Last Trimester Information For Ms

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Last Trimester Information for Ms.

D'Agostino's Class
Thank you for the support and assistance you have provided your children this year! It has made a tremendous difference as they have orked e!tremely hard and produced "uality ork. #lease continue to check our class e$site for updates% home ork% and student ork &http'((msdagsclass. ee$ I ould also like to share hat I have planned for the last third of the year in the various su$*ects' +riting' We will continue to research the topics related to our argument papers. Students will also work in groups of 4-5 students to produce a commercial or public announcement using the iMovie app on the class iPads. Students will have a chance to practice more narrative writing as they prepare a short story or children s book with illustrations and art work. We may have the option of producing these stories electronically or as published copies. ,eading' !ur focus right now is on non-fiction te"t and identifying cause and effect relationships as well as distinguishing fact from opinion. Students will also continue to work on literary elements as they complete their evaluation of Tuck Everlasting, and as we read the ne"t novel together# Walk Two Moons by Sharon $reech. Students will have a choice for their last novel of the year. %hey will take notes of symbols# literary elements# themes# and character development as they read their independent books and then create their ne"t# and final# literary response to literature. -cience We will spend a little time in the last trimester focusing and discussing the human body. -ocial -tudies Students will be responsible for world and &.S. geography as we e"plore the continents# bodies of water# and our states and capitals. We will use an interactive approach through simulations# games# applications# te"t# and video presentations as we learn about the different regions of our country. We will then e"plore events leading up to the 'evolutionary War as a class and independently. Students will complete the unit by choosing a topic relating to the 'evolutionary War that they want to delve deeper into and present to the class. Past pro(ects have included a persuasive essay# creating a 'evolutionary War game# dramatic reading# three dimensional diagram or model of an event# detailed time line# book report based on a historical novel# presentation using an app# and a written report. Sometimes students come up with their own creative idea as well.

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