Obliczanie Makro Metora RR

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BMR = Weight(lbs) x 11

Matt BMR = 171.6lbs x 11 = 1887.6kcal calorific need (when 1kg = 2.2lbs > 78kg x 2.2 = 171.6lbs

Now, everyone burns calories at different rates, slow/fast and even medium metabolic rates, depending on factors such as height; weight; gender and age etc. Therefore choose a category below which you believe best fits your characteristics. London, UK Los Angeles, CA Dallas, TX 20yrs 30yrs 40yrs old old old Slow Fast 0.4 0.5 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.3 0.35 0.40 Medium 0.45

Matts active calories = 1887.6 x 0.45 = 849.42kcal Now to find your maintenance calories, the calorific need to maintain current size and weight,

you simply add your BMR to your Active calories: Matts maintenance calories = 1887.6 + 849.42 = 2737.02 Lets say Matt is looking to cut up and drop body fat % for his competition. 2737.02 250 = 2487.02kcal per day Divide this by 6 (2487.02 / 6 = 414.5) Important note: 1g of protein = 4kcals 1g of carbs = 4kcals 1g of fat = 9kcals Matts goal is to lean down therefore needs his foods to be more focused on protein above carbs and fats. Now we take 414.5 and times it by our 1,2,3 method. 414.5 x 1 = 414.5 calories allowed per day from fats (fats will always be the lowest macronutient, healthy fats might I add! 414.5 x 2 = 829 calories allowed per day from carbs 414.5 x 3 = 1243.5 calories allowed per day from protein To turn these figures into grams of fat, carbs and protein here is what you do. 414.5 / 9 = 46g of fats allowed per day 829 / 4 = 207.25g of carbs allowed per day 1243.5 / 4 = 310.9g of protein allowed per day

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