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Beforeshooting I went around looking at different locations that I could possibly use for my images

Here are two locations I was thinking of using for my images. The location were within a garden which I thought was appropriate for my audience, due to gardens connoting prettiness and beauty which would appear desirable to my audience, prettiness and beauty stereotypically being a females orientated . Although this location had many values I chose not to use it because of the garden being surrounded by building, whichgave it more of an urban hip-hop vide.

I thought this location could have been good due to it denoting famous pop artists via the multiple stars which would have made my models appear well known and current. However I did not use this location, worrying that the mise en scene would take the focus away from the main image, making the model appear less important. . Although I did think that the stars where a good idea, therefore I will be using this idea in some of my images on my content page as a subtle reminder to the audience of my models popularity.

I though this location was very good as it had a one coloured background, which would allow for editing, and also as it props which I could use in my images. However I wanted the background to be white as this is used by photographers when professional photos are taken. Although it was made known to me that there was a similar room with a white background with the same props in Brueton 608, therefore I will be using this location for my professional styled images.

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