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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Project Title Employees attitude towards the organization


Submitted by XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX University

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Table of ontents
ABSTRACT..........................................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................5 Features of Attitude...........................................................................................................7 Attitude, Opinion and Belief..............................................................................................7 Fa tors in Attitude For!ation.........................................................................................."" #et$ods of Attitude C$an%e............................................................................................"& 'alues and Attitudes........................................................................................................"3 'alues and Be$a(iour......................................................................................................"3 )!plo*ee+s Attitudes to,ards t$e Or%ani-ation ............................................................"5 R)'I). OF /IT)RATUR)..............................................................................................&0 /IT)RATUR) SUR')1................................................................................................&0 R)S)ARC2 #)T2ODO/O31........................................................................................&4 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................&4 SA#5/IN3 #)T2OD...................................................................................................36 TOO/S FOR DATA CO//)CTION.............................................................................36 /I#ITATIONS OF T2) STUD17.....................................................................................3& Anal*sis and interpretation..................................................................................................33

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

T$e pro8e t ,or9 entitled Employees attitude towards the

organization ,it$ spe ial referen e to t$e Kenana Sugar Company, UP t$e (arious fa tors t$at are on erned to,ards t$e attitude of t$e e!plo*ees.

T$e anal*sis $as :een !ade !ainl* :ased on t$e pri!ar* data t$at is :* t$e e!plo*ees+ opinion sur(e* !et$od. T$e resear $er $as ta9en a sa!ple si-e of ";6 and $as used t$e stratified rando! sa!plin% !et$od to sele t t$e sa!ples fro! t$e total population. T$e stud* %i(es t$e opinion of e!plo*ees a:out all t$e 2.R. fun tions of Kenana Sugar Company, e!plo*!ent onditions, ,a%es and in enti(es, interpersonal relations$ip, ,or9in% onditions, !ana%e!ent pra ti es, et . T$e resear $er $as used per enta%e anal*sis and C2I<S=uare test, and t$e stud* re(eals t$at t$ere is no relations$ip :et,een >OB )NRIC2#)NT edu ational =ualifi ation of t$e respondents, and t$ere is no relations$ip :et,een len%t$ of ser(i e of t$e respondents, and ,elfare fa ilities, and t$ere is no relations$ip :et,een t$e salar* of t$e respondents and ,elfare fa ilities. T$e stud* $as also re(ealed t$at !ost of t$e respondents $a(e a positi(e attitude to,ards t$e ,elfare fa ilities, !ana%e!ent pra ti es and e!plo*!ent onditions, .)/FAR) FACI/ITI)S, INT)R 5)RSONA/

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R)/ATIONS2I5, .OR?IN3 CONDITION t$e resear $er $as %i(en su%%estions for its i!pro(e!ent ,$i $ in ludes su%%estion s $e!es ,$i $ !a* :e transparent and pro!otions ,$i $ !a* :e !ade :ot$ :ased on seniorit* and perfor!an e to a ertain le(el in t$e or%ani-ational $ierar $*.

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%&TR'() T%'&
Attitude: T$e i!portan e of attitude in understandin% ps* $olo%i al p$eno!enon ,as %i(en for!al re o%nition earl* in t$e $istor* of so ial ps* $olo%*. Fro! t$e ti!e of t$e on ept+s entr* in to t$e lan%ua%e of ps* $olo%* until no,, interest in attitude $as :een stron% and %ro,in%. 2o,e(er, o(er t$e *ears attitudes $a(e :een studied ,it$ differin% e!p$asis and !et$ods. Concept of Attitude: It is ne essar* to :e pre ise in definin% attitudes, :e ause t$e (ariet* of pu:lis$ed definitions and des riptions is al!ost endless. /i9e an* ot$er on ept, attitude !a* also :e defined in t,o ,a*s, Con eptual and Operational. T$ere is =uite a differen e in t$e on eptual definition of t$e ter! attitude, and di(er%ent points of (ie, re%ardin% t$e on ept of attitude $a(e de(eloped.

Major aspects: .$en t$e ter! first entered t$e field of so ial p$eno!enon, it ,as natural to on ei(e of attitude as a tenden *, set or readiness to respond to so!e so ial o:8e t. For t$e first ti!e, A//5ORT noted t$e definition of attitude, ,$i $ $e $ad o:ser(ed ontained t$e ,ords @readiness+, @set+ or @disposition to a t+. )(en A//5ORT $as used t$ese ter!s in definin% attitude. 2e defines attitude as follo,s7 AAttitude is a !ental and neural state of readiness or%ani-ed t$rou%$
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eBperien e, eBertin% a dire ti(e or d*na!i influen e upon t$e indi(idual+s response to all o:8e ts and situations ,it$ ,$i $ it is relatedC

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Features of Attitude Attitudes affe t :e$a(ior of an indi(idual :* puttin% $i! read* to respond fa(ora:l* to t$in%s in $is en(iron!ent. Attitudes are a =uired t$rou%$ learnin% o(er a period of ti!e. T$e pro ess of learnin% attitudes starts ri%$t fro! t$e $ild$ood and ontinues t$rou%$out t$e life of a person. Attitudes are in(isi:le as t$e* onstitute a ps* $olo%ied p$eno!enon ,$i $ annot :e o:ser(ed dire tl*. T$e* an :e o:ser(ed :* o:ser(in% t$e :e$a(ior of an indi(idual. Attitudes are per(asi(e and e(er* indi(idual $as so!e 9ind of attitude to,ards t$e o:8e ts in $is en(iron!ent. In fa t, attitudes are for ed in t$e so iali-ation pro ess and !a* relate to an*t$in% in t$e en(iron!ent.

Attitude, Opinion and Belief An opinion is %enerall* t$e eBpression of one+s 8ud%!ent of a parti ular set of fa ts, an e(aluation of t$e ir u!stan es presented to $i!. AT$urstoneC defines opinion as a response to a spe ifi all* li!ited sti!ulus, :ut t$e response is ertainl* influen ed :* t$e predisposition ,it$, ,it$ t$e indi(idual is operatin%, t$at is, t$e attitude stru ture. A differen e an also :e !ade :et,een attitude and :elief. A :elief is an endurin% or%ani-ation of per eptions and o%nitions a:out so!e aspe ts of indi(idual ,orld. T$us, :elief is a $*pot$esis on ernin% t$e nature of
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o:8e ts, !ore parti ularl*, on ernin% one+s 8ud%!ents of t$e pro:a:ilit* re%ardin% t$e nature. In t$is sense, :elief is t$e o%niti(e o!ponent of attitude ,$i $ refle ts t$e !anner in ,$i $ an o:8e t is per ei(ed. T$e differen e :et,een attitude, opinion, and :elief eBists on on eptual :asis. #ost resear $ers :elie(e t$at t$ese t$ree ter!s are so losel* tied t$at it is diffi ult to separate t$e! eB ept on a li!ited on eptual :asis.

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In t$e literature, often, t$ere is a onsidera:le a!ount of o(erlappin% in t$ese t$ree ter!s. #ost ps* $olo%ists, $o,e(er, :elie(e t$at attitudes are !ore funda!ental to $u!an :e$a(ior t$an are t$e related aspe ts. For t$is reason, !ore atte!pts $a(e :een !ade to anal*-e attitudes as o!pared to ot$ers. O:(iousl* attitudes are an i!portant onsideration :e ause of t$eir entral position in t$e pro ess of transfor!in% ,or9 re=uire!ents in to efforts. Attitude alone do not influen e :e$a(ior :ut t$ese a ts ,it$ ot$er fa tors in t$e indi(idual influen in% :e$a(ior, su $ as personalit*, per eption, !oti(ation, et . Furt$er, attitudes are also affe ted :* t$e indi(idual di!ension as ,ell as t$e o:8e ts, persons, and ideas. Attitudes $a(e :een t$rou%$ as ser(in% four fun tions and t$ere :* influen in% t$e :e$a(ior. T$ese are instru!ental, e%o defensi(e, (alue orientation and 9no,led%e. Instrumental: Attitudes ser(e as a !eans to rea $ a desired %oal or to a(oid an undesired one. Instru!ental attitude are aroused :* t$e a ti(ation of a need or ues t$at are asso iated ,it$ t$e attitude o:8e t and arouse fa(ora:le or unfa(ora:le feelin%s. Ego !efensi"e: T$e e%o<defensi(e fun tions of attitude a 9no,led%e t$e i!portan e of ps* $olo%i al t$ou%$t. Attitude !a* :e a =uired :* fa in% t$reats in t$e eBternal ,orld or :e o!in% a,are of $is o,n una epta:le i!pulses. #alue $rientation: T$e (alue<orientation fun tion ta9es in to a ount attitudes t$at are $eld :e ause t$e* eBpress a person+s self<i!a%e, or :* ues t$at en%a%e t$e person+s (alues and !a9e t$e! salient to $i!.
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%nowledge: T$e 9no,led%e fun tion of attitude is :ased on a person+s need to !aintain a sta:le, or%ani-ed and !eanin%ful stru ture of t$e ,orld. Attitude t$at pro(ides a standard a%ainst ,$i $ a person e(aluates t$e aspe ts of $is ,orld and ser(e as t$e 9no,led%e fun tion too.

T$ese fun tions of attitudes affe t t$e indi(idual+s ,a* of interpretin% t$e infor!ation o!in% to $i!. Sin e attitudes inter(ene :et,een ,or9 re=uire!ents and ,or9 responses, infor!ation a:out $o, people feel a:out t$eir 8o:s an :e =uite useful in t$e predi ation a:out ,or9 response. T$us, t$ese t*pes of attitudes an portra* areas of in(esti%ation for !a9in% t$e indi(idual and t$e or%ani-ation !ore o!pati:le.

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Factors in Attitude Formation T$e attitudes are learned. T$ou%$ t$ere are different approa $es as $o, learnin% ,or9s and is a =uired :* an indi(idual, %enerall* it is $eld t$at indi(iduals learn t$in%s fro! t$e en(iron!ent in ,$i $ t$e* intera t. T$us, for attitude for!ation, all t$ese fa tors !ust :e ta9en in to a ount fro! ,$i $ people learn. Su $ fa tors !a* :e anal*-ed in ter!s of %roups startin% fro! t$e fa!il* as a %roup, an indi(idual !o(es in a lose %roup, t$en to lon%er %roups, and finall* to t$e so iet* as a ,$ole. A part fro! t$ese %roups, t$e indi(idual+s ps* $olo%* ,$i $ !a9es up parti ularl* $is personalit*, is also responsi:le for :e$a(ior and attitudes.

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Methods of Attitude Change T$ere are (arious !et$ods t$rou%$ ,$i $ a positi(e $an%e in attitudes !a* :e :rou%$t. In t$e so ial onteBt, Co$en $as su%%ested four !et$ods for attitude $an%e. T$e* are Co!!uni ation of additional infor!ation. Appro(al and disappro(al of a parti ular attitude. 3roup influen e, and
Indu in% en%a%e!ent in dis repant :e$a(ior.

In so!e or t$e ot$er, all t$ese !et$ods in(ol(e introdu in% dis repan ies a!on% t$e ele!ents !a9in% up t$e indi(idual+s attitudes in t$e $ope t$at t$e ele!ents ,ill :e re:alan ed t$rou%$ t$e effe ti(e o!ponent of t$e attitudes. Fro! t$e or%ani-ation point of (ie,, a #ana%er an ta9e follo,in% a tions in :rinin% $an%e in attitudes of its or%ani-ational !e!:ers. 3roup a tion 5ersuasion t$rou%$ leaders$ip 5ersuasion t$rou%$ o!!uni ation and Influen e of total situation. T$ese a tions in(ol(e t$e anal*sis of different (aria:les affe tin% a parti ular a tion.

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Values and Attitudes So!e resear $ers see (alues as onsistin% of lar%e sets of related attitudes. For eBa!ple, AFis$:einC and AA8-enC $a(e in luded t,o o!ponents in attitudes<infor!ational, e!otional. T$us, t$e* $a(e ta9en (alues as a part of attitudes. 2o,e(er, so!e differen es eBist :et,een (alues and attitudes. Attitudes are spe ifi and related to distin t o:8e tsD people, or ideas. 'alues are !ore %eneral t$an attitudes, (alues often ontain state!ent of %oodness or :adness asso iated ,it$ t$e attitudes ,$i $ people $old. 'alues are, t$en, :eliefs a:out ,$i $ attitudes ,e s$ould $a(e or $o, ,e s$ould :e$a(e.

Values and Behaviour Be$a(iour of people is influen ed :* t$e (alues ,$i $ t$e* $old, parti ularl* in ter!s of t$ose sti!uli ,$i $ $a(e so!e (alue orientation in t$e or%ani-ational onteBt, understandin% t$e influen e of indi(idual (alue s*ste! on t$e :e$a(iour of indi(iduals in t$e follo,in% !anner7
'alues influen e an indi(idual per eption a:out t$e pro:le!s $e

fa es and onse=uentl* t$e de ision $e !a9es to o(er o!e t$ose pro:le!s.

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'alues influen es t$e ,a* in ,$i $ an indi(idual loo9s at t$e ot$er indi(idual and %roups of indi(iduals, t$at is, interpersonal relations$ip. 'alues :e o!e t$e :asis of su $ interpersonal elations$ip intera tions. Indi(iduals 8ud%e or%ani-ational su ess as ,ell as its a $ie(e!ent of t$e :asis of t$eir (alue s*ste!. T$us, for so!e indi(iduals, or%ani-ational su ess !a* :e in t$e for! of $i%$ profit learnin% irrespe ti(e of t$e !eans adopted ,$ere as, t$is !a* :e a !ean t$in% for ot$er indi(iduals. Indi(iduals set li!it for t$e deter!ination of ,$at is et$i al or unet$i al :e$a(iour for t$e!sel(es as ,ell as for t$e ot$ers. 'alues deter!ine t$e eBtent to ,$i $ indi(iduals a ept or%ani-ational pressures and %oals. If t$ese do not !at $ ,it$ t$e (alue $eld :* t$e!, t$e* t$,art t$e or%ani-ational pressures and %oals, and e(en lea(e t$e or%ani-ation.

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Employees Attitudes towards the Organi ation Attitudes are not t$e sa!e as (alues, :ut t$e t,o are interrelated. 1ou an see t$is :* loo9in% at t$e t$ree o!ponents of an attitude7 o%nition, affe t and :e$a(ior. T$e :elief t$at Adis ri!ination is ,ron%C is a (alue state!ent.

Types of Attitudes A person an $a(e t$ousands of attitudes, :ut Or%ani-ational Be$a(iour fo uses our attention on a (er* li!ited nu!:er of ,or9<related attitudes. T$ese ,or9<related attitudes tap positi(e or ne%ati(e e(aluations t$at e!plo*ees $old a:out aspe ts of t$eir ,or9 en(iron!ent. #ost of t$e resear $ in OB $as :een on erned ,it$ t$ree attitudes7 8o: satisfa tion, 8o: in(ol(e!ent, and or%ani-ational o!!it!ent.

0ob "atisfa1tion T$e ter! 8o: satisfa tion to an indi(idual+s %eneral attitude to,ards $is or $er 8o:. A person ,it$ a $i%$ le(el of 8o: satisfa tion $olds positi(e attitudes a:out t$eir 8o:, ,$ile a person ,$o is dissatisfied ,it$ $is or $er 8o: $olds ne%ati(e attitudes a:out t$e 8o:. .$en people spea9 of e!plo*ee attitudes, !ore often !ean 8o: satisfa tion.

0ob %n2ol2ement T$e ter! 8o: in(ol(e!ent is a !ore re ent addition to t$e OB literature ,$ile t$ere isn+t o!plete a%ree!ent o(er ,$at t$e te! !eans. A ,or9a:le definition states t$at 8o: in(ol(e!ent !easures t$e de%ree to ,$i $ a person

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identifies $i! ,it$ $is or $er 8o: and

onsiders $is or $er per ei(ed

perfor!an e le(el i!portant to self ,ort$. )!plo*ees ,it$ a $i%$ le(el of 8o: in(ol(e!ent stron%l* identif* ,it$ and reall* are a:out t$e 9ind of ,or9 t$e* do.

'rganizational ommitment T$e t$ird 8o: attitude is or%ani-ational o!!it!ent, ,$i $ is defined as a state in ,$i $ an e!plo*ee identifies ,it$ a parti ular or%ani-ation and its %oals, and ,is$es to !aintain !e!:ers$ip in t$e or%ani-ation. So, $i%$ 8o: in(ol(e!ent !eans identif*in% ,it$ one+s spe ifi 8o:, ,$ile $i%$ or%ani-ational o!!it!ent !eans identif*in% ,it$ one+s e!plo*in% or%ani-ation.

Attitudes and onsisten1y Resear $ $as %enerall* on luded t$at people see9 onsisten * a!on% t$eir attitudes and :et,een t$eir attitudes and t$eir :e$a(iour. T$is !eans t$at indi(iduals see9 to re on ile di(er%ent attitudes and ali%n t$eir attitudes and :e$a(iour so t$at t$e* appear rational and onsistent. .$en t$ere is an in onsisten *, for es are initiated to return t$e indi(idual to an e=uili:riu! state.

ogniti2e (issonan1e Theory T$is t$eor* sou%$t to eBplain t$e lin9a%e :et,een attitudes and :e$a(iour. Dissonan e !eans an in onsisten *. Co%niti(e dissonan e refers to an*

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in o!pati:ilit* t$at an indi(idual !i%$t per ei(e :et,een t,o or !ore of $is or $er attitudes, or :et,een $is or $er :e$a(iour and attitudes.

Moderating 3ariables T$e !ost po,erful !oderates $a(e :een found to :e t$e i!portan e of t$e attitudeD spe iall*, its a essi:ilit*, ,$et$er t$ere eBist so ial pressures, and ,$et$er a person $as dire t eBperien e ,it$ t$e attitude. I!portant attitudes are one+s t$at refle t funda!ental (alues, self<interest, or identifi ation ,it$ indi(iduals or %roups t$at a person (alues. Attitude t$at indi(iduals onsider i!portant tend to s$o, a stron% relations$ip to :e$a(iour.

Attitude "ur2ey T$e pre edin% re(ie, indi ates t$at 9no,led%e of e!plo*ee attitudes an :e $elpful to !ana%ers in atte!ptin% to predi t e!plo*ee :e$a(iour. But, $o, does !ana%e!ent %et infor!ation a:out e!plo*ee attitudes. T$e !ost popular !et$ods are t$rou%$ t$e use of attitude sur(e*s.

Attitude and 4or5for1e (i2ersity #ana%ers are in reasin%l* on erned ,it$ $an%in% e!plo*ee attitude to refle t s$iftin% perspe ti(es on ra ial, %ender, and ot$er di(ersit* issues. A o!!ent to a o<,or9er of t$e opposite seB, ,$i $ &6 *ears a%o !i%$t $a(e :een ta9en as a o!plaint, an toda* :e o!e a areer<li!itin% episode. T$e !a8orit* of lar%e U.S. e!plo*ees and a su:stantial proportion of !ediu! si-ed and s!aller ones sponsor so!e sort of di(ersit* trainin%. So!e eBa!ples are, 5oli e Offi ers in )s ondido, California, re ei(e 3E $ours of
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di(ersit* trainin% for t$eir "&,666 e!plo*ees. T$e Federal A(iations Ad!inistration sponsors a !andator* ; $ours di(ersit* se!inar for e!plo*ees of its ,estern pa ifi re%ion.

0ob "atisfa1tion >o: satisfa tion is one of t$e i!portant fa tors ,$i $ $a(e dra,n attention of !ana%ers in t$e or%ani-ation as ,ell as a ade!i ians 'arious studies $a(e :een ondu ted to find out t$e fa tors ,$i $ deter!ine 8o: satisfa tion and t$e ,a* it influen es produ ti(it* in t$e or%ani-ation. T$ou%$, t$ere is no on lusi(e e(iden e t$at 8o: satisfa tion affe ts produ ti(it* dire tl* :e ause produ ti(it* depends on so !an* (aria:les, it is still a pri!e on ern for !ana%ers. >o: satisfa tion is t$e !ental feelin% of fa(ora:leness ,$i $ an indi(idual $as a:out $is 8o:. ADu:rinsC $as defined 8o: satisfa tion in ter!s of pleasure and ontent!ent ,$en $e sa*s t$at.

(eterminants of 0ob "atisfa1tion .$ile anal*-in% (arious deter!inants of 8o: satisfa tion, ,e $a(e to 9eep in !ind t$at all indi(iduals do not re ei(e t$e sa!e de%ree of satisfa tion t$ou%$ t$e* perfor! t$e sa!e 8o: in t$e sa!e 8o: en(iron!ent and at t$e sa!e ti!e. T$erefore, it appears t$at :esides t$e nature of 8o: and 8o: en(iron!ent, t$ere are indi(idual (aria:les ,$i $ affe t 8o: satisfa tion. T$us all t$ose fa tors ,$i $ pro(ide a fit a!on% indi(idual (aria:les, nature of 8o: and situational (aria:les deter!ine t$e de%ree of 8o: satisfa tion. /et us see ,$at t$ese fa tors are,

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%ndi2idual 6a1tors Indi(iduals $a(e ertain eBpe tation fro! t$eir 8o:s. If t$ere eBpe tations are !et fro! t$e 8o:s, t$e* feel satisfied. T$ese eBpe tations are :ased on an indi(idual+s le(el of edu ation, a%e, and ot$er fa tors. &' (e"el of Education: /e(el of edu ation of an indi(idual is a fa tor ,$i $ deter!ines t$e de%ree of 8o: satisfa tion. For eBa!ple, se(eral studies $a(e found t$e ne%ati(e orrelation :et,een t$e le(el of edu ation, parti ularl* $i%$er le(el of edu ation and 8o: satisfa tion. )' Age: Indi(iduals eBperien e different de%rees of 8o: satisfa tion at different sta%es of t$eir life. >o: satisfa tion is $i%$ at t$e initial sta%e, %et %raduall* redu ed, starts risin% up to ertain sta%e and finall* dips to a lo, de%ree. *' $ther factors: Besides t$e a:o(e t,o fa tors, t$ere are ot$er indi(idual fa tors ,$i $ affe t 8o: satisfa tion. If an indi(idual does not $a(e fa(ora:le so ial and fa!il* life, $e !a* not feel $app* at t$e ,or9 pla e. Si!ilarl*, ot$er personal pro:le!s asso iated ,it$ $i! !a* affe t $is le(el of 8o: satisfa tion.

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Effe1t of his 0ob "atisfa1tion >o: satisfa tion $as a (ariet* of effe ts. T$e effe ts !a* :e seen in t$e onteBt of an indi(idual+s p$*si al and !ental $ealt$, produ ti(it*, a:senteeis!, and turno(er.

7hysi1al and Mental Health T$e de%ree of 8o: satisfa tion affe ts an indi(idual+s p$*si al and !ental $ealt$. Sin e, 8o: satisfa tion is a t*ped of !ental feelin%, its fa(ora:leness or unfa(oura:leness affe ts t$e indi(idual ps* $olo%i all* ,$i $ for eBa!ple, A/a,lerC $as pointed out t$at dru% a:use, al o$olis!, and !ental and p$*si al $ealt$ results fro! ps* $olo%i all* $ar!ful 8o:s.

%mpro2ing 0ob "atisfa1tion >o: satisfa tion pla*s a si%nifi ant role in t$e or%ani-ation. T$erefore, #ana%ers s$ould ta9e on rete steps to i!pro(e t$e le(el of 8o: satisfa tion. T$ese steps !a* :e in t$e for! of 8o: re<desi%nin% to !a9e t$e 8o: !ore interestin% and $allen%in%, i!pro(in% =ualit* of ,or9 life, lin9in% re,ards ,it$ perfor!an e, and i!pro(in% o(erall or%ani-ational li!ate.

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Attitude Measurement Attitudes are su:8e ti(e attri:utes of people. T$e*

an :e re%arded as

onstru t in t$e sense t$at t$e* are on eptuali-ations of $u!an statisti al e(iden e. T$us, people !a* (ar* alon% a nu!:er of attitudinal di!ensions. ?eepin% t$is !easure!ent aspe t in to onsideration, t$e attitudes !i%$t :e defined operationall* :* des ri:in% t$e !easure!ent s*ste!s t$at ps* $olo%ists use to !easure attitudes. Attitude !easure!ent, de(eloped lar%el* :* so ial ps* $olo%ists is on erned ,it$ t$e efforts to tap t$ese attitudes as t$e* are $ara teristi s of indi(iduals. T$ere are !an* !et$ods of attitude !easure!ent. T$e T$urston t*pe of s alin% %oes :a 9 to t$e earl* ,or9 of T$urston and C$i(e, ,$i $ olle ted a lar%e nu!:er of state!ents relatin% to t$e area in ,$i $ attitudes ,ere to :e !easured. T$is state!ent !a* :e relatin% to an* o:8e t a:out ,$i $ attitudes ,ere to :e !easured. T$e state!ents are :ot$ fa(ora:le and unfa(ora:le and are pla ed in "" piles, ,it$ !ost fa(ora:le one :ein% pla ed in pile "". Ot$er state!ents are pla ed in :et,een t$eir position dependin% on t$e de%ree of fa(ora:ilit* or unfa(ora:ilit*. T$e s ale is t$en presented to t$e respondents. )a $ respondent $e 9s t$e state!ent in pullin% to%et$er nu!erous !et$ods dealin%s ,it$ attitude !easure!ent. T$e* are7

Self Report Indire t Tests

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Dire t O:ser(ation Te $ni=ues 5s* $olo%* Rea tion Te $ni=ues 2o,e(er attitude !easure!ent of e!plo*ees in an or%ani-ation is !ost o!!onl* arried out ,it$ self<respe t =uestionnaires uses se(eral s alin% !et$ods. T$ere are t$ree t*pes of attitude s alin% ,$i $ are o!!onl* used in attitude !easure!ent. T$e* are T$urston t*pe of s ale, /i9ert s ale, and se!anti differential. .it$ ,$i $ $e a%rees $is attitude s ore is t$en :ased on t$e a(era%e or t$e !edian s ale of t$e state!ents t$at $e $as $e 9ed. Soon after T$urston s ale, /i9ert eBperi!ented ,it$ ertain ot$er (arieties of attitude s ales. /i9ert+s attitude s ale uses fi(e points. T$e state!ents relatin% to t$e !easure!ent of attitude is %i(en to t$e person on erned and $e is as9ed to $e 9 one of t$e fi(e points %i(en for e(er* state!ent. T$ese points s$o, t$e de%ree of a%ree!ent or disa%ree!ent ,it$ t$e state!ent. T$e /i9ert s ale is onsidered :etter as o!pared to T$urston :e ause of se(eral positi(e fa ts. For eBa!ple, in t$is s alin%, t$ere is no !u $ pro:le! in !a9in% nu!erous state!ents ,$i $ ,ill s$o, :ot$ positi(e and ne%ati(e de%ree. T$e se!anti differential, an attitude s alin% te $ni=ue t$at lends itself to (arious appli ations, ,as de(eloped :* Or%ood, Su i and Tannen:au!. T$erefore, an e!plo*ee ,$o $as a $i%$ le(el of 8o: satisfa tion tends to :ear attitudes, ,$i $ are fa(ora:le to t$e or%ani-ation. Balan in% t$e positi(es ,it$ t$e ne%ati(es is i!portant so t$at t$e e!plo*ees ,ill not :e disappointed and :e o!e a pro:le! t$at ,ould $a(e :een a(oided fro! t$e :e%innin%.
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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Attitudes annot :e $an%ed drasti all* or =ui 9l*. T$ere is a reason ,$* people $a(e attitudesD it is a part of t$e!. To $an%e a person ta9es patien e and lots and lots of stalls, espe iall* in a :oss<e!plo*ee relations$ip ,$ere it is !ore for!al. So!eti!es, all it ta9es is a ,arnin% in si!ple ,ords ,$i $ is to $an%e an unfa(ora:le attitude. .$en an e!plo*ee dis loses a !ental $ealt$ pro:le!, tr* to ,or9 out a reasona:le a o!!odation. 3i(e $i!F$er ti!e off fro! ,or9 or a !odified ,or9 s $edule, !a9e p$*si al $an%es to t$e ,or9 pla e, or ad8ust super(isor* instru tions or trainin%. #an* !ental $ealt$ pro:le!s are $i%$l* treata:le and ause onl* te!porar* disruptions at ,or9. If an e!plo*ee ,it$ a $roni all* ne%ati(e attitude suddenl* lai!s a !ental disa:ilit*, e!plo*ers $a(e t$e ri%$t to as9 for !edi al ertifi ation andFor, in so!e situations, a se ond opinion. 2o,e(er, redi:le testi!on* fro! pri(a *. C$e 9 ,it$ an attorne* :efore re=uestin% t$ese. Stri9e :efore t$e iron %ets $ot :* in ludin% ondu t pro:le!s in *our e!plo*ee $and :oo9. De(elop a poli * t$at learl* delineates t$e t*pes of :e$a(iour ,$i $ are not a epta:le in *our ,or9pla e. T$e a:o(e !entioned eBa!ples are so!e ,$i $ an $an%e unfa(ora:le attitude to a fa(ora:le one.

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

RE3%E4 '6 8%TERAT)RE

!"#E$A#%$E &%$VE' +rom the ,all -treet .ournal $nline7 A !a8orit* of U.S. e!plo*ees sa* t$e* are satisfied ,it$ t$eir 8o: and nearl* $alf feel pride in t$eir areer, a ordin% to a re ent, A2arris Intera ti(e 5ollC. Still, !an* U.S. e!plo*ees disli9e t$eir 8o:s, suffer fro! :urnout and don+t $a(e %ood feelin%s a:out t$eir e!plo*ers and Senior #ana%ers, t$e poll s$o,s. )!plo*ees in s!all or%ani-ations are !ore li9el* to $a(e positi(e attitude to,ards t$eir 8o:s, t$eir e!plo*ers and t$eir top !ana%ers. Of people ,or9in% for s!all e!plo*ers, 50G of t$ose polled sa* t$e* are satisfied ,it$ t$eir 8o:, and o!pan*. 3;G of t$ose ,or9in% for lar%e e!plo*ers feel t$e* are at dead<end 8o:s, o!pared ,it$ &0G of t$ose ,or9in% for o!panies feel At$is is t$e :est or%ani-ational to ,or9 forC onl* &5G of t$e people ,or9in% for lar%e or%ani-ations, o!pared ,it$ for s!all e!plo*ers, :elie(e t$at t$e top !ana%es displa* inte%rit* and !oralit*. T$is sur(e* also s$o,s t$at *oun%er ,or9ers $a(e !u $ !ore ne%ati(e (ie, of t$eir 8o: t$an older ,or9ers. A!on% t$e older ,or9ers, 54G sa* a %ood deal of t$eir pride o!es fro! t$eir ,or9 and areers, o!pared ,it$ 8ust 37G of t$e *oun%er ,or9ers. /i9e,ise, a!on% E0G of t$e older ,or9ers, onl* 07G of t$e *oun%er ,or9ers reall* are a:out t$e fate of t$e or%ani-ation for ,$i $ t$e* ,or9. O(erall, ,$ile 545 of t$e e!plo*ees are satisfied ,it$ t$eir 8o:s, t$at t,o out of e(er* fi(e 0"G of t$e ,or9ers aren+t satisfied. In

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

addition, one<t$ird of t$e ,or9ers feel t$e* are in dead<end 8o:s, and Atr*in% to ope ,it$ feelin% of :urn outC. Burn out is !u $ !ore pre(alent a!on% t$e ,or9ers+ a%es :et,een ";<&0 *ears, 07G report feelin% :urned out, o!pared ,it$ &;G of t$e older ,or9ers. #s. B. Na%ala9s$!i, &66E, $ad done a pro8e t on A)!plo*ee Attitude to,ards t$e Or%anisation in A/a9s$!i #a $ine .or9s /i!itedC and s$e su%%ested t$at #ana%e!entF2R depart!ent !a* :e $an%in% t$e pro edures or approa $es to i!pro(e t$e e!plo*ees+ positi(e attitude to,ards t$e! :* parti ipation fro! t$e!. Attitudes $an%e fro! person to person. In an or%ani-ation, t$e fun tions and pro edures follo,ed :* t$e !ana%e!entF 2R departent s$ould a epted and ne%ati(e attitudes if an* !a* :e identified at an earlier sta%e. Relations$ip of t$e e!plo*ees ,it$ t$e 2R Depart!ent !a* :e en$an ed to redu e ne%ati(e attitude a!on% t$e e!plo*ees in %eneral ,$i $ ,ill lead to prosperit* of t$e o!pan* t$rou%$ profits and t$at of t$e e!plo*ees t$rou%$ en$an ed =ualit* of ,or9 life. 3an%uli H"4E0I $as ar%ued t$at t$e fa tors t$at deter!ine perfor!an e of t$e ,or9ers in an industrial 8o: an :e lassified under t$ree $eads. ". 5ersonal fa tors &. .or9 fa tors 3. )n(iron!ental Hp$*si al and so ialI fa tors

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

5ersonal Fa tors refer to s9ills of ,or9ers and t$e de%ree of !oti(ation t$at deter!ine t$e eBtent to ,$i $ $e ,ill appl* $is s9ill to t$e 8o:. .or9 fa tor refers to tools and e=uip!ent, !et$od of ,or9 and !aterials used. )Ba!ples of en(iron!ental fa tors are HaI p$*si al li%$tin%, (entilation, et . H:I so ial and ps* $olo%i al nature of leaders$ip Hsuper(isor* and !ana%erialI, so ial li!ate in t$e s$op, nature of t$e %roup for!ation a!on%st !e!:ers, et and H I Nature of or%ani-ational ontrols, o!!uni ation patterns, et . #r. 'i8a*anand, "444, $ad done a pro8e t on A8o: satisfa tionC, a!on% t$e e!plo*ees in ASa9t$i Su%arsC and $e su%%ested t$at t$e or%ani-ation $as to on entrate !ore on la:our !easures and also ,it$ re%ard to t$e !aintenan e of :uildin%s. #r.'asude(an.C, "444, $ad done a pro8e t on A8o: satisfa tionC a!on% t$e ,or9ers in A)/3I )le tri and Industries /i!itedC and $e su%%ested t$at t$e or%ani-ation !a* pro(ide :etter ,or9in% onditions, an redu e t$e $ours of ,or9 and pro(ide !ore areer ad(an e!ent opportunities. A ordin% to 'roo!H"4E0I, produ ti(it* depends upon t,o !a8or (aria:les (i-., e!plo*ees+ 8o: perfor!an e and resour es utili-ed. In !ost or%ani-ational perfor!an e of t$e e!plo*ees is relati(el* !ore i!portant t$an t$e e=uip!ents and ra, !aterials. )(en in auto!ated operations, produ ti(it* in strate%i and oordinate s*ste!s lar%el* depends up on t$e $u!an perfor!an e. 5erfor!an e of a ,or9er on a tas9 or 8o: is a dire t fun tion of $is !oti(ation.

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

A ordin% to 2ar9 #antelH"47"I, t$e nature of t$e relations$ip :et,een 8o: $ara teristi s and e!plo*ee rea tions to t$eir ,or9Hin ludin% satisfa tion, perfor!an e, and a:senteeis!I ,ill depend upon t$e need status of t$e e!plo*ees. #aslo, proposes t$at e!plo*ees+ e!er%e in a $ierar $i al fas$ion and it is i!portant for t$e or%ani-ation to satisf* t$eir needs, failin% ,$i $ t$e e!plo*ees !a* eB$i:it non produ ti(it* and effe ti(eness of t$e or%ani-ation. Fleis$!an H"453I $as studied t$e relations$ip of super(isor* :e$a(iour ,it$ t$e produ ti(it* and !orale of t$e su: ordinates, superiors reate ertain li!ate in t$eir depart!ent and $i%$ onsideration results in $i%$ produ ti(it* and !orale. #r. R.?. Sel(a! $as !ade @A Stud* on .or9er+ )Bpe tations on /a:our .elfare Fa ilities in "44;. In TT? 5resti%e /i!ited, t$e sa!ple si-e ,as E6. 2e used t$e inter(ie, s $edule for pri!ar* data olle tionD t$e se ondar* data ,as olle ted t$rou%$ dis ussion ,it$ offi ials of t$e 5ersonnel Depart!ent fro! t$e data it ,as found t$at al!ost e(er* one ,ere satisfied. #r. Ra8apra:a9aran $as ondu ted a resear $ on @T$e Stud* on le(el of #oti(atin% t$e )!plo*ees ,it$ spe ial referen e to TT? 5resti%e /i!ited in &66&. T$e sa!ple si-e ,as 366 and $e used t$e inter(ie, s $edule for t$e pri!ar* data olle tion. 2e found t$at &;G of e!plo*ees ,ere !oti(ated

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

,it$ t$e ,or9in% onditions of t$e o!pan*. All of t$e! ,ere !oti(ated ,it$ t$e first<aid fa ilities. Ar%*ris H"457I identified a st*le of leaders$ip ran%in% fro! i!!aturit*. 2e $olds t$at t$e effe ti(e leader or !ana%er ,ill $elp people to !o(e fro! a st*le of i!!aturit* or dependent, to,ards a st*le of !aturit*.

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

RE"EAR H METH'('8'9:
"(#$O)%C#"O( Resear $ is an a ti(e, dili%ent and s*ste!ati pro ess of in=uir* in order to dis o(er, interpret, and re(ise fa ts, e(ents, :e$a(iors or t$eories or to !a9e pra ti al appli ations ,it$ t$e $elp of su $ fa ts, la,s or t$eories. T$e te! resear $ is also used to des ri:e t$e parti ular su:8e t. )!plo*ees+ attitude to,ards t$e or%ani-ation s$ould :e 9no,n :* t$e entire or%ani-ation to redu e t$e %rie(an e. T$e !ain o:8e ti(e is to find out t$e nu!:er of e!plo*ees ,$o are $a(in% positi(e attitude and or ne%ati(e attitude and ,$at tends to t$e sa!e. 2ere, t$e %eneral e!plo*ee opinion sur(e* !et$od $as :een follo,ed. T$e =uestionnaires ,ere dire tl* $anded o(er to t$e e!plo*ees of t$e or%ani-ation for t$eir responses. olle tion of infor!ation a:out a

'B0E T%3E" '6 THE "T)(: To 9no, t$e e!plo*ees+ attitude to,ards t$e or%ani-ation To 9no, t$e reasons for t$e e!plo*ees+ positi(e attitude To 9no, t$e reasons for t$e e!plo*ees+ ne%ati(e attitude To 9no, t$e e!plo*ees+ eBpe tations fro! t$e or%ani-ation

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

To !a9e su%%estions to i!pro(e t$e attitude of t$e e!plo*ees to t$e !ana%e!ent. &AM*!"(+ ME#,O) T$e sa!ple si-e ta9en is ";6 ,$i $ $as :een sele ted t$rou%$ -tratified

Random "ampling; .$en t$e !ar9edl* $etero%eneous %roup is first su:<di(ided into %roups or @stratas+ in su $ a !anner t$at all ite!s in an* parti ular %roup are si!ilar ,it$ re%ard to t$e $ara teristi under onsideration. Fro! ea $ su $ @strata+ ite!s are $osen at rando!. T$e nu!:er of ite!s ta9en fro! ea $ %roup !a* :e in proportion to its relati(e stren%t$, t$e sa!ple so for!ed is alled as @stratified+.

#OO!& FO$ )A#A CO!!EC#"O( Juestionnaire is t$e !ain tool for data olle tion. Juestionnaire $as :een distri:uted to t$e e!plo*ees dire tl* and a dis ussion also $as :een done.

"TAT%"T% A8 T''8" )"E( T$e follo,in% are t$e statisti al tools used in t$is pro8e t to arri(e spe ifi results.

7er1entage Analysis< 5er enta%e anal*sis is a statisti al tool, ,$i $ is used to identif* t$e

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

per enta%e of responses t$e respondent $a(e %i(en. /ercentage012o of respondents34otal 2o' of -amples56&77

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

H%=">uare Test< T$e C2I<S=uare test is a useful !easure of

o!parin% eBperi!entall*

o:tained results ,it$ t$ose eBpe ted t$eoreti all* and :ased on $*pot$esis. It is used as a test stati in testin% a $*pot$esis t$at pro(ides a set of t$eoreti al fre=uen ies ,it$ ,$i $ o:ser(ed fre=uen ies are o!pared. In %eneral, C2I S=uare test is applies to t$ose pro:le!s in ,$i $ ,e stud* ,$et$er t$e fre=uen * ,it$ ,$i $ a %i(en e(ent $as o urred is s ientifi all* different fro! t$e one as eBpe ted t$eoreti all*. T$e !easure of C2I<S=uare ena:les us to find out t$e de%ree of dis repan * :et,een o:ser(ed fre=uen ies and t$eoreti al fre=uen ies and a t$eoreti al fre=uen * is due to error of sa!plin% or due to $an%e. C8I -9uare01$i i)53Ei

8%M%TAT%'&" '6 THE "T)(:<

T$is stud* $as so!e li!itations. T$e* are Onl* ";6 sa!ple si-e $as :een ta9en for t$is stud*. So, if t$is stud* is ondu ted to !aBi!u! persons, it !a* %i(e a urate o(erall attitude of t$e e!plo*ees. It is done in SA?T2I SU3ARS, so it annot rese!:le t$e entire population ,or9in% in t$e ,$ole industr*.

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Analysis and interpretation

Age group
Frequency 3" to 06 0" to 56 5" to E6 Total "3 ""3 50 180 Percent 7.& E&.; 36.6 100.0

It is interpreted fro! t$e ta:le 7 G of t$e respondents :elon%s to 3" to 06 *ears, E3 G of respondents :elon%s to 0" to 5o *ears and 36G of respondents :elon%s to 5" to E6 per enta%e.



$! (re)uency




! &% to "! "% to '! '% to #!

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Educational :ualification
Frequency Belo, $i%$ s $ool 2i%$ s $ool 3raduation Diplo!a Total 30 0& 3" 73 180 Percent ";.4 &3.3 "7.& 06.E 100.0

It is interpreted fro! t$e ta:le "4 G of t$e respondents :elon% to :elo, $i%$ s $ool, &0 G of respondents :elon%s to $i%$ s $ool, "7G of respondents :elon%s to %raduate and 06 G of respondents :elon%s to te $ni al =ualifi ation and diplo!a.

$! *! #! '! "! &! 2! %! ! +elow ,ig, sc,ool -ig, sc,ool .raduation /iploma (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Marital -tatus
Frequency #arried Sin%le Total "5; && 180 Percent ;7.; "&.& 100.0

It is interpreted fro! t$e ta:le ;7 G of t$e respondents :elon%s to :elo, !arried, &3 G of respondents :elon%s to sin%le.

%#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! 0arried Single (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

(ength of -er"ice
Frequency 3 *ears to E *ear. E *ears to 4 *ears 4 *ears to "5 *ears "5 *ears and a:o(e Total "E 07 E0 53 180 Percent ;.4 &E." 35.E &4.0 100.0

It is interpreted fro! t$e ta:le ;.4 G of t$e respondents :elon%s to 3 *ears to E *ears, &E."G of t$e respondents :elon%s to E *ears to 4 *ears, 35.E G of t$e respondents :elon%s to 4 to "5 *ears and &4.0 G of t$e respondents :elon%s to "5 *ears and a:o(e.

*! #! '! "! &! 2! %! ! & years to # year. # years to 1 years 1 years to %' years %' years and above (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

2um;er of Mem;ers in +amily

Frequency sin%le Self and spouse Self, spouse and $ild Self, spouse and t,o $ildren Self, spouse $ildren and parents Total E "" 76 46 3 180 Percent 3.3 E." 3;.4 56.6 ".7 100.0

It is interpreted fro! t$e ta:le 3.3G of t$e respondents :elon%s to :a $elor, E."G of t$e respondents :elon% to & !e!:ers of t$e fa!il*, 3;.4G of t$e respondents :elon%s to 3 !e!:ers in t$e fa!il*, 56G of t$e respondents :elon%s to 0 !e!:ers in t$e fa!il*, and ".7G f tespondents :elon%s to 5 !e!:er fa!il*.

1! $! *! #! '! "! &! 2! %! ! single Sel2 and spouse Sel2, spouse Sel2, spouse Sel2, spouse and c,ild and tw o c,ildren and c,ildren parents (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

/resent -alary <ou !raw

Frequency Rs E666 to Rs ;666 Rs 4666 to Rs "6666 Rs ""666 to Rs"&666 a:o(e "&666 Total 05 73 36 3& 180 Percent &5.6 06.E "E.7 "7.; 100.0

It is interpreted fro! t$e a:o(e ta:le , &5G of t$e respondents dra, rs E666 to ;666, 06 G of respondent dra, ;666 to "6666, "EG of t$e respondents :elon%s to "6666 to "&666, and "7G of t$e respondents :elon%s to "&666 and a:o(e.

$! *! #! '! "! &! 2! %! ! Rs #!!! to Rs $!!! Rs 1!!! to Rs %!!!! Rs %%!!! to Rs%2!!! above %2!!! (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

4hrough whom did you join this organization=

Frequency 2elp of friendsF relati(es /e%al $eirs 2RD onsultants Open all for Total 55 35 57 33 180 Percent 36.E "4.0 ";.3 3".7 100.0

T$e a:le s$o,s t$at 36.EG of t$e respondents :elon%s $elp of friend "4.0 G of respondents sa* t$at le%al $eirs, 3".7G of t$e respondents t$rou%$ 2RD onsultants and t$e ";.3 respondents sa*s fro! open all for option.








! -elp o2 2riends3 relatives 4egal ,eirs -R/ consultants 5pen call 2or

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

4ype of wor> performed ;y you

Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied Total "53 &E " 180 Percent ;5.6 "0.0 E 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at ;5G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of t*pe of ,or9, "0.0G of t$e respondents are satisfied on t*pe of t$e ,or9 and .EG per enta%e of respondents are neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied on t*pe of t$e ,or9

%#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

,or> (oad
Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied Total "E5 7 ; 180 Percent 4".7 3.4 0.0 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 4".7 G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of ,or9 load, 3.4 G of t$e respondents are satisfied on ,or9 load and onl* 0.0 G of respondents are neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied on ,or9 load

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

C8I -:?A@E A2A(<-I2ull hypothesis: T$ere is no asso iation :et,een a%e and t*pe of ,or9 perfor!ed. Alternate hypothesis7 T$ere is an asso iation :et,een a%e and t*pe of ,or9 perfor!ed. Age A 4ype of wor> performed ;y you cross ta;ulation t*pe of ,or9 perfor!ed :* *ou $i%$l* satisfied satisfied neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied a%e 3" to 06 0" to 56 5" to E6 Total "3 45 05 "53 "; ; &E " " "3 ""3 50 ";6 Total

o) K )B'))) T$e ta:le (alue e) for t$e sa!e at 5G le(el of si%nifi an e K "E.4"4 Hi.e.I D.F K CSin e t$e o!puted (alue is %reater t$an t$e ta:le (alue, t$e $*pot$esis is re8e ted 2en e, t$ere is an asso iation :et,een a%e and t*pe of ,or9 perfor!ed.

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

.o; @otation
Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied Total "50 &6 E 180 Percent ;5.E ""." 3.3 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at ;5.E G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of 8o: rotation, ""." G of t$e respondents are satisfied on 8o: rotation and onl* 3.3 G of respondents are neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied on 8o: rotation

%#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

,or>ing 8ours
Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied Total "E; "" " 180 Percent 43.3 E." .E 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 43.3 G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of ,or9in% $ours, E." Gof t$e respondents are satisfied on ,or9in% $ours, and onl* .EG of respondents are neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied on ,or9in% $ours.

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

-hift 4iming
Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Total "73 7 180 Percent 4E." 3.4 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 4E." G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of s$ift ti!in%s, 3.4G of t$e respondents are satisfied on s$ift ti!in%.

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

@esponsi;ilities3Assignment Di"en
Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied Total "E0 "0 & 180 Percent 4"." 7.; "." 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 4"."G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of responsi:ilities, 7.;G of $e respondents are satisfied on responsi:ilities, and onl* "."G of respondents are neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied on responsi:ilities.

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

4reatment ;y the management

Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied Total "EE "3 " 180 Percent 4&.& 7.& .E 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 4&.& G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of treat!ent :* !ana%e!ent, 7.&G of t$e respondents are satisfied on treat!ent :* !ana%e!ent, and onl* .E G of respondents are neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied on treat!ent :* !ana%e!ent.

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

Acceptance of -uggestions Di"en

Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Total "E; "& 180 Percent 43.3 E.7 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 43.3G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of a eptan e of su%%estion, E.7 G of t$e respondents are satisfied on a eptan e of su%%estion

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

@ecognition of /erformance
Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied Total "E5 7 ; 180 Percent 4".7 3.4 0.0 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 4".7 G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of re o%nition :* perfor!an e, 3.4 G of t$e respondents are satisfied on re o%nition :* perfor!an e, and onl* 0.0 G of respondents are neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied on re o%nition :* perfor!an e.

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

,or> Droup Cohesi"eness

Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied Total "E; "6 & 180 Percent 43.3 5.E "." 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 43.3G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of ,or9 %roup o$esi(eness,5.EG of t$e respondents are satisfied on ,or9 %roup o$esi(eness, and onl* "."G of respondents are neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied on ,or9 %roup o$esi(eness.

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

.o; -ecurity
Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Total "E" "4 180 Percent ;4.0 "6.E 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at ;4.0 G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of a eptan e of 8o: se urit*, "6.E G of t$e respondents are satisfied on 8o: se urit*.

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

:uality of wor> life

Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Total "E7 "3 180 Percent 4&.; 7.& 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 4&.; G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of a eptan e of =ualit* of ,or9 life, 7.& G of t$e respondents are satisfied on =ualit* of ,or9 life.

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

C8I -9uare Analysis

2ull hypothesis: T$ere is no asso iation :et,een 8o: rotation and =ualit* of ,or9 life. Alternate hypothesis7 T$ere is an asso iation :et,een 8o: rotation and =ualit* of ,or9 life. .o; rotation A 9uality of wor> life cross ta;ulation quality of or! life ".66 8o: rotation ".66 &.66 3.66 Total o ) K )))'E*** T$e ta:le (alue e ) for t$e sa!e at 5G le(el of si%nifi an e K 5.4"4 Hi.e.I D.F K ) Sin e t$e o!puted (alue is %reater t$an t$e ta:le (alue, t$e $*pot$esis is re8e ted 2en e, t$ere is an asso iation :et,een 8o: rotation and =ualit* of ,or9 life. "0" &6 E 1"# &.66 "3 6 6 1$ "50 &6 E 180 Total

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

,or> -tress
Frequency 2i%$l* satisfied satisfied Total "E; "& 180 Percent 43.3 E.7 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at 43.3G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of ,or9 stress, E.7 G of t$e respondents are satisfied on ,or9 stress.

%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

,hat is your opinion a;out the cowor>er relationship=

Frequency 'er* $elpful 2elpful Indifferent Total "5& &0 0 180 Percent ;0.0 "3.3 &.& 100.0

T$e ta:le s$o, t$at ;0G of t$e respondents are $i%$l* satisfied of o<,or9er relations$ip, "3G of t$e respondents are satisfied on o<,or9er relations$ip, and onl* &G of respondents are neit$er satisfied nor dissatisfied on o<,or9er relations$ip.

%#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! 6ery ,elp2ul -elp2ul 7ndi22erent (re)uency

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

(%" )""%'&"
>o: Se urit* is a potential tool for t$e !oti(ation of t$e e!plo*ees ,$i $ in t$is stud* s$o,s t$at, t$e e!plo*ees $a(e a ne%ati(e attitude to,ards it. T$e !ana%e!ent !a* !a9e t$e e!plo*ees understand t$at t$e* are t$e partners of t$e :usiness and t$e e!plo*ees+ or%ani-ation life depends up on t$e onstru ti(e ontri:utions !ade :* t$e!. Onl* $alf of t$e respondents are satisfied ,it$ t$e !edi al fa ilities and safet* pro edures pro(ided in t$e or%ani-ation ,$i $ !eans t$at t$e re!ainin% $alf of t$e! are not satisfied. T$erefore, t$e !ana%e!ent ,it$ re%ard to t$e !edi al fa ilities alon% ,it$ )SI !a* offer a !ini!al a!ount eB lusi(el* for t$e !edi al eBpenditure as a spe ial pa 9a%e for different le(els of e!plo*ees. T$is !a* !oti(ate t$e! and restri t t$e! to a(ail lea(e. As per t$e respondents+ opinion, safet* pro edures follo,ed are not up to t$e !ar9 ,$i $ also is one of t$e reason for re%ular a:senteeis!. T$e respondents also feel t$at t$e lea(e fa ilities pro(ided are also not ade=uate. #ana%e!ent in t$is re%ard !a* identif* t$e ,a*s :* ,$i $ lea(e fa ilities !a* :e i!pro(ed ,it$out distur:in% t$e re%ular s $edule of ,or9, :* %i(in% restri ted $olida*s, :* in reasin% t$e nu!:er of paid $olida*s et . .or9ers+ 5arti ipation in #ana%e!ent is one of t$e riteria ,$i $ do not $a(e a %ood satisfa tion fro! !ost of t$e e!plo*ees in an* of t$e or%ani-ation. T$is also $appens to :e true in t$is or%ani-ation, ,$i $ redu es t$e !orale and !oti(ation of t$e e!plo*ees.

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MBA HR, Project Report : Employees attitude towards the organization

T$erefore, t$e !ana%e!ent !a* for!ulate strate%ies :ased on t$e .or9ers+ 5arti ipation in #ana%e!ent :ill or prepare a tailor<!ade %uideline for t$e eBtent of parti ipation :* t$e ,or9ers in t$e !ana%e!ent de isions :e ause ,$en de ision !ar9er eBe ute, t$e eBe ution pro(es ,ort$*.

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