fosh said again, gro0ing louder! .o0 I $ouldn't hel& looking at Fosh! I $ouldn't sto& looking at hi*! DI'* so sorry,D I 0his&ered! It 0as the ad*ission o) guilt 4illon had 'een 0aiting )or! He :ust didn't kno0 it 0as )or the 0rong $ri*e! DI'* so sorry! I'* so ED

DCa**ieGD Fosh asked, as i) trying to re$ogni9e *e! DCa**ie, is it<D I nodded, una'le to *eet his ga9e through *y tear3'lurred vision! D#ee@D 4illon said, *o$king *e! DI told you<D D4illon@D Fosh $ut hi* o))! DFustE get out o) here!D DBut<D 4illon started, and Fosh ste&&ed in )ront o) *e! He 0as trying to shield *e )ro* 4illon, 'ut really he'd :ust taken a0ay the 'est $han$e I'd ever have to $la0 the little :erk's eyes out! ?Literally, eye3$la0ing 0as going to 'e on the ,%/ )inal!A D4illon, :ust go,D Fosh said, )or$ing his )riend to 'a$k a0ay! But that didn't sto& 4'8an )ro* s*ugly saying, D#ee you around!D I 0anted to &un$h and ki$k and *ake hi* )eel as *u$h &ain as &ossi'le, 'ut I re*e*'ered that no a*ount o) ,%/ training 0ould hel& *e *ake hi* hurt the 0ay that I hurt! /ven at the Gallagher A$ade*y they don't tea$h you ho0 to 'reak so*e'ody's heart! As 4illon 0alked a0ay, I thought o) the lies I had &lanned to tell Fosh, and )or a se$ond I thought I $ouldn't do it! I $ouldn't hurt hi*<then or ever! But :ust as soon as 4illon disa&&eared, Fosh s&un and shouted, DIs it trueGD DFosh, I<D He ste&&ed $loser! His voi$e 0as harder! DYou're one o) the*GD -ne o) the*G DFosh<D DA Gallagher Girl!D All *y li)e, that ter* had 'een revered, al*ost 0orshi&&ed, 'ut on Fosh's li&s it 0as an insult, and in that instant he sto&&ed 'eing the 'oy o) *y drea*s and started 'eing one o) 4illon's hoodlu*s at the &har*a$y= he 0as ganging u& on Anna= he 0as :udging *e, so I sna&&ed, D#o 0hat i) I a*GD DHu*&h@D Fosh said then shook his head, staring into the dark night! DI should have kno0n it!D He ki$ked at the ground like I'd seen hi* do a thousand ti*es, and 0hen he s&oke, it 0as al*ost to hi*sel)! DHo*es$hooled!D Then he looked at *e! D#o 0hat 0as IG #o*e kind o) :okeG ;as it like, hey, 0ho $an *ake a )ool out o) a to0nieG ;as that<D DFosh<D D.o, I really 0ant to kno0! ;as it $harity $ase 0eekG -r date your lo$al delivery 'oy *onthG -r<D DFosh@D D-r 0ere you :ust 'oredGD DY/#@D I yelled at last, 0anting it to sto&! DYes, okay! I 0as 'ored, and I 0anted to see i) I $ould get a0ay 0ith it, okayGD 8r! #olo*on 0as right<the 0orst kind o) torture is 0at$hing so*eone you love get hurt!

Fosh 'a$ked do0n, and his voi$e 0as al*ost a 0his&er as he said, D-kay!D ;e'd 'oth gone too )ar<said too *u$h< 'ut 0e 'oth kne0 then that there are reasons Gallagher Girls don't date 'oys )ro* >oseville! He :ust didn't kno0 that the reasons are $lassi)ied! DLook, I'* leaving to*orro0,D I said, kno0ing that I $ouldn't have Fosh $li*'ing the )en$e that night or any other! DI had to say good3'ye!D I rea$hed into *y &o$ket )or the earrings! They glistened in *y hand like )allen stars! DYou should &ro'a'ly take these 'a$k!D D.o,D he said, 0aving the* a0ay! DThey're yours!D D.o!D I )or$ed the* into his hand! DYou take the*! Give the* to 4ee4ee!D He looked sho$ked! DI think she'd really like the*!D DYeah, okay!D He shoved the earrings into his &o$ket as I )or$ed a s*ile! DHey, take $are, okayGD I took a ste&, then re*e*'ered ho0 he'd )elt $hained to one kind o) li)e 0hile I )elt 'ound to another! DAnd you kno0 )ree 0illGD DYeahGD he said, sounding sur&rised that I'd re*e*'ered! DGood lu$k 0ith that!D 1ree 0ill! I used *ine to 0alk a0ay<'a$k to the li)e I'd 'een 'ound to, the li)e I'd $hosen<and a0ay )ro* the 'oy 0ho had sho0n *e e2a$tly 0hat I 0as giving u&! I ho&ed he 0asn't 0at$hing *e go! In *y *ind, he had already turned a $orner<hating *e a little, allo0ing that to 'ridge the ga& over his grie)! I 0alked on through the darkness, 'ut I didn't look 'a$k! I) I had, I &ro'a'ly 0ould have seen the van!

Cha&ter T0enty3seven

Tires sCuealed a$ross the &ave*ent! I s*elled 'urning ru''er and heard shouting and the sound o) *etal against *etal<a door, I think! Hands 0ere around *y eyes, $overing *y *outh, :ust like on another night, on another street, 0hen another set o) hands $a*e )ro* out o) no0here! Auto&ilot ki$ked on, and se$onds later *y atta$ker lay at *y )eet<'ut it 0asn't Fosh<not that ti*e! Another set o) hands 0ere on *e! 1ists 0ere every0here! I ki$ked<*ade $onta$t<heard a )a*iliar, D-h, :ee9 that hurt!D But 'e)ore I $ould &ro$ess 0hat I had heard, I 0as on *y sto*a$h in the van, and so*eone 0as $o**anding, D4rive@D I lay there, *otionless, really ti$ked o)), 'e$ause, even though 8r! #olo*on had 'een hinting )or 0eeks that our Cove-&s se*ester )inal 0as going to 'e a &ra$ti$al e2a*, I hadn't reali9ed ho0 literally he'd *eant it until 8r! #*ith 'lind)olded *e and 'ound *y hands! D#orry, 8r! 8os$ko0it9,D I *uttered, )eeling guilty a'out ki$king hi* so hard!

A)ter all, it 0as only the se$ond *ission he'd ever 'een on, and I ki$ked hi* in the gut! ,lus, I'* &retty sure he's a 'ruiser! He 0hee9ed a little 'e)ore saying, DThat's okay! I'll 'e E )ine!D DHarvey ED 8r! #olo*on 0arned! D>ight! Be Cuiet,D 8r! 8os$ko0it9 said, :a''ing *e so)tly in the ri's, sounding like he 0as having the ti*e o) his li)e! #in$e it 0as a test and everything, I kne0 I'd 'etter do as I 0as trained! I lay on the )loor o) the van, $ounting se$onds ?nine hundred eighty3seven, 'y the 0ayA, noting ho0 0e *ade a right3hand turn, t0o le)ts, one J, and eased over so*e s&eed 'u*&s that le)t *e 0ith the distin$t i*&ression that 0e'd detoured through the ,iggly ;iggly &arking lot! As the van veered south, I 0as 0illing to 'et *y se*ester grade in Cove-&s ?0hi$h, te$hni$ally, 0as e2a$tly 0hat I 0as 'ettingA that 0e 0ere heading to the industrial $o*&le2 on the south edge o) to0n! 4oors o&ened and sla**ed! ,eo&le got out! #o*eone &ulled *e to *y )eet on a gravel &arking lot, then t0o strong sets o) hands dragged *e onto a $on$rete )loor and then into the arti)i$ial light and e*&ty e$ho o) a large, hollo0 s&a$e! D#it her do0n! Tie her u&,D 8r! #olo*on $o**anded! 4o I )ight no0G 4o I )ight laterG I 0ondered, then took a $han$e<I ki$ked and I *ade $onta$t! DYou kno0, 8s! 8organ, that 0as your *other you :ust ha**ered,D 8r! #olo*on said! D-h, I'* so sorry@D I $ried, s&inning around, as i) I $ould see *y *o* through *y 'lind)old! DGood one, kiddo!D #o*eone &ushed *e into a $hair, and I heard 8r! #olo*on say, D-kay, 8s! 8organ, you kno0 the drillK there are no rules! You $an hit as hard as you 0ant to hit! You $an run as )ast as you 0ant to run!D His 'reath s*elled like &e&&er*int gu*! DYes, sir!D DYour tea* 0as tasked 0ith retrieving a disk 0ith &ertinent in)or*ation! You 0ere $a&tured and are 'eing held )or interrogation! The retrieval tea* 0ill 'e a)ter t0o &a$kages! Care to guess 0hat they areGD DThe disk and *eGD DBingo!D DYou $an't 'e $ertain that they $an tra$k you to this lo$ation!D I heard hi* ste& a0ay, his )eet s$ra&ing a$ross the $on$rete )loor! DAre they Gallagher GirlsGD I asked! DYes!D DThen they'll 'e here!D

1i)teen *inutes later, I 0as lo$ked in a roo*! I 0as 'lind)olded and tied to a $hair and thanking *y lu$ky stars that they'd *ade it so easy on *e! They'd le)t *e 0ith 8r! 8os$ko0it9! DI really do )eel 'ad, 8r! 8,D I said! D>eally!D DJ*, Ca**ie, I'* &retty sure 0e're not su&&osed to 'e talking!D D-h, right! #orry!D I shut u& )or a'out t0elve se$onds! DIt's :ust that i) I'd kno0n it 0as a test, I never 0ould have used one o) the )or'idden *oves<I s0ear@D D-h!D A heavy silen$e )illed the roo* as I 0aited )or 8r! 8os$ko0it9's inevita'le, D1or'iddenGD D4on't 0orry! I'* sure you're okay! It's not like you're light3headed or seeing s&ots or anything!D D-h, dear!D 1or the 0orld's )ore*ost authority on data en$ry&tion, Harvey 8os$ko0it9 0as &retty *u$h an o&en 'ook! DHey, 8r! 8, don't 0orry,D I said, trying to sound all )ake3$al*! DIt's only a &ro'le* i) the red s&lot$hes a&&ear on the s*all o) your 'a$k! You don't have red s&lot$hes! 4o youGD That's 0hen I heard the sounds o) a $erti)ied genius s&inning around in $ir$les like a dog $hasing its tail! DI $an'tE-h, the light3headedness is getting 0orse!D ?I didn't dou't it<he'd 'een s&inning &retty )ast!A DHere!D He ri&&ed the 'lind)old o))! DYou look!D #adly, it 0as :ust that easy, and it 0ould have 'een a lot easier i) I hadn't 'een a)raid to use any o) the a$tual )or'idden *oves ?*ainly 'e$ause I like 8r! 8os$ko0it9, and I didn't have 0ritten &er*ission )ro* the #e$retary o) 4e)ense and allA! #till, 8r! 8os$ko0it9 0as a &retty good s&ort a'out it! D-h, you girls,D he said in a very a0shu$ks 0ay, on$e I had hi* tied to the $hair! DFust sit tight, 8r! 8! It'll 'e over soon!D DJ*, Ca**ieGD he asked as I headed )or the door! DI 0asn't too 'ad, 0as IGD DYou 0ere a0eso*e!D

The )irst thing I had to do 0as get out o) that roo*! The disk 0asn't there<i) it 0as, no 0ay 0ould 8r! #olo*on have le)t only 8r! 8os$ko0it9 to guard it, so I darted through the e*&ty 0arehouse to an e2it door, $he$ked it )or sensors and alar*s, then rushed out into the shado0s o) the $o*&le2!

-utside, I )elt *y eyes ad:ust to the 'la$k! A little light es$a&ed )ro* the 'uilding I'd :ust le)t, 'ut other0ise I 0as surrounded 'y nothing 'ut old rusty steel, and dark, $ra$ked 0indo0s! A $old 0ind 'le0 through the *a9e, 0histling 'et0een the 'uildings, 'lo0ing dead leaves and &lu*es o) dust along the gravel lot! I sCuinted through the night, trying to sense *ove*ent o) any kind, 'ut i) it hadn't 'een )or the glistening ne0 0ire o) a tall $hain )en$e and so*e very 0ell3 hidden surveillan$e $a*eras, I 0ould have s0orn the &la$e 0as a ghost to0n! Then I heard $ra$kling stati$ and a )a*iliar voi$e! DBook0or* to Cha*eleon! Cha*eleon, do you read *eGD DLi9GD I s&un around! DCha*eleon, it's Book0or*, re*e*'erG ;e use $ode na*es 0hen on $o**sGD But I 0asn't on $o**s@ I 0as on a *ission to 'reak u& 0ith *y se$ret 'oy)riend! I 0asn't e2a$tly &re&ared )or a$tive duty! But then I re*e*'ered the silver $ross that dangled )ro* *y ne$k! Be)ore I $ould even ask, Li9 e2&lained! DI got 'ored one 0eekend and de$ided to )i2 your ne$kla$e! And u&grade it! ;hat do you thinkGD I think *y )riends are 'oth 'rilliant and a little s$ary, is 0hat I think! But o) $ourse I $ouldn't tell her that! D#o, ho0'd it go 0ith your &ro:e$tGD Li9 asked, and I re*e*'ered that hal) the s$hool 0as &ro'a'ly listening! DI *ean, 0ere there $o*&li$ations or<D DLi9,D I sna&&ed, not 0anting to think a'out Fosh or 0hat I'd :ust done! The ti*e )or $rying 0ith your girl)riends a'out a 'roken heart is over $ho$olate i$e $rea* and $hi$k )li$ks<not stun guns and 'ullet&roo) vests! D;here's the diskGD I asked! This ti*e, it 0as Be2's voi$e that ans0ered, D;e think they're in the 'ig 'uilding on the north side o) the $o*&le2! Tina and 8i$k 0ent to re$on, and 0e're holding here!D D;here's hereGD DLook u&!D

T0o days a)ter *y dad's )uneral, *y *o* 0ent on a *ission! I never understood it until then<that so*eti*es a s&y doesn't need a $over so *u$h as she needs a shield! Crou$hed on the roo) 'et0een Be2 and Li9, I 0asn't a girl 0ho had :ust 'roken u& 0ith her 'oy)riend= I looked at *y 0at$h and $he$ked *y gear instead o) $rying! I had a *ission o':e$tive and not a 'roken heart! D-kay,D Li9 said, as the *a:ority o) the so&ho*ore $lass $ir$led around her! D8y guess is the s$hool a$tually o0ns this &la$e, 'e$ause so*eone has sunk so*e serious $ash into it!D #he &ointed to a $rude diagra*, 0hi$h *y su&ers&y instin$ts 0ere telling *e 0as *ade out o) /va&o&a&er and eyeliner! DThere are *otion triggers on the &eri*eter! The 0indo0s are rigged to an alar*!D Be2 lit u& at the sound o) this, 'ut Li9 sto&&ed her enthusias* $old! DA 4o$tor 1i's original! .o 0ay 0e're $ra$king it in the *iddle o) the night 0ith *ini*al eCui&*ent!D

D-h!D Be2 de)lated as i) they 0eren't going to let her have any )un! /va &ointed a devi$e that looks like an ordinary radar gun 'ut is really a 'ody3 heat dete$tor to0ard the 'uilding a$ross )ro* us and s0e&t it side to side 'e)ore saying, DBingo! ;e have a hot s&ot!D At least a do9en red i*ages 0alked 'a$k and )orth a$ross the s$reen, 'ut the *a:ority o) the red )igures 0ere huddled in the $enter! DThat's our &a$kage,D Be2 said! D4oors are &ro'le*ati$,D Li9 said, reeling o)) o&tions! D;indo0s are out! You'd 'etter 'elieve they're 0at$hing the heating du$ts and<D DYou kno0 0hat that leaves,D Be2 said, her voi$e like a dare! Li9 looked at us one 'y one, reali9ing 0hat 0e 0ere all thinking<0hat our only *ission o&tion 0as<and that 0e had t0enty &ounds on her! D.o@D Li9 sna&&ed! DI'll get tangled or de$a&itated or<D DI'll do it!D And that's 0hen I turned to look at Anna 1etter*an<Anna, 0ho had $lut$hed her $lass assign*ent sli& :ust *onths 'e)ore as i) Cove-&s 0as going to 'e the death o) her, 0as ste&&ing )or0ard, saying, DI'* the right si9e, a* I notGD And that's 0hen I kne0 that 4illon 0as going to see Anna again so*eday, and then he'd 'e the one 0ho 0ould need saving! Bee&! ;hat 0as thatG I 0ondered! Bee&3'ee&! DIs it a *issileGD Anna sna&&ed, looking to the sky! Bee&3'ee&3'ee&3'ee&3'ee&! D;e're lo$ked in as targets o) a heat3seeking tranCuilli9er dart@D /va yelled! Beeeeeeeeeeeee& D-kay, every'ody, )ree9e@D a *ale voi$e 'ehind us $ried out! #o*e o) *y $lass*ates did as they 0ere told! I did too, 'ut )or an entirely di))erent reason! I'd never thought I'd hear that voi$e again, 'ut there it 0as, saying, DI'veEI'veEalready $alled nine3one3one! The $o&s are going to 'e here any<D But the Gallagher Girls didn't let hi* )inish! The nine3one3one thing had 'een the totally 0rong thing to say, 'e$ause in a )lash, t0o o) the girls 0ere on hi*, and I had to $ry, D/va, Courtney, no@D /veryone 0as staring at *e<Fosh, 0ho 0as sur&rised I 0asn't tied u& or dead= and all o) the so&ho*ores ?'esides Be2 and Li9A, 0ho $ouldn't i*agine 0hy I 0ould have sto&&ed the* )ro* neutrali9ing so*eone 0ho had su$h o'vious honey&otness! DFosh@D I sna&&ed in a harsh 0his&er as I turned o)) the &o0er to the tra$king devi$e and headed to0ard hi*! D;hat are you doing hereGD

DI'* here to res$ue you!D Then he glan$ed around at *y 'la$k3$lad $lass*ates! D;ho are theyG' he 0his&ered! D;e're here to res$ue her, too,D Be2 said! D-h,D he said, and then nodded 'lankly! DThere 0as a van E I sa0 you E IED DThatGD I said 0ith a 0ave o) *y hands! DIt's a s$hool thing!D I tried to sound as $asual as &ossi'le 0hen I said, DKind o) likeE ha9ing!D Fosh *ight have 'elieved *e i) the entire so&ho*ore $lass hadn't 'een standing on a 0arehouse roo), dressed in 'la$k and 0earing eCui&*ent 'elts! DCa**ie,D he said, ste&&ing $loser, D)irst I )ind out you go to that s$hool, and then you tell *e you're leaving, and then I see you ki$king like a *ad0o*an and getting kidna&&ed or so*ething!D He took another ste&, a$$identally kno$king over an old &ie$e o) *etal that then skidded o)) the side o) the roo) and $rashed to the ground 'elo0! #irens started 0ailing! 1lashing lights streaked a$ross the ground 'elo0 us! Li9 looked do0n, then $ried, DHe tri&&ed the alar*@D But that didn't *atter, 'e$ause I $ouldn't see anything 'ut Fosh! I $ouldn't hear anything 'ut the )ear in his voi$e 0hen he said, DCa**ie, tell *e the truth!D The truth! I $ould hardly re*e*'er 0hat it 0as! I'd 'een eluding it )or so long that it took *e a *o*ent to re*e*'er 0hat it 0as and 0hat had 'rought *e to that roo)to&! DI do go to the Gallagher A$ade*y! These are *y )riends!D Behind *e, *y $lass*ates 0ere *oving, &re&aring )or the ne2t &hase o) the *ission! DAnd 0e have to go no0!D DI don't 'elieve you!D He didn't sound hurt then<the 0ords 0ere a dare! D;hat do I have to sayGD I sna&&ed! D4o I have to tell you that *y )ather's dead, and *y *o* $an't $ook, and that these girls are the $losest thing I have to sistersGD He looked &ast *e to the girls o) every si9e, sha&e, and ra$e! D4o I have to say that you and I $an't ever see ea$h other againG Be$ause it's true! It's all true!D He rea$hed out to tou$h *e, 'ut I :erked a0ay, saying, D4on't $o*e looking )or *e, Fosh! I $an't ever see you again!D And then I looked into his eyes )or the )irst ti*e! DAnd you'll 'e 'etter )or it!D Be2 handed *e a &ie$e o) gear, 'ut 'e)ore I took it, I turned to )a$e hi* one last ti*e! D-h,D I said, Dand I don't have a $at!D I turned to hide *y tears and stared into the dee& e2&anse o) night that lay 'e)ore *e! I didn't sto& to think a'out all that lay 'ehind! 1ree o) *y se$rets, )ree o) *y lies, I told *ysel) I 0as doing 0hat I 0as &ut on this earth to do! I ran! I :u*&ed! I stret$hed out *y ar*s, and )or ten 'liss)ul se$onds, I $ould )ly!

Cha&ter T0enty3eight

-kay, so it 0asn't )lying so *u$h as skirting 'et0een t0o 'uildings on a 9i& line, 'ut still, it )elt good to 'e 0eightless! Fosh 0as 'ehind *e! I 9oo*ed to0ard 0hat lay ahead, and at that height and that s&eed, I didn't have a $han$e to look 'a$k! I tou$hed do0n, and it )elt natural to hear /va tell Tina, D;e're heading )or the 'reaker 'o2es!D It 0as only right that Courtney should say, DCo&y that,D and drag 8i$k to0ard the )ire es$a&e on the 0est side! ;e 0ere Gallagher Girls on a *ission<doing 0hat 0e do 'est! #o I didn't think a'out 0hat had :ust ha&&ened, not even 0hen Be2 asked, DYou okayGD DI'* )ine,D I told her, and in that adrenaline3)illed *o*ent, it 0as true! ;e ran to the south side, and Be2 used a s*all tu'e that looks like a li&sti$k 'ut really is a su&er3intense a$idi$ $rea*! I totally don't re$o**end getting the* *i2ed u&, 'y the 0ay, 'e$ause, :ust as soon as Be2 dre0 a 'ig $ir$le in the roo), the a$id starting eating a0ay, and thirty se$onds later I 0as ra&&eling do0n into the 0arehouse 'elo0! The 'uilding 0as a *a9e o) tall *etal shelves sta$ked 0ith &allets! I i*agined the 'ee&ing o) )orkli)ts as Be2 and I $re&t through the south side o) the 'uilding, trusting that our $lass*ates 0ere si*ultaneously $ree&ing through the north! DHe's taller than I e2&e$ted,D Be2 0his&ered as she 0aited )or *e to silently $lear a $orner! DYeah, 0hatev<D But :ust then, a guy I re$ogni9ed )ro* the *aintenan$e de&art*ent :u*&ed )ro* a high shel)! He'd des$ended through the air like a 'ig, 'la$k $ro0, 'ut Be2 and I had sensed hi*, )elt his shado0! I ste&&ed aside, and he landed 0ith a thud against one o) the shelves! He didn't even hesitate 'e)ore s&inning around to ki$k, 'ut Be2 0as ready and sla&&ed a .a&otine &at$h right in the *iddle o) his )orehead! ?I a* really glad 4r! 1i's Cuit s*oking, 'y the 0ay, 'e$ause, 'esides the o'vious health 'ene)its, the idea o) &utting tranCuili9ers on sti$kers is a0eso*e!A Be2 and I 0ere *oving again through the dark *a9e 0hen she said, DYou're gonna )ind so*eone else! #o*eone even hotter! ;ith even 'etter hair@D Lie! But a ni$e one! ;e $re&t )arther do0n the aisle, $are)ully listening, sensing our surroundings ?a)ter all, i) 8r! #olo*on had $alled in )avors )ro* the *aintenan$e de&art*ent, then he 0as taking this )inals thing seriously!A DBeta tea*, ho0's it goingGD I asked, 'ut 0as *et 0ith stati$3y silen$e! Be2 and I shared a 0orried glan$e! This is not good! DCharlie tea*GD .othing )ro* that end either! I )elt like a rat stu$k in a *a9e, looking )or a 'lo$k o) $heese! /very $orner 0as dangerous! /very ste& $ould 'e a tra&! #o Be2 and I looked at ea$h other, re$ognition da0ned, and 0e did 0hat great s&ies al0ays doK 0e looked u&! A)ter $li*'ing t0enty )eet to the to& o) the shelves, 0e $ould see *en &atrolling the &aths 'eneath us as Be2 and I *oved stealthily a'ove, dra0ing $loser to the s*all o))i$e in the $enter o) the 'uilding! The o))i$e had interior 0alls that 0ere &ro'a'ly t0enty )eet tall, )ar shorter than the 0arehouse roo) that loo*ed, dark and $old, a'ove us! ;e sto&&ed and Be2 held a

&air o) 'ino$uglasses to her eyes, then handed the* to *e! D-ne guess 0ho's sitting on the &a$kageGD I &eered into the s*all roo* and said, D#olo*on!D Be2 &ut her hand to her ear and said, DBeta tea* and Charlie tea*! ;e are in &osition! I re&eat, Al&ha tea* is<D But 'e)ore Be2 $ould )inish, I )elt so*ething gra' *y )oot! I ki$ked, trying to )ree *ysel) I turned to Be2, 'ut she 0as gone! There 0as s$u))ling on the ground! I turned, sa0 the 'ee)y hand that held *y ankle, heard 'o2es )alling to the )loor 'elo0! I $ouldn't :erk )ree, and soon I 0as )alling &ast the heavy *etal shelves, so I rea$hed out and gra''ed one, and hung there )or a *o*ent, trying to turn *y *o*entu* and &ull *ysel) 'a$k u&! But it 0as too late! #o*ething &ulled again, and this ti*e I hit the )loor, )elt the $old, dusty $on$rete 'eneath *y hands, and sa0 a &air o) si9e )ourteen 0ork 'oots staring *e in *y )a$e! This is not good! I tried to roll, to ki$k, to )li& u& and $at$h *y o&&onent in the $hin 0ith *y )eet, 'ut 'e)ore I $ould 'udge, I reali9ed *y ar*s had sto&&ed 0orking! DCo*e on, Ca*,D Bu''legu* Guard said! DIt's over, girl! I got you!D He righted *e and steered *e around the $orner, 0here Be2 0as 'eing held 'y t0o *aintenan$e guys ?'oth o) 0ho* 0ere 'leedingA! D.i$e going, though,D Bu''legu* Guard 0his&ered as he dragged *e to0ard the o))i$e door! #o*eho0, I don't think real international 'ad guys 0ill 'e that ni$e! But I $an ho&e! I reeled through *y o&tionsK da*sel in distress, t0isted ankle, )ake sei9ure, head3 'utt to the noseG #o*ething told *e Bu''legu* Guard 0asn't going to 'e taken do0n 'y any o) the*! He had at least )i)ty &ounds and )i)teen years on *e, 'ut, as *y *other says, I've al0ays 'een a sCuir*er! DI'* sorry, 8s! 8organ,D 8r! #olo*on said, strolling out o) the o))i$e to0ard *e! DBut it's over! You don't have the disk! You have )ailed to *eet your *ission<D It looked like it 0as over! He sounded like it 0as over! But, on $ue, Li9 $ut the &o0er and the lights! 4ark silhouettes )le0 )ro* out o) no0here! It al*ost see*ed to 'e raining Gallagher Girls! I 0ish I $ould in$lude a 'lo03'y3'lo0 a$$ount, 'ut everything ha&&ened too )ast! 1ists )le0! Ki$ks stru$k ho*e! I heard heavy 'odies )all to the )loor as .a&otine &at$hes *ade $onta$t 0ith skin! The 'uilding *ust have 'een eCui&&ed 0ith e*ergen$y lights, 'e$ause, a)ter a *inute in the dark, an eerie yello0 glo0 gre0 0ithin the enor*ous s&a$e, and everything see*ed to go still as the lights $a*e on! I sa0 Be2 level one o) the guards and then 'olt )or the o))i$e, 'ut :ust as she rea$hed the threshold she *ust have tri&&ed a *otion dete$tor, 'e$ause an alar* sounded, and the roo* turned )ro* o))i$e to &rison as 'ars shot u& )ro* the )loor, 'uilding a $age around the very thing 0e needed! Be2 'anged against the 'ars, as 'ehind her, Foe #olo*on said, D#orry, ladies, 'ut

I'* a)raid this is the end o) your *ission!D He shook his head! Instead o) looking triu*&hant, he see*ed sad, al*ost heart'roken! DI tried to tell you ho0 i*&ortant this is! I tried to get you ready, and no0 look at you!D ;e 0ere 'loody and sore, 'ut 0e 0ere still standing, yet 8r! #olo*on sounded guilty and disa&&ointed! DHo0 0ere you going to get out o) hereG ;hat 0as your e2tra$tion &lanG ;ere you really 0illing to sa$ri)i$e three Cuarters o) your tea* )or nothingGD He shook his head again and &ulled a0ay )ro* us! DI don't 0ant to see any o) you ne2t se*ester! I don't 0ant that on *y $ons$ien$e!D D/2$use *e, sir,D I said! DBut does that a&&ly even i) 0e have the diskGD He laughed a Cui$k, tired, 'arely audi'le laugh, re*inding us all 0hat our sisters have kno0n )or $enturies< that *en 0ill al0ays underesti*ate girls! /ven Gallagher Girls! DThat disk,D I said, &ointing 'ehind hi* to the $age that $o*&letely surrounded the s*all o))i$e e2$e&t )or the thin ga&s 0here the )loor o&ened u& to allo0 the 'ars to shoot through! The s&a$e 0as )ar too s*all )or a gro0n *an to )it through! .o, )or that it 0ould take a girl<&re)era'ly one the si9e o) Anna 1etter*an! 4u*'stru$k, 8r! #olo*on and the rest o) his tea* stared as little Anna 0aved then slithered 'a$k through the ga&s in the )loor and out o) sight! #o*e o) the *en 'olted a)ter her, 'ut Foe #olo*on stared on! D;ell,D he said, DI guess<D But 'e)ore he $ould )inish, a loud $rashing sound )illed the air! The roo* see*ed )ull o) dust and s*oke and the sound o) s&lintering lu*'er! Bu''legu* Guard thre0 *e against the 0all, &utting his 'ody 'et0een *e and har* as steel 'ent and shelves to&&led, one right a)ter another, )alling like do*inoes sta$ked in ro0! It see*ed like it took )orever )or Bu''legu* Guard to let go o) *e! I think he 0as da9ed<I kno0 I de)initely 0as! A)ter all, it's not every day you AA 'reak u& 0ith your se$ret 'oy)riend, BA get kidna&&ed 'y ?sort o)A )or*er govern*ent o&eratives, and CA have the a)ore*entioned se$ret 'oy)riend atte*&t to res$ue you 'y driving a )orkli)t through a 0all! DCa**ie@D I heard Fosh $ry through the dust, 'ut I $ouldn't ans0er hi*<not then! 8r! #olo*on 0as on the )loor! He had &lanned )or every $ontingen$y 'ut one<the &ersisten$e o) a regular 'oy 0ho has the *is)ortune o) loving an e2$e&tional girl! DCa**ie@D Fosh said through the dust that 0as s0ar*ing around the )orkli)t as he $li*'ed do0n to stand ato& the &ile o) ru''le! D;e! .eed! To! Talk!D DYes,D said a voi$e 'ehind *e! I turned to see *y *other standing there! 8y strong, 'eauti)ul, 'rilliant *other! D;e do!D 8r! #olo*on 0as stirring! Bu''legu* Guard 0as )anning the dust out o) the air, and Be2 0as grinning like this 0as the *ost )un she'd ever had in her entire li)e! It 0as over<the test, the lies, everything! It 0as over, so I did the only thing I $ould! DFosh,D I said, DI'd like you to *eet *y *o*!D

Cha&ter T0enty3nine

A)ter I had learned the truth a'out *y &arents, and 'e)ore I $a*e to the Gallagher A$ade*y, the only ti*e I 0asn't 0orried 0as 0hen they 0ere 'oth 0ithin *y sight! I think that's 0hen I started 'eing The Cha*eleon! I'd $ree& into their 'edroo* and 0at$h the* slee&! I'd lie silently 'ehind the so)a, listening to the sounds o) the TB as they rela2ed in the evening! But even )or *e, the night o) the Cove-&s )inal 0as a long one!

6NK hoursK -&eratives return to headCuarters and are instru$ted to go u&stairs and go to 'ed! 6NKX hoursK Tina ;alters re&orts that Head*istress 8organ has lo$ked hersel) in her o))i$e 0ith The #u':e$t! 1K1" hoursK The -&erative su$$eeds in getting all the sa0dust and gunk out o) her hair! 6KN hoursK 8a:ority o) so&ho*ores sto& studying )or C-; )inal and go to 'ed!

XK hoursK The -&erative still $an't )all aslee&! The -&erative reali9es that the 'est3$ase s$enario 0ould involve a glass o) D*e*ory *odi)i$ationD tea and The #u':e$t 0aking u& in his o0n 'ed in a )e0 hours 0ithout a single *e*ory o) 0hat ha&&ened the night 'e)ore! The -&erative doesn't let hersel) think a'out the 0orst3 $ase s$enario! At seven o'$lo$k the ne2t *orning, I'd had enough o) 0aiting, so I kno$ked on *y *other's o))i$e door! I thought I 0as &re&ared )or anything<that a)ter the day I'd had 'e)ore, nothing $ould kno$k *e o)) guard ever again! I 0as 0rong! DHi,D Fosh said! D;hatE Huh E Ho0 ED I $ould tell 'y the look on his )a$e that he 0as seriously 'eginning to dou't *y ne0ly revealed genius status, 'ut I $ouldn't hel& it<he should have 'een gone 'e)ore then! I 0asn't su&&osed to have to )a$e hi*! ;e 0eren't su&&osed to have that a0k0ard *o*ent o) standing $ro0ded together in the door0ay o) *y *other's o))i$e! The t0o halves o) *y li)e 0eren't su&&osed to $ollide! D;ere you here all nightGD I asked 0hen I )inally regained *y a'ility )or $oherent thought! His eyes 0ere red and heavy, 'ut he didn't look like so*eone 0ho 0as eager to go to slee&! In )a$t, he looked like so*eone 0ho 0as never going to slee& again! He ru''ed his eyes! DYeah, I $alled and told *y *o* I 0as staying at 4illon's! TheyEthey didn't kno0 anything a'outEThey 0ere $ool 0ith it!D DYeah,D I said! D;e don't e2a$tly sho0 u& on $aller I4!D It 0asn't su&&osed to 'e )unny, 'ut D-ld FoshD 0ould have laughed or s*iled that slo0, *elting s*ile! D.e0 FoshD :ust stood there<looking at *e!

DCa**ie!D 8y *other's voi$e $arried $learly through the door0ay and e$hoed through the Hall o) History! DCo*e in here, &lease!D I ste&&ed inside, 'rushing against hi* )or a *o*ent that didn't last nearly long enough! DI'llED He *otioned to the 'en$hes at the to& o) the stairs! DYour *o* and that guy <they said I $ould 0ait!D But I didn't 0ant hi* to 0ait! I) he did, I'd have to look hi* in the eye= I'd have to say things that only *ake sense in a language even I don't kno0! I 0anted hi* to 0alk a0ay and not look 'a$k! But 'e)ore I $ould say so, 8o* said, DCa*eron, no0@D and I kne0 0e 0ere out o) ti*e! In so *any 0ays! #he didn't hug and kiss *e<0hi$h 0as strange! .ot une2&e$ted, her an un)inished )eeling, like I should stay standing 'y the DHo0's it going, kiddoGD 'e)ore I took a seat on the so)a and su&&er! I glan$ed around and sa0 8r! #olo*on in the $orner o) 0ellGD he asked! D.ot really!D .ot a lie! DI en:oyed visiting 0ith Fosh,D *y *o* said! DHe see*s ni$e!D He is! DIt 0as ni$e to *eet hi* )inally!D DYeah, I ED Then I reali9ed so*ething 0as 0rong! D;ait@D 8o* s*iled at 8r! #olo*on and<$an you 'elieve it< he a$tually s*iled 'a$k! ;ith teeth and everything@ ?-kay, so I *ight have thought he 0as kind o) hot then! But only )or a se$ond or t0o!A DHoney, you're good,D 8o* said to *y look o) utter dis'elie)! DBut give us so*e $redit!D -h *y gosh@ I sank onto the leather so)a! DHo0 ED There 0ere so *any 0ays to )inish that senten$eK ho0 long had they kno0nG Ho0 )ar 0ere they 0illing to let *e goG Ho0 did they )ind outG DYou've 'een very 'usy,D 8o* said! #he sat do0n in one o) the 'eauti)ul leather $hairs a$ross )ro* *e and $rossed one &er)e$t leg over the other! DYou *ean you didn't 0onder ho0 0e )ound you last nightGD 8r! #olo*on asked! .o, I hadn't 0ondered! /verything had ha&&ened so )ast, and hours later I 0as still riding that sa*e 0ave o) e*otion! I )elt like an idiot<a great, 'ig, hand3$aught3 in3the3$ookie3:ar )ool! DCa**ie, this is not an ordinary s$hool<it $an't 'e, 0ith su$h e2$e&tional students! ;hat you did 0as re$kless and $areless, and i) you tried a stunt like that in the )ield, lives 0ould 'e &ut at risk and o&erations $ould )ail! You kno0 that! 4on't youGD DYes, *a'a*!D DThat 'eing said, as so*eone 0ith a good deal o) e2&erien$eD<she glan$ed at 8r! #olo*on, 0ho nodded<Dit 0as a rather i*&ressive dis&lay!D DIt 0asGD I looked 'et0een the t0o o) the*, e2&e$ting a tra&door to o&en u& and send *e 9oo*ing to the dungeon! DI'* notE in trou'leGD 'ut it gave seeing door, 0aiting )or her asked 0hat 0as )or the roo*! D#lee&

8o* tilted her head, 0eighing her 0ords! DLet's :ust say, you've had one o) the *ore e2tensive Covert -&erations e2er$ises this s$hool has ever allo0ed!D D-h,D I said, and the 0ord sounded heavy! DBut, Ca*,D 8o* said, leaning )or0ard, D0hy didn't you $o*e to *eGD #he sounded hurt! It 0as torture<the hard kind! DI don't kno0!D 4on't $ry! 4on't $ry! 4on't $ry! DI :ustED It 0as too late= *y voi$e 0as $ra$king! DI didn't 0ant you to 'e asha*ed o) *e!D DHer asha*edGD 8r! #olo*on said, and it took *e a s&lit se$ond to re*e*'er that he 0as even in the roo*! DYou think she $ould have gotten a0ay 0ith as *u$h as you did at your ageGD He laughed, then s*iled! DThat 0asn't your *o* in you<that 0as your dad!D He stood and strolled to the 0indo0! I sa0 his re)le$tion in the sunny glass as he s&oke! DHe al0ays said you 0ere going to 'e good!D -kay, so *ay'e he 0as still a little hotEDCa**ie, I think I've 'een &retty hard on you this se*ester,D Foe #olo*on said, as i) letting *e in on a se$ret! DYou kno0 0hyGD Be$ause you hate *e 0as the ans0er that s&rang to *ind, though I kne0 it 0asn't the right one! DI've already lost one *e*'er o) the 8organ )a*ily I $are a'out!D He looked 'et0een *e and *y *o*! D#o I'd give a'out anything )or you to never $o*e into *y $lassroo* again!D #ho$ked and hurt, I $ould do nothing 'ut stare at hi*! He rea$hed into his &o$ket and &ulled out *y )or* 0here I'd *arked the Covert -&erations 'o2! DAre you sure you don't 0ant to )ind a ni$e sa)e desk or la' so*e0hereGD I didn't ans0er, so a)ter a *o*ent he re)olded the )or* and &ut it 'a$k in his &o$ket! D;ell, i) you're going to 'e in the )ield<you're going to 'e ready! I o0e your old *an that *u$h!D #adness see&ed into his voi$e, and )or the )irst ti*e I sa0 Foe #olo*on as hu*an! DI o0e hi* *ore than that!D I glan$ed to0ard *y *other, 0ho gave hi* a sad, kno0ing s*ile! DHave a good 'reak, Ca**ie,D 8r! #olo*on said, sounding like his old sel) as he rea$hed )or the door! D>est u&! .e2t se*ester 0on't 'e the $ake0alk you :ust had!D That 0as a $ake0alkG@ I 0anted to s$rea*, 'ut Foe #olo*on 0as already gone! I 0anted ans0ers )ro* hi*! Ho0 0ell had he kno0n *y dadG ;hy did he $o*e to the Gallagher A$ade*y no0G ;hy did I get the )eeling there 0as *ore to the storyG But then *y *o* s&oke, and I reali9ed 0e 0ere alone! 8y de)enses )ell, and I )elt like I $ould $url u& 'eside her and slee& straight through Christ*as! DCa**ie,D she said, *oving to sit 'eside *e! DI'* not glad you lied to *e! I'* not glad you 'roke the rules, 'ut there is one &art o) this that has *ade *e very &roud!D DThe $o*&uter stu))GD I guessed! DBe$ause, really, that 0as all Li9! I didn't<D D.o, kiddo! That's not it!D #he rea$hed do0n and took *y hand! D4o you kno0 that your dad and I 0eren't sure 0e 0anted you to go to s$hool hereGD I've heard a lot o) $ra9y things in *y li)e, 'ut that one took *y 'reath a0ay! DButE you 0ere a Gallagher GirlE! I'* a lega$yE! It's ED

D#0eetheart,D 8o* sto&&ed *e! D;hen 0e $a*e here, I kne0 I'd 'e taking a0ay everything that isn't inside these 0alls! I didn't 0ant this to 'e the only li)e you kno0!D #he s*oothed *y hair! DYour dad and I used to talk a'out 0hether this 0as the 'est &la$e )or you!D DBut 0hatE ho0 did you de$ideGD I asked, 'ut as soon as I had said the 0ords, I kne0 it 0as a stu&id Cuestion! DYeah, kiddo, 0hen 0e lost your )ather I kne0 I had to get out o) the )ieldED DAnd you needed a :o'GD I tried to )inish )or her! #he shook *e o))! DI needed to $o*e ho*e!D ;hen did I start $ryingG I really didn't kno0! I really didn't $are! #he s*oothed *y hair and said, DBut the thing I 0orried *ost a'out 0as that you'd s&end your $hildhood learning to 'e hard and strong and never learn that it's okay to 'e so)t and s0eet!D #he straightened 'eside *e, )or$ed *e to look into her eyes! D4oing 0hat 0e do, it doesn't *ean turning o)) the &art o) yoursel) that loves, Ca*! I loved your )atherEI love your )ather! And you! I) I thought you 0ould have to give that u& E to never kno0 thatE I 0ould take you as )ar a0ay )ro* this &la$e as 0e $ould go!D DI kno0,D I said! .ot a lie! DGood! I'* glad you're s*art enough to kno0 that,D she said, then &ushed *e a0ay! D.o0 go on! You've got tests to take!D I ran *y hands a$ross *y )a$e, sear$hing )or stray tears, then I stood and headed to0ard the door! But 'e)ore I $ould leave, she sto&&ed *e! DIt 0ould have 'een okay, you kno0, kiddoG To *ark that other 'o2!D I looked 'a$k at her, and I sa0 not the head*istress or the s&y or even the *other, 'ut the 0o*an I'd seen $rying! And :ust 0hen I thought I $ouldn't love her *ore!

DI 0ouldn't tou$h that i) I 0ere you!D Fosh s&un around at the sound o) *y 0ords! #till, his )ingers 0ere &erilously $lose to Gilly's s0ord! D;e're &retty good at kee&ing things &rote$ted around here,D I said, in$hing $loser! He &ut his hands in his &o$kets! That 0as &ro'a'ly the sa)est &la$e )or the*, 'ut the gesture re*inded *e o) the )irst night 0e'd *et! I longed )or that dark street, )or the $han$e to do things over! D#o,D he said! DA s&y, huhGD His eyes never le)t the s0ord! I $ouldn't 'la*e hi*! I didn't 0ant to look at *e, either! DYeah!D

DThat e2&lains a lot!D D#o they told youGD I asked! He nodded! DYeah, I got the grand tour!D #o*eho0, I )ound that really hard to 'elieve, 'ut I 0asn't e2a$tly in a &osition to say, 4id you see the nu$lear &o0ered hover$ra)t 0e kee& in the 'ase*ent, so I :ust nodded, too! DFosh, you kno0 you $an't ever<D DTell anyoneGD He looked at *e! DYeah, they told *e!D DI *ean, ever, Fosh! /ver!D DI kno0,D he said! DI $an kee& a se$ret!D The 0ords stung! They 0ere su&&osed to! There 0e 0ere, in a roo* dedi$ated to se$ret lives and se$ret triu*&hs! He $ould see it all )ro* 0here he stood! 8y sisterhood 0as 'are to hi*! I 0as e2&osed, 'ut there 0as *ore 'et0een us than ever 'e)ore! DI'* sorry I lied! I'* sorry I'* notE nor*al!D D.o, Ca**ie, I get the s&y thing,D he said, s&inning on *e! DBut you didn't :ust lie a'out 0here you go to s$hool!D His voi$e 0as harsh, 'ut 0ounded! His eyes see*ed al*ost 'ruised! DI don't even kno0 0ho you are!D DYes, you do,D I said! DYou kno0 everything that *atters!D DYour dadGD he asked! I )ro9e! DIt's $lassi)ied<0hat ha&&ened<I $ouldn't tell you! I 0anted to, 'ut<D DThen :ust tell *e he died! Tell *e your *o* $an't $ook and you're an only $hild! 4on'tE*ake u& a )a*ily! 4on't *ake u& another li)e!D Fosh looked over the railing along the Hall o) History, into the to0ering )oyer o) the Gallagher 8ansion, and said, D;hat's so great a'out nor*alGD I *ight have 'een the genius, 'ut Fosh 0as the one to see the truth! 1or a 0hile there, I had needed another li)e, a trial li)e<nor*al on a te*&orary 'asis! The &ro'le* 0as looking into the 0ounded eyes o) so*eone I $ared a'out and telling hi* that I 0ould never 'e )ree to really love hi*, 'e$ause E 0ellE then I'd have to kill hi*! Then, I reali9ed 0here 0e 0ere<0hat he 0as looking at! F-#H K.-;#@ I *entally s$rea*ed! There doesn't have to 'e any *ore lying! He's inside! He's one o) us ?kind o)A! He'sE But Fosh 0as heading do0n the stairs! I 'olted )or0ard, yelling, D;ait, Fosh! ;ait@ It's okay no0! It'sED ;hen he rea$hed the )loor, he sto&&ed and &ulled his hand out o) his &o$ket! D4o you 0ant theseGD I sa0 the earrings lying in his &al*! DYes,D I said, nodding, 'iting 'a$k tears! I )le0 do0n the stairs, and he shu))led the* into *y hands so Cui$kly I never even )elt his tou$h! DI love the*! I didn't

0ant to<D D#ure!D He 0alked )arther a0ay )ro* *e! I &ro'a'ly kno0 a do9en di))erent 0ays to su'due a guy Fosh's si9e<not that I 0ould have used any o) the*! ?-kay, so I thought a'out itEA -h *y gosh, he's leaving, I thought<not kno0ing 0hether to )eel sad at his loss or thrilled 0ith the )a$t that 0e 0ere letting hi* 0alk out that door<his *e*ory o) our se$rets inta$t! #urely they're not going to let that ha&&en, I 0ondered, unless they trust hi* E unless he's 'een $leared E unless so*eone de$ided that he didn't need to drink the tea and go to slee& and 0ake u& )eeling like he's had a $ra9y drea* he $an't re*e*'er! Jnless it's okay )or *e to love hi*! He rea$hed )or the door, so I 'lurted, DFosh,D kno0ing that i) the Gallagher A$ade*y 0as going to take a $han$e on hi*, I had to at least try to *ake things right! DIE I go to .e'raska over 0inter 'reak! 8y grand&arents live there< *y dad's &arents! But I'll 'e 'a$k!D D-kay,D he said as he rea$hed )or the door! DI guess I'll see you around!D It 0as )ast<like 'link3or3you'll3*iss3it )ast<'ut Fosh s*iled at *e<Cui$kly, s0eetly, and that 0as enough to let *e kno0 that he'd *eant it 0hen he said he'd 'e seeing *e! 8ore i*&ortant, it &roved that he'd 'e looking! I 0as :ust starting to i*agine 0hat it 0as going to 'e like<a ne0 year, a ne0 se*ester, a ne0 start 0ith no se$rets standing 'et0een us, 'ut then he sto&&ed and said, D-h, tell your *o* thanks )or the tea!D He o&ened the door and 0alked outside! I stood in the *iddle o) the e*&ty )oyer )or a long ti*e! A)ter all, in the *ovies, the dra*ati$ good3'ye is o)ten )ollo0ed 'y the good3'ye3er )lying 'a$k through the door to s0ee& the good' 'ye3ee into a very dra*ati$, very se2y kiss! And i) there 0as any dra*ati$, se2y kissing &otential in *y )uture, I 0asn't going to s0ay )ro* that s&ot! I )elt so*ething so)t and 0ar* ru' against *y leg and looked do0n to see -ny2 0ra&&ing her tail around *y ankle! #he &urred, $onsoling *e, sounding like a very lu$ky $at, and I kne0 things had $o*e )ull $ir$le! Behind *e, girls started rushing do0n the stairs to0ard the Grand Hall and a )e0 last3*inute study sessions 'e)ore the )irst day o) )inals, 'ut as they &assed *e, I kne0 0hat the *ain to&i$ o) $onversation 0as going to 'e over 'reak)ast! ?You think regular girls love gossi&<try Gallagher Girls@A #till, I didn't *ind their stares! Instead, I stood s0aying in the $urrent o) 'odies that 0as )loating o)) to start the day, 'ut I didn't 'udge until Be2 a&&eared 'eside *e! DHey!D #he shoved a 'ook and a 'agel into *y hands! DCo*e on,D she said 0ith a tug at *y ar*! D;e've got our C-; )inal, you kno0! Li9 *ade )lash $ards!D I )ollo0ed *y )riend u& the stairs, and I got lost in a sea o) girls 0ho 0ere dressed like *e, and 0ere trained like I 0as, and 0ho 0ere entren$hed in *y sa*e 0orld! Is this the 0orld I 0ould $hoose i) I $ould go 'a$k<'e ignorant and 'liss)ul and ha&&y<i) I $ould live a 0hite &i$ket li)e on a 0hite &i$ket street and 'e ignorant o) the un&leasant deeds that have to 'e done in &la$es *ost &eo&le $an't )ind on a

*a&G I don't kno0! 8ay'e I 0ould i) *y *ind 0as like an /t$h A #ket$h and I $ould shake it and erase all that I kno0! But I'* in too dee& no0! I kno0 0hat goes 'u*& in the night, and I kno0 ho0 to )ight it! Be2 and I 0alked u& the stairs! Then Li9 :oined our ste&s, then 8a$ey! I don't kno0 0hat's going to ha&&en ne2t se*ester! I don't kno0 i) Fosh 0ill ever talk to *e again! I don't kno0 0hat he'll re*e*'er, or 0hat 0e'll )a$e in Cove-&s, or even 0hat 8r! #*ith 0ill look like $o*e #e&te*'er! But I kno0 0ho 0ill 'e 'eside *e, and as every good s&y kno0s<so*eti*es that's enough!

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