10 Annotated Resource List Summer Beckley

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Beckley 1 Resource Shakespeare, W. (2001). Julius Caesar. NY: Troll Communication. FolgerLibrarys Student and Shakespeare site: https://www.youtube.

com/ view_play_list?p=AA5102 7DB53DBF06 Folger Shakespeare Library. Julius Caesar Curriculum Guide. http://pages.simonandschus ter.com/images/ckfinder/26 /pdfs/Folger%20Curriculu m%20Guides/GuidesApr2012/Folger_Julius_Ca esar.pdf The Lantern Theater Medium Book Annotation/Rationale This is the primary text of the unit; I will be using it to explore ideas of power, corruption, and public opinion. It will also be used to cover necessary content regarding rhetorical devices and persuasive speaking. I am hoping to include some drama into the study of Julius Caesar; this website has many examples of performance-based strategies in teaching Shakespeare. This curriculum guide has some helpful materials that I will use in planning my lessons, particularly resources like character charts. It also has a lot of advice about how to make students experience with Shakespeare one that is lasting. Resource Limitations/Comments The text is fairly advanced for 6th grade, and there is much language that will be difficult for them and will require a lot of time for comprehension. Performance-based strategies are timeconsuming, so I will need to be careful about how I incorporate them into my plans. Much of the content doesnt align with what my CM and I hope to get out of this play, so I will have to do a lot of picking and choosing.



YouTube channel


Curriculum Guide.


Drama company Article



Matthews, Lloyd J. (1978). Patrick Henrys Liberty or Death Speech and Cassiuss Speech in Shakespeares Julius Caesar. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 299-205. Axelrod, Alan. (2012). Julius Caesar, CEO: 6 Principles to Guide &

Has program where actors and teaching artists come into schools to do lessons in preparation for and in response to classes seeing productions. Discusses the direct influences of Cassiuss speeches on Patrick Henrys famous speech. The wording and structure of the Give me liberty, or give me death line is deliberately constructed after a line in Julius Caesar. Good for discussing influence of Shakespeare throughout history. Good in discussion of rhetorical devices.

Costs money, takes a lot of coordination and scheduling. Can be a bit dense for 6th grade, needs to be carefully guided close reading. Will require time to explain political context of Revolutionary War.


We will be discussing larger themes around what I have not read this book in its entirety makes a person a good leader, how does an yet. individual gain power, etc. This book shows the

Beckley 2 Inspire Modern Leaders. NY: Sterling. History.com. Julius Caesar. http://www.history.com/to pics/julius-caesar relevance of the text and lasting, universal themes of what makes a good leader. This site has a wealth of information in various media (films, photos, articles) about Julius Caesar. There are some brief videos that might be useful in establishing background historical knowledge in an interesting way. Lesson plans



There is a lot of information on this site, which I will have to sort through and narrow down on what specifically I want to do. Needs to be looked through carefully, but definitely has ideas that could inspire my planning.


In Search of Shakespeare Website http://www.pbs.org/shakes peare/educators/lessonplan s.html Website An Introduction to Julius Caesar Using MultiplePerspective Universal Theme Analysis, http://www.readwritethink. org/classroomresources/lessonplans/introduction-juliuscaesar-using30996.html?tab=4#tabs Folger Shakespeare Library, http://www.folger.edu/edu LesPlanArch.cfm#1


Lesson plans

Needs to be looked through carefully, but definitely has ideas that could inspire my planning.



Lesson plans

Needs to be looked through carefully, but definitely has ideas that could inspire my planning.



Julius Caesar Study Website Guide, http://www.shakespeareonline.com/plays/juliuscaes ar/juliuscaesarresources.ht ml Burke, Jim. (2008). The Book English Teachers

Good source for vocabulary, study questions, good quotes to analyze, etc.

Needs to be looked through carefully, but definitely has ideas that could inspire my planning.

This book is an excellent resource for how to plan units around literacy, especially around

This text primarily focuses on high school English classes, but can

Beckley 3 Companion. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Blooms Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives. Blythe, T., et al. (1998). The teaching for understanding guide. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2012). English Language Arts Standards: History/Social Studies: Grade 6-8 Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2012). English Language Arts Standards: Reading: Liter ature: Grade 6 Tomlinson, C.A., McTighe, J. Integrating differentiated instruction & understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Walton, F.X., Powers, R.L. (2009). Winning Children Over. Columbia, S.C.: Adlerian Child Care Books. Dweck, C.S. (2010). Mind-Sets and Equitable incorporating multiples lenses and ways of looking at texts. This is invaluable when constructing objectives and considering levels of understanding and ways to assess them. Crucial in considering what understanding really means. definitely be adapted for usage in the middle school setting. Needs to be paired on more extensive reading on each of these levels. Can be wordy.


Class handout Book





http://www .corestanda rds.org/EL ALiteracy/R H/6-8. http://ww w.corestan dards.org/E LALiteracy/R L/6 Book

Helpful when incorporating mandates on Literacy.

No suggestions on how to accomplish these things just the what that needs to be accomplished.

Helpful when incorporating mandates on Social Studies.

No suggestions on how to accomplish these things just the what that needs to be accomplished.

Helpful for lesson planning, understanding by design, backward planning, creating objectives.



Behavior management, building relationships

Very short, doesnt go into depth



Fixed vs. growth mindset

Relatively brief article

Beckley 4 20. Education. Yeager, D.S., Walton, Article G.M. (2011). SocialPsychological Interventions in Education: Theyre Not Magic. http://www.virtualsalt.com/ Website The importance of seemingly small socialpsychological interventions. Targeting students thoughts, feelings, beliefs, etc. Viewing the child more holistically. Exhaustive list of rhetorical devices A bit dense.


Can be a bit tricky to navigate

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