Usii Syllabus No Joke

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United States History II 2013-2014

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
Vince Lombrdi

Course Description:
The eleventh grade social studies program is a survey of United States History with an emphasis on the economic, social and political characteristics of the twentieth century beginning with the Progressive movement and culminating with the examination of present day issues and events. This course is taught as an inclusion history of the United States. The role of women, immigrants, African-Americans, Native Americans, and the diverse racial, religious, and ethnic groups of America will be highlighted throughout the course of study.

Required Text:
Danzer, Gerald A. The Americans. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2007. Print

Evaluation Measures
Regular attendance, promptness and active participation are expected and required. 1 formal pre-assessment (scored, not graded) Formal papers, reflections, reactions, diary entries and various other methods of writing should be expected. o Portfolio Assessment (to be submitted on a USB) Formal writing will be assigned in this course. For the most part, the RHS grading rubric will be applied. You will be provided with this document; please become familiar with it. Tests and Quizzes (pop and announced) 3 Benchmark Exams Assignments (both classwork and homework) should be expected on a regular basis! A final exam

Breakdown of Grades
Grades will be determined by Category Weights as follows: o Benchmarks 15% o Formal Assessments 40% o Classwork and Homework 20% o Projects 25%

United States History II 2013-2014

Grading Policies
This course will abide by the grading system outlined by Randolph High School. Please keep in mind Grade A is given to students who meet with excellence every demand which can fairly be made by the course. Grade B is given to those students who can add to the minimum of satisfactory attainment excellence in not all, but some of the following: organization, accuracy, originality, understanding and insight. Grade C is given to those students who have attained a satisfactory familiarity with the content of a course and who have demonstrated the ability to use this knowledge in a satisfactory manner. These grades are unacceptable. Grade D These grades will only be achieved due to incomplete work, poor effort or a sincere inability to grasp concepts. This is an academic course and will require effort. If there is a problem where you are confused or having difficulty, I am available for extra help by appointment during lunch, before school and afterschool. Please come see me (weve all been there)! Together, we can make sure you succeed.

Grade F

Assignments are due whether you are in class or not. If you are not here and an assignment is due, please email me the assignment no later than when our class period meets! In order to receive credit, you must provide me with a physical copy of your assignment when you return from your absence. I will not chase you for these assignments. This is your responsibility. The assignments will only be accepted if they are handed in on the date of your return to school. I forgot to give this to you yesterday is not a valid excuse. If your absence is known previously (field trips, band lessons, etc.) please turn in your work ahead of time. If you come to school late, your assignment should be handed in before you leave for the day.

United States History II 2013-2014

Late work will be accepted the day after it is due with a 50% penalty. After the one day grace period, I will no longer accept your work.
To avoid any chaos, any paper that is longer than one page in length must be stapled. Paper clips, plastic binders, or dog-eared pages will not be accepted.

Academic honesty (540.5) is expected of all students in accordance with the Randolph School Districts Board of Education Policy. Plagiarism is knowingly to present, as ones own ideas, works, or products of another without accurately citing the source. Plagiarism is not just confined to research and formal papers; it also includes homework and classwork. Any and all students who plagiarize, copy, or allow assignments to be copied will receive a grade of a zero.

Course Policies
You are expected to be to class on time. 3 lates = a cut. I will enforce this policy. There will be additional punishments if tardiness becomes a problem.
I expect you be courteous both to me and to your fellow classmates. Students who engage in distracting behavior (talking at inappropriate times, sleeping, or exhibiting a negative attitude towards class or towards classmates) will be addressed and appropriate consequences will incur. We deal with many sensitive issues in this class that people often tend to have passionate feelings about. I expect this and encourage individuals to speak their minds whenever they wish. However, in discussing these issues, you may attack ideas but not individuals. Attacking or ridiculing an individual who holds a certain idea is an ad hominem argument and is not seen as sound logic. The more appropriate argument is one addressing the soundness or logic of the given idea. BYOD As part of the districts BYOD Initiative, students are encouraged to bring in personal electronic equipment to enhance learning in the classroom. Devices may be used at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Such devices may include eReaders, tablets, laptops, netbooks and other electronic devices. Inappropriate use of an electronic device from the schools code of conduct and delivered by the administration. District staff members will not be responsible for damaged, lost or stolen items.

I.E.P.s and 504s I will gladly make necessary accommodations for students with disabilities. Please come see me if you have a concern!

United States History II 2013-2014

Last But Not Least! Come to class, prepared to learn, to discuss, to have fun.

I have read, understand, and agree to the concepts outlined in this syllabus. Student Signature________________________________________________________ Student Email: __________________________________________________________

I have read, understand, and agree to the concepts outlined in this syllabus. I will email Mrs. Wasylyk at with any questions, concerns or problems I may have. Parental Signature _______________________________________________________ Parental (Printed) Name __________________________________________________ Parental Phone Number _________________ __________________________________ Parental Email: __________________________________________________________ Preferred Method of contact: ______ Email _______ Phone

** Please fill out this sheet in duplicate.** **One sheet will be turned in as an assignment and one will be kept for your childs reference.**

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