Tracking of Graduates Questionaire

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A. Personal Information (Family Name) (First Name) / / (Middle Initial) (Maiden Name)

Sex: Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YYYY) Civil Status: Present Address: Year Graduated at WVCST:

Course: Honors/Awards received during graduation: Examination /s Passed:




Others (Please specify)

B. Employment Information a. Are you employed? b. Is this your first job? If NO, how many times did you change your job? Employment Check c. Classification of Current Employer (Check one or as many as applicable)

Government Agency Public/State Enterprise Private Enterprise Educational Institution

d. Nature of Current Work (Check one)

Non-profit/Non-govt Organization Regional/International Organization Self-employed Others (Please specify)

Software Engineering System Administration System Analyst Database Management Web Development Programming Networking

Policy, Planning and Management Consultancy (IT related) Technical Support Teaching/Training BPO Game Developer Others (Please specify)

e. How long have you waited before you got your first job? f. How long have you stay in your first job?

g. Employment Status: h. What is your present monthly salary?


What are the skills you have acquired in you course which you find helpful in your job(present and previous):


How did you find your job?

Response to advertisement Information from friends Family business

As a walk-in applicant Arrange by school job placement officer Others (Please specify)

C. Current Status a. Are you enrolled in any course? If YES, what area of specialization/course? If NO, do you intend to go back to school? If YES, what area of specialization/course? D. Other Concerns a. Any recommendation to the curriculum you graduated? b. What is your happiest memory in WVCST? c. What is your saddest memory in WVCST?

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