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Facebook Takes Over the Web

Presenters: Kyle Ervin, Ari Fries, Michael Gavencak, Avra Liakounakos


Facebook: social networking platform Has over 1 billion users! Learn as you go philosophy = reputation challenges Foreign market penetration and growth challenges

Business Model

Primary model: Precise targeting advertising Secondary model: API to leverage gaming companies Potential opportunites: music, television, ad network, gifts

Business Model Concerns

Resource Cost: Huge user base consumes resources rapidly

Hunt vs Hike: Challenge in monetizing users

Is ad revenue enough?

User Problems

Privacy problems: Data sharing features, 3rd party hijacking

Feature deployment: Why opt-out?

Terms of service: Changes frequently!

Potential Solutions

Privacy problems: Provide central privacy management tool Feature deployment: Use opt in! Terms of service: Develop long term strategy change less!

International Expansion & Problems

How to proceed? Hurdles to overcome: crossing the border Current traction: crowd sourcing localization, games

International Risk

When to expand: Primary factors for succesful entry International paradox: Too soon or too late? Firms at risk: Business model able to traverse?

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