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In math class we have been working on rates. We also how to calculate calories from fat, carbohydrates, and protein.

First, we had to pick what we wanted for food. Secondly, we looked at the chart and figured out the calories from fat. After that, the calories from carbohydrates. Next, calories from protein, and then we figured out what percent each one was. We had to pick breakfast foods and then figure out the total calories and calories from fat. After that, we totaled them up to get our answer. On page 297 #3&4 we had to figure out which foods would be the least calories. In this assignment we learned how to calculate calories, which was kind of easy in my opinion. Lastly, my results were ok, but because they had a lot of fat in them it was a bunch of calories. We can use this knowledge when we are on a diet to see what has more calories from fat or protein. Thats what we learned on rates in math class.

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