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rish & talian

CurricuIum Area and Grade
Social Studies
High school Grade 11
ntegrated Thematic
Unit on mmigration
Day: 1
Week: 1
CA Content Standard(s) Addressed
CASS 10.3.4 Trace the evolution of work and
labor, including the demise of the slave trade
and the effects of immigration, mining and
manufacturing, division of labor, and the union
CASS 11.2 Students analyze the relationship
among the rise of industrialization, large-scale
rural-to-urban migration, and massive
immigration from Southern and Eastern
CCSS ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.2: Determine
the central ideas or information of a primary
or secondary source; provide an accurate
summary that makes clear the relationships
among the key details and ideas.
CA ELD Standards Addressed
ELD standard B. 6. Reading/viewing closely:
(Expanding) b) Express inferences and
conclusions drawn based on close reading of
grade appropriate texts and viewing of
multimedia using a variety of verbs.
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings
The choice between assimilation and
Evolving opinion of what constitutes
an American.
EssentiaI Questions
What would make people migrate
from one country to another?
Why would Americans feel the need to
discriminate against immigrants?
Objectives or Learning GoaIs
Students will be able to look at and analyze
the many political cartoons depicting rish
immigration and write down notes which
include a column for both facts, and a column
for analyzing those facts.
(addresses: CACS 10.3.4 & CCSS
Students will be able to read and analyze the
primary source documents "The talians in
Chicago and the Anti mmigration Act of
Students will be able to participate with their
groups in analyzing the political cartoons
depicting rish immigration and write notes
analyzing them. (Formative, nformal)
Students will be able to participate with their
groups in analyzing the documents "The
talians in Chicago & the Anti mmigration Act
of 1924 and write notes analyzing them.
(Formative, nformal)
1924; Both of which deal with talian
immigration; and write down notes which
include a column for both facts, and a column
for analyzing those facts.
(addresses: CACS 11.2 & CCSS
ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.1 & ELD standard B.
Predictions of IikeIy difficuIties: Students who still have difficulty with analyzing primary
source document may need help during the research portion part of the class.
Student Activities: RationaI
Anticipatory Set
The Teacher will
begin by informing
the students about
the mmigration unit
and what is expected
of their work. To help
explain this the
teacher will use our
TU immigration
website to give the
students a visual
component to the
instructions. The
teacher will also
make it clear to the
students that they
must choose an
issue in immigration
to cover for their
project by the end of
the next two weeks.
After explaining the
basics of the project
the teacher will
inform the students
that in todays lesson
they will be looking at
both rish and talian
immigration into the
US. Before the
Students will listen to
their teacher as they
inform them of the
immigration unit.
Student may ask any
questions concerning
what they will be
required to do for the
project and during the
days activity.
Explaining the
immigration project
and what is expected
out of the students is
necessary before
beginning the unit.
Using the website
creates a visual
component to the
instruction for the
students that need it.
Explaining what will
be cover in todays
class prepares the
students for what is
expected today.
Asking students if
they have any
questions is a form of
checkings for
teacher moves on
they will ask the
students if they have
any questions. (total
time 15 mins.)
Instruction Part 1:Irish
After the teacher has
has answered any of
the students
questions they will
deliver the power
point lecture on the
history of rish
mmigration. (Total
time 15 mins.)
Part 2: ItaIian
After the students
have gone through
and analyzed all the
political cartoons
about rish
immigration, the
teacher will deliver
the power point
lecture on the history
of talian immigration.
(Total time 15 mins.)
Students will actively
listen and take notes
on both lectures
concerning rish and
talian immigration
into the US.
Delivering both the
lecture on rish and
talian immigration
into the US gives the
students the
information that is
needed to analyse
the cartoons and
Guided Practice
Part 1: Irish
After the teacher has
given the lecture on
the history of rish
immigration to build
context, they will
pass out the packet
containing the
political cartoons to
each table group.
Before the teacher
lets the students
analyze the cartoons
on their own they will
guide them through
Students will receive
both packets
containing the
political cartoons and
the primary source
Students will listen to
the teacher as they
model how to analyze
both packets. f any
students have
questions concerning
what they are to do
they may ask them.
Students are passed
out the packets
during this part of the
lesson. The teacher
models how to
analyze the primary
sources so that the
students will know
what to do during the
independent practice.
the process of
analyzing one. The
teacher will select
one of the cartoons to
randomly analyze
before the class.
After the teacher has
modeled the
analyzing process for
the students they will
inform them to begin
analyzing on their
own (total time 5
Part 2: ItaIian
After the teacher has
given the lecture on
the history of talian
immigration to build
context, they will
pass out the packet
containing the
primary source
documents to each
table group. Before
the teacher lets the
students analyze the
documents on their
own they will guide
them through the
process of analyzing
one. The teacher will
select "The talian of
Chicago to analyze
before the class.
After the teacher has
modeled the
analyzing process for
the students they will
inform them to begin
analyzing the
Anti-mmigration Act
on their own (total
time 20 mins.)
Independent Part 1: Irish Students will take This part of the
While the students
analyze the
remaining political
cartoons from their
packets the teacher
will make round
across the room
assisting where
needed. After 20
minutes the teacher
will inform the
students to stop and
return their focus for
the next part of the
lesson. (Total time 20
Part 2: ItaIian
While the students
analyze the
Anti-mmigration Act
of 1924 from their
packets the teacher
will make round
across the room
assisting where
needed. After 20
minutes the teacher
will inform the
students to stop and
return their focus for
the end of the lesson.
(Total time 20 mins.)
notes of their analysis
using the system that
they have used in
previous analyses of
primary sources.
The system includes
three columns. n the
first column the
students will write
down the source they
are analyzing. n the
next column the
students will write
down any facts that
they can see from the
source. n the final
column that students
will write their
analysis of the facts.
lesson is intended for
the students to use
critical thinking and
come up with
conclusions about
immigration on their
Once the teacher has
the students attention
they will ask them
what they have
learned about in
todays lesson
specifically from the
political cartoons and
primary source
(5 min total)
Students will inform
the teacher of their
major findings during
todays research
Having the students
explain their findings
is both an informal
check for
understanding and a
way to review what
was learned.
After the students
have explained some
of their important
findings the teacher
will inform them
about the next days
lesson plan The
teacher will explain
that they will be doing
essentially the same
thing just looking at
Jewish, Chinese, and
Mexican mmigrant
(Total time 5 mins.)
Students will actively
listen to their teacher
as they explain that
the next class will be
focused on the
Jewish, Chinese, and
Mexican immigration.
This part of the
lesson is intended to
prepare the students
for the next days
Information About EngIish Language
Student 1:
Readiness- CELTD 3
Learning profiIe- Student definitely has the
most difficult time out of all the students of the
class when it comes to reading and
continually writes his small writing
assignments poorly.
Interests- Like being outdoors and enjoys
social studies.
Student 2-(LEP) Limited English Proficient.
Readiness- Standards for this student
should be at the emerging-bridging levels to
help him practice and refine his skills so that
he can reach full reclassification.
Learning profiIe- Daniel struggles with
grammar, spelling, and writing in a formal
style. He is shy at speaking in class but his
speaking and listening skills are proficient.
Interests- Surfing.
Information About SpeciaI Needs
Student 3-(Autism)
Readiness- Great listening skills, hard
worker, not afraid to ask questions.
Learning profiIe- Visual aids like graphic
organizers for writing tasks are helpful.
Breaking longer tasks into smaller parts is
helpful. Needs extra time and alternate site for
Interests- Video games and drawing.
Student 4-(Learning disibility)
Readiness- Good listener is polite. Needs
some reminders to stay on task. Gets work
done but sometimes needs assistance with
clarifying directions. He won't often ask for
help so need to check with him frequently for
Learning profiIe- Delays in visual
processing and memory. Concentration
issues. Special grouping is helpful. Needs
extended time on tests and quizzes and
access to alternate testing site.
Interests- Soccer.
Differentiation for EngIish Learners:
Content: The lesson is Chunked in order to
allow greater understanding of the content
from the lesson.
Process: Students will be working in
cooperative learning groups based on their
readiness levels, personalities, work ethics,
and individual needs.
Differentiation for SpeciaI Needs
Content: The lesson is Chunked in order to
allow greater understanding of the content
from the lesson.
Process: Students will be working in
cooperative learning groups based on their
readiness levels, personalities, work ethics,
and individual needs.
pencil, power points on rish & talian
immigration, packets with cartoons &

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