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Technology Plan Evaluation Update

Kaamiya Burroughs, Shannon Morris & Da aney !hite Technology Plan Update "#$T %1&'( )dministration o Technology #esources Dr* +* ,odges "all '-1'

Technology Plan Evaluation Update Technology Plan Update Part 1: Narrative $ntroduction( Tel air +ounty School System is located appro.imately %/ miles south o Macon in the small rural city o Mc#ae, 0eorgia* 1The system serves appro.imately 1,2// students in grades Pre3K through T4el th 0rade* Tel air +ounty School System includes our schools( Tel air +ounty Pre3K, Tel air +ounty Elementary School 5K3/6, Tel air +ounty Middle School 573%6, and Tel air +ounty ,igh School 5831'6* The system currently has a student population that is /-9 4hite, ::9 ;lac<, :9 ,ispanic, and '9 multi3racial* )ll Tel air +ounty schools are School34ide Title $ schools* Due to the high percentage o economically disadvantaged students, all students in the Tel air +ounty School System receive ree lunches= 5Tel air +ounty District $n ormation, '--' 3 '-1'6* > +ited Strengths and !ea<nesses( Strengths o the Tel air +ounty School System Technology Plan are as ollo4s( The ?0oals and Strategies? section o the plan is a strong point or the Tel air +ounty School System* The plan outlined is concise and to the point, the activities and goals stated re lect indicators o engaged learning, and are driven ;y higher order thin<ing s<ills* Tel air +ounty Schools are also pro icient in the ?Evaluation Process? and ?Pro essional Development*? The Evaluation Process is clearly identi ied in ho4 the schools 4ill collect data via @ETS and other digital tools* The Pro essional Development piece o Tel air +ounty SchoolsA is clear and speci ic in sho4ing ho4 it supports all sta mem;ers 4ithin the school district* Technical assistance is provided, and goals and activities support student learning* !ea<nesses o the Tel air +ounty School System Technology Plan are as ollo4s( The Tel air +ounty School SystemAs plan is ine ective in the area o ?Budget #esources? and in the


Technology Plan Evaluation Update ?@eeds )ssessment? section* The school system has no proposed ;udget plan o capital e.penses or


other methods o unding or technology resources* The ?@eeds )ssessment? section o the plan is in a needs development state* The plan is vague and lac<s detailed in ormation rom eBuipment and technology resources, Maturity Model Benchmar< Surveys, and studentCsta use or received and desired training* Proposed +hangesCSection +hanges( Proposed changes to the Tel air +ounty School System Technology Plan are as ollo4s( The Tel air +ounty School System Technology Plan should include a 1Budget Plan= that sho4cases ho4 unds 4ill ;e allocated and spent on various resources as 4ell as ho4 unds 4ill ;e gained or various proDects* The ;udget should ;e speci ic and detailed in outlining monetary income and e.penditures* The ;udget should ;e realistic and consistent 4ith the goals outlined in the Technology Plan* The Technology Plan should include a 1@eeds )ssessment= section that is e.emplary ;y detailing ho4 the district 4ill assess current programs or emerging technology* #esulting $mprovements( The resulting improvements to ;e added to the plan such as a 1Budget #esources= section and a 1@eeds )ssessment= section 4ill greatly enhance the Tel air +ounty School Technology Plan* The improvements set orth in the proposed section changes 4ill push the Tel air +ounty School System Technology Plan into the e.emplary category and greatly enhance student achievement as 4ell as sta e.pertise*

Technology Plan Evaluation Update Part 2: Create/ Update the Technology Plan Broad3Based Support @eeds )ssessment(

Eenard "* ,arrelson Fr*, F*D*, Superintendent, David !al<er, Technology Director and +indy Fones, "ederal Programs Director The school district is using the online application Survey Mon<ey to gather data rom the acultyCsta , parentsCcommunity, and students on an annual ;asis* The surveys sho4 4hat is presently ;eing used ;y each population as 4ell as 4hat the surveyed populations eel needs to ;e o ered in ;oth so t4are and hard4are at the present and or the uture* The data is ta;ulated ;y the program and then analyGed ;y the technology committee to determine the technology priorities or the district* The process or determining the distri;ution o the technology unds is as ollo4s( The gathered survey data is analyGed ;y the technology committee and then prioritiGed ;y the committee* PrioritiGing the list is very important to ma<ing vital decisions and e.penditures* $ Buestions arise a;out 4hat each ;uilding 4ould li<e then the ;uilding representatives 4ill ta<e it ;ac< to their ;uildings or discussion* The ;uilding representatives 4ill then return to the committee 4ith the needed in ormation* ) decision 4ill then ;e made* !hen ne4 technology 5so t4are or hard4are6 is purchased or the district, the committee 4ill determine 4here the older eBuipment 4ill ;e placed* $ the eBuipment needs to ;e disposed o it 4ill ;e done according to the Board o EducationAs policy* Ha<ley School District Three3Iear Technology Plan The mission o the Tel air +ounty School System is to develop students 4ho can succeed in a '1st +entury glo;al economy, 4ho ;elieve in the 4orth and dignity o themselves and others, and 4ho pursue li elong learning in an ever3changing, richly diverse society* !e 4ill accomplish this mission ;y ostering school environments that are conducive to learning and ;y providing ample and appropriate resources and support or the relevant curricula* !ith an uncompromising commitment to e.cellence, our school system 4ill ;e the pre erred source o education or all eligi;le students* The Tel air +ounty School System is an educational orce or the county* +ommunity and parent involvement is a <ey component to the success o the school system, as a 4hole and to each o its acets individually* The school system strives to produce an enlightened and productive citiGenry* )dvanced technology, state3o 3the3art acilities, enthusiastic aculties, and a;undant resources result in eager, success ul students* #esearch statistics and o;Dective evaluations are the oundation or system practices and policies* $nnovative approaches to education, shared goals, and systematic improvements are in place in Tel air +ounty Schools at the ore ront o the educational ield* The vision or technology in the Tel air +ounty School System can ;e descri;ed as ollo4s( !hen students leave the Tel air +ounty School System, 4e 4ant them to ;e prepared or success* !e 4ant all students to have a



Technology Plan Evaluation Update

Buality educational e.perience that encompasses li elong learning s<ills* Through high e.pectations and accounta;ility, 4e ;elieve that 4e can prepare students or the ever3changing uture, 4hich 4ill reBuire citiGens to ;e critical thin<ers, pro;lem solvers, and decision ma<ers* Technology 4ill play an important role in the instruction in each area* Because teachers 4ill integrate technology into daily teaching practices, students 4ill learn that it is not a separate part o <no4ledge ;ut that it is central to daily li e and education* Students 4ill develop s<ills that 4ill ena;le them to ;e independent users o technology, as 4ell as to ;e a;le to access the multiplicity o resources availa;le* E.pand high speed $nternet access to allo4 students, teachers, and administrators access to the tools and resources they need or colla;orative learning* Develop assessment models or gauging student achievement and analyGing data to di erentiate instruction* Provide appropriate '1st century eBuipment and so t4are or special needs, economically disadvantaged, and regular education students* "ully integrate '1st century teaching standards into every classroom to ully connect the activities in the classroom to li elong learning and success* Evaluate student, teacher, and administrative use and understanding o technology as aligned 4ith the @ational Educational Technology Standards 5@ETS3S6* E.pand our studentsA, teachersA and administratorsA u;iBuitous access to all educational resources availa;le in our school system* Evaluate all technology purchases to determine their e ectiveness and use 4ith the '1st century technology standards* E.pand the 4e; portal to provide relevant and continuously updated system in ormation or students, teachers, parents, and administrators* Provide a 4e;3;ased parent portal or access to student grades, attendance, standardiGed test results, special accommodations, and other pertinent in ormation pertaining to studentAs academic standing* Provide additional classroom technology such as interactive 4hite;oards and other '1st century eBuipment* Provide high Buality 4e;3;ased so t4are to administrators and teachers that 4ill allo4 e icient data collection* +ontinue to modi y as needed e ective models to assess student achievement and interpret data to di erentiate instruction or ma.imum achievement* Provide a 4e;3;ased grade ;oo< 4ith parent access to student grades, student attendance, special accommodations, standardiGed test results, and other data availa;le a;out each studentAs academic standing Tel air +ounty School leaders envision that teachers, students, support sta , administrators, parents, and community mem;ers 4ill have the necessary competencies or the technological age o the '1st century* Educational

Technology Plan Evaluation Update

leaders envision state3o 3the art acilities eBuipped 4ith technology used in the ;usiness 4orld* Through an integrated curriculum in used 4ith modern technology or students and teachers, along 4ith training and support, students 4ill have multiple opportunities to use technology throughout the learning process* Teachers 4ill achieve a personal com ort level that 4ill encourage them to use technology as a curriculum integration tool to enhance instruction and as a means o involving parents in their childrenAs learning* Parents 4ill ;e a;le to access school resources, to communicate 4ith teachers, and to provide eed;ac< to the schools through technology* )dministrators 4ill continue to support integration initiatives that provide training and assistance to teachers* 0oals and H;Dectives $nstructional 0oals( 0oal 1( Update and e.panded '1st +entury Eearning Environment and Technology access* 0oal '( $ncrease student academic achievement and technology per ormance* 0oal &( Provide pro essional learning to support ull integration and understanding o technology* )dministrative 0oals( 0oal :( UtiliGe technology to enhance administrative responsi;ilities* ParentC+ommunity Uses o Technology 0oals( 0oal /( Provide e.panded access to school in ormation and resources* System #eadiness 0oals( 0oal 7( $n orm and involve all system personnel and sta<eholders o the technology vision on appropriate use o technology* )ction PlanCMulti3year Hur technology plan covers a three year implementation o technology and Planning technology ;ased issues* )t the end o three years, it 4ill ;e re3evaluated and re34ritten in order to stay a;reast o current technologies* Program $ntegration )ll students and aculty have access to the ollo4ing resources through the District Portal( 1* netTre<<er '* Sa ari Montage &* Discovery Education Streaming :* )ny4here Eearning System /* )cademy o #eading 7* )cademy o Math 2* +lass4or<s %* "ollett Destiny #esource Management Solution 8* Ei;rary Manager 1-* Media Manager 11* Te.t;oo< Manager 1'* )sset Manager 1&* #enaissance Place 1:* Digital Te.t;oo< #esources 1/* Study $sland 17* SEDS

Technology Plan Evaluation Update

+urriculum $ntegration


12* US) TestPrep 1%* Hnline Eearning Environment 18* Eduphoria '-* Hnline Eesson Planner '1* PD&7- Pro essional Development ''* EE)#@$@0*+HM '&* Hnline )ssessment System ':* 0alileo '/* My Big +ampus The Tel air +ounty School System Technology Plan is aligned to the 0PS, ++0PS, and @ETS3S standards as 4ell as research and ;est practice models to produce students 4ho learn through engaged, authentic e.periences to e.ercise higher3order conceptualiGation ;y ocusing on decision ma<ing, re lection, reasoning, and pro;lem solving* The use o net;oo<s, so t4are, 4e;sites, !e; '*-, virtual classrooms, and @ETS3S resources 4ill promote studentsA higher3order thin<ing s<ills* Students 4ill have o4nership in their learning ;ecause they 4ill ta<e part in directing their learning through authentic pro;lem3solving and inBuiry3;ased activities* ProDect3oriented teaching 4ill involve cooperative learning as groups colla;orate to research, conduct, and present proDects that support the 0PS, ++0PS, and @ETS3S* $nnovative and authentic assessments 4ill demonstrate the Buality o learning* Use o technology as an instructional tool 4ill allo4 teachers to move a4ay rom te.t;oo<s and lecture methods in order to ;ecome acilitators in student learning* The technology 4ill accommodate individual learning di erences and peer colla;oration ;y utiliGing 4e;sites such as the ollo4ing( Discovery Education streaming videos and video clips, Study $sland +#+T practice, 0eorgiaMath*org, Eearning Jillage, Hnline )ssessment System 5H)S6, netTre<<erKs student sa e search, Destiny Ei;rary Manager, Sa ari Montage, )LES )ny4here Eearning System, )cademy o #eadingCMath, Eearning*com, and Thin< inity* )ll o these teaching resources are aligned to the 0PS, ++0PS, and @ETS3S* Tel air +ounty School collects valua;le data rom the ollo4ing sources to ;e a;le to ma<e in ormed planning decisions or technology* )nnual technology inventory that is su;mitted to the State Department o Education that includes( o 1Modern computer= de inition 4hich leads to the replacement o dated eBuipment* o The ratio o students to computers to ma<e sure 4e have adeBuate technology access in all schools*

Technology Plan Evaluation Update


Evaluate students annually to determine their technology literacy* )nnual technology ;udget to identi y( o Training, support e.penditures, and capital purchases* o Both ne4 and alternative unding sources* Iearly technologyCso t4are utiliGation report to measure school use o technology* ) needs assessment each year to determine the amount and content o technology pro essional development* )nnually evaluate teachersA e ective use o technology in the classroom* )n ongoing gap analysis o the ;alance o technology ;et4een each school* Students( ,ave access to connected technologies to analyGe, colla;orate, process, and disseminate in ormation in order to increase student achievement* ,ave access to connected technologies or instructional purposes including enrichment andCor remediation* UtiliGe telecommunications systems and real time 4e;3;ased applications, in order to e ectively communicate 4ith administrators, teachers, parents, and ello4 students* ,igh school students utiliGe glo;al electronic mail, high school and middle school students use uniBue $DAs in order to e ectively communicate 4ith administrators, teachers, parents, and ello4 students* #each age3appropriate technology literacy levels* )re ena;led to meet the challenge o a changing society and economy through the use o technology resources* Teachers( UtiliGe technology resources to enhance classroom instruction and improve student achievement* Endorse per ormance3;ased standards that de ine appropriate use o technologies o students at each grade level* ,ave access to connected technologies to analyGe, colla;orate, and disseminate in ormation in a real3time environment* UtiliGe technology resources to actively engage students in their o4n learning process in a standards3;ased classroom* UtiliGe glo;al electronic mail, telecommunications systems, and real time 4e;3;ased applications, through uniBue user $DAs in order to e ectively communicate 4ith students, parents, ello4 teachers, and administrators* UtiliGe technology resources to electronically archive, retrieve, analyGe, colla;orate, and produce reports*

Technology Plan Evaluation Update

,ave accessi;ility via a secured net4or< to essential organiGed data, 4hich has ;een collected rom a variety o sources, and organiGed and used in school improvement activities* The availa;le data includes methods or disaggregation into appropriate su;groups* )re supported through appropriate pro essional learning opportunities* )dministrators( UtiliGe technology resources to enhance the schoolAs instructional process and to improve student achievement* UtiliGe technology resources to improve the overall e ectiveness o school management* ,ave access to connected technologies to analyGe, colla;orate, and disseminate in ormation in a real3time environment* UtiliGe technology resources to support teachers and sta in classroom instruction* UtiliGe glo;al electronic mail, telecommunications systems, hand3held cellular devices 5partially unded ;y E3#ate6 and real time 4e;3;ased applications, through uniBue user $DAs, in order to e ectively communicate 4ith students, specialists, parents, teachers, ello4 administrators, and the community* UtiliGe technology resources to electronically archive, retrieve, analyGe, colla;orate, and produce reports* ,ave accessi;ility via a secured net4or< to essential organiGed data, 4hich has ;een collected rom a variety o sources, and organiGed and used in school improvement activities* The availa;le data includes methods or disaggregation into appropriate su;groups* )re supported through appropriate pro essional learning opportunities* ,ouston +ounty SchoolsA Three3Iear Technology Plan "unding or technology eBuipment, so t4are, and training comes rom a variety o sources including E3rate, SPEHST, Title program unding, ederal unds, state unds, and local unds* "unding decisions or uture years 4ill ;e made ;y an ongoing Technology Planning +ommittee and the Board o Education* $nitiatives may ;e modi ied in uture years ;ased upon unding allocations* +layton +ounty Pu;lic Schools Three3year Technology Plan Pilot ProDects( The District 4ill implement the ollo4ing initiatives( The District Technology +ommittee 4ill research and recommend an electronic te.t;oo< pilot implementation proDect* o ?The availa;ility o e3te.t;oo<s is increasing along 4ith the

"unding )lternatives

School Pilot ProDectsCEducational #esearch

Technology Plan Evaluation Update


variety o electronic readers* )ccording to the 1'-1- ,oriGon #eport,= adoption o this technology 4ill ;e 4idespread in academia in t4o to three years as it 4ill 1Mreduce costs, save students rom carrying pounds o te.t;oo<s and contri;ute to the environmental e ortsM=5Fohnson, Eevine, Smith, & Stone, '-1-, p*76*? 5@icholas & Ee4is, '-1-, P* 72/6* Mo;ile devices or instructional purposes 4ill ;e piloted in the areas o STEM, literacy, and assistive technology* o The use o mo;ile devices, such as $pads 4hich houses a Kindle e3reader app, has proven to ;oost interactivity amongst students, inspire students to ;ecome more sel 3guided in their learning, aid in visual support, and has allo4ed teachers to present more challenging reading material 5Dems<i '-116* The concept o 1"lipped +lassroom= 4ill ;e piloted utiliGing technology as a means o delivering lecture3style content outside o the school day* Students 4ill then ;e immersed in proDect3;ased learning activities during the school day as 4ell as receive any necessary di erentiated instruction* o ProDect e.amples include Podcasts, utiliGing EiveScri;e pens, "lip +ameras, and Mimio* The pilot proDect 4ill ;e assessed using )@0EE usage reports, technology surveys, and student achievement data*

District School Board o +ollier +ounty District Technology Strategic Plan '-113'-1: Model +lassroom +on igurations The instructional data sho4s that currently Tel air +ounty School System has 1*12 students per computer* Based on the student to computer ratio uture plans included lo4ering this ratio ;y adding computers or 4ireless computing devices or access to electronic content at school or at home* +lassrooms that meet the minimum reBuirements or a '1st +entury classroom have the ollo4ing components( $nteractive !hite;oard Mounted ProDector $nteractive !ireless Pad Student #esponse System Document +amera !e currently have 8%9 o our classrooms designated as '1st +entury classrooms* Plans are in place to continue e.panding the num;er o '1st +entury classrooms until all Tel air +ounty Schools classrooms meet the standard* !e propose that the school system use Trou;leTra<<er Pro, a 4e; ;ased solution or reporting, trac<ing, and management o technology issues* The purchasing o computer hard4are 4ill ;e completed on a three3year


Technology Plan Evaluation Update


So t4are )greements

cycle in order to stay a;reast o current technologies* ,ard4are 4ill ;e replaced 4ith current technology as necessary and as unds are availa;le* #edistri;uting older computer hard4are to classrooms needing less po4er ul eBuipment allo4s students 4ho previously had limited access to technology to utiliGe these resources* So t4are +opyright Procedures $t is the intent o Tel air +ounty School System to adhere to the provisions o copyright la4s as they relate to in ormation technology* $t is also the intent o the district to comply 4ith the license agreements andCor policy statements contained in the so t4are pac<ages used in the district* $n circumstances 4here the interpretation o the copyright la4 is am;iguous, the district shall loo< to the applica;le license agreement to determine appropriate use o the so t4are* So t4are Procedures 1* The Director o $n ormation Technology must contact so t4are pu;lishers to o;tain 4ritten permission and procedures or ma<ing multiple copies, other than a single archival ;ac<3up* '* The Director o $n ormation Technology must contact so t4are pu;lishers to o;tain 4ritten permission and procedures or changing the ormat rom one plat orm to another* &* The Director o $n ormation Technology must o;tain 4ritten permission rom the so t4are pu;lisher to do4nload or net4or< programs to other computers* @o so t4are 4ill ;e loaded onto a net4or< 4ithout a legal net4or< copy o the so t4are* :* The schools may not load a stand3alone single copy o a so t4are product to multiple computer systems 4ithout e.plicit permission rom the pu;lisher* )s a general rule, even though one can physically do so, placing so t4are on multiple machines 4ith one legal copy o a so t4are product is $EEE0)E* /* School computers may not ;e used to duplicate copyrighted so t4are, e.cept or a single archival copy not to ;e used simultaneously 4ith the original* 7* Duplication o copyrighted so t4are materials is prohi;ited, e.cept or a single archival copy not to ;e used simultaneously 4ith the original* H@EI the legal copy may ;e used or educational purposes* The archival dis< MUST ;e stored, to ;e used again H@EI to recopy the program i the legal copy ;ecomes de ective, e.cept 4hen permission is given to do other4ise ;y the pu;lisher* 2* The principal o each school is responsi;le or esta;lishing practices 4hich 4ill en orce this policy on the local school level* %* ) copyright policy should ;e posted in any room 4here a computer is located* Users are not allo4ed to purchase, do4nload or load so t4are 4ithout 4ritten permission rom the TS+ or System Director*

Technology Plan Evaluation Update ,ouston +ounty Schools Three3year Technology Plan +opyrightC)ccepta;le Use Policy 0i ts and Disposal Tel air +ounty Schools Electronic @et4or< and $nternet Use )greement


)ny organiGation or individual ma<ing a technology gi t to the district shall reBuire the approval o the Technology Director* )ll gi ts 4ill ;e regarded as district property* To discard unusa;le eBuipment, machines are revie4ed ;y the school system technology specialists* The technology specialist then su;mits a reBuest to the Superintendent as<ing that the eBuipment ;e disposed o or sold* #esearch, ;est practices, standards or technology and disaggregated data needs to ;e disseminated to all sta<eholders to allo4 the ;est decisions related to pro essional learning or the school system to ;e made* Technology ocused pro essional learning that enhances and improves technology integration 4hich results in increased student achievement The types o hard4are and so t4are needed to ma.imiGe achievement The Tel air +ounty School System 4ill provide high3Buality pro essional learning 4ith ollo43up training, and continuous support to acilitate enhanced s<ills and utiliGation o the resources 4e have availa;le* To accomplish the goals o pro essional learning all pro essional learning activities are standards3;ased aligned 4ith systems level goals, scienti ically3 ;ased, and Do;3related* The ,eart o 0eorgia #ES) ET+ provides pro essional learning, consulting, and service or 0eorgia educators to promote the appropriate use o technology in support o teaching, learning, and leadership* The school system also provides system and school level training or appropriate technology related hard4are, so t4are, and '1st century standards integration* The Tel air +ounty School System is in the process o e.panding an in3 house pro essional learning program to urther meet the needs o our sta<eholders related to technology* Hur trainers 4ill develop classes ;ased o o needs assessments completed ;y our sta<eholders* The classes 4ill ;e o ered on a regular ;asis and enhanced to meet speci ic needs as they arise* !e 4ill also provide on demand help through online tutorials or immediate assistance* )ll o our courses 4ill ;e availa;le or registration through the pro essional learning portal that 4ill allo4 participants to vie4 courses o ered, register or courses, and print course transcripts* The pro essional learning portal 4ill also allo4 our sta<eholders to reBuest and develop courses* )ll o our courses o ered 4ill ;e aligned 4ith local, state, and ederal standards such as the 0eorgia Per ormance Standard, +ommon +ore 0eorgia Per ormance Standards, and $STE @ETS to ;est integrate and utiliGe the technology availa;le*

Sta Development

Technology Plan Evaluation Update


)ll unding or technology eBuipment, resources, and training is provided ;y various local, state, and ederal sources* )ll purchases and training are ;ased on state 0PS, ++0PS, $STE @ETS technology standards, scienti ically ;ased research practices, school and district technology committees, and district level directors so that all technology purchases and decisions 4ill ma.imiGe student per ormance*

Technology Plan Evaluation Update


#esources( Tel air +ounty District $n ormation* 5'--' 3 '-1'6* #etrieved @ovem;er 1-, '--1, rom http(CC444*tel airschools*orgCdomainC%8 Tel air +ounty School System, 5Fuly, '-116* Three- Year Technology Plan. #etrieved @ovem;er 1-, '-1', rom http(CC444*tel airschools*orgCdomainC&'* Ha<ley School District, 5"e;ruary, '-116* Three- Year Technology Plan. #etrieved @ovem;er '&, '-1', rom http(CC444*oa<leyschools<s*comC"aculty9'-"ormsCtechnology9'-plan9'-'-1-3 1&*pd * +layton county Pu;lic Schools, 5Fuly, '--86* Three- Year Technology Plan. #etrieved @ovem;er 1-, '-1', rom http(CC444*clayton*<1'*ga*usCdepartmentsCtechnologyCne4CtechplanCTechPlan*pd * ,ouston +ounty Schools, 5Fuly, '-116* Three- Year Technology Plan. #etrieved @ovem;er 1-, '-1', rom http(CC444*hc;e*netCmediaC'27%/8Chc;oe9'-tech9'-plan9'-1131:*pd * District School Board o +ollier +ounty, 5'-116* District Technology Strategic Plan. #etrieved Decem;er /, '-1' rom http(CC444*collierschools*comCtechnologyCdocsCtechplan*pd * @icholas, )* F*, & Ee4is, F* K* 5'-1-6* Eearning Enhancement or ,eadache( "aculty and E3 te.t;oo<s* Proceedings Of The Northeast Business & Economics Association, 72/3728* Dems<i, F* 5'-116* T4o schools trans orm their EEE programs ;y giving students around3the3cloc< access to some o the latest mo;ile devices* Transforming Education Through Technology* #etrieved rom http(CCtheDournal*comCarticlesC'-11C-/C-'Cell3to3go*asp.*

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