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COURSE: Year One Semester 1:


Mod !e Code Mod !e Name

NGO11" BBA11( BIM111 BIT11+ NGO111 CSW++1 Semester ":

Introd #t$on to So#$a! %or& 'ra#t$#e F$nan#$a! A##o nt$n) Mana)$n) Comm n$#at$on Kno%!ed)e and In*ormat$on In*ormat$on S,stems and Te#-no!o)$es Nat$ona! 'ers.e#t$/es o* NGOs Case St d, Wor&s-o. I

Mod !e Code Mod !e Name NGO1"1 NGO0 CSO M)t 'r$n#$.!es CSW++" Case St d, Wor&s-o. II NGO1"1 C-an)e M)t NGO1"( Le)a! As.e#ts o* NGO M)t NGO1"2

NGO1"" YEAR TWO: Semester 1: Mod !e Code Mod !e Name NGO"11 H man Reso r#e M)t Gender Iss es $n NGOs NGO"1" NGO"12 Co nse!!$n) 's,#-o!o), NGO"11 So#$a! Entre.rene rs-$. And M$#ro*$nan#e Mana)ement For Non6'ro*$ts 'o. !at$on0 Hea!t- and 7e/e!o.ment NGO"1( CSW++2 Case St d, Wor&s-o. III YEAR TWO: SEMESTER " Mod !e Code Mod !e Name

'ro3e#t M)t0 '!ann$n)0 Ana!,s$s 4 Adm$n$strat$on Se5 a! 4 Re.rod #t$/e -ea!t-

NGO""" NGO""2 NGO""1


NGO""( CSW++1

Strate)$# 7e/e!o.ment Mana)ement 7$saster and R$s& Mana)ement So#$a! 'o!$#, and So#$a! 'rote#t$on Resear#- Met-odo!o), S sta$na8!e 7e/e!o.ment and En/$ronment Case St d, Wor&s-o. I9

YEAR THREE: Semester 1: Mod !e Code Mod !e Name CSW++( Case St d, Wor&s-o. 9 NGO""1 C rrent 7e8ates $n So#$o!o), 'R21" 7e/e!o.ment Comm n$#at$on NGO211 E!ements o* So#$a! Wor& 'ra#t$#e NGO21" Mar&et$n) and F ndra$s$n) *or NGOs Reso r#e Mo8$!$:at$on and Grant NGO211 Adm$n$strat$on YEAR THREE: Semester ": CSW++( Case St d, Wor&s-o. 9 NGO 2"1 7e/e!o.ment So#$a! Wor& NGO 2"" Non6 'ro*$t Lo88,$n) and Ad/o#a#, NGO 2"2 Cr$t$#a! T-$n&$n) and t-e .-$!oso.-, o* So#$a! S#$en#es NGO 2"1 Or)an$:at$ona! Be-a/$o r ;So#$a! 's,#-o!o),< NGO 2"( 7$ssertat$on Tota! = a!$t, Mana)ement ;BBA<

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