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Annotated Bibliography Davies P. (2004). What's This India Business? : Offshoring Outsour!ing and the "#o$a# %ervi!es &evo#ution.

'ar(outh )e *i!ho#as Brea#e+ Pu$#ishing. ,. 2-.. &etrieved %e,te($er / 2000 fro( *et1i$rar+ data$ase. (Produ!t ID: --/2./). 3Over the #ast ten +ears esti(ates suggest that so(e -0 (i##ion 4o$s have $een ta5en offshore fro( the 6% a#one to various #o!ations. 7 good ,ro,ortion of these have $een in (anufa!turing $ut as servi!es 4o$s are ta5en offshore in in!reasing nu($ers in the ne8t fe9 +ears this nu($er (a+ $e d9arfed. 1osing ,rofessiona# 4o$s is going to $e (ore high ,rofi#e than #osing (anufa!turing 4o$s as ,rofessiona#s usua##+ 5no9 $etter ho9 to !reate ,o#iti!a# 9aves: (Davies 2004).

)ost of the 4o$s that have ,revious#+ $een outsour!ed to overseas o,erations have $een $#ue;!o##ar. *o9 as (ore 9hite;!o##ar 4o$s are #ost to overseas outsour!ing the 6% "overn(ent is $e!o(ing (ore a9are of the !risis that oversea outsour!ing of 4o$s is !reating.

<ira 7. = <ira &. (200>). Outsourcing America : What's behind our national crisis and how we can reclaim American jobs. (-st ed.). *e9 'or5: 7)7?O) Boo5s ,. >2 . &etrieved %e,te($er / 2000 fro( *et1i$rar+ data$ase. (Produ!t ID: -/0442). 3Des,ite this gro9ing trend to9ard offshore outsour!ing the 6.%. govern(ent has (ade #itt#e effort to (onitor the f#o9 of 4o$s overseas. The 6.%.

?o((er!e and 1a$or De,art(ents have no s+ste( for tra!5ing the nu($er of 4o$s (oving overseas and there are no ,#ans for i(,#e(enting one: (<ira et a#. 200>).

@ven though the 6.%. govern(ent sees the effe!t to our e!ono(+ of #osing so (an+ 4o$s to overseas outsour!ing no govern(enta# de,art(ent has entertained the thoughts of (onitoring or regu#ating the a!t. Whi#e (ore and (ore 4o$s get outsour!ed it ,uts (ore of a !risis on the 6.%. e!ono(+.

The On#ine Data$ase Pro!ess The ,ro!ess of #oo5ing u, the resour!es needed for this assign(ent 9as re#ative#+ si(,#e. I have ,revious#+ used the on#ine data$ases for other resear!h ,rodu!ts and find that it is eas+ to navigate 9ithin the data$ases. The (ost diffi!u#t ,art of using the on#ine data$ases is de!iding 9hi!h one +ou 9ant to use. I a( sur,rised on ho9 eas+ it is to sear!h for a !ertain 9ord ,hrase or to,i!. I a( additiona##+ sur,rised on ho9 eas+ it is to save sear!hes and $oo5(ar5 !ertain ,ages 9ithin the eBoo5s.

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